standards, quality and improvement plan parsons green

Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan Parsons Green Primary School Standards and Quality Report for session: 2017 - 2018 Improvement Plan for session: 2018 - 2019

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Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan

Parsons Green Primary School

Standards and Quality Report for session: 2017 - 2018

Improvement Plan for session: 2018 - 2019

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Context Of The School Parsons Green is a co-educational, non-denominational primary school administered by City of Edinburgh Communities & Families Department. It serves the residents of the North-East Neighbourhood, in the Willowbrae area of the city. Our associated primary schools are Duddingston, Brunstane, The Royal High Primary and Towerbank and our secondary school is Portobello High School. The Headteacher has been in post since May 2015, supported by a DHT. A Principal Teacher was appointed for August 2016 with 1 day

out of class to develop and lead creative approaches to L&T through ICT, an additional day out of class was added from August 2017

through PEF to lead target groups based on previous self-evaluation. The school roll over the past year has been 363 (393 with Nursery).

In the past year there were 14 classes and a 30/30 nursery. There have been specialist teachers for PE, French, Music and cello in the

last year.

The support staff comprises of a school administrator and business manager (who has been absent due to ill health since January). There is a clerical assistant and 6 class/pupil based support assistants. Two additional PSA’s were appointed in January, through PEF to support target interventions, play and pupil wellbeing throughout the school. The Parent Council is active and has had another very successful year. They have supported the 1 in 5 Poverty Awareness Project, contributing to the Action Plan, and supporting pupils to go to Benmore Camp, providing pre-loved uniforms and provided parental and volunteer support for the Reading Project. They have sub-groups to run the school Library and to support grounds maintenance and improvements. They ran a successful Christmas Fair, Hallowe’en Disco and organised a Film Club Event. There is After School Care (run by Kidzcare ) catering for pupils from P1-P7. They also run a Breakfast Club option for P1-7 from 7.45am each morning. The Active Schools Clubs successfully increased opportunities in the past year to add to the basketball and streetdance opportunities, including a P4-7 Football club and morning sessions for musical theatre, mini-kickers and parkour. The Parent Council facilitated clubs with Holyrood Park Rangers, French, Knitting for All, yoga and violin tuition. The netball club, homework club and code club all continued to offer free opportunities. Key documents and weekly newsletters can be found on the school website at: Our current SIMD breakdown is as follows: SIMD 1&2 = 7% SIMD 3&4 = 19% SIMD 9&10 = 42%

The pupils, staff and parents at Parsons Green decided the following statement best describes their vision and aspirations for the school,

the next step is to choose a school motto.

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Standards and Quality Report 2017-18

School Priority 1: Learning & Teaching Pedagogy (1.1,1.3, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2)

NIF Priority Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy NIF Driver Assessment of children’s progress Teacher Professionalism

HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes

1.1 Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data

1.2 Children and young people leading learning

1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement

2.3 Quality of teaching

2.3 Effective use of assessment

2.3 Planning, tracking and monitoring

3.2 Attainment in literacy and numeracy

3.2 Attainment over time

Progress and impact: Attainment in literacy and numeracy:

Learners make good progress overall in literacy and numeracy

Attainment raised for those learners reaching the end of Second Level with most learners achieving the 2nd level in literacy and numeracy in P7

Read, Write, Inc intervention (PEF) at P3 for learners showing significant difficulties with literacy has had a positive impact for all participants with increases to their reading ages

Reading Project at P3 has shown positive impact for past two years

Sumdog (PEF) has been introduced from P2-7 to support pupils in key numeracy skills and increase confidence and enjoyment with numeracy activities

Overall, the progress of learners has been improving steadily year on year with the percentage of pupils achieving the appropriate levels in literacy and numeracy in P1, 4 and 7 continuing to show that most pupils are achieving at expected levels or better. Trends for P7 show most pupils achieving the level with an increase of over 50% in learners achieving 2nd level in numeracy and maths and reading between 2015 and 2018. In P4, the majority of children achieve the appropriate level in numeracy and maths and this continues to be an area of focus for improvement. PEF money has been used to introduce Sumdog, with the aim of increasing pupil confidence, engaging with numeracy at school and at home and spending focussed time on key numeracy skills. It is too early to show whether this has had a positive effect across all cohorts or whether individual children have been particularly motivated to improve. Surveys to measure pupils’ confidence before and after the introduction of Sumdog have been carried out. Most Parents and Carers agreed that Sumdog has been a useful online tool for developing numeracy and maths skills (Nov17 survey). Standardised assessments in Reading showed added value of +5 between 2014 and 2017 for P7, this year there is no direct comparison due to the introduction of SNSA but data held suggests that value has been added to Reading with no pupils in P7 scoring in the low range for the SNSA in May18.

