st. joseph catholic church lancaster, pennsylvania...

ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA May 28, 2017 Seventh Sunday of Easter This is Eternal Life Dear People and Friends of Saint Joseph’s, Christ is Risen; Truly He is Risen! The Lord Jesus em- phasizes again the importance of our personal relationship with God as he describes what eternal life is: Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. (John 17: 3) We recall that two Sundays ago, Christ described heaven as the Father’s house where Christ will prepare a place for us, “so that where I am you also may be.” Heaven and eternal life are described in terms of our RELATIONSHIP with God. That should be no surprise, since we know well that God created us to be relational beingsto be loved and to love. Further, in saying that “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” Jesus reveals that He is the means of having this rela- tionship of love with Almighty God. Last Sunday, the Lord spelled out how we are to live in this loving relationshipby keeping his commandments. All of Christ’s teachings show us how love is lived out on a daily basisin our relationship with the Blessed Trinity and our relationships with others Hopefully, then, we can see that Intentional Discipleship is not a mass marketing strategy, but rather the way for Chris- tians to have life and have it abundantly through their living relationship with Jesus Christ, the one whom we follow. Disci- ples make other disciples. So as we follow our Good Shep- herd, transformed by his love for us, we joyfully and boldly desire and yearn to share himand thus share eternal lifewith everyone we meet. This Memorial weekend, as our nation remembers, we recall Christ’s command, “Do this in memory of me.” The com- memoration, that is the Eucharist, is not an intellectual exer- cise. No! Through the Breaking of Bread, we recognize and encounter the Risen One with us, as did the disciples of Em- maus. Through the Eucharist, we are able to have eternal life, for we are able to know the only true God, and the one whom he sent, Jesus Christ. Yet, the question is “Do we want to be with the Lord?” He wants us to be with Him, but do we do our part. If throughout our week we do not seek time for the Lord, if throughout the week we do not fulfill his commandments, if on Sunday we do not want to be with the Lord at Mass, what makes us think that we will want to be with Him forever in heaven? Heaven does not begin at death; eternal life begins with our baptism, and this eternal life either grows or remains dormant. As we began our 22 nd year of our Perpetual Adoration Chapel at the beginning of this month, we again hear the invi- tation to cultivate eternal life by knowing God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacra- ment. Please consider committing yourself to one of the weekly, hourly time slots in our Adoration Chapel. Call Mary Ellen Gardner in the rectory office to arrange your hour with the LORD. In the Peace and Joy of our . Fr. Allan F. Wolfe In Pew Collection $9.987.21 Electronic Giving 3,780.00 Online Giving 425.00 Budget Actual Difference 5/21/2017 $11,600.00 $14,192.21 $2,592.21 Vigils 302.51 Trinity Dome 96.00 Restoration Fund - Memorials 100.00 TIME TALENT and TREASURE A Way of Life at Saint Joseph’s May 21, 2017 GIFT CARDS FOR SHOPPING & GIFTS Don’t forget to purchase your gift cards at the church or online. Purchases can also be made online through our website. St. Joseph Church earns 3%-16% on all gift cards sold. Remember this is a fund raiser for our church. Thank you for your continued Support! GIFT CARD SALES Date Sales Profit May 21, 2017 $3,225.00 $172.70 Jesus says “Come to Me … for I am the Bread of Life Call 397-6921 to schedule your hour. Open hours: Monday 6:00-7:00 pm and Thursday 7:00- 8:00 pm

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Seventh Sunday of Easter This is Eternal Life

Dear People and Friends of Saint Joseph’s,

Christ is Risen; Truly He is Risen! The Lord Jesus em-phasizes again the importance of our personal relationship with God as he describes what eternal life is:

Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. (John 17: 3)

We recall that two Sundays ago, Christ described heaven as

the Father’s house where Christ will prepare a place for us, “so that where I am you also may be.” Heaven and eternal life are described in terms of our RELATIONSHIP with God. That should be no surprise, since we know well that God created us to be relational beings—to be loved and to love.

