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SunSystems 5 – End User Basics Course November 2001

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SunSystems 5 – End User Basics Course

November 2001

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Contents Page

Objectives....................................................................................................................................... 3 Session 1 – Navigating Around SunSystems Vs 5 .................................................................... 4

Session Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 4 Navigating Around SunSystems .................................................................................................. 5 Filling In Forms............................................................................................................................. 7

Session 2 – Entering Reference Data.......................................................................................... 8 Session Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 8 Creating a New Profit and Loss Account ..................................................................................... 9 Creating a New Balance Sheet Account.................................................................................... 13

Exercise 1............................................................................................................................... 16 Entering Analysis Codes............................................................................................................ 17

Exercise 2............................................................................................................................... 19 Session 3 – Entering Data .......................................................................................................... 20

Session Objectives .................................................................................................................... 20 Entering a Simple Journal.......................................................................................................... 21 Using a Journal Entry Form ....................................................................................................... 22

Exercise 3............................................................................................................................... 28 Using a Journal Entry Grid......................................................................................................... 29

Exercise 4............................................................................................................................... 31 Entering a Multicurrency Journal ............................................................................................... 32 Using a Combined Journal......................................................................................................... 32

Exercise 5............................................................................................................................... 36 Entering a Journal With On-Line Allocation ............................................................................... 37

Exercise 6............................................................................................................................... 41 Exercise 7............................................................................................................................... 41

Amending and Deleting Journal Entries .................................................................................... 42 To Amend a Journal ............................................................................................................... 42 To Delete a Journal Line ........................................................................................................ 43

The Ledger Entry Toolbar .......................................................................................................... 45 Session 4 – Using the Inquiry Screens ..................................................................................... 47

Session Objectives .................................................................................................................... 47 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 48 Account Inquiry .......................................................................................................................... 48

Re-Sequencing the Data ........................................................................................................ 51 Imploding and Exploding the Data ......................................................................................... 52

Drilldown .................................................................................................................................... 53 Exercise 8............................................................................................................................... 54

Journal Inquiry............................................................................................................................ 55 Exercise 9............................................................................................................................... 57

Account Balance ........................................................................................................................ 58 Exercise 10............................................................................................................................. 61

Ledger Inquiry ............................................................................................................................ 62

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Session 5 – Account Allocation................................................................................................. 63 Session Objectives .................................................................................................................... 63 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 64 Account Allocation ..................................................................................................................... 65

Exercise 11............................................................................................................................. 69 Using Account Allocation to Change Analysis ........................................................................... 70

Exercise 12............................................................................................................................. 71 Changing the Payment Criteria of an Invoice ............................................................................ 71

Exercise 13............................................................................................................................. 72 Analysis Markers........................................................................................................................ 73

Session 6 – Maintaining Budgets .............................................................................................. 74 Session Objectives .................................................................................................................... 74 Budget Ledgers.......................................................................................................................... 75 Changing to a Budget Ledger .................................................................................................... 76

Session 7 – Multicurrency and Revaluation ............................................................................. 78 Session Objectives .................................................................................................................... 78 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 79 GAAP Model .............................................................................................................................. 80 Currency Codes Setup............................................................................................................... 81 Currency Period Rates Setup .................................................................................................... 82 Currency Daily Rates Setup....................................................................................................... 84 Ledger Revaluation Process...................................................................................................... 85

Source currency and Target currency.................................................................................... 87 Appendix 1 – Ledger Import ....................................................................................................... 88

External File Transfer............................................................................................................... 101

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Objectives By the end of the course delegates will be able to

• Navigate around SunSystems Vs 5 • Create new account codes and analysis codes • Enter and post transactions • Use the Inquiry screens to interrogate the system • Use the Account Allocation function • Understand how budgets are used • Create new currency codes • Run a Ledger Revaluation routine • Run, print and store Standard Reports

In addition, Appendix 1 covers Import of data from a user perspective where this is likely to be required. Recommended for This course is recommended for staff who will be required to enter and interrogate data into SunSystems Financials. It does not cover the setup of the system, and is based on the PKP demonstration database.

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Session 1 – Navigating Around SunSystems Vs 5

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Use Navigation Manager to choose the function that you require • Move around individual forms

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Navigating Around SunSystems Navigation Manager makes it easy to find the functions or tools you use on a daily basis. The Navigation Manager window appears once you have logged in. Navigation Manager operates using a menu file, which commands what is available for you to do/navigate. Note: Navigation Manager can be customized using Navigation Manager Editor.

The folder pane displays the menu tree which is made up of a hierarchy of folders. Folders that contain sub-folders are denoted by a ‘+’ plus sign to the left of the folder icon.

The shortcut pane lists the shortcuts within the folder selected in the Folder Pane.

The Active Sessions Pane displays a list of the SunSystems windows that are currently open.

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• You can use the Active Session pane to see which windows you currently have open. To bring a window to the front of your screen, double-click the shortcut in the Active Session pane.

• You can open several SunSystems windows at a time. This is useful if for example you

wish to carryout a payments run while in the middle of developing a report.

