spring 1859 - summer 1861.pdf

COUNTY AT LAHGE. Spring Assizes. 1859. l To the Board of Superintendence of the County Gaol, being the amount required for the support thereof and of the Bridewells, including all Salaries, 6 & 7 W m. IV., c. 116, sees. 2 & 92, £ s. d. and 19 & 20 Vic., c. 68, ... 791 10 11 2 To the Tt·ensurer of the County Infirmaries, for the support thereof, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 85, 200 0 0 3 To the Treasurer of Arklow Fever Hospital, for like, sec. 81, 149 15 0 4 To the Treasurer of Enniskerry FeY"er Hospital, for like, ibid 80 14 0 5 To Samuel Fenton, Esq., Clerk of the Peace, to de- fray his expenses, incurred for the Registration of Parliamentary Voters, 13 & 14 Vic., c. 6!), sec. 70, 138 3 8 6 To same, for expenses incurred in revising lists of Jurors, and providing and making up Jurors Book fortheyears 1857,1858, and 1859,3 & 4 Wm. IV., c. 91, sees. 5 & 9, and 8 & 9 Vic., c. 67, sec. 2, 3 15 0 7 To William M'Phail, amount of his account for Publishing in the WicTclow News-Letter Advertise- ments for County purposes, for the offices of Secre- tary to the Grand Jury and Clerk of the Peace, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 142, 24: 19 9 8 To Mark Toomey, Esq., Solicitor to the Grand Jury, his costs for preparing Bonds for the County Collectors, under the Resolution of the Grand Jury, and for preparing Deeds relative to the pro· viding a Barrack for the Wicklow Militia, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., e. 116, and 17 & 18 Vic., c.107, 18 10 0 9 To George Eagar, Bridewell-keeper, for providing sundry articles, for Lime, Whitewashing Tinahely Bridewell, from Summer Assizes 1858, to Spring Assizes 1859, 7 Geo. IV., c. 74, sec. 109, .. 0 lG 6 10 To George Eagar, Conrt-keeper at Tinahely, for providing sundry articles fot• the use of Tinahely Court-house, from Summer Assizes 18!>8 to Spring Assizes 1859, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, 1 19 5 II To Flora Loughlin, 'for providing sundry articles for use of County Court House, by order of the High Sheriff, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 56, 1 5 6 £1417 9 9 © Wicklow County Council Archives

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    Spring Assizes. 1859.

    l To the Board of Superintendence of the County Gaol, being the amount required for the support thereof and of the Bridewells, including all Salaries, 6 & 7 W m. IV., c. 116, sees. 2 & 92,

    s. d.

    and 19 & 20 Vic., c. 68, ... 791 10 11 2 To the Ttensurer of the County Infirmaries, for

    the support thereof, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 85, 200 0 0

    3 To the Treasurer of Arklow Fever Hospital, for like, sec. 81, 149 15 0

    4 To the Treasurer of Enniskerry FeY"er Hospital, for like, ibid 80 14 0

    5 To Samuel Fenton, Esq., Clerk of the Peace, to de-fray his expenses, incurred for the Registration of Parliamentary Voters, 13 & 14 Vic., c. 6!), sec. 70, 138 3 8

    6 To same, for expenses incurred in revising lists of Jurors, and providing and making up Jurors Book fortheyears 1857,1858, and 1859,3 & 4 Wm. IV., c. 91, sees. 5 & 9, and 8 & 9 Vic., c. 67, sec. 2, 3 15 0

    7 To William M'Phail, amount of his account for Publishing in the WicTclow News-Letter Advertise-ments for County purposes, for the offices of Secre-tary to the Grand Jury and Clerk of the Peace, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 142, 24: 19 9

    8 To Mark Toomey, Esq., Solicitor to the Grand Jury, his costs for preparing Bonds for the County Collectors, under the Resolution of the Grand Jury, and for preparing Deeds relative to the pro viding a Barrack for the Wicklow Militia, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., e. 116, and 17 & 18 Vic., c.107, 18 10 0

    9 To George Eagar, Bridewell-keeper, for providing sundry articles, for Lime, Whitewashing Tinahely Bridewell, from Summer Assizes 1858, to Spring Assizes 1859, 7 Geo. IV., c. 74, sec. 109, .. 0 lG 6

    10 To George Eagar, Conrt-keeper at Tinahely, for providing sundry articles fot the use of Tinahely Court-house, from Summer Assizes 18!>8 to Spring Assizes 1859, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, 1 19 5

    II To Flora Loughlin, 'for providing sundry articles for use of County Court House, by order of the High Sheriff, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 56, 1 5 6

    1417 9 9




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  • 28 No.

    CoUNTY AT LARGE-(Continued).

    Brought forward, 12 To James Wyer, for providing a Book for the

    Barony of A.rklow Presentments, in January, 1858, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. ll6, ...

    13 To Richard Murphy, to build a gullet on the road from Wicklow to .Arklow, at Ballyteskin, and to make 160 perches o parallel drains on townlands of Marlton and Ballyteskin, ibid, County at Large moiety, . .. .. .

    14 To Stephen 1\Iurphy, to keep in repair for 1 year 250 perches, of m. c. road, from Tinal1ely t~ Rathdrum, between Jeremiah Tool's contract and John O'Neill's, Killaveney, at Is 2td per perch, sees. 15 & 50, County at Large moiety, ...

    15 To Maurice Stafford, to build a protecting wall beside the m. c. road, leading from Wexford to Du?lin, at Ballyknocken, sec. 56, County at Large motety, ...

    16 To Thadeus Pluck, to open a gullet at Troy's public house, along the m. c. road, opposite to the Dargle road, and to make paved channels above and below same, sec. 56, County moiety, ...

    17 To Edward Byrne, to olear out the water way above and below the bridge, at Kilmacanogue, on the m. c. road, from Bray to Newtown-Mt.-Kennedr: sec. 56, County moiety, '

    18 To Thomas Finlay, to keep in repair for 3 years, 640 perches of m. c. road,_ Dublin to Baltinglass, between 24th and 22od m1lestones, o.t ls 9d per perch annually, sec. 20, 50, & 52, County at Large moiety, I year, .. .. .

    19 To Nicholas Toomey, like for 3 years, 64.0 perches of said m. c. road, between 26th and 24th mile stones, at ls .9d per perch annually, ibid, County at Larg-e mmety, 1 year, . .. . ..

    20 To Christopher Jordan, like for 3 years, 577 pechs. of said m. c. road, between the 17th and 19th mi~e stones, at 2s per perch annually, ibid, County mmety, l year, ... ...

    21 To James Comoy, like for3 yeaTs, 428 perches of said m. c. road, between 19tr! and 22nd mile~tones, at ls lOd per perch, ibid, County moiety, 1 year,

    22 To David Quin, like for 3 years, 448 perches of said m. c. road, between 13tb milestone and Co. Bounds, at 3s per perch annua.l.ly, ibid, County 11t Large moiety, l year, .. . ..

    28 To William Lynch, like for 3 years, 543i perches of said m. c. road, between 13th and 15th mile stones, at 2s 6d per perch annually, ibid, County at Large moiety, 1 year, ...

    8. d. 141'7 9 9

    l 17 0

    11 10 0

    7 11 0

    9 19 0

    2 0 0

    5 0 0

    28 Q 0

    28 0 0

    21 11 e

    19 12 0

    33 12 0

    33 19 4

    1626 7 1

    CouNTY AT LARGE-(Continued.)

    No. Brought forward,

    24. To the Acting Secretary of the Grand Jury, for distributing Schedules and Abstracts, &c., sec. 142,

    25 To the Pa.ymaster of Civil Services, being the amount chargeable on the County for extra Con-stabulary force and conveyance of prisoners, pursuant to 11 & 12 Viet., c. 72, and 14 & \5 Viet., c. 85,

    26 To the Rev. Robert Porter, late Protestant Chap lain to Wicklow Gaol, being his half-year's Superannuation, 19 & 20 Viet., c. 68,

    27 To Mrs. Mary Barry, being her half-year'i! Super-annuation, as late Matron of Wicklow Gaol, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 125,

    28 To Elizabeth Halpin, late Deputy Matron of Wicklow Gaol, her half-year's Superanuation, ibid,

    29 To the Paymaster of Civil Services, for erection and enlargement of Richmond Lunatic Asylum, 6th instalment of 28,

    80 To same, for Richmond Lunatic Asylum, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 92,,.

    31 To the Governor and Co., Bank of Ireland, being the amount of the Fee Fund, 1 Viet., c. 64, sec.l7,

    32 To the Court-keeper, for coals and candles, for the use of the County Court-house,

    33 To the Treasurer, for Orders of Court, at the last Assizes, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, 1>ec. 106,


  • 30 No.

    COUNTY AT LARGE-(Continued.)

    Brought forward, .. CoNTRAcTs ON M.a.tL CoA

  • 32 CouNTY A.T LAHOE-(Continued.)


    SPRING ASSIZES, 185!>.

    We present the Special Sessions previous to Summer Assizes, 1859, to be held at the following places and times, viz:

    For the Barony of North Bnllinacor, at Rathdrum, on the 18th day .April, at 12 o'Clock.

    South Ballinacor, at Tinably, 19th April, at 2 o'Clock. Shillelagh, at Coollattin, 19th Apri~ 11 o'Clock. Upper Talbotsown, at Baltinglass, 20th April, 12t o'Clock. Lower Talbotstown, at Blesinton, 21st April, 12 o'Clock. Rathdrum, at Enn.isketry, 23rd April, 12t o'Clock Newcastle, atNewtown-Mt-Kennedy, 25th April, 12-io'Clock

    Arklow and Co. at Large, at Wicklow, 26th April, Ill o'Clock.


    Rathdrum Coolattin Tinahely Baltinglass Blesinton Ennisken-y N ewtown-Mt-Kennedy ... Wicklow

    on the 16th day of May, 12 o'Clock. 17th do. at 11 do.

    Same day do. at 2 do. 18th do. at 12t do. 19th do. at 12 do. 21st do. at 12-i do. 23rd do. at 12! do. 24th do. at 12 do.

    Application certified pursuant to 6 & 7 w m. 4, cap. 116, sec 27. Barony of Shillelagh

    To erect two small bridges across the stream on the new line of road leading from Shillelagh to Tinahely, on the TownlnndofBallynulta I 00 to be levied off the County at Large.

    Proby, Foreman. ~ We present that the sum of Five pounds presented at this Assizes,

    to the Court Keeper of the County Court house for the last half year be divided as follows,

    To Flora Loughlin, sister of the late Court keeper Thomas Loughlin,

    To James Lambert, the present Court keeper, 2 10 0 2 10 0

    5 0 0 Proby, Foreman.

    We present that the sum of 9 8s. Od. presented at the last Assizes, to the late Court keeper be paid to his sister, Flora Loughlin.

    Proby, Foreman.

    It appearing from the Certificate of the Manager of the Wicklow Bank, that the sum of Six pounds Seventeen Shillings and one penny is allowed by the Bank to the Treasurer of the County, to which sum he would have been entitled, had the money been invested in Ex-bills

    We present the said sum of 6 17 s. 1d. to be paid to the Treasurer pursuant to 1 Vic. cap. 54.

    Proby, Foreman.

    CouNT\' AT LArHUJ-(Continucd.)

    To Timothy Breene, to keep to repair for 3 years 640 perches m. c. road Dublin to Blessinton, betwee~ the 15 & 17 milestones, at 2s. 3d. per, perch, County mo1ety,


    s. d.

    20th & 21st Vic. chap. 15, 36 0 0 To James Conroy, to repair two breaches, on m. c.

    road namelyone on silver bills and the other at Burgage, County moiety, ibid, 0 0

    Resolved-That George Wynne Esq., be appointed Secretary to the Grand Jury of the County ofWicklow, in the room ofl\larcus Maingny, deceased; n~d that James Maingay Esq., be appointed Co. Inspector ?f Weights & Measures, become vacant by the death of the aforesatd Marcus 1\Iaingay, at a Salary of 70 yearly.

    Proby, Foreman.

    WICKLow SPRING AssizEs, 185!). Resolved-That having heard the expla~ation of the

  • 34 CouNTY AT LAilGE-(Contiuued.)

    That after a careful inspection of the Acts of Parliament bearing on the subject we are of opinion that the office of County Inspector of Weights and Measures is contemplated by the Statute, and we re-commend that such an officer be appointeJ at a yearly salary of 70 and that in .future ~e be req_uired to make a report to the Grand Jury at each Sprmg Assizes, settmg forth the several times and places at which his inspection has been made.

