steav jobs project

Anassignment of personality developement Submitted to, Mr. Jay Rawat Submitted by, Name Roll NO Amar s Bhavsar [01] & Para college of business Administration copyright c

Post on 15-Sep-2014




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about personality of steav jobs


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Anassignment of personality developement

Submitted to,

Mr. Jay Rawat

Submitted by,

Name Roll NO

Amar s Bhavsar [01]


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Nayak Jigar [16]

Born: 24 February 1955

Died: 5 October 2011 (cancer)

Birthplace: San Francisco, California

Best known as:The co-founder of Apple computers

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Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in the city of San Francisco. His biological mother was either an unwed graduate student named Joanne Simpson, and his biological father was a political science or mathematics professor, a native Syrian named Abdulfattah John Jandali. Being born out of wedlock in the puritan America of the 1950s, the baby was put up for adoption. Joanne had a college education, and she insisted that the future parents of her boy be just as well educated. Unfortunately, the candidates, Paul and Clara Jobs, did not meet her expectations: they were a lower-middle class couple that had settled in the Bay Area after the war. Paul was a machinist from the Midwest who had not even graduated from high school. In the end, Joanne agreed to have her baby adopted by them, under the firm condition that they later send him to college.Paul and Clara called their son Steven Paul. While Steve was still a toddler, the couple moved to the Santa Clara county, later to be known as Silicon Valley. They adopted another baby, a girl called Patti, three years later in 1958.

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Steve was quite a turbulent child. He really didn’t care about school for some time — until he reached the 4th grade, and had Imogene “Teddy” Hill as a teacher.

She was one of the saints of my life. She taught an advanced fourth grade class, and it took her about a month to get hip to my situation. She bribed me into learning.

She did bribe him, with candy and $5 bills from her own money. He quickly became hooked — so much so that he skipped the 5th grade and went straight to middle school, namely Crittenden Middle School. It was in a poor area. Most kids did not work much there, they were rather fond of bullying other kids, such as the young Steve.

One day he came home and declared that if he wasn’t transferred to another school, he would stop going to school altogether. He was 11. Paul and Clara complied, and the Jobses moved to the cozier city of Los Altos, so that Steve could go to Cupertino Junior High. This proved to be decisive for Steve’s future.

Palo Alto home

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2101 Waverley Street,Palo Alto, CA 94301.

Steve bought his Palo Alto home in the mid-1990s, after his marriage with Laurene Powell. The house is the British country style, it fits beautifully with the rest of this quiet neighborhood — and certainly does not stand out as the house of a high-tech/media mogul. From people who have seen it, the house is lightly furnished, but much more so than Steve's bare Woodside mansion during his bachelor days. Steve lived in this house for twenty years, and died there on October 5, 2011, surrounded by his family.

Private jet

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Steve Jobs's private jet was offered to him by the Apple board when he officially became the company's CEO, in January 2000. It is a Gulfstream V Jet, worth over $40 million (total cost for Apple: $88 million). The 2009 SEC investigation revealed that "He brought up the idea: 'What I really need is a plane where I can take my family to Hawaii on vacation, go to the East Coast.' and the board agreed". Larry Ellison supposedly declared, "With what he's done, we ought to give him five airplanes!"

Steve reportedly worked hard on customizing his airplane, for over a year. According to Isaacson's biography, he used Ellison's plane as a starting point and made a number of improvements, such as changing the polished stainless steel of the buttons to replace them with brushed metal ones. "I look at his airplane and mine, and everything he changed was better," said Ellison in the book.

5 Keys To Success From Steve Jobs

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“Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’

opinions drowned your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly

want to become.” 

You’re Running Out of Time – Use It Wisely

Steve Jobs channels Buddhist monks from all over the world for this piece of advice. We barely ever really think about how little time we have on this planet. That within a blink of an eye everything could be gone.The Buddha recognized this fact and used it as one of his motivations for enlightenment.Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come.Start right now, in this instance, to work on your success.Dreaming of it. Crafting it. Creating it.Don’t wait for the kids to go off to college, the stars to align, or until everything is just right.

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Don’t Live Someone Else’s LifeIf you truly buy into Steve’s first key to success. Or you’ve recently had tea with the Dalai Lama and he swayed you to the dark side of realizing that we all have a fixed amount of time, then why would you waste it living someone else’s life.You’ve got dreams of your own. They may have been beaten into silence, but you know they’re still there. Waiting patiently for you to remember them. To nurture them. And have the courage to share them with the world.

Break Free From DogmaAccording to wikipedia: “Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed.”

I don’t mean to come back to Buddha, but he had this to say about Dogma, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

Is Steve Jobs Buddhist?

He seems to be really channeling him so far.

Have the courage to be yourself.

What are your dreams?

What do you want?

What make YOU happy?

Dive deep into the mystery and miracle of who you are. There’s never going to be another person like you on the face of this planet. EVER.

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Ignore Other People’s Opinions

Abraham Maslow said that the happiest people are the ones that are, “Oblivious of the good opinions of others.”

Now I don’t think Mr. Jobs is saying to steer clear of wise council. It’s good to have other people perspective on things. And I’m sure that apple has a lot of geniuses, clairvoyants and witch doctors to help Mr. Jobs divine the future.

But there’s a lot of people out there who will tell you that it can’t be done. Or you’re not the right person for the job. Or some other form of baloney.Thank them for their concern and keep pressing on with your dreams.Listen and ask for the opinions of people who have more experience than you. But keep far away from dream stealer’s.

