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How Social Media Impacts Education By: Chelsey, Omar & Joon

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How Social Media Impacts EducationBy: Chelsey, Omar & Joon

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Agenda Introduction How education has changed over the years Timeline of social media Positive Effects of Social Media on Education Negative Effects of Social Media on Education Social Networking in Kindergarten Classrooms Classroom of the Future Is School Easier or More Difficult Than the Past

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Agenda How Social Media Can Help Your Career How Schools Can Integrate Social Media

Into Classroom Twitter in the Classroom Integrating Skype into the Classroom Utilizing the Dropbox Function Facebook for Better Productivity Webinars YouTube in the Classroom

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IntroductionThe following slideshare presentation

will discuss the impact that social media has on education.

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How has education changed over the years?

Chalkboards have been replaced by online forums.

Emailing teachers has been replaced with Tweets and Facebook Messages.

Calling or meeting up with group members has turned into online Skype Sessions.

Accessing resources has been made easier via online tutorials and YouTube videos.

Books are now being shared over social media platforms through ebooks.

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Timeline of Social Media

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Students’ usage of Social Media

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Positive Effects of Social Media on Education

Facebook Messenger and the ability to make Facebook groups allows for ease of communication between students.

Individuals can message their peers and initiate group meetings which will lead to increased productivity!

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Positive Effects of Social Media on Education

Increases users familiarity with technology as social media platforms can be accessed via several devices including laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Knowing how to effectively use technology is critical to success in school and workplace.

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Positive Effects of Social Media on Education

Students are forced to use creativity when designing their social media profiles.

Creativity is important for

individuals interested in website design, computer science, business, and more.

This is a skill that is generally not focused on in school.

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Positive Effects of Social Media on Education

Social networking sites that are visually stimulating such as Pinterest and Instagram could potentially help generate new business ideas.

Students are encouraged to join LinkedIn in order to grow their professional contacts and be successful in their career.

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Positive Effects of Social Media on Education

Due to the enormous market of Social Media, students are able to communicate globally and acquire knowledge about different cultures

Social Media makes collaboration easier for the students

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Positive Effects of Social Media on Education

Teachers are able to use Social Media as a Educational tools Facebook can be used to answer students’

questions about homework Students are able to interact more with

their instructors Teachers will be able to understand their

students better

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Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

With more time being spent online, less time is left for individuals to interact in person.

Does not help improve verbal communication skills.

Lax attitude to spelling and grammar which may cross over into school work; which causes a need for spell check.

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Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

Students sometimes forget that the internet has a long memory, which means the information (photos, videos, status updates) they post will be visible for years thereafter.

Regardless of what Institution individuals have studied at, if future employers check social networking sites and see past inappropriate behaviour they are likely to toss out your resume.

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Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

Social media can be used to make negative comments about educators online.

Cyberbullying is made easier via social networking sites.

Harassment and shaming of peers may arise due to the increase in social networking users.

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Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

Students rely on experiences and knowledge only from the Social Media Networks, other than real life experiences

Students prefer to interact through Social Media Networks than real life interactions.

Due to increase time spent on Social Media, students lose sense of time-management and need for physical activities.

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Negative Effects of Social Media on Education

Students are distracted during their classes, due to Social Media applications installed on their smart phones.

The interest in education is slowly shifting towards Social Media.

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Social Networking Making It’s Way Into Kindergarten Classrooms!

Social media is now being integrated into Kindergarten classrooms.

For example, one teacher encourages her class to tweet their parents and/or family members while at school.

This enables students to gain familiarity with technology and social networks at a young age.

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Social media helping students Students are able to develop

themselves through Social Media There are thousands of posts being

posted every second from all over the world. Some may be useful and helpful to the student

Some students post pictures of their art works on Social Media to receive feedbacks.

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Social media helping students Many students show their talents

through Social Media Networks

Social Media can be use for various purposes by the students

It can also be a source of information.

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Classroom of the Future

All schools will be completely paperless and learning will be accompanied by laptops and tablets.

3D printers will enter classrooms.

Students will begin to learn coding at a young age and develop IT skills.

New social networking sites will arise and be integrated into school learning environments.

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School Has Become Easier as a Result of these Advancements?


• It’s easier to get in contact with your classmates which leads to higher productivity.

• Easier for students to collaborate with each other and think outside the box.

• Students can share resources for learning via social networking sites such as Facebook.

• Online forums enable students to ask general questions and receive answers from other users.

• Students can ask teachers questions via instant messaging or email.

• i.e) Sheridan Slate enables instant messaging & emails to be sent to contacts.

• Social networking sites like Facebook & Twitter lead to students becoming distracted in the classroom, taking away from in-class learning.

• Social media sites are addicting and leave less time for studying.

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How Social Media Can Help your Career

Blogger allows users to publish their academic articles online and establish credibility.

LinkedIn is a professional networking site that enables members to connect with other professionals, find jobs, and acquire contacts.

Social networking allows you to create and maintain relationships as business is “all about who you know.”

Having a thorough knowledge of social media platforms is important in careers such as event planning, marketing, and more.

