swingtime 5th issue

www.swingtimegolf.co.za 1 Swingtime - Issue 5 Golfer’s paradise •••

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Golfer’s paradise •••

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Golfer’s paradise•••

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••• Editorial

A publication of Market Info Direct Mauritius Ltd

Director of Publication/Directeur De Publication

Alan Leslie DUVALE-mail : [email protected]

MeDia teaMGraphic Concept/Création graphique

Yannick LAroche corALieE-mail : [email protected]/Journaliste-Editrice

Pascaline ALeXANDreE-mail : [email protected]

Photographer / PhotographeManoj NAwoor

aDMiniStration office Personal Assistant

christelle [email protected]

MarKetinGBusiness Development Manager

Dhinesh rAi KALLeeE-mail : [email protected]

Golf and eventsGolf Director

Billy NarrainaE-mail : [email protected]

Contributors / CollaborateursEmotions Golf Events

Benz & Partners

Photos / Crédit PhotosEmotions Golf Events

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MArKeT iNFo DirecT MAUriTiUS LTD6th Floor, Victoria house

Line Barracks StreetPort-Louis, Mauritius

Tel : 230 213 3399Fax : 230 213 3342

e-mail:[email protected]: www.swingtimegolf.co.za

The opinions expressed in Swingtime Mauritius and in the advertorials are not necessarily those of the publisher.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission from the publisher.

The 1st Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009, shall, forever be a memorable event for every person that afforded their assistance, expertise, sponsorship, and time. Acknowledgement of gratitude and a THANK You to Dr Roy Chavrimootoo, president of the Mauritius Golf Federation, Yasmine Abdoollah from Air Mauritius, Mr Michel Prefumo, General Manager of FedEx Rennel ltd, Mr & Mrs Luron (Emotions Golf Events), Mr Sebastian Denton from Adamas, Matthew Machin (Acorn Capital and Eurocape) and last but not least Mr René Voser and Mr Gerhard Skwaric from Benz and Partners Asset Management.

A special thanks to Billy Narraina, for assisting and taking over the directorship at the 11th hour 2 weeks before the tournament. “A True Officer and Gentleman”

Congratulations to the winners -Daryll Csizmadia, Roger de Chazal, Didier Peten and Gautthier Alessandri from Ernst and Young team. Enjoy the fruit of your hard labour for patience is sometimes “Bitter but the honey is always sweet”.

For the Fellow golfers who were not informed…. Sincere apologies! We will make every effort through the support of The Mauritius Golf Federation and through every facility that we have available to ensure that we indeed make contact with you.

A very special message for Ye Golfers of Mauritius.From: The honourable Shivas Irons (GOLF IN THE KINGDOM)“Gowf is a place to practice fascination…… our feelin’s, fantasies, thoughts and muscles. ALL MUST JOIN TO PLAY! In Gowf ye see the essence of what the world itself demands…. The game is a mighty teacher never deviatin, from its rools, always ready to lead us on….. And I say to ye all my friends, that as ye grow in gowf , ye come to see the things ye learn in every other place….Ye’ll come away from the LINKS with a new hold on life, that is certain,if ye play the game with all your heart.”

The Swingtime “ADOPT A GOLFER” PROGRAMME, together with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Mauritius Golf Federation is charged to become a dynamic initiative for the up and coming future golfers of Mauritius.

Ever since famous golfer icon, Tiger Woods, exploded onto the international golfing scene, an unprecedented explosion of interest and participation for the sport has erupted among the youth, lady golfers and beginners world over. Woods’ success has given rise to his work with the Tiger Woods Foundation - an organization established in 1996 that has reached more than 10 million young people through educational and character development programs.

Swingtime Golf has the pleasure of presenting Ginger Delacrétaz, the first female Mauritian adopted golfer (amateur).

In FREEDOM and for the love of the GAME!!


Page 5: Swingtime 5th Issue

3Swingtime - Issue 5

6 Golfer’s paradise The One&Only

Saint Géran

12 Retrospective Swingtime Corporate Challenge 2009

27 Business profile Dr. Yousouf Ismael

31 Ladies swing Florence Luron

34 Discover Mauritius Domain of St. Denis

36 Focus MGF

38 Benz & Partners view

41 Advertorial Air Mauritius

42 Biz Bits

45 Junior open 2009

48 Asian golf news BRUNEI OPEN

49 Coming event PGA open

52 Finance HSBC

55 Golf Fashion

57 Fit round

58 Golf portrait Ramesh Seebaluck

61 Correspondence The Golf Fam Trip

62 Adopt-A-Golfer Billy Narraina

64 Perspective Budget 2009

66 Swing it! Lesson 5

68 Astrology Arjun Chakraborty

69 Local golf news Anahita Eclectic competition

70 Golf News

71 Maurinion cup

72 Pro corner Vivian Armance

74 Let’s talk Manoj Ujoodha, CEO of Air Mauritius

76 Flash News

78 Carnet d’address Indian Ocean Golf Courses






Contents Sommaire •••

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Golfer’s paradise •••

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••• Golfer’s paradise

On the peninsula of Belle Mare, there is paradise on earth. Enlivened by its enchantress setting and charm, the One&Only Le Saint Géran invites you in a unique trip in dreamland. Immortalized by the novel written by Bernardin de St Pierre – Paul and Virginie, the hotel acquired its name from the famous boat Saint Géran which wrecked on the same coast. A

jewel for some… a heritage for others…


a journey through time ...

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•••Golfer’s paradise

Sur la péninsule de Belle Mare se situe le paradis sur terre. Le One&Only Le Saint Géran vous enivre par son cadre enchanteur et vous invite à un

voyage dans le temps. Immortalisé par le roman de Bernardin de St Pierre, Paul et Virginie, l ’hôtel puise son nom du célèbre bateau le Saint Géran qui fit naufrage non loin de cette même côte. Un havre de paix qui comprend l’un des plus anciens parcours de golf de l’île. Un bijou pour certains… un

patrimoine pour d’autres…


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Junior Suite Aerial View Ocean Suite Terrace

8 Swingtime - Issue 5 www.swingtimegolf.co.za

Luxury, calm and voluptuousness …

ocated in the North East coast of Mauritius, One&Only Le Saint Géran hotel is laid on two kilometers of golden beaches. Inaugurated in 1975, the hotel presently counts 5 stars Deluxe and built

up through the years a solid reputation worldwide. It is in fact one of the most prestigious hotel that Mauritius has acquired.

The hotel is surrounded by countless greeneries and unobstructed view of the Indian Ocean, where luxury lives in perfect harmony with nature. All suites consist of a terrace or private balcony with Cape view or tropical garden populated with majestic palms. The hotel proposes three types of accommodation namely Junior Suites, Ocean Suite and the Villa.

Butlers are put at customer’s disposal for individual service. The warm-hearted welcome as well as the friendliness of the employees contributes to a great extent to the success of the hotel – pushing them to come year after year to find the same family attitude unique to the One&Only Le Saint Géran.

Facilities of the hotel

One&Only Le Saint Géran is a shrine of contemporary comfort where colonial décor is perfectly mixed with Mauritian charm. The suites are inspirational and awake the senses while the curtains design, the thick cushions of couches as well as the sieved light is an invitation to relax…

The suites are well equipped to satisfy the modern needs of the clients. Not only the rooms are air-conditioned but are endowed with an up market multimedia system, with flat screen television, satellites chains, DVD, CD, Internet Access/ ADSL and WI-FI, traditional mini-bar with Nespresso coffee machine and Ipod loud speaker.

Luxe, Calme et Volupté…

itué sur la côte nord-est de Maurice, One&Only Le Saint Géran s’étale sur plus de deux kilomètre de plages dorées. Inauguré en 1975, l’hôtel qui compte 5

étoiles Deluxe s’est construit une réputation de fer sur le marché touristique mondial devenant ainsi l’un des plus prestigieux hôtel que Maurice ait jamais connu.

L’hôtel se trouve sur un écrin de verdure avec vue imprenable sur l’océan; le luxe s’allie en harmonie avec la nature. Toutes les suites comprennent une terrasse ou un balcon privé donnant sur la corniche et le jardin tropical peuplé de palmiers à l’allure majestueuse. L’hôtel offre trois types d’hébergements notamment les suites Juniors, les suites océans et la Villa.

Des majordomes sont mis à la disposition des clients pour un service personnalisé. L’accueil chaleureux ainsi que la convivialité des employés contribue au succès de l’établissement … poussant même les clients à y revenir chaque année pour retrouver cet esprit familial typique du One&Only Le Saint Géran.

L’hôtel et ses facilités

One&Only Le Saint Géran est un sanctuaire de confort contemporain où s’entremêle le style colonial et le charme mauricien. Les suites sont un appel au réveil des sens alors que la décoration de tentures, les coussins moelleux des sofas ainsi que la lumière tamisée entre autres vous invite au repos…

La modernité y est présente car non seulement les chambres sont climatisées, mais sont pourvues d’un système multimédia haut de gamme, d’une télévision à écran plat, des chaînes satellites, d’un lecteur DVD/CD, d’un accès internet / ADSL et Wi-Fi. Les suites sont également équipées du traditionnel mini-bar, d’une machine à café Nespresso et un support haut-parleur pour Ipod.


Golfer’s paradise•••

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•••Golfer’s paradise

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Le Spoon des îles d’Alain


Rasoi de Vineet

La Terrasse

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De la meilleure cuisine au monde à la fine gastronomie mauricienne, les trois restaurants de l’hôtel One &Only le Saint Géran émoustillent vos papilles par des plats excellemment préparés par des chefs venant des quatre coins du monde.

Le Restaurant : La Terrasse• En bordure de piscine avec vue sur l’océan Indien, le restaurant La Terrasse propose une variété de spécialités locales et internationales. Au petit déjeuner un somptueux buffet, au déjeuner un choix de mets légers, salades fraîches, plats végétariens et biologiques. Le dîner – à la carte ou à thème, buffets savoureux et animations diverses – vous entraîne à travers

un parcours culturel où se déclinent les

saveurs d’ici et d’ailleurs. Une généreuse carte des vins et une sélection de prestigieux cigares sont également disponibles.

Le restaurant Rasoi de Vineet• Ce restaurant tropical au bord de l’eau et son célèbre chef étoilé au guide Michelin, Vineet Bhatia, vous propose une cuisine indienne résolument contemporaine. Un assortiment original de PizzaNaans, Naaninis, roulades et mezze indiens sont méticuleusement préparés dans la cuisine ouverte, véritable spectacle pour les sens.

Le restaurant Le Spoon des îles d’Alain • Ducasse Donnant directement sur les jardins tropicaux, ce restaurant avant-gardiste propose des mets comptant parmi les plus raffinés et les plus innovateurs de l’hémisphère Sud. Dans l’intimité du Spoon des Îles, conçu par le chef français de renommée mondiale Alain Ducasse, modernisme et tradition se marient subtilement dans la préparation des plats. Le restaurant offre une sélection unique des meilleurs vins au monde.



From the best cuisine in the world to fine Mauritian gastronomy, the three restaurants of the One& Only Resort titillate one’s taste bud with excellent dishes prepared by Chefs from the four corners of the world.

Restaurant : La Terrasse• Located next to the swimming pool and in front of the beautiful ocean, La Terrasse offers international and local specialities. Sumptuous buffet for breakfast and a selection of fresh salads and other vegetarian and biological dishes for lunch. Dinner (à la carte or by themes) is accompanied with a generous catalogue of wines as well as a selection of cigars which embarks you in a cultural journey in the universe of taste.

Restaurant • Rasoi de Vineet

The tropical restaurant and its famous Chef awarded by Michelin guide, Vineet Bhatia propose a contemporary oriental kitchen by waterside. The restaurant consists of an opened kitchen where innovative dishes from Pizzanaans to tandoori salmon smoked and so on is a real show for senses.

Restaurant : Le Spoon des îles d’Alain • Ducasse Intimate, avant-garde and refined, Le Spoon des îles has tropical garden view. Created by the famous French Chef, Alain Ducasse, Spoon is the first restaurant which the Cook opened in the Indian Ocean. The serving dishes are the results of a perfect mixture of tradition and modernity accompanied with a unique selection of wines in the world.

Golfer’s paradise•••

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Le Spoon des îles d’Alain


Rasoi de Vineet

La Terrasse

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Le parcours de Golf

Œuvre signée Gary Player en 1975, le Saint Géran Golf club est le second plus ancien parcours de golf à Maurice après le Gymkhana Club. Ce 9-trous de 2540 m, Par-33 dont les fairways et greens s’étendent au milieu des cocotiers et autres arbres exotiques offre une expérience unique à chaque golfeur qui s’y aventure… Malgré le succès des autres parcours de 18-trous avoisinants, celui du One&Only le Saint Géran arrive néanmoins à tirer son épingle du jeu. Sa proximité avec l’hôtel - le client peut s’y rendre à pieds, ainsi que le temps alloué pour une partie de jeu sont autant d’avantages qui font que les amateurs et professionnels préfèrent le One&Only Le Saint Géran.

Accès gratuit aux clients de l’hôtel ainsi qu’à ceux de Constance Belle Mare Plage (entre 10h et 14h seulement), le terrain de golf est ouvert de 7 heures du matin à 17 heures. Cependant, il est très fréquent que le parcours soit utilisé au delà des heures normales surtout en saison de pointe. Deux golfeurs professionnels sont à la disposition des clients pour des parties de golf aussi bien que des leçons.

One&Only Le Saint Géran se veut être une ‘One stop shop’ pour le golfeur en vacances. D’une formation intensive accompagnée de l’analyse des vidéos ainsi qu’un entraînement adéquat supervisé par des professionnels. L’hôtel répond au besoin de ses clients en garantissant un séjour inoubliable. D’autre part, une trentaine d’employés sont basés sur le parcours notamment pour l’entretien du green, le service dans le bar et la boutique de golf et assistance aux clients comme caddie.

Particularités du parcours

Ce parcours de neuf trous est unique à Maurice parce que c’est le seul golf qui utilise encore du gazon local sur les fairways comme sur les greens. Il est aussi bordé de milliers de palmiers. Le gazon accentue non seulement le côté exotique de l’endroit, mais offre également un obstacle au jeu. Ce parcours vous met constamment à l’épreuve surtout avec les quatre par 4 et un par 5, le gazon local est un challenge en plus sur ces pars, car il est plus épais et empêche la balle de rouler sur de longues distances. Par ailleurs, le sixième trou qui longe la plage offre une magnifique vue sur l’océan Indien. Quant aux plans d’eaux, ils sont intelligemment placés pour les bons joueurs ainsi que pour les débutants. A noter que les clients peuvent aussi jouer 18 trous avec des départs différents.

The golf course

A showpiece designed by Gary Player in 1975, Le Saint Géran golf club is the second oldest golf course on the island after Gymkhana Club. The 9 holes measuring 2540 m with 33 Par whose fairways and greens stretched in the middle of coconut and exotic trees offer a unique experience to every golfer who ventures. In spite of the success of the neighbor’s 18 holes courses, the One&Only le Saint Géran artfully succeeds in drawing its pin out of the game and be competitive. The proximity of the golf course with the hotel as well as the short time allowed to end the game are some of the advantages that motivate amateurs and professionals to choose the Saint Géran.

Free access to hotel clients as well as those from Constance Belle Mare Plage, the golf course is opened as from 7 o’clock in the morning until 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Sometimes, it happens that the course is opened after hours especially in peak season. Two Pro golfers are at the client’s disposal for games and golf tuitions. The One&Only Le Saint Geran aims excellence in the services offered and promotes to be a ‘one stop shop’ for golfers on holidays. In fact, intensive training accompanied with videos analysis as well as supervised training by a PRO to half day picnic with members of the family on the green are available. Committed employees fulfill clients’ needs and guarantee an unforgettable stay at the hotel. Thirty staffs are based exclusively on course to ensure the maintenance of the green, the restaurant and bar services as well as caddies.

Special features of the course

This 9 holes course is unique in Mauritius since it is the only one which still uses local turf on the greens as well as the fairways. It is also encircled with hundred of palm trees . The grass not only emphasizes on the exotic part of the course but also offers a challenge for the golfers. You are constantly put to test especially on Par 4 and 5 which are lengthy. Furthermore, the grass on these pars are thicker preventing the ball from rolling over long distance. The sixth hole offers a magnificent view of the ocean as it goes along the coast. At the same time, the few ponds are cleverly camouflaged to reinforce the challenge of the track for both the confirmed golfers as well as amateurs. Note that clients can also book for an 18 holes game at different tees.

•••Golfer’s paradise

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SWINGTIME CORPORATE GOLF CHALLENGE 2009Launching of Event at Constance Belle Mare Plage

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••• Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

The launching ceremony held on Wednesday 10th June 2009 at Constance Belle Mare Plage set the tone for the Grande Première of the Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge. One of the best challenge ever organised in Mauritius for amateurs. This challenge is a step forward to put Mauritius in the lime light as a preferred golf destination. Organised by Swingtime Magazine – pioneer of the 1st golf magazine published in Mauritius, the three days event (11th, 12th, 13th June) was played in three different 18 hole golf courses namely Constance Belle Mare Plage – Links and Legends as well as Le Touessrok golf course according to the 4 BALLS ALLIANCE format – whereby the two best scores count. A wonderful human experience for the players and organisers which is meant to flourish in the future…

A picture is worth one thousand words…. The following pages will depict some of the unique moment of the tournament. Flashback…

The fabulous team behind the competition : Christelle Langlois, Yannick Laroche Coralie, Alan Duval,

Pascaline Alexandre, Sineevass ‘Vega’ Murden, Dhinesh Rai Kallee, Trompie Van Rens Burg

René Voser (Principal Benz &

Partners) & Alan Duval admiring the

Hole-In -One Prize- Segway

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•••Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

Mr & Mrs Luron chatting with the GM of

Fedex (Mtius) Michel Préfumo

Players checking their draws with the Golf

Director Billy Narraina

Alan Duval discussing with Didier

Théveneau from COROI

Gérard Manuel (M.C.) welcoming the


Alan Duval, CEO of Market Info Direct

doing his welcoming speech

Dieter Praun, Gerhard Skwaric and

Denis Serge Rivalland

Billy Narraina, Golf Director doing his

opening speech

Alan Duval interviewed by MBC television

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After the unprecedented success of the Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009, the Swingtime team is grateful to all the sponsors for their collaboration and support during this event. We did it together and the results were outstanding. We are proud of our achievement and look forward for a successful future together for the promotion of golf.

“If one of us can make the difference, think what we can do together”

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1st Day EventRetrospective

Links Golf course

Though the timid sunshine of Belle Mare, the 30 players divided in teams of four were right on time for their 1st tee-off at the Links Golf Course. A symbolical tee-off as it also announced the beginning of the Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge. Besides the magnificent panoramic views, fabulous fairways and pyramid structures made of volcanic rock, the strategic setting of the lakes and over rolling links style terrain guaranteed a challenging game for the players especially to those who are not acquainted to the course. The 1st round of the Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge was won by the Ernst and Young Team.

