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  • Welcome to Adult Track!

    Este curso foi desenhado especialmente para voc, que precisa estar preparado para se comunicar em ingls hoje, na sua vida profissional

    e pessoal. Sabemos o quanto o seu tempo precioso e, por isso, voc ir usar ingls desde o primeiro dia de aula, sempre em contextos e

    situaes que se assemelham muito quelas que aparecem no seu dia a dia. Sendo assim, voc aprender o ingls da vida real, que voc

    poder usar para realizar tarefas desde as mais simples como receber um visitante estrangeiro at participar de uma reunio de negcios.

    O Adult Track um curso inovador justamente por isso: voc participar ativamente das aulas, trazendo as expresses e estruturas que

    voc precisa e no apenas aquelas apresentadas pelo livro. Para garantir esse nvel de personalizao e a atualizao permanente dos

    assuntos tratados no curso, alm da sua contribuio, o Adult Track utiliza vrios recursos complementares como filmes, documentrios,

    artigos, sites e os materiais multimdia exclusivos da Cultura Inglesa, como atividades no quadro interativo, o e-Campus e o Culture World.

    O livro apenas mais um desses recursos. Para acompanhar o curso com mais autonomia e tirar melhor proveito das aulas, preparamos

    este guia que apresenta a estrutura do curso aula a aula e rene indicaes de atividades, dicas de estudo e materiais de referncia

    exclusivos. Esse guia ir:

    1. orientar seu estudo;

    2. sugerir recursos extras de consolidao do que foi visto nas aulas;

    3. oferecer ideias de como expandir o seu conhecimento;

    4. identificar o que deve ser priorizado na hora da reviso; e

    5. servir de apoio e referncia caso voc precise faltar s aulas.


    APRESENTAO DAS SESSES DO GUIA Nmero da aula: O seu estgio composto por 32 aulas, incluindo avaliaes e momentos formais de feedback durante o curso. Communication Purpose:

    Aqui voc encontra o foco do que ser estudado em cada aula. Cada uma das aulas gira em torno de uma situao especfica relacionada vida real. O livro apenas um dos muitos recursos usados para

    que esse objetivo comunicativo seja atingido, porque o contedo de cada aula exclusivo da Cultura Inglesa. Consolidation: Aqui esto sugestes de atividades essenciais para a consolidao do que foi

    visto em sala de aula. Esses exerccios e tarefas retomam a lngua que foi apresentada e praticada em sala atravs de contextos variados. Quanto mais tempo voc conseguir se dedicar ao estudo do ingls

    fora das aulas, melhor e mais rpido ser o seu desenvolvimento. Expansion: Quanto mais contato voc tiver com o ingls, melhor! Voc pode aproveitar o seu tempo livre e organizar momentos extras

    de estudo. Use essas dicas de como expandir a sua prtica e a sua exposio ao idioma e acelere o seu aprendizado!

    Lesson 04

    COMO US-LO Voc pode acompanhar o contedo de cada aula clicando diretamente no nmero correspondente a ela. Para cada aula, voc ter tambm um dilogo modelo com os itens trabalhados

    em aula. Clique neste smbolo para ser direcionado para o dilogo. O guia tambm apresenta modelos para as redaes que voc ir escrever. Clique neste smbolo para ir direto s instrues para escrever seu texto e ver um modelo de referncia. Para voltar ao menu da primeira pgina, clique neste smbolo . A cada quatro aulas, voc tambm encontra mais dicas de estudo para otimizar seu aprendizado. No deixe de contar com a ajuda de seu professor em caso de dvidas. Esperamos que, com esse material, voc se torne cada vez mais independente e bem-sucedido no uso do ingls no seu

    dia a dia. Tenha um timo semestre!

    Lesson 03

    Lesson 02

    Lesson 01

    Lesson 08

    Lesson 07

    Lesson 06

    Lesson 05

    Lesson 12

    Lesson 11

    Lesson 10

    Lesson 09

    TEST 1

    Lesson 15

    Lesson 14

    Lesson 13

    Lesson 20

    Lesson 19

    Lesson 18

    Lesson 17

    Lesson 24

    Lesson 23

    Lesson 22

    Lesson 21

    Lesson 28

    Lesson 27

    Lesson 26

    Lesson 25

    Lesson 31

    Lesson 30

    Lesson 29

    TEST 2


    Writing Language Reference


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Greeting other people, introducing myself and

    giving personal information

    Meeting / greeting people Alphabet

    Global e-WB Beginner > Listen on the move > In conversation > Meeting people

    Global CB Elementary p.7 Vocabulary Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 1 > Pronunciation 1A, 1B / The Alphabet

