swiss medtech ecosystem

Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Peter Vogel Chair for Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization College of Management Telephone: +41 (0)21 693 01 04 Email: [email protected]

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This presentation was part of a 2-day executive training I gave in Monterrey (Mexico) in collaboration with the Tecnologico de Monterrey and CAINTRA. The goal was to transfer insights of the Swiss MedTech Ecosystem to the area of Nuevo Leon to facilitate the creation of a MedTech ecosystem.


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Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Peter Vogel Chair for Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization

College of Management Telephone: +41 (0)21 693 01 04

Email: [email protected]

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013


Silicon Valley


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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Silicon Valley (~1961): Stanford University as nucleus; early collaboration with Hewlett-Packard

§  Boston (~1976): Similar role of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as Stanford had for Silicon Valley

§  Cambridge (~1983): University became active after some alumni had great success stories as entrepreneurs

§  Sophia Antipolis (~1991): Activity of established firms (Texas Instruments, IBM) with R&D units

§  Tel Aviv (~1992): Strong influence of military research & public support

§  Munich (~1993): Favored by public support, strong VC presence, research in science & engineering, established industrial firms

Sources: Bain (2001): High-Tech Standorte im Weltvergleich“

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Startup Ecosystem Project, 2012

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Startup Ecosystem Project, 2012

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

An interactive community within a geographic region, composed of

varied and inter-dependent actors (e.g. entrepreneurs, institutions and

organizations) and factors (e.g. markets, regulatory framework, support

setting, entrepreneurial culture), which evolves over time and whose

actors and factors coexist and interact to promote new venture creation.”

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

High-Tech Ecosystems are typically characterized by: §  Research excellence §  Technology transfer §  Availability of capital §  Qualified workforce §  Infrastructure

The formation of an ecosystem is a positive, reinforcing loop:

Success Stories

Importance of the location

Area attractive to talents


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The Swiss Ecosystem

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

„Switzerland, like many other industrialized countries, is facing big challenges in healthcare

(e.g., rapid increase of healthcare expenditures).“ J. Schneider-Ammann, Federal Councillor

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History of the Swiss MedTech Ecosystem

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Long tradition of watchmaking, machine industry and pharma

§  Expert knowledge in:

Ø Micro- and nanotechnology

Ø Precision mechanics and electro-mechanics

Ø Material sciences and surface treatment

§  Unique combination of biotechnology and medical engineering

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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MedTech & Medical Education in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Med Schools

50 km

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MedTech & Medical Education in Switzerland

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§  University Hospitals

50 km

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MedTech & Medical Education in Switzerland

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§  MedTech Education Programs

50 km

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MedTech & Medical Education in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  University Rankings - Europe



2. ETH Zurich

3. University of Cambridge

4. London School

5. University of Oxford

(Crown indicator - Europe) Shanghaï

(Eng./Tech. & Computer Science)

1. University of Cambridge


3. Imperial College, London

4. University of Manchester

5. ETH Zurich

THE (Eng. & Technology)

1. University of Cambridge

2. University of Oxford 3. ETH Zurich

4. Imperial College, London


QS (Eng. & Technology)

1. University of Cambridge

2. Imperial College, London

3. ETH Zurich

4. University of Oxford

5. Delft University of Tech.


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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Switzerland has a cultural weakness with respect

to entrepreneurship

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Entrepreneurial Culture in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – Google Data Explorer

§  Intention to Start Business in next 3 years (% of population: age 18-64)

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Entrepreneurial Culture in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – Google Data Explorer

§  Entrepreneurship as desirable career (% of population: age 18-64)

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Entrepreneurial Culture in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – Google Data Explorer

§  Fear of Failure (% of population: age 18-64)

Level of agreement to the statement: “Fear of failure would keep me from founding a company”.

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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Institutions Supporting Swiss Medical Technology

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MedTech Clusters in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source Map: SMTI Report, 2012

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§  Help in developing business plans §  Tax exemption §  Allowances for R&D §  Contributions for investments and technological training §  Setting-up of financial and business partnerships §  Work and residence permits §  Search for premises, terrains and technological parks §  Contacts with financial and VC institutions §  Access to networks §  Searches for housing, schools, services etc. §  Help for negotiations with the state §  Support in export activities


Cantonal Business Support in Switzerland

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Commission for Technology and Innovation

§  Mandate: Improve the innovative strength of Switzerland

Ø market-oriented R&D projects

Ø  foundation and development of start-ups

Ø knowledge and technology transfer

Source CTI

Basic research Applied research Product

development Market

SNSF Turns money into knowledge

CTI Turns knowledge into money

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Main activities of CTI

Source CTI

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

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§  CTI Entrepreneurship Training

Source CTI

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  CTI Startup Coaching

Source CTI

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  CTI Startup Coaching

Source CTI

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Funding Areas

Source CTI

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  MedTech Support

Ø  80 projects granted (46% acceptance rate) – 25 (220%)*

Ø  CTI project funding CHF 30.6 million – 7.3 million (319%)*

Ø  Matching funds from industry CHF 41.8 million – 10.4 million (302%)*

Ø  Total project funding (CTI & industry) CHF 72.4 million – 17.7 million*(309%)

