sswb: session 3

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  • 8/9/2019 SSwB: Session 3


    [17:31] FADE...

    [17:31] .TO....

    [17:31] ..BLACK

    [17:31] ...

    [17:31] At the SEKINAKA MINES things are not

    what they seem! What originally began as a routine animal-

    control mission has become a struggle of life and death,

    literally! Rotting monstrosities have invaded the mine and

    forced the miners onto the defensive, not sure whether to

    run or stand their ground!

    [17:31] Your Sensei has left you at the

    entrance to ensure that nothing leaves the tunnel while he

    goes in to discover just what the cause of this disturbance

    is. Though ominous as usual, there is a sense that he has

    seen something like this before.

    [17:31] Now, as night falls, you stand

    debating whether or not to enter the mine after your

    Sensei, who has been gone for several hours. Do you enterthe mine? Or wait for Sasoris return? Should you instruct

    the miners to leave? Or form a militia and hunker down?

    [17:33] The miners cower beside their

    barricades as another two bearing lanters and torches walk

    up the path from the tents and huts below.

    [17:33] Mai gets a stubborn look and crosses

    her arms. "I can't tell you what to do, but sensei can.

    And he said to stay put."

    [17:34] "I'm with her, we don't know

    how many of those things are down there"

    [17:34] grateful look

    [17:35] "... Look at it this way: senseialso said he hates making others wait. And you both saw

    how easily he took care of that one creature when we


    [17:35] "That was just with one puppet, and

    sensei can probably control... well, a lot."

    [17:36] "According to the miners, the mine

    isn't terribly extensive."

    [17:36] "All of this tells us that there's

    no way sensei should have been down there this long."

    [17:36] "So you're saying that he can take

    care of himself, and that something got him anyway?"

    [17:37] * Tanshin_Yori shrugs. "If that's the case, then

    we're all dead regardless of what we do. Or he's waiting to

    see what we'll do."

    [17:37] "We've got to make a choice and


    [17:37] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "W-w-well, what SHOULD

    we do while we wait for him?"

    [17:37] "Hunker down probably"

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    [17:38] "How about you guys start digging a

    trench around the mine?"

    [17:38] The ground around the mine is solid


    [17:39] "Well then how long would it

    take to evac the whole village?"

    [17:40] * Tanshin_Yori quirks an eyebrow. "That won't

    accomplish much. Leaving a fortified position to wander the

    desert with those things?"

    [17:40] "Tell you what. We'll wait a day and

    then see what's up from there, ok?"

    [17:40] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "It wouldn't take

    long... Most of us don't have many possessions."

    [17:41] "Mmmm. The barricade here seems to

    have worked well so far, but what sort of defenses do you

    have against other attacks from the desert?"

    [17:42] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Well, there's a

    natural choke point leading up to this plateau that we'vebarricaded since you arrived, but there still hasn't been

    any sight of anything."

    [17:42] "And that's the only way into the


    [17:43] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Unless their climbing

    over the mountain... yea."

    [17:44] "You guys don't have a graveyard

    somewhere in the village, do you?"

    [17:45] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "What??? NO! We haven't

    even had any deaths until this incident started!"

    [17:46] "Really? Mining is dangerous

    work though surely there have been cave ins"[17:46] "Just checking. We don't know why

    these things are getting up and attacking, and I wasn't

    sure if these were the only ones we'd have to deal with

    down here."

    [17:47] DM NOTE: This is a very new mine, and

    what you're calling a village is really more like a camp.

    [17:48] "Ok guys, its getting late. Why don't

    you miners go ahead and get some sleep, but be sure to keep

    a watch and be ready to move quickly if you need to. We'll

    stay here and keep an eye out."

    [17:49] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Alright, we'll make

    sure a steady round is kept through the night if you guys

    can manage the mine itself."

    [17:50] "Would we be able get some


    [17:50] "Thanks. We'll try to give you as

    much warning as possible if something bad happens"

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    [17:50] * ~ShadowDM :HEAD MINER -> "Aye, we can manage

    that! I'll make sure to get a set up here and that ours is

    constantly manned."

    [17:51] "Hey, good idea Tanaka."

    [17:51] The miners are visibly relieved and

    head back toward the camp with their leader. The night is

    earily quiet as darkness encompasses the small circle of

    visibility created by the torches.

    [17:52] "I hope Sensei's ok, narrow

    spaces are not a puppeteer's best friend"

    [17:53] "Going down to check is always an


    [17:53] "You saw how easily we took care of

    the ones that came out. He might be doing some kind of

    sealing-thing that takes a lot of time. Anyway, we're

    probably going to need a watch too. Any suggestions?"

    [17:54] "I'll take first watch, I guess."

    [17:54] "Ok I'll take second then'[17:55] "Alright. I'll go last." She's

    thankful she won't have to wake up the scary demon guy.