    'Ve also recommend that it be an instruction to the Secretary of the Grand ,Jury about to be appointed, that in future t11e fees which he shall in future receive for nlling Documents, connected with County prescntmen ts, be as follo,vs,

    s. d. For the application for the Presentment .. . 0 6 For :filling of same, if requird by applicant . . . 0 6 For the form of tender according to the act of PnrliamentO 6 For filling same, if requiPed ... 0 6 For copy of speci:fica1ion !llld filling same 0 6 For Bond according to act of Parliament 1 0 For each application for Pa,yment .. . 1 0

    Total. 4 6 All applications to levy to be supplied by the Secretav without

    payment.-We are also of opinion that it is not expedient the office of Secretary of t1te Grand Jury, and that of Inspector of Weights and Measures, be held in future by the same person.

    George Hodson, Bart., Henry Carroll, William Jones Westby William Owen, David Mahony.

    Resolved-That .the Rev. John Drought be appointed a member of the Board of Supermtendence of the County Gaol in the room of Daniel Tighe Esq. resigned. '

    Prohy, Foreman.


    ARKLOw.-William Doglass, of Kilennmanna.-Sureties: .fams Dillon, of Wieklow ; and William Blake, of Fairview.

    NoRTH BALLINAcoa.-Edward Edge, of Knockrath.-Suretie;;: David Edge, of Aekakee; and Thomas Snell of Ballintombay.

    Sou~H. BALLINACOR.-James Bourne, of Tinahely.-Sureties: W tlham Iteland, of Ballynulta; and Thos. Shiel, of Carrignamuck.

    NKWCASTLE.-Jobn Clements, of Cooiawinna,-Sureties: Heury Clements, of Cloragh; and Josoph Morton, of Wicklow.

    RATHDOWNE.-John Buckley, of Killincarrigg.-Sureties Francis Buckley, of Lackendarragh; and Robert Buckley, of Onagh.

    SHILLELAGH.-Thomas Swan Goodisson, ofl!arnew.-Sureties: Wm. Bookey, Goodisson, of Barracks; and John Gvodisson, of Hawk- wood, County Wexford.

    UPPER. TALB?TSTOWN.-John Hoysted Fenton, of Stranahely.-Surettes; M1chael Fenton, of Ballinelea; and Samuel Fenton of Ballinapark. '

    Low~R. TALB?TSTOWN.-George Douglass, .of Dunla.vin.-Sureties: W1lham Wmder, of Roscath; and John Ilandbidge, of Hollywood.


    Spring Assizes, 1859.

    No. 1 To William .Jenkinson, to repair 1St perche.o of

    ronu and footpath, between Halpin's hotel and the Doctor's la::e, leading to the Quay of Wicklow, () & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sees. 50 & 51,

    2 To Richanll\Imphy, to build a gullet on the roa1lle:.tl-ing from Wicklow to Arklow, on the townlaml of Ballytc kin, also to make 160 percltes of paro.Ucl draittS, on the townlands of Marlton an1l llnlly-teskin, sec. 56, Barony moiety,

    3 To Nicholas Hollingsworth, to make a se'l'ler and drains through the Fishery of Arklow1 sites to be pointed out by the County Surveyor, ihid,

    CoNTRACT~-Secs. 20 & 5~. .J- To Lawrence Bryan, for keeping in repair 7:23

    perches of road, between the Wooden-btiJge hotel and the Batony bounds of South Ballinacor, :3rd and last levy,

    5 To Richard Mnrphy, like, 455 perche!>, between Marlton and Ollaghan';; bridge, 3rd anl last year's levy on Barony,

    G To William ,Jenkinson, like, 27 pmchc;~ of the street of 'V1cklow, between Flanagan's tavern and Mr. Barlow's gate, 2nd levy,

    7 To W m. George J olmson, like, 221 perches, between the l\Icetings briuge und the hound .. of A1ldow and South Ballin~tcor, 2nd levy,

    8 To Patrick Toole, like, 218 p rcbe;:, between the cross roads at Clone and Ioneylogue, 2ntl do., ...

    9 To Thomas Smullen, like, 783 perches, between M'Coy's cro:~s roads nncl the Lllrn to Dunganstown, 2nd do.,

    lO To same, being the :,a lance of I st year's contract on same road, the sum of 3!) 1 Gs, having by mis-take only been presented at the time of the con-tract, in,tend of a. year i8 Gs., ...

    11 To Michael Rossiter, for keeping iu repair 4.;,9 perches, between llnllyrogan river and Essy l\l'Dauiei'H, at Barnisby, 5th and last levy, ...

    12 To saJUl!, lil

  • j(j

    No. AnKLow-(ContiuucdJ.

    Brought forward, 14 To same, like, 637 perches, between Kilpatricl<

    mill-dam and John Byrne's bouse, in Oughill, 2nd do.,

    15 To Richard Varley like, 640 perches, between tl.Je cross roads at Poulafooca and Ballydonnel cross roads, 3 years lery, ending at priug Assizes 1859,

    16 To Ed ward Quinn, like, 951l perches, between the turn to Bn.llinahisR, and tbe m. c. road, o.t New-bridge, 2nd moiety of 2nd levy,

    17 To Phelim O'Neill, like, 1,004 perches, between the centre of Three-mile-water bridge and John Turner's contract, on Hallyguile, last levy,

    18 To James M'Donald, like, 917 perches, between Balliniskea bank and Matthew Neill' house, on Kilbride, 1st moiety of 2nd levy,

    1 g To WilHam White, like, 900 perches, between the Widow Neill's garden, in Wicklow, and Scapark avenue gate, 2nd levy,

    20 To Williaw George Johnson, like, 1064 per~hes, between Ballykillageer Chapel ami 1\lrs. Sher-wood's gate, 2nd levy,

    21 To John Hudson, like, 434 perches, betwecn the bounds of Kihnanogue and the turn to Sandy-lJills, 2nd levy,

    22 To David Goodman, like, 735 perches, between Ollaghan';; bridge and Kilbride, 2nd levy, ...

    23 To same, like, 44.1 perches, b('tween Longford bridge and the Widow Gregan's, in Kilbride, 2nd levy,

    24 To James Fanell, lik(>, 58j perches, between Ballycapple cross roads and the Roundmount, 3td levy,

    25 To t;ame, like, 572 perches, between Glassuarget cro s ronda and Boley eros roads, 3rd levy,

    26 To Bryan Farrell, like, 685 perches, betweP.n Springf1um gate-house anrl 3 roads at Coola-nearl, 5th and last levy, ...

    27 To ,John Cosgrave, like, 376 perches, between Ballycapple cross roads and the Omnibus road, last levy, .. . . ..

    28 To same, like, 84.0 perches, between llrittas bridge and Ballinapark 3 roads, l!nd levy,

    29 To ~ame, like, 94!) perches, between Redcros South bridge and Ballinacor bridge, 2nd levy,

    30 To John Connor, lik(', 483 perches, between the late Colonel W'cstlnke's and Roscath bridge, 2nd moiety of last levy, ...

    31 To Thomas Byrne, like, 670 perches, between Tigroney mines and the road leading to Redcross, 3rd levy,

    s. d. 339 19 3

    10 12 0

    23 18 3

    59 7 6

    25 2 0

    12 5 0

    18 15 0

    13 6 0

    42 8 0

    12 3 4

    5 10 3

    7 0 0

    7 0 0

    6 8 0

    ;! 2 0

    17 10 0

    25 12 0

    5 10 8

    8 7 6

    643 16 9

    ARKLOW-(Coutinued) No.

    Brought forward, 32 To Daniel Byrne, like, 1,158 perches, between

    Mrs. Dca.th's, of Wooden-bridge and Coolabullen bounds, 2nd levy

    33 To :Michael Byrne, like. 531 perches, between Shaughnessy's hGuse and the County bounds, in-cluding a porl.ion of road between James Boland's house and said roatl, 3rd and last levy

    34 To John Brennan, like, 267 perches, between Connarce cross roads and Kilmacoo cross road 2nd levy

    35 To William Bergin, like, 371 perches, between Kilcommon and Rathdn1m bridgeR, 3rd levy

    36 To the Commissioners of Public Works, being the 18th instalment for the Kilpool road ...

    37 To William Dougluss, High Constable for Collect-ing Cess on this Barony, at 9d in the pound, sec. 148

    88 To William Douglass, high-constable, ~eing amount of insolvencies as per list and affidavit of ColleC-tor, ...


    . s. d . 643 16 9

    19 6 0

    6 12 9

    12 4 9

    18 11 0

    17 19 8

    82 17

    0 15 9 39 To William Bergin, for repairing a sudd~n damage

    to a retaining and parapet waiL on the stdc of the m.c. road from Rathdrum to Arklow, near New-bridge, barony moiety, 2 0 0

    County Proportion, 804 1,152

    3 9 3 10

    Total on Arklow, 1,956 7 7

    We present six of the undern~med Ces~ Payers. to be as~ocia.ted with the Magistrates at the ensumg SpeCial Sess10ns preVIous to Summer Assizes 1859, pursuant to 6 & 7 Wm. 4, chap. 116. !-Henry Shepard, Oatla.nds. 7-Robert IIeat.h, Templemiohael. 2-William IIorton Revell, Ballymoney. 8-JamesBorbridge, Bnllyrane. 3-Jolm Johnson, Kilmngig. 9-Thomns Murray, Coolndangan. 4-Mnttbew Wright, Dunganstown. 10-John Rnskell, BallyriohBrd. 5-H. O'Connell Fitzsimon, Ballinamona. 11-Tbomas Sharpe, Ballinaskea.. 6-George Manning, Ovooa. 12-Rioba.rd Sherwood, Kilbride.

    PROBY, Foreman for Self and Fellows.




    nty C


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    Spring Assizes, 1859.

    No. 1 To l\Iic1aell\Iitten, to keep in repu.ir for 12 months,

    160 perehes of road, from Roundwood to Lough Dan and Seven ChUJches, between the .A.namoe road anJ Oldoridge roa1l, G & 7 W m. nr, c. 1!6 sees. 20 & 52 ... ..:

    2 To Mattht!w Byrne, to pave auu repair 11 gullet, at Clohogue, sec. 56 .. . . .

    CoNTRACT;:;-Secs. 20 & 52. 3 To John l\Iurphy, for keeping in repair 400 pchs.

    of roatl, between Roundwooll pound and a swall gate on 1\Iullinavengne, 2nd moiety of 5th levy

    4 To Patrick Porter, like, 892 pel'ches, betwee~ .Annmoe b1idge and Lnragh bridge, Brd levy, ...

    5 To John l\l[wphy, like, 706 perclle8, between D. Murphy's yard, in Roundwood, and the oltl bridge near Lough Dan, 2nd moiety of last le'7

    6 To James Fane!, like, 782 perches, between Ellis-son's bridge, on Cllll'a road, and l\Irs. Bookey's cross roads, 5th and last levy ... ...

    7 To John 1\Iurpby, like, 706 perches, between D. 1\Iurphy's yard, in. Round wood, and tho old bridrre near Lough Dan, last moiety o 4th levy ~.

    8 To William Bergin, like, 700 perches of m. c. road, between Meetings bridge and Cassino cross roads, 3rd and last levy, Barony moiety ...

    9 To Matthew Byrne, like, 570 perches, between a gullet at Patrick Tool's and a stream of water at George Barry's, 2nd levy ..

    10 To William Coleman, like, 422 perches, between George Barry's gullet and Ro1.1Ildwood pOtmd, 2nd levy

    11 To Thomas Doyle, like, 400 perehes, between the m. c. road and Clash bridge, 2nd levy ...

    12 To John Ford, like, 200 porches of the street of Rathdrum, betw. the Sentry box, and the foot of Rathdrum hill,2ndle:7. up to Summer .A.ssizesl858

    1 13 To William Byrne, hke, 419 perches of road,

    between the Smelting-house brook and the river at the heatl of the Glen, 2nd levy

    14 To fsauc l\Innley, like, 700 perches of m. c. road, l)()tweeu Rathdrum bridge anJ Cassino cross 1oads, 3Id anllast levy,, Barony moiety ..

    s. d.

    16 0 0

    1 10 0

    5 0 0

    22 12 0

    3 13 6

    8 2 0

    . 3 13 6

    35 0 0

    9 10 0

    8 15 10

    14 3 0

    10 16 8

    5 13 0

    23 0 0 -----167 9 6

    NORl'TI BALT,INAOOR-(Contiuued.)

    Brought forward, ... 15 To ~ame like 1-!0 perches of the street of Rath-

    drum, betw:en James Manning's corner and the top of the Fair-green, anrl from thence to Mr. Cowley'!!, 3rd levy ... ,

    16 To Christopher 1\Ierrigan, Hke, 1727 perches of road, between the Seven Chmches and the bounds ot' Lower Talbotslown, 3rd lavy

    17 To Christopher William.~, like, 633 perches, be-tween Rathlrum and Ballin derry big t1ee, 2nu levy

    18 To Edward Edge, Uigh Constable, for Collecting Cess on this Barony, at !)din the pound, sec. 148

    10 To Joseph 1\Iartiu, for repn.ring a sudden damage to the public Road, at Bullyboy, . . ..

    20 To Edwarll Edge, liigh constalJie, be~ng the amount oflnsolvencie


    Spring Assizes. 1859.

