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© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

About Elizabeth Purvis

Elizabeth Purvis is a teacher of magic and manifestation to thousands of women around the world, leading them to develop their Divinely-given Creative Power, especially in the realm of money.

She is the creator of Feminine Magic®, a set of practices for women to magnetize their deepest Desires, and the founder of The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting, where she teaches a holistic system of manifesting known for its consistent, repeatable results.

A priestess & practitioner of Western esoteric traditions for over 20 years, Elizabeth is also a master business coach and income breakthrough mentor. Using her systems, Elizabeth’s clients and students have achieved phenomenal results, including quadrupling their incomes in just a few short weeks, multi-six-figure launches and more. Discover more of her work and the 7-Figure Goddess community at

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Hello and welcome to the third report in our series, where you’re about to discover The Core Manifesting

Process – 7 Steps To Manifesting Your Desires Consistently.

If you’re just joining us, let me catch you up briefly.

Our first report was an activation and an awakening to the truth that you ARE a Powerful Feminine Creator. You learned why your Desires are actually a GOOD thing, and how to reclaim this Divine creative ability that is your birthright.

In our first report I also shared why it’s been so difficult to manifest what you want consistently and where most manifesting approaches fall short. And I gave you the secret missing piece that makes it all possible.

In the second report, we covered the only 4 manifesting tools you’ll ever need and I showed you how these 4 tools are actually what move the needle when it comes to calling in what you want. And no! Visualizing is actually NOT one of them, and you learned why you don’t really NEED to know how to visualize to create results.

If you missed either of those reports, you can download them and watch a bonus video for each here:

Manifesting Superstar: 3 Keys to Awaken Your Greatest Feminine Power

The Only 4 Manifesting Tools You’ll Ever Need to Call in Everything You’ll Ever Desire

When we talk to women about their number one challenge with manifesting… it’s consistency.   You can manifest some things, but not others. You’re still in that hustling mode. And when you don’t get there, you feel disappointed in yourself.

And that was true for me too.  When I began studying magic and manifestation way back when, I noticed with my own manifesting efforts - sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

"I signed up 4 new clients for a total of $12K and manifested another $15K from my 2nd online summit — all in the same month!"     Before working with Elizabeth, I had learned to grow my list and client base through online summits and was able to quit my job in Finance, but I couldn’t continue the forward momentum. Aligned ideas weren't flowing and I couldn’t get anything off the ground.  

When I received access to The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting I was blown away by the truth of Elizabeth's teachings in the modules. It was all in alignment with the indigenous and nature-based wisdom that my business and personal philosophy are built upon, and Elizabeth makes these ideas very easy to integrate into your daily practices so I felt right at home. 

Working with these principles and practices has launched my work to the next level and opened up all sorts of abundance. 

I successfully enrolled four new clients at $12,500 earlier this year,  launched two group programs at almost $30K combined and hosted my second online summit which manifested approximately $15K. The shift in my offerings has allowed me to spend even more time with my family doing the things that I love… all while I'm earning more money 

A million thanks to Elizabeth for the brilliance and wisdom she shares in The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting. I now have a much deeper understanding of the vibrational energy needed to manifest consistent financial abundance into my life, and know exactly how to activate it! 

Jocelyn Mercado Founder of Sacred Planet Transformational Life & Business Coach

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But my engineer’s brain couldn’t accept that! I have a masters in computer science, and I like to have things consistent and predictable and orderly! I love magic, and circle work, and my intuitive abilities, and all my feminine magical gifts… AND… when I set something in motion I want to get what I expect on the other side!!

So I made it my business to figure this out… and here's what I know without a doubt:  Magic works when you work it properly.  You can manifest consistently with the right process.

And that’s what I’m about to share with you.

Before I share these steps I think will be really helpful for you to know how I discovered this process and how I got this really dialed in.

Today I run a million-dollar coaching company from my home in Portland, Oregon.

