€¦ · suburban news anacostia. monday a complaint was filed at the...

SUBURBAN NEWS ANACOSTIA. Monday a complaint was filed at the of- flee of the Anacostia Railway Company by William Chinn, iriver of car No. 18, and William Dorsey. who was. receiving in- structions from Chinn so as to become a driver, that while on the up trip, about 10 o'clock that morning, the car was run into by an electric train drawn by motor car No. 19. Mr. E. M. Thompson. who said he was the motorman referred to, called at The Star office and denied that such an af- fair had occurred. Last night a reporter saw Mr. Dorsey, who said that not only did motor car 1 run into car 18 of the Anacostia line, as stated, but that the collision occurred when the car of the latter line was standing at the corner of 9th and F streets northwest, while letting off passengers, and that the force of the collision was so great that a number of those who were getting ready to leave the car, and were standing at the time, were thrown down. An infarmal reception took place last night at the rectory of Emmanuel P. E. Church, on Maple avenue, for the purpose of affording the rector and Mrs. Davenport an opportunity to meet the members of the church and congregation after their long and sad journey to and from Scotland in order to see to the proper interment of their son Dana. Mr. Davenport gave a brief but very interesting and touching ac- count of the trip. Among the many pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tolson, Mrs. Dr. Pyles, Mrs. Dr. Fisher, Mrs. W. W. Fisher, Mrs. Bouffia, Mrs. Hamill, Mrs. Smith. Miss Anna Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Cross, Mr. Dixson, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Harnish, Mr. B. Bryan. Mr. Charles Baxter. Mrs. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wood. Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. John C. King, Mrs. J. M. Keating, Miss Simp- son, Mrs. Lyles, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Lusby, Mrs. Danfarth, Mr. Clark Frishie, Chas. Friable, the Misses Acton. Mica Julia Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Fuss. Miss Girtman, Percy C. Keating, William Scantlebury, Miss Burr, W. Bryan, Miss Katie Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bry in, Mr. B. Thornett, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kelly. Messages of regret were received from a great many others, who were prevented by Illness from being present. The revival which began at the Anacos- tla M. E. Church, Rev. James McLaren, pastor, about three weeks ago, continues, with increasing interest, and up to this time twenty-six conversions have been re- ported. Each meeting is preceded with an open-air service on Bridge street near the Navy Yard bridge. Mr. McLaren was as- sisted last night by Mrs. Phoebe Hall of the Hall Mission, Washington. Rev. George E. T. Stevenson, who for some time past has had charge of the East Washington Heights Baptist Church, will be ordained as pastor Sunday afternoon next. The program of the ceremonies will be as follows: Presiding minister, Rev. Dr. J. J. Muir; reading Scripture lesson, Rev. A. F. Anderson; prayer. Rev. N. C. Nay- lor; hymn; sermon, President B. L. Whit- man, D.D., Columbian University; ordain- ing prayer. Prof. A. J. Huntington; ex- tending the hand of fellowship, Rev. H. T. Stevenson, brother of the candidate; charge to candidate, Rev. E. Hez Swem; charge to the congregation, Rev. Dr. C. A. Stake- Jey; benediction. Rev. George E. T. Steven- son. The new church and congregation are in a highly prosperous condition. The marriage of Miss Kate Walsh and Mr. Douglas Welsh, both of whom are at- tached to St. Elizabeth's Asylum, will take place this evening at St. Teresa's Catholic Church, Anacostia. Mr.- and Mrs. Welsh will reside in South Washington. It is understood that Rev. T. B. Hughes of Anacostia will shortly take a trip to Lhe Atlanta exposition. The Central Union Mission authorities hkve leased Haine's Hall for a year. and a leading temperance advocate of Anicostia said last night that this will effectually dis- pose of the question of having a saloon in the town for that length of time, as there is said to be now no place desirable for sa- loon purposes that is not within a short distance of a place of divine worship. Mr. G. W. Davenport of Anacostia has gone to New York. where during this win- ter he will, at the General Theological Seminary, complete his theological course, and after graduation will probably resume the active duties of the ministry. The members of Electa Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held an enthusiastic meeting last night at Masonic Hall, Ana- costia. Degrees were conferred on several candidates, but most of the session was oc- cupied with talking about the coming ba- saar, which promises to be a great suc- cess. It is 'expected that St. Elizabeth's Asy- lum will shortly be lighted with electricity. The main building has been entirely wred, and the wiring of the two new buildings will, it is thought, be completed today. An important meeting of St. Teresa's Branch of the Catholic Knights of America will be held tomorrow night. Among the most interesting matters to occupy the at- tention of the members will be the selec- tion of officers for the ensuing year. The present officers are: Messrs. Thomas E. Reardon. president; Thomas Kane, financial secretary; Patrick Reagan. recording sec- retary, and Richard Hartigan, treasurer. The office of vice president has been vacant since the death of President Charles E. Kerby last summer, the then vice president, Mr. Reardon, having, in accordance with the corstitution. succeeded Mr. Kerby se president. The funeral of Mr. Charles Edelin, late of Congress Heights, who died after a short illness with typhoid fever on Sunday last, took place yesterday. The services were conducted by Rev. W. G. Davenport, and the interment was made in Congressional cemetery. Messrs. Charles R. Burr, James A. Craw- ford, Jr.. B. Milstead, Miss Florence Bow- man and Mrs. A. G. King have been elected delegates to represent the Anacostia Bap- tist Sunday school in the Sunday school convention, which meets in Washington next week. Anacostia Tent of Rechabites has receiv- ed notice that its organization has been ad- mitted to membership in the Anti-Saloon League. BROOKCLAND. Mr. Chas. K. Hetfield left Brookland yes- terday for a short stay in New York, Monday night concluded Evangelist Elsom's stay In Brookland. His evening sermons were highly appreciated and the people of Brookiand regret greatly that he could not make his stay longer. The people of Brookland will be interested to hear that invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Ida Agnes Greenlees, for. merly of Brookland~and Mr. Russet Thomp- son, formerly of Ohio. The marriage will take place the 13th of this month at the Fourth Presbyterian Church, in Washing- ton. After the wedding they will go to Ohio to live. Last night the grand visitation to King David's Lodge, F. A. A. M., took place at the town hall. The opening address was delivered by Rev. Chas. L. Pate of North Capitol H. FL Church. The Grand Lodge was entertained by a musical program, in whfhh the following participated; Messrs. Mlosher, Turpin, Kaiser and Hancock of the Temple Quartet, vocal selections; Mr. Rt. L. Scott, piano solos; Mr. Guy Camp, vIolin solos, and Mr. J. Wrightman, cornet solos. Deputy Grand Master W. Baird also delivered an address. All the officers of the Grand Lodge of the District present except the grand master. who was detained on account of iliness. The following past grand ufficers were also present: Jose H. Yznaga. Jesse W. Lee. Jr., James A. Sam- pie. and Thos. F. Gibbs. Other guests in- cluded people from the city and the neigh- boring suburbs. The halt was artisticaliy decorated and refreshments were served. A New Mystery Story. The mystery story now running In The Star having proved so popular, arrange- ments have been made to follow it with an- other. The neir one is 'Before They Were Married," by Henry C. Parker. It is of com- manding interest, and those who read the first cihapters will follow it eagerly to the end of the absorbing mystery. The first in- atallment will be published on Saturday, No- vember 9. Two hundred and fifty dollars in gold wili be given for a correct solution of the mystery by a woman reader, according to the conditions printed elsewhere. Free to naid Beads. We ill mail en aplication, iree luaormaion hew is growe har alan a bald head. stop falling hair serni owe asip dseases. Address AL.TENII 3 ME1Dii.1L DIt'EMA.SJY, Le7 E. 3d st., Clneia- AFFAIRS IN ALEXANDRIA Th Election Yesterday Was a Quiet One. Mr. May Goes to the Legislature- Other Local Notes of General and Special Interest. The election In this city yesterday was one of the quietest that has been held here for a good many years. The democrats were busy early in the day trying to get out their votes, but in this they were not successful. The negroes were not half so numerous at this e'ection. Only about 200 out of a voting population of 600 voted. They db not like the Walton law, and for this reason refused to vote. Capt. Geo. A. Mushback, who was running for the state senate. had no opposition, and, of course, was elected. Mr. May, democrat, is elected to the legislature by a handsome majority. The following is the vote for this city: Firt ward-Mushback, for state senate, 225; May (democrat), 186; Lewis (republi- can). 61; Morgan (independent republican), 0; Coleman, colored (independent republi- can). 2. Second ward-Mushback. 238; May. 206; Lewis, 52; Morgan, 0; Coleman, 0. Third ward, court house precinct-Mush- back, 291; May, 210; Lewis, 113; Morgan. 2, and Coleman, 4. Third ward, Friendship precinct--Mush- back, 247; May, 215; Lewis, 22, and Cole- man, 2. Fourth ward-Mushback. 288; May. 240; Lewis, 105; Morgan, 0, and Coleman. 2. The returns from the county have not as yet been received, but it is reported that Mushback and May will carry it by a splendid majority. Police Court. Mayor Thompson this morning disposed of the following cases: Lewis Montrose, charged with being drunk and disorderly ..nd assaulting an officer, forfeited $10 col- lateral; Lew Taytor, charged with va- grancy, was made to pay the cost of the warrant; Oscar Kelly, charged with disor- derly conduct at the opera house, was fined $1; George De Comb, colored, charged with an assault on Lou Gaines, was fined $1; Aaron Blackwell. colored, charged wit:, an assault on his wife, Mary Blackwell, was fined $5. Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The fifth public meeting of the Alexan- dria local council of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The subject to be discussed will be "Enthusiasm in Our Work." This is subdivided into three principal heads, viz: "When It Comes," "What It Can Ac- complish," and "How It Can Be Retained." These will be discussed by Rev. P. P. Phil- lips of St. Paul's Church, Mr. Edgar Car- penter and Mr. George Evans. Members of the Epwarth League, Christian Endeavor and all other religious societies are invited. Post 01Bee Examination. A civil service examination for the grades for clerks and carriers at the city post office will be held in the post office building in this city Saturday, December 7 next. All who desire to take this examination must file their application papers with Mr. Robert Whaley, the secretary of the local board, on or before 6 p.m. of November 18, Applica- tion papers and information desired can be obtained from the secretary. Those who succeed in passing this examination will be put upon the list of eligibles, from which all vacancies occurring during the year will be filled. Notes. In the corporation court yesterday.Mr. C. C. Carlin was appointed guardian of the in- fant children of the late W. B. Lindsey. Mr. James Townsend, aged seventy-six years, of Fairfax county, died at his home yesterday. For many years he was over- seer of the estate of the late Gen. W. H. F. Lee. ' The funeral of Herbert Aitchercon took place from his late residence on Gibbon street yesterday afternoon. John Harris, an old man who has been an inmate at the city alms house for some time, died at that institution yesterday. Mr. Taylor Arnold of this city has been placed in charge of Fox Hill cemetery, near this city. Mr. W. C. Potter of Elmira, N. Y., is in the city on a visit to friends. There will ba an original cake walk at the New Opera House tomorrow night by the members of the "Black America" company, which has been performing to crowded houses in Washington for two weeks. A good time is expezted by all who may at- tend. Misses Susie and Mattle Baker of King George county, Va., are visiting friends in this city. The young men of this city will hold a meeting tonight at the rooms of the Fairfax Club for the purpose of organizing a german club for this winter. Mr. W. B. Corse leaves today for Mexico, where he has accepted a position. RETIRED OFFICERS. question as to Their Right to Prae- tice Before the Court of Claims. A question has arisen in the Court of Claims as to the right of officers on the re- tired list of the army to practice before the Court of Claims and the executive depart. ments, and it is expected that the court will announce its decision next Monday. The question arises on an exparte motion to allow Col. William Winthrop, formerly as- sistant judge advocate general of the army, who was retired In August last, to practice in the court. He has submitted a brief to show that there is no express or direct pro- vision of law prohibiting or precluding re- tired officers of the army from prosecuting claims against the United States. In 1883' the court declined to allow Col. R. W. Ty- ler. a retired officer of the army, to prose- cute claims against the United States. orn the ground that retired officers were ex- cluded from that privilege by section 5408 of the Rtevised Statutes, which says thai no officer of the United States, or p~erson holding any place of trust or profit. or dis- charging any official function under or in any connection with any executive depart- ment of the government shall appear as at- torney in any claims against the Unites States. Col. Winthrop contends that said section does not apply to retired officers, inasmuch as they are not in a position to connive at frauds against the United States, or to corn- promise the government in any way. AUCTION SALES OF REAL ESTATE, ate Today, Dunranssn Sees., Ascts., 9th and D sts. sw- B at. s.e., dweliig house No. 1353, by order of Wm. A. Genies, trustee, tale Wednesdp~y, No- vember 6, at 4 o'clock p.m. C. 0. Sloas & Co., Aucts., 1407 (Q at. now.- K st. n.w., dweling house Ne. 1744, by order of Martin F'. Mlorris sod Edw. J. Steliwages, trus- tees. Sale Wednesday, November 6, at 4 o'clock p.m. 'Ibomas Dowling & Co., Auct,., 612 E at. now.- Willard at., between i7th sod 18th, buildlag lot, by order of E. J. Stelwagen and Fred'k it. McGuire, trustaes. Sale .Wednesday, November 6, at 4:30 p.m. Tomorrow. M. Bi. Latimer & Co., Ascts., 1229-31 0 at. nw.- N st. n.w., dwelillg lasse, No. 639, by order of L.ouis P. Shoemaker, egent. tate Thursday, No- vember 7, at 4:30 o'clock p.m. Itatelifre, Sutton & Co., Aucts., 920 Pa. ace. n.e. -M st. between N. J. ave. and 1st at. n.e., be- pered laud, by ordee of C. G. Lederer and H1. H. Btergmann, trstees. lsle Thurasy, November 7, at 4:30 o'clock p.m. Rlatelifre, Sutton & Co., Aucts., 920 Pa. ave. n.e. --600 Pas. ace. S.w., business property; also brick L.use, 610 E ot. n.e., by order of F. L. Moore and A. W. Russuell, executors. tale Thursday, Novem- ber 7, at 4 o'clock and 4:30 o'clock p.m., reapec- tively. Thuoas Dowling & Co., Aucis., 6l2 E st. u.w.- 23d 0t. n.w., No. 600, dwreling hoe by order of Ellen O'Neil, administratrix. Sale Thursday, No- vembier 7, at 4:30 eo'cl,.m. S. Blensinger, Auct., 040 Ia. ave. new.-Sale of horsee, ponies, moles, vehicles. &e. Commencing at 10 o'clock Thursday, November 7.. Magrath a Kennelly, Aucts., 211 11th at. n.e.-. Sale tomrerow of draft heoes, &c. Joseph Bros. & Co., Aucta., 67 Ia. ave-Sale of new and aecondi-hand furniture, carpets, &c., com- To Be Court-Martialed. Richard J. Beal, formerly quartermaster of Charles P. Stone Post. Grand Army of the Republic, has been ordered by Depart- ment Commander Anderson to appear be- fore the general court-martial of the de- partment Monday evening next. Mr. Beall Is charged with failing to properly accouni for all funIs which came Into his hands while quartermaster of Stone Post. and with failing to obey the orders of superior officers In refusing to appear before a com- mittee appointed to Investigate his ac- counts. Mr. Beall, it is said, denies that there are any funds in his hands belonging to the post, or that his books were not properly ept He further states that he desires a full Investigation, and has no fears that h4 will not be vindicated. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE DAYS. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEES' SALE OF HANDSOME BAY-WIN- DOWED BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS NO. 1021 VElMONT AVENUE No'RTiWIEf. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated the ninth day of April, 1888, and duly recorded In Liber No. 12, folIo 212 et eq.., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we will offer for sale, at puble auction, In front of the premises, on .ON- DAY, NOVEBliER THE EIGITtEE.\TH, A.D. to1l5. AT HAI,-l'AS1T FOUR O'CLOCK o'.M. the follow- ing desribed land and premises, being lot umtercd twenty-eight (28) In Evaus' subdivision of luare numbered 217, together with the improvemets thereon. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In one ai two years from day of sale, bearing lnterest at tile rate of six per crnt per annum, and secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $50U required at time of sale. All conveyancing and re- cording at the coat of purchae-r. Termis to be complied with in tel days from day of sale, other- wtse the trustees reserve the right to resell at coot of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' notice, publiohed Is some Washington newspaper. FRANCIS 1'. B. SANDS, JOHN D. PATTEN, FREDERICK D. McKINNEY, Trustees. Atty. tor Holder of Note. not-d&ds U. G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIlONEEBS, 1407 G t1. (Suecessors to Latimer & Slound ELEGANT COUPE ROCKAWAY (BY JOYCE). WITH STYLISH BAY ttILSE, HAltNESS. WItI, ROBE, ErC., AT P-UBLIC AUt'r'loN. By ordet-of a naval offieer. who Is ordered away, wo will cell. at public auetion, in front of our sales rooms, 1407 G street. on OATURDAY, NO- VEMBER NINTH, 185, at TWELVE O'CLOCIKt 31.. the aolve complete turnont, to which we in- vite particular attention. Terms cash. C. G. SLOAN & CO., Auctioneers, no6-3t 1407 G st. TIIOMAS E. WAGGAMAN, ReA Estate Auctioneer. TfiUSTEFS' SALE OF LOT FRONTING ON AL- LEY IN -4QUAiE BETWEEN THIRtTY-SIXTHI AND TH1RTY-SEVENTI1 AND 0 AND P STREETS NORT1HWEST, IN WEST WASIl- INGTON. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated April 12, 1890, and recorded in Liber 1482, folio 146 et se., one of the htnd records of the District Of Columbia. we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises. ott MONDAY, TilE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1891, AT iIAI-'AST 11W11 O'CLOCK P.M.:, sublot numbereci one hundred and forty-one (141). in William I. Mlanogues sultdi- siat of lots numbered one hundred and eighteen 11), one hundred and nineteen (1190) and one hun- dred and twenty (l2), in Threlkeld's addition to Gecrgetowo being in square 78, In said George- tonn, as .said sutbdivision is recorded in the ottlee of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, It book Iov. Shepherd (Georgetowvno, page 205. Terms of sale: One-tlIIrd cash, and the balance It equal Installments, in one sad two years, with ittertst from day of sale, sevnred on the property, or all cah, at the option of the purchaser. A de- prsit of $100 required, and all conveyancing at purchaser's cst. JOHN W. PILLING, IRVING WILLIAMcbON. Trustens. THOMAS E. WAGGAMANS, Auct. nod-cod&ds RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & M0., AUCTIONEEIS, Successors to Batellife, Darr & Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, BY AUCTION. TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, No. 2- 11 STREET NORTHEAS'; VACANT 1,T00 IN ALLEt BE- TWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH, G AND if STUEETS NORTHEAST. THREESTORY AND BASEMENT PRISS-BRICK HOUSE, No. 59 K STItFET NOitTilEASr. TWO TWO-STORY BIICK lOUSES, Nea. 123 AND 12 L STREbT NOUTrHWEST, AND A TWO- STORY FiAME IlIlouSE, No. 125 I. KTlthtT NOltTHWEST, WITH i WO-STORY BItICK HOUSE IN THE REA; ALL UNDER GOOD RENTAL. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in Equity Cause No. 16501, Doe. 331, wherein Eliza E. W. Dick et al. are complainants, and larry A. Dick et al. are defendants, the undersigned trustee will Offer for sale, by publi uution, In front of the re- spective premises, on MtNIAY, TILE EIGU- TEENTIl DAY OF NOVEMBElt, A.D. 18WI, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the followoing deserlad real cstate, to wit: Part of lot noeetred eight (h), in square numbred seve hundred and tiity- two 1732c. beginuing for the same at a point on the suith hlne of H1 stre-t north diitant thirty- eight (38) feet seven (7) nchtes east fromn the northwest corner of said lot and aiure,and run- ing thence east along tie line of said 11 street north fourte-n (14) feet seven (71 inches; thente south oe hunredtt to) feet; thece west fourteen (14) feet seven 7) Inches, anti thene north one hundred (100) feet to said 11 ctreet and the place of beginning, together with the itperovemets, ton- osting of a frame house, known us 20-0 I street northeast. ALSO ON THE SAME DAY, AT HALF-l'AST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., lot numbered twele (12), of Charles J. hlmiuan's euhdivielon of zertain lots in square vumbered eight hundr-l und thirty-three (1;;3), together with all the imlgovem-uents, rights, &e, ALSO ON TUESDAY, NINETEENTH DAY OF NOVEM- BER, A.D. 1895, AT IIALF-PAeST 1 FOUf OTLOCK P.M., part of lot numbered two hundreld andlifty- three (253) and two huntidred andtifty-four (2541, in B. F. Ghlbert's record.d subdiviseon of square num- l-red six hundred and seventy-five (675, leginniog for the same at a point on north K street distant one hundred and twenty (120) feet ten (10) inches west from tile northeast corner of said siuare. being the center of the west gtible wall of William Wall's house; thene sOuth eighty (Ff) feet; thence est twenty (20) fe.t; thcee north eighty (80) ft-et; thence east twenty (20) feet to the place of btginning. with the improvements, consisting of a three-story and basement press-orlek house, No. 59 K street northeast. ALSO ON WEDNESDAY, TWENTIETH DAY OF NOVEM- BER, A.D. 1895, AT 1FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the erst fourteen (14) feet three and one-half (3%) lnches front, with the original depth thereof of lot numbered four (41, in square number-ed live hundred and fifty-occen (557), togethr with the Improvements, consisting of a two-story brick house No. 123 L street northwest and a two-story briek house In the rear. IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER, part of lot four (4), In square No. five hundred and fifty-seven (Z.57, beginning fourteen (14) feet three and one- hlt (3%) Inches west of the southeast orner of ,Id lot; then-e west fourteen (14) feet three naid oL --half (3e tnhes thence north to rear of said lot; thence cast fourteen (14) feet three and one- half (3%) inches, and thence outh to beginning, with the lmprovmets, consieting of a two-atery brie-I house, Ne. 125 L street nerthwest, end a two-story brick houseo 1n rear. IMMEDIATELY THERtEAFTER, paret of lot tine (9), lu asure flee hundred and fifty-ine (S5i9), be- ginning for rte some at the nrthwtest corner of sold lot. and ronning thenre root along fthe line of north L streer twelve (12) feet; thence south on hondred and sixty-one (161) feet ond cloves (11) fnches; threc west twelvet (12) feet. sod thence florth one hundired and sixty-one (1161) feet ond eleen (11) in-shes to the pnee of begiomlog, with the tniprovements, conoluring of a twe-Celery framue house, No. 128 L otreet northwesot, weith a twoe- story berick house in the roer. Thls prope~rty ce-ilt bc mold as an entire, or inoseparaste pacels, ts may be desired. Terms: One-third each, the residue in two equal frstallmtents, at one end to years, wIth fntereot from the day of sie, at the rate of six peercent pcr annUm, patyable semi-snnually, secured hy deed of trut un the resptetive premtises sold,. or all carh, at thle option of the putrchaoer. A deposit tef $2011 reqitred on each piece or the time of oale. If the terms of tabear no0 01fotopliedl weIth in 15 days from rho day of sale, the troustee reseeves the rIght to resell tte property, at the rtok and cct of the defulting purchaser, after lice days' adeertlsemeet of sucth resole or tales is etome newspaper puhblished in Washinsgton, D. C. All coon eyancing anod recotrdling 01 the coot of the pur- chaser. J. WALTER COKSEY, Truestee, m:0-d&ds Fenciall buildiug. EATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO. AUCTIONEERS. (Suc-cessots to Rateliffe, barr & Co0.) CHANCERY SALE oF VALUABLE UNIMPROVED BtEAL ESTATEI AT TBE CORNERS OF TWELFTB AND E AND FOURTEENTH AND B STREETS NORTHEAST AND FIFTEENTH AND A STRIEETS SIOUTHIEAST. By vfrtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of rise District of Columhla fn the cs of Oshurn et si. va. Smith et al., equIty 16,509, we will offer for sale, at pahblec auction. fn front of the re- spectie premtises, 00 SATURDAY. THE NIN'rH DAY OF NOVEMBOER, 1890. BEGINNING AT A QUARTER-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P..' in the order following, the follwig descrihed real esate, situate in the cIty of Washington, DistrIct of Co- Iumhfa, to wIt: FtIRST: tot I, sqare 98-f. exceptIng the north 20 feet front hy depth. that width, of maid lot, frontIng 100 fret on E ad 100 on 12th street and heing the northwest earner. SECOND: Immediarely thereafter, 1st 8, sqnare 1032, fronting on Tennessee avenue 107 feet I inlches, on D atreet 07 feet 3 Inches and ou 14th atreet 110 feet. and contaInIng ahout 72,418.21 feeL. LASTLY, ad ImmedIately thereafter- Lot 1. square 10f8, fronting 54 feat 00 A street aod 8 feat as 15th street, and holing the orthtwout cor- Terms of sic: One-thfrd In cash, One-third hnome year and one-third 10 twos years from day of aale, tha defer-red payments to he secrd hy deed of trust on the property, stisfactory in form, to be apopered hy the. court, and to bear interest, pay- able seml-annually, at the rate of ala peercest par annum untIl paId, or all cash, at purchaser's up- lieu. A depasit of $200 required on each lot at the time of sle. Property od clear of taxes prioi to July 1, 1805. All conveyancing and erdli at purchaser's cost. Teem. of s to bencom~ wtwthnten days from day cf sleoth the trustees reserve the right tn roeDel rte property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after flea days' previous advertisemenr 1n this oeaae. W. BOSBY WIT.IM Trustee, 1421 F at. LW., LEO RIMMIONS, Trustee, 05 E at. s~w,, 5c30-1&dIs Waahington, D, 0O, AUCTONj SALER THIS Ai RNOON. THOMAS DOWLIN dA CO., AUCTIONEEP TRUSTEES' SALE 0 ABLE UNIMPROVED LOT ON W BETWEEN 17TH AND 18TH NORTHWEST, WASH- INOTON, D.. 0. Default havlag oder the provletans of a deed of trust, dated mber 16, 189, and re- corded in Liber 1715, 7 et seq., of the land records of District of bia, by request of the partIes secured the undersigned will offer for sale, o frout of mises, on THURSDAY, O(TOBER THIRTY- 1895, at HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., sublot 11 uare 151, Washington, Terms of sale! rash, one-third in one year and one-third in res, deferred payments to bear Interest at t .te of six per cent per annum, tamyable semi- ml ly, and be secured by deed of trust, or all at purchaser's option. A deposit of $200 at *t99 of sale. Conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Tems of sale to be com- plIed with in ten days or resale at purchaser's risk and cost. EDWARD J. STELLWAGEN. Trustee, 1324 F ot. n.w. FREDERICK B. McGUIRE, Trustee, ol019,24,6,29.31 1419 G at. 5.w. i7TTHE AIOVE SALE IS POSTPONED, IN consoeluence of the rain, until WEDNESDAY, NO- VEMBEI SIXTH, 1893, same hour and place. By order of the taustees- no1,4.6 DUNCANSON B1108., AUCTIONEFRS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE DIPROVED PROPERTY. BEING THE THREE-STOIlY PRESS-BRICK FRONT. BitOWN-STONE TImI- MINGS. BAY-WINDOW ]DWELLING HOU'SE, NO. 1353 "B" bTREE' NORTHEAST. By %lrtue ot a deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber 1802, follo 387 et seN.. of the lard records of the District of 0lumba, I Will sell,ait the request of the party se ured thereby, ti front of tie prem- i 0s on WEINEIAY, the SIXTH DAY of NO- VEMBER, A.D. 1805, at FOUlRt 'LOCK P.M., the following descrbetd seal estate. situate In the ilty of WaSVhington. D!trict of Columbia, to Wit: Lot numbered eighty-three (83) in Victor Ander-n's sut-division if lots in square numberid one thousand and titirty-four (1034). it per plt recordel In Liber 19, folio 101. er the corest of the offilce of the smveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms: One-third eash. and the balance in one anti two earo, nith note to hear 6 per cent in- terest per annum. payable semi-onnually, and ae- eled by decd of trust on fthe toperty sold, .,r all csh. .. the purchaser's Option. A deposit of one hundre-d detiars at time of sale. Conveyancing at purchaoa's coat. Terms of sale to tbe complied with in t-n days, or rsacole at purchaser's risk rand cost. WILLIAM A. GORDON. me26-d&-ls Surviving Trustee. FUTLRE DAYS. C. G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G ST. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUAILE BUILDING LOT FRONTING ON COLIUMBIA ROAD. By virtue of a certain deed of truoA, dated tih 2I day of February, IS1, and duly retorded in Uiber 1903, folio 60 et sei., one of the lanl records of the District of Columbia, and at the reluest of ftte party secured theresy, we will offer for sale, at Lublic auction, in front of the pretises, on FRI- AY, the FIFTEETH DAY of NOVEMBEiI, 195, at FOIUR O'tLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, nituate in the county of Wash- ington, District of Columbia. and designated as part of lot nambiered two (2), in the subdivision of Part of tract of land known as the "Widow's8 Mite," now cailed "Wyoiung Terrace," mai by the Commissioners in equity cause number 14t4. as Per plat ied with the procetdinigo In sai-i tause. aisd recorded In Liber County No. 4., folso 114, of the records of the office of the surveyor of fle Dis- trict of Columbia, beginnitg for the samel It the oathwest corner of sutt lot and runnig litente northeasterly on *'olumbi Roud" -fotiy-four t44) feet to the southeast corner of said iot; Ihence northwesterly with the dividing line sf said iot two (2) ond lot one 11) of said suldiviston fifty- eight (5S) and sixty-eight hundre-dths (6S-1t3s) feet to a poluit fifty-eight 158l und sixty-ight kuln- dredths tWt-100) feet mouth of Wyoming avenue; thence southwesterly forty-seven j471 and ity-tinle hundredths 459-100) feet more or less to a ilnit In tie west line of said lot. seventy-six (766t feet and sixty-two hundredths 44=0-l0) feet Bouth of said Wyoming avenue; and the-nee with tlhe diiding line of said lot numetred two 2) and lot three (3) otitf said subdivision southeasterly sevcty-live (75) and sIxty-two hundaredths 462-100) feet tIo the place of beginning, together with all the ways, easements, rights. Privileges and appurteact-e to the ame belonging or lit anywise Iu-pertaining. Tertus: Purchaser to a:ume a trust of $2,500 and interest; balanoe cash, $I00 of whieh to Ie paid at time the properIt is sold. All convy:Insintog and recording at purclrisetis expense. Taxes pid up to day of sale. Tenil to be cotplied WithinI ifteen days from day of .pale, otherwise l- trus- tees reserve the right to resell at rsk and cost of defaulting ptrchaser, afts-tdive days' notice of such resale puliished in BomW .1 ashIngton ewsiaiper. JAMES f, Il-: 711 1t I. Trustees. HENRY' tlsjEWART.Jr., nso6-d&ds lith st. n.w., RiATCILIFFE. Tt-'O & CO.. AU't0NEFklLS. (sucaessoto R. Biiffe, Darr & Co.) TRI:STEE'S SALE VF.. TWO-iSTORY BRIC'K DWELLINIt 4).N iOt'llfti sitEi-i' BETrviuRN G AND H STRE iEE iORTHWEST, KNOWN AS HOUSE NO. 73U. By virtue of a dit-ree sit ft' Supremte Court of the District if t'oluibtia-, Il ilksIity taust No. ICA"'t l'atrick F. 'usck s-1 Ill.. comtpataants. ts. Johna A. Cusiek et al.. dcfendant, I will order for sale. at iulic auctilo.. fit fottt sfi he pretnis, ot' TEtDAY, NINE'F ,ENTil IAY lF NOVEMBlER. A.l. -1511 AT 1 'I t the toltow- ing decr "ld hi1 and p3rAes, 1ug and bing in the city tf WShltions.-lto strt of '-tolmiso, to wit: Parts of subdiviions No 8 and 2 of the tast- ern half of lot 8, in square N 51s, commencing for thecmst- at distau e of 114 feet i t ini the north- ,-list corner of 41h street west and H striet.oind running thene Westa sfongt1w thlis of J41: 11ishehy S feet 3 ipehes. shle-e 006t 14 filet, thence ast RS feet 9 incles, tIlene north 14 feet, fronting 0n 4th street, it th- lac- of beginning, wvith right of v.ty over 3-foot alley In tit re-ir. Terms of sale: inie-tiid if the purchase money to be paitid In cash, the bahine in one and two yes-rs from the sday of sale, the deferred paymonts to be se tired by a de-d of -trust upon the premises and to he-ar interest at the ratte of six per s,-t per annu from the lay of sale, interest payale se-m-annually. or all cash. at tie option to thI purchaser. A deplostitf$ u00tust be lid when the property 1s :oceked down. Terms to be a-t plied with in itfteen day,; trout lit- day of it.le. otherwti- the Irustee re-rves the right to res-li tie poroerty at ite risk and cost of the default- lig Iurchaer. All coovesyancing, recording, etc., at the purchaser's cost. t'l.AS. W. DAPtR. Trustee, Equity building. 317-319 4%6 st. n.w. noG-d&dhs RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUCTS. (Successors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Co.). TRUSTEES' SALE OF SEVEN FOUR-ROOM FRAME HOUSES AT BUltitVILLE, AND ONE FRAME HOUSE AT LINCOLN, D. C. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Liter No. 2011, at folio 415 et siq., one of the land records for the District of Columbia, and at he rtcquest of the party secured thereby, the under- bigned trustees will offer for sale, by public aue- tion. in front of the premises. On *EDNFDAY, SINTH DAY OF NOVEIBER. A.D. 1803, AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, situate in the county of Wash- ington, District of Columbia, and designated as lots four (4). f1fteen (151), twenty (20). twenty-six (26), thirty-one (31), forty-two (42) and lfty-e-ight (o8) 1n. block six 6), of section three (3), in Burr- ville, according to a plat recorded n Liber 1013, folio 191, of the land records of the District of Columbia together with all the improvements, rights, &c. ALSO. On the same day, immediately after the sale of the above, and by virtue of the same trust, we will uell, In front of the premises, lots nine (9) to Iteen 1l). both inclssve. In squ.are one (), of the aololivislon knows as LIncoln. recoredi in eunty subdivision Booh Goveruor- Shepherd. page 25, of the nurveyor's afles- of she District of Co- lumbia, togs-thor with oil the improvemsents, rhtsu &~c. Terms of sale: One-third cooh, the blnsce In one nd two yeass with interest fs-om the lay of alo at the rate of sin per rent pr aunnum, pay- able semi-asnually, seenr0-d by dee of scoot on the properly sald, or all rash. at the option of the poe--hase-. A depooit of $50 os- each lot requirsed aot the time of sale. If the terms of salie are not complied with in 15 days from she sday of sals-, the trusteses res-re the right to rsell the property, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaaerifte-r ie days' ndvertisement of such resle In sm newspaper published In Washington, D. C. All conve-yancing and recoerding at the coot of the pus- chaser. LEONARD C. BA1L.EY, JOHN A. PIERRE, oc26-d&dbs Trustees, it7THIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED. ON AC- counst of the Inelemenst weather, untIl M-ONDAY, ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1805. AT THREE O'CLOCKf P..,- wthin tho sales roosn of Ratoclif~e, Sutton & Co., Ot20 Pa. ass-. s~w. l-fNARD C. BAILEY, ION A. PIERRE. no6-d~odtos .' Trusees. DUNCANISON BRI0S,, AUCTIONEERlS. TRUSTI.S' SALE 0A LUAB1LE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. NO. 01RSTREETi NORTHEST WASHINGTON. D. ., AND LARGE BRICK STABLE IN THE SEAR. By vlrtue of a certain Sleed of trust, dated the 29th day of November, A.: 152, and duly recorded to Liber 1758. folio 228 et sen., one of the land rocords of the District of Columi, nd att nhe request of the party aecured therebIy, we will sell, at public ace- tIon, tn front of th-s remlses, on THURSDAY, NOVEMIBERt FOUR EEST, 1895, AT HiALF-PAST~ FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., tb following deseribed coal state, aituate In the eltydIf Washington, District of Colombia, to wit: All thaterertain pIece osrsrde of land and pcomlsea knowaiddistionuishs as and being the west twentyf) feet frost by the full depth 1167 fret 19% in h~containing 3,757 square feet, more or beso) of ort ~0 lot number-ed sevenaten (17), in square numbher three hundred and sevensty- eIght (108, known as No. 026 E street northwest, Washir-gton, D.C. Thirt~y~oot alley In the rear. Terms: One-thIrd ca, the bialance to one and two yeas from the day of ale, wIth toterest, payable semi-asnally, and secured by a deed of trust on the property, or alt rash, at purchaser's option. Do- posit of $200 requIred at tIme of sale, All coneyancing and recordIng at purchaser's est. Should the teems he nt complIed with hn Eftesen days from the day of sle the trustees eses-vs the right to resell the property at the rsk and cost of the defauslttog pur-chauer, after suh publie notice as they may deem seesare. FRANK T. RAWLINGIS, Trustee, 1005 Ps-nsa. as-e. BERNARD H. JOHNSTON, Trustee, no2-diods 1500 Pensa, as-e. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALUABLB~ REAL ES- TA'IB! IN PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY, MARY- LAND, ABOUT TWELVE MILES FROM WASH- INGITON. By vIrtue of the paver containesd to a mor-tgage ,for $1,000 from Joshua M. Clas-k, and whIch the undrsgnd wlloferat pulcleIn fjont of the net house door In UprSorboo', itn cosany, on TUESDAY, B ~ T ,LFH 1806. at ONE PSI.. 289%it acres of landadato the farm of ChristIan Xander-. The land Is go sail tmprov-emesnsample-. Terms easy. For lir- ts-alar-s anpply to PHIL. H. TUCK, 27 N. Cals-ert Bateamm.e, M. n-G AUCTION SALES. -Fomow. PERmIPTORY SATE OF 00 "AD OF Horses. Horsess AT PUBLIC AUCTION. S. BENSINGER AUCTIONEER WASHINGTON HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR No. 40 LA. AVE. TOMORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING. NOVEM BER SEVENTH, at TEN O'CLoCK, will be sold witt'in the bazaar, a car load of Horses and Mares, coml-gned to us by Mr. LOUIS BERNERO Of PIsILADELPHIA, consisting of some extra worker and une drivers, 4 Ponies, 1 pair of Mules. 4 horset In this lot are very fast. All to be sold WITH- OUT RESERVE. ALSO A car load of Horses and Mares shipped here frozn Ohio. This is splendid stock. Extra workers and fine drivers. TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RE lEVE. Persons wanting stock should by so meam fall to attend this GREAT PER'MPTORY SALE. Come early and take a look at this stock. It S. BENSINGER. Auctioneer. JOSEPH BRiOTHERS & CO., Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, No. 637 Louisiana avenue n.w. NEW AND SECOVD-HAND FURNITURE. BRUS. SELS CARPETS, FOLDING BEDS, 'ARLOSI AND CHAMBER FUltNITI'RE, 1300K CASES, WARDtiIEEI. MATT RESSES. AND A LARtl VARIETY OF TH tER HOIUSEIIOLD EFFECTS, IN'LUI)NG EFFECTS OF A DAIRY LUNCH ROOM. AT AUCTION. AT OUR SALES RZOOMS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER SEVENTH, TEN A.M. C. WEEKS, it Salesman. Horses. Horses. 40 HEAD TOMORROW, NOVEMBER SEVENTH, AT OUR AUCTION STABLES, 211 11TH N.W. We make special mention of 10 bead of Young, Sound, Draft Horses. shipped direct from Wester Maryland, and will be sold to the highest bidder. Twenty head of Good Cheap Horses, and several from partis in the city. One Horse, Buggy anl Harness. Two Grocery Wagons, Harucss, &c. All to be sold to the highest bidder. MAGRATH & KENNELLY, 211 11th lt. n.w. (It) Auctioneers. RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., Aucts., (Successors to Itateliffe, Darr & Co.) TRUSTEF.S' SALE OF iIPROvED LAND ON SOUTH M STREET BETWEEN NEW JERSEY AVENUE AND iST STIEET EAST. By virtue of a deed of trust dated August 6, 1892, tod recorded In Liber 171. folio 295 et eeq., one of the land reords of the District of Columbia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, we wilt sell at public auction, In front of the premises, on THUiRSDAY. SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 9IS5, AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., part of sublot 10, in square 743. In Washington city. Dis- trict of Columbia, beginning on South M street 100 feet cast from the northwest corner of said square and running thence east 20 feet; thence sooth 100 feet; thence west 20 feet, and thence north 100 feet to the beginning. Terms: One-third cna. balance Is 6 and 12 months at 6 per cent per annum, secured by deed of trust on the property, or all cash, at the option of the pur-baser. $100 deposit at sale. Recording und conveyaneing at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with In fifteen days from sale or resold at purchasera cost and risk. CHRISTIAN G. LEDERER, HENRY H. BERGMANN, oe26-10t Trustees. RATCI.IFFE. SUTTON & CO., AUCTIONiERS. (Successors to Ratcliffe. Darr & Co.) ENECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABIE BUSINESS PROPERTY, NO. 60 PA. AVE. N.W. ALSO TIIREE-STORY AND BASE.tENT BRICK HOUSE, NO. 610 E ST. N. W. On THUR1SDAY. NOVEMBER SEVENTI, 1895, at FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. we will offer for sale. at public auction, in front of the premises, sublot 5 of original lot 1 In squire 461, fronting 24 feet on Posylvania ae-nte and running beck to B street, row -:cupied so a hardware stcre. ALSO ON THE SAME DAY. at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK, we will sl, In front of the premises. part of lot 19 In square 457, froeting 20 feet on E street. and runoirg back to a 30-foot alley, im- gyroed by a 3-story and brick dwelling, known as No. 010 E street nor thwest. Terms of sale: One-third cash. balance In one aned two years. with 6 per cent Interest. or all cash, at the optIc-n of the purchaser. $00 required on each lot at time of sale. Reeording and conveyancing at purchaser's tost. Terms to be complied with in fifteen dtays fm day of sale, or propecty will be rcold at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. F. L. MOOiRE. A. W. RISELL, ee3-d&da Executors. M. B. LATIMER & CtI.. AUCTIONEERS 122r and 1231 G at. FOP. SALE AT AUCTION. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. A DEINIIABLE BUILDING LOT ON N STRiEEl BETWEEN SIXTIH AND SEVENTH STREETS NIIOITiIWEStT. ON Ti'RSDtAY, NOVEMBER SEVENTH, 189. AT tALF-l'AST FOUt O't'LOCK P.M., I will of- fe- at publi' auction. In front of th' premises, a det'rhb.l building lot. 180185 to wide side anl rear alley. imprttven by frame dwelling No. 639 N ut. ...w. and small frrme dwelling In r-ar. Tertes: OLe-third or one-half cash, and balance at one (1) and two (2a years. with interest at i per cent. payable semi-anmally, su-h deferred pay- ments to be secured by dete of trust on said prop- erty, the trutees therein to be named by thenn- dertigned. or the prolmrty msy be stld on sn-h other teams as (-at. i agreed upon on day of sale. A deposit of two he.tdred (200) doltrs will he re- quired at te htie of sle. All conve-yancing at tit of lurchaser. If the terms of sale are not com- plied with within ton (10P days from day of mIs the undersigned reterve the right to resell at the risk nod cost of deofaritig purchaser. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. Agent, ol29-d&ds 920 F st. n.w. THOMAS DOWLING & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 612 E st. n.w. ADAIINISTRATRIN SAIE OF VALUABLE TM- PitOVED PROPlERTY, BEING NO. 600 TWEN- TY-THIRD STIREET NOtRTHWEST. On TIlUNSDAY, NOVEMiER SEVENTH, 1816, AT ilAI.F-l'AT FOUR tCLOCK P.M., I will sell, ttt pu!lie aut-tion, in front of the premises, lot 9, square 43. improved by a two-tory brick dwelling, cottaining 5 rooms and bath, with all modern improv-mnts. Terms: One-third cash. balance in one and two years, with interest, secured by a deed of trust on the property told, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A delost of $100 required at time of tale. All conveyancing and recording at par- chser's cost. Terms to ie complied with In ten days or the troperty will be resold at risk and cost of defauting purchaser. nold&ds EL.EN O'NI1L. Administratrix. B'UTURE DAYS. THOS. DOWLING & CO.. AUCTIONEEIS, 612 E ST. N.W. AUCTION SALE OF A VERY DESIRABIE BRICK DWELLING, IN GOOD REPAIR, VERY SUIT. ABIE FOR A PEIIANENT HOME, KNOWN AS ti7 G STREET SOUTHEAST. BEING LOI "A," IN SQUARE 87S; 2x104 FEET TO A 28- FOOT ALLEY: HOUSE IS WELL BUILT, ANID MU'ST BE SOLD TO CLOSE AN DETATE. I will offer the almove property at auctio'1 em WEDNESDAY, THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEM. ItER, 185, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M. Terms of ale: One-third of purchase money is ensh, and the balance to suit the purchasor. whiel will be made known and agreed upon at the time of sale. A deposit of two tundred 15:0) dollars wIll he reqtuired at the time of sale. If teems ae not rempled with is ten (l0t days from the day of sale. roeeve the eIght to resell. after flee I5) dsas advertisemett In some paper lmublishedl in Washingtn, at the risk an-d cost of such'l defaulting 1p0r-baser. All conve-yanclng at the cost of Iu chaser. Dieferred poytments to he secre'd by deed of treat. trestees to he named by me. TItle good or not sole. I will also offer for sale at FIVE O'CLOCK P.M1. SAME DAY sohlots 5, 6, 71, 8 and 9. Is nquars cost of oltuare 1015, having a total frontago of Tl feel on South Cttrolna avenue by a depth of about 60 feet on 13th street southeast. tlttst the same teems aad conditions. tI'his Is very dleslrrable cor- ner preperty. and a chanc:e for some btuilder. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. Trustee, nofi-dds 920tnF at. n.w. RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO0., AUICTIONEERS, (Succesors to HatclIffe, Darr & O.) TRUSTEES' SALE OF IMPROVED LAND I TWINING CITY. By vite of a deed of trust. dated Nuvember 7, 1891, and recorded is Liher 1621, folis 540 et seq., one of the land recoreds of the Diutrict of Colum- bia, and at the request of Ohs party secured thsere- by, we will sell, at publec auction, in frost of the ptemises, us FRIDAY, EIGhITH of NOVEMBER, 1095, at FOUR P.M., lot 6 is bisck 8, in Twlng CIty. in the DistrIct of Columbia. Terms: One-thIrd rush, balance in sin and twelve months, at 6 per cent per ausum, secured by deed of treat on the properly, or all ca at uption 01 purchaser. $100 deponst at sale. r-coling ttnd coeseyateing at purchaser's cost. Terms to he com- plied with in fifteen days from sale, or resale at purchaser's cost and riok. CHRISTIAN G. LEDERER, HENRY H. BERGMANN, e28-1te Trustees, 0. G5. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G st. (Sucsessors to Latimer & Sloan.) VALUABLE BUIL.DING LOT ON N STREEf BE. TIVEENI 21ST AND 22D STREETS NORTH- WEST AT PUBLIC AUCTION. By direction of the attoney we will sell at pub lIe auction in frost of the premises ON MONSDAY. NOVEMBER ELEVENTH, 185,0AT FOUR O'CLOOlM P.M1., part uf lot 14 is square No. 70, frontIng 2I feet on N at. between diat and 22d stn, by a denth of 100 feet, with side alley. 15 feel wide. This property is in a splendid resience section, rimse to Neow Bamapshire avenue, and of desirable and economical dimensions. Terms: Purchaser to nosume a trust of Ia balance to cash. A deposit uf $100reueda tIme of sa. Terms 0f sale to he copldwill In fifteen days from day of sale. All conveyncing &c., at purchlaser's coft. nod-dts 0. G4. SLaDAN & CO., Aucts. RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUCTIONOEE'R. TRUSTEESt SArE OF UNIPROVED PROPERTY, By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded It Liher 1447, folio 451 et seq., ens nf thle land records of the District of Columobia, we. the trun teen under lhe saId deed of trust, at the r nest o: the holder of the nets seenced therb, 11 sfe for sale, at public auction, onl THURDANO. VEMBSER FOURTEENTH, 1805, AT FOUR P.11. the followingr descrjbedi real estate, vls.: Lotas1 57 and 62, In N. W. Fllserald's sob of lotsan paris of Iota in square 745 city of Waahlinm, District of ColumbIa. Terms of saie: All cash, Deposit of $10re, qnred at time ot sale. Terms to he eomped witl cIn ten ays. or propety bllere trinkan vel Gat cos iILLEr D. RENSET, AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. DLNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEER& TRUSTEES' SALE OF A DFSIRABLE TRACT O LAND, CONTAINING ABOUT THREE ACREE FRONTING ON THE BRENTWOOD ROAD, NORTH OF PATTERSON AVENUE. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated Novembe 12, 1802, recorded among the land records e the District of Columbia. In Liber No. 176W. folk 443 et seq., and by direction of the party secure thereby, because of default in the debt secured the undersigned trustees m Il scll by public anc tion, In front of the premises, on WEDN!SDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. B. 180, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. that part o "Younstborough" situate In the county of Wash ington, District of Columbia, and heretofore con veyed by Henry A. Wilard to Alfred Heitmull. by deed dated the 30th day of October. A.D. 1826 and recorded among the land records of the Distric of Columbia, in Liber- No. J. A. S.. 12, at folio 36, and more particularly described by metes am bousds in the said deed of trust above mentioned ecosisting of three acres of unimproved land wel situated. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in eash. and the residue In equal in ataliments at one and two years from the day oi sale, for which promissory notes of the purchaser be.ring Interest from the day of sale at 6 pe cent per annum, payable semi-a-nually. and se cured by deed of trust satisfactory to the under signed on the Property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser, or by a larger rash pay ment, and the residue in equal installments. paya ile and secured as aforemnld. A deposit of $250 wil he required when bid Is accepted. All cos of conveyanclig and reoeling to be aid by par chase Terms of sale to be complied with in ten day#Trom day of sle, or the undersigned trustee will resell the property at the risk and cont of the defaultig purchaser after such notice by adver tisement as they may deem proper. EDWARD H. THOMAS, Trustee. NI16 st. n.w. DANIEL W. GLASSIE. Trustee, 402 6th st. o.w. JOHN B. LARNER, attorney for holder of note 1333 F st. nw. so5-dAds RATC LIFFE, SUTTON & CO.. AUCTIONEtsn (Succesor to Ratcllfe, Darr & Co.) TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VERY DESIRABLE RES IDENCE, NO. 3028 CAMBRIDGE STREET, GEURGTOWN, D.C. Under und br virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber 1997, folio 230 et seq., one of tie land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we will sell, at public auction, In front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE FIFTEENTH OF NO. VEMBER, 180. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described real estate, situate in the city of Washington. formerly Georgetown, District of Columbia, to wit: Lot numbered forty- eight (481, In Ashford & Ridout. trustees, subdl. vision of part of square numbered one hundred and twelve (112), Georgetown, formerly known as Cooke Park, as per plat recorded in Liber A. R. S.. folio 241, of the records of the offe of the surveyor el the District of Columbia. being improved by tie nearly new brick dwelling No. 3028 Cambridge street. * Terms of sale: One-third cash, the balance ia one and two years, secured by purchaser's notes, to bear Interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the purchaser's option. A deposit of $100 required at time of sle. All conveyancing and recording at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with In ten days from day of sale, or the trustees re- serve the right to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. JAMES A. CAHILL, 526 13th at. n.w., CHARL" G. RINGWALT, 928-30 F st. s.w., no5-dds Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONERS TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE UNIMPROVEI PROPERTY IN "BR9OKLAND," D. C. By virtue of two certain deeds of trust, duly recrrded in Liber 1418, at folios 426 et sei.. and 428 et seq., respectively, of the land records of the District of Columbia, we will sell, at the request of the parties semured by said deeets 01 trust, in frmot of the premises, on THURSDAY, THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. A.D. 1895, AT HALF-PAST THREE O'CLOCK P.M., the following deorrtbcd real estate, situate in The District of Columbia. in the county of Washington. to wit: All those certain pieces or parcels of land known as, and being, lots numbered twenty-twt (22) and twenty-three (23). In block numbered thirty-two (32). of B. F. Leighton and Uchard E. Pairo, trustees', recorded subdivision of a tract of land called "Brookland." as rmco''ded in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. In Liber No. 6 (cour-ty subdivisions), folios 103 and 104. Terms of sale: One-third cash, and the balance In one and two years, with notes to bear sI e per cent Interest per annum, payable sem- ly. and secured by deed of trust on the property sotld or all cash, at the purchaser's option. A deposit of $100 on each let at time of sale. All convey- ancing and recording at purehaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with in 'ten days, or re. sale, at purchaser's risk and cost. JOHN RIDOUT, WM. E EDMONSTON, oee*-dts Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF FINE lSUILDING IOT ON "F" STREET BETWEEN 0TH AND 1I'rL1 SRiiT9 NORTHEAST. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded is Liber 1663, at folio 225 et seq., of the land rcrmesk of the District of Columbia, we will sell, io frorJ of the premises, or FRIDAY, the EIGHTH DAY of NOVEMBE, A.D. 185, at FOUR O'CLJCE P.M., 1'-t 5, sqrare 35. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in and two years, it 6 per cent per annum Iloerest, payable remi-annually. to be secured by deed oi trust on proprty sold, or all cash, at option ol purehaser. veyancing, etc., at purchasne's Lost. A depesit of $200 required at time of sale. Terms of sale to be complied with in ffteen days from date of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of default- Ing purchaser. ISAAC .tOH'NNN. CHART F. BENJAMIN, et28-d&ds Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AlUCTIONEERS TRUSTEES' SALE OF PROPERTY ON NEW YOBE AVENUE NEAR THE CORNER OF TWENTY. SECOND STREET NORTHWEST, By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded is Liber numbered 1913, at folio 493 et seq., one-oi the land records of the District of Columbia, we will sell, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY, THE FIFTEENTII DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 185, AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., the following described land and premises, situate in the city o1 Washington, in the District aforesaid, and known and distlguished as original lot 6, in square 80, together with all and slgnlar the improvements, says, easements. rights, privileges and appur. tenances to the same belonging or in any wise ap- pertaining. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one rid two years at 6 per cent per annum iterest, payable semi-annually, to be secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the pur- chaser's option. A deposit of $260 required at time of sale. Conveyancing, &c.. at purchaser's rest. Terms of sale to be complied with within ffteen days from date of sale, otherwise the trus- tees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after ar days' advertisement of such resale In some news- paper published in the cty of Washington, D.C. CHa= F. BENJAMIN, WM. H. DUNCANSON. oe2&d Trustees RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUCTIONEER& (Successors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Co.) TRUSTEES' SALE OF IMPROVED LAND DN TWINING CITY. By virtue of a deed of trust. dated September 3, 1891, and recorded in Liber 1615. folio 9 at eof the lad records of the District Columbia, and at the reuouest of the party se cured thereby, we w-Ill nof at pblIc auction, Is fronst of the premises, on FDAY, NOVEMBEE EIGHTH, 180', AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCH P.M.. that hot is T'wining CIty, in the Districl of Columb~ia, known on the plat of Twining CIty recerded in county hook 0, page l3t, .is the edics of the sareyor of said District. as hot 1, tn bloeS Terms: One-thIrd rash, balance tn six sod twelve months at 6 per cent per annum, secured by deed of trust on prprty, or all cash, at otion of par chaser. $10 dposilt at sale. Rerdngad con eyancing at purchaser's cost. Terms ts be cam plied with in Ofteen days from sale, or resale al purebaser's cost and rink. CBRISTIAN G. LEDERER, HENRY H. BERGIMANN, o28-10t Trustees. MOR'TUAGEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES. TATE NEARt UPPER MIARLBOIRO', P'RINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND. By virtue of the pacer contained in a mortgage from Mareen D. Hsmes and wife, the undlerolgned wiln offer. at public sale. Is frost of the couri house dour Is said county, on ThNiIDAY, NOVEM- BElt TWELFTH. 1891, at TWEL.VE O'CLOCE NOON. 136 acres adjoining the lanis of Charles 3. Bosaparte, the late Alfred Oisborne and the heis of Giousalvo Ciegett, Soil godamt emprovements eample. For partlculars apply teo PHtIL. H. TL'CE, 207N.Calvertst.. BaltImore. Md. so-6t DUNCANOSON BROTHERS. AUCTIONER-rS. RUTEES' SALE OF THREE-S'TORY BRICK DWELLING. NUMBERerD 412 L STRtEE,' NORTH WEST. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded is Liber numbered 1040, at folio 88 et req., we witl sell, in front of the premIses, on FRIDAY, TilE EIGHTH DAY OF TIOVEMBER, A.D. 18115, A1 FIVE O'CLOCE P.M., lot I, in subdivision of nsacs numbered 015, im proved by a three-stor brici dwelling, numbered 413 L atreet northwe. Terms of sale: One-third rash, balance in oe aned two yeses, at 6 leer cent per anm interest, payable semt-annally, to he secured by deed 01 trust on prprysold, or all cash, at purchaser's option. Cae Ing, &c., at purchaser's test. A de tof reqoired at lime of sale. Teems of sae to he compled with in 10 days from date of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to e sell the property, at risk andl rest of defauiltin1 purchaser. CHARTLER F. BENJAMIN, WILIvAM H. DUNOCANSON, oe28dds Trutes RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO. AUCTIONEERS. (Sucessors to Bateliffe, bare & Co.) URUSTEES' SALE OF FRAME ROUSE ON HUROT FTBEET BEWEEN COLUMIBIA AND MtE RtiDIANf AVERD'ES NORTHESRT. By virtue of dffeed of trust daly recorded Ii U~ber 1048, folis 476 et seq. one of the las: records for the District of Colsmhia, and at the r quest of the parties secaud thereythe under signed .trustees will offer for sale bypblic auc tion to -front of the premises ON TUERAY, Til TWELFTh DAY OF NOVENBFB, A. D. 1805, A'l 1{ALF-PAS'( FOUR O'CLOK, lot 23 In tames S Topa's sab of lots 14 and 15, Is block 17. o Bai & MEa's sob of "Meridian Hill,"~ togethe with the improvements, rights, &c. Terma: One-thIrd rash, the balane n one sand two ya,6 pr cast istereat from day of sale, no cae y dee of trust on the property sold, or al that the option of the purchaser. A deposIt 0; $0reuired at time of sale. Terms to he rum ped wtS in 15 days. All conveyancing and re crngat fist of purchaser. ISAAC W. NORDLINGER, FRILIP' A, DARNEILLIA n0n0dadha Trman AUCTION SALES. FUTURE DAYS. RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., Auctioneers. (S.ccessors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Co.) TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A IOUR-ROOM FRAMB HOUSE, NO. 118 N STREET SOUTHEAST. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in Equity Caos No. 16881. Doe. 39, the undersigned true will offer for sale by public auction. in front The premises, on MONDAY, EIEVENTH DAY OF NO- VEMBEIL, A.D. 1I*, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot 4, in square 743, front- Ing 16 feet 8 Inches an N at. s.e. by a depth of 1A feet, together with all the improvements, rights, Terms as prescribed by the decree are one-third of the purchase money in cash, the residue In two equal instalimests at six and twelve months, with interest from the day of sale at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 required upon ac- ceptance of bid. If the terms of sale are not com- plied with in Afteen days from the day of sale the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purehaser after five days' advertisement of seh resale In some newspaper published In Washington, D. C. ROBERT J. MURRAY. Trustee, se28-d&db@ 506 5th st. s.w. DUNCAN8ON BitOS., AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEES' SALE OF IMPROVED PROPERTY ON THE CORNER OF NEW YORK AVENUE AND TWENTY-SECOND STREET WEST. By virtue of two deed4 of trust, duly rerded, resnectively. In Liber 120, folio 198 et seq.. 010 to Liber 1IT1, folio 393 et seq., of the land records of the county of Washington, In the District of Columbia, we will sell, in front of the premises, on FICIDAY, THE FIFTEENTi DAY OF NOVEM- BR, A.. 1800. AT HALF-PAT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., tht piece or parcel of land and promises sit- uate in the District of Columbia, and known and derribed as lot numiered seven S7), In square eighty-four tO4t, of the city of Mashington. to- gether wvith all and singular the appurtenances, rights, privilees. impovements and other heredita- ments to the same belonging or in any wise apper- taing. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one and two years at 6 per cent per annom. Interest payable semi-annually, to be secured by deed of trust on the property mold. or all cash, at the purchaser's option. A depixit of $20 required at time of sale. Conveyancing. etc., at par- chasers cost. Terms of sale to be complied with In fifteen days from date of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after feve days' advertisement of such resale in same newspaper published in the city of Washingio D.C. ISAAC L. JOHNSON, JOHN I. LAWTiON o28-deda Trustess. RATCLIFFE, SU'ITfON & CO., AUCI'IONEEIS Successors to itateliffe. Darr & CO. TRUSTEES' PALE OF IMPROVED LAND E4 TWINING CITY. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated May 12, 18, and recorded in Liber 1819. fslo 2 et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party seyured thereby, we will sell, at public auction, In front of the prem. ises, on FRIDAY. EIGHTH NOVEMBE. Ib96, AT QUARTER PAST FOUR P.M., lots 11 and 12, in block 4. is Twining City, in the District of Colum- bia, as per plat county Book 6, page 131, survey- or's office of said District. Terms: One-third cash, balance in 6 and 12 months, at 6 per cent per annum, secured by deed of trust on prorty sold, or all cash, at option of purchaser. $1 d. it at sale. Recording and conveyancing at pure- r's cort. Terms to be com- plied with in 15 days from sale, or resale at tr- chaser's cost and risk. CHRISTLAN G. LEIERER, HENRY H. BFEGMANN, c28-lt Trustees. RATCLIFFE. SUTTON & 0 AUCTIONEE'RSt (Suecessors to Rateliffe, bar & Co.) TRUSTEES' SALE OF IMPROVED LAND ON SEV- ENTH STREET BETWEEN STEUBEN AND WALLACH STREEI MOUNT PLEASANT AND PLEASANT PLAINS. By virtue of two deeds of trust, em dated May 14, 1890, and recorded In Liber 1479. folio 343 et req.. and the other dated March 15, 1893, and iworded in Liber 1904, folio 48 et seq.. two of the land records of the District of Columbia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, we will sell at public anction, in front of the premises, us SA'IURDAY, NOVEMBER NINTH, 1880, AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., the south 12 feet 6 inches front on 7th Etreet by the full depth of the lot of lot 29, in block 6, in Todd's & Brown's re- corded subdivision of Mount,,fensant and Pleasant Plains, in the county of rashington, District of Columbia. Terms: One-third cash, balance in six and twelve months at 6 per cent per annum seeured by deed of trust on the property, or all cash, at option of puerhaer. $100 deposit at sale. iecording and conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with in fifteen days from sale, or resale at prchas-r's cost and risk. CHRISTIAN G. LEDERER, HENRY H. BERGMANN. o28-10t Trustees, DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEES SALE OF TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. NUMBERED 23 DEFItEE STREET NOR.TH WEST. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber nobered 1742, folio 469 et seq., we, wilt sell, In fron' of the premires, on FRIDAY, t'e FIGHTH DAY of NOVE.BER, at IALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lot numbered 17W. in squ-rn 13ered 6, together with the impmovement, TERMS OF SALE: One-third rash, balance in one and two years, at 6 Cent per annum trater. est, payable semi-annusi, to be secured by deed of trust en property soil, or all cash. at puretaser's oftion. Conveyancing. etc.. at purchaver's cost. A delonit of $20 required at time of si. Terms of sale to be compiled with to fteen days from dare of sale, ithewlee trustees reserve the tight to re- sell the property at risk and cost of defaulting pi~rcheaer. ISAAC L. JOHNSON. CHARLES F. BENJAMIN. oc2-e&ds Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' SALE OF THE THREE-STORT BRICK DWELLING., NO. 1301 B STREET NORTHEAST. The underigned, as trustees, under a certain deed of trust hearing date April 12, 1803. and recorded in liber 1802. at folio 216 et seq. of the land rec- ords of the District of Columbia. and at the request of the parties thereby secured. will offer the tel' lowing real estate and premises, to wit: Lot seventy-seven (77) In Victor Anderson's subdivlsion of lots to square 1034, as recorded in liber No. 19, folio 101, of the oclee of the surveyor of the Dis- trict of Columbia, at public aucties, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE ELEvENrH DAr OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1895, at HAIF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M. Terms of sale: One-third cash, and the balance in two equal Installments, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $50 will be required at the time of sale. (bts of conveyancing to be borne by the purchaser. If the terms cf sale are not complied with In ten days the trustees rcnere the right to resell the property at the rink and coat of the defaulting puhaser. WII.LIAM A. GORDON, J. HOLDSWORTH GORDON, oeS3-deds Trustees, No. 320 4% at. nLw. DUNCANSON BROS.. AUCIIONEERS, TRUSTEEr SALE OF VALUABLE UNIMPROVED REAT. EfrATE, BEING ALL OF JQUARtI NUMBERD SIX HUNDRED AND SE%'&T,- THREE (673p LYING BETWEEN NORTH CAPITOL ANb FIRST STREETS EAST AND M AND L STREETS NORTH, EXCEPT ORI- DiAr LOTS EIGHTEEN (18) AND NINETEEN (19). By virtue of a deed of trust, dated the twelfth day of February, 1892, and recorded In Liber No, 1682, folio 61, one of the land uwords of the Dis- trict of Columbia, and in pursuance of the pe- meission of the Supreme Court of the District of Oolumbiagranted by the order of the court made on the twenty-first dyof Jue, 185, in Equsity case No. 1623t8. Equity Dcet 28, Of said ctort, whereia Richard S. Windaur, executor, is rumdinant, and Myron M. Parker and otheru ore defendants, and at the request of the party secured by said deed of trust, we will sell, by asction, to front of the prem- ises, on WEDNiED)AY, the TWENTIErH DAY of NOVEMBER, A.D. 1895, at RAI7-PAST FOClt O'CLOCK P.M0., the folloovn described real estate situated to the city of Ihashhogion, District o Columbia, to wit: All of snare sumbeerd si imn- deed and seveoty-three (61:1, exc-ept original lots numbered eighteen (18) and nIneteen (10). 'lb. north half of said square, except origInal ioto eigh- teen and soretern. will he feet offered for saie, and If It shall sot seli foe euISelent to pay the debt secured by said deed Of trout. teather with inter. ret, taxes sod costs, as provId in said deed of trust, then the moth half of said square will he ~dfor sale as a whole. rms of sale s to each pact Of said square: One-third of the urchase mosney in cash (of which fifteen hundred dollars to he paid at the time Of sale), and the balance to three equal installments, paya ble in two, three and fure years from day of sale, with inteest at sin per cent per annum, pay- aide semi-asnsally, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. The deferred payments to ho rep- resented by the notes of the purchaser uc poe- chaaeru and secured by deed of trunt on the iprop- erty sold. All conveyancing and recoreding at lb. cent of the purcharer or purchasers. If the term. of sale he not complied with In twenty days from day of sale, the trustees reserve the right tore sell, at the risk and coot of the defauilng pr- chaser ee purchasers, after Ore days' adcerfise- irsent in some news per paulished Is Washington, D.C. M N M. PARKER. Trustee, 1418 F ot. nLw. JOHN C. HEALDn, Trutee, oelB-eoc30thead&ds 02 F at, nLw. DUNCANSON BROS., Anetioneers. TRUSTEE!S' BALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVEDS REAL. ESTATE, NO. 1912 BUNDEs-rLAND PLACE NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of tremt to us, dated March 20, 1803. and duly recorded March 30, 1803. to liher No. 1779. folio 471 et seq., of the land ree- nrds of the Dirtert of Ceossmbia, sn-d at the re- quest of the party secured thereby. ae, the under- aigned teustees, will ueli, at puoblic nuctio. le front of the oremices, us TUESDIAY. TilE TWEIFTHf DAY OF NOVEMBERt, A.D. 1093, AT FOl'R O'CLOCK P.., the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Waehington, in the District of Colombla, aid designated as snd bInlg all of lot 73, Is Tye's subdlvision of loto in square 115, as per plat recorded in Rook 12, page 70, of the records of the Orne of the sureyor of said District, fronting 20.357 feet on the sooth side of Sonderland place by a depth of 4l0 feet to a 11-foot alley, together with the improvemouts, onsisting of three-orey brick dwe-lling. Terms of sale: One-third of the parchae money to he paid In cash, and the bmbss:e to two eqout installments, payable is use and two yesrs. with intereat at sto (64 per centum per aumum, payable semi-anunlly, from day of sale. uecured ,y dered of trust upon the property sold, or all .-ash, at the option of the parenacer. A deposit 'of $200 will hes required of the purchaser at the time of sale. ARK coonening, recording and notarial feesu at the coot of ths purcharer. Termss of sale to be coin. plied with witbin ten days frim day of sale. other. wine the trustees reserve the .ightt io reell the propryat the rIsk and cast of the MaSAHION ASUFORD, CONSTANTINE Hi. Wh~ira O, Trustees. NATH'L WILSON. Attorsey toe Party Secured. Nn, al22.024 F t- n.- oc.30-d&lei

