st. mary of czestochowa church -...

St. Mary of Czestochowa Church Established 1914 201 Vosseller Avenue Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805 REV. LEON S. ANISZCZYK, PASTOR Rev. John Stec, Parochial Vicar Parish Office Website: Rectory Ph: 732-356-0358 e-mail: [email protected] 732-667-3660 Fax: 732-356-5348 BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday of the month at 12:00. Parents are expected to attend Pre-Baptismal Classes. Arrangements to be made at the Parish Office. Only practicing Catholics may act as Godparents. MARRIAGES: Specific time is set for the celebration of marriage on Saturdays. The common Policy for all the Dioceses of New Jersey requires a period of preparation for the sacrament of Marriage, which includes sessions with the parish priest and attendance at either the Pre-Cana conferences or the Engaged Encounter Weekend. Therefore, arrangements are to be made at least one year in advance and before any social plans are finalized. FIRST PENANCE, FIRST EUCHARIST, CONFIRMATION: Though immediate preparation is given to children before receiving these sacraments, it is expected that children receive a Christian education within their family life, through formal religious education classes, and by attending Sunday worship services. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Arrangements for Communion Calls to the sick at home may be made by calling the Parish Office. PARISH REGISTRATION: Our parish welcomes new members to our faith community. Catholic persons new to our area must complete a registration form and be interviewed by the pastor. Please call or stop by the Parish office to complete a registration form. We should also be notified if your address has changed or if you are leaving the parish.. SUNDAY MASSES: 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m. (Polish) SATURDAY EVE: 5:00 p.m. MONDAY Thru SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. NOVENAS WITH BENEDICTION: Tuesday—after 8:30 a.m. Mass HOLY DAYS: 9:00 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m. (English) Vigil Mass: 7:00 p.m. (Polish) CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8:00a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.- 4:45 p.m. PARISH OFFICE: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon

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St. Mary of Czestochowa Church Established 1914

201 Vosseller Avenue Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805 REV. LEON S. ANISZCZYK, PASTOR

Rev. John Stec, Parochial Vicar

Parish Office Website: Rectory Ph: 732-356-0358 e-mail: [email protected] 732-667-3660 Fax: 732-356-5348

BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday of the month at 12:00. Parents are expected to attend Pre-Baptismal Classes. Arrangements to be made at the Parish Office. Only practicing Catholics may act as Godparents. MARRIAGES: Specific time is set for the celebration of marriage on Saturdays. The common Policy for all the Dioceses of New Jersey requires a period of preparation for the sacrament of Marriage, which includes sessions with the parish priest and attendance at either the Pre-Cana conferences or the Engaged Encounter Weekend. Therefore, arrangements are to be made at least one year in advance and before any social plans are finalized. FIRST PENANCE, FIRST EUCHARIST, CONFIRMATION: Though immediate preparation is given to children before receiving these sacraments, it is expected that children receive a Christian education within their family life, through formal religious education classes, and by attending Sunday worship services. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Arrangements for Communion Calls to the sick at home may be made by calling the Parish Office. PARISH REGISTRATION: Our parish welcomes new members to our faith community. Catholic persons new to our area must complete a registration form and be interviewed by the pastor. Please call or stop by the Parish office to complete a registration form. We should also be notified if your address has changed or if you are leaving the parish..

SUNDAY MASSES: 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m. (Polish) SATURDAY EVE: 5:00 p.m. MONDAY Thru SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m. NOVENAS WITH BENEDICTION: Tuesday—after 8:30 a.m. Mass HOLY DAYS: 9:00 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m. (English) Vigil Mass: 7:00 p.m. (Polish) CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8:00a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.- 4:45 p.m. PARISH OFFICE: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon

Fourth Sunday of Easter

April 17, 2016

I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my sheep and they know me.

MONDAY, April 18 8:30 AM + Stanley Lee r/o Godson Ronald B. Jones TUESDAY, April 19 8:30 AM + Helen Wawrzyniak r/o Lorraine Kolodzieski & Sons WEDNESDAY, April 20 8:30 AM + Parishioners THURSDAY, April 21 St. Anselm 8:30 AM + Henry Sands r/o Anna Civiletti FRIDAY, April 22 8:30 AM + Nunzio Spiletti r/o Anna Civiletti SATURDAY, April 23 8:30 AM + Mary A. Kosek r/o Anthony & Judy Kosek 500 PM + Blessings for Good Health for Lorraine Deleski r/o Nancy Krug SUNDAY, April 24 9:00 AM + Edward Gabrielski r/o Theresa Rudnicki-Jones 11:00 AM + 15th Anniversary Blessings Adam & Dorota Sokolnicki

Reflecting on God's Word

The game called Follow the Leader can be fun--depending on how the leader leads. If the leader charges through tangled bushes, over high fences, under fallen branches, and around barking dogs, trying to lose and discourage the other players, the followers tend to give up in defeat, feeling coward-ly, sad, and weak. On the other hand, if the leader blazes the trail for the others, and encourages and guides them along the way, the followers can com-plete the game feeling confident and joyful.