I work with amazing clients, I travel, I take time off, I've been happily married to my soulmate Leland for over 10 years, and we have a four-year old daughter Brigit… and I’ve been able to raise her myself. I’m free to spend a ton of time with her, which I do.   But not so long ago, my life was different.  I’d quit my cushy engineering J-O-B in New York City to follow a calling, only to crash and burn in a downward spiral of fear.    Within months of quitting my job, I was nearly broke – we’d burned through $30k in savings and were living off credit cards! 

Almost all day long all my thoughts were around money… where was it going to come from, how was I going to pay this bill or that… it was constant money worry.

Now, as a woman with a masters in computer science, who had HAD a 6-figure job in New York City… this was really difficult.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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It was a terrifying time. And it was truly a dark night of the soul time for me.  I was confronted with so many things:

• How I’d played it safe in life • How I’d sold out my Desires for security • How I’d been at the mercy of fear, anxiety and worry for most of my life • And really how I had made myself really small.

I was at a crossroads - it knew it was now or never.

This all came to a head one day when I was about two years into this holding pattern.  By this time we had racked up massive amounts of debt and it was like, "How did I get into this situation?"

I was washing dishes in our tiny little apartment in Brooklyn.  I had soapy water up to my elbows, and I had an epiphany: I thought, I am NOT living like this.  Not now, and not ever.

Now outwardly I had a big problem - I was self employed and had no clients.  So the outward problem I had to solve right away was how do I call in money?

Well, there’s a practical piece to this that nobody in our industry was teaching at the time.

But there was also a magical piece.

By this time I had been a student of magical traditions for years, studying magic and manifestation, Goddess spirituality, and feminine practices. And of course I had my computer science and engineering background.

And with that epiphany washing dishes I kind of woke up out of my trance, and I said “Hello, this is ridiculous!”

I know how to manifest.  I can do this. It's time to stop messing around and put all of this to the test.

So I sketched out two processes.  One was, how to attract and enroll clients.(Which became a program that we’ve taught to hundreds of women around the globe)

The other was a process for how to manifest anything on demand.  And I decided I was going to use these two processes in parallel.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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And I did something that seemed crazy at the time but was actually pretty smart.  

I remembered that part in The Secret where Jack Canfield was talking about his mentor W. Clement Stone – who said "pick a number that would blow your mind."

And so I did.  That amount was $50,000.  This was starting from zero.  That was about twice what I'd made the ENTIRE year previously as a self-employed person.  And I gave myself 30 days to do it.

At the end of those 30 days, I had not made $50,000.  

I did, however, create $20,000.  Which was HUGE.  Starting from zero.

Then a few months later, I had my first $40,000 month.  Then 6-figures in 6 months.  Then multi-six-figures in a year.  Then high six figures.  Then a million.

Now money is fun and we talk about money a lot, but don't think for one minute that this can't be used in every area of your life.

I played with this magical work in the realm of business, but you can use it for anything.  We've had clients use it to manifest houses, soul mates, etc.

I even used it to call in my daughter, Brigit.

Now, I minute ago I said I did something that seemed crazy but was actually smart.

As it turns out, it as CRITICAL and made it all possible, and this is really important.

I said to myself - Okay… this works.  Magic works. It just does.  I've studied this stuff and I know it works, I’ve seen other people doing it and I know it’s possible.  And what that means is, if I try it and I don't get the results I want the first time… it does NOT mean that the process doesn't work.  

It simply means that I need more practice working the process.

I led with FAITH. Which is one of the magical tools you learned in report #2.  

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

“I booked more business in the first 2 months of this year than all of last year combined.”     When I started working with Elizabeth I wasn't clear on how to scale my business and I wasn't consciously plugged into the Divine.

I was ready for more... yet I was limited by my own thinking of what was possible. Elizabeth, in a few pointed conversations, blew open the gates of possibility for me.

She saw me at my highest potential and helped me to consistently hold a higher vision of what I wanted...even during my most vulnerable, losing-faith, crazy moments.

Elizabeth taught me, without question, the power of DESIRE and she showed me how to claim it, channel it, and use it to manifest what I truly want. She modeled clear energetics, always being transparent and sharing deeply from all her experience and knowledge.

As a result of our work together, I've now booked more business in the first two months of this year than all last year combined... and it continues to get better and better.

