special sale the eastern...

IW"' 'mmm >w.mt**> ww* ——M—^—-» wmmmr* '',' SPECIAL Sale OF Low Shoes and Slippers. ' Peace Inttitute. Attonii.ni i- oa'li-il lo '.In udvi r- tiseinent ol P*e«w I •..-<iiui.- which appears in mother columo "f 'hi* issue. Peace !• one " f ""' "Meet nod best koowu fch«K>l», BIHI has fur jun- been one «f the mi st in- fluential iu the South. The ('muses of instruction me nodeM atler those of colleges for raei: nml care- tnl training in given in each de- psrttLeut. Tne Mnsij aud Arr ileimriuiei.li", together with that of Expression, are under the charge of specialists nod ofiVr superior advantages ami attractive courses. Wnh its eheeiful In me like Blir rounding* and its nigh standard,] I'.'.ic. appeals " > those patents who desire the best for ibeird-oghtor.. . , DforBied bini Ihllt oe bad not " been doing hi. dot, of late and therefore nis services were IM> " W ford I early in t is broken that dema nine Ba r ' stocked, makv II NG ON THURSDAY, MAY 25TH. Ready For the Fray. With the additional new players receutly secured for Greenville stock of Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infant's Ox- - ;•- f *J*JrJ22 THE LIE GIVEN. A BLOW, A SHOT Mr. L. W. Batchelor in Sanrtarium. Van Sharp in Jail. Wilson, N. 0., Jane 10.—Mr. L. W. Batchelor, a Wilsou DUtO, yirjgin the sauitanuui with a bullet would in hie left hip inflict- ed by another white man uained Van Sharp, of Wilbanks. Mr. Batchelor KM brought here Satur- day night and in resting comfort* bly. The trouble occurred aboot three miles from Selma at the saw mill Mr Batchelor is locatiug on the Neuse river, where the Southern railroad crosses. Sharp has bees cix>ki"g for his force, and Saturday afternoon Mr. Bachelor, after p-iy- limiteil lo 89 and early application is necessary in order lo secure », place on this list. Wri e President ^'J.'il James Dinwlddie for further par liculars. i- sent io ute. reiagie aim w *-»•»- o|i was a somewhat pretentious ud roll educated person, Pyatsup- I en in is in li are ready tor the with Washington Fmlay and have no idea of hitiug the visitors MM: off Hi- oaiiu. Everybody turn oul Friday and give the Imya ph uij el' eccour^geniea', eqnired. Sharp, so M Batobelor says, at once diepnted his word and was asked if lie intended 10call bun a liar. The words were repeated and Mr Knlchelor sltnck at Sharp who palled his pistol anil tired with the above results. Sharp is now in the Smiibfield jail and having had his prelimina- ry iutiriti: Saturday afteniooii, was imprisoned in default of lull for 11,000. —Ne»a and Observer. jih at Greatly Reduced Prices. t good, New Shoes. A chance to buy good, new shoes Reduced Prices i, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock lesand sizes run down, is arare opportunity, aiidl"^«-* w . _ CtflNNFR £ WHFIIRFF r , J" n « a , "" 1 |, ' v ' 11 ." wH attention of a!' careful buyers, who appreciate gen- tWW £ i, ; „,. s^s-JJjJ- - n . —. . ...I . I iv, Temple UulUtna. Sent To Penitentiary. Raleigh, N. t'., June 17.—J. li. Powell, Of Norfolk, Va., found guilty yes.erday iu the Federal court of attempting to defraud by use ol the United State*mails, waa "I today sentenced to two years aid Harry Skinner, Jr. 8 lx months Imprisonment anil lo Whcdber. I l)14y # m ,;„ e . He us*i the (hiebnodred Won s wanted—Th< Me-kleuhnrg Hotel and Miueiul : Wats*'Co. Will pay *l 2fi each] f..r 1110 good OalCh sl/.e Pl»Xe». Writet" and express i" the above at Chase City, Va. :,-» JflO K] UIG ROMU s "n- 1 * 1«»» ni ' Temple BulKling. \\v herebj snoouce that * have; i..,.,..ute.l with us. In the practice of the Law, Mr. Harry 8k r, Jr. ThutiiiL name will coulInue <;•-,"•;!''-' lofon SKINNER & WHED Kfc, UIWM rs. .! muarj 2nd, li 1 '"- rlAKKV SKINNER, ji. »v . WMtHHEE. !AL OFFER? -e Cive is simple, plai^i and honest: We are over^ Ntyr j 0E0FD | 8? oiAiiio.\ many Summer Sho-s,we need the room and want ippers, and In order "J clean th^m out quickly Was Too Previous. ,\u itenei ml pliologruph i pitched in- tei; «»n the !•'! ironi log the e mrl house, 1 IM afternoon and tiaik ti di « i ... ti !!< pitched his teul without Hist ascei lainii li •• |i 'i | "" '"' ]l iax was, ami after learuiim that II was *10 per immtli In lolded i [i and Imultcd. A poet, Cliupon by nntno* nboul the middle of the century ended his davs in prison tor theft. Chapon was indeed an inveterate thief and was apprehended more than i*ne. At the prison of Ste. PeUgie dur- ing his incarceration Chapon once met l-'elix l'yut. revolutionist and eonununiat, a-ho wai generally in prison for some political ollense. A.- political prisoners were general- ly sent to Stc. Pclagie and as t'lia- p'o^. anc. . posed that he, too, had been *en- tenced for some revolutionary at- tempt. So, stepping up to him, he extended l«>lli lii<> hands and said, with a friendly smile: "We, sir, political offenders""1 beg vour pardon, citizen," said Chapon. straightening up and look- ing down very coldly on Pynt. "I'm in for stealing, if you please!" A Ttlog.-aphle Bull. A tclegrupiiiu wire elnel' was the victim not long, a?" "' '""' "^ l '" > funniest '•hulls" ilia) ever ; jdtated Ids division, lie hail i-ent hi* line- man out to truce i !i '• j" •' "' iR ' mar New York and n ,> r it. Pres- eutlj a report i nine lo bi.n from the Qata of Jcr IJJ i "l'nuiicd i-' 1 eart with 10 w.-i. Tell Pal OTlcilly." I'ntel d means 'Vpliccd," b ;i who uns Pal OTIcillv, and ivln was it nny biuinc s of Ins: So O'ISeilly ui 11 in t name was km il lo the service. Investigation I r.vcd mys- tery, and "toll Put 0*Kci.iy" proved to We only "t< niporarily." "Uiscritt silence. When Bismarck was a boy hi* father desired him !•> become n cler- gyman, says Hon. Andrew l>. Wl-.ite in the Century. In hi- later years Hie "Iron Chancellor" found humor in the suggestion. "You probably think thai if I had become a clergyman I should be a better man," ho said jocosely to his wife one evening. "1 will not nply to that," she said quietly, "for my answer would not be polite." Swtct Solicitude. "Charley, dear." said young Mrs. Torkins, "1 do wish yon would keep away from the race track." There was no nply. "1 heard some men talking about n lot of long shots thai landed, and it' I had known, Charley, dear, that there was rifle practice going on in the neighborhood 1 should never have ltd you go near the place. Washington Stur. rim, ol S vage 4 To- ta>1, , i.s. I veil liv mutual e l.-.-iit. All per- W » : s0wln , ffth f l n r 1 .M,trt«Uocon.e Codmc a Winner W»- . Uber :•"";. ..mi urereq •' | •'. lorward at e anil »e« "'" -'" || IV .,..HI Iialea I »Vnv one havim ae «ut« ; " •' i '. I ,i the nrmea i prenei I I a-ni ' U-dine. arnve I :: i,- t . i-.y. i ,i. s. Tun ta ' u leather Court Tie Oxfords, worth $4, for $3.00. atleataer, Court Tie Oxfords, worth 3, for 2.25. it leathsi and plain kid Oxfords, wth 2.50 for 1.85. .. leather Strap Sanda i, plain kid Strap Sandals, Tl Is -I me "th, I'-'. leatiier tip Oxfords, tan hid Court Tie Oxfords iizes, worth $2 and 2.25 per pair, to be sold all for ARNOLDS BALSAM Warranted to CURB- Cholera infantuvn By Jr,o. L. Woden and •'.award & Wooten Baltimore, !'.' i Bi'l'ieH ol :'i -t, eec nd peel !•••- j i entered. Will D.iil'a new ho n i lit iepi' -n. ale mare, li-iiln raa enttretl ... s'.i a in i i moue.t i; races .. Mr. Nd, a y. ,1 ; .. ,\ ries, p'r'i kid Sandals, paten t . ,. . . styles and plain common sense j.ylesajd that are selling for $1-50 pair, :? 1.13;. , , : rfords •- -' Sandals that are selling IS pal: - " o: " 80c t0 ^^ *"^ 1 Institute lor Young Women end Conserva- tory ol Music. The Best Place lor Vour Daughter College Courses High Standard Catalogue FREE MINN Jas. Dlnv.idilii-.FrM. Ltghb Tbeelec'ric «elil oul i"i a ten OUinl:.. ,; il u g I inm ' li.- - •tatio i. li"' - itai il in He - i Out. li . .. er tn» « .- earlj ,. ,ni^ ilrop- , ii Hid nt the ,-icea bad j«'*t buditt church me ,: I - offered in U laoted above. : i in' there waa i sternum 11 in Ute congre- " 'g.idoi : lie .I^'I - "'" '' BOon PENNYROYAL PILLS ' '" i\ c. V in i ll'»l«l Bertha, i placing bi*«ld hot water boili »\ Sale »"U rellaiMa, II»«V nfeovoicoMio M'.vki....... ir.- fe*r proas* vlaor. banish pali No remedy equmll I'"- MOT rsPI NNVROVAI. PILIJ ... : 11 . :• II r i*" ' '" ' ' '" ' ' ' " '' ill! : , I,.,. in s i ii 'I more mod- in l ip-i P nit/ihini in ai : ' uadretl gallon . at this beautiful line o: uMlui!iaLhitiH.lirt Are You Suffering a indigestio C tlpation.ordoyouli : with your .- or Bladder if so Drink the We with ycur Ki : or sun of the bes water. Not What Sin; Meant. (Ine nf (lie Herman worn >n who oceompanitil (icnrxc I. to Kngland i,,, !ii--nl and hooted nt by the , i-.... I i - hhe wan being driven alont} (IH> mall to St. Jauu -' |iala •• Put- ting i liciul oul nf the coach, nho called mil in broken Englisli: "(lood ; .-. |lli . u ; nil nti it* •' IVi f.ii-al I*." "Yea," an' vcr- , I a man : '' I hi crowd, "and for our chatu ! - to i." , . i n ignifi- ,.,. iim I,I ; > .., oiln r li" at Ihc Hiiltoi '«:,.,. . (1 Vrti : li >' W »« nrai it f l-h-M Arti ' Yon :.' the pic- ture, "AS inn ' Well, a ma , |„| ,.-.. io it, and I "• •" '"''"' " ' : -Come aw.iy. la nr. Tlmt jrtci inakei nil London Strjid- STRONG Again is what Mrs. Lucy Slova'.l.ofTilton.Ga, said after taking e^v Kodjl Dyspepsia H Curo. Hundreds ofothcrwea'u ^wonun are bein e re- tli stored to perfect health by this rem- edy. YOU rray bs well if you will take it Indiees'.ioncauses noarly all the sick- ness that women hive. It deprives the system of nourish- : i:.c debate <:....- pecuaar to B n suffer - weaken, and tccomi rjistased. STORE. . i .... . ,. .- [/ LANTEE: of nil tin praotici \ Dyspepsia Cure ^.ableatl : ' ' algeitlve organa -- ..'.on. Itnouri ' •' [i I d Digests What You Eat ?^sn i i . Tl is oi Vi THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. 0. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. Twice-a-Week-Jitmday and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAK IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XXIV GREENVILLE, PIH COLNH, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, JUNE 27. 1905. No. 51 REWARD FOR HEROISM. Capt. Ola Forbes Receives Beautiful Cold Medal Capt. Ola Foiia-, nf tlie gaa l>oat Alteiro, tb»: I-IIM 'letween Greenville and Wiisbn irto , »a« made very proud by the rr-ce'pl of a package thai came in bfai Wedneedayevening through the expreex. It was a hands-me case oontaininga beautiful gold medal, and waa presented to hiui by <1. B. Gomprecht, of Baltimore. The pin from which the medal i* Huspended bean the name iu gothio lettert Cai>t Ola Foroea, The front of the medal bean the inscription in ncrlp* letters nrrunged M follow-: prevented For hia heroic deed IJI Mivlog my lite in Tar River N. 0. From G. B. (ioiii|iuclii. On the lever".'-i"|i'nt i he in riul cgraved a lautieb and the date May 5, 1908 Tiie design aud •nrkmanahip "f the tncal in exceedingly beautiful and t'.ipt. Forlus Is justly proud ol it It will be remembered that t'api' Follies was ci niiing up from Washington on May , r )ih, and had several traveling men on hoard bis launch, ami a mishap on the way gave them a thrilling experience. He bravely rescued Mr. Gom- precht front drowning. A graph ii- account of the raaoue WAX given iu THE BKFI.EOTOH at the time. Mr. Gomprecht wn« very grateful to ('apt. Forbes and felt that no [iiai-e was too great 'or his heroin deed. He tends the inedul as a mark of his appreciation. A PRETTY GAME. Greenville Gives Suffolk a Shut Out. It was a good game you missed if you were not at Arthur's paik Weduesday. It was one of those unusual one hour and thirty min- utes games; resplendent from stint to finish with thrilling, hair rais- ing, sensational plays. Yes, indeed, it was a suappy game, a game that was thoroughly enjoyable. Doubles and lightniug "ingles made it fast, and there was fun enough I. amuse 'he graud Stand. The funny man in left field was a rare treat to Hie ladies and babies. Well, didn't he have busby hair and couldn't he jump! It is a pleasure in have a team like Suffolk come to (ireeuvil'e. They play fast, clean, gentlemanly ball, and can take a defeat grace* fully, and in good butnor. They arr planning for another trip up mi* way Five to nothing was the score. That looks bad im Washington, It ii a pity thai sack a game as shown by the tabulated rcore below, should have been patronised by no larger crowd. Don't miss tonmr- r-i.v'sgame, il will he still better. Tabulated score: Greenville. a.b. r. b. p.o. a. e. ARE THEY "COCK OF THE WALK?" WASHINGTON AWN DROWNED. HP The Selection of Peace Envoys. St. Petersburg, June 22.—The Bnatsays it is authorized to say that Count Cftssini, the retiring Kiusianainb.is-adoi al Washington will not participate in the peace negotiations, but will leave Die United States Immediately on the arrival of Baron Rosen, his suc- cessor. From independent sources Ihc Associated Press confirms the statement nf the Buss, that Count C«ssini will bare no part in the peace negotiations. The question of a temporary suspension of hostilities seems to test with Japau. In Hie meantime the chancelleries of St. Petersburg and 1'okio are occupied with the selection of the plenipotentiaries. It nan now be regarded as settled that they will number three on each side. Au important consideration re- quiring adjustment is the desire of each country to appoint negoti- ators of equal rank, and this in- creases the probability that M. Witte, preside at of the committee of ministers, may be one ol the Russian plenipotentiaries if Japan names the Marquis Ito, president ot the Japanese privy council. It is possible that M, Neilidoff, the Russian ambassador at Paris may not go to Washington. As dean of the Russian diplomatic crops he was the tirst choice of the Foreign Office, bnt he is of advanced age and his health is not robust. It is still an open question whether he may not ask to be relieved of his mission. In such an event it is considered certain that Baron Roseu wiil be appointed. James, B 2b. 4 I 1 0 2 0 Curner, J. ss. ) it 0 1 3 1 Smith, c 4 l 1 0 0 0 Thouip on, p. 1 u 1 II 4 <• furuer, K, if, 1 l 0 0 0 0 Walker, 3b. 1 1 0 4 1 White, lb. 1 1 '> ;i '.I tl Harris, cf. l 0 I) ii II 0 Forbes, If. :i (i 0 0 o 0 Snffo'k. n.b i. II. p.o. a. e. Bryant, K. 2b. 1 0 II 1 4 0 Barrel t,cf. 4 II 0 1 1 1 Bill, 88. 