sugar - a slayer in disguise - daily...

LUCKNOW CENTRAL is the story of a group of prison- ers who get a unique opportunity in escaping from jail. Aspiring singer Kishan Mohan Girhotra (Farhan Akhtar) is framed for the murder of an IAS officer in his hometown Moradabad. He is sentenced to life imprisonment and after 18 months, he is shifted to Lucknow Central jail. He finds out that the IGP (Virendra Saxena) has asked for a band to be formed in Lucknow Central comprising of a group of prisoners. They are to perform at an Independence Day celebration and also compete with band from other prisons of Uttar Pradesh. An adamant NGO worker Gayatri (Diana Penty) is given the responsi- bility to form the band. Kishan jumps at this opportunity and signs up for the band. He also succeeds in roping in Victor Chattopadhyay (Deepak Dobriyal), Parminder Singh Gill (Gippy Grewal), Purushottam Madan Pandit (Rajesh Sharma) and Liyakat Ansari (Inaamulhaq) after facing some resistance. Kishan however is not just trying to fulfil his singing ambition by forming this band. He plans to escape. But the jailer at Lucknow Central (Ronit Roy) is tough and not easy to be fooled. He senses about this plan. What happens later on forms the crux of the film. The story penned by Ranjit Tiwari and Aseem Arora stands on a weak wicket. Aseem Arora's screenplay is faulty and riddled with goofs. LUCKNOW CENTRAL just doesn't work and the glar- ing similarities with QAIDI BAND are not to blame. The beginning portions are still fine. But the film defies logic soon enough and that continues right till end. What was the relevance of Kishan pretending to be mute when he reaches Lucknow Central? Kishan plans to escape from jail and then fulfil his singing dreams. How on earth he'd do that and why didn't he realize that someone who has escaped from a prison would have to always hide from the cops and that becoming a famous singer is out of option, is inexplicable! Also certain developments in the film are highly unconvincing. The manner in which Victor ditches Tilakdhaari (Manav Vij) and joins Kishan is difficult to digest. Also how Pandit agrees to join Kishan and why nobody has a plan after escaping from jail is too much. The character of Gayatri is also half baked. It's amusing to see her getting convinced by Kishan and decides to help him form the band. The 'Teen Kabootar' song does spike interest but immediately afterwards, the jailor leaks the video which didn't make an iota of sense. Lastly, sequences seem to be inspired from films like Happy New Year, Gupt and even The Shawshank Redemption, further diluting the impact. Ranjit Tiwari's direction is simple but with such a flawed script, there's nothing much he could have done. Few scenes are well handled but they all get overshad- owed by the many bad scenes. Aseem Arora's dialogues however are fine, especially the ones mouthed by Ravi Kishan. Farhan Akhtar delivers a decent performance and manages to carry his duty of a leading actor. But this per- formance is no way close to his other memorable perform- ances. Diana Penty looks pretty and doesn't get much scope. After such a crucial role in Happy Bhag Jayegi, it's disappointing to see her in such a weak part. Deepak Dobriyal as always is dependable and gets the Bengali accent right. He is quite moving in the scene where he meets his father. Rajesh Sharma also proves his worth and performs ably. Inaamulhaq gets a raw deal and could have done better. He rocked the show in Filmistaan and also in Jolly LLB 2. But here he just doesn't work. Gippy Grewal gets a chance to shine despite the presence of so many actors. A fine performance and his look is quite interesting! Ronit Roy is menacing as always but his per- formance suffers due to bad writing. Ravi Kishan (Pawan Singh Chaturvedi) takes the film to another level with his cameo appearance. His dialogue on Donald Trump will be loved. Robin Das (Kishan's father) is okay. Manav Vij has intense eyes and is alright. Virendra Saxena (IG) does fine. Manoj Tiwari plays himself and there's nothing much to talk about his act. The Music of the film doesn't work and that's not good for a film that is about a band. 'Kaavaan Kaavaan' is the only track that works. 