The selection list is located within the toolbar of the Navigation Manager window. It allows you to select pre-defined shortcuts

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Filling In Forms SunSystems forms displays data/records in one of three basic styles, depending on the information available. We will be looking at the different formats in the Entering Data session. Forms are designed to accommodate a great deal of information using a variety of features. You can use the Selection List or navigate the menu tree to find the shortcut to the SunSystems function you want to use. The menus in SunSystems follow the conventions used by most MS Windows applications. The following menus are available in all SunSystems forms: File, Edit, View, Tools, Action, Window, Help.

The Query facility is available from certain fields that access static data records. It allows you to easily search for and select an existing record.

Tabs allow you to view related information on a single form.

Navigation Buttons are included on forms where there are likely to be more than one record.

The Status Bar fields, shows Caps Lock, Num Lock, the SunSystems status bar allows you to immediately see which user is logged in, i.e. the Operator Id, Business Unit, Ledger and the date they logged in.

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Session 2 – Entering Reference Data

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Create a new Profit and Loss account • Create a new Balance Sheet account • Create a new Analysis code

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Creating a New Profit and Loss Account Walkthrough The Chart of Accounts setup screen is accessed via the Static Data Maintenance directory and the Financials folder. You will be asked to select the form that you want to use for entry. Select the first option, CA

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Walkthrough We are going to set up a new account 37250 for Training. Enter the new code and press the enter key. You will be asked if you want to create the new record. Click on Yes. Enter the Description and Lookup code for the record. Select the General Tab and enter the Account Type (profit and loss) and the Balance Type (Balance Forward for profit and loss accounts). Note that there is the User Area and Long Description field to hold further details of the code if required.

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Go to the Account Analysis tab. Many of these types of analysis are only relevant to Creditor or Debtor codes. The only one we will require is the Group Accounting code – this is used here for consolidating the accounts when they are reported to the parent company. Every organisation will have its own types of Account Analysis. Go to the Transaction Analysis tab. This tab specifies whether a particular type of transaction analysis is prohibited from use with this account code, mandatory or optional. In the PKP database, Analysis 2 is used to hold details of the department. It has been decided that we always want to see which department a training cost relates to, so Analysis 2 should be mandatory.

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The currency tab is used to control whether or not a transaction currency is entered with this account, and what the default currency will be – this is most often used with Creditor, Debtor and Bank accounts. Here, we will just accept the defaults on the system. Click on OK.

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Creating a New Balance Sheet Account Walkthrough For practice, we will now set up a new Balance Sheet account. Note that Creditor and Debtor accounts require additional setup which will be covered on the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable courses. Click on the Clear Screen button to return to the Account Code entry field. We will be setting up a new bank account, Bank Account 3, with an account code of 52250.

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On the General Tab, enter the Account Type as Balance Sheet and the Balance Type as Open Item. On the Account Analysis tab, select the Group Reporting Code 50000 and the Currency Code as GBP.

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The Bank Accounts require no Transaction Analysis, so all the options on the Transaction Analysis tab should be Prohibited. Accept the defaults on the Currency tab.

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Exercise 1 Create the following accounts. Where nothing is specified for a particular field, accept the default value. Account Code 37500 Account Analysis –

Group Accounting 50000

Account Name Conferences Transaction Analysis – Analysis 2


Lookup Code Conferences Account Type Profit and Loss Balance Type Balance Forward Account Code 40400 Account Analysis –

Group Accounting 40000

Account Name Plant and Machinery Transaction Analysis – Analysis 1 –5


Lookup Code Plant and Machinery Account Type Balance Sheet Balance Type Balance Forward

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Entering Analysis Codes Walkthrough Within each analysis dimension, there will be analysis codes which will be added to as an organisation grows and changes. For example, new departments may need to be added within the Department analysis dimension, or new project codes set up. Go to Setting Up Sunsystems/Implementation Options/Analysis Setup/Analysis Codes Setup. Select the Department Analysis Dimension.

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Enter Department Code 45, and click yes when asked if you want to create. Enter Human Resources as the name and lookup for the code. Set up Budget Checking to ‘Allow Budget Checking’ and set Budget Navigation Method to Previous Periods. This means the system will check expenditure for this department against the budget, and will take into account any underspend in previous periods.

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Exercise 2 Create the following analysis codes. Where nothing is specified for a field, accept the system defaults. Analysis Dimension EMPLOYEE Analysis Code Your Initials Name Your Name Lookup Your Surname Analysis Dimension PROJECT Analysis Code P499 Name Zardoz Extra Site Lookup Zardoz ES Budget Checking Allow Budget

Checking Budget Navigation Previous Periods

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Session 3 – Entering Data

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Enter a simple journal • Enter a journal with multicurrency • Enter a journal with on-line allocation • Amend a journal and delete lines where necessary

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Entering a Simple Journal Every organisation will have its own ledger entry screens and journal types. However, in the PKP database there are three basic ledger entry types – grid, form and combined. Your organisation will choose its entry screens from these basic models, and during this session we will be entering data using all three types. Ledger Entry forms part of the Financials directory in the Navigation Manager. We will start by looking at data entry using the Basic Form

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Using a Journal Entry Form This type of entry will be most familiar to delegates who have previously used SunSystems vs 4. Entry takes place one line at a time. Walkthrough We are going to post an adjustment journal, moving revenue from account 11000 to account 12000.

