styles! to the leubrie bros' -...

CLOAKS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS DOLMANS MENKEN BE. UnrivaledBargains! wmm Styles! dolmans Endless Varieties! DOLMANS dolmans Useful Presents 010 AKS DOLMANS DOLMANS OVERWHELMINGLY WE NOW AIAIM THE PROMTS ON OUR HOLIDAY A ff0 HOLIDAY XJWW LW ANI ARE CULAS TO M 1.1. THEM ALBUMS, BOOKS, PEARL CARD CASES, Papeteries, Dictionaries, Chromos, INKSTANDS, MIRRORS and TOY-BOOK- S, AND TEN THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES. EVERYTHING AT COST. CHAS. HERZOG & BRO OPPOSITE PE4BODY IIOTJEl.. AFCTION SiLEN. AUCTION .v I i: OF I nr. de. mill I'lcducs of DI.VXOSDSjfJOLD&SILVF.K W ATCHES AND CHAINS. SILVER AND PLATED SETS. C1ITH1NO, ' JUStCAL INSTRtTttSlB. .Holiday, Dwcmlu r aoih, a lo a.m ., AT SIMONS & LOWENSTEIN S, o J10NROK ST. St.lo to continue Daily until cloaedi out. X. M. BTOUDARI). uctloneer. i NDER WRITE B8 SALE, 1 Auction, OF THE Knt lrt Ontflt of th Sniikm Stoaniei- - OVAHITA BELLE, CONSISTINt; OF ' Klenaiii nrpels and Rags, CABIN FI llNITCnE Mnttrfmo iNcw Jeathcm), Chiaaaail Sllverwnre, UIRKORs Onuof which cuttllOOO). l ine Pinuo, lion. I. I ers, EXTENSION TABLES, CHAIItS, BrREArs, Table Had Ilrd l inen. BlaakrtH, LAROE BILL, STAG, BLOCKS AND TAOKI.B. lu (act, everythiiiK uaed upoii a Firat-Cla- a Slvaiuboat. THIN OI TFIT IS VALI'ARI.E. and the aalc will lie well worth the attention o( rleambout owner! and others wL-- iit to pureliaae. Sale nt Corner or Adams and Second Sis., MEMPHIS, TENS.. Friday, Dec. 17, 1880,10 OTloek. A. M. STODDARD. Auctioneer. FRAMES I'M Tl RES. MLSPMiS PICTURE-FRAM- E FACTORY. Iff, ffffTCKOCffffSfffflCfftC not Main Stretvw. Oil uinltupa, EalgraTlnirH, (nranniN Mlrrorn, Frnmets Rinokets, Sl:ti ti:ir t . etj New and Splendid Assortment, AT MIW I'RK'iM. PERSONAL. I I Ti.HiiLLK.NHFK' ' having a. ccntedthiJnrT M . for the Sonihwesl of Ihi .tconili'ii a.isnr. in conn. Til. in Willi mi- wcn-s"o- nod ...nt eatabllohed aneiiey of Chic kerni and steiu-wa- Plaucis, otters cathodal in. tueean'iita to pti r- - . ti i.M-- . at hi new aei . iCF'im noiw mm i In y buildltK (Walkur llro ' old stand), T! A1N - P iK K. 1.. LASK I has removed his ottn-- lo .14.H Mkiii stn-et- . thrw doom below Unlou, over STRYF1 OR NTOLKN. -- On l the nth instant, one lunre black i.iare MULE In (rood condition, round bodv. 1 io;tiauds high, small white cpot sba of letter Aon left hind lev nr thtKh. M'Mte saddle marks, a little stiff in forrahoulders. ONii iy reward for liitoruiaUoii or 1 w L. RILEY. Ifi Madison street. ROOMS AND BOIHD. 'M- -A oTliilitiiiTfrSil oSoai. wltti aoutliorii Ki oxposure, foralsheil or I ufuruisbed. t an la" ohulma! in a prTi ate fearHy t.y earlv application M'l illFl.RY OTREKT. I ' i ).,! Furuisue.l turn! IOIOj with or Xl without board, al lo I TI11K1' ST. U'lLNIsllKD ROOMS -- Wttlt or without board. 1 At 111 CTIUKT STRKKT. To6.NU Furuiahod or uuinrnishml.aiin hoard, JA at rcaaonabl.- rub, at M aud .V. Mouns strecl. "XTICE RlHIMS Furnished or unfurnished, gle or In suite; apartm.mts (or light house-keeidiu- at ltd Jetfemon str l. AND BOARD KOOMS al No. .l'..larrtreet. 4) a 3R : yc If ! rj - IS f at p.m. VT S T. J Rev. CLOAKS I s. At 1 p.m. CLOAKS TlllP.n CLOAKS GRACE Baylor, CLOAKS Sundae CLOAKS j P CLOAKS p.m. OT. O CLOAKS mass CLOAKS and and 7 CLOAKS ( V J I w CLOAKS I i service A by d 1 K Ja a . L. I 1j I j I A. IV A I S Services I i a.m. pastor, a.m. pastor. F1 a.m. Daniel. I "Our to QT. O II. al'J:30 the r V I and tor. COST is R. It a 1 by liuual c Rev. J D and r 1 at at not AHI'SEHENTS. it riir.ATKR. JclSEl'H IlIttMHCS Pr.ii.ri, tor and Manairer MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DEC IJth.IIth. Tho Koutz-SanUc- y Novelty GmmjKfJ, M. H. LEAV'TTT. Pnjft'r. LIST OF ARTISTS. Lisa Weber. Boaa Lee, . af . Tni lii .in. 1,, Ur. lWH. Lulu Mortimer, Kate lUynhara, Belle Clifton, li'.rdeaux Msters, Fanny Florenc.1, Hlanefae Vanuie, Capitola Forrest, l.aura Ben neit. Leir Bancdlcl, iullier 4i OoldricB, John E. Il. inihair, Harry Gwynctte, Mt Rniu. Vm. Randlc. Monday evening, Lia Weber's New Burlesque, I'ENN'S AUNTS AMONO THE PIRATES! Entire Chance of Bill Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday Collier's Bank er'a D,tifIu r t ..iiipan;. TO KX( HANOI:. IjllRST-CI.AS- fl liOTTOM I. AN I ATION Well J1 Improve 1. an. SlO.oOn lo $1 iK.U.'a-- lor Mem- - plii-- . proerty L. OUION, Acent, No. 19 MadN.u st LAND 840 aeics (2,0o)u) on Hernando road. iront city, dwelliai; ol six rooms, line neighborhood and beautiful counlry. Also 200 acres (90 oen) :t miles of Wythe lep..t. Will ex ahanice th.- above tio pia.-.H- . for Memphis property and Ul Live diltareiicc of to WHO cash. H. 1.. GBION, Acent, IB Madison street. KSIDKN. 'E AND I. AND $l:.U00-r-i sideni e. fur "R lied, 11 rooms, in V-- Voik tlty : larireand showy pUce. And JTikj acres o( land in Oneida and H.rklmcr coii.iilea, New York, near Ulica. Will ejichanifc above r.roperty for southeru proa-ert- II L. OF MS. Aeeiit; l Madison strect. Ti US IN Ess !! USI lo" arst business J bouses, ei uiral location . flnl rliix order: eoninuinds nmtK'lAaa teuairts. The property cost K&.OOO: price 145,000. Will take part pay in lirsl-- . ia-- s bottom l.lantallon. H. L. ul.'ION. I" Ma.ll.ou alreei. FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE. T PLANTATION m ar Hledsoe's Landing, three L lulla fn.m Rivur, in Luc county. Arkansas, coutainlua l'iso acres, 4o0ojs-n,-41- acr.s in cultiva- tion, i) cabins: ' i f the entire tract nliovc over- flow. Too icoo'i i'arty a lonilnm will be given: OK WILL SELL I'lIE Hiiri'.AE'.AlN ON THE MARkTICT. The traid ao one of the high- est bv all parlies familiar with the same. For terms apply to F. W. ROYSTER & CO., R. ul Estate Dealers, LOST. I PENDANT On Adaroi stn t a pendant of r A rinit. with amethyst set. will leave at J!t ADA MS ST , and be rewarded. 1 tRACELET Del eniber'.'th, an etuimeled brace- I let : engra fi n iBHda "l.ou B. Liberal icwanl will U- pld for its return to the STATE NATIONAL BANK. WANTS. OiMs To rent 2 or : rooms, completely fur lisb.-- in a in 'ight'orhood, for light Looping Addres- - KoOMS. A ieal ofticc. "I Oi M MATK y : ::in boarding in a pri- - i ate f:umi!d.-sr- s n ruom-iaatc- . l'erma mod- erato. Addn-s- T. I.. ::sk & i'o Whit. Ulan, l,ft to nil )... wltli bin MVi Uc but no children : one uot able to do hard preferred. Must .e steady and wiher: a Ki nttrvTt u;i. need apply. A irood lionie and i maacio, piji, e given to one wr.o esu tut tne place. Addnw li.oace ihi oilleo. stating where can be .en. I ARMs Parlies naviptf Dnall farms Fo rent, or .P forsale.ot 10 to 40 acre, within to s miles ..( MeiuphU. au liud ready teuatibi and buyers iiion apptlCOtion to A VERY & BERLIN, No. S'.i Madlkon street. VX'-l- 1'A.N lS For thr.-- Isrvc front rxxm. fur-- W nisi lor i:furnUb. d.w itb l.oar.l. Terms rea-r.'- l is HERSMNDO ST. 4 AN A e. man ; good salary to Jj. tile rigid l;:illl I" nr. lor W it K EWlNi H Madlaon straet. Front loin. m. urC tos p m 0 Anli.. lu Hilly l.iebeti s. W, Main. Mi:-- t ive i; rwfcreta'oo. T)"ltl'Hi H, at "i n i, r. ni es. Cull ai Matouioth X Clothing House, : .s Miillisli-eol- . j'KTTI illHH, -- small ;;. . dog Duke, brack, nr 1 be calud a blue doc; longhair. Will pay a Ills. reward for his return u So. ;'.17 Main Street. ARTHUR MKRKIM AN. SERVANT To do housework. At TJCi'l KT STREET. Two fuiuale servanta, for general housework. Apply at ej ; POPLAR ST. V'OI 'PA NTS - Eorlwonii-- fismis. it ith board. V J TeiiO" icat.iuaide. tteferetlo exchanged. cor K STREET. rt-v- i HI Y A small dwelliiighotise near business 1 part of iheeitv. ul low rigur. s. Ad dress, cam J. T. iurgas.,n A I'o . JAMES A. ASHFORD. "lOOK At lzr. ADAMS STREET. houae. an eaergvtlc, 7 ie liable dry g.s.ds or elothin.r and traveling sileamau. A gol s.dary and a permanent posi- tion will be eiven U- Mich a" Apply at once y cii. r, .il: reference, to I O, Box .'.I.'., Mobile, Alabama. " -- l( n TONS OF OLD K.tus AND IRON. 11 "I A. KOH1 !!U Mi. Main stn . t. RfcsfONSLRLE VARTY To adold-an'ln- fan Addnn Mrs. ALICE DUN AN, loruer alnut and Vance trvets. snri' ATION asia clct or to travel for some A'rteiuid m general illQO isaiary nooijocl above actual petisis. y oiveu. Address. F. M M.'.i.KS, this oOlCe. I luLSE Of & or siiTMi nanus, in desirable Ji ueighoorh.. L by family of two. Central loi Otion preferred. Address I s tlda omce. H1TE OIRL Agesl mtiu or leu years: orphan w pretcrrcd: s'rnianeni nome. Appiv at ii r.i.i.i.'i .s i i g Slai'EKNo- - ii. and r. n. ; J charg . whaien r; aL-- Brick wjt of an kinds 0 a;, al bottom rates. THOM AS Ci niUNS, 43 Madison st. FOR RENT. 1X.11!! J or uufurnishotl. jf0 , : K STREET. CntTTIONTTi TunT.a rounty. Mias . known 1ST. as the Avent pUee. Posaet'U given the 1st of Januarj' neat. Apply tp W. S. DANCi . Holly springs. Miss. upper licit of the house No. 124 Beale street THE person occupying the store' will laaird with tenant and pay a reasonable difference KM a Uauil. . I1KHK K Beale street. MN(. MKKtWCTHKR. I ""l Fur,,,shed..UWUrnr.s,nI;MAN. jl'kNlSHKD ROOM." at 107 Jefferson slrecl. FOR SALE. I kOTTOM I' A KM A t a sacrifice, a Lotlom (arm J" in Mississippi, i ost ' four visarsago; prioo t.'.aai II. L. OLIl-'-N- Agllll, I'J aia.uson mitvs ' DLIollT OIL Has ami Bind stoves, i urwi-iu- a lamia. A. Ill raFFXD, 23t8erand it. tro. weks TEtt STREK1' -- Near corner ol lal- - 1 Ks- - v N.t I house, ol seven rms, in tine Ord. t, i.ll a 'ot 4o bv 1A1 leCt; eOllVelllelil lo street pa: rice UlalU. w lib a eaab pay incut ol S2 . the lance call ne i;d i.rjwj t 111011II1. MIS 1 LK PARKER. f MNTtMltCklNii JUKI' -- "liucji will) new cage. lii.llire..l Mr I.HAI oil. l'. ra;conl slrfft. JK. Bi river or rail. WuanUlv ana quality w THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-SUNDA- Y, DECEMBEE BELI6I0U8 SERVICES TO-DA- Y RKM N Hwmmit chcbcb. twm street. Preaching Ht 10:30 a.m. PATRICK'S. Corner Linden ana Desoto streets. High mass at 10 a.m. liSUKKHATIi ISAL t lll'RCH OrleaiH street. B. A. Inn. - paal Services as usual. TMMVXl'AI, CHURCH. Beale rviccsat 11 a.m. and S p.m. street. Divine Sunday-schoo- l mnHYTBIIAM ill 1R.CH. Chelsea Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday-schoo- l at 1 p.m EPISCOPAL CHI RCH Morning 11 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. Thomas '. of Pulaski. BETHK1. Adams street, corner of MEMPHIS avenue. Sunday-schoo- l every 2:30 Roo.1 Mut CALVARY ('HI Kin. 1 ins elm red 'Mil no open fordirine services morning and even- ing, the rector officiating. PICkTERIXC M. E. CHURCH. Comer of Sixth and Jackson street. Services at :.i Rev. W.Shimmin, pastor, PETER'S CATHOLIC CIICRC!!. Mrs. mass at 6 am. ; second mass at 8 a.m. ; third thigh) at 10 a.m. Vespers at 8 p.m. take rERXANDO STREET M. E. CIICRCn.