special update august 7, 2021

Special Update Sat. 7 Aug. 2021 Source: Dinar Chronicles “Time to Strike Back”…Q God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video Judy Note: Tier 4B could be waiting for an Event to happen in order to set appointments. There was a major Disclosure Event scheduled for Tues. 10 Aug with Mike Lindell’s symposium where there would be a release of evidence of 2020 Election Fraud, along with an Arizona Audit reveal of the state’s 2020 Election Fraud, coupled with the test of the Emergency Broadcast System the next day on Wed. 11 Aug. – which was the same day Biden was to announce a national lockdown. On Fri. 6 Aug. Iraq announced implementation of the White Papers Economic Reform including the new Dinar Rate in meetings of the GOI, CBI & IMF; all active RV Team members were in

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Special Update Sat. 7 Aug. 2021

Source: Dinar Chronicles

“Time to Strike Back”…Q

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note:

Tier 4B could be waiting for an Event to happen in order to set appointments. There was a major Disclosure Event scheduled for Tues. 10 Aug with Mike Lindell’s symposium where there would be a release of evidence of 2020 Election Fraud, along with an Arizona Audit reveal of the state’s 2020 Election Fraud, coupled with the test of the Emergency Broadcast System the next day on Wed. 11 Aug. – which was the same day Biden was to announce a national lockdown.

On Fri. 6 Aug. Iraq announced implementation of the White Papers Economic Reform including the new Dinar Rate in meetings of the GOI, CBI & IMF; all active RV Team members were in

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Florida getting ready for a go signal, no one was allowed to leave the room and later that day the Team gave orders to move forward; the new currency rates locked down on the back of bank screens and Bond Holders sitting at bank Redemption Centers were told their liquidity would happen overnight Fri. 6 Aug. to Sat. 7 Aug.

According to Fleming’s Military Intel Contact, the Department of Defense and US Treasury have been on a daily basis, methodically releasing the global payouts from upper to lower levels in what they called “a controlled operation payout release”; the Military reported that now the RV could no longer be reversed and the Chinese Elders were pressing the Department of Defense to launch everything no later than by Sun. 8 Aug.

Also on Fri. 6 Aug. a High Up Source said that this was the first time both the Temple Control Center in Texas and the new US Treasury in Reno had reported that they were confident that the GCR was finally going to happen; that there was a different system that both Temple and Reno had to go through in order to process

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payouts and that those payments would be released on Mon. 9 Aug.

Emails with the Secured Website and 800#s to set appointments would be sent out according to time zones, going East to West across the globe.

See below protocols for bond redemption and foreign currency exchange.

Restored Republic, Be Prepared:

Friends of the Original Constitution’s video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People’s $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever!

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https://www.brighteon.com/7af54f8a-d3d1-433c-aa17-8bea61e2f619 https://friendsoftheoriginalconstitution.org

You are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. We were promised the new Starlink Internet System about the same time that Tier 4B would receive notification and the General Public could begin exchanging – all of which would be accompanied by implementation of NESARA/GESARA.






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A. The Real News for Sat. 7 Aug. 2021:

Biden to announce national lockdown on Wed. 11 Aug.


From Q:

In 2016 the U.S. Military Intel knew that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had already created a plan to steal the 2020 Election and that several leaders in the Democratic and Republican parties were going to steal the election. They would use the Mainstream Media, three letter agencies and Social Media Tech Giants to help facilitate a foreign operation to capture all three branches of the United States Government (Judicial, legislative and the Executive).

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A PLAN was put in place by the U.S. Military. The Devolution PLAN is a confirmed process being preserved by the U.S. military to secretly maintain and save President Donald Trump’s Administration.

Inside the workings of the PLAN, Trump and General Flynn gave power to Ezra Cohen Watnick, a very interesting person with the highest civilian clearance inside Military Operations and Intelligence networks. Ezra Watnick was also given highest power of giving out declassified information.

The Devolution PLAN involved secret operations of replacing politicians, senior key officials, high ranking Generals, Admirals and officers. A large operation took place to ensure the 2020 election was given to Biden, who was forced into the position and was now playing his part in a World Military Sting Operation.

In early 2020 the Military took full control when the CCP released the Bio-weapon Virus COVID-19 SARS. This point was a confirmed marker of the CCP in coherence with Obama Admin./Vatican/ROTHSCHILDs ect. and takeover of the United States of America.

