starting as a high elven mage - warhammer elf mage.pdf · the...

High Elf Mage ________________________________________________ From the far off isle of Ulthuan comes the High Elven Mage. Ulthuan is an ancient land of magic, mystery and enigma. The High Elves are led by two leaders: the Pheonix King and the Everqueen and all High Elves pay them homage. The isle of Ulthuan carries with it a very old and highly revered tradition of magic and its practitioners. It was from here that the first teachers to the Colleges of magic came. Thus, did the kingdoms of men gain the inheritance of magic that the Elves had given them. High Elven Mages are masters of magic, though blessed with some of their elven martial tradition, most of their time is spent learning the intricacies of magic itself. High Elven Mages seen outside Ulthuan are usually on a quest to recover some lost artefact from The Great Sundering that happened four thousand years ago. They see Men as the true inheritors of their legecy of magic. Thus are great friendships oft formed between the two kindreds. In the Warhammer Quest Game, you are one of these High Elven Mages who has gone out into the world. Trained in the magical arts, you now wish to test your skills and recover the items lost by your people many years ago. Encountering a band of warriors, you join them in their quest for adventure, wealth and glory. Starting as a High Elven Mage ________________________________________________ The Profile of a High Elven Mage is as follows: Wounds: 1D6+6 Move: 4 Weapon Skill: 3 Ballistic Skill: 5+ Strength: 3 Toughness: 3 Initiative: 5 Attacks: 1 Pinning: 4+ Wounds The High Elven Mage starts off with 1D6+6 Wounds. When you are rolling for Wounds, remember that you can reroll any score of 1. but you must accept the second roll, even if its a 1! Equipment The High Elven Mage bares a special staff called a staff of Isha, this is a special magic item with rules below. Weapons The High Elven Mage is armed with a sword. It does 1D6 plus strength in damage (1D6+3). Armour The High Elven Mage never wears armour (not even Furs), it would impede his spellcasting.

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High Elf Mage________________________________________________From the far off isle of Ulthuan comes the High Elven Mage. Ulthuan is an ancient land of magic, mystery and enigma.

The High Elves are led by two leaders: the Pheonix King and the Everqueen and all High Elves pay them homage.

The isle of Ulthuan carries with it a very old and highly revered tradition of magic and its practitioners. It was from here that the first teachers to the Colleges of magic came. Thus, did the kingdoms of men gain the inheritance of magic that the Elves had given them.

High Elven Mages are masters of magic, though blessed with some of their elven martial tradition, most of their time is spent learning the intricacies of magic itself.

High Elven Mages seen outside Ulthuan are usually on a quest to recover some lost artefact from The Great Sundering that happened four thousand years ago. They see Men as the true inheritors of their legecy of magic. Thus are great friendships oft formed between the two kindreds.

In the Warhammer Quest Game, you are one of these High Elven Mages who has gone out into the world. Trained in the magical arts, you now wish to test your skills and recover the items lost by your people many years ago. Encountering a band of warriors, you join them in their quest for adventure, wealth and glory.

Starting as a High Elven Mage________________________________________________

The Profile of a High Elven Mage is as follows:

Wounds: 1D6+6Move: 4Weapon Skill: 3Ballistic Skill: 5+Strength: 3Toughness: 3Initiative: 5Attacks: 1Pinning: 4+

WoundsThe High Elven Mage starts off with 1D6+6 Wounds. When you are rolling for Wounds, remember that you can reroll any score of 1. but you must accept the second roll, even if its a 1!

EquipmentThe High Elven Mage bares a special staff called a staff of Isha, this is a special magic item with rules below.

WeaponsThe High Elven Mage is armed with a sword. It does 1D6 plus strength in damage (1D6+3).

ArmourThe High Elven Mage never wears armour (not even Furs), it would impede his spellcasting.

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PinningThe High Elven Mage escapes pinning on a roll of 4+

SpellsThe High Elf Mage starts with three spells: Dispel Magic (Casting 4), Pattern Mending (Casting 4), and a choice of any Casting Number of 1-6 of any Lore. Its Strongly recommended an Attack Spell be chosen, Father of Thorns (casting 5, Life Lore) or Lightning Fork (Casting 6, Heavens Lore) being good choices.

High Elven Mage Special Rules and Items

Before leaving the realm of Ulthuan the High Elven Mage is presented a gift by his master: the Staff of Isha.

The Staff of IshaThis finely wrought staff is given into the keeping of the High Elven Mage by Teclis himself, the greatest of all High Elven Mages. The Staff is made from the finest wood from the forests of Ulthuan. To carry such a staff is a great honor indeed. The Staff of Isha works like a normal Wizards Staff (see pg. 24 of the Roleplay Book) in addition to granting the bearer the ability to cast one spell at 1 less Power Cost once per combat.

Masters of MagicHigh Elven Mages are masters of magic, as such, any High Elven Mage rolling to Dispel (casting number 4 spell) do so at +1, thus to succeed the High Elven Mage only needs to roll a 3 or better. Further, they may target a single Warrior with a Dispel and remove malignant spell effects on the Warrior in question. The High Elf mage may Dispel useful spells off of enemies if he wishes, targeting a single enemy at a time to do so. Also, a High Elven Mage may add One Power Cost to each spell he casts, doing so makes it a -1 on the difficulty to Dispel. He gets 1D6 Power to start with just as a normal Wizard does. He also rolls the Power Phase as a Wizard does.