    No. s. d. 1 To 'f'homas Shiel, to l{eel! in l'epair for 3 years,

    J 77 perches of l'Oad, len,dmg fom Hacketstowo to Rathdrum, between the cross roads at Ballymn-crow and Patrick Keeffc!s of Ballymacrow, at 3d per perch, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. I 16, sec~. 20 & 52 2 4 3

    2 To James Headen, like, for 3 years, 50 perches of road, from Tinabely to Hacketstown, between Arthur Byrne's of Cross bridge and Matthew Murphy's of Ballioaguilky, at Gd per., ibid ... U 5 (}

    3 To P;;.t. Lambert, like, for 3 years, 100 pcbs. of road, from Hacketstown to Tinahely, between the Widow Byrne's house at Moyne and John Cullen's contract at Moyne, at 4d per., ibid .. 1 13 4

    4 To Hugh Devitt, like, for 3 years, 614 perches of road, from Greenaoe to Aughrim, between the cross roads of Monameen and Greenane, at 2d per perch, ibid . . .. . 6 18 2

    5 To Peter Plunkett, to rebuild a gullet on the town-land of Knocknaskeagb, sec. 56 ... 3 0 0

    6 To Patrick Lennon, to build a stone arch over the present wooden bridge at Crossford, on the Mul. 1ins new road, ibid 18 10 0

    7 To Stephen Murphy, to keep in repair for 1 year, 250 perches of road1 ftom Tinahely to Rath-drum, between Jeremiah Tool's contract and John O'Neill's of.Killaveney, at ls 2!d per. sec. 20 & 52, Barony mmety 7 11 0

    Deserted Child. 8 To the Rev. William Brandon, for 1 year's sup-

    port of a child, deserted in the parish of Kilcom-mon, named Moses Sunderland, aged 4 years, and nursed by Anne Sunderland, due and ending the 14th of October, 1858, sec. 109, and 7 Wm. IV., c. 2, sec. 7 4 0 0

    CONTRACTS-Sees. 20 & 52. 9 To James Devitt, for keeping in repair, 736 perches

    of l'oad, between Ballycreen and Sheana, 3rd and last levy 15 6 8

    10 To Patrick Devitt, like, 633 perches, between Kane's house in Mucklow and Ballycreen, 2nd levy 5 5 6

    11 To James Devitt, like, 736 perches, between Ba.llycreen and Sheana, 2nd moiety of 2nd 1evy .. . 7 13 4

    85 7 3

    SouTH BAI.LlNACOR-(Continued.) No.

    Brought forward, 12 To ,James Byrne, like, 300 perches, l)etween the

    townland of Templelu~k and Black's bridge on Ballymorris, 2nd levy, .

    13 To same, like, 789 perclles1 between the Meetmgs bridge and Coates's bridge, 2nd levy ...

    JJ To Joseph Dowzer, like, 586 perches, between 'fogher bush and the County bou11ds on Killa-veney, 2nd !f:'vy

    15 To Thomas Doyle, like, 324 perches, between 1\fongnacoole and Croneheg, 2nd levy

    16 To James Ford, like, 800 perches, between Aughrim and Monameen, 3rd and last levy ...

    17 To William G. Johnson, like, 887 perches, betwn. Kilpipc bridge and towards Rosnastraw, last moiety of 5th and last levy ...

    18 To .arne, like, 1160 perches, between Mr. Gilbert's on Tornnaskcla and Mr. Rothwell's on Killaveney, last moiety of 5th and last levy

    19 To Matthew Kavanagh, like, 776 perches, between Ballymanus bridge and Rednagh bl'idge, last levy, half a year . .. . ..

    20 To samt> like, 625 perches, between PatrJCk Lam-bert's ~ontract on Coolballintaggart ancl Mr. Byrne's of Killaduff and th.e Mansion-bouse, 3rd levy ... ...

    21 To .John Kenny, like, 450 perche>l, between Knocl!-na,.uilky and Knockananna, 2nd levy

    22 To "Patrick Lambert, like, 259 peJ:ches, between W m. Murphy's of :l\1 ucklow and Incha.nagtus (painting bridge included), 4th levy, .

    23 To same, like, 770 pt>rches, between Ballingleo bounds o,nd 3 gates at Sleeooil, 2nd levy ...

    24: To same, being 3l'd years' levy on same road, ... 25 To same, for keeping in repair 2ii9 percl1es of road,

    between W m. MUlphy's of l\1ucklow and Incha-nagrus, 3rd yenra' levy ... ..

    26 To same, like, 476 perches, betweea Sheana school-house and :Bally manus bridge, 2nd levy

    27 To same, like 329 perches, between the e~d of Plunkett's new road ancl Ballinagraffogue bndge, 2nd levy ... .

    28 To same, like, 871 perches, between Ballygobbm cross roads and Matthew Kavanagh'& contract on Ballyma.nus, 2nd levy ... ...

    29 To same, hke, 1201 perches, between Bc~>Uymacrow Ford and CoolbaUintaggart, 3rd and last levy

    SO To ~arue, like, 434 perch.es, between Ballyteague bounds and A ugh a vannagb cross roads, 2nd levy

    31 To Peter Plunkett, likf:', 369 perches, between tbe boundary of Kyle and Knock naboley, 2nd levy

    41 s. d. 85 7 3

    2 19 0

    8 0 0

    14 13 0

    18 4. 6

    6 13 4

    3 9 4

    4 10 7

    9 14 0

    3 18 0

    14 3

    12 4

    5 12 4 5 12 4

    1 12 4

    5 19 0

    2 14 10

    14 10 4

    15 0 3

    18 1 B

    5 15 3 ------

    248 0 11




    nty C


    il Arch


  • -12

    No. Brought forward,

    :32 To same. like, 439 percheR, bctwecu 3 roads on Rnthshttnmore nud Knockannnna cross road!', 2ucllevy

    33 To Patrick Ryan, like, 520 perches, between the police-bal'l'ack at Augbrim nod l\iatthew O'Hlll'H'~ house ut Burch Hall, last levy ...

    3l 'l'o .John Shiel, like, ()JO perches, between Rath-coil briclge nnl Slievennmough bridge, 3rcl levy

    !l.i To ~nme, lik


    Spring AssiZes, 1859.

    No. s. d. 1 To Mattrice Stafford, to build a p1otecting wall on

    them. c. road, at Ballyknocken, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. ll6, sec. 56, Barony moiety .. 9 19 0

    2 To Peter Nangle, to erect a foot-bridge over the river at Ashford, near Sutton's mill, ibid .. 15 0 0

    3 To Darby Mooney, to keep in repair, for 3 years, 300 perches of road; between the cross roads at Killoughte1 and the Railway station, at 9d per., sec. 20 & 5:& .. .. 11 5 0

    4 To Thomas Kane, to keep in repair, for 3 yeat's, 400 perches of the l'Oad, between Newcastle-street at~d the Railway Station, at 9d per sec. 20 & 52, 15 0 Q

    5 To George Manning, to stop up an old road, betwn. Barnbawn and Garryduff cross roads, sec. 60 0 1 0

    Deserted Children. 6 & 1 Wm. IV. c. lltl, sec. 109, and 7 Wm. IV., c. 2, sec. 7.

    6 To the Rev. Mr. Abbott, for half-a-year's support of a child deserted in the p.uish of Newcastle, named "\Villiam Newton, aged 3 years, and nursed by Jane Broderick of Kilpedder, due and ending the 15th of November, 1858 .. 2 0 0

    7 To Mr. Thomas Dowling, for like, of a child, de-serted in the same parish, named Mary Toole, aged 3 years and 6 months, and nursed by Jane Byrne of Killadreenan, due and ending the 15th of November, 1858 2 0 0

    CoNTRAcTs-Sees. 20 & 52. 8 To James Kea.n, for keeping in repair, 400 perches

    of road, between Newcastle and the sea ... 9 To John Byrne, like, 284 perches, between Kilcoole

    police-barrack and the railway station, 2nd levy 10 To William Belton, like, 586 perches, between

    Render's of Ballinahinch and Killiskey cros3 roads, 2nd levy .. . .. .

    11 To Walter Butler, like, 690 perches, between the old market-house in Newtown and the top of Ballinaslaughter, 2nd levy .

    12 To Martin Byrne, like, 955 percheR, between Aghold cross roads and Moneystown bridge, last le11y .,.

    5 0 0

    9 9 4

    18 18 0

    8 12 0

    11 18 9

    109 3 1

    NIwOASTLF.-( Continued.)

    No. Brought forward,

    13 To William Coleman, like, 649 perches, between the foot of Ballymacrow lUll and the end of Mr. Synge's wall on Teiglin, last levy

    l4 To Loughlin Cullen, like, 1037 rerches, between Cullen's cabin on top of Duman hill and Anna-gowlawn CL"oss rond.s, 2nd levy

    15 To Patrick Cunningham,. like, 318 perches, behvn. Mr. Synge's wall on Teiglin and a gullet at Neill Flynn's, 2nd levy

    16 To Walter Butler, like, 361 perches, between Walter Butler's cross roads and John Kelly's ford, 5th and last levy .

    17 To James O'Neill, like, 410 perches, between .Ashford and N ewrath bridge, last levy

    18 To Henry Wilkinson, like, 856 perches, between M'Clements's in Newtown and Kilcool police station, 2nd levy

    19 To William Render, like, 560 perches, between the m. c. road at Ashford and the foot of Ballyma-crow hill, last levy

    20 To John M'Caul, like, 1058 perches, between the Willow grove and Ballinasto,\ e bridge, 2nd levy

    21 To Owen O'Neill, like, 548 perches, between Rath-new and Byl"De's tmn at Ballymerrigan, last levy

    22 To Henry O'Neill, like, 553 perches, between a gullet in Rathnew street and Ashfo1d iron bridge, last levy

    23 To William Bender, like, 425 perches, between BaJlyduff cross roads and Knockfodda bridge, 2nd levy

    24 To Loughlin Cullen, like, 700 perches, between Ballinaalaughter hill and Butler's cross roads, 2nd levy

    25 To same, like, 786 perches, between Killiskey cross roads and Ballydu:ff cross roads, 2nd levy

    26 To Patrick Cunningham, like, 578 perches, betwn. the Giant's grave and Garrydu:ff cross roads, 2nd levy

    27 To Joseph Belton, like, 460 perches, between the corner of Killadreenan and the turn to Wood-stock, 2nd levy

    28 To Denis Alpius, like, 703 perches, between Caf-l'rey's forge on Ballinahinch and Knockfodda bridge, 3rd and last levy ...

    29 To John Brangan, like, 532 perches, between Garryduff cross roads and .A ghoul, 3rd levy ...

    30 To Joseph Belton, like, 160 perches, between the m. e. road at Kiltimon and Mr. Fletcher's gate, 2nd levy


    s. d. 109 3 1

    8 2 3

    12 19 0

    4 0 0

    3 15 3

    5 2 6

    17 16 8

    7 0 0

    17 12 8

    54 16 0

    46 3 4

    10 12 6

    7 5 0

    15 11 0

    7 4 6

    5 10 0

    4 7 0

    6 13 0

    1 6 8 ------

    345 0 5




    nty C


    il Arch


  • .(6 NEW CA TL.E-( Continued.)

    No. Brough~ forward,

    31 To .John llrangan, like, 506 perche , between the m. c. road at Drumdangan and Durnbawn potmd, 3rd levy

    32 To same, like, 1000 perches, between Mr. Synge's cottage and Slf'naglough crossroads, last moiety of 2nd levy

    33 To the Commis ioners of Public Works, being tile 20th (and lust) instalment for the Ballyduff road

    34 To .John Clements, High Constable, for collecting cess on this Barony, at 9d in the pound, sec. 148

    35 To John lJlements, High Constable, being the amount of Insolvencies, as per list and Affidavi' of lJollector,

    Parish of Newcastle Upper. Vacent llou~:;e in ruins, in N.-Mt.-Kennedy, 1 7 5

    ditto ditto Representatives Bourne, 1 2 10 Parish of Kilcoole.

    John Rusboroughs holding Woodlands, ditto ditto Drummin West,

    Parish of Rathnw. Thomas Crockells house Milltown, down,

    0 10 Ol 0 8 9

    o s ot James Clear, Commons of Ratlmew, }

    National School, 0 1 3

    Total, '3 13 9 36 To the County Surveyor, to take up the Gullet near

    Killoughter Station and rebuild same and al o to make 80 perches of sod fence at each side of road near same plnce, said sum to be advanced by the County Treasurer to persons employed by Surveyor, under act 20 & 21 Vic., c. 15, sec. 2,

    37 To Thomas Kane, to repah a sudden damage to Newcastle bridge,

    ;t s. d. 345 0 5

    10 10 0

    6 5 0

    27 14 2

    52 17 4

    3 13 9

    15 0 0

    6 10 0 -----

    County proportion

    Total on Newcastle,

    -!67 11 6 691 14 10

    1159 G 4

    We present sL of the undernamed Cess-payers to be associated with the lrlagistrates at the ensuing Special Se sions, pte,ious to Summer Assizes, 181>9, pursuant to 8th sec. G & 7 Wm. 4, chap. 1!6. 1 Patrick Rielly. 2 Thomn Smith. 3 Edwnru Fisllbourne. 4 Hugh Eodcs, Esq., 5 William Trim 6 Ilenry Shepucl.