4 II 1 1 4 0 Heath, 3b. .i (' 1 1 3 2 Tucker, e. :i 0 0 0 1 0 Dean, If. 8 0 0 0 0 1 Hubbard, rl. 3 II (1 0 0 (1 K.-vell, p. It II 1 n n ii Bryant, B. lb. 3 II II I * 2 Summary—Earned runs, ( reen- ville 1, Suffolk lj base on balls Thompson 0, BPV< 11 ( . - bat e hits. Greenville 0, Buff Ik ; struck out by ! li 111 j - - II '.l, I'. tore 1 5| double plays J.unes to T ir.ie , J., Turner, J., to While, Turner . J- t.. Walker. Hit by Pitcher Forbes. I'mpiie Woodward. leasing Friend: "What makes that new baby at your home cry so much, Toinuiyl" Tommy (indig- nantly): '-It dou't cry very much and anyway, if all your teeth wen- out aud your hair off and your legs so weak you couldn't stand or. them, I guess you'd feel like crying yourself." RARE OLD MONEY. United States Confederation Bill of 1778 There are many specimens of rate coins and currency in exis- tence, but we have not seen a more unusual one than has been shown us by B. A. Moye, Sr. It is a til) bill, printed in black on while paper and is 21 x 35 inches in size. Il is a Uoited States note and says on its face "This bill entitles the bearer to receive forty Spanish milled dollars, or the value there .i in gold or silvei, according to a resolution passed by congress at Philadelphia, Sept. 2utb, 1778." This bill of currency is so o'd that some of the printing on it has become indistinct, as has also the written signature. On the side bearing the certificate printed above is a disc with an altar in center and an eye above sheddiug rays upon it. In a circle around the altar are 13 stars, the word "Confederation" circling the lower half. On the other side is a pic* ture of plants that resemble tobacco. Mr. Moye haB had this old bill of currency many years and prizes it highly. He also showed us an old 5 cents shin plaster. Julius Ellobe, a white man, serving a 4 months senteuce was pardoned Tuesday by Governor tilenn. Ellobe is dying with consumption. The Score Wai 5 to 3 in Favor of Green- ville. Ii was an ideal, yes, a perfect| Iafternoon that irreetcd ihc twelve I hundred tans Friday at the park; , uot too warm, not loo cloody, ami ( i with a toft, cooling breeze beating: Iitself through the wires of the [grand Stand. Indeed it seemed an I afternoon set apart fur the Wash- ington base hall game. The grand stand was a scene nf Inspiiin.- beauty, It was filled to oveiflowicg with the looters «>l each team it waagaj and bean. I ttlul wii li iis poie women standing for then l.ivoiites, bidding them to do or die. And the color.s of the opposing teams lent iieauty to the sei'iic; gaily they were dapping and fluttering iu the breeze from 'he hands of pretty women. Meg- aphones cntwaucil with blue and ; red anil megaphones entwined wi h orange and black were fruit- fu] with enconragtment and shouts! of approbation . Washington, the'"queen of the! ma i-hli.iiu. ' had come lo admin-; later defeat to the "insigmflcenti citj on the Tar. Yes, Washington, I he queen of the morqiiilo produc- ing boggy, unbtallhy inaisbba ks | of the Tar, with their two hundred I human souls, proud, expectant, and confident they came. The'; proud, self-considered beautiful eit;, bad come with their invincible, Woolen, their absolute King, who nails them sll at second, aud Fatly (liles, the erstwhile leaguer, j Hnlligeel wasn't it jarring lotnemt | Oh, citizens of Greeiiyille, justj think of il, the "little insignificant hamlet on the Tar,' live runs, the! "cock of the- walk" just three. Ob, i couldn't you shout all da): If jon ever say Bert .Tamercan't j play second you tell u , well somebody will tell you he can. i Turner, .!.. became overheated I and was out of the game after the fit SI inning: out of one time at the bat be bagged one single anil scored one ruu. Dick White,on liist, went in I the uir after 'em like he had Springs iu his ••hoes, anil he baud- led the Stick likea veteran. "Pap" Hairis, in the central garden was: a caution. He paddled his shovels' at raciug speed, and took every-' thing that went his way. Turner, E. covered the third sack in fairly good style, with thej piactiue he's had, and beat nut a ccuple of bunts. Andare we forgetting "Farmer" ! |Gus and old "Bull" Thompson! I Not on yuur life. Suppose "Bull'' had hit June of those be missed ! I He saved a.H base hit by one of j I his stops, and Gus was there with | the goods every single time. Walker in the box was a proposi lion too tough foi ;tbose "t'ock of the Walk" batters. They fell be- fore those sweeps of his like weary- travelers by the country way side. Rowe, the redoubtable todies'- man. Are you wondering why he was saved for the last? Well, he is pretty nearl> the best, and that always comes last; you know. He is verily a tower of strength. His throwing was exactly to the point, and he was in the game from the jump. Now a word about our oppon- ents Did you ever see a Canadiau thirty cent piece t Well, that was Wooteu. Oh my, didn't he get his bumps? Up against that Can- adian thirty cent piece there looms up a beautiful American cetilicate for»'i0.00 in gold. Well, that's Walker. He's gooo for his lace value. Nine hits were made against that thirty cent Waafiington considered invincible pitcher. Isn't it amus- ing tha' the little "Ter river ham- let" should have done this! The feeling between the towns \ Attacked With Vertigo and Fell Over- board. There wasa sad ending In the Washington base ball excursion to] Greenville Friday. As the! exeuision boats were returning to Washington A, J. Mitchell, who: was on ihc gas bout Magnolia, bad' an attack of vertigo, fellove r board and was drowned. The accident OCCIIIred between Pactolus and Griineslaod landings, Mr. Mitch- ell was between 45 and 60 years oid and leave- a wife and four children. The body had nut been icei \ ie:l al last report. Governmnnt Crop Report. A'aahington, June 20—The weather bureau's weekly summarv j Of crop c inditious say-: Further improvement in the condition ol cotton is very generally indicated throughout the cotton belt. Tae crap is now in a good State of cultivation, although some fields continue foul iu portions of j the central and western districts ami iu Florida, While, as a rule, I good growth is repotted, the plant! continues small. Lice are still prev- alent it North Carolina, but are less numerous in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Consider- able damage t>> web worms is reported from Oklahoma and Indian Territories, "here some fields are being devoted io otlitr crops. Boll weevil- aie spreading in northwestern Taxas but geuer> ally the daiuige is ant great. Tobacco planting is largely finish- ed except in the more noitherl] lections and the crop is generally doiug well. Thompson to Stay. ii M ill in a soiuee ut pleasure to j the base ball fan.- to know that "Bull" Thompson I be man who pitched the Suffolk game, has' decided to stay v-ith the Greenville team. He is a strung laan, and will strengthen the team iu several' ways. He is >i pitcher anil a bitter. ' The colored Normal school al Frankliutuu has been closed for, good. has been too strong iu the past. Let us have a good, pleasant, friendly rivalry between them. The incident in the last inning was unfortunate aud is to be de- plored. We believe Washington people are broi d enough to place the blame wheie it belongs. Greeenville. a.b. r. h. p.o. a. e. James, B., 2b. 5 5 I 4 Turner, E.. .'ib. Smith, ss. Rowe, c. Thompson, if. 4 Turner and Forbes, ss. & If. 4 Harris, cf. 4 White, lb. 4 Walker, p. 4 1 (i 6 0 1 1 12 3 Total, 37 5 9 27 14 3 Washington. Springs, 2b 5 0 1 2 5 0 Dettenger, If. 4 0 0 3 0 0 (.lies, if, 3 2 2 2 i) Short, F., ss. 4 0 1 0 4 'A Taylor, cf. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Simmons. 3b 4 0 1 1 0 1 Koper, lb. 4 0 2 11 1 2 King.c, 4 0 0 5 0 1 Wooten, p. 4 1 0 3 2 0 Total 35 3 27 12 (1 Summary.— Earned runs, Green- ville 1, Washington 1; two base hit», Giles two; first base on balls, Walker 4; Wooten li; struck out by Walker 6, by Wooten ... Time of game 1:40; umpire, E, Lewis, scorer, Frank Skiuner. The next game is with Kinston Weduesday, are jon golugt PERSONALS AND SOCIAL Thursday, June 24,1905. The Suffolk baseball boys left this morning Dr. It. L. Carr returned this , morning from Danville. Mrs. W. T. Knrton and children | went lo Beidsville this morning. Mr-. O. c. Ctlhoun, of Stiel- merdinc. was in town tni- niOl iiinj.' W. H. Harrington returned Wednesday evening from Wi 1 . mington. Miss Inm Allen, of Danville, arrived this morning to visit Mrs. Alice Harper. Mrs. Harrv Skinner aud son. Francis, went lo Wrightsville this morning. W. J. iSmith and son, Ronald, re'urued Wednesday evening from Itobersouvilli. Mis. J. H. Mitchell and child- ren, of Suffolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. W. H. Johnson. W. L. Brown went to Wiuteij ville Wednesday evening and returned this morning. ('.II Forbes went to Winter- ville Wednesday evening aud returned this morning, Misses Kale am1 Kaj Moore, of \\ asblugtco, are spending ine day i al Mr B, F, Pairick's. Mr. aud Mr-. H. W, Wilson urn children, of Danville, are visiting the laiinli of W 1), Pin i( Bey. A. T. King, of Richmond, came in today to conduct the funeral of Mr.-. I.ucv Randolph, Friday, Jane 23, 1905, C. M. Jones left this morning for Raleigh. s. J. Parbsm went up the road tblsil ning. "Whalebone.'' the bogg) whip man is in town today. Dr. W. ll. Wakefleld, of char-1 lotte, is at Hotel Bertha. W. H. Bagadale returned from ; Wiutei ville this morning.. B. W. Mo-eley retorted from I Norfolk Thursday evening. Fred Forbes is keeping luniks for the Bank uf Greenville. Miss Heuiiie Bagsdale went to Winterville Thursday evening. Klisha Lewis, of Kinston, came . this morning to umpire the ball game. Mis- Melvlna Moore, of Grimes- land, is visiting her uncle T. R. Moore. W.T. L'paoomb returned Thurs- day evening from Richmond and Baltimore. Miss Nell Hinsdale, of Raleigh, is spending a few days with Miss Lottie Blow. Col.J. W. Cotten, of Tarboro, was among the base ball rooters iu towu today. Miss Claudia Simmons, of Wash- ington, is visiting Misses Gleuu aud Helen Forbes. F. M. Hornaday returned this morning from a business trip to the Southern part of the state. Misses May and Lillian Whii- lield, of Henderson, arrived Thurs- day to spend several days with their father. N. H. Whitfield. Saturday, Jnue 24, 1905. Rev. W. E. Cox went to Kinston this morning. W. R. Parker, Jr., returned from l\ instoi. thi« learning. MissVirgie Hughes, of Danville, is visiting at Mrs. W. T. Lipscomb. M. P. J. Williams left this morning for Kdgecoinbe county. L. W. Tucker went to Oxford this morning to bring back the o**!;. -. -i.ooier. Dr. R, L Carr let! Friday after- noon lor Beaufort to take hi- bab] who has lieeu very sick. Mis Abe Harper mil pun. Alexander, and Misslma Allen went in Beaufort Friday evening. Mi- Klla W.I1-, Wilson, win, baa been visiting Mr. aal Mis. W. M. Kl:-g, returned hum* this inm niug* Misses II-nine Itagsdale, Anna- iisll M».iic, Alice Blow aud Myrtle Wilson vloihav. been attending tbe ttnchelS institute at Wiutrr- \ilie returned this morning. DOPE FOR THE FANS. Curves From tht Pitiher'j Box. Cau'l old "Bull" Thompson pitcn base ball! Well, maybe Butt didn't olaj MM'Ohd lut.-e Wednesday, (see h.m figure in that doublet He scoop- ed "i in up like an old timer (ill—ic says, he can'l c.ilch em unless they are lilt 'lit of the diamond. Paul Met rick says, "1 leil you what's n fact, when they get a hit by snort it's got lo be a hit, ain't il!'' "Pap" Mil ris was io the game from the start. '•Bull" say- he did not use much speed Wednesday, What he did use -no' did look good, "Tige" says, "Der luck va*. mil us." Well. I should smile. Washington was sore .his morn- ing, canst-—Greenville it, Sulf'lk O. Tin y would have given 1500 foi ll to have been the oilier Way. How was Ibal catch in the right _-..i.i II when Sufi dk had two men on bases, and one oul? To win a girl iu Greenville now, take her to a bull game, and give- In ; a inegraplione. Huylei's h .- list it'.- charm. John Ivey caught like he was use to it. It's a pitty aln.ni m- lip, for Jack usually has a hand- some face. Bowe is all right for tomorrow. The ••easterners" .-ay we must win. Bo guess we must. Well ii does look good.for us the ray the team showed up Wed nesilaj . They certainly played winning hall. Haywood Dail says racing Cod ine ain't iu it with base ball the way we ate playing now. That catch ol Turner.!., on short was highway robery of Suffolk. It was hair raising. Burial of MM. Randolph. The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Rau- dolph, who uied Wednesday morn ing, took place this afternoon. Tne remains, were taken from the home to the Baptist church, of which she was a devoted member, where services were held by Rev. A. T. Kink, of Richmond, former pastor, assisted by Rev. H. H. Mooie. The body was taken to the old home place in the country and i interred. The pull bearers were Messrs. G. F. lEvans, J. O. Bowling, D. C. Moore, B. If. Schultz, J. R. Moye and C. T. M nn foul, Terrible Blow By a Shift. Washington, N. C, June 22.—A. well nigh fatal accident happened yesterday at the lumber mill of Mr. W. B. Willing on the outskirts of town. A boy named Wright who was engaged iu assisting his. father on some work was struck by a rapidly revolving shaft aud seri- ously hurt in the side aud stomach. It is feared ihat be is also injured Internally, Willis P. Turner, of Panther Branch township, Wake couuly, died Tuesday. 'T ...I, «,. .!» .'I' I I " m POOR PRINT -1