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Follow Your Heart

So often we choose to ignore the “still small voice within.” We get that gut feeling. We know something is up.

We hear our dreams calling out to us but for whatever reason we suppress them, ignore them, and shove them down deep inside.

Maybe we’re trying to keep up with Jones’. Maybe we buy into the “get a good job, keep your head down, and work hard” story they sell us in school.

Whatever the reason the truth is when we stuff those dreams away and lock them deep within our hearts we suffer.

Silently we ache. An agony most of us take quietly to our graves.

The only cure is to dream again. To follow our hearts. To go where life is calling you. To run through fields of wide open possibility.

A quote I love and have adapted slightly from Frederick Buechner is, “Success is found through marrying the worlds deep hunger with your hearts deep gladness.”

It’s no wonder that Steve Jobs has been successful.

So what do you want to be successful at?

Ian – Your Success Wingman

Some nice Steve jobs quote-

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"Being the richest man in the cometary  doesn't matter to me, going to bed at night saying we have done something

wonderful,that's what matter to me"

         "For the past 33 years,I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself,"If today were the last day of my life,would i want to do what i am about to do today and whenever the answer has been no for many

days in a row i know i need to change something"

          "Your time is, so don't waste it living someone Else's life.don't be trapped by dogma.which is living with the result of other people's thinking.Don't let the noise of others opinion   drown out your inner voice and most important have the courage to follow your heart and


          "Your work is going to fill a target part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you

believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you haven't find yet keep

looking.Don't all with matters of the heart,you will know when you find it."

Jobs and Apple

At 20, he and a friend (Steve Wozniak) started a company in a garage on April 1, 1976. Later that year, the duo debuted the Apple I at the Homebrew Computer Club in

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Palo Alto, California. A local store offered to buy 50 machines and to finance the production, the duo had to sell their most expensive possesions. Jobs sold his Volkswagen van while Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard scientific calculator.

Jobs named their company – Apple in memory of a happy summer he had spent as an orchard worker in Oregon.

By 1982 however, his company sales sagged in the face of competition from IBM’s new PC. Jobs and Wozniak unveiled their new creation, Lisa to increase the company’s bottom line, only to be another expensive failure.

Not wanting to dwell on these successive failures, they worked on a new machine called the Macintosh. Jobs was reported to commandeered the project, ruthlessly pushing its computer engineers and flying a pirate flag above the building where the team worked.

By 1986 the Mac, which Jobs promised to be ‘insanely great’ was a huge success. After 10 years, starting from 2� kids working in a garage, Apple computer had grown into a $2 billion dollar company with over 4000 employees.

At 30 Jobs, however, was fired from the company he co-founded with Steve Wozniak. He left the company after losing a bitter battle over control with Apple’s CEO John Sculley (whom Jobs had recruited from Pepsi Cola).

Steve Jobs’ Contributions to the World

Steve Jobs was one of the greatest technological minds of our time and progressed, not only the U.S., but the entire world further than anyone could ever have imagined. Co-Founder and former CEO of Apple Corp., he will always remain a huge part of History. He passed away from pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 but his legacy will live on through his inventions.

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Jobs's revival and leadership of Apple will go down as one of the great examples of individual corporate leadership of the 20th (and likely the 21st century). The heroic tale of a single creative mind rescuing a brand, creating thousands of jobs, and bestowing wealth on employees in the midst of a turbulent era is an irresistible one.

Ask several people to name what they think Steve Jobs’ biggest contribution has been, and you will get a variety of responses. Sure, he has brought us some amazing innovations, and millions of us own (or want to own) them. There’s the iPod, the iPad, and the i-everything else!

But when you get down to it, it really wasn’t Jobs who did it alone—it was his team. But Steve did do one thing that started a positive trend that will last for decades or longer. And that contribution is so big, so important, that by some divine guidance it was inserted into his name. Steve created jobs.

And lots of them.

Pancreatic Cancer

In 2003, Jobs discovered that he had a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare but operable form of pancreatic cancer. Instead of immediately opting for surgery, Jobs chose to alter his pescovegetarian diet while weighing Eastern treatment options. For nine months Jobs postponed surgery, making Apple's board of directors nervous. Executives feared that shareholders would pull their stocks if word got out that their CEO was ill. But in the end, Jobs's confidentiality took precedence over

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shareholder disclosure. In 2004, he had a successful surgery to remove the pancreatic tumor. True to form, in subsequent years, Jobs disclosed little about his health.

Personal Life

Early in 2009, reports circulated about Jobs's weight loss, some predicting his health issues had returned, which included a liver transplant. Jobs had responded to these concerns by stating he was dealing with a hormone imbalance. After nearly a year out of the spotlight, Steve Jobs delivered a keynote address at an invite-only Apple event September 9, 2009.

In respect to his personal life, Steve Jobs remained a private man who rarely discloses information about his family. What is known is Jobs fathered a daughter with girlfriend Chrisann Brennan when he was 23. Jobs denied paternity of his daughter Lisa in court documents, claiming he was sterile. Jobs did not initiate a relationship with his daughter until she was 7 but, when she was a teenager, she came to live with her father.

Final Years

On October 5, 2011, Apple Inc. announced that co-founder Steve Jobs had died. He was 56 years old at the time of his death.

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