    7 William Magee. 8 Enrucat Ryder. 9 Edward Cullen.

    JO I.aureuce Grnydon. 11 Denis 1\IcClemont. I 2 Simon Hyrne.

    PROBY, Foreman, For Self' and Fellows.


    Spring Assizes. 1859.

    No. , bl" 1 To Thadeus Pluck to open a gullet at Troy s pu tc-

    house on them.~. road, opposite the Dargle road, also t~ make a paved channel above and below same, I} & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 56, Barony moiety ... .

    2 To Edward Byrne, to make 300 feet of' sewer m the street of Bro.y, ibid ...

    8 To same to clear out the waterway above and below the bridge at Kilmacanogue, on the m: ~ road from Bray to Newtown-Mt.-Kennedy, Ibid, Barony moiety .d ..

    4 To Thadeus Pluck, to repair 80 perches ,of roa ' from the m. c. rond near Judge Crampton s to the turn at Mr. Barrington's of Fassaroe, sec. 50 .

    5 To Peter Graves, to build 2 perches of pr~tectmg wall at Annacrevey, on the road from Enmskerry to Lough Bray, sec. 56 . . .

    6 To Edward Byrne, to build retaining walls to sus-tain the filling at the bridge on the new road at Tinnehioch and Newtown, sec. 56 ...

    7 To Peter Graves, to repair 350 perches of road, from Round wood to Wicklow,. between Coolakey cross roads and the wooden bndge at the W a tar-gate at 6d per., sec. 50 .. ...

    8 To Patrick Toole, to make an a.pproach by steps through the boundary wall at hlB boose, .at Bally waltrim, so as to leave a. passage to saul ho~:: sec 12 ..

    8 To Lord Monck, to fill up the hollow b~tw en Cbarleville entrance gate and the old brJdge of Tinnahinch, so as to improve the road way by m.ak-ioa the public thoroughfare to be over the rinsed te;raee, in front of Lord 1\Ionck's gate, and tltus permitting the road on the lower level to be stopped up, ibid ..

    10 To same, to stop up the old l"oad,. os soo~ as the proposed filling betwe.-n Tinnehmch bndge and Charleville gate shall be completed, so u to turn the traffic on the new line, ibid "

    1!. d.

    2 0 0

    95 0 0

    5 0 0

    5 0 0

    3 0 0

    40 0 0

    8 15 0

    0 1 0

    0 l 0

    0 1 0 ----

    158 18 0




    nty C


    il Arch


  • No.


    Brought forward, Deserted Children.

    s. 158 18


    d. 0

    6 & 7 Wm. IV, c. 116, sec. 109, and 7 Wm. IV., o. 21

    sec. 7. 11 To the Rev. Mr. West, for half-a-year's support of

    a child, deserted in the parish of Bray, named Sarah Bray, aged 3 years and 9 montlll!, and nursed by Sarah Eaves, due and ending the llth of November, 1858 .. . ..

    l 2 To the Rector of Powerscourt, for like, of a child deserted in the parish of Powerscourt, named John Neill, aged 5 years, and nursed by Mary M'Guirk, due and ending 29th Sept., 1858 ...

    CONTRAOTS-Secs. 20 & 52. 13 To Simon Doyle, for keeping in repair 210 pchs.

    of the streets and foothpaths of Bray, between Bray bridge, including around court-house, by Quinn's, and the corn~r of ]\-!'Mabon's wall, 3rd and la.at levy

    14 To Francis Buckley, like, 796 perches of road, between Annacrevey school-house and Barnamore police-barrack, 2nd moiety of 2nd levy ...

    15 To Peter Gaves, like, 751 perches, between Taney-garrow brook and the linger-post at Glencree, 2nd levy

    16 To John Murray, like, 512 perches, between Henry Sutton's at Calary a11d Agour gate, 2nd levy

    17 To William Pluck, like, 180 perches, between Bog-hall turn antl Pluck's botmds on Oldcourt,2nd lvy

    18 To same, like, 334 perches, between the turn ot the road to Boghall and junction of road leading from Bray to Oldcourt, 2nd levy

    19 To same, like, 400 perches, betweC'n Bray bridge and opposite the Martello tower, 2nd levy ...

    20 To Tbadeus Pluck, like, 731 perches, between Burke's of the crosses and the county Dublin bounds, 2nd levy

    21 To Augustine Ryder, like, 821 perches, between the County bounds at Featherbed bog and Sir Philip Crampton's gate, 3rd levy

    22 To John Tier, like, 153 perches, between the m. c. road at Mrs. Ryans and the cross roads leading to 'reetomple, 2nd levy

    23 To same, like, 190 perches, between Agour gate and 3 roads on Commons leading to Killough, 2nd levy

    24 To Andrew Thomas, like, 567 perches, between Tinehinch bridge and Catherine Doyle's on Killough, 3rd and last l11vy

    25 To same, like, 200 perches, between Teetomple cross roads and Agour gate, 3rd and last leyy

    2 0 0

    2 0 0

    52 10 0

    11 12 3

    21 18

    9 12 0

    8 4 6

    5 ll 0

    30 0 0

    19 15 6

    12 16 6

    5 2 ()

    5 10 ()

    17 14 0

    5 8 4

    368 12 2

    RATBDOWN-(Continued.) No.

    Brought forward, ... 26 To ,John Touson, like, 541 perches, between Mrs.

    Green's at Enniskerry and a stream of water at Aunacrevey, 1st moiety of 2nd levy

    27 To Daniel Whitton, like, 188! perches, between M:r Massey's field and Redford bridge, 2nd levy

    28 To same, like 1145 perches, between Mr. ~ills' in Delgany and Mr. Spedding's gate, 2nd mo1ety of last levy

    29 'fo Samuel Tonson, like, 816 perches, between Aunacrevey river and Toneygarrow brook, 1st moiety of 3rd levy ..

    SO To William Doyle, Harbour Constable .at Grey-stones, his half-year'ssala.ry, 16 & 17 V1Ct., c.16, sec. 9 .

    31 To John Buckley, High Constabl~, for collectmg cess, at gd in the pound, on th1s Barony, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 148

    82 To Nicholas Cullen, to make two new gullets across the road leading from the Glen of the Downs to Greystones, on the townland of Coolnaskeagh,

    County propotion,

    Total on Rathdown,

    49 s. d.

    368 12 2

    12 7 11

    4 14 0

    7 12 6

    17 17 0

    2 10 0

    49 12 3

    18 0 0

    4.81 445

    5 10 2 3

    ----926 8

    We present six of the undernamed Cess Payers. to be a.s~ociated with the Magistrates at the ensuing Special Sess10ns preVlOUB to Summer Assizes 1859, pursuant to 8th sec. 6 & 7 Wm. 4, chap. ll6.

    1 John Evans, Crone, 2 William Fox, Coolegad, S James Courtnay, Killinoarrig, 4 Henry Keegan, Bahana, 6 John Healy, Bray, ft James Byrne, Kilbride,

    7 John Dalton, Bray, 8 Henl'y Kingsmill, Bray, . 9 Benjamin Buckley, Parknastllogue,

    10 Thomas Miller, Bray, 11 Samuel Sutton, Calary, 12 Andrew Morris, Ratbdown.

    PROBY, Foreman for Self o.nd Fellows.


    low C



    ncil A




    Spring Assizes, 1859.

    No. s. d. I To Joseph Hopkins, to keep in repair for 3 years,

    50!1 perches of road, from Carnew to Baltinglass, between the County bounds and Knookeen bounds, at 7u per., 6 & 7 wm. IV., c. 1I6, sec. 20 & 52 14 16 11

    2 To .John Tompkin, like, for 3 years, 190 perches of road from Tullow to Hacketstown, between Knocldow cross roads and Mr. Whelan's gate at Rath. at 2d per., ibid .. . I 11 8

    3 To William l\J urphy, like, for I year, 91 perches of road, from Carnew to Tullow, between 1\Ir. Boyce's gate at Ballard and the brook at William Pierce's of Coolattin, at 6d per., ibid 2 7 0

    4 To Richard Donohoe, like, for 3 years, 579 pchs. of road, from Carnew to Baltinglnss, between Mr. Taylor's of Ballyconnell and Liscoleman cross roads, at 2d per., ibid . .. 4 I 6 6

    5 To Patrick Byrne, to repair 540 perches of road from Carnew to Tinahely, between the viJla,.e of Shillelagh and Loughlin Deegan's bridge, to be stoned and completed, sec 50, three hundred and twenty four pounds, to be raised by three half yearly Instalments, and {ths to be advanced on County Surveyors certificate, under sec. 128. . . . I 08 0 0

    6 To Thomas Stone, to complete the improvement of 50 perches of Carnew street, by forming a. curb ing, ibid ... 12 0 0

    7 To John Farrar, to keep in repair for 1 yeal', 730 perches of road, between Tomoalinogue cross roadsandKilcommonbridge,at 6dper.,sec.20&52 18 0 0

    Deserted Cruldren. 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 109, nnd 7 Wm. IV., c. 2, sec. 1.

    8 To the Rev. "\V. C. 1\foore, for half-a-year's snpport of a child, deserteu io the parish of Carnew, narued Laurence Howard, aged 5 years, and nursed by Jane Foster, doe and ending the 18th of October, 1858 2 0 0

    9 To sante, for like, of a child, deserted in the e;ame parish, named l\Iichael Carroll, aged 1 year and 7 montbA, and nurseu by Anne Rogers, due and ending the 14th of October, 1858 ... 2 0 0

    1 0 To same, for R months' support of a child, deserted in same parish, named Eliza Dempsey, aged 1 year and 3 ~onths, and nursed by Jane Ormond, due and eudtn

  • 52 SnrLLELAGn-(Contiuued.)


    , . . . Brought forward, ... 2-l To 1\fos? . F1tzpatrJck, like, 320 perches, between

    Mr. Wlilirun Bru.ddell's and the County bounds on Knockratrawn, 3rd and last levy

    25 To .Be~jumin Uopkius, like, 1080 perches, between Kilqwggan and P. Donnelly's cross roads last levy ... '

    26 To Joseph Hopkins, like, 140 perches between th~ steward's farm-house and the cro;s roads near John weeks', last levy . . . ..

    27 To same, like, 480 perches, betwn. Mr. LaWlenson's inn at Coolattin and the pump in Shillelagh 2nd moiety of 2nd levy . . '

    28 To same, like, 840 perches, between the ehw~h gate at Robert Wilson's of Ballard and Timothy Hughes's of Park, last levy

    29 To 'V:illia~l Hopkins, like, 5G9 perches, between th? Jnnctlon of the new road near Ballyisland brulge and Mr. Burke's holdin"' on Ballard Iastlvy

    30 To John Hughes, like, 1071 pch~. btw. Jncobllrown rigg's of Croneyhorn und the County bounds on Urcland, 3rd levy ...

    31 To same? l.ike, 1484 perches, between Leney bro~k and Wllham Murphy's on Drummin, 3rtl and last l?vy ... .

    32 To W11liam Leyburn, junr., like, 890 perches, be-tween the bounds of the County Carlow and Geo. Oakes's cross roads, last levy ...

