syrian refugees

The International Refugee Organization specialized in resettling refugees overseas, whereas the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration specialized in the repatriation of displaced persons. During the lifetime of the I.R.O. no less than a million refugees crossed the oceans by sea and air. That highly commendable operation had, as we all know, the character of a selective process. It is often forgotten that there is national sovereignty over every square meter of our globe and that admitting a refugee is therefore always the sovereign decision of a sovereign state, entitled to put up whatever conditions for admission it sees fit. Demographically any organized migration is therefore a sort of reversed Darwinistic process: not the "survival", but the "exodus" of the fittest. Those refugees, or members of their families who suffer from some disability and therefore cannot meet the rigid requirements of the admission legislation of the country to which they would like to emigrate, have to remain behind. Clearly refugee emigration must gradually decrease. Refugees who seek asylum do not arrive in selected categories, as regards health, skills and age. Many times whole families come over, including aged and sick members. It is only when it comes to transfer from the asylum-country to the country of immigration that the principle of selection is applied in all its rigidity. If, in addition, one takes into account that the immigration countries have a wide choice of nationals from over-populated states, and also that the capital market in theoretically under-populated areas, particularly in Latin America, does not allow for the investment of the sums required to create the general conditions for mass- immigration, it will be clear that integration of refugees into the economy of their countries of present residence becomes more and more whether one likes it or not the major answer to refugee problems. Everything possible must be done to close them. But dissolution of camps is a process which is much more complicated than appears at first sight. The building of houses is by no means enough. The refugee, in order to solve his problem, must be able to maintain his family and himself. He must, if he has lost his skill, be re-trained in a trade for which there is a demand, and his house must be within a reasonable distance from his work. If he intends to set himself up in a small business he may need a loan at a moderate interest. If he is not sure how he can solve his problem he will need counselling. If he hopes to emigrate, his papers must be put in order before he can leave. Clearly, a programme for permanent solutions of refugee problems must be broken down into a series of concrete projects, all co-ordinated with the appropriate governmental authorities in the countries of implementation. There can be no real peace in this world as long as hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, through no fault of their own, but only because they

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Post on 04-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Syrian Refugees

The International Refugee Organization specialized in resettling refugees overseas, whereas the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration specialized in the repatriation of displaced persons. During the lifetime of the I.R.O. no less than a million refugees crossed the oceans by sea and air. That highly commendable operation had, as we all know, the character of a selective process. It is often forgotten that there is national sovereignty over every square meter of our globe and that admitting a refugee is therefore always the sovereign decision of a sovereign state, entitled to put up whatever conditions for admission it sees fit. Demographically any organized migration is therefore a sort of reversed Darwinistic process: not the "survival", but the "exodus" of the fittest. Those refugees, or members of their families who suffer from some disability and therefore cannot meet the rigid requirements of the admission legislation of the country to which they would like to emigrate, have to remain behind. Clearly refugee emigration must gradually decrease. Refugees who seek asylum do not arrive in selected categories, as regards health, skills and age. Many times whole families come over, including aged and sick members. It is only when it comes to transfer from the asylum-country to the country of immigration that the principle of selection is applied in all its rigidity. If, in addition, one takes into account that the immigration countries have a wide choice of nationals from over-populated states, and also that the capital market in theoretically under-populated areas, particularly in Latin America, does not allow for the investment of the sums required to create the general conditions for mass-immigration, it will be clear that integration of refugees into the economy of their countries of present residence becomes more and more – whether one likes it or not – the major answer to refugee problems.

 Everything possible must be done to close them. But dissolution of camps is a process which is much more complicated than appears at first sight. The building of houses is by no means enough. The refugee, in order to solve his problem, must be able to maintain his family and himself. He must, if he has lost his skill, be re-trained in a trade for which there is a demand, and his house must be within a reasonable distance from his work. If he intends to set himself up in a small business he may need a loan at a moderate interest. If he is not sure how he can solve his problem he will need counselling. If he hopes to emigrate, his papers must be put in order before he can leave. Clearly, a programme for permanent solutions of refugee problems must be broken down into a series of concrete projects, all co-ordinated with the appropriate governmental authorities in the countries of implementation.

There can be no real peace in this world as long as hundreds of thousands of men, women and children, through no fault of their own, but only because they sacrificed all they possessed for the sake of what they believed, still remain in camps and live in misery and in the greatest uncertainty of their future. Eventually, if we wait too long, the uprooted are bound to become easy prey for political adventurers, from whom the world has suffered too much already. Before anything of that sort happens, let us join our hands in an all-out effort to solve their problem.

Unlike most normal construction projects, post-disaster housing projects are diverse in nature, have unique socio-cultural and economical requirements and are extremely dynamic. Due to the immediate need of resources, shelter, and medical services created by disaster or conflict, a quick, affordable, and available solution in the form of tents is usually implemented. 

Refugees of the Syrian Civil War, widely referred as the Syrian refugees,[29] are Syrian nationals, who have fled Syria with the escalation of the Syrian Civil War.[30] To escape the violence, more than three and a half million Syrian refugees have fled the country to neighboring Turkey,[31] [32]  Lebanon, Jordan,[33] and Iraq [34]  while thousands also ended up in more distant countries of the Caucasus, the Persian Gulf and North Africa. As of February 2015, Turkey has become the world's biggest refugee hosting country with 1.7 million Syrian refugees and had spent more than US$6 billion on direct assistance to refugees.[35] [36]