supervisors to leaders - icmi @ dreamforce 2010 handout - macklin martin

DRAFT V.1 Developing Your Supervisors into Experienced Leaders Presented by: Macklin Martin Executive Director - ICMI Consulting 1

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DRAFT V.1 Developing Your Supervisors into Experienced Leaders

Presented by: Macklin Martin Executive Director - ICMI Consulting


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Supervision is Dead

I love this presentation I feel refreshed and energized

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The Supervisor as Leader


The management function of influencing people to act or not act in a certain way.

“A manager focuses just on getting a task done, a leader focuses on getting it done in a way that gives employees a feeling of accomplishment and willingness to follow the leader again.”

Paul B. Malone III


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Supervisor Role Dynamics

How do your supervisors add value?

• Employee Development • Performance Management • Customer Retention • Employee Retention • Minimize Risks –Ensure Compliance • Real- time Management

Love and success

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Responsibilities vs. Workload

So what are they actually doing?

Supervisor Time Allocation % Hours Per Week

Call Monitoring 3% 1.2

Coaching 5% 2

Real-time Management 13% 4.8

Handling Escalated Calls 2% 0.8

Employee Counseling 2% 0.8

Administrative tasks 50% 18

Meetings 25% 10

100% 40

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Most Supervisor Job Responsibilities

Analysis of 100 Recent Job Descriptions

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Focus on what’s controllable

Figure 6

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Prioritize High Value Activities

Supervisory Function Strategic Value Experience Impact Other Resources

Call Monitoring High High Maybe

Coaching High High No

Real-time Management Medium High No

Handling Escalated Calls Low Medium Medium

Employee Counseling High High No

Adminstrative tasks Medium/Low Low Yes

Meetings Medium/Low Low Maybe

Reporting Medium Medium Yes

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The cost of Supervision

5.2% 55.4%

0.4% 8.3%

0.6% 4.1%


0.3% 1.5%




Labor Cost Breakdown

PT CSR Salary

FT CSR Salary

Trainee CSR Salary

Supervisor Salary

Analyst Salary

QA Salary

Trainer Salary

HR Salary

IT Salary

Manager Salary

Executive Salary

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0%

PT CSR Salary

FT CSR Salary

Trainee CSR Salary

Supervisor Salary

Analyst Salary

QA Salary

Trainer Salary

HR Salary

IT Salary

Manager Salary

Executive Salary

Labor Cost by Role

2010 Supervisor Compensation and Benefits

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The Supervisor ROI

Calculating the return on the typical supervisors work activities.

Love and success

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Where are the Greatest Returns?

Coaching Impacts

•  Team A has significant variability in handle time, specifically 5 out of 10 agents have handle-times that are 40% or more higher than the center average, while the same agents quality scores also reflect similar improvement opportunities

•  Through monitoring and observing behaviors and applied coaching techniques the supervisor of team A has coached 3 out of 5 struggling agents to improve efficiencies and call control.

•  Team A’s overall productivity has now increased by 15% due to effective supervision

ROI Calculation

•  Cost of Coaching •  Coaching Sessions related to

performance challenge: 15 •  Average Cost per Session: $50 •  Total coaching cost = $750 •  Benefits Realized •  15% increase in productivity

across 10 FTE’s = 1.5 FTE •  1 FTE = $44,100 •  Total Net Benefit = $64,500 •  Coaching ROI = 8720%

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Employee Engagement Impacts •  The FMN contact center has an

average annual attrition of 48%. •  Supervisors are heavily burdened with

administrative tasks and spend very little time with their teams. Each supervisor has a team of 20 agents.

•  The overall level of employee engagement has been identified as low.

•  The FMN contact center manager has determined that the annual cost of turnover equates to $50k per percentage point.

•  By decreasing the supervisor/csr ratio to 15:1, and introducing supervisor led recognition program the CC manager hopes to decrease attrition by 10% annually.

CC Manager’s ROI Calculation

•  Cost of Attrition •  $50,000 per percentage point •  Benefits Realized •  10% decrease in attrition =

$500,000 annually savings. •  Cost of 2 additional supervisors =

$142,000 •  Total Net Benefit = $358,000 •  ROI = 252%

Where are the Greatest Returns? Cont’d

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Enabling the Leader

The right tools make all the difference!

Love and success

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Developmental Tools & Empowerment

Train and Coach •  Contact Center Operations

•  Coaching & Performance Mgt •  Leadership & Motivation •  Self Evaluation

Collaborate and Share

•  Emotional intelligence

•  Leading Practices

•  Coaching Successes •  Co - Coaching

•  Refer a Coach •  Voice of the Customer

Love and success

Foster A Culture of Recognition!

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Supervisors Must Know the Root Causes for Performance

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Performance Analytics

Distribution of Agent Average Non-Phone Contact Handle Time (6/26/06-7/21/06)








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Upper Control Limit

Lower Control Limit

Upper Warning Limit

Lower Warning Limit

Love and success

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6 Steps to Improved CE Leaders

•  Prioritize Time – Focus on What Matters! – Coaching – Recognition – Ongoing Development – Align workload with Job Description

•  Hire Leaders not SME’s – Assess EI in the hiring process

•  Train Leaders in Coaching

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Steps to Improved Leadership cont’d

•  Measure What Matters! – Coaching Effectiveness = Net Performance

Improvement – Supervisor/CSR Engagement

•  Empower Leaders with Carrots •  Enable the PM Process With Intelligence

and Analysis –  Hi Tech: Root cause analysis, Emotion –  Low Tech – Performance trend analysis

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