spf web portal

SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide Version 2009 R3 SP2 July 2009 / November 2010 DSPF1-PE-200004K-Updated

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SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

Version 2009 R3 SP2

July 2009 / November 2010


Page 2: Spf Web Portal

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SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide 3

Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

SmartPlant Foundation Product Documentation .................................................................................... 5 Documentation Comments ..................................................................................................................... 9

What's New in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal ................................................................................ 10

Using the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal........................................................................................ 15

Customizing the Web Portal ................................................................................................................. 16 Samples ................................................................................................................................................ 18

Exploring the Web Portal Interface .......................................................................................................... 21

Specify an Effective Date and Time for Viewing Data .......................................................................... 25 Setting Web Portal Preferences ............................................................................................................ 26 Setting the Active Scope ....................................................................................................................... 28

Set the Active Scope by Query ...................................................................................................... 29 Set the Active Scope by Roles ....................................................................................................... 30

Searching for Objects ............................................................................................................................... 33

Search for items with a particular name ............................................................................................... 40 Search properties and content of an object .......................................................................................... 40 Run a saved query from the Discover web part .................................................................................... 40

Using the List View .................................................................................................................................... 43

Sort a list ............................................................................................................................................... 44 Print the complete contents of a search ............................................................................................... 44 Print only what displays on your monitor in the List web part ............................................................... 44 Create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing your search results ................................................. 45

Using the Discover View ........................................................................................................................... 47

Clear the Search Results tree ............................................................................................................... 48 View a text description in the tree ......................................................................................................... 49

Viewing Drawings and Graphics .............................................................................................................. 51

View a design document ....................................................................................................................... 53 View a drawing ...................................................................................................................................... 53 View an object in a drawing .................................................................................................................. 53 Using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control .............................................................................. 54

3D Navigation Controls................................................................................................................... 54 3D Navigation Tips ......................................................................................................................... 63 Graphics Card Information ............................................................................................................. 65 Troubleshoot 3D Navigation ........................................................................................................... 65

Reviewing Information .............................................................................................................................. 75

View relationships for a selected item .................................................................................................. 85

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4 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

View properties for a selected item ....................................................................................................... 85 View the history for a selected item ...................................................................................................... 85 Store objects for viewing later ............................................................................................................... 85 View properties of a shared object ....................................................................................................... 86 View related items for a selected item .................................................................................................. 86 View a summary view of a published object ......................................................................................... 89

To Do List ................................................................................................................................................... 91

Claim a workflow step ........................................................................................................................... 92 View step details ................................................................................................................................... 93 View history of a step ............................................................................................................................ 94 Sign off a step ....................................................................................................................................... 96 Reassign a step .................................................................................................................................... 97 Update a step description ..................................................................................................................... 98 Update a step duration .......................................................................................................................... 98 View workflow details report ................................................................................................................. 99 View workflow history ............................................................................................................................ 99 View a workflow .................................................................................................................................. 100

Applications and Tasks .......................................................................................................................... 105

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 107

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 127

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SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide 5

This document is a user's guide for the SmartPlant® Foundation Web Portal and provides conceptual information and procedural instructions for a standard SmartPlant Foundation installation. The content is the same as the online Help delivered as part of the software.

Depending on the model you have loaded, and the customization for that model, you may or may not see all the commands and functionality documented here. Intergraph gives you permission to print as many copies of this document as you need for non-commercial use at your company. You cannot print this document for resale or redistribution outside your company.

SmartPlant Foundation Product Documentation SmartPlant Foundation documentation is available as Help and as Adobe® PDF files. To view printable guides for SmartPlant Foundation, click Help > Printable Guides in the software. Intergraph gives its customers permission to print as many copies of the delivered PDF files as they need for their non-commercial use. Do not print the PDF files for resale or redistribution.

Installation and Overviews SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin - Provides information on new SmartPlant Foundation and integration features for the current release.

SmartPlant Enterprise Overview - Provides an overview of SmartPlant Enterprise and integration concepts and data exchange among integrated SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools.

SmartPlant Enterprise Data Exchange Diagrams - Includes full-size graphics that describe the exchange of data among SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools. These graphics are also included in the SmartPlant Enterprise Overview.

SmartPlant Enterprise Integration Example Guide - Provides an overview of integrating SmartPlant Enterprise and describes a typical example of full integration within SmartPlant Enterprise, including publishing and retrieving plant information using SmartPlant authoring tools and Aspen Basic Engineering™.

SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide - Provides installation and setup instructions and troubleshooting information for stand-alone SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and Software Recommendations - Provides information about the hardware recommendations and software requirements of the authoring tools that are part of the SmartPlant Enterprise suite.

Integration Setup Guide - Provides information about setting up and using SmartPlant Enterprise products in an integrated environment. Also provides integration troubleshooting information.

How to Set Up and Configure SmartPlant Foundation - Provides system administrators with information on setting up and configuring the SmartPlant Foundation system after all software has been installed.

SmartPlant Enterprise Backup and Restore Guide - Provides backup, restore, and resynchronization procedures for SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Basic Integrator, and integrated SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools. The procedures are designed to minimize data loss and downtime when restoring data in an integrated environment.


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6 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

SmartPlant Foundation/Integration Architecture Guide - Describes the architecture of the SmartPlant Foundation and integration software.

Integration: A Gentle Introduction to the SmartPlant Schema - Provides an introduction to the SmartPlant schema and the data model that describes how the SmartPlant schema is constructed.

Token Licensing Installation and Reference Guide - Provides reference and user information for installing and configuring daily and perpetual token licenses in SmartPlant Foundation.

SmartPlant Foundation Upgrade Guide - Provides step-by-step instructions for upgrading from SmartPlant Foundation or SmartPlant Basic Integrator version 2008, 2008 Service Pack 1, 2009, or 2009 Service Pack 1 to version 2009 R3 SP2.

SmartPlant Enterprise Citrix Configuration Guide - Provides information on configuring integrated SmartPlant® Enterprise applications to run in a Citrix environment.

User's Guides SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide - Provides instructions for using the

SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal. SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating,

viewing, updating, and managing objects and their relationships. Additionally, it provides information about completing workflow steps and using SmartPlant Foundation in an integrated environment.

SmartPlant Markup Plus User's Guide - Provides information on using SmartPlant Markup Plus, either alone or from within the SmartPlant Foundation interface, to view and annotate files created with any authoring tool. If SmartPlant Markup Plus is installed on the local computer, it is available from within SmartPlant Foundation through the View and Markup command in the Desktop Client.

Integration User's Guide - Provides information about using SmartPlant Enterprise products in an integrated environment. Also provides a basic understanding of integration and common integration tasks.

Integration Administrator's Guide - Provides information for system administrators on how to set up and configure an integrated environment.

Administrative Guides SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager User's Guide - Provides instructions for using

SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager to configure the SmartPlant Foundation server and to upgrade SmartPlant Foundation databases.

Schema Editor User's Guide - Provides instructions for using the Schema Editor to view and extend the SmartPlant schema, view and modify authoring tool mapping, and compare schema files.

SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide - Provides guidelines, procedures, and examples of mapping between the SmartPlant schema and integrated authoring tools.

SmartPlant Model Loader User's Guide - Provides instructions for using the Model Loader to load documents exported from PDS™ or AVEVA PDMS into the SmartPlant Foundation database.

SmartPlant Foundation Administrator's Guide - Provides SmartPlant Foundation administrators with basic information about how to administer standalone SmartPlant Foundation.

Troubleshooting Guide SmartPlant Foundation Troubleshooting Guide - Contains information about troubleshooting

the installation and configuration of SmartPlant Foundation.

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Model Configuration Guides How To Guide Master Table of Contents - Provides a copy of the table of contents of each how

to document in the SmartPlant Foundation documentation set to be used this to locate the guide that contains a particular topic without opening each how to guide to search for the topic.

How to Configure Classified Objects - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure classified objects in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure Concurrent Engineering - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure concurrent engineering in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure Document Management - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure document management in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure Reports - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure reporting in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Authoring and Data Warehouse Models - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the authoring and data warehouse models in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Data Sheet Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the data sheets model in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the GUI Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the graphical user interface (GUI) model in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Infrastructure Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the infrastructure model in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Line List Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the line list application in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Progress Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the progress model in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Security Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the security model in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Set Up and Configure SmartPlant Foundation - Provides information for system administrators on how to set up and configure SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

How to Configure the Workflow Model - Provides information for system administrators on how to configure the workflow model in SmartPlant Foundation and describes the underlying data model.

Integration Guides SmartPlant Foundation Core Functionality & Enterprise Integration Capabilities Release

Bulletin - Provides information on new SmartPlant Foundation and integration features for the current release.

SmartPlant Enterprise Overview - Provides an overview of SmartPlant Enterprise and integration concepts and data exchange among integrated SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools.

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8 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

SmartPlant Enterprise Data Exchange Diagrams - Includes full-size graphics that describe the exchange of data among SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools. These graphics are also included in the SmartPlant Enterprise Overview.

SmartPlant Enterprise Integration Example Guide - Provides an overview of integrating SmartPlant Enterprise and describes a typical example of full integration within SmartPlant Enterprise, including publishing and retrieving plant information using SmartPlant authoring tools and Aspen Basic Engineering™.

SmartPlant Enterprise Hardware and Software Recommendations - Provides information about the hardware recommendations and software requirements of the authoring tools that are part of the SmartPlant Enterprise suite.

Integration Setup Guide - Provides information about setting up and using SmartPlant Enterprise products in an integrated environment. Also provides integration troubleshooting information.

Integrated Line List Configuration and User's Guide - Provides configuration and user information for creating, publishing, or retrieving line list documents in SmartPlant Foundation and SmartPlant Materials.

SmartPlant Enterprise Backup and Restore Guide - Provides backup, restore, and resynchronization procedures for SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Basic Integrator, and integrated SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools. The procedures are designed to minimize data loss and downtime when restoring data in an integrated environment.

SmartPlant Foundation/Integration Architecture Guide - Describes the architecture of the SmartPlant Foundation and integration software.

Integration: A Gentle Introduction to the SmartPlant Schema - Provides an introduction to the SmartPlant schema and the data model that describes how the SmartPlant schema is constructed.

SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide - Provides guidelines, procedures, and examples of mapping between the SmartPlant schema and integrated authoring tools.

SmartPlant Enterprise Mapping Spreadsheets - Provides Microsoft Excel files containing the retrieve mapping for integrated SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools.

Integration User's Guide - Provides information about using SmartPlant Enterprise products in an integrated environment. Also provides a basic understanding of integration and common integration tasks.

Integration Administrator's Guide - Provides information for system administrators on how to set up and configure an integrated environment.

Schema Editor User's Guide - Provides instructions for using the Schema Editor to view and extend the SmartPlant schema, view and modify authoring tool mapping, and compare schema files.

SmartPlant Mapping User's Guide - Provides guidelines, procedures, and examples of mapping between the SmartPlant schema and integrated authoring tools.

SmartPlant Model Loader User's Guide - Provides instructions for using the Model Loader to load documents exported from PDS™ or AVEVA PDMS into the SmartPlant Foundation database.

SmartPlant Enterprise Citrix Configuration Guide - Provides information on configuring integrated SmartPlant® Enterprise applications to run in a Citrix environment.

Programming Guides To view customization and programming documentation for SmartPlant Foundation and integration, browse to the ..\SmartPlant\Foundation\7.x\ProgrammingHelp folder on a computer where the SmartPlant Foundation server components are installed.

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SmartPlant Foundation Server Customization Guide - Provides information for developers on customizing the SmartPlant Foundation Server.

SmartPlant Foundation Client Customization Guide - Provides information for developers on customizing the SmartPlant Foundation Client.

SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide (SPFWebPortalCustomization.chm) - Provides information about customizing and configuring the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal.

SmartPlant Foundation Web Services Guide - Describes SmartPlant Foundation web methods used for uploading data from and downloading data to the SmartPlant Foundation Server.

SmartPlant Schema Modeling Guide - Provides an introduction to the techniques that were used to develop the SmartPlant schema and create a data model.

SmartPlant Adapter Interfaces Reference Guide - Provides information for tool developers about the interface classes used to communicate data between the authoring tool and the common user interface and the common user interface and the tool adapter.

SmartPlant Common UI Interfaces Reference Guide - Provides information for tool developers about the API exposed through the EFCommonUI.dll, which is used by authoring tool developers to access integration functionality.

SmartPlant Metadata Adapter Reference Guide - Provides information for tool developers about programming the metadata adapter. The tool metadata adapter allows communication between the SmartPlant Schema Editor and the tool database to manage mapping between the tool and the SmartPlant schema.

SmartPlant Schema Component API Reference Guide - Provides information for developers about the Schema Component API.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Electrical - Describes the SmartPlant Adapter details, functionality and configuration in SmartPlant Electrical.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant Instrumentation - Describes the SmartPlant Adapter details, functionality and configuration in SmartPlant Instrumentation.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant P&ID - Describes the SmartPlant Adapter details, functionality and configuration in SmartPlant P&ID.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for SmartPlant 3D - Describes the SmartPlant Adapter details, functionality and configuration in SmartPlant 3D.

SmartPlant Enterprise SmartPlant Adapter for PDS 3D - Describes the SmartPlant Adapter details, functionality, and configuration in PDS 3D.