1. Select Journal Type GJ from the list which appears when the Journal Type assist button is chosen.

2. Enter Operator Code PKP (the journal type can be set to default to your operator ID).

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3. Enter the transaction reference (here CORRECT 1) and press Enter.

4. In this journal type, the accounting period and transaction date are preset. To amend, use

the Shift and Tab keys or click on the field with your mouse.

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5. Select the account code – here, we will use 11000.

6. Enter the line description, the amount (12345) and the credit/debit marker (debit). Notice that you can also select a balancing amount. Selecting Journal Balance, for example, will put the amount and debit/credit marker required to balance the journal.

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7. Select the Analysis tab and add the analysis code details for the first line as shown.

8. Select the New Line tab.

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9. Enter the Line Details and Analysis for the second line. Note that you can use the F3 key to copy the information from the previous line.

There are now a number of options.

• the journal can be posted • the journal can be held for posting later • further lines can be added to the journal by using the New Line button • a new reference can be added and the journal continued by using the New Reference


We will hold the journal, then retrieve it and post it. A journal can be held whenever you wish to exit the screen without posting, whether or not the journal balances.

10. Click on the Hold button. You will be given a Held Journal Reference.

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11. To retrieve the Held Journal, select the View Held Journals option from the Action menu.

12. Select the journal that you want to post (in this case, journal number 3). Once it has been retrieved, post the journal.

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Exercise 3 Enter the following journal using Ledger Entry, Basic Form and Journal Type GJ. You are making a correction between accounts 22000 and 23000, using the current period and today’s date. The amount that you are transferring is 12000 (Debit account 22000 and credit account 23000). All the analysis codes should have a code of ‘Not Analysed ‘ except for the Department Code which is 31 (Training). Hold the journal, retrieve it and post it.

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Using a Journal Entry Grid A journal can also be entered by using a Journal Entry Grid. This enables the user to see multiple lines of the journal at the same time in the same screen.

1. Select the Basic Grid option from the Ledger Entry menu.

2. Select the SAL journal type and the PKP operator code. Your transaction reference will be ‘May Salaries’.

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3. Enter the details as shown above. The transactions are for department 42. Any other

analysis codes requested should be ‘Not Analysed’. Post the journal.

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Exercise 4 You are entering the Customs and Excise payment for May. Use journal type TAX, user PKP and transaction reference ‘May Payment’. Enter the account codes and amounts as shown below. Post the journal.

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Entering a Multicurrency Journal So far, the journals that we have used have been in only one currency – in the PKP database, the base currency is in British Pounds (GBP). However, there will be many occasions when it is appropriate to include another currency with your transaction. For example, a customer may ask to be invoiced in a different currency from the one which use to keep your records, or a supplier may require payment in another currency. Many companies also need to keep their records in more than one currency, either for reporting to a parent company or for a multitude of other reasons.

Using a Combined Journal To enter the multicurrency transaction, we will be using a Combined ledger entry form, which combines aspects of the form and grid screens that we looked at earlier. Walkthrough In the example below, a multicurrency supplier invoice has been posted to the wrong supplier account. We will use the CONV journal type to move the invoice.

1. From the Ledger Entry menu, select the Ledger Entry – Multi-currency Combined option.

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2. Select the CONV journal type and your operator code. Press Enter to activate the rest of

the screen.

3. Enter PIIF 373 (the reference of the invoice that you want to correct) and press Enter.

Notice that details of the line begin to appear in the grid section at the bottom of the screen.

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4. Enter the Account Code (81001) that you are transferring the invoice from. Press TAB

and enter a description.

5. The Transaction Currency of the original transaction was Polish Zloty (PLN) and the

invoice was for 13520 PLN. The amount in pounds was 2080. Enter these details using the TAB key, and enter the Debit/Credit marker as Debit. TAB to the Tax field and enter V. Then press Enter.

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6. Enter the details for the second line – don’t forget that you can use the F3 key to copy

any details which are the same on both lines. When the second line is complete, Post the journal. Note the ‘Journal number xxxxxx was successfully posted’ on the bottom left hand corner.

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Exercise 5 You discover that a transaction in Spanish Pesetas has been wrongly coded to the main bank account. Using journal format Multicurrency Combined, and Journal Type CONV, enter and post the following transaction. Field Entry Journal Type CONV Operator Code PKP Line 1 Transaction Reference Rec\11 Accounting Period 02/2000 Accounting Date Today Account Code 52100 Description Transfer Spanish transaction 52100 –54900 Transaction Currency Code ESP Transaction Currency Amount 4,210,138,380.81 Base Currency Amount 5,651,475.80 Debit/Credit Credit Line 2 Account Code 54900 Debit/Credit Debit All other fields on line 2 = as per line 1

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Entering a Journal With On-Line Allocation Certain types of transaction require the user to match the data to data items already on the system. An example would be the cash received from a customer, which needs to be matched to the invoice that the customer is paying. Allocation can take place as a separate process, as we shall see later, or it can take place during journal entry. We will look at an example of how to allocate cash received whilst still in a journal. We will look at allocation in general, and the options available, later in this course. Walkthrough In this example, we have received payment for invoice 462 from our customer Southern Airfields (64012).

