stocexpo show daily - · start, with many exhibitors agreeing they were seeing more...

StocExpo Show Daily 15th March 2012 Brought to you by magazine L&J engineering Shand & Jurs GPE Delavan Omnitrol 5911 Butterfield Road Hillside, IL 60162 P: 708-236-6000 F: 708-236-6006 Whether you need a Radar, Servo, Transmitter, Conservation Vent or Deflagration Arrester, L&J Technologies has the solution. As a manufacturer that prides itself on 90 plus years of experience, L&J Technologies continues to supply the industry with only the finest components and equipment. Visit our website to learn more about all of our diverse capabilities for the Level Gauging and Tank Safety Equipment industries. Entertainment highlights from 2012 Day two got off to a great start, with many exhibitors agreeing they were seeing more traffic than on the first day. High spirits carried on into the afternoon; Verwater got the party started with alcoholic beverages, nibbles and a DJ and saxophone player. And on stand 223-227 Tank Systems had on offer some Peta Negra ham – an organic meat where the pig has been fed on only nuts. Here we find out what products everyone has been talking about. O n stand 149, 150 & 151 GAS and distributing agent Quickflange were demonstrating the company’s activation tool. Although a widely known instrument in the offshore sector, the technology is only just being brought to the terminal industry. The Quickflange system can connect a flange to a pipe in just 60 seconds, without the need for hotwork or welding. Tom Dubbelman demonstrated the process in just four steps, from cutting and sanding the pipe, to positing and connection. The product was launched to the market around six months ago and has now been tested by ExxonMobil in Belgium. G.A.S is the first certified partner in the Netherlands and tests are ongoing with EuroTank in Amsterdam. On stands 155, 156, 158 & 159, Vacono was showing off its two new full contact internal floating roofs. Launched last year, the first is stainless steel and suitable for highly explosive products. The company has now completed the first installation in a tank in Amsterdam. The second product is a lightweight Vacono Deck, weighing just a fifth of the standard roof. At just 4 kilos per m2 the roof is inexpensive and easy to construct. Launched at StocExpo this year, Herbert Stadler, senior VP of sales, was ‘very happy’ with the amount of interest in the new product. In total Vacono has installed over 4500 decks worldwide and has installed more than 500 of its flagship VaconoDome, the lightest deck on the market. At its first StocExpo, cleaning specialist Bruno Falkenstein celebrated

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StocExpo Show Daily15th March 2012

Brought to you by


L&J engineering • Shand & Jurs GPE • Delavan • Omnitrol

5911 Butterfield Road • Hillside, IL 60162 • • P: 708-236-6000 • F: 708-236-6006

Whether you need a Radar, Servo, Transmitter, Conservation Vent or Deflagration Arrester, L&J Technologies has the solution. As a manufacturer that prides itself on 90 plus years of experience, L&J Technologies continues to supply the industry with only the finest components and equipment. Visit our website to learn more about all of our diverse capabilities for the Level Gauging and Tank Safety Equipment industries.

Entertainment highlights from 2012Day two got off to a great start, with many exhibitors agreeing they were seeing more traffic than on the first day. High spirits carried on into the afternoon; Verwater got the party started with alcoholic beverages, nibbles and a DJ and saxophone player. And on stand 223-227 Tank Systems had on offer some Peta Negra ham – an organic meat where the pig has been fed on only nuts. Here we find out what products everyone has been talking about.


tool.Althoughawidelyknowninstrumentintheoffshoresector,thetechnology is only just being brought to theterminalindustry.







StocExpo Show Daily • 15th March 2012


We are a truly global paint supplier. Our global range of linings are consistent in product quality worldwide so, regardless of location, we have a high quality offer to supply all your needs:

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As part of AkzoNobel, the worlds largest coatings company, we will ensure maximum technical performance for almost every linings application in the field, as well as support your project from start to finish with Nace qualified technical service.

