study of particle behaviour in high field magnetic flocculation

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. MAG-18, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1982 STUDY OF PARTICLE BEHNIOUR IN HIGH FIELD MAGNETIC FLOCCULATION M.R. Parker, R.P.A.R. van Kleef, H.W. Myron and P. Wyder ABSTRACT A recently developed dynamic theory of magnetic field- induced particle-particle aggregation in suspensoids is further extended in terms of characteristic velocity coefficients in the manner of the inertialess theory of H.G.M.S. This is done by expressing the flocculation processintermsoffamiliarparameterssuch as magne- tic velocity and capture radius. Hybrid flocculation of diamagnetic-paramagnetic pairs is described. Also demon- strated here is theimportanceofthesuspensoidsett- ling velocity following the occurrence of binary floc- culation. INTRODUCTION By magnetic flocculation is generally meant the pheno- menon of magnetic field induced particle agglomeration in colloids. Just how l o n g this technique has been known t o the minerals processing industry is not clear but an early reference is made t o it by Taggart 111 in connectionwiththede-wateringofferromagneticslimes. The extension of the technique t o t h e case of paramag- neticsuspensions was first suggested by C.P. Bean on 21 January 1971 in aninformallypublished document en- titled 'Stability ofColloidsin a Magnetic Field' [2] After a gap of about 10 years the basic ideas of this paFer were elaborated upon by Svoboda [31 toaccount for magnetic flocculation in particular mineral types suchashaematite,siderite and goethite. Basically the approach by Svoboda is that of extending the D.L.V.O. theory [4] of colloidal stability to include, in addition to the double layer and London-van der Waals interaction terms, a magnetic dipole-dipole in- teraction which above a critical 121 or threshold [?] field promotes colloidal instability and consequent flocculation. In earlier papers [51, [61 we have already shown that for quasi-colloidal suspensions of larger particles (> lvm diameter) - ie.'suspensoids' - a dynamic theory ofmagneticaggregationcanbedeveloped which contains characteristicvelocitycoefficientsof a form resem- bling closely those found i n H.G.M.S. In this paper the earlier theory is developed to show how a secondary potential minimum of the type described by Svoboda describes itself. Also thehybridmagnetic aggregation of paramagnetic-diamagnetic particle pairs is examined for the first time. Finally, it is shown how, in weaklyparamagneticsuspensions,theprocessof magnetic aggregation into clusters of more than two particles is frustrated by the effects of particle settling. THEORY Colloidal stability canbeexpressedintermsof a sys- temof two spherical particles where, i n t h e interests M.R. Parker is withtheDepartmentofPhysics,Universi- ty of Salford, Salford MS 4WT, England. R.P.A.R. van Kleef, H.W. Myron+ and P. Wyder a r e with the Research Institute of Materials and High Field Mag- net Laboratory+, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ?art of t h i s work has been supported by the "Stichting voorFundamenteel Onderzoek der Ilaterie" (FOM) with financial support of the "NederlandseOrganisatievoor Zuiver Wetenschappeli jk Onderzoek" (ZWO) . 1647 of reduced algebraic complexity, their radii are con- sidered to be equal and of value a. For spherical par- ticles with very thin polarisation double layers the doublelayerpotential, OR, between the above-mentioned particles may beexpressed most simply by the exp-es- sion [31, [41 where T = <a, K is the Debye-Huckel parameter [3], [4], Ey is the relative permittivity of the particles, $o is their surface potential, and ra = r/a is the normalised inter-particle separation. In the absence of external fields and in a stable colloid, piR is much l a r g e r than the attractive London-van der Waals interaction poten- tial, '$L, for most inter-particleseparations.Neglect- ing retardation effects [SI, md for an identical pair of particles, gL may be expressed as where A is theso-called Hamaker constant [3], [4]. Clearly, in any stable colloid a potential barrier ex- ists which frustrates the tendency of either particle t o come into contact with the other. In the presence of an external magnetic induction field, Bo, the total interaction potential of the two parti- cles, @T, can now be expressed as where gM i s given by - 4n x* Bf a6 911, @b* = 3 (b) This expression, which is consistent with the theory of H.G.M.S. and which is expessed in Kenne1.l~ SI units, is at variance with forms expressed by both Svoboda [31 and Watson [TI. It follows from eqns. (3) and (14) that an applied magnetic field can reduce the potential ener- barrier to zero thus allowing particles to aggregate. A visualisation of the process of magnetic flocculation can be accomplished by the construction, in the iner- tialess limit, of a force balance equation. Using the spatial derivatives 05 OR, 0~ and 0~ together with the Stokes'hydrodynamicdragforceforsphericalparticles, 0018-9464/82/1100-1647$00.7501982 IEEE

