t- 1 pianos · sjjn i 1q i thurs xj t jtjatty 111904 j > biobribbons for fine dogs h svccb3sfvl...

SJJN i 1Q I THURs XJ t JtJAttY 111904 J > BIOBRIBBONS FOR FINE DOGS H SVCCB3SFVL OPEXUtO AT WEST VIXSTER KEXXEh CLVB SHOW J Plerpont Morgan Score With the lm ported Colllei Wlibaw Clinker and Ornuklrk Olympian Crokcr Jr Beaten Upsets Terrier Classen- if cords or the opening days attendants record for nolso for very day In the twentyPleat years of the Westminster Kennel Club show were all broken yesterday In Aludl eon Square Garden The pandemonium of- burks Bimrln nnd snaps wan becnuso tho dogs Hero In hleh spMta over tho clear bright day after so much snow and slush and tho crowd was no doubt due to the same although tlm Greater Now York piibllo VnthuslAstlo over fln doirs- aS support dven to nil tho shows testifies Many society notables worn presents nnd lenders of the Btogo nnd business and pro the doj lovers of lesn mono nndnrenown rubbed shoulders with nJoyed tho showW much There was the uoual luncheon for th Jmdaeg prominent ihlbltors and th Westminster members which was niilto as jolly a us one of the oldtime fenfctH i t Babylon after a pigeon shoot Tho do show committee WUllam Rauch Walton Fcruucson Jr and Richard H Williams werb the nt the luncheon which was nerved In annex The Judffinc rinss nrt at one time eight verp in commission wore lined tour deep from mornlntf until nijrht with tho owners and the moro formldublu body the non ownlnif critics Many of the Judsres were new ta N w York und their methods were scanned closely Tho first thins tho critics do in to slzo up tho type tho judge soes in for and then they null him to the cross If he swerws from the selfimposed Ideal or worse mishap of nil should the judge In ono class a rul trtsr mnda In an enrller class As to tho per oonal methods some Judges attitudinized as though they were entered for o blue ribbon whUo were vlwlblu the Impetuous phlegmatic nnd The latter sort dwelloverasmall class its though they were countlnc tho hairs on each doc When the JudginB IB over this even In R- orgo Raper will have passed on over dogs Ho is the llshtnlnir calculator of show yet his rulings stand the aftor criticism as well as though ho followed the maillike process The newcomers from England W J Pegs titid E Powell Jr were closely watched by tho railblrds Th o former his way with the clasfws mid will tncklo the bull terriers today and the latter finished with the giving more general satisfaction in this smooth In wire hnlred division Dudley E Waters secretary of tho St for the flrst at this show Ho had a rood entry hud nuts to crock in and novice classes In tho rough variety Louis Valthers champion Sir Wal dorf won in dogs and Miss A A won limit open and winners with Baby Beautiful grand In coat and full of charnntcr hred at her Beach liennel Louis Coluniblns and Frnnk Jay Oould third with Coquette also second limit J Oould was second to Raper reached tho collies late in the afier was able to finish only In the rough coated dog classes The reentry of J Pierpont that hn enters In his own name possibly because the little Croftston Kennels no longer veils his Identity as It become common news that ho the owner The only ono orhls own breeding benched was the puppy Cragston Blu Frincv a very good one shown too light In flesh is a blue merle the rarest in collies tho silvery gray suggesting the famous colllo of fiction Blue Prince won second place to a sturdy blm kandwhlte Frank Bellanco The new Morgan Importations Wlshaw Clinker nnd Onnsklrk to b well of the preceded them to this country Both are the a rolored head and not onlto so or confirmation as lshaw Clinker The first blue of the wai won for Mr Morgan In the novice class by Orresklrl Olym- pian who was second to Clinker m open honors to Bal moral Balmoral Bnron n black and white who previously had the class for other white This w a the order too of the Morgan entry In the winners The open class for American bred was won Samuel FauchaBallagh handled In the ring by Bob Armstrong