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Page 1:€¦ · SUBURBAN NEWS ANACOSTIA. Monday a complaint was filed at the of-flee of the Anacostia Railway Companyby William Chinn, iriver of car No. 18, and


Monday a complaint was filed at the of-flee of the Anacostia Railway Company byWilliam Chinn, iriver of car No. 18, andWilliam Dorsey. who was. receiving in-structions from Chinn so as to become a

driver, that while on the up trip, about 10o'clock that morning, the car was run intoby an electric train drawn by motor carNo. 19. Mr. E. M. Thompson. who said hewas the motorman referred to, called atThe Star office and denied that such an af-fair had occurred.Last night a reporter saw Mr. Dorsey,

who said that not only did motor car 1run into car 18 of the Anacostia line, asstated, but that the collision occurred whenthe car of the latter line was standing atthe corner of 9th and F streets northwest,while letting off passengers, and that theforce of the collision was so great that anumber of those who were getting readyto leave the car, and were standing at thetime, were thrown down.An infarmal reception took place last

night at the rectory of Emmanuel P. E.Church, on Maple avenue, for the purposeof affording the rector and Mrs. Davenportan opportunity to meet the members of thechurch and congregation after their longand sad journey to and from Scotland inorder to see to the proper interment oftheir son Dana. Mr. Davenport gave abrief but very interesting and touching ac-count of the trip. Among the many pres-ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tolson, Mrs.Dr. Pyles, Mrs. Dr. Fisher, Mrs. W. W.Fisher, Mrs. Bouffia, Mrs. Hamill, Mrs.Smith. Miss Anna Smith, Mr. and Mrs.Cross, Mr. Dixson, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs.Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Harnish,Mr. B. Bryan. Mr. Charles Baxter. Mrs.Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Wood. Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. JohnC. King, Mrs. J. M. Keating, Miss Simp-son, Mrs. Lyles, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Cook,Mr. and Mrs. Lusby, Mrs. Danfarth, Mr.Clark Frishie, Chas. Friable, the MissesActon. Mica Julia Hardy, Mr. and Mrs.Fuss. Miss Girtman, Percy C. Keating,William Scantlebury, Miss Burr, W. Bryan,Miss Katie Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bry in,Mr. B. Thornett, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kelly.Messages of regret were received from agreat many others, who were prevented byIllness from being present.The revival which began at the Anacos-

tla M. E. Church, Rev. James McLaren,pastor, about three weeks ago, continues,with increasing interest, and up to thistime twenty-six conversions have been re-ported. Each meeting is preceded with anopen-air service on Bridge street near theNavy Yard bridge. Mr. McLaren was as-sisted last night by Mrs. Phoebe Hall ofthe Hall Mission, Washington.Rev. George E. T. Stevenson, who for

some time past has had charge of the EastWashington Heights Baptist Church, willbe ordained as pastor Sunday afternoonnext. The program of the ceremonies willbe as follows: Presiding minister, Rev. Dr.J. J. Muir; reading Scripture lesson, Rev.A. F. Anderson; prayer. Rev. N. C. Nay-lor; hymn; sermon, President B. L. Whit-man, D.D., Columbian University; ordain-ing prayer. Prof. A. J. Huntington; ex-tending the hand of fellowship, Rev. H. T.Stevenson, brother of the candidate; chargeto candidate, Rev. E. Hez Swem; chargeto the congregation, Rev. Dr. C. A. Stake-Jey; benediction. Rev. George E. T. Steven-son. The new church and congregation arein a highly prosperous condition.The marriage of Miss Kate Walsh and

Mr. Douglas Welsh, both of whom are at-tached to St. Elizabeth's Asylum, will takeplace this evening at St. Teresa's CatholicChurch, Anacostia. Mr.- and Mrs. Welshwill reside in South Washington.It is understood that Rev. T. B. Hughes

of Anacostia will shortly take a trip to LheAtlanta exposition.The Central Union Mission authorities

hkve leased Haine's Hall for a year. and aleading temperance advocate of Anicostiasaid last night that this will effectually dis-pose of the question of having a saloon inthe town for that length of time, as thereis said to be now no place desirable for sa-loon purposes that is not within a shortdistance of a place of divine worship.Mr. G. W. Davenport of Anacostia has

gone to New York. where during this win-ter he will, at the General TheologicalSeminary, complete his theological course,and after graduation will probably resumethe active duties of the ministry.The members of Electa Chapter, Order of

the Eastern Star, held an enthusiasticmeeting last night at Masonic Hall, Ana-costia. Degrees were conferred on severalcandidates, but most of the session was oc-cupied with talking about the coming ba-saar, which promises to be a great suc-cess.It is 'expected that St. Elizabeth's Asy-

lum will shortly be lighted with electricity.The main building has been entirely wred,and the wiring of the two new buildingswill, it is thought, be completed today.An important meeting of St. Teresa's

Branch of the Catholic Knights of Americawill be held tomorrow night. Among themost interesting matters to occupy the at-tention of the members will be the selec-tion of officers for the ensuing year. Thepresent officers are: Messrs. Thomas E.Reardon. president; Thomas Kane, financialsecretary; Patrick Reagan. recording sec-retary, and Richard Hartigan, treasurer.The office of vice president has been vacantsince the death of President Charles E.Kerby last summer, the then vice president,Mr. Reardon, having, in accordance withthe corstitution. succeeded Mr. Kerby sepresident.The funeral of Mr. Charles Edelin, late

of Congress Heights, who died after a shortillness with typhoid fever on Sunday last,took place yesterday. The services wereconducted by Rev. W. G. Davenport, andthe interment was made in Congressionalcemetery.Messrs. Charles R. Burr, James A. Craw-

ford, Jr.. B. Milstead, Miss Florence Bow-man and Mrs. A. G. King have been electeddelegates to represent the Anacostia Bap-tist Sunday school in the Sunday schoolconvention, which meets in Washingtonnext week.Anacostia Tent of Rechabites has receiv-

ed notice that its organization has been ad-mitted to membership in the Anti-SaloonLeague.

BROOKCLAND.Mr. Chas. K. Hetfield left Brookland yes-

terday for a short stay in New York,Monday night concluded Evangelist

Elsom's stay In Brookland. His eveningsermons were highly appreciated and thepeople of Brookiand regret greatly that hecould not make his stay longer.The people of Brookland will be interested

to hear that invitations are out for themarriage of Miss Ida Agnes Greenlees, for.merly of Brookland~and Mr. Russet Thomp-son, formerly of Ohio. The marriage willtake place the 13th of this month at theFourth Presbyterian Church, in Washing-ton. After the wedding they will go toOhio to live.Last night the grand visitation to King

David's Lodge, F. A. A. M., took place atthe town hall. The opening address wasdelivered by Rev. Chas. L. Pate of NorthCapitol H. FL Church. The Grand Lodgewas entertained by a musical program, inwhfhh the following participated; Messrs.Mlosher, Turpin, Kaiser and Hancock ofthe Temple Quartet, vocal selections; Mr.Rt. L. Scott, piano solos; Mr. Guy Camp,vIolin solos, and Mr. J. Wrightman, cornetsolos. Deputy Grand Master W. Baird alsodelivered an address. All the officers of theGrand Lodge of the District presentexcept the grand master. who was detainedon account of iliness. The following pastgrand ufficers were also present: Jose H.Yznaga. Jesse W. Lee. Jr., James A. Sam-pie. and Thos. F. Gibbs. Other guests in-cluded people from the city and the neigh-boring suburbs. The halt was artisticaliydecorated and refreshments were served.

A New Mystery Story.The mystery story now running In The

Star having proved so popular, arrange-ments have been made to follow it with an-other. The neir one is 'Before They WereMarried," by Henry C. Parker. It is of com-manding interest, and those who read thefirst cihapters will follow it eagerly to theend of the absorbing mystery. The first in-atallment will be published on Saturday, No-vember 9. Two hundred and fifty dollars ingold wili be given for a correct solution ofthe mystery by a woman reader, accordingto the conditions printed elsewhere.

Free to naid Beads.We ill mail en aplication, iree luaormaion hewis growe har alan a bald head. stop falling hairserni owe asip dseases. Address AL.TENII 3ME1Dii.1L DIt'EMA.SJY, Le7 E. 3d st., Clneia-


Th Election Yesterday Was a QuietOne.

Mr. May Goes to the Legislature-Other Local Notes of General

and Special Interest.

The election In this city yesterday wasone of the quietest that has been held herefor a good many years. The democratswere busy early in the day trying to getout their votes, but in this they were notsuccessful. The negroes were not half sonumerous at this e'ection. Only about 200out of a voting population of 600 voted.They db not like the Walton law, and forthis reason refused to vote. Capt. Geo. A.Mushback, who was running for the statesenate. had no opposition, and, of course,was elected. Mr. May, democrat, is electedto the legislature by a handsome majority.The following is the vote for this city:Firt ward-Mushback, for state senate,

225; May (democrat), 186; Lewis (republi-can). 61; Morgan (independent republican),0; Coleman, colored (independent republi-can). 2.Second ward-Mushback. 238; May. 206;

Lewis, 52; Morgan, 0; Coleman, 0.Third ward, court house precinct-Mush-

back, 291; May, 210; Lewis, 113; Morgan. 2,and Coleman, 4.Third ward, Friendship precinct--Mush-

back, 247; May, 215; Lewis, 22, and Cole-man, 2.Fourth ward-Mushback. 288; May. 240;

Lewis, 105; Morgan, 0, and Coleman. 2.The returns from the county have not as

yet been received, but it is reported thatMushback and May will carry it by a

splendid majority.Police Court.

Mayor Thompson this morning disposedof the following cases: Lewis Montrose,charged with being drunk and disorderly..nd assaulting an officer, forfeited $10 col-lateral; Lew Taytor, charged with va-

grancy, was made to pay the cost of thewarrant; Oscar Kelly, charged with disor-derly conduct at the opera house, wasfined $1; George De Comb, colored, chargedwith an assault on Lou Gaines, was fined$1; Aaron Blackwell. colored, charged wit:,an assault on his wife, Mary Blackwell,was fined $5.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

The fifth public meeting of the Alexan-dria local council of the Brotherhood ofSt. Andrew will be held this evening at7:30 o'clock. The subject to be discussedwill be "Enthusiasm in Our Work." Thisis subdivided into three principal heads,viz: "When It Comes," "What It Can Ac-complish," and "How It Can Be Retained."These will be discussed by Rev. P. P. Phil-lips of St. Paul's Church, Mr. Edgar Car-penter and Mr. George Evans. Members ofthe Epwarth League, Christian Endeavorand all other religious societies are invited.

Post 01Bee Examination.A civil service examination for the grades

for clerks and carriers at the city post officewill be held in the post office building in thiscity Saturday, December 7 next. All whodesire to take this examination must filetheir application papers with Mr. RobertWhaley, the secretary of the local board, onor before 6 p.m. of November 18, Applica-tion papers and information desired can beobtained from the secretary. Those whosucceed in passing this examination will beput upon the list of eligibles, from which allvacancies occurring during the year will befilled.

Notes.In the corporation court yesterday.Mr. C.

C. Carlin was appointed guardian of the in-fant children of the late W. B. Lindsey.Mr. James Townsend, aged seventy-six

years, of Fairfax county, died at his homeyesterday. For many years he was over-seer of the estate of the late Gen. W. H. F.Lee. '

The funeral of Herbert Aitchercon tookplace from his late residence on Gibbonstreet yesterday afternoon.John Harris, an old man who has been an

inmate at the city alms house for some time,died at that institution yesterday.Mr. Taylor Arnold of this city has been

placed in charge of Fox Hill cemetery, nearthis city.Mr. W. C. Potter of Elmira, N. Y., is in the

city on a visit to friends.There will ba an original cake walk at the

New Opera House tomorrow night by themembers of the "Black America" company,which has been performing to crowdedhouses in Washington for two weeks. Agood time is expezted by all who may at-tend.Misses Susie and Mattle Baker of King

George county, Va., are visiting friends inthis city.The young men of this city will hold a

meeting tonight at the rooms of the FairfaxClub for the purpose of organizing a germanclub for this winter.Mr. W. B. Corse leaves today for Mexico,where he has accepted a position.


question as to Their Right to Prae-tice Before the Court of Claims.

A question has arisen in the Court ofClaims as to the right of officers on the re-tired list of the army to practice before theCourt of Claims and the executive depart.ments, and it is expected that the courtwill announce its decision next Monday.The question arises on an exparte motion toallow Col. William Winthrop, formerly as-sistant judge advocate general of the army,who was retired In August last, to practicein the court. He has submitted a brief toshow that there is no express or direct pro-vision of law prohibiting or precluding re-tired officers of the army from prosecutingclaims against the United States. In 1883'the court declined to allow Col. R. W. Ty-ler. a retired officer of the army, to prose-cute claims against the United States. ornthe ground that retired officers were ex-cluded from that privilege by section 5408of the Rtevised Statutes, which says thaino officer of the United States, or p~ersonholding any place of trust or profit. or dis-charging any official function under or inany connection with any executive depart-ment of the government shall appear as at-torney in any claims against the UnitesStates.Col. Winthrop contends that said section

does not apply to retired officers, inasmuchas they are not in a position to connive atfrauds against the United States, or to corn-promise the government in any way.


Today,Dunranssn Sees., Ascts., 9th and D sts. sw-

B at. s.e., dweliig house No. 1353, by order ofWm. A. Genies, trustee, tale Wednesdp~y, No-vember 6, at 4 o'clock p.m.

C. 0. Sloas & Co., Aucts., 1407 (Q at. now.-K st. n.w., dweling house Ne. 1744, by order ofMartin F'. Mlorris sod Edw. J. Steliwages, trus-tees. Sale Wednesday, November 6, at 4 o'clockp.m.'Ibomas Dowling & Co., Auct,., 612 E at. now.-

Willard at., between i7th sod 18th, buildlag lot,by order of E. J. Stelwagen and Fred'k it.McGuire, trustaes. Sale .Wednesday, November 6,at 4:30 p.m.

Tomorrow.M. Bi. Latimer & Co., Ascts., 1229-31 0 at. nw.-

N st. n.w., dwelillg lasse, No. 639, by order ofL.ouis P. Shoemaker, egent. tate Thursday, No-vember 7, at 4:30 o'clock p.m.

Itatelifre, Sutton & Co., Aucts., 920 Pa. ace. n.e.-M st. between N. J. ave. and 1st at. n.e., be-pered laud, by ordee of C. G. Lederer and H1. H.Btergmann, trstees. lsle Thurasy, November 7,at 4:30 o'clock p.m.