The Subra team

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•••Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

Ernst and Young team

A.C.N.L team : Antoine Devalse and

Pascale Noël

Alan Duval and Gerhard Skwaric (Benz

& Partners) congratulating each other

Didier Théveneau using his SegwayBeautiful swing at

the first tee

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2nd Day EventLegends Golf course

New golf course, new challenges in perspective for the

players. While some of the teams chose not to play for the

second day, others decided to put all the chances on their side. The parkland style of the

Legend Golf course offered different tests to the players. With its vast vegetation, golfers are faced with strategic playing difficulties. Ernst and

Young team scored the best points on that day.

16 www.swingtimegolf.co.zaSwingtime - Issue 5

••• Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

Daryl Csizmadia (E&Y) and Gerhard Skwaric

congratulating each other after game Billy Narraina and Roger de Chazal (E&Y)

a t the 1st tee

Gautthier Alessandri (E&Y) targeting the hole Gerhard Skwaric,Daryl Csizmadia, Roger de

Chazal, Alan Duval (left to right)Roger de Chazal swinging

Surprise: Yves Lesslier from Belgium broke

his club

Antoine Devalse trying to do the right putt

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3rd Day EventLeTouessrok Golf course

Tension at its peak, the 3rd round was decisive to determine the winner of the

Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009. Though the Ernst and Young team had a comfortable breathing space, the game was not over. All the 30 players were present for the 1st tee-off at 8 o’clock. At first glance, the golfers had a hard time. Apart from the different natural

obstacles of the golf course – volcanic rock outcrops, lakes and gullies and a profusion of tropical trees ( easy lost balls), Mother Nature decided to be

also part of the game. But rains and winds did not stop the golfers.

The enthusiasm of the players and team spirit were strong enough to overcome these

obstacles. The COROI team was the best team of the day

and subsequently won the third round.

17www.swingtimegolf.co.za Swingtime - Issue 5

•••Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

Maximum concentration for Beeas

Cheekoree on the green

Photo Souvenir: Ashock Rughooputh, Patrice

Perdrau, Guillaume Bouic,Christian Sullivan Roger de Chazal attempting a birdie

on hole No. 3

Surprise: Yves Lesslier from Belgium broke

his clubArlette Chung heading toward a long day

Marc Henri Dayot standing in the


Players on their way to start their day

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Final results per team:

Ernst and Young Team – 134 pointsDaryl Csizmadia• Roger de Chazal• Gautthier Alessandri• Didier Peten•

A.C.N.L Team -129 pointsAntoine Devalse ( La Réunion)• Arlette Chung ( Maurice)• Pascale Noël ( Belgique)• Yves Lesslier ( Belgique)•

Perdrau and Sullivan Team -128 pointsPatrice Perdrau• Christian Perdrau• Pierre Sullivan• Christian Sullivan•

Subra Consult team -125 pointsBeeas Cheekoree• Ishtiaq Hajee Adams• Vincent Desvaux• Brent Sussens•

Coroi Team -119 pointsFrance Paturau• Didier Thevenau• Marc Henri Dayot• Denis Serge Rivalland•

WINNER’S PRIZESTeam trip to Germany for 10 days stay – Playing in •Benz & Partner Open tournament Voucher Adamas •Voucher FedEx •Emotions T-Shirts•Swingtime T-shirts•Souvenir gold medal with Swingtime Logo•Trophies•Challenge Cup •


Swingtime Team – 112 pointsAlan Leslie Duval (Afrique du Sud)• Gary Gerhard Skwaric (Suisse)• Ashock Rughooputh• Guillaume Bouic•

Longest Drive

LegendsNo5 : Daryl Csizmadia (E&Y)• No 18 : Alan Leslie Duval (Swingtime) • Le Touessrok No4: Pascale Noël (A.C.N.L)• No11: Gautthier Alessandri (E &Y)•

Nearest to the Pin – LegendsNo3: Antoine Devalse (A.C.N.L)• No8: Alessandri Gautthier (E&Y)• No13: Denis Serge Rivalland (Coroi)• No15: Pascale Noel (A.C.N.L)•

1st Runner Up Prizes

Team trip to South Africa •5 days stay – Playing in KnysnaVoucher Adamas•Souvenir medal •Trophies•

2nd Runner Up Prizes

4 Couple stay at the •One&Only Le Saint GeranVoucher Adamas•Voucher Astral Golf•Souvenir medal•Trophies•

www.swingtimegolf.co.za 19Swingtime - Issue 5

•••Final results

D.S.Rivalland, D. Thevenau, G.Bouic

et A. Rughooputh

B. Cheekoree, I. Hajee Adams,

F. Paturau et M.H. DayotP. Sullivan, P.Perdrau, R.de Chazal

et D. Peten

C. Sullivan, G. Skwaric, C. Perdrau et


B. Narraina, G.Alessandri, Y. Lesslier

et D. Csizmadia A.Devalse, P. Noël, B.Sussens

et V. Desvaux

Page 22: Swingtime 5th Issue

The One&Only Saint Géran

The Prize Giving Gala Dinner of the Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge was held in the wonderful

sea-view le RASOI restaurant at the One&Only Le Saint Géran.

Beforehand, the guests were welcomed in the conference room of the hotel for a welcoming cocktail. This was great

opportunity for the different protagonists to meet and chat in a festive ambiance. Later, they were all invited for a gala dinner at Le Rasoi restaurant near the seaside.

20 Swingtime - Issue 5 www.swingtimegolf.co.za

••• Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

Gala Night Prize GivingSega Dancers

M. Machin (CEO Eurocape & Acorns Capital),

A.Duval & I. Subramanien CEO SubraC.

Welcoming of Mr & Mrs Christian


Arrival of guests

O.Descroizilles (C.M

One&Only) chatting with Rene


Mr & Mrs R. Aubeeluck, Mayor of Beau

Bassin /Rose Hill and U.K invite

Cocktail gala night

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Surrounded by the guests, sponsors and organisers, the different teams were awarded a prize. In fact each participant received a beautiful medal with the Swingtime logo as souvenir for their participation in the tournament. This was accompanied by other interesting prizes from different sponsors.

The winners were announced by the Master of Ceremony. Ernst and Young team won the game with 134 points followed by A.C.N.L team which scored 129 points. The Sullivan

and Perdrau team took the third place with 128 points while Subra Consult and COROI teams were ranked 4th and 5th respectively.

www.swingtimegolf.co.za 21Swingtime - Issue 5

•••Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge 2009

Gala Night Prize GivingR. Voser, A. Duval, M.Machin, G. Skwaric,

main sponsors with G. Manuel FedEx Mtius & Emotions Golf Events photo

souvenir with Alan Duval

Winning team proudly holding the trophy Representatives of Coroi ltd receiving a souvenir from A. Duval

Ernst & Young players receiving gold medals

from Robert Desveaux Chairman MTPA Photo souvenir of the winning team

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22 Swingtime - Issue 5

••• Winner’s corner

Name : DidierSurname : PetenProfession : Marketing manager of Axys group and

member of Ernst and Young team

Handicap : 16

Didier Peten has been called upon to form the Ernst and Young team. A good friend of Daryl Csizmadia and Roger de Chazal, they often play golf together. For Didier Peten, participation in the competition was a wonderful experience “When Daryl invited me to form part of the team, I was so enthusiastic. I thank them for thinking of me. In order to get along together, Daryl organized game sessions to create team spirit among us. This was great and very helpful during hard times. I am so excited to participate in the Benz and Partners corporate challenge. I seize the opportunity to thank the organizers and sponsors for making the 3 days event a success”.

Name : Daryl

Surname : Csizmadia

Profession : Human Resources Director and Partner

Ernst and Young (Mauritius)

Handicap : 14Daryl Csizmadia is the man behind the team. The founder

of Ernst and Young team for the Swingtime Corporate Challenge, he is a passionate golf player. Proud of his success and that of his team during this event, he looks forward for the Benz and Partners Corporate Golf challenge at Obère Alp golf course in Switzerland. “My team was simply fabulous. I thank my three partners for their efforts. They were great. The event was outstanding and the prizes, strawberries on the cake. This will be an opportunity to put Mauritius on world map.

Furthermore, we are satisfied with the organization; we had great fun though the fierce competition. I look forward for the 2010 edition. We will definitely be


Who are the Ernst and Young? Ernst and Young is a global organisation which has over 709 offices in 140

countries worldwide. The international firm employs more than 135,000 people worldwide with a shared way of working and commitment to quality.

Founded in 1849 by Arthur Ernst and Alwin Young, the global headquarters is based in London, England. Well-known for its global services mainly in Assurance, Tax, Transactions and Advisory, it assembles the right multi-disciplinary team to identify issues for companies in need of assistance. These services are meant to preserve the confidence of investors, manage risk and strengthen controls to achieve efficiently goals.

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•••Winner’s corner

Name : Gautthier

Surname : Alessandri

Profession : Student in Sports Management

Handicap : 14

Name : RogerSurname : De ChazalProfession : Manager @ Ernst and Young

(Mauritius)Handicap : 12

Aged 21, Gautthier Alessandri is the youngest player both in his team and among the 30 participants. The young man has started playing golf at a very young age. Inspired by his father and neighbor Daryl, he has developed a real passion for the sport of golf. Studying sports management, he embraces the dream to work in the field of golf. Amazed by the level of the competition, according to him, this challenge is a winning formula. “I had a wonderful time playing with my team; team spirit could be felt till the end of the game. The challenge will definitely flourish in the future and I’m sure that next year there will be more participants. The prizes are breathtaking. We cross fingers for the Corporate Challenge in Switzerland and hope to honor our country out there.”

Roger de Chazal is also a passionate golfer. Practicing golf for more than 10 years, he has been participating in many competitions in Mauritius and elsewhere. However, he was very impressed with the organization of the tournament. “The competition was of high level in three exceptional golf courses in Mauritius. I am glad to have participated in the 1st edition of Swingtime Corporate Golf Challenge. This formula is meant to be successful in the future. Mauritius needs this type of competition for worldwide recognition as golf destination. I thank all the members of the team and also the organizers who gave lots of effort to make the event a success”.

Assurance: In order to get along with the different regulatory requirements and stakeholders demands. It is important for companies to have in hand ‘critical information for investors and other stakeholders, a robust and clear perspective to audit committees and timely and constructive input to management’.

Tax: Put together highly qualified teams to assist companies in their tax strategies which go in line with their business objectives. Provide useful advice on ‘planning, compliance, reporting and promoting good relationship with tax authorities’.

Transactions: Providing objective and integrated advice to close deals and having the right transaction at the right time. Helping to evaluation opportunities, execute transaction effectively and achieve strategic goals. ‘Helping evaluate opportunities, execute transactions effectively and achieved strategic goals.

Advisory: Handling of risk quickly and effectively in order to sustain improvement of businesses.

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The swiss Asset management company – Benz and Partners introduced themselves to the Mauritian businessmen through a presentation night at the conference room of the One&Only Le Saint Géran, last June 12th. During this occasion, Dr René Voser and Gerhard Skwaric, partners of the company came purposely to Mauritius. This was an opportunity for them to give an overview of their business prospective and more importantly the expertise they can bring to Mauritian organizations.

Who are the Benz and Partners?

Launched in 1994, Benz and Partners Asset Management Ltd have built up through the years a strong and vast reputation in the European financial world. Well known for its personalised and resourceful services, the business has recently established a sister company in Mauritius. A risky challenge during this crisis period, yet, Benz and Partners company is out to make it work and will rely in its goodwill and trustworthiness to break the ice.

Benz and Partners Asset management Ltd was founded by Alexander Benz and was transformed as a joint stock company in 1998. Situated in Zurich in Switzerland, the company was sold to René K. Voser and Alexander F. Galli in 2003. As from that time, the company welcomes new partners; experts in different areas in the financial field to strengthen the company’s status with regard to financial knowledge. Moreover, Alexander Benz is still playing an active role in the company together with the other seven professionals

Benz and Partners aim at providing a tailor-made service to their private and institutional clients. They focus mainly in the management of assets of different clients around the world. Benz and Partners provide security portfolio on a flexible basis for its global customers and is responsible for the allocation of funds in the international stock and bond markets. Their stocking picking strategies are based on deep knowledge of markets. And when it comes to emerging markets, they rely on the expertise of their best fund managers to guide them and identify new opportunities. Furthermore, B &P Company is also responsible of the European Property Fund which deals in the investment of Commercial Real Estate mainly in Germany and Nederland’s.

After years of experience working with different institutions and Swiss banks such Bank Julius Bär, Credit Suisse Private Banking, Zurich and so forth. Benz and Partners has decided to expand and extend its services in the Indian Ocean through Mauritius.

24 Swingtime - Issue 5 www.swingtimegolf.co.za

••• Benz & partners

Benz & Partners Cocktail

Presentation of Benz and Partners by

Rene Voser (Principal)

Thank you speech of Gary Skwaric,

partner of Benz and Partners

G. Skwaric and A.Duval welcoming

Vishal Joyram (SBM Ltd)

Cocktail party after presentation of Benz

and Partners

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•••Benz & partners

Roger de Chazal receiving Swingtime

magazine from hostess

M. Machin, Raj Ringadoo (Chairman of

SIC) & R. Aubeeluck

Miss Mauritius, Anais Veerapatren

posing with M.C, Gerard Manuel

G. Skwaric, M.Machin & R.Aubeeluck

Great attention from the audience

Gary Skwaric sharing a joke with Alan


Jerry Naina, Dhinesh Rai Kallee,Anais

Veerapatren, Laurent Odillard

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•••Business profile

Young, ambitious and relax, Yousouf Ismael adopts the positive attitude style in his life. According to this doctor in Economics, attitude is the greatest asset one can have to succeed. Employed as a senior economist at the British American Investment for nearly one year, he does not hold his tongue when it comes to the economic crisis prevailing around the world and its repercussion in the Mauritian economy.

1. First of all, introduce yourself and tell us more about your professional life?

I am Yousouf Ismael and my passion is economics. I have done my tertiary education in England and completed my doctorate in 2002. I had the chance to acquire experience in different countries mainly in Europe, Asia and Africa. I came back to the island in 2007 and worked for one year with Minister Arvin Boolell as counsellor before joining DCDM Business School as lecturer. I am currently employed as the senior economist at the British American Investment.

2. Can you tell us more about the job of economist? And what are the qualities that a good economist should have?

The profession does not solely imply analysis of the economic situation of a country. It also comprises observation of different elements susceptible to affect the local and international markets and subsequently amend the company’s strategies. The economist

Jeune, ambitieux et relax, Yousouf Ismael aborde la vie avec la positive attitude. Ce docteur en économie ne cache pas sa passion pour son métier. Le Senior Economist, employé à la British American Investment depuis bientôt un an n’a pas non plus la langue dans sa poche. Averti et critique, il commente la crise économique actuelle et ses répercussions sur l’économie mauricienne.

1. D’abord présentez vous et dites nous brièvement votre parcours dans la vie professionnelle ?

Je suis Yousouf Ismael et ma passion c’est l’économie. J’ai fait mes études tertiaires en Angleterre et en 2002, j’ai terminé mon doctorat en Economie. Par la suite, j’ai travaillé dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique, d’Asie et d’Europe dans le but d’acquérir un peu d’expérience. Ce n’est qu’en 2007, que j’ai fait mon come-back au pays. A mon retour, j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler au côté du Ministre Arvin Boolell pendant un an en tant que conseiller avant d’atterrir au DCDM Business School, l’actuel Charles Telfair Institute. Actuellement, j’occupe le poste de ‘Senior Economist’ au British American Investment.

2. En quoi consiste le travail d’un économiste ? quels sont les atouts nécessaires que doivent avoir un bon économiste ?

Le métier d’économiste ne se cantonne pas

PortraitWho is Yousouf Ismael:• A friendly and warm person who aims at living a simple happy life with realistic ambitionsHow do your relatives describe you:• Easy goingAge:• 37 years oldAre you married and have children:• Married and have two sons aged 8 and 5 yearsYour hobby:• Reading books and magazinesFavorite song: • What a wonderful world by Louis AmstrongFavorite book:• Reader’s digest – Books of factMotto:• Have one chance to live, live it happilyAny sport:• Jogging – 3 times per week

Dr. Yousouf Ismael(senior economist of BAI)

“Mauritius has not diversified its markets enough…”

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••• Business profile

is responsible of the allocation of resources, avoid natural, economic and technological risks so as to reduce deficit. In order to fulfil effectively their duties, economists should have a solid training, understand theories and be able to question key elements with the aim of bringing an objective judgement. Last but not least, the economist should have a reliable information network to prevent any loophole.

3. What is your evaluation of the economic

crisis prevailing in Mauritius? Like you all know, everything started with the

financial crisis in the United States which turned into an economic turmoil affecting different sectors of the economy. This mess created a lack of confidence among investors and consumers consequently affecting the employment sector. Mauritius is not yet in the eye of recession. For such thing to happen, the country should register a deficit in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, this is not case for the time being. But, some sectors especially those dependent on exports are being affected. Tourism, textile and clothing and finance have experienced a reduction in growth these last months. Since, there is a gap of six months between Mauritius and western countries in terms of economic effects, Mauritius has sufficient time to review its strategies in light with the stimulus package and dampen the effects. Yet, Mauritius will not be 100% safe because diversification was done only on the basis of sectors and not market which comprises mainly of European countries.

4. What are the measures taken by the British American Investment?

British American Investment is one of the Mauritian companies which promote diversification. BAI started in the insurance sector in 1960’s and later developed the leasing capital which is having a great success. The company is now busy with a new project – Apollo hospital. These investments in different sectors help us to be resilient and survive the crisis. It is in fact a school of thought to reassess the company’s strategies to be able to adapt to economic development and minimize risks.

5. What is your opinion regarding the stimulus package. According to you, what other measures could have been considered in this package?

Firstly, I think that the stimulus package should have been applied earlier – at the beginning of the crisis. Nevertheless, it is a good initiative from the government to implement these measures to slow down the effects of the turmoil. Preserving employment and increasing growth are the best ways to prevent an economic breakdown. However, I am quite skeptical regarding the injections of funds

uniquement à quelques analyses de la situation économique du pays, mais va bien au delà… Il consiste entre autres à observer tous les aspects de l’économie locale et mondiale afin de revoir et d’amender la stratégie de la compagnie. L’économiste a aussi pour tâche de distribuer équitablement les ressources de la compagnie afin d’éviter les risques naturels, économiques et technologiques et aussi amortir les pertes. Pour accomplir efficacement ses fonctions, l’économiste doit avoir une formation de base solide, comprendre les théories, questionner les éléments et apporter un jugement objectif. Sans compter que ce dernier doit avoir un réseau d’information fiable pour éviter des lacunes.

3. Quel est votre évaluation par rapport à la crise économique que Maurice fait face actuellement ?

Comme vous le savez, tout a commencé avec la crise financière qui s’est transformée en une crise économique affectant ainsi plusieurs secteurs clés. Ce chamboulement a provoqué une crise de confiance chez les investisseurs aussi bien que les consommateurs pour terminer par une crise de l’emploi.