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Page 1: Study of particle behaviour in high field magnetic flocculation



M.R. Parker, R.P.A.R. van Kleef, H.W. Myron and P. Wyder


A recently developed dynamic theory of magnetic field- induced par t ic le -par t ic le aggrega t ion in suspensoids i s fur ther ex tended in t e rms of charac te r i s t ic ve loc i ty c o e f f i c i e n t s i n t h e manner of t he i ne r t i a l e s s t heo ry of H.G.M.S. This i s done by expressing the f locculation process in terms of familiar parameters such as magne- t i c v e l o c i t y and capture radius. Hybrid f loccula t ion of diamagnetic-paramagnetic pairs i s described. Also demon- s t ra ted here i s the importance of the suspensoid sett- l ing veloci ty fol lowing the occurrence of binary f loc- cu la t ion .


By magnetic flocculation i s general ly meant t h e pheno- menon of magnetic f i e l d induced par t ic le agglomerat ion i n c o l l o i d s . J u s t how long this technique has been known to the minerals processing industry is not c lear but an ear ly re fe rence is made t o it by Taggart 111 i n connection with the de-watering of ferromagnetic slimes. The extension of the technique t o t h e c a s e of paramag- netic suspensions was f i rs t suggested by C.P. Bean on 21 January 1971 i n an informally published document en- t i t l e d ' S t a b i l i t y of Colloids in a Magnetic F i e l d ' [2] After a gap of about 10 years the basic ideas of this paFer were elaborated upon by Svoboda [31 to account f o r magnetic f locculation in particular mineral types such as haematite, siderite and goethi te . Basical ly t h e approach by Svoboda i s t ha t o f ex t end ing t he D.L .V.O. theory [4] of c o l l o i d a l s t a b i l i t y t o i n c l u d e , i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e d o u b l e l a y e r and London-van der Waals in te rac t ion te rms , a magnetic dipole-dipole in- t e r a c t i o n which above a c r i t i c a l 121 or th reshold [?] f i e l d promotes c o l l o i d a l i n s t a b i l i t y and consequent f loccula t ion .

In ear l ie r papers [51 , [61 we have already shown t h a t fo r quas i - co l lo ida l suspens ions o f l a rge r pa r t i c l e s (> l v m diameter) - ie . ' suspensoids ' - a dynamic theory of magnetic aggregation can be developed which contains cha rac t e r i s t i c ve loc i ty coe f f i c i en t s o f a form resem- b l ing c lose ly those found i n H.G.M.S.

In t h i s pape r t he ea r l i e r t heo ry i s deve loped t o show how a secondary potent ia l minimum of the type described by Svoboda d e s c r i b e s i t s e l f . Also the hybrid magnetic aggregation of paramagnetic-diamagnetic particle pairs i s examined f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e . F i n a l l y , it i s shown how, i n weakly paramagnetic suspensions, the process of magnetic aggregation into clusters of more than two p a r t i c l e s i s f r u s t r a t e d by t h e e f f e c t s o f p a r t i c l e s e t t l i n g .


