stereo-image rectification for dense 3d reconstruction in

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HAL Id: hal-02868209

Submitted on 15 Jun 2020

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L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non,émanant des établissements d’enseignement et derecherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou privés.

Stereo-image Rectification for Dense 3D Reconstructionin Scanning Electron Microscope

Andrey Kudryavtsev, Sounkalo Dembele, Nadine Piat

To cite this version:Andrey Kudryavtsev, Sounkalo Dembele, Nadine Piat. Stereo-image Rectification for Dense 3D Recon-struction in Scanning Electron Microscope. International Conference on Manipulation, Automationand Robotics at Small Scales, Jul 2017, Montréal, Canada. �hal-02868209�

Stereo-image Rectification for Dense 3DReconstruction in Scanning Electron Microscope

Andrey V. Kudryavtsev, Sounkalo Dembele and Nadine PiatFEMTO-ST, AS2M, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte,

Univ. de Franche-Comte/CNRS/ENSMM,24 rue Savary, F-25000 Besancon, FranceEmail: [email protected]

Abstract—Stereo rectification is a crucial step for a numberof computer vision problems and in particular for dense 3Dreconstruction which is a very powerful characterization tool formicroscopic objects. Rectification simplifies and speeds up thecorrespondence search in a pair of images: the search space isreduced to a horizontal line. It is mainly developed for perspectivecamera model: a projective transformation is found and appliedto both images. This paper addresses the rectification problemfor an image pair obtained with Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM). In this case, image formation is described by a parallelprojection, indeed perspective effects can be neglected becauseof the low value of the sample size over working distanceratio. Based on these hypotheses, a robust estimation of thefundamental matrix, that describes the geometry of the imagepair, is proposed. It filters out up to 50% of outliers in afeature correspondence set. Then, the matrix is used to developa rectification solution: the problem is reduced to two rotationsabout the optical axis of the camera. The solution is accurate anddoes not require any calibration of SEM. It is validated with twoimage pairs from two different field effect SEMs.


Dense 3D reconstruction is a very powerful tool allowingthe characterization of the microscopic objects, allowing tomeasure 3D object properties such as angles, surfaces orvolumes that cannot be directly retrieved from images. More-over, 3D reconstruction provides the three dimensional rangeinformation that helps users to perform micromanipulationtasks. The crucial step towards dense reconstruction is thesearch for correspondence for every pixel in a stereo image.Algorithms such as SIFT [1] and SURF [2] with furthermatching allow to obtain only a sparse correspondence setwhich is not enough in many cases. Another option is therealization of dense matching, which consists in a search ofcorrespondence for every pixel of the first image in the secondone to build a disparity map to recover the depth variation.In [3], the 3D reconstruction in SEM is estimated from twoimages obtained by tilting the object exactly about the verticalaxis of the image. However, when it is not true, the task ofdense matching becomes numerically complicated because thesearch space of correspondence represents the entire image.Nonetheless, it can be simplified by using various techniquesof rectification.

Rectification consists in warping two images in the com-mon plane (making them coplanar) to reduce the search ofcorrespondence to one dimension, i.e., to a horizontal line.

This technique is based on epipolar geometry which gives anumber of geometric constraints between the 3D points andtheir projections onto the 2D images. These constraints canbe rewritten mathematically in the form of 3× 3 fundamentalmatrix. Usually, these constraints are based on the assump-tion that camera model is perspective [4], [5] and then thegoal of rectification consists in applying a pair of projectivetransformations to the image pair. However, the model andthen rectification can be simplified regarding special imagingconditions, e.g., when the object is far away from the viewpoint, i.e., when the focal length is much bigger than the depthvariation of the object which is the case in Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM). For SEM, the perspective effects can beneglected and a parallel projection model can be used formagnification values bigger than ×1000, which is confirmedin the literature [6], [7], [8]. Such model assumes that allprojection rays are parallel, which means that all epipolar linesare parallel and the epipoles are at infinity [9].

Basically, rectification algorithms can be subdivided intotwo main classes depending on whether the cameras arecalibrated [10] or not [11]. In the case of parallel projection,the calibration is the subject of finding eight parameters,corresponding to eight degrees of freedom. Even if this subjectis well studied, the SEM intrinsic calibration can be verycomplex due to the following reasons. Firstly, in most casesit requires a calibration template, which often means a specialstep of fabrication of such object, which can be very expensiveand time consuming. Moreover, it is very difficult to guaranteethe quality of its fabrication, which has a profound impact onthe precision of the feature extraction algorithms. Secondly,the classic calibration [12] needs to be done offline, which canbe very restrictive in some applications where the calibrationobject cannot be placed in front of the camera once theoperation started. Thirdly, which includes partially the secondpoint, there is a problem of maintainability of calibrationparameters. In order to re-calibrate the camera, the mainoperation task should be stopped. Thus, in this paper we optfor the uncalibrated rectification.