Rlatelifre, Sutton & Co., Aucts., 920 Pa. ave. n.e.--600 Pas. ace. S.w., business property; also brickL.use, 610 E ot. n.e., by order of F. L. Moore andA. W. Russuell, executors. tale Thursday, Novem-ber 7, at 4 o'clock and 4:30 o'clock p.m., reapec-tiv ely.Thuoas Dowling & Co., Aucis., 6l2 E st. u.w.-

23d 0t. n.w., No. 600, dwreling hoe by order ofEllen O'Neil, administratrix. Sale Thursday, No-vembier 7, at 4:30 eo'cl,.m.S. Blensinger, Auct., 040 Ia. ave. new.-Sale of

horsee, ponies, moles, vehicles. &e. Commencingat 10 o'clock Thursday, November 7..Magrath a Kennelly, Aucts., 211 11th at. n.e.-.

Sale tomrerow of draft heoes, &c.Joseph Bros. & Co., Aucta., 67 Ia. ave-Sale of

new and aecondi-hand furniture, carpets, &c., com-

To Be Court-Martialed.Richard J. Beal, formerly quartermaster

of Charles P. Stone Post. Grand Army ofthe Republic, has been ordered by Depart-ment Commander Anderson to appear be-fore the general court-martial of the de-partment Monday evening next. Mr. BeallIs charged with failing to properly accounifor all funIs which came Into his handswhile quartermaster of Stone Post. andwith failing to obey the orders of superiorofficers In refusing to appear before a com-mittee appointed to Investigate his ac-counts.Mr. Beall, it is said, denies that there are

any funds in his hands belonging to thepost, or that his books were not properlyept He further states that he desires a

full Investigation, and has no fears that h4will not be vindicated.




By virtue of a deed of trust, dated the ninth dayof April, 1888, and duly recorded In Liber No. 12,folIo 212 et eq.., one of the land records of theDistrict of Columbia, and at the request of theparty secured thereby, we will offer for sale, at

puble auction, In front of the premises, on .ON-DAY, NOVEBliER THE EIGITtEE.\TH, A.D. to1l5.AT HAI,-l'AS1T FOUR O'CLOCK o'.M. the follow-ing desribed land and premises, being lotumtercdtwenty-eight (28) In Evaus' subdivision of luarenumbered 217, together with the improvemetsthereon.Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In oneai two years from day of sale, bearing lnterestat tile rate of six per crnt per annum, and securedby deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash,at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $50Urequired at time of sale. All conveyancing and re-

cording at the coat of purchae-r. Termis to becomplied with in tel days from day of sale, other-wtse the trustees reserve the right to resell at cootof the defaulting purchaser, after five days' notice,publiohed Is some Washington newspaper.


FREDERICK D. McKINNEY, Trustees.Atty. tor Holder of Note. not-d&ds

U. G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIlONEEBS, 1407 G t1.(Suecessors to Latimer & Slound


By ordet-of a naval offieer. who Is ordered away,wo will cell. at public auetion, in front of oursales rooms, 1407 G street. on OATURDAY, NO-VEMBER NINTH, 185, at TWELVE O'CLOCIKt31.. the aolve complete turnont, to which we in-vite particular attention. Terms cash.

C. G. SLOAN & CO., Auctioneers,no6-3t 1407 G st.

TIIOMAS E. WAGGAMAN,ReA Estate Auctioneer.


By virtue of a deed of trust, dated April 12,1890, and recorded in Liber 1482, folio 146 et se.,one of the htnd records of the District Of Columbia.we will sell at public auction, in front of thepremises. ott MONDAY, TilE EIGHTEENTH DAYOF NOVEMBER, 1891, AT iIAI-'AST 11W11O'CLOCK P.M.:, sublot numbereci one hundred andforty-one (141). in William I. Mlanogues sultdi-siat of lots numbered one hundred and eighteen11), one hundred and nineteen (1190) and one hun-dred and twenty (l2), in Threlkeld's addition toGecrgetowo being in square 78, In said George-tonn, as .said sutbdivision is recorded in the ottleeof the surveyor of the District of Columbia, Itbook Iov. Shepherd (Georgetowvno, page 205.Terms of sale: One-tlIIrd cash, and the balance It

equal Installments, in one sad two years, withittertst from day of sale, sevnred on the property,or all cah, at the option of the purchaser. A de-prsit of $100 required, and all conveyancing atpurchaser's cst.


Trustens.THOMAS E. WAGGAMANS, Auct. nod-cod&ds

RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & M0., AUCTIONEEIS,Successors to Batellife, Darr & Co.





By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ofthe District of Columbia, passed in Equity CauseNo. 16501, Doe. 331, wherein Eliza E. W. Dick etal. are complainants, and larry A. Dick et al.are defendants, the undersigned trustee will Offerfor sale, by publi uution, In front of the re-spective premises, on MtNIAY, TILE EIGU-TEENTIl DAY OF NOVEMBElt, A.D. 18WI, ATFOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the followoing deserladreal cstate, to wit: Part of lot noeetred eight(h), in square numbred seve hundred and tiity-two 1732c. beginuing for the same at a point onthe suith hlne of H1 stre-t north diitant thirty-eight (38) feet seven (7) nchtes east fromn thenorthwest corner of said lot and aiure,and run-ing thence east along tie line of said 11 streetnorth fourte-n (14) feet seven (71 inches; thentesouth oe hunredtt to) feet; thece west fourteen(14) feet seven 7) Inches, anti thene north onehundred (100) feet to said 11 ctreet and the placeof beginning, together with the itperovemets, ton-osting of a frame house, known us 20-0 I streetnortheast.

ALSOON THE SAME DAY, AT HALF-l'AST FOURO'CLOCK P.M., lot numbered twele (12), ofCharles J. hlmiuan's euhdivielon of zertain lots insquare vumbered eight hundr-l und thirty-three(1;;3), together with all the imlgovem-uents, rights,&e,

ALSOON TUESDAY, NINETEENTH DAY OF NOVEM-BER, A.D. 1895, AT IIALF-PAeST 1FOUf OTLOCKP.M., part of lot numbered two hundreld andlifty-three (253) and two huntidred andtifty-four (2541, inB. F. Ghlbert's record.d subdiviseon of square num-l-red six hundred and seventy-five (675, leginniogfor the same at a point on north K street distantone hundred and twenty (120) feet ten (10) incheswest from tile northeast corner of said siuare.being the center of the west gtible wall of WilliamWall's house; thene sOuth eighty (Ff) feet; thenceest twenty (20) fe.t; thcee north eighty (80)

ft-et; thence east twenty (20) feet to the place ofbtginning. with the improvements, consisting ofa three-story and basement press-orlek house, No.59 K street northeast.

ALSOON WEDNESDAY, TWENTIETH DAY OF NOVEM-BER, A.D. 1895, AT 1FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., theerst fourteen (14) feet three and one-half (3%)lnches front, with the original depth thereof oflot numbered four (41, in square number-ed livehundred and fifty-occen (557), togethr with theImprovements, consisting of a two-story brick houseNo. 123 L street northwest and a two-story briekhouse In the rear.IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER, part of lot four

(4), In square No. five hundred and fifty-seven(Z.57, beginning fourteen (14) feet three and one-hlt (3%) Inches west of the southeast orner of,Id lot; then-e west fourteen (14) feet three naid

oL --half (3e tnhes thence north to rear of saidlot; thence cast fourteen (14) feet three and one-half (3%) inches, and thence outh to beginning,with the lmprovmets, consieting of a two-aterybrie-I house, Ne. 125 L street nerthwest, end atwo-story brick houseo 1n rear.IMMEDIATELY THERtEAFTER, paret of lot tine

(9), lu asure flee hundred and fifty-ine (S5i9), be-ginning for rte some at the nrthwtest corner ofsold lot. and ronning thenre root along fthe line ofnorth L streer twelve (12) feet; thence south onhondred and sixty-one (161) feet ond cloves (11)fnches; threc west twelvet (12) feet. sod thenceflorth one hundired and sixty-one (1161) feet ondeleen (11) in-shes to the pnee of begiomlog, withthe tniprovements, conoluring of a twe-Celery framuehouse, No. 128 L otreet northwesot, weith a twoe-story berick house in the roer. Thls prope~rty ce-iltbc mold as an entire, or inoseparaste pacels, tsmay be desired.Terms: One-third each, the residue in two equal

frstallmtents, at one end to years, wIth fntereotfrom the day of sie, at the rate of six peercentpcr annUm, patyable semi-snnually, secured hy deedof trut un the resptetive premtises sold,. or allcarh, at thle option of the putrchaoer. A deposit tef$2011 reqitred on each piece or the time of oale.If the terms of tabearno0 01fotopliedl weIth in15 days from rho day of sale, the troustee reseevesthe rIght to resell tte property, at the rtok andcct of the defulting purchaser, after lice days'adeertlsemeet of sucth resole or tales is etomenewspaper puhblished in Washinsgton, D. C. All cooneyancing anod recotrdling 01 the coot of the pur-chaser. J. WALTER COKSEY, Truestee,m:0-d&ds Fenciall buildiug.EATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO. AUCTIONEERS.

(Suc-cessots to Rateliffe, barr & Co0.)CHANCERY SALE oF VALUABLE UNIMPROVED


By vfrtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ofrise District of Columhla fn the cs of Oshurn etsi. va. Smith et al., equIty 16,509, we will offerfor sale, at pahblec auction. fn front of the re-spectie premtises, 00 SATURDAY. THE NIN'rHDAY OF NOVEMBOER, 1890. BEGINNING AT AQUARTER-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P..' in theorder following, the follwig descrihed real esate,situate in the cIty of Washington, DistrIct of Co-Iumhfa, to wIt:FtIRST: tot I, sqare 98-f. exceptIng the north

20 feet front hy depth. that width, of maid lot,frontIng 100 fret on E ad 100 on 12th street andheing the northwest earner.SECOND: Immediarely thereafter, 1st 8, sqnare

1032, fronting on Tennessee avenue 107 feet Iinlches, on D atreet 07 feet 3 Inches and ou 14thatreet 110 feet. and contaInIng ahout 72,418.21 feeL.LASTLY, ad ImmedIately thereafter- Lot 1.

square 10f8, fronting 54 feat 00 A street aod 8feat as 15th street, and holing the orthtwout cor-

Terms of sic: One-thfrd In cash, One-third hnomeyear and one-third 10 twos years from day of aale,tha defer-red payments to he secrd hy deed oftrust on the property, stisfactory in form, to beapopered hy the. court, and to bear interest, pay-able seml-annually, at the rate of ala peercest parannum untIl paId, or all cash, at purchaser's up-lieu. A depasit of $200 required on each lot atthe time of sle. Property od clear of taxes prioito July 1, 1805. All conveyancing and erdliat purchaser's cost. Teem. of s to bencom~

wtwthnten days from day cf sleoththe trustees reserve the right tn roeDel rte propertyat the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser,after flea days' previous advertisemenr 1n this

oeaae. W. BOSBY WIT.IM Trustee,1421 F at. LW.,

LEO RIMMIONS, Trustee,05 E at. s~w,,

5c30-1&dIs Waahington, D, 0O,




Default havlag oder the provletans ofa deed of trust, dated mber 16, 189, and re-corded in Liber 1715, 7 et seq., of the landrecords of District of bia, by request of thepartIes secured the undersigned will offerfor sale, o frout of mises, on THURSDAY,O(TOBER THIRTY- 1895, at HALF-PASTFOUR P.M., sublot 11 uare 151, Washington,Terms of sale! rash, one-third in one

year and one-third in res, deferred paymentsto bear Interest at t .te of six per cent perannum, tamyable semi- ml ly, and be secured bydeed of trust, or all at purchaser's option.A deposit of $200 at *t99 of sale. Conveyancingat purchaser's cost. Tems of sale to be com-plIed with in ten days or resale at purchaser'srisk and cost.

EDWARD J. STELLWAGEN. Trustee,1324 F ot. n.w.

FREDERICK B. McGUIRE, Trustee,ol019,24,6,29.31 1419 G at. 5.w.

i7TTHE AIOVE SALE IS POSTPONED, INconsoeluence of the rain, until WEDNESDAY, NO-VEMBEI SIXTH, 1893, same hour and place. Byorder of the taustees- no1,4.6



By %lrtue ot a deed of trust, duly recorded inLiber 1802, follo 387 et seN.. of the lard records ofthe District of 0lumba, I Will sell,ait the requestof the party se ured thereby, ti front of tie prem-i 0son WEINEIAY, the SIXTH DAY of NO-VEMBER, A.D. 1805, at FOUlRt 'LOCK P.M., thefollowing descrbetd seal estate. situate In the iltyof WaSVhington. D!trict of Columbia, to Wit: Lotnumbered eighty-three (83) in Victor Ander-n'ssut-division if lots in square numberid one thousandand titirty-four (1034). it per plt recordel In Liber19, folio 101. er the corest of the offilce of thesmveyor of the District of Columbia.Terms: One-third eash. and the balance in one

anti two earo, nith note to hear 6 per cent in-terest per annum. payable semi-onnually, and ae-eled by decd of trust on fthe toperty sold, .,r allcsh. .. the purchaser's Option. A deposit of onehundre-d detiars at time of sale. Conveyancing atpurchaoa's coat. Terms of sale to tbe compliedwith in t-n days, or rsacole at purchaser's risk randcost. WILLIAM A. GORDON.me26-d&-ls Surviving Trustee.



By virtue of a certain deed of truoA, dated tih2Iday of February, IS1, and duly retorded in Uiber1903, folio 60 et sei., one of the lanl records ofthe District of Columbia, and at the reluest of ftteparty secured theresy, we will offer for sale, atLublic auction, in front of the pretises, on FRI-AY, the FIFTEETH DAY of NOVEMBEiI, 195,

at FOIUR O'tLOCK P.M., the following describedland and premises, nituate in the county of Wash-ington, District of Columbia. and designated aspart of lot nambiered two (2), in the subdivisionof Part of tract of land known as the "Widow's8Mite," now cailed "Wyoiung Terrace," mai bythe Commissioners in equity cause number 14t4. asPer plat ied with the procetdinigo In sai-i tause.aisd recorded In Liber County No. 4., folso 114, ofthe records of the office of the surveyor of fle Dis-trict of Columbia, beginnitg for the samel It theoathwest corner of sutt lot and runnig litentenortheasterly on *'olumbi Roud" -fotiy-four t44)feet to the southeast corner of said iot; Ihencenorthwesterly with the dividing line sf said iottwo (2) ond lot one 11) of said suldiviston fifty-eight (5S) and sixty-eight hundre-dths (6S-1t3s) feetto a poluit fifty-eight 158l und sixty-ight kuln-dredths tWt-100) feet mouth of Wyoming avenue;thence southwesterly forty-seven j471 and ity-tinlehundredths 459-100) feet more or less to a ilnit Intie west line of said lot. seventy-six (766t feet andsixty-two hundredths 44=0-l0) feet Bouth of saidWyoming avenue; and the-nee with tlhe diiding lineof said lot numetred two 2) and lot three (3)otitfsaid subdivision southeasterly sevcty-live (75) andsIxty-two hundaredths 462-100) feet tIo the place ofbeginning, together with all the ways, easements,rights. Privileges and appurteact-e to the amebelonging or lit anywise Iu-pertaining.Tertus: Purchaser to a:ume a trust of $2,500

and interest; balanoe cash, $I00 of whieh to Iepaid at time the properIt is sold. All convy:Insintogand recording at purclrisetis expense. Taxes pidup to day of sale. Tenil to be cotplied WithinIifteen days from day of .pale, otherwise l- trus-tees reserve the right to resell at rsk and cost ofdefaulting ptrchaser, afts-tdive days' notice of suchresale puliished in BomW .1 ashIngton ewsiaiper.

JAMES f , Il-:711 1t I. Trustees.

HENRY'tlsjEWART.Jr.,nso6-d&ds lith st. n.w.,RiATCILIFFE. Tt-'O & CO.. AU't0NEFklLS.