-Su- n- davschool at 9 a.m. services at 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. by Rev. J. st, Collins. CHAPEL. Central Point. Pas- thp PROVIDENCE p.m. Sunday-schoo- l at 1 :30 p.m. EORfilA STREET METHODIST CHURCH. Pnnchlncat 11 a.m. aud .:ln p.m., ly Kev Knott, pastor. Sunday-schoo- l ul 3 p.m. rrprpT ivn rRKS Y . : ,. 1111 loll conn sinVt. Pastoral sermon at 11 a.m. Usual at 7:30 p.m. Rev. H. A. Jones, Pastor. 0 n E I D A I. K STREET PRESBYTERIAN l Hl'RClI. Services at 11 a.m. and TslOp.ra. Rev. X. M. Long. Sunday scnooi ai Kfaa v 1 n STREET M. K. II UR !!. orner of 'sslvth'and Jackson streets, Port by Rev. A. Wells, presiding 7 I "inURCH OF THECilKMI SlIM'tlfclil'. corner Mill and Fourth streets. Chelsea Services at a.m. by Rev. Mr. Kline. Sunday-schoo- l at 9:30 AFFARANS STREET IL E. CUC'CII, SOUTH I'rcacliiiiH at 11 a m. and 7::!0 p.m. by the Rev C. Holmes. Sunday-schoo- at 9:.W LAI1AM A STREET P It ESI1YTERI AN CHURCH Corner Alabama street and Jones avenue. Services at 11 a.m and 8 p.m. by Rev. Mr. Bigger, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Comer of third and Poplar streets man ai 11 an 7::iU p.m. oy tne pasior, ncv. nuipnwi TNIOS STREET METHODIST ( III RCH Rev. n. Surratt, pastor. Subject at 11 a.m.: (ioliath hat to ao 1111 urn How tiet Rich.' MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Services this morn itiK and everv night during the week by Rev. M. Torbert, of the order ol St. John the Evan- gelist, oxford, England. BAPTIST CHURCH. Second street, FIRST Adams and Washington. Sunday-schoo- l a.m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., by pastor, Rev. R. A. Yenable. ERMAN EY ANC ELIC AL LU TH ER AN CHURCH Washington street, between Third Fourth. Service at 10 a.m. Th. Beuscii, pas Residence, 19U Carroll avenue. THIRST METHODIST CHURCH Second street between Poplar and Exchange streets Ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 ::!0 p in. by the pastor, Kev. H. M ill. .11. Sunday school at l'::!0 a.m. T. JOHN'S M. K. ( Hl Ki'll. Comer Van Lnudt-niiil- vtret'ts. ('uuuinuiiiiii i a.m. Iv Iti'v. A. Wells, prt Miliiu clut-r- Cla: meeting at 10 a.m. sjuiulay-M-lioo- i ul I p.m. QfeCOHfi PRESIIYTERIA N CHUKCH.- - rnerof Miun ami K'nlf tt. tn'rviees a in Rfv. E. M. Kiiimrdson, after which acoogrecifc nut'tingwill beheld. No services at night ENTRAL BAPTIST CHI'RCII. Second street. iciir lleale. suudav-si'noo- i at '.t:; 11.111 Prcachuie at 11 a.m. an ::ii p.m.. by tin- nstor t. J. Rowan. At :.w p.lll.. there will be service of song. 'CENTRAL BAPTIST CiU KCn (COLORED. ( orner ot amc and IK streets. kc J. Hodaa pastor, services at a. in., t p. Ul Tt p.m. Sunday-schoo- l at 1 p.m. Scrimm Jvlin, lit, vll. IKDEN STREET 1'HKISTIAS 0Hl'RCH-'- .,r i nerof Linden and ICulberrr. Sundav-sc- h 'J a.m. lord's supper at 1'ieai liiin; II a.m. mill ,.'M p.m. subjects: Morning "What it I'osts to!b a riiristiau." Eveiiia "Why a Christian." J. M. Trible. pastor. LARGEST Stock of Fancv Groceries Out side of New York. 2,000 lix, Halves anil (iiiarters Raisins 20 Ciisos Fijrs. 2,000 boxes Fire Crackers. 2,000 boxes Factory Cheese. 300 boxes Cream Cheese. 1,000 boxes Crackers. 1,000 cases Sardines. 1,000 cases Linrretrs Ralph's Snnff. 3,000 cases Jellies. 20,000 cs. assorted Fruits and Vegetables 100,000 pounris Faiicy Candy. 1,000 cases Canned Mackerel. 500 cases Canned Salmon. 0O cases Itrandy Peaches. 500 cases Brandy Cherries. 500 cases Matches. 1,000 bags Green Coffee. 500 barrels Keilned Sugars. 500 barrels Yellow Sugar. 100 barrels 'ew Molnsses. 1,000 packages Lard and Hams. 50,000 Fresh Cocoanuts. 1,000 bags Almonds, UrnMs, Peannta recalls ana t nueris. 300 barrels Oranges. 200 boxes Lemons. 0LIVER.FIM1E&CO WHOLEAt g 9H0CERS, 5fEfPill!. ...'TEKXKtiKKE. LOCAL PAH AO R A PB S. The game markets are well stocked. Dusty streets yesterday all over town. The Christmas holiday boon has pea red. Motions will be heard at the chancer court The board of education will meetto-mo- r row evening nt 7 o'clock The rain commencencd falling at 11:30 o'clock last night. A vouth named Samuel t ohen was ar rested by the police yesterday on the charge of larceny. The stockholders of the German Na tional bank will elect a board nt directors Tuesday next The water pressure and supply furnished bv the Wolt hiver atcr companv continues good and sufficient. 1' ridav niglit burglars enu red tuc resi dence of Sir- -. E. M. .Mount and carried ana lol of taliie silverware. At noon yesterday the tompeHtttm lorty-si- x degrees. 1 lie bar. nit. li r itidtcale 30.10 inches weight of atmosphen The rapid driving and slringing-ou- t of drays and carts cnntiniies to be the dan gerous nuisance at Main street crossings. Mons. Joseph, the Gnpo-Ronia- n wrest- ler. Is in the city, and challenges any one, barring weight, to wrestle with him for $200 a side. The sale of seats for the Banker's Daughter cngagcpient at the Theater next VVednesday w ill commence at Kirkland's to- morrow, At ihe criminal eourt yesterday a num- ber of )h MOM were fnuud guilty on indict-ment- fl charging illegal retailing of liipiors, and fines were imposed by the judge morning, at the foot of .Icf-fers- strei-t- , the St. lollis drummers steain-bon- t. Relistix-k- , will lx- - sold lo the highest bidder by Ihe United States marshal. Owing to the illness of Signor Talbo, llie tenor of the Tagliapietra Italian opera company, no matinee performance was given at tne Greenlaw ( Iporahoiiso yesterday. John Lyons, just from the State peniten- tiary, got mi a drunk yesterday and engaged in a row in Um Bon Ton saloon mi Washing- ton (treat, 11c n. arrested and locked up. The regular monthly meeting of the Yl'man's Christian assoetation will be held at 10:30 a.m. (Mondavi at the rooms of the asH.ciation, 30 Jctlerson street. On Tuesday next the Society fur the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals will give a ntt sk al entertainment at the Greenlaw Opexx-booa- e, on which invasion a lecture will also be delivered. St. Sickola for Christmas, Sru.s-i- f and fViiittViji Stjuare 7.ifccanV., Lnngtritv, a new Humboldt scries, together with a full line of reading material, to be had this morning at Matisl'ord's. Toof A Co., have issue.! an elegant map of the Taxing-- 1 'istrict of Memphis, showing the coUflrucliou ul .sewers, the liner, of the new and old sewers, those to lie built and the location of the flush tanks. Toy books, papeteries, new lot of "Sea- side" and other novelties at Hill v Lichen's news stand, 56-- Maiu street. Billy receives subscriptions for any magazine or papa in the l ulled rttatis at publishers rates. A spiritual nfi will lie given at the Theater If such can be given 011 Sunday nights, why no! a beautiful ojiera, or highly moral drama like 2wwal Kirh, that contains in its text a score of good sermons. On Thursday night thieves broke into the residence of C. C. Bill. No.96 Monroe and carried awav a lot of wearing ap- parel, tableware and kitchenware. The knivii- - and forks taken bear the initials, "C. C. B." Marriage licenses issued on yesterday: White Charles C. Ogden and Alta Robert- son. Colored Julius Meade and Kate Har- ris, Robert Mason and Mahalia Biggs, Charles Royster and PrecillajTucken ,Charlcs Blaydes and Alice Cameron. At about 1) o'clock yesterday forenoon a fire destroyed two ouc-slor- y frame shamics, occupied bv colored iieople, on Butler street, between Shelby and Tennessee streets. In one of the houses a chHd aged three years , , , . . rr- . 1 :l imrtietl lo 1 ne paiem.-- , u.iui apposed to have been caused by the child playing with the burning embers. The charred remains were found in the burned building when the fire was suppressed. Several communications have been re- ceived with reference to the unpaid teachers of the citv public schools. Their salaries have not Wen paid for several months, home arrangement should be made by the Board of Education to raise money and pay the teachers. Thev cannot live on air or prom ises. The stationhouse was telephoned yester- day that a man at the central telephone of- fice was conducting himself in a craiv man- ner. An officer was sent down, but the man had departed. He turned out to be Dr. Lang-don- , who has been arrested several times on charges of not being in his right mind and of acting in a daneerous manner. He attempted to B. Silk possession of the telephone office, claim ing that he had an order so to cto, as tne teie- - nhone was a murderous instrument, and was killing people. An order was issued bv the chief of police for his arrest wherever found. Some days since Robert McKenna, Re publican member-lec- t to the State legisla- ture, filed a petition at the Shelby circuit court to have his disabilities removed, the disabilities beinir disfranchisement by reason of his being convicted some years since before the Bartlett circuit court on the charge of in- cest intermarrvinc with his deceased wife's vain hlaiiffhter" Mr. McKenna was par ilrmed bv the irovernor after conviction by iiirv. but before sentence had been passed upon him by the judge of the court. On the petition to be restored to civil rights, above mentioned. Judce Pierce held that the par don issued by the governor had removed the disabilities "referred to, and he ordered the nctition to be dismissed. This decision ren ders Mr. McKenna eligible to the seat in the legislature to which he has been elected. LAW REPORTS. Chanrerr Conrt-HrDo- wf II, J mitre. Monday will be motion day. TaMe in Drews. Sarah Bernhardt, we are informed, changed her dress fiftv-tw- o times during her five nights performance in New York, showing or appreciation ot the element ol locking fresh every time. This is why all the great artists and men of the world recognize the importance of looking well. A good ailor is an artist on a lower plane, and ft ful one, too. Mr. L. Ixiwenstein, the lothicr of Memphis, 241 and 243 Main street, illustrates the best that is attainable tins line in the readv-mad- e cloth ing business, being a good judge of material, and selectiiitc his entire stock in person, and believing and acting on the principle that only a large business is possible when good goods are sold at a small profit. - A Ciiuldcu Opportunity TO HOUSEKEEPERS! RILEY BROS. A BAER is - Make the following liberal re- ductions to cash buyers from now until the end of the month: Bed-Roo- Snita, Fall Marble-To- p, Marked $05 for - in. Bed-Roo- KnltM. l ull Marble-Tou- , Marked re. for $35. Bed-Roo- Knita, Full Marble-To- p. Marked SiO, Tor geo. Bed-Roo- Suits. Full Marble ''o. Marked -- to. for ;". Beil-Roo- SnltM, F11II Marble-Top- , it iirU .I i . for - SO. A large lot of Marble-To- p Center-Tabl- at So. Carpets at prices that defy com- petition. PARLOR GOODS AT COST! Bfc?You will save money by call- ing earlyMonday at 340 Main street, corner of I nion."tSB "Spirits." At Leubrie's The Her the Foster- - Fay company will give one of their