spanish & north american colonies

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  • 1.The Atlantic World 1492-1800 Chapter 20

2. Age of Exploration: Pre-Colonial America 3. Section 1: Spanish Conquests in the Americas Main Idea: The voyages of Columbus promptedthe Spanish to carve out the first European colonies in the Americas Why it matters now? Throughout theAmericas, Spanish culture, language and descendants are the legacy of this period 4. Setting the Stage Competition forwealth in Europe exploration ChristopherColumbus- sea captain, sailed for Spain, 1492 Sailed west, not east, insearch of alternate trade route to Asia 5. Columbuss Voyages Paves the Way Set sail:August,1492 Nina, Pint and theSanta Maria 6. Columbus 7. 1492 Trailer 8. Horrible Histories: Columbus 9. First Encounters Arrived October, 1492 Thinking they had reached the WestIndies, Columbus called the natives losindios (Indians) Landed in theBahamas in theCaribbean Sea (Taino Indians) Named the land,SanSalvador, or Holy Savior Columbus waslooking forgold and didnt find much in San Salvador, so he explored other islands (staking his claims at each one) 1493: returned to Spain Spain agreed to finance more trips Journeyed as an empire 10. Other Explorers Take to the Sea Portugal: Cabral Brazil Amerigo Vespucci eastern S. America German mapmaker namedAmerica after Vespucci Vasco Nunez deBalboa first to gaze upon Pacific Ocean Magellan sailed around S. America into the Pacific Ocean, landed on Guam, Philippines Killed in a local war in 11. 1492 12. Spain Builds an American Empire Sailed for Spain Landed in MexicoConquistadors= conquerors Rumors of wealth in theNew Land Conquered the Aztecs & leaderMontezuma 2 13. Cortes Conquers the Aztecs Montezuma wasconvinced he was a god Human sacrifices Spanishadvantages: Weapons disease(smallpox/measles/typhus - natives had no natural immunity) able to enlist the help of natives Disease killed90% ofnative population 14. Pizarro Subdues the Inca Francisco Pizzaro conquistador 1532: Pizzaro took small force into South America (Peru-Incas) Met the Incan ruler, Atahualpa Spanish crushed Atahualpas force of 30,000 and kidnapped Atahualpa Atahualpa offered riches for his release, but after receiving the ransom, he was strangled Pizzaro then marched on Cuzco and took the capital 15. Pizarro 16. Spains Pattern of Conquest Peninsulares= Spanish settlers Practiced techniqueslearned from the reconquista of Spain (time when Spanish conquered Muslims and inflicted their culture on them) Spanish lived with natives and intermarriedEncomienda= system of forced labor imposed on the Natives 17. The Portuguese in Brazil One area that remained outsideof Spanish control wasBrazil Cabral: claimed land forPortuguese 1530s: Portuguese colonies inBrazil Resources: little gold and silver, settlers grew sugar cane (demand for sugar in Europe was great) Portuguese, like 18. Spain Expands Its Influence Spains American coloniesmade Spain one of the mostpowerful nations in the world (16th century) Wealth of the Americas helpedusher in a golden age of art and culture in Spain Also increased inmilitarypower (to protect their treasure ships) Strongnavy and army (fora century and a half, Spain never lost a battle) 19. Conquistadors Push North Spain continued to sendexpeditions into southwestern United States Juan Ponce deLeon modern-day Florida Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas Scattered 20. Opposition to Spanish Rule Spanish priests spread Christianity, they Asspoke against cruel treatment of natives Priests didnt like the harsh treatment of the encomienda system (which was abolished in 1542)spoke against African Priests also 21. Native Resistance Spanish priests werent the onlyones to rebel- natives Example 1: Taino Indians tried to rebel against Columbus with poison arrows, but after several years, they submitted Example 2: Natives resisting rule in New Mexico (Spanish had burned sacred objects and prohibited native rituals, physical abuse) Example 3: Pope, a Pueblo ruler, organized an uprising against the Spanish, involved 17,000 Indians, Indians successfully pushed back the Spanish for the next 12 years 22. Horrible Histories: Colonization 23. Section 2: Competing Claims in North America Main Idea: Several European nations fought forcontrol of North America and England, and eventually emerged victorious Why it matters now? The English settlers in NorthAmerica left a legacy of law and government that guides the United States today 24. Setting the Stage OtherEuropeans, besides the Spanish, were interested in colonizingTreaty ofTordesillas= divided South America between Spain and Portugal 25. European Nations Settle North America Spain claimed theroute around the southern tip of South America as theirs Other Europeans wanted to find a more directroute If they could find anorthwest route through North America to Asia lots of money could be made Not finding a route, the French, Dutch established 26. Explorers Establish New France Giovanni daVerrazzano= Italian who worked for France, sailed to find a sea route to the Pacific, but instead discovered New York HarborJacques Cartier= Canada, followed St Lawrence River to large island which he called Mont Royal (Montreal) Samual deChamplain= Quebec, settlement grew and became the base of Frances colonial empire (NEW FRANCE) 27. A Trading Empire France had a hugeterritory but it was not heavily populated French colonists characteristics: No desire to build towns orraise families Some Catholic priests trying to convert Native Americans Young, single menengaged in FUR trade (1500s hottest fashion was beaver skinned hats) 28. The English Settle at Jamestown Englishsettlement, 1606 Coast of Virginia Disastrous start (more interested in gold than in planting crops) 70% of crew died in the first few yearsTobacco (cash 29. New World Trailer 30. Puritans Create a New England PILGRIMS founded PLYMOUTH, Mass. (2nd colony) Pilgrims were persecuted for religious beliefs in England PURITANS= sought religious freedom from Englands Anglican ChurchMASSACHUSETTS BAY Wanted to build a modelcommunity that would set an 31. The Dutch Found New Netherland Dutch East India Company- competed for trade in the Indian Ocean and then turned their attention to the Americas HenryHudson=waterways near New York- Hudson River, Bay and Strait Established fur trade with the Iroquis Dutch lands NewNetherlands Dutch settlers came to settleafter the fur trade picked up (Dutch, Germans, French and Scandinavians settled the area) 32. Colonizing the Caribbean French seized control of theCaribbean islands (Haiti, Guadeloupe and Martinique) British settledBarbados and Jamaica DutchcapturedNetherlands Antilles and Aruba from Spain What did they do there?Tobacco and sugar plantations These crops demanded aSUPPLY OF FREE 33. The Fight for North America France, Englandand the Netherlands battled each other for colonial supremacy After much battle, the English gained control of most 34. The English Oust the Dutch To the English, theDutch had formed a wedge between their two colonies English king gave permission for theDuke of York (his brother) to drive out the Dutch Dutch surrendered without firing a shot Duke of York claimed the territory and called it NEW YORK English continued to spread out13 35. English pushed further west When they did, they collidedwith Frances North American land FRENCH AND INDIANWAR: Began as a dispute overland in the Ohio ValleyFrench and English (and with both Betweentheir European allies) Became a larger conflict known as the 7 YEARSWAR Winners: British in 1763England Battles France 36. French & Indian War 37. Native American Reaction Europeancolonization brought mostly disaster for the original inhabitants, as many fell to disease and warfare 38. French and Dutch had acooperative relationship with the Native Americans Why? Mutual benefits of thefur trade Didnt live in harmony always English relations with the Natives were not so great many time they pushed the Indians out of their lands and with this, tensions grew Misunderstandings ofA Strained Relationship 39. Settlers and Native Americans Battle Hostility led towarfare Example 1: Powhatan tribe attacked Jamestown Example 2: King Philips War, Metacom (King Philip) attacked 52 colonial villages throughout 40. Natives Fall to DiseaseDisease was more destructive than their weapons