Dans le cas de Maurice, une chose est sûre, c’est que le pays n’est pas encore en récession. Quand on parle de récession, techniquement cela veut dire qu’il y a eu une décroissance. Hors l’économie mauricienne n’a enregistré aucune croissance négative. Mais plusieurs secteurs commencent à sentir les effets de cette crise notamment le tourisme, le textile et l’habillement ainsi que les finances qui ont tous enregistré une baisse de croissance ces derniers mois. Le côté positif de la chose, c’est que Maurice ressent ces effets six mois après, ce qui l’offre suffisamment de temps pour revoir sa stratégie à travers le Stimulus package pour amortir les coups. Il est clair que Maurice ne sera pas épargné même si l’économie s’est beaucoup diversifiée durant ces dernières dix années. La raison est que l’état n’a pas diversifié le secteur de l’exportation qui est rivé principalement vers le marché européen.

4. Et qu’en est –il des mesures prises par la British American Investment ?

La British American Investment est l’une des compagnies mauriciennes qui a misé sur la diversification des marchés. La BAI a débuté dans les assurances dans les années 60, mais s’est développé dans le secteur du leasing capital et dans le domaine hospitalier avec l’hôpital Apollo qui a récemment ouvert ses portes. C’est entre autres ce qui rend la compagnie résiliente face à la crise. C’est une école de pensée que de revoir sa stratégie pour s’adapter à l’évolution de l’économie et ainsi minimiser les risques de pertes.

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•••Business profile

in the public sector – infrastructure. It is obvious that imperative measures should have been taken to improve the road congestion which cost a lot of money to the state every day. But these measures will only be beneficial in the long run while emphasis should be made on short term projects. Thus, I would strongly suggest that parastatal bodies change their approach and adjust accordingly their services to client’s demand. Furthermore, government should promote small and medium enterprises now as they will be a major asset in the near future.

6. Opinions differ when it comes to the

length of the crisis. What do you think?No economist can predict the duration of the

recession. Things will come back to normal only when banks start to lend money internationally and investors will invest massively again. Hopefully, no crisis is endless. There are some positive signs but no one can depend on them since at this very moment, everything is volatile. You can feel the continuous tension when it comes to changes likely to affect your confidence of the markets.

7. Lastly, do you think that Mauritius is enough marketed as golf destination worldwide?

According to me, Mauritius is not enough commercialized as a golf destination on the international market compared to other countries. It is a pity because we possess high quality golf courses which fulfill international norms. The golf sector will be affected by the crisis since most financial companies which usually sponsor international golf events are cutting costs. However, this situation will not hinder wealthy golfers - who lost some millions – from playing golf as it forms part of their lifestyle. The repeaters will continue to book. But it is important to market massively the destination during the crisis so that when good times are back, the sector will be able to recover quickly and harvest.

5. Que pensez-vous du Stimulus Package, selon vous quelles sont les autres mesures qui auraient du être entreprises?

D’abord, je pense que l’application du stimulus package aurait dû être entreprise bien avant – soit dès le début de la crise. Néanmoins c’est une bonne initiative de la part du gouvernement de mettre en place des mesures pour ralentir ces effets. Préserver l’emploi et augmenter la croissance de l’économie sont des moyens efficaces pour empêcher le pays d’entrer dans cette phase.

Cependant, je reste sceptique par rapport au fond injecté dans le secteur public plus précisément dans l’amélioration de l’infrastructure. De toute évidence, ces mesures auraient dû être prises pour améliorer la congestion routière qui coûte des milliards de roupies par année à l’Etat. De plus, la rénovation de l’infrastructure publique apporte des bénéfices à long terme alors que l’emphase devrait être mise sur des stratégies à court terme. Je suggère de revoir l’approche des corps paraétatiques afin que leurs services soient plus adaptés aux clients. Et aussi de promouvoir les petites et moyennes entreprises qui selon moi, seront un atout majeur lors de la relance.

6. Les avis sont divergés en ce qui concerne

la durée de cette crise. Qu’en pensez-vous ? Aucun économiste ne peut prédire la durée de

la récession. Les choses se rétabliront à mon avis, le jour où les banques seront assez confiantes pour prêter de l’argent aux compagnies internationales et les investisseurs recommenceront à investir massivement. Heureusement qu’aucune crise n’est éternelle. Il y a certes des signes positives, mais pas forcément fiable dans la mesure que tout est volatile; un jour ça va, le lendemain ça ne va plus. La tension est palpable face aux changements susceptible d’affecter la confiance.

7. Pour terminer, pensez-vous que Maurice est suffisamment vendu comme une destination golfique par les autorités concernées ?

Selon moi, Maurice n’est pas assez commercialisé comme destination golfique sur le marché mondial. Je trouve que c’est dommage puisque nous avons de magnifiques parcours qui répondent aux normes internationales. La crise économique affecte le secteur de golf pour la simple raison que les compagnies financières sont généralement celles qui sponsorisent les tournois. Mais cela n’empêchera pas aux golfeurs milliardaires, dépourvus de quelques millions de changer son style de vie et d’arrêter de jouer au golf. Les habitués continueront à venir. En cette période noire, il faut mettre les bouchées doubles, organiser des événements internationaux, entamer un marketing agressif afin que la relance soit aussi le temps des récoltes.

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Page 33: Swingtime 5th Issue

or the aspiration of a champion…Florence Luron

Sometimes, there are some lucky coincidences which lead to drastic changes in one’s life. Florence Luron experienced one of these fantastic coincidences ten years ago during a golf initiation session in Paris. Charmed, she was soon invaded by the passion of the sport. A few years later, she and her husband were embarked in an unknown venture in the business of golf. A wonderful adventure with its ups and downs but Florence has no regret in having chosen this path.

The Luron’s couple was introduced to golf through a good friend. Reluctant in the beginning, Florence Luron’s esteem for the game grew little by little and was soon hooked on the game. “We often say that trying is also adopting in French. And I think that this is what happened to me with golf” she said. Sporty and a very good challenger, she was however, quite stressed during her very first tournament. “My first competition which was held in the South of Paris was very stressful but my triumph quickly cut off all anxiety” she added. This was the beginning of a long and successful career in golf for the French lady golfer.

Since two years, the couple is settled in Mauritius with the aim of developing the business of golf. Emotions Golf Event set up and managed by the Luron family has built up a good reputation in the golf arena. “From online information through their official website to golf tuitions for children and adults passing through the management of golf events and competitions, my company intends to promote and democratize the game to the whole Mauritian population” she declared.

Le hasard fait parfois bien les choses et Florence Luron ne nous dira pas le contraire. En effet, c’est suite à une séance d’initiation au golf que Florence côtoie pour la première fois cet univers. Séduite, elle ne tarda pas à se laisser envahir par la passion de ce sport… Et se lance avec son époux dans le business du golf. Une belle aventure qui n’est pas prêt de s’arrêter…

Tout commença à Paris, lorsque le couple Luron découvre le golf au travers d’un ami, il y a plus de dix ans. Bien qu’un peu réticente au début, Florence Luron se laissa prendre au jeu au fil des mois avant de devenir une véritable accros. « Nous disons souvent qu’essayer c’est l’adopter et c’est ce qui s’est passé avec le golf pour moi » déclare-t-elle. Bien qu’ayant l’esprit de compétition, son premier tournoi ne fut pas de tout repos. « J’étais vraiment angoissée lors de ma première compétition dans la banlieue sud de Paris, mais la victoire ôta toutes les angoisses par la suite ». Un premier sacre mémorable pour la française qui prendra vite goût à se mesurer aux autres golfeuses.

Deux ans se sont écroulés depuis que le couple s’est installé à Maurice avec la ferme intention d’exploiter le marché du golf. Valeur du jour, la société Emotions Golf Events gérée par les Luron semble s’être fait une place dans le domaine à travers son site internet et les différentes compétitions organisées en collaboration avec la Ladies Golf Union au courant de l’année 2008 et 2009. « Le but de notre société, c’est avant tout de fournir les informations nécessaires sur le golf, promouvoir le sport auprès des enfants et des adultes en proposant des cours à des tarifs raisonnables, mais surtout développer une culture du golf à travers l’île. »

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•••Ladies’ Swing

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Even though Florence Luron spends most of her time organizing events, she also devotes some times to her favorite hobby – golf. In fact, she tries as much as she can to participate in all the national competitions reserved for ladies. Her big conquest remains the BMW Golf Cup 2008 in Argentina. Invited to participate in this outstanding event, she succeeded with all the honors to win the tournament. “I will always remember this victory. There were 48 participants, but I did not feel the pressure. It came like a wonderful surprise when I heard the news because not only I was confronted to strong opponents but the playing condition was tougher with the heat” she explained.

Aware that she will not be able to participate in this year’s international event once more, the champion lady hopes however, to participate in the next BMW Golf Cup edition in Mauritius… simply for the pleasure of playing…

Bien que Florence passe la majeure partie de son temps auprès de son époux au sein de leur société, elle prend également le temps de se faire plaisir en participant à diverses compétitions. Toutefois, sa plus belle conquête demeure celle à la BMW Golf Cup 2008 en Argentine. Invitée à participer à cette compétition d’envergure, elle s’imposa sans trop de difficulté dans la catégorie des dames. « C’est une victoire mémorable et inespérée. Nous étions 48 à concourir, mais à aucun moment, j’étais stressée. Cependant, j’ai été très surprise d’avoir décroché la palme puisque non seulement mes adversaires étaient les unes plus coriaces que les autres, mais les conditions surtout la chaleur n’était rendaient le tournoi ardu »

Florence Luron sait bien qu’elle ne pourra pas participer à la finale internationale une deuxième fois mais la championne espère quand même pouvoir prendre part à la prochaine édition de la BMW Golf Cup à Maurice, ne serait-ce que pour le plaisir...

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•••Ladies’ Swing

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Discover Mauritius•••

Sur la pointe de Plaine Champagne, on y découvre un trésor inestimable. Un écrin de verdure entouré d’une chaîne de montagnes qui regorge d’une flore et d’une faune, unique à Maurice. Situé sur les hauts plateaux, l’endroit vous enivre par sa fraîcheur et apaise votre âme par le bruit des cascades… Le chant des oiseaux est un appel à la liberté… Vue imprenable sur les plages dorées du Morne, Plaine Champagne est une invitation au visiteur de vivre une expérience différente de l’Ile, cela à travers les différents domaines qui s’y trouvent. Entre chasse et randonnée, la nature vous livre ses secrets. Le Domaine de Saint Denis nous a ouvert ses portes pour un détour au cœur de la nature sauvage…

Le tourisme vert ou l’Ecotourisme Longtemps connue pour sa mer turquoise et ses plages

dorées, l’île Maurice nous cache d’autres merveilles. En effet, l’île a également hérité d’une vaste forêt indigène peuplée de plusieurs espèces endémiques. Aujourd’hui protégée par les autorités, cette forêt continue à nous surprendre. Depuis quelques années, le tourisme vert a pris de l’ampleur et est devenu une activité très prisée chez les touristes aussi bien que les mauriciens en quête de sensation nouvelle.

Domaine de Saint DenisTirant son nom de la montagne de Saint Denis, le

domaine s’étale sur une superficie de 300he. Situé au sommet de cette montage, il offre une magnifique vue sur l’Océan et le petit village de Chamarel. Ce domaine familial s’adonne à l’élevage des cerfs de Java depuis plus d’une quinzaine d’année. Gérée par Lionel Merven, la propriété accueille plus de 250 visiteurs par semaine. Offrant une panoplie d’activités, les amoureux de la nature y trouveront le bonheur. Le domaine de Saint Denis compte aussi un restaurant qui a ouvert ses portes en 2002. Celui-ci fait la fierté de son propriétaire. Des menus succulents typiquement mauriciens préparés et servis par Jacqueline Dalais accompagné d’une généreuse carte des vins est un véritable festin culinaire pour les fins gourmets.

Par ailleurs, le domaine est le théâtre d’une expérience unique. Loin des tohu-bohus de la civilisation, nous devenons des spectateurs privilégiés de cette nature encore sauvage qui compte plus de 300 espèces d’arbres et d’animaux.

Ils sont : Le bois d’ébène, le bois de natte, l’arbre du voyageur et le bois de santal. Chez les animaux, il y a le Pigeon des marres, le colibri, le câteau vert, Kestrel et le Bengali entre autres.

At the peak of Plaine Champagne, one discovers an invaluable treasure. A green setting surrounded by a marvellous range of mountains populated with an exceptional flora and fauna unique on the island. Situated on the central plateau, the region is a real haven which gives you a breath of fresh air calming down your spirit with the flowing sound of the cascades. Birds’ song is a vibrant call for freedom. With unobstructed view of the sandy beaches of the Morne, Plaine Champagne is an invitation to experience a different facet of the island through the different arenas. May it be hunting or hiking, Mother Nature reveals its secrets. Le Domaine de Saint Denis opens its doors for a sweet roundabout trip at the heart of nature.

Green tourism or EcotourismWell-known for its turquoise ocean and his endless

white sand beaches, Mauritius hides other awesome sights. In fact, the island also inherited a vast indigenous tropical forest, abound with different endemic species. Protected by the Mauritian authorities, the tropical forest continues to surprise. Green tourism is gaining in popularity year by year among the tourists and Mauritians looking for novelty.

Domain of Saint DenisThe domain draws its name from the mountain of Saint

Denis which stretched over 300 hectares of land. Situated at the acme of the mountain, it offers a magnificent view of the west coast and the small village of Chamarel. The uncommon presence of Rusa Deers running throughout the domain in the entrance gives you a foretaste of your journey. Established 15 years ago, the family estate is devoted to deer breeding. Managed by Lionel Merven, the parkland welcomes more than 250 visitors per week. Offering a range of activities, nature lovers will not be deceived.

The Domain of Saint Denis includes also a restaurant which opened its doors in 2002 – a real pride for the owners. Delectable menus, all Mauritians prepared by Jacqueline Dalais, served with a munificent list of wines, is a real show for senses.

Furthermore, the domain is a theatre of exclusive experiences. Far from the jungle of civilisation, visitors become privileged audience infront of this extraordinary wildlife which counts more than 300 rare species. Among them are the Ebony Tree, sandalwood, Travellers Palm and Eland wood. There is also a large amount of birds and animals whereby some of them are in danger of extinction. The Bengali, Pink Pigeon, Cochonglier, Rusa Deer, Echo Parakeet, Hummingbird, kestrel and so forth.

Domain ofSaint Denis

At the heart of nature

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Discover Mauritius•••

La chasseConnue principalement comme une activité

économique, la chasse est devenue au fil des années un sport très apprécié par les mauriciens et les touristes à la recherche de sensation forte. Les gibiers autorisés à chasser sont entre autres, le cerf, le cochonglier (un mélange de cochon et de sanglier) et le lièvre. Célèbre pour sa chair tendre, le cerf est consommé par toutes les communautés alors que l’élevage du cerf contribue à diversification de la production conventionnelle de viande à Maurice. De juin à novembre, plusieurs parties de chasses sont organisées, auxquelles participent une cinquantaine de chiens courants et une trentaine de rabatteurs. Les cerfs sont originaires de Java. Ils ont été introduits à Maurice au 17ème siècle par le hollandais Van der Stel. Lâchés en pleine nature, ils ont depuis peuplé les forêts indigènes de Maurice. Grand et robuste, le cerf de Java se distingue par un large et puissant merrain et une corne possédant trois extrémités. Il peut atteindre le poids de 180 kg et les cornes allant jusqu’à 101 cm (record à Maurice).

Le Domaine de Saint Denis offre trois types de chasse notamment :

Chasse en battue - ce type de chasse dure • une demi-journée (juin à septembre)Chasse à l’approche – dure toute une journée • et ce jusqu’à la tombée de la nuit entrecoupée d’une pause de déjeuner. (juin à novembre)Chasse à l’affût – commence à partir de midi • pour terminer à la tombée de la nuit (juin à novembre).

A noter que les règles de chasse sont strictes et ceux qui désirent s’adonner à une partie de chasse doivent être détenteur d’un permis de chasse reconnu par les autorités mauriciennes. Les consignes et les normes de sécurité sont répétées avant chaque début de chasse. Par ailleurs, les amateurs sont encadrés par les chasseurs confirmés.

Le Domaine de Saint Denis propose également des ballades à pieds, en quads ou en 4x4 ainsi qu’un safari photo aux non chasseurs.

HuntingKnown mainly for its economic activity, hunting

has developed through the years into an esteemed sport for the tourists as well as the Mauritians in quest of new sensation. The authorised quarries are mainly deer, cochonglier (a mixture of wild boar and domestic pig) and hare. Famous for its tender flesh, the deer is consumed by the whole population while deer breeding contributes to the diversification of conventional meat production. From June to November; the authorised hunting period, numerous hunting games are organised whereby more than fifty foxhounds and a number of thirty beaters are gathered.

The Rusa Deer is native to Java Islands. It has been brought on the island during the 17th century by the dutch navigator Van Der Stel. One century later, Rusa Deer could be found on every part of the island. Big and strong, the Rusa Deer is characterised by its large and powerful shook and horns having three edges. It can weight up to 180 kg and its horns can go until 101 cm (Mauritian record).

The Domain of Saint Denis offers three types of hunting schedule:

Beat Hunt - half day hunting, allowed during • the month of June until September Deerstalking – half day until nightfall ( June • to November)Tracking - whole day hunting from 10 a.m. to • nightfall (June to November)

Note that the rules and regulations are strict and those who want participate in whatever hunting game should possess a valid hunting licence, recognised by the local authorities. Instructions and security norms are repeated before each game round. In addition, amateurs are surrounded by Professional hunters for guidance.

The Domain of Saint Denis proposes other activities else than hunting games. Some of them are Drive, photo safari, hiking, Quad Bike ride and ATV ride.

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Licenses delivered to golfers by the MGF

The dices are thrown and the wheel of change is on the move for the Mauritius Golf Federation. The committee elected last December has finalized a new strategy to be in compliance with the Mauritian sports law – Sports Act 2001. Presided by Dr Roy Chavrimootoo and the vice president Jean- François de Robillard, the new team does not want to depend on the exemption allowed by the ministry of Youth and Sports to operate.

Everything started with the official authorization of the former minister of Youth and Sports, Sylvio Tang to allow the Federation (chaired over in the past by Rajen Ramlakhan) to operate with only three golf clubs until December 2009. The new minister of Youth and Sports, Devanand Ritoo has reiterated the support of the ministry to the federation in his speech during the official launch of the MGF logo. “The Mauritius Golf Federation can rely on the financial support of the ministry as long as the committee continues to promote the sport around the island” he insisted.