Further, in saying that “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” Jesus reveals that He is the means of having this rela-tionship of love with Almighty God. Last Sunday, the Lord spelled out how we are to live in this loving relationship—by keeping his commandments. All of Christ’s teachings show us how love is lived out on a daily basis—in our relationship with the Blessed Trinity and our relationships with others

Hopefully, then, we can see that Intentional Discipleship is

not a mass marketing strategy, but rather the way for Chris-tians to have life and have it abundantly through their living relationship with Jesus Christ, the one whom we follow. Disci-ples make other disciples. So as we follow our Good Shep-herd, transformed by his love for us, we joyfully and boldly desire and yearn to share him—and thus share eternal life—with everyone we meet.

This Memorial weekend, as our nation remembers, we

recall Christ’s command, “Do this in memory of me.” The com-memoration, that is the Eucharist, is not an intellectual exer-cise. No! Through the Breaking of Bread, we recognize and encounter the Risen One with us, as did the disciples of Em-maus. Through the Eucharist, we are able to have eternal life, for we are able to know the only true God, and the one whom he sent, Jesus Christ. Yet, the question is “Do we want to be with the Lord?” He wants us to be with Him, but do we do our part.

If throughout our week we do not seek time for the Lord, if

throughout the week we do not fulfill his commandments, if on Sunday we do not want to be with the Lord at Mass, what makes us think that we will want to be with Him forever in heaven? Heaven does not begin at death; eternal life begins with our baptism, and this eternal life either grows or remains dormant.

As we began our 22

nd year of our Perpetual Adoration

Chapel at the beginning of this month, we again hear the invi-tation to cultivate eternal life by knowing God the Father

through his Son Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacra-ment. Please consider committing yourself to one of the weekly, hourly time slots in our Adoration Chapel. Call Mary Ellen Gardner in the rectory office to arrange your hour with the LORD.

In the Peace and Joy of our .

Fr. Allan F. Wolfe

In Pew Collection $9.987.21

Electronic Giving 3,780.00

Online Giving 425.00

Budget Actual Difference

5/21/2017 $11,600.00 $14,192.21 $2,592.21

Vigils 302.51

Trinity Dome 96.00

Restoration Fund - Memorials 100.00

TIME TALENT and TREASURE A Way of Life at Saint Joseph’s

May 21, 2017


Don’t forget to purchase your gift cards at the church or online. Purchases can also be made online through our website. St. Joseph Church earns 3%-16% on all gift cards sold. Remember this is a fund raiser for our church.

Thank you for your continued Support!


Date Sales Profit May 21, 2017 $3,225.00 $172.70

Jesus says “Come to Me …

for I am the Bread of Life Call 397-6921 to schedule your hour.

Open hours: Monday 6:00-7:00 pm and Thursday 7:00-

8:00 pm



Saturday, May 27

4:00 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass - Virginia Stewart (William Stewart)

Sunday, May 28 - Seventh Sunday of Easter

8:00 am Mass - People of the Parish

9:15 am Focus on Faith - Tipitina’s

10:30 am Mass - Mrs. Nancy Fruchtl (Ave and Don Eckman & Family)

1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form

Casey Fitzgerald (David & Kathy Haddon)

4:00 pm Mass - Intention of Father Allan F. Wolfe

25th Anniversary of Ordination

Monday, May 29

Memorial Day - Parish Office Closed

9:00 am Mass - Michael Barnes (Joe & Denise Ziegler)

Tuesday, May 30

6:30 am Mass - Jocelynne Reisinger (John & Bobbie Reis-inger)

8:00 am Morning Prayer

8:15 am Mass - Robert Souders (St. Joseph Parish)

Wednesday, May 31 - The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

6:30 am Mass - Virginia Stewart (Bill Stewart)

Thursday, June 1 - St. Justin, Martyr

6:30 am Mass - Timothy Hoar (James & Carolyn Hoar)

8:15 am Mass - Joseph Rudy (Deacon Martin & Helen Light)

