student project 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2




    Chapter Name Page No.

    1 Company Profile 2

    Introduction 2

    History 2

    Owner 2

    Services 2

    Infrastructure 2

    Employees at Divya ivya Studio 2

    2 Project Profile 3

    Working of Existing System 3

    Error: Reference source not found 3

    Scope & Objectives of Proposed



    Advantages of Proposed System 4

    Limitations of Proposed System 4

    Suggestions 4

    3 HardwareRequirements


    4 ProgramFlowchart


    5 Database Design tblItemMaster 7

    tblPartyMaster 7

    tblUsers 8

    tblBillEntry 8

    6 Entry Modules Items Master 10

    Party Master 11

    Sales Invoice 12

    7 Reports Sales Invoice 14

    Bills Register 15

    Item wise Sales Summary 16

    Items List 17

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Company Profile


    Divya Auto is a small shop engaged in sales of spare parts of heavy vehicles.It is one of the oldest shop in Gandhidham.


    Mr. Suresh established Divya Auto 1990. Basically he started a small store tostore spare parts for his own fleet. Gradually converted to a full fledge which is shopopen for the public.


    Mr. Suresh is the owner of Divya Auto. He is the person responsible forprocurement of goods, Marketing, Customer Relation, Billing and Collection.


    Divya Auto Stores and Supplies Spare Parts of

    Truck / Lorry



    Dumpers, etc.


    The shop have a enough space for storage of spare parts, Have 2 Computersand a Laser Printer. They also have a broadband connection for communication withcustomers and suppliers.

    Location of Studio

    Divya Auto

    DBZ-452,Main Bazar,Gandhidham Kutch. Pin: 370 201

    Employees at Divya Auto

    Though the type of employees required are of Unskilled, companyemployees are of mostly Semi-Skilled or Skilled category.

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Project Profile

    Working of Existing System

    Existing system of billing to customers is of semi cumputerised with theuse of Word/Excel.

    Limitations of Existing System

    is prone to variety of mistakes that may lead to financial loss or loss of faithwith customer.

    consumes more time to generate documents like invoices.

    Is tedious job to find standard rates of items as well as its VAT and AdditionalVAT %

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Scope & Objectives of Proposed System

    1. To computerize most of the processes like generation of Invoice2. To produce quick and accurate reports for further processing of accounts3. To reduce human hours required to generate an Invoice

    4. To develop a user friendly software that automatically finds the rate of an itemand its VAT %

    Advantages of Proposed System

    1. The system is proposed to be entirely computerized, thus making less humanintervenes which causes errors.

    2. The proposed system is designed to find make all necessary calculations forthe purpose of VAT in Invoice

    3. Simple and fast searching mechanism will help to search the name of the itemjust by typing its starting few letters.

    4. Faster accounting of the Invoices as they provide all necessary information forentry in any accounting software.

    5. Any of the reports can be exported to word / excel which can be later attachedto a e-mail and sent straight away.

    Limitations of Proposed System

    1. To meet the hardware requirement of the proposed software, Some of thesystems have to be upgraded for better storage capacity and speed for whichbit of financial investments have to be made.

    2. Few skilled workers have to be recruited and proper training have to given fordata entry and report generation thru the system.


    1. Possible a separate cabin have to be built for the computer operation toprovide dust free environment for computer systems to enhance their life.

    2. Proper UPSs have to be provided for all the computers to avoid possible

    damage due to harsh power supply.

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Hardware Requirements


    Processor Type: Pentium III compatible processor or higher required

    Processor Speed: Minimum: 1 GMHz

    Memory: 512 MB


    Processor Type: Pentium IV

    Processor Speed: 1 GHz or higher

    Memory: 1 GB or More

    USB Drive / DVD Writer / Tape Drive

    Compatible Operating Systems

    Any Windows Operating System Except Vista

    Recommended Operating System

    Windows XP Professional Edition SP2 (Keeping in mind the availability andeasy maintenance)

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2





    Items Master

    Party Master

    Invoice Print

    Sales Register

    Item wise SalesSummary

    Items List

    Company Master

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Database Design

    Table: tblItemMaster

    Field Data Type Constraints DescriptionCode Long Integer Primary Key Auto Generated