'Teen Kabootar' is interesting as it's conceptualized well. The other songs like 'Meer-E- Kaarwan', 'Rangdaari' and 'Baaki Rab Pe Chhod De' are poor. Arjunna Harjaie's background score is dramatic and adds to the tension. Tushar Kanti Ray's cinematography is neat. Amit Ray and Subrata Chakraborty's production design is fine. Charu Shree Roy's editing is bad. The film is too long at 147 minutes and could have been way shorter. On the whole, LUCKNOW CENTRAL is a poor show all the way. The weak script, lack of entertainment value and long run time of the film will work against it. As a result, it's bound to struggle at the box office. Courtesy: Dr Sonali Sharma We all have witnessed moments of guilty pleasure, basking into the ecstasy of our favorite dessert slowly melting down our mouths. Tempted? Well, sugar is to be blamed for this, not you. From the time we come into this world, we get accustomed to the sweetening taste of lac- tose. And thus develops the unending urge of sugar munching. The divine pleasure of sweetness becomes a part and parcel of our lives. Sugar is an instant source of energy, breaking into glucose and reaching out to the cells. You wouldn't be able to enjoy those day long festivities, packed with never-ending stamina, if sugar was missing from your life. Sugar boosts-up your mood instantly and gives a happy heavenly feel- ing, making it one of the best anti-depressant. Providing immediate ener- gy to the body, it also helps in improving intellectual skills. But all that glitters is not gold. Excessive sugar leads to a devastating aftermath. According to the World Health Organization an adult male should take in 150 calories per day which is 37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons and female around 100 calories per day which is 25 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar. But today, an average human consumes about 25 -30 teaspoons of sugar per day. Shocking, isn't it? The big question which arises now is what happens to the excessive sugar we consume? As per one of the most renowned nutrition experts Dr. Davis Reuben, the white refined sugar we eat, doesn't fall into the category of food. The commercial sugar which we use in our day to day household is basically a pure chemical extract from plant source. It is even said to be a purer form of cocaine. No wonder why we feel addicted to it. The dilemma of ditching sugar in today's scenario is such that, sugar exists in practically every second thing we chomp on. From mayonnaise to soft drinks, fruits to medicines, you name it and it has a certain amount of sugar present. Completely avoiding sugar is practically impossible but choosing the right form of sugar intake is what we can actually control. There are basically two types of sugar- the good sugar and the bad sugar. The former can be consumed in form of fruits, which is natural sugar. The later which you con- sume in form of those high-fructose corn syrups or figure licking chocolate pastries, those are the real Satan! You would be surprised to know that around 184,000 deaths take place worldwide every year because of excessive intake of sugar. The processed food which we keep crunching on is slowly killing us. The happy meals aren't making us happy enough! Sugar not only damages our liver, but also tricks our body into gaining weight, slowly affecting the leptin and insulin rate. With a forte in metabolic malfunctioning, sugar also increases the Uric acid level in our body, affecting the kidney. So many health hazards and such little benefits; Well, quitting sugar has always been a good option. But as we know sugar caus- es addiction, ditching sugar would take more than just words. A lot of determination is required first of all, fol- lowed by a strict self-controlled regime. It will be a big self-achievement if one can go sugarless completely, but this too has its side effects. The best way to quit sugar is by lowering the intake gradually. This will give more time for the body to adjust, avoiding headaches, nausea and other side effects. There are also many healthy substitutes present if you still crave for sugar. Healthy sugar like Honey, Molasses, Stevia, Brown sugar, coconut sugar, date sugar and much more are readily available in the market. Now you can stay healthy while satisfying your sweet tooth. So, go ahead and detoxes your body from artificial sugar and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Because this life, it is yours, and so are your choices! (The author is Dietician, Amandeep Hospital, Pathankot) Shahnaz Husain If you are frustrated over high cost of beauty par- lours and dermatologist in treating skin and hair beau- ty problems than all you need to do is to squeeze out some fresh lemon juice from your own kitchen and drink lemon water daily and also apply it on your skin also.The sunny yellow