summer 2014

ANDREW MCMAHON Former Jack’s Mannequin frontman on going solo, new album CHIPOTLE CULTIVATE FESTIVAL: CHARLI XCX & SMALLPOOLS summer 2014 EST 2010 Summer Tours Seahaven Tigers Jaw Citizen

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Page 1: Summer 2014

ANDREW MCMAHONFormer Jack’s Mannequin frontman on going solo, new albumCHIPOTLE CULTIVATE FESTIVAL: CHARLI XCX & SMALLPOOLS

summer 2014

EST 2010

Summer ToursSeahavenTigers JawCitizen

Page 2: Summer 2014

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{Contents}about | 1

album reviews| 2editorial: fans & a musician’s

personal space | 3interview: andrew mcmahon | 5

chipotle cultivate festival | 8seahaven | 10

tigers jaw | 12 citizen | 14

vans warped tour feature | 16the story so far | 17

neck deep | 21the maine | 25

the summer set | 29mayday parade | 33state champs | 35

we are the in crowd | 38nick santino | 42real friends | 44we the kings | 47

Windows Down Mag is an

alternative music magazine

established by sisters Gloria “Jack”

& Kim Mejía-Cuéllar in 2010.

Avid music lovers and concert

photographers, the sisters are

currently undergraduates at Yale

University. Their passion for music

and photography led them to

establish Windows Down Mag.

The magazine aims to provide

the latest music news through

original articles, photography, mejÍa-cuÉllar sisters

and live music videos. All concert

photographs and articles are

original content unless stated


Parker Cannon of The Story So Farvans warped tour: mountain view, ca | june 21, 2014

check out more photos on our flickr

Page 3: Summer 2014

Reviews: Recent Releases

The Arizona quintet never fails to impress us. Ever since they self-released Pioneer, the Maine’s sound has steadily progressed from catchy pop-rock to heavier more in-your-face rock.

)RUHYHU�+DOORZHHQ�RQ�LWV�RZQ�LV�D�JHP��7KH�URFN�RXWÀW�DGGHG�ÀYH�%�VLGHV�WR�the deluxe edition that makes the original record shine. The catchy “Ugly On 7KH�,QVLGHµ�LV�D�VWDQG�RXW�WUDFN�FULWLFL]LQJ�SHRSOH·V�WHQGHQF\�WR�EH�VXSHUÀFLDO�and preoccupy themselves with their appearances. The chorus is guaranteed to get stuck in your head for days after one listen.


Overall, the deluxe album demonstrates how the band has claimed their sound through DIY efforts, unrestrained by the over-produced sound created too often by labels.

7KH�:DOQXW�&UHHN�QDWLYHV�WKH�6WRU\�6R�)DU�KDYH�SXW�RXW�DQ�LPSUHVVLYH�acoustic album, which includes acoustic renditions of three songs off of their second full length What You Don’t See��D�%RE�0DUOH\�FRYHU�DQG�WKH�QHZ�WUDFN�´1DY\�%OXH�µ




The band’s effort has us excited at the possibility for future acoustic releases.

The Story So FarSongs OfTop Tracks: “Navy Blue” “Waiting In Vain” (Bob Marley cover)

The MaineForever Halloween (Deluxe)Top Tracks: “Ugly On The Inside” “Ice Cave”


Page 4: Summer 2014

Fans & A Musician’s Personal Space

“Truth, meeting fans is awesome, we love doing it, we are humans though and we do

like our personal space.”-Ben Barlow

Page 5: Summer 2014

Consent is a beautiful common sense thing. Unfortunately, fans touching musicians without their consent is nothing new.

About seven months ago, a stage diving fan in Texas attempted to forcibly kiss The Story So Far frontman Parker Cannon but he managed to push her away. The incident was caught on video and sparked a controversy on the internet. Recently, Tigers Jaw’s Brianna Collins and Pity Sex’s Britty Drake made headlines when they spoke out against fans who attempted to forcibly kiss them at a show in Williamsburg, NY.

In May, we attended the kickoff show for Morrissey’s U.S. tour in San Jose, CA. During the second half of the legendary artist’s set, the crowd became rowdy with crowdsurfers, who excitedly rushed the stage to touch Morrissey and overwhelmed venue security. A fan rushed toward Morrissey on stage, driving him to the left with such aggression that the performance was brought to an abrupt halt. The set was cut short by about 30 minutes, all due to one fan’s inappropriate behavior. Fans who had paid upwards of $60 for their tickets were understandably upset that the former the Smiths frontman’s set was cut short, including us.