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The Reading Project at P3 has continued to have a positive impact with mean standardised reading scores (GL assessment) showing added value of +1.2 to the mean standardised score since P2. Value added to mean score of last year (2017) P3 cohort was +2.5. P3 read 4x week from Mon to Thurs from 9-9.30 with parent/volunteer support in small groups, workshops to support volunteers were held during the year by the DHT. Feedback from volunteers is positive about engagement in the learning process. Increased capacity of volunteers is being pursued through strengthened community links. PEF money has been used to target pupils with specific literacy difficulties in P3 with the Read, Write, Inc programme which has shown significant improvements in these pupils’ standardised scores. This will continue to be built on and developed in the next year as a key intervention for literacy. At the Early Years, adopting a more play-based approach has had a very positive effect on attainment. Teachers reported that the children had more time to develop confidence in talking and listening skills which had had a particularly positive impact on their literacy. Increased CLPL opportunities for P1 teachers adopting play-based approaches has been embraced by staff, cluster network established to share practice, has resulted in almost all pupils achieving Early Level in literacy and numeracy. The play-based approach will continue to be developed. Teachers engaged in further moderation activities this year within the cluster with a focus on holistic assessments. Teachers continue to become more confident in their professional judgements of achievement of a level and this has been aided through professional dialogue using the moderation cycle. Teaching staff focussed on making the numeracy and maths benchmarks meaningful for parents and created leaflets to allow parents and carers to see key skills required at each stage along with some activities to try at home. The leaflets have been distributed to all new P1 families, are available on the school website and have been printed to ensure they are accessible for all. Teachers carried out Sharing Classroom Practice with each other with a focus on numeracy and maths teaching and all P1, 2, 3 and 7 staff were able to visit other schools to share practice. This increased confidence amongst staff with three going on to attend numeracy co-ordinator meetings in order to feed-back information to the rest of the staff and to continue to improve their own practice. Almost all classes were using learning intentions, further work is required with consistency of approaches with success criteria. As a result of parental feedback about challenging able learners, two groups ran for 6 weeks each with an Independent Thinkers theme based on the Google Hour model where participants select their own area they would like to research to challenge themselves. The pupils were selected as having particularly high scores from the previous standardised maths assessment and also being interested in this idea of self-directed research. The results were very positive, the pupils responded well, feedback from almost all was positive. Opportunities for open-ended challenge will continue to be a focus within the school and nursery, particularly in increasing confidence in teachers for reporting of children who are working beyond the expected level. Parent and Carer surveys from Nov17 and March18 showed that almost all agreed with the statement ‘My child enjoys learning at Parsons Green’ and that the ‘School provides a wide range of learning experiences’. The majority agreed that ‘Learning activities are well matched to my child’s needs’, ‘My child is progressing well’ and ‘My child can talk about what they have learned and what their next steps should be.’ All staff attended the Creativity in-service day at Portobello High School in January as part of the cluster approach to promoting creativity within learning and teaching. Dr Debra Kidd and Hywel Roberts provided an entertaining and informative session to inspire all practitioners to engage their learners more deeply within their learning through creative pedagogical approaches including, drama conventions, inspiring contexts for creative writing/learning and open questioning/metacognition. Impact on staff was positive, and connections between the presentation and staff work on creating holistic assessments observed. Some felt compelled to try out some of the ideas, one went onto facilitate her class in a pupil-led script writing project resulting in a completely pupil-led evening performance to family and friends, another was inspired to take her class ‘into the woods’ for creative writing inspiration that led to book-creator stories which were shared with parents and carers. Further work to build on these creative approaches to build on metacognition within learning will be explored through learning and teaching workshops led by the PT next year.

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Nursery is continuing to embed pupil-led planning through floorbooks, engage parents in Wednesday Wanders, Suggestions Tree and other opportunities for self-evaluation. Continuing to bring learning outdoors and pupils benefitting from Forest Kindergarten approach outside Nursery building. Loose-parts play, mud kitchen and opportunities to develop communication and language skills taken through wide range of activities. Staff CLPL in sign-a-long is increasing engagement with all learners and ensuring inclusion. Staff member undertaking MA is leading learning opportunities. One member of staff trained in Hanan is training staff at other nurseries, to lead training with PG team.

Next Steps:

Continue to analyse data effectively and use to target pupils who may be underperforming, with a particular focus on Writing.

Continue to undertake moderation activities and planning, tracking and monitoring meetings during the year – review the QA timetable for this to be most effective.

Ensure the Working Time Agreement/Calendar of School Activities has sufficient scope for teachers to look at and evaluate their Learning & Teaching pedagogy/practice with a view to reviewing L&T policy and agreeing focus for Sharing Classroom Practice for the session

Continue to work on increasing consistency of approach with Learning Intentions and Success Criteria in all classes

Set up working groups under each NIF priority to distribute leadership for key areas: e.g. Literacy to lead review of writing and parent leaflets for literacy, Numeracy to review resources/SEAL/mental strategies, Sumdog, HWB to roll-out new progression planners, review nurture, lead behaviour review, DYW to establish links with Ed College, review STEM and lead skills progression. All staff to be involved in Equity work.

Change timetable for standardised assessments to allow more time for teachers to use the data to support learning in Numeracy, Reading and Writing in P7/4 e.g. P7 to undertake SNSA in November, P4 in March (and P1 in April/May)

Continue Read, Write, Inc intervention at P3 and to undertake follow-up for the cohort moving into P4, include training for PSA’s to support.

Continue Reading Project at P3. Continue to work on Bloom’s questions and upskill volunteers to support learners.

Review Reading Project at P2 –undertake further evaluations with view to changing focus to supporting play-based approach, as at P1.