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In that moment the Military, which was sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States, enacted the first stages of the Devolution PLAN: securing and insulting the Presidential Powers of the Chief and Commander of The United States, Donald J. Trump.

The PLAN was set in motion to monitor all foreign and domestic companies (Tech, Medical, resources, trades, Banking) personnel, high elite political figures and all entities (CIA, FBI, etc.) who conspired in the CCP foreign operation.

You are currently in the Re-Constitutional phase of the Devolution PLAN and the coming end. KEEP Strong PATRIOTS. Everything has meaning. You are watching the final parts of the movie. The MILITARY is the only way.

The Event:

It’s Going to be Biblical:


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There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it’s WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us them. Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible.

Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel

Israel/Khazarians controls CCP. The Media etc

34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW


Planes & Trains grounded

Lights/Power switched off Changing over to Tesla Free energy Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good.

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99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals. WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens Water Event Stock Market Crash Global Martial Law CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange. Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via Military Courts – FISA Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie – 3 × 8 hr sessions. 10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World. Reveals. Inauguration The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD’s MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.

Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach.

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Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.

Israeli intelligence – stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001]

Media assets will be removed.

This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems.

This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.

If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV’s & RADIO’s in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA. THE EVENT has many facets too it. The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites,

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QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.

34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant.

Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.

This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show.

Swapping from Rothschild’s Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)

Are we still comfy? Or are we scared? A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the storm.

Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off

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all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla. BLACKOUT NECESSARY.

Have a look at all the Global Military “Exercises” now being put in place. Its all happening in front of you. It’s the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History. Transition to Gesara/Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.

Greece: Evacuations are underway in Greece as deadly wildfires reach people’s homes. Countries that sent aid to Greece: United States:1France: 82, 2 Cyprus: 40, 2 Croatia: 1 Ukraine: 100, Israel: 16, Sweden: 2 Romania: 112, 23, Switzerland: 3 Poland: 143, 5 6, Egypt: 3. The Greeks are furious on Germany and the European Union for not even offering aid.

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Afghanistan: U.S. Embassy Kabul. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to leave Afghanistan immediately using available commercial flight options. US sends in B-52 bombers and Spectre gunships to bombard the Taliban in a desperate bid to stop advance on three key cities in Afghanistan. The Cold War era B-52s have been deployed to Qatar to attack Taliban targets across Afghanistan.


Bulgaria: Houses, schools and forests are currently burning in Bulgaria, complete media silence on this.

Japan: Typhoon Mirinae heads for eastern Japan, may bring heavy rainfall through Aug. 8. TOKYO — Typhoon Mirinae, located south of Japan and moving northeast on the morning of Aug. 7. Two tropical storms could impact Tokyo in coming days. Three tropical storms take shape near Japan | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News, The Washington Post

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China: Chongqing. You mentioned once that it will begin from there. Yangtze river upstream Chongqing and Chongqing area will receive heavy showers the next days. Especially on 10&11th the hardest days. 10th of August IS ON TUESDAY! Drop 1067 0- Chongqing, Tuesday. Check weather forecast video.

Obama: Pretty amusing there’s two boats at Martha’s Vineyard, one called [Patience] & the other [All In Good Time] in close proximity….with Obama about to kick off his birthday bash….IJS


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Biden is being criticized for comments about the constitutionality of the moratorium on evictions after he violated the deadline set by the Supreme Court on July 31. Biden conceded to progressive supporters who asked him to extend the moratorium after Congress did not pass a law on the extension. The comments immediately received a response, with Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) saying that Congress should “demand answers” and think about impeachment.

Barack Obama, as reported, “sharply reduced” plans for the celebration of the 60th anniversary at his estate Martha’s Vineyard after accusations that the event could contribute to the” super-spread ” of Covid-19. Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg were supposed to attend the evening. But it seems that all this was a lie. On Friday, photos of tents installed on the territory of the residence were published. John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, John F. Kerry, Jay-Z, Beyonce, George Clooney, Dwyane Wade, Kathleen Biden, Stephen Colbert, Don Cheadle are seen at the “Martha’s Vineyard” before Saturday’s gala concert.

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The family of Ashley Babbitt announced that they filed a lawsuit against the Capitol police for $ 10 million for the fact that their daughter was shot without warning.

Arizona Senate Leader Sonny Borelli presented a schedule of audit subpoenas, predicting that the state Attorney General will soon hit Maricopa County election officials.