The problem of rectification for parallel projection waspartially adressed in [13], [4]. Authors work with perspectivecameras and separate the task of rectification on two transfor-mations: projective and affine. They firstly find a projectivetransformation in order to reduce the rectification task to an









a) b)

Fig. 1. Equivalence between object motion and camera motion. a) object ismoving, camera is static, b) camera is moving, object is static.

affine one. The affine transformation represents scale, rotationand translation. All of these parameters are then found byusing optimization approaches.

Our contribution consists in the development of a directlinear rectification method for uncalibrated SEM. At ourknowledge, this topic has never been addressed in the lit-erature. The method is based on epipolar geometry, on thespecial form of the fundamental matrix in case of parallelprojection. A robust algorithm based on Least Median ofSquares is used for estimation of the affine fundamental matrixfor a pair of uncalibrated images. The rectifying transformationis then directly derived from the elements of this matrix.The image pair is obtained by moving the robot stage insideSEM. However, we consider that the object was static andthat the camera (SEM) performed the motion. It can be seenfrom Fig. 1 that these situations are equivalent.

The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion II presents the camera model and its properties. InSection III, a method for robust estimation of fundamentalmatrix is presented as well as the rectification algorithm.Section IV shows the results of algorithm application.


The parallel projection of a 3D point Q = (Qx, Qy, Qz, 1)>

(in homogeneous coordinates) to the image frame can bewritten as follows:

q = KΠcTwQ (1)

with K =

fx 0 00 fy 00 0 1

and Π =

1 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 0 1


fx and fy define the focal distances in x and y directionsof image frame. cTw denotes a 4 × 4 homogeneous matrixthat describes the transformation between world and cameraframes. It can be further decomposed in a rotation and trans-lation components,

cTw =


ctw01×3 1








Fig. 2. Geometry of motion between two images taken with SEM (left andright). Transformation betweenR1 andR2 is a composition of three rotationswith angles θ1, ρ, and θ2. Object motion is represented as a motion of camera(SEM).

The fact of parallel projection imposes the following proper-ties on the process of image formation. First, image is invariantto object displacement along the optical axis of the camera. Inother words, image is invariant to the distance between cameraand object, which is the case in SEM. For instance, movingthe sample closer to the electron beam or moving it awaywill not change the resulting 2D projection.Mathematically, itcan be proved as follows. Assume the object has performed adisplacement ∆Z along the optical axis, thus the value of Qz

has changed. As it can be seen from the Eq. 1 this value willalways be multiplied by zero because of the parallel projectionmatrix Π which has three zeros in the third column. As aresult, the depth coordinate is lost in the process of imageformation in case of parallel projection.

Secondly, the projection of the object is independent oftranslations in x and y directions of image frame if therelative coordinates are used both in 3D object frame andin camera frame [14]. If such translation is performed, onlythe position of the object in the image changes, but not thedisposition of its feature points. For any given reference point(qrx, q

ry)> in image frame and (Qr

x, Qry, Q

rz)> in world frame,

the expressions for relative coordinates (q in image frame andQ in a world frame) can be written as follows:(



(qx − qrxqy − qry







Qx −Qr


Qy −Qry

Qz −Qrz



Thus, for every camera, we can choose a reference point de-fined as the centroid of the set of points detected in this imageand furthermore work with relative coordinates. It results ina fact that the centroid of the 3D points in world frame isprojected into the centroid of the points in the image plane.The centroid of 3D points is considered having coordinates(0, 0, 0, 1)>.

These two properties allow to draw the following conclu-sions:• Parallel projection camera is invariant to translations

in image frame, relative coordinates can be used: alldetected interest points are translated into (0, 0, 1)>. Itmeans that the centroid of 3D points is in (0, 0, 0, 1)>.Therefore, in the relative coordinates, for all taken imagesz-axis of camera is pointing towards the same point, theworld origin;

• From the second property, as the object-camera distanceis chosen to be one for all views, all camera centers areat the same distance from the world origin.

Thus, when using relative coordinates, at every iteration ofmovement, the camera lies on the surface of the sphere(Fig. 2). It results in the fact that the following decompositionbetween two views is possible:

2R1 = Rz(θ2)Ry(ρ)R>z (θ1) (5)

This result is crucial for the purpose of rectification becauseto obtain the rectified image pair one has to apply a rotationto both image by angles θ1 and θ2, respectively. These angles,slope angles, can be directly derived from the special form ofthe fundamental matrix as it will be demonstrated further.


