state after statism ppt

The State a(er Sta*sm: New state Ac*vi*es in the Age of Liberalism The State Also Rises: The Roots of Contemporary State Ac*vism Edited by Jonah D. Levy KDI School of Public Policy and Management Globaliza(on and Na(onal Iden(ty Present by Bronh Sopheana Date: Nov 20, 2013

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The  State  a(er  Sta*sm:  New  state  Ac*vi*es  in  the  Age  of  Liberalism  

The  State  Also  Rises:  The  Roots  of  Contemporary  State  Ac*vism    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Edited  by  Jonah  D.  Levy  

KDI  School  of  Public  Policy  and  Management  

Globaliza(on  and  Na(onal  Iden(ty  

Present  by  Bronh  Sopheana        Date:  Nov  20,  2013  

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About  the  Editor    

Career    Background  •  Professor  of  Poli*cal  Science  •  Director  of  Undergraduate  Affairs    •   Vice  Chair  Department  of  Poli*cal  


Educa*on  Background  •  Ph.  D.  in  Poli*cal  Science,  

MassachuseQs  Ins*tute  of  Technology  in  1994  Contact  :  

Email:    [email protected]  

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The  Role  of  State  is  Exis*ng  in  Globaliza*on  Era?  

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Modern  Capitalism  

•  The  Changing  Balance  of  Public  and  Private  Powers  

•  Planning  Allows  Public  Authori*es  to  Control  and  Direct  Private  Enterprise  without  taking  ownership.      Andrew  Shonfield,  1963  in  BBC  Program:  The  Na*on  

Tomorrow  (far  right)  

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Role  of  State:  The  Differences    

Modern  Capitalism     Globaliza*on  and  Liberaliza*on    

-­‐  Management  of  Economic  System    -­‐  Keynesian  Demand  S*mulus  -­‐  Taming  of  the  Violence  of  the  

Market    -­‐  Increase  innova*on  and  workers  

training  -­‐  Intellectual  coherence:  Long  term  


-­‐  Repairing  the  variety  of  Capitalism    -­‐  Make  employment  friendly  

environment  -­‐  Changing  regular  frameworks  for  

transna*onal  trades  -­‐  Expend  market  compe**ons  in  

industry  and  services    

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Threats  to  Stats  Interven*on  

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Source  of  State  Resilience    

l  State  has  not  changed  so  much:  trade  integra*ons,  poli*cal-­‐ideological  realm  (  Berger  et  al.,  1996)  

l  Demand  of  changing  is  not  much,  ci*zens  did  not  want  to  change,  but  governments  themselves  (S.  Vogel,  1999;  Pierson,  1994)  

l  The  constrains  on  the  stats  have  grown,  but  it  is  just  a  small  adjustment  (GarreZ,  1998a;  Mosley,  2003):  Keynesian  demand  s*mula*ons    

l  New  development  is  the  path  dependence.    

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Intellectual  Antecedents  

l  Ins*tu*ons  have  changed  con*nuously  (Streeck  and  Thelen,  2005)  

l  Market  making  is  a  state  ac*vi*es  (Polanyi,  1944)  

l  An  emerging,  enabling  perspec*ve  on  globaliza*on  (Paul,  Ikenbery,  and  Hall,  

2003;  Weiss  2003c)  

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Sources  of  Contemporary  State  Ac*vism  

New  Missions  of  State  respond  to  Globaliza*on  and  Liberaliza*on    

Ø  Economic  Change  

Ø  US  and  EU  have  used  the  lure  of  market  access  to  impose  desire  change  on  

developing  country  

Ø  New  policy  to  solve  the  crisis  of  Mass  Produc*ons;  only  state  can  handle  risks.  

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Sources  of  Contemporary  State  Ac*vism  (Con’t)  

Ø  Technological  Change:  Digital  Revolu*on  and  Telecommunica*on    Ø  Property  Right  in  digital  informa*on    Ø  Privacy    Ø  Free  speech    Ø  Maintain  Social  Norm    Ø  Etc  

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Sources  of  Contemporary  State  Ac*vism  (Con’t)  

Ø  Societal  Change:  Decline  of  Deference  and  the  Farwell  to  Materialism    Ø  Bri*sh  Policy  Changes:  Industrial  to  Educa*on,  Financial  policy    Ø  Women  in  Labour  Market:  Changing  labour  policy      

Ø  Poli*cal-­‐Ideological  Change:  Economic  Liberaliza*on    Ø  New  policy  of  state  respond  to  liberaliza*ons:  France,  Japan,  Holland,  Germany    Ø  New  influen*al  policy  of  WTO    


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State  Coordina*on  Vs.  Employer  Coordina*on  l  Varie*es  of  Capitalism  (LME  &  CME)  :  The  firm-­‐centered  economy  

(Hall  and  Soskie  2001a,  2001b).  

 “This  is  a  firm  centered  poli(cal  economy  that  regards  

 companies  as  the  crucial  actors  in  a  capitalist  economy”  

l  The  authors  in  this  book  claimed  that  firms  cannot  be  the  center  


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l Globaliza*on  and  new  technologies,  are  pressing  for  a  rollback  of  state    regula*on  in  the  economy    

l State  ac*vism  has  shihed,  rather  than  simply  eroded.    

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