High Magic and The Lores of MagicHigh Elven Mages may use High Magic and Lore Magic. However, once they decide what kind of magic they are using, they cannot switch between the two types during the round, or from differing Lores during the round. So, during the Declaration Phase, the High Elf Mages player must announce whether he is using High Magic, or what particular Lore Magic he will use in a certain round. Once decided, he CANNOT switch, no matter the case (he cannot even make an initiative check to do so). This is due to his rigorous training and highly disciplined mind, which in some cases, means he cannot come out of this rigidity to adapt quickly.

High Elven Mage and EquipmentThe High Elf Mage may not use any type of armor (not even Furs) or shield and may only use single handed weapons that are bladed weapons (swords, daggers, but not axes) and may use a Short Bow or a Long Bow, but no other missile weapon. High Elven Mages may use any item usable by the Wizard or Elf otherwise.

High Elven Mages in Settlements________________________________________________

The AlehouseThe High Elf Mage may never go to the Alehouse.

The TempleThe High Elf Mage may never visit the Temple Location, he follows the Elven Pantheon only

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(though he may get the Temple Donation Settlement Event (61), its assumed he finds a hidden center of worship to his own gods to do so). See Below for details on the different way a High Elf Mage handles the Temple Settlement Event.

The Elf QuarterThe High Elf Mage upon finding an Elven Quarter may purchase items there as normal.

Elf Rangers Noble HouseIf a Ranger Character Pack is available, the High Elven Mage may also try to find the Rangers Noble House, following the normal rules for finding such a place (find an Elf Quarter First). The High Elf Mage has to pay the normal entrance fee to get in, however he may listen to rumors as normal (save that The High Elf Mage cannot get result 4), plus if he wishes to exchange one magic item he may do so here for one of like power (trade an Objective Room treasure for an Objective Room treasure, a Dungeon Room treasure for a Dungeon Room treasure, etc...) as the owner wishes to collect rare artefacts himself and wishes to pass on something of worth to the High Elf Mage in return for his generosity. This Trade may only be done once per Settlement.

Wizards GuildThe High Elf Mage may go to the Wizards Guild as normal if he wishes, or he may try to arrogantly announce his presense and stride in. Consult the following Entry Table if you choose the latter option:

1: The various wizards become angered at your haughty manner and discription of them as "Ametuer Practitioners" and throw you out, telling you not to come back till you learn some manners. You may not return to the Wizards Guild any further during your current time at the Settlement, your admittance is refused.2-3: Your critisism of the wizards here seems to make them unhappy. Not understanding why calling them "Hedge Mages" or "Carnival Magicians" in comparison to yourself makes them irritated with you, you keep talking thusly. Fed up, the wizards tell you to get out. Wondering what you said wrong, you leave, planning on coming back tomorrow when the wizards arent in such a bad mood. You may try again the next Settlement day to come back here.4-5: Seeing your true greatness, the wizards let you pass, somewhat grudgingly, and only charge you half the cost for getting in.6: Your Presense and powerful Aura astound the wizards, they let you in without charging you any gold.

The High Elf Mage is a Master at gleaning Energy from the Font of Power, add +1 to his rolls when recharging his items.

The High Elf Mage is Farsighted, you may add or subtract 1 from your Consultation results.

The Elf High Mage is learned and skilled at attaining new Spells. He is +1 on both Charts for Spell Changing.

Also, the High Elf Mage learns spells slightly different when trying to fill his spell 'slots'. Roll on the following Spell Changing table for each 'slot' the Mage is trying to replace:

1-2: The High Elf Mage fails to learn a new spell and will be missing this one spell for the next adventure.3-5: The High Elf mage is successful in his studies. The type of Spell he gets is determined randomly by catagory of either High Magic or the appropriate Lore. 6: With careful and methodical research the High Elf Mage finds exactly which spell he wants. Choose which spell he finds using the appropriate High Magic or Lore lists for the spell you got rid of.

The College of Magic

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The High Elf Mage may visit the College of Magic. This will only be available in a city, and will be found on an 8 on the search for said location. The High Elf Mage may do his Training here, pouring over various tomes left by the High Elf Master Mages long ago. Training takes a week during which time he may not do anything else. The College will welcome the High Elf Mage as an honored guest, speaking of various spells and new magic discoveries. If not Training, Consult the Rumor Chart below to see what the High Elf Mage hears. The High Elf Mage may only visit the College once per Settlement (unless merely training, in which case the trip doesnt count toward his limit of visits unless he gets the Acclaimed Instructor Result (6) on the Teaching Table Below).

1-2: Though insightful, the rumors you hear are nothing more then hearsay.3: Somewhat useful information on magic items and where to find them. After the Heroes find a Treasure Item, you may immediately discard it for another of the same power level, but you may not redraw again. Usable once during the next adventure.4-5: Very useful information on magic Items and such. Not only do you get result three (3) above, but may also safeguard one Treasure Item from being lost with sigils that let you home in on the said lost item, this will take one turn (if the item is lost in a dungeon), one day (if lost in a Settlement) or one week (if lost Travelling) to recover the Item. Lasts until you return to a Settlement after the next Quest.6: Astounding insight as to what you are doing soon and what Items may be there. You get the benefits of results three (3) and four and five (4-5) in addition to getting an extra Treasure Item from the Objective Room.