Continue to increase confidence in staff reporting on pupils working beyond the level through further moderation activities

Revisit Curricular Evening format to inform parents about how challenge is incorporated into learning e.g. chilli challenge and Revisit Homework Policy, e.g. offer a challenge to those who would like to try it

Continue to challenge more able learners, embed creative approaches and increase metacognitive opportunities for learning – revisit Learning & Teaching pedagogy with staff through workshops led by PT

Continue Sumdog – measure time spent on core numeracy skills, re-do standardised assessment for numeracy in May 2019

Continue to support P1 staff to undertake CLPL to embed play-based approach and build on work done to take approach into P2 and further into Outdoor Learning/working with nursery team.

Next steps for Nursery, to continue to work on considering how to make tasks/activities open-ended and more creative through presentation of resources, dialogue with learners, skilled questioning and supporting the development of their ideas in order to develop vocabulary/communication

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School Priority 2: Equity

NIF Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people. NIF Driver Parental Engagement Teacher Professionalism

HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes

1.3 Developing a shared vision, values and aims relevant to the school and its community

2.3 Quality of teaching

2.4 Targeted & universal support

2.4 Removal of potential barriers to learning

2.5 Engaging Families in Learning

2.7 Partnerships

3.2 Equity for all learners

3.2 Attainment over time Progress and impact: Development of shared vision, values and aims relevant to the school and community:

All stakeholders consulted on vision, values and aims which reflects the location and context of the school during 2017-18 school year and ratified by pupil parliament, stakeholder views captured within school floorbook

Being embedded into Curriculum Rationale and realised through distributed leadership at all levels

Global Vision Statement produced as part of Twende Pamoja link with Tanzania: P5-7 pupils take part in annual Global Vision workshops to review the vision statement shared with Sambarai School in Tanzania (partnership school)

Equity for all learners:

We have systems in place through Pastoral Care to promote equity of success and achievement for all of our children and work hard as a school community to ensure barriers to learning are addressed.

Pupils in SIMD 1&2 and those receiving Free School Meals are tracked, as are pupils who are looked after and accommodated to ensure that access to wider opportunities are realised. 50% of LAAC pupils are on track with their learning. The parent council continue to support with contributions to a welfare fund to enable topping up of monies for school trips such as bus fares. Staff undertook the 1 in 5 Poverty awareness workshops to look at the cost of the school day. They carried out an audit at the end of the school year to assess the cost of the school year for their class in terms of trips/visits. This is being added to IDL information for next year and fed back into the Poverty Action Plan for the school that has been developed following 2x parent workshops, a focus-group, pupil-led leadership group and staff input. Benmore residential camp is well supported by the parent council and some PEF money also contributed to enable all P7 pupils to attend this year. The impact was commented on in transition child planning meetings with the high school/parents who were pleased to receive the support and could see the positive impact this had made to wellbeing. Links continue to be strengthened with the ASL service to address barriers to learning with EAL support received in the first half of the year. Referrals for ICT assessments from the ASL service to ensure appropriate use of technology for learners with difficulties in learning took several months to be put in place but ensuing reports have been welcomed by parents keen to support their children and some aspects of these reports are now able to be put in place in the classroom. The Parent Council contributed 15 new ipads to further support in the classroom. The Support for Learning teacher undertook some CLPL with CALL Scotland around technology to support learning and introduced a spelling tutor programme that saw improved results in spelling for the target group.

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Pupils were surveyed about their access to technology at home in order to do Sumdog activities and as a result 2x target groups were set up during class time along with a drop-in session at a lunchtime for pupils without access to suitable technology at home. The Code Club continued to run through the dedication of 3 parent volunteers, this is free of charge and runs for 6weeks for pupils between P4 and 7 to develop coding skills in addition to classwork. The Active School co-ordinator provided a report demonstrating increased capacity for active clubs and the provision for free spaces to allow access for all. Close work with the Educational Psychologist allowed for work to be undertaken to understand some complex learning difficulties resulting in more appropriate measures being put in place to support certain learners. All stage partners have collegiate planning time and opportunities to share the classroom experience with each other to support professional learning. CLPL/CAT sessions aligned to implement change in a sustainable way Introduction of Discussion Evenings for Parents and Carers was welcomed as a means to increase parental engagement and involve parents more closely in supporting learners. The discussions included, School Improvement Planning, Additional Support Needs, P1 Induction Night and an open ‘HT surgery’ evening. The ASN evening was well attended with parents and carers highlighting a desire for a menu of workshops throughout the year/cluster to which they could attend to find out other ways that they can support their child. Suggestions for dyslexia, growth mindset, supporting with homework, numeracy will be taken forward in partnership with the SfL teacher, ASL service, Educational Psychologist and Parent Council in the coming year. Projects within the local community that continue to enhance learning, create wider opportunities and have had no cost attached for the pupils such as the Lantern Festival in February (willow-making workshops with the craft leadership group), the Peace Path Project for the creation of ‘stones’ produced by pupils (P6 and P1 working with buddies) to create a path at the local Glebe in Duddingston Village, Inter-generational Project with P7 and local older citizens through the Community Council at Northfield Community Centre (subjects shared were food/games), Abercorn Tennis sessions (4x weeks of free coaching per class) in the summer term, have all been of benefit to all learners. Continue to build opportunities for developing partnerships. Pupils in P1 and P2 have introduced a soft-start to the day on a few occasions to share learning with parents and carers. This has been particularly successful in feedback received from parents in decreasing their anxiety about what is happening in school, increasing awareness of how they can support their child and increased positivity about the overall school experience.

