supplier master data management (smdm)

Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM) Supplier Entitlement Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | SOP SCM FE | 2021-04

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Page 1: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Supplier Master Data

Management (SMDM)Supplier Entitlement

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Page 2: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

• Introduction 2

• How to select the authentication method 4

• How to enter / adjust your supplier master data 15

• How to enter / adjust your Supplier Qualification data 18

• How to reset the authentication method 38

• Further communication material 41

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SMDM / Supplier EntitlementContent

Page 3: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Supplier EntitlementReasoning, scope and major approach

Based on selected authentication method, supplier users receive

• Option 1: a push notification on the mobile phone

• Option 2: a One-Time Password (OTP) via text message (SMS) on the mobile phone

• Option 3: a 6-digit code via app

Upon successful confirmation, application access is granted.



Supplier Entitlement is an access system for supplier users to get access to Siemens

applications via a unique 2-factor authentication:

• Factor 1: Entitlement username / password

• Factor 2: An additional factor (One-Time Password/OTP) provided to the respective userWHAT

Information Security requirements to protect against cyber security attacks from external

users bring up necessity of secured login mechanism.


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Page 4: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

• Introduction 2

• How to select the authentication method 4

• How to enter / adjust your supplier master data 15

• How to enter / adjust your Supplier Qualification data 18

• How to reset the authentication method 38

• Further communication material 41

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SMDM / Supplier EntitlementContent

Page 5: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Initial Multi-Factor-Authentication Activation


You will receive a notification email from [email protected] with an activation link –

please click on link (A) to be forwarded to the Multi-Factor-Authentication activation process.

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First enter a new password (A); you will receive a confirmation (B);

enter your email and your new password and click on Log In (C).



Initial Multi-Factor-Authentication Activation

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Page 7: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

You have 3 options how to activate your Multi-Factor-Authentication; Siemens strongly recommends Option 1

(Siemens ID App); Option 3 can be used but is not recommended.

Option 1 – Siemens ID Application

You need to download

Siemens ID App

→ proceed here

Option 3 – Google Authenticator

You need to download

Google Authenticator app

→ proceed here

Option 2 – SMS

You need to provide

your mobile number

→ proceed here

Siemens recommendation

Initial Multi-Factor-Authentication Activation

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Page 8: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Select the Google Play or App Store and click on continue (A).

Option 1 – Siemens ID Application

You need to download

Siemens ID App

Siemens recommendation


Option 1 – Logon with Siemens ID Application

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Page 9: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Download the Siemens ID App (A); once successfully installed, open the Siemens ID App and click enroll (B); in order

to be able to scan the QR Code with your mobile camera, you first need to allow Siemens ID App to take pictures and

record video (C); scan the QR Code within the Siemens ID App (D).




Option 1 – Logon with Siemens ID ApplicationSiemens ID App Installation and QR Code Scan

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Page 10: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Once scaned the QR Code, you will be asked to save a special code. Please tick the box and click on continue (A);

you should now receive a push notification on your mobile, click on allow (B); alternatively, you can enter a One Time

Password (C) provided by Siemens ID App (D).






Option 1 – Logon with Siemens ID ApplicationPush notification / One Time Password

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Option 2 – SMS

You need to provide

your mobile number


Click on „Try another method“ (A); select the SMS method (B).


Option 2 – Logon with SMS

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Select your country prefix and enter your phone number (A); you receive a 6-digit code to your phone number (B); enter

the code in the verification code field (C); in the end you will be asked to save a special code. Please tick the box and

click on continue (D).





Option 2 – Logon with SMSPhone Number Activation

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Option 3 – Google Authenticator

You need to download

Google Authenticator app

Option 3 – Logon with Google Authenticator

Click on „Try another method“ (A); Select the Google Authenticator or similar (B).



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Option 3 – Logon with Google AuthenticatorGoogle Authenticator App Installation & QR Code Scan






Install the Google Authenticator app from Google Play or App Store (A); open the app and scan the QR Code (B); you

receive a 6-digit code in the app (C) to be entered below the QR Code (D); enter the code in the respective field and

click to continue (E). You finally will be asked to save a special code. Please tick the box and click on continue (F).