    She's not sure there is a stick long enough to do it right


    [17:55] A soft, wet moan emenates from wtihin

    the mine.

    [17:56] *within

    [17:56] In short order, the echo of falling

    footsteps follows

    [17:56] Mai had started moving toward her

    pack, but drops it and draws her unusual sword hurredly.

    [17:57] Awareness checks?[17:57] * Tanshin_Yori removes his sunglasses and peers

    into the darkness.

    [17:57] 1d20+5

    [17:57] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+5 and gets =


    [17:57] 1d20+2 Awareness

    [17:58] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 Awareness and

    gets = 5

    [17:58] d20+2 Awarneness

    [17:58] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Awarneness and

    gets = 18

    [17:59] Though Mai cannot see anything--since

    it's pitch black inside the shaft--she can faintly hear

    voices speaking, but cannot discern what it is saying.

    [18:00] *a voice speaking

    [18:00] "Shh! I think I can hear someone


    [18:00] Another round of awareness?

    [18: ] 1d20+7

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    [18: ] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+7 and gets = 22

    [18: ] d20+2 Awareness

    [18: ] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Awareness and gets

    = 8

    [18: ] 1d20+2 Awareness

    [18: ] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 Awareness and

    gets = 12

    [18: ] Mai quietly moves up closer to try to

    hear a little better, ghosting through the night

    [18: ] where did the +7 come from?

    [18: ] (Stealth)

    [18: ] oh

    [18: ] 1d20+5

    [18: ] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+5 and gets = 19

    [18:02] please label your rolls, especially if

    I just asked for something else

    [18:02] (sorry)

    [18:02] Mai can just make out a voicespeaking, though it's more likely due to the fact it is

    closer to the entrance than before.

    [18:03] (brb)

    [18:03] brb

    [18:06] * ~ShadowDM :MYSETERIOUS VOICE -> "I was really

    scared there for a second, yknow, I thought he had me. You

    shoulda seen his face when I activated that second burst."

    [18:07] * ~ShadowDM :MYSETERIOUS VOICE -> "But you shoulda

    seen his face when I put on that second burst of speed.

    Faster than last time, ha!"

    [18:07] * ~ShadowDM :MYSETERIOUS VOICE -> "Really though,

    I'm just lucky I already had what I needed."[18:08] * ~ShadowDM :MYSETERIOUS VOICE -> "I do not relish

    the thought of going a round with Akasuna no Sasori."

    [18:09] At that moment, you hear the sound of

    movement from behind you.

    [18:09] *Whirls!*

    [18:09] * ~ShadowDM :MINER -> "Hey kids! Gotcher radio!" A

    miner is coming up the path carrying a large box.

    [18:10] (back)

    [18:10] It is also at this moment that the

    person inside the mine notices your existance.

    [18:10] "Shhh someones coming"

    [18:10] * ~ShadowDM :MYSETERIOUS VOICE -> "Wha-- oh, hey!"

    [18:10] Mai makes a break for the enterance

    [18:11] Where is Mai exactly?

    [18:11] (30-40 feet further in)

    [18:11] Ah, then there is no chance.

    [18:12] hang on a sec...

    [18:12] oh. I can't hear these guys. never


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    [18:12] No, Yori, you're deaf.

    [18:13] notices Mai movement. "What's

    wrong, who's there?"

    [18:13] (I might not get the chance to run)

    [18:13] Mai's exodus is stopped by a man

    dressed in a dark brown outfit wearing a white dog-like

    mask. On the forehead of his mask is the sign of

    Konohagakure with a deep gash through it. His hair is short

    but quite messy and he carries no visible weapons.

    [18:14] In an instant he appears before her,

    grabbing her sword arm and lifting her by it. In his other

    hand he holds a blue parcel which he tosses to himself


    [18:14] "GYaa!"

    [18:15] "A missing nin?". Tanaka

    muttered glancing at the man's headband.

    [18:15] * ~ShadowDM :MYSTERIOUS MAN -> "Aaaand what have

    we here? Cute little Suna-nin! You're with Sasori-san Ipresume?"

    [18:16] "Release her and identify


    [18:17] * ~ShadowDM :MYSTERIOUS MAN -> "... ... Why?"

    [18:17] "Two Konoha missing-nin! Two!"

    [18:17] At that moment, some undead things

    crawl up from behind Mai, and it becomes quite obvious this

    guy was either talking to them or himself.

    [18:18] Or both, freakin' crazy ninja.

    [18:19] * ~ShadowDM :MYSTERIOUS MAN -> "Wha--oh no, I'm

    all here by my lonesome... Nobody wants to hand around me

    and my dead-beat friends."[18:20] "Do You know where our sensei


    [18:21] Nonchallantly, he drives Mai's blade

    into the stone wall and turns back toward the entrance.