Next Steps: Put the vision, values and aims onto posters around the school to ensure they are visible and revisit during 2019-2020 school year

Run a campaign to develop a School Motto as a means of strengthening the vision, values and aims

Continue to develop the 1 in 5 Poverty Action Plan for the School with parents and staff

Continue to build pupil voice in all aspects of learning e.g. CPM’s, access to opportunities

Continue to develop principles of Nurture

Continue to review Curriculum Rationale to ensure delivery of curriculum aligns with vision, values and aims from nursery to P7.

Continue to participate in Global Vision workshops with P5-7 pupils.

Review staff remits

Review WTA and school calendar to continue to allow time for professional dialogue, collegiate learning and self-evaluation

Select regular challenge questions for discussion at meetings ensuring the focus remains on providing the best outcomes for learners.

Continue to engage staff in thinking critically and creatively to select appropriate approaches for the improvement of all learners

Develop more opportunities for staff to visit other schools to share practice

Continue to build partnerships within the local community to strengthen participation and allow access for all

Continue to build on success of ‘stay and play’/soft start in P1/2

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School Priority 3: Improvement In Children and Young People’s Health & Wellbeing

NIF Priority Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing NIF Driver Teacher Professionalism

HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes

1.1 Ensuring impact on learners’

successes and achievements

1.2 Children and young people leading learning

1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement

2.1 Arrangements to ensure wellbeing

2.4 Targeted & universal support

2.3 Planning, tracking and monitoring

2.7 Partnerships

3.1 Wellbeing Wellbeing:

Respect is fundamental to our school with positive relationships being of key importance at all levels

Children’s wellbeing is at the heart of our school ethos with a shared understanding of SHANARRI through school assemblies, class work and displays

Pupils recently selected key school values at pupil parliament

A restorative approach to behaviour issues is encouraged

Parsy Pals and Buddies is a strong feature of positive relationships within the school

The Building Resilience Programme ensures all aspects of mental, social and emotional health are covered in a systematic, meaningful and engaging way with all stakeholders

P1 have introduced a play-based approach to learning to allow more focus on building positive social skills

Loose-Parts Play in the playground has been gradually embedded to enhance playtimes with pupil’s leading this as Play Rangers Inclusion and Equality:

All learners are encouraged to do and be their best

Most barriers to inclusion and learning are understood and strategies put in place to enable all learners to attain and achieve

It is the school vision that all learners achieve their potential All classes have Rights Respecting School Charters within their classroom with an expectation that all learners know and understand their rights and can help others also enjoy their rights. The Knights of Rights leadership group undertook an audit of class charters and the most popular articles used to create the charters which will be shared at the start of the new school year again. There are clear avenues for pupils to have their voice heard on a range of issues – Parsy Reps, Pupil Parliament, Leadership Groups and the annual Pupil Wellbeing Questionnaire. Staff have taken part in Whole School Introduction to Nurture Approaches and CIRCLE training. A further 3 members of staff have undertaken specific Nurture Training to support the set-up of a space within the school in order to run target groups. Some Nurture Play-Pod groups were run to target some pupils requiring some additional support, with positive feedback from participants. Two staff have undertaken Seasons for Growth training, along with the ASL service, two Seasons for Growth groups for P5-7 pupils were run for the first time in the school with positive feedback received from participants. Six staff attended circle time training with Jenny Mosely and shared learning with staff, introduced some improvements/incentives for the dinner hall.

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Some feedback from parents indicated they would like more focus on anti-bullying approaches, the Peace and Justice Centre have been involved in an 8x week programme with P3 working on co-operative games and conflict resolution. The impact of this will be followed up in P4 with the next phase of their work to increase pupil confidence in emotional self-regulation and resolving conflicts. Pupil responses (P3-7) to their well-being survey were largely positive. The majority of pupils indicated bullying doesn’t or seldom happens in school which is positive, although work needs to continue to address pockets of negative behaviour. Continued work on building friendships showed that almost all pupils reported to having some good friends at school. The P3 Forest Schools experience continues to receive very positive feedback from pupils and parents. Pupils have been empowered to create their own shelters, swings, ladders and have had experience of creating a fire safely.

Staff evaluation of 3.1 highlighted scope for increasing cultural diversity which could be embedded further through assemblies and class work and linked through the IDL bundles. The Assembly Programme has some opportunities for pupils to celebrate diversity alongside curricular opportunities to challenge discrimination such as P7 Red Cross asylum seekers workshops which were well received. Staff use the CIRCLE document to ensure an inclusive classroom and are part of the visual support project (using visual timetables and consistent visual cues around the school). There is scope for further work with Queen Margaret University to research the impact of using CIRCLE. Other achievements include receiving the Cycle Friendly School Award with a celebratory bike breakfast held in the school. Bikeability has continued to be well supported in the school with another member of staff trained this year. Daily mile continues to embed with the Healthy School leadership group creating an Active Trail to make the route more fun with fitness stations around the school for variety. Building Resilience continues to be well received in the school with parents, pupils and staff sharing positive feedback. The Make a Difference topic was particularly inspiring leading to litter picking, charity initiatives, healthy goals etc. Some pupils inspired a Pupil-Led Clubs initiative, application forms have been received and the successful clubs will get underway in the new term. Nursery ethos and atmosphere positive, good relations with staff and pupils and positive learning environment, commented on from QIEO visit and from parents. Increasing understanding of children’s rights from staff ensure pupil voice is central to the nursery. Staff undertake regular CLPL to support inclusion and professional learning.