(sucaessoto R.Biiffe, Darr & Co.)TRI:STEE'S SALE VF.. TWO-iSTORY BRIC'K


By virtue of a dit-ree sit ft' Supremte Court of theDistrict if t'oluibtia-, Il ilksIity taust No. ICA"'tl'atrick F. 'usck s-1 Ill.. comtpataants. ts. JohnaA. Cusiek et al.. dcfendant, I will order for iulic auctilo.. fit fottt sfi he pretnis,ot'TEtDAY, NINE'F ,ENTil IAY lF NOVEMBlER.A.l. -1511 AT 1'I t the toltow-ing decr"ld hi1 and p3rAes,1ug and bing inthe city tf WShltions.-lto strt of '-tolmiso, towit: Parts of subdiviions No 8 and 2 of the tast-ern half of lot 8, in square N 51s, commencing forthecmst- at distau e of 114 feeti t ini the north-,-list corner of 41h street west and H striet.oindrunning thene Westa sfongt1wthlis of J41: 11ishehyS feet 3 ipehes. shle-e 006t 14 filet, thence ast

RS feet 9 incles, tIlene north 14 feet, fronting 0n4th street,it th- lac- of beginning, wvith right ofv.ty over 3-foot alley In tit re-ir.Terms of sale: inie-tiid if the purchase money

to be paitid In cash, the bahine in one and twoyes-rs from the sday of sale, the deferred paymontsto be se tired by a de-d of -trust upon the premisesand to he-ar interest at the ratte of six per s,-tper annu from the lay of sale, interest payalese-m-annually. or all cash. at tie option to thIpurchaser. A deplostitf$ u00tust be lid whenthe property 1s :oceked down. Terms to be a-tplied with in itfteen day,; trout lit- day of it.le.otherwti- the Irustee re-rves the right to res-litie poroerty at ite riskand cost of the default-lig Iurchaer. All coovesyancing, recording, etc.,at the purchaser's cost.

t'l.AS. W. DAPtR. Trustee,Equity building. 317-319 4%6 st. n.w.

noG-d&dhsRATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUCTS.(Successors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Co.).


By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded inLiter No. 2011, at folio 415 et siq., one of the landrecords for the District of Columbia, and at hertcquest of the party secured thereby, the under-bigned trustees will offer for sale, by public aue-tion. in front of the premises. On *EDNFDAY,SINTH DAY OF NOVEIBER. A.D. 1803, ATTHREE O'CLOCK P.M., the following describedland and premises, situate in the county of Wash-ington, District of Columbia, and designated aslots four (4). f1fteen (151), twenty (20). twenty-six(26), thirty-one (31), forty-two (42) and lfty-e-ight(o8) 1n. block six 6), of section three (3), in Burr-ville, according to a plat recorded n Liber 1013,folio 191, of the land records of the District ofColumbia together with all the improvements,rights, &c.

ALSO.On the same day, immediately after the sale ofthe above, and by virtue of the same trust, wewill uell, In front of the premises, lots nine (9)to Iteen 1l). both inclssve. In squ.are one (), ofthe aololivislon knows as LIncoln. recoredi ineunty subdivision Booh Goveruor- Shepherd. page25, of the nurveyor's afles- of she District of Co-lumbia, togs-thor with oil the improvemsents, rhtsu&~c.Terms of sale: One-third cooh, the blnsce In

one nd two yeass with interest fs-om the lay ofalo at the rate of sin per rent pr aunnum, pay-able semi-asnually, seenr0-d by dee of scoot on theproperly sald, or all rash. at the option of thepoe--hase-. A depooit of $50 os- each lot requirsedaot the time of sale. If the terms of salie are notcomplied with in 15 days from she sday of sals-, thetrusteses res-re the right to rsell the property, atthe risk and cost of the defaulting purchaaerifte-rie days' ndvertisement of such resle In smnewspaper published In Washington, D. C. Allconve-yancing and recoerding at the coot of the pus-chaser.


oc26-d&dbs Trustees,

it7THIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED. ON AC-counst of the Inelemenst weather, untIl M-ONDAY,ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1805. ATTHREE O'CLOCKf P..,- wthin tho sales roosn ofRatoclif~e, Sutton & Co., Ot20 Pa. ass-. s~w.


no6-d~odtos .' Trusees.DUNCANISON BRI0S,, AUCTIONEERlS.


By vlrtue of a certain Sleed of trust, dated the 29thday of November, A.: 152, and duly recorded toLiber 1758. folio 228 et sen., one of the land rocordsof the District of Columi, nd att nhe request of theparty aecured therebIy, we will sell, at public ace-tIon, tn front of th-s remlses, on THURSDAY,NOVEMIBERt FOUR EEST, 1895, AT HiALF-PAST~FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., tb following deseribed coalstate, aituate In the eltydIf Washington, District ofColombia, to wit: All thaterertain pIece osrsrde ofland and pcomlsea knowaiddistionuishs as andbeing the west twentyf) feet frost by the fulldepth 1167 fret 19% in h~containing 3,757 squarefeet, more or beso) of ort~0 lot number-ed sevenaten(17), in square numbher three hundred and sevensty-eIght (108, known as No. 026 E street northwest,Washir-gton, D.C. Thirt~y~oot alley In the rear.Terms: One-thIrd ca, the bialance to one and two

yeas from the day of ale, wIth toterest, payablesemi-asnally, and secured by a deed of trust on theproperty, or alt rash, at purchaser's option. Do-posit of $200 requIred at tIme of sale, Allconeyancing and recordIng at purchaser's est.Should the teems he nt complIed with hn Eftesendays from the day of sle the trustees eses-vs theright to resell the property at the rsk and cost ofthe defauslttog pur-chauer, after suh publie noticeas they may deem seesare.

FRANK T. RAWLINGIS, Trustee,1005 Ps-nsa. as-e.BERNARD H. JOHNSTON, Trustee,no2-diods 1500 Pensa, as-e.


By vIrtue of the paver containesd to a mor-tgage,for $1,000 from Joshua M. Clas-k, and whIch theundrsgnd wlloferat pulcleIn fjont ofthe net house door In UprSorboo', itncosany, on TUESDAY, B ~T ,LFH1806. at ONE PSI.. 289%it acres of landadato

the farm of ChristIan Xander-. The land Is gosail tmprov-emesnsample-. Terms easy. For lir-ts-alar-s anpply to PHIL. H. TUCK, 27 N. Bateamm.e, M. n-G





No. 40 LA. AVE.

TOMORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING. NOVEMBER SEVENTH, at TEN O'CLoCK, will be soldwitt'in the bazaar, a car load of Horses and Mares,coml-gned to us by Mr. LOUIS BERNERO OfPIsILADELPHIA, consisting of some extra workerand une drivers, 4 Ponies, 1 pair of Mules. 4 horsetIn this lot are very fast. All to be sold WITH-OUT RESERVE.

ALSOA car load of Horses and Mares shipped here froznOhio. This is splendid stock. Extra workers andfine drivers. TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RE lEVE.Persons wanting stock should by so meam

fall to attend this GREAT PER'MPTORY SALE.Come early and take a look at this stock.It S. BENSINGER. Auctioneer.

JOSEPH BRiOTHERS & CO.,Auctioneers and Commission Merchants,

No. 637 Louisiana avenue n.w.


C. WEEKS,it Salesman.

Horses. Horses.40 HEAD TOMORROW, NOVEMBER SEVENTH,AT OUR AUCTION STABLES, 211 11TH N.W.We make special mention of 10 bead of Young,

Sound, Draft Horses. shipped direct from WesterMaryland, and will be sold to the highest bidder.Twenty head of Good Cheap Horses, and several

from partis in the city.One Horse, Buggy anl Harness.Two Grocery Wagons, Harucss, &c.All to be sold to the highest bidder.

MAGRATH & KENNELLY,211 11th lt. n.w. (It) Auctioneers.

RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., Aucts.,(Successors to Itateliffe, Darr & Co.)


By virtue of a deed of trust dated August 6, 1892,tod recorded In Liber 171. folio 295 et eeq., one ofthe land reords of the District of Columbia. and atthe request of the party secured thereby, we wiltsell at public auction, In front of the premises, onTHUiRSDAY. SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER,A.D. 9IS5, AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., part ofsublot 10, in square 743. In Washington city. Dis-trict of Columbia, beginning on South M street 100feet cast from the northwest corner of said squareand running thence east 20 feet; thence sooth 100feet; thence west 20 feet, and thence north 100 feetto the beginning.Terms: One-third cna. balance Is 6 and 12

months at 6 per cent per annum, secured by deedof trust on the property, or all cash, at the optionof the pur-baser. $100 deposit at sale. Recordingund conveyaneing at purchaser's cost. Terms to becomplied with In fifteen days from sale or resoldat purchasera cost and risk.


oe26-10t Trustees.RATCI.IFFE. SUTTON & CO., AUCTIONiERS.

(Successors to Ratcliffe. Darr & Co.)




at FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. we will offer for sale. atpublic auction, in front of the premises, sublot 5 oforiginal lot 1 In squire 461, fronting 24 feet onPosylvania ae-nte and running beck to B street,row -:cupied so a hardware stcre.

ALSOON THE SAME DAY. at HALF-PAST FOURO'CLOCK, we will sl, In front of the premises.part of lot 19 In square 457, froeting 20 feet on Estreet. and runoirg back to a 30-foot alley, im-gyroed by a 3-story and brick dwelling, known asNo. 010 E street nor thwest.Terms of sale: One-third cash. balance In one aned

two years. with 6 per cent Interest. or all cash, atthe optIc-n of the purchaser. $00 required on eachlot at time of sale. Reeording and conveyancingat purchaser's tost. Terms to be complied with infifteen dtays fm day of sale, or propecty will bercold at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser.


ee3-d&da Executors.M. B. LATIMER & CtI.. AUCTIONEERS

122rand 1231 G at.


ON Ti'RSDtAY, NOVEMBER SEVENTH, 189.AT tALF-l'AST FOUt O't'LOCK P.M., I will of-fe- at publi' auction. In front of th' premises, adet'rhb.l building lot. 180185 to wide side anl rearalley. imprttven by frame dwelling No. 639 N ut....w. and small frrme dwelling In r-ar.Tertes: OLe-third or one-half cash, and balanceat one (1) and two (2a years. with interest at i percent. payable semi-anmally, su-h deferred pay-ments to be secured by dete of trust on said prop-erty, the trutees therein to be named by thenn-dertigned. or the prolmrty msy be stld on sn-hother teams as (-at. i agreed upon on day of sale.A deposit of two he.tdred (200) doltrs will he re-quired at te htie of sle. All conve-yancing attit of lurchaser. If the terms of sale are not com-plied with within ton (10P days from day of mIsthe undersigned reterve the right to resell at therisk nod cost of deofaritig purchaser.


612 E st. n.w.


On TIlUNSDAY, NOVEMiER SEVENTH, 1816,AT ilAI.F-l'AT FOUR tCLOCK P.M., I will sell,ttt pu!lie aut-tion, in front of the premises, lot 9,square 43. improved by a two-tory brick dwelling,cottaining 5 rooms and bath, with all modernimprov-mnts.Terms: One-third cash. balance in one and two

years, with interest, secured by a deed of trust onthe property told, or all cash, at the option of thepurchaser. A delost of $100 required at time oftale. All conveyancing and recording at par-chser's cost. Terms to ie complied with In tendays or the troperty will be resold at risk andcost of defauting purchaser.nold&ds EL.EN O'NI1L. Administratrix.


612 E ST. N.W.


I will offer the almove property at auctio'1 emWEDNESDAY, THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEM.ItER, 185, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCKP.M.Terms of ale: One-third of purchase money is

ensh, and the balance to suit the purchasor. whielwill be made known and agreed upon at the timeof sale. A deposit of two tundred 15:0) dollarswIll he reqtuired at the time of sale. If teems aenot rempled with is ten (l0t days from the dayof sale. roeeve the eIght to resell. after flee I5)dsas advertisemett In some paper lmublishedl inWashingtn, at the risk an-d cost of such'l defaulting1p0r-baser. All conve-yanclng at the cost of Iuchaser. Dieferred poytments to he secre'd by deedof treat. trestees to he named by me. TItle goodor not sole.

I will also offer for sale at FIVE O'CLOCK P.M1.SAME DAY sohlots 5, 6, 71, 8 and 9. Is nquarscost of oltuare 1015, having a total frontago of Tlfeel on South Cttrolna avenue by a depth of about60 feet on 13th street southeast. tlttst the sameteems aad conditions. tI'his Is very dleslrrable cor-ner preperty. and a chanc:e for some btuilder.

LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. Trustee,nofi-dds 920tnF at. n.w.

RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO0., AUICTIONEERS,(Succesors to HatclIffe, Darr & O.)


By vite of a deed of trust. dated Nuvember 7,1891, and recorded is Liher 1621, folis 540 et seq.,one of the land recoreds of the Diutrict of Colum-bia, and at the request of Ohs party secured thsere-by, we will sell, at publec auction, in frost of theptemises, us FRIDAY, EIGhITH of NOVEMBER,1095, at FOUR P.M., lot 6 is bisck 8, in TwlngCIty. in the DistrIct of Columbia.Terms: One-thIrd rush, balance in sin and twelve

months, at 6 per cent per ausum, secured by deedof treat on the properly, or all ca at uption 01purchaser. $100 deponst at sale. r-coling ttndcoeseyateing at purchaser's cost. Terms to he com-plied with in fifteen days from sale, or resale atpurchaser's cost and riok.



WEST AT PUBLIC AUCTION.By direction of the attoney we will sell at pub

lIe auction in frost of the premises ON MONSDAY.NOVEMBER ELEVENTH, 185,0AT FOUR O'CLOOlMP.M1., part uf lot 14 is square No. 70, frontIng 2Ifeet on N at. between diat and 22d stn, by a denthof 100 feet, with side alley. 15 feel wide. Thisproperty is in a splendid resience section, rimse toNeow Bamapshire avenue, and of desirable andeconomical dimensions.Terms: Purchaser to nosume a trust of Ia

balance to cash. A deposit uf $100reuedatIme of sa. Terms 0f sale to he copldwillIn fifteen days from day of sale. All conveyncing&c., at purchlaser's coft.nod-dts 0. G4. SLaDAN & CO., Aucts.RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUCTIONOEE'R.

TRUSTEESt SArE OF UNIPROVED PROPERTY,By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded It

Liher 1447, folio 451 et seq., ens nf thle landrecords of the District of Columobia, we. the trunteen under lhe saId deed of trust, at the r nest o:the holder of the nets seenced therb, 11 sfefor sale, at public auction, onl THURDANO.VEMBSER FOURTEENTH, 1805, AT FOUR P.11.the followingr descrjbedi real estate, vls.: Lotas157 and 62, In N. W. Fllserald's sob of lotsanparis of Iota in square 745 city of Waahlinm,District of ColumbIa.Terms of saie: All cash, Deposit of $10re,qnred at time ot sale. Terms to he eomped witl

cIn ten ays. or propety bllere trinkan

vel Gat cos iILLEr D. RENSET,




By virtue of a deed of trust, dated Novembe12, 1802, recorded among the land records ethe District of Columbia. In Liber No. 176W. folk443 et seq., and by direction of the party securethereby, because of default in the debt securedthe undersigned trustees m Il scll by public anction, In front of the premises, on WEDN!SDAYTHE THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. B.180, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. that part o"Younstborough" situate In the county of Washington, District of Columbia, and heretofore conveyed by Henry A. Wilard to Alfred deed dated the 30th day of October. A.D. 1826and recorded among the land records of the Districof Columbia, in Liber- No. J. A. S.. 12, at folio36, and more particularly described by metes ambousds in the said deed of trust above mentionedecosisting of three acres of unimproved land welsituated.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase moneyto be paid in eash. and the residue In equal inataliments at one and two years from the day oi

sale, for which promissory notes of the purchaserbe.ring Interest from the day of sale at 6 pecent per annum, payable semi-a-nually. and secured by deed of trust satisfactory to the undersigned on the Property sold, or all cash, at theoption of the purchaser, or by a larger rash payment, and the residue in equal installments. payaile and secured as aforemnld. A deposit of $250wil he required when bid Is accepted. All cosof conveyanclig and reoeling to be aid by parchase Terms of sale to be complied with in tenday#Trom day of sle, or the undersigned trusteewill resell the property at the risk and cont of thedefaultig purchaser after such notice by advertisement as they may deem proper.EDWARD H. THOMAS, Trustee.

NI16 st. n.w.DANIEL W. GLASSIE. Trustee,

402 6th st. o.w.JOHN B. LARNER, attorney for holder of note1333 F st. nw. so5-dAdsRATC LIFFE, SUTTON & CO.. AUCTIONEtsn

(Succesor to Ratcllfe, Darr & Co.)TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO. 3028 CAMBRIDGE STREET,GEURGTOWN, D.C.Under und br virtue of a certain deed of trust,duly recorded in Liber 1997, folio 230 et seq., oneof tie land records of the District of Columbia,and at the request of the party secured thereby,we will sell, at public auction, In front of the

premises, on FRIDAY. THE FIFTEENTH OF NO.VEMBER, 180. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCKP.M.. the following described real estate, situatein the city of Washington. formerly Georgetown,District of Columbia, to wit: Lot numbered forty-eight (481, In Ashford & Ridout. trustees, of part of square numbered one hundred andtwelve (112), Georgetown, formerly known as CookePark, as per plat recorded in Liber A. R. S.. folio241, of the records of the offe of the surveyor elthe District of Columbia. being improved by tienearly new brick dwelling No. 3028 Cambridgestreet. *

Terms of sale: One-third cash, the balance iaone and two years, secured by purchaser's notes,to bear Interest at the rate of six per centum perannum, payable semi-annually, and secured bydeed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, atthe purchaser's option. A deposit of $100 requiredat time of sle. All conveyancing and recording atpurchaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied withIn ten days from day of sale, or the trustees re-serve the right to resell at the risk and cost of thedefaulting purchaser.