I've finally stepped into being who I truly AM... the powerful coach Elizabeth always saw me to be. Now I’m thrilled to help my clients make the quantum leaps they desire in their own businesses too.

You recently said, "I see you BEING one of the top money manifesting mentors out there.” When this becomes true, will we both wink and nod and know exactly how it came to pass.

I am so honored to have been called to work with you, Elizabeth. I will always think of this year as the real beginning of stepping into my power. I thank you, deeply. Ever grateful.

Amira Alvarez Quantum Leap Coaching

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And I worked that magic with total FAITH.  It wasn't empty faith.  It wasn't victim-y hoping and wishing.  It was faith in the principles, and most importantly, faith in MYSELF. Faith despite the debt we were in. Faith despite all my failures.

FAITH. That I could do and would do my role in it.  

And this is SO important, because…

How To Avoid The #1 Manifestation Killer

The #1 killer of miracles and manifestation is DOUBT.  Doubt is what takes you out.

It's not that doubting isn't going to happen.  You are a human being! If you want something you are conditioned to say “I can’t have it and here’s why.” So you will doubt, and your faith will be tested.

But this is the practice of feminine magicians.

Manifestation is a skill just like anything else.  Why?  Because while we’re using the spiritual truths that govern our universe, and while we’re drawing on energy and forces that are beyond what we see and know… we still live here on the physical plane.  You’re a spiritual being having a physical experience.

You are here to master manifestation in the earth plane.

And when you see this process that I’m about to share with you, and it’s very simple, you are going to see exactly how it works. 

Back in the day, initiates of magical traditions kept secrets. They still do. There is power in secrecy. But the big secret of magical training is that the secrets are actually in plain sight. They’re in plain sight, for those ready to see them.

This ability to create - your greatest power - is actually here for you right now, in plain sight.  Your first step is to BELIEVE it, and BELIEVE in yourself.

Do you have trouble believing in yourself?

Well, if you are hearing my voice right now, it is no accident.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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By Law - there is no way you would have a Desire to master this if you could not do it.  You wouldn’t even be here.  And the beautiful thing about the Laws of the Desire is that you can have faith in them no matter what.  

Because they work.  Every time.

So here we go.  

Step 1 of the Core Manifesting Process: Ask the magic question.

The magic question is: “what is the outcome I want to create?” And you can phrase it however you want. “What do I Desire?” “What do I want?” I love “What’s the outcome?”

This is where it all starts: being extremely CLEAR about your outcome.

And you want to be clear, is your outcome coming from your Essence, or your ego? Is it what you really want, or merely what you think you can have? Above all, what is your WHY? What will having this do for you?

The biggest mistake I see, and the biggest place where transformation or manifestation of any kind goes wrong: is not having a clear outcome that is coming from your Essence.

So you’ve got to know your outcome. And one of the secrets to magic is putting – and keeping – your focus on that OUTCOME. Not on what’s in front of you, or on the “how,” or on what you don’t want.

You’ve heard it before and it’s totally true – it’s not your job to know the how, or even figure out the how. Therein lies the way of EXHAUSTION. Goddess, you wonder why you’re hanging out in your masculine and nothing is getting done and you’re overworked and overwhelmed? Part of what’s going on is this CHURNING figuring out the HOW.

Our ego creates all of this drama, right? Very simple magical practice: release the drama and focus on what you want.

How do you release the drama? Put your attention on what you want. In Feminine Magic®, we say… reach for what you Desire more.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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Not the how, but what you Desire more. The outcome.

Step 2 of the Core Manifesting Process: CLAIM IT.

Once you’ve uncovered your desire and know what outcome you want to create, you’ve got to CLAIM IT.

Manifestation and personal change does NOT happen without a DECISION to make it happen. For women that’s got to feel like a full-body yes.

When you make a decision, you focus your energy, which is one of your core magical tools.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

"Not only did I reach my 5 Figure financial goal with ease... I also created an easy, fun and reliable process to manifest that amount over and over again."     Working with the 30-Day Manifesting Game Plan, following inspiration, and taking fast, aligned action, I started a meetup group that had 100 women in 10 days and 25 women at our first meeting! From there I started doing mini-retreats in my home that consistently bring in ideal, high paying clients.

