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  • 8/8/2019 Statistics in Cost Analysis


    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Quantitative Risk Analysis inBudgeting and Cost Analysis

    John C. GoodpastureSquare Peg Consulting

    [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 Statistics in Cost Analysis


    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Budgets are estimates

    There are no facts about thefuture, only estimates

    Simple budget estimates do not

    account for riskRisk is handled by estimating the

    impact of uncertainties on futurecash flows (uses of funds andsources of funds)

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Terms in risk-managed budgeting

    Discounting takes into account the risks of

    receiving or paying funds in the futureExpected Value takes into account the

    uncertainty of estimate

    Net Present Value cash value at time zero(now)

    Internal Rate of Return discount required

    for NPV = 0Economic Value Add (EVA) profit-based

    calculation of discounted value

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Capital budgeting*Present value (PV) = Value at future date * Discount factorDiscount factor = 1/(1-k)n where n is the number of accounting periods between the

    present and the future and k is the cost of capital factor

    Net Present Value (NPV) = PV of cash inflows - PV of cash outflows

    $ Inflows

    $ OutflowsTime

    Economic Value Add = After-tax operating income - k (Capital invested)

    where k is the cost of capital rate, %

    Expected Monetary Value = $OutcomeNth * ProbabilityNthfor all possible outcomes

    *The flow of cash and not expenses

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    PM influences NPV via the project


    First, the value of money decays over time. This

    decay is due to the effects of inflation, the uncertaintythat future flows will continue or begin, and the

    uncertainty that a better investment is available

    elsewhere. In all cases, the present value is morethan the future value.

    Second, the value of the project is the netof the present value of all the cash outlays forinvestment and inflows from operations and


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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved


    Future benefits are discounted to thepresent to account forRISK in the future.


    $ Benefits, Expected Value

    NPV is the benefits + investment in the present value.IRR is the discount rate that makes NPV equal to $0.

    $ Investment

    {present values}

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Two-dimensional risks


    Future Time

    Estimate Uncertainty

    Discount forInflation

    Risk of getting paid

    Capital cost

    Denied opportunity

    Market uncertainty

    Distribution of estimate


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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    PV table

    Year 0 1 2 3 4

    5% 1.0 0.952 0.907 0.864 0.823

    8% 1.0 0.926 0.857 0.794 0.735

    12% 1.0 0.893 0.797 0.712 0.636

    13% 1.0 0.885 0.783 0.693 0.613

    14% 1.0 0.877 0.769 0.675 0.592


    PV = Value before discount * factor at intersection of

    Discount and Year

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    NPV example$500 investment made now, that

    yields a $1000 benefit 2 years fromnow, at a discount factor of 12%,has an NPV of $?.

    Answer: From the table of present values, find the factor

    for 12% 2 years from now; multiply the FV by the factorto get the PV; net with the investment

    -$500 + 1000 * 0.797 = $297

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    NPV example

    Mathematically:$297 = -$500/(1 + 12%)0 +$1000/(1 + 12%)2

    $297 = -$500 + $797

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    NPV and EVA in project


    A valuable project has positive, or atworst $0, NPV

    A valuable project must earn back more

    than, or at worst equal, the cost of thecapital invested: EVA > $0

    Discount rate used in NPV and EVA for

    project approval is the hurdle rateIRR is the maximum discount rate for

    EVA or NPV = $0

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Pauls project

    $500K investment required

    12.8% hurdle rate

    $700K+ benefit stream estimated

    over 5 yearsIs this a good deal?

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Pauls project, NPVPaul's Project



    InvestmentBenefits Face

    ValueBenefits PresentValue @ 12.8%

    PV Cash Flow

    0 ($500.00) ($500.00)

    1 $141.46 $125.41 ($374.59)

    2 $141.46 $111.18 ($263.42)3 $141.46 $98.56 ($164.85)

    4 $141.46 $87.38 ($77.48)

    5 $141.46 $77.46 ($0.01)

    Totals ($500.00) $707.30 $499.99 ($0.01)

    NPV = $0; IRR is 12.8%

    A-risk-neutral investor would take $0 or the project opportunityindifferently

    Spreadsheet add-in Resolver will iteratively solve for benefits giventhe investment and hurdle rate.

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved


    AlternativeCompetingfor Capital

    AlternativeCompetingfor Capital

    EVANet Cash

    Benefits fromProject

    Opportunity CostofCapital




    CE x discount rate = CCECapital Employed to Execute a Project

    EVA = (Present value of after-tax earnings) (Benefits from the next bestcompeting opportunity)

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Pauls project EVA Depreciate $500K annually at $100K per year, discount

    rate 12.8%

    Depreciation Schedule for Paul's Project$000

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

    $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 Depreciation

    $500.00 $400.00 $300.00 $200.00 $100.00Capital employed


    12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80%Cost of capital rate


    $64.00 $51.20 $38.40 $25.60 $12.80 $192.00Cost of capitalemployed (CCE) =

    CE x CCR

    $56.74 $40.24 $26.75 $15.81 $7.01 $146.55 PV CCE

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Paul's Project Plan with EVA = $0$000

    Outlays shown as ($000), Discount factor 12.8%

    Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTAL

    ($500.00) Investment

    $56.74 $40.24 $26.75 $15.81 $7.01 $146.55 PV CCE

    $29.31 $29.31 $29.31 $29.31 $29.31 $146.55 PV after-taxearnings

    ($27.43) ($10.93) $2.56 $13.50 $22.50 $0.00PV EVA

    $33.06 $37.29 $42.07 $47.45 $53.53 $213.40 FV after-taxearnings

    $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 FVdepreciation

    $133.06 $137.29 $142.07 $147.45 $153.53 $713.40 FV cashbenefits

    ($500.00) $117.96 $107.90 $98.99 $91.08 $84.07 $0.00 NPV cashbenefits

    Project goal

    NPV of Net Cash Flow = EVA of after-tax earnings

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Present value of EVA of cashearnings and NPV of cash flow areequal!

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Risk analysis in expense (cost)


    1. Begin with WBS

    2. Use decision trees to evaluate EMV ofalternatives in each WBS, asappropriate

    3. For uncertain cost elements, estimatea distribution

    4. Obtain PV of all EVs5. Sum EVs and deterministic costs for

    project estimate

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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Project WBS

    Project NEW PRODUCT

    Product Design2

    PM Office

    1 SoftwareDevelopment3

    Integration andTest



    Training and


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    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    3-point estimate and the error of

    Most Likely

    $41Total WBS2,3,4

    $23$15$114. Integration &Test

    $35$20$163. SW Design


    2. Product



    OptimisticWBS Element

    Project Cost Estimates and Ranges


    All WBS cost estimates are PV

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    EV is a better estimate


    (14% greater than Most Likely)

    $41Total WBS 2,3,4

    $16.33$154. Integration &Test

    $23.67$203. SW Design

    $6.67$62. Product Design

    Expected Value*Most LikelyWBS Element

    Project Cost Estimates and Ranges


    Triangular distribution assumed

    *The EMV from a decision tree outcome for a WBS element

    would go in this column

  • 8/8/2019 Statistics in Cost Analysis


    Square Peg ConsultingCopyright 2001, all rights reserved

    Whats been learned?

    Capital budgeting is about cashflow

    NPV and EVA are equivalent

    Good projects have positive NPVand EVA

    EV math reduces risk of WBS costestimates