The presented algorithm of rectification is based on theproperties of epipolar geometry under parallel projection. Thenext two sections are devoted to the robust estimation ofthe fundamental matrix for SEM images and to image pairrectification. The developed algorithms do not require anycalibration of SEM. They are entirely based on exploitation ofthe set of correspondences obtained using standard techniquessuch as SIFT or SURF.

A. Robust estimation of affine fundamental matrix

In the case of parallel projection the fundamental matrix hasthe following form:

F =

0 0 a0 0 bc d e


where e is often taken as one, a,b,c,d are real numbers.The fundamental matrix is usually estimated from a set ofpoint correspondences obtained using SIFT or SURF featuredetectors with further matching. One of the methods dedicatedfor the estimation of this type of fundamental matrix is theGold Standard method [9]. It should be noted that one needsat least four point correspondences to find F. The GoldStandard algorithm comprises the following steps. Assume onecorrespondence is represented by the vector ci:

ci =(q′x, q

′y, qx, qy


Then, in order to work with relative coordinates all points arecentered in (0, 0)>:

ci = ci − c (8)

where c is the centroid of points computed as:

c =1



ci (9)

with N the total number of correspondences found. It allowsthe construction of N×4 matrix A with rows c>i . Then, if thesingular vector corresponding to the smallest singular value ofA is denoted as N, all five elements of F can be found using:

(a, b, c, d) = N>

e = −N>c(10)

The fundamental matrix is then obtained using Equation (6).The Gold Standard allows to find such fundamental matrix

that minimizes the residual error which represents the meandistance from all points to the corresponding epipolar lines:

εr =1




2 + d(qi,F>q′i)



where qi is the i-th feature extracted from the first image,q′i from the second image, d(·, ·) is the geometrical distance.The main drawback of this method is the lack of robustnesstowards the presence of outliers. Thus, we use this algorithminside the Least Median of Squared (LMedS) or RANSACschemes. Both methods are iterative and based on a randomselection on a subset for further model estimation. The goalof LMedS is to minimize the median of the squared errors.It is robust for the sets containing at least 50% of inliers.RANSAC algorithm seeks to maximize the number of featuresconsidered as inliers. In both cases, first, four correspondencesare chosen randomly from the whole set as fundamental matrixhas four degrees of freedom. Then, the fundamental matrixis estimated using Gold Standard algorithm and the median(LMedS) or the inliers fraction (RANSAC) is compared withthe values on previous iterations. These steps are repeated untilthe lowest median or the maximum number of inliers is found.The final version of the algorithm in case of LMedS schemeis summarized in Fig. 3.

B. Rectification

The goal of rectification for classical perspective camerasis often stated as follows: apply a perspective transformationto both images in order to make their optical axes paralleland their epipolar lines horizontal. However, in the case ofSEM parallel projection with constant magnification, as itwill be demonstated further, the condition may be formulatedin another way: to obtain a pair of rectified images, theonly necessary condition is the coplanarity of x axes of bothcameras.

As it can be seen from Fig. 2, there is a circle passingthrough the centers of both cameras and the world origin.This circle defines uniquely a plane πr from three points. Asa result, for images to be rectified, it is enough to apply arotation about optical axis in order to make x-axis of bothcameras tangent to this circle. As the position of cameras isconstrained by the epipolar geometry, the demanded rotation


Choose randomly 4 correspondences(minimal configuration)

Compute fundamental matrix Fusing Gold Standard algorithm

Get the error for all correspondences (Eq. 11)

Compute the median of error, m

m < mbest

mbest = m

Store F

Max iteration achieved?






Fig. 3. Algorithm of robust estimation of fundamental matrix for a SEMimage pair using Least Median of Squared (LMedS) scheme.

angle can be found using fundamental matrix. In fact, allepipolar lines are parallel between themselves and to theplane πr, which means that the needed rotation angle can becalculated as a slope of one of epipolar lines for both images:

θ1 = arctan


), θ2 = arctan



where a, b, c, d are the elements of the fundamental matrix.Knowing the slope angles, one can rectify the stereo-imageusing the algorithm presented below.

Next step consists in applying an affine transformation ofthe same form to both images. The transformation of the firstimage is:

T1 =

1 0 u0 1 v0 0 1

cos(θ1) sin(θ1) 0−sin(θ1) cos(θ1) 0

0 0 1

1 0 −u0 1 −v0 0 1


which represents the rotation by an angle θ about the imagecenter (u, v)>. The second transformation T2 is obtained byreplacing θ1 with θ2. After this transformation all epipolarlines are horizontal, however, they still need to be aligned


Brassica Cuttingtool

Images:size 854× 680 2048× 1536

Matching:total number of features 138 320(with outliers)

Fundamental matrix:Residual error (Gold Standard) 9.159 0.555Residual error (with RANSAC) 6.168 0.105Residual error (with LMedS) 0.203 0.094

RectificationSlope angle θ1, degree -1.92 -73.61Slope angle θ2, degree -1.83 -63.69

Reconstructionnumber of points 406747 712588

vertically. In order to do that, a vertical shift ∆s should beapplied to one of the image, e.g., if its sign is negative, ∆slines should be added to the beginning of the second (right)image.