C o l l o i d a l s t a b i l i t y can be expressed in terms of a sys- tem of two s p h e r i c a l p a r t i c l e s where, i n t h e i n t e r e s t s

M.R. Parker i s with the Department of Physics, Universi- t y of Salford, Salford MS 4WT, England. R.P.A.R. van Kleef, H.W. Myron+ and P . Wyder are with the Research Ins t i tu te o f Mater ia l s and High F i e l d Mag- net Laboratory+, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ?ar t of t h i s work has been supported by the "Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der I laterie" ( F O M ) with f inanc ia l suppor t of t h e "Nederlandse Organisatie voor Zuiver Wetenschappeli jk Onderzoek" ( Z W O ) .


of reduced a lgebraic complexi ty , their radi i are con- s idered to be equal and of value a . For spherical par- t ic les with very thin polar isat ion double layers the double layer potent ia l , OR, between the above-mentioned p a r t i c l e s may be expressed most simply by the exp-es- s ion [31, [ 4 1

where T = <a, K i s t h e Debye-Huckel parameter [3], [4], E y i s the r e l a t ive pe rmi t t i v i ty o f t he pa r t i c l e s , $o i s t h e i r s u r f a c e p o t e n t i a l , and ra = r /a i s t he no rma l i sed in t e r -pa r t i c l e s epa ra t ion . In t he absence of external f i e l d s and i n a s t ab le co l lo id , piR i s much la rger than t h e a t t r a c t i v e London-van der Waals interact ion poten- t i a l , '$L, for most in te r -par t ic le separa t ions . Neglec t - i ng r e t a rda t ion e f f ec t s [ S I , m d f o r an i d e n t i c a l p a i r o f p a r t i c l e s , gL may be expressed as

where A i s the so-called Hamaker constant [3], [4].

Clea r ly , i n any s t a b l e c o l l o i d a p o t e n t i a l b a r r i e r ex- ists which f rus t r a t e s t he t endency o f e i t he r pa r t i c l e t o come in to contac t wi th the o ther .

In the presence of an external magnetic induction f ield, Bo, t h e t o t a l i n t e r a c t i o n p o t e n t i a l o f t h e two p a r t i - c l e s , @T, can now be expressed as

where gM i s given by

- 4n x* Bf a6

911, @b* = 3 ( b )

This expression, which i s consis tent with the theory of H.G.M.S. and which i s expessed i n Kenne1 . l~ S I un i t s , i s at var iance with forms expressed b y both Svoboda [31 and Watson [ T I . I t follows from eqns. (3 ) and ( 1 4 ) t h a t an applied magnetic f ield can reduce the potential ener-

bar r ie r to zero thus a l lowing par t ic les to aggrega te .

A visual isat ion of the process of magnet ic f locculat ion can be accomplished by the cons t ruc t ion , in the iner - t i a l e s s limit, o f a force balance equation. Using the spa t i a l de r iva t ives 05 OR, 0~ and 0~ toge ther wi th the Stokes ' hydrodynamic drag force for spherical par t ic les ,

0018-9464/82/1100-1647$00.7501982 IEEE

Page 2: Study of particle behaviour in high field magnetic flocculation


it i s possi'ole t o d e s c r i b e p a r t i c l e motion i n a l o c a l i - sed frame of reference in which t h e o r i g i n i s f i x e d t o one of t h e p a r t i c l e s and i? which the magnetic f ield d i r e c t i o n i s coincident wich the x-axis. The r a d i a l and azimuthal components of t h a t motion a re , r e spec t ive ly ,




are respectively normalised characterist i .c magnetic, London-van der Waals and do.a-ale l aye r ve loc i ty coe f f i - c i e n t s .