Also, the Mages here will ask the High Elf Mage to teach a class if he wishes to (unless Training), this will take up 1D6 days of the High Elf Mages time and living expenses will be 10 gold each day during this time (decide before rolling), due to him using various magic elixers and powders and such for his demonstrations (which arent cheap!). Consult the Instructor Table below at the end of his Teaching to see how well his tutalage is received:

1: The students stare at the High Elf Mage as he finishes his lesson, and wonder how a spellcaster with such ideas of magic hasnt blown himself to bits yet. The High Elf Mage protests the correctness of his theories as the students roll their eyes and leave the class. Lose 1D6 Power for the next adventure for expelling it in a very non-spectacular fashion and not impressing those you tried to teach.2-4: The students nod and understand the general idea you are trying to put forth, but your theory is nothing new. However, the Head of the College seems happy with your effort and will spread the word of your teaching. You may come back to the Wizards College the following Settlement Day if you choose, and will be at +1 to the Class Teaching roll.5: The students and faculty are impressed by your lesson and soon are having it written into many of the instruction books and there is talk about you amoung many of the magic circles. The next time you visit the Wizards Guild you may add +1 to your Entry Table roll and you may one companion join you (but only if you use the Entry Table to get in). In addition, you are awarded 1d6x100 gold as compensation for your time and excellent effort.6: Acclaimed Instructor. You have impressed the entire College with your insight and knowledge. Soon, many students are attempting your examples of spellcasting in trying to perfect their craft. You get the Benefits of result two through four (2-4) on this table as well as being invited back to this College while at this Settlement one more time. You have also learned something by the question many students asked which opened some doors to your own insight, gain one High Elf Mage skill. You can only get this result once per Settlement. Reroll this result if it comes up again while at this same Settlement.

High Elven Mages and Events________________________________________________

The High Elven Mage is a Master of Magic and also feels quite above a few things, this will help

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(and sometimes hinder) him through out dayly life. With this attitude and demeanor, he has someslightly different reactions to certain events as follows:


21 Tornado As the Tornado Stirs up, the High Elf Mage chants loudly over the rising wind, this in turn grants all the Warriors a +1 on the roll to see what happens to their items as the high Elf mage struggles to control the rising wind and save his compananions.

31 Witch's Cave As the Warriors pay the money for the potions, the High Elf Mage regards the Witch with a wary eye and says, "This better not be hargar." The Witch replies, "I would sell hargar to a slayer such as you?" All Warriors reroll any 1's on the Table Result for the potions.

35 Pool of Dreams Guided by the High Elven Mages Foresight, each Warrior gains a +1 to the Table roll.

36 Lightning The High Elf Mage gazes suddenly up at the sky as the storm gathers and he senses a power build up, he shouts a word of warning and the Warrior about to be struck by Lightning must pass an initiative test, if he succeeds, he loses nothing, if he fails, he only loses one piece of armor.

41 Lost Noting the squalid conditions and poor upkeep of the place (at least in his eyes) the Mage cannot help but comment on the "dirt scratching farmers" and their "apparent marital status with their cousins" and "close resemblance to the local livestock". The Peasants are angered and chase the Warriors away, the High Elf Mage dropping some of his gold in his haste. The High Elf Mage loses 2D6x10 gold.

52 Blizzard High Elf Mage casts a dweomer to keep the party from freezing to death and they trudge on. Walking blindly through the snowdrifts the party finally emerges from the snowstorm, perhaps a little worse for wear. All Warriors make a Toughness test, if successful the Warrior if fine, if he fails, he is at -1 movement next adventure due to frostbite complications.

54 Rockfall Calling upon his powers the Mage shouts mighty incantations, and the boulders shift aside, allowing the party to pass without further incident and no loss of time.

61 Militia Upon hearing what he considers an outlandish price to pass through such a "Pathetic little berg..", the Militia gets angry with the group, after a bit of talking its decided that the Warriors may pass through at the agreed price, and the High Elf Mage can pay double for his big mouth...or he himself can suffer another weeks travel time to go around for his pride.

66 Storm As the Storm starts to rise the High Elf Mage warns his friends of the coming trouble, sensing a flux in the Winds of Magic. The High Elf Mage may choose one Warrior in the group whos Items he helps save (aside from his own). The High Elf Mage and the Warrior he chooses lose 2D6x20 gold blown away in the Storm, but no Items are lost from them. The rest of the Warriors lose an Item as normal.

Settlement Events

11 Thrown Out

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If you are thrown out the Wizards frown at your behavior. The next time you go to a Settlement, you may not enter the Wizards Guild at all.

24 Circus Recognizing the charlatan for who she is you quickly call her bluff and leave her quite shaken. You lose no money and happily go on your way, still wondering how the sword swallower does that......

26 Betrothed You haughtily tell the men you don't know what they are talking about, a passing Wizard collaborates your story, and grudgingly, the men let you go. You arrogantly tell them you would never marry outside your level of power no matter the case. They turn to beat you soundly, and you scare them off with some incantations and finger waggling. The Wizard there tells you that you endanger all the spellcasters by such acts and could bring the Witch Hunters down on you all. The Wizard reports your activity to the Wizards Guild, you may not enter unless you use the Entry Table at -1 while at this Settlement till the next quest is over.