    "Him, oh yea, he'll probably be out in a mo'... I'm afraid

    your Sensei plays too rough for me so I left him some of my

    friends to beat around while I got away~"

    [18:21] * ~ShadowDM :MYSTERIOUS MAN -> "Speaking of which,

    see ya."

    [18:22] And with that, the strange shinobi is


    [18:22] But it appears he didn't want to leave

    you all by yourself in the dark. INITIATIVE!

    [18:22] d20+0 Init

    [18:22] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+0 Init and gets = 3

    [18:22] 1d20+2

    [18:22] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 7

    [18:23] 1d20+6 init

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    [18:23] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+6 init and gets

    = 12

    [18:24] Tanaka whips off Inu's bandages

    and set it beofre him. He then claps his hand together and

    says "Kugutsu no jutsu"

    [18:26] A B C D E F G H I J

    [18:26] 1 . | . . . z . . | .

    [18:26] 2 . | z . . . . . | .

    [18:26] 3 . | . . z . . z | .

    [18:26] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:26] 5 . | . Z . . Z . | .

    [18:26] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:26] 7 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:26] 8 . | M . . . . . | .

    [18:26] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:26] 10 . | . . . i . . | .

    [18:26] 11 . | . Y . T . J | .

    [18:26] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _[18:26] 13 . # # . . . . # # .

    [18:26] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [18:26] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

    [18:26] Z= fresher zombies, z = Zombies # =

    Barricades, * = Sand Bars

    [18:26] Zombies, Tanaka, Junichi, Zombies,

    Mai, Yori

    [18:27] Junichi hurtles a dagger with amazing

    accuracy, striking the zombie on the far right and felling


    [18:28] Mai Def

    [18:28] 14[18:28] Two corpses rush Mai as she struggles

    with her sword and swing at her! 1 dmg

    [18:29] A B C D E F G H I J

    [18:29] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 5 . | . Z . . Z . | .

    [18:29] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 7 . | z z . z . . | .

    [18:29] 8 . | M . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:29] 10 . | . . . i . . | .

    [18:29] 11 . | . Y . T . J | .

    [18:29] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _

    [18:29] 13 . # # . . . . # # .

    [18:29] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [18:29] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

  • 8/9/2019 SSwB: Session 3


    [18:29] Z= fresher zombies, z = Zombies # =

    Barricades, * = Sand Bars

    [18:29] Zombies, Tanaka, Junichi, Zombies,

    Mai, Yori

    [18:29] Mai! Your go!

    [18:29] You need to make a STR check to get

    your sword out of the wall

    [18:29] (Unsurpressing Str lvl 1) 1d20+4

    [18:29] 1d20+4

    [18:29] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+4 and gets =


    [18:30] With all her might, Mai is just able

    to slide the double-katana free of the wall.

    [18:30] Yori! Your go!

    [18:31] * Tanshin_Yori lashes out with his sand, striking

    the zombie at D7!

    [18:31] d20+2 Attack

    [18:31] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Attack and gets = 16

    [18:32] You'd have to move a little closer to


    [18:32] I would? Doesn't it have a reach of

    30 feet?

    [18:33] You're talking about the regular Sand

    Manipulation attack right?

    [18:33] Sand's Embrace right?

    [18:33] Yeah.

    [18:34] Hit!

    [18:34] d4+2 damage

    [18:34] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 damage and gets = 5

    [18:34] The zombie dissolves under the torrent

    of sand.

    [18:35] alright, end turn.

    [18:36] A much fresher looking zombie tackles

    Mai, dealing 6 damage.

    [18:37] And a second leaps out of the

    darkness, rushing over Jun.

    [18:37] Startled, Jun fumbles his attack.

    [18:37] Tanaka! Go!

    [18:38] 1d4+2 Attack

    [18:38] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+2 Attack and

    gets = 4

    [18:38] A B C D E F G H I J

    [18:38] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

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    [18:38] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 7 . | z Z . z . . | .

    [18:38] 8 . | M . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:38] 10 . | . . . i . . | .

    [18:38] 11 . | . Y . T . Z | .

    [18:38] 12 _ | . . . . . J | _

    [18:38] 13 . # # . . . . # # .

    [18:38] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [18:38] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

    [18:38] Z= fresher zombies, z = Zombies # =

    Barricades, * = Sand Bars

    [18:38] Zombies, Tanaka, Junichi, Zombies,

    Mai, Yori

    [18:38] You wanna roll to hit something first?

    [18:38] oh right

    [18:38] brb

    [18:39] d20+2 attack[18:40] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 attack and

    gets = 22

    [18:40] Hit! What are you hitting?

    [18:40] The zombie attacking Jun

    [18:40] Ok, roll to confirm the critical

    [18:40] actually no

    [18:40] 1d20

    [18:40] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20 and gets 5

    [18:41] no?

    [18:41] It grunts but doesn't seem fazed.

    [18:42] Tanaka, Def!

