symbol pk m.5/2 no. 19-23


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Page 2: Symbol PK M.5/2  No. 19-23


If you have watched the movie 'Angels and Demons' then you are

probably keen on understanding the meaning of symbols and

symbolism! The film is based on an enthralling journey of deciphering

symbols, either by association or by resemblance. Normally, the signs

are material objects but they may also be written signs used to

represent something invisible. It is believed that words, phrases or a

description illustrate a deeper meaning than physical entities, so

much that even language is a system of spoken and written symbols

by which we communicate. Alfred North Whitehead once said,

'Symbolism is no mere idle, fancy or corrupt degeneration; it is

inherent in the very texture of human life'.

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The use of symbols has been employed since ancient times by various

groups of people in the fields of art, literature, science, mathematics,

religion, philosophy, dream interpretation, health etc. History shows

that everything can assume symbolic significance, including natural

objects such as the wind or fire, man-made things like houses or boats

and even, abstract forms such as triangles or numbers. In short,

symbols have the ability to be used for practical purposes via

theoretical or conceptual means. To satisfy the curiosity within you,

read on to find out the different examples of symbols and where they

are used! 

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Dream Analysis 

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you say symbolism in

dreams? Today's generation would definitely relate it to the movie

'Inception'. The analysis and interpretation of dreams has become quite a

rage, owing to the various dimensions that it opens out to. A small fragment

of the visualization, such as a person, scenery, relationship, activity or

event, is sufficient to figure out the association that it has with various

hidden meanings. For example, when recorded and remembered correctly, if

a person envisions abandonment in the dream then it is supposed to signify

leaving behind past feelings. Someone once said that dreams are ways of

'transferring symbols from one consciousness to another and meet parts of

ourselves that we never considered possible'. Dream analysis is said to be

one of the most progressive types of symbolism study or semiotics. 

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The Meaning Of Art 

It is not surprising to watch art lovers stare at paintings or sketches for hours

together! This is all because the artist includes a range of symbols in an abstract

form to convey an emotion or a message. Different artists have different techniques,

but what results from the piece of work is entirely up to the mind of the observer.

Consider a painting which shows the shadow of an individual i.e. an art work in the

form of 'light' and 'dark' shades. This can be understood as a dualistic and divided

mind that a single person can possess, underneath his superficial self. Simple

lighting and colours are effective in symbolizing certain hidden meanings and

deeper feelings. Paintings with mathematical representations of the x and y axis are

symbolic of symmetry and working in harmony with nature. 


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Literary Allusions 

One of the best examples of symbolism was demonstrated by William Shakespeare

in the tragedy, Julius Caesar. He placed several symbolic events, objects and

people in this piece of literature as words were not able to describe the

implications. For instance, the 'crown', a symbolic representation of power and

Rome, was tagged to Caesar's ambitious nature and authority which he would

claim after becoming the emperor. Another one was 'Calphurnia's dream' which

was significant of Caesar's death and ungratefulness. These phrases/symbols have

been pointed out so that the readers create an image in their mind that simple

words could not express.  Literary works such as Animal

Farm, The Lord of the Flies, Harry Potter and the Wizard of Oz have plenty of

allusions to places, events and people depicted in the form of symbols. 


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Short Stories For Kids 

Kids love the use of metaphors, similes, alliterations and imagery as it

broadens their imagination and indirectly symbolizes something without the

use of the actual meaning. Take for instance, a story written by Oscar Wilde

called "The Happy Prince". An excerpt reads: "High above the city, on a tall

column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with

thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires and a large

red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He was very much admired indeed. He is

as beautiful as a weathercock..." This paragraph gathers unfamiliar

subjects and blends it into a vivid story, with the use of symbolism. 


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Religious Symbolism 

The use of text, images, procedures and actual physical objects to convey a

certain idea or belief is said to be called religious symbolism. It is obvious

to assume that the representation of the 'cross' is associated to

Christianity. It has been established, since times immemorial, that certain

symbols are related to specific religions. For people around the world,

events such as baptism, bread and wine and the Holy Communion are

symbolic of Christianity. Others include the dove (significant of the Holy

Spirit) or the sacrificial lamb (symbolic to Christ's death). These are

symbols which words and sentences themselves cannot represent correctly.

Similarly, the Star of David is used to Judaism and the faith of its followers

while the colour green embellished with a nascent moon and star

symbolizes Islam. Hindu religion is symbolized with the word "Om" written

in Sanskrit while fire is said to represent Zoroastrianism. 


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Colour Depictions 

Contextual use of colours is known to be of prime significance when it comes to

symbolism. But the use of these shades, tints and hues are dependent on the

location and the occasion. For example, 'red, blue and white' are ideally meant

to convey anything American as these colours are represented on the flag.

Individually they stand as: red for valour, blue for vigilance, perseverance and

justice and white for purity and innocence. The significance of these is slightly

different from that in Asian countries where white is considered the colour of

mourning as well as of peace and red symbolizes happiness and prosperity. In

places such as India, the colour 'saffron' is considered sacred and stands for

courage and sacrifice, white represents truth and peace while green represents

abundance and happiness.

As mentioned above, symbolism has become an important part of our

lives as it is used to depict hidden emotions, feelings and expressions in the

form of text, colours, signs, phrases etc.


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