33 An Honest Days Work The High Elf Mage laughs at the notion of loading bales of cotton and instead spends his time performing magic tricks for the children of the city. Earn 1D6x5 gold from happy parents very glad to unload their kids on you so they can get some shopping done in the square.

35 Duel As the Duel is about to begin, you cast Walk Between the Worlds. The Duelist cannot harm you, try as he might. With his sword passing harmlessly through you, you tell him to concede, or be destroyed. Roll 1D6. On a 1-3, he grudgingly concedes and gives you a bag of 100 gold as recompense and walks off to mutter about "cheating Mages". On a 4-6, he is grateful for your mercy and gives you a Jewel worth 2D6x50 gold and an Item of Dungeon Room Treasure, then he leaves. If you are Silly enough not to have Walk Between the Worlds, resolve the Duel as Normal.

45 Pet Dog The High Elf Mage takes pity on the poor hound, and spends the next day finding the dog a good home. He may not visit any locations for the next day.

51 Crime Standing up to the constables you tell them that this is an outrageous charge and the Wizards Guild will hear of this as well as the College of Magic. After some consideration (and much pressure from the local Wizards) your Mage is released with a stern warning to stay out of trouble. However, you must pay the Wizards for their advocates work, lose 50 gold.

54 Beggars Seeing the ragged, smelly people; you comment on their stench and tell them they should take a bath. At this time they grow angry and throw rotten fruit at you. Deciding now to take your own advice, you must spend the next day at the steam baths (no wound benefit), and can go to no locations within the Settlement for the next day.

55 Debt Having Aquired various rare items and magical charms it is now time to pay the piper. Double the cost for this event (2d6x20 gold).

61 Temple Donation Finding a rare Temple to the High Elven Gods, the High Elf Mage feels compelled to give lots of money to the cause of his gods, lose an extra 1D6x10 gold in donation. The High Elf does not get to reroll a failed attack roll however, though once during the next adventure he may reroll the Power Phase.

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64 Witchcraft You arrogantly tell the crowd who you are and where you come from and who your friends are. They grow quiet and then begin to blame the leader for their current troubles...and say he is a witch! He stammers and tries to gain control, but it seems too late. Calming the crowd with cooly orated precision, their anger seems abated and they disperse, the leader, grateful for not losing his head, pays you 100 gold as recompense.

Uneventful Days

The High Elven Mage usually never has Uneventful Days. Roll on the following chart to see what REALLY happens (1D6):

1: Assaulted by a Deamon! A Chaos Worshipper has sent one of his servants against you while you were unaware, roll 1D6, on a 1-3: You barely fight off the Deamon and are bloodied and hurt, start the next dungeon at -1D6 wounds. On a 4-6: You send the creature screeching back to the warp, and are left wondering who wants you dead...2: Accosted by a woman. A beautiful Noble Lady of the City asks if you would like to retire with her to her estate this evening. Roll 1D6, on a 1-2: You decide to go with her and later as you enjoy her very pleasurable company she tries to bring you into the fold of Slaanesh! Acting the fool you go along for a bit, then making good your escape you report her to the local Witch Hunters who arrest her on your testimony and she is burned at the stake, still, your own near failure burns in your mind. You are -1D6 Power for the next adventure. On a 3-4, You waver a moment, but resist temptation and go about your business. On a 5-6, You decide to go with her, and before anything bad can happen you reveal her to be a Slaanesh worshipper to the local Witch Hunter. You are rewarded 1D6x50 gold for your vigilance.3-4: No really. Nothing Happened!5: A Rogue spellcaster assails you! Roll 1D6, on a 1-2: You fight off his assault and drive him away, though you should have beaten him soundly. You go and buy some very expensive wine and get drunk in your room trying to drown your failure. Lose 50 gold for the wine. On a 3-4: Though he is fairly skilled, you soundly thrash him without much pinache, walking over to the charred corpse, you pick up what little remains. Gain 30 gold. On a 5-6: Using subtle spells and quick wit you crush the fool to the delight of the crowd and even a few applauding Witch Hunters who have been looking for this scoundrel for some time now, the crowd showers you with 50 gold and the Witch Hunters give you a Treasure Item.6: You are invited to the Local Dukes Court to show him your Mastery of magic since he's heard so much about you. Roll 1D6, on a 1-2: You bore the Noble to sleep with your weak spells and foolish, fumbling casting attempts (maybe crowds make you nervous) with many Nobles looking on. To the disapproving murmurs of the crowd you slink off out of the castle to your room at the inn where you must spend the next two days without visiting any Locations practicing your magic in an attempt to perfect your obviously failing skills. On a 3-4: The Duke is somewhat intrigued and asks that you sit and dine for the evening amoung he and his Court. He takes note of you occassionally, just enough to be polite. Your Living expenses are paid for the day. On a 5-6: The Duke his highly impressed with your skill and he offers you any aid he can in your adventures. Letting you into his ancient archives he lets you peruse the old scrolls, you find a map that will cut down two weeks travel time on your next quest and a Lore Spell scroll which you may learn of a type of Lore you do not have yet.