fruit will provide smooth , flaw- less and radiant skin by removing dead cells and act as a natural lightener for hair and skin by regulating acid- ity and eliminating fat . Lemon is rich in Vitamin B,Vitamin C,Carbohydrates , magnesium and Phosphorus that Rejuvenates skin ,absorbs the oili- ness , cleans the skin pores and improves texture and condition of skin and hair. Lemon has astringent properties which help in pre- venting sign of premature aging like wrinkles and fine lines and restore skin elasticity to maintain youthful appearance . Most of us know that Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C and have taken it at some time or other. Added to a glass of cold water, it can be most refreshing during hot and humid weather. Taken regularly, it is a preventive against colds and actually strengthens the immune system. We also add it to salads, snacks and food, because its tanginess adds to their flavour. There are a number of ways that the common lemon can be used for beauty too. Lemon is best taken diluted, adding it to water. You can start your day with the juice of a lemon in a glass of warm water. This combination helps to keep the system flushed and aid the removal of toxins and wastes. This will also reflect on the skin, keeping it clear and glow- ing. Weight watchers will also find this beneficial. As a cosmetic ingredient, lemon can be used in vari- ous ways. The only thing to remember is not to use it undiluted, as it can be harsh on the skin. On areas where the skin is thicker, lemon can be used by itself. For example, for dark elbows, rub lemon halves and then wash off with water. Over a period of time, it will cleanse the skin and lighten its colour. Lemon can also be used as a hand lotion. Mix it with rose water and rub it into the skin of the hands. For rough hands, rub granulated sugar and the juice of a lemon together with the hands, till the sugar dissolves. Then rinse off with water. Done regularly, it will help to improve the skin texture. Oily skins can really benefit from a lemon treatment. Dilute the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and use this to wash your face. If it seems harsh for your skin, add more water. Gently blot the face with tissue or a clean towel, instead of wiping it. Lemon not only helps to restore the normal acid-alka- line balance, but also reduces surface oil. This treat- ment can be beneficial during summer, when the skin tends to seem more oily. Some people have sensitive skins. So, if your skin burns or itches with the applica- tion of lemon-water, you should not use it. Honey mixed with lemon juice can be applied on the face daily. While honey moisturizes the skin, lemon juice restores the normal balance and lightens skin colour over a period of time of regular use. For oily skin use one part of honey with two parts lemon juice. For normal and dry skin, use honey and lemon juice in equal quantities. Lemon can also be used as a hair rinse. You can add lemon juice to a mug of water and use it as a last rinse, after your shampoo. You can even add it to “tea water”. Boil used tea leaves in enough water and cool the liq- uid. Add the juice of one lemon and use it as a last rinse. This helps to add shine to the hair. Due to its many beneficial properties, lemon has been used as an ingredient to formulate creams and lotions for skin care. It has been used, along with aloe vera to formulate cleansing gels, helping to get rid of dirt and pollutants, without disturbing the normal acid-alkaline balance. A lemon-turmeric cream has been used as a pre-bath cream and also a soap substi- tute, for people with dry, dehydrated and sensitive skins. Lemon is a powerful natural cleanser. When nature has provided us with ideal cosmetic ingredients, why should we use chemicals and synthet- ic substances? In fact, the human body responds well to natural substances, while it has an in-built resistance to synthetic ones. (The author is beauty expert) The blue denim remains as popular dur- ing this festive fashion as ever. Denims today also come in dresses and shirts which are coordinated with, what else, that must-have pair of denim jeans, finds Maiyankini Bose Ever wonder why a pair of the true-blue denim never loses its appeal? Dress it up or dress it down, a pair of jeans can never go wrong. As a fabric denim has a versa- tile appeal and the jeans is still a universal style statement for the youth. The comfortable yet sturdy fit and look is its biggest appeal. When Levi crafted the first pair of jeans way back in 1873 