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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Wetherby Pupil Premium Expenditure Report 2018-2019

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Wetherby

Pupil Premium Expenditure Report 2018-2019

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Key achievements to date: Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

Improved attitude to sportsmanship and resilience within competitive

sport: football/netball.

Competitive sport opportunities for upper KS2.

Successful tournament participation – winning SJF, Bishop’s Cup,

placed third in the overall Leeds League.

Increased participation at Judo outside of school – as a result of taster

sessions and morning engage clubs provided in school.

Increase opportunities for competitive sports for our younger pupils: y3

and 4 and y1 and 2.

Provide a variety of sporting provision (including tasters) to allow

children to experience a wealth of sport outside of football and netball.

Equipment provision to develop physical development in early years.

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety Please complete all of the below*:

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


*Schools may wish to provide this information in April, just before the publication deadline.

Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for your setting and your students now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend, identify current need and priorities for the future.

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Academic Year: 2018/19 Total fund allocated: £17,770 Date Updated: October 2018

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Burn to Learn Training for ALL staff. Appointment of Burn to Learn coordinator in school (RC) Burn to Learn approach across the curriculum to promote active learning. Implementation of Run a Mile in key classes.

Implementation of active learning across ALL areas of the curriculum. At least 30 minutes must be active learning in areas of the curriculum outside of PE.

As above

As above

£1000 £1000 N//A

Improved fitness and motivation for active activities. Children in Autumn 2 said that they would want to do more active learning. However, in summer 2 they were aware of the term Burn 2 Learn and said they were participating in B2L weekly. All staff use B2L in all areas of the curriculum. This in addition to PE lessons. We are now a B2L school. Children in year 2 have actively engaged in the run a mile scheme. For all children participation and enjoyment was evident with children regularly targeting themselves to beat their personal best. PE outcomes July 2019:

Raise the profile of B2L further with Alex using our school as his promotional video for the scheme. Ensure it is a daily activity. Further lesson ideas to support variety and continued enjoyment. Maths of the day- 360 active workshop scheme. Give children an active role in measuring progress e.g. once a half term, use the pedometers. Targeted PP children in vulnerable groups to GD achievements through enhanced provision and opportunity.

Action Plan and Budget Tracking Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for students today and for the future.

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Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Additional physical development for all Early Years pupils to increase outcomes of physical development, gross motor and additional CPD for staff. 2 sessions additional to ongoing teacher delivery. Growth mindset and PE skills linked into weekly golden book achievement assembly. Encourage outside achievements to be celebrated in weekly golden book assembly.

Children’s gross motor skills improve at a young age therefore leading to improvements as these children continue through school.

Improved confidence and attitude to participation within sports.

Links to mission statement of celebrating in our community. Children are happy to share experiences and listen to others’ achievements.

Including kinesthetic learners and increasing their

£3000 NA NA Allocated within funds in indicator 1.

2018/19 academic year FS2. Predicted: 91% ARE but 97% achieved ARE. Predicted: 6% exceeding but 47% exceeded. Miss Collier FS2 class teacher said: “the new climbing frame has enabled children to practice different movements and balances in their own time and in a fun time.” Mrs Reddix FS1 class teacher said: with increased confidence and familiarity, children now safely and independently access the equipment and are developing balance, strength and agility. It has had a significant impact on the level of challenge and enjoyment.” Golden book September 2018- Golden book. Different achievements e.g certificates, trophies or photos of sports:

Football medals

Swimming length


Not too many children brought in these achievements. Golden book was primarily filled with Mathletics and Spelladrome certificates.

Children continuing to use the equipment. Continue taster sessions to encourage children to give new sports a go- hand out questionnaire to see how many children do sport at the beginning of the school year and then at the end to measure progress. Additional swimming lessons to help children to achieve ARE in the expected outcomes.

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Burn 2 Learn participation and enjoyment of learning.

October 2018- present. Golden book. Different achievements e.g certificates, trophies or photos of sports:

Football medals

Football trophies

Goalkeeping coaching


Judo trophies

Gymnastics certificates

Dance certificates

Medals from QE school

tournaments e.g.

swimming, netball and


Go karting certificate

Rugby trophy

Swimming certificates

PE star of the week/PE

class of the week

Due to the high increase of

children bringing in a variety of

achievements, Golden Book time

has had to move from 2:45pm to

2:30pm to be able to fit in and

celebrate all of the different

sporting achievements. This will

be put in place from April 2019.

Questionnaires completed with

pupils from Year 1-6. There was a

40% increase from Spring 1 for

children participating in a club

outside of school due to taster

sessions and sporting profile raised

e.g. judo, cricket, gymnastics.

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Autumn 2: in Autumn 2, a

questionnaire was completed by

some pupils from yr1-yr6 (2 chn

from each class)

5/6 classes said they want to be

a lot more active in their classes.

As a result of B2L across the

curriculum the profile of active

sports has been raised across

school and in summer 2

outcomes showed more children

aware of the term and

participating at least weekly in


Children’s attitude to B2L is great

with the majority saying they

would like to do more.

“I enjoy learning in different areas

of school and in the outdoors.” –

pupil quote.

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Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation:

% School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Specialist trained PE coaches to deliver 1 PE lesson per week for whole staff CPD. Staff to then implement and build on skills, knowledge and understanding in 2nd PE lesson of the week. Staff to play alongside pupils – staff/pupil netball

PE coordinator & football coach trained member of staff to teach PE lessons alongside one another – coaching for CPD

Upskilling teaching staff in their provision of PE

New styles and approaches to broaden teacher’s tools for delivering subject

Improved specialist knowledge in school

Learning through participation

Modelling to the children that everyone is still learning/can participate

Challenge stereotypes of different types of sports

Develop all staff’s confidence in delivering PE

Staff feel comfortable asking questions and co-teaching.