High Elf Mages and Training________________________________________________

When a High Elf Mage gets a Battle Level, he gets spells just like a regular Wizard, however, he may trade in a spell die for a skill instead. In doing so, he gives up his Highest die roll for spells to get a skill. Also, when he chooses spells the High Elf Mage must follow the Rule of Learning which goes as follows: every two spells must be from the same Lore or from High Magic. If there is an odd number of spells to choose, then it must be taken from a Magic list he has taken for this

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level. Example: a High Elven Mage gets a Battle Level and decides on taking five spells. He decides to take two in High Magic, two in Heavens Lore, and the left over must be taken from either High Magic or Heavens Lore (the two magic types he has chosen for this level). Also, if he rolls for spells that indicates that a spell of the appropriate High Magic or Lore in unavaible or already taken then he must pair his dice up (or split them up as the case may be) to match as best as possible the Rule of Learning above. If this cannot be done, then he must choose a spell of a different Lore of the appropriate levels as indicated on his Spell Choice Dice for going up a level. When the High Elf Mage tries to change his spells at the Wizards Guild, he can only trade spells to new ones that are of the same type (Example: Change one Fire Lore Spell to another Fire Lore Spell, High Magic Spell for a High Magic Spell, etc). Everytime a High Elven Mage gets a Level, he gains an additional 1D6 Power for spells.

High Elf Mage Skills________________________________________________Roll 2D6 to see which skill you get:

2 Channeler The High Elf Mage may now spend 2 extra Power on Spells to make them -2 to Dispel.

3 Rumor Hound The High Elf Mage now can follow up Rumors and gets a +1 to all rumor Tables.

4 Loremaster When researching for his spells, the High Elf Mage may reroll one die on his spells choice when he gets an advance.

5 Pure of Heart The High Elf Mage never suffers spellcasting penalties for Fear and Terror.

6 Lion Guard The High Elf Mage and all adjacent Heroes get +1 to Fear and Terror tests.

7 Magic Dealer The High Elf Mage is extremely skilled at dealing with Magic Items, he gets +2 to his stock rolls for Magical Equipment (Elf Cloak, Heal Potions, etc) and gets +20% gold when selling Magic Items.

8 Advisor The High Elf mage may pick one Warrior to Advise per day in a Settlement, this Warrior Gains +1 on any one roll for his next Special Location or Settlement Event.

9 Wise The High Elf Mage gets +1 on his roll to see how many Consultations he gets when going to the Wizards Guild.

10 Elven Trader The High Elf Mage now only has to pay half Price for costs from the Elven Quarter and the Rangers Noble House.

11 Seer The High Elf Mage may now change his spells as he sees fit when he goes to the Wizards Guild (within High Magic and Lore restrictions, see 'High Elf Mages and Training' above)

12 Mastery of Ishas Staff The High Elf Mage may now cast spells at -1 Power Cost once per turn.

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High Magic and The Lores of Magic________________________________________________

Casting #1Attack spellsBolt of Burning Iron (Metal)One model takes 1 wound modified only by armor, for every point of armor the enemy has, they take an addition 2 wounds. May be cast once per turn.

Target: any monster on the same board sectionDuration: immediate

Defense SpellsShades of Fear (Death)The First model attacking the Mage who rolls a 1 drops his weapon and must spend next turn picking it up.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsNew Growth (Life)A Warrior wounded this turn may roll 1D6, on a 4 or better he heals 2 wounds instantly. This Spell may be cast once per turn.

Target: One WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Special SpellsWeasels Movement (Beast)A Warrior Gains +1 to their pinning roll. This Spell may be cast once per turn.

Target: One WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #2Attack SpellsOxen Might (Beast)A Warrior Gains +1 Strength. Each Warrior may have this spell cast on them once per turn.

Target: One Warrior on same Board SectionDuration: 1 Turn

Fire Bolt (Fire)One monster on the same Board Section take 1D6 (plus Battle Level) in damage. This spell may be cast once per turn.

Target: One monster on the same Board SectionDuration: Immediate

Defense SpellsSteed of Darkness (Shadow)

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One Warrior may be moved four spaces, ignoring pinning, and cannot go through solid objects or obsticles. You may get Warriors out of Pits with this spell.

Target: One Warrior in the same Board SectionDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsVines of Renewel (Life)Each Warrior in the same board section get 1 wound. May be cast Once per Turn.

Target: Warriors in the same Board SectionDuration: immediate

Special SpellsSipha's Illumination (Light)One Warrior now has no need for a lantern and wont be lost in the dark. You may cast this once per turn.

Target: Any WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Star Tell (Heavens)One Warrior may reroll one attack roll this turn. This spell may be cast once per Turn.

Target: One WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #3Attack SpellsDeath Dealer (Death)All Warriors reduced to 0 Wounds this turn may make one immediate Melee attack on an adjacent Monster.

Target: All Warriors on the same Board Section.Duration: 1 Turn

Defense SpellsGlittering Mail (Metal)The Warrior gets 2 points of armor as long as his Toughness bonus from armor is less then +3. Each Warrior may have this spell cast on them Once per Turn.

Target: One Warrior on the same Board Section.Duration: 1 Turn

Flash (Light)One Monster loses an attack for 1 Turn on the same Board Section as the High Elf Mage.