We attended the Vans Warped Tour in Mountain View, CA. U.K. band Neck Deep got off stage after a successful set and lead singer Ben Barlow came out behind the stage to take photos with fans. We witnessed a young woman grab Barlow’s face in her

hands and forcibly kissed his cheek as he struggled to push her away. Barlow backed away, wiped the spot on his cheek she had kissed, and shook his head no. Good naturedly, Barlow continued talking to the fan. After she repeatedly tried to kiss him, %DUORZ�ÀQDOO\�ZDONHG�DZD\�Not only are actions like these unfair to the performer, but they can ruin the experiences of other fans as well.

As Collins pointed out in a recent blog post, actions like these are invasions of privacy. It is never okay to touch or kiss anyone without their consent, even if they are performers. This should be common sense.

As a music fan, I understand the excitement of going to a gig or meeting the person who wrote your favorite song. Musicians like Barlow and Collins are very talented and I am sure they enjoy high energy shows and meeting fans. However, fans should respect their their personal space. There is a difference between explicitly asking to pose for a photo hugging or kissing a musician’s cheek and giving yourself the right to do that.

Musicians deserve the right to say no. Someone’s body language in response to your actions, such as a push or a grimace, is also a way of telling you to stop.

Engaging in actions that purposefully invade someone’s

personal space is just not right. Put yourself in the musician’s shoes – how would you react to strangers swooping in for an unwanted kiss or pulling you in for a hug? Most people would feel uncomfortable and upset.

Actions like these can dissuade performers from conducting meet and greets with fans and could even end up with increased security guards and barricades at shows, which can diminish the experience of performances.

We applaud Collins for her brave statement against being touched without consent. Situations like these put artists in awkward SRVLWLRQV�²�DV�SXEOLF�ÀJXUHV��DQG�performers, they should expect some level of attention. It can EH�GLIÀFXOW�WR�FULWLFL]H�WKH�SHRSOH�who support your music by buying albums or tickets. She has come XQGHU�ÀUH�IRU�VSHDNLQJ�RXW��EXW�Collins has the right to outline what is and is not appropriate behavior at the band’s show. The same goes for Cannon, who took to Twitter to condemn the fan’s attempt to kiss him after the incident. If musicians speak out, they can be judged as unfriendly or overreacting. However, if they stay silent or take no action, a performer can risk signaling such behavior is acceptable.

At the end of the day, fans need WR�UHDOL]H�SHUIRUPHUV�DUH�SHRSOH��too. Problems like the ones the women from Tigers Jaw and Pity Sex experienced wouldn’t happen if fans asked before entering a musician’s personal space.Quote taken from Barlow’s Twitter. Pictured: Barlow singing at Warped in Wheatland, CA on June 26.

fans should respect a musician’s personal space. musicians deserve a

right to say no.

Page 6: Summer 2014


Page 7: Summer 2014

You’re working on a new album. Can you tell us more about that? What is the process like?

Andrew McMahon: I’ve been working on it quietly for, gosh, 8 or 9 months now. Yeah, the music is written and recorded and we’re just touching HYHU\WKLQJ�XS��ÀQLVKLQJ�LW��:H·UH�JHWWLQJ�WKHUH��we’re pretty close.

How would you describe your musical change from Jack’s Mannequin to your solo project? How was that experience for you?

AM: It’s been an adventure. I sort of liken the process to kind of going out into the wilderness, if that makes sense. I’ve been spending a lot of time writing music on my own, with other people,

I’M READY Andrew McMahon will be releasing new material under Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness this fall via Vanguard Records.

:H�KDG�WKH�FKDQFH�WR�VSHDN�ZLWK�$QGUHZ�0F0DKRQ�EHIRUH�WKH�WRRN�WKH�stage at Chipotle’s Cultivate Festival in San Francisco on June 6. The former

Something Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin frontman delighted fans when he SOD\HG�����·V�(YHU\WKLQJ�,Q�7UDQVLW��LQ�LWV�HQWLUHW\��:H�VSRNH�ZLWK�0F0DKRQ�


working with different producers. They’re situations that bring about new types of music. It all still feels very much lyric-driven and melody-driven.

This record, I would say, is more piano focused than a lot of the stuff I’ve done, even in the most recent Jack’s records. There’s still some of the VDPH�ÁDYRUV�WKDW�DUH�RQ�WKH�(3��,W·V�D�OLWWOH�ELW�of a different approach. It’s exciting, you kind of would have to hear it, but I still haven’t heard it completely.