formerly of tho Cragston Morgan dogs were handled by Blawett who was for with the late Pnnmure Gordon president of the Collio Club wolfhounds never were seen In Kew York before In such numbers quality due to the recent importations und n place of prominence near tho venue entrance would have shown that Biitrl Is ono of tho tallest logs benched holdlne his own In this with Danes one of the latter J Burkarts Sultan J being ono of thn heaviest seen In rears The critics said Bultnn WHS too high The although In all and like tho wielders of the ovrord- II CTUIIIUIII VTI Hllmli 1IJ EMitr trlu tin much of n attraction as tho Uussinns so honors were even us to nny war manlfmtt- tlon That tho Westminster membern am as thn show visitor wns also revealed in tho new decoration around Ui arena boxes which although of bluo and on iind nslde from the classes for Arnericnnbred won Edward- L Itatnick II and the Terra Cotta Kennels with Kollma the Vulloy Furm Ken- nels made nearly a clean with Blitri bred by the Duke Nicholas and tho bitch Sorvn from the Boldareff Kennel Valley also won the specials for the best breed and for packs The K nnols won In tho cliiwi for bitches with Narcissus her i nth ribbon although of unknown pedigree but Jiaroissuj In the open Bulldogs were an lot nearly ISO lor bred In this country mnklns an especially Bhowlng puppy class for Peircr took M well furnished Mr Gnmey for the blue second honors going to Croker Jrs Brond- tuoor the Toronto owned tog tne first of n of tho New York fancier was fitted to me t with In tho dasn for bitches however the blue Kennels Miss Rufus Congress man bred the winner now owned by William Earl who also owns the sire Ho was In best ot fortune yesterday in the novlco for bitches Girl tnklns ribbons In dogs over the latest of Importations William Bec- htolds won In and limit classes and was second to his sire Sel- wonk Kennels Champion Ivel Doctor In the open winners classes He has tho whlto color great spread of shoulders and short wrinkled Doctor hut luw workings on the cheeks In the limit clnsa for dogs under 4S pounds C TJ llortons known Bmasher won the bluo American bnvl and thd- WaldorfAstoria cup also fullinir to him vMle In tho oppn Clovcrcroft Koniiib- Chiabos star won the blue over V C good champion Rodynt with Rodney Smasher greatest hitch classes were won by Thomas tho Hrst and the nnd winners clas wstroln- otohit champion Iwi Roche Ulnckwnll Powell In smooth foz terriers met With popular favor In awarding the highest place to a noted winner abroad nx Richmond lUsuetnnd tlls entry also won tho challenge had a Btronsr representation nnd in some Instances seemed to thiui second The host of the smooth bitches was undoubtedly by ludtre Powell 0 K dee Vlolot m Holii TtrlllUiu famous puppy In lust year In the but ho Victory de- cldedlv weak In limit nnd winners In tho wirehaired division the Hue was withheld In class only a sncond ribbon being awarded to O M Cnrnochans- Oauwmulr Battle Axe nftorwnrd third to Mrs a I Maylwws Rat y Sensation Intho novice A goon ono tho smnll sort Catrnimulr won tho limit and somewhat to the surprise of the rallblrds heat C K Coastguard In the winners Th latter had the team prize nnd specials as a consolation owners Manila won limit class for bitches shown In Ino fettle had to idvo way to tho Sjelwonk Kennels fidget open nnd winners Tho critics placing of the two won winners classes as the best In each breed u h Derntrdi Dot 1 LouU Wtlthtra I t i In FoX I and i claus the telonnl but them and hOlt I 1 i I rev all fu j tOO I J 1 I ults- I Q J fox ot the UrI I I In o with ham cldss Our BObe tnn othlr en ry b fralk an and It Color 0 prove sold r a I WI haw elI f sa cia dog ry Enland Tho j tho deernounda Tho blrge8t ni around barring were t t f Ii In thA- I I the old the color In the RUSAil 11Iofwlr- j nai arn ot Japanese HUA lnn wolr- f j I r I WIIS I unrivaled i 1 j food I i r i lame 1 ew York the wlnnr being tho- i nIl f pounds I fl th i k o r I sol i vII r J lat On 1 1 t hit not Jldl Powel In hil 1 + < ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ELECTRIC TOWN CARRIAGES For Prlvata Servtcs Only BROUGHAMS LANDAUS LANDAULBTS COUPES OPERA BUSES Latest and most approved dtslgai Many exclusive COLUMBIA features ELECTRIC VEHICLE CO 134136138 39th St Opposlto Opera House champion Sir Waldorf bitches Miss A A Marks Smooth St Bernards Dogs and bitches Newton Abbot Kennels Newton Abbot Squire Deerhounds and Henry S Onnonde Ituvilan Wolfhounds Dogs Valley Farm Ken neli Dlstrl bitches same owners Sorva Greyhounds Dogs and bitches D F Lewis Jrs I Hallstream- Kntlisl American Foxhounds Dogs and bitches Col Edward Carmen- Itotigh Does J Plerpont Morgans- Wlshaw Clinker DulldogsDois Selwnnk Kennels champion Ivel Doctor Dreamwold La Iloche Smooth Fox Terriers Dogs Snblne Kennels VlreMalred Fox TerriersDots G M Car nochans Calrnsrmilr Barkeeper Selwonk Selwonk 1ldzct HOCKEY Brooklyns Tram Wins III First Game In the Tournament Tho Brooklyn Skating Club hockey team broke its spell of bad luck last night and scored n victory over tho players of the New York A C The same was played In the St Nicholas Skating Rink and the score was Brooklyn 3 Now York A 0 1 Early In tho sooHon Just when the clubs were making up their teams the New York A C secured Wills and Harmon tram the Brooklyn This weakened the Brooklyn team players were very much pleased with last nights victory Tho Now York team was the to score This wan about eight minute the same began and of the had been Hcnt to tho for tripplnc got the puck and sent it into the cage later Henderson scored on a pass tram Jennl Bon and an soon as the was in ply again Henderson slammed It Into the net the side of the rink In thn second halt Burns scored from a Nearly all the was near the New Yorks coal For the winners Burns work nnd Williams made some remarkable Btops at goal BrooMvn S C Positions X Y C Williams Goal ODonnell C Smith Point vf 5a1- Jennlaon Cover Point Hums Forward 1IOb1- 1Henderson Forward Bray Forward Harmon Johnson Forward Coollcan Goals byHenderson 2 Wins Bums erec Howard Crescent A C of halves M minutes One of the most Important hockey matches of the season was at the Clcruiont Avenue Rink Brooklyn For tho last four years the teams of Crescent A C four times winner of the National Hockey honors and the A A win- ner of the Intermediate championship havo been trying to get but failed until thn of Benjamin A of the Crescents brought the teams on the Ice last evening The score Crescent A C 10 A A 3 Koals Feb lOOn the artificial the barracks the hockey team defeated Holbrook Academy Ieiksklll scoring 7 coals and shutting the visitors out L A W ELECTS OFFICERS Report of the SecretaryTreasurer Shows Organization to De Solvent BOSTON Fob 10 The National Assembly of the League of American Wheelmen was held today and In addition to the election of officers for the year several changes were made In the constitution The most Im- portant change was the virtual eradication of State divisions Had It not been for the efforts of Chief Consul Perkins of the Massa- chusetts division and Aaron Wolfeon secre tarytreasurer of this division the names of the State division wold have been wiped out It had been voted to Invest full power in the national body and that In the future the Massachusetts New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island nnd other divisions should simply be known as chief coniulat s Mr moved for n reconsideration In plstlng that the members should have the privilege of retaining their name nnd it any way they could and ho Nothing was about the L A W to assume control of cycle racing of Bassett that the Liaguo was still solvent oftccrs were Oeorgo C Cooke Rhode Island Meser ole New York 5 M Kohel- lPhiladelphia second vicepresident Abbott Bacoett ton Aaron AVolfpon Boston nuditor CHESS Marshall and Maroozy Lcart In the Tourna- ment at Monto Carlo aptclat Cablt Detpateli to Tan Sne MONTE Feb 10 Play In the Inter mitlonal tourney was resumed at the International Sporting Club this after- noon when Mnroczy and