A fami ly o f f loccula t ion t ra jec tor ies Tor pairs of para- magnetic p a r t i c l e s i s shown in F ig . 1 f o r one s e t of values of the constants of equat ions (7), (8) and (9). Here, a garamagnet ic par t ic le , in i t ia l ly pos i t ioned a t a point r i , 8 i i n t he x-y plar,e i n t h e f i r s t q u a d r a n t , precesses around the stationary particle clockwise, with an a lmost f ixed rad ius , un t i l it. approaches the x (magnet ic f ie ld) axis . A s it nears the x-axis it follows one of two a l t e r n a t i v e p a t h s . I f t h e i n t i a l i n t e r - p a r - z i c l e s e p a r a t i o n i s l e s s t h a n a f ixed (normalised) val- ue, r,,, the moving p a r t i c l e , upon approaching the x-axis moves rap id ly to the po in t (2a,0). I f rai > rea, t h e moving p a r t i c l e i s pushed fur ther a long the x-axis f ron t he s t a t iona ry pa r t i c l e . I n analogy with E.G.M.S. rca i s cal led the (normalised) capture radius . It should be noted that eqns. ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) and Fig. 1 a lso descr ibe f locc-da t ion t ra jec tor ies for pa i r s o f d iamagnet lc par -

y lun l ts of r/al I

0 1 2 3 L 5 6 7 8 xlunlts of r/a)

Fig . 1 . Clockwise precessional trajectories for bina- ry f loccula t ion of paramagnet ic par t ic les in a iocalised coordinate system.






-1 0

-1 5



@ B r 0 1 7 T

@ B = 0 1 8 T

@ B = 0.19 T

@ B = 0 2 5 T

I I I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 5 10 'a Fig. 2 . Normalised on-axis (0 = 0) r ad ia l ve loc i ty of

haerna t i te par t ic le for var ious ex te rna l f ie ld values ( in the range 0.00 + 3.25 T ) .

t i c l e s . C l e a r l y , from eqn. (7) vpIa i s p o s i t i v e , even f o r p a i r s of pa r t i c l e s o f nega t ive (ne t ) volu;ne suscep- t i b i l i t y . A p r a c t i c a l example o f t h i s phenomenon i s described by us elsewhere. The p a r t i c l e t r a j e c t o r i e s o f Fig. 1 have mir ror equiva len ts in a l l 4 quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate system as we l l a s fu l l r o t a - t i o n a l symmetry around the magnetic f ield axis.

In h i s ca l cu la t ions on szrongly paramagnetic minerals, Svoboda [ 3 ! descr iSes the phenomenon of rnag3e;ic f loc- culation in secondary minima. Using Svoboda's d a t a f o r haematite the question of a secondary minimum has been inves t iga ted i n r e l a t i o n t o our dynamic model o f p a r t i - cle aggregation and i s shown in Fig. 2. A p l o t of r ad ia l ve loc i ty agains; i n t e r - p a r t i c l e s epa ra t ion ( i n t he 8 = 0 d i r e c t i o n ) i s shown l o r various values of t he app l i ed f i e ld i n t he r azge 0 T t o 0.25 T. Clea r ly , a t a c r i t i c a l f i e l d v a l u e o f around 0.17 T , the radial veloci5y acquires a negative value over a f in i t e r ange of i n t e r -pa r t i c l e s epa ra t ion . A t h igker f ie ld values , th is secondary minimurn i s replaced by primary minima.


The theory described here can be applied, with OS- vious simplifying assumptions, t o t h e c a s e o f magnetic cross-f locculat ion between parmagnet ic a d diamagnetic pa i r s . In th i s c i rcumstance , wa i s negative - and it follows from eqns. ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) tha t the xoving par t i - c l e will precess now i n an ant ic lockwise direct ion. A t a c r i t i c a l v a l u e of e ( = e c )

€ c = a r c c o s ( l / J 3 ) ,

the leading term on the R . H . S . of eqn. ( 5 ) becomes

Page 3: Study of particle behaviour in high field magnetic flocculation


negative which al lows, for values of r . < rac, capture t ra jec tor ies running c lose to the y -ax ls . F ig . 3 shows a family 0.f h y b r i d t r a j e c t o r i e s f o r t h e s i t u a t i o n i n which rac 5 . '

The formulae for the formation of paramagnetic-diamagne- t i c p a i r s i s


when t h e London-van d e r Waals i n t e r a c t i o n i s neglected. By successive approximation eqn. ( 1 0 ) becomes proportio- n a l t o (VMa/VRa)2 [F ig . 4 ) . This is a f ac to r o f 17J2 smaller than the case of par t ic le cap ture for paramag- n e t i c or diamagnetic pairs.