as a comfortable wear for the work-field, he per- haps could not foresee how high fashion a material and apparel it would become one day. Nonetheless, its popu- larity gave birth to the Levi Strauss & Co. and the rest, to repeat a cliché, is history. This festive season too the denim rules despite trousers of other materials being readily available in the market. SMART AND CASUAL Levi’s apparels remainever-popular in this segment in India owing to its wide range of fits and styles offered at an affordable price. It has its own Eureka Innovation Lab based in California which com- bines technology with fashion to bring out the best of innovations in denim wear. From Fades to Fits, every season offers a collection that has innovation at its core. FASHION WITH THE BASICS: Simple Dressing is smart dressing and experiments with denim surely lives up to it. A few tips: *The 501 Original Jean: Pair up your light blue classic denim with a crisp white cotton shirt and a grey linen or cashmere blazer to get that smart-casual textured look for office or keep it casual with white tee with graphic prints. *The Trucker Jacket: Again a wardrobe staple, pair it up with a white or blue checked shirt and beige/light blue cotton chinos for a semi-formal look or invest in a black denim for more formal outfits. Says NIFT Alumni, Sayan Sil, a fashion enthusiast himself, “I like my denim clean and classic in shades of dark indigo paired up with an ice blue chambray denim shirt with rolled up sleeves. A pair of white shoes with my jeans rolled up till ankle completes the look. Alternatively, for travelling I prefer a light washed denim with a solid V neck tee coor- dinated with an Indigo blue denim trucker jacket. A pair of high ankle lace up boots goes onto complete this look of mine” SLIM FITS FOR WOMEN Levi’s 2017 collection comes with new fits and leg styles. In women’s collection, the newly introduced fits in India are 700 & 300 shaping Series. 700 Series Women’s Collection 2017: The ulti- mate innovative stretch denim that is designed to flatter, hold and lift. Slim through the hip and thigh with a clas- sic skinny leg and a flattering mid-rise. This pair is cut from premium fabric that will last and last. In India it’s available in three variants 711 Skinny, 710 super Skinny and 721 High rise skinny. Apart from the plain whiskered denim, it also comes with laser prints with various motifs and patterns covering the entire leg of the denim. 300 Shaping Series Women’s Collection 2017: It helps flatten your tummy, lift your seat and lengthen your legs. These slim jeans shape through the hip and thigh with a slim leg and tummy-slimming technology.In India its available in 2 variants 311 Shaping Skinny & 312 Shaping slim. THE BODY SHAPERS American denim fashion brand Lee explores its boundaries with Body Optix Denim with 360 degree Body shaping technology this season. Combining the power of Visual science and design, its precise laser anatomy warping grants you a more feminine figure that is ideally proportional and attractive. Denim on denim is trendy this season and Lee’s brand new range of mono- chromatic Indigo denim tops ensures you carry that look with finesse. A FRESH APPROACH WITH EMBROIDERY In denim top wear, US brand Aeropostale has created collections that are fresh and unique. Embroidery details on denim are in vogue amongst young and old alike. A denim chambray shirt with full back embroidery with see through lace detailing paired with an H&M woven skirt with the shirt loosely tucked in is a bold fashion state- ment. SOMETHING FRESH, SOMETHING NEW H&M, the Swedish fast fashion retailer has fresh Fashion Finds for you every week. Keeping up with the trends they have a wide array in denim-wear starting from jeans to jeggings, dress to dungarees, shirts to skirts each having its own flavour of denim. Denim shirts with patterned detail and or an ice washed A line denim dress with buttoned front are looks for the season. Indigo blue denim dungarees paired up with white top is also in vogue this season. (TWF) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2017 (PAGE 4) LIFESTYLE HEALTHLINES BEAUTY TIPS Denims: Wear it blue MOVIE-REVIEW a The best way to quit sugar is by lowering the intake gradually. This will give more time for the body to adjust, avoiding headaches, nausea and other side effects. A poor show all the way Sugar - A Slayer in Disguise The story penned by Ranjit Tiwari and Aseem Arora stands on a weak wicket. Aseem Arora's screenplay is faulty and riddled with goofs.