Friday, June 2 - Saints Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs

6:30 am Mass - Ken Cooper (John & Mimi Lembo)

7:30 pm Mass - Dib Clerico (Walt & Fran Legenstein)

Saturday, June 3 - St. Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs

8:15 am Puis W. Schreiner (Mary, Marie & Helen Schreiner)

4:00 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass - Intention of Deacon Martin & Helen Light (Bob & Rosemary Ganse)

Sunday, June 4 - Solemnity of Pentecost

8:00 am Mass - People of the Parish

9:15 am Focus on Faith - Tipitina’s

10:30 am Mass - Jason Jacunski (Danielle & Donna


1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form

Ted K. Fitzkee (David & Kathy Haddon)


June 4, 2017 Solemnity of Pentecost First Reading: Acts 2:1-11

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 Gospel: John 20:19-23


Pentecost Sunday Epistle - Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Gospel - John 14: 23-31 To receive announcements, please go to and click on "Newsletter Signup" on the homepage.


Monday, May 29, 2017 St. Joseph New Catholic Cemetery

on Charles Rd. (in the event of inclement weather, Mass will be held in

church. There will be no 6:30am Mass on May 29.)

The Adoration Chapel will be closed from 8:00am Sunday, May 28 until 12:00 Noon on Monday, May 29.

The Parish Office is closed Monday, May 29 in observance

of Memorial Day.

DEATHS: Please pray for the repose of the souls of Rose-mary Steffish, Joseph E. Hohenwarter, brother of Tom Hohenwarter, Denny Hain, son of David and Betty Hain. May they rest in glory with the Lord. WEDDING: Congratulations to Matthew Zimmerman & Allyson Green who were married this weekend. May they continue to put Christ at the center of their covenant of love.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Those who are ill: Pat Bostick, Robert Carr, Vonnie Kirchner, Sharon Kolenda, Josephine McDonald, those in nursing homes; and those presently or recently in the hospital, Denny Kai-ser, Ellis Kimmich, Walt Legenstein and those listed in our Book of the Sick.

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS: Vincent San Severino, Morgan Smarsh, Matthew Smith, Andrew St. Hilaire, Drew Tanguay, Damon Tritle, Joshua Weaver and John Zalesky.

ANNUAL PENTECOST COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Please invest in our future. Your continued generosity helps to provide for the needs of our priests, deacons and seminarians. The funds raised support Seminarians, Voca-tions, Priests’ Continuing Formation, Priest Study, Perma-nent Diaconate Continuing Formation and Supplemental Medical Expenses Thank you for your generous support and please pray for vocations.

Flowers on the Altars are given in celebration of Fr. Allan F. Wolfe’s

25th Anniversary of Ordination



Eight children offered their time, talent and treasure to God on May 21 totaling $7.00 which goes to

the Missionary Childhood Association.

FLOWERS FOR CHURCH: Altar Flowers for the main altar (2 vases) or the Blessed Mother or St. Joseph side altars can be ordered to celebrate a happy occasion, in thanksgiving, for a special intention or to remember a loved

one who has died. The cost per vase is $40.00. Call Becky at the rectory, 397-6921 to make arrangements. June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16, July 23 and July 30 (All Altars).

PASTORAL VISITOR POSITION OPENING: Due to family responsibilities, our current Pastoral Visitor, Joan Matter-ness is stepping down. Therefore we are immediately look-ing to fill this important pastoral ministry. The Pastoral Visi-tor position is PT (minimum of 10 hrs./wk.) and is responsi-ble for visiting our parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes, and hospitals, and for outreach to parishion-ers and their families to help them achieve a balance in physical, spiritual, emotional and social well-being. This po-sition requires a spiritually developed, mature, professional, responsible, committed individual with excellent communi-cations (oral and written), organizational, and interpersonal skills. Preferably an individual with a background in the healthcare field and nursing skills. Should be an active and visible member of a Catholic parish community. An under-standing of parish structure and ministry is helpful. Submit resume with references to St. Joseph Parish, c/o Personnel Coordinator, 440 St. Joseph Street, Lancaster, PA 17603, or email to [email protected] no later than June 8, 2017.

