solitons from cdws to fflo in superconductors serguei brazovskii

Motivation: What Charge Density Waves can tell to : Doped Mott Insulators and Spin-Polarized Superconductors SC. Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii CNRS, Orsay, France and Landau Institute, Moscow, Russia Sources : Joint work with experimental groups of Grenoble (Monceau) and Moscow (IREE - F.Nad; Yu.Latyshev, et al); other experiments : STM (Brun and Wang, Takaishi), optics (Degiorgi, Dressel); solitonic lattices in HMF – several ECRYS 08 talks; earlier theories (Kirova and S.B., Buzdin, Machida, Artemenko; … et al); new modeling (A.Rojo – see the poster); New dimension – strongly non-equilibrium CDWs Content: Expanding observations of solitons in quasi 1D CDW conductors. Theory: from solitons in 1D models to vortex-like elementary excitations in ordered CDWs and superconductors.

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Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii CNRS, Orsay, France and Landau Institute, Moscow, Russia. Motivation: What Charge Density Waves can tell to : Doped Mott Insulators and Spin-Polarized Superconductors SC. Content: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Motivation: What Charge Density Waves can tell to : Doped Mott Insulators and Spin-Polarized Superconductors SC.

Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

CNRS, Orsay, France and Landau Institute, Moscow, Russia

Sources : Joint work with experimental groups of Grenoble (Monceau) and Moscow (IREE - F.Nad; Yu.Latyshev, et al); other experiments : STM (Brun and Wang, Takaishi), optics (Degiorgi, Dressel); solitonic lattices in HMF – several ECRYS 08 talks;earlier theories (Kirova and S.B., Buzdin, Machida, Artemenko; … et al); new modeling (A.Rojo – see the poster); New dimension – strongly non-equilibrium CDWs (Mihailovic talk).


Expanding observations of solitons in quasi 1D CDW conductors.Theory: from solitons in 1D models to vortex-like elementaryexcitations in ordered CDWs and superconductors.

Page 2: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Singlet ground state gapful systems: SuperConductors SCs and CDWs. Figures: deparing gaps from tunneling experiments.Standard BCS-Bogolubov view:Spectra : E(k)= ±(∆2+(vfk)2)1/2

States : linear combinations of :electrons and holes at ±p for SCor of electrons at –p and p+2pf for CDWs


NbSe3 – two CDWs

Is it always true? Proved “yes” for typical SCs.Questionable for strong coupling : High-Tc, real space pairs, cold atoms, bi-polarons.Certainly incomplete for CDWs as proved by many experiments.Certainly inconsistent for 1D and even quasi 1D systems as proved theoretically.

Guilty and Most Wanted : solitons and their arrays.

Page 3: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Incommensurate CDW = ICDW at first sight – a semiconductor with free electrons or holes near the gap edges ±0. Gap performs the functions:1. 0 - in kinetics and thermodynamics

(conductivity, spin susceptibility, heat capacitance, NMR).2. 0 – in dynamic (photoemission, external tunneling). 3. 20 - in optics or in internal tunneling. 4. 0 – threshold for electronic pockets from doping or injection (FET).

Nothing of this standard picture takes place in ICDWs: 1. Activation energies from transport in directions on-chain and inter-chain differ by several times (TaS3 or Blue Bronze : 200K and 800K);

2. Activations for spins and from relaxation are in between - 600K;3. Optical absorption peaks at 20, but is deeply spread below;

4. Thresholds for charge transfer are as low as the on-chain activation, i.e. as the interchain decoupling scale Tc;

5. Charge injection is accommodated into the extended ground state via phase slip processes, rather than in formation of Fermi pockets. Static phase slip - a 2π soliton has been directly observed by STM.

Page 4: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Interpretation of optics on conducting TMTCF in terms of firm expectations for Charge Ordering (Mott insulator) state.(Dressel and Degiorgi groups).

Exciton = 2 kinks bound state

Peierlsspin gap

Eg=2 - unboundpair of kinks

Drude peaks

Solitons’ workshop in organic conductors like (TMTCF)2X

Discovery of charge ordering and related ferroelectricity in 2000-01Nad, Monceau and S.B.; S. Brown et al- Access to switching on/off of the Mott state and to the Zoo of solitons.

