sound relief for morning sickness

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  • 8/14/2019 Sound Relief for Morning Sickness


    Sound Relieffor MorningSickness

    Good news for e xpec ta . nt

    moms : The ant i nau s ea

    drug met oc lopramide

    is sa fe for women and fe tuses ,

    a ccord ing to a new st udy in The New England Jour nal o f Med icine .Resea rche rs found no s ignifica nt

    increase in birth de fects or low

    birthwe ight in more t han 3 ,000

    ba bies w hose mothe rs had

    ta ke n the me dicat ion. "So me

    women have be en re luctant

    to use prescr iption a nti na usea

    dru gs d~e to sca re s with

    tha lidomide a nd Bendect in,

    which a re no longe r use d to trea t

    morning s ickness in the U.s .:' says

    Sharo n Mass, M .D., an ob-gyn a t

    New Je rsey Medical Schoo l, in

    Newark , "but now women can

    feel oka y when asking their

    doctor about metoclopramide ."

    X-ray Caution

    Safe nonprescriptionnausea remedies

    include vitamin B .

    and acupressure.


    Sketching during a boringpresentation may help you recallmore of what your boss has to say.A new study found that people whodoodled while listening to a phonemessage remembered the most info.

    SmarterOfficeSnackingStomach gro wling midday? Ma k ehealthy cho ices at the vendingmach ine with these suggest ionsfrom American Die teticAssociation spo kesper sonAngela Ginn -Meado w, R.D .

    II Yousk ipped . breakfast.YOUR BEST BET A breakfast bar ,a granola bar , or whole -wheatpeanut-butter crackers. The fiberwill keep you full until lunch .

    II You 're d reaming . of chocolate.YOUR BEST BET Trail m ix. Thehigh-protein nuts and fiber-ric hfruit will be satisfying -and evena brand with chocolate chip s ishealthier than a candy bar .

    II You 'vegot chi ps . on the brain.YOUR BEST BET Somethingbaked-l ike Goldfish crac k ers orwhole -wheat pretzel s. You 'll curbyour desire for salt with minim alsaturated fat and cholesterol .

    II It 's 4 P.M . and . you're dragging.YOUR BEST BET Peanuts .The protein will give you lastingenergy, plus they containmonounsaturated fats , whichare good for your heart .

    De nta l X-ra ys po s e a g rea ter ca ncer risk

    than p re viou s ly thoug ht. So me X-ra y

    ma chine s em it four time s mo re radiati on

    than ea rlier e s timat e s , re veals a stud y

    pub lis hed in The Journal of the American Dental Association. But don't cance lyour n ex t cleaning ju s t yet . Instead, a s k

    your denti s t (and your ch ild's) if he usesdigital te chno log y or newe r E- or

    F-s peed film, not D-s peed , and

    rectangu lar c ollimat ion instead of round ,

    which redu ce radiat ion e xposure without

    s a crificing qual ity of imaging , sa ys s tud y

    auth or John Ludlow , D.D.S., pr ofesso r

    of diagn os tic sc iences at the Uni ver s ity

    of North Caro lina Schoo l of Dent is try, .

    in Chapel Hi ll. If yours doe s n't, cons ider

    s witching dent is ts .

  • 8/14/2019 Sound Relief for Morning Sickness


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