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Page 1: Sugar - A Slayer in Disguise - Daily · Gippy Grewal gets a chance to shine despite the presence of so many

LUCKNOW CENTRAL is the story of a group of prison-ers who get a unique opportunity in escaping from jail.Aspiring singer Kishan Mohan Girhotra (Farhan Akhtar) isframed for the murder of an IAS officer in his hometownMoradabad. He is sentenced to life imprisonment andafter 18 months, he is shifted to Lucknow Central jail. Hefinds out that the IGP (Virendra Saxena) has asked for aband to be formed in Lucknow Central comprising of agroup of prisoners. They are to perform at anIndependence Day celebration and also compete withband from other prisons of Uttar Pradesh. An adamantNGO worker Gayatri (Diana Penty) is given the responsi-bility to form the band. Kishan jumps at this opportunityand signs up for the band. He also succeeds in roping inVictor Chattopadhyay (Deepak Dobriyal), Parminder

Singh Gill (Gippy Grewal), Purushottam Madan Pandit(Rajesh Sharma) and Liyakat Ansari (Inaamulhaq) afterfacing some resistance. Kishan however is not just trying tofulfil his singing ambition by forming this band. He plansto escape. But the jailer at Lucknow Central (Ronit Roy) istough and not easy to be fooled. He senses about this plan.What happens later on forms the crux of the film.

The story penned by Ranjit Tiwari and Aseem Arorastands on a weak wicket. Aseem Arora's screenplay isfaulty and riddled with goofs.

LUCKNOW CENTRAL just doesn't work and the glar-ing similarities with QAIDI BAND are not to blame. Thebeginning portions are still fine. But the film defies logicsoon enough and that continues right till end. What wasthe relevance of Kishan pretending to be mute when hereaches Lucknow Central? Kishan plans to escape fromjail and then fulfil his singing dreams. How on earth he'ddo that and why didn't he realize that someone who hasescaped from a prison would have to always hide from thecops and that becoming a famous singer is out of option,is inexplicable! Also certain developments in the film arehighly unconvincing. The manner in which Victor ditchesTilakdhaari (Manav Vij) and joins Kishan is difficult todigest. Also how Pandit agrees to join Kishan and whynobody has a plan after escaping from jail is too much.The character of Gayatri is also half baked. It's amusing tosee her getting convinced by Kishan and decides to helphim form the band. The 'Teen Kabootar' song does spikeinterest but immediately afterwards, the jailor leaks thevideo which didn't make an iota of sense. Lastly,sequences seem to be inspired from films like Happy New

Year, Gupt and even The Shawshank Redemption, furtherdiluting the impact.

Ranjit Tiwari's direction is simple but with such aflawed script, there's nothing much he could have done.Few scenes are well handled but they all get overshad-owed by the many bad scenes. Aseem Arora's dialogueshowever are fine, especially the ones mouthed by RaviKishan. Farhan Akhtar delivers a decent performance andmanages to carry his duty of a leading actor. But this per-formance is no way close to his other memorable perform-ances. Diana Penty looks pretty and doesn't get muchscope. After such a crucial role in Happy Bhag Jayegi, it'sdisappointing to see her in such a weak part. DeepakDobriyal as always is dependable and gets the Bengaliaccent right. He is quite moving in the scene where he

meets his father. Rajesh Sharma also proves hisworth and performs ably. Inaamulhaq gets a raw deal andcould have done better. He rocked the show in Filmistaanand also in Jolly LLB 2. But here he just doesn't work.Gippy Grewal gets a chance to shine despite the presenceof so many actors. A fine performance and his look is quiteinteresting! Ronit Roy is menacing as always but his per-formance suffers due to bad writing. Ravi Kishan (PawanSingh Chaturvedi) takes the film to another level with hiscameo appearance. His dialogue on Donald Trump will beloved. Robin Das (Kishan's father) is okay. Manav Vij hasintense eyes and is alright. Virendra Saxena (IG) doesfine. Manoj Tiwari plays himself and there's nothingmuch to talk about his act.

The Music of the film doesn't work and that's not goodfor a film that is about a band. 'Kaavaan Kaavaan' is theonly track that works. 'Teen Kabootar' is interesting as it'sconceptualized well. The other songs like 'Meer-E-Kaarwan', 'Rangdaari' and 'Baaki Rab Pe Chhod De' arepoor. Arjunna Harjaie's background score is dramatic andadds to the tension.