    [18:42] 14[18:43] (sorry!)

    [18:43] 11

    [18:43] Tanaka, Concentration check!

    [18:43] 1d20+12 Concentration

    [18:43] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+12

    Concentration and gets = 24

    [18:44] Two zombies swing! Two zombies hit!

    Mai and Tanaka takes one damage each!

    [18:44] Though shaken by the undead menace,

    Tanaka is able to keep his concentration on his puppet.

    [18:44] A B C D E F G H I J

    [18:44] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 7 . | z Z . . . . | .

    [18:44] 8 . | M . . . . . | .

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    [18:44] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [18:44] 10 . | . . . z . . | .

    [18:44] 11 . | . Y . T i Z | .

    [18:44] 12 _ | . . . . . J | _

    [18:44] 13 . # # . . . . # # .

    [18:44] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [18:44] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

    [18:44] Z= fresher zombies, z = Zombies # =


    [18:44] Zombies, Tanaka, Junichi, Zombies,

    Mai, Yori

    [18:44] Mai! Your go!

    [18:44] (I'm grappled?)

    [18:45] (No)

    [18:45] 1d20+6 attacking fresh zombie in D7

    [18:45] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 attacking fresh

    zombie in D7 and gets = 14

    [18:45] Hit![18:46] 1d10+5

    [18:46] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 8

    [18:46] The creature falls back under the

    force of the strike, but only for a moment. Though it's arm

    is falling off, it doesn't seem fazed.

    [18:47] Yori!

    [18:47] so we have... four zombies left?

    [18:47] Yep...

    [18:48] * Tanshin_Yori strikes at Mai's target, hoping to

    finish it off!

    [18:48] d20+2 attack

    [18:48] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 attack and gets = 19

    [18:49] hit!

    [18:49] d4+2 SAND!

    [18:49] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 SAND! and gets = 3

    [18:49] (lame)

    [18:49] (very)

    [18:49] It takes the hit in stride and still


    [18:50] end turn, then.

    [18:51] The two stronger looking zombies press

    their attack with abandon, seeking to beat their targets to

    a pulp! Mai takes 4 damage!

    [18:52] (oww. down to 2 HP)

    [18:54] Tanaka! Your go!

    [18:54] Tanaka attempts try and gain

    some space from his target

    [18:55] 1d20+2

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    [18:55] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 and gets = 8

    [18:55] miss

    [18:56] Inu hurls itself at the zombie

    but the strike goes wide off the mark

    [18:56] Junichi spins and lashes out at the

    zombie attacking him, landing a solid blow.

    [18:57] The lesser zombies seem to be losing

    steam, both missing their mark by wide margins.

    [18:57] Mai!

    [18:57] Desparately tries to finish the nasty

    one off before it does the same to her.

    [18:58] 1d20+6 vs D7

    [18:58] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 vs D7 and gets = 22

    [18:58] hit!

    [18:58] 1d10+5 damage

    [18:58] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 damage and gets = 8

    [18:58] It succumbs to its wounds and falls

    without a sound.

    [18:58] Yori!

    [19:00] * Tanshin_Yori attacks the zombie in C7, hopefully

    putting Mai in the clear.

    [19:00] d20+2 Attack

    [19:00] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Attack and gets = 4

    [19:00] -_-;

    [19: ] Terrible miss!

    [19: ] * Tanshin_Yori grinds his teeth.[19: ] end turn.

    [19:02] The zombie seems dizzi from Jun's last

    blow and punches a hole in the wall instead of the young

    ninja's chest.

    [19:02] Tanaka!

    [19:02] A B C D E F G H I J

    [19:02] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 7 . | z . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 8 . | M . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:02] 10 . | . . . z . . | .

    [19:02] 11 . | . Y . . i Z | .

    [19:02] 12 _ | . . . T . J | _

    [19:02] 13 . # # . . . . # # .

  • 8/9/2019 SSwB: Session 3


    [19:02] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [19:02] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

    [19:02] Z= fresher zombies, z = Zombies # =


    [19:02] Zombies, Tanaka, Junichi, Zombies,

    Mai, Yori

    [19:03] d20+2 Attack

    [19:03] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 Attack and

    gets = 8

    [19:03] miss!

    [19:04] damn

    [19:05] Jun finishes off the last of the

    stronger looking zombies and all that's left is to mop up

    the rest.

    [19:06] Mai!

    [19:06] 1d20+6 vs C7

    [19:06] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 vs C7 and gets = 12[19:06] hit!

    [19:06] 1d10+5

    [19:06] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 13

    [19:07] blown away.

    [19:07] Yori!

    [19:07] d20+2 Attack vs. F10

    [19:07] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Attack vs. F10 and

    gets = 17

    [19:08] d4+2 damage (assuming that's a hit)

    [19:08] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 damage (assuming

    that's a hit) and gets = 3

    [19:08] -_-;[19:08] A small jet of sand bowls over the


    [19:09] Success!