Page 5: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Visualization of the 2 soliton = 2e prefabricated electrons’ pairC. Brun and Z.Z. Wang STM scan of NbSe3

Incommensurate Charge Density Wave – ICDW ~cos(Qx + φ)

Charge Ordering in organic Mott state was a crystal of electrons. Conventional CDW is a crystal of electron pairs. Its lowest energy current carrier may be a charge 2e defect of adding/missing one period at a defected chain. It is the ±2 soliton of the ICDW order O= Acos(2KFx + φ)

At the (red) front line the defected chainis displaced by half of the period.Along the defected chain the whole period ±2 is missed or gained –a pair of electrons/holes is accommodated to the ground state.

Page 6: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Oscillating electronic density,Overlap soliton A(x),Midgap state =spin distribution

This creature substitutes for unpaired electron (S.B. 1978-80) :Amplitude soliton with energy ∆total charge 0, spin ½This is the CDW realization of the SPINON

NOT an expectedly liberated electron-hole pair at ±, but two spin carrying “amplitude solitons”– zeros of the order parameter distributed over ξ0.

Analogies and aggregated forms: FFLO unit for spin-polarized superconductorsUnit of CDW superstructure in HMF (experiments on organics)Kink in the polyacetylene.Soliton lattice unit in spin-Peierls systems in HMF (seen by NMR)

What comes if a singlet pair is broken into spin ½ components ?

Page 7: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Local Valence Structures in Quasi-1D Halogen-Bridged Complex Ni0.05Pd0.95Br by STM

Shinya Takaishi, et al, 2004.«the first time the spin soliton has been visualized in real space»

white arrow: 1D chains direction blue arrow: chain with spin soliton

Can we see the soliton bearing one unpaired electron?Expect to have a half-period amplitude kink – the elementary stripe fragment.

Success for a dimerized system :

Page 8: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Indirect observation of solitons and their arrays by tunneling in NbSe3 Latyshev, Monceau, Orlov, S.B., et al 2004-2006

Absolute threshold at low Vt≈0.2bi-particle channel

creation of the amplitude soliton at Eas=

All features scale with (T)

peak 2 for inter-gap

creation of e-h pairs

2Eas<2 -- true pair-breaking thresholdVt<<Eas-- spinless charge injection threshold

Page 9: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Unifying observation : combination of a discrete and continuous symmetries

Complex Order Parameter O= A exp[i] ; A - amplitude , - phaseGround State with an odd number of particles:In 1D - Amplitude Soliton O(x=-) - O(x=)performed via A -A at arbitrary =cnstFavorable in energy in comparison with an electron, but:Prohibited to be created dynamically even in 1DProhibited to exist even stationary at D>1

RESOLUTION – Combined Symmetry :A -A combined with →φ+π – semi-vortex of phase rotation

compensates for the amplitude sign change

Major puzzle and inspiration: amplitude solitons has been observed within the long range ordered phase at T<Tc Obstacle : confinement.Changing the minima on one chain would lead to a loss of interchain ordering energy ~ total length.Need to activate other modes to cure the defect !

Page 10: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Singlet Superconductivity order parameter

OSC~ -+ - ~ cos exp [i]

- Its amplitude cos changes the sign along the allowed soliton s=1/2 + spin soliton wings of supercurents

Bosonisation language

1D~()2 -Vcos(2)} +()2

V - from the backward exchange scattering of electrons. In 1D :

Spinon as a soliton + hence s=1/2 + gapless charge sound in .

Spin – gap cases: superconductivity or incommensurate CDW

Page 11: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

1D view : spinon as a - Josephson junction in the superconducting wire (V.Yakovenko et al).

2D view: pair of - vortices shares the common core bearing unpaired spin stabilizing the state.

3D view: ring of half-flux vortex line, its center confines the spin.

Best view: nucleus of melted FFLO phase in spin-polarized SC.

spin carryingcore

halfflux lines

Resulting Spin - Roton complex

Page 12: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Solitonic lattices in CDWs or stripes in doped AFM or FFLO in SC

FFLO in superconductors SC with imbalanced spin population : FF=Fulde&Ferrell 1964, LO=Larkin&Ovchinnikov 1964

1. Homogeneous phase:Fill excess spins to states above the gap

2. Modulated phase: wave number Q≠0FF: ~exp(iQx) & LO: ~ cos(Qx)

erases a mismatchingat some (all in quasi-1D)parts of the FS.

