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Strategy & Planning Workshop Output 29 th July 2014

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Strategy & Planning Workshop Output

29th July 2014


Information shared on the call today is still work

in progress and we need to ensure

confidentiality is respected amongst this group.

The wrong discussions amongst the wider

UKOUG membership have the potential to

cause reputational damage and impact our

relationship with Oracle. A full communications

plan will form part of this work

We ask you work with the UKOUG team as we

move the discussions forwards during January


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Strategy Workshop Output

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Author: Fiona Martin, Member Chair


Strategy Workshop invitees

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• Alison Adams, Adam Financial Services Ltd – Hyperion

• Alan Bell, MBDA – Primavera

• Azad Breporta, Mizuno – JD Edwards

• Ruby Cameron, Atos – CRM

• Carl Dudley, University of Wolverhampton – Technology

• Jeremy Duggan, JemKa Consulting Limited - Technology

• Julian Dyke, - Technology

• Stephanie Haines, Kier Group - Taleo

• Simon Holt, ESB Networks - Ireland

• Paul James, ODA – E-Business Suite

• Ganesh Kamble, K21 Technologies - E-Business Suite

• Costina Knudsen, Ricoh – Hyperion

• Jason Lester, Capgemini – Technology

• Punit Mehta, McKesson Information Systems – Technology

• Jason Moore, Mapflow – Ireland

• Simon Nicholls, Beoley Mill – JD Edwards

• Naran Patel, IBM – Technology

• Toby Price, Claremont - E-Business Suite

• Peter Robson, British Geological Survey – Scotland

• Nicola Sandoli, Iconsulting - Technology

• Jerry Seagar, NGA Human Resources - E-Business Suite

• Graham Spicer, Enrich - E-Business Suite

• Mark Thomas, Hays Specialist Recruitment - PeopleSoft


Strategy Workshop invitees

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All SIG committee members have also been invited to take part in our

strategy & planning project for 2015

• SIG Planning is a key input

• SIG committee volunteers are some of our most active. They are well

connected with the community members and understand best their

community needs


Objectives for Strategy Project

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• Review UKOUG Products and Services and produce strategic plan and

recommendations for 2015 UKOUG

• Products and Services in 2015 which defines

• shape and direction

• gives guidance to volunteers

• gives guidance to UKOUG team

• is used by Director of Operations and his team to produce 2015 business plan and


• The review is based on member & community input

• 2015 SIG planning

• 2014 post-event reviews

• Strategy working group


Strategy Project

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2015 SIG Planning

Elected SIG


2014 Post Event

Review Process

Event Project Teams

2015 Strategy &


Led by Elected Member

Advocate Chair

2015 Strategy


Version 1

REVIEW Volunteer Strategy

Project Team

Elected SIG


UKOUG Board (Elected

& Operational

members) 2015 Strategy



Project Timeline

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• Input from post event review process for special events

• June/July 2014: SIG planning completed by all communities

• August 2014: Draft produced by core team as discussion document

• September 2014: Review, feedback and update loop involving

• Strategy project volunteer team

• SIG Committees

• UKOUG management team

• September 2014: Final version agreed

• October 2014: Publish to members

• October 2014: Operational plan and budget produced

• January 2015: Review against Conference 2014 feedback loop


What is the role of volunteers as part of the

Strategy project team?

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• Represent UKOUG members and communities

• Review Products and Services DRAFT

• Provide relevant feedback

• Work with the team led by Karen McCormack on any areas which

require further development

• (This may be an iterative process as draft is updated before final


• Be an advocate for the process and final output within your

community and peer group

What does this project cover?

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• Initiatives

• SIGs

• Conference & Exhibitions

• Special Events

• Wider Oracle community

• Volunteering

• Appointments Group

• Membership

• Publications / Communications


What’s working in 2014 brainstorm

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• Relationship with Oracle

• Peer to Peer relationship mapping

with Oracle

• Independent Partners

• Partner forum – Oracle engagement

• Special event delivery

• Project teams – format

• Tech14 committee

• Basecamp

• Project comms

• Initiatives – WIT, Next Gen

• Apps Transformation After Action


• Oracle Scene

• Webinars are improving

• Some SIGs



• Governance changes

• Comms – volunteers, board, governance,


• Budget

• Processes improving

• Staff empowerment improving


What areas need improving brainstorm?