famous seances, producing a number 01 tnose lncom- - prehciisihle tcsU that have made them knowu all over the world. Among the many tcsls given may be mer.tiontd lette - vritinp, clairviiyancy or supernatural vision, materi alization of faces and tonus unconscious cerebration, transmutation of water, and others too numerous to mention. Ladies are especially invited to attend. A small admis-sio- u will be charged to defray expenses. JOHNSON' A VAN'C E, I'iiiIit (lie I'eabody Hotel, lwvf the large! mid linest Hue of gent' elotliinic mid I'urnlhliiiiK jtoodN, nrrk wfar, etc., to be found In the aontli. I. I. Turner, Dentist, 313 Main street. Dr.. Snydkr ( Mlice .111 Main street, AVal-ke- r block, near Byr.i's jewelry store. COAL. Pittsburg COal anncl coal, Autliracite coal. Wholesale and retail. Ordurs jiroinptly filled by C. B. BRYAN & CO. An Aid to Mem phis Trade. The favorite Memphis and White river packet Josie Harry still maintains her repu- tation as a champion cotton-carri- among the packet-lin- e acting as feeders to the trade of Memphis. She arrived yesterday with91(i bales of cotton, of which over 500 bales were consigned to a single Ann. The captain of this elegant boat may well contemplate with feelings of satisfaction the business done by the Josie Harry, when he remembers thai she brought here the banner load of cotton last season, and also carried the largest trip to St.' Louis ever lauded there, the former amounting to 1438 bales, and the latter to over 1200 bales. Captain Milt Jiarry, owing to his popularity among planters and ship- pers on White river, is a liberal contributor to the commercial prosperity of Memphis. His boat went out last evening well laden with shipments from our merchants, destined lor various points in Arkansas on and near White river. Telephone Y our Orders For plumbing and gas fitting to Phil Mallon & Co., 204 Main street. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS In every variety and all tbe lnn i duMiifu pat lei us. :tt J. f 11 1 1.1. .v t ll. s, corner Main nud Monroe. KiliS A FREIBERG. AtteutioH, Citizen! Our New York buyer has overwhelmed us with cheap goods this week. 5000 yds rctinished Irish linens, single and double width, at almost the price of domestic. Ask for our damaged Irish linens. All-wo- ol black cashmeres, 15c, 20c, 40c and 50c, worth fully double the money. All-wo- cashmeres, brown and garuet, at 40c, worth 75c. Very cheap at 40c. The ch, apest cashmere house in this city. Our elegant felt skirts, 50c. Pine white blankets from $2 50 to $5. 50 pes dress silks, shades garnet, plnm, black and navy-blu- e, at 30c, 40c and 50c, from the great New York lire, slightly dam- aged only. Bilk at the price of worsted, 30c, 40c a'nd 50c. 100 do checked linen napkins, (0c. Cloaks aud Dolmans ! Such prices in ladies' cloaks never heard of. Cloaks at $1 50. Cloaks at $2 50. Cloaks at ?.t 50, $4, S and Dolmans at 5, S7 and $8. Cloaks at less than cost of manufac- ture. A $5 cloak will make a nice present for the holidays. Our celebrated white mull at 121c. 150 missei-- ' cloaks at S2 and $2 50. Ladies' elegant dresses, silk trimmed, at $7, 8, 10 and $12. Cashmere and silk ready-mad- e at the price of the goods. Clothing! Clothing! Ocnts' fine suits, jvS to $10. 150 Ikivs' suits very low. Boys' overcoats, $4 and $5. Men's overcoats, $6 and $S. 15,000 pairs boots and shoes at popular prices. Useful presents for the hsdidays. KAIIX A FREIBERG, Corner Maiu and Poplar Streets. li ber' to Buy a Hat. Martin Cohen, at No. 219 Main street, un- der the Worsham house, near the corner of Adams street, has a slock of new hah. in the city. He sells bis goods at bottom prices, tar lower titan such goods can be sold by any other dealer in the city. LOWENSTEIN & BROS. GREAT HOLIDAY GOODS SALE! UUtera, Jackets, Dolmanii, Circulars and CToaita at R4'4liH'ed Prices ! Suits, Worsted Suits. Brocaded fcuita, Children n ji, at RHlac43d Prios X Children's Cloaks at Reduced P rice ! Havelockii at Reduced Prices ! Furs at Reduced Prices ! Shawls at Reduced Prices! Lace Curtains at Reduced Prices ! Brocaded Velvets t.nd Plushes at Reduced Price ! Black and Colored Suirahs and Satin de Lyons at Reduced Prices! Brocaded Silks and Satins at Reduced Prices ! Evening Silks and Satins at Reduced Prices ! Beautiful Dress Goodf for New Year's Re ceptions at Reduced Prices ! Lyon Velvet at Reduced Prices ! Black Cashmere Silks and all Wool Cash- - men at Reduced Prices! All Wool Shoodaha at Reduced Prices! Fancv Brocaded Si'k and Worsted Dress Uoods at Reduced Prices ! Plaid Dress Goods and Black Goods, :il Reduced Prices! B. I.O1VEXSTEIX fc BROS Our NnuiCNiike the name of the new feature in gentlemen's fine white dress shirts. In material, style and finish, this is the SHIRT "PAR EXCELLENCE." Gentlemen, dron in at the Mammoth and inspect this splendid garment. You will be delighted. It is the best fitting white shirt ever introduced in Memphis. A maaniiicctl line of Gents' Holiday Furnishing Goods received. MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOVSE, 238 Main Street. GERRER A WILKOIV, 867 Maiu Street 367 Just received for tbe Holidays: 70 dot silk hdkfs from 25c to S2 50. 100 doz Ladies' and Children's linen hdkfs from 10c to $1 50. 50 doz Scarfs and Ties for Ladies in newest styles. 500 doz Ladies' Hose, in all shades and prices. 200 doz Misses' and Children's Hose in latest novelties. 25 doz Balmoral Skirts for Ladies and Misses. 10 doz Fancy Embroidered Tidies. 75 doz Ladie', Gents' and Children's Gloves. 1000 Pieces in all the newest shades of Ribbons. Fancy Work Boxes in great variety. And a great many other goods suit- able for holiday presents, at GERRER fc WH.SOVS, 207 Main Street 20 Opposite Court Sipiare. See our tine white mulls, 12Jc. K. & F. French M cam lye-Work- s. Ladies' and jrentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Lou it Keigel's, 58$ Jefferson street. See our 54 00 circulars. K. A V. Floyd's Keslanraitt. In addition to a first-cla- restaurant we have a lew nice y furnished rooms for gen- tlemen onlv. HANDKERCHIEFS 1 MENKEN BROTHERS Annour.ce a special display of Ladies' Colored Ilordered Handkerchiefs! Gents' Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs! ALL IX NEW DESIGKB! 100 dozen Beautiful Silk Handkerchiefs at 35c each, former price 60c. 8rThese jjoods will lie withdrawn from sale A1TEK MONiAY MENKEN BROTHERS. See our finest col'd cachmere, 40c. K. & F. For (jiood Iliiui1ing, Gas and stear i fitting, leave orders at J. A. Bailey's, 2t5 Second street. CilREAT BiRUilXM IX ROYS CL.OTHINU ! For want of room, anil lo iilwou. i In uc (his branch of oar buslneaa, we will clow out an elegant line of Itoj s' Clothing;, ranging; in alaM from nine to nit years. AT riUE COST. m. m. drake 271 Main street. See our $5 dolmans. K. & F. nrpcN and Furniture. New stock; best goods, at lowest prices, wholesale and retail, Ames, Beattie & Co.'s, SW3 Main street. v REDUCTION - in CHRISTMAS GOODS! 100 Different Articles at $. '200 Different Articles at ijtl. 300 Different Articles from 50c to $1. 300 Different Articles at 25c. Shin. The May Shirts are known far and wide for their excellency in quality, fit aud style. Don't be fooled by the solicitor, who sends your orde- - to some foreign city to be manu- factured. You will not get any such stock or fit as ai. Xo. 2G1'J Main street, where they manufacture GENTS' FURNISHING COODS. We make a specialty in furnishing goods, and, consequently, carry a large and more varied 6t.)ek than any house in this city. Our line of Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, and Embroidered Wrappers defy competij tion, and should be examined by our citizens desiring a No. I goods at low prices. MAY, LOEWENSTINE & 00. Main Street, opposite Court Square. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic cures torpidity of the liver. 1 s Joe I - sin . u s Boots and ahee are A large aaaortnient n hand, Ins own make. Kepairtna- - neatly done. See out 20c sash'ribbons. K. & F. Tiu aud Slate Roofing. A leaky roof is a nuisance that every householder should guard against. The proper is to get the work done by a competent roofer one who has "served his time" at it, and is practical and familiar with the details of the difficult business of roofing. Mr. Harry J. Rice, whose office is atcWUavoso street, give oroiiii't attention HALF REOULAR PRICE! MENKEN BROTHERS. To close their entire stock of FINE DRESS GOODS! Offer on Monday, and until all are sold, the following well-know- n dress fabrics at the prices named : h AU-Wo- Shooda, C2Jc, former price $1. 4S-in- All-Wo- Momie, 62Jc, for- mer price $1 10. Double-widt- h All-Wo- Cashmeres, former price 5oc. Brocade Sateens, 25c, former price 45c. And all Silk, Velvet and Wool Fabrics at same rate. MENKEN BROTHERS. WM. FRANK & CO. For the Holiday Trade We have made special low prices in DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SATIN DE LYONS! SATIN DE LYONS! BROCADES and VELVETS! are selling the above-name- d articles at nearly one-ha- lf former prices. Silk Brocaded Velvets Former price S6, now $: a yard. Forty-Eight-In- Brocaded Silk Novelties former price oO, now 3D a yard, lour Silk l'laids Former price $2 75, now $1 115 a yard. Shudda Dress l'laids Former price $2, now $1 a vard. Black Satin De Lyons Former price 3. now SI 50 a vard. All-Sil- k Brocades Former price S2, now 1 a vard. Black Silk Velvets Former price $2 75, now SI 50 a yard. Colored Silk Velvets Former price S'- - 50, now bl 25 a yard. Silk Plushes (in black, plum and garnet Former price SI 50, now $!i. Large lines of Dress Brocades and Plaids. Also solid colors Former price 50o, now 25c a vard. 10 different shades in Handkerchief Suitings at 50c, costing SI each. We shall also, connection with this, place on sale 100 pieces rhudiiii 1 lams, Stripes and Brocades at 10c a yard, worth louble the monev WM. FRANK & CO., 249. Main Street 240 H.ll. FRANK A CO. Will make special prices from now until the holidavs in our Ladie' l)eiurtnieiit! Ladies' Cloth Cloaks Formerly i, now 2 50. Ladies' Diagonal Cloaks Formerly $5, now So 50. Ladies' Fine Heaver Cloaks Formerly $7 50, now (5. Ladies' Hiasunal lHilnians Formerly S10, now S7 50. Ladies' Beaver Dolmans Formerly $12 50, now $8 50. Ladies' F.legant and Kichly-Triuime- d Iol- - maus Former price S'20, now $15. Ladies' Sicilian Silk Dolmans Formerly 75, now $45. Ladies' Cashmere Silk Dolmans Formerly $85, now $5(1. Ladies' Walking Jackets at greatly reduced prices. La lies' Handkerchief Suits Formerly $30, now $17 50. Ladies' Flannel Suits Formerly $20, now $12 50. Ladies' Cashmere Suits Formerly $25, now $15. An extensive line and variety of Ladies' Muslin I nderwear, elegantly trimmed in embroidery or lace, at two-thir- the usual prices. WM. FRANK sfc CO. Will also exhibit large lines of very handsome Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. Also Ladies' and Gents1 Merino L nderwear and Socks at one-thir- d less than prevailing prices. WM. FRANK A CO. Will make special prices in Ladies', Misses' and ( hildren's Shoes and Uutton Boots. Ladies' Philadelphia Custom-Mad- e Shoes, formerly $.'