Tushar Kanti Ray's cinematography is neat. Amit Rayand Subrata Chakraborty's production design is fine.Charu Shree Roy's editing is bad. The film is too long at 147minutes and could have been way shorter.

On the whole, LUCKNOW CENTRAL is a poor show allthe way. The weak script, lack of entertainment value andlong run time of the film will work against it. As a result, it'sbound to struggle at the box office.


Dr Sonali Sharma

We all have witnessed moments of guilty pleasure,basking into the ecstasy of our favorite dessert slowlymelting down our mouths. Tempted? Well, sugar is to beblamed for this, not you. From the time we come into thisworld, we get accustomed to the sweetening taste of lac-tose. And thus develops the unending urge of sugarmunching. The divine pleasure of sweetness becomes apart and parcel of our lives.

Sugar is an instant source of energy, breaking intoglucose and reaching out tothe cells. You wouldn't beable to enjoy those day longfestivities, packed withnever-ending stamina, ifsugar was missing fromyour life. Sugar boosts-upyour mood instantly andgives a happy heavenly feel-ing, making it one of thebest anti-depressant.Providing immediate ener-gy to the body, it also helpsin improving intellectualskills.

But all that glitters is notgold. Excessive sugar leadsto a devastating aftermath.According to the WorldHealth Organization anadult male should take in150 calories per day whichis 37.5 grams or 9 teaspoonsand female around 100calories per day which is 25grams or 6 teaspoons ofsugar. But today, an averagehuman consumes about 25-30 teaspoons of sugar perday. Shocking, isn't it? The big question which arisesnow is what happens to the excessive sugar we consume?

As per one of the most renowned nutrition experts Dr.Davis Reuben, the white refined sugar we eat, doesn't fallinto the category of food. The commercial sugar whichwe use in our day to day household is basically a purechemical extract from plant source. It is even said to be apurer form of cocaine. No wonder why we feel addictedto it.

The dilemma of ditching sugar in today's scenario issuch that, sugar exists in practically every second thingwe chomp on. From mayonnaise to soft drinks, fruits tomedicines, you name it and it has a certain amount ofsugar present. Completely avoiding sugar is practicallyimpossible but choosing the right form of sugar intake iswhat we can actually control.

There are basically two types of sugar- the good sugar

and the bad sugar. The former can be consumed in formof fruits, which is natural sugar. The later which you con-sume in form of those high-fructose corn syrups or figurelicking chocolate pastries, those are the real Satan! Youwould be surprised to know that around 184,000 deathstake place worldwide every year because of excessiveintake of sugar. The processed food which we keepcrunching on is slowly killing us. The happy meals aren'tmaking us happy enough!

Sugar not only damages our liver, but also tricks ourbody into gaining weight, slowly affecting the leptin and

insulin rate. With a forte inmetabolic malfunctioning,sugar also increases theUric acid level in our body,affecting the kidney. Somany health hazards andsuch little benefits;

Well, quitting sugar hasalways been a good option.But as we know sugar caus-

es addiction, ditching sugar would take more than justwords. A lot of determination is required first of all, fol-lowed by a strict self-controlled regime. It will be a bigself-achievement if one can go sugarless completely, butthis too has its side effects. The best way to quit sugar isby lowering the intake gradually. This will give more timefor the body to adjust, avoiding headaches, nausea andother side effects.

There are also many healthy substitutes present if youstill crave for sugar. Healthy sugar like Honey, Molasses,Stevia, Brown sugar, coconut sugar, date sugar andmuch more are readily available in the market. Now youcan stay healthy while satisfying your sweet tooth. So, goahead and detoxes your body from artificial sugar andenjoy a healthy lifestyle. Because this life, it is yours, andso are your choices!

(The author is Dietician, Amandeep Hospital, Pathankot)

Shahnaz HusainIf you are frustrated over high cost of beauty par-

lours and dermatologist in treating skin and hair beau-ty problems than all you need to do is to squeeze outsome fresh lemon juice from your own kitchen anddrink lemon water daily and also apply it on your skinalso.The sunny yellow fruit will provide smooth , flaw-less and radiant skin by removing dead cells and act asa natural lightener for hair and skin by regulating acid-ity and eliminating fat . Lemon is rich in VitaminB,Vitamin C,Carbohydrates , magnesium andPhosphorus that Rejuvenates skin ,absorbs the oili-ness , cleans the skin pores and improves texture andcondition of skin and hair.