Documentation Comments Send documentation comments or suggestions to [email protected].

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What's New in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

10 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

The following changes have been made to SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal.

Version 2009 R3 SP2 A new out of-the-box page is supplied with this version. This new layout and theme illustrates

the configurability/flexibility for users to create web portals that are fit for purpose. For more information, see Customizing the Web Portal (on page 16) in the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help.

In addition to the new default page, a demo driver page is provided that illustrates just a few of the different types of layout and pages that projects could create and provide their users. You can have more than one portal page, and this page provides a quick look at how web parts can be moved, changed, presented and re-organized to create numerous portals that are "task-fit" for your customer. For more information, see Customizing the Web Portal (on page 16) in the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help.

More web portal control samples have been added. Users have more feedback on document/tag locations, window size, and themes than ever before. A full listing of samples can be found under the SmartPlant Foundation product directory. Each sample contains sample code and instructions that enable you to leverage these on your portals within minutes.

The portal has added a new scripting infrastructure that provides an opportunity for users to reduce the amount of mouse clicks and to automate several web part events automatically. Each object can have a defined ‘script’. Every time a user selects that object, a script will be run and the corresponding results posted to the portal page web parts. The script is an XML definition that can be easily defined, redefined, and managed. For more information, see the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide.

New web parts are supplied as samples. A Report web part that brings the available SmartPlant Foundation reports to the top level of the interface is supplied for those users that run reports often. A new Charting/Reporting interface and infrastructure allows customers to develop better dashboards for staying on top of the project trends and critical document statuses.

The Select All Scope option has been added to the Set Active Scope dialog box. When selected, the Select All Scope option selects all top configuration items for the Query Configuration. For more information, see Setting the Active Scope (on page 28) in the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help.

New warning messages have been added. These warning messages tell you when your defined query limits are reached. The values used to determine the query limits are defined using the Warning dialog number and Maximum query limit options on the Change User Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Setting Web Portal Preferences (on page 26) in the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help.

Single character URL parameters are available. You can use either "user" or "u", "password" or "p", "server" or "s", "host" or "h", and "webdir" or "w". For more information, see Web Portal URL Parameters in the SmartPlant Foundation Installation and Setup Guide.

The Discover web part can be configured to display related items under the selected item's node in the Discover tree, instead of in the Search Results node. To configure the Discover web part in this way, use the web part's Expand Relationships in Place configuration option,

What's New in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

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What's New in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide 11

which is available in the Web Portal's Edit mode. For more information, see the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide.

The Summary View Equipment / Summary View Documents commands have been added to the Web Portal. Published items will have a new "action" entry that starts with "Summary View...". You can use this command to view a summary of relationships and other properties for published items or loaded documents in one dialog box For more information about using this dialog box, see View a summary view of a published object (on page 89) in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Help.

The contents of several sections of the Summary View Equipment dialog box are customizable through XML files. See the ReadMe document included with the SmartPlant Foundation Summary View of Object sample (typically located in C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Foundation\2009\Samples\WebPortal\) for more information about customizing the Summary View Equipment dialog box.

To display a company logo or project image in the Web Portal user interface, modify the View web part’s cascading style sheet rules to show any image as the background image of the View web part. For more information, see the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide under Out of the Box Web Parts and Support > View Web Part.

Version 2009 SP1 The View Shared Data command has been added to the Web Portal. The View Shared Data

command allows you to view data about a shared object, such as instruments, equipment, and pipelines, that has been published by multiple sources into their tool-specific domains, then correlated. See View properties of a shared object (on page 86) in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help for more information.

The DisableAutoLogin URL parameter has been added. If this parameter is true, the Web Portal will prompt the user for login information. See Exploring the Web Portal Interface (on page 21) in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help for more information.

The Web Portal now highlights inconsistent property values in ad hoc reports. Based on how your Web Portal is configured, you can view drawings and models in either the

View web part or in a separate SmartPlant Markup Plus window. See the List Web Part section of the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide for more information about how to configure this option.

If the Web Portal is configured to view drawings and models in a separate window, the new Maximize external file viewing windows user preference option on the Change User Preferences controls whether the window is maximized by default. See Setting Web Portal Preferences (on page 26) in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help for more information.

The View Related Items command has been added to the Review web part. This command allows you to view items related to the selected item in the List web part. See View related items for a selected item (on page 86) in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal help for more information.

Version 2009 The To Do List web part has been added to the Web Portal. The To Do List provides a place

for you to view all workflow steps that have been assigned to you and their statuses. The Clip Volume command has been added, which includes a 3D wireframe box that can be

manipulated to limit the objects that can be seen in the view. The 3D Navigator control has been added, which supports the common navigation

movements you can perform with the mouse and keyboard such as look and move. Additionally, it contains the Select, Home, and Fit navigation commands.

Several usability enhancements have been added.

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What's New in SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

12 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

The ability to display a non-streaming 3D .VUE file (instead of streaming the 3D model from the server) if one is found on the client.

Support for the display of SmartPlant P&ID typicals. New settings in the View web part to specify supported file types. New options in the Review web part to configure the tabs and automatic expansion of a

predefined relationship. The option to display multiple tabs in the List and View web parts. A Saved Search node in the Discover web part. Optional name and description fields in Quick Find. Case insensitive searches in the Search web part.

The following customization samples have been added. Simultaneous 2D/3D Viewing - An example of how to configure the View web part to

synchronize navigation between displayed 2D and 3D views. Reuse Web Portal IE Window - An example of how an external application can pass

multiple calls to a single instance of the Web Portal. Custom Code Click Event - A sample that demonstrates how to generate a Web Portal

click event for an object returned from a query in custom code. Open URL web part - An example of how to create a web part that uses the standard Web

Portal click events in calling a preconfigured URL. Custom Role Based Security - An example of how to show and hide web parts based on

roles. Attach Files - An API for attaching files to documents in the Web Portal. File Upload Task - An example of a custom Web Portal role-based application and task

object. Support for role-based applications and tasks has been added to the Web Portal. This gives

project services the ability to create one or more portal applications, with each application containing one or more tasks. Two new web parts, SPFWebPortalApplicationsBar and SPFWebPortalTasks, can be added to the Web Portal to display menu items (icons or text) for the available applications and tasks. See the Web Portal Customization Guide for more information about configuring the Web Portal applications and tasks.

Version 2008 SP1 You can launch the Web Portal from a URL and execute an API or APIs. For more

information, refer to Exploring the Web Portal Interface (on page 21). Using SmartPlant Markup Plus, you can now create and save layers in the View web part. The Discover web part now supports the Add to home collection option. The Home

Collection allows you to return to objects for review later. The Set Active Scope dialog box includes a Clear Query Scope command. The View web part now contains the Clear contents command. This command removes

any displayed information. For more information, refer to Viewing Drawings and Graphics (on page 51).

The List web part now contains a Clear List View command. This command removes any displayed information. For more information, refer to Using the List View (on page 43).

The Web Portal now supports reporting. You can run reports with or without criteria to report on objects in the SmartPlant Foundation database.

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Licensing functionality exists for Web Portal. Perpetual users, tokens, or site license access is available.

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14 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

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SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide 15

S E C T I O N 1

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal provides view, query, and print functionality of the SmartPlant Foundation client system through an easy-to-deploy Internet Explorer web browser. Based on the software configuration and user privileges, you can perform many functions including: View information from the database about a specific object or categories of objects Search for objects in the database View drawings and 3D models View a history for a particular object View relationships between objects

Depending on the model you have loaded, and the customization for that model, you may or

may not see all the commands and functionality documented here. To view files in the Web Portal client, you must have SmartPlant Markup Plus installed.

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal is comprised of several different components that can be assembled or arranged to best suit your business needs. Four important concepts and elements of the Web Portal are Web Parts – unique and built-for purpose components that are placed within a web part zone.

Out of the box, SmartPlant Foundation supplies the Brain, Search, Discover, View, List, To Do List, Review, and Reports web parts. Web parts fire events that the Brain uses to communicate with the SmartPlant Foundation database or to other web parts. The Brain controls how information is handled among the other web parts, and is the only web part required to be on a page.

Web Part Zones – the main areas of the page layout which contain and control the position of the embedded web parts.

Pages – how number, arrangement and space allocation of the page zones are controlled by the page. Multiple pages can be defined with different parts and layouts for different purposes. For example, if you have a dual-monitor system you may want to make your page two monitors (in pixels) in width.

Theme – the font, colors and zone allocation (the percentage of the page a web part zone consumes).

Using these components, customers can build highly functional and built-for-purpose Web Portals to extend the value of SmartPlant Foundation.

Using the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

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Using the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

16 SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal User's Guide

Customizing the Web Portal The Web Portal is customizable. You may choose to only alter the theme of the Web Portal, or use the Web Part Editor to personalize the web parts. Or you may choose to create custom web pages or custom web parts. The amount of personalization and customization will be different for every customer. For example, the two Web Portals pictured below feature different layouts and color schemes. These customizations make them appear very different from the out-of-the-box Web Portal. In the Web Portal shown below, the search control was modified using CSS rules and properties to display only the quick search, and displays as if it were a toolbar. The Discover web part is not used on the page, and the View web part spans the entire width of the page at the bottom.

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Using the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal

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The Web Portal below features two View web parts and a custom theme. This was accomplished by creating a custom aspx page in which the controls were rearranged and web parts and controls were added. A custom theme including skin files and CSS files was also created.

Custom Themes Changing the default theme can modify the look of the Web Portal. If needed, you can use themes, skin files and CSS files to modify the fonts, colors, and other styles. Several themes are delivered with the Web Portal. See the Styles section of the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide (SPFWebPortalCustomization.chm) for more information about using styles and themes.

Personalized Web Parts Each of the delivered Web Portal web parts has a set of publicly available properties that can be set to change the look or behavior of the web part. For example, the Search web part has properties that can be used to limit the options available, change the default style applied to each tab, or change the default tab. In the first example above, the Search web part was modified to display only the quick search, and to display as a toolbar. These properties can be set up either declaratively in the web page by the administrator or other person defining the page, or if personalization is available, by the user using the Web Part Editor interface. In general for web part pages, personalization can be enabled either at a shared level or per user. However, the SmartPlant Foundation custom personalization requires that personalization be available on a per user (per login) basis only. Shared personalization will have to be accomplished by the administrator using page modification and/or web.config changes. The personalization is stored in the SmartPlant Foundation database along with other user preferences.

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Custom Web Parts To enhance or add functionality to a portal, administrators or other persons defining the portal can choose to create their own web parts. They may use the delivered web parts to inherit from or they can write new ones from scratch. Even the Controller (Brain) can be overridden. The same rules must be followed to ensure communication between the parts. Non-controller parts must implement the IBrainChild interface to use the auto-wireup system.

Custom .aspx pages An administrator or other person can create a new default page if needed. The minimum requirements include the AJAX ScriptManager and the Controller (Brain) web part. Additional web parts or other server or HTML controls can be added as needed. For more information about customizing Web Portal,see the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide (SPFWebPortalCustomization.chm) delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation programming documentation. To view programming documentation for SmartPlant Foundation and integration, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation > Programming Help or browse to the ...\SmartPlant\Foundation\2009\ProgrammingHelp folder on a computer where the SmartPlant Foundation server components are installed.

Samples Samples are delivered with the software that can serve as examples of how to create a custom web part or command, how to define default templates that you can add to Visual Studio 2008 to ease the creation of new parts and pages, how to add user customization to sites, and how to implement SharePoint communication. The samples are delivered in the Web Portal samples directory (typically, C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Foundation\2009\Samples\WebPortal\). The document SPF Web Portal Samples.pdf contains summaries of all delivered samples. Each sample is delivered in its own directory under the samples directory. A sample's directory includes: A ReadMe document containing instructions for setting up and using the sample. A sample aspx page that includes the Web Part or control. In most cases, screenshots of the new Web Part or control.

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For example, the sample SPFBreadNCrumb is delivered with the Web Portal. When added to an .aspx page, this control allows users to click an object in the List view and expand the object's edge definition or graph definition from the menu that appears. The object's edge definition or graph definition is displayed in the List web part. An example of the sample control in a Web Portal is shown below.

The sample's folder also contains an aspx page, SPFBreadCrumb.aspx, that uses the new control. The ReadMe document included with the sample provides instructions for adding the sample to a Web Portal page, with the necessary changes to the page highlighted, as shown below.

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S E C T I O N 2

When you open the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal, the software displays the standard Web Portal controls including User Name, Password, and Server option. When you login, default web parts display including Search, List, Discover, View, and Review. Web parts are data containers displayed on a web page that contain functionality and elements. The web parts can be customized (for example, colors, fonts, logos , and so forth).

See your Administrator for information about customizing the delivered web parts. For more information about customization, refer to the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide (SPFWebPortalCustomization.chm) delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation programming documentation.

Launching the Web Portal Open the Web Portal in an internet browser using a URL in the format http://<webserver>/<WebPortal_virtual directory>, where webserver is the name of your SmartPlant Foundation server, and WebPortal_virtual directory is the name of your Web Portal's virtual directory. A typical Web Portal URL is http://ServerName/SPFWebPortal/Default.aspx. See Configuring Web Portals in the SmartPlant Server Manager User's Guide for more information about creating and configuring Web Portals. Based on the configuration of your system, this basic URL format can be customized with other file names and optional parameters. See Launch the Web Portal and Execute an API below for examples of URL parameters. Certain Internet security options must be set when using Web Portal and Microsoft Internet Explorer. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, your Web Portal server must be added as a Trusted site. Also, you must enable the security settings Script ActiveX controls marked safe for http://<webserver>/<WebPortal_virtual directory>/..., scripting and Access data sources across domains.