Not only did I reach the financial goal I set, I also created opportunities for other women to connect, plus manifested an easy and reliable way to grow my network and create consistent cash flow while helping my ideal clients experience amazing healing and transformation. I am now on my way to my first $20,000 month!

Thank you Elizabeth for being a catalyst for these wonderful changes! 

Michelle Wilson, MA LMHC Owner, Inner Oasis Counseling & Coaching

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Also – because everything you want is already here – that’s one of the Laws of Desire – that means if you Desire something, it already exists. But you have to claim it to call it in.

Claiming it – making a decision – works because… it’s a done deal! If it’s a decision, it’s a sacred commitment. Which means no matter what happens, you will find your way back again.

One of the facts of life that I live by is, “All acts of commitment are really acts of recommitment.” It’s OK to get pulled off track. Simply return to your Desire, and you magnetize.

The Divine / Universe / God / Goddess / The Infinite Creative Life Force – responds to CLARITY and conviction. With clarity and conviction, you magnetize.

This brings us to Step 3, which is LET GO.

This is the biggie – sometimes I call it “the Lynchpin” of the whole process.

In order to manifest, especially with speed, you MUST let go of the thing you are ATTACHED to that stops you.

And there is always something to let go of.

You may need to let go of a belief. Or thoughts. Or habits. Or a particular perspective or way of looking at a situation. Letting go of that perspective creates SPACE to allow the HOW to come in.

It could be something that’s in your environment. People. Situations. Or concern about what others will think.

It could be resentment. Women carry around a TON of resentment, guilt, shame – and it gets in our way of calling in what we do want.

So what do you need to let go of? When you let go and release attachments, you have freedom to create a new experience.

One thing you will definitely be asked to surrender is knowing every last thing about how your Desire will come to you. Or how YOU think your Desire will come to you.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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When we manifest, there are literally THOUSANDS of possibilities that are open to us at every moment.

So when you decide in advance how something is going to look, you literally CUT OFF the possibilities that are available to you. Releasing attachments opens up your ability to PERCEIVE these other options.

So that’s Step 3.

Step 4 is - EMBODY a new way of BEING.

Remember – magic is not something you DO. Magic is something you ARE.

So, we attract new opportunities and possibilities – and then are able to see them – by embodying a new way of BE-ing.

What do I mean by BE-ing? Who you are and How you show up in the world. It includes 6 very specific aspects of you:

• Your MIND – including your thoughts and beliefs • Your ENERGY systems • Your EMOTIONS • Your physical BODY • Your SPIRIT • Your ENVIRONMENT and ACTIONS – inlcuidng what you choose to energize.

All of these things are a part of how you are BE-ing and what you are projecting OUT into the world (there is your energy again). What you energize, manifests.

Releasing attachments and Stepping in are related. The attachment is the old thing. Your BE-ing – and the vibration it creates – is the new thing. When you release whatever you’re attached to, a new space is created. And then we step into that space by way of BEING.

In magic, there is one way that we do this that is really powerful – and that is to consciously create a new IDENTITY. How we see ourselves, how we experience ourselves, and how choose to interact with the world.

Two of THE most potent words for manifestation are the words “I AM.” We create the world through our “I AM,” which is our identity.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

“I manifested back my initial investment in the first month, blew my bold money goal out of the water in the second month…now 5 figure months are a standard in my mind and bank account.”      I had so much knowledge and a BIG burning desire to serve, but I was also in major overwhelm. I couldn't seem to wade through the practical steps required to get to my next level and I wasn’t sure how to manifest the types of clients I really wanted.

Elizabeth helped me claim my worth as an expert and play in bigger arena while learning to master manifestation in my business. Activating my Feminine Magic® I’ve been able to tap into knowledge and skills that I had somehow forgotten to weave into my business and it’s making all the difference.

As a result, I have created my signature program, stepped into an even greater role as a divine feminine leader, and developed the unshakeable knowing that anything is possible when you take action rooted in your spiritual truth.