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 1 > Listen on the move > Useful Phrases > Introductions

    Asking for / giving personal information to fill

    out a form

    Meeting/greeting people Exchanging personal information Alphabet Numbers Email language

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Unit 1 > > Grammar 2 / Whats? > Vocabulary 1A / Common English words 1 > Vocabulary 1B / Common English words 2 e-Campus: Letters & numbers (MLA000484)

    Global CB Elementary p. 8 Numbers Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 1 > Language Practice > Vocabulary 3, 4A and 4B (Numbers) e- Campus: Who are you? (MLG005203)

    Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary Builder > Numbers 1-10 Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary Builder > Numbers 10-99

    Renting a car

    Checking information Alphabet Numbers Colour Countries & nationalities

    Global CB Elementary p. 9 - World number plate facts

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 1 > Grammar 1, 2, 3A, 3B e-Campus: Be: present simple interrogative (GRU00001C Grammar reference unit)

    e-Campus: Be: present simple affirmative (GRU00001A Grammar reference unit) e-Campus: Be: present simple negative (GRU00001B Grammar reference unit)

    Understanding where rooms are located in a


    Cardinal/ordinal numbers Prepositions of place

    e-Campus: Directions in a building (MVAB005367) Global e-WB Elementary Language Practice > Unit 1 > Vocabulary 5B, 5A

    Global CB Elementary p. 10 Numbers Website:

    Tip: Voc tem costume de assistir a filmes e sries em ingls? Mesmo assistindo com legendas em portugus, o contato com a lngua atravs de filmes e sries de TV lhe ajuda a se familiarizar com o idioma. Sem voc perceber, com o tempo, sentir que est entendendo sempre um pouco mais. Esta uma forma bem divertida e eficaz de aprender e praticar!


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Giving your e-mail and website addresses

    Symbols Alphabet Numbers Asking for/giving email and website addresses

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 1 > Vocabulary 6 / E-mail and website addresses

    Global CB Elementary p. 12, 13 Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary Builder > Email and website addresses e-Campus: Possessives (MLG000968)

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 1 > Grammar 4A, 4B / Possession e-Campus: Possessive adjectives (MLG001459)

    Giving personal information to a


    Personal information Alphabet Jobs Numbers Dates

    Global CB Elementary p. 16 - Language focus: personal information

    Global CB Elementary p. 16 e-Campus: Jobs (MLA002104)

    e-Campus: Memory (MGA000025 game: Jobs)

    Revision +

    Meeting people in different situations

    Greetings Present Simple Register Be interrogative form

    Global CB Elementary p. 137 ex. 3, 4, 5 Global CB Elementary p. 14, 15, 152 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice> Unit 1 > Writing / Giving personal information

    Making small talk at a company party

    + Communicative writing 1

    Personal information Question words Present simple Register Sports Countries & Nationalities

    Communicative Writing 1 Global CB Elementary p. 16 - Preparing to write

    Global CB Elementary p. 18 - Pronunciation

    Tip: Com a correria do dia-a-dia, comum a gente fazer aquela promessa do tipo Neste domingo estudarei ingls a tarde inteira.... Pensando nisso, aconselhamos que voc tente se organizar para fazer somente uma das atividades sugeridas por dia, o que levar por volta de 20 minutos. Assim, voc aumenta o contato com a lngua e ganha mais confiana na aula.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Deciding on a city to move to

    Cities Present simple Questions Giving opinions

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 2 > Grammar 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B

    Global CB Elementary p. 139 ex. 3 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 2 > > Grammar > 2B / Wh- questions > Vocabulary > 3A / Describing places > Vocabulary > 3B / Describing places

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 2 > Grammar 3A, 3B Global CB Elementary p. 20 - Reading: The Created Capital (ex. 1, 2, 3)

    Describing your professional and personal


    Activities Tasks Present simple Time Time expressions

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 2 > Vocabulary 4A, 4B / Daily routine

    Global CB Elementary p. 22, 23 Global CB Elementary p. 139 ex. 5, 6 e-Campus: Daily Life (MVA004375)

    e-Campus: Daily routine (MLA002099) e-Campus: Welcome to our company (MLAB005308) e-Campus: At work job descriptions (MVA006667)

    Deciding on the best time to arrange a meeting with

    your boss/partner

    Days and months Making invitations Accepting / refusing Telling the time Time expressions