DEACON KEVIN COYLE who will be ordained to the priest-hood on Saturday, June 3, will celebrate a Mass of Thanks-giving here at our parish at 5:00pm on Saturday, June 10 followed by a reception in Monsignor Smith Social Hall. All are welcome to attend.

LENTEN APPEAL: Thank you to all who have pledged to this year’s appeal. To date we have received payments of $59,349.68 towards our goal of $82,500. Coupon books are being mailed from the Diocese by the end of May to those who have remaining pledges. Please remember that any amount raised above our goal stays in the parish.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED: Nursery Volunteers and Help-ers: Would you be willing to give one Sunday a month to serve in the Parish Nursery during the 10:30am Mass? Please contact Mary Ellen at the rectory 393-6921 or email [email protected] if you feel called to this min-istry.


May 21, 2017 5:00 pm Mass 146 8:00 am Mass 124 10:30 am Mass 155 Nursery 5 1:30 pm Mass 93 Total Attendance 523


Eighth grade graduation takes place June 6, 7:00 pm, at St. Anthony of Padua Church with a reception follow-ing in the school cafeteria. We wish them all the success possible in high school and beyond.

The last day of school is June 7 with dismissal follow-ing Mass at 10:00am. Enjoy the summer everyone and be safe.

We would like to thank all those who helped us to cele-brate our 25

th anniversary this year. We had a lot of fun

starting with our opening day, and then our Mass by Bishop Gainer, dedication of the Don Nicklaus Hallway and skylight mural by Steve Wilson, our Reunion Blast and special “25” activities for students on the 25

th of

each month.

We are hosting one last 25th Anniversary Event – an

online raffle. If you would like to bid on autographed Ea-gles footballs, Richard Ressel stoneware bowls, RCS engraved golf club or a Steve Wilson print, go to https://w w w . a c c e l e v e n t s . c o m / e v e n t s /resurrectioncatholicschool. Tickets start at $5 and may also be purchased in person at the school, or by calling 717-392-3083. Take a chance for $5 and win a nice prize.

We invite your family to become part of the Resurrection family! Family of Faith – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

Adoration For Children - Summer 2017 Following Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary to Jesus,

Celebrating the 100th Year Anniversary of Fatima Apparitions

Every Tuesday 4:00-5:00pm and every Thursday 1:00-2:00pm beginning June 13, 2017. Concludes August 24. All Ages and Abilities Welcome!!! Push the silver button! On Thursday, August 4, 2017 there will be no formal Adoration. Everyone is encouraged to join the Annual Diocesan Pilgrim-age to Emmittsburg, MD to PRAY FOR PEACE. Those not attending pilgrimage may still visit the Chapel.

LEGION OF MARY ANNUAL PICNIC will be held at St. Leo Church on June 24 from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Calls are be-ing made to Auxiliaries to determine attendance.

Upcoming Mental Health Workshop: Social Hall at St. John Neumann Church, Lancaster, PA June 7

th 6:30-8 PM.

Dr. Lesley Huff, PsyD from Samaritan Counseling Center will present on how to identify when we or someone we care for is in need of additional supports for the emotional and men-tal well-being, as well as ways in which we can continue to be a loving presence in their lives. For more information con-tact Eleanor Nuffort, Parish Nurse @ [email protected].

Kathy Beck would like to thank everyone for their cards, prayers and support as she continues to recover from injuries suffered in a car accident.



Thank you to our Bulletin Sponsor of the Week

Kimmich’s Painting & Wall Covering, Inc.

