brochure sunday of... · web viewon this good shepherd sunday the risen christ consoles us: “my...

ST COLUMBA’S PARISH, SOUTH PERTH PO Box 52 South Perth WA 6951 BAPTISMS delayed due to Corona virus, except for emergencies. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Presenters needed, except in the school holidays. COLUMBA CARE: Convenor Shaun Maton COLUMBARIUM: enquiries to MARRIAGE ENQUIRIES to RECONCILIATION or CONFESSION: Saturday 11.30am-12.00pm RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION AFTER SCHOOL: Contact Catechist Helen on 0401 329 479. The Church side door is unlocked each day from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Parish Priest: Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin 25 Forrest Street, South Perth WA 6151 9367 3950 Parish Office: Sat 8am-11am. MASS TIMES THIS WEEK: Due to the coronavirus and the required social distancing, no public Masses are offered in the Parish or elsewhere. St Columba’s Primary School Principal: Mr. Allen McMahon 6436 9500 PO Box 8307 South Perth WA 6951 Due to coronavirus and school holidays, the school is temporarily unattended. Rejoice, Queen of heaven, Alleluia. For He whom you were privileged to bear, Alleluia. Has risen as he said, Alleluia. Pray for us to God, Alleluia. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia. For the Lord has risen indeed, Alleluia. Let us pray: O God, who has given joy to the world through the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; grant that through the prayers of His Virgin Mother Mary, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER: On this Good Shepherd Sunday the risen Christ consoles us: “My sheep hear my voice; they follow me.” What fills Christ’s disciples with joy and the Holy Spirit is this voice, which is identical with life. Like the converts whom Paul and Barnabas urged “to remain faithful to the grace of God,” our happiness lies in our faithfulness to the tender voice of the Shepherd. For this Shepherd is also the Lamb who lives to wipe every tear from our eyes. With Saint Gregory of Nyssa we say: “How could I not love you, who has loved me so much…so as to lay down your life for the sheep whose shepherd you are? There can be no greater love than this, to lay down your life for my salvation. MASS INTENTIONS: Mass for the faithful departed offered; Narelle Catling and Sally Hebron, requested by Sue and John Catling, Mass offered; Vigil Mass for parishioners; Johanna and John Robertson anniversaries, requested by their son John, 7.00-7.30am Mass today. PRAYER FOR THE SICK: The following parishioners have recently been anointed; Sue and John Catling, Lillian Simeon, Courtney Thomson and Dallas Walsh. Please pray for them as they continue social distancing. We pray for all throughout the world who are suffering from coronavirus and those who have died. RIP. COLUMBA CARE: The Principal work of Columba Care in recent times has been the preparation for the Mass and Anointing at Concord Nursing Home. In the current situation, a number of parishioners have shown interest in assisting housebound parishioners with shopping and similar needs. The convenor is Shaun Maton, who may be contacted on the following email: [email protected] FOUR CANDLES: Many parishioners received an email, which featured a video of the four candles, representing faith, peace, love and hope. If you didn’t receive it and would like to, please email [email protected] . CHURCH RESTORATION: The restoration of the pews by Patrick Giles is progressing well, removal of wear and tear on the ledges and re-varnishing is nearing completion. We have asked Patrick to do the same for the seats and end uprights. So the closed Church has provided the opportunity to do the work on-site. Work will also start soon

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Page 1: Brochure Sunday of... · Web viewOn this Good Shepherd Sunday the risen Christ consoles us: “My sheep hear my voice; they follow me.” What fills Christ’s disciples with joy


PO Box 52 South Perth WA 6951

BAPTISMS delayed due to Corona virus, except for emergencies. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Presenters needed, except in the school holidays.COLUMBA CARE: Convenor Shaun Maton COLUMBARIUM: enquiries to MARRIAGE ENQUIRIES to RECONCILIATION or CONFESSION: Saturday 11.30am-12.00pmRELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION AFTER SCHOOL: Contact Catechist Helen on 0401 329 479.

The Church side door is unlocked each day from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Parish Priest: Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin25 Forrest Street, South Perth WA 6151 9367 3950Parish Office: Sat 8am-11am.

MASS TIMES THIS WEEK: Due to the coronavirus and the required social distancing, no public Masses are offered in the Parish or elsewhere.

St Columba’s Primary SchoolPrincipal: Mr. Allen McMahon 6436 9500 PO Box 8307 South Perth WA 6951 to coronavirus and school holidays, the school is temporarily unattended.

Rejoice, Queen of heaven, Alleluia. For He whom you were privileged to bear, Alleluia. Has risen as he said, Alleluia. Pray for us to God, Alleluia. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia.For the Lord has risen indeed, Alleluia. Let us pray: O God, who has given joy to the world through the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; grant that through the prayers of His Virgin Mother Mary, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER: On this Good

Shepherd Sunday the risen Christ consoles us: “My sheep hear my voice; they follow me.” What fills Christ’s disciples with joy and the Holy Spirit is this voice, which is identical with

life. Like the converts whom Paul and Barnabas urged “to remain faithful to the grace of God,” our happiness lies in our faithfulness to the tender voice of the Shepherd. For this Shepherd is also the Lamb who lives to wipe every tear from our eyes. With Saint Gregory of Nyssa we say: “How could I not love you, who has loved me so much…so as to lay down your life for the sheep whose shepherd you are? There can be no greater love than this, to lay down your life for my salvation. MASS INTENTIONS: Mass for the faithful departed offered; Narelle Catling and Sally Hebron, requested by Sue and John Catling, Mass offered; Vigil Mass for parishioners; Johanna and John

Robertson anniversaries, requested by their son John, 7.00-7.30am Mass today.