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• Some SIGs

• Special Event commercial results

• Project team make-up eg. OSSE

• Engagement with the entire EBS community

• Membership

• Volunteer engagement

• Appointments Group

• Comms – amount and format

• Rolling Call for Content

• Online Content

• Library


Product Lifecycle

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Product Lifecycles – UKOUG Strategy

considerations Remaining relevant: Impact on content, speakers and community definitions

Oracle Product • With a new product or

release Oracle are keen to promote, members want to see it and understand how do you get there and who has implemented it

User Adoption Cycle • Can be as much as 3-5

years behind what is available (especially in Apps communities) i.e. release 12 of EBS has been out 5 years and only about 65% have upgraded. Oracle and recognised SME’s have early experience, not so many end user case studies

Sales growth, (for us this means possible new members) • Are Oracle growing the

market eg. Cloud (Fusion)?Alternatively has it been removed from price list eg. Discoverer? In this case customers will continue to use for many years and the replacement product (OBIEE) still fits into same SIG (BIRT) in other cases we may need a refreshed UKOUG offering

The SIG itself, the community, • New enthusiastic, good

volunteers growing, mature, staid, numbers falling, dying without the right knowledgeable, dedicated and honest volunteers with the time and right values a SIG will always struggle to remain relevant

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Initiatives not communities

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• When reviewing products and services in 2013 we included

• Applications Transformation as a Special Event

• Next Generation as a Special Event

• Women in IT as roundtables at out Conferences

• All these are much wider than a single product and service

• These pillars are all relevant to multiple communities and are not time


• Strategy 2015 defines these as initiatives which:

• are a strategic program with defined objectives and goals

• may consist of a number of connected tasks/ projects


UKOUG Initiatives 2015 High Level Definition

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• (renamed from Transformation)

• UKOUG need to address the requirement from all our applications community members to :

• understand their options moving forwards

• better enable them to take the next step on their applications journey

• All existing communities have a thirst for Fusion (Cloud) Application knowledge and there is a significant content and speaker overlap in many areas so our Apps Innovation initiative will help all communities access the content they need







• The UK IT and Telecommunications industry is growing at twice the UK average meaning it needs 129,000 new people a year with 8% of this growth forecast to come from school leavers and graduates (e-skills UK). Employers struggle to find candidates with the appropriate skills set and entry level job-seekers find it hard to work out the right path for them and how to take the first step onto the career ladder. UKOUG Next Gen initiative will:

• Engage direct with a small number of universities

• Offer a CV service to match students and employers from our membership





• As a leading Oracle user group, we are dedicated to developing the IT sector, and representing all members within it. This includes the recognised issue of women in IT and how to support and encourage them in their careers. Our women in IT initiative will focus on this issue by:

• Inspiring women by publishing case studies from women

• Encourage women speakers and offer a mentor program for the less experience


2014 UKOUG SIG Review • Key member benefit

• Differentiated UKOUG offering

• Enable community feedback loop to Oracle

• At the heart of and drive most of our communities

• 2015 SIG Planning process led by UKOUG project managers enabled and identified:

• increased focus on why a member should attend a SIG

• key messages for the year

• target audience

• product lifecycle

• 2015 SIG planning brought forward and completed in July 2014 to provide input into

Strategy project

• There is duplication in existing areas and content currently

• Direct correlation between SIG committee make-up and SIG success

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2015 Overall SIG Strategy

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• Total number of SIGS in 2015 remains same as 2014

• No overall reduction in content for any member community

• Limit SIGs which take place in Q4

• Encourage participation in conferences

• Reduce dilution of conference content

• Use webcasts for Oracle Open World updates

• This a guideline and there will be exceptions eg. Public Sector Application (specific content) or Database (community


• Review names to ensure meaningful eg. BIRT renamed to Business Analytics


• Work with SIG committees to investigate opportunities for co-location of SIGs to:

• enable content sharing

• improve networking

• eg. Database & RAC CIA in 2014

• Look at more use of external venues to better enable co-located SIGs

• Investigate option to run satellite SIGs at a different location eg. Manchester /


• Piloted with App Server in 2011

• May give better coverage of regional communities?