How did your old fans receive your solo project? What has the response been?

AM: I have such an extraordinary fan base that’s full of very kind, good-natured people that if they

Page 8: Summer 2014

INTO THE AIRWAVES Former Jack’s Mannequin and Something Corporate frontman Andrew McMahon performed at the free Chipotle Cultivate Festival on June 7 in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.

don’t like it, they’re been pretty nice about not saying anything to my face or on my social media. The vibe has been really positive. I think they get that I’m on my own adventure right now. For the most part, they’ve come along with me. Needless to say, I’m pretty thankful for them.

What is an interesting fact about yourself or a PXVLFDO�LQÁXHQFH�WKDW�IDQV�PD\�QRW�NQRZ"

It’s interesting. Even as I have been digging into WKLV�UHFRUG�PRUH��\RX�NQRZ��,�KDG�D�ORW�RI�LQÁXHQFH�from guys like Bruce Hornsby and the Range when I was a kid growing up. That’s just the way it is. They were big inspirations to me and its coming out in the music that I’m making now.

,�WKLQN�VRPH�RI�P\�LQÁXHQFHV�JURZLQJ�XS�LQ�WKH�80’s and having that music on the radio when I was a kid has served me and found its way into my

production and writing.


I think with “Swim,” when it came out on the second Jack’s Mannequin record, and seeing the way that it was became sort of a little bit of a seed of hope for a lot of people, seeing that lyric tattooed on a lot of people.

I think it’s kind of a word that I’m honored to be associated with and that people have found the same motivation that I did to get past a tough scenario.

“i have such an extraordinary fan base that’s full of very kind, good-natured people.”

-andrew mcmahon

Page 9: Summer 2014

Chipotle Cultivate Festival

Page 10: Summer 2014

Nothing beats good food and free music under the California sun. This year’s Chipotle Cultivate Festival featured a free concert by Andrew McMahon, Charli XCX, Smallpools, American Authors, Neon Trees and DJ Christopher Golub.

The festival took place at San Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Park on June 6. American Authors opened the festival, followed by Los Angeles natives Smallpools who rocked the stage with their pop-infused set. British pop star Charli XCX hyped up the crowd with her popular “Boom Clap” among a selection of other experimental pop tracks. Andrew McMahon treated the audience to Everything In Transit in full and Neon Trees closed the free gig with an electrifying set. San Francisco was just one of three locations where the festival will take place. Cultivate will visit Minniapolis, MN and Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX later this year.

GLOW British pop star Charli XCX (pictured top of page 8 and top left) and LA-natives Smallpools (bottom page 8 and bottom left) take the stage at the 2014 Chipotle Cultivate Festival.

Page 11: Summer 2014


Page 12: Summer 2014

The Torrance, CA band put on a spectacular sold out show in San Francisco on June 1. The show EURXJKW�D�FORVH�WR�6HDKDYHQ·V�ÀUVW�$PHULFDQ�headlining tour.


$W�WKH�HQG�RI�WKHLU�H[FHSWLRQDO�SHUIRUPDQFH��WKH�band erupted into feedback and distortion before returning for a short encore.

HIGHWAY BLUES (Page 10 and above) Vocalist Kyle Soto and guitarist Mike DeBartolo (right) play a sold-out gig in San Francisco on June 1.


AndreasLove to Burn

Black & WhiteSave Me

Wild West SelfishnessFlesh

Highway BluesOn the Floor

Latin SkinIt’s Over

Honey Bee

Page 13: Summer 2014


Page 14: Summer 2014

Packed in a small and intimate venue, Tigers Jaw

played an amazing headlining show at Bottom of

the Hill in San Francisco, CA on June 25.

,W�ZDV�WKH�6FUDQWRQ��3$�EDQG·V�ÀUVW�WRXU�LQ�VXSSRUW�of their new record Charmer. With the help of

a backing live band, vocalist Ben Walsh and

keyboardist/vocalist Brianna Collins played their

NERVOUS KIDS Touché Amoré drummer Elliot Babin (page 12) plays live drums for Tigers Jaw, Ben Walsh (top) and Brianna Collins (bottom left) perform in San Francisco on June 25.

emotionally charged songs and captivated the

crowd. Tigers Jaw played a great mix of older and

newer songs. The band played a string of songs

with little pause between them, allowing them to

squeeze as many songs as they could into their set.

From the rowdy crowd surfers to the sing-alongs

like “Never Saw It Coming,” it was clear that the

band’s dedicated fanbase had been anxiously

awaiting to hear new Tigers Jaw material live.