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  • IW"' 'mmm >w.mt**> ww*

    M^-wmmmr* '','


    Low Shoes and Slippers.

    ' Peace Inttitute.

    Attonii.ni i- oa'li-il lo '.In udvi r- tiseinent ol P*ew I..- those patents who desire the best for ibeird-oghtor.. . ,DforBied bini Ihllt oe bad not

    " been doing hi. dot, of late and therefore nis services were IM>



    ford I

    early in t

    is broken

    that dema

    nine Bar'



    II NG ON THURSDAY, MAY 25TH. Ready For the Fray.

    With the additional new players receutly secured for Greenville

    stock of Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infant's Ox- - ;- yf *J*JrJ22


    Mr. L. W. Batchelor in Sanrtarium. Van Sharp in Jail.

    Wilson, N. 0., Jane 10.Mr. L. W. Batchelor, a Wilsou DUtO, i yirjgin the sauitanuui with a bullet would in hie left hip inflict- ed by another white man uained Van Sharp, of Wilbanks. Mr. Batchelor KM brought here Satur- day night and in resting comfort*

    bly. The trouble occurred aboot three

    miles from Selma at the saw mill Mr Batchelor is locatiug on the Neuse river, where the Southern railroad crosses. Sharp has bees cix>ki"g for his force, and Saturday afternoon Mr. Bachelor, after p-iy-

    limiteil lo 89 and early application is necessary in order lo secure ,

    place on this list. Wri e President ^'J.'il James Dinwlddie for further par


    i- sent io ute. reiagie aim w *-- o|i was a somewhat pretentious ud roll educated person, Pyatsup-

    I en in is in li are ready tor the

    with Washington Fmlay and have no idea of hitiug the visitors MM: off Hi- oaiiu. Everybody turn oul Friday and give the Imya ph uij el' eccour^geniea',

    eqnired. Sharp, so M Batobelor says, at once diepnted his word and was asked if lie intended 10call bun a liar. The words were repeated and Mr Knlchelor sltnck at Sharp who palled his pistol anil tired with the above results.

    Sharp is now in the Smiibfield jail and having had his prelimina- ry iutiriti: Saturday afteniooii, was imprisoned in default of lull for 11,000. Nea and Observer.

    jih at Greatly Reduced Prices.

    t good, New Shoes. A chance to buy good, new shoes

    Reduced Prices i, just in time to meet your needs, before the stock

    lesand sizes run down, is arare opportunity, aiidl"^-* w. _ CtflNNFR WHFIIRFF !r ,J"na ,""1 |,'v'11." wH

    attention of a!' careful buyers, who appreciate gen- tWW i,;,. s^s-JJjJ- - n . . . ...I . I iv, Temple UulUtna.

    Sent To Penitentiary. Raleigh, N. t'., June 17.J.

    li. Powell, Of Norfolk, Va., found guilty yes.erday iu the Federal court of attempting to defraud by use ol the United State*mails, waa

    "I today sentenced to two years aid Harry Skinner, Jr. 8lx months Imprisonment anil lo

    Whcdber. I l)14y #m ,;e. He us*i the

    (hiebnodred Won s wantedTh< Me-kleuhnrg Hotel and Miueiul : Wats*'Co. Will pay *l 2fi each] f..r 1110 good OalCh sl/.e PlXe. Writet" and express i" the above at Chase City, Va.


    JflO K] UIG

    ROMU s "n-1 * 1ni' Temple BulKling.

    \\v herebj snoouce that * have; i..,.,..ute.l with us. In the practice of the Law, Mr. Harry 8k r, Jr.

    ThutiiiL name will coulInue .., oiln r li" at Ihc Hiiltoi

    ':,.,.. (1 Vrti : li >'W nrai it f

    l-h-M Arti ' Yon :.' i the pic- ture, "AS inn ' Well, a ma, || ,.-..io it, and I " " '"''"' " ' : -Come aw.iy. la nr. Tlmt jrtci inakei nil London Strjid-

    STRONG Again is what Mrs. Lucy Slova'.l.ofTilton.Ga,

    said after taking e^v Kodjl Dyspepsia

    H Curo. Hundreds ofothcrwea'u

    ^wonun are bein e re-

    tli stored to perfect health by this rem- edy. YOU rray bs well if you will take it

    Indiees'.ioncauses noarly all the sick- ness that women

    hive. It deprives the system of nourish- : i:.c debate > web worms is reported from Oklahoma and Indian Territories, "here some fields are being devoted io otlitr crops. Boll weevil- aie spreading in northwestern Taxas but geuer> ally the daiuige is ant great. Tobacco planting is largely finish- ed except in the more noitherl] lections and the crop is generally doiug well.

    Thompson to Stay.

    ii M ill in a soiuee ut pleasure to j the base ball fan.- to know that "Bull" Thompson I be man who pitched the Suffolk game, has' decided to stay v-ith the Greenville team. He is a strung laan, and will strengthen the team iu several' ways. He is >i pitcher anil a bitter. '

    The colored Normal school al Frankliutuu has been closed for, good.

    has been too strong iu the past. Let us have a good, pleasant, friendly rivalry between them. The incident in the last inning was unfortunate aud is to be de- plored. We believe Washington people are broi d enough to place the blame wheie it belongs.

    Greeenville. a.b. r. h. p.o. a. e. James, B., 2b. 5

    5 I 4

    Turner, E.. .'ib. Smith, ss. Rowe, c. Thompson, if. 4

    Turner and Forbes, ss. & If. 4 Harris, cf. 4 White, lb. 4 Walker, p. 4


    (i 6 0

    1 1 12 3

    Total, 37 5 9 27 14 3

    Washington. Springs, 2b 5 0 1 2 5 0 Dettenger, If. 4 0 0 3 0 0 (.lies, if, 3 2 2 2 i) Short, F., ss. 4 0 1 0 4 'A Taylor, cf. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Simmons. 3b 4 0 1 1 0 1 Koper, lb. 4 0 2 11 1 2 King.c, 4 0 0 5 0 1 Wooten, p. 4 1 0 3 2 0

    Total 35 3 27 12 (1

    Summary. Earned runs, Green- ville 1, Washington 1; two base hit, Giles two; first base on balls, Walker 4; Wooten li; struck out by Walker 6, by Wooten ... Time of game 1:40; umpire, E, Lewis, scorer, Frank Skiuner.

    The next game is with Kinston Weduesday, are jon golugt

    PERSONALS AND SOCIAL Thursday, June 24,1905.

    The Suffolk baseball boys left this morning

    Dr. It. L. Carr returned this , morning from Danville.

    Mrs. W. T. Knrton and children | went lo Beidsville this morning.

    Mr-. O. c. Ctlhoun, of Stiel- merdinc. was in town tni- niOl iiinj.'

    W. H. Harrington returned Wednesday evening from Wi1. mington.

    Miss Inm Allen, of Danville, arrived this morning to visit Mrs. Alice Harper.

    Mrs. Harrv Skinner aud son. Francis, went lo Wrightsville this morning.

    W. J. iSmith and son, Ronald, re'urued Wednesday evening from Itobersouvilli.

    Mis. J. H. Mitchell and child- ren, of Suffolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. W. H. Johnson.

    W. L. Brown went to Wiuteij ville Wednesday evening and returned this morning.

    ('.II Forbes went to Winter- ville Wednesday evening aud returned this morning,

    Misses Kale am1 Kaj Moore, of \\ asblugtco, are spending ine day i al Mr B, F, Pairick's.

    Mr. aud Mr-. H. W, Wilson urn children, of Danville, are visiting the laiinli of W 1), Pin i(

    Bey. A. T. King, of Richmond, came in today to conduct the funeral of Mr.-. I.ucv Randolph,

    Friday, Jane 23, 1905,

    C. M. Jones left this morning for Raleigh.

    s. J. Parbsm went up the road tblsil ning.

    "Whalebone.'' the bogg) whip man is in town today.

    Dr. W. ll. Wakefleld, of char-1 lotte, is at Hotel Bertha.

