stockmann: new nordic

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  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    N E W N O R D I C

    S T O C K M A N N

    S A M I H U U S K O N E N X M I N G U N N A N D E R S E N

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    M E N U

    1. Facts from Stockmann

    2. Generation X, Y, Z

    3. Nature as a metaphor

    4. New Nordic

    5. Concepts

    6. Sources

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    W E P L A C E I N S P I R AT I O N A L C U S T O M E R

    E X P E R I E N C E AT T H E C O R E

    S T O C K M A N N 2 0 1 4 :

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    O M N I C H A N N E L R E TA I L I N G

    S T O C K M A N N : S T R A T E G I C F O C U S A R E A S 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 6

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    FA C T S F R O M T H E A N N U A L

    R E P O R T O F S T O C K M A N N

    We found some directions to our concept

    creation in the department store experience

    approach when reading through the annual

    reports of Stockmann. The shift of strategy shows

    some signs of moving more towards the

    customer experience approach.

    Core values (2011) of Stockmann concerning

    customer orientation: We earn money only by

    offering benefits the customer perceives as real

    and better than those of our competitors. The

    sum total of these benefits is high customer

    satisfaction and loyalty. Competitive pricing,reliable quality and good customer service are

    vital elements in achieving these goals.

    In 2012 annual report it emphasizes the customer

    orientation and excellence in customer service,

    which has been one of the key elements in

    Stockmann shopping. In 2013 it is mentioned as

    well, but also global trends and omnichannel

    retailing are brought more on the table as well astrends of new payment methods, busy lifestyles

    and aging population. In the annual report from

    2014 it says Stockmann is putting customer

    experience to their core. With 8,4 million loyal

    customers it really matters and especially for

    upcoming, new younger customers.

    Stockmann retail website was launched in

    Finland autumn 2010 and from there it has grown

    annually also including mobile shopping.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    T H E Y A R E I N C O N S TA N T S E A R C H F O R N E W

    H O R I Z O N S , E X P E R I E N C E S A N D E X C I T E M E N T.

    M I L L E N N I A L S A R E R E A L E X P L O R E R S .

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S H O P P I N G B E H A V I O R A C C O R D I N GT O G E N E R AT I O N X , Y, Z

    A change in shopping behavior between the

    generations has been strongly influenced by thetechnological evolution since 1990s onward.

    Generation Xs shopping behavior is more

    towards brick & mortar stores including an

    interest in online retail. Generation Y is already

    more integrated to mobile and online shopping,

    and Generation Z can be seen as diginatives.

    Also attitude towards products and services has

    shifted more towards experience economy ongeneration Z. The diginatives of Generation Z

    like to experience more holistic and seamless

    shopping between in-store and online. Also the

    experience of the service and in-shop feeling

    matters more than for Gen X and beyond.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    L I N D A M A N Z I A R I S , 1 4 Y O L D E N T R E P R E N E U R

    I think our generation is really socially conscious,

    environmentally friendly and they are really globalthinkers

    T R E N D : R E B E L S W I T H A C A U S E
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    Its like logging out of reality

    L O G A N L A P L A N T E ( 1 3 ) , T E D T A L K S

    T R E N D : E S C A P I S M
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    N AT U R E A S A M E TA P H O R

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    L AY E R E D E X P E R I E N C ED I F F E R E N T P E R S P E C T I V E S G I V E S A

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    T H E N E W N O R D I CN A T U R E P L A Y S A N I M P O R TA N T R O L E I N
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    I T S A L L A B O U T T H E F O R A G I N G

    N E W N O R D I C C U I S I N E
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    N E W N O R D I C

    C U I S I N E

    In November 2004, nordic chefs, food writers

    and other food professionals gathered to discuss

    the potential for developing a new nordic food

    culture. The meeting resulted in a 10-point

    manifesto outlining how best to develop this

    new nordic cuisine. - New Nordic CuisineBooklet

    We believe the use of the ten points in the

    manifesto can be expanded beyond the kitchen.

    From the manifesto we chose a couple of points

    we found as universal principles of the New

    Nordic. From these we derived three main valuesthat work as our framing for Stockmann New

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    N E W N O R D I C M A N I F E S T O

    1) To express the purity, freshness, simplicity and ethics we wish to associate to our region.

    2) To reflect the changes of the seasonsin the meal we make.

    3) To base our cooking on ingredients and producewhose characteristics are particularly in our climates,

    landscapes and waters.

    4) To combine the demand for good taste with modern knowledge of health and well-being.

    5) To promote Nordic products and the variety of Nordic producers - and to spread the word about their

    underlying cultures.

    6) To promote animal welfare and a sound production process in our seas, on our farmland and in the wild.

    7) To develop potentially new applications of traditional Nordic food products.

    8)To combine the best in Nordiccookery and culinary traditionswith impulses from abroad.

    9) To combine local self-sufficiency with regional sharing of high-quality products.