Schlechter drew their tame Junsberg wont down before and Marshall disposed of Swlderskl round Is Bcheduled for tomorrow as follows Schlechter vs iiinsberg Swldor- skl VH Maroczy Marshall vs Marco Jt was made known here today that neither Atkins of London nor Swlderskl of Berlin could arrange to make the trip to America for the proposed International tourney at Cambridge Springs and that the team repre Lnsker Tschlgorln Jonowskl Maroczy Marshall who will represent America will travel on the Pretoria leaving April 2 Arnold of Breslau and Carlsbad amateur Theodor Tletz The record to date Lost Won Lntt- Gunsberz a Marshall 2 j Marco Hi 1 I- Maroczy 2i HiS lderskl PiNEniTST N C Feb hondlcnp match play tournament serson members of the Golf Club ended today In a victory for I B Johnson of the Artiste Club of New fork whoso handicap was nlixj strokes over J Henry Jr of Mount Country Philadelphia whoso handicap was thirteen cups vere won by the winner and runner up First rtound M C Parshall Warren Pa 7 beat Cnpt J 1 Crane Winchester Massachusetts 19 3 up and 1 to J Hentz Jr Mourt Airy Country Club J A Baker Glen View Chicago 7 beat W S North Illversldc Chicago 7 1 up 1 I Johnson I bra Y Salem Mass 13 and 1 to Second Round Hentz heat Parshall I up nine- teen holes Johnson beat Baker S un and 4 to Johnson beat Henlz i up and 4 to play Walter J Travis besides representing the Garden City Oolf Club the proxy of Echo Oolf Club of St Louis Its at the annual of tho United States Golf Association The Jull voting list of clubs of the allied clubs have named their dele- gates to tho meeting which begin at 0 oclock The fourth annual meeting of the New Jersey State OoH Association will be held on Wednesday Feb 17 at 3 oclock In tho afternoon at tho ofllcn of tho president Lionel 11 Graham 11 Broadway has boon to Metropolitan Oolf for thn dates 2 1 and 4 for the championship and the course be selected meeting llayonne Itowlnc Association Officers At the annual meeting of the Bayonno N J Association last Tuesday night thn following officers worn elected for the ensuing year John J Nealon president Frank S Turbett P VaHan recording secre- tary J L Braumont financial Robert treasurer cap William J Kenlon lieutenant Robert W Herbert Stnltn and Robert It Clendeonuig trustees Wet Foxal 1 Keenes Morels tars Sa blne ResUtl own rs Sabine KenneL cub frt Burs Wit and did A let I I Klelo WET Cadet dlvl lon out aid be- Ing sowed electEd pre 1 urer CARL Marc d as and with tbe vial o Ion 2 Gol toTe OP Cub 13 n I 3 UI 2 10 I 1r ham 2 Gen lon no wing leer tan o 1 ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BUSY TROTTING CONGRESS PRESIDEXT JOHNSTON REELECT- ED AND UARMOXY Rale Pawed Allowlnc Admlislon to Amateur Meetings Without Ilelhg Inourrtil Effort to Shorten Ulitanoe to SO Yard Not Successful The twentysecond congress of the National Trotting Assdclation met In the Murray Hill Hotel yesterday Instead of the stormy session that many had eipectod would take place over tho presidency everything paused off harmoniously and In two hours after convening the president was ready t j listen to a motion to adjourn yet It was really tho busiest convention tfiat has had to do with harness affairs In many years The real work had been the congress convened For several days each faction has been In the city busy with the work In hand and for weeks before this time the work of securing voting proxies had been actively gome on There were only 374 members represented and yet six present held proxies trlvlnc them 234 vot s moro by- a liberal margin than a working majority Of tho six Senator Whlto of Syracuse was the largest holder he having a total of 62 Just how the respective forces up was not mado public but the must have been very nearly evenly divided for each side sot all It asked The opposition If such It may be termed wanted a rood representation on the different district boards and more recognition for the League of Amateur Driving It got all this as fast as the order could bo carried through but It was said