Among the numerous changes that will be brought, the committee has planned out a list of priorities:

Deliver licenses to golfers (professionals and • amateur)Establish a national handicap system• Inform the golfers regularly about the different golf • activities in the calendarOrganized at least four national competitions • during the yearWork closely with golf clubs and Resorts around • the islandBuilt a golf school and Academy• Acquire a plot of land with the help of the • government for the construction of a public driving range

Like it is stipulated in the Sports Act 2001, democratization of a sport should go across regionalization. After a meeting with the Deputy Registrar of Association, in March, the committee has defined three regions in order to comply with section (1) (a) of the law. In practical terms, each region should have at least two golf clubs.


Des licences remises aux golfeurs par la MGF

Les dès sont jetés et la roue du changement est en marche. En effet, le nouveau comité, élu en décembre dernier a mis au point une nouvelle stratégie pour mettre la Fédération Mauricienne de Golf en conformité avec la loi du sport mauricien – le Sports Act 2001. L’équipe présidée par le Dr Roy Chavrimootoo et le vice président Jean-François de Robillard ne veut pas dépendre de la dérogation accorder par le ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports pour fonctionner.

Tout a commencé avec la permission officielle de l’ancien Ministre des Sports, Sylvio Tang accordée à la Fédération, alors présidée par Rajen Ramlakhan de marcher avec seulement trois clubs jusqu’en décembre 2009. Le même soutien devrait être accordé par le ministre des sports actuel, Devanand Ritoo. D’ailleurs, pendant son discours lors du lancement officiel du logo de la Fédération, il a souligné que ‘ La Mauritius Golf Federation peut compter sur le soutien financier de mon ministère tant que le comité continuera à travailler activement pour la démocratisation du golf’.

Dans le cadre de nombreux changements qui seront apportés, le comité de la fédération a défini une liste des priorités :

Délivrer des licences aux golfeurs • (professionnels et amateurs)Mettre en place un système d’handicap • nationalInformer les golfeurs des différentes activités • organisées par la fédérationOrganiser au moins quatre compétitions • pendant l’annéeTravailler étroitement avec les clubs et les Golf • resorts de l’IleBâtir une école de golf et son quartier général• Obtenir un terrain avec l’aide du gouvernement • pour la construction d’un driving range national

Ainsi, comme le stipule le Sports Act 2001, la démocratisation d’une discipline doit passer par le système de régionalisation. Et sur les conseils du Deputy Registrar of Association, à l’issue d’une réunion en mars dernier, le comité a défini trois régions pour être en accord avec la section (1) (a) de la loi. Concrètement, chaque région doit avoir au moins deux clubs de golf. Les deux clubs doivent élire quatre représentants en vue de l’assemblée générale. Pour terminer, chaque région doit nommer trois représentants pour l’assemblée

Mauritius GolfFederation

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Golfer’s paradise ••••••FocusThe two golf clubs should elect four representatives for the general assembly. After that, each region should select three representatives for the national assembly which will lead to the formation of the directing committee of the Federation.

The dividing up of regions will be as follows: Region A consists of the

Port Louis, Pamplemousses, Rivière du Rempart, Flacq, Moka and Beau Bassin/ Rose Hill

Region B comprises of the following districts: Quatre-Bornes, Vacoas-Phoenix and Curepipe.

Region C includes Rivière Noire, Savanne, Grand Port and Rodrigues.

Members of the Mauritius Golf Federation have been chosen to create clubs in these differenta areas:

Region A: Patrick Chui Wan Cheong, Dass Thomas and Patrick Li

Region B : Roy Chavrimootoo, Luc Bax and Jean-Francois de Robillard,

Region C: Yves Bellepeau, Ravin Chunivan and Angela Peer.

Note: Region C has already got a registered club on the name of Black River Golf Association; however, it will have to modify its appellation since the term Association is no longer authorized. Instead the term Union will be used. Golfers are thus invited to join the different clubs in their respective regions.

LicensesThe Mauritius Golf Federation is strongly supported by

golf directors around the island. For registration purposes, licenses will be delivered to golfers in return of an annual subscription of Rs1000 – which includes insurance. The golfers should apply with their present clubs. And for those who are not affiliated any club are requested to apply directly at the federation headquarters in Quatre Bornes.

nationale qui mènera vers la formation du comité directeur de la fédération.

La répartition des régions se fera comme suite : Région A comprend les districts de Port Louis,

Pamplemousses, Rivière du Rempart, Flacq, Moka et Beau Bassin/ Rose Hill

La région B comporte les districts suivant : Quatre-Bornes, Vacoas-Phoenix et Curepipe.

La région C compte Rivière Noire, Savanne, Grand Port et Rodrigues.

Les membres du comité de la Mauritius Golf Federation ont été choisis pour créer des clubs dans les trois différentes régions :

La région A : Patrick Chui Wan Cheong, Dass Thomas et Patrick Li

La région B : Roy Chavrimootoo, Luc Bax et

Jean-Francois de Robillard,La région C : Yves Bellepeau, Ravin Chunivan et Angela

Peer.A noter que la région C compte déjà un club enregistré,

la Black River Golf Association qui devra modifier son appellation, le terme ‘’Association’’ n’étant pas autorisé. C’est le terme ‘’Union’’ qui sera utilisé en remplacement. Les golfeurs sont invités à devenir membres des clubs de leurs régions respectives.

Les licencesLa Mauritius Golf Federation est grandement soutenue

par les Directeurs de Golfs de l’île. Les licences seront remises aux golfeurs contre une cotisation annuelle de Rs 1000 qui inclura une contribution à une assurance. Les golfeurs doivent en faire la demande auprès de leurs clubs actuels. Et s’ils ne sont pas affiliés à aucun club, ils sont priés de se rendre aux headquarters de la fédération à Quatre Bornes.

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Mauritius Golf Federation supports the Swingtime ADOPT-A-GOLFER programme

Swingtime Mauritius is proud to announce that the Mauritius Golf Federation will fully support the Swingtime Adopt-A-Golfer programme. In an official letter received on 14th August 2009, Roy Chavrimootoo, president of the Mauritius Golf Federation clearly stipulates the intension of the federation to act as a partner in the project for the growth of the sport of golf on the island.

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Benz & Partners

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Advertorial •••

Incorporated in June 1967, Air Mauritius started its operations modestly with a Piper-Navajo. The destiny of Air Mauritius is forged in the ambition of the Mauritian people who, since accession to independence, refused the perspective of isolation.

The first flights to the Sister-island of La Reunion favoured the taking off of a regional identity. From there, with the symbol of the Phaeton Rubicola, the legendary bird commonly called Paille-en-Queue; Air Mauritius has drawn new routes over the oceans to link continents. In this way a tradition was established; a tradition made up of the constant need to evolve towards renewed horizons.

40 years later, the national carrier of Mauritius flies direct to several European, Asian, African and Regional destinations – more than 25. The company is also proud of its young fleet which is composed of mainly Airbus aircraft – A340 - 300’s, A319-100’s, two new A340-300E and A330-200 as well. For the island destinations – Rodrigues and Reunion – ATR72-500 aircraft are operated.

Features About a decade back, Air Mauritius was also

approved as a JAR (Joint Aviation Requirements) 145 Maintenance Organisation by the French Direction Generale de L’Aviation Civile (DGAC). Since May 2004, Air Mauritius was approved as a Part 145 Maintenance Organisation by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This approval allows Air Mauritius to provide Aircraft and Aircraft Components maintenance services to European Aircraft Operators and other airlines operators which require a Part 145 Certificate of Release to Service.

Safety and security have always been at the heart of the company’s operations and the company has successfully been through the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA). This IOSA Certificate is one of the pre-requisites for IATA membership and enables

all carriers to have a common agreed standard for operational safety in the global air transport industry.

The Mauritian carrier acts as an ambassador for the country and in so doing reveals and pays tribute to the island and its people. Those who fly Air Mauritius realise that multiple elements on board celebrate “L’Esprit de l’Ile Maurice”, the Soul of Mauritius. The new cabin configuration is in line with this approach and the rationale is to make the passenger’s in-flight experience a unique one in that the moment he steps on board, he feels he is already in Mauritius.

An island in the Sky; the conceptThe concept developed is that of ‘An Island in the

Sky’ where emphasis has been laid on the island’s exceptionally beautiful natural scenery and rich and vibrant marine resources. This has been concretely depicted in the design of the new cabins where there is the omnipresence of the lagoon and the ocean, the green of the palm trees and the sugar cane fields, the colourful and rich ocean, the amazingly striking flowers, the unique colours of the Seven Coloured Earths, to illustrate a few cases. The same concept is now being applied to different promotional and product items – the website as you will surely have noticed, Cabin Crew uniforms, promotional give aways, booth design at fairs, to mention but a few.

Besides being the main player for transport of passengers, Air Mauritius is also a key player in the field of Cargo where about 36,000 tons are carried yearly. In the perspective of increased transit activities, the company has also invested significantly in cargo storage capacities.

Air Mauritius contributes actively to the economic development of Mauritius. It is currently investing in order to reach the target which has been set by the Government of Mauritius of 2 million tourists by 2015.

As a public company listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, the company encourages open communication with all stakeholders with the view to sustain a win-win situation. Air Mauritius carries out its operations with high integrity and transparency and has developed responsible corporate policies which reflect best practice in governance and operating standards, comparable internationally.

Air Mauritius:The Mauritian ambassador

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International Business Hotel, Four Points by Sheraton Opens at Ebène

First business hotel managed by Four Points by Sheraton just opened at cyber city, Ebène. With its 108 rooms and high-class facilities, this hotel is poised to become a social and professional hub for businessmen.

Complex General Manager of Four Points by Sheraton says that the new hotel is targeting tourists from European and neighbouring countries like Réunion Island, Madagascar, South Africa and Seychelles Islands. Ebène Cybercity Hotel is the owner of the hotel. Its shareholding is equally shared by five companies which own 20% of shares each. They are SKC Holdings; Nundan Gopee Ltd; Soodursun Ltd, MD Investments Ltd and la Société Civile Ashiva.

After the opening of this hotel, the promoters are planning to launch the second development phase which will require investment of the tune of Rs 250 and Rs 300 million.

Economic Growth forecasted at 2.5% for 2009

On the basis of information gathered on key sectors of the economy, and measures announced in the additional stimulus package and the last budget, the 2.5% growth forecasted in March 2009 is maintained for the current year, said National Accounts Estimates released on June 30, 2008.

The main assumptions used for the forecast are based on a sugar cane production of 480,000 tonnes compared to 3.7% in 2008 when sugar production was 452,062 tonnes; a growth of 5% of other agricultural products compared to 7.4% in 2008; and Manufacturing industries growing by around 0.9% compared to 3.2% in 2008.

Other sectors like construction are to grow at a lower rate of 2.0% as opposed to 11.1% in 2008. « Public sector investment projects as announced in the additional stimulus package and the last budget will offset to some extent the negative growth expected in the private sector » said National Accounts.

Based on tourist arrivals for the first quarter of2009, the sector is expected to register a decline of 8.8%. Tourist arrivals are expected to be around 835,000 lower than the 930,456 arrivals in 2008, while tourist earnings would be R 38,173 million compared to R 41,213 million in 2008.

Biz bits•••

Croissance économique de 2,5 % en 2009

Sur la base d’informations précises compilées sur les principaux secteurs économiques et des mesures annoncées dans l’Additional Stimulus Package et dans le dernier budget, le Central Statistical Office souligne que la croissance économique est estimée à 2,5 % pour l’année en cours, indique le Central Statistical Office (CSO) dans les derniers comptes nationaux rendus public le 30 juin dernier. Le CSO s’appuie sur un certain nombre d’hypothèses pour avancer ce taux de croissance : une production sucrière de 480,000 tonnes métriques en 2009 contre 452,000 tonnes en 2007; une croissance de 5% pour d’autres produits agricoles par rapport à celle de 7,4% en 2008; et une croissance du secteur manufacturier d’environ 0,9% par rapport à 3,2% en 2008.

D’autres secteurs comme celui de la construction va croître à un faible taux de 2% contre 11,1% en 2008. « Les projets d’investissement public annoncés dans l’Additional Stimulus Package et dans le dernier budget vont compenser la croissance négative enregistrée dans l’investissement du secteur privé » souligne le CSO.

Sur la base des arrivées touristiques pour le premier trimestre 2009, les comptes nationaux du CSO souligne que ce secteur est appelé à enregistrer une baisse de croissance de 8,8%. Les arrivées tourneront autour de 835,000, une baisse par rapport à celles de 2008 quand elles étaient de 939,456. Les recettes touristiques devraient s’élever à Rs 38,1 milliards contre Rs 41,2 milliards en 2008.


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Mauritius Land Based Oceanic Park Opens to Private Shareholding

Mauritius Land-Based Oceanic Park Ltd (MLOPL), set up to implement an eco-park at Flic-en-Flac, is looking for private sector entities as shareholders.

Mauritius Land-Based Oceanic Park Ltd said that its strategic partners are State Investment Corporation, Sugar Investment Trust and the Development Bank of Mauritius. The park will be erected for the pumping of 1,000 m deep water and the hosting of a number of high value water-based services which could include cold seawater air conditioning ( SWAC) for the Green It industry, wellness and other activities as well as premium bottled mineral water, cosmetics and bio-medical products. Based on demand estimates from a market research exercise carried by Board of Investment, which is the apex investment promotion agency of the Government of Mauritius, it is expected that there is immediate demand for a Green IT infrastructure development on the park and sustained growth in that sector in the coming years.

Forecasts for this project shows a financial viable project providing good return on investment.

Mauritius Land Based Oceanic Park s’ouvre aux actionnaires privés

Mauritius Land-Based Oceanic Park, mise en place pour lancer un parc océanique à Flic-en-Flac, recherche des investisseurs privés. Le parc sera construit pour le pompage d’eau sous-marine à 1 000 mètres de profondeur et abritera un certain nombre d’activités liées à l’aquaculture. L’eau ainsi dessalée pourra aussi être utilisée pour la climatisation hôtels, l’aquaculture, l’embouteillage d’eau minérale, des soins médicaux, la thalassothérapie, la pharmaceutique et la cosmétique.

Selon une étude de marché réalisée par le Board of Investment sur la demande pour les différents produits relatifs à Land-Based Oceanic Industry, il est établi qu’il existe une demande réelle pour un développement d’une infrastructure technologie verte autour du parc et d’une croissance soutenue pour ce secteur d’activité dans les années à venir. Les estimations liées à ce projet montrent qu’il l’est financièrement, dégageant un bon retour sur les investissements.

Mauritius Land-Based Oceanic Park Ltd(MLOPL) a comme partenaires stratégiques la State Investment Corporation, le Sugar Investment Trust et la Development Bank of Maurtius.

Premier hôtel d’affaires international «Four Points by Sheraton » s’installe à Maurice

Le premier hôtel d’affaires international géré par la chaîne internationale Starwood Hotels & Resorts-Four Points Sheraton, vient d’ouvrir ses portes à la cybercité d’Ebène. Cet hôtel , avec ses 108 chambres et autres facilités qu’on retrouve dans un établissement de cette classe, ambitionne de devenir un lieu incontournable de rencontres sociales et professionnelles.

Selon Chris Newman, Complex General Manager des chaînes Mauritius Hotels, Starwood Hotels & Resort et Four Points by Sheraton, le nouvel hôtel ciblera une clientèle essentiellement européenne. Mais aussi celles des pays de la région comme la Réunion, Madagascar, l’Afrique du sud et les Seychelles.

C’est la compagnie Ebène Cybercity Hotel qui est propriétaire de Four Points By Sheraton. L’actionnariat est réparti entre cinq compagnies qui détiennent chacune 20%. Elles sont SKC Holdings, Nundun Gopee Ltd, Soodursun Ltd, MD Investments Ltd et la Société Civile Ashviva. A peine opérationnel, les promoteurs envisagent de lancer la deuxième phase de développement qui devrait nécessiter entre Rs 250 et Rs 300 millions d’investissement.

Biz bits •••

Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, G.C.S.K F.R.C.PPrime Minister of Mauritius

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Golf Dodo Junior Open 2009

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Dodo Junior open •••

Christopher Ng Cheng Hin and Frédéric de Chazal won

“Give young golfers the chance to improve…”. This is one of the objectives of the Mauritius Golf Federation for this year. The Junior Open, first tournament organized by the new committee on 3rd May 2009 at the Dodo Club set the tone for new season’s calendar which promises to be more interesting than the preeceding years. The winners of the tournament are Christopher Ng Cheng Hin (6-11 years) and Frédéric de Chazal (12-16 years).

In fact, the national competition was a big success with 72 participants enrolled from different clubs. The formula used was Stableford over 9 holes for the category 6-11 years in the morning and over 18 holes for the juniors in the afternoon. The aim of the competition was two folded: bring together the golf family through the youngsters and also categorize the young talented golfers “We want to create a school of young golfers for the future. The competition was an opportunity to spot the children who played golf from 6-11 years of age and subsequently form a national team. The coach will then be able to follow adequately the performance of the golfers and give then a handicap” said Jean-François de Robillard, Dodo club’s captain and vice president of the Federation.

According to Roy Chavrimootoo, president of the Mauritius Golf Federation, “We are only at the beginning of the journey”. Determined to enhance the image of the Federation among the golfers, the new president shouldered by his team has

Christopher Ng Cheng Hin et Frédéric de Chazal s’imposent

“Donner la chance aux plus jeunes de s’améliorer”, c’est dans cette optique que la Fédération Mauricienne de Golf a voulu commencé ses activités pour la saison 2009. Cela en organisant le premier Junior Open le dimanche 3 mai dernier sur le green du Dodo Club à Curepipe. La première place est revenue à Christopher Ng Cheng Hin dans la catégorie de 6-11 ans alors que Frédéric de Chazal s’est imposé chez les 12-16 ans.

Cet événement national a attiré plus de 72 participants de différents clubs à travers l’île. Joué selon la formule stableford sur 9 trous pour les 6-11 ans le matin et sur 18 trous pour les juniors

dans l’après midi, la compétition avait pour but de ‘catégoriser’ les jeunes golfeurs en herbe. « Nous voulons créer une pépinière de jeunes golfeurs pour l’avenir. Nous avons ciblé les jeunes de 6-11 ans afin de déterminer le nombre de pratiquants

dans cette tranche d’âge. Ainsi, nous allons les voir évoluer pour ensuite leur accorder

un handicap et les former » confie le golf captain du Dodo Club et vice- président de la Fédération, Jean-François de

Robillard. ‘Ce n’est qu’un début’, nous dira Roy

Chavrimootoo, le nouveau président de la Fédération mauricienne de Golf. En effet, déterminé à donner une nouvelle image au golf mauricien, le nouvel homme fort de

cette discipline entouré de son équipe a établi un calendrier étoffé à tous les

niveaux pour redynamiser le sport. « Je remercie les parents aussi

bien que les volontaires

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planned an extensive calendar for all the golfers for the 2009 season. “I ceased the opportunity to thank the parents and devoted volunteers who kindly accepted the invitation. The Federation needs their support to boost up things. This national competition is a Première and we will surely not stop here. We have focused on different short term and long term projects. We are negotiating with the Minister of Sports and Leisure for the construction of a national driving range”.