!, now$l 75. Misses' Phil- adelphia Custom-Mad- e Shoes, formerly $2 50, now $1 25. Ladies' Custom-Mad- e Cloth-To- p and liutton Shoes, formerly $:!, now Ifl 75. (rents' embroidered Slippers at $1 50, $1 75, $2, and S2 50 a pair, sold else- where at a dollar a pair higher. One hundred very handsome Hoys' Hats at only 75c apiece. WM. FRANK A CO. Display six counters heavily laden with the choicest Christmas goods, such as Jap- anese and lironze Goods, Willowware aud Dolls, Thousands of articles for use and ornaments at astonishingly low prices. We have two counters fully stocked at a choice for Twenty-Fiv- e Cenla Each! Among which are to be found a goodly num- ber of valuables and such that usually cost more than double the price. WM. FRANK A CO., Wishing to do full justice to their many well-wishi- patrons, will employ an extra number of salesmen. ne wishing employment must call befoie nine o'clock Monday morning. WM. FRANK & CO., 21 Main Street 24 See our silk velvet, bronze or brown, 50c. K. & F. IfI'Mt 1'ills.iniii. OHl At Brown & Jones's, 288 Main street. See notice of lost bracelet. K. LOWESSTEDf A BROS. Shoe Dopnrlnient! We are now offering our entire line of Ladies' and (Tents', Misses' and Children's llOOTS 1 SIKH S ! At prices which defy competition. Also a fine assortment of Geiita' Embroidered Blippera! Suitable for holiday presents. H. LOWEXSTEIX A BROS. Autliracite Coal At Brown A Jones's S88 Main. C'aimel Coal At Brown it Jones's, 2S2 Main. Fine CandieM a S i i.i li . There is a deal of candies bromrht to this city and sold cheap. Persons buy toil not knowing what it is made from. They do not know there is more money made in this than our hmr-uuu- which we sell at 5(1 cents per pound. You pay from 00 cents to $1 in every other city for the same candv, and may be not so good. Floyd's Candies are known everywhere, and everything that comes from there is good. Everybody knows Floyd's. Reed's Hilt Edge Tonic nourishes and strengthens. JET PALACE. CHRISTMAS! Attention, Ladies! JN anticipation ol brink business, 1 bought lOarpc stock of Jewelry, which I will now ilispose of at Prices to astonish everybody. Solid Uold and Plated Jewelry (warranted lor finish ana durability), Onyx and Jet Claoda, Cloeka, Spectacles and Taney An le lea in short, almost anything kept in the Jewelry line, (jive me a call, and convince yourselves thai 1 nicau what I say. T I 1 "C ATA f "1-- -- - !- -- v -- l , 1880. HURRAH FOR LOW LBUBRIE BROTHERS' HEADQUARTERS ELEGANT HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE LEUBRIE BROS' DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SHORT ENDS OF TRIMMING SILKS AND VELVETS, CLOAKS! CLOAKS! DOLMANS! DOLMANS! LADIES AND OLEAEII SALE During tjiis Month We Propose to Sell Our Immense Stock of LEUBRIE BOOTS AN I A T Of no own ON ain also to build any or all or ihe ol" and now in use. I use oui me vekv utsi aud SUITS! GREAT SHOES! We Keep the Best Makes Only! Ladies', Misses', Children's FINE SHOES, SLIPPERS, SANDALS. 1 I & UBRIE OFFER at THE IN THE OF FINE KEEP SELECT STOCK (exrlnlvel nannfarinrri CONSTANTLY HANI). Maaand rroonnra modern alylea Bua-Kloa- u Family CamsKes notiiing MATKK1AI., employ strictly first-clas- s mechanics. PRICES ! MISSES' TIMES! OF HOSIERY! Regardless of Cost CO m CO CO COMPRISING ""ENNESSEE. Latest Novelties Ladies' Neckwear Ruchings TINTED MULLS, ALL SHADES. INDUCEMENTS IN BLANKETS, COMFORTS AND FLANNELS French Millinery and Pattern Price. LEUBRIE BROTHERS HolidayPresemtslHolidayPresents! LARGEST ASSORTMENT CITY, JEWELBY, PLATED TOE, FANCY GOODS, AIMS, CARPETS, RUGS AND OILCLOTHS. LEUBRIE BROTHERS, NO. 261 MAIN STREET CARRIAGES. OWEN LILLY, PRACTICAL BUILDER Light Carriages. Rt:iMlUI.ii, Hosiery in SPECIAL Fine Hats Half M. H. COOVER & CO. M AM F H'Tl'HF.RS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds & Moldings ALL KINDS OF DOOR AND WINDOW-FRAME- S, Brackets aud Scroll-wor- Rough an J Dresaed Lumber, Shlnglea, Laths, et Nos. 161, 163 and 165 Washington Street, MEMPHIS, DAMMANN & MURPHY, (8DCCESSOK8 TO CHAS. A. DAMMANN & CO.) Wholosnlo TJealera in FINE WINES, LKJU0RS AND CIGARS, BEJACH'S EXTRA Amomiw The entire stock of Bamplei in Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' CLOAKS! LADIES' SUITS AND UNDERWEAR, .01 Messrs. h. HEII.PRIS & CO., of Louisville, Ken tucky, were liotiKlit l.y us ycttlcrday from a mem- ber of the above firm at 50 cents on ihe dollar. We will offer them to morrow, at our store, at a slight ail ranee of 10 per cent., which will make them cost the purchaser 40 per cent, less than tho gomlscan lie manufactured for, or less than one- - half of regular selling price. If you have anything to buy in any of Ihe articles, please call on us, and we are satisfied you will make a purchase. The following are the goods that will be offered, with prices, in plain figures, attached : CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Dolmans! Dolmans! KlcBant Diagonal Cloaks, $3, worth V 50. Klegant Diagonal C'loaky, Beautifully Trimmed, t3 50, worth S. Very iiaii.i.soinc Heaver uioaKs, r.icganny l rim med. M. worth ss so. Verv Handsome Beaver Cloaks, Elegantly Trim- med, m, worth 80 50. Real English Castor Beaver Cloaks, HtindNomclT Trimmed, with Silk Velvet s and Bugled Chenille Fringe, fs. wortli 117. (lenuine Diagonal Cloaks. Elaborately Trimmed, 7, worth 815. Klcgant castor weaver woimaus. wun suii ae I.von. Passementerie and Bugled Chenille Fringe. 810, worth 810. English Hiugonul ihumans, r.xqniMtclv Trim- med with Satin dc I. von, Passcniciiierie aud Rich Chenille Fringe 812, worth t-'- i. l inline English Castor Beaver Dolmans, Beauti- fully Trimmed, Extra Long. 81 1, worth fm, Elegant Plush Trimmed Dolmans, sill, worth 8J3 CHILDREN'S CLOAKS! MISSES' CLOAKS! An Elegant Child's CI. ink for 8:1, worth 87. An Fllegant Child's Cloak for 8:1 .10, worth 87 M. An Elegant child', cloak for 84, worth 8s. Verv Beautiful Diagonal, Handsomely Trimmed with PtMh, S", worth W, Misses' and Children's Cloaks, made of best Chinchilla, sizes from 4 to 12 years, at) at 84. warth 87 50. Plain Black Beaver Cloaks, 8.1, worth 8f. Very Best Beaver Mimes' and dren's Cloaks, in Navy Blue, Seal Brown and Black, Eleiraiuly Trimmed. $."', worth 810. Mi&tie' Cloaks, Exquisitely Trimmed with Passe- menterie, 84.i0, worth S'.i. Ladies' I biters, B so, worth 80 00. 10 Ladles' Ulsters, 8', worth 810. LADIES' SUITS! SUITS! SUITS! 100 La.lies' Suits, mailc ol the very i nmtcrial, as follows: Klepatit Cashmere Suits, handsomely Trimmed with Silk and Velvet, in all the Latest Shades. Handsome Suits in Shoodn Cloth, Monde Cloth, and other effects. Kletnintly Trlmmesl. Grey De Bege Suits, Trimmed with Velvet. Very handsome. Ik'iiutiful Noveltv Suits. V Very Handsome Combination Snits, in OUvs Brown nud nld (told. ElcL'snt i '.mil. Suits, in Wine. Ok' Hold, Silk Trimmed. ElCKant ' iii.iti..n Suits. Handsomely Trim- med with Corded and 8trled Velveti. All Ihe ahove Nulls eost from Kin lo I per Soil. They will he Mold at Ihe m onderfnl l.ou Price or ; per Mult. Ladies' Underwear. Immense stock of fun ladic underwear of every description al one half of i: it; i i a it mi i im. ruin:. SANTA GLAUS AT BEJACH'S. We liftve mo'lo room for SanU-('lau- who will , this wtik 'liv;.-i- at our store the 1ut.m i.h k of Toy, ever nn'u in Memphis. Also fine Tutlel Set. ' VaMOfi. Majoliett W are. Tin and Woodenware, 1..1 llH OlssTt. JaiMiiiticd Ware and Kaney Goods oil every description. ( OMC M. SEE Ol K DISPIaAT. arM ts. si rpol Moor Oil- - lihx RiilC-- and ruml- - loili. We will show this week nw arti le in the car"5 pet line, Seot?h Hemp Cnnieting, the very besti 35c, worth 50c yanl. H io new liu'r.-Li- Carpet, 3.V, worth 60e yard. All-w- Two-pl- rnrp.-- "Oc, worth Me yard. Best Three-pl- Carpet, all wol, IKk. worth $1 2fl yanl. Brussels Cant, 85c, worth $1 25 yard. SPECIAL. 1 doz large size Crumb Cloths, $4 50, worth I a piece. t iioz ( rum loins, y... worth y.t ft piece. 5doz Brussels Burs, line, worth $1 50 a piece. i doz large Velvet Rues, t ri0, worth il a pieei 10 I pes I West Kloor 2 yards, worth f! :) a vard . And for Monday Only 20 pc best Hemp Carpet, 17Jc per yard. Notions and Fancy Goods Embroidered, eolnred Mull Neck Handkcrchle ; 20, SS, 40c, worth 40. tB, 71c. 811k Handkcrchiels, 2ac, 40c, SOc, 7.', clscwhw double. Our3-butU- Kid Gloves, in all shades, will you Ue, els, lu re si a pair. OnrO-butto- u Kid Ulovcs at 73c are worth II a pair. (lompletc stock of misses' and children's glo and mitts. Ktichlng, ribtions, cmbmlderics, erfumcs,com brushes and tidies In endless varietlea. Special Sale of SilTerware aud Majoli Ware for the Holidays. We will offer and during the wi $.1000 worth of the above Roods at one half of i regular price, as follows: Best Silvcr-l'lati- d Castors, tl, worth 91. Hest Silver-l'latc- Castors, tl ro worth Hi. Very Hcst Kilver-Plate- d Castors, fc! T.j, worth Sllvcr-I'latc- lluttcr-Hishe- fl 'ir, worth $'.! SO, Best Silver-plate- Hiittcr-liisli.s- fl : wortli : Silver-I'late- SujrarHowls, f 1 2T, wnrtli "0. Silver Plated Sufar-Bowl- a, ti, worth H. silver-Plate- Spooo-Holde- fl i", worth $2 & (iold-Line- Ciolilets, (fl , worth 12 50. i ali- - sunds, tl 50, worth til. Child's Sets, tl 25, worth $2 50. ' An immense assortment of tlic best Silver Pin Knives, Forks, Tea and Tablespoons at half-it- r Majolica Tea Seta, f 1 50, elsewhere ttt. Majolica Plates, 25c, elsewhere 50c. Maiolica Cake Uasketa, tl 25, elsewhere 2 50. Majolica r'uspailores, tl, worth t2. Majolica Pitchers. 50, GO, T5c, worth double. HOI SEFI KMSHIXG (iOODS. Best Coal Hods, 50i-- : elsewhere tl. Painted Coal Hods, 75c; elsewhere tl 25. Covered Coal Hods, tl ; elsewhere t2. Tin Toilet Beta, t2; elsewhere tl. Best Spittoons, ail colors, 25c; elsewhere SOc. Painted Bowls and Pitchers, fl 25; elsew t2 Ml i jira sets. Stand. Poker, Tong Shovel, tl; worth t2. Japanned Wallers, 30c, 40c, 50c, nr; worth dot Bet Brittauia Dippers, :'.'. ; worth ,75c each. Dipwirs, Jelly !aud Pie Plates, Coal Sho Piuldiug Pahs, skimmers, etc. , all at Be each. BEJACH & BRAS 223 MAIN STREET. New York Toy C We are headquarters the following articles, if 3 have anything to buy in Toy line, come and see t New York Toy I We keep whjcoiii. IhikjcIc loelpcdoM, wlievNbarrowii. drays in all lxe hobby-h- c patent rockera, lruuiH, el bureau, exteiiMiou (ableMs boa nix, I'll inn tea netM, iue let M'tm uiiiMie bo i'h, tlwl ls, 1 calami ine'luuiieal io 1 d anytbiagii Toy line. fCome and see us be purchasing, and we will yon money. Mi 27a Ua