I no longer play small in my business. I don’t accept ‘less than fees’ and I don’t accept a ‘less than’ version of myself. I manifest the clients I desire to work with and I have a clear plan for expansion that’s truly aligned with who I am and who I’m here to serve.

None of this would be possible if Elizabeth hadn’t helped me to activate this new version of myself.

If you truly believe that what you desire is possible, Elizabeth is the mentor that can help you activate, claim, and call it in…All you have to do say YES.

Kelly Anne Mitchell Transformational Mentor for Women Founder of the Whole Women Movement

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The real power in I AM is what you STOP embodying and STOP identifying. We have a lot of negative I AM programs running. “I am not enough, I am not worthy,” whatever.

Your BEING is what you are embodying by virtue of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, vibration… New BEING allows you to become aware of new possibilities that then use those to call in your Desires.

This brings us to Step 5, and that is to RECEIVE the WAY.

Now, we’ve been talking about the HOW. There’s the Outcome you want –and then there’s the HOW that’s going to happen.

Now, as humans we are wired to go straight for the HOW. “How’s it going to come?” Our ego mind wants to know how.

You’ve probably heard that quote of Einstein’s – you can’t change a thing with the same consciousness that created it.

So when you go straight for the HOW, you’re looking for the solution with the same mind, and the same BE-ing that created the problem.

When we release attachments and EMBODY a new way of being, then the HOW appears from Source. I call this Receiving the Way.

Receiving the Way is becoming AWARE of what steps you need to take next.

The way can show up via something appearing in your field. Maybe you see something, become aware of something that you didn’t notice before. Or, the way often comes by way of your intuition, which you have experienced before.

Now the thing about The Way is that it’s often not the whole solution. It’s not the whole HOW.

It IS, however, the step you need to take NEXT. This is where faith comes in. So you take that step… and you find yourself ready to receive the next awareness.

I want to note – this can happen very quickly. Receiving the way can happen as soon as you are clear on what you want and embody a new way of BEING. That’s what I love about this process – it works really quickly.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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But we have to shift our perception by letting GO and embodying a new way of BEING. Otherwise, you will be BLOCKED by your subconscious from seeing the how. Remember – we want a process that accounts for our HUMAN side. If you’re not aware that any of this is going on, you can’t effectively manifest.

Step 6 is to ALLOW it IN with ALIGNED ACTION.

Paradoxically, receiving what you Desire always requires some form of action. Always. Even non-action is an action.

Problem is, we resist the aligned action.

What leaves you overwhelmed and feeling like you’re pushing is usually NOT whatever action is needed.

What leaves you exhausted and struggling is the DOING.

DOING is about trying to meet conditions you THINK need to be met in order to have what you want. Such as – thinking you need to have your website up and a social media following in order to get clients.

Aligned action is the motion that DOES get you what you want.

Aligned ACTION is the secret to achieving results while staying firmly grounded and relaxed and in your feminine energy. Because the action you need to take usually isn’t very taxing. It’s pretty simple. The action is usually very CLEAR.

And this is a really important point, so listen carefully. The aligned RIGHT action is usually the one that causes some discomfort. If you want to make more money – it involves some form of ASKING. The aligned actions are setting up the ask.

What’s interesting is it’s usually NOT the action itself, but our resistance to the action (based on some idea of how it will make us feel) that makes taking action seem hard.

So a tip to help you get started with this is to ask yourself: “What am I resisting or avoiding?” The resistance comes from our human side.

And this brings us to our 7th and final step in the Core Manifesting Process, and that is:

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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Step 7: Make It Inevitable.

In other words, make it inevitable that you will receive what you Desire!

So how do we do that? Well, we’ve learned that by Divine Law, everything we want is already here. We’ve also learned that our HUMAN nature blocks us from receiving it. So in this step, we set up conditions that work with our human nature to bypass some of the sticking points. So we can actually receive what we want.

Now this is something that is just not talked about in other manifestation trainings. But this is one of the things that makes the difference between struggling and EASE.

So what do we use to make it inevitable? Well, if we’ve worked the other steps properly, we’ve already set the stage. We’ve already put some of the things in place. But there is another tool that we can use – your ENVIRONMENT.