• Investigate technology options eg. GoToWebinar or Telepresence

• Could add value to some SIGS

• Additional UKOUG office costs

2015 Regional SIGs

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• Regional SIGs exist to

• serve a member community who may not be able to travel to our traditional SIGS

• enable regional discussion and community networking outside of regional events

• Currently

• Scotland no SIGs taking place

• Ireland has 3 SIGs HCM, BI and Tech co-located on one day with around 90 attendees

• Challenge with current model

• No SIG Scotland offering

• duplication between content of regional SIGS and our traditional SIGS

• speaker pool becoming “exhausted” particularly in early adoption phase of lifecycle

• Are regional committees best placed to ensure effective single subject agendas ?

• Strategy recommendation

• Ensure limited collaboration / review between traditional SIG and regional SIG committees on planning particularly for date and agenda aspects

• Goal is not to increase workload of traditional SIG committees but with an effective review process ensure we are maximising UKOUG SIG value for all members


2015 Applications Innovation

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• UKOUG need to address the requirement from all our applications community

members to:

• understand their options moving forward

• better enable them to take the next step on their applications journey

• This could include :

• an upgrade to allow you to make use of the latest enhancements

• co-existence or migration to Cloud (Fusion) Applications

• expanding your portfolio with new acquisitions such as Endeca, ATG etc

• using the Fusion Middleware stack

• All existing communities have a thirst for Fusion (Cloud) Application knowledge

• There is a significant content and speaker overlap in many areas

• There is not yet a sizeable enough next generation applications community to

form a new SIG


2015 Applications Innovation Strategy


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• Recognise Applications Innovation as a 2015 initiative (renamed from Apps


• Co-locate the SIGs for relevant communities to focus on next generation

applications content by delivering in 2015

• Q1 HCM day

• Q2 ERP day

• Q3 Applications Technology day

• Pilot Oracle Edge products with SCM SIG

• The participating communities need to be on board with the initiative and are key

to success


2015 Strategy SIG Evolution – what next?

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• SIG committees provide feedback on Strategy SIG evolution proposals by 25th

September particularly:

• Communities impacted by Applications Innovation proposals discuss further to

understand the opportunity created

• Opportunity for closer engagement around Regional vs. traditional SIGs

• Opportunities for co-locating

• Updated SIG planning completed by 25th September

• Office work on 2015 Calendar


Conference & Exhibition - Why co-locate?

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Financial - able to deliver on low risk budget commitment

Improved ability to deliver relevant content

• Apps Innovation

• Analytics crossover

• Better able to leverage UX for both

• Closer alignment to Oracle messages

Resourcing - some savings on total resource utilisation


Size and available venues

Venue availability (as smaller number of suitable


Protecting delegate and sponsor experience

Resourcing office capacity at peak times is



Conference & Exhibition Strategy

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• Focus on delivering successful Apps14 and Tech14 for all communities


• Co-locate Apps15 & Tech15 as defined in last years strategy (updated Jan 2014)

• Primavera who co-located in 2014 become part of Apps15 (This offers our members (both Primavera

and EBS projects) additional value and aligns to Oracle product strategy)

• JDE15 to co-locate with Apps15 and Tech15

• Conference will continue to be held in December and avoid Oracle OpenWorld 6 week no fly zone

2016 & Beyond • 2016 & 2017 strategy recommendation is to continue with co-located conferences

• UKOUG Co-located Conference venue minimum requirement includes 22 streams, large exhibition space, suitable

quantity of hotel rooms giving limited suitable locations

• Propose moving from 2 Year planning cycle to go to 3 year planning cycle for conference strategy (based on venue


• Aim to have London, Midlands and North venues on a tour (budget permitting)

This is to be re-viewed in January 2015 against 2014 Conference feedback

Special Events

2014 Strategy

• We are able to deliver a maximum of 10 Special Events each year

• All special events should deliver member value but be attractive to growth

• Ensure approved business case detailing • Message

• Target audience

• Committee

• Oracle champion

• Content

• Financially viable / Investment

• Timeline for planning

• Once business case approved project would be delivered by assigned Project Manager against set budget

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Special Events – 2014 Review

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• Planning process work done early in 2014 now delivering improved experience for office

and volunteer time

• Improved event delivery

• New processes not implemented in time to impact all 2014 events eg. OSSE, Scotland

• New Project brief introduced to close gap from business case to project team and ensure

clearly defined expectations

• Project team format is good

• Basecamp has been a great tool for Project communication

• More work needed to ensure that there is the right project team in place for all events


Project Team Review • We are a membership organisation and it is important that we ensure member views are

effectively represented as part of our decision making

• In 2014 we introduced Project teams to allow volunteers to extend their UKOUG

volunteering experience, get more involved in the products and services that interest them

in a more effective way than previously elected bodies


• Volunteers can step up and have a more influential role in developing UKOUG, better

understand some of the organisation working, focus on specific areas of interest without a

long term commitment or responsibility of joining the Board


• Project team volunteers are not elected.