The Web Portal is not compatible with Internet Explorer 8 Standards mode. The Web Portal only supports Internet Explorer 8 running in Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) Standards mode.

Login/Logoff Toolbar

Enter your username and password in the User name and Password fields. Select your server using the Server drop-down list. Click Login to start SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal.

If your system is configured for automatic logon, then the software automatically logs you on to SmartPlant Foundation using your Windows user name when you open the Web Portal.

Web Portal Toolbar

The toolbar displays icons and information using Tool Tips. To view the Tool Tips, move your mouse pointer over the icon and pause. The Tool Tip displays near your mouse pointer.

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You are logged in as <username> - Displays the current user. Move your mouse over the icon to display a tooltip containing the current user name.

Effective Date - Displays the Effective Date dialog box. Use this dialog box to define the effective date and time to use for viewing data. You can view data from the SmartPlant Foundation database as the data existed at a particular time in the past. Options include Now or you can define a specific date and time. Move your mouse pointer over this button to display a tooltip containing the current settings. For more information, see Specify an Effective Date and Time for Viewing Data (on page 25).

User Preferences - Displays the Change User Preferences dialog box. Options include query limits, defining units of measure, displaying hidden files, and so forth. For more information, see Setting Web Portal Preferences (on page 26).

Query Scope - Displays your current query configuration and active role. Use this dialog box to change the query scope used when retrieving data. If you change the scope, the currently displayed data is discarded and data matching the new scope displays in the web parts. Move your mouse pointer over this button to display a Tool Tip containing the current settings. For more information, see Setting the Active Scope (on page 28).

About - Displays the currently installed version of SmartPlant Foundation, the server URL being used, links to technical support, and so forth.

Help - Displays the online Help file. The Help contains procedures, reference information, and conceptual overviews that can be accessed through a table of contents, keyword index, or full text search engine. You can also get context-sensitive information in the software by pressing F1.

LOGIN / LOG OFF - Click LOGIN to begin using the software or click LOGOFF to exit the software.

Launch the Web Portal and Execute an API You can launch the Web Portal from a URL and execute one or more APIs. There are several optional parameters that you can add to the login URL. These parameters should be separated with an ampersand (&). Spaces in the URL format are denoted by a percent symbol followed by 20 (%20).

URL Parameter Description

user or u User name

password or p User password

plant Plant name

project Project name

configuid UID of the configuration

roles Role name

server or s Server name (as defined in the Login option)

host or h Host name

webdir or w Web directory

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URL Parameter Description

secure "True" or "False" to indicate if "https" is used

task Name of the customized task to start. The task may also require additional input parameters.

DisableAutoLogin If the value of this parameter is true, then auto-login is disabled.

If this value of this parameter is false, then auto-login is enabled.

This parameter overrides the DisableAutoLogin setting in the SmartPlant Foundation server web.config file.

Launching Web Portal using a URL uses parameters including a single character (u) or the full name (user). The following are valid parameters: user or u, password or p, server or s, host or h, and webdir or w. For example: http://nodename/directory/Default.asp?user=jqpublic&password=MyPassword&class=userinbox or http://nodename/directory/Default.asp?u=jqpublic&p=MyPassword&class=userinbox When both user and u are used in URL parameters, the full-named parameter will be used. For example, if the following is provided by the user, http://demo/SPFWebPortal/Default.aspx?u=JohnDoe&user=JDoe&p=pwjdoe&server=url-demo the URL will become, http://demo/SPFWebPortal/Default.aspx?user=JDoe&password=pwjdoe&server=url-demo. To launch the API, you need the &api parameter. The arguments are optional and depend on the API being used. To launch the API of an object, the following class and name parameters are mandatory.

API Parameter Description

api The name of the API to be called. This object is case-sensitive.

class Class name

name Name of the item.

uid UID of the item (used instead of class and name)

arg1 Depends on the API called.

arg2 Depends on the API called.

arg3 Depends on the API called.

arg4 Depends on the API called.

arg5 Depends on the API called.

arg6 Depends on the API called.

arg7 Depends on the API called.

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API Parameter Description

arg8 Depends on the API called.

criteria Specifies the search criteria for queries.

In order to call an API, you must provide an API name and its required and proper arguments for that API (in order to run API from URL). Each API has its own arguments, and you can find the arguments for a client API by searching for that API. The following is an example URL to call ViewAndNavigate which displays SmartPlant Markup Plus in the Web Portal. http://demo/SPFWebPortal/Default.aspx?u=jdoe&p=jdoepwd&s=url-demo&API=Navigate&Class=SPFDesignDocVersion&Arg1=FRAME&Arg3=True&Name=3D-CivilPlans_003 This URL logs in to the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal site url-demo with user name jdoe and password jdoepwd. Once logged in, a design document of 3D-CivilPlans_003 is located (including an attached file). Then, SmartPlant Markup Plus displays in the Web Portal as a frame. If there are any redline objects in the file, they also display.

Example URLs The following URL launches the Web Portal and uses the Navigate API to open a specific version (revision 2A, version 2) of the specified document (SB101). http://localhost/SPFWebPortal/Default.aspx?server=localhost&API=Navigate&Class=SPFDesignDocVersion&Arg1=OPEN&Name=SB101&Arg8=2&Arg9=A&Arg10=2 The following example URL launches the Web Portal and displays the details dialog box for the SPFPlant named PlantA. http://SPFServer/SPFWebPortal/?&api=ShowObj&class=SPFPlant&name=PlantA The example below opens the appropriate drawing using the value specified for ARG1, and highlights in the drawing the object specified by the CLASS and NAME arguments. http://spfdev1/SPFWebPortalDemo3/default.aspx?server=SPF42DemoServer&API=ViewInDrawing&ARG1=EDG_LatestVersionsContainingDrawingItem&CLASS=SPFTEFSharedEquipment&NAME=T-181 As shown in the following example, you must include the SECURE parameter, and set the value to true, if you are using a secure site (https). https://spfsrv64a/spfwebportal/default.aspx?user=sbarakam&password=&secure=true&server=localhost_SPFSRV64aAUTH&api=QFindObject&arg1=ISPFDesignDocVersion&arg2=False&Criteria=*

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Specify an Effective Date and Time for Viewing Data You can specify an effective date and time to use for viewing data using the Effective Date command. You can set the controls to view data from the SmartPlant Foundation database as the data existed at a particular time in the past. Options include Now and setting a specific date and time. To view your current setting, move your mouse pointer over the Effective Date command. Your current settings display in a tooltip.

Effective Date Options Show data available Now - Sets the current date and time to use for viewing data. On - Allows you to set a specific date and time. You must set the date and time using Selected date and Selected time. Specified date and time Selected date - Set the effective date by keying in a date or click the calendar icon. If you click the calendar icon, a calendar displays allowing you to select a date or navigate to a different month or year. Selected time - Set the effective time by keying in a time or click the clock icon to set the time to the current time. If an invalid time is entered, the field's background color changes as a warning.

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Setting Web Portal Preferences The Change User Preferences command allows you to set a maximum query limit, a default unit of measure, a hidden files option, and so forth.

Change User Preferences Options General Preferences Warning dialog number - Sets the number of results to find in a query before the software displays a warning. The warning dialog number must be less than the maximum query limit. Maximum query limit - Sets the upper limit for the number of items found in a query. Default UOM - Sets the default unit of measurement. Select a unit of measurement from the list. For example, a Properties window displays data using UOM as defined using this option. This setting allows you to select a display set, typically Imperial or Metric. If a default setting is not selected, the value appears as it was stored in the database. Picklist item display - Specifies whether item names, descriptions, or both display when picklist values are available in the user interface. Show description in tree - Specifies whether item names and descriptions display in the tree view. Show hidden files - Turns the display of hidden files on or off. Force Uppercase in Quick search - Indicates that text should be forced into uppercase when using Quick Find. Display internal object names - Displays the internal object names. Display internal names for user interface - Displays the internal names for items used in the graphic user interface.

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Turn on Look Ahead - Allows you to see the number of related objects in parentheses beside expansion headings in the tree view that display particular relationships. Case sensitive quick find - Allows you to find objects in the database using case-sensitive quick finds. In a case-sensitive search, the software searches for objects that match the case of the text you type (upper case, lower case, or mixed case). This option applies to the Quick and Find tabs of the Search web part. Maximize external file viewing windows - Indicates that when you view a drawing or model in a separate window, the window is maximized. This option is only applicable when the Web Portal is configured to view drawings and models in a separate SmartPlant Markup Plus window. 3D Viewing Preferences 3D model folder - Defines the location for .VUE files. By default, this option is blank until you define a location. Streamed 3D data folder - Defines a cache location for streamed 3D data files. By default, your Temporary Internet Files folder is used to cache 3D data files. Specifying none turns off the caching. View Item in Model Symbology - Selected items Color - Choose the display color for the selected item(s). From this list box, you can choose to use the native color, as defined in the drawing, or choose Custom, and click the corresponding box to choose the color you want to use for matching items. Line weight - Choose the display line weight for the selected item. Line style - Choose the display line style for the selected item. You can choose to use the native style from the drawing or select from a number of other line styles. Render mode - Choose how you would like to have selected items display. You can have items display with the render defined in the original drawing, or you may choose to have them displayed as outlines or as solid objects with shading. View Item in Model Symbology - Other Items Display - Allows for the display of non-selected items. If this check box is not selected, only the selected will appear in the display. Color - Choose the color in which the non-selected items display. From this list box, you can choose to use the native color, as defined in the drawing, or choose Custom, and click the corresponding box to choose the color you want to use for non-selected items. Line weight - Choose the line weight you want to use to display non-selected items. Line style - Select a line style to be used to display non-selected items. You can choose to use the native style from the drawing or select from a number of other line styles. Render mode - Choose how you would like to have non-selected items display. You can have items display with the render defined in the original drawing, or you may choose to have them displayed as outlines or as solid objects with shading. Reset User Personalization - If any customization has been made to the Web Portal display, it is removed and the delivered default values return. Using this option closes your Web Portal session. You must log in again.

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Setting the Active Scope The Set Active Scope command defines the active scope used for all data retrieval. To view your current setting, move your mouse pointer over the Set Active Scope icon. Your current settings display in a tooltip.

Set Active Scope Options Set active configuration by query - Defines a query scope that is used for all data queries and relationship expansions. Set active configuration by roles - Defines a query scope based on selected roles. Query scope - Displays configurations in SmartPlant Foundation represented by a tree of related business objects. Only business objects whose System Administration definition supports configurations can be part of the configuration tree. Typically, configuration trees contain plants, projects, and changes. Status filter - Defines the scope status for the query. Query by selected configurations only - Initiates the query based on the currently selected configurations. Select All Scope - Selects all top configuration items. Clear Query Scope - Clears all currently selected configurations.

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Selected roles - Click to define roles to be used in the selected configurations.

Set the Active Scope by Query When you set the active configuration by query, the available roles are filtered by the selected query scopes.

Your query scope defines the configuration in which you want to search for data. Your role determines the features and commands available in the selected configuration. Your create scope defines the configuration in which you can create and update objects.

1. Click Set Active Scope . 2. In the Set Active Scope dialog box, select Set active configuration by query.

3. In the Query scope list, check the box beside the configuration(s) in which you want to search

for objects.

To select all top configuration items, click Select All Scope. To select all of the projects under a plant at once, press Shift as you check the check box

beside the plant. If any projects under the plant are already checked, then all projects under the plant will be unchecked when you press Shift and check the check box beside the plant.

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Only configurations to which you have query access appear in the list. 4. In the Status filter box, select the lifecycle status filter(s) for the configurations.

By default, only the active configurations are displayed in the list. To display other configurations in the list, such configurations for newly created, merged,

or completed projects, select the appropriate filter. You can use the Query by selected configurations only option to restrict queries to

only the selected configurations and not higher configurations. For example, if you select Project1 in PlantA with this option checked, your queries will return only data from Project1, not from PlantA.

5. Select the appropriate user role or roles from the Selected roles list. The roles in the list are the roles that are available for the selected query

configurations. Menus and actions available to you in the Desktop Client are determined by your role selection.

6. Click OK to save your changes.

Set the Active Scope by Roles When you set the active configuration by roles, the available query scopes are filtered by the selected roles. Setting the configuration by role is useful if you have two or more roles in your organization and you need to work in one of those roles across projects. The list of roles contains all of the roles to which you have access. As you select roles, the list of available configurations changes to show all of the configurations in which you have the selected roles. A configuration is displayed only if you have access to all of the selected roles in that configuration.

Your query scope defines the configuration in which you want to search for data. Your role determines the features and commands available in the selected configuration. Your create scope defines the configuration in which you can create and update objects.

1. Click Set Active Scope .

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2. In the Set Active Scope dialog box, select Set active configuration by roles.

3. Select the appropriate user role or roles from the Selected roles list.

The roles in the list are all of the roles available to you. Your role selection determines the configurations that are available in the Query scope list.

4. In the Query scope list, check the box beside the configuration(s) in which you want to search for objects.

To select all of the projects under a plant at once, press Shift as you check the check box beside the plant. If any projects under the plant are already checked, then all projects under the plant will be unchecked when you press Shift and check the check box beside the plant.