1. Go to the Navigation Manager and select the Ledger Entry – Multicurrency Combined option.

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2. Select the CR journal type and PKP Operator Code.

3. Enter Transaction Reference 000462. The transaction currency will be GBP and the transaction amount 92408.46. The base currency amount will also be 92408.46. The Debit/Credit marker will be Debit. Press Enter.

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4. On the second line, enter Account Code 64012. Use F3 to copy the amounts from the

previous line. Ensure that the Debit/Credit marker is a Credit. Press Enter.

5. The On Line Allocation screen is automatically presented. Select the Transaction

Reference column and click on the Sort Icon to organise the items into reference number order.

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6. Select the invoice that you wish to allocate, and change the Allocation Marker to ‘To Be

Allocated’. Press Enter. 7. Notice that the Debit and Credit totals in the screen now agree. Select the Save button.

On return to the journal, select Post.

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Exercise 6 Using the CR Journal Type, enter a cheque received re invoice 463 on Customer 64013. The cheque is for 293,391.63 GBP. Allocate the cheque against the relevant invoice and post the journal.

Exercise 7 You have made a manual payment to supplier 81001, and want to record it on your system and allocate it. Enter using Journal Type CP. The transaction reference is PIIF 235, the value in Deutschmark(DEM) is 56576 and the base currency amount is 20800. Enter the payment and allocate it against the relevant invoice. The second line of the journal will be to bank account 52100. Post the journal.

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Amending and Deleting Journal Entries

To Amend a Journal A journal line can be amended at any time until it is finally posted. To amend a line;

1. Click on the Amend icon or select Amend from the Line option on the Action bar

2. Enter the transaction reference and line number of the line that you want to amend 3. Make any amendments that you require, and post the journal as usual when satisfied

with the result.

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To Delete a Journal Line A journal line can be deleted if it is not required, but only if the journal has not yet been posted.

1. Click on the Delete icon

or select Delete from the Line section of the Action bar 2. Enter the transaction reference and line no for the line that you want to delete 3. You will be prompted for verification that you want to delete this line.

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4. There will be a message at the bottom left hand corner of the screen to say that the line has been deleted, and you will also see this by the details of the line itself.

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The Ledger Entry Toolbar

Clicking on the $1 tab shows the base amount totals for the journal, the $2 tab shows the transaction amount totals, and the $3 tab shows the reporting or second base currency amounts.

Totals by Journal

Totals by Reference

Totals by Allocation

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Post Journal/Post (Provisional).The icon on the right will only be available if provisional posting is enabled.

Begin New Reference

From Left to Right:First Previous Next Last line of the journal

Create New Line

Amend a Line

Deletea Line

Add Standard Text

Start New Journal Type

Recall Provisional Journal (only available where provisional entry enabled.

View Held Journals

Cancel Journal

Hold Journal

Activate On-Line Allocation for this line

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Session 4 – Using the Inquiry Screens

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Extract an Account Inquiry and sort the data extracted • Extract a Journal Inquiry • Extract a Ledger Inquiry • Extract an Account Balance Inquiry

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Introduction In this course, we will be looking at the inquiry screens which are included as standard in SunSystems v5. However, inquiry screens work using Filters, and these can be modified according to the specific needs of your organisation. The following session will, however, give you guidance as to how to use the screens and the main purposes of each type of inquiry.

Account Inquiry The Account Inquiry screen can be accessed from the Inquiries section of the Financials directory, as shown below.

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Walkthrough The first screen acts to filter the information extracted.Enter account code 12000 and click on OK. An information message detailing the number of records extracted is shown. Click on OK.

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The System shows all transactions meeting the chosen criteria.

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Re-Sequencing the Data The data can be sorted by clicking on a column to highlight it and then chosing the Sort icon. Here, we are about to sort the data by currency code.

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Imploding and Exploding the Data Depending on how the filter for your Account Inquiry screen has been created, clicking on the Implode All option on the Action Bar will summarise your data. In the example that we have been examining, Implode All first gives a line for each transaction date, and then for each accounting period. Selecting Implode All again will give one line for each accounting period. The lines can be Exploded again to give the original detail.

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Drilldown Again, depending on the Filter used to set up the screen, it may be possible to drill from the items presented in the Account Inquiry screen to find further details about the transactions. One drilldown in the example below is from the transaction to details of the journal with which it was entered. Select the journal number from the Journal Number column for the first item in the extraction (this should be journal number 18) and double click. You should find that you are in the Journal Inquiry screen which contains details of the whole journal with which the transaction was entered. Clicking on Exit returns you to the original screen. Note that clicking anywhere else on the screen will give you the choice of the two drills which are available in the standard version of Account Inquiry (Account Code and Journal Number)

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Exercise 8 Using the Account Inquiry function, investigate account code 35400, and find out the following information.