Your Leader in LiningsOne stop for all your needs

Visit our stand 317P at the [email protected]



istheGatch-Minimization,amixingsystemsuitableforstoragetankswithswimmingroofs.Thismixerhelpstominimisesludgepriortomanualcleaning,thusreducingthemanualtankcleaningtimeby65%.Tankdowntimeisalsoloweredwiththistechnology,asitisinstalledoneweek prior to cleaning while the tank remains in action. Thirdly,BrunoFalkenstein’sGatch-

Measurement system – a precise






amid,makingitweather-proofandwaterproof.ItisalsoUV-proof;acharacteristic which Geipel says means the jacket can remain attachedtothevalveallyear-roundandswitchedononlywhennecessary.

StocExpo Show Daily • 15th March 2012

Regulatory, Safety and Environmental Challenges

08:30 Registration, Tea and Coffee

09:00 Chair’s Opening Address Riyad Sulaiman, Capital Investment

Planning Engineer, Saudi Aramco

09:10 Aging Assets: Putting an Inspection Strategy in Place

Ronald Tuls, Manager Business Unit P&T-Benelux, ROSEN Europe B.V.

09:40 Cause and Prevention of Explosion at a Large Naptha Storage Tank

Mehdi Laftavi, Chief Executive, C-MIST UK

10:10 Tea/Coffee Break & Exhibition Showcase for all Speakers & Delegates

10:40 Emergency Management: Single Source Versus Multi Source Incident Modelling

Ross Coulman, Operations Director, CPD Limited

11:10 Safety and Environmental Standards for Fuel Storage Sites

Michael Kaiser, Head of Tank and Terminal Management, Endress & Hauser GmbH

11:40 Common Application Failures on Storage Tanks

Dr. Michael Davies, CEO, PROTEGO Germany

12:10 Tank Overfill Prevention John Joosten, Product Manager

Radar and Safety, Honeywell

12:40 Close of Conference Day Three – Lunch & Exhibition Showcase


Conference Day Three – Thursday 15 March 2012

The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. © 2011 Emerson Electric Co.

Demands in tank gauging will only increase.Time to discover a new system?

The all-new Raptor tank gauging system is well worth a closer look> Open and scalable design > New levels of safety > Unsurpassed accuracy > Wired or

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managerChristianSatoriusemphasisesthatwhileplastichasbeenusedbefore,thisisthefirsttimeithasbeenusedasthesolematerialincouplingmanufacturing.Hesays:‘Theadvantagesofaplasticcouplingare that there is no corrosion when handlingaggressivemediasuchaschemicalsandtheycanlastforthreetofouryears.’Onstand63&64vapourrecovery

specialistBuschwasexhibitingbothitsDolphinliquidringvacuumpumpanditsCobradryscrewvacuumpump,but sales manager Matthew White saysitwastheCobraattractingmostoftheattention:‘Themarketisturningtodryvacuumpumpsbecausetheliquidmodelshavethepotentialtocontaminatethevapoursbeingrecovered.’Onstand29DrSthamerwas

pleasedtosaythatthecompanyhasnowhaditsPremiumAFFFfoamputtothe test.On30Novemberlastyearafire

at chemische Fabrik Wibarco in Germanywasputoutin25minuteswiththenewSthamex-AFFF3%F-15Premium.Atankintheheatedprocessfield







StocExpo Show Daily • 14th March 2012

15th March 2012 • StocExpo Show Daily

The Answers1 How much tank storage capacity is there globally?

1,800 million m3

2 Whoarethetopfiveindependentstorageterminalsintheworld? Vopak, Kinder Morgan, Oiltanking, NuStar, Magellan Midstream

3 WhenwasthelastUSrefinerybuilt? Marathon Garyville in 1976

4 WhatistheaverageageofabasicUSrefinery 55 years

5 WhatistheindependentcapacityforcleanproductsintheARA? 16.1 million m3

6 Whatistheaverageintervalforcleaningatank? 10 years

7 HowmanybarrelsofoilcanCushinghold? 46.3 million barrels of oil

8 ApproximatelyhowmanybarrelswilloilstoragefacilitiesinCushinggain in 2012?

7-8 million

9 WhatyeardidTankStoragemagazinebringoutitsfirstissue? 2005

10 HowmanykmwouldtheproposedKeystonepipelinebe? 2700km (plus an extra 80 kilometres to facilitate deliveries into the

Houston refining market)

