surreal landscape review

Upload: danielaandino

Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Surreal Landscape Review



    I was satisfied with my final collage because it looked surreal and was successful in

    merging different object to get the concepts of surrealism through Photoshop. It is not easy to

    understand what I the purpose of the whole project. I ensured that my images blended well

    together, as you can see the images have different opacities and effects so they can merge into the


    I added to my collage 19 digital elements, I ensured they where well placed in a position

    so they merge well together, by doing some trial until I found a layout that I liked the most. I

    used unconventional objects like for example the eye in the middle of the page, or the canvas

    with the sky drawn and a boat with the idea that is going into the canvas. This is a great

    feature because it relies on the perspective someone has towards the collage, where anyone can

    get their own conclusion towards the general idea. .

    The Photoshop features I implemented into my design where changing the Red, Green,

    Blue curves to change the colour of the image, making a different effect like Sepia. I also

    changed the layer effects by applying a drop shadow for example to the eye. I also changed the

    layer effects on the man, were I added a inner shadow with blend mode: multiply, opacity 75%,

    and an angle of 120. I also added a colour overlay: red, opacity 100% and blend mode Normal.

    On the gradient overlay I used normal blend mode, opacity 100% and angle 90. The use of

    Photoshop tools did add depth to my collage because by blending the different images which had

    different perspectives, and by changing the appearance of each image, created a perception that

    everything is going further away. I know this because as I look at my collage, I can see things

    further away like the birds.

    The improvements I would make if I had time would be, adding more objects to make it

    even more surreal, but at the same time use and create more effects on each object. I had a fish

    tank, but had to take it out because even if I erased the edges of the image so it could blend, it

    still made a line on my collage which seemed just like if I overlaid my object instead of merging

    it in the collage. I decided to take it off because it didnt blend properly.

    What I would do differently if I did the project again would be looking at different

    tutorials to add more surreal effects to the collage, and adding a different background with

    objects blended in the background, so it is not just one image but many made into one

  • 7/30/2019 Surreal Landscape Review


    background. An alternative idea I have to make this project more successful would be

    incorporating images that contradict each other, like contrasts for example hot and cold. This

    could make the project look more surreal, more dream-like.