    W. H. Bagadale returned from ; Wiutei ville this morning..

    B. W. Mo-eley retorted from I Norfolk Thursday evening.

    Fred Forbes is keeping luniks for the Bank uf Greenville.

    Miss Heuiiie Bagsdale went to Winterville Thursday evening.

    Klisha Lewis, of Kinston, came . this morning to umpire the ball game.

    Mis- Melvlna Moore, of Grimes- land, is visiting her uncle T. R. Moore.

    W.T. L'paoomb returned Thurs- day evening from Richmond and Baltimore.

    Miss Nell Hinsdale, of Raleigh, is spending a few days with Miss Lottie Blow.

    Col.J. W. Cotten, of Tarboro, was among the base ball rooters iu towu today.

    Miss Claudia Simmons, of Wash- ington, is visiting Misses Gleuu aud Helen Forbes.

    F. M. Hornaday returned this morning from a business trip to the Southern part of the state.

    Misses May and Lillian Whii- lield, of Henderson, arrived Thurs- day to spend several days with their father. N. H. Whitfield.

    Saturday, Jnue 24, 1905.

    Rev. W. E. Cox went to Kinston this morning.

    W. R. Parker, Jr., returned from l\ instoi. thi learning.

    MissVirgie Hughes, of Danville, is visiting at Mrs. W. T. Lipscomb.

    M. P. J. Williams left this morning for Kdgecoinbe county.

    L. W. Tucker went to Oxford this morning to bring back the

    o**!;. -. -i.ooier.

    Dr. R, L Carr let! Friday after- noon lor Beaufort to take hi- bab] who has lieeu very sick.

    Mis Abe Harper mil pun. Alexander, and Misslma Allen went in Beaufort Friday evening.

    Mi- Klla W.I1-, Wilson, win, baa been visiting Mr. aal Mis. W. M. Kl:-g, returned hum* this inm niug*

    Misses II-nine Itagsdale, Anna- iisll M.iic, Alice Blow aud Myrtle Wilson vloihav. been attending tbe ttnchelS institute at Wiutrr- \ilie returned this morning.


    Curves From tht Pitiher'j Box.

    Cau'l old "Bull" Thompson pitcn base ball!

    Well, maybe Butt didn't olaj MM'Ohd lut.-e Wednesday, (see h.m figure in that doublet He scoop- ed "i in up like an old timer

    (illic says, he can'l c.ilch em unless they are lilt 'lit of the

    diamond. Paul Met rick says, "1 leil you

    what's n fact, when they get a hit by snort it's got lo be a hit, ain't il!''

    "Pap" Mil ris was io the game from the start.

    'Bull" say- he did not use much speed Wednesday, What he did use -no' did look good,

    "Tige" says, "Der luck va*. mil us." Well. I should smile.

    Washington was sore .his morn- ing, canst-Greenville it, Sulf'lk O. Tin y would have given 1500 foi ll to have been the oilier Way.

    How was Ibal catch in the right _-..i.iII when Sufi dk had two men on bases, and one oul?

    To win a girl iu Greenville now, take her to a bull game, and give- In ; a inegraplione. Huylei's h .- list it'.- charm.

    John Ivey caught like he was use to it. It's a pitty aln.ni m- lip, for Jack usually has a hand- some face.

    Bowe is all right for tomorrow. The easterners" .-ay we must win. Bo guess we must.

    Well ii does look good.for us the ray the team showed up Wed nesilaj .

    They certainly played winning hall.

    Haywood Dail says racing Cod ine ain't iu it with base ball the way we ate playing now.

    That catch ol Turner.!., on short was highway robery of Suffolk. It was hair raising.

    Burial of MM. Randolph.

    The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Rau- dolph, who uied Wednesday morn ing, took place this afternoon. Tne remains, were taken from the home to the Baptist church, of which she was a devoted member, where services were held by Rev. A. T. Kink, of Richmond, former pastor, assisted by Rev. H. H. Mooie. The body was taken to the old home place in the country and i interred. The pull bearers were Messrs. G. F. lEvans, J. O. Bowling, D. C. Moore, B. If. Schultz, J. R. Moye and C. T. M nn foul,

    Terrible Blow By a Shift.

    Washington, N. C, June 22.A. well nigh fatal accident happened yesterday at the lumber mill of Mr. W. B. Willing on the outskirts of town. A boy named Wright who was engaged iu assisting his. father on some work was struck by a rapidly revolving shaft aud seri- ously hurt in the side aud stomach. It is feared ihat be is also injured Internally,

    Willis P. Turner, of Panther Branch township, Wake couuly, died Tuesday.

    'T...I, ,. .! .'I' I I " m


  • ^mmm


    * - n


    i C. T. Munford's Big Store.


    ii-dcs' S\.- per-. La ." VViiH- l '

    I ', i. now I.:.''.

    L-i ' Ts I '..ords -'"

    m v .:.!'.

    r.-i ':- -' i'.ir Tip i '' '-

    1 -.", now *! mi

    Co Irs, Collars.

    Tw .Hundred Mi

    mi I i Coll :!'-. II

    .:' II ' 5 i

    IMlI'lIl I


    - ;".

    HinJkeiv ieifs

    Cut Prices on Millinery.



    1 CM

    1 &

    1 BO

    L II

    ., .i (

    .' 5( i

    :. ii i



    i '

    I DO

    i ;-

    I 7".

    I I

    : i

    " ''

    Embroideries. lit'iuciaber ii Em broidery

    iloji rimi'iit. w.- Iiavo an im-

    o stocl - .:.- A I overs, 1 :. tgs, Insert ions, corset iopertv valued ,i as It IH-CII II.

    1 "' """'' ri""r'- for laxati m, (land s zinniue of and who may appear to the board, j|tho last of si u wai Irom specialeircumstanees, worthy

    |h " rharreL If , | phieed upoo tha penaion roll." 1 t went ' ll iiiiirh troubU. ,, ,. ,.

    Hu-n loo small ... IM earding Uue new provwon Mate VI the present Auditor Dixon says: "Of course this

    din in i iinyili :>. is proper, hut I matter is left entirely with the conn- 1 deer- ty pension board and it isearnettly

    g I laiMly lion One desired that the latter be extremely J! of till Ivies WHS I! .. , , . . . , ,

    i, . ,, -.II ,, , , curilnl in making thorough exami- -.1 "I I." - \ I '. .. ill till' Vlileus | " ,,,,.; . ,.., Iliajc I nation of each application who lias io i-o iii.

    ''I mult i mi roduced was the i pro] rtt of the

    lilt and ori rinuleil in Venice. These i i i ( e lei small and

    i ropertyover 1^500 in value, because

    i rery one of this class ho i placed

    II (he pension rolls will take

    money from those who possibly need

    eon* 'velvet. ,! worse, and unless the cases are brocudi . lined wilh fur, ami xln mely urgent I think it would

    '' i'' 'I ''"l! rHil cuise for the county pension board ''u '- [< ' eiuentseamein ,.ot to approve this daas of penwon- durma ' i 'I "i the eevi n- ,. .'' . , . . ,,,

    : , Hie previous vKa,wh ""' Ltarlotle ol" i -till lie* freipieiitlv ar- *' ' '"'r

    rietl a | ii-e ol rich fur, liieli thev i usedci , r or II neck piece. l*liui- Bill the sleepy head,

    'Tin r reached ii- liijihe-t >a\ li.-n Ins slumbers overtook him.

    cloth I of fur, and the ''"'''eiily he stmlwl waking | furrier* made n creal uproar. Thct '" u,uttt > daj was break- I petitiom d 11 e ope lo e: '' -cnte the v rerof eloih ,. . h I " " ' '" ll1'-1" w-ciomancei!

    :t i purpoM'. rinalli -.!:, in- '' ' L' MWKKS. '''' " >' n- I geiiiou- merchant bribed the heads- swer. I mall ,,,,, , K...i us I ! Pills, -'Kmly

    tion duv. Thct shrunk from K " '" '' wH|'i'"'i Biok i such ii-'-.K-inl the fill ; -: ";"- ,il" "'"' ''"' l,y I thednv. '.. now " "" '-' l'," ,!;' live- i ,lK , ii.v.1 u'i.o- or Bicken, Hit

    : old' (hi r nar I of " '" ''> r,"* l'-':-j. '" i..i... C.I.I ... : woniiin - Ul ! U'll* ! all ui. . v

    mufl nd a st i mi i ' not di eiin Shanghai

    Tion - Ii ii ii ,\itv iork city contains a

    After All. Onlj snlllucie.il. illation of 3,087,252; the total -> '" '. ' ." sni for President in that city at the-

    Pro i Ii" ee, "ll . " - .

    I ilien i.| mllllls Sold lij I Wo lie-'- Urnjt Biore,

    At cording to the Sta'e census jusl

    sii'-.' id I i vcrv- t of November, 1904, wai

    ry, I'hiladclphia Record.

    Snur iiiin.ii.il

    Si, , p. ,;'., ' :! The industrious assesBors

    uhcii iiiidille of h ilatlelpliin have discovered and Held elephaiil i rued on their latest lists 37S(S12 !',", I' 'he i i ,-, ,|,.| voters. Comment ii nu- I I and i lied ii ire W lien II , I hem ed, th

    en d I lull i II :: I:

    " l win ..: I i-wn - Ihimr t ii :-''

    I ' , fr.ghti i.d hi.i ill Ir il : " \> . ran i I-I en

    v. I . i! In I ji II -lied JO :.'

    '^ uu are niisi i n u^iiin.' said ll -. "T! im i IM.IIII. Illd I did Hot i I .i.i- all il-j

    : . . '"I! !'


    i he quantity ul food taken I Inru" or the quality too rich,

    inch i- likclt to follow, peeinllj so ii the digestion

    . weakened h\ eorol ipa- ; it slowly and not toofreel)

    :\ iitsf*-led io. d. Uosticate .... : horollghlj. Lei live

    ;,-.between meals, ami j ti feel a fullness and weight

    11 limn of Ho s.oii.acli alter i .. ., .ike ('ham! ci Iain's Slnin-

    Liquoi and Bsasieknou. , ,;, ,, iAvi,r Tablets and the !''- ' iraveh r ,,.], mBy |Pl. avoided.

    -"-: "l'1( jii.-l n- ,. o\ Woolen's Drag Store, well tor a i not utii too imiirt ,. r v ,||,. f 'I'MIW I i! mid i I to start

    III.I ! on liii .' i Ine of il.,, Wl .....,., |, .,,, ., | ,.,, i A Kansas physician losl ,i |iocket-

    had never been sen ick hel'oi and ofraonoy. The other day he received

    . i"1 ' '' ' ' v i;;; !" the empty wallet benriug this aoto: wns sniling Irom Honolulu and the ,, . .... ,. . .

    I t0 fareHC|| Hortor, please fill this pmeriptnui

    . u hen Ii id i oten poi and ogam. i nixed ' iiii n [treat deal ofi - frnpped i Hi- lri.id- The Salve Thai Pt-ntlralis.

    down to si him oil and liunj! i Iii. mi .. UeWltf- V, ll. h lla/elSalv.' pen

    I red III pagnc e'riilis the pore* ol Hie bkin, and into : tie. Vs a re-uli the acute ,,, !.,!!- wl Ii he devel- oped larnied even the ship'l sur- geon."

    by ii- antiseptic, ml Ifocienta and healini: iiifluenee ii ulslue- lull .u in i II nral etn IJuib Burns, i 'ills, Ki /.emu, Ti Hi i r Win m and all skin diseases. A specific ii" Wind, bk-i Mm 11 r


    ' \ H ret" iteli.ng and prolindiuK l'il- -.1 lo i'.' . ere I

    "Oh, I don't ki Hut I cry t "Tvi a feel I


    and geiiuii e W'lteli ITi in iic by K, C. HeW'ittA.

    Co, and sold by John. L. Wootou . '.

    II i

    . !

    , J I IM .

    '.','. \1 Ueild ' k, ex-| -ii in ( 'i| v

    vii-. I D 111

    ,,. |inJ | , | -: | no

    ' I

    Imule Kih

    . . ".:'

    n ;

    11..' 1 il ii I


    The ' hHdren I

    , i', ngitB, ' Ironp, \\ { m; I i te, Une Mi

    ,-. ..,' chill i ti :- in i I.I ll

    . -cm. II) I I,



    When Dtwey Critd.