    33 To same, like, 369 perches, between the bounds of Moylisha and Cartain Nixon's orchard door last levy ... ..~

    31 To James Murphy, like, 94 perches, between Mr. Boyce's gato on Ballard and 3 roads on Thomas

    , Astleford's of Coolattin, 3rd and last levy .. 35 To Peter Plunkett, like, 649 perches, between

    Tomnafinogue cross roads and BaJlyrahine cross roads, 3rd and last levy

    36 To Bryan Rudd, like, 333 perches, between James Beaghan's of Newry and Daniel Rudd's on Ure-lands, 2nd levy .. . . ..

    37 To Thomas Stone, like, 430 perches between Condell's bridge and Ballyellis cross roads 2nd levy

    38 To John Shiel, like, 1100 perches, betwee~ Cnrnew and the S roads at Kirke's Toger at Kilcavnn 3rd levy .. ..~

    39 To same, like, 800 per~hes, between Mr. Lauren-son's inn at Coolattin and Carnew school-house 2nd levy . ..:

    40 To same, like, UO perches, between Kilcommon bridge and Coolboy btidge, 3rd levy

    s. d. 246 1 11

    3 11 3

    9 0 0

    1 15 0

    12 0 0

    7 0 0

    4 11 10

    3 18 9

    7 19 G

    11 2 6

    4 12 3

    2 6 0

    7 i 0

    3 17 9

    15 13 6

    55 0 0

    10 0 0

    37 0 0 -----

    443 0 3


    :No. Brought forward,

    41 To same, like, G50 perches, between 3 roads near G. Oakes's cross roads aud Kilquiggan cross roads, 3rd levy ... ...

    12 To same, being the last moiety of last levy on same road

    4.3 To Peter Tompkin, like, 656 perches, between the County bounds and Muskeagh, 2nd levy ..

    4:4 To Patrick Byrne, being the 3rd instalment of 1 O, for the new ro!l.d leading from Carnew to Rackets-town

    15 To same, being the 3rd instalment of 4, for the new road from Carnew to Tinahely ...

    4.6 To the Commissioners of Public W orka, being the 17th instalment fm the road from Rosnastraw to Hillbrook

    47 To same, being the 14th ditto, for the road from Carnew to Tullow

    48 To Thomas J. Lennon, late Barony Constable, half-a-year's superannuation, 55 Geo. III., c. 158, sec. 4

    49 To Samuel A. Lawrenson, for I year's rent of his house, for holding Special Session:> at Coolattin, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 77

    50 To Thomas Swan Goodisson, High Constable of this Barony, for collecting cess, at 9d in the pound, sec. 148

    51 To Peter Plunkett, to rebuild the fence wall at cross roads called Harrisses hill on the road to Coolkenno Church, . .. .

    52 To Thomas Swa.n Goodisson, amount of Insolvencies, as per list and Affidavit of Collector, ibid,

    County I>roportion,


    s. d. 443 0 3

    13 10 10

    8 6 2

    10 18 8

    G8 12 6

    ll9 3 0

    21 8 9

    15 11 3

    3 6 8

    5 0 0

    49 5 3

    7 0 0

    010 7 ------

    765 13 ] 1 405 16 10 --Total on Shillelagh, 1,171 10 9

    We present six of the undernamed Cess payers to be a.sss~ciated with the 1\laglstrates at the ensuing Special Sessions preVIOUS to Summer Assizes, 18t>9, ptu'Suant to 8th sec. G &7 Wm. IV., c. 116.

    l William Rovoll, Ardoyue, 2 Edward Bourke, Liscolemrtn, 3 Benjamin Burland, Gould, 4 Wil.finm lluskius, Boloybawo, b William Wright, B'lllyislnn


    Spring Assizes, 1859.

    No. 1 To Martiu Molloy, to keep in repair for 3 yenr::;,

    872 perches of road, from Baltinglnss to Hncket.~ town, between the cross roads at Crossnacole and Bollybrnck at County Carlow bounds, G & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sees. 20 & 52

    2 To Isaac M'Dridc, l.ike, for 3 years, 790 perches ~f road, f1om Rathv1lly to Donard, bct.ween the bounds of Woodfield and the bounds of Tuckmill and Kyle, at 4.d per., ibid ...

    3 To Thomas Doyle, like, for 3 years, 508 perches ~f road, from Baltinglass to Stratford and Dunlavin between Manger bridge u,nd Raudclstown ford at at 4fd per., ibid ... ' ..

    4 To same, like, for 3 years, 500 perches of road from IIucketstown to Stratford aud llallytore' between the Factory bridge and tlJC boundll of Manger and Gibraltar, at 4d per., ibid ...

    5 To John Bollard, like, for 3 years, GOD perches of road, from Donard to Tinahely and Arklow, between Knocknamunnion and the new road at Ballyneddin, at Is per., ibid ...

    6 To John Fe~ton, to fill. 65 perches of gripes and make sufficxent fences mstead, on the side of the road leading from Donard to Wicklow between Mr. San1uel Fenton's bounds on Knicke~n and the top of_ ~he hill called "Kelly's Height," sec. 50 ...

    7 To Ph1hp Roche, to fill up 70 perches of gripes and make s1aflicient fences insteau, on the road leading from .Stratford to Dunlavin, between Thomas Douglass's bounds at Knockbawo and Thomas Bollard's at Whitestown, ibid ...

    8 To Thomns Doyle, to build a sewer at the head of the road leading to Stratford factory, adjoining the town of Stratfbrd, to~ 54 &et in length sec. 56

    9 To William .Bryan, to repair 265 perches 'or road from Baltinglass to Rathdrum, between the mile~ stone at IIurucwood and Grai.,.ue c1oss roads at 2s per., sec. 50 '

    I 0 To William W eks to repair a ~mall bridge at Kiltcgan, ~c

  • 56 UPPER TALBOTSTOWN-(Continued.)


    Brought forward, 28 To Isaac M'Bride, like, 843 perches, between Mr.

    Lucas's porter's lodge and the bounds of Eadstown, Tuck:mill, and Kyle, 2nd moiety of 2nd levy ...

    29 To Samuel Mathers, like, 600 perches, betwn. Jas. Smith's contract at Highpark and tho new bridge at Kilca.ruey, 2nd moiety of 3rd and last levy

    30 To same, like, 344 perches, between the bounds of Killamoat and the old briilge at Kilcarney, 3rd levy

    31 To James Miley, like, 718 perches, between Donoughmore bounds and the cross roads at Knockenarrigan, 2nd levy... . .

    32 To same, like, 1260 perches, between Donard and the river Slaney at Rustyduff, 3rd levy ...

    33 To John Nicholson, like, 287 perches, between the 3 roads at Woodfield aml Tulbotstown cross roads, 2nd levy ...

    34 To Matthew Nolan, like, 380 perches, between the bounds of Killaleash and the County bounds at Ticknock, 3rd and last levy

    35 To same, like, 294 perches, between Garrett Geoghegan's bridge amll\Ir. Cummins' gate-lodge, 3rd anu last levy

    3G To William O'Hara, llke, 1020 perches, between Arclsillish bridge and the bounds of Rathsallagh, 2nd levy

    37 To Robert Ovington, like, 623 perche~>, bet~een 3 roads at Kyle and the 3 roads at Bollycarngeen, 2nd levy ..

    38 To same, like, 308 perches, between Brusselstown brook and Weeks's on Ballycarrigeon, 2nd levy ..

    39 To Thomas Plant, like, 339 perches, between Ballyhubbock briuge and Donoughmore glebe, last levy

    40 To John Shiel, like, 648 perches, between a gullet on Danesfort and Rathcoil bridge, 2nd levy .

    41 To John Shiel, like, 483 perches, between a gullet on Dnnesfort and 4 roads at Graigue, 2nd levy ...

    42 To William Weeks, junr., like, 502 perches, betwn. Grai!nle cross roads and the County bounds at Kava~agh's bridge, 2nd moiety of 3td levy .

    43 To same like, 475 perches, between the 4th mile-stone ;t IIumewood and Geoghegan's bridge, 2nd levy

    44 To George Flynn, like, 666 perches, between Knockenarrigan cross roads and Camara bog, 2nd levy ... . .

    45 To John Bollard, like, 448 pet'ches, between Balfe's gaw aml Camara road, 3rd levy

    s. d. 405 12 11

    10 10 9

    37 10 0

    4 6 0

    17 19 0

    2l 0 0

    14 7 0

    2 14 0

    4 16 0

    17 0 0

    3 4 10

    l 12

    4 4 9

    32 8 0

    24 3 0

    6 5 6

    19 15 10

    18 10 0

    7 9 4 ------

    653 !I 0

    UPPER T.o\LBOTS'fuWN-(Coutinuell.)

    Brought forward, 46 To George Flynn, like, 1047 perches, between

    Walter Timmins's house on Ballinclca ami Thos. Kelly's on Seskin, 2nd levy ...

    47 To the Commissioners of Public Works, being the 20th (and last) instalment, for the road between Ballinaba.mey bridge and tl1e river Dereen ...

    48 To same, being the 20th (and last) ditto, for like, between Ballinabarney new road and old road on Ballyneddin

    49 To same, being the 19th ditto, for like, between Woodfield and Talbotstown cross roads ...

    50 To same, being the 18th ditto, for like, between Tyntepnrk and Corrngowcr bridge ...

    51 To same, being the 15th ditto, for like, between the m. c. road near Eldon bridge and Rampere cross roads

    52 To John Robinson, late Barony Constable, half-a-year's superannuation, 55 Geo. ill., c. 158, sec. 4

    53 To John Hoysted Fenton, High Constable, for col-lecting cess on this Barony, at 9d in the pound, 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 148

    S4 To Peter Plunkett and Thomas Darcey, to keep in repair for three years, 600 perches from Baltinglnss

    57 s. d.

    653 !) 0

    25 0 0

    28 2 6

    6 ll 3

    12 1 3

    ll 1 3

    8 15 0

    6 8

    53 19 0

    to Rathdrum, between the new bridge at Kilcarney and James Motleys contract on Higbpark, ... 90 0 0

    5 To County Surveyor, to build a gullet ac1oss Church-lane in Baltinglass, between ~Ir. Neil's gate and sewer leading to the rhcr, said sum to be ad vnuced IJy County Treasurer to the persons employed by County Surveyor, pursuant to 20 & 21 Vic., cap. 15, sec. 2, 2 0 0

    892 5 11 County Proportion, 575 16 5

    Total on Upper Talbotstown, 1468 2 4

    We present six. of tlte undernamed Cess-payers .to be ass?ciatcd with the Magistrates at the ensuing Special Sesstons, prevwus to

    ummer Assizes, 18b9, pursuant to 8th sec. 6 & 7 'Vm. 4, chap. llG. I Aulrew Dixon, RRtbsnJl.qg],, 7 Thomas Plnnt, Ballyhubbock, 2 ,Jolm Germain, Grangecon, 8 Thomas Hawkins, Kellybeg, 3 William Fenton, Talbotstown, 9 :Matthew Byrne Bnllybmck, ~ Anthony Allen, Stratford, 10 Thomo.s Enrly, Kiltegnn,

    Willi:un Johnson, Baltingloss, 11 Henry Wilson, Coolmoncy, Thomas Mathews, Rnthdufl'beg, 12 Richard Bollard, Coa.n.

    PROBY, Foreman, For Self and Fellows.




    nty C


    il Arch



    Spring Assizes, 181>9.

    No. s. cl 1 To Thomas Finlay, to keep in repair for 3 years,

    640 perches of m. c~ road and footpaths, from Blesinton to Baltinglass, between the 24th ancl 22nd milestones, at Is 9d per perch G & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116, sec. 20 & 52, Barony moiety 28 0 0

    2 To Nicholas Toomey, like, fot 3 years, 64.0 pccbs. of m. c. road nod footpaths, from Blesinton to Baltinglass, between the 26th and 24th milestones, at ls 9d per., ibiJ, Barony moiety ... 28 0 0

    3 To Christopher Jordan, ]ike, for 3 years, 557 pchs. of m. c. road and footpaths, between the 17th and 19th milestones, at 2s per., ibid, Barony moiety .. . 27 17 0

    4 To James Conroy, like, for 3 years, 428 perches of m. c. road and footpaths, from Dublin to Baltin-glass, between the 19th nntl 22nd milestones, at 1s lOd per., ibid, Borony moiety ... 19 12 4

    5 To Christopher Jordan1 like, for 3 years, 400 pchs. of road and foootpaths, from Blesinton to Kippure, btw. Blcsinton and Liffey cottage, at 8d per, ibid 13 6 8

    6 To Cornelius Reilly, like, for 3 year", 889 perches of road, from Hollywood to Seven Churches, between Bawnogue bridge and Logstown bridge, at 7d per., ibid ... ... 25 18 G

    7 To Andrew Nolan, like, for 3 years, 491 perches of road, from Blesinton to Ballyknockcn, between the street of Blesinton and Carriggbrook, at 7d per., ibid 14 G 5

    8 To Patrick Mooney, like, fm 3 years, 216 perches of road, between Rawson's corner in Dun]avin and the bridge near J, Murphy's, ibid 13 11 0

    9 To James Molloy, like, for 3 yems, G22 perches of road, from Blesinton to Ballyknoeken, between Knockerrin mearing and the smith's forge at Lncken, at 8d per., ibid ... 20 14 8

    10 To David Quinn, like, for 3 years, 448 perches of m. c. road, from Blesinton to Dublin, between the 13th milestone and the County bounds, at 3s per., ibid, Barony moiety ::13 12 0

    11 To William Lynch, like, for 3 years, 543-! perches of m. c. road, from Dnblin to Blcsinton, between the 13th and 15th milestones, at 6d per., ibid, Barony moiety 33 19 5

    12 To Patrick Mulloy, like, for 3 years, 9 43 perches of road, from Blesinton to Kilbride, between the Cross chapel and the 3 roads at Kilbride, at 5d per., ibid 21 12 2

    280 13 2

    LOWER TAtnorsTOWN-(Contioued.) No.