Valid for both suggestionsFF and LO

Page 13: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

3. Build a structure of local walls so strong as to create intra-gap states which are able to accommodate access spins.

Able to evolve into the LO (not to FF – gap passes trrough zeros),Proved by theory in quasi-1D.

Similar to CDWs Zeeman breakdown in HMF: Experimemts 2000’s on ICDWs (Brooks, Kartsovnik, Singleton); on spin-Peierls (Berthier,Horvatic et al).




CDW or SC under slightly supercritical Zeeman splitting. plotted:Solitonic lattice of the order parameter,Unpaired spins = mid-gap states density distributed near the gap zeros.

If melted, each element becomes a particle - Amplitude Soliton = Spinon

Page 14: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

Kink-roton complexes asnucleuses of melted lattices:FFLO phase for superconductors or strips for doped AFMs.

+ - +/-



-/+ - +

Defect is embedded into the regular stripe structure (black lines).+/- are the alternating signs of the order parameter amplitude. Termination points of a finite segment L (red color) of the zero line must be encircled by semi-vortices of the rotation (blue circles)to resolve the signs conflict.The minimal segment corresponds to the spin carrying kink.

Vortices cost ~EphaseLog(L) is equilibrated by the gain ~-Lfor the string formation at long enough L. In quasi 1D it is still valid for smallest L : Ephase~Tc<For isotropic SCs - Ephase~EF – strong coupling ~EF is necessary.

Page 15: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

At presence of unpaired spins, vortex created by rotation (magnetic field) splits into two semi-vortices.K. Kasamatsu et al 2004

In absence of microscopic theory for strong coupling vortices(with a single intra-gap state) - use numeric modeling of,still phenomenological, models. And it works !

Last step: reformulate these results inversely – unpaired spin creates the vortex pair even at NO orbital Magnetic Field.

Page 16: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

But splitting of N=1 vortex into two ½ ones is prohibited, hence expect a single vortex with a half-filled mid-gap core – generalization of Caroli-De Gennes-Matricon staircaseto the single zero-energy level.

Upper chains φ: 0→

Lower chains φ: →2

Defected chainwith spin-carrying amplitude soliton– the spinon

Energetics behind the vortex splitting:2N vortex energy ~N2 hence ½ of it is gained by splitting in 2 vortices with vorticity 2N/2. Would always work for N=2 – no such a thing as 4, etc. vortex.

But the node in order parameter amplitude allows for “prohibited” N=1/2 circulation, hence splitting into ½ vortices with a joint spin-carrying core”:

Page 17: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii


N. Kirova and S. Brazovskii, 2000

ISDW order parameter: OSDW ~m cos(Qx+)m – staggered magnetization vector

Three types of self mapping for OSDW:1. normal dislocation, 2 translation: +2, mm2. normal m - vortex, 2 rotation: mR2m, 3. combined object :+, m R m = -m

Coulomb energy favors splitting the phase dislocationat a smaller cost of creating spin semi-vortices.

Effect of rotational anisotropy:String tension binds semi-vortices

Page 18: Solitons from CDWs to FFLO in superconductors Serguei Brazovskii

SUMMARY•Existence of solitons is proved experimentally in single- or bi-electronic processes of CDWs in several quasi 1D materials.•They feature self-traping of electrons into mid-gap states and

separation of spin and charge into spinons and holons,

sometimes with their reconfinement at essentially different scales.•Topologically unstable configurations are of particular importance

allowing for direct transformation of electrons into solitons.•Continuously broken symmetries allow for solitons to enter

D>1 world of long range ordered states: SC, ICDW, SDW.•Solitons take forms of amplitude kinks, topologically bound to

semi-vortices of gapless modes – half integer rotons.•These combined particles substitute for electrons certainly in quasi-1D systems – valid for both charge- and spin- gaped cases•The description is extrapolatable to strongly correlated isotropic cases. Here it meets the picture of fragmented stripe phases.