Next Steps: Develop Nurture further with creation of Nurture Space/Cooking area to enable small nurture groups and small enhanced groups (PEF exceptional spend

earmarked to create the space)

Continue to embed play-based approaches at P1 with indoor/outdoor learning and take approach into set-up for P2

Diversity to be further embedded into curricular planning/IDL, assembly plans and through Year of Young People MADD topic for August

Read When the Adults Change, Everything Changes by Paul Dix in staff book groups and then follow-up with review of behaviour and learning and teaching policies

Review opportunities for roles of responsibility for senior pupils and how these can enhance pupil voice (house captain/vice captain roles) and embed Leadership Groups into curriculum

Continue to develop Pupil Parliament for pupil voice

Continue to embed the Building Resilience Programme

Continue to develop small groups to support wellbeing such as Seasons for Growth, Circle of Friends and whole-class circle time approaches

Review behaviour policy and anti-bullying approaches

Continue to engage staff and learners with the inclusive classroom participation scales from the CIRCLE document and inclusive classroom practice.

Continue to engage stakeholders in PEF discussions.

Continue to review curriculum rationale to ensure it reflects inclusion and equality

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Pupil-led clubs for lunchtimes/break-times to increase pupil ownership, opportunities for responsibility/empowerment and pupils leading learning

Increase PE provision through appointing of new PE teacher (previous PE teacher retiring)

Nursery team to continue to embed positive ethos and atmosphere for learning, looking after wellbeing of all children and staff. Staff continue to undertake CLPL as required to meet children’s needs and develop their professional expertise.

School Priority 4:

NIF Priority Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people NIF Driver School Leadership

HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes

1.1 Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data

1.2 Children and young people leading learning

1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement

2.2 Skills for learning, life and work

2.3 Quality of teaching

2.6 Transitions

2.6 Collaborative planning and delivery

3.3 Increasing employability skills

Progress and impact: IDL bundles created using E’s and O’s in line with revisited curriculum rationale Money week – RBS money-sense workshops, Dogs Trust workshops about the cost of owning a dog and various talks from parents around the role of numbers/money/maths within their jobs were well received. The pupils have contributed through the development of different roles of responsibility such as Parsy Pals, Friendship Buddies, Reading Buddies, Parsy Reps, Knights of Rights, Twende Pamoja Global Group, Fairtrade Group, JRSO, Healthy Schools, Enterprise Charities and Enterprise Business, Wildlife and Gardening, Digital Leaders groups. Each group has undertaken an aspect of leadership in their area with the impact being increased awareness of various issues such as a litter campaign from the Eco Group, fundraising for the Sick Kids, pupils created their own mindfulness colouring book for the Enterprise Group and held a day-glo/fluorescent fashion show assembly for the JRSO. Feedback from leadership groups is positive, in that the pupils have choice about the group, have a chance to be with others from P3-7 and P7 generally have the chance to take on a real leadership role. However, the range of ages makes pitching learning trickier, since the Nursery to P2 One Planet Groups have also been established to look at sustainability issues/outdoor learning and to strengthen transition links across this part of the school, the groups will be reviewed under a new model aimed at strengthening Learning for Sustainability across the school. Three UN2020 goals have been selected: poverty/H&WB/Land use – these will be investigated through House Groups next year allowing a closer focus for making a difference at local/Edinburgh/Scotland and Global levels. Teachers will be able to share planning together allowing for workload to be cut. HT undertook British Council visit to Tanzania to look at Learning for Sustainability in action and share learning in joint literacy curricular project, further work to be undertaken around shared Eco goals for coming year and sharing of ideas via book-creator. Some staff have undertaken further LfS CLPL to enhance professional learning.

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Pupils regularly receive certificates of recognition for different aspects of learning and contributions at assemblies and through the weekly newsletter or on the foyer screen. Pupils are encouraged to create and run competitions, lead assemblies, contribute to the school weekly newsletter, support each other and ‘Make a Difference’. Pupils at P7 have responsibilities for Week in 60 Seconds, taking minutes at Pupil Parliament, providing tours of the school on open days and challenging themselves through participating at Benmore Residential Camp. P7 took part in the My Life, My Choices project led by the Educational Psychologist for all P7 in the cluster. This research based project helped the pupils to think of themselves in 10 to 15 years and consider what they would like to aspire to be doing/being. They then created ‘Dreamboards’ to capture their ideas of their future careers, relationships and dreams and what they needed to do in order to get there and what may get in the way (peer-pressure, certain choices). The pupils came together to learn about the project and consider quotes that inspire them, then worked on their boards before coming back together to share them in groups of pupils from across the cluster. The feedback was positive although more time was needed for the sharing as the pupils enjoyed making connections. One unexpected outcome was a vulnerable learner made a connection and was able to be put into a class with the person they had connected with despite not knowing them previously. Photos of the dreamboards have been passed to the high school to support transition and facilitate conversations with key adults. Nursery included in One Planet groups which aided transition approach into P1. Worked with P1/2 to plan sustainable outdoor learning activities and develop play, build relationships to aid transition. Pupils said they enjoyed experience. Staff would like more time to plan for future activities.