Only configurations to which you have query access appear in the list. 5. In the Status filter box, select the lifecycle status filter(s) for the configurations.

By default, only the active configurations are displayed in the list. To display other configurations in the list, such configurations for newly created, merged,

or completed projects, select the appropriate filter. You can use the Query by selected configurations only option to restrict queries to

only the selected configurations and not higher configurations. For example, if you select

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Project1 in PlantA with this option checked, your queries will return only data from Project1, not from PlantA.

6. Click OK to save your changes

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S E C T I O N 3

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Search web part allows you to find objects based on your search criteria. You can perform many types of searches in SmartPlant Foundation. Search results display in the List web part, the Discover web part, or both web parts.

Quick Find Toolbar There are two primary configurations of the Search web part. In the default Web Portal, the Search web part is configured as a Quick Find toolbar. To search for objects, select the item type from the Item Type list, enter search criteria in the Name box, and then click Search. The Quick Find toolbar offers the same functionality as the Quick Tab in the full Search web part.

Full Search Web Part The Search web part can also be configured to display multiple tabs, with several types of searches available.

If the user preference Case sensitive quick find is turned on, searches performed on the

Quick tab and the Find tab are case sensitive. By default, this option is not checked; therefore, SmartPlant Foundation ignores whether the text you type is in upper-case, lower-case, or mixed case. The full Search web part contains the following tabs: Quick, Find, Content, Query, and Saved.

Searching for Objects

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Quick Tab Allows you to search for various objects using all or part of the object's name. During a quick find, you can specify the object name, part of the name, or a combination of the name and the valid wildcard characters (for example, n%).

Quick Tab Options The following wildcards can be applied to searches for fine tuning: ? - Finds any single character * - Finds any string of characters % - Performs the same function as * Item type - Defines the item type you want to query. Name - Defines the name of the object to find. Force upper case - Forces text into uppercase for the current search. The default value can be defined on the User Preferences dialog box.

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Enhanced Quick Search Tab The Quick search also has an extended, or enhanced, version. The extended version offers the same functionality as the regular version, plus the ability to specify a description as well as a name as part of the search criteria. This enhanced Quick search is turned off by default, but can be enabled through customization of the Web Portal.

Leaving the Description box blank returns all items that match the other criteria on the tab

(the items' descriptions are ignored). Typing an asterisk (*) in the Description box returns items that have any description and

match the other criteria on the tab.

Find Tab Allows you to search by name for objects of the selected type. The tree view displays the available types.

When you click a type in the tree view, the Find <Object> dialog box appears. For example, the Find Reports dialog box is shown below.

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Name - Defines the name of the object to find. Force upper case - Forces text into uppercase.

The Find tab is available only on the full Search web part. If your Web Portal is configured with the Quick Find toolbar, you do not see this functionality.

Content Tab Allows you to search by entering the specific name of an object. Enter the * as a wildcard to search for all objects. You can display properties only, or properties and content, and matching objects or files.

Text to search - Defines the name of the object to find. Type the name in the field. Properties - Select to search only properties of an object. Properties and content - Select to search the properties and content of an object. Display matching objects - Displays matching objects. If the matching object is a file, the parent object displays. Displays matching files - Displays matching files including any file objects.

The Content tab is available only on the full Search web part. If your Web Portal is configured with the Quick Find toolbar, you do not see this functionality.

Query Tab Allows you to use wizards to query classes. Available queries include classification, attributes and properties, and so on. Classes include: QueryObject QueryClassObj QueryClassObjFromClass QueryByContainer

The following details describe the available wizard pages. Buttons that display at the bottom of each wizard page are only enabled when a selection or required information for that page is completed.

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1. The Query Wizard page of the wizard displays a tree view composed of nodes based on the available methods that use the API classes. Select the node in the treeview that you want to query. Click Next.

2. The next wizard page allows you to select the classification of the object. Select the node in

the tree view that you want to query. Click Next.

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3. The next wizard page allows you to define attribute and property values to use for the query. You can define attribute and property values by entering a name and description. You can also provide status and title details. Click Collapse sections automatically to close all open sections as soon as another section is opened. Click Next or click Save to save the current query.

4. The Query by Container page is only available if you selected this type on the initial wizard

page. A saved query displays on the Saved tab. You can provide a name and description for the saved query object. Information entered in the GUI display as field also displays on the Saved tab grid.

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5. Click Finish. The Query tab is available only on the full Search web part. If your Web Portal is

configured with the Quick Find toolbar, you do not see this functionality.

Saved Tab Lists your saved queries. You can edit and execute the saved queries. When a saved query is executed, the results display in the Discover and List web parts. After you define your search criteria for a query, you can save that query and run it again later. After you save queries, you can update the search criteria contained in queries.

Save Query List for <username> - Displays the user name of the user who saved the query list. Edit - Select to edit the query. The selected query displays on the Query tab.

Be sure to click Save on the Edit Saved Query dialog box to save the changes you make to the search criteria. Only clicking Apply or Finish runs the query with your new criteria, but does not save your changes. Search - Executes the query. The results display in the Discover and List web parts.

What do you want to do? Search for items with a particular name (on page 40) Search properties and content of an object (on page 40) Run a Saved Query from the Discover Web Part (on page 40)

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Search for items with a particular name 1. On the Quick tab of the Search web part, or on the Quick Find toolbar, enter a name in the

Name field you want to find. For example, type in Document or D* (using a wildcard) to start a search for documents.

2. Click Search. Your search results display in the Discover and List web parts.

Search properties and content of an object 1. On the Content tab of the Search web part, enter text in the Text to search field. You can

also use a wildcard value for your search. 2. Select Properties and content. 3. Select either Display matching objects or Display matching files to search either objects

or files. Your search results appear in the Discover web part tree as Search Results. The properties and content search is available only on the full Search web part. If

your Web Portal is configured with the Quick Find toolbar, you do not see this functionality.

Run a saved query from the Discover web part When you save a query, the query also appears under the Saved Queries node of the Discover tree view.

Click the query in the tree view. The query appears in the Review web part.

Click Run Saved Query on the Actions tab to run the query. The results display in the List web part. Click Edit Saved Query to use the Edit dialog box to edit the criteria for the query.

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Be sure to click Save on the Edit Saved Query dialog box to save the changes you make to the search criteria. Only clicking Apply or Finish runs the query with your new criteria, but does not save your changes.

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S E C T I O N 4

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal List web part displays results based on your search criteria and related items expansions. Each time a new search, query, or expansion is executed, the previous results are replaced. The displayed columns can be alphabetically sorted by clicking on the header of a column. You can also print the displayed content or display the content in Microsoft Excel.

The columns displayed in this web part are determined by column sets that are created and configured in the Desktop Client. See the Desktop Client User's Guide and the How to Configure the GUI Model administration guide for more information about column sets. The Name column information is a hyperlink. Clicking an item in the Name column displays the object in the Review web part. Any viewable files for the object display in the View web part.

List View Options Print Contents - Prints the contents of all rows in the list.

Print Window - Prints only the displayed part of the list.

Extract list to Excel - Moves the list to Microsoft Excel. You can open the file or save the file. The two following options are available if tabs are enabled in the List web part. Tabs are enabled by default, but can be disabled through customization.

Close Active Tab - Closes the active tab.

Close All Tabs - Closes all the tabs in the list. The following option is available if tabs are not enabled in the List web part.

Clear List View - Removes the displayed information.

Using the List View

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Using the List View

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What do you want to do? Sort a list (on page 44) Print the complete contents of a search (on page 44) Print only what displays on your monitor in the List web part (on page 44) Create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing your search results (on page 45)

Sort a list Click the header of a column. The rows in the list are sorted according to the values in the selected column. If the sort order is ascending, an up-arrow icon in the column header indicates that the list is sorted by this column in ascending order. A down-arrow icon in the column header indicates that the list is sorted by this column in descending order.

Print the complete contents of a search 1. Complete a search. Your search results display in the List web part. 2. Click in the List web part.

3. Click Print Contents .

Print only what displays on your monitor in the List web part

1. Complete a search. Your search results display in the List web part. 2. Arrange the List web part so that the content displays as you want it to print.

3. Click Print Window . A preview of your print job displays. 4. Click Print to print the contents or Close to dismiss the window.

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Create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing your search results

1. Complete a search. Your search results display in the List web part.

2. Click Extract list to Excel . 3. Click Open to display the search results in Microsoft Excel, or click Save to save the file.

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S E C T I O N 5

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Discover web part contains a hierarchy used for navigating the data in the SmartPlant Foundation database. The default tree is based on your user access and configuration settings defined by your system administrator. When you expand a tree node, the active scope you have selected appears in the title bar of the tree view. The text displayed in the tree nodes can be the name, or the name and description (depending on User Preference settings).

Once the Web Portal is activated, make sure the query scope and role is set. If the query scope and role are not set, you will not be able to view or expand branches in the tree view.

Like Windows Explorer, you can expand and close nodes in the tree view to show and hide information in the database. When you expand a node in the tree view, the software expands the default relationship for the object. For example, expanding the DEV Equipment, Equipment type level-0 node in the tree view displays an existing plant and equipment. The default relationship for each object is defined by the system administrator.

If you enable the Look Ahead option, you can see the number of objects included in the relationship beside the expansion heading in the tree view. In the previous example, there are two equipment types defined in SmartPlant Foundation, designated by the number 2 in brackets.

Using the Discover View

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When a search or relationship expansion is executed, the tree view in the Discover web part displays the results in the last top-level node in the tree. The Search Results node is the parent of all of the resulting values and displays the number of items returned as a tooltip. If there are no child nodes under Search Results, no results were found. This is always only one Search Results node and by default, it displays last in the tree. Subsequent search of expansion commands clears the previous results.

If you define values for the Warning dialog number and the Maximum query limit options on the Change User Preferences dialog box, a warning message displays when the query results exceeds your warning dialog number but is less than your defined query limit. Click OK to continue running the query and display the query results. Or, click Cancel to stop the query. If your Maximum query limit is reached, a separate warning message displays to inform you that, if displayed, your query exceeds your defined query limit value. Click OK to display the results. The total results displayed defaults to your defined query limit value. Click Cancel to stop the query.

To clear all expansions and reset the tree view back to its original state, click Clear Tree . Click Collapse All to close all expanded tree branches.

What do you want to do? Clear the Search Results tree (on page 48) View a text description in the tree (on page 49)

Clear the Search Results tree Click Clear Tree . This command resets the tree view to its original state by clearing any expansions that are displayed.

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View a text description in the tree Place a check mark in the Show Description in Tree checkbox on the Change User Preferences dialog box.

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S E C T I O N 6

The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal View web part displays drawings, models, and other documents. SmartPlant 3D and PDS models display using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control. See Using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control (on page 54) for more information. If you choose to display a model in SmartPlant Review, you must have SmartPlant Review installed on the client computer. All other documents display using SmartPlant Markup Plus or by selecting View in Native. You can create and edit markup layers but you must have SmartPlant Markup Plus installed on the client computer. All published drawings, published SmartPlant 3D models, and SmartConverted drawings can contain hotspots. Left-clicking on a hotspot item displays the item properties, actions, and related items in the Review web part. There are several ways you can view files: Select a viewable file in the List or Discover web part, Select a document with viewable files in the List or Discover web part, Select one of the Viewing Actions (for example, View and Markup) on the Review web part

Actions tab. If you are viewing a SmartPlant P&ID typical plant item, the following layers display by default: Typicals, TypicalsNotes, TypicalsLabels, TypicalsHT, TypicalsHeatTrace, TypicalsConsistencyChecks.

By default, the following layers do not display when viewing a SmartPlant P&ID typical plant item: Default, Labels, HeatTrace.

Viewing Drawings and Graphics

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The following is an example of the View web part. It displays a SmartPlant P&ID drawing using SmartPlant Markup Plus.

Based on how your Web Portal is configured, you can view drawings and models in either the View web part or in a separate SmartPlant Markup Plus window.

If you are using the View web part, you do not have the ability to use SmartPlant Markup Plus layers, but you can use navigation and hotspotting on published 3D models and 2D drawings.

If you are using a separate SmartPlant Markup Plus window, you cannot use navigation and hotspotting on published 3D models, but you can use SmartPlant Markup Plus layers.

For more information, see the SmartPlant Web Portal Customization Guide (SPFWebPortalCustomization.chm) delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation programming documentation.

The drawing can display in either SmartPlant Markup Plus or SmartPlant Review (depending on file requirements). To use SmartPlant Review or SmartPlant Markup Plus, the products must be installed. For details about using either product's command, please refer to the documentation delivered with that product.

What do you want to do? View a design document (on page 53) View a drawing (on page 53) View an object in a drawing (on page 53)

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View a design document 1. Search for a document, and then select a document. 2. In the Review web part, select the Actions tab. 3. Click View and Markup. 4. In the List web part, select a design document. The design document displays in the View

web part using SmartPlant Markup Plus.

View a drawing 1. In the Search web part, click the Find tab. 2. Expand the Published Data tree and click Published Documents. 3. Select a SmartPlant P&ID drawing in the List web part. The drawing displays in the View web

part using SmartPlant Markup Plus. To clear the viewing area, click Clear contents. You can also click the title bar drop-down

arrow and click Clear.