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 2 > Vocabulary 6A, 6B / Days and Months

    Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > In Conversation > Talking about time e-Campus: Dates and Times Prepositions (MLG000491) e-Campus: What time is it? (MLG001454) e-Campus: My name is (MLAB006442)

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 2 > Vocabulary 5 / Time Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary Builder > Time and dates e-Campus: Months of the year (MVA006833)

    Talking about a colleagues responsibilities

    at work

    Present simple Work routine Time expressions

    e-Campus: Present Simple: affirmative and negative (MLG006850)

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 2 > Grammar 3A+3B / Present Simple 3rd person e-Campus: A postwoman's day (MLG000186)

    Global CB Elementary p. 29 - Vocabulary e-Campus: Mr Gonzales starts work at 9 am (MLGB005325)

    Tip: Escutar e repetir dilogos ajuda a melhorar a pronncia. Caso sobre um tempo, grave a sua voz no computador ou no telefone celular e compare o jeito que voc fala com o que escuta no udio (CD-ROM, e-Campus, msicas etc.). Escutar a si mesmo uma tima maneira de perceber os sons que j consegue produzir e aqueles que precisam ser trabalhados.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Communicative Writing 2: Writing about your daily routine to your new boss

    Daily routine Meals Work routine

    Communicative Writing 2 Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 2 > Vocabulary 5 / Time Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 2 > Vocabulary 6A, 6B / Days and Months

    Global CB Elementary p. 28 - Writing skills Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 2 > Writing / Describing daily life

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language practice > Grammar > Adverbs of frequency

    Deciding on the best date for an event

    Present Simple Making, accepting & refusing invitations Months, dates, days of the week

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 2 > Vocabulary 6A, 6B

    Global CB Elementary p. 24 e-Campus: Going out (MLG001281)

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language practice > Vocabulary > Dates Global e-WB Beginner > Language practice > Vocabulary > Days of the week

    Deciding on the best places in your city to take

    a foreigner visitor to

    Making, accepting & refusing suggestions Places to visit in a city Reacting to suggestions

    Global CB Elementary p. 34 - Reading Global CB Elementary p. 34 Global e-WB Beginner > Language practice > Functional Language > Unit 6 / Giving an opinion e-Campus: Going places (MLA002056)

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language practice > Functional Language > Unit 8 / Offering Global e-WB Beginner > Language practice > Functional Language > Unit 9 / Making recommendations

    TEST 1

    Date: ____ /____ /____

    Prezado aluno,

    Converse com o seu professor para saber a data desta avaliao e pea dicas de como se preparar melhor para este dia. Lembre-se que o foco do teste em aspectos

    comunicativos e funcionais, e so baseados nos objetivos de cada aula ministrada. O teste tem durao de 60 minutos e divido em trs partes:

    Listening (compreenso oral) = 10 pontos

    Reading (compreenso escrita) = 10 pontos

    Language in use (gramtica e vocabulrio) = 10 pontos / Total = 30 pontos*

    *O total da avaliao convertido de 30 para 20 pontos.

    Tip: Quando for estudar para o teste, procure no focar por muito tempo numa nica aula. Use uns minutos para se planejar e mapear as principais dvidas. Reflita sobre os objetivos comunicativos em que voc precisa de mais ou de menos prtica. Combine com seus colegas para estudarem juntos e praticar os dilogos em voz alta.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Choosing what to do at the weekend with a group

    of friends

    Giving opinions Making, accepting and refusing suggestions Likes & dislikes Leisure activities

    e-Campus: Likes and Dislikes (MLG006870) e-Campus: Likes and Dislikes (MLG006869)

    Global CB Elementary p. 38 - Listening ex. 1, 2 Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 3 > Vocabulary 3A Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 3 > Reading / How many friends

    Global CB Elementary p. 37 - Mans best friend Culture World: People and Society > Free time > Free time choices > Finding out about free time choices

    Talking about your family to a new colleague

    Present simple Family members Possessive (s)

    e-Campus: Family Time Relations (MVA006664) e-Campus: Family Relationships (MVA005216)

    Global CB Elementary p. 30 Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 3 > Vocabulary 1A, 1B e-Campus: Family life (MLA002057)

    Global CB Elementary p. 31

    Socializing / Making small talk at a company party

    (Talking about your family)

    Present simple Family members Questions with do & does

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 3 > Grammar 2A, 2B

    Global CB Elementary p. 33 e-Campus : Mandys family tree (MLA005210)