Winners:Christopher Ng Cheng Hin kicked his first winner

during the Junior Golf Open 2009. Aged 11, the little boy is only at the beginning of his career as a golfer. Attending the Royal College of Port Louis, he has largely dominated the competition whereby thirty youngsters between 6-11 years were participating. After the count, Christopher was announced as the winner of the game scoring 41 points. Dominique Baho and Gushil Nundoosing finished ex aequo with 34 points at the second place. Baho kept advantage as he scored 24 points against 19 from Gushil. “I started playing golf a few months back with my dad at the Gymkhana Club. I trained regularly - at least two times per week on Tuesdays and Sundays at the same place. I am so happy to have won my first trophy and I really hope that it is not the last. I thank my caddie Ajay Sweloll for his support, patience and precious advice during the competition.”

On the junior side, Frédéric de Chazal (handicap 8) came out first closely in front of Olaf Boullé (handicap 12). They both scored 57 points and the organizers had recourse to the countdown system to separate them. In fact, during the last 9 holes, the three golfers were on the same foot with 33 points. And Frédéric de Chazal had the last word as he succeeded a score of 32 against 36 from Boullé. Aymeric Boullé, the younger brother of Olaf took the third place with a score of 58.

For Frédéric de Chazal, this victory will be a forever remembrance. “I am very happy with my performance. I should admit that it is a total surprise for me. Golf is part of family tradition from generation to generation and I really love the sport even though I don’t participate to all the competitions. I thank my father and grand-father who helped me a lot to improve my game and I hope to win other trophies in the future”.

dévoués qui ont répondu présents à l’invitation. La Fédération a besoin de leur soutien pour faire bouger les choses. Cette compétition nationale est une première à Maurice, mais nous n’arrêterons pas là. Nous avons en vue plusieurs projets à court et à long termes. Nous sommes actuellement en pourparler avec plusieurs personnes notamment le ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports pour la construction d’une école de golf et aussi d’un ‘driving range’ ».

Les gagnants :Haut comme trois pommes, Christopher Ng

Cheng Hin a décroché sa première victoire lors du Golf Juniors Open 2009. Agé de 11 ans, le jeune homme n’en est qu’à ses débuts dans le domaine et ne compte pas s’arrêter en si bon chemin. Elève en Form I au collège Royal de Port Louis, Christopher Ng Cheng Hin a largement dominé la compétition du matin qui a réuni une trentaine de participants âgés de 6-11 ans. Au décompte des points, le vainqueur s’est imposé avec un score de 41. Alors que Dominique Baho et Gushil Nundoosing ont terminé deuxièmes ex equo avec 34 points – l’avantage revient cependant à Baho au score de (24 contre 19). « J’ai commencé à jouer au Golf quelques temps de cela, grâce à mon père. J’ai fait mes débuts sur le green de Gymkhana et je m’entraîne deux fois par semaine soit les mardis et dimanches dans le même club. Je suis heureux d’avoir reçu ce premier trophée et j’espère que ce n’est pas le dernier. Je remercie mon caddy Ajay Sewloll pour ses conseils et soutien lors de la compétition. »

Chez les juniors, la première place fut très disputé entre Frédéric de Chazal( handicap 8) et

Olaf Boullé ( handicap 12) qui ont eu le même nombre de coups, soit 57. Il a donc fallu avoir recours au règlement de count back pour les départager. Ainsi, sur les derniers 9 trous, les deux golfeurs étaient à égalité avec un score

de 33. Les organisateurs ont alors considéré les premiers 9 trous. Et c’est Frédéric de Chazal qui

a eu le dernier mot ayant réussi un score de 32 contre les 36 de Boullé. La troisième place est revenue à Aymeric, le petit frère d’Olaf Boullé, avec fait 58 coups.

Pour Frédéric de Chazal, c’est une victoire mémorable. « Je suis content de ma performance. Je dois avouer que je ne m’y attendais pas. Le golf est encré dans la famille depuis des générations et sincèrement j’adore le sport même si je n’arrive pas à participer à toutes les compétitions. Je remercie mon père et mon grand-père qui m’ont beaucoup appris et j’espère gagner d’autres trophées à l’avenir. »

Dodo Junior open •••

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••• Asian golf news

Australia’s Darren Beck completed a remarkable comeback by winning at the third play-off hole over India’s Gaganjeet Bhullar at the Brunei Open 2009 on Sunday 2nd August.

Beck, who had started his final round in tied-15th, six shots off the lead, fired a sparkling six-under-par 65 to force a three-way play-off with Bhullar and Thai veteran Boonchu Ruangkit after the pair returned with 13-under-par 271 total in regulation play. When Boonchu bogeyed his shot at the second play-off hole and Beck and Bhullar making pars each, it was down to the par-four ninth hole to decide the winner at the US$300,000 full field Asian Tour event.

The 32-year-old Australian sealed his career breakthrough on the Asian Tour when birdied from 10 feet as Bhullar could only par his shot. “I was sitting in the locker room and cooling off as I thought that there’ll be no way I could put myself in a play-off. It was very nerve-wreaking but it’s definitely great to make it to six-under and to win in the play-off!” said Beck.

About the Brunei Open 2009The Brunei Open is celebrating its fifth anniversary following its historic launch in 2005. The Championship is organised

by Brunei Tourism under the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources and the Ministry of Youth and Sports and will once again be staged at the award-winning The Empire Hotel and Country Club, Asia’s Ultimate Golf, Spa & Family Beach Resort which is a signature Jack Nicklaus course. The Brunei Open is sanctioned by the Asian Tour, which is the governing body for professional tournament golf in Asia and locally by the Brunei Darussalam Golf Association.


Leading final round scores271 - Darren Beck (AUS) 71-67-68-65, Boonchu Ruangkit (THA) 65-71-64-71, Gaganjeet Bhullar (IND) 67-71-64-69(Beck defeated Bhullar after the third play-off hole)272 - David Gleeson (AUS) 66-69-69-68273 - Juvic Pagunsan (PHI) 68-68-68-69, Lu Chien-soon (TPE) 65-71-67-70, Mardan Mamat (SIN) 65-71-67-70, Scott Barr (AUS) 66-67-69-71274 - Shaaban Hussin (MAS) 67-68-69-70, Thammanoon Srirot (THA) 74-65-67-68, Kodai Ichihara (JPN) 71-64-68-71, Jay Bayron (PHI) 69-65-67-73275 - Ted Oh (KOR) 64-70-68-73, C. Muniyappa (IND) 69-72-62-72276 - Jbe Kruger (RSA) 69-71-70-66, Piya Swangarunporn (THA) 68-71-68-69, Gavin Flint (AUS) 64-68-74-70277 - Wu Ashun (CHN) 69-69-72-67, Kwanchai Tannin (THA) 69-72-69-67, Anirban Lahiri (IND) 67-73-70-67, Siddikur (BAN) 68-69-70-70, Zhang Lian-Wei (CHN) 69-71-68-69, Mars Pucay (PHI) 69-68-71-69

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•••Coming event

MCB Mauritius PGA OpenUpcoming historical golf event held in Mauritius

soon. In fact, the most prestigious competition ever organized in Mauritius, the MCB Mauritius PGA Open will open the 2010 European Senior Tour from 8th to 13th December 2009 at Belle Mare Plage Resorts. A step forward to bring Mauritian golf in the limelight of international recognition…

In addition to the professionals from the European

Tours, 194 golf amateurs will be present. And according to the Constance Hotels Experience Group – organizer of Mauritius Golf Open for 15 years- one thousand tickets will be sold for the event, based on the undeniable success of the Mauritius Golf Open and that of the first tournament PGA accredited in Mauritius. “This is a global recognition for the Constance Belle Mare Plage, the logical culmination of 15 years of the Mauritius Open, a consecration. It represents a great opportunity for us to propagate the image of Mauritius as a golf destination worldwide and also with the accreditation as the most prestigious of the European Tour golf” said Patrice Binet-Décamps, Managing director of Constance group.

Charles Perring, Deputy Managing Director of the European Senior Tour traveled to Mauritius in order to sign the accreditation certificate – officially grant Constance Belle Mare Plage as organisor of the MCB Mauritius PGA Open. “The MCB Mauritius Golf Open is a real opportunity for the island and we

Maurice se prépare à accueillir un événement historique du monde golfique prochainement… En effet, le plus important tournoi jamais organisé à Maurice, le MCB Mauritius PGA Open qui se déroulera du 8 au13 décembre à Constance Belle Mare Plage donnera également le coup d’envoi du premier tournoi de l’année pour l’European Senior Tour 2010. Une étape prestigieuse pour le golf mauricien qui vaut son pesant d’or…

La machine est en marche et rien n’est laissé au hasard par le Groupe Constance Hotels Experience – principal organisateur du Mauritius Golf Open depuis 15 ans. Ainsi, outre les pros, le MCB Mauritius PGA Open accueillera également 194 amateurs. Les organisateurs estiment que plus d’un millier de billets d’avions seront vendus étant donné le succès du Mauritius Golf Open dans le passé et celui du premier tournoi accrédité PGA de l’Ile Maurice.

Selon le Managing Director du Groupe Constance, Patrice Binet-Décamps, « C’est une reconnaissance mondiale pour Constance Belle Mare Plage, l’aboutissement logique de 15 ans de Mauritius Open, une consécration, Cela nous offre l’opportunité de pouvoir diffuser l’image de Maurice comme destination golfique auprès d’un plus grand nombre de personnes et aussi avec comme accréditation celle de l’instance la plus prestigieuse du golf EUROPEAN TOUR »

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are happy to stay on this wonderful island on which so many have played the Mauritius Golf Open in 15 years » he praised.

International golf ‘Legends’ in MauritiusSenior Tour was not randomly chosen by the

organizers. According to the managing director of Constance Belle Mare Plage « we want to host the elite players who have built up a strong reputation in the sport and are ‘living legends’ of golf ».

Some of the golf celebrities who will play in Mauritius in December are:

Sam Torrance, Bernhard Langer, Greg Norman, Nick Faldo, Tom Watson, Ian Woosnam, Sandy Lyle, Edouardo Romereo, Constantino Rocca and Mark James or the French Watine Jerry, Marc-Anotine Farry

The GameThe European Senior Tour will consist of three

rounds on the 11th, 12th and 13th of December on the Legends golf course. It will be followed by the four days Constance Pro-Am competition at the Links golf course reserved for amateur players.

A l’occasion de cet événement, le Deputy Managing Director de l’European Senior Tour, Charles Perring a fait le déplacement à Maurice pour signer l’accréditation de Constance Belle Mare Plage comme organisateur du MCB Mauritius PGA Open. Il a déclaré que « le MCB Mauritius PGA Golf Open est une vraie initiative pour mettre l’île sur la mappemonde. Nous sommes heureux se séjourner sur cette merveilleuse île où tant de nos membres ont participé au Mauritius Golf Open depuis une quinzaine d’année. »

La crème mondiale à MauriceLe Senior Tour n’est pas un choix au hasard. En

effet, Constance Belle Mare Plage voulait selon le Managing Director, « être certain d’accueillir l’élite des golfeurs qui ont bâti une réputation de fer dans ce sport … ». Quelques noms des ‘légendes’ vivants qui assureront le spectacle en décembre sont notamment Sam Torrance, Bernhard Langer, Greg Norman, Nick Faldo, Tom Watson, Ian Woosnam, Sandy Lyle, Edouardo Romereo, Constantino Rocca et Mark James ou encore les Français Jerry Watine, Marc-Antoine Farry.


Le European Senior Tour se déroulera sur trois tours pour les professionnels sur le parcours du Legend à Belle Mare le 11,12 et 13 décembre 2009. Ils seront suivi par la compétition Constance Pro Am (destinée aux amateurs) qui s’étendra sur quatre jours sur le parcours du Links.

•••Coming event


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••• Finance

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) became the first bank in Mauritius to offer Islamic financial products. It was launched on Tuesday 5th May 2009 at Domaine les Pailles in the presence of the Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, Rundheer-singh Bheenick. HSBC Amanah is a banking service based entirely on the principles of Shariah (Islamic law). This financial product is only available by HSBC operating in the Global Business in Mauritius.

What does HSBC Amanah means? HSBC Amanah is, in fact, a division of the Islamic

financial services group HSBC, which was established in 1998 with the aim of making HSBC, the leading provider of financial services in the Islamic world. With over 300 professionals working for the division in the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe and the United States, HSBC Amanah is the largest staff of bankers offering Islamic financial services worldwide. With the launch of Islamic banking under the Amanah umbrella, HSBC Bank Mauritius is able to provide world class Shariah compliant products to Global Business clients combined with global expertise under the supervision of Shariah supervisors.

The HSBC Amanah offers two types of services namely ‘the Amanah Current Account’ and ‘Amanah Term Investment Account’ to muslims and non muslims.

La Hong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) est devenue la première banque à Maurice à proposer des produits financiers Islamiques. Cela s’est passé le mardi 5 mai 2009 au Domaine les Pailles en présence du gouverneur de la Banque de Maurice, Rundheer-singh Bheenick. Elle a donc lancé HSBC Amanah – un service bancaire basé entièrement sur les principes du Shariah (la loi islamique). Ce produit est proposé uniquement par l’agence de la HSBC opérant dans le Global Business à Maurice.

Que signifie HSBC Amanah ? Créée en 1998, la HSBC Amanah est un

département des services financiers islamiques du groupe HSBC et a pour objectif de faire de cette banque le premier fournisseur des services financiers islamiques à travers le monde. Cette division implantée au Moyen-Orient, en Asie-Pacifique, en Europe et aux Etats-Unis compte plus de 300 professionnels. Ainsi, HSBC Amanah composerait l’une des plus importantes équipes de banquiers proposant des services financiers islamiques au niveau mondial. HSBC Amanah offre deux types de services notamment Amanah Current Account et Amanah Term Investment Account aux musulmans aussi bien qu’au non-musulmans.

HSBC launches Amanah for Global Business

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Sandeep Uppal, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) de la HSBC de Maurice a souligné que, « Le groupe HSBC n’est pas un nouveau venu dans le domaine des services financiers Islamiques puisqu’il propose ces produits depuis 1994. De ce fait, nous sommes bien positionnés pour offrir des services financiers conformes à la Shariah ». Et d’ajouter « qu’il existe de nombreuses opportunités dans le secteur d’offshore puisque le nouveau service sera offert aux clients internationaux ».

La HSBC Amanah a l’appui de la Banque de Maurice. D’ailleurs, son gouverneur a pris l’engagement personnel de faire le maximum pour aider les licences mauriciennes à mettre en œuvre les opérations bancaires islamiques. « Les bons principes éthiques qui entourent la finance islamique représentent une alternative intéressante à des produits financiers conventionnels. » souligne Rundheer-singh Bheenick. Par ailleurs, il fera remarquer que « Maurice est prêt pour des opérations bancaires islamiques sur le plan juridique et réglementaire ».

Les produits Amanah :Amanah Current Acccount est en fait des comptes

aux frais réduits pour satisfaire les besoins de base des entreprises. Et cela tout en offrant la souplesse et la sécurité d’un compte courant régulier. Autre avantage de ce genre de compte est l’assurance que les fonds ne seront pas investis dans les avoirs qui ne sont pas conformes à la Shariah (entre autres le commerce de l’alcool, des armes et autres activités interdites par la religion musulmane.

Amanah Term Investment Account pour sa part est une solution de court à moyen terme pour des entreprises qui souhaitent obtenir des revenus à travers un contrat ‘ Murabaha’. Les fonds seront investis dans l’industrie des matières premières.

Note :A ce jour, Maurice compte trois institutions qui

offrent des produits islamiques aux professionnels et particuliers. Deux d’entre eux proposeront les produits islamiques dans les mois à venir…

La British American Insurance (BAI) proposera le ‘BAI Takaful’ ; la première police d’assurance basée sur les règlements de la loi islamique à Maurice.

La Mauritius Leasing Ltd offre ‘Ijarah’ ; un crédit-bail islamique où les biens sont achetés par la Mauritius Leasing et sont cédés aux clients à travers un contrat de location avec ou sans option d’achat.

La HSBC propose depuis quelques semaines déjà, à travers sa branche HSBC Amanah, des produits islamiques (compte d’investissement, courant entre autres) aux compagnies offshores.

Sandeep Uppal, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of HSBC Mauritius has pointed out that “HSBC is not a new comer in the field of Islamic financial services since it offers such product since 1994. Therefore, the bank is well-positioned to provide services compliant with Shariah to Global Business customers. There are great opportunities in the offshore sector as this new service will be offered to international clients”.

HSBC Amanah has the support of the Bank of Mauritius. The Governor has made a personal commitment to do everything to help Mauritian licensees to successfully implement the Islamic banking operations. “Good ethical principles underlying Islamic finance represent an attractive alternative to conventional financial products” Rundheer-singh Bheenick explained. According to him, “Mauritius is ready for islamic banking operation on the legal and regulatory environment.”

Products offeringsAmanah Current accounts are business accounts

for a reduced fee, meant to meet the basic needs of enterprises. While providing security and flexibility of a regular current account, this account also offers the assurance that funds will be invested in assets that do not conform to the Shariah (such as alcohol, weapons and other activities prohibited by Islam).

Amanah Term Investment Account, on the other hand, represents a short to medium term for companies seeking revenue through a ‘Murabaha’. The funds will be used for industrial raw materials.

Note: There are presently three institutions which

offer Islamic financial products to professionals and individuals in Mauritius. Two of them will launch their products soon.

The British American Insurance (BAI) proposes the ‘BAI Takuful’; first insurance policy based on Islamic rules in Mauritius.

The Mauritius Leasing Ltd offers Islamic credit whereby Mauritius Leasing buys properties and gives them away to clients through rent contract with or without purchasing options.

The HSBC launched a few weeks back, HSBC Amanah in Mauritius. The new branch offers Islamic financial products (current and Term Investment accounts etc) mainly to offshore companies.

Finance •••

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Toujours très fashion cet été 2009, les losanges du pull sans manche s’harmonisent parfaitement avec le polo, ici rose, mais il pourrait tout aussi bien être gris, blanc ou même noir comme la visière et le gant, tous les deux surlignés de ces petites figures géométriques dans les mêmes tons (Daily Sports).

Adoptez une allure sportive tout en affichant votre féminitié grâce aux jolies broderies du bermuda rappelant le motif discret du polo. Encore une fois, vous retrouverez les mêmes broderies et motifs sur la visière et le gant assortis (Daily Sports).

Ces photos nous ont été fournies par Emotions Golf Events représentant exclusif des marques de vêtements, MASTERS GOLF-FASHION, DAILY SPORTS et ROHNISCH, à l’île Maurice.

Golf Fashion

Golf fashion •••

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Golfer’s paradise•••


Cette fois, aucune chance de passer inaperçu:

ce pantalon bicolore, bien que très original

par définition, reste chic en noir et blanc, tons

toujours indémodables et smarts. Le polo,

bien que gris, affiche également une pointe de

fantaisie avec son zip, et ses ganses noires ainsi

que le M représentatif de la marque (Masters

Golf Fashion).