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Page 15: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

• Introduction 2

• How to select the authentication method 4

• How to enter / adjust your supplier master data 15

• How to enter / adjust your Supplier Qualification data 18

• How to reset the authentication method 38

• Further communication material 41

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SMDM / Supplier EntitlementContent

Page 16: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Enter / adjust your supplier master dataCode of Conduct (CoC) acceptance

After successful authentication, you will be requested to accept the Siemens CoC (if not yet available at SCM data-

base); you have two options: 1) if you agree with the CoC and submit (A), you are forwarded to your supplier master

data overview 2) if you have need for clarification and submit (A), a Siemens-internal escalation process is started


Option 1 – Siemens ID Application

Option 2 – SMS

Option 3 – Google Authenticator

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Enter / adjust your supplier master dataData to be verified/ adjusted/ added

General Data Questionnaire

You will be forwarded to your current supplier master data overview with possibility to verify / adjust / add contents;

finally, you need to submit the completed request by pushing the approve button (A).


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Page 18: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

• Introduction 2

• How to select the authentication method 4

• How to enter / adjust your supplier master data 15

• How to enter / adjust your Supplier Qualification data 18

• How to reset the authentication method 38

• Further communication material 41

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SMDM / Supplier EntitlementContent

Page 19: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Supplier receives a notification mail for the respective Supplier Qualification request (A) from [email protected] with an activation link – once

clicking on link (B), supplier is forwarded to the Multi-Factor-Authentication activation process. A detailed user guide for the Supplier Entitlement can be

found here (C). After 14 working days (D), SQ Automation Request is automatically forwarded.





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Supplier-specific ActionsSupplier Qualification Request Initiation

Page 20: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Once passing the Multi-Factor-Authentication, supplier enters Supplier Qualification Request

• General Data – supplier-related data can be added/ adjusted

• Supplier Qualification – all required SQ modules in scope of SQ Automation request are editable

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Supplier-specific ActionsSupplier Qualification Request Overview

Page 21: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Supplier-specific ActionsSQ Modules to be considered for further processing

SQ Tracker

… Collaborate …

„In sync“

SQ Processing

SQ DashboardInput: SQ



Input: CAP


Input: Global/

Local Supplier


Different SQ module scenarios apply for further processing – the following views apply per SQ Module, combinations

in same Supplier Qualification Request occur based on respective SQ Module Statuses in SCM STAR:

• Code of Conduct (CoC) acceptance → click here

• Substance Commitment (SC) acceptance → click here

• Contractor Safety (CS) acceptance → click here

• Corporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance → click here

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Page 22: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Code of Conduct (CoC)



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Supplier-specific ActionsCode of Conduct (CoC) acceptance


Supplier will be requested to accept the Siemens CoC (if not yet available at SCM database); you have two options: 1) if you agree with the CoC and submit

(A), you are forwarded to your supplier master data overview 2) if you have need for clarification and submit (A), a Siemens-internal escalation process is

started. In case of questions, supplier can info-request the Supplier Qualification Request back to Requestor (B).


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Substance Commitment (SC)



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Supplier-specific ActionsSubstance Commitment (SC) acceptance 1/3

Supplier can see two tabs (A) in the Supplier Qualification Request; in tab “Supplier Qualification”, related SQ Module(s) in scope are displayed as section(s)

(B). Once opening up the Substance Commitment section, two different sub-sections appear (C) – “General” and “Release”.




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Supplier-specific ActionsSubstance Commitment (SC) acceptance 2/3

Once opening the “General” sub-section, supplier is requested to type in supplier contact person credentials (Name, Telephone number and email address)

related to all matters regarding product-related environmental protection for the supplier (A). Besides, the first question needs to be answered (B) – in case

“Yes” has been chosen, a second question appears also to be answered by supplier (C).