PRAYER FOR THE SICK: The following parishioners have recently been anointed; Sue and John Catling, Lillian Simeon, Courtney Thomson and Dallas Walsh. Please pray for them as they continue social distancing. We pray for all throughout the world who are suffering from coronavirus and those who have died. RIP.

COLUMBA CARE: The Principal work of Columba Care in recent times has been the preparation for the Mass and Anointing at Concord Nursing Home. In the current situation, a number of

parishioners have shown interest in assisting housebound parishioners with shopping and similar needs. The convenor is Shaun Maton, who may be contacted on the following email: [email protected]

FOUR CANDLES: Many parishioners received an email, which featured a video of the four candles, representing faith, peace, love and hope. If you didn’t

receive it and would like to, please email [email protected].

CHURCH RESTORATION: The restoration of the pews by Patrick Giles is progressing well, removal of wear and tear on the ledges and re-varnishing is nearing completion. We have asked Patrick to do the same for the seats and end uprights. So the closed Church has provided the opportunity to do the work on-site. Work will also start soon on removing the louvers hiding the leadlight windows of the side porches and sacristies. They will be replaced by mesh to protect from storm damage, while at the same time the windows will be visible again. The cast iron coach lamps are showing weathering after 93 years, so they will have rust and scale removed and hopefully be like new again. Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin, P.P.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: Today’s Gospel of the Good Shepherd inspires prayers for vocations, especially for those discerning their vocation in ministry. In Italy, a number of priests have contracted coronavirus while ministering to the sick. They provide us with contemporary witnesses to the Good Shepherd, “who laid down his life for his sheep”.

HOW TO ADDRESS CORONA VIRUS FROM A SPIRITUAL DIMENSION: Bishop Robert Barron who’s commentary for last Sunday’s newsletter was interviewed by a Roman-based website Zenit. To be uplifted by his commentary, please visit the following;

Page 2: Brochure Sunday of... · Web viewOn this Good Shepherd Sunday the risen Christ consoles us: “My sheep hear my voice; they follow me.” What fills Christ’s disciples with joy

PROJECT COMPASSION: Tawonga is a 10-year-old girl, living with a disability. She lives in a village in northern Malawi in a region plagued by food insecurity and poverty. Since participating in a Caritas Australia supported program, Tawonga’s life has transformed. Her family now grows enough food

to provide three meals a day, ending the struggle of malnutrition, and helping her thrive at school. Packs of envelopes and boxes are still available, or you may visit

COLUMBA CARE: The Principal work of Columba Care in recent times has been the preperation for the Mass and Annointing at Concord Nursing Home. In the current situation, a number of parishioners have shown interest in assisting housebound parishioners with shopping and similar needs. The convenor is Shaun Maton, who may be contacted on the email: [email protected].

EXPOSITION OF THE BESSED SACRAMENT: Parishioners may like this opportunity for priate prayer after Tuesday Mass until 12 Midday, but we need at least one person

present Please sign the ROSTER at their porch table. Thank you in anticipation.

IRISH SCENE MAGAZINE: The latest edition is available for borrowing. Please find on the porch table.

LENT & HOLY WEEK PAMPLLETS: We have a supply of these leaflets available on the main porch table. 20c each.

Celebrated on the Tuesday of Holy Week April 7 at St. Mary’s Cathedral Archbishop Costelloe has sent an invitation to all parishes, ours is posted on the noticeboards.

REMEMBERANCE WALL: Our Columbarian has a Remembrance Wall for iinfants and still-borns who died prematurely, or children who died accidentally. Please view the first plaque. Any parishoners who wish to have their children named, please submit their names and dates, as well as parents names to the following email: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can speak to Monsignor or John Cummins. We pray for you and your deceased, R.I.P.

Page 3: Brochure Sunday of... · Web viewOn this Good Shepherd Sunday the risen Christ consoles us: “My sheep hear my voice; they follow me.” What fills Christ’s disciples with joy

PROJECT COMPASSION: Nguyet is our focus for this week. Nguyet is a teenager living with a disability in a small town in Vietnam. Living with a disability was challenging, her early years were subdued and solitary. Since featuring in Project Compassion 2017 Nguyet has successfully built her own business, a dream that has become a reality with the support of Caritas Australia. Connected to the world in new ways, Nguyet has become independent, an important member of her community and has great hope for her future. Please donate to Project Compassion and help reduce infant mortality rates in countries like Bangladesh and proved hope to pregnant women in remote communities for happy and healthy families. Lives change when we all give 100%. You can donate through Parish boxes or envelope, or phone 1800 024 413, or visit

THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT: What was the Samaritan woman looking for in those six men? Pope Benedict XVI wrote that “the woman is made aware of what in actuality she has always known but to which she has not always adverted: that she thirsts for life itself and that all the assuaging that she seeks and finds cannot slake this lviing, elemental thirst…. There comes to light the real dilemma, the deep-seated waywardness, of her existence: she is brought face to face with herself.” What brings this about is an encounter with Jesus. Pontius Pilate will declare: “Behold the man” From our own living and elemental thirst, like thew oman at the well, we do just that, giving ourselves to the one who in his thirst (“I thirst!”) asks us for a drink. We are certain that at last we will “have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our “hope does not disappoint.” We will not die in our thirst. The Lord is in our midst. Finally satisfaction can happen; this is the Love we have been waiting for.

CHURCH RESTORATION: Restoration of the original Confessional has proceeded with opaque glss panels in the doors and painting and lighting in each compartment. The Reconciliation room has glass panels in the upper

part of the doors and glass divisions btween the priest and penitent. Thank you to those parishioners who have donated to the Heritage Appeal, which attracts tax deductability.