JAMES A. CAHILL,526 13th at. n.w.,CHARL" G. RINGWALT,928-30 F st. s.w.,



By virtue of two certain deeds of trust, dulyrecrrded in Liber 1418, at folios 426 et sei.. and428 et seq., respectively, of the land records ofthe District of Columbia, we will sell, at therequest of the parties semured by said deeets 01trust, in frmot of the premises, on THURSDAY,THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. A.D.1895, AT HALF-PAST THREE O'CLOCK P.M.,the following deorrtbcd real estate, situate in TheDistrict of Columbia. in the county of wit: All those certain pieces or parcels of landknown as, and being, lots numbered twenty-twt(22) and twenty-three (23). In block numberedthirty-two (32). of B. F. Leighton and UchardE. Pairo, trustees', recorded subdivision of a tractof land called "Brookland." as rmco''ded in theoffice of the surveyor of the District of Columbia.In Liber No. 6 (cour-ty subdivisions), folios 103 and104.Terms of sale: One-third cash, and the balance

In one and two years, with notes to bear sI eper cent Interest per annum, payable sem- ly.and secured by deed of trust on the property sotldor all cash, at the purchaser's option. A depositof $100 on each let at time of sale. All convey-ancing and recording at purehaser's cost. Termsof sale to be complied with in 'ten days, or, at purchaser's risk and cost.




By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded isLiber 1663, at folio 225 et seq., of the land rcrmeskof the District of Columbia, we will sell, io frorJof the premises, or FRIDAY, the EIGHTH DAYof NOVEMBE, A.D. 185, at FOUR O'CLJCEP.M., 1'-t 5, sqrare 35.Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in

and two years, it 6 per cent per annum Iloerest,payable remi-annually. to be secured by deed oitrust on proprty sold, or all cash, at option olpurehaser. veyancing, etc., at purchasne's Lost.A depesit of $200 required at time of sale. Termsof sale to be complied with in ffteen days fromdate of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right toresell the property at the risk and cost of default-Ing purchaser. ISAAC .tOH'NNN.

CHART F. BENJAMIN,et28-d&ds Trustees.



By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded isLiber numbered 1913, at folio 493 et seq., one-oithe land records of the District of Columbia, wewill sell, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY,THE FIFTEENTII DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D.185, AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., the followingdescribed land and premises, situate in the city o1Washington, in the District aforesaid, and knownand distlguished as original lot 6, in square 80,together with all and slgnlar the improvements,says, easements. rights, privileges and appur.tenances to the same belonging or in any wise ap-pertaining.Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one

rid two years at 6 per cent per annum iterest,payable semi-annually, to be secured by deed oftrust on the property sold, or all cash, at the pur-chaser's option. A deposit of $260 required attime of sale. Conveyancing, &c.. at purchaser'srest. Terms of sale to be complied with withinffteen days from date of sale, otherwise the trus-tees reserve the right to resell the property at therisk and cost of defaulting purchaser after ardays' advertisement of such resale In some news-paper published in the cty of Washington, D.C.CHa= F. BENJAMIN,


(Successors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Co.)TRUSTEES' SALE OF IMPROVED LAND DN

TWINING CITY.By virtue of a deed of trust. dated September

3, 1891, and recorded in Liber 1615. folio 9 ateofthe lad records of the District

Columbia, and at the reuouest of the party secured thereby, we w-Ill nof at pblIc auction, Isfronst of the premises, on FDAY, NOVEMBEEEIGHTH, 180', AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCHP.M.. that hot is T'wining CIty, in the Districlof Columb~ia, known on the plat of Twining CItyrecerded in county hook 0, page l3t, .is the edicsof the sareyor of said District. as hot 1, tn bloeSTerms: One-thIrd rash, balance tn six sod twelve

months at 6 per cent per annum, secured by deedof trust on prprty, or all cash, at otion of parchaser. $10 dposilt at sale. Rerdngad coneyancing at purchaser's cost. Terms ts be camplied with in Ofteen days from sale, or resale alpurebaser's cost and rink.



By virtue of the pacer contained in a mortgagefrom Mareen D. Hsmes and wife, the undlerolgnedwiln offer. at public sale. Is frost of the courihouse dour Is said county, on ThNiIDAY, NOVEM-BElt TWELFTH. 1891, at TWEL.VE O'CLOCENOON. 136 acres adjoining the lanis of Charles 3.Bosaparte, the late Alfred Oisborne and the heisof Giousalvo Ciegett, Soil godamt emprovementseample. For partlculars apply teo PHtIL. H. TL'CE,207N.Calvertst.. BaltImore.Md. so-6t


Liber numbered 1040, at folio 88 et req., we witlsell, in front of the premIses, on FRIDAY, TilEEIGHTH DAY OF TIOVEMBER, A.D. 18115, A1FIVE O'CLOCE P.M., lot I, in subdivision of nsacsnumbered 015, im proved by a three-stor bricidwelling, numbered 413 L atreet northwe.Terms of sale: One-third rash, balance in oeaned two yeses, at 6 leer cent per anm interest,

payable semt-annally, to he secured by deed 01trust on prprysold, or all cash, at purchaser'soption. Cae Ing, &c., at purchaser's test.A de tof reqoired at lime of sale. Teemsof sae to he compled with in 10 days from dateof sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to esell the property, at risk andl rest of defauiltin1purchaser. CHARTLER F. BENJAMIN,WILIvAM H. DUNOCANSON,oe28dds TrutesRATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO. AUCTIONEERS.

(Sucessors to Bateliffe, bare & Co.)URUSTEES' SALE OF FRAME ROUSE ON HUROT

FTBEET BEWEEN COLUMIBIA AND MtERtiDIANf AVERD'ES NORTHESRT.By virtue of dffeed of trust daly recorded Ii

U~ber 1048, folis 476 et seq. one of the las:records for the District of Colsmhia, and at the rquest of the parties secaud thereythe undersigned .trustees will offer for sale bypblic auction to -front of the premises ON TUERAY, TilTWELFTh DAY OF NOVENBFB, A. D. 1805, A'l1{ALF-PAS'( FOUR O'CLOK, lot 23 In tames STopa's sab of lots 14 and 15, Is block 17. oBai & MEa's sob of "Meridian Hill,"~ togethewith the improvements, rights, &c.Terma: One-thIrd rash, the balane n one sand

two ya,6 pr cast istereat from day of sale, nocae y dee of trust on the property sold, or althat the option of the purchaser. A deposIt 0;$0reuired at time of sale. Terms to he rum

ped wtS in 15 days. All conveyancing and recrngat fist of purchaser.



RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., Auctioneers.(S.ccessors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Co.)TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A IOUR-ROOM FRAMBHOUSE, NO. 118 N STREET SOUTHEAST.By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ofthe District of Columbia, passed in Equity CaosNo. 16881. Doe. 39, the undersigned true willoffer for sale by public auction. in front Thepremises, on MONDAY, EIEVENTH DAY OF NO-VEMBEIL, A.D. 1I*, AT HALF-PAST FOURO'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot 4, in square 743, front-Ing 16 feet 8 Inches an N at. s.e. by a depth of 1Afeet, together with all the improvements, rights,Terms as prescribed by the decree are one-third

of the purchase money in cash, the residue In twoequal instalimests at six and twelve months, withinterest from the day of sale at the rate of 6 percent per annum, secured by deed of trust on theproperty sold, or all cash, at the option of thepurchaser. A deposit of $100 required upon ac-ceptance of bid. If the terms of sale are not com-plied with in Afteen days from the day of sale thetrustee reserves the right to resell the property atthe risk and cost of the defaulting purehaser afterfive days' advertisement of seh resale In somenewspaper published In Washington, D. C.

ROBERT J. MURRAY. Trustee,se28-d&db@ 506 5th st. s.w.



By virtue of two deed4 of trust, duly rerded,resnectively. In Liber 120, folio 198 et seq.. 010to Liber 1IT1, folio 393 et seq., of the land recordsof the county of Washington, In the District ofColumbia, we will sell, in front of the premises, onFICIDAY, THE FIFTEENTi DAY OF NOVEM-

BR, A.. 1800. AT HALF-PAT FOUR O'CLOCKP.M., tht piece or parcel of land and promises sit-uate in the District of Columbia, and known andderribed as lot numiered seven S7), In squareeighty-four tO4t, of the city of Mashington. to-gether wvith all and singular the appurtenances,rights, privilees. impovements and other heredita-ments to the same belonging or in any wise apper-taing.Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one

and two years at 6 per cent per annom. Interestpayable semi-annually, to be secured by deed oftrust on the property mold. or all cash, at thepurchaser's option. A depixit of $20 requiredat time of sale. Conveyancing. etc., at par-chasers cost. Terms of sale to be complied withIn fifteen days from date of sale, otherwise thetrustees reserve the right to resell the propertyat the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser afterfeve days' advertisement of such resale in samenewspaper published in the city of WashingioD.C.



Successors to itateliffe. Darr & CO.TRUSTEES' PALE OF IMPROVED LAND E4

TWINING CITY.By virtue of a deed of trust, dated May 12, 18,

and recorded in Liber 1819. fslo 2 et seq., oneof the land records of the District of Columbia, andat the request of the party seyured thereby, wewill sell, at public auction, In front of the prem.ises, on FRIDAY. EIGHTH NOVEMBE. Ib96,AT QUARTER PAST FOUR P.M., lots 11 and 12, inblock 4. is Twining City, in the District of Colum-bia, as per plat county Book 6, page 131, survey-or's office of said District.Terms: One-third cash, balance in 6 and 12

months, at 6 per cent per annum, secured by deedof trust on prorty sold, or all cash, at option ofpurchaser. $1 d. it at sale. Recording andconveyancing at pure- r's cort. Terms to be com-plied with in 15 days from sale, or resale at tr-chaser's cost and risk.



(Suecessors to Rateliffe, bar & Co.)TRUSTEES' SALE OF IMPROVED LAND ON SEV-


By virtue of two deeds of trust, em dated May14, 1890, and recorded In Liber 1479. folio 343 etreq.. and the other dated March 15, 1893, andiworded in Liber 1904, folio 48 et seq.. two of theland records of the District of Columbia. and at therequest of the party secured thereby, we will sellat public anction, in front of the premises, usSA'IURDAY, NOVEMBER NINTH, 1880, ATHALF-PAST FOUR P.M., the south 12 feet 6inches front on 7th Etreet by the full depth of thelot of lot 29, in block 6, in Todd's & Brown's re-corded subdivision of Mount,,fensant and PleasantPlains, in the county of rashington, District ofColumbia.Terms: One-third cash, balance in six and twelve

months at 6 per cent per annum seeured by deedof trust on the property, or all cash, at optionof puerhaer. $100 deposit at sale. iecordingand conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Terms tobe complied with in fifteen days from sale, orresale at prchas-r's cost and risk.




By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded inLiber nobered 1742, folio 469 et seq., we, wiltsell, In fron' of the premires, on FRIDAY, t'eFIGHTH DAY of NOVE.BER, at IALF-PASTFOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lot numbered 17W. in squ-rn

13ered6, together with the impmovement,TERMS OF SALE: One-third rash, balance in

one and two years, at 6 Cent per annum trater.est, payable semi-annusi, to be secured by deedof trust en property soil, or all cash. at puretaser'softion. Conveyancing. etc.. at purchaver's cost. Adelonit of $20 required at time of si. Terms ofsale to be compiled with to fteen days from dareof sale, ithewlee trustees reserve the tight to re-sell the property at risk and cost of defaultingpi~rcheaer.


oc2-e&ds Trustees.DUNCANSON BROS., Auctioneers.

TRUSTEES' SALE OF THE THREE-STORT BRICKDWELLING., NO. 1301 B STREET NORTHEAST.The underigned, as trustees, under a certain deed

of trust hearing date April 12, 1803. and recordedin liber 1802. at folio 216 et seq. of the land rec-ords of the District of Columbia. and at the requestof the parties thereby secured. will offer the tel'lowing real estate and premises, to wit: Lotseventy-seven (77) In Victor Anderson's subdivlsionof lots to square 1034, as recorded in liber No. 19,folio 101, of the oclee of the surveyor of the Dis-trict of Columbia, at public aucties, in front ofthe premises, on MONDAY. THE ELEvENrH DArOF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1895, at HAIF-PAST FOURO'CLOCK P.M.Terms of sale: One-third cash, and the balance in

two equal Installments, secured by deed of trustupon the property sold, or all cash, at the optionof the purchaser. A deposit of $50 will be requiredat the time of sale. (bts of conveyancing to beborne by the purchaser. If the terms cf sale arenot complied with In ten days the trustees rcnerethe right to resell the property at the rink and coatof the defaulting puhaser.WII.LIAM A. GORDON,

J. HOLDSWORTH GORDON,oeS3-deds Trustees, No. 320 4% at. nLw.



By virtue of a deed of trust, dated the twelfthday of February, 1892, and recorded In Liber No,1682, folio 61, one of the land uwords of the Dis-trict of Columbia, and in pursuance of the pe-meission of the Supreme Court of the District ofOolumbiagranted by the order of the court made onthe twenty-first dyof Jue, 185, in Equsity caseNo. 1623t8. Equity Dcet 28, Of said ctort, whereiaRichard S. Windaur, executor, is rumdinant, andMyron M. Parker and otheru ore defendants, andat the request of the party secured by said deed oftrust, we will sell, by asction, to front of the prem-ises, on WEDNiED)AY, the TWENTIErH DAY ofNOVEMBER, A.D. 1895, at RAI7-PAST FOCltO'CLOCK P.M0., the folloovn described real estatesituated to the city of Ihashhogion, District oColumbia, to wit: All of snare sumbeerd si imn-deed and seveoty-three (61:1, exc-ept original lotsnumbered eighteen (18) and nIneteen (10). 'lb.north half of said square, except origInal ioto eigh-teen and soretern. will he feet offered for saie, andIf It shall sot seli foe euISelent to pay the debtsecured by said deed Of trout. teather with inter.ret, taxes sod costs, as provId in said deed oftrust, then the moth half of said square will he

~dfor sale as a whole.rms of sale s to each pact Of said square:

One-third of the urchase mosney in cash (of whichfifteen hundred dollars to he paid at the time Ofsale), and the balance to three equal installments,paya ble in two, three and fure years from day ofsale, with inteest at sin per cent per annum, pay-aide semi-asnsally, or all cash, at the option ofthe purchaser. The deferred payments to ho rep-resented by the notes of the purchaser uc poe-chaaeru and secured by deed of trunt on the iprop-erty sold. All conveyancing and recoreding at lb.cent of the purcharer or purchasers. If the term.of sale he not complied with In twenty days fromday of sale, the trustees reserve the right toresell, at the risk and coot of the defauilng pr-chaser ee purchasers, after Ore days' adcerfise-irsent in some news per paulished Is Washington,D.C. M N M. PARKER. Trustee,

1418 F ot. nLw.JOHN C. HEALDn, Trutee,

oelB-eoc30thead&ds 02 F at, nLw.



By virtue of a certain deed of tremt to us, datedMarch 20, 1803. and duly recorded March 30, liher No. 1779. folio 471 et seq., of the land ree-nrds of the Dirtert of Ceossmbia, sn-d at the re-quest of the party secured thereby. ae, the under-aigned teustees, will ueli, at puoblic nuctio. le frontof the oremices, us TUESDIAY. TilE TWEIFTHfDAY OF NOVEMBERt, A.D. 1093, AT FOl'RO'CLOCK P.., the following described land andpremises, situate In the city of Waehington, in theDistrict of Colombla, aid designated as snd bInlgall of lot 73, Is Tye's subdlvision of loto in square115, as per plat recorded in Rook 12, page 70, ofthe records of the Orne of the sureyor of saidDistrict, fronting 20.357 feet on the sooth side ofSonderland place by a depth of 4l0 feet to a 11-footalley, together with the improvemouts, onsistingof three-orey brick dwe-lling.Terms of sale: One-third of the parchae money

to he paid In cash, and the bmbss:e to two eqoutinstallments, payable is use and two yesrs. withintereat at sto (64 per centum per aumum, payablesemi-anunlly, from day of sale. uecured ,y deredof trust upon the property sold, or all .-ash, at theoption of the parenacer. A deposit 'of $200 will hesrequired of the purchaser at the time of sale. ARKcoonening, recording and notarial feesu at thecoot of ths purcharer. Termss of sale to be coin.plied with witbin ten days frim day of sale. the trustees reserve the .ightt io reell thepropryat the rIsk and cast of the


Trustees.NATH'L WILSON. Attorsey toe Party Secured.

Nn, al22.024 F t- n.- oc.30-d&lei