    [19:09] All the dead things are dead again.

    [19:10] "Everybody OK?" Mai asks while

    holding her side painfully

    [19:11] "I am fine. Although we should try

    to get you medical attention if we're going to go find

    sensei. There might be more of those things down there."

    [19:11] "I'll live I guess"

    [19:12] "Well that's good."

    [19:12] From within the mine walks your

    beloved Sasori-sensei, the right sleeve of his robe is

    missing, but other than that, he seems relatively fine.

    [19:13] 1d20+5 awareness to make sure its him

    [19:13] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+5 awareness to make

    sure its him and gets = 12

    [19:13] Through half-slitted eyes, he looks at

    the piles of dead. "I suppose this means he got away."

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    [19:13] "We ran into missing nin

    earlier, do you know who he was?"

    [19:13] Mai is half-blinded from pain but

    there doesn't seem to be anything that would indicate this

    isn't her jounin commander.

    [19:14] "Unfortunately."

    [19:14] "Sorry, sensei. He was too fast for


    [19:14] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "... SLOTH."

    [19:14] "who?

    [19:14] * Tanshin_Yori thought things were only supposed

    to make no sense inside his head.

    [19:15] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "He's faster than the last

    time I met him. I don't know who he is, beside that he is a

    missing nin from Konohagakure."

    [19:15] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> ".. And, of course, he has

    some ability to control lifeless bodies.

    [19:16] "Yeah he was really weird"[19:16] "That answers that question, then.

    Do you know what was in that package he was carrying?"

    [19:16] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "No, but it seems to be

    what he came here for."

    [19:17] "Now that he's gone do you

    think any of the dead will continue to appear?"

    [19:18] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "I need to get a message to

    Sunagakure, and I'm not certain that I finished everything

    in there. Are you capable of continuing the watch over the


    [19:18] "... is he gone?"

    [19:18] * Tanshin_Yori nods. "He also seemed to be talkingto himself... or to a radio. Does this guy usually work

    alone, or does he have partners?"

    [19:19] "Yes. he was holding a conversation.

    I think there may have been.. ah! been someone else"

    [19:20] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "I doubt it. He seemed

    quite mad, and the miners would have likely noticed

    activity on their radios if he was keeping contact with

    someone outside."

    [19:21] "oh... yeah, that would do it"

    [19:22] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Can you continue to watch

    the entrance? I need to dispatch a message and speak with

    the head miner."

    [19:22] * Tanshin_Yori nods.

    [19:22] "Hai, sensei"

    [19:23] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Very well, I will be back

    shortly." With a final nod, he disappears down the path.

    [19:23] "all you alright, if your not

    up to it, Yori and I can handle the watch

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    [19:24] From his direction, a small red pellet

    strikes Mai, which she easily catches.

    [19:24] "Hmm?"

    [19:24] * Tanshin_Yori forms a small stool out of sand and

    has a seat facing the entrance.

    [19:25] "I've... been better." She admits

    while rummaging around for a canteen. She assumes that the

    pill is some kind of medicine and washes it down.

    [19:28] * Tanshin_Yori stares into the darkness of the

    mine, speaking to no-one in particular. "What do you

    suppose was so important down there?"

    [19:28] "Well, it was kinda small, and wrapped

    in a blue cloth

    [19:29] "He didn't act like it was heavy, but

    he was pretty strong to do that with my sword..."

    [19:29] Tanaka sits on the ground a

    trys to catch his breath. "You know aside from the zombies

    and the missin nin,this hasn't been that bad of a mission.I think my dad's team was assinged chase stray dogs or


    [19:30] "Whatever it was it must be

    important,seeing as how he traveled all the way to the

    mines to get it"

    [19:32] "He had it with him when you

    encountered him right Sensei?"

    [19:32] ((Your sensei isn't there))

    [19:33] * Tanshin_Yori assumes he must be hearing things

    again, because there's no way Tanaka would be talking to

    someone who wasn't here. Probably.

    [19:34] (oh,chalk it up to blood loss)[19:34] (( he took 1 damage... and it's was

    bludgeoning damage... ))

    [19:34] (he's scared of my blood?)

    [19:34] "A gemstone of some sort? Rocks?

    Sensei seems to think he's crazy, so it could've been

    pretty much anything."

    [19:35] (yep I'm a hemophopbe lol)

    [19:35] * Tanshin_Yori chuckles a little at that

    statement. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

    [19:35] "could be a lot of things. We'd

    probably have to research this Sloth guy to see what kinds

    of things he was studying"

    [19:36] A deep rumble issues from the mine!

    [19:36] "What's that?"

    [19:37] Awareness!

    [19:37] * Tanshin_Yori stands up, the sand-stool vanishes

    into the gourd. "Only one way to find out."

