spelling homework booklet t1

Spelling – Week Two Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check. Spelling – Week 1 List Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four his mine until while without which who’s whose whom whomever there they’re their cent centimetre centigrade centipede centennial natural built heritage features landscape protected significant Sentences Write 5 sentences using your spelling words.

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Post on 17-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Spelling Homework Booklet T1

Spelling – Week Two

Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week 1List

Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four


SentencesWrite 5 sentences using your spelling words.

Phonological Study – How words SOUND

Page 2: Spelling Homework Booklet T1

Unscramble the following words:

enim ____________ eliwh _____________

ihs _____________ tilnu _____________

Dictionary Meanings

1. whose:

2. significant:

3. whomever:

4. heritage:

5. features:

Etymological Study – Where words COME FROM

1) Find out the origin of the word – cent

2) What does cent mean?

Write your own meaning for:




3) How many other cent words can you think of?

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Morphemic Study

Words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings are called homophones.

Complete the sentences by inserting there, their or they’re.

I wish that ____________ dog would stop barking at all hours of the night.

Michael didn’t want to buy his fruit and vegetables from the supermarket over ___________.

____________ are going to be happy when they return from holidays and see that their backyard has been landscaped.


A noun is a person, place or thing. There are either proper or common nouns. Common nouns do not need to begin with a capital letter. A proper noun is a name given to a specific person, place, or thing. Proper nouns begin with capital letters.

Circle the nouns and indicate whether they are proper or common by writing a p or c above the word.

1. Her smile became a frown as she noticed the tiny insects crawling out of her sandwich.

2. Happiness is a feeling that is hard to describe.

3. The cat and the dog played nicely together. 4. John, Sarah and Laura decided to share the pizza together.

Challenge: How many words can you find in landscape?e.g an

Spelling – Week Three

Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four

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Noun RevisionIdentify whether these nouns are proper or common.

Sydney = horse = Mark = house = children =

Phonological Study – How words SOUND

Write sentences using the following words. also instead unless still yet

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Word Meanings

Find words in your list that mean:

A picture: Not behind

Completely ruined Belongs to you

Not moving Endangered

SignatureAs well

Etymological Study – Where words COME FROM

Find out the origin and the definition of the word – graph

How many more graph words can you think of?

Find – A- Word

d o m u t sn i agadn l hc a y r gy i e r ' uoyppd i e vdaam t s t f ahae e f t eau l pvo r p t rn v n i s sn p sogayoge r r e t nemno r i vnet y u h r n i y t ga t en la r r ooee o o r pgaaee v e r y t h i nghv i n tr a d depd w c t nh t a th e n nd r o v y s t i l l yt w O r ad i o g r aphy os a Wceen o y r eves uo e N r h r i t hy i vd i rt r L save e cun l es s

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also cardiograph instead important unless wonder yet scientific still analysis everything threatened everyone destroyed everywhere environment against your aheadyours you're autograph telegraph photograph radiograph

Spelling – Week Four

Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week 4

Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four

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A verb is a word which describes the action in a sentence. For example: Dracula bites his next victim. Bites is the verb as it tells you what Dracula is doing.

Circle the verbs in these sentences.

The monkey was swinging from tree to tree until he was pushed off by another monkey. Lucy and James danced very professionally at their rehearsal and were expected to

perform even better at the concert. The clown at Luna Park was juggling and demonstrating his acrobatic skills in the Big Top.

Description Writing

Carefully look at the tiger and use your imagination to write a short description. Make sure you proofread your work and correct punctuation and spelling if necessary.

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Add plurals to these words:






Explain the rule that you apply when you change discovery to a plural.

Alphabetical Order

Arrange all the list words in alphabetical order.

Spelling – Week Five

Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week 5


Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four


Page 9: Spelling Homework Booklet T1


What is an apostrophe and when do I use it? Apostrophes show you that some letters have been taken out of a word to shorten it.

Do not becomes don't.I will becomes I'll.Could have becomes could've.The apostrophe goes where the letters have been removed.

Apostrophes show you that something belongs to something else. To show belonging you add 's The cat's tail - says that the tail belongs to the cat.The car's lights - says that the lights belong to the car.Tony's hair - says that the hair belongs to Tony.

Write 5 sentences to prove that you understand how apostrophes are used.

For example: The dog’s bark could be heard all across Sydney.

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Morphemic Study – How words CHANGE

graph graphs graphing graphed




Etymological Study – Where words COME FROM

Find out the origin and the definition of the word – dec

How many more dec words can you think of?


Circle the six spelling errors and rewrite carefully.

1. I don’t know wether we should put that data into eether a column or line graf.

2. In the futcha, I hope I will be able to have more lesure time and have a lifestile of relaxation.


_____________________ ________________________ ________________________

_____________________ ________________________ ________________________


Make as many words as you can from the letters in the puzzle. You MUST use the middle letter, A, in every word you make. Each letter can only be used once in each word.