Golf Fashion

Golf fashion•••

Swingtime - Issue 5

Que vous soyez classique ou en recherche d’originalité, ces

ceintures combleront à coup sûr vos besoins (Masters Golf


Messieurs, osez la fantaisie discrète avec ce

pantalon à carreaux aux tons classiques à

base de beige, rouge et noir assorti au polo

dont les pattes aux épaules ne sont pas sans

rappeler la forme de la poche frontale (Masters

Folf Fashion).

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Fit round •••

Most golfers enjoy the feeling of being in communion with nature, walking in green spaces, breathing fresh air and being revitalized by sunlight. Unfortunately, to be exposed to the sun while playing nine or eighteen holes does not have only benefits. Indeed, the sun rays definitely cause long-term damages! The most important for golfers is to be aware of the risks they face and of the different ways to prevent it.

1. Dangers of the Sun

Golfers who expose themselves to the Sun without enough protection can experience some drawbacks such as sunstroke. This reaction is caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. The body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate and is no longer capable of sweating, making core temperature rise swiftly.

People who experiment sunstroke can be confused, aggressive and often suffer from headache. Their blood pressure may drop considerably from dehydration, leading to fainting or dizziness. The heart rate and respiration will increase; the skin will become red and will turn to a pale skin color as blood pressure will decrease.

Unhappily, the Sun can cause more serious injuries such as skin damages and cancer. Skin cancer is most closely associated with chronic inflammation of the skin which includes an overexposure to UV-radiation. There are a variety of different skin cancer symptoms, including changes in the skin that do not cicatrize, ulcer in the skin, discolored skin, and changes in existing moles.

2. How to prevent the risks?

In order to reduce the risks of heatstroke or skin cancer, golfers must observed precautions to avoid overheating and dehydration.

To start with, players should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB radiation before and during their golf game. The application of the cream should be renewed at least every two hours or every six holes. It’s important to notice that players need to apply sunscreen even on cloudy days!

Then, golfers should pay attention to their clothes and wear light, loose-fitting clothing that will allow perspiration to evaporate. Also, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your head and eyes from the sun.

Finally, players need to drink plenty of liquids to replace fluids lost from sweating, especially in hot weather. A good indicator to know if someone needs fluids is the color of urine; a dark yellow color indicates dehydration. Note that water is the most effective to replace lost fluids, not sports drinks!

La plupart des golfeurs aiment se sentir en communion avec la nature, marcher dans de grands espaces verts, respirer l’air frais et se nourrir de la lumière du soleil. Malheureusement, être exposé au soleil pendant neuf ou dix-huit trous n’a pas que des avantages. En effet, les rayons du soleil causent sans aucun doute des dommages à long terme! Le plus important pour les golfeurs est d’être conscient des risques auxquels ils sont exposés et des différentes façons de les prévenir.

1. Les dangers du soleil

Les golfeurs qui s’exposent au soleil, sans protection suffisante, peuvent expérimenter quelques désagréments tels que l’insolation. Le corps produit ou absorbe plus de chaleur qu’il ne peut en dissiper et n’est plus capable de transpirer, entraînant une augmentation rapide de la température du corps. Les gens qui sont victimes d’insolation peuvent être confus, agressifs et souffrent souvent de maux de tête. Leur tension artérielle chute considérablement à cause de la déshydratation, aboutissant à des évanouissements ou des étourdissements. La fréquence cardiaque augmente et la respiration s’accélère, la peau devient rouge puis pâlit à mesure que la pression artérielle diminue.

Cependant, le soleil peut causer des blessures plus graves telles que des imperfections de la peau et le cancer. Le cancer de la peau est associé à une inflammation chronique de celle-ci qui est dûe à une surexposition aux rayons UV. Il peut être détecté grâce à plusieurs symptômes, y compris les changements cutanés au niveau des cicatrices, les ulcères de la peau, la décoloration, et les altérations des grains de beauté.

2. Comment prévenir les risques?

Pour commencer, les joueurs doivent utiliser un écran solaire à large spectre qui bloque les UVA et les UVB, avant et au cours de leur partie de golf. L’application de la crème doit être renouvelée au moins toutes les deux heures ou tous les six trous. Il est important de noter que les joueurs se doivent d’appliquer un écran solaire même par temps nuageux! Ensuite, les golfeurs doivent prêter attention à leur tenue et porter des vêtements légers, amples qui permettent la transpiration de s’évaporer. De plus, il est recommandé de porter un chapeau à larges bords et des lunettes de soleil pour protéger la tête et les yeux du soleil.

Enfin, les joueurs doivent boire beaucoup de liquides pour remplacer les fluides perdus en transpirant. Un bon indicateur pour savoir si quelqu’un a besoin de fluides est la couleur de l’urine, une couleur jaune foncé indique la déshydratation. Notez que l’eau est plus efficace que les boissons énergétiques pour remplacer les liquides perdus !

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Watch out, the Sun is shining!

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••• Golf portrait

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Aged 54, Ramesh Seebaluck is imbued with great passion for golf. A privileged witness of the ascension of the One&Only Le Saint Géran, he has been employed as caddy master for more than 36 years. What a long road for this man who saw the edifice of the 5 stars Deluxe hotel in 1973. Intense moments sealed with wonderful meetings, among them, his encounter with Gary Player, the designer of the fabulous golf course of the hotel.

Coming from a middle class background, Ramesh started to work at a very young age to help his family. Life was hard at that time. At the age of 17, he worked as a hired hand in the golf construction site of the One&Only Le Saint Géran. Once the construction over, he received a proposal that would change the course of his life. “After the construction of the golf course, I was approached by the management to work for the hotel. Since I had the choice, I did not look around and opted to work as a caddy at the golf course. On 21st November 1975, I was officially employed as a caddy master” he related with emotions.

With his profession, Ramesh met an extended list of celebrities, from famous golfers to movie stars, “I have the chance to meet different stars who come on holidays at the hotels. During their stay, they enjoyed coming on the golf course for golf lessons or a short game” he underlined.

Like the two golf professionals, Ramesh also gives golf lessons to clients especially during peak season. “The golf course was before opened to Mauritians, now it is reserved solely to hotel customers. We welcome around one hundred visitors per year” he explained

Breezy and friendly, the caddy master is appreciated by his colleagues and regular visitors “ I have regularly come across adults whom I gave golf lessons years back when they were still young. I feel a lot of joy and satisfaction to notice that they have developed a real passion for the sport.”

In between the golf tuitions, Ramesh and his team are busy working on the three main yearly tournaments organized for the hotel guests. “Every year, the hotel organizes three big golf events namely the Easter Tournament, the Anniversary of the hotel and the End of Year Golf tournament. These competitions welcome more than fifty participants, all comprising of regular customers” he added.

A 54 ans, Ramesh Seebaluck a toujours le vent en pourpres. Témoin privilégié de l’ascension du One&Only Le Saint Géran, il compte plus de 36 ans de carrière en tant que caddy master. Que du chemin parcouru pour cet homme qui a vu s’ériger l’édifice de cet hôtel 5 étoiles Deluxe en 1973. Des moments intenses scellés par de merveilleuses rencontres donc celle avec Gary Player, le concepteur du fabuleux parcours de golf de l’hôtel entre autres.

Issu d’une famille modeste, Ramesh a fait ses débuts dans le monde du travail à un très jeune âge. A 17, il fut embauché comme ouvrier sur le chantier du One&Only Le Saint Géran pour la construction du parcours de golf. Une fois les travaux terminés, on lui fit une proposition qui changera le cours de sa vie. « Après la construction du parcours, on m’a demandé ce que je voulais faire comme travail au sein de l’hôtel. Sans hésitation, j’avais choisi d’être caddie sur le parcours. Et, le 21 novembre 1975, j’étais officiellement employé comme Caddie master » raconte-t-il avec émotion.

Le métier de caddie master a souvent amené Ramesh à faire des rencontres les unes plus palpitantes que les autres. De célèbres golfeurs aux vedettes de cinéma, de football et de la chanson, la liste est longue. « J’ai eu la chance de côtoyer plusieurs célébrités lors de leçons de golf. Bien souvent, lorsqu’ils reviennent, ils ne manquent pas de nous rendre une petite visite au golf club » souligne-t-il.

Tout comme les PRO golfeurs, Ramesh donne des leçons de golf à la demande. «Avant le golf du One&Only Le Saint Géran était ouvert aux Mauriciens, maintenant c’est réservé uniquement aux clients de l’hôtel. Nous accueillons environ une centaine de personnes par année » explique-t-il.

Bavard et jovial, Ramesh s’est fait une place dans le cœur des habitués. «Souvent je retrouve après quelques années des clients que j’avais donné des leçons lorsqu’ils étaient jeunes c’est une grande joie pour moi quand je constate qu’ils sont devenus des passionnés de golf »

Entre les cours, le caddie master et ses collègues préparent les trois tournois clés organisés pour les invités de l’hôtel. « Chaque année, nous organisons trois grandes compétitions à l’instar Easter Tournament, Anniversary of the hotel et le End of Year Golf Challenge. Ceux sont de grands événements où l’hôtel accueille plus d’une cinquantaine de participants tous des habitués » confie-t-il.

Ramesh Seebaluck:A living history

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•••Golf portrait

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Golfer’s paradise •••

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The third edition of the IAGTO FAM TRIP to Mauritius took place from 8 to 14 June 2009. Participants from all over the world, namely Europe, USA and Asia, played the six IAGTO 18-hole golf courses of Mauritius. Air Mauritius granted special offers to all participants and golf bags up to 15 kg free of charge. White Sand Tours, the leading and most active golf DMC in Mauritius, proudly greeted the visitors and provided them complimentary transfers throughout their trip. The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, Beachcomber Hotels, Veranda Hotels, Sun Resorts, Constance Hotels, Anahita The Resort and Four Seasons Resort were once again present as sponsors for this yearly event. The Welcome Cocktail was somehow different this year! It was held on O’Plezir, one of White Sand Tours’ catamarans. Participants enjoyed cocktails and live sega music during the sunset! After spending their first night at Beachcomber Paradis, they moved to the South coast to play golf at Le Chateau de Bel Ombre, and spent two nights at Le Telfair Golf and Spa Resort. The next tee off was on Le Touessrok Golf Course on Ile aux Cerfs and accommodation was offered by Le Touessrok Hotel, a 5-star+ property within Sun Resorts. Constance Hotels welcomed them for the last two nights to enjoy The Links Golf Course and The Legend Golf Course. The week ended with a prize giving ceremony and a farewell dinner at Constance Belle Mare Plage Hotel. Participants also had the pleasure to discover the new Four Seasons Golf Course – an Ernie Els signature course.

The Green Dodo Cup

The IAGTO FAM TRIP 2009 saw the birth of the GREEN DODO CUP. In view of making the fam trip more exciting and memorable, a “Fun Tournament” was introduced for the IAGTO golf tour operators coming from the different parts of the world. A lucky draw was carried out at the Welcome Cocktail to assign the teams of two for the BEST BALL COMPETITION.

The prize giving ceremony was held at Constance Belle Mare Plage Hotel at the farewell cocktail and dinner. The first winners were Robin Gent from Malaysia, and Richard Castka from Honk Kong, followed by Sandrine Von Muralt from Switzerland and Lena Rehn from Sweden. Mr. Rusty Koys from Slovakia and Dieter Weidenbach from Germany won the third prize.

One of the highlights of this event was the environment week, celebrated around the island. Tour operators were invited to plant a tree in the garden of their respective hotels to commemorate this occasion.

Tour operators’ corner

Richard Caskta, Hong Kong“Hotels and Golf Courses were excellent and

offered outstanding services better than that offered in Asia”

Mr Wohler, Germany “It was an opportunity for us to discover the

beautiful island. The high quality services provided at the hotel, the golf courses as well as White Sand Tours made our stay a memorable one”

News provided by White Sand Tours

The Golf Fam Trip:the gathering of worldwide tour operators

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SWINGTIME ADOPT-A-GOLFER Creatingopportunitiesforgolfers

Swingtime welcomes Billy Narraina, the Mauritian tour PRO in its team. Billy has been appointed as the Golf Director of Swingtime Magazine.

Experienced and motivated, he will have the responsibility of organizing local and international tournaments for golfers under the Swingtime banner. Billy will also help Swingtime team to promote the sport of golf in our magazine as well as the local press through various activities. Furthermore, it is important to note that Billy is fully sponsored by Swingtime Mauritius.

It is a fact that nowadays, it is extremely difficult for PRO golfers as well as talented young beginners to get sponsorships as companies are not always interested in producing the sport stars of the future.

Swingtime Magazine has at heart the improvement of the sport of Golf. In so doing, it has introduced the Swingtime Adopt –A-Golfer programme –an innovative plan to assist young golfers to realize their potential.

Swingtime Magazine is setting the new trend and incorporates the project in its Corporate Social Responsibility plan – designed for the young aspiring pro golfer to train without worries and only concentrate on improving his or her game.

A glance at Billy Narraina’s golfing career (Master Professional & Tour Pro PGTI)

Caddies Career1985: Mauritius Gymkhana Club Caddies and Staff1986, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, and 93: Talbot Cup Matchplay

Championships /Strokeplay ChampionshipsAmateur (National Level)

1987: British Airways & IBL Mauritius Open1989, 90, 91&95: Lufthansa&Maritim Open4 times winner and remained undeafeted in this event.1996, 97: Mixed Open

International1989.90: Maritim Golf Week:Timmendorfer Strand Hamburg1990: BMW Niederlassung Hamburg1992: Mercedes Open Golf club Bourbon Reunion Island

Professional2001&2005: National Championships2008: Afrasia Dodo Open2008: SKC Surat Open2008: Pro Am Mauritius Open Belle Mare Plage:Net Team

winner2009: Pro Am Mauritius Golf Federation&Tamarina:Team

WinnerParticipation in the following events

1988-2004: Reunion Open1988-2001: Madagascar Open1994: J&B African Classic –Kenya.1994: Nigeria Open-Abuga1999&2005: Kenya Open World Cup Qualifier1997:98, 99, 01- 07: Prequalifying Tour School2005, 2007-08 India

Work Experience:1992-2007: Employed as Golf Professional Trou Aux Biches

Hotel2009: Golf Director @ Swingtime Mtius Magazine

Countries where golf experienced:Seychelles, Reunion Island, Madagascar, South Africa, Kenya,

Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nigeria, France, Germany, U.K, Italy, Czech Republic, Belgium, Jamaica, India, Singapore and Malaysia.

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Finance Minister, Rama Sithanen presented an Action Plan for the next 18 months on May 22nd.Budget Speech 2009, the forth of the present government, follows the Additional Stimulus Package proposed on December 20, 2008 for shoring up economic performance. This six-month budget is the last to be presented within a fiscal year as the next one, to be read next November, will cover calendar year 2010. This Budget aims at achieving three objectives: protecting jobs, protecting people and preparing the country for an economic recovery.

In a context of severe global recession linked to world financial crisis which is negatively impacting on the country’s real economy, mainly on the textile and tourism sectors but also on SME’s, Rama Sithanen seeks to maintain a reasonable budgetary deficit which will be financially sustainable within a period of time. He says having taken the least difficult option at this particular juncture: limiting budgetary deficit and recurrent expenditure as far as possible but at the same time setting the stage for the future by investing massive in public infrastructures.

Budget 2009 forecasts economic growth at 2 to 2, 5 per cent for present calendar year .Budgetary deficit will reach 4, 8 per cent of GDP in December 2009 and 5 per cent in 2010. In case of world economic recovery in 2011, budgetary deficit will turn out to be 3,3 per cent of GDP.

The Action Plan makes provision for consolidation of local industries through investment

C’est un plan d’action pour les prochains 18 mois que le ministre des Finances, Rama Sithanen a présenté le 22 mai dernier. Ce budget 2009, le quatrième de ce mandat gouvernemental, fait suite à l’Additional Stimulus Package présenté en décembre 2008. Mais aussi le dernier proposé durant une année fiscale car le prochain, présenté en novembre prochain, couvrira l’année calendaire 2010. Cet exercice épouse 3 objectifs majeurs, soit la sauvegarde de l’emploi, la protection de la population et la préparation de la relance économique.

Dans un contexte de récession liée à la crise économique et financière mondiale qui influe négativement sur l’économie réelle du pays, plus particulièrement le textile mais aussi le tourisme et les PME, Rama Sithanen souhaite maintenir un taux de déficit budgétaire raisonnable et soutenable dans le temps. Il estime avoir fait le moins mauvais choix dans un tel contexte: limiter le déficit budgétaire et les dépenses courantes dans la mesure du possible tout en soutenant ceux qui en ont le plus besoin et en jetant les bases pour l’avenir par le biais d’un programme massif d’investissement dans l’infrastructure publique.

Le taux de croissance est estimé entre 2 à 2.5%. Ainsi le déficit budgétaire atteindra 4.8% du Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB) en décembre 2009 et 5% en 2010. Dans une éventuelle reprise de l’économie mondiale en 2011, le déficit budgétaire est prévu à 3.3% du PIB.

Budget 2009: Saving Jobs and Preparing for Recovery

Dr. R. Sithanen V.P.M, Minister Of Finance,First row from left to right: V.P.M X.L. Duval, D.P.M Dr. R. Beebeejaun, Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam G.C.S.K F.R.C.P Prime Minister of MauritiusSecond row from left to right: Ministers S. Faugoo, R. Valayden, V. Bunwaree, I. Seeburn, S. Bappoo, J.B. DavidThird row and beyond: Other Ministers and MPs

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Perspective •••

Le Plan d’Actions comprend également la consolidation de la performance des industries à travers l’investissement dans des entreprises viables mais qui sont devenues vulnérables par la crise, l’investissement dans la capacité des ressources humaines et aussi l’investissement pour améliorer l’infrastructure publique sur la plus grande échelle dans le pays jusqu’ici. Le Harbour Bridge et le Ring Road, l’Aéroport et le Port seront mis en chantier. Un budget de Rs 25 milliards est proposé pour financer les travaux d’infrastructure publique.

Pour dégager de nouvelles sources de revenus, Rama Sithanen fait appel aux banques et aux opérateurs téléphoniques, deux secteurs qui maintiennent un bon niveau de productivité malgré la crise. Le Special Levy sur les banques passe à 1% du chiffre d’affaires et 3,4% des profits. Ceux offrant un service téléphonie sont, eux, frappés d’une Solidary Levy, soit 5% sur les bénéfices et 1,5% sur le chiffre l’affaires.

Certes, ces Levies, selon le ministre, ne doivent pas être perçus comme une taxe sur la productivité mais beaucoup plus comme une solidarité nationale proactive. Il lance ainsi un appel pour une évaluation stricte de la solvabilité d’une entreprise avant la distribution de dividendes de façon à maintenir les réserves nécessaires à amortir les chocs qui pourraient intervenir dans les prochains dix-huit mois et éviter la suppression d’emploi.