    [19:37] 1d20+2 aware

    [19:37] d20+2 Awareness

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    [19:37] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 aware and

    gets = 14

    [19:37] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Awareness and gets

    = 15

    [19:39] 1d20+5

    [19:39] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+5 and gets =


    [19:40] Despite the darkness of the mine, a

    large glowing mass of waving limbs can be seen dragging

    itself from the recesses of the shaft.

    [19:40] Will save!

    [19:41] d20-2 Will

    [19:41] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20-2 Will and gets = 6

    [19:41] 1d20

    [19:41] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20 and gets 14

    [19:41] d20

    [19:41] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20 and gets 8[19:41] crap

    [19:42] And even Yori just barely manages to

    avoid losing his mind (Shukaku: "as if I'd give it up") at

    the sight of the abomination.

    [19:43] "... can anyone else see that?"

    [19:43] For a moment, the wild thrashing of

    the creature stops as it picks up the scent of more flesh

    to add to its mass (you).

    [19:43] Initiative!

    [19:44] 1d20+2

    [19:44] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+2 and gets =

    21[19:44] d20 Init

    [19:44] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20 Init and gets 11

    [19:44] 1d20+2 init

    [19:44] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 init and gets

    = 5

    [19:46] A B C D E F G H I J

    [19:46] 1 . | . . Z Z . . | .

    [19:46] 2 . | . . Z Z . . | .

    [19:46] 3 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 4 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 7 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 8 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 10 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:46] 11 . | M . . . i J | .

    [19:46] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _

    [19:46] 13 . # # Y . . T # # .

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    [19:46] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [19:46] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

    [19:46] Z= giant mass of zombies

    [19:46] Mai, Junichi, GMoZ, Yori, Tanaka, GMoZ

    [19:46] Fight!

    [19:46] Mai!

    [19:47] Ready a charge when it gets within 30

    [19:48] Alright!

    [19:49] Junichi quickly moves forward and

    tosses a kunai! The blade sinks into the creature, not

    seeming to do much damage.

    [19:50] The beast, slides forward! Arms

    reaching over arms to drag the mass of bodies across the


    [19:50] A B C D E F G H I J

    [19:50] 1 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 3 . | . . Z Z . . | .[19:50] 4 . | . . Z Z . . | .

    [19:50] 5 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 7 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 8 . | . . . . . J | .

    [19:50] 9 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 10 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:50] 11 . | M . . . i . | .

    [19:50] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _

    [19:50] 13 . # # Y . . T # # .

    [19:50] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [19:50] 15 . . . . . . . . . .[19:50] Z= giant mass of zombies

    [19:50] Mai, Junichi, GMoZ, Yori, Tanaka, GMoZ

    [19:50] Yori!

    [19:51] 1d20+7 charge?

    [19:51] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+7 charge? and gets = 20

    [19:51] um... no

    [19:51] it's not closer than 30'

    [19:51] Move to E9, then attack it!

    [19:52] d20+2 Attack

    [19:52] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+2 Attack and gets = 9

    [19:52] -_-;

    [19:52] and there goes my turn.

    [19:52] Shockingly, you hit.

    [19:52] it doesn't look that manueverable

    [19:52] ...

    [19:52] I'm not gonna argue with that.

    [19:52] d4+2 damage!

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    [19:52] Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d4+2 damage! and gets = 3

    [19:53] Sand rakes deep gouges in the flesh,

    but it doesn't seem to notice.

    [19:53] Mai, you may charge

    [19:54] 1d10+5

    [19:54] Karama_Mai rolls 1d10+5 and gets = 11

    [19:55] As Mai's blade strikes flesh, it

    nearly bounces back into her face as the creature's skin

    ruptures with a burst of acid! Mai takes 1 acid damage!

    [19:55] "Ahh!"

    [19:55] Tanaka! Your go!

    [19:56] 1d4+2 Attack

    [19:56] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+2 Attack and

    gets = 3

    [19:56] You might have to get closer...

    [19:56] A B C D E F G H I J

    [19:56] 1 . | . . . . . . | .[19:56] 2 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:56] 3 . | . . Z Z . . | .

    [19:56] 4 . | . . Z Z . . | .

    [19:56] 5 . | . . M . . . | .

    [19:56] 6 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:56] 7 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:56] 8 . | . . . . . J | .

    [19:56] 9 . | . . Y . . . | .

    [19:56] 10 . | . . . . . . | .

    [19:56] 11 . | . . . . i . | .

    [19:56] 12 _ | . . . . . . | _

    [19:56] 13 . # # . . . T # # .[19:56] 14 . . # # . . # # . .

    [19:56] 15 . . . . . . . . . .

    [19:56] Z= giant mass of zombies

    [19:56] Mai, Junichi, GMoZ, Yori, Tanaka, GMoZ

    [19:57] (wait... d4 for attack roll?)