1. What was the base amount for transactions dated 16/11/99? 2. What was the total base amount for period 8/99?

Extract all transactions for account code 15000. Drill down on Journal Number 134

1. How many lines are there in the journal? 2. What is the transaction reference and base amount for the Withheld item?

3. What is the reference and amount for the highest credit amount on the initial extraction

(i.e. all the transactions for 15000, not just those for journal 134)?

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Journal Inquiry Journal Inquiry is used to extract the transactions that have been entered with a particular journal number. It is also possible to drilldown to details of the account code that a transaction was entered with. Walkthrough Go to the Journal Inquiry option on the Inquiries menu in the Financials directory.

Extract the transactions for journal 101. The other fields on this screen can be used to filter the data presented. Click on OK.

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The columns can be sorted just as in Account Inquiry. Double click on an entry for account code 64031 to go to the Account Inquiry screen for that customer. Notice that the original Journal Inquiry screen remains available as a minimised screen if required. From the Account Inquiry screen, another Journal Inquiry can be selected if needed.

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Exercise 9 Using Journal Inquiry, extract the transactions for Journal 150.

1. How many lines are there on this journal? 2. What currency code was the journal in?

Perform an Account Code drill on account 81015.

1. What is the value of Transaction Reference PIM 117? 2. What is the value of the System Generated Balance and which code was it posted to?

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Account Balance The Account Balance Inquiry screen enables the user to extract information for a range of accounts, and to drill down on the information extracted. Walkthrough Select Account Balance from the Inquiries menu in the Financials directory.

Enter the details below on the front screen. Click on the OK button

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The system will give a balance for each account selected. Click on ‘Explode All’ to give the transaction details for both accounts.

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Double Clicking on one of the two account codes will extract the transactions for only that code. Double clicking on a journal number will extract all the transactions relating to that journal. Here, we have selected journal number 92.

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Exercise 10 Using Account Balance, extract the transactions for account codes 11000 to 12000 for accounting periods 1/99 to 3/99.

1. What is the balance for account 12000? 2. Use Explode All to show the transactions for both accounts. Drill on the Journal Number

for the first transaction. What is the Journal Number, and what currency are the transactions in?

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Ledger Inquiry In some organisations, the Inquiry screens may be accessed from Ledger Inquiry rather than from the separate screens discussed so far in this session. In this case, the form will be completed as below, and the inquiry option selected as required. Here, the Account Inquiry option has been chosen in the filter name box, but in the PKP database the options below could also be chosen. The options listed can be specific to a particular organisation or to a particular user or group of users.

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Session 5 – Account Allocation

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Use the Account Allocation function to match transactions within an account • Understand the use of Allocation Markers

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Introduction Allocation is used for two reasons:

a) To match transactions against one another. An example might be the matching of cash received against a customer invoice, or the matching of correcting entries to one another.

b) To attach a marker to a transaction. Examples might be a Withhold marker attached to a supplier invoice that is in dispute or a Reconciled marker against an item on a Bank account code which has cleared through the Bank Statement.

Allocation can happen in a variety of ways:

• It can be done manually during the Account Allocation or On-Line Allocation process

• It can be done automatically for a range of accounts using the Transaction

Matching function

• It happens automatically in some processes such as Payment Run We have already looked at On-Line Allocation, and will look at allocation during the payment process in the Processes and Procedures course. In this session, we will look at manual Account Allocation and the Transaction Matching process. Notice that as with Ledger Entry and Inquiries, the Allocation screens can be tailored to the requirements of your organisation. In this session, we will be looking at the forms which have been designed to accompany the PKP database.

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Account Allocation Depending on the set up of your Navigation Manager, the Account Allocation screen can appear wherever appropriate (for example, under the Procedures, Payables or Receivables directories). In this session, we will be examining the options in the Procedures directory. Walkthrough Select the Account Allocation option from the Procedures directory, and enter account code 64003. Notice that the form on the first tab enables the user to apply a filter to the extraction by period, date, journal type etc.

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The Amount Range tab allows the user to extract transactions by currency code, debit/credit marker, or amount. The Transaction Analysis tab enables the extraction to be filtered by Analysis Code.

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Click on the Extract button. The menu below shows the range of Account Allocation forms available on the PKP database. We will select the first option, the Allocate Transaction form.

To make allocation easier, sequence the transactions by Transaction Reference.

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We will allocate the four items relating to transaction reference 000229. Click in the Allocation Marker column and select the ‘To Be Allocated’ marker.

Once the marker has been changed, click on the Post button. You will be returned to the main Account Allocation menu. To extract a list including allocated items, the allocation marker field must be changed to ‘Include All Transactions’.

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Exercise 11

1. Extract all the unallocated transactions for account code 64001, using the ALLOC allocation form. Sequence the transactions by base amount, and then allocate the two items for 23.50, dated 18 and 19 January 2001. Post the transactions.

2. A correction has been made to Invoice 68 (value 825.60). The correction has reference AAAAAAAA

and is for 555. Using the Split Allocation marker, match the correction against the invoice and post the allocation. Note that the remaining portion of Invoice 68 can still be seen when the unallocated transactions are selected.