Par ailleurs, la préservation de l’emploi demeure un dispositif budgétaire important. Un certain nombre de mesures phares y figurent. Dont la mise sur pied d’un nouveau fonds, le Saving Jobs and Recovery Fund(SJR) pour venir en aide aux entreprises financièrement viables mais qui sont menacées par les effets de la crise économique mondiale. SJR prend le relais du Manufacturing Adjustment and SME Development Fund et brasse plus large en termes de champ d’application et de politique d’intervention. Tous les secteurs d’activité et les entreprises de toutes les tailles sont concernés. La State Investment Corporation, le bras d’investissement du gouvernement, y sera impliquée pour racheter des actifs des compagnies fragilisées financièrement et qui sont en marque de liquidités.

Le ministre veut montrer que l’exemple vient d’en haut en prenant des mesures qui seront nécessairement bien accueillies par la population. Notamment en imposant certains sacrifices aux parlementaires ou conseillers, tels que la réduction du salaire mensuel des ministres, les frais de voyages à l’étranger, la suspension des entertainment allowance et le gel des honoraires des membres de conseils d’administration dans le secteur publique jusqu’à fin 2010.

Bref, un budget qu’il considère étant responsable et financièrement soutenable pour faire face aux défis de la récession.

in profitable industries, weakened today by effects of world economic recession; investments in human resources capacity and in public infrastructure. Harbour Bridge, ring road, airport and the port developments are among the main mega projects of public infrastructures to be launched shortly. Rama Sithanen has earmarked of budget of Rs 25 billions to finance public works.

To identify new revenue sources, Finance minister seeks financial assistance from banks and telephone operators, two sectors which have achieved high productivity growth despite world crisis. The Special Levy on commercial banks will be increased to 1% on turnover and 3, 4% on profits. Companies involved in telephony services will be called upon to pay a Solidarity Levy, either 5 % on profits or 1, 5 % on turnover. Minister Sithanen underlines in the budget speech that these levies should not perceived as a tax on productivity but more as a national solidarity move to help the most deprived people through Corporate Social Responsibilities’ programmes.

It goes without saying that saving of jobs remains a critical component in this budgetary exercise. A series of measures have been announced to meet this objective. Namely, the setting up of a Saving Jobs and Recovery Fund which will have a much broader scope, encompassing all sectors of the economy and enterprises of all sizes. It will support businesses in the services sector, tourism, domestic oriented and export oriented enterprises, including textiles, clothing, Seaford and SME’s. Investment arm of the government, State Investment Corporation will be given necessary financial resources to purchase assets from distressed companies to ease their liquidity. Rama Sithanen has earmarked a total of Rs 3, 5 billion to save jobs and prepare for recovery. In his Budget Speech, he invites corporate leaders to consider carefully all options to stay viable while keeping their employees in their jobs. He urges directors to carry out stringent solvency test before deciding on distribution of dividends as enterprises should build adequate reserves to cushion the shocks that come from unforeseen events during the next 18 months.

As good examples always come from the top, Minister Sithanen has taking appropriate measures which will necessarily be accepted by the population at large. Ministers, parliamentarians and advisors are being called upon to forgo certain benefits and privileges. Ministers’ salary will be reduced; entertainment allowances to advisors and Chairpersons suspended and payments to all board and committee members reduced as a gesture of national effort.

Rama Sithanen says Budget 2009 is poised to be responsible and financially sustainable to face economic and social challenges of this recession.

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Swing it!•••

1. Putting starts with a good set up as for any other shot. Stance should be comfortable and well balanced, allows the arms to hang freely from the body to promote a pendulum stroke. Ball should be in a forward half of the stance with the hands ahead of the ball. Remember that the line of play is important whether it is short or long straight putts follow the path (imagine a line from the hole to the ball) and your eyes should be directly over the starting line of the putt.

2. The first step is the aim and secondly the line of the putt (photo 6459). Then you set yourself to do the stroke. For short and middle distance putts, follow through straight down the line of play, stroke smoothly and accelerate through the ball with the pendulum style movement from the shoulders , arms and hands – the wrists stay passive throughout : exception for very long putts where you need some wrists action to create extra power to get the ball to the hole.

This is the area of the game which is probably the most individual. However, there are some reasonable guidelines which is important to become more consistent on the greens.

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Golfing tips and strategy


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Swing it! •••

Thought of the month...“ Putting is 45% of your score, do

accept to go for 2 putts mainly when you face long distance putts rather than being greedy and play 3 putts, which will surely affect your next drive. “

3. Like all other shots the putting stroke should follow a natural arc (foto 6460) especially for the long putts (inside-to-straight –to- inside) when aiming to the hole, as it is easier for short putts. Difficulties start when you have long distance putts as the hole looks very small and this can be daunting. In fact, to avoid 3 putts frequently, simply enlarge target and when aim ( foto 6460) imagine the 4 points of the compass ( N,S,E,W) around the hole about 1 foot away ( photo with the circle around the flag).

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Golfing tips and strategy


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Best wishes and regards for all the readers of ‘Swing Time Golf’ from Prof. Arjun Chakraborty – Indian Brahmin Vedic Astrologer. In the first of my predictive articles on top golfers and their expected performances, I dare to make some interesting predictions on Tiger Woods – the legend himself. Although, along with date and place of birth, the correct birth time is also a key information necessary to foresee one’s future precisely; I dare to read the future of the great Tiger Woods only based on his date and place of birth (birth time information being unavailable).

It is obvious that Tiger has some brilliant combinations in his chart which has made him the legend he is. But, looking at his current planetary positions, I must confess (reluctantly) that the remainder of 2009 does not look that promising to me at least as per his own standards.

Actually, due to some reasons beyond golf, Tiger may not be able to maintain the perfect level of concentration which one definitely needs and generally he possesses to finish off tournaments with glory. Of course, we can not forget that we are discussing about an all time great who has often turned things around with his amazing killer instinct in the past. Still, I dare to state that Tiger will not be satisfied with his own achievements especially during the 2nd half of 2009.

Apart from some expensive loss of concentration at decisive moments, the other thing that can bother Tiger is injury. He needs to be careful to avoid any injury which can affect his performance and cost him one or two valuable victories. I would like to specify that Tiger’s less than expected results will not particularly be due to extra-ordinary or superhuman performances by other leading golfers, but more due to his own unexpected mistakes or difficulties.

In the next issue I shall be more specific about some big tournaments of 2009 and also predict who the probable star performers are.

Have a great golfing month!


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Profile of astrologist

Prof. Arjun Chakraborty is an experienced Brahmin Vedic Astrologer from Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) located in Eastern India. He belongs to a religious Hindu Brahmin family. Prof. Chakraborty has been appreciated highly in various countries in Europe and also Egypt. He has been practicing regularly with clients from all over the world and has been invited to deliver lectures on Vedic Astrology in well known Gothenburg

and Lund Universities of Sweden , Vilnius University of Lithuania and various spiritual organizations in many countries. He is an unfashionable, low-profile

and friendly person who will be writing his interesting predictions on the prospects of top golfers in important forthcoming tournaments. He can

be contacted at [email protected] or 0091 9836492521 (mobile phone) for personal requirements also.

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Golfer’s paradise •••Local golf news •••

Ludovic Bax, the happy winner

Positive response from golfers for the two days Four Seasons Masters competition held at Anahita last May (week-end 16th-17th May). The competition played in eclectic format – taking the best score over two days to give golfers the best chance, was more than ever challenging with its fabulous prizes worth Rs 1 million.

The Saturday’s first tee-off was held in the rain however, feedback from the participants was that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were looking forward for the Sunday’s round to better their game on the holes that they had bad scores. On Saturday, Agathe Desvaux, had a wonderful round of 40 stableford points, leading the ladies category followed closely by Mrs. Goswamy by 37 points with an eagle on hole number 13. Ludovic Bax and Irfan Moorad were sharing the lead with 35 points in the men’s category.

Sunday’s round started at noon and the good weather brought better spirits among golfers to better their score. In fact, the final round was marked with the close and dramatic finish in the men’s category. Ludovic Bax was announced as the winner for both Gross and Net. After the heartbreaking count back system, Ismael Bahemia won 1st Net in front of Thierry Valet. In the ladies category, Agathe Devaux equalized with Ginger Delacretaz by 45 points. On count back, Agathe Devaux won the 1st Ladies Net. Odille Lim Fat was awarded 1st ladies Gross followed by Leslie Mclaughlin.

There was a lucky draw on Sunday at the cocktail reception organised by Four Seasons Golf Club Mauritius at Anahita – Ja Hillier, the winner received a one-year free golf membership at Four Seasons worth 3500 Euros. Nobody managed to tackle the hole-in-one and take with them the exclusive week-end in the Presidential Suite at Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita.

Roy Chavrimootoo, President of the Mauritius Golf Federation was present during the prize-giving ceremony and expressed his deep appreciation of the competition and thanked Four Seasons Golf Club Mauritius, Anahita for helping to promote Mauritius as a golf destination.

Ludovic Bax se taille la part du lion

Le Four Seasons Masters Competition favorablement accueilli par les golfeurs. Le tournoi qui s’est tenu en mai dernier (week-end 16-17) à Anahita s’est joué sur le format eclectic – le meilleur score sur deux jours donnant ainsi la chance aux joueurs de se rattraper le dernier jour du tournoi. Les organisateurs ont également voulu frapper un grand coup en offrant des prix s’élevant à un million de roupies au grand vainqueur de la compétition.

Bien que la pluie ait joué aux trouble-fêtes samedi lors du premier tee-off, cela n’a en rien découragé les golfeurs de donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Le sourire et la bonne humeur les ont accompagnés tout au long du parcours. Le tournoi de samedi se clôtura par la belle performance d’Agathe Desvaux chez les dames qui termina la partie avec un score de 40 points suivi de près par Madame Goswamy avec 37 points. Ludovic Bax et Irfan Mooraj se sont partagés le leadership avec 35 points chacun.

La dernière manche qui s’est tenue le lendemain (dimanche) est revenue mettre les pendules à l’heure – une occasion pour les golfeurs de se rattraper et d’améliorer leurs scores. Une finale très serrée chez les hommes. Mais c’est le jeune Ludovic Bax qui eut le dernier mot en remportant à la fois le Brut et le Net. Le dernier décompte donna raison à Ismael Bahemia qui remporta le premier Net devançant ainsi son adversaire Thierry Valet. Chez les dames, Agathe Desvaux et Ginger Delacretaz ont terminé à égalité avec 45 points. La première nommée cependant remporta le Net. Le Brut chez les dames fut remporté par Odille Lim Fat suivi de Leslie Mclaughlin.

Par ailleurs, un tirage au sort s’est tenu lors du Prize Giving Cocktail au Four Seasons Golf Club à Anahita. Ja Hillier fut l’heureux gagnant d’un an d’abonnement gratuit au Four Seasons (coût 3500 Euros).

Le Président du Mauritius Golf Federation, Roy Chavrimootoo, présent lors de la remise des prix a souligné son appréciation quant au déroulement de la compétition. Il en a profité pour remercier le club pour son dévouement à promouvoir Maurice comme une destination golfique.

Anahita Eclectic competition

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••• Tourism newsTourisme TV bientôt une réalité

Le Ministère du Tourisme a conclu un accord avec la Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) pour la création d’une chaîne de télévision numérique, dédiée au tourisme. La chaîne s’appelera Tourisme TV.

Tourisme TV sera diffusée dans les hôtels mais, la chaîne sera aussi accessible au public mauricien. Elle sera à la fois une vitrine et une plateforme pour les entreprises touristiques mauriciennes, conformément à l’esprit de démocratisation de l’économie.

“C’est un projet que je chéris depuis longtemps et qui arrive à maturité. Il est conforme à la volonté du gouvernement de faire de l’île Maurice tout entier participer au développement touristique”, insiste Xavier Luc Duval, le Vice Premier Ministre, Ministre du Tourisme, des Loisirs et des Communications Extérieures.

Les petites entreprises du tourisme ont en effet besoin de se faire connaître auprès des visiteurs. Les activités touristiques sont de plus en plus nombreuses et les visiteurs ne les connaissent pas toutes.

Ainsi, à travers des reportages et des publi-reportages, la chaîne brossera un tableau complet de toutes les activités touristiques disponibles à Maurice, depuis l’hôtellerie à la restauration jusqu’aux excursions en mer et dans la nature, en passant par l’animation, les loisirs, les sports (nautiques et terrestres), ou encore la remise en forme. Une étude de faisabilité du projet a déjà démarré, en collaboration avec la MBC. Dans un premier temps, une série de consultations est prévue avec les différents opérateurs de l’industrie touristique.

Tourism TV soon operational

The Ministry of Tourism came to an agreement with the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation regarding the setting up of a new television channel dedicated to tourism activities. The channel will be named Tourism TV.

Tourism TV will be broadcast not only in all hotels but will be accessible to the Mauritian public. This project goes in line with government plans to democratise the country’s economy and the role of the channel is mainly to act as a platform to all companies in the tourism sector.

“I am happy that one of the projects I cherish the most has finally been achieved. This goes in line with government’s goal to make the whole Mauritian population participate in the development of the tourist sector” insisted Xavier Luc Duval, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Leisure and External Communications. It is imperative that small enterprises are known by the visitors especially that there are more and more interesting activities which are not branded enough to foreigners.

In fact, through reports and interviews from hotels, restaurants to excursion, sports, leisure, spa and so forth, the channel will enable the viewers to have a complete idea of all the facets of the tourist sector available in Mauritius.

A case study with the collaboration of the national TV (MBC) has been undertaken to check the feasibility of the project. In so doing, a series of consultations have already been scheduled with different operators in the tourist industry.

World Cup 2010: CNN underlines the importance of Mauritius

In a special feature on FIFA World Cup 2010 on June 10, CNN mentioned the importance of Mauritius as far as accommodation is concerned. The CNN feature mentions the fact that football fans will be able to use Mauritius as a hub between June and July 2010. Mauritius has been included in the FIFA Accommodation Programme, securing hotel rooms for the World Cup 2010. The destination’s visibility has been strengthened worldwide.

The FIFA Accommodation Office (FAO), operated by Match Event Services in Johannesburg, approached the MTPA to facilitate the 2010 FIFA World Cup Mauritius Accommodation Initiative. More than 3 400 hotel rooms in Mauritius have been secured to accommodate the 15 000 to 20 000 fans expected to purchase rooms in Mauritius during this period. The whole operation can generate revenues up to Rs 1 billion for the destination.

World Cup 2010: CNN souligne l’importance de Maurice

La chaîne internationale CNN souligne l’importance de Maurice en tant que centre d’hébergement lors d’une émission spéciale sur la Coupe du Monde 2010. L’émission qui a été diffusée le 10 juin dernier faisait aussi mention que les nombreux fans de football qui feront le déplacement pourraient séjourner dans les nombreux hôtels de l’île entre Juin et Juillet 2010. Le comité organisateur, la FIFA a inclus Maurice sur le programme d’hébergement – réservant ainsi plusieurs chambres d’hôtels en avance.

La FIFA Accommodation Office (FAO), gérée par la compagnie Match Event Services basée à Johannesburg a entamé des pourparlers avec la MTPA afin de faciliter le programme de FIFA World Cup 2010 Mauritius Accommodation. Ainsi, plus de 3400 chambres d’hôtel ont déjà été réservées pour environ 15,000 à 20,000 supporters attendus durant cette période. Cette opération d’envergure qui prône notre île comme la destination idéale générera jusqu’à Rs 1 billion en terme de revenue.

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•••Mauritius v/s La Réunion

Maurinion Cup

Les mauriciennes dominent le tournoi…

Les représentantes de la Ladies Golfers Union se taillent la part belle lors du Maurinion Cup en s’imposant devant les Réunionnaises qui se sont déplacées pour l’occasion. La rencontre inter-îles organisée par l’Emotions Golf Events, qui s’est tenue du 1re au 3e mai dernier avait entre autres pour but de raffermir les liens entre les deux équipes.

Ainsi, des trois épreuves au programme, les Mauriciennes en ont remportées deux notamment celle de la formule 4 balles au Tamarina et la formule Greensome au Château de Bel Ombre respectivement. Bien que les Réunionnaises ont donné du fil à retordre, nos compatriotes avaient néanmoins une bonne longueur d’avance en entamant la dernière étape qui s’est déroulée sur le parcours du Paradis Hotel & Golf Spa. La bataille fut âpre, mais la tenacité des golfeuses réunionnaises n’a pu inverser la donne.

En tout cas, le rendez vous est pris prochainement à la Réunion pour le match retour.

Easy win of Mauritian lady golfers…

Outstanding performance of the Mauritian lady golfers during the Maurinion Cup held from 1st to 3rd May last. The competition took place in Mauritius whereby a team of lady golfers from Reunion Island played against members of the Ladies Golf Union from Mauritius. Organized by Emotions Golf Events, the objective of the inter-island tournament is mainly to consolidate relationships between the two parties. The tournament went on in a joyful and relaxed atmosphere.

The game culminated with the supremacy of the Mauritian golfers. They kept the pace all throughout and won two of the rounds scheduled to determine the winner. The tournament started with a formula 4 balls at Tamarina, proceeded with the Greensome formula at Le Château de Belle Ombre while the final round was held at Le Paradis Hotel & Golf Spa. A tough race for gold for the teams, however, the huge gap left by the Mauritian team made it difficult for Reunion golfers to catch up.

After the success of this very first tournament, organizers have decided to perpetuate this initiative and are planning a similar competition in Reunion Island soon.

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Pro corner•••

Aged 43, Vivian Armance has only one passion, his job. In the wonderful setting of the One&Only le Saint Géran Hotel, he handles the responsibility of PRO Golfer for the hotel. A career he embraces with humility and enthusiasm, though sometimes, it is very demanding. His long association with the hotel as well as his commitment with golf allowed him to come across many interesting people. Proud of his pathway, he shared with us his passion for this out of common profession.

Starting as a barmaid at the One&Only Le Saint Géran, Vivian Armance could not imagine at that time that one day he would be plunged in the golf’s world. His interest for the sport only came when he moved at the golf bar of the hotel. It was then the beginning of a long and beautiful love story for him. “I started playing at the age of 18. I always wanted to practice this sport which was at that time inaccessible. And when I was asked to give it a try, I did not look back and accept. I really do not regret my choice”.

Being with the hotel for more than 23 years, Vivian Armance grants his success to good luck. ‘I had the chance to meet the right people at the right time and at the right place’. The American academy Leadbetter was one of them. “I took advantage of Leadbetter academy which was based at that time at the One&Only Le Saint Géran. I was surrounded by Professional golfers and instructors. The academy was a very decisive phase in my career as a PRO. A very good experience at professional and personal level’’ he explained.