11 WhichisthelargestoilproducingcountryinOPEC? Saudi Arabia

12 HowmanybarrelsperdayhasDeutscheBankcalculatedastheclosurecapacityfromrefineriesthisyear?

1.5 million

13 AccordingtotheNationalPetrochemicalandRefinersAssociation,howmanybarrelsofproductarerefinedintheUSeachday?

16.8 million

14 Intonnes,whatwasChina’sapparentoildemandin2011? 470 million

15 Iranplanstobuilditsfirstprivatelyfinancedoilexportterminal,buthowmuchistheprojectexpectedtocost?

€91 million

It’s all about maintenanceTank maintenance was the order of the day in yesterday’s conference.


ofabovegroundstoragetankcleaningcostsandthehiddenelements which are necessary to take into account when calculatingoverallcleaningprice.Heinitiallydescribedthecleaningofabovegroundcrude(inparticular)oilstoragetanks‘atroublesomeprocess,’touchinguponthemanyandevolvingsolutionsthattheindustryhasusedovertheyears,fromhydraulicstochemicalinjectionsystems amongst many others. TheprincipleaimofcleaningisremovaloftheperiodicsludgebuildupfoundatthetankbaseandaccordingtoHeaththeprocessis‘stillregardedexclusivelyasacostcentre.’Inresponsetothis,hetookthesomewhatadvisorystancethatthelowestbidmaynotbethemostcost-efficient,andcontinuedtoprovideproofforhistheory.Hecitedthreemaincategoriesfordealingwithsludge:sludgeremoval,removalandprocessingandin-situprocessing.Therearesignificantcostdifferentialsbetweenthesethreeoptionsanddependheavily

onequipmentused,andthetimerequiredforcleaningcompletion.Asforthepercentageatwhicheach process is geographically utilised,hesuggestedthatitvariesdependingonlocation,statingthatEurope,forexample,‘becauseitsenvironmentalangleismoreadvanced,hasahigherpercentageofin-tanksludgecleaning.’Hethenbrokedownpotential


casestudyofatank150feetindiameterthathasafairlyevenbasesludgecoveringwithadepthof16feet,heproceededtocompare the three tank cleaning opportunitiesavailabletostoragecustomers.Withaninvestmentof$500,000(€383,000)hepredictedthatwithallthehiddencostsandnowayofregaininganyprofitfromrecoveredoil,themanualprocessofsludgeremovalwouldcomeouttoatotalcostof$5.3million.Withthesameinvestment,butusingaremovalandprocessingtechniqueorin-situprocessing,whereusableproductisreclaimedandwasteisreduced,he


managerforengineeredproductsandsupportservicesforTycoThermalControlsthensteeredthefocustowardsinsulationrequirementsfortankstorage.Therequirementofinsulationistoprotecttheproduct,aschangingtemperaturesandexposuretomoisturewillnegativelyaffectthequalityoftheproduct.Furthermore,duetotankterminalsoftenbeinglocatedinareaswithunfavourableweatherconditions,insulation acts as a barrier againstthis.Helistedanumberofproblemswithconventionalinsulation,includingthecostofmaintenanceandtheneedforscaffolding,offeringsolutionintheformofverticalseamlockpanelsystems.Withthissystem,cherrypickersormanbasketsareutilisedduringinstallation,thuseliminatingscaffoldingandincreasingsitesafety.Asbandscanbeprefabricatedintheworkshopbeforedelivery,thesystemhastheadvantageoffasterschedulingandonlyrequiresaninstallationcrewnumberof4-5insteadoftheconventional25peopleormore.However,thesystemdoescomeataprice–apossible€400,000morethanconventionalmethods,butManikkancounteractedthisbyinsistingthatcustomerswouldsee a complete pay back within 4.5years.l