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Social Media in Post-Secondary Education Social Media can be used to develop study

major related skills Ex) Marketing majors can use Social Media as

an advertisement tool Students are able to interact outside of

school Since many post-secondary students have part-

time job, they are not able to stay at school at all times. Students can use Social Media to keep in touch and collaborate with each out for a project.

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Social Media in Post-Secondary Education Professors and Students can be more

engaged through Social Media Students can form a community with

other students through Social Media Students are able to learn relationship

building skills though Social Media Networks. It is essential to have relationship building skills for students.

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Social Media is Here to Stay!

Since social media isn’t going anywhere, we must learn what best practices can be applied in order to effectively integrate social media into schools.

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How Schools Can Integrate Social Media into the Classroom

1. Encourage students to blog and develop their written communication skills

1. English Literature skills2. Grammar Skills3. Writing Skills

2. Encourage students to publish their well-written assignments online

1. Writing Skills2. Grammar Skills

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How Schools Can Integrate Social Media into the Classroom

1. Art competitions online through Pinterest and/or Instagram to promote creative thinking

1. Self-Development2. Develop Art skills

2. Teachers should use Podcasts and YouTube videos in order to enhance student learning.

1. Students understand the content better2. Possibility of increase in students grade

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Twitter in the Classroom

1. Encourage students to follow their career idols on Twitter

2. Teachers can tweet regarding upcoming assignments and exams

3. Have a Twitter Party for students!4. Useful for hybrid and online classes5. Use a common hashtag so your

students can have an online discussion/debate

6. Connect with other classrooms

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Integrating Skype into the Classroom

Skype is a great way to deliver lectures online

Online students needs to have connection with the teachers

Skype solve the problem of geographical distance

It also saves students money of travel

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Facebook for Educational use Class mates are able to connect with

each other outside of school

It will be easier for teachers to deliver information to the students

Teachers will be able to understand their students better

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Utilizing Dropbox Function

Teachers can use Dropbox to have a similar look as slate where they can drop all slides as well as lectures

This process will save a lot of time for the teacher not to send out email every week

This process will also help student to be organized with their projects and notes

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Facebook for Better Productivity!

Facebook can organize event and important dates for students

Sharing online resources will help catch the student attention as well as help them read it

It will help absent student to be in the circle to know what they have missed

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Webinars Webinars is like a classroom

but its online and only the teacher can talk

This can be used to help students to share it over social media plat forms

This also help students to be in the same lecture even if they are at home

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YouTube in the Classroom

YouTube will help teacher have more time to teach

YouTube can also use the video as an animation to help explain better

It also help the student to refer back to the explanation of the teacher

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Challenges of Online Classes

Peers or educators may be unresponsive to emails and instant messages

Difficulty finding rubrics and online instructions

You may experience technical difficulties For example, you may have

technical issues when trying to participate in real time conferences

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Challenges of Online Classes Challenges of online class could be not

understanding the content Some students may or may not feel

confortable connecting online and prefer face to face conversation

Some students might do better on an actual traditional class setting

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Conclusion In summary, social media has progressed over

the years to become increasingly advanced.

As a result of these advancements, social media is now being integrated into the classroom setting.

Our research indicates there is much debate over whether social networking has a more positive or more negative influence on classroom learning.

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Conclusion A few of the positive effects social

networking has on education includes increased productivity, collaboration an ease of communication.

However, there are also numerous negative effects including the potential for student harassment, slandering of teachers online and social networking as a classroom distraction.

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Conclusion We have concluded from our research

that despite the pros and cons of social networking, it will continue to flourish.

Therefore, we must find a way to improve upon the positive effects of social media on learning while minimizing or completely eliminating the negative ones.

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Bibliography Are Social Networks Affecting Education?. Jacob Linao. (2013)

Retrieved form:

Social networking: Teachers blame Facebook and Twitter for pupils’ poor grades. Andy Bloxham. (2010) Teachers believe social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are to blame for pupils' poor grades, a study has concluded. Retrieved from:

The Challenging Effect of Social Media on Education. Praveen K Panjiar, (2012). Can technology driven social media impact our education system? Retrieved from:

How social media is changing Education. Don Power. 2012. Retrieved from: 

7 Top reasons why educators need to use social media. Dean. (2014). Retrieved from:

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Bibliography Integration of social media in higher education environmentsGonzalez, M. D., Davis, B. P., Lopez, D., Munoz, C., & Soto, G. (2013). Integration of Social Media in Higher Education Environments. Insights To A Changing World Journal, 2013(3), 43-62. Retrieved from Students, Please Turn to YouTube for your Assignments. Graham

johanson, (2011) using the flipped classroom approach. Retrieved from:

Dropbox: A Superb Classroom Tool. Jennifer Carey,. (2012) in The How of 21st Century Teaching, Voices, Web Tools That Deepen Learning. Retrieved from:

50 Reasons to Invite Facebook Into Your Classroom. Site Administrator. (2011). Retrieved from:

O'Keefe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2013). The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. Retrieved from Pediatrics:

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Bibliography O'Keefe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K.

(2013). The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. Retrieved from Pediatrics:

Dunn, J. (2011, July 11). The 10 Best and Worst Ways Social Media Impacts Education. Retrieved from Edudemic:

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