COST £5,500 NA Cover supervisors in class/HLTA £600 + school’s own budget

Teachers comments about CPD with Mr Cooper.

“It is helpful to know new games!”

“Even though I am confident in

delivering PE lessons myself, the PE

Partner coach has lots of different

warm up games, cool down games

and strategies within lessons that I

wouldn’t have thought of. This just

gives me lots more ideas up my

sleeve!” Lesson observations KS1&KS2 are judged as outstanding. June 2019- Pupils vs staff netball match. June 2019- Jo Fest parents vs kids football match. Questionnaires for PE coordinator answered honestly and accurately. Staff aware of individual strengths and weaknesses. Teachers now have more access to the resources in the PE cupboard and are confident to lead in topics such as games and athletics (evident in teacher’s questionnaires).

Upskilling teaching staff on topics they find difficult e.g. dance to ensure they are confident to deliver and have ideas. Speak to PE partner to develop teaching staff. Continue working alongside PE partner. Teacher questionnaires at both the beginning of the year and then the end to measure the impact of further CPD in areas such as dance.

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Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage of total allocation:


School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Lunchtime clubs provided for all pupils with activities outside of national

curriculum. Specialist PE coaches to deliver. FA coach volunteering to teaching football to both y3 and 4 boys and

girls. Afterschool provision to include a range of new sports and access to competitions.

Improve fitness and enjoyment of sports especially for those children less engaged and not attending out of school sports,

Give opportunities for all pupils to experience broader range of sports. Aim to take on further outside of school.

Build links with outside football club provision (weekends) Wetherby Athletic/Kirk Deighton. Improve skills of lower KS2 footballers in preparation for further competitive opportunities in upper KS2.

Target all pupils including reluctant sports participants

COST £724 NA: Voluntary – parent volunteer FA coach £1500 contribution to cover to allow staff to attend sporting fixtures.

Lunch time clubs for children autumn 1- spring 1. Lunch time intervention clubs for the children who need additional support – improved PE outcomes for pupils. 5 children who were getting below ARE in Spring 1 of the academic year 2018/19 managed to reach the ARE for their year group by summer 2. These children were targeted and results were seen. Taster sessions to encourage children to participate in sports: fencing, cheerleading and judo. Questionnaires completed with pupils

from Year 1-6. There was a 40%

increase from Spring 1 for children

participating in a club outside of

school due to taster sessions and

sporting profile raised e.g. judo,

cricket, gymnastics.

Year 3 team won the football

Support and involve PP in the decision making of the lunch time clubs Intervention lunch time clubs to ensure LA children are targeted and supported- give them ownership of the club topic. Upskill lunch time staff Provide further active equipment so it is an active playground. Further taster sessions to engage the girls e.g. netball, hockey.

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tournament between Wetherby schools in July 2019. Girls participating in football and have a football team this year in year 3/4. One coach began with the coaching but due to increase numbers, another coach has joined and a third has agreed to help next year from Kirk Deighton. New competitions accessed this year: multiple football tournaments ranging from year 1-6 boys and girls, Swimming, cricket, basketball and dodgeball.

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage of total allocation:

% School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve: Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Part funding of school mini bus to allow pupils to be transported to locations for competitive matches. Experiencing competitive sports practising a range of sports in school.

Increased number of matches for all pupils across school and children experiencing competitive sports across a range of sports

Children to develop a growth mindset to participation regardless of the outcome.

Broadening children’s sport’s experiences to encourage them and engage them in further sport out of school.

£4500 NA

This academic year, we have had a variety of sporting opportunities at St Joseph’s. At the beginning of the year, we were invited by Queen Ethleburga’s school to participate in a variety of sporting competitions ran by the school against surrounding primary schools. We have competed in basketball (ranking 1st), swimming (3rd), Netball (3rd) and cricket (1st). As well as this, we have had a huge amount of achievement in football this year. The Year 5/6 girls team have had a fantastic year in comparison to last year’s

More opportunities for the girls to participate in a range of sports. Questionnaires at the beginning to see what the girls like doing in sports and use this to cater to needs and wants. Measure impact with questionnaire at the end.

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results, winning many games in comparison to the one game in the academic year of 2017/18. This again is no doubt due to the girls’ determination, practice and good sportsmanship. The boys team have also been doing well, picking up the pace of their winning streak as the season progresses. We also have continuous coaching all year round now for the Year 3 and 4 team which is improved since last year where they only started training in the February. This year was the first that a KS1 team took part in a football tournament ran by Premier League Stars. The boys were in a tournament with 45 other Leeds schools and managed to come 3rd! After this, one of the boys went for trial at Leeds Academy and now plays for the Leeds side. This Year 5/6 girls team also took part in a tournament ran by the same company and managed to achieve 3rd place, only missing out in the final by a penalty shoot out. We have had a variety of opportunities to try new sports this year. We have had taster sessions in fencing, cheerleading and judo. We are also involved in the PE partner Dodgeball competitions running this term and the children are loving competing against surrounding schools in this new sport. The profile of sport has been

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raised this academic year, with golden book having to be extended due to the amount of sporting achievements the children are bringing in to school including: swimming, gymnastics, judo, football, dancing and karate.