Ø  For 1.0 CHF from CTI – 1.37 CHF matching funds from industry – 1.42 CHF*

Source CTI

* Corresponding data for last year, i.e., Sept 2010 – August 2011 () increase in & from last year

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CTI - Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  CTI MedTech Funding 1998 – 2011

Source CTI

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§  Technology Parks Switzerland


Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

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§  Technology Transfer


Entrepreneurial Support in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

University Tech Transfer Office Website EPFL EPFL TTO ETHZ ETH Transfer Uni Lugano Ticinotransfer Uni Basel Unitectra Uni Bern Unitectra Uni Fribourg TT Fribourg Uni Geneva unitec Uni Lausanne pactt Uni Neuchâtel TT Neuchatel Uni Zurich Unitectra

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§  Goal: Promote the attractiveness of the Swiss

business location with foreign decision makers.

§  Private company with headquarter in Zurich

§  Over 70 years of experience in helping Swiss SMEs to export

§  Funded mainly by public money

§  As of 2008, the OSEC also has investment promotion activities on

a federal level


OSEC - Support to Go Abroad and to Enter Switzerland

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Source: OSEC

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§  Current global locations of OSEC


OSEC - Support to Go Abroad and to Enter Switzerland

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Source: OSEC

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Swissnex – A worldwide network of knowledge outposts

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: Swissnex

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Swissnex – A worldwide network of knowledge outposts

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: Swissnex

§  Mission: connecting the world and Switzerland in science,

education, art and innovation

§  Locations: Bangalore, Boston, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore

– and soon Brazil

•  Organization: initiative of Switzerland’s State Secretariat for

Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)

•  Funding: 1/3 project funding through SERI, 2/3 through service

level/sponsorship agreements with third parties

•  Activities: Events, Mandates, Learning Expeditions, Visitors

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Swissnex – A worldwide network of knowledge outposts

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: Swissnex

Art, Design & Technology

Academia & Science


Social Media & Communications


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Swissnex – A worldwide network of knowledge outposts

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: Swissnex

Events •  Brain Computer Interfaces

•  Sustainable Cities

•  Design in Innovation

•  …and many more…

Learning “Expeditions

•  To Switzerland

•  To the USA

Visitors, EIR, Interns, Teams

•  US Market Entry Camp for Swiss Startups

•  Interns from Swiss Universities

•  Sabbaticals (media, academia)

Mandates •  Nestle Innovation


•  Social Media and Swiss Universities

•  CTI Start-up

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Swissnex – Examples of Services to MedTech

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: Swissnex

§  Startup CAMP is open to medtech companies.

§  Webinars are organized by Swissnex on US market entry

§  Events for medtech companies hosted or co-organized at Swissnex

> yearly events for Swiss startup InSphero

> events with partner incubators like Rockhealth and the Hive

§  Cross-disciplinary panel discussion and events showcasing Swiss

medtech are regularly organized

§  Nextrends, swissnexSF blog, is reporting on trends and innovation

which are relevant for medtech companies

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MedTech Design – Supporting Companies

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: Swiss MedTech Report 2012

§  The visual appearance of medical technologies is becoming more and

more important. Several Swiss organizations offer support.

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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Entrepreneurial Visibility in Switzerland

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§  CTI MedTech Event

Ø 27th August

§  World MedTech Forum Lucerne

Ø 17th-19th September


MedTech Visibility in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

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§  CTI MedTech Event

Ø 27th August

Ø First event: 2003 (178 participants)

Ø Last year’s event (>600 participants)

§  World MedTech Forum Lucerne

Ø 17th-19th September


MedTech Visibility in Switzerland

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Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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Entrepreneurial Networks in Switzerland

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MedTech & Medical Networks in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  MedTech Companies

50 km

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Entrepreneurial Financing in Switzerland

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Sources: Innogrant EPFL

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Entrepreneurial Financing in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Source: CTI

§  Public funding for education and research

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Venture Capital in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Swiss Venture Capital Report 2012

§  2012: 65 companies raised CHF 400 million in venture capital

(excluding growth capital from business angels)

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Venture Capital in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Swiss Venture Capital Report 2012

§  Invested money by industry (CHF million)

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Venture Capital in Switzerland

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: Swiss Venture Capital Report 2012

§  The largest MedTech / BioTech Investments in 2012

§  5 of the 10 largest VC investments in 2012

CHF 45 mio CHF 42 mio

CHF 25 mio CHF 17 mio

CHF 37 mio

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Assessing Ecosystems

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship ®

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The Ecosystem Index

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Sources: The Entrepreneurs‘ Ship

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When building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, consider…

Swiss MedTech Workshop August 15th, 2013

§  Each ecosystem is unique à What is the USP?

§  Developing an ecosystem requires a multi-stakeholder approach

§  Self-employment ≠ Entrepreneurship

§  Bureaucracy blocks innovation

§  Holistic implementation

§  Coordination and supervision

§  Focus on heroes first

§  Entrepreneurial culture is the key!

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Peter Vogel

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne - Switzerland

Mail [email protected] Twitter: @pevogel


Thank you for your attention.

True innovation does not come from innovation processes but from systematically going against the norm and reinventing the rule