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Post on 28-Jul-2019




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wmm Styles!

dolmans Endless Varieties!


dolmans Useful Presents 010AKS






Papeteries, Dictionaries, Chromos,






AUCTION . v I i:

OFI nr. de. mill I'lcducs of


SETS. C1ITH1NO,' JUStCAL INSTRtTttSlB..Holiday, Dwcmlu r aoih, a lo a.m .,

AT SIMONS & LOWENSTEIN S, o J10NROK ST.St.lo to continue Daily until cloaedi out.

X. M. BTOUDARI). uctloneer.


1 Auction,OF THE

Knt lrt Ontflt of th Sniikm Stoaniei- -


Klenaiii nrpels and Rags,CABIN FI llNITCnE

Mnttrfmo iNcw Jeathcm),Chiaaaail Sllverwnre,

UIRKORs Onuof which cuttllOOO).

l ine Pinuo, lion. I. I ers,EXTENSION TABLES, CHAIItS, BrREArs,

Table Had Ilrd l inen. BlaakrtH,LAROE BILL, STAG, BLOCKS AND TAOKI.B.

lu (act, everythiiiK uaed upoii a Firat-Cla- a


THIN OI TFIT IS VALI'ARI.E.and the aalc will lie well worth the attention o(rleambout owner! and others wL-- iit to pureliaae.

Sale nt Corner or Adams and Second Sis.,MEMPHIS, TENS..

Friday, Dec. 17, 1880,10 OTloek.A. M. STODDARD. Auctioneer.



FACTORY.Iff, ffffTCKOCffffSfffflCfftC

not Main Stretvw.

Oil uinltupa, EalgraTlnirH,(nranniN Mlrrorn,Frnmets Rinokets,

Sl:ti ti:ir t . etjNew and Splendid Assortment,


PERSONAL.I I Ti.HiiLLK.NHFK' ' having a. ccntedthiJnrTM . for the Sonihwesl of Ihi .tconili'ii in conn. Til. in Willi mi- wcn-s"o- nod...nt eatabllohed aneiiey of Chic kerni and steiu-wa-

Plaucis, otters cathodal in. tueean'iita to pti r--

. ti i.M-- . at hi new aei . iCF'im noiw mm i In y

buildltK (Walkur llro ' old stand), T! A1N - P

iK K. 1.. LASK I has removed his ottn-- lo .14.H

Mkiii stn-et- . thrw doom below Unlou, over

STRYF1 OR NTOLKN.--On lthe nth instant, one lunre black i.iareMULE In (rood condition, round bodv. 1

io;tiauds high, small white cpot sba of letterAon left hind lev nr thtKh. M'Mte saddle marks, alittle stiff in forrahoulders. ONii iy reward forliitoruiaUoii or 1

w L. RILEY. Ifi Madison street.

ROOMS AND BOIHD.'M- -A oTliilitiiiTfrSil oSoai. wltti aoutlioriiKi oxposure, foralsheil or I ufuruisbed. t an la"

ohulma! in a prTi ate fearHy t.y earlv applicationM'l illFl.RY OTREKT.

I ' i ).,! Furuisue.l turn! IOIOj with orXl without board, al lo I TI11K1' ST.

U'lLNIsllKD ROOMS --Wttlt or without board.1 At 111 CTIUKT STRKKT.

To6.NU Furuiahod or uuinrnishml.aiin hoard,JA at rcaaonabl.- rub, at M aud .V. Mouns strecl."XTICE RlHIMS Furnished or unfurnished,

gle or In suite; apartm.mts (or light house-keeidiu-

at ltd Jetfemon str l.AND BOARD

KOOMS al No. .l'..larrtreet.


a3R : yc

If ! rj- IS


at p.m.



J Rev.CLOAKSI s.At 1 p.m.








and 7


CLOAKSI iservice



d 1 K J a a . L. I1 j I j I A. IVA I S


I i









rV Iandtor.



a 1







AHI' it riir.ATKR.

JclSEl'H IlIttMHCS Pr.ii.ri, tor and Manairer

MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DEC IJth.IIth.Tho Koutz-SanUc- y Novelty GmmjKfJ,

M. H. LEAV'TTT. Pnjft'r.

LIST OF ARTISTS.Lisa Weber. Boaa Lee,. af . Tni lii .in. 1,, Ur. lWH.Lulu Mortimer, Kate lUynhara,Belle Clifton, li'.rdeaux Msters,Fanny Florenc.1, Hlanefae Vanuie,Capitola Forrest, l.aura Ben neit.Leir Bancdlcl, iullier 4i OoldricB,John E. Il. inihair, Harry Gwynctte,Mt Rniu. Vm. Randlc.

Monday evening, Lia Weber's New Burlesque,I'ENN'S AUNTS AMONO THE PIRATES!

Entire Chance of Bill Tuesday.Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday Collier's Bank

er'a D,tifIu r t ..iiipan;.

TO KX( HANOI:.IjllRST-CI.AS- fl liOTTOM I. AN I ATION WellJ1 Improve 1. an. SlO.oOn lo $1 iK.U.'a-- lor Mem- -

plii-- . proerty L. OUION, Acent,No. 19 MadN.u st

LAND 840 aeics (2,0o)u) on Hernando road.iront city, dwelliai; ol six rooms, line

neighborhood and beautiful counlry. Also 200acres (90 oen) :t miles of Wythe lep..t. Will exahanice th.- above tio pia.-.H- . for Memphis propertyand Ul Live diltareiicc of to WHO cash.

H. 1.. GBION, Acent, IB Madison street.KSIDKN. 'E AND I. AND $l:.U00-r-i sideni e. fur"R lied, 11 rooms, in V-- Voik tlty : larireand

showy pUce. And JTikj acres o( land in Oneidaand H.rklmcr coii.iilea, New York, near Ulica.Will ejichanifc above r.roperty for southeru proa-ert-

II L. OF MS. Aeeiit; l Madison strect.Ti US IN Ess !! USI lo" arst businessJ bouses, ei uiral location . flnl rliix order:

eoninuinds nmtK'lAaa teuairts. The propertycost K&.OOO: price 145,000. Will take part pay inlirsl-- . ia-- s bottom l.lantallon.

H. L. ul.'ION. I" Ma.ll.ou alreei.

FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE.T PLANTATION m ar Hledsoe's Landing, threeL lulla fn.m Rivur, in Luc county. Arkansas,coutainlua l'iso acres, 4o0ojs-n,-41- acr.s in cultiva-tion, i) cabins: '

i f the entire tract nliovc over-flow. Too icoo'i i'arty a lonilnm will be given:OK WILL SELL I'lIE Hiiri'.AE'.AlN ON THEMARkTICT. The traid ao one of the high-est bv all parlies familiar with the same. For termsapply to F. W. ROYSTER & CO.,

R. ul Estate Dealers,

LOST.I PENDANT On Adaroi stn t a pendant of r

A rinit. with amethyst set. will leave atJ!t ADA MS ST , and be rewarded.

1 tRACELET Del eniber'.'th, an etuimeled brace-I let : engra fi n iBHda "l.ou B.Liberal icwanl will U- pld for its return to the


WANTS.OiMs To rent 2 or : rooms, completely fur

lisb.-- in a in 'ight'orhood, for lightLooping Addres- - KoOMS. A ieal ofticc.

"I Oi M MATK y : ::in boarding in a pri- -

i ate f:umi!d.-sr- s n ruom-iaatc- . l'erma mod-erato. Addn-s- T. I.. ::sk & i'o

Whit. Ulan, l,ft to nil )... wltli binMViUc but no children : one uot able to dohard preferred. Must .e steady and wiher: aKi nttrvTt u;i. need apply. A irood lionie and i

maacio, piji, e given to one wr.o esu tut tne place.Addnw li.oace ihi oilleo. stating where can be.en.I ARMs Parlies naviptf Dnall farms Fo rent, or.P forsale.ot 10 to 40 acre, within to s miles ..(MeiuphU. au liud ready teuatibi and buyers iiionapptlCOtion to A VERY & BERLIN,

No. S'.i Madlkon street.VX'-l- 1'A.N l S For thr.-- Isrvc front rxxm. fur--

W nisi lor i:furnUb. d.w itb l.oar.l. Terms rea-r.'-


4 AN A e. man ; good salary toJj. tile rigid l;:illl I" nr. lorW it K EWlNi H Madlaon straet.

Front loin. m. urC tos p m

0 Anli.. lu Hilly l.iebeti s. W,Main. Mi:-- t ive i; rwfcreta'oo.

T)"ltl'Hi H, at "i n i, r. ni es. Cull ai MatouiothX Clothing House, : .s Miillisli-eol- .

j'KTTI illHH, -- small ;;. . dog Duke, brack, nr1 be calud a blue doc; longhair. Will

pay a Ills. reward for his return u So. ;'.17 MainStreet. ARTHUR MKRKIM AN.

SERVANT To do housework.At TJCi'l KT STREET.

Two fuiuale servanta, for generalhousework. Apply at ej ; POPLAR ST.

V'OI 'PA NTS - Eorlwonii-- fismis. it ith board.VJ TeiiO" icat.iuaide. tteferetlo exchanged.

cor K STREET.rt-v- i HI Y A small dwelliiighotise near business1 part of iheeitv. ul low rigur. s. Ad

dress, cam J. T. iurgas.,n A I'o .


At lzr. ADAMS STREET. houae. an eaergvtlc,7 ie liable dry g.s.ds or elothin.r and traveling

sileamau. A gol s.dary and a permanent posi-tion will be eiven U- Mich a" Apply at once

y cii. r, .il: reference, to I O, Box .'.I.'., Mobile,Alabama.

"--l( n TONS OF OLD K.tus AND IRON.11 "I A. KOH1 !!U Mi. Main stn . t.

RfcsfONSLRLE VARTY To adold-an'ln-fan

Addnn Mrs. ALICE DUNAN, loruer alnut and Vance trvets.

snri' ATION asia clct or to travel for someA'rteiuid m illQO isaiary nooijocl above actualpetisis. y oiveu. Address.

F. M M.'.i.KS, this oOlCe.I luLSE Of & or siiTMi nanus, in desirableJi ueighoorh.. L by family of two. Central

loi Otion preferred. Address I s tlda omce.H1TE OIRL Agesl mtiu or leu years: orphanw pretcrrcd: s'rnianeni nome. Appiv at

ii r.i.i.i.'i .s i i

g Slai'EKNo- - ii. and r. n. ;

J charg . whaien r; aL-- Brick wjt of an kinds0 a;, al bottom rates.

THOM AS Ci niUNS, 43 Madison st.

FOR RENT.1X.11!! J or uufurnishotl.

jf0 , : K STREET.CntTTIONTTi TunT.a rounty. Mias . known

1ST. as the Avent pUee. Posaet'U given the 1stof Januarj' neat. Apply tp

W. S. DANCi . Holly springs. Miss.

upper licit of the house No. 124 Beale streetTHE person occupying the store' will laairdwith tenant and pay a reasonable difference KM aUauil. .

I1KHK K Beale street.MN(. MKKtWCTHKR.