    Culture World: People and Society > Families > Comparing family structures

    Talking about your family at a job interview

    Present simple Personal information Hobbies Family members

    e-Campus: Video 1: Why are you applying for the job? (MVAB006466)

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Unit 3 > Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Listening

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Unit 3 > Functional Language, Pronunciation, Writing

    Tip: No Multimedia Centre (MMC) de sua unidade voc encontra diversos livros de leitura divididos por nvel. Escolha um livro cujo tema seja de seu interesse e tente entender a ideia geral de cada pargrafo/pgina/captulo, ou seja, evite pausar a cada momento que tenha dvidas de vocabulrio. Ler uma excelente estratgia para melhorar a produo escrita.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Revision +

    Communicative Writing 3: Writing a personal


    Family members Present simple (questions & answers)

    Communicative Writing 3 Global CB Elementary p. 41 - Grammar ex. 1, 2 and Vocabulary Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Unit 3 > Writing / My family

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Unit 3 > Reading / My family

    Booking a hotel room for a family vacation

    There be (present) Booking a hotel room Hotel facilitie

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 4 > Grammar 1A

    Global e-WB Elementary > Listen on the move > Vocabulary builder > Hotel facilities e-Campus: Hotel check-in (MLAB004560)

    Culture World: Lifestyles > Accommodation > Booking Accommodation in the UK

    Booking a hotel room for a business trip

    OR Deciding on the best hotel for a business conference


    Would like There be Making suggestions Negotiating Hotel facilities

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 4 > Grammar 1B

    Global CB Elementary p. 42, 43 Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 4 > Vocabulary 1B e-campus: At the Royal Hotel (MLAGB005362)

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 4 > Vocabulary 1A

    Renting your house to a foreigner

    Present simple There be Parts of the house Pieces of furniture Adjectives to describe a house or a city

    Global Elementary p. 45 - Reading ex. 1, 2, 3

    CB Global Elementary p. 44, 45 Global e-WB Elementary: Language practice > Unit 4 > Listening / A home exchange Culture World: Lifestyles > Housing > Living Spaces > all exercises

    Global e-WB Elementary Listen on the move > Useful phrases > My home Film: The Holiday - Scenes 8 and 9

    Tip: Pratique sempre que possvel. Incentive seus familiares ou colegas de trabalho/faculdade que estudam ou estudaram ingls a soltar a lngua no dia-a-dia. Ou ento, participe de salas de bate-papo online dividas por idioma. H sempre algum querendo trocar ideias e exercitar a lngua.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.






    Describing food items

    Present simple Quantifiers (a, an, some & any) Countable x uncountable nouns Food & drink items Ordering food

    e-Campus: Breakfast all over the world (MLAB005374) e-Campus: Fruit, vegetable, dairy or meat (MVA005174)

    Global CB Elementary p. 46, 47, 141 (ex. 6) Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 4 > Vocabulary 3A, 3B e- Campus: Healthy eating (MLA001026)

    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 4 > Grammar 2A, 2B

    Describing your eating habits at a dinner with a


    Present simple Quantifiers (much, many, a lot of, some) Countable x uncountable nouns Food & drink items

    Global CB Elementary p. 48 - Vocabulary ex. 1, 2

    Global CB Elementary p. 48, 49, 140 (ex. 7, 8) Global e-WB Elementary > Language practice > Unit 4 > Grammar 3A, 3B e-Campus: Much, many (MLG002182)

    Culture World: Lifestyles > Eating Habits > Breakfasts in Britain > Finding out about breakfast choices

    Ordering food at a restaurant

    Ordering food & drinks Food & drink items

    Global e-WB Elementary > Reading: The Vegetarian option

    Global CB Elementary p.50 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 4 > Vocabulary 3A, 3B, 4 e-Campus: What's on the menu? (MLA001121)

    Global CB Elementary p. 47 ex.2 e-Campus: Restaurants and eating out (MLA000298)

    Making offers and explaining food items to a

    foreigner +

    accepting / refusing offers

    Making, accepting & refusing offers Explaining dishes

    Global Elementary p. 51 - Reading ex. 1, 2

    Global CB Elementary p. 50 e-Campus: Suggestions with Let's (MLG001765)

    Global CB Elementary p. 51 Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Vocabulary > Food Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Reading > Unit 8 / Three restaurants

    Tip: Aprender ingls com msica tem mais de uma vantagem. divertido, motivador e de fcil acesso (no carro, no metr, em casa etc.). Alm disso, as msicas geralmente repetem as frases e expresses nas letras, o que auxilia na memorizao das estruturas. Se alm de ouvir, voc conseguir acompanhar a letra simultaneamente, o exerccio ser mais eficaz.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.