    The following story of Admin Dewey is told by one of the sailors

    who returned on the Raleigh, dust before the batde of Manila, when

    the order was given to strip for action, the smallest powder boy on the llagship dropped his coat over-

    board. He asked permission to

    jump after it. but was rafused. He went to the side of the ship, dropped

    overboard, recovered his coat and was promptly arrested for disobedi-

    ence. Admiral llewey spoke kindly to him, who began to weep, and

    said the coat contained his mother a

    picture, which he had just kissed,

    and he could not bear to see il losl Dewey's eyes filled with wars, lie

    fairly embraced the boy, and ordered him li) be released, saying: "Hoys

    who love their mothers enough lo risk their lives for her picture

    not be kept in irons on this fleet.


    iiui i: .it iii;i t wi ii

    Of '"holera Morbut with One Small Bttle ol Chiimberlain's Colic, cholera oad Diarrhoea


    Mr (I. W. Powlerof liigbtuwer, A hi., relate- il e\|i.-ii he i.n 1 while serving on a petil jurj in i nun or case at Kilwardsvilla, 9

    n":r, ''-:::;::':;:::': | COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE e buries, it. ir the editor'* ^n(j Mechanic Arts 0 II

    mil. .- one there in a law suit, swear

    ingaudtlie smell "I sulphur, hut

    the doctor makes one there is a

    in town AiThe s.

    Offers practical industrial diicitlion in Agriculturo, funeral, cut flowers and a suieli ol * education in Agriculturo,

    raraisb. The doctor run use a word | Engi ring, Industrial a yard long with ul knowing wlial t Chemistry, and tho Textile

    it means, but il the editor USOB it lie I

    has to spell it. II the doctor goes to see uuother man's wife he charts

    for the visit, but if the editor goes to sec another man's wife he gels n

    i Clieiinst ry, a

    . \i-t. Tuition i 120

    : i

    in foil ii year.

    Board s- B month.

    Scliolar.sliips' Address

    l'lilSIDKN't' VVlXSTON,

    W. Raleigh. 1C. chargei I buckshot When a doctor X^******^1!**********^***^* gets drunk it's a caso ol "overcome _

    by lieat." ..ml when an editor gets fi NT];V ((|, VACANT ,_AX!) drunk its a caseol too much booze, ft, u .,,,, ,.1|U.I.> Md ,.,uil! and if he dies it's a case of delirium i hundred awl Aft} acres ol land,

    Any old medical c imweor lea., aJjcjafiw thejand

    OF THE ^r>^



    To Produce Hft&hz&lazs @cm* me real Printing.

    rjsan . . .;.':3ar :.z.Laz-,^ttx.



    Hi '- i r ii I

    >ron n treineiis. liege j. .- Snimi., A. li. tox's Thou. Ed- can make a doctor. You can't make wards or Sophia Edwards land and

    II. II i . i i .... i.'. others la anil iear the Horse Neck an editor. He has to be born.Lx. *aXn ,,., .,;,,.;l, opening Iu I'itl'

    lountv, N.

    myse I nu - rihin foi ' nth ills Hie Kuril let* \i-ri fivi-l.v tor several in l.hs un

  • JUP.I Mim' mjjwmm.i". l&^qmr'fm'^i mi l I Jilipipw^T^ppp w-w" "PWP



    It took jnst about five years t'- Ii it now reported thru

    nettle the QsttisKtlgo caw. It repraeeatetiwe efthii country are

    certainly h> ' to u like Mine method ought to be devised wherein

    I i go t" tli* '"pig lail' -late to iavee tigate that boyiott oi American

    litigation might be settled in a manufactured goods it has de\el-

    shortei s;>rtii" of time. The prolong oped that auch a movement is on

    girth in sftrefcrraff to .rtion

    Entered i H* !""! of"8 al Oiwnviiie, N. C, as >ooond CIMI matter, Adrertislnt ra* - li::u:'' kuowfl upon application. A,.,,,.. . lelred a* every poat ollloe In Pitt and adjoining oountlea. | fag bom out court to another sery Foot ii Pinna We clip the following

    uft.n brings about hardship to the from the Uanville. V*., Bee, whii-h

    side that is weaker financially, we lliil i .. measure explains ibe

    As to the merits of this cast we CB'IHC I tliia threatened boycott. It

    confeaa u> know sexy little, but it is says:

    a fact that the man witb the ability "Wi> know perfectly well what I financially to prolong litigation circumstance haa furnished the pi-c-

    ation for the boycott li is not

    QBBBNV.LLB, Prrr COUMTT, X. C, TUESDAY, JI-M 27, io.">.

    Pryii . ' kei p

    !,. t wi n I hese -1 >

    Even the wai news is not in

    with base ball in i 1 which China is a

    The Baptist mid summer meeting; wjlu,mt nmllberof sleep awaiting us

    av be tall,i,:, f 22,000, was tried in the Federal ly. butthe method of its enforce. meat has been such as to render it extremely offensive This being

    court at ('bail .tie and given bis

    Choice Of tiro sentences: To *>; ,ju. ,,,,,,",!,.,. |, l(,ls,, to do will begin at Jackson Springs next wnen it i, ,11 over here The rest to prison for two years and pay a whether it was worth while to send

    week. will come bye and bye. line of f5tN.Ni; or restore the money [men to China to locate the trouble. " 'of which he had defrauded the gov

    Some folks iy be waiting for a The Xorfolk Virginia-Pilot reports

    double tax tore" nd them when tax ,. ,lt ., BnaKe Waaaeen there Saturday

    listing tiuu -

    For keening in 1 blic eyethe rivalry etweet I'll tte and

    Grei nsh 1 -

    con.: . armers

    fhe trouble is not there, but liere , 1 What calls for investigation with a; iiiimei't, go t.. pill lor two uionibs "

    view to its modification is the method and pay a fine of 320U lie aecei t . . . ... "'' ' oi our immigration officials, we ed the latt.r Hut what we started Lnouui try to remove the cause of out to say about this man is that the the irritation, and the indications mavoi, a minister ami several .other are that the cause is in this conn

    prominent citizens ol Salisbury try.

    went to the trial and testified to his ^.|( Tgfl ;u),j|a-t integrity and good character. And , . f . Ann now the estimate for the be a distiller who had stolen |2g,- yeal -'grotton crop has been set at

    I simple clothes." quotes the Houston , eight million bales. On this esti-

    crawling on the street. The only

    thing strange about this story is

    that the Pilot don'l say whether the

    snake was accompanied by monkeYS

    and aligators

    Thiswa; pimping up in ..Mst . Iilvt. ,,,, ,,, plaill price jus! bet en c - bringa ;:

    Post. Not altogether most men like

    t. see their wives in handsome It the war ci lie

    Linevitch I

    hat tng .1 sinking |

    - d at oi:,e


    I'he c ui:iv commissioners have

    Interest in the lt| iblUan double

    newspaper Senture it Oreensboro

    lias tin 1.1 run its 1 ursi

    . .-.. but a great majority can't

    afford to gee their wives in baudsjnie I

    .I thes Therefore, they prefer the|

    simple fabric

    The most wis the Czar . . , ., her .1 reprieve

    to do would be to I How the ex-

    am; les ol In- uncles and resign.

    inatcalrea Iy some persons are count* ing on high prices next fall. It is

    levied aroad improvement tax of not >af,. w become too jubilant over r. cents on each flOO valuation, BUI Ii a prospect, even if the forecast While the tax is binall.it will raise were a reasonable one. It was Henry

    I enough revenue to pay intereot on a W. Grady. we believe, who said that ..... 1 "oil Is a fool. It niiuht be aihlei

    boud issue siifiiciently largi to put . = n vi that 11 olten makes fools 01 men.

    all the roads in the county in good Humanity's UiKmory tl.eaclierous j condition. If bonds were issued for , gome things, and object lessons this purpose all the people ol the often count for little; and if the ex

    Mrs. Uogers, 1 IB condemned Vet*

    nioiit murderess, has escaped the

    gallows. The governor lias givei


    rdertha! she might lake an appeal Iof ilnPr nited State. Supreme eourt generation would have nothing but

    ,. ;, countv could quickly gel the benefit pfctation ol ten cents for cotton next 't'4'*llllH*l Hi - ' .j . . . , till

    roads, and the present mil should tike a good hold upon

    Governor Fi Ik has an all summer job on his hands in attempting 10

    break up betting in Missouri.

    j to till

    Ion certain constitutional ijuest us

    touching her ease

    people now, they might get ten cent-and be no better oil than il they should get only eight cents.

    As might have been expected that

    We are a little surprised that lightning 18 hour schedule between pioveiiients. Good roads would be

    a little interest 10 pay each year for

    the benefit derived. There are some j Such expectation would flush the people who lift their hands in horror: people with a spirit of extravagance when a bond issue is proposed, but |d their ave, Is would be larger

    it is the cheapest way la get im

    Greensboro did not mike a bid for Mew York an 1 Chicago resulted in a

    eaceC uference big wreck. The disaster Hi - nineteen people and wounded many 1

    been m,,,v 'f|1(. railroad has decided 10

    ive back to

    torn rrow. continues a 20 hour schedule.

    the Japo ItllBS

    The weather bureau ha

    trying lor several days 1 make lt|qUit the fast trip an "colder


    the best investment that could be

    at the end of the year. Lot's not be too jubilant over the prospect of high pries in the fall. Many

    I changes can come in bur months. Scotland Seek Commonwealth.

    Why Discriminate and Call it Justice

    THE MERCERIZED CONTROVERSY Still Continues to Burn Advertising Space

    and Money.



    Mary bad a little lamp The Vapo- .'resolene

    And everywhere that Mary went 'I'll*, lamp was always seen,

    For Mary IIHII the whooping cough She would cough, cough ami sough

    And hut for Mary's little lamp She'd cough her head right off,

    BUI ev r> night by Mar 'shed The faithful lamp burned l-rigbt,

    And Mary's eough and parents too, Could rest the wh de long nlghl



    Ideal Clotln are not easily defined, but it's easier to define Idoals vary, what satisfies one man doesn't

    We A W, .-,;:, judge says playing w e learn that some farmers have

    poker U waked gambling Wonder decided to take their plows and

    how much the judge ! si In his last turn their potatocrop up side down.


    Governor Joseph I.. Folk, of

    Missouri, in his address at the com- ,,,m. rtv H||., s ing| a ,., jtban to inako tll.-.n. , . m.,n, . v.i..ri.iii in'iv..,- in- , i r, nlease another. That s what makes ideals an index to character, mencemeni al NanuerUilt i Diversity even m some c iurts finds exemplin- ' aai,! cation iu the case ol Jobann I loch,

    f death in ('hi uie of his

    We ire glad to

    John E. Webster ster's Weekly. ..t I


    that Col.

    I'his is mighty tough on fanner that never won a cause, the other

    friends. The farmer whop

    -It is .me thing to be against now under sentencei wrong; it is quite another thing to cago for the murder of light wrong.' ne isanon combatant n,a"-v ***ll,,rl1 W!,ll,s to BPPI

    . his case to the Supreme court of the

    and iiiso what makos ideal clothes difficult to produce, There are some general principles, however, and good quality Isoneof them.

    The Style of Your Clothes the pattern, the price you pay disclose your taste and common

    a soldier in a Dalit. Good citizens "*. but cannot do so unless he can sense, but the quality is an index of character anted; ' __- . ,--.. . .1 I .1... ....... 1 Tf,... .,..,- ..., all \v,*A nrlnn t,\r ',,.,..,,

    Bditor of Web- I ra $ l.Oii crop is just about ttiat

    need to become more aggressive.

    much in the hole now. The man that is afraid Iu slu h

    raise makiu

    ."*7i HI to defray the expense ol If you pav an all wool price for "mercerised cotton" fabrics g up the record of the ease 0,, ' that 8UOW8 that you an- easily "llinillamed " but your ideals may

    .' . , I be good. U you willingly buy and wear the "mercerized cotton ISM le. is un-

    it is said the ii lop skirt is coming

    back. We hope it will lie side-

    tracked or wrecked iraewhere on

    the nay.

    We learn tli 11 eace and quietude

    isratgning in Durham. We sup-

    pose her attention has betn divertid

    by Qrsensboro,

    The difference between a politi-

    cian and a statesman is this A

    politician is a man who has held an

    office and wants another one A

    -talesman is a man who has held

    office and keeps right on holding

    one. See the difference?

    'olors.and stand in the open against "PP*1 There is something hard, ^ulteratkm,'b^^^'i^t^'^^^i^^* ^^^ evils, is of little benefit to good gov something cruel, something unjust en0Oi that's another indication. Maybe you govern your conduot eminent. The country needs sol- i'his. It means that a poor man diers of peace as well as s Idle, ol '" ll,ill,,is is ^prived of the power war. Monroe proclaimed the doctrine toPpea' to the Supreme curt be-

    Is luxury a menace? asks the

    Savanal. News. It may he, but we

    are perfectly willing to try it the

    rest of our life.

    An exchange lays that Kewport

    society are to try Turkish cigarette.

    They will serve them right if they find them guilty.

    A middle western man shipped

    ten barrels of irUh potatoes a few

    days ago. Ami iu turn received 15

    cents for the shipment.

    The old story of the fellow who

    tells his lady love that he is not

    worthy of her is never found out

    by his lady love until after she is married to him.