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Using Account Allocation to Change Analysis Depending upon the permissions of the user and the set up of the system, Account Allocation can be used to change analysis codes or other details relating to a posted transaction. Extract the details for 64003 unallocated items again, but this time select form ANALYSIS. The description of the items and the VAT marker can be saved in this screen by either typing in the correction directly, using the Windows cut and paste function or selecting the revised code from the assist menu.

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Exercise 12

1. Extract the transactions for account code 64001 using the ANALYSIS form. Change the description ‘000453’ to Software Product Sales, and give the item a VAT analysis of V. Post the amendments.

Changing the Payment Criteria of an Invoice It is possible to change the payment date and payment terms of an invoice which has been posted. Extract the transactions for account code 81001, using the PAYMENT form.

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The Due Date of the invoice and the Payment Terms code can be selected and posted to the system after the invoice has been posted.

Exercise 13 Using 81001, change the due date of the first invoice to 10 days from today. Change the payment terms of the second invoice to 14 days from transaction date. Post your adjustments.

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Analysis Markers

Allocation Marker Description To Be Allocated (becomes Allocated after posting)

This marks a transaction as allocated. A transaction is given this marker when it is marked for allocated.

Allocated This indicates that the transaction has previously been marked with To Be Allocated and then posted.

Brought Forward This marker is used by Payment Run if the amount to be paid is discovered to be a debit balance. These transactions are included in subsequent payment runs until the balance reverts to a credit. A similar situation arises in Payment Collection Run, but where the amount to be 'paid' is discovered to be a credit balance.

Correction This marker is used to highlight transactions posted in error. Transactions with this marker may be excluded from all reports except Journal Listing and Trial Balance. Use the Report Corrections option in Ledger Setup (LS) to determine whether these transactions are included in the report.


This marker identifies transactions to be paid in the next Payment Run or Payment Collection Run.

Paid This marker identifies transactions that have been paid by Payment Run and Payment Collection Run. It cannot be entered manually.

Reconciled This marker identifies bank account transactions that have been reconciled with the bank statement.

Withhold This marker works in reverse to the Force maker. Transactions with this marker are excluded from Payment Run and Payment Collection Run.

0 to 9 These markers are used to indicate the various processing stages that a transaction can go through during its lifetime. They are used primarily for bills of exchange and promissary notes. Each number represents the stage in the life of the bill. These markers can be incremented manually or by printing specific documents.

Space You can enter a space to remove an existing allocation marker from the current transaction.

Split (becomes Allocated after posting)

You enter Split on a transaction where you want to split the amount to record a part payment or receipt.

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Session 6 – Maintaining Budgets

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Change from one budget ledger to another • Understand the different ways of getting budget data into Sun

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Budget Ledgers A budget ledger refers to a completely separate set of transactions that are used to hold another set of values, for example budget values or commitment values. You can define several different budget ledgers for a business unit, depending on the number of budgets you want to maintain. For example, in any financial year you may need to maintain budget ledgers for:

• the current working budget, which is referred to as the primary budget • a revised budget • the committed expenditure • next year's budget under development.

For each business unit you have one actuals ledger and up to ten budget ledgers. These ledgers are identified by the letters A through K, where A refers to the actuals ledger and B to K refer to the ten budget ledgers. . You access a budget ledger, or return to the actuals ledger, using Change Budget (CB). The static data records that have been defined for your actual ledger apply to each of your budget ledgers. This means that each budget ledger contains the same set of accounts, analysis dimensions, and analysis codes as the actual ledger. It also uses the same business unit and ledger processing rules. The majority of the Financials facilities that are available in the actual ledger, can be used in a budget ledger to enter and maintain budget values. The exceptions include the payment related forms, for example Payment Run (PAY), Payment Collection Run (PAYC) and Payment Documents (PYD). Budgets can be entered into the system using Ledger Entry (LE), or imported from another application such as Excel or Vision XL using Ledger Import (LI). See the Transaction Management course for details of using Ledger Entry and the Ledger Import function.

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Changing to a Budget Ledger Go to the Change Budgets option in the Ledger Accounting Administration function. Select Budget Ledger B from the list.

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Click on OK. You will be warned that you are being transferred to a budget ledger. Notice that information about the ledger, database etc is also held at the bottom of the screen. To go back to the Actual ledger, return to Change Budgets and select A.

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Session 7 – Multicurrency and Revaluation

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Set up new currency rates • Run the Revaluation routine

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Introduction In SunSystems version 5 it is possible for each transaction entered to hold up to four currency values. These four values are defined as: • 1 - Base currency • 2 - Transaction currency • 3 - Second Base currency or Reporting currency • 4 – Memo value Base currency is a fixed single code value, attached to all transactions. This would usually be the national currency of the country in which the company is based. Fiscal reporting is almost always carried out in this currency. Transaction currency is a multi code value. This could be the currency of the document, for example an invoice, being entered into the ledger. Second Base currency is a fixed single code value, which runs parallel to Base currency. Any postings in Base currency also exist in Second Base currency, except for rounding corrections. Reporting currency is a fixed single code value, which, like Base currency, will normally be present on all transactions. It will usually be calculated by the system. This third value may be defined as a Reporting currency if no Second Base currency is required. Memo value can be used for entering time, quantity, weight etc. This value cannot be calculated, but can be entered and reported on.