    32 32




    Communicative Writing 4: Writing an email

    requesting further information about a

    holiday apartment / hotel

    Booking hotel rooms Making requests Starting & ending letters/emails

    Communicative Writing 4 Global CB Elementary p. 52 Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 4 > Writing / Asking for more information

    Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Unit 9 > Writing / My favourite room Global e-WB Beginner > Language Practice > Writing > Unit 13 / An e-mail to a friend


    (1) O objetivo principal desta aula oferecer a possibilidade de voc rever alguns objetivos e estruturas da lngua vistas durante o curso. O professor responsvel por selecionar o contedo de acordo com a necessidade do seu grupo. Sugestes so bem vindas. Portanto, possvel negociar previamente com o seu professor que situaes podero ser revistas nesse momento. (2) H uma atividade escrita de consolidao, cujo objetivo permitir que voc tenha uma viso global do contedo estudado neste nvel. Esses exerccios ajudam a mapear dvidas e contribuem para um bom planejamento ao estudar para a ltima avaliao (aula 32). Este material encontra-se disponvel com o professor.

    Communicative Activity

    Esta aula um momento importante, pois aqui voc ter a oportunidade de refletir sobre o seu desempenho ao longo do curso. O professor trar atividades comunicativas que exigiro o uso das estruturas estudas neste nvel. Alm disso, estas atividades lhe ajudaro a se preparar de alguma forma para a ltima avaliao (prxima aula).

    TEST 2

    Date: ____ /____ /____

    O formato desta avaliao similar ao Test 1, que foi realizado no meio do curso. Entretanto, neste momento h uma parte para avaliao de produo escrita, onde voc ter que desenvolver, sem consulta aos materiais, uma redao. Esta composio escrita requerer o domnio do contedo e estruturas vistas nas quatro redaes trabalhadas durante o curso. O teste tem durao de 100 minutos e divido em quatro partes:

    Listening (compreenso oral) = 10 pontos

    Reading (compreenso escrita) = 10 pontos

    Language in use (gramtica e vocabulrio) = 10 pontos

    Comunicative writing (produo escrita) = 10 pontos / Total = 40 pontos* *O total da avaliao convertido de 40 para 30 pontos.

    Tip: Caso no tenha sido possvel realizar todos os exerccios sugeridos neste guia, no desanime! Aproveite o intervalo entre um semestre letivo e outro para fazer ou refazer as atividades deste nvel. Assim, voc no perder o contato com o contedo aprendido e vai se sentir mais preparado para iniciar a prxima etapa com sucesso.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 8 CW 1: Writing a profile for a website. Task: You want to be in contact with people from different countries to make new friends and practise English. Write a profile for the website English Language Meeting Point to give your personal information.

    LESSON 13 CW 2: Writing your daily routine to your new boss. Task: You have a new boss and he/she is interested in getting some information about you and your colleagues (people who work with you). Write him/her an email message describing your daily routine.


    Hi! My names Silvia and Im from Mexico. I work in a hotel. We can talk in English on the internet with a webcam. Or, if you prefer, we can communicate by Messenger, email or letter.

    I love Latin music, especially Latin pop and Cumbia. My favourite sports are tennis and football. Im a big fan of Real Madrid. I think theyre fantastic!

    If you contact me, my full names Silvia Almada and my address is Calle Coahuila 30, Tijuana. My personal emails [email protected] and my email address at work is [email protected]. Im single and my date of birth is 24.08.1978.


    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > unit 1 > Writing / Giving Personal Information Exercises 1, 2 and 3

    Full name: Maria da Glria dos Santos (example given) AT1 Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 1

    Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself and give basic personal information

    Paragraph 2: Say your hobbies and interests

    Paragraph 3: Show interest to be contacted

    Full name: Maria da Glria dos Santos (example given) AT1 Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 2

    Write what you generally do during the week and at the weekend.


    Dear Mr. Perez,

    My routine is quite busy. I get up at six fifteen and have breakfast at seven oclock. I go to work at eight oclock. I usually have lunch at one pm. I finish work at 5 oclock and I get home around six ten. In the evening, I do the housework and then I make dinner at eight oclock. We have dinner at nine thirty. After that, I watch TV. I like to watch the news and I sometimes watch films. On Wednesdays, I go to my English class. I go to bed about ten thirty. At weekends, I do exercise and meet my friends. I frequently visit my parents on Sundays.