The band’s growth from raw and relatable songs

in their 2010 self-titled album to the mature and

melancholic Charmer is clear. One example is the

catchy and fast-paced track “Frame You” which

evoked an energetic response from the crowd.

Despite the turmoil that often accompanies a

major lineup change, Tigers Jaw’s performance

served as a strong indicator that Walsh and Collins

weren’t going to slow down their music making

anytime soon.

Page 15: Summer 2014


Dozens of fans were in for a treat at the Banquet Records store in Kingston when Citizen frontman Mat Kerekes and guitarist Nick Hamm put on the EDQG·V�ÀUVW�HYHU�LQ�VWRUH�RQ�-XO\�����


YOUTH Mat Kerekes and Nick Hamm of Citizen play a free in-store at Banquet Records in Kingston, U.K. on July 17.


Page 16: Summer 2014

citizen take uk by storm

Page 17: Summer 2014


ALIVE AGAIN Citizen bassist Eric Hamm (page 15) and vocalist Mat Kerekes (top) play a sold out show at Fighting Cocks in Kingston, UK on July 17.



SETLISTRoam the Room

DrownFigure You Out

I Still Shut My EyesCicuta

Young StatesSleep

How Does It FeelThe Night I Drove

AloneSpeaking With a Ghost

The Summer




Page 18: Summer 2014

vans warped

Parker Cannon, The Story So Farwheatland, ca

This year’s Vans Warped Tour had one of the best line-ups in recent years. The mixture of genres, returning bands like

We the Kings and the Summer Set, and newcomers like Real Friends and Neck Deep made the 2014 Warped Tour memorable. Here is a selection of our favorite live photos from two California dates: Mountain View (June 21) and

Wheatland (June 26). View our full galleries on our Flickr.

Page 19: Summer 2014

tour 2014

Page 20: Summer 2014



y so


Parker Cannonwheatland, ca

Page 21: Summer 2014

Parker Cannonwheatland, ca

Kevin Geyer wheatland, ca

Page 22: Summer 2014

Ryan Torf and Will Levymountain view, ca

Kelen Capenermountain view, ca

Page 23: Summer 2014

Will Levywheatland, ca

Parker Cannonwheatland, ca

Page 24: Summer 2014



p Ben Barlowwheatland, ca

Page 25: Summer 2014

Matt West wheatland, ca

Fil Thorpe-Evanswheatland, ca

Dani Washingtonmountain view, ca

Page 26: Summer 2014

Ben Barlowmountain view, ca

Matt Westmountain view, ca

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Matt Westmountain view, ca

Page 28: Summer 2014



John O’Callaghanmountain view, ca

Page 29: Summer 2014

John O’Callaghanwheatland, ca

Jared Monacomountain view, ca

Page 30: Summer 2014

Garrett Nickelsenwheatland, ca

Page 31: Summer 2014

Pat Kirchmountain view, ca

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Brian Daleswheatland, ca

Page 33: Summer 2014

John Gomezwheatland, ca

Josh Montgomerywheatland, ca

Page 34: Summer 2014

John Gomezwheatland, ca

Brian Daleswheatland, ca

Page 35: Summer 2014

Josh Montgomerywheatland, ca

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Derek SandersWheatland, ca

Page 37: Summer 2014

Alex Garciawheatland, ca

Brooks Bettswheatland, ca

Derek Sanderswheatland, ca

Page 38: Summer 2014


e ch


Derek DiScaniomountain view, ca

Page 39: Summer 2014

Tony Diazmountain view, ca

Derek DiScaniowheatland, ca

Ryan Scott Grahamwheatland, ca

Page 40: Summer 2014

Derek DiScaniomountain view, ca

Page 41: Summer 2014




in c


Tay Jardinewheatland, ca

Page 42: Summer 2014

Tay Jardinewheatland, ca

Jordan Eckeswheatland, ca

Page 43: Summer 2014

Rob Chianellimountain view, ca

Tay Jardinemountain view, ca

Page 44: Summer 2014

Cameron Hurleywheatland, ca

Page 45: Summer 2014

wheatland, ca




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Nick Santino wheatland, ca

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Dan Lambtonmountain view, ca

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Brian Blakemountain view, ca

Kyle Faselmountain view, ca

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Dave Knoxmountain view, ca

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s Travis Clarkwheatland, ca

Page 51: Summer 2014

Danny Duncan

wheatland, ca

Hunter Thomsen

wheatland, ca

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Travis Clarkwheatland, ca

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Charles Trippywheatland, ca

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