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Supplier-specific ActionsSubstance Commitment (SC) acceptance 3/3

Once opening the “Release” sub-section (A), supplier is requested to verify pre-populated values and is requested to provide the Name and position of the

responsible supplier person (B). In case all mandatory fields are filled, supplier can submit the Supplier Qualification Request (C).




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Page 28: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Contractor Safety (CS)



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Supplier-specific ActionsContractor Safety (CS) acceptance 1/2

Supplier can see two tabs (A) in the Supplier Qualification Request; in tab “Supplier Qualification”, related SQ Module(s) in scope are displayed as section(s)

(B). Once opening up the Contractor Safety section, one sub-section “Questionnaire” appears (C).




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Supplier-specific ActionsContractor Safety (CS) acceptance 2/2

Once opening the “Questionnaire” sub-section (A), supplier is requested to download the Contractor Safety questionnaire (B), fil l in respective contents with

supplier-specific subject matter expert and uploads the scanned file via Upload button (C) and press “Attach” (D). Supplier can submit the Supplier Qualification

Request (E).






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Page 31: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Corporate Responsibility Self-

Assessment (CRSA) acceptance


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Supplier-specific ActionsCorporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance 1/6

Supplier can see two tabs (A) in the Supplier Qualification Request; in tab “Supplier Qualification”, related SQ Module(s) in scope are displayed as section(s)

(B). Once opening up the Corporate Responsibility Self-Assessment section, seven different sub-sections appear (C).




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Supplier-specific ActionsCorporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance 2/6

All mandatory questions for sub-sections “General Information” (A) and “Legal Compliance and Fair Operating Practices” (B) need to be filled..



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Supplier-specific ActionsCorporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance 3/6

All mandatory questions for sub-section “Human Rights and Labor Practices” (A) need to be filled..


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Supplier-specific ActionsCorporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance 4/6

All mandatory questions for sub-sections “Health and Safety of Employees” (A) and “Environmental Protection” (B) need to be filled..



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Supplier-specific ActionsCorporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance 5/6

All mandatory questions for sub-sections “Responsible Minerals Sourcing” (A) and “Supply Chain” (B) need to be filled. Supplier can submit the Supplier

Qualification Request (C).




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Supplier-specific ActionsCorporate Responsibility Self-Assessment (CRSA) acceptance 6/6

Once submitting the Supplier Qualification Request, system verifies the answers provided; in case Corrective Actions based on given answers are required, a

new tab “Corrective Action Plan” (A) appears – the original answers remain read-only. In section “Action Plan” (B), the related questions appear (C) – supplier

is now requested to provide an appropriate answer (D). Supplier can now submit the Supplier Qualification Request (E).






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Page 38: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

• Introduction 2

• How to select the authentication method 4

• How to enter / adjust your supplier master data 15

• How to enter / adjust your Supplier Qualification data 18

• How to reset the authentication method 38

• Further communication material 41

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SMDM / Supplier EntitlementContent

Page 39: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

How to reset the authentication method



Please go to and click on „Login“ (A);

on the next page enter your email and password and click on Log In (B).

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How to reset the authentication method



Click on Multi-Factor-Authentication (A); depending on your authentication method log in (B); click to delete the

current authentication method (C) and confirm to delete the current method (D); you will receive a hint that the current

authentication method has been deleted and another authentication method can be selected (E).


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Page 41: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

• Introduction 2

• How to select the authentication method 4

• How to enter / adjust your supplier master data 15

• How to enter / adjust your Supplier Qualification data 18

• How to reset the authentication method 38

• Further communication material 41

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SMDM / Supplier EntitlementContent

Page 42: Supplier Master Data Management (SMDM)

Further communication material and wrap-upMultimedia touch points

Supplier Portal1

▪ Information on SCM STAR in general

▪ News and information to keep you up to date

▪ Access to training material (Download Center)

First level support2

▪ User Help Desk/Hotline

▪ Raise a ticket via mail – click here

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