    [20:00] From within the writhing mass of

    bodies, a large limb made of multitudes of arms rises.

    Hands sread apart to reveal a wide maw which you assume is

    this creature's "mouth". It pauses in the air for a moment,

    before lurching down at Mai with frightening speed!

    [20:00] Mai, grapple check!

    [20: ] 1d20+6

    [20: ] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets = 12

    [20:02] 1d6 action point

    [20:02] Karama_Mai rolls 1d6 action point and gets 2

    [20:02] don't bother actioning it

    [20:03] As the two struggle, it is obvious the

    creature has the upper-hand(s). Multiple fists grab

    whatever they can reach as they try to pull her into itself.

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    [20:03] Mai! Your turn! Another grapple check


    [20:03] 1d20+6

    [20:03] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets =


    [20:04] AP?

    [20:04] 1d6 very much action point

    [20:04] Karama_Mai rolls 1d6 very much action point

    and gets 2

    [20:05] Mai's thrashing crushes wrists and

    breaks fingers as she begins to fight off the creature's


    [20:06] Junichi runs down beside the creature,

    trying to catch it's attention. With a flurry of hand-

    signs, he spews forth a raging line of flames that lights

    up the inside of the mine shaft.

    [20:07] Mai! Another grapple check!

    [20:07] 1d20+6[20:07] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+6 and gets = 11

    [20:07] >_ "You will be mine!!!


    [20:54] Yori's face distorts as a very

    different voice issues from within.

    [20:55] Mai freezes in the act of wiping away

    some of the zombie slime and stares at Yori fearfully

    [20:55] * Tanshin_Yori does the only thing he can: endure.

    [20:56] And then everything is normal.

    [20:56] Or as normal as before.

    [20:57] Any... actions?

    [20:57] crying? whimpering? suffering?

    [20:57] Moving back out into the light...

    [20:58] "Um... are you ok Yori?"

    [21:00] * Tanshin_Yori drops to his knees, pressing his

    temples between his hands like they were a vice. It looks

    almost like he's trying to crush his own skull. His eyesare screwed shut, and his teeth grind audibly.

    [21:00] Jun moves over toward the entrance,

    but doesn't seem sure whether to try and comfort Yori or


    [21: ] "I think we should move back

    guys, Now!"

    [21:02] Jun agrees.

    [21:03] Mai backs up silently

    [21:03] Jun points out that you're all

    standing in assorted body parts and fluids.

    [21:03] * Tanshin_Yori 's spell ends almost as quickly as

    it came. He draws a rattling breath, stands up, andretreats towards the entrance.

    [21:05] Out in the light, things aren't much


    [21:05] However, nothing else seems to be

    coming out of the mine.

    [21:06] "I... could really use a bath."

    [21:06] In a few moments, Sasori walks back up

    the path to the mine entrance. One hand holds the strap of

    a large scroll, and the other digs into his brow. As he

    reaches the perimeter of the light coming from the torches,

    he pauses. "What's that smell?"

    [21:07] "... I got eaten"

    [21:08] "Something that Sloth left for us...

    and Mai."

    [21:09] "You missed out on all the fun


    [21:09] * Tanshin_Yori rubs his forehead gingerly.

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    [21:09] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "... right. We'll be

    recieving back-up shortly to take over the position here,

    but for now it seems like we'll be spending the night."

    [21:10] "who's the backup?"

    [21:11] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Don't know, don't care.

    Probably other jounin and maybe an interrogator or two.

    I'll keep watch so the rest of you can sleep. Is anyone

    mortally wounded?"

    [21:12] "just my pride

    [21:12] "Not this time."

    [21:12] Speaking of which, Mai is reduced to

    whatever HP she had before the pill.

    [21:12] 2

    [21:12] "why do we need an


    [21:13] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "The interrogator will get

    as much information from the miners as possible." He

    shrugs. "Don't worry, it's nothing more painful than aheadache."

    [21:14] "I think I'm gonna lay down, if that's

    alright with you..."

    [21:14] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "But if you're all fine,

    just try to get some sleep."

    [21:15] Sasori moves over to the entrance of

    the mine and crosses his arms.

    [21:15] Everyone going to sleep?

    [21:16] (I know I am!)

    [21:16] * Tanshin_Yori lays on the ground above the

    entrance and gazes up at the stars.

    [21:16] (I learned my lesson. Pseudo-sleepfor me.)

    [21:16] (yea, might not be a good idea for

    Yori to sleep...)

    [21:17] Tanaka?

    [21:17] you heading to bed?

    [21:17] yep

    [21:18] Alright, you all (sans Yori) fall into

    a restful sleep.

    [21:18] CON rolls from every but Yori!

    [21:18] 1d20

    [21:18] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20 and gets 14

    [21:18] Tanaka?

    [21:18] (+1)

    [21:19] Chikamatsu_Tanaka Constitution roll!