Lemon has astringent properties which help in pre-venting sign of premature aging like wrinkles and finelines and restore skin elasticity to maintain youthfulappearance .

Most of us know that Lemon is a rich source ofVitamin C and have taken it at some time or other.Added to a glass of cold water, it can be most refreshingduring hot and humid weather. Taken regularly, it is apreventive against colds and actually strengthens theimmune system. We also add it to salads, snacks andfood, because its tanginess adds to their flavour. Thereare a number of ways that the common lemon can beused for beauty too.

Lemon is best taken diluted, adding it to water. Youcan start your day with the juice of a lemon in a glass ofwarm water. This combination helps to keep the systemflushed and aid the removal of toxins and wastes. Thiswill also reflect on the skin, keeping it clear and glow-ing. Weight watchers will also find this beneficial.

As a cosmetic ingredient, lemon can be used in vari-ous ways. The only thing to remember is not to use it

undiluted, as it can beharsh on the skin. Onareas where the skin isthicker, lemon can be usedby itself. For example, fordark elbows, rub lemonhalves and then wash offwith water. Over a periodof time, it will cleanse theskin and lighten its colour.

Lemon can also be usedas a hand lotion. Mix itwith rose water and rub itinto the skin of the hands.For rough hands, rubgranulated sugar and thejuice of a lemon togetherwith the hands, till thesugar dissolves. Thenrinse off with water. Doneregularly, it will help toimprove the skin texture.

Oily skins can reallybenefit from a lemontreatment. Dilute the juiceof half a lemon in a glass ofwater and use this to washyour face. If it seems harshfor your skin, add morewater. Gently blot the facewith tissue or a cleantowel, instead of wiping it.

Lemon not only helps to restore the normal acid-alka-line balance, but also reduces surface oil. This treat-ment can be beneficial during summer, when the skintends to seem more oily. Some people have sensitiveskins. So, if your skin burns or itches with the applica-tion of lemon-water, you should not use it.

Honey mixed with lemon juice can be applied on theface daily. While honey moisturizes the skin, lemonjuice restores the normal balance and lightens skincolour over a period of time of regular use. For oily skinuse one part of honey with two parts lemon juice. Fornormal and dry skin, use honey and lemon juice inequal quantities.

Lemon can also be used as a hair rinse. You can addlemon juice to a mug of water and use it as a last rinse,after your shampoo. You can even add it to “tea water”.Boil used tea leaves in enough water and cool the liq-uid. Add the juice of one lemon and use it as a last rinse.This helps to add shine to the hair.

Due to its many beneficial properties, lemon hasbeen used as an ingredient to formulate creams andlotions for skin care. It has been used, along with aloevera to formulate cleansing gels, helping to get rid ofdirt and pollutants, without disturbing the normalacid-alkaline balance. A lemon-turmeric cream hasbeen used as a pre-bath cream and also a soap substi-tute, for people with dry, dehydrated and sensitiveskins. Lemon is a powerful natural cleanser.

When nature has provided us with ideal cosmeticingredients, why should we use chemicals and synthet-ic substances? In fact, the human body responds wellto natural substances, while it has an in-built resistanceto synthetic ones.

(The author is beauty expert)

The blue denim remains as popular dur-ing this festive fashion as ever. Denimstoday also come in dresses and shirtswhich are coordinated with, what else,that must-have pair of denimjeans, finds Maiyankini BoseEver wonder why a pair of the true-blue denim never

loses its appeal? Dress it up or dress it down, a pair ofjeans can never go wrong. As a fabric denim has a versa-tile appeal and the jeans is still a universal style statementfor the youth. The comfortable yet sturdy fit and look isits biggest appeal.

When Levi crafted the first pair of jeans way back in1873 as a comfortable wear for the work-field, he per-haps could not foresee how high fashion a material andapparel it would become one day. Nonetheless, its popu-larity gave birth to the Levi Strauss & Co. and the rest, torepeat a cliché, is history.