    A young man in a New York town

    dreamed the other night that he had

    fallen huir to ft 15,000, and strange

    to say, the next day his dream came

    true. This is out of the ordinary.

    I'sually when a person dreams that

    he has suddenly become heir to a

    fortune, lie only wakes in the morn-

    ing to find that he has been ridiug

    a night mare all night.

    of America for Americana. Thej0""606'8 P"r- Bse itisHoch Missouri doctrine invites that phase has nothing to do with it. lie is a and applies it both ways. Americans "tizennol allowed the rights because for America is the slogan that needs bo is I'00'" Tni" w""kl ''l'l'iy to to be sounded now." any poor man, we take it. Vet a 1 man of money or with friends of

    ! wealth would find no trouble in In discussing at length theChinese appealing to the higher court. It ii

    boycott of American manufactured almost like liberty being purchased goods the New York Times says: and iu some cases it would bo pur-

    chased.Charlotte News. "Clearly the best possible policy for our government would be to repeal the oppressive featutes of our It is said that the Yanoey county laws which are in contradiction toIcommissioners have declined to pay our treaty pledges, which we could do with very little harm to the

    iuterest on bridge bonds because the structure was not satisfactorily con

    by the same test.

    Be an All-Wool Man when it comes to buying clothing. Your clothes can be as good as they look if you say so Our label means all wool and best work manship, it is a small thing to look for, a big thing to tind. Let your next suit have

    "EFF-EFF" Label on Ituida "pocket Made by Pecbheimer Pisbel Co. and sold by

    e. L. Wilkinson & Go.

    teresls of even the most violent! structed. The owners of the bonds,

    Dr. Charles K. Taylor, who has

    been president of Wake Forest Col-

    lege for twenty years, has tendered

    his resignation because of feeble

    health. I'r. Taylor has made the

    college an exceptionally able presi-

    dent, and has giveu it raak with the

    beat educational institutions in the

    South. I'rof. W. L. I'oteat, who has

    been professor of biology in the col-

    lege for a long time, has been chosen

    foes of Chinese workmen. This the mercantile bodies who have trade with China urge, and the 1'resident has, dt is reported, substantially promised to recommend it te Con gress. Whether Congress will pay any attention to it depends on the force and direction of public opinion and that is as yet uncertain."

    Does this boycott amount to any- thing? We think it does, and the

    South will he the biggest loser. In

    China lies our hope to create new markets for the sale of our cotton

    who are residents of Ohio, had noth- ing to do with the bridge contract, having only paid casli for the bonds. If correctly stated, t'lis is about the ranKest instance of repudiation yet attempted in North Carolina It is as if a man borrow money and make an unprofitable deal with a third party and refuse on that account to pay back the amount borrowed. The courts will in all probability

    I vide for the bondholders.Char lotte Observer.

    Greensboro never fails to come in for iis share of sensational cases

    goods. If this iisld is shut off the Theosss against N. Oleaa Williams - .. 1 . . 1 ... i has been continued for a hearing in

    to succeed Dr. laylor and will make : South can look lor low prices for the t,-, city . UBU,'er.-Ureeusboro s worthy successor to him. I next three or four years. 'Telegram.

    Hardware. For C 00k Stoves Ranges,

    Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am- munition, One and Two Horse Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and Stuffers. In fact anything

    in Hardware come to

    H. L. CARR


    WINTERVILLE DEPARTHENT This department is i:i Cr-**rgeof A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-

    resent the Eastern Reflector in Wintervi1

    BnBJBBSJBBSBSim^BBHSK/i^ Jf *711


    Huge Granite Bowlders In ^'hich Art Imprisoned Pagan So^,s.



    WIST ir 11.1.1:, .\.C . dune 26.

    Look up Mr. Cooper aeJ a-.k bim about pnres of aoythinj! thit you are 1 itereMed in.

    Spa. i-h pnaontl fot seed at. T. N Ifuuuisg & Go's.

    We h..e l

    wanied'I 01 ;! men to solieil orders for usrsery t-tut-k in i'ltt oon 1 ,. For particular" enclose Stamp. Box 54, Winlervillej '>". 1'.

    0.8, ForbeiaiKl W. L. Brown, of vii inv 1 ,0, were l.eie VVedliei day nigbr.

    \V. bnudle T. W. .'.odi a..il 80c- ^anl'.il itnd mi! oi seed.II. T. Htrongrr |COOJ ol m.-ril Ihao coo- tlnu.d and lncrraslno P"|iulArlly.

    II the verdict et MIIXIONS OF OUSEKEEPLRS does not convince you ot the merits ol I.ION COrFEE. It costs you but a tr.'ile to buy a pacliage. It Is tlie easiest way to convince yourse!!, and to make you a PERMANENT F-'JRCHASER.

    l.ION COFFKE Is,old in'y in I lb. wiUrl ;.nrknws, and < icbea you u "uir ai.ucltiu. us wUtu il left vkir larlnry.

    I.l'Hi-hf ad An crery |ark^ct and ,he

    White'. Colic and Kidney Cure, i Wintl>I.vjUe ufg. o,,. j. thoroughly tin- combination kidney uiedieiue lor "iiK-k and u sure colic cuie.

    at the Drug Store Some try to meet. HunancKer

    bnggtee In pi ices. A few try to iuiniiile them iu quality and liuinh. But none undertake to do both.

    equipped lor making -pleudid ; Hour

    Mr*. W. L. House and children left Friday to visit relatives in

    ! .', sden.

    All colors of paint, aud yellow ioachre ut Harrington Barber A.-Co.

    Amos Tyson, of Ayde,., has been , ^^ nQw ^ na|j(1 m(.e |i(]e of a frequent visitor here for the pas. j gIg|| M- ,rockerv wa.0j all Tery

    three weeks \. Hl4rrinEtoll Blirl.er & (>. Another Urge shipment of shoes } p Harringtou, O. A. Kittrell

    all styles aud st.es end prices very I fl g A KU(reU mt u> Qrnu_ reesouable. Hamuglou Barber | fM| rl(Jay (o uke ju ^ ba

    Lace and hamburg cheap as the I cheapest at A. W. A. Augc * Co.

    in Reduction sales made on white

    goods and voil.R. G. Chapman

    B, P. Manning, who has been away for the past week, came Thursday night.

    Paint your house how is the time, Aoge t Co. have the old reliable Town and Cvnutry paiut.

    Uucle, where are vou gciog.

    ,v Co.

    R. T. Kvans, of Greenville, I hf rn prepared to make pictures.

    I am oing to A. W. Ange fc Go's. I We he hand a ,f n,ce

    they are selling sommer goods way ! euts 8traw ktB t,ht .,wl11 now_ , . bsowcost. Don'i fai to see them, down eheap now.

    Miss Dessie Davenport, who We will sell you at some price.-

    hasbeen visiting Mrs. Oel Man-' R'" ChaPman * ^ ning, left Friday for her home near Stokes.

    Special prices on Bllzzaid ice cream freer.


    Slate of N .i'tn

  • "- "III ~"~ T*mmrmmm mm





    The Rnmber is Constantly SS5~

    After catini;, pernons of .-: hilk>u haMt wtUdertvcjmMtbaiMfM l>> taking unv of UWM pili->. I' *"u h;iM been

    OKIVKIMG 100 MUCH. thry will promptly MOSS'S Ihc nausea.

    being Added to






    I- .

    V M

    . . e n

    I 1

    Jon in> N

    .. .ilrhtollows.rt'Mor. the appetite and remove KBs.niv lasl* ini;... I'liuiintlv >ucariuiiltl.

    Take No Substitute.

    Stati ol So lb Carol lu, .I. IV.

    i rl

    list ami l ft to 1

    ,. I'ollan I : ikl 14111 lll'J O' ,1 i -

    . i * '



    t So| i i- ' . . iii . ii tin I l

    ii I'II ..... .--!

    \ i . , Sill! 'il pud-mi K J.

    . . ,

    :. .i li .: il pf ill,


    . - ... rarraui . . s I,' I 111

    .!''.' I ii ' ' 'Vilsoi

    & HI A. r\ -4. i 3" * l\.'rt Orllte \kV W- v?- . . .. v. v. w. Him ofl ' a -V- -.. 3: (hiO|l "t.ol '''' ": ' " g '; . isa , wil ,, (*/ nail""' '"' P'VI' SP "

    ick Hav< a |!oo ^ . . . sabl 'tin tool box i foi ,'.'-" . up p.

    - ' ' '..'... r . am wit . . .i'J

    . PI !... i i 'in 11 rl. il I* till* t u iv liriv I

    ,1,1 . . . :.!.. uki itii'l

    : . I : , ...

    .. Ullipld : \ ..

    s ii tli iii ael mor t'i you ei narnisu, . ,.._ iu .,_ ,W1 ,., Morse (joous, c. * o ,t M '.v :

    Ot" ,& '''' UOOKK I ,: itHM-ior Court.

    . . - ..... i' . . ii v- Aity.

    i .. . see thai } our t....i li>\ - .. .,.. - , arfi

    * '-' \ ?-JA^ T. * .r.r's * * .As. v*

    Of Course!

    j. P I iCorey NOTICE! , ,. f i , iver of tfllr iiiu- ^.i.K-I\i* ra%-A.^*i^ '^..^^^i^^vr^ : i' , J(H|^3f^3|WW!twlWw8' 'mum .ih'Mori m Dixo lo II .

    \ . .". . I T >-.-.->11.. p.

    iwr, ... i.anri ' i- .. - S1-' ' ~ IZ. . ','. mr> :' ! ' ^\'!i>.i -.:- ana re;..ii Oruoff wi - i

    furr.il :it I esler, I'Ox, u-c i.-.:. aeiaaadt of the trade and will at bat-log thi i -- totw iiy ill time* carry a complete line of the Clerk of theBi imrlor lourl ! I Ml

    rii.nilv. anil i i. I'I.: ilulv quallfled a<

    Heavy and hanc Groceries. -:; - ^ Tr-:^: -'" Fruit.-, Oonfectiouai log, Tobacco, oolding clain - agalni .aid i stale, 11 ..:. ,,. on v :.'. ".' m to DM for payneol on or Ugan, etc. ,h.lbefore the I2ih day ol May, IBM.duly Cal. on me when you LlDt the .,,,,.,,., ,i.,,., ,.,, ,.,. K[[\ \,P best Groceries tor tbe .ioweat price plead in bar ol their recovery. .\ii at trbicb they can be told. penon* indebted to isld ntate an-

    I requssM I to .iiaki' iiiiin iiiaU' paymeni

    J. J. I U KIN A\J Ci I Thia the lOtli day of May 1. JE8HK i ANNoN,

    The Five Points Grocer. Aiiiniiii-.trati.iui i>ui H. Cos,

    Th Prttihtr Made a Friend When He Least Expected It.

    r. e lovers though a-c be, to at al! there is virtue in skillful fiat fiffhuii'! in n .in-! cause. Therefore ili.- thrill i- si least pardonable \> hieli one fti Is on rt'iidiuii this Clerk Superior Oourt-D. . epif hliu.h r_ ,. ,bte n 11i^-. hook, "A I'ri'ai'hi'r's Storv of

    COl MV 0FKI0SB8. OommisaioneraJ. J. Rika,

    Chairman, w. R. Home, .1. K Bpier, J. R. Bamhill .1. W. Page.

    Ml .HIV.

    SheriffL. W. Tucker. Register ol lWilsR.

    liana. '!'ii' isuier S T. White. i uronerDr. William

    ! . II

    SurveyorJ. 1>. Oox.

    His Work." The episotli was in the Wil miilsl ..f I'r. Ituiui ird'e i gorotis

    side ..| New Vi.: .

    1 remember ..:;.' man ill ; KHIIII- lar, B bifc si i lie i sine

    in aud .-.ii down in lite Sunday 1.1. I hud some "t the very

    best U .. hers I eould find, and 1 si- Hoard "i BauoanoBA. . .IV. pu) 1(H, 1K,, w.orkt.w i i

    Cox, Cbaitman, B. M ,,,,,, ||,. began to talk in a waj W li it .-Ii IH'SI . 1. C, Arthur, thai a man should uoi i.. k to a lu-

    LKducation dy. II .i- a little dn I * *j^_ . Bush. I alkill oxer _ ,, ,,, . : lolt] him to eel nut. II.wou I CE. Hem- |iotlii(nc lMil

    u\\ un here lo help j ou pi pi TOWH .Kl'-li i B8- Wo paid it.

    A Idem .1 S. Comrletoii, you uf a man to respeil Ii. \\ lii do v >n MI here aud

    Superintendent \V. I! Rax

    St undard keeper in .

    (h.ii a- Co'vb, J. K. Moj . W . \. H iwen, A. R. raft, ' s C irr. T B. Hooker, J. ('. Lmnier.

