step 3: chapter 7 guided worksheet (created by parisa...

98 Part 2 Understanding Your Textbook Step 3: Chapter 7 Guided Worksheet (Created by Parisa Watson) Name: Period Date _ Directions: As you read the chapter, fill in the blanks on the guided worksheet. FIELD NOTE-DYING AND RESURRECTING 1. From Leningrad to Moscow there was evidence of on the landscape. There were a multitude of ' in ruins. 2. Culturally, the Soviet Union also espoused an official policy of _ 3. In remote corners of the Soviet Union, was practiced. 4. When the Soviet Union in 1991, Russians proved they had not forgotten their faith. The Russian church revived and were rebuilt and opened. WHAT IS RELIGION, AND WHAT ROLE DOES IT PLAY IN CULTURE? 5. is an extraordinarily difficult concept to define. The indifference to or rejection of formal religion is known as is an area where many of these countries are located. WHERE DID THE MAJOR RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD ORIGINATE, AND HOW DO RELIGIONS DIFFUSE? 6. religions worship one God, while polytheist religions maintain the belief in _______ Gods. religions are centered on the belief that objects such as mountains, boulders, rivers, and trees contain spirits and should therefore be revered. 7. was the first monotheistic religion and was located in Southwest Asia. 8. religions actively seek converts. 9. Name three universalizing religions: , and _ 10. In an religion adherents are born into the faith and converts are not actively sought. They tend to be spatially concentrated with the exception of _ whose adherents are widely scattered as a result of forced migration. 11. ranks third in terms of number of followers. It has no one official book. It is one of the oldest religions and began over years ago. It began in the _ River Valley, which is located in the present-day country of _ 12. Some define Hinduism as because of the presence of many gods. However, many Hindus define their religion as _

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Page 1: Step 3: Chapter 7 Guided Worksheet (Created by Parisa Watson) · 98 Part2 UnderstandingYourTextbook Step 3: Chapter

98 Part 2 Understanding Your Textbook

Step 3: Chapter 7 Guided Worksheet (Created by Parisa Watson)

Name: Period Date _Directions: As you read the chapter, fill in the blanks on the guided worksheet.


1. From Leningrad to Moscow there was evidence of on the landscape. There werea multitude of ' in ruins.

2. Culturally, the Soviet Union also espoused an official policy of _3. In remote corners of the Soviet Union, was practiced.4. When the Soviet Union in 1991, Russians proved they had not forgotten

their faith. The Russian church revived and were rebuilt and opened.


5. is an extraordinarily difficult concept to define. The indifference to orrejection of formal religion is known as is an area where many ofthese countries are located.


6. religions worship one God, while polytheist religions maintain the belief in_______ Gods. religions are centered on the belief that objectssuch as mountains, boulders, rivers, and trees contain spirits and should therefore berevered.

7. was the first monotheistic religion and was located in Southwest Asia.8. religions actively seek converts.9. Name three universalizing religions: , and _10. In an religion adherents are born into the faith and converts are not actively

sought. They tend to be spatially concentrated with the exception of _whose adherents are widely scattered as a result of forced migration.

11. ranks third in terms of number of followers. It has no one official book. Itis one of the oldest religions and began over years ago. It began in the _River Valley, which is located in the present-day country of _

12. Some define Hinduism as because of the presence of many gods. However,many Hindus define their religion as _

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13. The Hindu religion is not centrally . It does not have a or a single_____ . The fundamental doctrine is _

14. Hinduism's doctrines are closely bound to Indian society's _15. Buddhism splintered from . The founder, ,spoke out against

the caste system. Like Christianity and Islam, it grew and diffused. There are manyBuddhists in countries such as . Other branches ofBuddhism include of Xizang (Tibet).

16. Buddhism is mixed with a local religion in Japan, where is found. It focusesparticularly on and ancestral worship.

17. Lao-Tsu is the founder of . It involves living in harmony with nature andgave rise to , the art and science of organizing living spaces inorder to channel the life forces that exist in nature in favorable ways. According to tradition,nothing should be done to nature without consulting the , people who know thedesires of the powerful spirits of ancestors, dragons, tigers, and other beings.