Next Steps: Skills progression to be further developed from nursery to P7

Finalise IDL bundles with benchmarks linked in to show key assessment opportunities, key links with potential partners/opportunities for career skills

Audit and review science progression across school

STEM links with Edin College to develop a first and second level link related to Sound tch and Food tch

Continue to embed LfS through revised leadership groups providing pupils opportunities to lead an area towards the UN2020 goals

Change time of assemblies to allow learning conversations to take place weekly with SLT to further embed wider achievement opportunities

Continue to seek ways to use Tanzanian partnership to enhance learning

Nursery to be involved in further planning of One Planet groups to embed Learning for Sustainability and enhance transition to P1

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Self Evaluation 2017 – 2018

Quality Indicator School Self –

Evaluation 2017 - 18

Inspection Evaluation

(If during 2017-18)

Nursery Self – Evaluation 2017 - 18

Inspection Evaluation

(If during 2017-18)

What is our capacity for continuous improvement?

The capacity was limited for this session due to lack of Business Manager from Jan18 and exceptional high tariff support for pupils required but an opportunity to review staff remits will increase capacity in the coming year.

The Nursery team continued to increase capacity through leadership of key staff member who is undertaking MA and staff undertaking additional CLPL.

1.3 Leadership Of Change 3 3

2.3 Learning, Teaching And Assessment 3 3

3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing, Equity And Inclusion

3 4

3.2 Raising Attainment And Achievement 4 3

2.6 Transitions 3 Nursery 3.3:


2.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection 3 4

Statement of Impact of Pupil Equity Fund/Exceptional Spend:

For session 2017-18, the Pupil Equity Fund has totalled £42,000. There is a carry-forward of £13,000 to session 2018-19. This

spend is deemed exceptional and the plans for this spend are outlined in the school improvement plan for 2018-19 and coded green.

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2016 – 2020 School Self Evaluation/Plan for QI Engagement

QI 2016 - 2017

2017 – 2018

2018 – 2019

2019 – 2020


1.1 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

1.2 Leadership of Learning

1.3 Leadership of Change √ √ √ √

1.4 Leadership and Management of Staff

1.5 Management of Resources To Promote Equity

Leadership And Management Overall

2.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment √ √ √ √

2.4 Personalised Support √

2.5 Family Learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnerships

Learning Provision Overall

3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion √ √ √ √

3.2 Raising Attainment and Achievement √ √ √ √

3.3 Increasing Creativity and Employability √

Successes and Achievements Overall

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Key Areas For School Improvement 2018-19

NIF Priority 1 – Improvement In Attainment, Particularly In Literacy And Numeracy.


1.1 Analysis And Evaluation Of Intelligence And Data

2.3 Effective Use Of Assessment

2.3 Planning, Tracking And Monitoring

3.2 Attainment In Literacy And Numeracy

Priority 1a To raise attainment in literacy (Writing) Overall Responsibility Literacy Co-ordinator

Priority 1b Learning & Teaching Pedagogy (1.1,1.3, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2)

Outcomes There will be a progressive plan in place to ensure a wide range of quality writing experiences for all children

There will be improved attainment in writing at first and second levels

All staff will have a shared understanding of the standard at their stage and level (leading on to a more holistic appreciation of standards)

Tasks By Whom



Impact/ Progress

Audit assessment of writing across the school

Audit results/feedback to be shared with staff

Literacy coordinator

Teaching staff

Cover (1 – 2 days)

Staff meeting

August 2018

Audit current staff confidence and strengths in teaching writing to their current stage.

Literacy coordinator Staff survey and meeting

1 staff meeting and time for coordinator to collate (August 2018)

plan learning using moderation cycle

Bundle experiences and outcomes for writing together with other IDL opportunities

SLT/literacy coordinator/SfLT


SfL QAMSO –invite to run CAT session with staff

Learning and teaching meetings with SLT

By Oct 2018

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Research other writing

programmes –Big Writing

Literacy group Meetings

Review resources, purchase up to date resources if necessary

working group meetings 4x 2hours

Plan termly opportunities to moderate planned writing with stage partners

Invite quality speaker to share best practice

Literacy coordinator

Class teachers

Funding for quality speaker if necessary

Staff meetings

Planning time

Cluster moderation of writing at all levels from E – 4th

Literacy coordinator

Cluster reps


Cluster CAT March -tbc

Raise awareness of priority in writing with children. Self-evaluate individual progress, monitor progress Feedback to staff shared.