Residential Commerical Institutional Industrial


You can read the bulletin online at our parish website:

QUO VADIS DAYS 2017 Attention all Catholic young men ages 15-25. Our Lord Jesus Christ has a great plan and mission for you! You are invited to attend the Diocese of Harrisburg’s 13 the An-nual Quo Vadis Days vocation discernment retreat to spend time with other young men your age as

you listen to the Lord’s call in your life while having fun. Ac-tivities include – Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, sports, games, great food, talks and more. Quo Vadis Days will be held from June 25-28, 2017 at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. There is a $50 registration fee; all other expenses are funded by the Diocese of Harrisburg. Registration forms can be found on our website at You may also contact the Office of Vocations at (717) 657-4804, ext. 282 or email [email protected] with questions or for a reg-istration packet.

FIAT DAYS 2017 Attention all Catholic young women ages 15-25. Our Lord Jesus Christ has a great plan and mission for you! You are invited to attend the Diocese of Harrisburg’s 10th Annual Fiat Days vocation discernment retreat to spend time with other young women

your age as you listen to the Lord’s call in your life while hav-ing fun. Activities include – Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, sports, games, great food, talks and more. Fiat Days will be held July 5-7, 2017 at Mount St. Mary’s University and Semi-nary. There is a $50 registration fee, all other expenses funded by the Diocese of Harrisburg. Registration forms can be found on our website at You may also contact the Office of Vocations at (717) 657-4804, ext. 282 or email [email protected] with questions or for a registration packet.

THE DIOCESE OF HARRISBURG is seeking dedicated Catholic educators for our Catholic Schools who are rooted in their faith and prepared to share the message of the gos-pel. Positions are available for September 2017 from Pre-K through 12

th grade. For more information contact the Diocese

of Harrisburg, Secretariat for Education, 4800 Union /Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710. 717-657-4804 or visit our website



Degree Exemplification – Thursday June 15th, Columbia Council. Candidates arrive at 7:00pm at Co-lumbia Home.

Council Meeting and Election of Officers- Wednes-day June 21

st at 7:30pm.


Degree Exemplification- Sunday June 25th at 1:00.

To be held at our Lancaster Columbus Association

Home. Register ahead of time, call Brian Smith. Annual Picnic- July 8

th. Save the date.

Renewal at St. Joseph’s through Intentional Discipleship

ALPHA – Tremendous Success! The first cycle of the Al-

pha Program has ended and we are preparing to offer it again in September. The first session will be held on September 13, with sessions on September 20, Sep-tember 27, October 4, October 11, October 18, Octo-ber 25, November 11, November 15, November 29 and December 6. There will be no meeting on November 1 (All Saints Day) or November 22 (the Wednesday be-fore Thanksgiving. A makeup session will be held on December 13 if needed. For anyone looking to deepen the relational aspect of their Catholic life with the Lord, you may find Alpha to be very enriching. Also, consider extending the invitation to those who have no church, or to family or friends who have drifted away.


gather a few friends to read the upcoming Sunday’s scriptures. Additional reading support found at United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Perhaps select one of Scott Hahn’s books on the Gospels with study guide; share with a group. Take time to read “Return of The Prodigal Son” by Henri Nouwen. This could be done under the full size, beautiful reproduction of Rembrandt’s master-piece found on the wall at Tipitina’s. What a fabulous opportunity this painting offers! Thank you to Jen and Jim Weber for you generous gift of the painting. Call Donna at the rectory to reserve Tipitina’s meeting room space - 397-6921.

Become a Perpetual Adorer - Sign up for 1 hour a week

as a perpetual adorer in our Adoration Chapel. St. Jo-seph’s Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, except while Mass is celebrated, 7 days a week, all year long. This is a powerful way to be renewed by the Lord personally, as well as promote the renewal of St. Joseph’s through intercessory prayer. This is a wonderful way to introduce our children to personal prayer with Jesus.

Strategic Plan – In the next few months, the core team

working with our Strategic Plan for Evangelization will be meeting with the ministries and groups of the parish to assist them in reflecting on the Plan and find ways to implement it in those specific areas of parish life. The Plan can be found on the homepage of our website beneath the Welcome, under “Intentional Discipleship Plan.”