18. is mainly a philosophy oflife and is found in China and East Asia withConfucius as its founder. came to be revered as a spiritual leader after hisdeath. From his writings and sayings emerged the , a set of 13 texts thatbecame the focus of education in China for 2000 years.

19. The diffusion of Chinese religions even within China has been tempered by the _____ efforts to suppress religion in the country.

20. grew out of the belief system of the Jews, one of the several nomadic Semitictribes living in Southwest Asia about 4000 years ago. The roots of the religion lie in theteachings of , who united his people to worship God.

21. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the scattering 00 ews is referred to as the _The Jews who went north into Central Europe came to be known as ,and theJews who scattered across North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula were called

22. The idea of a homeland for the Jews in Israel is referred to as _23. can be traced back to the same hearth in the Mediterranean as Judaism,

and like Judaism, Christianity stems from a single founder, _24. The three branches of Christianity are and _

____ . List where each branch is found:

25. is the largest and globally the most widely dispersed religion. _______ is the largest sect of Christianity.

26. is the youngest of the main religions and can be traced to Muhammad.27. Adherents to Islam are required to observe the . Islam forbids

________ and . People build to observe the Fridayprayer and use for social gatherings.

28. The two main branches are and . Most areconcentrated in Iran.

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100 Part 2 Understanding Your Textbook

29. The hearth of the religion is (Figure 7.16).30. It ranks _in terms of number of followers. It is the growing of the world's major

religions.31. The largest Muslim country is actually outside the Middle East in the Southeast Asian

country of _32. An religion is local in scope, usually has a reverence for nature, and is

passed down through family units and groups.33. is a community faith in which people follow their a religious

leader, teacher, healer, and visionary. List where it is found (go back to Figure 7.6):


34. Religion marks cultural landscapes with houses of worship such as

35. When adherents voluntarily travel to a religious site to pay respects or participate in a ritualat a site, the act of travel is called a _

36. are places or spaces that people infuse with religious meaning.37. The ancient city of is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The most sacred

site for the Jews is the . For Christians, the Church of the HolySepulchre maintains the that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter. The ofthe is sacred for Muslims as it is the site at which Muhammad arrived fromMecca and then ascended into heaven.

38. Hindus believe that the erection of a bestows merit on the builder and will berewarded.As a result, the Hindu cultural landscape is dotted with countless _

39. When Buddha became enlightened, he sat under a large __ tree. Buddhists also haveshrines called that are bell-shaped structures. In terms of the dead, Hindusbelieve in _

40. The cultural landscape of Christianity includes items such as _41. In the United States, the are located in the South, the in the

upper Midwest, and the in Utah and surrounding areas.42. Minarets and mosques are associated with the faith.43. The Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the _


44. ________ are boundaries between the world's major faiths. Examples:

45. ________ are boundaries within a single faith. Examples:

46. The region of and is home to one of the most contentious religiousconflicts in the world today. The voted to partition Palestine.

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47. In Nigeria, the religion dominates in the north, and dominates inthe south.

48. A number of religious and linguistic fault lines run through the Peninsula. TheSlovenians and Croats in the west are and the Serbians and Montenegrans in theeast and south are ----

49. The term carne into use to describe the ouster of Bosnian Muslimsand others from their homes and lands-and sometimes their slaughter.

50. Today __ and Great Britain (which includes England, Scotland, and Wales) formthe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). In the face of worseningconflict, Catholics and in Northern Ireland increasingly distanced their livesand homes from one another.

51. is when religious leaders and their followers are seekingto return to the basics of their faith. It is borne out of frustration over the perceivedbreakdown of society's morals and , lack of religious authority, failure to achieveeconomic goals, a of a sense of local control, or a sense of violation of areligion's core territory.

52. is when religious fundamentalism is taken to the pointof violence.

53. Mel Gibson belongs to the , which does not recognize the Pope.Judaism has sects. The most conservative sect is . The and________ are followers of the late American -born Israeli Rabbi Meir Kahane and isan extremist group.

54. is another name used for Islamic holy war and is sought by Islamic extremists.