View an object in a drawing 1. In the Search web part, click the Find tab. 2. Expand the Published Data tree. 3. Select a plant item type (for example, equipment or instruments). 4. Search for a plant item. 5. In the Review web part, click the Actions tab. 6. Select View Item in Drawing. Select View Item in Model if you want to view a SmartPlant 3D

model. SmartPlant 3D and PDS models display using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control. For more information about using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control, see Using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control (on page 54).

If you select View Item in Model, the item displays in Rotate mode by default. You can review the objects properties on the Properties tab in the Review web part.

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Using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control The SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal View web part displays SmartPlant 3D and PDS models using the SmartPlant Foundation 3D View Control.

See Also 3D Navigation Controls (on page 54) Use Keyboard-Only 3D Navigation (on page 56) Use Mouse Only or Mouse + Keyboard Combinations (Fly Mode) (on page 57) Use the 3D Navigator (on page 59) 3D Navigation Tips (on page 63)

3D Navigation Controls Select navigation controls that are most comfortable or familiar to you. To access navigation-specific help at any time, press Q or click the Help control in the 3D Navigator. To access additional product help, press F1 or go to the Help menu.

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Use the 3D Navigator (on page 59)

Use Keyboard Controls Arrow keys as well as the gaming standard W (Move In), A (Left), S (Move Out) and D (Right) are supported.

Use Mouse Controls (Fly Mode) Press F to enable Fly mode. You have the option to use just your mouse for navigation or use keyboard + mouse combinations.

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Application-Specific Information The 3D Navigation component is integrated into the following Intergraph Process, Power & Marine applications: SmartPlant Review SmartPlant 3D, SmartMarine 3D SmartPlant Construction SmartPlant Markup Plus

Any information or behavior that is specific to an application is noted. If your application is not listed, then there is no additional information.

See Graphics Card Information (on page 65) for the basic requirements needed for 3D

navigation. You can press and hold the 3D Navigator Look and Move controls for continuous motion. Press and hold the center Move control to drag the 3D Navigator to a different location

on/off the view window.

Use Keyboard-Only 3D Navigation You can use the keys below for 3D navigation. The keyboard can be used at all times to move through the model data set.

The use of WASD keys offers an ergonomic solution when used in conjunction with a right-handed mouse.

To... Use...

Open quick-help to get information on 3D navigation controls


Move in W

Move Left A

Move out S

Move right D

Move up E

Move down C To move or walk through your model in a first-person perspective. Press and hold the

designated direction key. Move left and right is a sidestepping motion.

To... Use...

Move forward and left. W + A

Move forward and right W + D

Move backward and left S + A

Move backward and right S + D

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Walk at various angles through your model. Hold down the desired two direction keys simultaneously.

To... Use...

Look up I

Look left J

Look down K

Look right L Look around the model as if you were turning your head. Simply move the mouse up/down,

left/right from the crosshair point.

To... Use...

Return to the default, isometric home view of your model


Create your own custom home view


Reset a customized home view back to the original default home view


Press the H key if you are 'lost' in the model or need to return to the default model view.

Use Mouse Only or Mouse + Keyboard Combinations (Fly Mode) Fly mode offers a fluid, first-person movement in any direction within your model. In Fly mode operation, use your mouse to look around as well as work in conjunction with your keyboard for motion in all directions. You change the viewing direction with the mouse and move around with the keyboard. By using mouse-only or mouse + keyboard controls, you can: Look 360 degrees around from a stationary point. Travel through your model and move up/down stairs and ramps Move sideways in a sidestepping motion. Move up and down to change your elevation.

When you are in Fly mode, your cursor changes to a crosshair that is located at the center of your view window. When you exit Fly mode, the cursor changes back to its original pointer.

Application-Specific Information SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D Fly Mode Information When you exit Fly mode, right-click or press ESC twice to exit 3D navigation.

SmartPlant Construction Fly Mode Information To encircle or rotate around a selected object, use the SmartPlant Construction Encircle Model command in the Toolbox. In SmartPlant Construction, you will not be able to use the left-mouse drag operation to encircle objects.

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Fly mode actions:

To... Use...

Open quick-help to get information on 3D navigation


Enter/Exit Fly mode F (Toggle to enter/exit)

Exit fly mode, cancel all fly mode operations

F again (Toggle on/off), ESC or right-click

Turn on/off crosshair X (Toggle on/off) Enter and exit fly mode to use mouse and keyboard combination navigation controls.

To... Use...

Move in Mouse Wheel Forward -or- W

Move in (factor of 2) Middle Mouse Button/Wheel Click

Move left A

Move out Mouse Wheel Backward -or- S

Move out (factor of 2) SHIFT + Middle Mouse Button/Wheel Click

Move right D

Move up E

Move down C Walk through your model in the direction of the crosshair. Roll the middle mouse wheel

forward and back, or press and hold the designated WASD key. A left or right move is a sidestepping motion.

A middle mouse click moves you halfway in to your target point. Use SHIFT + middle mouse click to move back out the distance of the eye point from the target. The perspective angle does not change.

To... Use...

Move in and left. W + A -or- Mouse Wheel Forward + A

Move in and right W + D -or- Mouse Wheel Forward + D

Move out and left S + A -or- Mouse Wheel Backward + A

Move out and right S + D -or- Mouse Wheel Backward + D

Move left/right/up/down Middle Mouse Drag Walk at various angles through your model. Roll the mouse wheel forward and backward while

holding down the designated direction key. Or, hold down the desired two direction keys simultaneously.

In a key combination move, if you release one directional key, you still continue moving in the direction of the other key.

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Press and hold the middle mouse button to side-step left or right. This enables you to move the model without changing the direction in which you are looking.

To... Use...

Look up I -or- Mouse Move Forward

Look left J -or- Mouse Move Left

Look down K -or- Mouse Move Backward

Look right L -or- Mouse Move Right Look around the model as if you were turning your head. Simply move the mouse up/down, left/right from the crosshair point.

To... Use...

Return to the default view of your model


Create your own custom home view


Reset a customized home view back to the original default home view


Press the H key if you are 'lost' in the model or need to get back to a known view.

To... Use...

Select or De-select objects Left mouse - double click

Encircle or rotate around an object

Left mouse - press and hold

When rotating around an object, the encircle point is the current center point; not the center of the selected object.

Use the 3D Navigator The 3D Navigator tool supports the common navigation movements you can perform with the mouse and keyboard such as look and move.

Application-Specific Information SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D Navigator Information To start 3D navigation in SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D applications, press Ctrl+Shift+F or click

Navigate View on the main toolbar. The Select button on the 3D Navigator is not available. To select an object, navigate to

the required location in your model and click Navigate View to disable 3D navigation. Use the Select command on the SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D toolbar to select objects. Use SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D commands to perform required operations.

When you right-click to end fly mode, right-click again to exit 3D navigation. The Close button on the 3D Navigator removes it from the display. You can still use the

keyboard for navigation.

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3D Navigator Controls Quick Help - Displays help specific to 3D navigation. Home (Default View) - Returns to the startup view of the model. See Return to Default View

(on page 61). You can also create your own home view. See Create a Custom Home View. Fly Mode - Enters Fly mode where you use the mouse and/or keyboard to interactively move

and look through the model. When you are in Fly mode, the 3D Navigator does not display. You can press F or ESC to exit Fly mode. The 3D Navigator then displays at its last position. See Enter Fly Mode (on page 61).

Look - Changes your view direction as if you were turning your head. You can look around in all directions. See Look Around (on page 61).

Move In/Out - Takes you closer to or further away from model objects. Move (Up/Down/Left/Right) - Changes your position in the model at the crosshair cursor level

as if you are 'walking' around in the model. You can move in any direction. See Move (on page 62).

Fit - Places all visible elements in the view window if no objects are currently selected. If any objects are selected, the control zooms to the selected objects. See Fit to Object(s) (on page 63).

Select - Turns Select mode on and off (not available in the SmartPlant and SmartMarine applications).

Once you move your cursor off of the 3D Navigator, it fades into a transparent shadow so that it does not distract from the current view. The 3D Navigator reappears when you move the cursor back over it. You can select and move the 3D Navigator to place it wherever you want in or out of your view window. To use the 3D Navigator, just click on the desired action. A single click causes short movements while a click + hold action on the look and move controls enables you to move continuously.

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While you are using 3D Navigator controls, you can use the following mouse operations: Mouse wheel forward/backward Middle-mouse drag to move sideways and up/down in the model.

You can also use the keyboard in conjunction with the 3D Navigator to move in one direction while looking in another. This can simulate walking through the plant as you are looking on either side.

The 3D Navigator controls are synchronized with the mouse and keyboard movements to

display the current move or look action. For example, if you are pressing W to move in, the Move In button in the 3D Navigator is highlighted.

When you are in Fly mode, the 3D Navigator does not display.

Return to Default View

Click the Default View or Home control at any time to return to the default top-right isometric view of your model.

Enter Fly Mode

You can start Fly mode from the 3D Navigator by clicking the Fly Mode control .

Application-Specific Information SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D Fly Mode Information When you exit Fly mode, right-click or press ESC twice to exit 3D navigation.

You can also press the F key to start fly mode. Once you enter Fly mode, the 3D Navigator no longer displays. Use your mouse and

keyboard to move around through the model. To exit Fly mode, right-click, press F again or press ESC. The cursor changes back to its

original icon and the 3D Navigator displays. In Fly mode, your cursor changes to a crosshair that is located at the center of your view


Look Around Press and hold any of the four Look controls to continuously look or turn in that direction as if you were turning your head. Use the Look control in the 3D Navigator to look around from your current position in the model.

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Move Move vs. Zoom: a Move operation changes the eye point as you get closer or further from the target. A Zoom operation is a perspective angle change. Use the Move controls in the 3D Navigator to walk smoothly in left/right/up/down directions. Use Move In/Out controls to get closer to or further away from model objects. The perspective

angle does not change during a move operation.

Press and hold any of the Move controls to continuously move in that direction. As you move through the model, the closer you get to your target, the slower the movement

rate becomes. The further away from the target, the faster the movement rate. The Move operations enable you to move through solid objects such as walls, doors and


Select an Object

Click Select as you navigate around your model to select an object.

Application-Specific Information SmartPlant Construction Select Information To encircle or rotate around a selected object, use the SmartPlant Construction Encircle Model command in the Common Tools toolbox. SmartPlant Markup Plus Select Information A question mark icon displays to indicate the QuickPick feature is enabled. Use QuickPick to select an object in a dense or crowded area. Each of the numbers in the QuickPick tool corresponds to an object in the area and is highlighted when you select the number.

SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D Select Information When an object is selected, press and hold the left mouse button to encircle or rotate around

the object. The encircle point is the current center point; not the center of the selected object(s).

Select mode stays active until you click the Select control in the 3D Navigator. You can use the CTRL key to select multiple objects.

SmartPlant Review Select Information Click Select in the 3D Navigator to enable the SmartPlant Review Auto-Highlight mode. When you select an object, it remains highlighted until you select another object or press ESC. Select mode/Auto-Highlight stays active until you select any other Mouse Drag mode.

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Fit to Object(s) The Fit tool places all visible objects in the active view if no objects are currently selected. If any objects are selected, the command zooms to the selected elements. Because the display is adjusted independently of the current view orientation, the objects in that display area are not clipped when performing rotate operations.

In addition, the Fit tool zooms or fits to any objects that were selected before running 3D navigation.

Application-Specific Information SmartPlant Review Fit Behavior In SmartPlant Review, the Navigator Fit command is a conditional fit. It performs a fit based on the objects that are selected. 1. Fits to the selected object. 2. Fits to selected item(s) in the SmartPlant Review Project Manager. 3. Fits to the whole model and any visible objects. 4. Select one or more objects in the current view.

5. Click Fit on the 3D Navigator. The system flies to the selected objects.

If no objects are selected, the system fits all objects into the current view. You can also perform a SHIFT + Fit operation that enables you to view the entire selected

object within the current window size. Any rotation operations later performed in that view do not clip the selected object.

6. When you perform a Fit operation, you can continue selecting other objects as well as moving from the fitted location.

3D Navigation Tips Motion Tips As you move through the model, the closer you get to your target, the slower the movement

rate becomes. The further away from the target, the faster the movement rate. The Move operations enable you to move through solid objects such as walls, doors and

slabs. Press ESC to end a navigation operation. To make small left/right/up/down movements, click and hold the middle mouse button as you

move in the desired direction. It can sometimes be difficult to make small movements with the mouse and keyboard because the distance of motion for each key press is greater than what is needed. This is especially true when you are close to objects within the 3D model.

Application-Specific Information SmartPlant/SmartMarine 3D Navigation Tips The Navigate View command always sets the current tilt angle to 0 when it is enabled. The system does not restore the previous tilt angle when 3D navigation is turned off. To get back to the rotated view you were using before entering 3D navigation, select View menu > Previous View.

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Fine Tuning/Customization You can change the Repeat Delay and Repeat Rate keyboard settings to fine-tune your

keyboard motion during navigation. For more information, refer to your operating system's documentation on setting keyboard properties.

Messages The color scheme has been changed to Windows Vista Basic. A running program isn't compatible with certain visual elements of windows. Click here for more information. Meaning: This message may display when you open a 3D model. To correctly display the

cross hair (in fly mode) on a system running Microsoft Vista as well as to support all capabilities of this operating system, the application automatically unchecks the Enable desktop composition setting. This setting is in Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced tab > Performance Settings > Visual Effects.