    Mayor F. M. Wootan. Cleik - IV .1. iVliii'barl. Preasuivr II. L. Oarr. I'ax i'n lei ..I C. I', itountree. I'oliceChief, .1. T Smith: As

    si si ii.' . .1 'i. Uleves . ". II MeUowan.

    Chief Fi e i'.-i.aiiiiiei.' Ola Km !> s

    Diaiienaarv Couimiaaionei .i \v. B'iya, .1. ti. Hart, #. L. 8ugg

    CHt'BOHKS. Praver meetiiura each v\ ednes

    lor her lo tea< Ii '.-':"

    Hi re al me and would uoi gel .

    "'i nt'l wanl i lo .all a po- lio out qui liv."

    11 ii-il tn 1 1. und 1 saw \ v. ..... Ho was ii- big ,i mini us 1 I did uoi . . i a |">-

    ..-.' :n I , i' and . .1 1 , I .

    : :.

    i , ." "A I . . v "\'c>

    gel out." km] lie went. \ : I ifter thai re

    got into a r i ' oui do Hi.' >.., dai i' .oui itli some

    dav night. Sunday sohoolM I saw, cllin .. , .... tin i ihe crowd, ilii> -.in'."' borli fe ii. and 1 bi eui lo .' el thai b : n I iui and the others I should IH killed a . ' . :ii. he "alli- ed up to the i iii.-.i,. I r and -.ml:

    "I ,I'tor and me ' i lean out llli- .-.li' "l'"Ii - i ' out."

    . ,V II .... i.. . . . .t dav oi

    . I'...'.. ...... .' KranK Hi I. I), lion - '' -'

    . . , I . ... I) ',., ....... i .-in.- Brie i *i - hen - after I..- run by .1. Fraua

    Thi June i lib. l J.I ... 11. Hook, r

    I desire tsme, nrom-

    - that I i I alwav - .- j . ifori to prol" i' their Inu - t future, Verv u ily,

    I have pnrobased the stooft ol J.Frankiii OBOCERIEHaod ouiineaaofW. ) Tbig[>eu ami * ill oarry 00 the bus- iuess at his old itaod on Wve AUMIKIBfRATOR'H KOTH'K. Points.

    6:30 :i. m. Bapti-t- Rev. A. T. King, pas

    tr. >lla- bles"a | i "tih, yi -. I remcmljer!" -in- announeed linally. "It .i- Moore."- liar;., r's ft'eokly.

    Naoaaasry. A youii(i Si nteb minister, with an

    exalted >. nioii of his forensic pow- ers, lid one morning M bis msu in the kirk: "I don'i think, John, I

    Steamer "R. L. Myers" leaves newi pul t| guwu on. It's only sn Washington dally (except Sunday) jncumbrsnee, tliough tonv folk

    COBB BROS. & CO. APPLICATION COB LIQUOB LICENSE. NotleB is hereby rltsn lbs! I will

    make siipllcstion t.. the Board of Com- ..I..... .--' !ottou Uuveis ami Hrokeru lo mlseioners of Pitt eoual) on lbs lirst *"*"" J I Monilav in .luiv. li'O.',. ii.i lloensa 10 eka, Cotton, Qimln anil J IVIS- lrtllj| liquor in Qrlmeslsnd, H.C.

    Norfolk. Va Oottxm

    Stocks ons. Private Wires to New York Chicago and New Orleans.

    LANIER & HILLIARD, Greenville. N. C. Noiles Is hereby given that I will

    makr applieatlnn to the hoard of I'cin- MARBLf: MONUMBNTAL WORK misstoasrs of PStfouajl on lbs flrs

    Tims. .1. TAIXBY. This 27th day of May, 1906.


    at li a. ui. for (Irei-uville; leaves Oraaoville daily (except Sunday) at 12 m. for fVasbingtoo

    Conoaotlof al Wasblogtoo with Norfolk ox Soutbero Itailroail for Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston ami all other joints North. Oonnaetl a Norfolk with all points West.

    Hbippern should order I heir freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk A Southern R. B,

    Sailing i i- subject to ebange without notice. T. H. MYIBS, Agent, Washing-

    ton, N. C.

    seem t.. think ii makes a preacher mor i|.iv--ivc."

    Verger John Aye, aye, .-ir. Thai's just ii. It makes ye mair impressive, an' ys need it, sir; yo need it.London Sporting 'rime.-.

    His Criticism.

    Edmund llurke oni a showed > painting lo Sir Joshua Heynolds, whose opinion he invited. Sir Joshua looked long and attentively at it. "Well," be said, "1 really don't know what to -av. It's s oleterish thing, hut whether there's s'lillieieal pmmlae ;" ' Il j


    We hey, leave to announce that we arc

    Wholesale and Retail Distrib-

    / ^~-^~ utors for - "s

    Harrisons' White Lead, Paints,

    Colors, Varnishs and 'Town and

    country Ready flixed Paints.

    There is no, line in the world better than

    the Harrison line. It has behind it a century'

    reputation for honorable wares and honorable

    dealings. -

    If you use the Harrison Paints you need

    never worry quality. -

    We trust that you wil' favor us with your

    orders whenever you want good paint for any

    purpos. Have just rtcieved a car load and

    can give you Special Prices.

    Baker & Hart OREENVILK, N. C.

    yjpMs^sasssssasgag Tw.--^a;.-.i'k>i..-:^r..j|fmr .-./are, ssaMassaasssW




    OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: Iron Fencing Sold

    Monday in July, lHofl, for license la retail liquor In Briuieslsnd, N. ii ;i,>r>;i ili NViribU .voiIiiiC.Sii.il. - B.S71 M

    *211,180 63


    .;t|iii.ii Atuek paid in ttMOO-otl

    8ur| in 2."i,iMi0.lM'

    Ci'ihv Ided Profits Is Bzpeoses Paid 7,800.71

    Deposit aabjed to cheek isi.4SJ.t6

    Oiuhier'e rtbaeks out-

    staoding ii, 7 r> 1 .16


    -.uieo North Carotins,) County of Pitt, )'

    I, .lames I,. Little, fashion f tin- abovi-iiuined bank, do solemnly swear that the statement above is true to the beat of mv knowledge tod belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.

    CorrectAttest: Subscribed end sworn to before

    ne, ;lii* 7lb day of .Inn.', 1905 I.C. TYSON.

    Notary Public.

    .1.(1. MOYK. i. A. ANUREW8, li W. KINii,


    Ii Victor Receives THE

    6RHNDPRIZE To the Victor Belongs the Spoils.

    (Special despatch lo the Kiuiuirpi. Si. LOOM, MO., Oct. 21. The Victor Safe A Lock Co., of

    Oincinnati, received, today, the Orand Prize at the World's Fair, foe their exhibit of solid Manganese Steel bank safes and general line of fire and burglar-proof safes and vaults, their megnifloent display taking fint prize over all ooBpeti* tors for modern improvements, construction, workmanship and finish'

    The Safe that has never been Burglarized.

    J. L. SUGG, Agent. GREENVILLE, N. C.


    'OUR AYDEN DEPARTMENT ' J- M. BLOW, Manager and Authorised Agent' I

    -. AYDEN, N. C. , ^ .



    .. . ,

    The Reflector Tn HtHfi.KurtoK Is If 1.;ad By Everybody i" russrh,

    Itrestehesj paciple) whobave mousy >. pay for wlint Uiey wntJ if yon have wgat .hey want adrerSse it untl vuii are sun- get a psart of thesr aiomsy.

    AniEfi, N. 0., tmamn, mor,. As authorized asjasri lor DAII v

    and BssiTKRN HI;FI.I:.-!,.K ,. take great pleasure n. reeedviog Mb scriptioos and willing rseedBta lor those iu arrears. IV,. |,av. |,.. of all who n.-eite i.,.,, ,,,,,11 , thisoffioe. Weais, 1 a,. .,>, for job print ibg.

    When jon need ,, .,._ |jj..,_ tough pole, say for font iHlgg] . , carrisgp. OaU ,, 1IS ,, umka ( selection. Aydem sfttllas A Mr, Oo. Ayden. X. p.

    Ayden Hilling i atfj. (., Alileri. \. C

    If you need anything 111 the ,v Of Crockery, Tin orCreyslnne tjrare oome lo see us, Hart & Jenkins.

    Ai>ut u coaples of peeusji 1 ami ladies left |.r,. \'\ eslaewdi J morning in .najeoa fesrs BsUiog froht-a lew miles out bi theoasltrj The\ repoit rlsh bites, BMSjqultuea galoie, loleaaMy irssn, m.-, time, a crowd on it- return buugry and tired, Imt ,iav ,M ,,,,.,;. aully long hi be rnsUnaslsMed.

    Call ami exauiine onr :i ,, )' high grade bttgjoes. Y ., ,,, |. easily oouvineed of the upenority of material and wesikaiaBaslip.

    Ayden Milling \ U|g , K B. Hail ,V Qo MIII,I., sjj ,|,(.y

    possible ran u pJatM y,u with their new line | heavy nm! Caocy groi-eries

    We ate ffeadquaitece foi Irs* 'class, light oesd II iine-s. Ai ,VI-

    Aydei, Hilling Mfg. Co .AMI,,. N. c.

    Jnsl reeeiv.'d, gm |j,;,, f , .,r ness aud e.in in yoaoplusuays I. orpiiee.

    Ayden .Milling .S; Mr- < ,,

    Surorell & Mcl.al.rn are re. ceivirg dally new gn-onrl t confeiiioiii'riee rlghi ,,, ,i. tories.

    ^suansaetBrebBggisiaeatsi 1 the irade, that are siuitily smoothest sent on Ihe market

    Aydeu Milling ,S: Ufg \.

    K. K. JoliiiMin, aho ha- '.11 here for quite a while in ih> comiuissj,,,, 1 biwkerasje ' 11-1 ness, has ajou< to Kiustotj t . 1. and will em.dun ., aimi ,u DH ,j there. .Mr. Johnson eras lei.t popular willi osjl pi rtp] a..,! all regret t>> pun wl b biui \". hope however iu bia aes i .uu noeeai auty erown his efforts 1

    may his Irieodshipi ..) 11 1 , , nteassineere BBtbose 111 \>.l .,

    Iloaa haviiit; watohei aiul rs ibies iu the poneresinu ofJ. vt'. I'ayler. jeuelei anil ODtieisn, ; , t| lesire 1 In in ami hi- aervic - m he Optical line. Should OOIDC for bean, as he will leave 1..1 Phlla* lelphm allei .June tttk, and will eiiiuiii there perhaps for one uonth. -here he ill take a peeial ionise ii, opiin.

    We have lull line ,,| "Dolly IndUoi." ahoes :.u ladlea. Kvery air guaranteed.

    I. .1. Edwards ,v Co

    Oottoo kiog cultivators, Gopher lows aoa extra blades .-. ..' i:. nttta .,.,! values for II- money In iboea, hats, caps, igi cat pets, mattings, tables 1 1 or oil cloth Oaonou .v Tyson,

    Miss I'.ittii . . ; of Green- HeP ' te .. . 11 vi-.1 ti, hei ..ilii'i. in. 1. . 8kInner.

    '' mn oulill and latesl .with which

    ; ' Sitisfacl guiran- id .' .. Trlppsii iir,,.

    Ii,ral ' I l

    !'' .

    1 I

    111 UI .

    I.U. TrlppA

    full 10 see Cm,inn, ,\

    eon's new oresrimy aatfi ,,!,,, ie , deowated, Prioea

    than li.nnerly . '.on.-to ^ee Ba when y , , ,

    I" I'li.V lnde|H.,lel,t MiMn.-.,,!,,,, .. tobasjBa, sse dost bar.

    gOOde, Han A .lenkiiiH.

    Bar ean Deaehes, appk -, ,,. toiiiatin-. Jte. BttpJ] |u g |.: ,. & On,

    Now we have plenli ,,, , ''" unm resdiae ""' 1'invs i. , ,,,. ltl,^


    CausjoMi r.v-i, are dis|i|

    I ,11.,..

    ": ''' A ..

    ;V"-- : H !: ' ...... . ' "ll"> sitins li... Ma a 1 .,......,

    1 1 ''\ ill). .

    SI'lll'IAt kl.Tlli:. 1 ""''' ' 'make ., , ,|

    ' v ' i.i sail our "-"'' "'b mnl. baggip, al

    ' ! " I : I'n. - Tin- |. 1 ' :";"-- il ,1, - , ,.