• How do we ensure effective representation and validity of decision making?

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Effective project teams • Ensure project brief contains definition of what makes a

representative project team

• Project lead

• UKOUG team (led by PM, Marketing, Sales)

• Oracle

• How many member volunteers? Or different types?

Representing which communities?

• Board sponsor

• Enable project team volunteers to have feedback loop to

community eg. Development Sub Group

• Decision making is valid as it is done by committee and

carried by a majority representative view

• Tech14 experience shows that where the committee have

debated – largely they have reached their own agreements

– or a debate summary has been posted by the project lead

and then endorsed (or not) by the majority

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Special Event Budgets • Special events are not a core member benefit

• Special events need to run at a surplus to make them operationally viable

• If Special events do not produce a surplus we should consider the value in

continuing to do them or look at alternative models eg. member pays to


• Once a business case has been approved a budget will be set for the event

by the Director of Operations

• Budgets are based on anticipated costs and anticipated revenues

• Budgets do not include office time or sales and marketing costs

• It is the responsibility of the UKOUG team led by the Project Manager to

successfully run the event within budget

• The project manager will work with both the committee and the UKOUG

commercial team to achieve this.

• It is not the responsibility of the committee to make budget decisions

• Special event budgets form part of the overall UKOUG Annual Business

Plan & Budget and cannot be considered in isolation

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Special Event Strategy 2015

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• Recognising that not all events require the same inputs and resourcing introduce categories

as follows:

• Pre-packaged eg. Real World Performance

• Oracle one-off eg. EMEA PeopleSoft Roadshow

• Regional eg. Ireland, Scotland

• Subject specific eg. Hyperion

• Continue to develop processes which are now in place:

• Individual Event Business Case (including those considered annual events) approved for all UKOUG

Special events

• Budget Agreed

• Project Brief (Ensure team working towards clear objectives)

• Project Plan

• Focus on ensuring right project team in place and committed

• The cap for special event delivery in 2015 remains at 10


Special Events 2015

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Ireland – March • Regional • Oracle support • Free for all members • Charge non-members PeopleSoft - March • Oracle one off EMEA Roadshow • Oracle office Real World Performance Tour – March • Pre-packaged • Chargeable LMS - September • Subject specific • Oracle support • Chargeable OSSE – May • Subject specific • Branding/ name • New committee PYA – Oct • Subject specific

Scotland - June

• Regional

• Oracle support

• Free for all members

• Charge non-members

• External venue

Hyperion – June

• Subject specific

• Super SIG

• Update day


• Subject specific

• Trial two events

• One breakfast meeting around LMS

• One dinner around Cloud

Next Gen

• Subject specific

• Two events

• January Liverpool

• October Birmingham

EBS Roadshow - ?

• Subject specific


Wider Oracle Community

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• More people are using social media and tools such as

meetup to enable like minded individuals to meet, share experiences and network

• Typically hold events which are free to attend and require no membership

Are they competitive to UKOUG?

• They fulfil a community need and are very much part of the wider Oracle community we operate in

• They are very much aligned to the way JAVA and MySQL User Groups work and are also the model in existence in other regions where travel to SIGs can be more of a challenge

• We expect them to see further growth in 2015 and beyond

• We should also recognise the potential for overlap and ensure that we are delivering differentiated content and enabling the Oracle feedback loop for our members.


Wider Oracle Community

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UKOUG Strategy

• Recognised Oracle meetup groups as part of the

wider Oracle community

• Encouraged as we are unable to provide for every

possible permutation of Oracle professional

networking wanted

• Encourage collaboration with us complimentary to our

differentiated broader and deeper offerings of SIGS

and Conference

• Should look to form reciprocal agreements as provide

an audience for our events and vice versa



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• Our volunteers are absolutely critical to our success

• This was highlighted by Strategy 2014

• Volunteers Day was removed from 2014 calendar in January strategy update for two main reasons • Budget

• Not effective engagement for all UKOUG communities

• Volunteers day was replaced by • Volunteers Drinks after AGM in July

• Volunteer event alongside Apps15 and Tech15

• “Traditional” UKOUG volunteers particularly in Tech communities miss volunteers day