Ambitious, Vivian Armance aspired to become a real professional. He thus went to France to acquire a diploma to be able to practice his passion. Back on the island in 2000 with his certificate in hand, his career enjoyed a new boom. “After my studies, I was promoted as an instructor of golf at the One& Only Le saint Géran. I give tuitions mainly to clients of the hotel irrespective of their handicap. At the golf course, we welcome at least a hundred of players per year. There is another PRO working with me and it happens that we are overbooked especially during the peak season” he added.

A 43 ans, Vivian Armance ne vit que pour son métier. Dans le magnifique cadre du One&Only Le Saint Géran, il assure avec brio le poste de PRO golfeur. Un merveilleux métier parsemé de rencontres, les une plus palpitantes que les autres, néanmoins pas de tout repos. Son association avec l’hôtel ne date pas d’hier tout comme son attachement pour le golf. Fier de son parcours, il nous livre sa passion pour un métier hors du commun.

Employé à ses débuts comme barman au One& Only Le Saint Géran, son intérêt pour le golf prit naissance lorsqu’il fut muté au bar du parcours de golf de l’hôtel. Ce fut le début d’une longue et belle histoire d’amour pour lui. « J’ai fait mes premiers balbutiement dans le domaine à l’âge de 18 ans. J’ai toujours voulu jouer au golf et lorsqu’on m’a demandé si je voulais tenter l’aventure, je n’ai pas hésité une seule seconde. Je ne regrette pas mon choix » explique-t-il.

Comptant plus de 23 ans de service au sein de l’hôtel, Vivian Armance estime qu’il a eu beaucoup de chance de rencontrer les bonnes personnes ‘ at the right time and at the right place’. Ainsi, il a beaucoup profité de l’Academie américaine LeadBetter – qui était alors basé au One&Only Le Saint Géran pour améliorer sa performance. « L’Académie Lead Better a été une étape décisive dans ma carrière. J’ai travaillé quatre ans pour l’académie. J’ai énormément

a pro youcan count on...

Vivian Armance

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•••Pro corner

Even though the One&Only Le Saint Géran is the only workplace that Vivian has ever known, however, he had the chance to play in different golf courses in Mauritius and around the world. “Apart from local golf courses, I have played for fun in many countries namely Australia, Asia, Africa and some European countries” he added.

Regarding the situation of professional golfers in Mauritius, Vivian has a very critical view on the matter. He hopes that with the new Mauritius Golf Federation committee, the situation of PROs will get better and will have due recognition. “It is a fact that local PROs are not recognized like professional golfers abroad. I really hope that things will change for us in the future for the promotion of golf. Licenses provided by the Mauritius Golf Federation to PROs, is a step forward but the committee should not think that this is the end of it” he concluded.

appris au niveau professionnel mais aussi personnel en forgeant mon caractère » souligne le PRO.

Envoyé en France pour décrocher son diplôme de PRO, sa carrière prit un nouvel essor à son retour au pays. En 2000, sa licence de PRO en poche, il endossa le costume de moniteur au One&Only Le Saint Géran. « Je donne des cours à tous les niveaux aux clients de l’hôtel principalement. Nous accueillons une centaine de golfeurs par année. Bien que nous soyons à deux à assurer les cours, il nous arrive des fois d’être submerger de travail surtout en saison haute en été » confie-t-il.

Bien que le One& Only Le Saint Géran a été l’unique lieu de travail de Vivian, il a cependant côtoyé plusieurs autres parcours de golf à Maurice et ailleurs. «J’ai eu l’occasion de jouer sur plusieurs terrains de golf notamment en Australie, en Asie et en Afrique entre autres sans oublier ceux de Maurice» ajouta-t-il.

Très critique par rapport à la situation des pros à Maurice, Vivian espère que le nouveau comité de la Mauritius Golf Federation pensera aussi au professionnel. « Les PRO mauriciens ne sont pas aussi bien traités que ceux de l’étranger. C’est un fait. J’espère que les choses iront en s’améliorant pour nous les PRO. Les licences de PRO remises par la MGF est un pas en avant, mais après cela, il ne faut pas se reposer sur ses lauriers » conclut-il.

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1. Air Mauritius encountered recently some difficulties with the hedging and so forth. What are the measures that have been undertaken by the management to get back on its feet and enhance its image on the local and international market?

The hedging method is practiced by the majority of the aviation companies. It guarantees the price of fuel for a certain period of time and thus eliminates the volatility of this particular cost. No aviation companies could escape last year’s dilemma when the price of fuel undergone a major rise reaching up to USD$147 per barrel at the end of the first semester and within a short lapse of time experienced a significant fall attaining USD $33 per barrel. Note that Air Mauritius has used the hedging method for many years and reaped benefits out of it in the past.

The 2008/2009 financial year has been difficult and we have registered important losses. However, the hedging is not only the cause of our turmoil. In fact, the unprecedented international economic crisis has a negative impact on the travelling demand. Nevertheless, our positive operational results are positive clearly confirm that our fundamentals are solid. The situation could have been worst if we did not take any measures two years back (before the crisis). We have also launched a bi-class in business

class seats, a new fidelity programme, new uniforms, new brand and other projects such as e-ticket and so forth. Many contracts have been renegotiated and we have transformed an Airbus 340 order into an Airbus 330, including a brand new aircraft which will integrate the fleet next October.

2. The losses registered by the company darkened the picture. Air Mauritius has received government support to continue operations. Can you please tell us more about the support?

Many aviation companies called upon their shareholders to help them overcome the financial crisis that they have been facing in 2008/2009. It is important to note that all the aviation companies, which are members of the IATA (International Air Transport Association) have lost over USD$ 10.5 billion for the year 2008 and is expected to lose USD$ 9 billion in 2009. Air Mauritius has made a deficit of Euro 84 million, but I think it is important to go beyond these figures. The hedging has caused a deficit of Euro 100 million (out of which Euro 50 million was used to unlock the contacts in March 31st 2009). Thus, the company made a profit of Euro 16 million which represents a slight increase in its economic performance compared to the preceding financial year. The results of the first semester of

Air Mauritius is now at the parting of the ways. After a tumultuous year with the hedging problem combined with the international financial crisis, the management of the company has taken numerous measures to overcome this hectic situation..... From aggressive marketing to improvement of quality services, the national airline is preparing for the economic recovery to reap the benefits. Furthermore, the new chairman of Air Mauritius has been elected on the 22nd July 2009 during the Annual General Meeting. In the interview below, Manoj Ujoodha, CEO of Air Mauritius gives us a brief account of the situation. Interview


“The management has decided to fulfil its national

role effectively by preserving employment…”

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•••Let’s talk

the current financial year (April – June 2009) indicate that the company registered an operational profit of Euro 6.5 million compared to a deficit of Euro 14 million last years. Mauritian government will act as guarantee for the national airline company when it will borrow from international financial institutions. We are currently studying the different formulae to strengthen our balance sheet.

3. Facing the current crisis, employees fear for their jobs. Air Mauritius is not an exception, isn’t it?

Like most companies, we are facing hard times during

this economic crisis. But, the management has decided to fulfil its national role effectively by preserving employment. Thus, we have proposed a series of measures such as unpaid leaves and early retirement to the whole staffs. We are also preparing ourselves for the economic up-turn when all the competencies will be working at full capacity.

4. With the arrival of Eurofly and Corsair Fly airlines, Air Mauritius is facing with fierce competition and is bound to be of outstanding level and reliable to be in the race. What is your opinion?

We have one of the youngest fleet in Africa and we offer high quality services. We have also launched a new brand which brings us closer to Mauritian identity –

a major asset for our market positioning. Furthermore, we promote aggressively our brand and services worldwide and our priority for 2009 lies in increasing on competitiveness and quality services to our clients.

5. The number of airplane crashes keeps on increasing and passengers are more and more worried about their security on board. What have the company done to reinforce security measures?

The security of passengers and crew are the priority of priorities at Air Mauritius. We followed scrupulously all international and national benchmarks. We are certified IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) and EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency).

6. With the opening of air space and the forthcoming renovation of the airport. What are the different projects of Air Mauritius? Will there be any new purchase of air craft?

The opening of air space means more competitions in expanding markets. We have put our strategies into question and put into action reforms to survive. These reforms have been identified in the Mc Kinsey Study and gave rise to the Transformation Programme initiated more than two years ago. These initiatives are related to the fleet, the network, the product, the brand, services and a series of measures to improve the performance of the company.

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10th Edition of Trophée de Golf de la Communication et des Médias

French journalists and advertising agents honoured during the 10th edition of “ Trophée de Golf de la Communication et des Médias” held last May at the One&Only Le Saint Géran.

A group of 50 golfers from the media and communication field were invited to play on the nine holes golf course. Organised by Rio Grande Agency, a famous advertising company in Paris, France in collaboration with the 5 stars Deluxe mauritian hotel, the competition aims at regrouping the famous companies in a pleasant and entertaining atmosphere.

During this occasion, Dr Karl Mootoosamy, director of the MTPA met the whole delegation at One&Only Le Saint Géran.

The main sponsors are: Champagne Lanson, Lacoste, Radio Classique, Boutique Les Montres, Air Mauritius and Historic Marine with the participation of the MTPA.

L’équipe ‘Big Easy’ remporte le 7e tour C’est sur le magnifique green du Touessrok

golf Club à Ile Aux Cerfs que s’est déroulé le 7e tour de l’Emotions Ladies Cup le 18 juin dernier. 17 golfeuses ont répondu à l’appel pour défendre les couleurs de leurs équipes respectives lors de ce championnat. La compétition s’est déroulée dans une ambiance joyeuse sous le soleil radieux du cadre enchanteur de Ile aux Cerfs. L’équipe ‘ Big Easy’ d’Anahita mène la danse avec 107 points stableford devant les ‘ Butterflies 1’ du Gymkhana. La troisième place est revenue au quatuor ‘ Les Cailles’ du Links. A noter que la prochaine manche est prévue le 16 juillet prochain au Tamarina.

Big Easy Team won the 7th roundThe 7th round of the Emotions Ladies Cup was

held at the Touessrok Golf club last 18th of June. Seventeen lady golfers were present during this

competition to defend the colors of their respective teams. The tournament went on in a pleasant atmosphere in the wonderful setting of Ile aux Cerfs. Big Easy team from Anahita came out first with 107 stableford points in front of Butterflies 1 of Gymkhana. Les Cailles from the Links took the third place. The 8th round is scheduled for the 16

of July 2009 at Tamarina Golf course.


10e édition du Trophée de Golf de la Communication et des Médias

Des journalistes et agents de publicité français à l’honneur lors de la 10e édition du trophée de la Communication et des Médias. L’événement s’est tenu en mai dernier à l’hôtel One&Only Le Saint Géran.

Cinquante golfeurs issus du monde des médias et de la communication ont participé à ce tournoi sur le parcours de neuf trous. Organisée par la compagnie de publicité Rio Grande Agency à Paris, en collaboration avec le One&Only Le Saint Géran, la compétition vise à rassembler les différents acteurs de ce domaine dans un atmosphère convivial.

A l’occasion, le Dr Karl Mootoosamy, directeur de la MTPA a rencontré les différents participants dans le même hôtel.

Les principaux sponsors de l’événement étaient Champagne Lanson, Lacoste, Radio Classique, Boutique Les Montres, Air Mauritius et Historic Marine et bien évidemment la MTPA.

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Ranking of teams1. Big Easy (Anahita) – 107 points2. Butterflies 1 ( Gymkhana) -96 points3. Les Cailles ( Links)-93 points4. Pink Birdies (Legend) -84 points

5. Butterflies 2 ( Gymkhana) – 55 points6. Les vahinés ( Paradis) – 37 points7. Les Châtelaines ( Bel Ombre) – 22 points8. Perdrix ( Tamarina) -0 points9. Les Didines ( Dodo) – 0 points

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Golfer’s paradise ••••••News

Emotions Kids Cup Challenge accueille des nouveaux adhérents…

La 4e manche de l’Emotions Kids Cup Challenge s’est tenue le samedi 20 juin dernier sur le magnifique parcours de Four Seasons Golf Club à Anahita. La compétition semble avoir gagné en popularité. En effet, non seulement plus d’une cinquantaine d’enfants se sont enregistrés, mais il faut aussi noter la première participation des kids de l’Académie de Tee Off, qui se sont joints à l’événement. Ainsi Anahita est le premier 18 trous qui accueille les enfants. Neuf trous ont été aménagés (du 10 au 18) avec des départs avancés pour permettre aux jeunes golfeurs en herbe de jouer en toute aisance sur ce parcours de compétition. Les prétendants se sont débrouillés tant bien que mal, cela malgré la longueur des liaisons.

Emotion Kids Cup Challenge counts new comers

Four Season Golf Club hosted the 4th round of the Emotion Kids Cup Challenge on the 20th of June. A very interesting and challenging tournament whereby some of the kids

experienced their first game on an 18th holes golf course. More and m o r e popular the competition has attracted more than 50 young golfers and in spite of it, the kids of Tee Off A c a d e m y joined the group. In fact,

Anahita is the first 18 holes golf course where the children are playing - an unforgettable new experience for some of the children. The back 9 were thus shortened to unable the young golfers to play at ease.

Le golf mauricien présenté en Allemagne

Dans le cadre de la promotion de Maurice comme destination golfique, la MTPA d’Allemagne en étroite collaboration avec le Sun Resorts, Air Mauritius ainsi que le tour opérateur allemand Trauminselreisen a réuni 30 clients VIP pour une séance exclusive de golf. L’ événement qui avait pour thème Mauritius Gold Consumer Event s’est tenu le 16 juin dernier à Munich.

Ainsi, les invités ont eu l’occasion de tester le nouveau Vanden Berge Golf Academy – une académie d’entraînement de golf interne – avec les nouveaux équipements qui visent à améliorer votre jeu. La séance d’initiation s’est clôturée par un cocktail sous les couleurs mauriciennes.

Mauritian golf promoted in GermanyMTPA Germany attended a Mauritius golf

consumer event in Munich together with its partners Sun Resorts, Air Mauritius and the tour operator Trauminselreisen on June 16th. Thirty VIP clients were present for this event. The aim of the event is to promote Mauritius as an exclusive golf destination.

The clients had the chance to experience the new Vanden Berge Golf Academy, an indoor golf training academy with the newest technical equipment to improve one’s golf skills.After the training, the guests were invited to a Mauritian Theme evening at a beach restaurant.

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1. Kids of Tamarina A 3242. Kids of Tamarina B 2683. Kids du Paradis 2494. Kids du Dodo B 2415. Kids de Bel Ombre 233

6. Kids de Four Seasons A 1987. Kids du Dodo A 1828. Kids du Four Season B 1679. Kids de Tee Off A 6410. Kids de Tee Off B 58

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••• Golf contacts


Golf de RovaCourse: 18 holesAddress: PK 20RN4-Route de MajungaTelephone: (00.261) 20.22 011 90President: Théo T. Director: Yves Pichot

Golf de FoulpointeCourse: 9 holesArchitect: Paul DuponselAddress: Foulpointe B.P 208 TAmatave -501 Telephone: (00.261)20 57 220 00

Golf de MalazaCourse: 9 holesAddress: Route d’ArivonimamoP.K. 11- RN 1 – MalazaAmpitatafikaTelephone: (00.261)032 04 710 73Email: [email protected]

Golf de AntsirabeCourse: 9 holesLength: 2500 mAddress: BP 142 Antsirabe, MadagascarTelephone: (00 261) 32 11 177 27Email: [email protected]: Dominic Trumble


Four Seasons Golf Club at AnahitaCourse: 18 holesArchitect: Ernie ElsPar: 72Length: 6828 mBlack: 6 828 mBlue: 6 374mWhite: 6 106mGold: 5 588mRed: 4 971 mRecord: 69Address: Beau Champ, MauritiusTelephone: 230 402 3125Email: [email protected]: Marc AmelotClub car: compulsory

Constance Belle Mare Plage Links GolfCourse: 18 holesArchitects: Rodney Wright – Peter AllisPar: 71Blue Pro: 5 942mWhite: 5 557mYellow: 5 091mRed: 4 177mRecord: 64 Phil GoldingAddress: Poste de Flacq MauritiusTelephone: 230 402 2735Email: [email protected]: Dieter PraunClub car: compulsory

Constance Belle Mare Plage Legend GolfCourse: 18 holesArchitect: Hugh BaiocchiPar: 72Length:Blue(pro): 6 018mWhite: 5 649mYellow: 4 909mRed: 4 552mRecord: 62 Mike Mc LeanAddress: Poste de Flacq, MauritiusTelephone: 230 402 27 35Email: [email protected]: Dieter PraunClub car: compulsory

Golf du ChâteauCourse : 18 holesArchitect: Peter MatkovichPar 72Yellow ( Pro): 6 498mWhite: 6 119 mBlue: 5 737 mGreen: 5 214 mRed: 4 761 mRecord: 67Director: Steven ShearerClub car: compulsoryAddress: Domaine de Bel Ombre, MauritiusTelephone : 623 5600

Golf of GymkhanaCourse : 18 holesAddress : Suffolk Rd, VacoasTelephone: 696 1404

Indian Ocean Golf Course

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•••Golf contacts

Golf ParadisCourse: 18 holesArchitects: David Dutton (1992) and Tony Johnstone (2002)Par: 72White: 5 924mBlue: 5 619 mDorée (senior): 5 466mRed: 5 095mYellow: 4 780mDirector: Mario Desvaux de Marigny

Golf TouessrokCourse: 18 holesArchitect: Hugh BaiocchiPar : 72Director: David MarshAddress: Trou d’Eau Douce, MauritiusTelephone: 402 74 00

Tamarina GolfCourse: 18 holesArchitect: Rodney WrightPar: 72Black (Pro): 6 886 mBlue: 6 522 mWhite: 6 077 mRed: 5 624 mGreen (D): 5 178mDirector: O’Brian BarberClub Car: CompulsoryAddress: Tamarin Bay, Mauritius


Golf de YlangsCourse: 9 holesArchitect: C.A and PROPar 66Length: 4700 mRecord: -4Director: Jean-Philippe WelterAddress: Route du Golf97680, Combani


Golf Bassin BleuCourse: 18 holesPar: 72Length: 5985 mRecord: Phil RoweDirector: Stephane AndréClub Car: optional

Golf of BourbonCourse: 18 holesPar : 72Length: 6 476 mDirector: Pierre Emmanuel DreyfusClub Car : optionalAddress : 140 Avenue Michel Dubré -97427 l’Etang SaléGolf of ColoradoCourse : 9 holesPar 68Length: 4 176 m ( 18 holes)President: Gérard de SigoyerAddress: Parc de Loisirs du Colorado -97417 La Montagne


Golf LémuriaCourse: 18 holesArchitect: Rodney WrightPar: 70Blue( Pro): 5 580mWhite: 5 151 mYellow: 4 859 mRed: 4 253 mRecord: William Weidner -66 Director: Olivier MorioAddress: Anse Kerlan – Praslin

Seychelles Golf ClubPar 67Blue: 4 479 mRecord: William Weidner -59Director: Godfrey Andrade

Indian Ocean Golf Course

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Golfer’s paradise•••

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