∆s =1


[0 1 0

] N∑i

[T1qi − T2qi′] (14)

At this step, the images are rectified: all epipolar lines arehorizontal after image rotation and then the vertical shift wascompensated.


In the present work, two image pairs are choosen to presentthe results:• Brassica [15], [16], [17], [18], [19]: Images of a pollen

grain of white turnip plant from a Hitachi S-4800 fieldemission SEM. Authors present their results of sparsereconstruction (up to 1000 points). ρ = 3 degrees.

• Cutting tool: Two images of the edge of micro cuttingtool. Images were taken using a SEM Zeiss AURIGA60. ρ = 5 degrees.

The preliminary step for the techniques presented in thispaper consists in extraction of the features with further match-ing. For the feature detection and extraction the AKAZEalgorithm was used [20]: the authors of this algorithm declarethat it outperforms BRISK, ORB, SURF and SIFT in mostof the scenarios. When the features are extracted, a matchingstrategy should be adopted: in the present work a matching wasrealized using BruteForce algorithm implemented in OpenCVlibrary [21]. The analysis of the results showed that the setof correspondences contains outliers, that were than partiallyfiltered using the method presented by Lowe in [1]: it rejectspoor matches by computing the ratio between the best andsecond-best match. If the ratio is below a defined threshold,the match is discarded as being of low-quality. The value ofmatching threshold was kept the same for all image pairs.This step allowed to guarantee that the set contains at least50% of inliers. The number of matches obtained is 138 and

Original image pairs:

Rectified image pairs:

Disparity maps:

Dense point clouds:

nbPoints: 406747

nbPoints: 712588

Magnification: 10k ________ 4 µm Magnification: 2k ______ 10 µm

Fig. 4. Results of dense 3D reconstruction in SEM. Left column: Brassica pollen grain. Right column: edge of cutting tool. For each pair, only one ofepipolar lines is shown for clearness.

320 for Brassica and Cutting tool, respectively. All results aresummarized in Table I.

The comparison of fundamental matrix estimation provedthe viability of the introduction of robust estimators such asRANSAC and LMedS. The number of iteration was keptthe same and equal to 1000. In the case of RANSAC, athreshold was defined with the value of 0.1 pixels squared.The residual error is almost ten times smaller in the caseof LMedS scheme. As it was already mentioned before, theLMedS results were chosen for rectification as there is no needin threshold definition.

Regarding the rectification, the slope angles computed fromthe fundamental matrices are: -1.92 and -1.83 degrees forBrassica dataset and -73.61 and -63.69 degrees for Cuttingtool. The original as well as the rectified image pairs areshown in Fig. 4. Disparity maps were obtained using thetechnique of Semi-Global matching implemented in OpenCVsoftware [22]. Their quality validates the rectification approachpresented in this paper. Finally, the reconstructed point cloudswere obtained from disparity maps and known camera ma-trices using the triangulation techniques [23]. The number ofpoints has increased dramatically in comparison with sparsereconstruction, it was multiplied by a factor of 1000: 406747and 712588 for Brassica and Cutting tool, respectively.


Dense 3D reconstruction is one of the few tools allowingto measure the 3D properties of microscopic objects. In orderto achieve it, the images need to be rectified first to proceedto dense matching algorithms. In this paper, we address theproblem of rectification for an uncalibrated SEM for which theimage formation is described with parallel projection model.First, we propose an algorithm allowing accurate and robustmeasurement of fundamental matrix describing the geometryof camera/object movement. The estimated matrix has smallererror (×10) comparing to literature solution that was possibledue the robustness towards the presence of outliers in corre-spondence set. Secondly, a direct linear method of rectification,based on the camera properties and fundamental matrix, isproposed. Both algorithms were then validated on two imagepairs coming from two different SEMs: disparity maps as wellas the results of dense 3D reconstruction were obtained.


This work has been supported by the Labex ACTIONproject (contract ANR-11-LABX-0001-01), Equipex ROBO-TEX project (contract ANR-10-EQPX-44-01), the cross borderproject CITHADEL of Interreg France-Switzerland programthrough the European regional development fund. Authorswould like to thank ChronoEnvironment Lab (Besancon,France) for providing samples of pollen grains, Departmentof Applied Mechanics (FEMTO-ST Institute) for providing thecutting tool specimen, Patrick Rougeot1 and Olivier Lehmann1

for their help with sample preparation and image acquisition.


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