• We still have some way to go to improve volunteer engagement and recognition as per Strategy 2014 recommendations

• August 2014 office project team led by Marisa created

• Plans now have focus and are underway

• Review progress in January 2015


Appointments Group Underpins UKOUG Governance

• Ensures we have the right skills in the right place at the right time

• Challenges in 2014 – no appointment group lead, ineffective transition following

governance changes in July 2013

• 2014 – Appointments group effectively sourced and interviewed candidates for President

Elect vacancy

• Pauline Drummond, Standard Life, elected September 2014 as President Elect

• 2014 – Carl Dudley elected Appointments Group Lead

• 2014 – Jagdev Bhogal and Simon Nicholls elected as Appointments Group members

• September 2014 Fully functioning Appointments Group can now

• Seek candidates for March 2015 elections

• Implement Board review processes

• Future proof Appointments Group operations

• 2015 – Strategy recommendation

• No change required Board and office team to support appointments group with volunteer


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Your text here

UKOUG is a membership organisation

AGM in July highlighted that membership overall has been falling (whilst delegate income has

been increasing

Membership Workshop held July 2014 highlighted a number of tactical actions

• Win back campaign – lapsed end user members. Target: Financials SIG, BIRT SIG,

Public Sector Applications SIG, Ireland Super SIG

• Call up with an offer. If they can’t attend SIG, offer conference or recommend someone

else in their organisation

• PYA voters - targeting non-members who have voted in PYA. Work with partners on re-

selling memberships

• Retention – focus from membership team on improving objection handling to improve

renewal rate

• JDE campaign in lead up to conference (working with Partners and Oracle)

STRATEGY RECOMMENDATION: Review progress to date in January to understand if there

is a need to review memberships models



Continuous improvement needed • Investment in Oracle Scene during 2014 continues to deliver improved readership

• UKOUG regularly receives feedback about the communications it sends out including:

• Too much (lots of emails)

• Too little (we don’t know what’s going on)

• Irrelevant

• Format

• Strategy 2014 identified the need to improve:

• Communications to volunteers

• Enable volunteer to volunteer communication

• Implement rolling call for content

• Create speakers database

• Review online library

• Volunteers update been given significant focus but not improved feedback

• Suggestions record more video updates

• August 2014 a number of these items remain outstanding and Brigit Wells now has more

focused role to review and improve

• Strategy 2015: review January 2015

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Competitive Partners • UKOUG is an Independent Oracle User Group Community

• On occasion our members want information on surrounding technologies to better enable their Oracle

success e.g. VMWare

• Oracle is a key stakeholder and enabler to our success

• Equally UKOUG relies on commercial partner revenues to deliver quality products and services

• The Competitive landscape is a complicated one

• A UKOUG Commercial Partner could be both Oracle Partners and Competitors at the same time e.g.


• A UKOUG Commercial Partner can be a pure Oracle Competitor e.g. InsightSoftware

• We need to ensure that we balance the need for commercial revenue with an effective set of guidelines

to ensure that all UKOUG Commercial Partners and Oracle co-exist happily within our economy

• e.g. No Competitive Partner sponsorship of events taking place in an Oracle office

• STRATEGY RECOMMENDATION: Early 2015 form a working group with participation from all key

stakeholders to produce clear updated guidelines

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Where does Cloud fit?

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• It is important that UKOUG has a strategy to support

• Our members and their thirst for knowledge on all things Oracle Cloud

• Oracle Cloud customers

• UKOUG Strategy for Oracle Cloud customers in 2015

• Oracle Cloud Applications customer focus group at Apps14

• Applications Innovation (see slide 17)

• Technical SIGs and Tech15 contain appropriate cloud content

Things still needing consideration

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• Oracle keen to engage

• Scotland had a MySQL stream in 2014

• What does our community want?

• Would a MySQL offering drive new members?

• What else have we forgotten to consider?



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Fiona Martin – Member Chair

[email protected]

Karen McCormack – Head of Events

[email protected]



UKOUG exists to serve the Oracle

community in the UK and Ireland. We act

as a focal point for sharing knowledge

about Oracle applications, technologies,

tools and developments and, as an

independent, not for profit membership

organisation, represent the views of

users and partners to Oracle.

© Copyright 2011 UKOUG


User Group House

591-593 Kingston Road



SW20 8SA

T: +44 (0)20 8545 9670

F: 0870 9000 335