Target: One MonsterDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsNatures Restoration (Life)One Warrior on the same Board Section as the High Elf Mage regains a lost Attribute point. This Spell may be cast Once per Turn.

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Target: One Warrior on the same Board SectionDuration: Permanent

Special SpellsSprinting Cat (Beast)One Warrior Gains double Movement

Target: Any WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #4Attack SpellsFlaming Sword of Ruin (Fire)The High Elf Mages sword bursts into flame. The sword does an extra 1D6 wounds.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Drain Magic (High)This Spell is Targeted at an Enemy Spell Caster. You may Cast it at 4, 5 or 6 Power. When Cast at 4 Power, the Enemy Caster discards all 6's for spell choice. If no dice are left after the discard, the spell attempt fails. For every Power you increase Drain Magic by, you add a +1 to the discard score. So at 5 Power, the Enemy caster discards 5's and 6's, at 6 power the Enemy discards 4's, 5's or 6's.

Target: Enemy Spell CasterDuration: 1 Turn

Defense SpellsWalk Between the Worlds (High)The High Elf Mage becomes near insubstantial, counting as having +3 Toughness and is -1 to hit against Melee and Missile attacks from nonmagical weapons. Against Spells and Magic Weapons he only counts as having +1 Toughness and is hit as normal. the High Elf Mage may not make any physical attacks in this state, but may still spell cast.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Pelt of Darkness (Shadow)Every time the High Elf Mage is struck roll 1D6, on a 6 the attack misses him completely.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsPattern Mending (High)One Warrior is Healed 3 Wounds plus how many extra Power the High Elf Mage puts into the Spell (Maximum of 3 Extra Power) to a Maximum of 6 Wounds Healed.

Target: Any WarriorDuration: Immediate

Special SpellsDispel Magic (High)May be cast once against each incoming spell. Roll 1D6 for each. If you score a 3+ the target

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spell is prevented from working. Spell(s) that have been cast successfully may then be Dispelled if you have the Power do to so, either Spells cast on other Warriors or Spells that help Enemy Casters may be Dispelled in this manner.

Target: Any or all incoming SpellsDuration: Immediate

Second Sign (Heavens)This Spell gives 1D3 rerolls for the Turn. They may be split up between the Warriors or given to one Warrior. This Spell may be cast Once per Turn.

Target: Any 1 to 3 WarriorsDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #5Attack SpellsBlinding Brightness (Light)All Monsters on the same Board Section as the High Elf Mage have their WS reduced to 1.

Target: All Monsters on same Board Section as the MageDuration: 1 Turn

Father of Thorns (Life)Tangling Briars sprout up on the Same Board Section as the Caster, effecting a Monster up to 3 Squares away, the Monster takes 2D6 plus the Battle Level of the Caster in damage and has their movement reduced to 1.

Target: Monster on the Same Board SectionDuration: 1 Turn

Banishment (High)All adjacent Deamons and Undead take the High Elf Mages Battle Level x 2 in unmodified Wounds

Target: All Deamons and Undead adjacent to the MageDuration: Immediate

Defense SpellsSoul of Iron (Metal)One Warrior this turn reduces all damage done to him by 2. Each Warrior may have this spell cast on them once per Turn.

Target: Any WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Fire Aura (Fire)The Mage is Surrounded with wreathing flames. Any Monster Striking the Mage in melee takes 1D6 plus Battle Level in damage.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsLife Leech (Death)Cast on any Warrior. That Warrior now Gains back 1 Wound for Every Wound he causes in Melee. Up to the maximum Wounds of the creature he kills.

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Target: Any WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Special SpellsPortent from Afar (Heavens)All Warriors on the same Board Section reroll all 1's.

Target: All Warrior on the same Board SectionDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #6Attack SpellsLighting Fork (Heavens)Pick two areas of 2 squares that are adjacent to each other (total of 4 squares) but the areas themselves must be at least once square apart. Any models in these Squares takes 1D6 Wounds with no reductions.

Target: 2 areas of 2 squares adjacent with at least one square separating them.Duration: Immediate

Rage of the Bear (Beast)Pick any Warrior. This Warrior gets +2 Strength, +1 Attack, +2 WS and +1 Toughness. Each Warrior may have this spell cast on them once per Turn.

Target: Any WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Fickle Magic Fortune (High)All Enemy Spellcasters must reroll all attack, damage and Dispel attempts and take the lesser of the two results.

Target: All Enemy SpellcastersDuration: 1 Turn

Defense SpellsCurtain of Night (Shadow)All Missile fire at the Warriors need 6's to hit.

Target: All WarriorsDuration: 1 Turn

Wind of Missile Redirection (Life)All Missile Fire that Hits the Mage this turn Hits any Monsters Adjacent to him instead. If there are no Monsters Adjacent to him, then the Mage is hit as normal.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsIshas Blessing (High)All Warriors Gain the ability Regenerate (3) for 3 Turns. This will not work if they are reduced to 0 Wounds or already have Regeneration abilities or items.

Target: All WarriorsDuration: 3 Turns

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Special SpellsIron Bridge (Metal)

This Spell makes a bridge across a Pit, Chasm or other type of gap in the floor. The Mage may pay One Power per Turn to Maintain.