Recovery: If you click to see more information on the message, the Windows information dialog box displays. Check the Don't show me this again option if you do not want the above message to display each time a 3D model is opened.

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Graphics Card Information To take advantage of the performance enhancements available for viewing 3D models, your graphics card needs to have at least the minimum requirements listed below. Cards with less than the minimum requirements are supported; however, they might not be able to successfully use all the performance enhancements.

Minimum Recommended (for systems with large models)

OpenGL 2.0 OpenGL 2.1 or later

128 MB RAM 512 or more MB RAM Additional requirements and/or recommendations for cards include: In general, workstation-level graphics cards provide better overall performance with 3D model

files than desktop graphics cards. The card must be manufactured within the last three years. Use updated drivers (at least within the last 6 months).

Systems running Citrix and remote desktop applications currently do not support the hardware acceleration performance enhancements.

Troubleshoot 3D Navigation Graphics Card Troubleshooting You do not see graphics in the window display of a dual-monitor setup when using an ATI V3600 FireGL (driver ver. 8.62 released on 7/21/2009) card. Follow the steps below to configure graphics card. 1. From the Start menu, select Catalyst Control Center. 2. Select Workstations > Settings. 3. Click Shared Front/Back/Z Dual Screen Mode. 4. Click OK and then exit the application. 5. Reboot your system. The 3D Navigator is flickering. Check your card properties and make sure you have Hardware Acceleration enabled. Checking Hardware Acceleration Settings - Microsoft Vista Instructions (on page 67) Checking Hardware Acceleration Settings - Microsoft Windows XP Instructions (on page 71)

For NVIDIA Quadro cards (Windows XP), you can turn off the Overlay setting in the NVIDIA control panel. 1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel application. 2. Go to 3D Settings > Manage 3D Settings. 3. Select Off for the Enable Overlay setting. 4. Save your change and close the application.

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General Display Issues The 3D Navigator tooltips are flickering. Set the transition effect for menus and tooltips to the Scroll Effect: 1. From your desktop, right-click and select Properties to open the Display Properties dialog


2. Click the Appearance tab. 3. Click Effects and select Scroll Effect under the Use the following transition effect for

menus and tooltips setting.

4. Click OK to save your change. 5. Click OK to close the Display Properties dialog box.

General Messages The color scheme has been changed to Windows Vista Basic. A running program isn't compatible with certain visual elements of windows. Click here for more information.

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Meaning: This message may display when you open a 3D model. To correctly display the cross hair (in fly mode) on a system running Microsoft Vista as well as to support all capabilities of this operating system, the application automatically unchecks the Enable desktop composition setting. This setting is in Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced tab > Performance Settings > Visual Effects.

Recovery: If you click to see more information on the message, the Windows information dialog box displays. Check the Don't show me this again option if you do not want the above message to display each time a 3D model is opened.

Checking Hardware Acceleration Settings - Microsoft Vista Instructions

The images used in the steps below show NVIDIA card settings, which represent just one type of card that can be used. These images are intended to be used only as examples. The settings for your graphics card may differ from those shown in the steps below. 1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel > Display. 2. Select Start > Control Panel.

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3. Select Appearance and Personalization > Display Settings.

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4. Click Advanced Settings.

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5. Click the Troubleshoot tab.

If your driver does not allow changes (as shown in the above image), you may have to

contact your video card manufacturer for instructions on turning on/off hardware acceleration.

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6. If available, click Change settings.

7. Move the Hardware acceleration slider bar to Full. 8. Click OK to save edits and exit the dialog box. Click OK again to exit the Display Settings

dialog box.

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Checking Hardware Acceleration Settings - Microsoft Windows XP Instructions

The images used in the steps below show NVIDIA card settings, which represent just one type of card that can be used. These images are intended to be used only as examples. The settings for your graphics card may differ from those shown in the steps below. 1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel > Display. 2. Click the Settings tab in the Display Properties dialog box.

3. Click Advanced.

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4. Click the Troubleshoot tab.

5. Move the Hardware acceleration slider bar to Full. 6. Click OK to save edits and exit the dialog box. Click OK again to exit the Display Properties

dialog box.

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S E C T I O N 7

The Review web part displays the currently selected object. You can review the object's properties, related items, and initiate actions (methods) marked as available in the Web Portal. A drop-down list displays the current object. When you click the drop-down list, previously selected objects are listed. You can navigate back to a previous object by selecting it from that list. If you define values for the Warning dialog number and the Maximum query limit options on the Change User Preferences dialog box, a warning message displays when the query results exceeds your warning dialog number but is less than your defined query limit. Click OK to continue running the query and display the query results. Or, click Cancel to stop the query. If your Maximum query limit is reached, a separate warning message displays to inform you that, if displayed, your query exceeds your defined query limit value. Click OK to display the results. The total results displayed defaults to your defined query limit value. Click Cancel to stop the query. The delivered Review web part contains the following tabs: Relationships, Properties, and Actions. The Related Items tab is not available by default, but can be enabled through customization or personalization.

Relationships Tab The Relationships tab displays various relationships to selected items. Click the Show All Relationships link in the tree view to display all the relationships that exist among the selected object and other objects. If you define values for the Warning dialog number and the Maximum query limit options on the Change User Preferences dialog box, a warning message displays when the query results exceeds your warning dialog number but is less than your defined query limit. Click OK to continue running the query and display the query results. Or, click Cancel to stop the query. If your Maximum query limit is reached, a separate warning message displays to inform you that, if displayed, your query exceeds your defined query limit value. Click OK to display the results.

Reviewing Information

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Reviewing Information

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The total results displayed defaults to your defined query limit value. Click Cancel to stop the query.

Show All Relationships - Allows you to display all the relationships that exist among the selected object and other objects.

Use the collapse and expand buttons to collapse and expand nodes in the tree.

Related Items Tab The Related Items tab is not displayed by default. If it is enabled, it displays the items that are related to the selected object.

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Properties Tab The Properties tab displays an alphabetical or categorical list of properties for the selected object.

Alphabetized - Displays an alphabetical list of properties for the selected object.

Categorized - Displays the list of properties grouped by category.

Extended - Displays an extended view of the properties for the selected object.

Brief - Displays an alternate list of properties for the object if one is defined.

Show blank values - Toggles on and off the display of properties whose value is blank.

Actions Tab The Actions tab displays methods that can be invoked against the currently selected item. Only those methods available in the Web Portal are listed.

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Use the collapse and expand buttons to collapse and expand nodes in the tree.

Actions Available in the Review Web Part The following describes the details for the available commands. Details The Details command on the Actions tab in the Review web part displays attributes of the selected item. The Details command allows you to view the properties of the selected object.

Main details Name - Displays the name of the object. Description - Displays the description of the object. Configuration details Object configuration - Displays the scope in which the object is created. Object query configuration - Displays the scope in which the object is created based on query settings. Details Category - Displays the category of the object. Type - Displays the type of the object. Title - Displays the title of the object. Status - Displays the status of the object. Owning group Item owning group - The group to which ownership is assigned. Revision detail Revision scheme - The name of the revision scheme of which the object is a part. Any revision of the document must conform to the revision scheme of which it is a part. Minor revision - The minor part of the ExtRevision. For example, Revision 01A can be split with 01 as the major part and A as the minor part. You can sort on this option. Major revision - The major part of the ExtRevision. For example, Revision 01A can be split with 01 as the major part and A as the minor part. You can sort on this option. Print - Prints the displayed information.

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History The History command displays historical information about the attributes of the selected item. The History command allows you to view the update history of the selected object. The command provides you with information about the SmartPlant Foundation object such as its creation date, interfaces, and so forth.

Object Details Name - Displays the name of the selected object. Description - Displays a description of the selected object. Options Hide historic data - Click to remove any historic data from the view. Show inconsistencies only - Click to display only inconsistencies. Show tree - Click to display attributes in a tree view. Property data Internal name - Displays the attribute name. Export to Excel - Moves the content of the view to Microsoft Excel. You can save the file or open it to display the contents of the view in Excel. Print - Displays the contents of the view in a preview window. Click Print on the preview window to print the view. Batch Print

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The Batch Print command allows you to select files to print. Select the file(s) you want to print.

Save Target As The Save Target As command saves a copy of selected files. The following Save Target As dialog box displays when you have SmartPlant Markup Plus installed. Click Browse to select a path for the files. You can also type the path in the Path field.

The following Save Target As dialog box displays if you do not have SmartPlant Markup Plus installed. Click to select files to copy. By default, files are copied to C:\.

Run Report After querying for a report and selecting a report, the Run Report action displays on the Actions tab. Click Run Report to run a report. When executing a report, you may or may not be prompted to enter criteria based on the definition and type of report. All results of the report display in the output format specified by the report. Reports can have the output specified as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, HTML, List View, and so forth.

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If a report does not require you to enter any criteria information, the report runs with the results displayed in the output format specified by the report. If the report requires that criteria be entered, the Prompt for Values dialog box displays.

The Prompt for Values dialog box allows you to enter a single criteria or display a dialog box that allows multiple criteria. To display the Criteria Definition dialog box, select the Value option ellipses.

The Criteria Definitions dialog box allows you to define, clear, or update multiple criteria used when executing the report. After closing this dialog box, the previous dialog box appears. Enter your criteria, and click OK. The report displays in the specified output format. Workflow If the selected item can be attached to a workflow, a Workflow node is available on the Actions tab. See To Do List (on page 91) for more information about the workflow commands. View Shared Data The View Shared <Object> command allows you to view data about a shared object, such as instruments, equipment, and pipelines, that has been published by multiple sources into their tool-specific domains, then correlated. You can see inconsistencies between the data published by tools, the latest retrieved value, and more.

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Published objects must be correlated in order to view data across multiple domains.

The View Shared <Object> dialog box displays the data for the shared object. Each tool that has published data for the object is represented by a column in the table. Click a column header to use the values in that column as the basis for comparison. Values that are inconsistent with values in the selected column are highlighted. By default, the Last In Value column is selected. Name - the name of the shared object. Description - the description of the shared object. Property - this column displays the name of each property of the shared object. Last In Value - the most recently published value for the shared object is displayed in this column.

For properties scoped by a unit of measure, the SI values of the property values are used to

determine inconsistencies. This means that the units of measure for the property values do not have to be the same to be considered consistent, as long as the SI values are the same.

The tolerance value for comparing numeric values is +/-0.5%. By default, the selected column is highlighted in blue, and the cells representing the properties

that are inconsistent with the values in the selected column are highlighted in orange. These colors can be customized with CSS files. See the SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide for more information.

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View Related Items The View Related Items command allows you to view the details for the selected item and information about each relationship you can navigate from the item. The top section of the List web part displays details about the selected item. The bottom section of the List web part displays the related items. Select a different type of item from the drop down list to view the related items of that type.

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Summary View Equipment The Summary View Equipment command allows you to view a summary of a published object's relationship in one dialog box.

What do you want to do? View relationships for a selected item (on page 85) View properties for a selected item (on page 85) View the history for a selected item (on page 85) Store objects for viewing later (on page 85) View properties of a shared object (on page 86) View related items for a selected item (on page 86) View a summary view of a published object (on page 89)

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View relationships for a selected item 1. With the Review web part populated, click the Relationships tab to view the object's

relationships. 2. Click any hyperlinked relationship. Relationship details display in the Discover and List web


View properties for a selected item 1. With the Review web part populated, select an object using the drop-down list. 2. Click the Properties tab to view the object's properties. 3. Click to toggle the properties alphabetically or by category. 4. Click to toggle between brief or extended property values.

5. Click to toggle on and off properties that display blank values.

View the history for a selected item 1. With the Review web part populated, select an object using the drop-down list. 2. Click the Actions tab to view a list of actions available for the selected object. 3. Click the hyperlink History... in the tree view. The software displays the History dialog box. 4. Select the Show tree check box to display the information in a tree view. 5. Click a node in the Property data tree to view properties and values. 6. Click Print to print the information. 7. Click Export to Excel to move the information to Microsoft Excel. 8. Click Close.

Store objects for viewing later 1. In the Search web part, locate an object (for example, tags, documents, reports, and folder

objects). 2. Click the object you want to store for later use. The object can be in either the List or

Discover web part. 3. In the Review web part, click Actions. 4. Click Add to Home Collection. 5. In the Discover web part, click your user name in the tree view. 6. In the Review web part, click the Relationships tab. 7. Click Show Contents. All added objects display.

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View properties of a shared object 1. In the Search web part, locate a published object. This example shows data published for

shared equipment. The item appears in the List web part.

2. Click the item in the List web part to populate the Review web part. 3. Click View Shared Equipment on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

The View Shared Equipment dialog box appears.

4. Click a column header to compare other values for the property with the selected value.

Inconsistent values are highlighted in orange.

View related items for a selected item 1. In the Search web part, locate an item.

The item appears in the List web part. 2. Click the item in the List web part to populate the Review web part. 3. Click View Related Items on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

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The related items information is displayed in the List web part. If your List web part is configured to display information in tabs, then the View Related Items tab for the item appears in the List web part, as shown below.

The top section of the List web part lists the details for the selected object. The bottom section of the List web part shows items that are related to the selected item.

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Types of related items are displayed separately in the bottom section. To view a different type of related item, select one from the drop down list.

Click a related item in the bottom part of the List web part to populate the Review web part with that item.