Years ago I was at a training with one of my favorite mentors, a guy named Eben Pagan. His business generates like $20mil per year or something.

And I was at one of his events and was asking him a question. Earlier in the training I had told him how I wanted to attract a group of kick-ass, powerful women in my life. And then I had something else I wanted to manifest and I was asking him about that.

And he goes… “Can I tell you a secret?”

And I’m like of COURSE you can tell me a secret, I have a total crush on you – god!!

He says, “Get yourself with that group of powerful women… and it will happen automatically.”

And I was like, OH SNAP.

He was talking about how we model one another. Human beings are WIRED to pick up and imitate what’s going on in our environment. We couldn’t turn this reflex off if we tried.

If your environment lifts you UP and pulls you forward, you get pulled forward. If it keeps you down, you stay down.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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And one of the things your mind is trying to figure out is, “Is it safe to have what I want?”

If you are surrounded by people who have made it safe to make a ton of money… it’s par for the course, and culture… guess what? Almost without even trying, you will start to take the actions that bring you more money. Because we model who and what we hang around.

And that’s just ONE way we can use our environment to make our success inevitable. It’s about setting up the conditions that make your success a “done deal.”

These new systems and structures then work with your human wiring to make it happen (almost) automatically and with very little conscious effort on your part!

This is one of the things that makes our Feminine Magic trainings so powerful, is that we learn how to work with our human-ness, with our feminine energy, with our natural FLOW… so that what we want happens with a lot less struggle.

So those are your 7 steps:

1. Ask the magic question 2. Claim it 3. Let Go 4. EMBODY a new way of BE-ing 5. Receive the way 6. Allow it in with aligned action, and 7. Make your success inevitable

This process is elegant, authentic and simple to use. What’s really cool is that it works on every level of your life.

If you’re truly ready to master the art of manifestation and consistently create what you want, I’ve got great news.

We’re going to be opening up The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting – a course in practical magic for conscious women – where I walk you through each of the 7 steps in detail.

In The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting, our focus is on helping you embody the process – to get it down so well that you don’t even have to think about it. You just do it, and it happens in an instant.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

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This is our core. Our foundation. You get a whole collection of tools and practices that you can use for each step. And then we bring in all of that yummy manifestation stuff we all love, like vision boards, altars, ritual, beauty, and visualization, crystals, candles… And these become effective because we are using them within a framework that works.

In short, in The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting You Get A System and Toolkit You Can Use, Over and Over, to Manifest whatever You Desire, with ease and consistently.

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.

“I’ve manifested consistent clients, the sale of my lake house that had been on the market for ages and now we’re vacationing at a gorgeous home in the mountains!”     Prior to working with Feminine Magic®, I was ready to take my manifesting skills to the next level. I was pretty good at manifesting some things, but had trouble calling in specific things, especially money. I didn’t have a steady monthly income and was always struggling between feast and famine.

When I enrolled in The Feminine Magic® School of Manifesting, I instantly felt a shift in my energy. BE-ing in this new vibration has helped me consciously create and attract incredible results.

I’m thrilled to celebrate that my client flow, and therefore, my monthly income, are now consistent. My lake house sold even though it had been on the market for years. And I recently manifested a gorgeous vacation home in the mountains for the summer.

Today I feel fulfilled. I plan to continue using Elizabeth’s teachings and our private Facebook community to help me manage my energy and consciously create at Will. 

Beatrice LuganoCreative Consultant

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Once you embody this process, you'll be able to use it again and again, for years to come. Along the way, your entire life becomes infused with magic and miracles.

So if this sounds juicy to you, then you want to pay really close attention because we are going to have a limited and time-sensitive invitation coming your way very soon.

So now I’d love to hear from you!

What’s one a-ha or Goddess Wink you’re taking away from today that will help you elevate your power as the Powerful Feminine Creator of your life? Head on over to our video page and leave me a comment below the video and let me know so I can celebrate with you!

Thank you so much for joining me, and until next time bright blessings and massive success to you!

Bright blessings,

© 2017 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess LLC. All rights reserved.