    Name Text (60) ItemDescription

    Unit Text (4) Unit of measurement

    Rate Double (18,2) Unit Price of theItem

    VATPer Double (18, 2) Applicable VAT

    PercentageAdVatPer Double (18,2) ApplicableAdditional VATPercentage

    Table: tblPartyMaster

    Field Data Type Constraints Description

    Code Long Integer Promary Key Auto GeneratedNumber

    Name Text (40) Not Null Name of

    CustomerAddress1 Text (40) First line of


    Address2 Text (40) Second line of customeraddress

    Address3 Text (40) Third line of customeraddress

    Address2 Text (40) Fourth line of customeraddress

    PhoneNo Text (30) Phone No. of Customer

    VATTIN Text (40) VAT No. of Customer

    CSTTIN Text (40) CST No. of Customer

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Table: tblUsers

    Field Data Type Constraints Description

    Code Long Integer Primary Key Auto GeneratedNo.

    Name Text (40) Name of User

    Password Text (10) User Password

    Table: tblBillEntry

    Field Data Type Constraints Description

    BillType numeric(10, 0) Primary Key Cash / Credit

    Bill No. Number Primary Key Invoice No.

    Date Date Invoice Date

    Party Long Integer Customer Code

    TaxRetail Text (10) Tax / RetailInvoice

    ChallanNo Text (10) Delivery ChallanNo.

    VehicleNo Text (15) Ref. Vehicle No. of Customer

    Item Long Integer Item Code

    Item Name Text (40) Item Name

    Qty Double No. of Items Sold

    Unit Text (4) Unit of measurement

    Rate Double Price at whichItem is sold

    Amount Double Value of Item(SystemCalculated Field)

    Discount Double DiscountPercentage

    VAT Double VAT Percentage

    AdVAT Double Additional VATPercentage

    NetRate Double System CalculatedField (Rate Discount) Used forCalculation of VAT

    DiscountAmount Double System CalculatedField (Value ofDiscount Allowed)

    VATAmount Double System CalculatedField : Amount of

    Value Added TaxAdVATAmount Double System Calculated

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    Field : Amount ofAdditional ValueAdded Tax

    NetAmount Double System CalculatedField : Amount

    Discount Amount+ VAT + AdVAT

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Items Master

    Code : Every Item in items master should have an item code

    Name : Name / Description of the Item

    Unit : Unit of Measurement

    Rate : Standard selling price

    VAT % : Percentage of vat to charged in sales invoice

    Ad. VAT % : Percentage of additional vat to be charged in sales invoice

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Party Master

    Name : Name of Customer

    Address : Address of Customer

    Phone No. : Phone No. of Customer

    VAT TIN : GST / VAT No. of Customer (required to specify in sales invoice)

    CST TIN : CST VAT No. of Customer (required to specify in sales invoice)

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Sales Invoice

    Cash / Credit : Invoice Type : Cash Invoice or Credit Invoice

    Bill No. : Bill No. (Auto generated.)

    Tax / Retail : Type of the Invoice. Tax Invoices are refunded by the govt. tothe customer where as the Retail invoices are not refunded.

    Party : Name of customer. Select a name from the combo box. To add anynew customer click the add button provided.

    Vehicle No. : Customers Ref. Vehicle No.

    Challan No. : Delivery Challan No. thru which the delivery is made

    Code : Item Code (From Item Master). Item code is said to be invalid if not

    entered in Items Master. To add new item click the add new item button provided.

    Item Name : Auto generated field. System displays the name of the item byentering the itemcode in code column.

    Qty : No. of pieces sold.

    Unit : Auto generated field. System displays the unit of measurement byentering the itemcode in code column.

    Rate : Price of item being sold. By default the System replaces the rate withthe rate specified in itemsmaster but can be changed by the operator.

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Discount % : Percentage of Discount allowed.

    VAT % : Auto generated field. System replaces this field from items masterbased on the itemcode specified.

    Ad. VAT % : Auto generated field. System replaces this field from itemsmaster based on the itemcode specified.

    Dis. Amount : Discount Amount. System Calculated field.

    Discount Amount = ((Qty * Rate) * Discount Percent)

    VAT Amount : System calculated field.

    VAT Amount = (((Qty * Rate) Discount Amount ) * Vat Percent)

    Ad. VAT Amount : System calculated field.

    Ad. VAT Amount = (((Qty * Rate) Discount Amount ) * Vat Percent)

    Net Amount : System Calculated Field.

    Net Amount = (Qty * Rate) Discount Amt. + Vat Amt. + Ad. Vat Amt.

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2



    Sales Invoice Print

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    Bills Register

  • 8/8/2019 Student Project 2


    Item wise Sales Summary

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    Items List