Target: any 1 area square wide section spanning a Pit, Chasm or other kind of holeDuration: 1+ Turns

Casting #7Attack SpellsDragons Fire (Fire)Pick three squares that are adjacent to the High Elf Mage. Any Models in these Squares take 1D6 plus Battle Level of the Mage in unmodified Wounds.

Target: Three adjacent squares to the MageDuration: Immediate

Searing Light (Light)All Monsters adjacent to the Mage take the Mages Battle Level in unmodified wounds and are -1 attack for 1 Turn from temporary blindness.

Target: All Monsters Adjacent to the MageDuration: Immediate (Blindness 1 Turn)

Defense SpellsGlamour of Teclis (High)All Warriors are filled with courage, fortitude and have a truly fearsome appearence while this spell lasts. All Warriors are immune to Fear and Terror and their Toughness is increased by +2. All Warriors are -1 to be Hit due to their fearsome visage.

Target: All WarriorsDuration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsLife Tap (Death)Cast on one Monster. For every Wound the Monster takes the Mage Heals the same amount (up to Mages Battle Level or maximum wounds of the monster, whichever is lower). He also gains the same amount of Power (up to Mages Battle Level or maximum wounds of the Monster, whichever is lower) for the Next Magic Phase. The High Elven Mage may Maintain this Spell by paying three Power per Turn.

Target: One MonsterDuration 1+ Turns

Special SpellsShadowy Lurker (Shadow)All Warriors may move 4 squares, ignoring Pinning. They may also move through obsticles, around wall corners, through Monsters and other Warriors as well, but must end their move in an empty square.

Target: All WarriorsDuration: Immediate

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Magical Unmaking (High)The High Elf Mage casts this spell on any Monster. The Magic Items, Weapons and Armor are all revealed to the High Elf Mage. He may choose one of them to permanently destroy, the Monster may no longer use it nor gain benefits from it.

Target: Magic Item, Weapon or Armor of a MonsterDuration: Permanent

Casting #8Attack SpellsKhaines Fury (High)The Mage rolls 2d6 plus Battle Level in Wounds which may be divided between up to three Monsters on the same Board Section as the Mage. The Wounds are unmodified.

Target: 1-3 Monsters on the same Board SectionDuration: Immediate

Thunderbolt (Heavens)Choose one monster on the Board. This Monster takes 3D6 plus Battle Level in unmodified Wounds.

Target: Any One MonsterDuration: Immediate

Feast of the Crows (Beast)Pick a 2x2 square area that is within 12 squares of the Mage. All models in this area take 2D6 plus Battle Level in Wounds and may not fire missile weapons this turn.

Target: 2x2 square areaDuration: Immediate

Defense SpellsWeight of Lead (Metal)All Monsters on the same Board Section as the Mage are -1 to hit. This spell may be cast once per turn.

Target: All Monsters on the same Board Section.Duration: 1 Turn

Healing SpellsCleansing Radiance (Light)Cast on One Adjacent Warrior. Removes all temporary and permanent effects on his attributes.

Target: One Warrior that is AdjacentDuration: Permanent

Special SpellsHyenas Meekness (Beast)Pick One Monster on the Same Board Section as the Mage. This Monster no longer causes Fear or Terror and loses its Deamonic Aura. Meanwhile all Monsters on the same Board Section are -1 to hit the Mage for 1 Turn.

Target: One Monster on the same Board SectionDuration: Permanent (1 Turn for the -1 to hit)

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Casting #9Attack SpellsReapers Retribution (Death)Cast on One Warrior. Keep track of how many Wounds the Warrior takes this round. When the Monsters Phase is over, this is how many Wounds the Warrior gives to each Monster adjacent to the Warrior (normal Modifiers). This Spell works even if the Warrior in question is reduced to 0 Wounds.

Target: Any One WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Screaming Flames (Fire)A Burning, Screaming Head roars and streaks in a straight line 6 squares long starting from a square adjacent from the Mage. Any Models caught in the Screaming Flames path take 4D6 plus Battle Level in Wounds (normal Modifiers).

Target: 6 square lineDuration: 1 Turn

Defense SpellsShadow Form (Shadow)The Mage may not be targeted by anything except magic this round. He may Cast Spells as normal but he may not attack any other way. If he uses an Attack Spell, then he may be targeted as normal.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #10Attack SpellsPhoenix Fire (High)The Mage casts this spell on all Monsters on the Board. The Monsters take 1D6 plus Battle Level in Wounds (normal Modifiers). The Mage may Maintain this spell by paying 3 Power per Turn. There is no limit to how long he can make the spell last as long as he pays the Power Cost per Turn. Every Turn he maintains the spell, add another Battle Level in Wounds to the damage. So on Turn 2 the Monsters would take 1D6 plus the Mages Battle Level x2. On Turn 3, 1D6 plus Battle Level x3, etc.

Target: All MonstersDuration: 1+ Turns

Steel Monarch (Metal)This Spell is cast on One Warrior. When a Monster attacks the Warrior in question and rolls a miss, he hits himself instead. Do normal Damage.

Target: Any WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Defense SpellsSolar Radiance (Light)All Monsters that hit the Mage take 1d6 plus Battle Level in Wounds. No Missiles may be fired at the Mage and Spells can only be directed at him if the enemy first rolls 4+ on 1D6.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

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Healing SpellsShadow Step (Shadow)Stepping through a Conjured Shadowy Doorway, the Mage may reappear anywhere on the same Board Section he wishes. He may only appear in the following Turn, or wait longer if he likes, but must appear 2 Turns after casting Shadow Step. He is Healed of all Wounds when he reappears.