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View a summary view of a published object 1. In the Search web part, locate a published object, such as a tag or other equipment.

The object appears in the List web part. 2. Click the object in the List web part to populate the Review web part.

3. Click Summary View Equipment on the Actions tab of the Review web part to open the

Summary View Equipment dialog box.

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S E C T I O N 8

The To Do List web part shows all workflow steps that have been assigned to the you and their statuses. In the To Do List, you can also view and complete checklists associated with workflow steps. You can complete voting steps and mark other steps Completed, Approved, Unable to Complete or Rejected. The To Do List web part has a toolbar, List View with workflow steps and Checklist pane to view and edit checklists. By selecting an object which is in a workflow, you can also view a workflow details report, view the workflow history for an object in a workflow, and view a graphical representation of a workflow.

To Do List Options

Refresh To Do List Click Refresh to refresh the To Do list.

Checklist Preview Pane Click Checklist Preview Pane to turn the Checklist pane on or off. The checklist preview pane displays the checklist associated with the step, if one exists. You can update the checklist by clicking the item that you want to change in the checklist.

Save Checklist Click Save Checklist to save any changes that have been made to the check list.

Configuration Filtering Click Configuration Filtering to filter your inbox based on the configuration. If Configuration Filtering is on, the To Do List will only display the workflow steps in the active query configuration.

Actions Tab Highlight a workflow step in the To Do List. Any To Do List actions that are supported in the Web Portal appear in the Actions tab of the Review web part.

To Do List

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What do you want to do? Claim a workflow step (on page 92) View step details (on page 93) View history of a step (on page 94) Sign off a step (on page 95) Reassign a step (on page 97) Update a step description (on page 98) Update a step duration (on page 98) View workflow details report (on page 99) View workflow history (on page 99) View a workflow (on page 99)

Claim a workflow step 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click Claim Workflow Step on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

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The ClaimStep Task box appears.

3. Type any comments in the Comments box then click OK.

When you claim a step, the Claim command disappears from the Actions tab of the Review web part for the step in your To Do List, and the step disappears from the To Do Lists of other users.

After you claim a step, you can complete the action required by the step. In a parallel workflow, you can claim a single step, instead of all parallel steps, if that single

step has a role assigned to it. This applies if the step is set up for claim by role.

View step details 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click Details.

The Details dialog box appears, displaying the name, description, and the workflow step's general details.

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Click Print to print the details of the workflow step. A preview dialog box appears, allowing you to view what will be printed before it is printed.

Click Print to print the details.

View history of a step 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click History.

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The History dialog box appears.

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Sign off a step 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click a sign-off action in the Actions tab of the Review web part. Based on the type of

workflow step, sign-off actions could include the following. Complete Unable to Complete Approve Reject

The SignoffStep box appears.

3. If there is a checklist associated with the step, click Checklist Preview Pane on the To

Do List toolbar to display the checklist.

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If the checklist preview pane is already displayed, the checklist associated with the step appears in the checklist preview pane when you select the step.

4. Complete the checklist. Because checklist items are optional, you are not required to complete checklist items

before you can complete a step in a workflow. If an item in the checklist is vital to your overall workflow, we suggest you make that item an actual step in the workflow.

5. Type any comments and messages to the next recipient in the SignOffStep Task box.

Information entered in the Comments box is saved with the object in the database. Information entered in the Message to next step box is included in the e-mail sent to the

next recipient, but it is not stored in the object or workflow. 6. Click OK. The software automatically removes the step from your To Do List, and the

workflow continues to the next step.

Reassign a step 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click Reassign in the Actions tab of the Review web part.

The Reassign box appears.

3. In the Reassign dialog box, select the user or user role to whom you want to reassign the

step. You can not assign it to both. 4. Click OK. The software removes the reassigned step from your To Do List, and the step

appears in the To Do List of the user or users to whom you assigned the step.

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Update a step description 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click Update Step Description in the Actions tab of the Review web part.

The Update Step Description box appears.

3. Type a new description for the step and click OK.

Update a step duration 1. Select a workflow step in the To Do List. 2. Click Update Step Duration in the Actions tab of the Review web part.

The Update Step Duration box appears.

3. Type the new duration for the step in days, or use the buttons to set the duration. 4. Click on the calendar buttons to set the Target date and Planned date.

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View workflow details report 1. Select an object that is in a workflow.

Workflow Details Report appears under the Workflow node on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

2. Click Workflow Details Report. The workflow details report in html format appears.

View workflow history 1. Select an object that is in a workflow.

Workflow History appears under the Workflow node on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

2. Click Workflow History.

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View a workflow 1. Select an object that is in a workflow.

View Workflow appears under the Workflow node on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

2. Click View Workflow. The graphical representation of the workflow appears.

The following default colors indicate workflow states: Yellow - The workflow step is ready to begin.

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White - The workflow step is not ready to begin yet. Green - The step has been signed off. Pink - The step has been rejected. Blue - The step has been terminated.

A red line connecting two steps indicates that the first step of the two is the reject step for the second.

3. Click on a step to see the details for the step. The step details dialog box appears.

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Click Print to print the details of the workflow step. A preview dialog box appears, allowing you to view what will be printed before it is printed.

Click Print to print the details.

Change the Display Properties for a Workflow 1. Select an object that is in a workflow.

View Workflow appears under the Workflow node on the Actions tab of the Review web part.

2. Click View Workflow. The graphical representation of the workflow appears.

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3. Click Properties to configure the properties displayed in each step box.

The current configuration of properties on the step box symbols is displayed in the Properties to Display dialog box. Select a column set to determine what properties are displayed in the step box. Select Display property name if you want to display the name and description of the

property in the step box. Click Default to restore the default properties for the step box.

Click OK to save your changes and return to the graphical display of the workflow. 4. Click a color in the workflow step color key to change the color.

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The Workflow step color selection dialog box appears.

5. Select a new color to represent the step.

Click Default to restore the color to the default color and return to the graphical display of the workflow.

6. Click OK to save your changes and return to the graphical display of the workflow. The workflow display color settings and properties set in the Web Portal also apply to

your workflow display color settings and properties in the Desktop Client.

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S E C T I O N 9

Applications Bar The Applications Bar web part allows you to start specialized applications and tasks in the Web Portal. Having specialized applications allows you to access the Web Portal for specialized tasks. An example configuration of the Applications Bar web part is shown below. The user in the example has access to applications called Doc Portal and the default Web Portal page.

Access to applications is controlled by roles. If you have access to more than one application (including the default Web Portal page), use the Applications Bar to choose which application you want to start. If you have access to one application, that application is started when you log in.

Any personalizations or customizations that are created within an application are saved. If you have access to multiple applications, the application you were in most recently is started

when you log in.

Tasks When you open a Web Portal application, the Tasks web part appears below the Applications Bar. Tasks provide the way to perform actions within a Web Portal application. An example task configuration is shown below.

In this example, the user has clicked Doc Portal, and is now in the Document Portal application. The one task for this example application is Attach File. For more information about enabling and configuring applications and tasks in the Web Portal, refer to SmartPlant Foundation Web Portal Customization Guide (SPFWebPortalCustomization.chm) delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation programming documentation.

Applications and Tasks

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active scope A configuration in which you may view, create, modify, and delete information in the SmartPlant Foundation client.

adapter Authoring tool software that facilitates the sharing of data between the authoring tool and other integrated tools. Tool adapters generate XML files for publish operations and consume XML when tools retrieve documents. Adapters are also called SmartPlant adapters.

API 1) Application Programming Interface. 2) American Petroleum Institute.

as-built The set of data that describes the existing conditions of a plant or site; the completed and approved state of a project.

attribute An object characteristic.

authoring tools Applications where documents are created and then shared through integration. Integrated authoring tools include Aspen Basic Engineering, SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant Instrumentation, SmartPlant 3D, SmartPlant Materials, and SmartPlant Foundation.


batch printing Printing files at a specified date and time from the SmartPlant Foundation client.


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brownfield An existing plant or site that is modified by one or more projects.


cache Memory that stores recently-accessed data so that subsequent requests to access the same data can be processed quickly.

cases Configurations for instruments that may include specific parameters, settings, or even components for use in a specific situation.

change notification An e-mail message sent to a user when an action is performed on an object in SmartPlant Foundation.

check out Allows you to make changes to an existing document in SmartPlant Foundation. Only the user who has checked out a document can save changes to it.

checklist A series of items, tasks, or questions that the user finishes before a completing a step in a workflow. Checklists can be optional or required.

claim To take responsibility for a step in a SmartPlant Foundation workflow. To identify the scope of a project by adding items to the project from a drawing or a 3-D model.

When authoring tools are integrated, SmartPlant P&ID claims items that are shared among tools. Other authoring tools, such as SmartPlant Instrumentation and SmartPlant 3D, claim items that they create and modify that are not shared.

class view map A schema object that specifies a set of class definitions and the default view definition that should be used for each class definition in the set.

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client API A .dll (dynamic link library) that performs a particular function in SmartPlant Foundation. Client APIs are processed by a specific section of code in a component.

common UI An ActiveX component (.dll) that provides a standard user interface for integration functionality, such as publish, retrieve, and register. The authoring tools display the common UI when the user clicks particular SmartPlant commands in the authoring tool.

compare To view the differences between two revisions of the same document in SmartPlant Foundation.

component A .dll (dynamic link library) that handles requests on the SmartPlant Foundation server. Components are also called business service layers (BSLs).

component schema A subdivision of the complete SmartPlant schema that contains the set of class definitions that are used within a specific domain or application area.

condition An object that can restrict access to a method, workflow, or relationship based on specified criteria.

configuration tree A representation in a tree list, which may include plant, areas, units, and projects that indicates the structure in which the data is stored in SmartPlant Foundation.

container An object used by the tool adapters and the SmartPlant software components to pass data back and forth between a tool and SmartPlant Foundation. A container may hold data or metadata related to the data model or actual instance data.

contract A group of documents that are collected and issued for bid, construction, review, and so on.

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correlation The relationship between items that represent the same object in multiple authoring tools.

create scope A configuration for data creation, modification, and termination in SmartPlant Foundation.

current document A document that has been signed off. Current documents can be revised in SmartPlant Foundation, but not checked out or in.

cut-off date Any date on which progress information is calculated. Official cut-off dates are scheduled in advance and are typically part of a reporting schedule. Unofficial cut-off dates are random dates when rollups are not scheduled but progress is calculated anyway.


data list A list of plant items that can be modified outside SmartPlant Foundation. You can generate data lists to view and edit SmartPlant Foundation data in Microsoft Excel, and then save the data back into SmartPlant Foundation.

data sheet A file that allows users to view, edit, and print object data in a customizable format.

data sheet template An Excel file that defines the layout of a data sheet.

database Collection of files of comprehensive information that have predefined structure and organization; a specific program can communicate, interpret, or process these files.

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design basis An item in an authoring tool that represents an item from an upstream application (an application used earlier in the lifecycle of the plant). Plant items placed with the authoring tool correspond to a particular design basis item. Design basis items provide a means of determining if the plant items within the authoring tool are consistent with the items from the upstream application and help users maintain consistency as changes are made in all authoring tools.

design file A file generated by a design tool, such as SmartPlant P&ID or Aspen Basic Engineering.

digest See e-mail digest.

display item Object used to present data or relationships on a form in SmartPlant Foundation.

distribution matrix A list of people who will receive a transmittal created in SmartPlant Foundation and an indication of what is expected from each recipient. Workflows can also be configured to use a distribution matrix for sending To Do List or e-mail notifications to workflow step recipients.

document An object used to track revisions to a design file in SmartPlant Foundation.

document master An object used to group all the revisions of a document in SmartPlant Foundation.

document revision An officially recognized change to a document.

domain A set of data (for example: tool data, SmartPlant Foundation administration data, and schema data) that is segregated and managed independently in SmartPlant Foundation. Data segregation improves performance and maintains data integrity. The SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools create data in one SmartPlant Foundation domain and publish into another domain.

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downstream forecasting A feature that uses timestring information and actual dates when steps were completed to provide an estimated completion date for subsequent steps.

dump file A file that contains data exported from the SmartPlant Foundation data or system administration database. You can import database dump files using SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager.


edge definition Single or multiple relationship definitions with direction. In the SmartPlant schema, an edge definition is used to traverse from a starting object to related objects.

effectivity date The period of time for which historical data is displayed in SmartPlant Foundation.

e-mail digest A collection of notification messages from SmartPlant Foundation that are sent together instead of separately. You can set a user preference in the Desktop Client to receive digests instead of individual e-mail messages.

enumerated entry A member of an enumerated list that defines one possible value for a property in the SmartPlant schema. Enumerated values are sometimes called enumerated entries.

enumerated list A list of possible string property values defined for a property definition in the SmartPlant schema. Enumerated sets are sometimes called enumerated lists, picklists, codelists, and lookups.

exposes The relationship between interface definitions and property definitions in the SmartPlant schema. Interface definitions expose the property definitions for class definitions.


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file server A service that handles direct file transfer between vaults and the SmartPlant Foundation client.

file type A setting in SmartPlant Foundation that specifies the format of attached files based on file extension. This setting determines how files are viewed, edited, and printed in SmartPlant Foundation.

folder A grouping object that can contain a number of items. A folder can contain other folders, to build up a folder hierarchy. A folder can have an owner, which makes it visible only for that user, and it can have an owning group, which allows access for members of the group. Some uses of a folder include grouping objects, putting a folder's contents through a workflow, and generating a data list from a folder's contents.

form A part of the SmartPlant Foundation client user interface that allows users to specify values for class definition properties.