I ""l Fur,,,shed..UWUrnr.s,nI;MAN.

jl'kNlSHKD ROOM."at 107 Jefferson slrecl.

FOR SALE.I kOTTOM I' A KM A t a sacrifice, a Lotlom (armJ" in Mississippi, i ost ' four visarsago; prioot.'.aai II. L. OLIl-'-N- Agllll, I'J aia.uson mitvs

' DLIollT OIL Has ami Bind stoves, i urwi-iu- a

lamia. A. Ill raFFXD, 23t8erand it.tro. weksTEtt STREK1' -- Near corner ol lal- -

1 Ks- - v N.t I house, ol seven rms, in tineOrd. t, i.ll a 'ot 4o bv 1A1 leCt; eOllVelllelil lo street

pa: rice UlalU. w lib a eaab pay incut ol S2 .

the lance call ne i;d i.rjwj t 111011II1.


f MNTtMltCklNii JUKI' --"liucji will) new cage.lii.llire..l Mr I.HAI oil. l'. ra;conl slrfft.

JK. Bi river or rail. WuanUlv ana quality w


RKM N Hwmmit chcbcb. twmstreet. Preaching Ht 10:30 a.m.

PATRICK'S. Corner Linden ana Desotostreets. High mass at 10 a.m.

liSUKKHATIi ISAL t lll'RCH OrleaiH street.B. A. Inn. - paal Services as usual.

TMMVXl'AI, CHURCH. Bealerviccsat 11 a.m. and S p.m.

street. DivineSunday-schoo- l

mnHYTBIIAM ill 1R.CH. ChelseaServices at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday-schoo- l

at 1 p.m

EPISCOPAL CHI RCH Morning11 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. Thomas '.

of Pulaski.

BETHK1. Adams street, corner ofMEMPHIS avenue. Sunday-schoo- l every2:30



CALVARY ('HI Kin. 1 ins elm red 'Mil no openfordirine services morning and even-

ing, the rector officiating.

PICkTERIXC M. E. CHURCH. Comer ofSixth and Jackson street. Services at :.i

Rev. W.Shimmin, pastor,

PETER'S CATHOLIC CIICRC!!. Mrs. massat 6 am. ; second mass at 8 a.m. ; third thigh)at 10 a.m. Vespers at 8 p.m.


rERXANDO STREET M. E. CIICRCn.-Su- n-davschool at 9 a.m. services at 11 a.m.

7:30 p.m. by Rev. J. st, Collins.

CHAPEL. Central Point. Pas- thpPROVIDENCE

p.m. Sunday-schoo- l at 1 :30 p.m.

EORfilA STREET METHODIST CHURCH.Pnnchlncat 11 a.m. aud .:ln p.m., ly KevKnott, pastor. Sunday-schoo- l ul 3 p.m.

rrprpT ivn rRKS Y . : ,. 1111 lollconn sinVt. Pastoral sermon at 11 a.m. Usual

at 7:30 p.m. Rev. H. A. Jones, Pastor.

0 n E I D A I. K STREET PRESBYTERIANl Hl'RClI. Services at 11 a.m. and TslOp.ra.

Rev. X. M. Long. Sunday scnooi ai Kfaav 1 n STREET M. K. II UR !!. orner of'sslvth'and Jackson streets, Port

by Rev. A. Wells, presiding 7 I

"inURCH OF THECilKMI SlIM'tlfclil'. cornerMill and Fourth streets. Chelsea Services at

a.m. by Rev. Mr. Kline. Sunday-schoo- l at 9:30

AFFARANS STREET IL E. CUC'CII, SOUTHI'rcacliiiiH at 11 a m. and 7::!0 p.m. by the

Rev C. Holmes. Sunday-schoo- at 9:.W

LAI1AM A STREET P It ESI1YTERI AN CHURCHCorner Alabama street and Jones avenue.

Services at 11 a.m and 8 p.m. by Rev. Mr. Bigger,

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Comer ofthird and Poplar streets man ai 11

an 7::iU p.m. oy tne pasior, ncv. nuipnwi

TNIOS STREET METHODIST ( III RCH Rev.n. Surratt, pastor. Subject at 11 a.m.:

(ioliath hat to ao 1111 urn Howtiet Rich.'

MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Services this mornitiK and everv night during the week by Rev.

M. Torbert, of the order ol St. John the Evan-gelist, oxford, England.

BAPTIST CHURCH. Second street,FIRST Adams and Washington. Sunday-schoo- la.m. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., by

pastor, Rev. R. A. Yenable.

ERMAN EY ANC ELIC AL LU TH ER ANCHURCH Washington street, between ThirdFourth. Service at 10 a.m. Th. Beuscii, pasResidence, 19U Carroll avenue.

THIRST METHODIST CHURCH Second streetbetween Poplar and Exchange streets Ser-

vices at 11 a.m. and 7 ::!0 p in. by the pastor, Kev.H. M ill. .11. Sunday school at l'::!0 a.m.

T. JOHN'S M. K. ( Hl Ki'll. Comer VanLnudt-niiil- vtret'ts. ('uuuinuiiiiii i

a.m. Iv Iti'v. A. Wells, prt Miliiu clut-r- Cla:meeting at 10 a.m. sjuiulay-M-lioo- i ul I p.m.

QfeCOHfi PRESIIYTERIA N CHUKCH.- - rnerofMiun ami K'nlf tt. tn'rviees a in

Rfv. E. M. Kiiimrdson, after which acoogrecifcnut'tingwill beheld. No services at night

ENTRAL BAPTIST CHI'RCII. Second street.iciir lleale. suudav-si'noo- i at '.t:; 11.111

Prcachuie at 11 a.m. an ::ii p.m.. by tin- nstort. J. Rowan. At :.w p.lll.. there will be

service of song.

'CENTRAL BAPTIST CiU KCn (COLORED.( orner ot amc and IK streets. kc

J. Hodaa pastor, services at a. in., t p. Ul

Tt p.m. Sunday-schoo- l at 1 p.m. ScrimmJvlin, lit, vll.


i nerof Linden and ICulberrr. Sundav-sc- h

'J a.m. lord's supper at 1'ieai liiin;II a.m. mill ,.'M p.m. subjects: Morning

"What it I'osts to!b a riiristiau." Eveiiia "Whya Christian." J. M. Trible. pastor.

LARGESTStock of Fancv Groceries Out

side of New York.

2,000 lix, Halves anil (iiiarters Raisins20 Ciisos Fijrs.

2,000 boxes Fire Crackers.2,000 boxes Factory Cheese.

300 boxes Cream Cheese.1,000 boxes Crackers.1,000 cases Sardines.1,000 cases Linrretrs Ralph's Snnff.3,000 cases Jellies.

20,000 cs. assorted Fruits and Vegetables100,000 pounris Faiicy Candy.

1,000 cases Canned Mackerel.500 cases Canned Salmon.

0O cases Itrandy Peaches.500 cases Brandy Cherries.500 cases Matches.

1,000 bags Green Coffee.500 barrels Keilned Sugars.500 barrels Yellow Sugar.100 barrels 'ew Molnsses.

1,000 packages Lard and Hams.50,000 Fresh Cocoanuts.

1,000 bags Almonds, UrnMs, Peanntarecalls ana t nueris.

300 barrels Oranges.200 boxes Lemons.


5fEfPill!. ...'TEKXKtiKKE.


The game markets are well stocked.Dusty streets yesterday all over town.The Christmas holiday boon has

pea red.Motions will be heard at the chancer

courtThe board of education will meetto-mo- r

row evening nt 7 o'clockThe rain commencencd falling at 11:30

o'clock last night.A vouth named Samuel t ohen was ar

rested by the police yesterday on the chargeof larceny.

The stockholders of the German National bank will elect a board nt directorsTuesday next

The water pressure and supply furnishedbv the Wolt hiver atcr companv continuesgood and sufficient.

1' ridav niglit burglars enu red tuc residence of Sir- -. E. M. .Mount and carried ana

lol of taliie silverware.At noon yesterday the tompeHtttm

lorty-si- x degrees. 1 lie bar. nit. li r itidtcale30.10 inches weight of atmosphen

The rapid driving and slringing-ou- t ofdrays and carts cnntiniies to be the dangerous nuisance at Main street crossings.

Mons. Joseph, the Gnpo-Ronia- n wrest-ler. Is in the city, and challenges any one,barring weight, to wrestle with him for $200a side.

The sale of seats for the Banker'sDaughter cngagcpient at the Theater nextVVednesday w ill commence at Kirkland's to-

morrow,At ihe criminal eourt yesterday a num-

ber of )h MOM were fnuud guilty on indict-ment- fl

charging illegal retailing of liipiors,and fines were imposed by the judge

morning, at the foot of .Icf-fers-

strei-t- , the St. lollis drummers steain-bon- t.

Relistix-k- , will lx- - sold lo the highestbidder by Ihe United States marshal.

Owing to the illness of Signor Talbo,llie tenor of the Tagliapietra Italian operacompany, no matinee performance was givenat tne Greenlaw ( Iporahoiiso yesterday.

John Lyons, just from the State peniten-tiary, got mi a drunk yesterday and engagedin a row in Um Bon Ton saloon mi Washing-ton (treat, 11c n. arrested and locked up.

The regular monthly meeting of theYl'man's Christian assoetation will be held

at 10:30 a.m. (Mondavi at therooms of the asH.ciation, 30 Jctlerson street.

On Tuesday next the Society fur the Pre-

vention of Cruelty to Animals will give a nttsk al entertainment at the Greenlaw Opexx-booa- e,

on which invasion a lecture will alsobe delivered.

St. Sickola for Christmas, Sru.s-i- f andfViiittViji Stjuare 7.ifccanV., Lnngtritv, a newHumboldt scries, together with a full line ofreading material, to be had this morning atMatisl'ord's.

Toof A Co., have issue.! an elegant mapof the Taxing-- 1 'istrict of Memphis, showingthe coUflrucliou ul .sewers, the liner, of thenew and old sewers, those to lie built and thelocation of the flush tanks.

Toy books, papeteries, new lot of "Sea-side" and other novelties at Hill v Lichen'snews stand, 56-- Maiu street. Billy receivessubscriptions for any magazine or papa inthe l ulled rttatis at publishers rates.

A spiritual nfi will lie given at theTheater If such can be given 011

Sunday nights, why no! a beautiful ojiera, orhighly moral drama like 2wwal Kirh, that

contains in its text a score of good sermons.On Thursday night thieves broke into

the residence of C. C. Bill. No.96 Monroeand carried awav a lot of wearing ap-

parel, tableware and kitchenware. Theknivii- - and forks taken bear the initials,"C. C. B."

Marriage licenses issued on yesterday:White Charles C. Ogden and Alta Robert-

son. Colored Julius Meade and Kate Har-ris, Robert Mason and Mahalia Biggs,Charles Royster and PrecillajTucken ,CharlcsBlaydes and Alice Cameron.

At about 1) o'clock yesterday forenoon afire destroyed two ouc-slor- y frame shamics,occupied bv colored iieople, on Butler street,between Shelby and Tennessee streets. Inone of the houses a chHd aged three years

, , , . . rr- . 1

:l imrtietl lo 1 ne paiem.--, u.iui

apposed to have been caused by the childplaying with the burning embers. Thecharred remains were found in the burnedbuilding when the fire was suppressed.

Several communications have been re-

ceived with reference to the unpaid teachersof the citv public schools. Their salarieshave not Wen paid for several months, homearrangement should be made by the Board of

Education to raise money and pay theteachers. Thev cannot live on air or promises.

The stationhouse was telephoned yester-day that a man at the central telephone of-

fice was conducting himself in a craiv man-

ner. An officer was sent down, but the manhad departed. He turned out to be Dr. Lang-don- ,

who has been arrested several times oncharges of not being in his right mind and ofacting in a daneerous manner. He attempted to



possession of the telephone office, claiming that he had an order so to cto, as tne teie- -nhone was a murderous instrument, and waskilling people. An order was issued bv thechief of police for his arrest wherever found.

Some days since Robert McKenna, Republican member-lec- t to the State legisla-

ture, filed a petition at the Shelby circuitcourt to have his disabilities removed, thedisabilities beinir disfranchisement by reasonof his being convicted some years since beforethe Bartlett circuit court on the charge of in-

cest intermarrvinc with his deceased wife'svain hlaiiffhter" Mr. McKenna was par

ilrmed bv the irovernor after conviction byiiirv. but before sentence had been passed

upon him by the judge of the court. On thepetition to be restored to civil rights, abovementioned. Judce Pierce held that the pardon issued by the governor had removed thedisabilities "referred to, and he ordered thenctition to be dismissed. This decision renders Mr. McKenna eligible to the seat in thelegislature to which he has been elected.