    10) To join forceswith consumer representatives, other cooking craftsmen, agriculture, fishing, food, retail and

    wholesales industries, researchers, teachers, politicians and authorities on this project for the benefit and

    advantage of everyone in the Nordic countries.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    E T H I C A L

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S E A S O N A L

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S T O R Y T E L L I N G

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    C O N T E N T

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    D E S I G N E R S P R E S E N T I N G O N S I T E

    S P E C I A L E V E N T S :

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    A P H Y S I C A L

    O N L I N E S T O R E

    Stockman Nordic lounge is a separated area with

    a themed curated selection of Nordic designer

    products for home. The lounge works

    simultaneously as an exhibition, relaxation area,

    caf with simple servings, and a physical online

    store. The lounge consists of different productssuch as chairs and tables, vases or kitchen towels

    with beacon-technology.

    The beacons allow the customers to read more

    about and purchase the products they are

    interested in simply by having their phone close

    to the product.

    The products are displayed in a more relaxed

    environment, mimicking a living room setting,

    allowing the customers a more natural

    interaction and experience of the products.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S T O R Y T E L L I N G

    Beacons are connected to a cloud service that

    displays the the story behind the product and

    the designer via mobile application. This also

    enables to contact the designer directly in case

    the customer is interested in a personalized

    product. For example adding different featureslike different patterns or colors for cushions.

    On special events, for example the opening

    event of the new collection, some designers will

    be presenting their story directly in the Nordic


  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    The collections in the Nordic Lounge is curated

    in accordance to a theme for each season. By the

    end of a season an auction is taken place to sell

    off the display products. Seasonal products give

    more frequent visitors and also stock value can

    be kept low.

    S E A S O N A L

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    E T H I C A L

    In order to be in line with the New Nordic

    values, all products in the Nordic Lounge

    must follow certain ethical guidelines.

    Everything including the origins of the

    materials, working conditions of the makers

    involved and the carbon footprint of the

    transport methods used must be overseen

    to make sure they are truly sustainable -

    both environmental and social.
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    U R B A N FA R M & R E S TA U R A N T

    S T O C K M A N U R B A N F O R E S T
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    T H E N O R D I C R E G I O NE X P L O R I N G T H E E D I B L E P O T E N T I A L O F

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    U R B A N F A R M X

    R E S T A U R A N T

    Stockmann Urban Forest is a

    connected restaurant and an urban

    farm. The guests are immersed in a

    green environment, eating tomatoes,

    salads and blueberries grown around

    them or just above their head.

    The restaurant aim to explore the

    edible potential of the Nordic

    region. Embodying the New Nordic

    Cuisine serving the best and most

    innovative dishes within the realm of

    the New Nordic.
  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    W O R K S H O P X S T O R EU R B A N F A R M I N G

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    W O R K S H O P X

    U R B A N F A R M I N G

    S T O R E

    There is a growing interest for urban farming,

    which can be seen in the growing amount of

    products meant for the purpose. The restaurant

    workers will gain a great knowledge of how to

    maintain an urban farm. To share the knowledge

    the Urban Forest will hold urban farmingworkshops which customers can to sign up and

    pay for. These workshops will also be filmed and

    made available online, only for premium loyalty

    members. All products used in the Urban Forest

    will as in the Nordic Lounge be marked with

    beacons, making them immediately available for

    online purchase.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    E T H I C A L

    Exactly as for the Nordic Lounge, the ethics of

    the Urban Forest covers both social and

    environmental sustainability. With special care

    taken to animal welfare and environmentalsustainability. The urban farm functions not only

    as hyper-local source of ingredients, but has also

    an educational value promoting urban farming

    as a lifestyle. Other ingredients used in the

    restaurant should be to the extent it is possible;

    in season, locally/regionally produced, and of

    course produced in the most sustainable waypossible.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    The seasonal theme is the same for the Urban

    Forest as it is for the Nordic lounge, creating a

    cohesive story between the two concepts. Not

    only does the menu change in accordance to the

    theme and what products are in season, there

    will also be a new head chef for each season

    curating the new menu. The seasonal changes

    also affects the produce in the urban farm, but

    not necessarily in accordance to the produce

    that is actually in season. As the urban farm will

    be an artificial environment, nearly any plant can

    be grown at any given time. How about some

    fresh blueberries in December?

    S E A S O N A L

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S T O R Y T E L L I N GFor every new season Stockmann

    Urban forest will publish a new digital

    magazine telling the story of the

    seasons theme, the seasons menu

    and ingredients. The magazine will

    be a source of news and inspirationfor food-gurus, function as an

    advertisement for the restaurant, tell

    the story of everything being served,

    and also simply work as a menu in

    the restaurant. In case the customers

    do not have their own smart devices,

    iPads will be available to borrow inthe restaurant.

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    N E W N O R D I C

    S T O C K M A N N

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S O U R C E S


    New Nordic

  • 7/24/2019 Stockmann: New Nordic


    S O U R C E S

    Urban farm