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Write a paragraph using as many of your spelling words as possible.

Spelling – Week 6Spelling – Week 6


Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four


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Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

QuestionsWrite 5 questions using your spelling words.

Unscramble these words

tamilce snawre

itatbah shiinf

tca netrec

What Am I?

Select five of your spelling words and write 5 What Am I’s for one of your classmates to guess.

Cloze Passage

Select the correct word from your spelling list and insert it into the sentence.

Page 13: Spelling Homework Booklet T1

1. The ________________ and _______________ was abundant all across Australia even though

the ________________ was quite hot and dry.

2. At my school, our ______________ makes us write a _____________ a day and check all our

words using a _________________.

3. The ________________ involved giving an _______________ to a question and to make it to

the _____________ you needed to get five answers in a row correct.

Create your own find-a-word using your spelling words.


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Spelling – Week SevenPlease practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week 7


Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four



Adverbs are words that tell us more about verbs....they add information to the verb.(A verb is a 'doing' word or a 'being' word, e.g. 'walk', 'feel')

Page 15: Spelling Homework Booklet T1

Using adverbs makes your sentences more interesting.

Any verb you use can have an adverb added.

The girl smiled nervously.The boy grinned sheepishly.The light shone feebly.

Complete the following sentences by incorporating adverbs.

1. The boy ate his lunch ________________.

2. The violinist played her instrument ____________________ in the orchestra.

3. The elephant sat down ___________________ in the circus ring.

4. He ______________ put gloves on before he conducted the dangerous experiment.

5. The temperature fell ____________ and it was still extremely hot.

Acrostic Poem

Select one of your spelling words and create an acrostic poem.

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Circle the spelling errors and check punctuation. Rewrite the sentences.

tomorrow we should go out into the wildaness and do the experament that will involve finding the temprature of the water

Sarah Billy Luke and clare we stuck in a dificult situation as that all had left their lutch in the commutity room and couldn’t find the prson to open the door.

Alphabetical OrderArrange all the spelling words in alphabetical order.

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Spelling – Week Eight

Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week 8


Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four


How many smaller words can you find in ecological?

Page 18: Spelling Homework Booklet T1

Newspaper Search

Find 4 of your spelling words in a newspaper or magazine and paste in below.


Write 10 entertaining sentences using your spelling words.

Draw an octopus on top of an octagon with a dozen similar species surrounding it.

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Dictionary Meanings

Use your dictionary to find definitions for the theme words.








Spelling – Week Nine

Please practise your spelling words each day. Remember to look, cover, write and check.

Spelling – Week 9


Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four

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Write four sentences using the words man, men, woman and women.

When to use commas

We use commas in two main ways:

1. Commas separate the items in a list. Sometimes these items are real things.E.g. I need some pens, pencils, paper and a calculator before I start my class. I must buy some eggs, milk, sugar and tea.

Sometimes these items are things you do, or places you go.E.g. Yesterday I went to work, played badminton, went to the pub and then went to bed. I'm going to spend my holiday walking on the beach, sleeping in the sun and reading my

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BEWARE!Always make sure you use and to separate the last two items in your list.Make sure that you don't use a comma before the word and at the end of your list.

Don't use commas where you should use a full-stop. If the words could stand alone as a proper sentence then you need to put a full-stop or a joining word ('and', 'but' etc) in and not a comma.'Yesterday I went to work, I walked the dog, I went shopping and I washed the car.' This doesn't work as these could all stand alone as proper short sentences. If you want to write them as a list (for example, to show you were in a hurry, or that you had a lot to do) take out the 'I'.'Yesterday I went to work, walked the dog, went shopping and washed the car.'

2. Commas mark out the less important part of a sentence. This is a useful way to make your sentences more interesting by adding extra information.E.g. The car, which was parked by the light, had a dog in the back seat. This sentence is about the car and the dog, it's not about where the car was parked.

Tony, his mum's favourite, was given chocolate cake for tea. This sentence is about Tony eating chocolate cake. We don't need 'his mum's favourite' for the sentence to make sense, it's extra information.

Rajinda, the youngest in the family, is about to get married. This sentence is about Rajinda getting married, it's not about her position in the family.

HOW CAN I CHECK?A quick way to check this second use of commas is to see if the sentence makes sense without the words between the commas.The first sentence -'The car, which was parked by the light, had a dog in the back seat.' would become 'The car ____ had a dog in the back seat.' This sentence makes sense so the commas are in the right places.


Write a narrative about making an amazing new discovery. You have just found a strange, unique creature while scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Don’t forget to include an orientation, complication and resolution. Please use commas to make your writing detailed and sophisticated. Remember to check your work!


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