    Maria da Glria


    Global CB Elementary p. 28 Writing skills; Language focus; and Preparing to write

    *This text is adapted from Global CB Elementary p. 28 - Reading *This text is adapted from Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > unit 1 > Writing / Giving personal information

    Personal Information Exercises 1, 2 and 3


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    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 29 CW 4: Writing an e-mail requesting further info about a holiday apartment. Task: You are on holidays and you decide to travel. You want to rent a holiday apartment to stay for 1 month. Write an email message to the person who owns the apartment and ask him/her some information about the place.

    Full name: Maria da Glria dos Santos (example given) AT1 Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 4

    Mention your interest in renting the apartment and ask information about the size (number of rooms), the equipment (e.g. fridge, TV), location, date of availability, price and how you can pay it.


    Dear Talia,

    Id like some more information about the holiday apartment to rent. The description says its a big apartment. Were a group of five friends. How big is it? How many bedrooms are there? Could you send us a photo of the rooms? The description also says the apartment is near the city centre. How far from the centre is it? Can we walk there? If not, are there buses? Could you send me the address? Another question is about food. The apartment is self-catering. Does it have a fridge? And is there a supermarket near the apartment? Finally, Id like to know about the price and when its available. Wed like to rent it in the first or second week of July. Is it available for one of those weeks? And how much does it cost for 7 days?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes,



    Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 4 > Writing > Asking for more information

    Global CB Elementary p. 52 Language focus; and Writing skills.

    *This text is adapted from Global e-WB Elementary > Language Practice > Unit 4 > Writing / Asking for more information

    LESSON 21 CW 3: Writing a personal description. Task: Your teacher wants to know a little more about you. Write him/her a letter giving some information about you and your family.

    Full name: Maria da Glria dos Santos (example given) AT1 Monday and Wednesday 8h20 pm CW 3

    Paragraph 1: Give some information about yourself (name, job, hometown, likes/dislikes etc.).


    Dear Oliver,

    My names Maria. Im from Madrid in Spain. I work for a bank. I speak Spanish and a little English. I like travelling and shopping.

    My husbands name is Carlos. Hes an engineer. He likes sports and films. We have a daughter called Claudia. Shes ten years old and she studies English at the English Institute too. She likes skiing and playing tennis. I think she speaks English very well.

    My parents are retired. I have two brothers. My brother is called Felipe. Hes a lawyer and hes married to Alejandra. They have two daughters called Isabel and Maria Eugenia. My second brothers name is Fernando. Hes a doctor, and he works in a hospital. He isnt married.

    Thank you for your teaching. Im very happy to be in your class.

    Best wishes,



    Global CB Elementary p. 40 Language focus: names; Writing skills: apostrophes; and Preparing to write. / p. 31 Writing (Useful phrases)

    *This text is adapted from Global CB Elementary p. 40 - Reading

    Paragraph 2: Give some Information about the people you live with (parents, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters etc.).

    Paragraph 3: Give some information about the people you would like to mention (e.g. your grandparents, a sister who lives in another city).


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    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 02 Asking for / giving personal information to fill out a form.

    A: Whats your full name, please? B: My first names Tom and my surnames Gleason. A: How do you spell Gleason? B: Its G-L-E-A-S-O-N, Gleason. A: Whats your telephone number, Mr. Gleason? B: Its 658 845 781. A: Whats your email address? B: Its [email protected]

    LESSON 04 Understanding where rooms are located in a building.

    A: Excuse me. Wheres the office? B: Its on the second floor, next to the cafeteria. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.

    C: Sorry, madam. How can I get to the conference room? D: Go down the corridor and turn right. C: Thanks!

    E: Wheres the financial department? F: The financial department is on the third floor near the CEOs office. E: Thank you very much. Have a nice day!

    LESSON 06 Giving personal information to a receptionist.

    A: Whats your surname, Anne? B: My surnames Gere. A: Whats your occupation? B: Im a geography teacher.

    C: Are you Mike, the engineer? D: My names Mike, but Im not an engineer. C: Oh, Im sorry. Whats your job? D: Im an electrician.

    LESSON 01 Greeting other people, introducing myself and giving personal information.

    A: Hello! Im Sarah Hoffman. Whats your name? B: My names Robert Webber. A: Webber? How do you spell that? B: Its W-E-B-B-E-R, Webber. A: Oh, thanks. Nice to meet you, Robert. B: Nice to meet you too.