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GAAP Model GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) reporting is the ability to report in both, your base or local currency and a reporting currency. If we take the example of an American owned company, which has a division in and operating out of, the UK. This division trades mainly within Europe. In this instance, you would define the Base currency as pounds sterling, the local currency of the division. You would also have a Transaction currency, which serves as the pivot currency. This is a multi-code value and therefore various European currencies would need to be defined. Finally you would define your third currency, a Reporting currency. This would be the currency of your head office i.e. US Dollars. Below is a diagram showing how the currencies would be setup in the above example. The pivot currency is the Value 2 Transaction currency. This means that all other currencies will be converted via the Transaction currency. So for example, an invoice in French francs would be converted from French francs to the Base currency and from French francs to the Reporting currency. In financial terms the parent company, in this case in the USA, is taking all the risk between Transaction currencies and the Reporting currency.

PIVOT Value 2 – Any currency Transaction currency

Value 3 – USD Reporting currency

Value 1 – GBP Base currency

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Currency Codes Setup The Currency Codes Setup function contains general information relating to each currency. Walkthrough Go to Static Data Maintenance/Common/Currency/Currency Codes Setup The names relating to the currency, the number of decimal places required and the account codes related to the currency are created here.

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Currency Period Rates Setup Once the currency has been created within Currency Codes Setup, the exchange rate for each currency is defined within Currency Period Rates Setup. SunSystems 5 has the ability to define both the currency converted from and to the Base currency. Base, Second Base and Reporting currencies can equally well occur as Transaction currencies depending on which has been defined as pivot. You can see from the above example that a Currency Period Rate has been created from USD(the reporting currency) to GBP (the Base currency). Decimal Places refer to the number of decimal places the rate must have. This cannot be amended during Ledger Entry.

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On the second tab, additional reporting rates for the currency can be held. This can be used to hold forecast or budgeted rates, or for holding historical rates.

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Currency Daily Rates Setup SunSystems NG offers us the facility to define exchange rates for a date or date range within Currency Daily Rates Setup. Go to Static Data Maintenance/Common/Currency/Currency Daily Rates Setup

The date from which the rate becomes effective, the rate itself and the account codes to be used for gains and losses are entered on this screen. This rate will override any period rate that has been setup.

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Ledger Revaluation Process Revaluation involves re-valuing one amount against another amount. Multi-currency transactions are posted using the exchange rate specified on Currency Period Rates Setup and/or Currency Daily Rates Setup. These rates are usually issued, by the Finance dept, to be used as standard rates across an Organization. Exchange rates fluctuate daily and so the issued rates are generally calculated average rates. Each period these rates will be replaced with new average rates. At the close of each period the currency year to date balances in the Balance Sheet are re-valued to reflect the new exchange rates. This gives a more accurate Base Currency value for the companies Assets and Liabilities. Some Profit and Loss accounts may also be re-valued, in the case of incorrect rates being used, but only for the current period. Profit and Loss accounts cannot be re-valued for prior periods. Let’s look at a simple example: The following Debtor account contains an invoice of $1,000.00. Debtor accounts are Assets held in the Balance Sheet. At the time of posting the exchange rate was 1.5 $/£ which gave a £ sterling (Base) value of £667.00. At the end of the period the exchange rate changes to 1.45 $/£. Therefore the change in value for $1,000.00 / 1.45 = £689.66. Account 64015 Rate Base Trans. Currency Journal Transaction 1.50 £667.00 $1,000.00 Period End 1.45 £689.66 $1,000.00 This account is reflecting a Base value of £667.00 so an adjustment must be made to reflect the new Base value New Base value £689.66 – Original Base value £667.00 = £22.66. This is an exchange GAIN. Ledger Revaluation will calculate the exchange difference and post an amount, in Base, to the relevant account. Note that the Transaction currency value does not change. This is the value of the invoice, which has been issued to a customer and must not be altered after posting.

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Below we can see the Debtors account with the Ledger Revaluation posting: Account 64015 Rate Base Trans. Currency Journal Transaction 1.50 £667.00 $1,000.00 Ledger Revaluation Journal 1.45 £22.66 New Account Balance £689.66 $1,000.00 In SunSystems 5 we can select which of our 3 predefined currencies we would like re-valued. However Ledger Revaluation can only re-value one currency against one other. If you are using 3 currency values you may have to re-value twice to ensure all values balance. Go to Financials/Procedures/Ledger Revaluation

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Source currency and Target currency Source is the currency being re-valued. This does not change in value itself. The amount, against which you are re-valuing (the Target) changes. Therefore Target cannot be Value 2 Transaction currency, as this is an amount which may have been invoiced or paid and is therefore ‘real’, i.e. documented and agreed. One of either the Source or the Target must be the pivot. Currency Period Rates Setup and not Currency Daily Rates Setup are always used by Ledger Revaluation for calculation. The valid selections are: • Re-value Transaction currency against Base or Second Base, • Re-value Transaction currency against Reporting value • Re-value Reporting against Base • Re-value Base against Reporting value The following rules must be followed: • You cannot re-value against Value 2 Transaction Value, as Target • No postings will be made to Value 2 Transaction Value during revaluation. These are real

values entered by the operator and so cannot be changed. • No postings will be made to the Source value. • If you re-value against the pivot (pivot = Target) and the pivot is Second Base currency then a

posting with two values will be created. • If you re-value the pivot (pivot = Source) a posting with a single value will always be created. In SunSystems 5 it is possible to re-value the current period and a range of periods to be re-valued may be selected. The re-valuation of profit and loss type accounts must be run separately but all other type of accounts may be processed together.