Today's scriptures show Christ as the latter kind of leader. He guides us and wipes away our tears. He is a shepherd who encourages us and brings us through suffering to life-giving water. Paul and Barnabas joyfully follow his lead by becoming Christ-like leaders themselves. They encourage and ease the way for their own followers through what-ever distress may come their way. In the same way, all followers of Christ are meant to become leaders who share with others the courage, confidence, and joy they have found in following Christ.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading - The Jews angrily reject Paul and Barnabas’ preaching. They then turn their energies to the Gentiles. Second Reading - John envisions a great white-robed multitude standing before the throne and be-fore the Lamb. Gospel - My sheep hear my voice; they follow me. I give them eternal life.

Do not feel totally, personally, irrevocably responsible for everything . . . That’s my job.


PARISHIONER PRAYER LIST NURSING HOME/ASSISTED LIVING: Helen Consalvo, Bernadine Hnasko, Jim Kilcoyne, Stephanie Lazarczyk, Anthony Lazarczyk, Adeline Melesurgo, Donna Rabke. HOMEBOUND: Jennie Chaya, Richard Freligh, Marie Matuszkiewicz, Stasia Pavan, Nora Specian, Florence Suk, Debbie Vance. NOTE: Please call the Parish Office (732) 356-0358 with the names of homebound, nursing home /assisted living or hospitalized parishioners. Please also notify the Parish Office when the status of a parishioner changes.

Weekend Schedule - April 23-24,2016 Saturday, April 23 5:00 pm Lector Ann Sikora Eucharistic Ministers Joni Kent Karen Graebener Walt Urbielewicz* Sunday , April 24 9:00 am Lector Catherine McGuire Eucharistic Ministers Jim DeMaio* Anthony Provenzano* Charles Ilsley 11:00 am Lector Anna Grochocki Eucharistic Minister Mark Litwinko

GOD’S GIFT FOR GIVING On Sunday, our Generous Stewards of

St. Mary’s Parish Contributed: Saturday 5:00 pm $1024.00 Sunday 9:00 am $ 1074.00 Sunday 11:00 am $ 691.00

Total $ 2789.00

2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Grace, Mercy and Peace

In the first encyclical, Lumen Fedei,(the Light of Faith), Pope Francis writes, “Faith is no refuge for the fainthearted, but something which enhances our lives. It is your courage and commitment that al-lows our diocesan ministries to flourish. Without your gifts of time, talent and financial resources, the light of faith in our diocese would not shine as brightly. Thank you for your continued support.

The Diocese of Metuchen, Consulate General of RP in New York

and St. John Paul II Parish, Perth Amboy, invites all to the

1050 Anniversary of Poland Christianity Saturday, April 16, 2016

11:00 a.m. Mass St. John Paul II Parish

490 State St., Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

St. Mary’s Holy Name Society Is sponsoring a

Casino Bus Trip

to Bally’s

Friday, May 6, 2016 The bus will leave 9:30 am from

Madeline’s on Vosseller Ave. Returning about 7:30 pm

Cost - $25 per person Receive $20 at Bally’s

Bingo on Bus

Contact Tony: 732-469-1937

Sophie: 732-356-3927

St. Mary’s Rosary Society is sponsoring a day of recollection at Our Lady of Czestochowa Shrine in Doylestown on Wednesday, May 18. The cost is $35 per person which includes a deli-cious lunch. The day will include the Mass, the Rosary, tour of the shrine, a movie and a stop at the Gift Shop. We will leave St. Mary’s parking lot at 10 am and depart from Doylestown at 4 pm. Please call Theresa at 908-526-7687 for tickets.

Fatima Candlelight Procession The Procession Committee of Our Lady of Fatima Church invites you to join us on Sunday evening, May 15, 2016 for our annual Fatima Candlelight Procession. We will gather at 7:00 PM outside the church. The procession will begin at 7:30 PM. Reci-tation of the Rosary will take place inside the church for those unable to walk the procession. The program in the church following the procession will include music by Our Lady of Fatima Choir. Expo-sition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction, and the traditional Fatima Farewell. Candles and rosar-ies will be available. A reception will follow in the auditorium of the Recreation Center. The church is located at 501 New Market Road in Piscataway. For information call Roberta Maurer at 732-245-9124. We look forward to praying with you as we honor our parish patroness, Our Lady of Fatima.