    LESSON 03 Renting a car.

    A: Im Mr. Diaz. Im here for my car. B: Mr. Pedro Diaz? A: Yes, thats right. B: Is your car blue? A: No, it isnt. My car is silver. The number plates 347 TFR. B: Ah, yes. Its over there. A: Good. Thank you. B: Excuse me, Mr. Diaz, where are you from? A: Im from Mexico. And you? Are you American? B: Yes, I am.

    LESSON 05 Giving your e-mail and website addresses.

    A: Whats your email address? B: Its [email protected] A: Sarah with an h? B: Yes!

    C: Whats your favourite website? D: My favourite website is C: How do you spell inglesa? D: Its I-N-G-L-E-S-A, inglesa.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 08 Making small talk at a company party.

    A: Where are you from, Gabriel? B: Im from Piracicaba, in Brazil. A: And whats your job there? B: Im a musician, I play in a band. A: Do you like your job? B: Yes, I love it!

    C: Whats your occupation, Martha? D: Im an engineer. I work in an office in So Paulo. C: Do you like your job? D: Well, its OK.

    LESSON 10 Describing your professional and personal responsibilities.

    A: What is your typical day like? B: Its quite busy. I get up at 7 oclock and I have breakfast. I go to work at 8. I work all day long. In the evening, I go to university and then I get home at 11 pm. A: When do you have dinner? B: I normally have dinner at 11:30 pm. A: How about your wifes routine? B: Her routine is busy too. She gets up at 6:30 am and has breakfast. She goes to work at 7:15. She works in a school in the morning. In the afternoon and evening, she works in a supermarket. She gets home at around 10.

    LESSON 12 Talking about a colleagues responsibilities at work.

    A: Whos Betty? B: Betty works with me. Shes a secretary. She reads and replies emails all day long. She sometimes talks to clients. She normally participates in meetings too, but she doesnt take important decisions.

    C: Is Peter your colleague? D: Yes, he is. He works with me in the marketing department. He works very hard and makes important decisions. We sometimes discuss projects and plan marketing campaigns together. He doesnt like to write emails, he prefers to talk on the phone.

    LESSON 07 Meeting people in different situations.

    A: Mr. Morrison? B: Yes? A: Im Mr. Grey from DGJ Association. B: Hello, Mr. Grey. Pleased to meet you. A: Pleased to meet you too.

    C: This is Ms. Smith, shes new here. D: How are you, Ms. Smith? E: Im fine, thanks. And you? D: Im fine too. Glad to meet you. E: Glad to meet you too.

    LESSON 09 Deciding on a city to move to.

    A: Where do you live? B: I live in Petrpolis. A: Whats it like? B: Its quite big and old with lots of historical places. A: Do you like living there? B: Yes, I do. Its a lovely city. It has friendly people, good schools and green spaces. A: Does it have any disadvantages? B: Petrpolis doesnt have good public transport or good job opportunities.

    LESSON 11 Deciding on the best time to arrange a meeting with your boss/partner.

    A: Would you like to have dinner tomorrow? B: Yeah, good idea! What time? A: Is 8 pm OK for you? B: Its fine. See you there!

    C: Do you want to go to the cinema? D: Sure. When? C: Is Friday at 9 pm OK for you? D: Im sorry Im busy on Friday. How about Saturday? C: Deal!


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 15 Deciding on the best places in your city to take a foreigner visitor to.

    A: What do you suggest for tomorrow? B: To start off, we can visit MASP. A: Interesting! What can we do there? B: We can visit an art exhibition and walk along Paulista Avenue. A: Ah, fabulous! B: And then we can have lunch. A: Do you know any good restaurants there? B: Yes, sure.

    LESSON 18 Talking about your family to a new colleague.

    A: Is your family in this photo? B: Yes, thats my wife and children. My wife is called Rose, shes a wonderful person. My sons name is Hugo and my daughters name is Amanda. Theyre lovely. What about your family? A: Well, I have quite a large family, actually. My family comes from Texas. I live with my parents and siblings. My mother is called Claudia and my father is George. My sisters name is Patricia. My brother, Paul, is very young, hes 9.

    LESSON 20 Talking about your family at a job interview.

    A: Well, tell me about you. B: Oh, ok. I have a degree in Medicine and I speak Spanish. Im doing German as well. A: Thats good. What about your hobbies and interests? B: I love music I play the guitar twice a week. I like sports too. I play football with friends every Saturday. A: That sounds good. What about your family? B: Well, I have quite a small family. Theres me and my parents. I dont have any brothers or sisters. My fathers name is Ken. Hes a doctor, too. My mother, Lillian, is a housewife. I also have a girlfriend. I visit her once a week because she lives in another city.