    [21:20] 1d20

    [21:20] Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20 and gets 10

    [21:22] brb

    [21:22] kk just a few moments

    [21:25] back

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    [21:30] Mai!

    [21:30] ?

    [21:31] You wake up in a bed, clean, and sun

    is shining through a window.

    [21:32] Your equipment is on a desk next to

    you, and the room itself seems very familiar.

    [21:32] "er..."

    [21:33] Sit up, and see if anyone else is

    here. Then try to remember where I've seen this before

    [21:33] Int roll

    [21:33] You are alone in the room in a single


    [21:34] You notice a note on the floor by door.

    [21:34] 1d20+2

    [21:34] Karama_Mai rolls 1d20+2 and gets =


    [21:35] You're at the Gakumoto's Oasis!

    [21:35] Grabbing her sword out of reflex, shemoves over to read the note

    [21:37] "Mai,

    [21:37] Meet us for breakfast. Already up.

    [21:37] Though there is no signature, you

    recognize the scorpion seal of your sensei.

    [21:38] "Man, I must really have been out of

    it!" she quickly heads down to meet the others after a

    quick pause to get her gear.

    [21:38] Going to head to the restaurant?

    [21:38] yep

    [21:39] Entering the building, you see Sasori,

    Junichi, Yori, and Tanaka--who seems to be asleep--sittingat a table. Seeing you, Sasori becons you over.

    [21:40] "Hey Sensei. Sorry to be a bother."

    [21:40] Tanaka! Slowly, groggily, you begin to

    regain consciousness. You are in a restaurant and the

    alluring smell of food surrounds you.

    [21:40] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "A bother?" He blinks.

    [21:41] "Well, it couldn't have been easy to

    carry me all the way here, right?"

    [21:42] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Oh, no, I just had Yori

    carry you all."

    [21:42] "That's... kinda scary"

    [21:42] "Wow Yoir how strong are you?"

    [21:42] Yori

    [21:43] Jun snickers, but seems to understand

    that their sensei is not being entirely serious.

    [21:43] A tendril of sand snakes out of

    Yori's gourd. "It's easy if you go about it the right way."

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    [21:44] A waitress brings several plates of

    food and places them in the center of the table along with

    jugs of water and juice.

    [21:45] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Well, good job on your

    first mission."

    [21:45] "Well, I'm starving!"

    [21:46] "Hey, thanks sensei! You think we did


    [21:46] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "You did as well as

    possible considering the unique... difficulties of this

    mission." He states after swallowing a mouthful of food.

    [21:47] "Thanks...?" Yori couldn't remember

    having been complimented or congratulated before. "We let

    that missing-nin get away though..."

    [21:47] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "There was nothing you

    could have done."

    [21:48] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "He managed to get away

    from me, so it's only due to my failure that he escaped. Iunderestimated him."

    [21:48] "What do you think Kazekage-

    sama will do once he hears our report?"

    [21:49] "He must be strong to be able

    to fight you sensei"

    [21:49] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Mmm... Despite his name,

    he's quite fast."

    [21:50] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "I'm not sure what the

    Kazekage will do. We cannot be sure who this missing-nin is

    working for if in fact he is working for anybody at all..."

    [21:51] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "However, it's no concern

    of ours. This was a mis-informed mission from the get-goand from now on I'm certain wel

    [21:51] *we'll have assignments more

    appropriate for your level."

    [21:52] "I won't miss getting swallowed whole,

    that's for sure"

    [21:52] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Getting... what?"

    [21:52] * Tanshin_Yori swallowed his mouthful of bacon and

    juice. From the way that missing-nin talked, it sounded

    like Sloth and Sasori had crossed paths before...

    [21:54] "hmm? No one told you about the big


    [21:55] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "No. I did notice a few

    more corpses once I returned from sending the message, but

    I just assumed you had swept up a few stragglers."

    [21:55] "Well, it swallowed me, but I cut my

    way out

    [21:56] "I'm suprised your in one piece

    considered it apperently bled acid"

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    [21:56] "It was like a whole bunch of bodies

    mashed together. Although that description doesn't really

    do the thing justice."

    [21:56] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "So that's what that smell


    [21:58] "Do we get a bonus!?"

    [21:58] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Yea, sure, I won't make

    you pay for breakfast."

    [21:58] "It's a moment she'll tell her

    grandkids about, I'm sure".

    [21:59] "After that, being alive and in one

    piece is a bonus..."

    [21:59] Junichi concures.

    [22:00] "yep

    [22:00] As you down your well deserved

    breakfast, the sun shines brightly over the calm desert.

    What mysteries await you in the future? Who is this SLOTH

    character? What is his package?[22:00] Your mission and your lives end with

    the most important meal of the day as we

    [22:00] FADE...

    [22:00] .TO....

    [22:00] ..BLACK