    Brought forward, 13 To John Fitzpatrick, to repllir a bridge at Wicklow

    gap, on the road leading from Blesinton to the Seven Churches near Ballinagee, sec 56

    14 To William Mooney, to repllir a gullet and build a protecting wall, at Kippure, ibid

    Iii To same, to build a protecting fence, 37 perches in length, on the road leading from Kippure to Ath-farrell at Shank hill, ibid ...

    IG To same, to build a gullet (or culvert) across Dow-ling's ln.ne near Stoneyford, for the purpose of altering the present water-course, so as to pre-vent the public road from being damaged, ibid ...

    CoNTRACTs-Sees. 20 & 52. li To Edward Redding, for keeping in repair 564

    perches of road, between Merganstown b\'idge and the street of Donard, 2nd levy

    18 To Thomas Redding, like, 565 perches, between Doody's bridge and the Barony bounds at Foxglen, 2nd levy

    19 To same, like, 320 perches, between the Rev. Mr. O'Reilly's cottage and Thomas Tyrrell's haggnrt, last levy

    20 To William Allen, like, 530 perches, between Doody's bridge and Woodenboley gate, 2nd levy

    21 To William Hunt, like, 556 perches, between the 29th milestone and the Barony bounds at Corra-gower, 3rd and last levy, Barony moiety

    22 To Thomas Wallace, like, 86 perches, between the new road at Naas nod Courtown, 5th and last levy

    23 To Patrick Reilly, like, 895 perches, between Mr. Patrick Bourk's of Carragh and Coonmore, 2nd moiety of 4th levy .. . .. .

    24 To Joseph Byrne, like, 889 perches, betwn. Holly-wood and the Widow Traynvr's house, 3rcl levy

    25 To John Barrett, like, 957 perches, between Dun-lavin and Crehelp cross roads, 2nd levy ...

    26 To John Eustace, like, 860 perches, betwn. Kilbride and Athfarrel, 4th levy

    27 To Michael Healy, like, 162 perches, between Three Castles and Ballyward bridge, 4th levy ...

    28 To Jolm Pender, like, 288 perches, between Boys-town and Humphreystown bridge, 3rd levy

    20 To Nicho!as Toomey, like, 320 perches, between the 26th milestone and the 27th milestone, 3rd levy

    30 To same, like. 168 perches, between Crehelp cross roads and the turnpike road at Knockrue, 2nd levy

    31 To James Conroy, like, 831 perches, betwn. Poula~ fooca waterfall and Humphreystown bridge, 2ndlevy

    32 To James Higgins, like, 230 perches, between Ballysmutton and 3 roads on Atl1downe, 8rd levy

    59 s. d.

    280 13 2

    3 0 0

    6 0 0

    7 10 0

    10 0 0

    11 15 0

    11 15 5

    5 6 8

    8 16 8

    20 14 0

    l 8 8

    7 9 2

    22 4 6

    15 15 0

    12 10 10

    214 0

    10 10 0

    12 0 0

    3 10 0

    13 17 0

    4 15 0

    472 5 1




    nty C


    il Arch


  • Brought forward, 33 To Peter Burke, like, 806 pe~ches, betwn. Wooden-

    bolcy gate and 8 road at Runny hall, l!nd levy ... 34 To Christopher Jordan, like, 400 perche , between

    the Turnpike road at Rus.sboro' and 3 road~ at Baltiboys, 3.rd levy

    35 To same, like, 416 perches, between 3 roads at Baltiboys and the road from Humphreystowu to the W aterfa11, 3rd levy ...

    36 To William Ilalpin, like, 724 }Jercbes, between Granamme and Knockadruice, 3rd levy

    37 To Paul Corrigan, like, 305 perches, between Glen-bride aad Garryknock, 2nd moiety of 3rd levy

    88 To Thomas Caddell, like, 934 perches, betwee'D Blackditohes and Glenbride, :2nd levy

    39 To same, like, 610 perches, between Anna01evey and the Seven Churches, 2nd levy .. ,

    40 To George Douglass, High Constable, for collecting cess on this Barony, at 9d in the pound, sec. 148

    41 To James Conroy, to repair two breaches on m, c. road, one at silver hill anu the other at Burgage ...

    42 To same, to build a retaining wall at Featherbed Lane,

    s. ~72 r,

    16 15

    10 0

    5 1

    12 1

    2 10

    1.5 11

    12 14

    42 10


    10 0

    d. J










    0 43 To Timothy Breen, to keep in repair for three years

    640 perches of m. c. road from Dublin to Blesin-ton, from 15th to 17th milestones at 2s. 3d. per perch, 36 0 0

    4 :l To the County Surveyor, to repair for six month 650 perches from Brittas to Kilbride, said sum to be advanced by County Trea!'lurer, to the persons employed by County Surveyor, under act 20 and 21 Vic. cap. 15, sec. 2, ..

    45 To same, like 480 perches road from Blesinton to Blackditches, between m. c. road at the Rev. Mr. West's gate, said sum to be advanced by County Treasurer, to the persons employed by County Surveyor, under 20 and 21 Vic. cap. 15, sec. 2,

    County P1oportiou,

    Total on Lower Talbotstown,

    11 15 0

    48 0 0

    696 5 ~ 500 1 7

    1196 6 9

    We present six of the undernar.ned Cess PayeJ"il to be associated with the Magistrates at the ensuing Specu.l Sessions previous to Summer Assizes 1859, pursuant to 8th sec. 6 & 7Wm. 4, chap.:ll6. J Richard Hornidgo, Esq. Tulfaris, i Christopher Sheppard, 3-Castles, 2 Fitzmaurice Pratt, Esq. Kilbride lodge, 8 John Boothman, Cro$scoolharboUl, 3 Capt. Pnget Butl~r, Humplueystown, 9 Robert .1\leath, Dounrd, 4 James Darker, Burgage, 10 Joseph Molyneaux, Lougbmogue, 5 Peter Doyle, Hollywood, ll Anthony Metcnlf, Crybelp, 6 Jnmos Dixon, lllintown, 12 William Winder, Dunlavin.

    PROBY, Foreman for Self and Fellows.


    1, JOliN l\l'MAHON, Clerk of the Cruwn for snid County, do aolemnly and siucer ly declare that the f01egoing i~

  • IMPERATIVE PRESENTMENTS, Printed Pursuant to 6 & 7 Wm. IV., cap. 116, sec. 143.


    No. 25 To Paymaster of Civil Services for extra Constabu-

    lary l''orce,


    11 0 ]0 29 To same, for erection and eulnrgement of Richmond

    Lunatic Asylum, 6th instalment, ... 30 To same, for support of same, 31 To Governor and Co. Bank of Ireland for Fee Fund, 33 To Treasurer for orders of Court at Summer

    256 14 4 1074 9 6

    14 7 5

    Assizes 1858, 34 To same, for like at Quarter Sessions, 40 To Paymaster of Civil Services, for erection of

    District Lunatic Asylum, 2nd instalment of 28 66 To Mr. John Nichols for Rent of a Hou e for the

    stores of the Wicklow Regiment of Militia, 67 To same, for fittings for same, 68 To Paymaster of Civil ~ervices for annual Revision

    of Valuation. 70 To Treasurer for an order of Court at Petty

    Sessions, ARKLOW.

    36 To tl1e Commissioners of Public Works for the Kilpoo1e road, 18th instalment,


    51 To same for the road between Crossford and Rath-shanmore 3 roads, 20th ditto, ...

    52 To same, for the road from Clash to Kilbride, 19th ditto 53 To same, for like, between Ballinguile village and

    tho barony bounds of Lower Talbotstown, 19th do. 54 To same, for like, between Ballymanus bridge and

    3 roads on Ballygobbin, 19th ditto, ... .15 To ~th ditto

    8 5 6 14 18 3

    9 9 1

    60 0 0 10 6 0

    204 19 3

    0 4 0

    17 19 8

    12 10 0 75 0 0

    12 10 0

    43 15 0

    15 0 0

    4 4

    27 14 2

    21 8 9 15 11 3

    28 2 6

    6 11 3

    12 I 3

    11 l 3

    8 15 0

    TOTAL, .................. 1976 15 7




    .&Iffiiffi&(Clr 01"



    3trogrs :-THE IJONOURABLE JUDGE liA-rEs, AND


    rnnu .3nnr :-sm GEORGE HoDSON BART., FOREM.I.N.

    2 William Jones Westby, Esq. 13 George Putland, 3 Major R. A. G. Cunninghame, 14. Coote Alexander Car1oll, 4 J ?seph Browne, 15 Joseph Scott Moore, 5 Sn St V cncint Wbitsl1Cd1 Bart. 16 Richard William Whaley, 6 Thomas Acton, 11 Richard Ilowaru llrooke, 7 Jo~eph Pratt Trutc, 18 Andrew Wm. Byrne, 8 W1lham Kemm1s, 19 William Courtenay, D Robert Holt Truell, 20 William Owen

    10 Major F. E. Tighe, 21 Hugh Eccles, 1

    11 George IIudson, 22 Robert F. Ellis, 12 Robt. C. Wade, 23 George W. F. Drought.


    ~nnnttr (!)ffim.5 :-t,1,mles J. Tottcnhnm, Esq., Iligh-Shcrifi'. Hobert Courtenay, Esq., Sub-Sheriff. John l\I'Mahon, Esq., Clerk of Crown, 35, Upper Gloucester-street, Dublin, nntl

    Wick low. Samuel Fenton, Esq., Clerk of Pence, Ballinnpurk, Wick low. John Revell, Esq., Treii.Surer, Wicklow. George Wynne, Esq., Secretary of Grand Jury, Wicklow. lllnrk Toomey, Esq, Solicitor Grand Jur!, 75, llurcourt street, Dublin. Henry Brett, Esq., County Surveyor, W1cklow. llfr. Campbell Boyd, Assistant Surveyor, Tinnhely. Jl!r. Wentworth .Allen, ditto, Blesinton. 1\lr. Richard Edge, ditto, Wicklow. Jllatbew Hudson Jone~, Esq., Coroner, RnocknamobilJ, Ovocn. Hibbert Newton, E~q., Coroner, Ballinglen, Tinnhely.






    nty C


    il Arch


  • . .... ... ,r

    By Acheson Lyle, Es'!:~~~~~~~~!_e!'ww~~~~:~lli~ourt of Chancery in Ireland. BE IT REMEMBERED, That JOHN REVELL, Esq., Trel\llurer of the County of Wick low, hMh acconnteu before lne, us such Trcnsurer aa

    aforesaid, at foot of an Account declared by me on tbe:2sth day of January last, and that I h1we charged him with all Sums with which it appeared to me that he wns properly chargeable up to the 20th day of April 1859, nod that I have discharged him to the Amount of all Payments which he hns duly proved that he hath theretofore made thereout: and that the Account wherein I have charged and discharged him as nforeoaid, is as follows:-

    CHARGE. ~. tl. Balance due on Account declared on the 28th day of Janu-

    ary, 1859, .. ... ... 86 11 111 Amount of Sums received from Bnroninl Co11ectors, pur-

    suant to Treasurer's Warrants, issued after Summer Assizes, 1858, ... ... ... 10,666 4 0

    Amount of Interest on the Treasurer's Public Account, .. 6 l i 1 Amount of Interest on Exchequer Bills, ... 62 6 5 A.niount returned by the Bank of Irelantl to the County

    Bank, being a balance of 2,0001 ordered for itwest-ment in E>, being sums returned on several Loans paid off, .. . llf> 3 8

    DISCHARGE. Amount of Payments made on Queries discharged nt tlle

    l::tst Spring Assizes, .. . .. . Amount of sums paid by the Treasurer in advqnce for the

    County, and which were rresented to him at the last Assizes. See presentments 34 and 70, County at Large, ... ... ...

    Amount of payments mnde by the TretlSurer in advance for the County nt the last Assizes, for which no pre-sentment has ns yet been made, .. . .. .

    Amount of clitto on Presentments of tbe lnst Assizes, ... Amount of ditto on Presentments of former Assizes, on

    which Queries remain to be discharged, ... Amount of ditto on Queries previously cliscbarged, ... Amount transferred from the County Bnnk to the Bank of

    Ireland, for investment in Exchequer Bills, ... Amount of interest paid to Treasurer on his public account,

    and ilebited in bst account, . .. .. A mount of interest on Exchequer Bills paid out of 2 5s. Sd.

    and 4 6s. 2d., debited in last account, ... Amount of Interest on Exchequer Bills, and debited in the

    present account, ... Bt\lnnce due by the Treasurer,

    s. d.

    680:.! 0 !)

    Ia 2 3

    10 4 6 1654 7 11

    235 7 8 71 10 2

    2000 0 0

    10 I 1

    '5 7 4

    62 6 5 46 14 li

    ------10,919 2 2! 10,919 2 2!