Chanrerr Conrt-HrDo- wf II, J mitre.Monday will be motion day.

TaMe in Drews.Sarah Bernhardt, we are informed, changed

her dress fiftv-tw- o times during her fivenights performance in New York, showing

or appreciation ot the element ol lockingfresh every time. This is why all the greatartists and men of the world recognizethe importance of looking well. A goodailor is an artist on a lower plane, and ft

ful one, too. Mr. L. Ixiwenstein, thelothicr of Memphis, 241 and 243 Main

street, illustrates the best that is attainabletins line in the readv-mad- e cloth

ing business, being a good judge of material,and selectiiitc his entire stock in person, andbelieving and acting on the principle thatonly a large business is possible when goodgoods are sold at a small profit.

- A Ciiuldcu OpportunityTO HOUSEKEEPERS!


- Make the following liberal re-

ductions to cash buyers from nowuntil the end of the month:

Bed-Roo- Snita, Fall Marble-To- p,

Marked $05 for - in.Bed-Roo- KnltM. l ull Marble-Tou- ,

Marked re. for $35.Bed-Roo- Knita, Full Marble-To- p.

Marked SiO, Tor geo.

Bed-Roo- Suits. Full Marble''o. Marked --to. for ;".Beil-Roo- SnltM, F11II Marble-Top- ,

it iirU .I i . for - SO.

A large lot of Marble-To- p Center-Tabl-

at So.Carpets at prices that defy com-


Bfc?You will save money by call-ing earlyMonday at 340 Main

street, corner of I nion."tSB

"Spirits."At Leubrie's The Her the Foster- -

Fay company will give one of their famousseances, producing a number 01 tnose lncom- -

prehciisihle tcsU that have made them knowuall over the world. Among the many tcslsgiven may be mer.tiontd lette - vritinp,clairviiyancy or supernatural vision, materialization of faces and tonus unconsciouscerebration, transmutation of water, andothers too numerous to mention. Ladies areespecially invited to attend. A small admis-sio- u

will be charged to defray expenses.

JOHNSON' A VAN'C E,I'iiiIit (lie I'eabody Hotel, lwvf

the large! mid linest Hue ofgent' elotliinic mid I'urnlhliiiiKjtoodN, nrrk wfar, etc., to be foundIn the aontli.

I. I. Turner,Dentist, 313 Main street.

Dr.. Snydkr ( Mlice .111 Main street, AVal-ke- r

block, near Byr.i's jewelry store.

COAL.Pittsburg COal

anncl coal,Autliracite coal.Wholesale and retail.Ordurs jiroinptly filled by


An Aid to Memphis Trade.The favorite Memphis and White river

packet Josie Harry still maintains her repu-tation as a champion cotton-carri- amongthe packet-lin- e acting as feeders to the tradeof Memphis. She arrived yesterday with91(ibales of cotton, of which over 500 bales wereconsigned to a single Ann. The captain ofthis elegant boat may well contemplate withfeelings of satisfaction the business done bythe Josie Harry, when he remembers thaishe brought here the banner load of cottonlast season, and also carried the largest tripto St.' Louis ever lauded there, the formeramounting to 1438 bales, and the latter toover 1200 bales. Captain Milt Jiarry, owingto his popularity among planters and ship-pers on White river, is a liberal contributorto the commercial prosperity of Memphis.His boat went out last evening well ladenwith shipments from our merchants, destinedlor various points in Arkansas on and nearWhite river.

Telephone Y our OrdersFor plumbing and gas fitting to PhilMallon & Co., 204 Main street.

CHRISTMAS SLIPPERSIn every variety and all tbe lnn i

duMiifu pat lei us. :tt J. f 11 1 1.1..v t ll. s, corner Main nud Monroe.


AtteutioH, Citizen!Our New York buyer has overwhelmed us

with cheap goods this week.5000 yds rctinished Irish linens, single and

double width, at almost the price of domestic.Ask for our damaged Irish linens.

All-wo- ol black cashmeres, 15c, 20c, 40cand 50c, worth fully double the money.

All-wo- cashmeres, brown and garuet,at 40c, worth 75c. Very cheap at 40c. Thech, apest cashmere house in this city.

Our elegant felt skirts, 50c.Pine white blankets from $2 50 to $5.50 pes dress silks, shades garnet, plnm,

black and navy-blu- e, at 30c, 40c and 50c,from the great New York lire, slightly dam-aged only. Bilk at the price of worsted,30c, 40c a'nd 50c.

100 do checked linen napkins, (0c.

Cloaks aud Dolmans !

Such prices in ladies' cloaks never heard of.Cloaks at $1 50. Cloaks at $2 50. Cloaksat ?.t 50, $4, S and Dolmans at 5, S7and $8. Cloaks at less than cost of manufac-ture.

A $5 cloak will make a nice present for theholidays.

Our celebrated white mull at 121c.150 missei-- ' cloaks at S2 and $2 50.Ladies' elegant dresses, silk trimmed, at

$7, 8, 10 and $12. Cashmere and silkready-mad- e at the price of the goods.

Clothing! Clothing!Ocnts' fine suits, jvS to $10.150 Ikivs' suits very low.Boys' overcoats, $4 and $5.Men's overcoats, $6 and $S.15,000 pairs boots and shoes at popular

prices.Useful presents for the hsdidays.

KAIIX A FREIBERG,Corner Maiu and Poplar Streets.

li ber' to Buy a Hat.Martin Cohen, at No. 219 Main street, un-

der the Worsham house, near the corner ofAdams street, has a slock of new hah.

in the city. He sells bis goods atbottom prices, tar lower titan such goods canbe sold by any other dealer in the city.



UUtera, Jackets, Dolmanii, Circulars andCToaita at

R4'4liH'ed Prices !

Suits, Worsted Suits. Brocaded fcuita,Children n ji, at

RHlac43d Prios X

Children's Cloaks at

Reduced P rice !

Havelockii at

Reduced Prices !

Furs at

Reduced Prices !

Shawls at

Reduced Prices!Lace Curtains at

Reduced Prices !

Brocaded Velvets t.nd Plushes at

Reduced Price !

Black and Colored Suirahs and Satin deLyons at

Reduced Prices!Brocaded Silks and Satins at

Reduced Prices !

Evening Silks and Satins at

Reduced Prices !

Beautiful Dress Goodf for New Year's Receptions at

Reduced Prices !

Lyon Velvet at

Reduced Prices !

Black Cashmere Silks and all Wool Cash- -

men at

Reduced Prices!All Wool Shoodaha at

Reduced Prices!Fancv Brocaded Si'k and Worsted Dress

Uoods at

Reduced Prices !

Plaid Dress Goods and Black Goods, :il

Reduced Prices!


Our NnuiCNiikethe name of the new feature in gentlemen's

fine white dress shirts. In material, styleand finish, this is the

SHIRT "PAR EXCELLENCE."Gentlemen, dron in at the Mammoth and

inspect this splendid garment. You will bedelighted. It is the best fitting white shirtever introduced in Memphis. A maaniiicctlline of Gents' Holiday Furnishing Goodsreceived.



867 Maiu Street 367Just received for tbe Holidays:

70 dot silk hdkfs from 25c to S2 50.100 doz Ladies' and Children's linen

hdkfs from 10c to $1 50.50 doz Scarfs and Ties for Ladies in

newest styles.500 doz Ladies' Hose, in all shades

and prices.200 doz Misses' and Children's Hose in

latest novelties.25 doz Balmoral Skirts for Ladies and

Misses.10 doz Fancy Embroidered Tidies.

75 doz Ladie', Gents' and Children'sGloves.

1000 Pieces in all the newest shadesof Ribbons.

Fancy Work Boxes in great variety.And a great many other goods suit-

able for holiday presents, at

GERRER fc WH.SOVS,207 Main Street 20

Opposite Court Sipiare.

See our tine white mulls, 12Jc. K. & F.

French M cam lye-Work- s.

Ladies' and jrentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Lou it Keigel's, 58$ Jefferson street.

See our 54 00 circulars. K. A V.

Floyd's Keslanraitt.In addition to a first-cla- restaurant we

have a lew nice y furnished rooms for gen-

tlemen onlv.


MENKEN BROTHERSAnnour.ce a special display of

Ladies' Colored Ilordered Handkerchiefs!

Gents' Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs!


100 dozen Beautiful Silk Handkerchiefsat 35c each, former price 60c.

8rThese jjoods will lie withdrawnfrom sale A1TEK MONiAY


See our finest col'd cachmere, 40c. K. & F.

For (jiood Iliiui1ing,Gas and stear i fitting, leave orders at J. A.Bailey's, 2t5 Second street.


For want of room, anil lo iilwou.i In uc (his branch of oar buslneaa, we

will clow out an elegant line of Itoj s'Clothing;, ranging; in alaM from nineto nit years.


m. m. drake271 Main street.

See our $5 dolmans. K. & F.

nrpcN and Furniture.New stock; best goods, at lowest prices,

wholesale and retail, Ames, Beattie & Co.'s,SW3 Main street.


CHRISTMAS GOODS!100 Different Articles at $.'200 Different Articles at ijtl.

300 Different Articles from 50c to $1.

300 Different Articles at 25c.

Shin.The May Shirts are known far and wide

for their excellency in quality, fit aud style.Don't be fooled by the solicitor, who sendsyour orde- - to some foreign city to be manu-factured. You will not get any such stockor fit as ai. Xo. 2G1'J Main street, where theymanufacture

GENTS' FURNISHING COODS.We make a specialty in furnishing goods,

and, consequently, carry a large and morevaried 6t.)ek than any house in this city.Our line of Gents' Underwear, Neckwear,and Embroidered Wrappers defy competijtion, and should be examined by our citizensdesiring a No. I goods at low prices.

MAY, LOEWENSTINE & 00.Main Street, opposite Court Square.

Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic cures torpidity ofthe liver.

1 sJoe I - sin . u s Boots and ahee are

A large aaaortnient n hand,Ins own make. Kepairtna-- neatly done.

See out 20c sash'ribbons. K. & F.

Tiu aud Slate Roofing.A leaky roof is a nuisance that every

householder should guard against. Theproper is to get the work done bya competent roofer one who has "served histime" at it, and is practical and familiarwith the details of the difficult business ofroofing. Mr. Harry J. Rice, whose office isatcWUavoso street, give oroiiii't attention



To close their entire stock of


Offer on Monday, and until all aresold, the following well-know- n dressfabrics at the prices named :

h AU-Wo- Shooda, C2Jc, formerprice $1.

4S-in- All-Wo- Momie, 62Jc, for-

mer price $1 10.Double-widt- h All-Wo- Cashmeres,

former price 5oc.Brocade Sateens, 25c, former price 45c.

And all Silk, Velvet and Wool Fabricsat same rate.



For the Holiday Trade

We have made special low prices in





are selling the above-name- d articles atnearly one-ha- lf former prices.

Silk Brocaded Velvets Former price S6,now $: a yard.

Forty-Eight-In- Brocaded Silk Noveltiesformer price oO, now 3D a yard,lour Silk l'laids Former price $2 75,

now $1 115 a yard.Shudda Dress l'laids Former price $2, now

$1 a vard.Black Satin De Lyons Former price 3.

now SI 50 a vard.All-Sil- k Brocades Former price S2, now

1 a vard.Black Silk Velvets Former price $2 75,

now SI 50 a yard.Colored Silk Velvets Former price S'-- 50,

now bl 25 a yard.Silk Plushes (in black, plum and garnet

Former price SI 50, now $!i.Large lines of Dress Brocades and

Plaids. Also solid colors Former price50o, now 25c a vard.

10 different shades in Handkerchief Suitingsat 50c, costing SI each.

We shall also, connection with this,place on sale 100 pieces rhudiiii 1 lams,Stripes and Brocades at 10c a yard, worthlouble the monev


249. Main Street 240

H.ll. FRANK A CO.Will make special prices from now until the

holidavs in our

Ladie' l)eiurtnieiit!Ladies' Cloth Cloaks Formerly i,

now 2 50.Ladies' Diagonal Cloaks Formerly $5,

now So 50.Ladies' Fine Heaver Cloaks Formerly

$7 50, now (5.Ladies' Hiasunal lHilnians Formerly

S10, now S7 50.Ladies' Beaver Dolmans Formerly

$12 50, now $8 50.Ladies' F.legant and Kichly-Triuime- d Iol- -

maus Former price S'20, now $15.Ladies' Sicilian Silk Dolmans Formerly

75, now $45.Ladies' Cashmere Silk Dolmans Formerly

$85, now $5(1.