SLT and Literacy coordinator

Weekly meets with pupil groups

Through year

P4, P7 Standardised assessments to be completed in writing

Benchmark data to be gathered

SLT/CTs Allocation of time in line with WTA

SLT meetings


writing levels to be entered on SEEMIS for collation by CEC/ES



Administrative time

SLT meetings

May 2019

Revisit Child-friendly Learning & Teaching policy: staff to self-evaluate and from that identify key workshops

PT to lead Inservice


Staff meeting focus

Aug in-service time

Workshops on variety of learning and teaching approaches –opportunity for professional dialogue

PT to lead CAT’s Through year

Working parties under each NIF priority: o Literacy o Numeracy & Maths o H&WB

Co-ordinators for each group to lead

6x allocated CATs with planning time and feedback time in May inservice

CATs through year

May inservice to feedback to each other

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Session 1 to plan focussed work, 5 further CAT sessions to undertake actions

Cover for each co-ordinator to plan and gather resources /information

NIF Priority 2 – Closing The Attainment Gap Between The Most And Least Disadvantaged Children


1.5 Management Of Resources And Environment For Learning

2.5 Engaging Families In Learning

3.2 Equity For All Learners

Priority 2a: Reduce the attainment and achievement gap for our school Overall Responsibility HT –

Outcomes: All staff will be aware of what the attainment and achievement gap looks like.

Stakeholders are aware of Equity Funding allocation and how it was used in 2017 – 18/impact and how it is to be used in 2018-19

Staff use a wide range of performance information to reduce the attainment and achievement gap.

Tasks By Whom Resources


Impact/ Progress

Identify the gap for each year group

All Staff

School tracking information

August 2018

Staff to discuss names of students in their class for targeted intervention.



Learning and teaching meeting time

August 2018

Identify suitable interventions for target group

SLT Meeting time August 18

Parental engagement to be reviewed/ strategies to be put in place to engage families in learning/ target




Identified staff

Meeting time




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group of parents to be invited to workshop.

Review 1 in 5 Poverty Action Plan with all stakeholders – invite focus group

Focus group of stakeholders

Meeting time Sept18

NIF Priority 3

Improvement In Children And Young People’s Health And Wellbeing


1.2 Children and young people leading learning

1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement

1.4 leadership and management of

2.1 Arrangements to ensure wellbeing

2.4 Targeted & universal support

2.7 Partnerships

3.1 Wellbeing

Priority 3a: Increase wellbeing of staff and pupils Overall Responsibility HWB co-ordinator

Outcomes: Vision, values and aims of the school are clear to all stakeholders

Ethos and approach to behaviour is understood and consistent from all adults

Adults, pupils and parents feel supported within a clear structure and approach

Tasks By Whom



Impact/ Progress

Staff to read When the Adults Change, Everything Changes by Paul Dix in book groups

Teaching staff


Copies of the book x20

Staff meetings allocated through year

4x 1 hour discussion through year

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discussion in relation to reading and CEC Behaviour Policy in order to re-align behaviour policy

All staff Copies of CEC Better Relationships, Better Behaviour, Better Learning Policy/Procedure

School copies of parent leaflets re restorative practice/ BR,BB,BL

Copy of school draft behaviour policy

Meeting time

Inservice Jan to review behaviour policy

Continue to embed principles of Nurture within the school

Set up room space

Identify further training for staff

Identify key pupils for nurture groups and plan 8x wk intervention


Nurture trained staff

Meeting time

Arrange timetable to enable intervention group times

Pre-post evaluations

8wk block

H&WB working party to review new CEC planners

Implement across school

Involve parents –workshop for sensitive aspects

Audit and review other areas of HWB requiring attention

Make links with new PE teacher to review PE provision

H&WB co-ordinator to lead

PE teacher

SLT to support




In-service to feedback in May19

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NIF Priority 4 Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people


1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement

2.2 Skills for learning, life and work

2.6 Transitions

2.6 Collaborative planning and delivery

3.3 Increasing employability skills

Priority 4a: Skills progression through school Overall Responsibility DYW co-ordinator

Outcomes: Skills progression framework is clearly embedded through the school

Skills linked to IDL bundles

Science progression is clear through school

Tasks By Whom



Impact/ Progress

DYW working party lead review/audit of skills framework

Use CEC Career Skills pathway

Link skills to IDL bundles to show progression

DYW co-ordinator to lead

CAT sessions



By Dec18

CATs for WP

In-service May19 to feedback

Audit staff confidence with science

Review science linked to IDL bundles for progression/link benchmarks for assessment

Ensure skills are clearly highlighted to show progression

DYW co-ordinator to lead

CAT sessions


By June19

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World of Work

Week – arrange Career Fair (on 2 yearly cycle with Financial Education)

Letter to distribute to local business /parents etc

DYW co-ordinator to lead

SLT to support




Establish link with Edinburgh College at Milton Road

1st level and 2nd level curricular link with technologies and science to develop STEM

DYW co-ordinator

Juliette Lunniss- science DO



Aiming for link with sound technology dept and food technology dept

By June19

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Cluster Plan: NIF Priority – Improvement In Attainment, Particularly In Literacy And Numeracy.


