sports nutrition unit 8. ergogenics we already know that athletic performance has its basis in...

Sports Nutrition Unit 8

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Sports NutritionUnit 8


We already know that athletic performance has its basis in genetics. That along with coaching contributes to performance. So when genetic and coaching are equal, where do athletes look to get that edge that will make them winners? Nutrition?


To start to understand how performance can be improved by nutrition, you have to understand how the nutrients work in the body - what do they do. - facilitate recovery following exercise - increase muscle tissue growth - prevent muscle tissue damage


- Increase mechanical efficiency - increase bone mineral density and strength - enhance mental functions - provide energy for body systems - improve acid-base balance and reduce acidity


- increase oxygen transport and delivery - regulate body temperature - enhance energy producing metabolic pathwaysIn the search for the “edge” these pathways can be explored


Ergogenics - ergo (from the greek meaning work) and gen (meaning production of) is usually defined as to increase potential for work output. A variety of ergogenic aids have been developed. They can be divided into 2 groups. 1. Performance enhancing techniques


2. Performance enhancing substances


Performance enhancing aids1. Mechanical Aids - designed to increase efficiency or to provide a mechanical edge. This would include lightweight running shoes, aerodynamic cycling clothes, etc. 2. Psychological Aids - designed to increase mental strength with hypnosis.


3. Physiological Aids - designed to augment natural physiological processes to increase physical power. This might include blood doping - the infusion of blood into an athlete - with the idea of increasing the ability to oxygen to increase aerobic endurance.


4. Pharmacological Aids - drugs designed to influence physiological or psychological processes to increase physical power, mental strength, or mechanical edge. The commonly used drug is caffeine.


5. Nutritional Aids - commonly used are protein supplements by strength-training athletes in attempts to increase muscle mass because protein is the major dietary component of muscle.


Sports SupplementsProbably the most commonly used ergogenic aids are dietary supplements. There are a variety of reasons for this. - some athletes have believed that certain foods may possess magical qualities


- Shrewd advertising and marketing promote the belief of magical qualities. - They may be endorsed by very successful professional athletes. - They may have been recommended by coaches or fellow athletes.


- As drug testing becomes more sophisticated, many athletes believe that nutritional supplements are natural, safe, and legal.


Before we explore whether they are safe and legal, let’ talk about their effectiveness.Some examples of supplements that fall into the 6 main nutrient categories.Carbohydrates - Special compounds have been developed to facilitate absorption, storage and use of CHO’s during exercise.

Ergogenics - special fatty acids have been used in attempts to provide an alternative fuel to CHOProtein - Special amino acids derived from protein have been developed and advertised to be more potent that anabolic steroids.


Vitamins - Special vitamin mixtures and even “nonvitamins” such as B15, have been given ergogenic qualities ranging from increases in strength to improved vision. Minerals - Special mineral supplements, such as chromium, vanadium, and boron have been advertised to be anabolic in nature.


Water - Special oxygenated waters have been developed specifically for aerobic endurance athletes. The idea is to increase oxygen delivery.


The majority of over-the-counter dietary supplements, particularly those containing essential nutrients, appear to be safe for the general population when taken in recommended dosages.


So what is the problem? How do dietary supplements pose health risks?- First, using the “if one is good, then ten is

better” mentality, athletes may overdose. - Second, the product label may not contain

all the ingredients, or may contain ingredients not listed.


- Third, young athletes, adolescents, may have a sense of “invincibility” and may not posses the judgement to use appropriate doses.

- Forth, some companies are unscrupulous and may not list a chemical, such as ephedrine, a stimulant, that causes you to believe the product works.


Are nutritional ergogenics legal? Home : AIS : Australian Sports Commission


All essential nutrients are not classified as drugs and are considered to be legal for use by athletes.Most dietary supplements are also legal. Some that contain substances like androstenedione, and Chinese Ephedra and some forms of ginseng are prohibited.

Erogenics studies of muscle building supplements sold on the internet say that as much as 25% of these are contaminated with prohibited substances.


Nutritional QuackeryQuackery - fake practitioner, worthless product, deceitful promotion, untrue or misleading claims that are deliberately falseThese people sell you and tell you anything for money.


There has been so much research done and so much new information about nutrition in recent years, if you are not a nutrition professional it is hard to sort it all out. The news media uses only the information that makes headlines may not be reporting with enough depth to allow consumers to make good decisions.


The law we looked at on the last slide should make us feel that the labeling is safe. However, companies are allowed to make general health claims. How does this work?For example, if a product contains zinc, which has been proven to help with immunity, they can claim that their product boosts the immune system.


Many companies use a disclaimer. “This product has not been evaluated by the FDA.”“This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”


The FDA was to remedy the problem of nutritional quackery, but so far no action has been taken. In 2010, a Dietary Supplement Safety Act was proposed by the Senate, but was later withdrawn.



Go online, or find magazines for bodybuilders or endurance athletes. Collect advertisements or endorsements for supplements.


Evaluate these advertisements by using the following. 1. Does the product promise quick

improvement in health or physical performance?


2. Does it contain some secret or magical ingredient or formula?

3. Is it advertised mainly by use of anecdotes, case histories, or testimonials?

4. Are currently popular personalities or star athletes featured?


5. Does it take a simple truth about a nutrient and exaggerate that truth?

6. Does is question the integrity of the scientific or medical establishment?

7. Is it advertised in a health or sports magazine whose publishers also sell nutritional aids?


8. Does the person who recommends it also sell the product?

9. Does it use results of a single study or outdated, poorly conducted research?

10.Is it expensive?11.Is it a recent discovery?12.Is the claim seem too good to be true?


How to find reliable information.Books - (Check the author’s credentials)Scientific JournalsPopular Magazines- (Check the author’s credentials)Consultants - (check the credentials)

Ergogenics Cautions1. No one regulates the internet. Anyone can

set up a home page and claim anything. 2. Some official-sounding websites allow

anyone to enter and modify the site


3. Google and Yahoo host paid advertisements that may contain biased information.

4. Compare internet info with another source.5. Check the author’s credentials.6. Be wary of sites that sell.7. Be cautious of chat info or info found on

bulletin boards.


Go to 3 of the following websites. Research a topic related to sports medicine and write a paragraph about each.