    N.Il-llesides the above balacce thete were Exchequer Bills in the Bnnk of Engl~nd on the 20th of April 1859, to the amount of 6,100. The Treasurer has returne,l an

  • The Grand Jury of the County of Wick:low)n account with Henry Brett, County Surveyor. Summa AssizEs 1859.

    DR. Barony of Newcastle. To amount of pay-sheets on the road from Killoughter

    to the Railway Station, Barony of South Ballinacor.

    To amount of receipts for expenditure on Rednagh bridge, no. 61, ... ..

    Barony of Upper Talbotstown. To amount of receipts for expenditure on gullet at Bal-

    tinglass, ... ... Barony of Lower Talbotstown.

    To amount of payments in repairing the road from Blesinton to the Rev. Mr. West's of Baltiboys, ...

    To amount of pay-sheets on the road from Kilbride to Brittas,

    To amount of like on the road from Boystown to H umphreystown,

    County at Large' To amount of expenditure in repairing the Record

    Court, pursuant to presentment, No 63, To amount of do. in repairing Tinahely Com-t-house,

    pursuant to presentment, No. 64, 'fo amount of expenditure in repairs of County Comt-

    house, pursuant to presentment, No 65, ... Barony of Shillelagh.

    To amount of pay-sheets on the road from Carnew to Clonegal, ... ...

    Batony of Upper Talbotstown. To amount of receipts from Robert Anderson for build-

    ing a gullet in Baltinglass, Barony of Lower Talbotstown.

    To amount of pay-sheets on the road to Bally low Barony of Arklow.

    To amount of pay-sheets on the road from Wicklow to Arklow, between Ballinaskea and Ballinapark ....


    15 0 01 By amount of presentment, No. 36, ...

    2 10 01 By amount of presentment, No. 61, ...

    2 0 01 By amount of presentment, No. 55, ...

    48 0 Ol By amount of presentment, No. 45, ...

    11 15 Ol By amount of presentment, No. 44, ...

    3 3 61 By amount of presentment, ...

    20 0 01 By amount of presentment, No. 63, ... ~ J 0 01 By amount of presentment, No. 64, ...

    25 0 01 By amount of presentment, No. 65, ... By amount of rresentment, No. 490 Un-

    16 8 71 discharged Queries, ...

    2 0 01 By amount of presentment at spring 1859

    3 6 81 By amount of presentment, ...

    11 12 01 By amount of presentment, ...

    Balance due County Surveyol', ...


    15 0 0

    2 10 0

    2 0 0

    48 0 0

    11 15 0

    " 3 {i "

    20 0 0

    3 10 0

    25 0 0

    15 5 0

    2 0 0

    3 6 8

    11 12 0 -----163 2 2

    l 3 7 -----164 5 9

    I, HENRY BRETT, County Surveyor of Wicklow, do swear that I have faithfully and honestly elo:pended the above sums, pursuant to the Preson~ments, and in accordance with the Act, 20 & 21 Vic., chap. 11>, sec. 2.

    Dated this 12th July, 1859, HENRY BRETT

    GEORGE lloosoN, Barl., 1-'olomnn.




    nty C


    il Arch


  • No.


    .After Summer Assizes, 1859,


    Summer, 1857. Contracts, sees 20 & b2,

    Peter Nangle, to repair abutments, Spring, 1858.

    2 William Byrne, to keep in repair for l year, G21 perches of m.c. road

    Summer, 1858. 3 William Bergin and Patrick Byrne to keep in repair

    for 3 years, 1336 perches of m.c. road, 4 Patrick Byrne, to build a wall, 6 Same, to keep in repair for 3 years 62-1 perches of

    m.c. road, 6 William George Johnson, like for 3 years, 81 G per-

    ches of m.c. road, 7 Luke Tool, like for 3 years, 582 perches of m.c. road, -8 Thomas Doyle, like for 3 years, 770 perches of

    m.c. road, 9 John M' Donald, like for 3 years, 180 perches of m.c.

    road, 10 Patrick Devlin, like for 3 years, 728 perches of

    m.c. road, 1 t Same, like 5871 perches of same road, li! Owen O'~eill, like 590 perches of same road, 13 Richard Murphy, lil

  • Undischarged Qneriea-eontinued No. !l2 John 1\Iunay, like 343 perches, 33 William Williams, like 337 perdtea, 3 J, Thndeus Pluck, like 73 I pe1ches,

    Summer, 1859. 315 To Richard Murphy, to build a gullet, 36 To Stephen :Murphy, to keep iu repair ror 1 year,

    250 perches of .m.c. road, 37 To Thaueus Pluck to open a gull t, 38 To Edward Byrne, to clear out water ways, 39 Thomas Finlay, to keep in repair for 3 years, 640

    perches of m.c. road, 40 Nicholas Toomey, like for 3 years, 640 perches of

    m.c. road, 41 Christopher Jordan, like for 3 yet\rs, 5 77 perches of

    of said m.c. road, -42 James Conroy, like for 3 years, 428 perches ohaid

    ru.c. road, 43 David Quinn, like for 3 years, 448 perches of said

    m.c. roacJ, H Willia1n Lynch, like for 3 years, 543i- perches of

    said m.c. road, Contracts on l\Iail Conch Roads.

    -45 Richard l\Iurphy, for kel'ping in repair 455 perches of m. c. roncJ,

    4!l 'William Hunt, like 552 perches, 47 Timothy Breen, to keep in repair for 3 years, 640

    perches of m. c. road, ... 48 James Conroy, to repair two lreaches on the m. c.


    BARONY 0 F ARK LOW. Summer, 1855.

    -49 John Nnnglr, to repair Brittn.~ bridge, Spring, 1856.

    50 James Smullen, for keeping in repair 491 pchs. t:lummer, 1856.

    [J I Robert Ruskell, to keep in repair for 3 years, 899 perches,

    112 John Turner, for keeping in repair 446 perches, ... !13 Peter Kavanagh, to build a gullet.

    Summer, 1857. 54 Abraham 'Williams, to keep iu repair for 3 years

    1221 pt>lches, M James ileyfron, like 966 perches,

    Spring, I 858. ~6 Bridget Byrne, to make a porch at l\lrs Byrne's doot

    Summer, 181\8. [>7 William Bergin and Patrick Byrne, to keep in re-

    pair for 3 years, 1336 perches, 58 Jolm Cosgrave, like for a years, 464 perrhes, ... tJ9 Thomas Brangan, like for 3 years, 451 perches, ... 60 John Gilbert, like for 3 years, 915 perches, ... 61 Robert M'Coy. like for 3 year~, 483 perchea,

    E. d. 4 5 9

    16 17 0 19 15 6

    11 10 0

    7 11 0 2 0 0 5 0 0

    28 0 0

    28 0 0

    27 17 0

    19 12 0

    33 12 0

    33 19 4

    61 10 0 20 14 0

    36 0 0

    1 0 0

    6 0 0

    8 s 8

    [J 2 6 4 4 2

    20 0 0

    20 7 0 18 2 s

    0 1 0

    33 12 0 5 16 0 3 6 s 5 14 6 1~ 1 6

    U udischargeJ Queries-coulinu~u. No. 62 George Freeman, like for 3 years, 886 perche~, 63 Bryan Farrell, like for 3 years, 21 7 perches, 64 Same, liko for 3 years, 771 perche~, 65 Same, like for 3 years, 685 percl1es, 66 James Ford, like for 3 years, 399 perches, 67 David Goodman, like for 3 years, 756 perches, ... 68 Thomas M'Donald, like for 3 years, 155!) perches, 69 John Gilbert, like for 3 years, 401 perches, 70 Thomas 1\I'Donalu, like for 3 years, 571 pchs. 71 William Byrne, like for 3 years, 254 perches, 72 Patrick llyrne, to build a wall, 73 To the County Sul'Veyor, to build a gullet, 74 Edward Quinn, to keep in repair for 3 years, 950

    perches, .. .. 7:i }licbael Rossiter, like 459 perches, 76 ,John Byrne, like 669 perches, 77 Peter Kavanagh, like 400 perrhes, 78 Thomas Byrne, like 670 perches, 79 Putrick Harte, like 820 perches, 80 George Freeman, like 700 percbe~, 81 Richard Varley, like 822 perches, 82 James Ford, to keep in repair for 3 years, 200 pchs.

    Summer, 1859. 83 William Jenkinson, to repait 18! perches of road

    and footpath, 84 Richard Murphy, to build a gullet, .... 85 Nicholas Hollingsworth, to make a sewer & drams,

    Contracts-Ser,s. 20 & 52. 86 Lawrence Bryan, for keeping in repair 723 perches

    of road, 87 Richard 1\lurphy, like 455 perches, ... 88 William Jenkinson, like 27 perches of the streets of

    Wicklow, 89 Wm. George John~;on, like 221 perches, 90 Thomas Smullen, like 783 perches, 91 Same, being the balance of lst yeat's contract on

    on same road, 92 Miclutel Rossiter, for keeping in repair 459 perrhes, 93 Same, like 16 1 perches, 94 Same, like 34 8 perches, 95 ~ame, like 637 percLe , !)6 Euward Quinn, like 950 perches, 97 Phelim O'Neill, like 1,004 perches, 98 William White, like 900 perches, 99 William George Johnson, like 1064 perches, 100 ,John II udson, like 434 percheR, 101 David Goodman, like 735 perches, 102 Harne, like 441 perches, 103 ,James Farrell, like 585 perches, 104 Same, like 572 perches, 105 Bryan Farrell, like G85 perches, 106 John Cosgrave, like 376 perche~, 107 S11me, like 840 perche!,

    7 . d. 6 9 2

    10 0 0 11 6 0

    4 6 0 6 12 0 2 7 3

    16 4 9 2 10 2 4 15 2 4 4 8 5 0 0 0 1 0

    59 7 6 4 15 8 8 0 0 3 6 8 4 3 9

    44 16 11 2 11 1 3 8 6

    10 0 0

    20 0 0 11 10 0 70 0 0

    13 8 7 61 10 0

    6 15 0 2 16 3

    78 6 0

    38 10 0 9 11 3 2 17 6 5 16 0

    10 12 0 59 7 6 25 2 0 18 15 0 13 6 0 31 16 0

    3 0 10 1 7 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 6 8 0 0 8 0 i 15 0




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  • 8 Undischarged Queriea-continuell. No. 108 Same, like 945 perches, 109 John Connor, like 483 perches, 110 Thomas Byrne, like 670 perches, 11! Daniel Byrne, like I, 158 perches, 112 1Hicl1ael Byrne, like 531 perches, 113 John Brennan, like 267 perches, 114 William Bergin, like 8 71 perches,

    BAROJ\"Y OF NOHTli DALLINACOR, Spring, 185.">,

    1 J 5 Thomas Bowen, to make a new line of road, Spring, l 85 6.

    116 Thomas Bowen, to stop up an old road, Spring, 1857.

    116 Mathew Byrne, to repair a bridge, Summer, 1857.

    118 Thomas Doyle, to make improvements at Clash bridge,

    Spring, 1858. 119 .l'tfatthew Byrne, to make 11 perches of footpath

    and paved channel, ... , .. 120 Christopher Me1rigan, to repair a gullet, 121 Patrick Ka1anagh, like 744 perches,

    Summer, 1858, 122 Joseph Malone, to keep in repair for 3 yrs, 850 pchs, 123 William Coleman, like for 3 years, 81 I perches, .. 124 Lawrence Keegan, like for 3 years, 400 perches, ... 125 William Coleman, like for 3 years, 351 pchs. . .. 126 Martin Byrne, like for 3 years, 537 perches, ... 127 William Sutton, like for 8 years, 419 perches, 128 Jame~ Farrell, like for 3 years, 782 perches, 129 Michael Smith, like for 3 years, 400 perches, 130 Michael York, like for 3 years, 590 perche:o, 131 Michael Smith, like for 3 years, 412 perches, .. , 132 Same, like for 3 ycnrs, 620 perches, 133 William Bergin, like fot 3 years, 420 perches, 134 Mathew Byrne, like for 3 years, 7J3 perches, 135 Matthe"' Byrne, like for 3 years, 1204 perches, ... 136 Same, like for 3 years, 845 perches, , . 137 Same, like for 3 years, 743 perches, 138 Same, like for 3 year;;, 1204: perches, 1 39 James Healy, like for 3 years, 870 perches, 140 Same, like for 3 years, 700 perches, 141 Richard Doolan, like for 3 years 400 pcrche11,

    . Contracts. 142 Thomas Doyle, like for 3 years, 1075 porches, 143 Joseph l\1nlonc, to repair a brrach, 144 James Farrell, junr., to repair 228 perches, 145 William Bergin, to fill a hollow, 146 William utton, for keeping in repair 744 pch11. 147 Joseph l\falone, like 627 perches, 148 John Keenan, like 200 perches, l49 Thomas Doyle, like 464 perches, ...