Ladies' Walking Jackets at greatly reducedprices.

La lies' Handkerchief Suits Formerly $30,now $17 50.

Ladies' Flannel Suits Formerly $20,now $12 50.

Ladies' Cashmere Suits Formerly $25,now $15.

An extensive line and variety of Ladies'Muslin I nderwear, elegantly trimmed inembroidery or lace, at two-thir- the usualprices.

WM. FRANK sfc CO.Will also exhibit large lines of

very handsome Ladies' and Children'sHosiery. Also Ladies' and Gents1 MerinoL nderwear and Socks at one-thir- d less thanprevailing prices.

WM. FRANK A CO.Will make special prices in Ladies',

Misses' and ( hildren's Shoes and UuttonBoots. Ladies' Philadelphia Custom-Mad- e

Shoes, formerly $.'!, now$l 75. Misses' Phil-adelphia Custom-Mad- e Shoes, formerly$2 50, now $1 25. Ladies' Custom-Mad- e

Cloth-To- p and liutton Shoes, formerly $:!,now Ifl 75. (rents' embroidered Slippers at$1 50, $1 75, $2, and S2 50 a pair, sold else-

where at a dollar a pair higher. Onehundred very handsome Hoys' Hats at only75c apiece.

WM. FRANK A CO.Display six counters heavily laden with

the choicest Christmas goods, such as Jap-anese and lironze Goods, Willowware audDolls, Thousands of articles for use andornaments at astonishingly low prices. Wehave two counters fully stocked at a choice for

Twenty-Fiv- e Cenla Each!Among which are to be found a goodly num-ber of valuables and such that usually costmore than double the price.

WM. FRANK A CO.,Wishing to do full justice to their many

well-wishi- patrons, will employ an extranumber of salesmen.

ne wishing employment mustcall befoie nine o'clock Monday morning.

WM. FRANK & CO.,21 Main Street 24

See our silk velvet, bronze or brown, 50c.K. & F.

IfI'Mt 1'ills.iniii. OHlAt Brown & Jones's, 288 Main street.

See notice of lost bracelet.

K. LOWESSTEDf A BROS.Shoe Dopnrlnient!

We are now offering our entire line ofLadies' and (Tents', Misses' and



At prices which defy competition. Alsoa fine assortment of

Geiita' Embroidered Blippera!Suitable for holiday presents.


Autliracite CoalAt Brown A Jones's S88 Main.

C'aimel CoalAt Brown it Jones's, 2S2 Main.

Fine CandieM a S i i.i li .

There is a deal of candies bromrht tothis city and sold cheap. Persons buy toilnot knowing what it is made from. They donot know there is more money made in thisthan our hmr-uuu- which we sell at 5(1 centsper pound. You pay from 00 cents to $1in every other city for the same candv, andmay be not so good. Floyd's Candies areknown everywhere, and everything thatcomes from there is good. Everybody knowsFloyd's.

Reed's Hilt Edge Tonic nourishes andstrengthens.



Attention, Ladies!JN anticipation ol brink business, 1 bought lOarpc

stock of Jewelry, which I will now ilispose of atPrices to astonish everybody. Solid Uold andPlated Jewelry (warranted lor finish ana

durability), Onyx and Jet Claoda, Cloeka,Spectacles and Taney An le lea in short,

almost anything kept in the Jewelry line, (jiveme a call, and convince yourselves thai 1 nicau

what I say.

T I 1 "C ATA f "1--

-- - !- -- v --l,











OLEAEII SALEDuring tjiis Month We Propose to Sell Our Immense Stock of


I A T Ofno own ONain also to buildany or all or ihe ol"

and now in use. I useoui me vekv utsi aud




We Keep the Best Makes Only!










KEEP SELECT STOCK (exrlnlvelnannfarinrri CONSTANTLY

HANI). Maaand rroonnramodern alylea Bua-Kloa- u

Family CamsKesnotiiing MATKK1AI.,employ strictly first-clas- s mechanics.





Regardless of Cost






Latest Novelties Ladies' Neckwear Ruchings




French Millinery and Pattern Price.









Light Carriages.





Fine Hats Half


Doors, Sash, Blinds & MoldingsALL KINDS OF DOOR AND WINDOW-FRAME- S,

Brackets aud Scroll-wor- Rough an J Dresaed Lumber, Shlnglea, Laths, et

Nos. 161, 163 and 165 Washington Street,MEMPHIS,





AmomiwThe entire stock of Bamplei in

Ladies' Misses' and Childrens'



UNDERWEAR,.01 Messrs. h. HEII.PRIS & CO., of Louisville, Ken

tucky, were liotiKlit l.y us ycttlcrday from a mem-

ber of the above firm at 50 cents on ihe dollar.We will offer them to morrow, at our store, at aslight ail ranee of 10 per cent., which will makethem cost the purchaser 40 per cent, less than thogomlscan lie manufactured for, or less than one- -

half of regular selling price. If you have anythingto buy in any of Ihe articles,please call on us, and we are satisfied you willmake a purchase. The following are the goodsthat will be offered, with prices, in plain figures,attached :

CLOAKS! CLOAKS!Dolmans! Dolmans!

KlcBant Diagonal Cloaks, $3, worth V 50.Klegant Diagonal C'loaky, Beautifully Trimmed,

t3 50, worth S.Very iiaii.i.soinc Heaver uioaKs, r.icganny l rim

med. M. worth ss so.Verv Handsome Beaver Cloaks, Elegantly Trim-

med, m, worth 80 50.Real English Castor Beaver Cloaks, HtindNomclT

Trimmed, with Silk Velvet s andBugled Chenille Fringe, fs. wortli 117.

(lenuine Diagonal Cloaks. Elaborately Trimmed,7, worth 815.Klcgant castor weaver woimaus. wun suii ae

I.von. Passementerie and Bugled Chenille Fringe.810, worth 810.

English Hiugonul ihumans, r.xqniMtclv Trim-med with Satin dc I. von, Passcniciiierie aud RichChenille Fringe 812, worth t-'-i.

l inline English Castor Beaver Dolmans, Beauti-fully Trimmed, Extra Long. 81 1, worth fm,

Elegant Plush Trimmed Dolmans, sill, worth 8J3


An Elegant Child's CI. ink for 8:1, worth 87.

An Fllegant Child's Cloak for 8:1 .10, worth 87 M.An Elegant child', cloak for 84, worth 8s.Verv Beautiful Diagonal, Handsomely Trimmed

with PtMh, S", worth W,Misses' and Children's Cloaks, made of best

Chinchilla, sizes from 4 to 12 years, at) at 84. warth87 50.

Plain Black Beaver Cloaks, 8.1, worth 8f.Very Best Beaver Mimes' and

dren's Cloaks, in Navy Blue, Seal Brown andBlack, Eleiraiuly Trimmed. $."', worth 810.

Mi&tie' Cloaks, Exquisitely Trimmed with Passe-menterie, 84.i0, worth S'.i.

Ladies' I biters, B so, worth 80 00.10 Ladles' Ulsters, 8', worth 810.

LADIES'SUITS! SUITS! SUITS!100 La.lies' Suits, mailc ol the very i nmtcrial,

as follows: Klepatit Cashmere Suits, handsomelyTrimmed with Silk and Velvet, in all the LatestShades.

Handsome Suits in Shoodn Cloth, Monde Cloth,and other effects. Kletnintly Trlmmesl.

Grey De Bege Suits, Trimmed with Velvet. Veryhandsome.

Ik'iiutiful Noveltv Suits. VVery Handsome Combination Snits, in OUvs

Brown nud nld (told.ElcL'snt i '.mil. Suits, in Wine. Ok' Hold,

Silk Trimmed.ElCKant ' iii.iti..n Suits. Handsomely Trim-

med with Corded and 8trled Velveti.All Ihe ahove Nulls eost from Kin loI per Soil. They will he Mold at Ihe

m onderfnl l.ou Price or ; per Mult.

Ladies' Underwear.Immense stock of fun ladic underwear of every

description al one half of

i: it; i i a it mi i im. ruin:.



BEJACH'S.We liftve mo'lo room for SanU-('lau- who will ,

this wtik 'liv;.-i- at our store the 1ut.m i.h k ofToy, ever nn'u in Memphis. Also fine Tutlel Set. '

VaMOfi. Majoliett W are. Tin and Woodenware, 1..1llH OlssTt. JaiMiiiticd Ware and Kaney Goods oilevery description.


arM ts. si rpol Moor Oil- - lihxRiilC-- and ruml- - loili.

We will show this week nw arti le in the car"5pet line, Seot?h Hemp Cnnieting, the very besti35c, worth 50c yanl.

H io new liu'r.-Li- Carpet, 3.V, worth 60e yard.All-w- Two-pl- rnrp.-- "Oc, worth Me yard.Best Three-pl- Carpet, all wol, IKk. worth $1 2fl

yanl.Brussels Cant, 85c, worth $1 25 yard.

SPECIAL.1 doz large size Crumb Cloths, $4 50, worth I

a piece.t iioz ( rum loins, y... worth y.t ft piece.5doz Brussels Burs, line, worth $1 50 a piece.i doz large Velvet Rues, t ri0, worth il a pieei10I pesI West Kloor 2 yards,

worth f! :) a vard .

And for Monday Only20 pc best Hemp Carpet, 17Jc per yard.

Notions and Fancy GoodsEmbroidered, eolnred Mull Neck Handkcrchle ;

20, SS, 40c, worth 40. tB, 71c.811k Handkcrchiels, 2ac, 40c, SOc, 7.', clscwhw

double.Our3-butU- Kid Gloves, in all shades, will

you Ue, els, lu re si a pair.OnrO-butto- u Kid Ulovcs at 73c are worth II

a pair.(lompletc stock of misses' and children's glo

and mitts.Ktichlng, ribtions, cmbmlderics, erfumcs,com

brushes and tidies In endless varietlea.

Special Sale of SilTerware aud MajoliWare for the Holidays.

We will offer and during the wi$.1000 worth of the above Roods at one half of i

regular price, as follows:Best Silvcr-l'lati- d Castors, tl, worth 91.Hest Silver-l'latc- Castors, tl ro worth Hi.Very Hcst Kilver-Plate- d Castors, fc! T.j, worthSllvcr-I'latc- lluttcr-Hishe- fl 'ir, worth $'.! SO,

Best Silver-plate- Hiittcr-liisli.s- fl : wortli :Silver-I'late- SujrarHowls, f 1 2T, wnrtli "0.

Silver Plated Sufar-Bowl- a, ti, worth H.silver-Plate- Spooo-Holde- fl i", worth $2 &(iold-Line- Ciolilets, (fl , worth 12 50.i ali- - sunds, tl 50, worth til.Child's Sets, tl 25, worth $2 50. 'An immense assortment of tlic best Silver Pin

Knives, Forks, Tea and Tablespoons at half-it- r

Majolica Tea Seta, f 1 50, elsewhere ttt.Majolica Plates, 25c, elsewhere 50c.Maiolica Cake Uasketa, tl 25, elsewhere 2 50.Majolica r'uspailores, tl, worth t2.Majolica Pitchers. 50, GO, T5c, worth double.

HOI SEFI KMSHIXG (iOODS.Best Coal Hods, 50i-- : elsewhere tl.Painted Coal Hods, 75c; elsewhere tl 25.Covered Coal Hods, tl ; elsewhere t2.Tin Toilet Beta, t2; elsewhere tl.Best Spittoons, ail colors, 25c; elsewhere SOc.Painted Bowls and Pitchers, fl 25; elsew

t2 Mli jira sets. Stand. Poker, Tong

Shovel, tl; worth t2.Japanned Wallers, 30c, 40c, 50c, nr; worth dotBet Brittauia Dippers, :'.'. ; worth ,75c each.Dipwirs, Jelly !aud Pie Plates, Coal Sho

Piuldiug Pahs, skimmers, etc. , all at Be each.



New York Toy C

We are headquartersthe following articles, if 3have anything to buy inToy line, come and see t

New York Toy I

We keep whjcoiii. IhikjcIcloelpcdoM, wlievNbarrowii.drays in all lxe hobby-h-c

patent rockera, lruuiH, elbureau, exteiiMiou (ableMsboa nix, I'll inn tea netM, iuelet M'tm uiiiMie bo i'h, tlwl ls, 1

calami ine'luuiieal io 1

d anytbiagiiToy line.

fCome and see us bepurchasing, and we willyon money.

Mi27a Ua