Chrzest, który w 966 roku przyjął książę Mieszko I wraz ze swymi najbliższymi, oznaczał początek Państwa Polskiego – przypomniał Franciszek w przesłaniu na ręce sekretarza stanu Stolicy Apostolskiej kard. Pietro Pa-rolina. Będzie on jego osobistym wysłannikiem na uroczystości jubileuszowe w Poznaniu i Gnieźnie w dniach 14-16 kwietnia. Towarzyszyć mu będą księża: Jan Słowiński, profesor prawa kanonicznego Wydziału Teolog-icznego Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu i Przemysław Kwiatkowski, sekretarz osobisty abp. Wojciecha Polaka, arcybiskupa gnieźnieńskiego i prymasa Polski.

Ojciec Święty zapewnił, że w sposób szczególny towarzyszy modlitwami i z życzliwością „Polsce zawsze wiernej w tym czasie paschalnym, gdy umiłowani synowie i córki tego szlachetnego narodu uroczyście obcho-dzą wspaniałą tysiąc pięćdziesiątą rocznicę chrztu”. „Jest to właściwa okazja, aby przekazać z naszego serca słowa wdzięczności, gratulacji i zachęty wszystkim Polakom oraz oznajmiamy, że z wielką przyjemnością chcemy uczestniczyć w ich radości i pomnażać ją” – napisał Papież.

Podkreślił, że „Bóg bogaty w miłosierdzie w ciągu wieków uczynił płodną szlachetną ziemię polską, która zrodziła owoce duchowe” a Polacy wyróżniali się w tym czasie wiarą, nadzieją i uczynkami miłości. Papież wymienił w tym kontekście zasługi „świętych biskupów i męczenników” Wojciecha i Stanisława, którzy w początkach chrześcijaństwa na tych ziemiach nie tylko dali najwyższe świadectwo wierności Urzędowi Nauczycielskiemu Kościoła i Następcom Piotra, ale także przyczynili się do szerzenia kultury ludzkiej na ziemi polskiej.

Chrzest, który książę Mieszko I przyjął wraz ze swymi najbliższymi w 966, oznaczał początek państwa pol-skiego – przypomniał Ojciec Święty. Podkreślił, że rocznicę tę obchodzą nie tylko chrześcijanie, ale wszyscy Polacy, ciesząc się i spoglądając ufnie w przyszłość. Kościół bowiem zawsze utrzymywał szczególną więź z narodem, „ciesząc się z cieszącymi i płacząc z płaczącymi”. W trudnych czasach wojen, powstań i zesłań biskupi, kapłani, osoby konsekrowane cierpieli wraz z ludem, pocieszając braci i siostry oraz ukazując ro-zumnie drogę do wolności – stwierdził Papież.

Przypomniał, że naród polski dał również w ciągu wieków wiele oznak cnót chrześcijańskich i zdobiły go palmy męczeństwa. Z długiego katalogu takich osób Franciszek wymienił świętych Maksymiliana Marię Kolbego i Marię Faustynę Kowalską, a także Jana Pawła II, który Odkupiciela Człowieka ukazywał wszystkim narodom. Wezwał duchowieństwo, aby przy okazji tego jubileuszu przypominali ich przykład wszystkim ludziom dobrej woli, „aby wszyscy w dzisiejszych dziejach narodu mogli wyraźnie dostrzec hojność Pana i aby sami doświadczali więzi z przeszłością w nowych czasach”.

Zwracając się do abp. Stanisława Gądeckiego jako metropolity poznańskiego i przewodniczącego Konferencji Episkopatu Polski, Ojciec Święty zapewnił go, że będzie uczestniczył duchowo w tych uroczystościach. Oz-najmił też, że swym osobistym wysłannikiem na obchody mianował sekretarza stanu kard. Pietro Parolina, którego misję i przewodniczenie świętym obrzędom powierzył opiece i wstawiennictwu Najświętszej Maryi Panny Jasnogórskiej, Królowej Polski.

St. Mary of Czestochowa Church

Bound Brook, New Jersey

The influx of Polish immigrants to the Bound Brook Area in the late 1890s and early 1900s gave

rise to the need of a church where they would weave their religious beliefs, tradition and Polish

culture. They wanted to provide the sustenance for these people to not only survive in their new l

and but to pass all that they carried with them in mind and heart onto their children and their

children’s children.

The religious bond which united the people to the Catholic Church of Poland was rooted in the love

of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the “Queen of Poland.” These same Polish people who settled in

Bound Brook brought their devotion of “Matka Boska Czestochowa” with them. She was the

Patroness of Poland, their beloved homeland, and their Queen. It is no wonder then that they

chose to name their new church in America St. Mary of Czestochowa; Mary would be the Pa-

troness and Queen of their new Polish Church in America.

The history of St. Mary of Czestochowa Church in Bound Brook, New Jersey is dedicated to

those who have given of themselves to fulfill the needs of the parish, to those in the service of God, to

those who will come after us and to those who have given their time, talent and treasure to insure

that worshiping together in a Polish community may continue for generations to come.


Church name & address: St. Mary of Czestochowa

# 511246

201 Vosseller Avenue

Bound Brook, NJ 08805

Contact person:

Diane Urbielewicz

Phone number:


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