This festive season too the denim rules despitetrousers of other materials being readily available in themarket.

SMART AND CASUALLevi’s apparels remainever-popular in this segment in

India owing to its wide range of fits and styles offered atan affordable price.

It has its own Eureka InnovationLab based in California which com-bines technology with fashion to bringout the best of innovations in denimwear.

From Fades to Fits, every seasonoffers a collection that has innovationat its core.FASHION WITH THE BASICS:

Simple Dressing is smart dressingand experiments with denim surelylives up to it. A few tips:

*The 501 Original Jean: Pair upyour light blue classic denim with acrisp white cotton shirt and a greylinen or cashmere blazer to get thatsmart-casual textured look for officeor keep it casual with white tee withgraphic prints.

*The Trucker Jacket: Again awardrobe staple, pair it up with awhite or blue checked shirt andbeige/light blue cotton chinos for asemi-formal look or invest in a blackdenim for more formal outfits.

Says NIFT Alumni, Sayan Sil, afashion enthusiast himself, “I like mydenim clean and classic in shades of dark indigo pairedup with an ice blue chambray denim shirt with rolled upsleeves. A pair of white shoes with my jeans rolled up tillankle completes the look. Alternatively, for travelling Iprefer a light washed denim with a solid V neck tee coor-dinated with an Indigo blue denim trucker jacket. A pairof high ankle lace up boots goes onto complete this lookof mine”

SLIM FITS FOR WOMENLevi’s 2017 collection comes with new fits and leg

styles. In women’s collection, the newly introduced fits inIndia are 700 & 300 shaping Series.

700 Series Women’s Collection 2017: The ulti-mate innovative stretch denim that is designed to flatter,hold and lift. Slim through the hip and thigh with a clas-

sic skinny leg and a flattering mid-rise. This pair is cutfrom premium fabric that will last and last. In India it’savailable in three variants 711 Skinny, 710 super Skinnyand 721 High rise skinny. Apart from the plain whiskereddenim, it also comes with laser prints with various motifsand patterns covering the entire leg of the denim.

300 Shaping Series Women’s Collection 2017: It helpsflatten your tummy, lift your seat and lengthen your legs.These slim jeans shape through the hip and thigh with aslim leg and tummy-slimming technology.In India itsavailable in 2 variants 311 Shaping Skinny & 312 Shapingslim.

THE BODY SHAPERSAmerican denim fashion brand Lee explores its

boundaries with Body Optix Denim with 360 degreeBody shaping technology this season. Combining thepower of Visual science and design, its precise laseranatomy warping grants you a more feminine figure thatis ideally proportional and attractive. Denim on denim istrendy this season and Lee’s brand new range of mono-chromatic Indigo denim tops ensures you carry that lookwith finesse.

A FRESH APPROACH WITH EMBROIDERYIn denim top wear, US brand Aeropostale has created

collections that are fresh and unique. Embroidery details

on denim are in vogue amongst young and old alike. Adenim chambray shirt with full back embroidery with seethrough lace detailing paired with an H&M woven skirtwith the shirt loosely tucked in is a bold fashion state-ment.

SOMETHING FRESH, SOMETHING NEWH&M, the Swedish fast fashion retailer has fresh

Fashion Finds for you every week. Keeping up with thetrends they have a wide array in denim-wear startingfrom jeans to jeggings, dress to dungarees, shirts to skirtseach having its own flavour of denim.

Denim shirts with patterned detail and or an icewashed A line denim dress with buttoned front are looksfor the season. Indigo blue denim dungarees paired upwith white top is also in vogue this season. (TWF)





Denims: Wear it blueMOVIE-REVIEW

aThe best way to quit sugar is by

lowering the intake gradually. Thiswill give more time for the bodyto adjust, avoiding headaches,nausea and other side effects.

A poor show all the way

Sugar - A Slayer in Disguise

The story penned by RanjitTiwari and Aseem Arorastands on a weak wicket.

Aseem Arora's screenplay isfaulty and riddled with goofs.