Y ["ruts 01 rfal

6 0

5 .O




1 0

L.0 5 0 6 0 7.0 YYn/VH


Fig. h. Dependence o f normalised f locculation capture radius as a function of (vpda/vfia)2.


In previous publ icat ions / 4 ] , [5 ] we have indicated t h a t , i n weakly paramagnetic suspensions, the formation of l a rger par t ic le aggrega t ions i s absent and magnetic f loccula t ion i s r e s t r i c t e d t o t h e f o r m a t i o n of binary p a i r s . We a re , a t p re sen t , i nves t iga t ing t he l i ke l ihood of f loccula t ion of paramagnetic monomers with dimers, and t h i s w i l l be the ' subjec t o f a fu ture publ ica t ion . For the moment it i s of i n t e r e s t t o n o t e t h e compara- t i v e s i z e dependence of v ~ ~ , V R ~ , v~~ and v s a , where

i s the (normal i sed) se t t l ing ve loc i ty o f the suspensoid , n is i t s v i s c o s i t y and p e i s t h e e f f e c t i v e p a r t i c l e den- s i ty . This s i z e dependence i s i l l u s t r a t e d i n F i g . 5 f o r the minerals haemati te , s ider i te and goethi te . The ve- l o c i t i e s V L ~ . V R ~ , vIqa and "sa from eqns. ( 7 ) t o ( 9 ) and ( 1 1 ) can be seen t o be proport ional t0 .a-3, a-2, a0 and a , respec t ive ly . It i s ev ident tha t , when vSa v~~ t h e probability of observing higher forms than binary floc- cu la t ion i s negl ig ib le , s ince monomers w i l l acquire , following the occurrence of binary aggregation, a d r i f t veloci ty of -+ v s a p a r a l l e l t o t h e x - a x i s of the coordi- nate system of 'Fig. 1, and r e l a t i v e t o t h e b i n a r y p a i r f ixed at the o r ig in of that axis system. It i s ' c l e a r . from Fib. 5 t h a t v s a becomes s i g n i f i c a n t i n t h e p a r t i c l e s ize range of in te res t ( > lum) in p rac t ica l sed imenta t ion problems.

vo (PI




1 6

a (m)

Fig. 5. Size dependences of V L ~ , V R ~ , v ~ ? and vsa for par t ic les o f haemat i te ( - ) s i d e r l t e (----) and goeth i te (-.-).


An outline has been given here of a simple dynamical theory o f magnetic flocculation in paxamagnetic/diamag- netic suspensoids. The concepts o f c h a r a c t e r i s t i c ve- l o c i t y and of capture radius, are of conceptual value here as they a re in H.G.M.S.


A.F. Taggart, 'Elements of Ore Dressing' John Wiley, New York, 1951. D.R. Kelland, (private communication) J. Svoboda, I n t . J. of Mineral Processing, 8, 377, 1981. E.J.W. Verwey & J.Th.G. Overbeek, 'Theory o f t h e S t a b i l i t y o f Lyophobic Colloids ' , Else- v i e r , Amsterdam, 1948. M.R. Parker, R.P.A.R. van Kleef, H.W. Myron and P. Wyder, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Mater ia ls ( t o be publ ished) . R.P.A.R. van Kledf, H.W. Myron, M.R. Parker and P. Wyder. Proc. World F i l t r a t i o n Congress 111 ( t o be publ ished) . J.H.P. Watson, Proc. 6th I n t . Conf. on Cryogenic Engineering, 223, Grenoble 1976.