Target: MageDuration: 1 Turn

Casting #11Attack SpellsApocalypse (Fire)Cast on all Monsters on the same Board Section. All the Monsters in question take 1D6 plus Battle Level in Wounds (unmodified). The Caster roll 1D6, the GM rolls 1D6. If the Gm rolls higher or equal, the spell ends, if the Caster rolls Higher, the Spell take effect again. Keep rolling till the Caster rolls lower then the GM of they tie.

Target: All Monster on the same Board SectionDuration: Immediate

Replay Death (Death)Cast on all Monsters on the same Board Section as the Mage. This Spell doesnt take effect till all Warriors have taken their Turn. Tally up the largest total amount of Wounds done to One Monster. You may now make another Monster on the same Board Section as the Mage take the same Damage (unmodified).

Target: All Monsters on the same Board Section (then One Monster on the same Board Section)Duration: The Turn it is Cast

Healing SpellsRecall Spirit (Life)With this spell you may ressurrect a dead Warrior, even one thats been dead several turns. In returning to life the Warrior regains all attribute losses (from Poison, Weeping Blades, etc) and is at full wounds. He loses all money upon return. All Items are gone as well, save one that he may keep upon returning to life.

Target: One Dead WarriorDuration: Permanent

Casting #12Attack SpellsStorm (Heavens)The Mage first rolls 1D6 per battle Level, plus his Battle Level in Wounds. He then rolls 1D6. This is how many Monsters he may hit with the spell. He may divide the Wounds on any Monsters that he chooses to hit with the spell any way he sees fit.

Target: Any 1-6 MonstersDuration: Immediate

Master of Stone (High)The very Earth trembles and shifts at the High Elf Mages command. All Monsters on the Board must pass an initiative check or fall into opening cracks and be crushed to death, those that pass may not move in their turn. You may also cast this spell to clear out the 'Cave In' Event.

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Target: All Monster on the BoardDuration: Immediate

Power of Khaine (High)Cast on One Warrior. The Warrior gains +3 Strength, +3 Toughness, +1 Attack, +2 WS and is immune to Fear and Terror. Note: The Mage may not cast this on himself.

Target: Any One WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Special SpellsAsuryans Guiding Hand (High)One Warrior may Reroll all dice rolls this Turn and take the best Results.

Target: Any One WarriorDuration: 1 Turn

Ishas Fortune (High)You May cast this Spell right after a Treasure Card is found and draw another of the same type. Only usable in Dungeon Rooms and Objective Rooms.

Target: MageDuration: Immediate

-Roleplaying Modifiers-

Action ModifierBarge Aside -2Bluff Enemies +1Climb on Shoulders -1Climb Wall -1Construction -1Crawl 0Difficult Shot 0Disarm Enemy 0Distract Enemy 0Duck 0Fight Defensively --Hide 0Hold Door -1Identify +4Improvise Weapon 0Interrogate 0Jump 0Kick Over 0Leap 0Lift Trapdoor -1Listen at Door +2Loosen/Tie Bonds 0Make Bandages 0Make Rope 0Move Heavy Objects -2Pick Lock -3

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Play Dead +1Read +4Search Object +2Search Room +2Start Fire -1Stun Enemies 0Swing on Rope -1Take Cover --Understand Speech +3Wait/Interrupt --Wedge Door 0

High Elf Mage Battle Level Table

Battle DamLevel Gold Title WS BS Str Dice T Wnds I A Luck WP P 1 0 Student 3 5+ 3 1 3 1D6+6 5 1 0 3 4+ 2 2000 Chosen of Isha 3 5+ 3 1 3 2D6+6 5 1 1 3 4+ 3 4000 Chosen of Isha 3 5+ 3 1 3 2D6+6 6 1 1 4 4+ 4 8000 Chosen of Isha 4 5+ 3 1 3 3D6+6 6 1 2 4 3+ 5 12000 Favored of Isha 4 4+ 4 2 3 3D6+6 6 2 2 4 3+ 6 18000 Favored of Isha 4 4+ 4 2 4 4D6+6 6 2 2 5 3+ 7 24000 Favored of Isha 5 4+ 4 2 4 4D6+6 6 2 2 5 3+ 8 32000 Favored of Isha 5 4+ 4 2 4 5D6+6 7 2 3 5 3+ 9 45000 Ishas Champion 5 3+ 4 3 4 5D6+6 7 3 3 6 2+ 10 50000 Ishas Champion 5 3+ 4 3 4 6D6+6 8 3 4 6 2+

This class was put together by Max Iloff. It does not challenge Games Workshop in any way as to the foundations upon which the class was constructed. This class is meant for non-commercial use and for all to share for free.

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Page 21: Starting as a High Elven Mage - Warhammer elf Mage.pdf · The High Elves are led by two leaders: ... High Elven Mage and Equipment The High Elf Mage
Page 22: Starting as a High Elven Mage - Warhammer elf Mage.pdf · The High Elves are led by two leaders: ... High Elven Mage and Equipment The High Elf Mage