to have obtained only after a preliminary strength that mode concession tram the party In power preferable to warfare At the former meeting when the committee to revise the rules and report to this congress was appointed H K Devereuz of Cleveland Introduced a rule asking that clubs of the Amateur League be allowed to give amateur meetings and admission at Incurring tho penalty of records for the Tho request was not acted It was Incor- porated In tho rules without A dissenting by the congress o was the hour announced for the congress to convene but It was two the crowded that everything had been satisfactorily settled between fac- tions of the congress would bo smooth When President Johnson had convened the congress and tho names of those entitled to vote with the number of votes to bo been read the nominating committee of three WON appointed to brinu- ma of ofllcers to be elected for the coming two George W Archer Rochester C Simpson San Francisco and C A Chapman Vermont were named as tho follow- ing ticket was soon put before the congress and it was elected by President P P Johnston Kentucky first vlc- prrsldmt Morgan G Connecticut sec- ond vlrrprcslUcnt N T Smith CalUomln- 1or of the Eastern District Iloar JC- I F E Perkins Providence J M Johnson Calais Me Horace White Syr ewe Jaraca Duller New York W Perry Taylor Buffalo For the Central District WlHUm Russell Allen St I uls C K 0 Billing Memphis Frank Dower Philadelphia Western DIMrfct J C Velty Canton H E- Devereux Cleveland Senator Bailey Gaines- ville Tex When the report of tho committee on rules was read was approved without debate until Kule 44 was reached nnd hero an amendment was offered providing that any amateur club to men with the Amateur Driv- ing Clubs should bo allowed to hold a three days amateur at which admission could he charged at the gate without Incurring the penalty of a record or a bar for the horses In tho various events The question was rained that this would not be amateur clubs that were members of tho National Association but not of the Amateur League This was finally com- promised by the statement that any amateur a member of the league The amendment to Itulo 69 brought out much discussion and several changes were made In wording of the amendment before was In to all It then set thnt no horse entered at any meet Ing could be leased or trans unless written notices should be at once filed with the secretary iind him transmitted to the to be publicly posted or announced Failure to do makes to the transaction liable to fine suspension or The rule for tho distance to fifty was not acted upon favorably the distance remains us It was The question of weights was acted upon and hereafter it be George W Archer who has been llrst for lour and a member of the board for sixteen tendered his resignation which was accepted with a vote of regret ICE YACUTIXa Eleven Boats Rice for a Cap and the Georcie I Mini RSD N J Feb 10 Eleven Ice yachts this afternoon In the contest for a cup offered by the business men of the The yachts which came to the line Charles P Irwlns Oeorgle I William K Jollnes Hazel L Newton Doremuss Atnlanta Benjamin K Morriss Mildred Charles Burds Torment George llllgs Wizard Hancou Northwest Thomas Daniels W B Chandlers Typhoon and K Greens Eagle The boats all got off In a bunch The Hazel I took the lead but maintained It only a short time when the Georclo passed her After this tho Oeoralfl trained until flhu a lead which was Impossible to over- come and won covering the course of fifteiii in 40 41 seconds The I was 1 rnlnuto A seconds behind Tho Atalanta and Mildred finished third and fourth respectively The first race a B rlcs for a cup offered bv the North Ice Yacht Club also was sailed this The wind was not very strong and tho time not especially good distance was ten which started were tho Georgic II I Vixen Zero nnd Typhoon The took the start gradually widened the Tho real contest was between the II for second place From a position In tho rear tho latter until she obtained second