1.1 Analysis And Evaluation Of Intelligence And Data

2.3 Effective Use Of Assessment

2.3 Planning, Tracking And Monitoring

3.2 Attainment In Literacy And Numeracy

Cluster Priority

Moderation of writing Overall Responsibility

Outcomes All staff will have a shared understanding of the standard at their stage and level (leading on to a more holistic appreciation of standards)

Increased confidence in judgements for points of transition

Tasks By Whom



Impact/ Progress

Planning for writing at school level

School staff


CAT 1.5hrs

Undertake writing activities within school including school level moderation

School staff CAT/staff meetings 3x1hr sessions

Come back for cluster event to moderate writing pieces against agreed criteria

School staff from cluster


CAT session



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Nursery Class Improvement Plan

National Improvement Framework (NIF) Priorities: 1. Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. 2. Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people. 3. Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing. 4. Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people

HGIOELC Quality Indicators: Leadership and Management How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? (1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5) Learning provision How good is the quality of the care and learning we offer? (2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7) Successes and achievements How good are we at ensuring the best possible outcomes for all our children? (3.1 3.2 3.3)

Priority 1: Learning and Teaching – pedagogy. Developing play based learning indoors and outdoors, with a focus on transition across the early years stage throughout the year.

Overall Responsibility: DHT

Related HGIOELC QI: 1.3 Leadership of Change 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment 2.6 Transition

Outcome and impact on learners: Improved collegiate vision of pedagogy and aims resulting in high quality learning opportunities for learners. Increase staff confidence to ensure all interactions with learners continue to be meaningful and relevant.

Learners have opportunities to lead their learning through open ended learning tasks and resources.

Tasks By Whom Resources Time Impact / Progress of task

Professional reading 'Interacting or Interfering?' By Julie Fisher

Identify key messages. Feedback through dedicated staff CPD sessions.

All nursery staff, and key early years staff in infant Nursery staff through

weekly CPD/ self evaluation

meetings created through

Interacting or interfering? Julie Fisher

March 2019

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Create a graffiti wall

of good practice in Parsons Green with key principles of changes in nursery pedagogy following from professional reading.

Nursery staff to support play based learning in afternoon sessions in P1 and P2. Share pedagogy graffiti wall with P1 and 2 staff to increase capacity and shared understanding to strengthen transition.

Vertical grouping sessions 4 x termly based on play between nursery children and P1 children. Develop opportunities for high quality outdoor play.

reorganised staff working


All Early years staff up to P2. Early years staff across nursery and infant classes.

Play materials Loose parts play Loose parts play. Play pod. Graffiti wall from Early Years blog for reference. Play resources,

From August 2018 May 2019 Throughout 2018/9

Priority 2: Overall Responsibility:

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Raise attainment in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. Focus on developing nurture and build capacity to support positive wellbeing.


Related HGIOELC QI: 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and wellbeing. 3.2 Securing children's progress 3.3Developing creativity and skills for life and learning. 2.4 Personalised support

Outcome and impact on learners: Improved attainment in literacy through quality learning activities to enhance vocabulary, develop graphic and creative skills. Improved attainment in numeracy through high quality SEAL activities and learning activities using open ended resources. Increase understanding of the principles of nurture and embed throughout the planning to ensure that all children feel secure, nurtured and

empowered to lead their own learning.

Tasks By Whom Resources Time Impact/ Progress of task

Using the Literacy and English benchmarks plan holistic activities inside and outdoors that will engage learners. Using Numeracy benchmarks and SEAL planning materials plan holistic high quality activities for group times and free play that will develop and strengthen numeracy skills and problem solving skills. All staff to read the Principles of Nurture and collaborate to audit nursery current practice. Identify next steps from audit.

Class Teacher EYPs Class Teacher EYPs Class Teacher EYPs

Loose parts play Graphic resources Outdoor resources Benchmarks Loose parts play Graphic resources Outdoor resources Benchmarks Tooth brushing materials Principles of Nurture Request CPD materials from Ed Psych Pam Reid.

October 2018 January 2019 April 2019

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Embed Forest Kindergarten within the nursery routine. Ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate and increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Embed sign-a-long within the nursery routine for instructions, games, songs etc. 2 staff currently trained. All staff to be trained. Train all staff in Hanen approach. Complete in CPD sessions identified in weekly team meetings. Weekly timetable reorganised to ensure that collegiate time can be used effectively.

EYP Parent helper All nursery staff All Nursery staff to be trained by EYP, F. Shumba.

Forest Kindergarten essentials such as clothing, shelters, ropes etc Posters, songs, cds

August 2018 September 2018 January 2019

Priority 3: Embedding a skills framework throughout bundled IDL throughout the Early Years, and progressing through the school.

Overall Responsibility: DHT

Related HGIOELC QI: 3.3 Developing creativity and skills for life and learning. 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment. 2.2 Curriculum 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity.

Outcome and impact on learners: Developing a broad range of skills and applying them to unfamiliar settings. Increase staff confidence around children making decisions about the path of their learning, promoting increased self-esteem and self-belief. Continue to and improve opportunities for children to be involved in shaping and leading their learning.

Tasks By Whom Resources Time Impact/ Progress of task

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In collaboration with the whole school team, embed the skills framework through the bundled IDL Es &Os that are identified within Parsons Green's planning documents. Continue to use and improve the big floor book planning to plan collaboratively with the children in groups to respond directly to the questions posed and interests of learners.

Class Teacher Whole school teaching staff team Class Teacher EYPs

IDL bundles Big floor books Talking tubs ( if required) Broad range of items to encourage discussions Recording materials

Tbc with whole school SQIP timeframes. August 2018 onwards.