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Exercise 14 Create a New Currency Code

• Create a new Currency Code CAN (Canadian Dollar). The Subunit name is the Cent, and the currency should be created with 2 decimal places. Select Daily Conversion Rates with a validity period of 10 days. The gains and losses accounts are as below;

Realised Gains 38400 Realised Losses 38500 Unrealised Gains 38600 Unrealised Losses 38700

• Create a Daily Rate for the currency from CAN to GBP as at 1/12/2000. The rate should be 2.023 and the sign should be a divide (i.e. the Canadian Dollar amount is divided by 2.023 to give the Sterling amount).

• Create a Period Rate to be used in Revaluation of 2.061, for period 12/2000.

Enter a Sales Invoice

• Using the Ledger Entry – Multicurrency Combined form and the Sales Invoice Journal Type, enter an Invoice dated 2/12/2000. The Debtor account will be 64011, the period 12/2000 and the Transaction amount 1000 Canadian Dollars. The credit line will be to account 11000. The Tax Code should be ‘E’ – Exempt. Post the Journal.

Revaluing the Transaction

• Use CP(Change Period) to change the current system period to 12/2000

• Run Ledger Revaluation for account code 64011, period 12/2000 and currency CAN. Post the revalued amount.

Next Period

• In period 1/2001, the invoice has still not been paid, but the period exchange rate has changed to 2.089. Change the period to 1/2001, and re-run Ledger Revaluation. Post the revised amount, and use Account Inquiry to check what has been posted.

Final Payment

• In period 2/2001 (2nd February 2001), the invoice is paid. The daily exchange rate for the period has been changed to 2.093. Enter a journal for the 1000 CAN dollars, using journal type CR (Cash Received) and post it.

Final Revaluation

• Change the period to 2/2001

• Create the period exchange rate for Period 2/2001 to 2.080. Run Ledger Revaluation again and post the final amount. Use Account Inquiry to interrogate the debtor account.

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Session 8 – Running Standard Reports

Session Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to

• Run an Account Listing • Run a Journal Listing • Run an Aged Report • Run a Reference Data report

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Account Listings As with all the reports in SunSystems 5, it is possible to tailor the format and data contained in the report to meet organisational needs. Here, we will look at the reports set up in the PKP database. Walkthrough Account Listings are held in Financials/Financial Reports/Transaction Listings Select the Account Listing with Analysis report. Choose the Business Unit, Ledger, Account Codes (here, you will need to choose Range from the operator options) and Periods shown below.

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The Report Options tab designates whether the report will be printed directly, stored on disk or presented for viewing. Here, we will choose to View the report. Click on Ok. The following report should appear in your report viewer. The arrows in the report toolbar can be used to page through the report.

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Exercise 15 Run an Account Listing with Payment Terms for database PKP, Ledger A, all account codes beginning with 81 and accounting periods 01/1999 to 12/1999. What is the value for transactions in Spanish Pesetas (ESP) for supplier code 81001?

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Journal Listing Go to Financials/Financial Reports/Transaction Listings/Journal Listing Select journal number 1660 from database PKP, ledger A. Notice that journals can also be selected by Entry Date, Entry Period, Journal Type, Journal Source or Accounting Period. Click on OK.

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The report shown below should be produced.

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Exercise 16 Run a Journal Listing with Analysis report for journal 1660, database PKP, ledger A. What is the Product Group code for the first line of the journal?

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Aged Reports Go to Financials/Financial Reports/Aged Reports/Aged Analysis-BackDueDate Summary. Enter the details as shown below. Note that once the base date for ageing is entered, the system will automatically calculate the values for the ageing categories.

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The report below should be produced.

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Exercise 17 Run this report again, but this time select Aged Analysis – BackDueDate Details.

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Reference Data Reports Each Static Data maintenance screen, and screens such as the Currency Setup screens, contain a report option to enable the user to run a list of the items which have been set up. Go to Financials/Static Data Maintenance/Financials/Chart of Accounts Setup Click on the Action dropdown list and select Report. Select the CA document format, and click on OK.

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Select the Creditor Account codes (81001 – 81099) The report below should be produced.

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Appendix 1 – Ledger Import Depending on the requirements of your organisation, it may be necessary to import data from external applications such as Vision. The set up of these files is outside the scope of this course, but the user may need to access the screens below.

External File Transfer The External File Transfer screen is accessed from the Ledger Transfer folder in Financials. The import file path and the File Format should be entered.

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Clicking on OK will take you to the Ledger Import Run Time Parameters screen. Select the Journal Type and the Error Suspense accounts, and select Process.

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