The Biden administration is considering the possibility of depriving institutions of funds to increase the number of vaccinations.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers launches a petition to cancel certification in the 2020 election.

British researchers: cholesterol medication reduces the probability of infection with Covid-19 by 70%

United Airlines will require employees in the United States to undergo a full vaccination before October 25.

Yesterday, Biden was asked a question about his confrontation with Florida Governor

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DeSantis. In response, Bidon asked again: “The governor? Which governor?”.

De Santis replied later at the performance: “I’m not surprised that he doesn’t remember me. What else has he forgotten?”

Joe Biden falsely claims twice in a row at his next speech that 350 million Americans are fully vaccinated.

Representative of the state of Wisconsin Janel Brandtjen issues subpoenas for the audit of votes in the state to two districts. 35-year-old Tony Navarette (photo), a “rising star” in the Arizona Democratic Party, was arrested on Thursday evening and charged with a felony described as”intentionally engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sex with a minor.” Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has allowed private schools to opt out of the COVID mandate.

The US Central Command has concluded that the drone that shot down the tanker off the coast of Oman was produced by Iran.

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Infection with the rare Marburg virus, which causes a severe disease-hemorrhagic fever, was first detected in Guinea.

Twitter Twitter temporarily restricts the account of Donald Trump’s chief press secretary Liz Harrington.

Former Trump Deputy for Security Affairs Matthew Pottinger: “The secret data stolen by Beijing is enough to create a dossier on every American adult and on many of our children. And this is a fair game according to the rules of Beijing’s political war.”

The families of the victims of September 11 appealed to Biden in connection with his refusal to release documents on September 11: “Do not come to our memorial events.”

B. International Child Sex Trafficking:

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has paid at least $ 2.7 million to cover a lawsuit against the University of Pittsburgh, which used a tissue bank with organs from aborted fetuses. The project is known as GUDMAP (The Molecular Anatomy of

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the Genitourinary Organs Project). Back in 2015, the University of Pittsburgh told HHS that it ” has been collecting fetal tissues for more than 10 years, including liver, heart, legs, brain, genitourinary system tissues, including kidneys, ureters and bladder.” An experiment to transplant fetal scalps with “full-thickness human skin” on mice was discussed at a meeting earlier this year in the Pennsylvania State House. The tissues for this experiment were taken from the university’s human tissue bank. Grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by lead Corona virus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, were also used to fund the study. We are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars.

C. COVID Hoax:

Fire Fauci Act Explained in Detail: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gbLXJxJg3r0o/

This is Nuts, Moderna and Pfizer Intentionally Lost the Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Vaccine Efficacy and Safety:


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Vaccine: Devastating New Data From PHE Shows Vaccine Effectiveness Down to 17% and No Reduction in Infectiousness – But Mortality Cut by 77% – The Daily Sceptic. PHE’s latest technical briefing on the variants of concern has some key data on the performance of the vaccines. The Daily Sceptic


Children’s face masks cause cancer. This is even mentioned in the product description. In July, Dr. Tony Fauci joined his sycophants on MSNBC to talk about vaccinating children and forcing toddlers to wear masks. Fauci argued that children over the age of two should follow the recommendations of the CDC, and that unvaccinated children over the age of two should wear masks. A recent study conducted in the UK showed that 99.995% of children recover from the Corona virus. Every year, more children die in car accidents and drowning

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than from Covid-19. But the globalists want children to wear masks, despite the fact that they cause them health problems.

The inscription on the box with children’s masks: “WARNING: This product contains chemicals that are known to cause cancer: birth defects or other reproductive disorders.”


D. Protocols for Tier 4B Exchanges/ Redemption:

Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo would be sending email notifications with the Safe Link website, plus the Safe Link Website would be published on various Dinar websites. You could give this link out to others to use for their redemption/ exchange, but the 800 number could only be used once.

Have for your redemption/ exchange two picture IDs, two bills showing your address, your exchange money organized lower to higher amounts and a 1-5 page summary (include your bio and a paragraph on each of your

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humanitarian projects) of your Humanitarian Project if you have one. If you don’t have one you could bring a list of humanitarian projects you would like to support and/or review the list of global humanitarian projects you would like to support.

Go into the Safe Link Website and answer questions that would prove to the Department of Defense that you were you.

Once satisfied that you weren’t an imposter, you would be let into your personal banking account with the new Quantum Financial System.

Your account would show what currencies and bonds they have record of you buying, the default rate on those currencies and bonds and your account balance.

