summary of the u.s. task force on united way’s economic model & growth

Summary of the U.S. Task Force on United Way’s Economic Model & Growth

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Summary of the U.S. Task Force on United Way’s Economic Model & Growth

Why We Are In Business


To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.

Value Proposition

We galvanize and connect a diverse set of individuals and institutions, and mobilize resources, to create long-term change.


• Network-wide effort

• Significant contribution to United Way’s future

• Growth plan in key aspects of our model

• Value to all United Ways & communities

• Call to action & call to leadership

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012


• Persistent childhood poverty

• High school dropout crisis

• Health risks fueled by obesity

• Income polarization

• High unemployment rates

• Fiscal pressures at all levels

Realities in the U.S.

• Economic & operating models under pressure

• Highly-designated LUWs with little flexibility

• Network revenue growth too slow

• Continued donor erosion

• Inability to increase public trust

• Slowed progress to drive impact agenda

Realities in the Network

Setting the Context: Pressures & Challenges

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012

The status quo is not acceptable


U.S. Task Force: The Opportunity

Leverage our assetsbut transform:

Our culture

Our model

Our operations

Our strategies

Our relationships

Our nation

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012

The common good response begins with us


Our Response: The Cultural Foundation

Commitment to work together as a network to collectively solve some of the nation’s most significant problems

Opportunity to consistently develop, leverage and scale strategies, approaches & partnerships to drive progress

Opportunity to define and develop the complex skills needed to initiate and sustain complex social change

Ability to develop and deliver value across the network to create “win-win” environment among local United Ways

Performance-based approach that accelerates & consistently delivers results




Differentiation & Customization

Mutual Accountability

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012

The cultural foundation provides a new way of working together as a network


Our Response: The Big Moves … “What” We’ll Do

#1: From individual to network impact

• Stronger public engagement

• Influencing public policy

• Collaborating with partners

• Leveraging resources

• Shared strategies

• Common metrics

• Critical mass

• National goals

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012



Our Response: The Big Moves … “What” We’ll Do

#2: From workplace campaigns only to strategic philanthropic partner

• More consistent experience

• Expanded platform for companies

• CSR & employee engagement

• Consumers & donor stewardship

• Tiered levels of service

• Strong alignment

• Strategies & metrics

• Accountability plans

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012


One of the greatest assets of United Way is our strong relationship with the private sector


Our Response: The Big Moves … “How” We’ll Do It

#3: From metro size to a new organizing framework for working together

• Business Performance Matrix

• Supports & services

• Collaboration mechanisms

• Partnerships & compacts

• Performance challenges

• Leadership & innovation

• Network-wide value

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012


Partnerships will allow United Ways to perform together against targeted challenges with solutions shared and

scaled within the network


Our Response: The Big Moves … “How” We’ll Do It

#4: From a place to work to the mission of choice

• Network-wide talent strategy

• Recruitment through succession

• Core competencies

• Culture, relationships and diversity

• Leadership development

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012


The right talent will drive performance & results against the toughest challenges

The Value if We Get it Right


Drive growth, increase resources & strengthen relationships

Operate more effectively & efficiently at local, state and national levels

Achieve scale through local & national leadership

Accelerate progress & change that benefit children, families & communities everywhere

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012

Measurable impact, community change, a stronger United Way network


Call to Action


Call to Leadership

right now

“Together with our broad range of partners across sectors, United Way can – and must – make significant contributions to addressing the critical issues of our time. We cannot accept the status quo. We must be catalysts for change and champions of progress, both within our network and across the nation. We must model the leadership that is required in today’s complex environment and leverage the resources and relationships that will foster dialogue, generate action and deliver results at scale.”

Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012

Each United Way will have an important role to play in defining the future



Working Together to Drive Results Across Our CommunitiesOctober 2012


United Way’s Task Force Website


Mike Wood, Vice President, U.S. Field Engagement

[email protected] or 703-836-7112 x 235