    LESSON 14 Deciding on the best date for an event.

    A: My birthday is on May 17th. B: So, lets have a party on Friday! A: Thats a good idea! What time? B: Would 8 pm be ok for you?

    C: Lets have a business dinner with some clients on Monday. D: Im sorry, Im busy. How about Tuesday? C: Thats great. What time? D: At 7 pm. Is that OK for you?

    LESSON 17 Choosing what to do at the weekend with a group of friends.

    A: I really like Chinese food. I think its delicious. B: Really? So, lets go to a Chinese restaurant. A: Sure. When? B: How about 9 pm this Friday? A: Im sorry, I cant. How about Sunday?

    C: Do you like classical concerts? D: Yes, I do. I think theyre interesting. What about you? C: No, I dont. I think theyre boring.

    LESSON 19 Socializing / Making small talk at a company party (Talking about your family).

    A: Where do you live? B: I live in a big house in Jundia. A: Do you have a large family? B: Well, Its quite large. Theres me, my two brothers and my parents. A: Do your parents work? B: Yes, they do. Theyre both engineers. A: Do you usually visit your grandparents? B: Not very often. We visit them three times a year. They live in Gois.


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 23 Booking a hotel room for a business trip OR Deciding on the best hotel for a business conference abroad.

    A: Id like to stay at the Sun Hotel because theres a modern conference room. B: I dont know. I wouldnt like to stay there. A: Why not? B: Because its old and there isnt a gym. A: Ok, but theres a big park and a good swimming pool. B: How about this other hotel? Theres a park, a gym and good internet connection. A: Lets have a look at the websites and decide. B: Great!

    LESSON 25 Describing food items.

    A: Would you like some tea? B: No, thanks. Ill have some orange juice, please.

    C: Id like some bread and cheese, please. D: Certainly. Would you like some milk or juice?

    E: Do you have grapes? F: Yes, we do. There are some bananas, oranges and an apple pie too.

    G: Would you like some biscuits? H: Yes, Id like some biscuits and some cereal, please.

    LESSON 27 Ordering food at a restaurant.

    A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes, Id like a vegetarian burger, please. A: Certainly. Would you like anything to drink? B: Ill have an orange juice. A: Sure. Just a moment. (...) B: Excuse me. Can I have the bill, please? A: Certainly, here you are. B: Can I pay by credit card? A: Sure.

    LESSON 22 Booking a hotel room for a family vacation.

    A: Id like to book a room for 5 nights, please. B: Certainly. A: Is there internet connection in the hotel? B: Yes, there is. A: Are there any telephones in the rooms? B: Yes, theres a telephone in each room. A: Is there an Italian restaurant in the hotel? B: No, there isnt. But theres a good Japanese restaurant.

    LESSON 24 Renting your house to a foreigner.

    A: Good morning! Id like to rent your flat. B: Oh, yes. My flat is small, but its very comfortable. A: Thats nice. Are there 2 bedrooms? B: Yes, there are two bedrooms, one bathroom, a big living room and a small kitchen. A: Is there a dining room? B: No, there isnt a dining room, but there is a dining area in the living room. A: What about the area around the flat? B: Well, its secure and calm. Its near a supermarket and a bus stop.

    LESSON 26 Describing your eating habits at a dinner with a foreigner.

    A: People in my country dont eat a lot of beans. B: Really? We eat beans every day. A: How about pasta? Do you like it? B: I dont eat much pasta, but my father loves it. A: I love pasta, too. I eat lots of macaroni and lasagne. B: Do you drink wine when you have pasta? A: Traditionally, people drink lots of wine, but I love coke. B: I dont drink much coke. I prefer fruit juice or just water. A: I sometimes have some orange juice. Thats my favourite!


    Associao Cultura Inglesa So Paulo Janeiro, 2012.

    LESSON 28 Making offers and explaining food items to a foreigner + accepting/refusing offers.

    A: Would you like some? B: What is that? A: Its p-de-moleque. B: Whats it exactly? A: Well, its a kind of sweet made with peanuts, butter, condensed milk and sugar. B: Hum, that sounds good.

    C: Would you like a cup of coffee? D: No, thank you. I dont really like coffee. C: Lets have some tea or juice then? D: Thank you very much, but Im fine.

    NOTES: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................