    A-(" N ...,,1 .-,, .)llt A -i,.,,, J (

    In- ISM , .j..,,, .,,,,_. (.k of

    i"';' ' ' K-l.,,.!- ,\S ,K'' 'N'" ; I be ,1 ,,

    -b".lee b) .1. II Ti ;. 1A 1;, , * R. K... 1 k ,..,, , Kll

    S'l'i. Bad lenn i.||.

    ihe a. 1 1 ,,1 llm Al,,,.,, M||ll|lJt

    Tin soda li.inia.n s< Sum., || j, .\leLw.,0,'f v|il ,. IM M.iv||(

    '""" '"*''"'! MHlaf" .he sea-,,,,

    ""'",'*,'s : ''H"-: dunk, ,,,1

    '","":"1 "' If llMl w -"".eiiung Bice try these,

    Psaooe ami Btjjaoa al .) 11

    '"''I'* '='-. W..MiII|,e.11'h.ap ^-..sl, ,,,,,, .u|i_ AyUi]_

    Wes l.i.laX,,!.!,,,, , ,.,,. atma upon uhefosHtatr

    11 ' '" ''""'^ and hi. ","l",, '"M .,. ..,,ng. oi '"',:1""'- ""'" verj pleaeaat dller,- to BBC ... ,' , 1

    , *! ; ' ' NVulne. - ' -'- "" 1 ,;,.:, , e""""" Buaus """"" -i '" haiaeViMi prices belowuuheatd l,;,, ;., A> lell on (he train Wedoea. 1 I'lail orelalives over n, uui Pleaeaat seUon. - Harris saye that rlajrleon ami Country palnta and

    '- .ate by far in- beal goode thai he ever used and that ii knocked oui leveraJ other leidiog lirai.ds in a test at Cr.eiivUle las'! summer. Ii.i. j,,,:,,, i, toW ,,v ,,# B.Smith* Bro.

    Orange-, apph., bananai and all fruits kept by Rumrelltt HeLsw horn.

    l-l"i Sparks, 1 Kins!,,,,, haa I'l-eu here this week.

    LadlMnieaea and children black ':'|'ud white slippers all sizes at ' li. Smith gj Bro.

    Old man what makes you always gotoJ.B.8mlthd Bro., to do your trading- because I can tdwaysgel any thing I waul from the l, -.

    ''I;' ' p t Bro, . .. ' '; lea legefoi

    r : or mules rheii unccess.

    ' " ' ho bat been 'i utea while evening, bread

    ell dl Uc l.'IVI i,

    ' " inti the ' ' "'' atJ. Btulth .V


    "-. Vox P'1 . .1 ;

    Smith .....

    ' : ' ' W sold

    " 1 Imenl |-:" i' iij i'.' Bro. kydei -

    Ayden, ,N. C. Xoone bus j el ealleil for th-

    uiubrellslifl in , olliee Sat unlay.

    Mr. and Mrs. Cfoo. B. Craven i and Miss Ua w. Bdwardatsjk in I Ike game of bail al (ireenville vTedaeedaw,

    The Beswibie carriaeja buyer knosrsthal Ihtiejodgaseal oAeo saves m.i.iy d.-ll.is. Me knows1

    that ihere i a prie. below b (-i, a ; g.HHl baggy e.'iiroi 1 Imib 01 sold, j Our bnggie. represet 1 eettelo exelasivcnesi iu style and dura- bility en, offered geoerally kydeu Milling A Mfg Co, Aydeu

    X. '

    Something new in Ayden J. K 1 Smith A Bra., have bought a whole ear load of looking and heating stoves, aud you can get your ehoiee by oouing si once.

    \ ..II ir- number oi people expect 10 m the excursion uexl Wednesday froai hereto Kin-r. n.

    Bay neighbor hare jon -ecu that Simplex feilih/.er ili-t 1 jl.ui..r u| I. R. Smith ,v Bro. Il puts jt out In any quantity you waul and does I 110; waste any al the etuis .,1 row 1 and it la a cheap maehiiie.

    QotoJ. J. IMwai.l-,\ Son foi your spring clothin:,

    Brick -J, A. HI "Ol "us . loess b IL- ,.,, 1. ,|,.., oved b fire.

    The Timir l Act -. New while the properij 1. valuable and "inn N'i cangei ., puiieyaftei "i" l!" - too late. I write ins.ii '" 'ha! insures. !.,! me explain


    Scientifically Constructed. UL TRA, A Shoe for Women.

    II 1 .Mill

    VV. I HOOKS, Agt

    THE ILTKASHOE I .,.,, is made with careful - .;,.,.. to the most minute , . s ami lfc* ' I. . ;,. "U"""'L '' "" II :WO

    -: " on ii;.. 11 sfllini; :.' till' I, -. (It.- I'll

    ' . J. H. Bynum's

    HOG CHOLERA CUj^E. It Hits Never Failed.

    ' ''"' - on doiuand. Porj 7'1'' ; country stores ..ml ''"''- " ' Call for it N't 1 Cure No I',,.

    AVDEN, \. C.

    ASK I OR


    ve yon al . 1 ui' 1 .

    . Iui nit

    It. i , .! V

  • .>UMl MO rmmnmp.mmmm* vwwwma


    Hot Linen FromAI! QuarK rs oftre Dia- mond.

    Arc v..n goit'stoKioston! \,,1 Lnugbinghonse was t ierr. (

    Tap" didn't hit >m ,

    he no csn coming in, Walker and Rowe sore H",k :iuK i)r. King's New Discovery for

    well double. j Consumption, Coughs mid olds

    doa'l lelook tire-!? Kuegy, enegy,

    where sri tbonl UreenviTle has a rootiag bnoch. baoy girl because

    Whoc .aldn't play hall i, anil equally us funny. a victory for th'tn by a score of 6 j is full of Inn from beginning Io It to to lie given in |be opera to 8, and among them aie si,.g"is end. It is the atory of I wo collage bouse, for benefit ol libcrary; a of trained ability, cake walker-, hoys at Oxford n iversity, and ..| good cause, a good play, so whv soloists, comedions, aud lirstclas- thei- funuy expenmces. can't vou got clcgdaucers. Tbe cast of character* is us j -

    Quite a number of the white follows: THE STORM. people went to thei-lent for the; Slepheu Spctiigue, solicitor at __. r, T~u, , ._. . . . _ - , . . ,, Much Damage Done by Wind and P,ain. show, among them was a machinist uxfotil, Jack Garden. a lobacco man, and one hardware 1 Colonel Sir Francis Cbesuey, man, all well known aud promt' \ State Indian Service, Frank uent iu tbe life of the town, and '. Wooten. with this trio were people in great Jack fnistuey, under graduate, Duuineis, forming a swell uiulli-1Stuait Carr. tude. They were s leut with (.'barley Wychor,, St. Oide Col* expectancy, and impatiently cage, lege, Fied btoraadny.

    Lord Fai.cunt Kobbcdy,Oxford, Tom Moore.

    Bros-elt, Colle . Scout, John H .roe.

    for the performance, when sudden- j ly the dusty atmosphere of thei Heavens was knocked to restlew ' atoms by tremendous claps of, thuuder, the darkness of 11.> Plghl j was made lurid with the light-1 from ning's ti sab, asd almost Immediate.' ly the windows of Heaven opened tOetnselves and waier, water in great torrents began to fall. Tbe sheltaiiug tent of the Rabbit'- Foot lifted it-eil, ..t-d tne assem- bled spectators found themselves. drenched by thedrippings of the clouds.

    But buck to our tr o. The machinist began hi- exit from ib. il! gi\, ..

    t ir looms in

    i . -, Ml ses gue, in oni. i

    in lej '- an I, u-y > .,,,

    uiumenl i.ui-

    t: ! wo j in .

    -i i>., c il.-...-

    i, n ii n .

    i tin- bole t -

    d .. I'bej ...

    y i hum they

    ii icing his |,uit

    oe In ibe loll,, i-

    ing night. H.spirl is that of a

    woman, ami i,e is iln-.etl In

    nomau's costume. He agrees In

    become Dooua Lucia, aud chap-

    erone the girls.

    In the meantime Jack's father,!

    Sii Fiancis Chestuey, pays bin sou'

    a visit. He is up against it tinau- ;

    dally, and decides to piopisa lie

    Donna Lucia for the nake of her

    High." W bile they aie g-ltier-

    ed there Spettigue, the guardian ol

    ! the girls comes in a towering rage

    ; to take them away, but decides to i

    slay for lunch, so he too can meet I

    Charley's annt.

    The scene of tbe second act is tbe garden.

    Old Bobb. taking advantage of

    his posit ion acts entnely too affec-

    tionately toward tbe two girls to

    suit Jack and Chailey, but he has

    The storm of Saturday night waa

    a fierce one. and wa- accompanied

    by severe ligbtniiig and thunder.

    The gardens in town suffered

    not a little; everything lh.it WHS lug enough was blow down, a ires t

    many tiee- were broken and hloa n

    I about the streets, nod for a short

    time the streetl and bouse*, were

    in loiol darkness, Ihe lightning

    I nad burned the wires m several

    j places all i Clllsci the belt on Ihe

    PUglne lit the n .lit!-, g|i; .

    ii,. HKI idea tin- smoke stack

    I tbe lie, 8. Pritcbard (',,, dowi A trp- in 'apt. O. A. While'*

    ard Was blown dowu on his well honse and demolished.

    The I'.ipiist church Buffered

    . some damage from water by Ih,

    outter wall Ibal protected tin

    i-ucani spare around tbe haseuiem giring awey.

    The streets in mau\ places were

    'idly cut and washed,

    Crops in ihe vicinity were badly

    beaten down nnd.aaiunged.

    Toe ralnlall reached in mi. :; 1 Inches.

    Colored Couple Came Prem Swirt Creel

    te be Joined.

    ID tbe early afternoon s oolored

    couple drove into town that at-

    tracted some at ten tint, ss tbey

    pasted tbrough tbe street. The

    man was (likedont to hie Sunday

    beat, while the douse! by bis sice

    was robed ip white tbrougbont, in

    striking contrast with her complex,

    ion. They did not take np until

    the court bouse wss reaohtd where

    they I e'h alighted :rd weut in.

    Inquiry for the nfflre oftbe register

    of deed* diseioe Bought who could (In tbe

    joining. A messenger went nfler

    kev. J. A. Hornaday wbo came

    loan and united Ihe couple la his

    u-iui go id -tyle, a number of peo-

    ple having gathered in the mean- time to . .:,,. -- i he ceremony. The

    duple " ere Cornelius Kittrell asd

    Maitha Gardner, of Swift Greek

    township. There was every Indi-

    cation r.f happiaics la Ibeir faces

    asil.fy left the cmrt house and

    went out to take in the town dp. fine letiirntog home,


    Baptist church Suuday afternoon. |the "UP8" on lnem> aD(1 ,he>' have

    H. B. Tiipp and Misses Ethel It0 PUv luUID- While they are iu

    falling offa boat between Pactolus!Lincolui Fa""ie Bagwell, Mary ,ne B*rAea the trne P"nrL"oia: Philathto's proved charming

    and Grimesland Friday night, waa ^V "P "' Kasio Whicharrt PP~" "J calls herself Mrs. ,ertillners imlt,eJ * 7 . _ . .. ,,., fdiitllh With ._. >ka I.(news* I. 11..

    found about 5 o'clock Saturday,look !rt m tbe program. The afternoon. attendance is increasing.

    In Honor ot Two Other Classes.

    I'o Pui 1 , hey allowed ibennelvei hi miss a most delightful occasion.

    The balldiug was beautiful with electric light- Mini II men and all'oiiled a charming place for such a gathering, Miss Henola Bags- dale was asaliled by Miss Pinole Bagwell in receiving Ihe guests at the door and all were most cor- dially welcomed.

    The evening was devoted to popular games and music, and merriment and pleasuie reigned supreme.

    Refreshments consisting f creams anil cakes were served ia the liiiii,l-.,iiiH dining room, aud after all bad purtakeu sumptuous- ly games and music were resumed and oontiuued until ths hour of bidding good night came. The


    Don't Wash Vour Dog.

    Iu the C'ou"try Calandar lr July, Reginald V. Msybew write-:

    "Even careful feeding, however, will not. give a dog's emit Ih il glow which is Hiicb a sure sign of he ,1th if In. is coutiuually washed with soap ami water. Owners who allow their d ea lo iivp in a bouse are forever washing the wielched animal, nn.l forever cotupl tin that I: s n,,^t j- coming out. Thenftener the .log is wsabed nod scrubbed the more will his coat leave its trail, aud tiie deader and duller will it lo.,':. The health and growth of a dog's cat depends en- tirely oi. a natural oil from ihe skin. A- ..It, II as a dog is w..shi d

    so otii-n i- t he oil washed oof, ai d so much nora la tbe deatructiou of the coat.

    I'a dog weie brushed every day lor live or leu niiuu!ee,BguinSt as well ai with ihe grain, bis coat

    would ii"l limy have a luster, hut I would cease to distribute itself all uver tbe place, except for a very Short tlroe once or twice n year. I'.e-iiles this, brushing has a slim- lllatlng effect on the whole sysiem, helps th .loo