If there were any missing currencies in your account, or if you gifted or received gifted currencies, you would need an appointment at a Redemption Center to straighten it out.

If you agreed with your account balance and wanted to do your exchange at home without

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an appointment at a Redemption Center, you could do your exchange with all of the phone support you could possibly require.

If you wanted to do your exchange at home you could request that your debit card that was connected to your QFS money account be sent to you via FedEx in 24 hours.

Doing your exchange at home would likely mean you would accept the Default or International Rate (but this has not been verified). The new rates have been locked in and were said to be extremely high.

If you didn’t agree with your account balance and/or if you had Zim, there would be a number given to you to call for an appointment at a Redemption Center. You could only use this number one time.

If you chose to have an appointment, you would obtain your card at your appointment. When you received your Card you would have access to all monies in your personal Quantum Bank Account.

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You would receive a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign at the same time you received your Card.

Those who had Zim and a Humanitarian Project would need to have an appointment at a Redemption Center, where you would hook up with a Wealth Manager. That Manager would coordinate your Humanitarian Project with a Humanitarian committee handling projects across the globe.

At your appointment you would fill out a form. They will take your currency, count it, give you rates, a receipt, a trust account, a bank account and your Card.

Most Zim would be paid out in a long term payout. If you had a large amount of currency it would be paid out in a long term payout. If you wanted a guaranteed income for you and your family for the rest of your life you would want to take that long term payout. That long term payout included interest paid you on the money left at the bank during the long term payout. You would chose the length of long term payout.

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The better prepared you are with projects and the longer the long term payout period, the better interest rate you could get on your Zim. Your Zim rate would be determined by your Humanitarian Project and how you were able to carry it out. Those without a Humanitarian Project would be offered a Default Rate. 80% of your Zim redemption goes into International Projects and 20% would be for personal use including your Humanitarian Project.

All first Redemption/ Exchange Center meetings encompass the first project discussion, if you choose, but everything will take about 20 minutes for this first meeting. You will have project discussion at a second meeting. The higher Contract Rate on the Zim could be, but did not have to be, negotiated at a second appointment with an assigned Wealth Manager.

Once Tier 4 B completes in about 10 days, you’ll have full access to all of your money. Tier 4 B and Tier 5 the General Public were going in together. The only difference between the two groups was that you’re going to a Redemption Center, while Tier 5 was going to a bank teller window.

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If someone shows up in a bank with millions of dollars of VND, etc., they’re would be sent to a Redemption Center.

There’s going to be a bank fee, but this can be negotiated away. As far as the rates go, the bank fee is not determined on what your currency rate is, it’s over all currencies you exchange. We had heard that it was 0.25% but you can negotiate it away.

If you were in a partnership and bought currencies together you have two options: Go together, share the meeting, sign NDA’s for each other. Or, split your currency as you agreed and go separately for the appointment. Then, make sure you have a copy of the receipt for future needs, should it be required.

This was not a taxable event.

You can take family members into the Redemption Center. You can sit with them, and you can interpret.

If you accompany your friends or family, you’ll have to sign an NDA for them. You can share

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everything before you go in. Then you go in and sign your NDA AND BE QUIET.

Everything goes into the Quantum System, whether D1, 2 or 3. D1 is GOVERNMENT and some parts of MILITARY. Debts were owed to China. US made promises, borrowed money from D1 to allow US to access this money. Result was China required US to pay down this debt. This is now being paid down. The Chinese mainly have control over D1 and D2, but the debt is being paid down now and because of this Tier 4 can go in and exchange.

Gifting Currency was still possible. No Gift Letter was required and no tax would be collected. The Gift Letter would be required if the bills were found to have been reported. It was always best to have a Gift Letter.

If you did not have a Humanitarian Project, you could choose to support projects that were provided by the United Nations. Doing so would also give you a higher rate.

There has to be an announcement of USN somehow. But, even if USN isn’t announced and

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NESARA is, this will still take place. The DEBT PAYOFF is evidence that NESARA is beginning. They can partner you up with other people on your humanitarian project so that you share the cost. It’s not going to be you alone.

There would be a 3 day rescission period where you could ask for different rates and terms.

In the first 90 days you will receive 20% of your 20% Zim redemption.

1% will be on Card at your redemption appointment, 99% would be put under a Trust Company.

We have 90 days to change to another Trust Company.

UBI cards would be issued to citizens of all GESARA countries with amounts dependent on people’s needs.