FTR Full-Text Retrieval; a separate module of SmartPlant Foundation that allows you to store, index, and search for text contained in or associated with objects managed by SmartPlant Foundation. Full-text retrieval creates an inverted index (a list of the individual words with locations in the files) and uses this index at search time.


governing case The specific case used for an instrument.

graph definition A connected network of edge definitions with structure. Each graph definition in the SmartPlant schema starts at an interface definition and traverses through one or more relationship definitions to another interface definition at the other end. Graph definitions are sometimes referred to as directed graph definitions.

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graphic report A filtered view of a drawing or model, displayed graphically in SmartPlant Foundation.

graphic report definition A set of rules defined to display a drawing or model as a graphic report. The report definition is saved and is also available for use with any number of drawings or models in SmartPlant Foundation.

greenfield A new plant on a site with no existing infrastructure.


hierarchy A classified structure with superiors, or roots, and subordinates, or dependents, used for grouping data.

host A computer that stores files.

hotspot Graphical notification that a user can click a drawing item in a drawing or viewable file to display the properties for the item in SmartPlant Foundation.


implies The relationship between two interface definitions in the SmartPlant schema. If an interface definition implies another interface definition, then any class definition that realizes the first interface definition can also realize the implied interface definition.

integration Technology that standardizes and improves the communication among the various SmartPlant Enterprise authoring tools used in the course of designing, constructing, and operating a plant. Integration manages data exchange among these authoring tools, which enables sharing and re- use of plant information throughout the plant lifecycle.

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interface definition A named collection of property definitions that represents a role for a class definition in the SmartPlant schema.

issue To release a document as part of a transmittal. The document is not considered issued until the status of the transmittal has been changed to issued.

issue request A staging of documents and drawings to be issued with a transmittal. An issue request means that the documents or drawings are ready to be issued with a transmittal, but does not actually cause the transmittal to be issued.


master file A document file that references other files.

meta schema A set of schema objects that describe the objects in the SmartPlant schema. The meta schema provides the building blocks upon which the SmartPlant schema is built.

method A call to an API that allows users to perform actions on objects or interfaces in SmartPlant Foundation.


owning group The user group to which an object is assigned in SmartPlant Foundation.


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picklist A list of applicable values for a given property in SmartPlant Foundation.

plant An object that can represent the top level in the delivered SmartPlant Foundation data hierarchy. If you use a custom hierarchy, the object at the top level of the hierarchy may have a different name.

Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) The composition of the plant based on the grouping of physical objects by their function in the plant. The plant usually occupies the top level of the hierarchy and is typically followed by areas and units.

print server A computer that processes print requests for a defined list of printers in SmartPlant Foundation.

process cases Configurations for instruments that may include specific parameters, settings, or even components for use in a specific situation.

profile See user profile.

progress Functionality that allows users to track the development of deliverables, such as documents or items, against a project plan, indicating any deviations from the original plan.

project A logical unit of data that is a subset of the items that make up a plant. A project is used for making controlled, incremental changes to the data in a plant. There can be multiple projects for a plant at any given time.

property An object characteristic.

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property definition A basic attribute shared by all members of a class. Property definitions are grouped using interface definitions in the SmartPlant schema.

publish To share a document and its data with other authoring tools by exporting an XML file containing the document data and relationships. When a document is published, the software places the XML file in the appropriate SmartPlant Foundation vault and loads the data from the XML file into the SmartPlant Foundation database. After the document is published, users can retrieve the data from the XML file located in the SmartPlant Foundation vault into other authoring tools.

punchlist Provides a running to do list of outstanding scope for completions.


query A detailed search based on object properties.

query scope A configuration for data queries and relationship expansions in SmartPlant Foundation.


realizes The relationship between class definitions and interface definitions in the SmartPlant schema. Class definitions realize interface definitions. The interface definitions that are realized by a class definition expose the properties for that class definition.

Reason For Issue (RFI) The reason a document is released as part of a transmittal.

Reason For Receipt (RFR) The reason why a specific recipient was included on a transmittal or workflow step.

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reference file Files associated with a master file in SmartPlant Foundation.

register To map an authoring tool and all its projects to a SmartPlant Foundation URL, which points to one SmartPlant Foundation database. You must register your authoring tool plant before you can publish and retrieve in an integrated environment.

relationship An association between two objects.

relationship definition Associations between interface definitions in the SmartPlant schema. Relationship definitions identify two specific objects that fulfill the roles on each end of the relationship.

resurrected object A deleted authoring tool object that is reintroduced to the SmartPlant Foundation database when recovered tool data is republished. For example, a tool initially publishes a document containing an object, but later deletes the object and republishes. SmartPlant Foundation then detects that the object is deleted. However, if the tool restores data that was backed up before the object was deleted, through a data restoration or other tool-specific mechanism, and republishes, then SmartPlant Foundation recognizes that the object was previously deleted but has been reintroduced (resurrected).

retrieve To import document data from an .XML file that was published by another authoring tool for the purpose of maintaining consistency of data across tools. When you retrieve a document, most authoring tools analyze the impact of the newly retrieved data on the existing database and then place tasks on the authoring tool's To Do List. The tasks on the To Do List allow you to create, delete, or modify items at the appropriate time in the design process.

revision An officially recognized change to a document. Each revision of a document may have multiple versions.

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revision scheme A numbering convention for document revisions.

role A role determines a user's level of access to data and functionality in a specific plant/project configuration. Users can belong to more than one role per configuration. Roles are defined by system administrators and are based on related access groups, domains, and owning groups.

rollup The process of calculating progress data. Progress is calculated for every deliverable at every level of the hierarchy, and all of that information is available for viewing or reporting when you run a rollup. Rollups can be scheduled with official cut-off dates or can be run manually at any time.


schema A model used to describe and validate the structure of XML files.

Schema Component A suite of ActiveX components that provide functionality surrounding the creation, parsing, validation, and comparison of the SmartPlant schema and data. The tool adapters interact with the Schema Component to read the SmartPlant schema, to create data for publish, and to retrieve data.

scoped by The relationship between property definitions and property types in the SmartPlant schema. The scoped by relationship specifies the property type that defines acceptable values, or scopes, a particular property definition. Every property definition in the SmartPlant schema is scoped by one and only one property type. All properties of that property definition must be of that property type.

section A collection of display items used on SmartPlant Foundation forms.

server A computer that stores or processes files.

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shared object definition A schema object used to group together similar class definitions that define the same object in different domains. Class definitions that can be shared have a Sharing relationship with shared object definitions in the SmartPlant schema.

sharing The relationship between class definitions and shared object definitions in the SmartPlant schema. This relationship indicates that a class definition can be shared.

SI International System of Units, sometimes referred to as the metric system. When values for units of measure are published, they are converted to SI units and stored, regardless of the units of measure selected when the user defined the value in the authoring tool.

sign off To approve a particular revision of a document in SmartPlant Foundation. Signing off a document sets the document to be the current released revision, makes it official, and supersedes any previous released revisions. Document revisions that have been signed off are frozen and cannot be checked out.

site Refers to the SmartPlant Foundation server settings that point to SmartPlant Foundation Administration and Data databases and vaults. Each site allows you to run SmartPlant Foundation operations on data associated with plants and projects configured in the database.

SmartPlant Enterprise A suite of Intergraph engineering applications that are delivered together.

SmartPlant schema An XML file that describes the structure of the XML files generated by integrated authoring tools in much the same way as a data dictionary describes the structure of a database. As tools publish documents in XML format, those documents must adhere to the format defined by the schema to ensure that the XML data can be loaded into SmartPlant Foundation and retrieved into the other authoring tools.

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status The state of a change object at the completion of each step in a workflow.

step A process that must be performed in order to complete a workflow.

subscribe To register interest in an object so that you receive a notification when the object is modified. You can manually subscribe to change notifications in the SmartPlant Foundation client.

superseded Indicates that a newer, working version of the selected document exists.

symbology Settings that determine how a drawing or model will appear when displayed as a graphical report in SmartPlant Foundation.


TEF The Engineering Framework; technology behind the integration of SmartPlant Enterprise products.

terminate To change the status of a SmartPlant Foundation object to terminated without removing it from the SmartPlant Foundation database. Terminating objects, instead of deleting them, allows you to continue to see the history of the object after termination.

timestring A schedule that assigns a certain number of days for the completion for each step in the lifecycle of a deliverable.

title block The portion of a drawing that contains information about the drawing, such as who created the drawing, when it was created, who approved it, and so on. The type of information included in the title block varies by drawing type, industry, and organization.

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To Do List A graphical list of tasks that require attention from the user. In SmartPlant Foundation, the To Do List contains workflow steps assigned to the user. In the authoring tools, such as SmartPlant P&ID and SmartPlant Instrumentation, the To Do List contains create, delete, and update tasks generated when a user retrieves a document.

token A license that provides timed access to users of SmartPlant Foundation. When a user opens the software, a token is activated. There are two types of tokens: daily and perpetual. Daily tokens are available to all users and are valid for 12 consecutive hours after the user logs on to SmartPlant Foundation. When a daily license token is checked out, a token is depleted from the daily token file. If there are no tokens left in the daily token file, then other users cannot access the software. Perpetual tokens are only available to a select group of system users and provide unlimited access to the software.

tombstone Delete instructions for an object that has been removed in one of the authoring tools. Upon retrieval of a tombstone, delete tasks are created in the authoring tool's To Do List to allow the tool to delete the object from its database.

tool See authoring tool.

tool adapter See adapter.

tool schema A set of schema objects that describe the data in the authoring tool databases before it is transformed into the format prescribed by the SmartPlant schema. The tool schema also specifies the mapping between objects in the tool database and the SmartPlant schema.

tool signature A unique identifier for the relationship between a plant in SmartPlant Foundation and a specific plant in an authoring tool database. The relationship is created when an authoring tool registers with SmartPlant Foundation.

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transmittal A controlled package of documents used to perform, track, and record the distribution of project documentation among different design teams.


unit Group of parts of the schematic and individual worlds of a plant that together perform a given process function. The identifying number of the unit is unique within the project and within the plant. Most companies, but not all, use the concept of unit.

unit of measure list A collection of different units that measure the same property in SmartPlant Foundation.

UoM A unit of measurement.

user An object that specifies data about a person who is authorized to use SmartPlant Foundation.

user profile Information about windows, configuration, and interface settings, saved by the SmartPlant Foundation client when you close the application and used to configure the application when you reopen it.


vault A folder where files are stored on a host computer.

version An intermediate update to an existing document that is tracked by the SmartPlant Foundation software.

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view definition A named group of properties extracted from the possible properties that a graph definition exposes. View definitions are used in an integrated environment to provide a different view of data from that provided by the underlying schema.

virtual directory A Web folder created in IIS that points to a physical folder on the Web server. Virtual directories are used by SmartPlant Foundation to run applications and services from the SmartPlant Foundation server and to transfer files between file servers and clients.


Web Portal Provides the functionality of the SmartPlant Foundation client system through an easy-to-deploy Internet Explorer web browser. Based on the software configuration and authorization of the System Administrator, you can perform the following functions: View information from the database about a specific object Search for objects in the database View drawings and 3D models View a history for a particular object View relationships between objects

weighting The percentage of a project that is made up by a step, sub- step, or deliverable. When you create a step or sub-step for a deliverable or assign a deliverable to workpack, you must indicate what percentage of the work that item represents. For example, if a deliverable is 30 percent complete when a particular step is finished, the weighting for that step is 30.

wildcard A character that helps you narrow your search for objects in the SmartPlant Foundation database. You can use wildcards in any text box in the Find and Query dialog boxes. Text wildcards in SmartPlant Foundation include the following: ? - Finds any single character * - Finds any string of characters % - Performs the same function as *

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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The composition of the plant based on the construction work to be completed. The plant usually occupies the top level of the hierarchy; it is typically followed by projects, contracts, and documents.

workflow A series of steps defining actions to be taken on an object in SmartPlant Foundation.

working document A document that has not been signed off in SmartPlant Foundation.


XML Extensible Markup Language; the format for all documents published or retrieved in an integrated environment. These XML files must conform to the structure defined by the SmartPlant schema.

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3 3D View Control • 56

A Active Scope • 30 Applications Bar • 107

D documents • 53

viewing • 53 drawings • 53

viewing • 53

E Effective Now • 23, 27

F finding • 35

objects by name • 35

H Home Collection • 77

I interface • 23 Introduction • 17

L login • 23

M methods • 77

N navigating • 49

SmartPlant Foundation database • 49

P printing • 45

using Microsoft Excel • 45 properties • 77

reviewing • 77

Q query • 28

by configurations • 30 by roles • 30 limits • 28 scope • 30 using a wizard • 35

Query Scope • 23 quick search • 35

R related items • 77 roles • 30

defining for scope • 30

S saving • 35

a query • 35 search results • 45

printing • 45 viewing • 35

searching • 35 for objects • 35 using text • 35

setting • 27 active configurations • 30 date and time • 27 unit of measure • 28 user preferences • 28

T tasks • 107 todo list • 93 toolbar • 23

U User Preferences • 23

V viewing • 53

documents • 53 drawings • 53


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W wildcards • 35 workflows • 93