    . d. 12 16 0 6 10 8 8 7 6

    19 6 0 3 6 5 6 2 6 9 a 6

    0 l 0

    0 1 0

    2 10 0

    8 5 0

    4 0 0 2 0 0 a 2 0 8 17 1

    10 2 9 4 19 6 2 11 2 3 16 3 SH 7

    16 5 10 12 10 0 5 10 7 8 11 8 7 15 0 4 7 6 4 12 11 7 10 6

    42 5 0 4 12 11 7 10 6 5 8 9 8 15 0 6 13 4

    26 10 0 16 10 0 5 H 0 0 1 0

    12 8 0 3 5 4 2 9 6 2 8 0

    Undischarged Queries-oontinuec.l

    Michael Smith, for repairing 400 perches, Patrick Porter, like 892 perches,

    Summer, 185!). Michael Mitten, to to keep in repair for 12 months, 160 perches of road, ... Mathew Byrne, to pave and repair a gullet,

    Contracts-Sees. 20 & 52. Patrick Porter, like 892 perehes, John Murphy, like 706 perches, James Farrell, like 782 perches, John Murphy, like 706 perches, ... William Bergin, like 700 perches of m. c. road, ... Mnthew Byrne, like 570 perches, William Coleman, like 4 22 perches, Thomas Doyle, like 400 perches, John Ford, like 200 perches of the streets of Rathdrum, ... William Byrne, like 419 perches of road, Isaac Manley, like 700 perches of m. c. road, .. Same, like 140 perches ofthestreets of Rathdrum, Christopler Menigct.n, like 1727 pchs. of road, ...

    167 Christopher Williams, like 633 perches, 168 John BrangRn, to rebuild with stone arches, three

    wooden bridges,


    169 Peter Darcy, to stop up an old road, Summer, 1855.

    170 Patrick Lambert, to build a wing wall, Spring, 185G.

    171 James Devitt, to repair and build wing walls, Summer, 1857.

    172 John Shiel, to keep in repair for 3 years, 6!)3 pchs, 173 Patrick Lambert, like for 3 years, 434 perches, ... 74 James Byrne, like for 3 years, 789 perches, ...

    175 Richard Winterbottom, like for 1 year, 202 pchs. 176 Patrick Toole, like for 3 years, 488 perches, .. 177 James Devitt, to drain 100 perches of road,

    Contracts. 178 Peter Plunkett, for keeping in repair 335 perches, 179 Richard Wm. Whaley, to stop up an old road,

    Spring, 1858. 180 Mathew Kavanngb, to keep iu repair for 1 year,

    905 perches, ... :" }81 Joseph Thompson, like for 5 years, 492 perches, 182 Peter Darcey, to fill a hollow and buil~ a gullet,

    Contracts, sees. 20 & o2. 183 John Shiel, for keeping in repair 810 pchs. of road, 184 Same, like 730 perches, . 185 Michael S!Jiel, like 726 perches, 186 Same, like 525 perches, 187 James DHitt, like 736 perches,

    9 d. 8 6 8

    11 6 0

    16 0 0 1 10 0

    22 12 0 3 13 6 8 2 0 8 13 6 8 15 0 4 15 0 4 711 7 1 6

    5 R 4 5 13 0

    11 10 0 4 7 6

    14 7 10 3 5 11

    120 0 0

    0 0

    ' 17 6

    10 0 0

    11 3 2 6 18 2 4 0 0 2 2 1 2 15 11 0 16 8

    1 8 0 0 1 0

    47 1 3 2 0 0

    30 0 0

    6 15 0 6 1 8 3 15 6 5 9 5 7 13 {




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    il Arch


  • 10 Uudischargeu Querie-continued No. 188 William G. Johnson, like 887 perches, 189 Patrick Toole, like 636 perches, 190 Peter Plunkett, like 335 perches,

    Summer, 1858. 191 Patrick Byrne, .to keep in repair for 3 years, 624

    perches of m. c. road, ... 192 William G. Johnston, like for 3 yenrs, 816 perches

    of m. c. road, . .. . .. 193 Luke Toole, like for 3 years, 582 pelts. of road, ... 194. Thomas Doyle, like for 3 years, 770 perches of

    m. c. road, 195 John 1\I'Donald, like for 3 years, 180 perches of

    m. c. road, .. . .. 196 Thomas Hayden, like for 3 years, 320 perches, ... 197 Samuel Griffin, like for 3 years, 162 perches, .. 198 William Bergin, like for 3 years, 728 perches, ... 199 Thomas Hayden, like for 3 years, 5GO perches ... '.200 1\fartin Btieo, like for 3 years, 420 perches, ' 201 James Byrne, like for 3 years, 333 pe1ches, 202 Patrick Toole, like for 3 :Years, 25G perches, .. . 203 P11trick Lambert, like for 3 years, 770 perches, .. . 204 Mathew Kavanagh, like for 5 years, 455 perches 205 "Willia~ G. Johnstone, like for 3 years, 360 pchs: 206 Same, like for 3 years, 230 perches, 207 John Cleary, like 669 perches, .. 208 Abraham D. Symes, like for 3 years, 519 perches 209 John MDonald, like for 3 years, 520 perches, .. ~ 210 Same, like for 3 years, 636 perches, 211 Same, like for 3 years, 553 perches 212 Michael Byrne and John Walker, to make 476

    perches, of new road, ... 213 James II unt, to stop up 8 perches of old road ... 214 Jeremiah Toole, for keepiug in repair 1189 pohs., 215 Mathew 1\avanaglJ, like 776 pe1ches, ... 216 William G. Johnstone, like 1160 perches, 217 Michael Shiel, like 264 perches, 218 James Byrne, like, 219 Abraham D. Symes, like 886 perches, 220 James Hayden, like 540 perches,

    Summer 1859. 221 Thomas Shiel, to keep iu repair for 3 years, I 77

    perches of road, 222 James Headen, like for 3 years, 540 perches 223 Pat. Lambert, like for 3 years, 100 perches, 224 Hugh Devitt, like fo1 3 years, 614 perches, 225 Peter Plunkett, to rebuild a gullet, ... 226 Stephen Murphy, to keep in repair for 1 year, 250

    perches of road, Contracts-Sees. 20 & 52.

    227 James Devitt, for keeping in repair 736 perches of road, ...

    228 Patrick Devitt, like 633 perches 229 Jt~.mell Byrne, like 300 perc he,

    L. . d. 1 14 8 2 7 6 2 16 0

    5 17 0

    9 7 0 5 9 3

    4 16 s

    2 5 0 4 0 0 2 3 0 6 1 4 4 13 4 6 15 6 4 3 3

    19 4 0 6 5 4 4 18 0 3 0 0 2 17 6

    12 10 10 4 6 6 5 8 4 2 13 0 2 16 1

    30 0 0 0 1 0 8 13 5 9 14 0 4 10 8

    19 16 0 4 2 10 I 12 6 4 10 0

    2 4 3 13 5 0 1 13 4 6 18 2 8 0 0

    7 11 0

    7 13 4 2 12 9 2 19 0

    Undischarged QueriC:;s-contlnued. No. 230 Jnme~ Byrne, like 789 perches, 231 Joseph Dowzer, like 586 perches, 232 Thomas Doyle, like 324 perches, 233 James Ford, like 800 perches, 234- William G. Johnson, like 887 perches, 235 Same, like 1160 perches, 236 Matthew Kavanagh, like 776 perches, 237 Same, like 625 perches, 238 John Kenny, like 450 perches, 239 Patrick Lambert, like 259 perches, 240 Same, b~:~ing 3ru levy on same road, 2H Same, for keeping in repnir 259 perches of road, 242 Same, like 476 perches, 243 Same, like 329 perches, 244 Same, like 871 perches, 245 Same, like 1201 perches, 246 Same, like 434 perches, 247 Peter Plunkett, likP. 369 perches, 2-48 Same, like 439 perches, 249 Patrick Ryan, like 520 perches, 250 John Shiel, like 640 perches, 251 Same, like 217 perches, 252 Same, like 353 perches, 253 Same, like 586 perches, 254 Same, like 525 perches, 255 Same, like 499 perches, 256 Same. like 726 perches, 257 Samt:, like 264 perches, 258 Same, like 223 perches, 259 Same, like 360 perches, 260 Same, like 3(.'0 perches, 261 Same, like 625 perches, 262 Same, like 893 perches, 263 Same, like 416 perches, 264 Same, like 730 perches, 265 Same, like 810 perches, 206 Luke Toole, like, 1189 perche11, 267 Charles J. Case, to stop up an olU road,

    BARONY OF NEWCASTLE. Spring, 1856.

    268 D. and W. Railway Company to make sewers, . Summer, 1856.

    269 Charles J. 'rottenham, Esq., to erect a finger-post, Spring, 1857.

    270 John Fox, to make a new road with 2 footpaths ... 271 Dr. Ilues, to build 30 perches of protecting wnll,

    Summer 1857. 272 Peter Nangle, to repait abutments,

    Spring, 1858. 273 William Byrne, to ~eep in repair for 1 year, 621

    perches of m.c. road, tU Denil Alpins, like for S yeArs, 507 perehce,

    11 . d.

    8 0 0 7 6 6

    13 13 5 6 13 4 3 9 4 .( 10 7 9 14 0 3 18 0

    14 1 3 1 12 4 5 12 4 1 12 4 5 19 0 1 7 5

    14 10 4 7 10 1

    18 1 8 2 17 8

    10 15 0 2 8 8 5 6 8 4 10 0 2 18 10 7 6 6 5 9 4 6 4 9 7 11 3

    19 16 0 2 15 9 9 0 0

    10 0 0 3 18 2

    44 13 0 10 8 0 6 1 8 6 15 ... 0 8 13 4 0 I 0

    0 0

    0 1 0

    0 1 0 0 1 0

    5 0 0

    29 17 s 3 8 '




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  • 1t lolo.

    Undischarged Queries-continued.

    275 Thomas Smith, like for 7 years, 147 perches, 276 Denis Smullen, to improve 23 perches of road ... 277 Peter Nangle, to make a new line of road 170

    perches long, Contracts, sees. 20 & 52.

    278 George Evans, for keeping iu repair 52G perches, 279 Same, like 800 perches, 280 Thomas Kane, like 476 perche~,

    Summer, 1858. 281 Patrick Devlin, to keep in repair for 3 years, 728

    perches of m c. road, 282 Sa::::e, like 587-l perches of same road, 283 Owen O'Neill, like 590 perches of same road, 284 James O'Neill, like 1307 perches of same road, .. . 285 Richard 1\lurphy, like 560 perches of m.c. road .. . 286 William Bergin, like 604 perches of same road .. 287 William Hender, like 940 perches, 288 Same, like 544 perches, 289 Thomas Kean, like 1320 perches, 290 Same, like 820 perches, 291 :Philip M'Ardle, like 85:! perches, 292 Same, like 526 perches, 293 Same, like 320 perches, 294 James O'Neill, like 480 perches, 295 Patrick Walsh, like for 3 years, 192 perches, 296 Laurence Keegan, like 300 perches, 297 Denis Alpins, like 779 perches, 298 John Brangan, like 403 perches of new road, 299 Loughlin Cullen, like 462 perches, 300 Same, like 60 perches, 301 Sume, like 45 perches streets of Widuow, 30l! Same, to repair a bridge and watering place, 303 Loughlin Cullen, to build a gullet, 304 Mawice Byrne, to make 20 perches of fence,

    Contracts, sees. 20 & 52. 305 Denis Alpins, for keeping in repair 400 perches

    of m.c. road, 306 John Hyrne, like 964 perches, 307 Loughlin Cullen, like 540 perches, 308 John !YPCaul, like 1056 perches, 309 Laurence Keegan, like 300 perches,

    Summer Assizes, 1859. 310 Peter Nangle, to erect a foot bridge, 311 Darby Mooney, to keep in repair for 3 years, 300

    perches of road, 312 Thomas Kane, like for 3 years, 400 perches, 313 George Manning, to stop up an old road

    Contracts, sees. 20 & 52, 314 James Kean, for keeping in repair 400 prchs of road, 315 John Byrne, like 284 perches, ... 316 William Belton, like 586 perches, 311 Walter Butler, like 690 perches, 318 Martin Byrne, like 955 perches,


    I. . d. 0 1 0 8 0 0

    0 1 0

    1 7 7 2 15 0 8 2 8

    11 ~ 0 12 17 0 12 18 2 6 10 0

    17 10 0 18 17 6 11 19 9 3 18 0

    11 0 0 8 10 10 4 7 6 2 13 6 1 13 4 3 0 0 1 4 0 1 17 6 4 17 6

    10 1 6 2 4 6 2 10 0 2 19 3 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0

    6 13 4 2 15 0 3 7 0

    13 4. 0 l 17 6

    15 0 0

    11 5 0 15 0 0 0 1 0

    5 0 0 4 14 8 9 ~ 0 4 6 0 lS 19 4

    No. U