beatine the Tyro by 10 seconds I wns Wood Skates a Fast Half Mile Morris Wood of Euclid School the national skating champion at a half a mile and five miles made an attempt to boat tho record for the half mile nt Olympia Field rink last night He was paced and suc In i distance In 1 minute 21 25 secoids This is tho fastest over recorded on An eight track nnd falls short of the record ty second Hnd Wood conditions as Nilssen the record holder he undoubtedly would have set new figures WHS he went a wonderfully fast of a mile but he was not for that distance Public School Athletic Leagues New Rule The Public School Athletic League has decided that In the future boys cannot com- pote for outside organizations and represent the league nt the sam Is after the custom of not allowing letes to a and an athletic club simultaneously Dr Gullck secretary of tho object of to loyalty to and to In- crease the number of competitors Should- a boy be a momber of a and n settle- ment or club at tho same time tin must clioowo which he Intends to represent in ath letics Hall Defeats Carpenter In Squash Tourney The contestants in tho New York A C squash tournament yesterday were II S Carpenter and T M Hall In the list ame Hall ran ahead of his opponent nnd won with n lot to spare The same was a repetition of Hut In the third came Carpenter braced himself and was a pretty until tho last uc which secured for him the thrco Barnes and no further was necessary fho score In favor of Hall being 5 15 5 15 H BOOOO for Green Trotting Mare LEXNOTOS Ky Feb 10 James Wetherll- of Gait Ont bought today from Clem Beachy Jr the sixyearold bay mare Emma Hoyt for 9000 Emma Hoyt is considered the cream of green trotting mares of Ken- tucky having gone a trial hero lost 209 She be placed In the hands of the Canadian driver Htlnson who will campaign her the coming season Her flrst start be In and M Stake at Detroit Wetherill bought the for Mies K L REINS Cal done lied Club ben hours betore the sed through Member I 2 sol DAN tow IvY TO Northwest lap pile onlY hls rile ue ole enl t 1 mae Wile ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I VIPERJXE EASED VP She Wln the Roiebud SUkef for TwoTear- Oldi atNew Orleans NEW ORLEANS Fob 10 Tha twoyearolds wore asked to do lour furlongs for tho first time this year at the Fair Grounds this after- noon In the Rosebud makes which was the feature of the day The pick of the young- sters hero with the exception of Arch Old ham All Scarlet Modred Law and Friar Tuck started In this event Stella Allen the Texas was made the choice The daughter of Gallantry was played at 11 tO5 and nt time was bucked down to twos the stable of A H D H Morris was the second choice and also ns supported while Pinkie and Green from tho stable of Albert Simons lacked for From tho time went to the finish there was only one horse In the race the way for the Morris Stella Allen to keep step nor In early I The further went the more she In- creased her lead with Fuller her and winning by lour lengths Stella Allen The victory of Vlperlno was a very popular ono The track was in condition and weather far tram Inviting for racing ono kept near tho heaters was a nay for form players as the portion of races were won by things outsiders De Iteszke was tho only ingfavorite Hint Race Flvo and a furloncs maidens Lord French 117 T Dean to 1 won MartWna 113 Fuller 5 to 2 second m 107 W Hen is to l third Time ll2Si Phlora Triple Stiver St Merrylees St Jolly Dolly Colin George and Tower ran Second RaeeSU furlongs the Arenn 103 W II to S won Yo San 100 iStUli u to 2 second Kedman 107 T Dean 7 to S third t 4S Walnut Hill Gus Iletdom Algonquin and Dlapbanoui alia ran Third One mile purse De Reszke 100 W 1 to 2 won St Tammany 100- Davlson 7 to I second Toncred D7 llnhblui 10 to l third Time lW33 Hymcttiu and The Beirent also ran Fourth Race Rosebud Stakes MOOO added bait mlleVlpcrlne US Fuller 11 toS won Pinkie 105 S to 2 second Truine Hunter 106 Calvlt 12 t I third Tune 0CO 45 Greenwood strlla Allen Lslheust Isabella D and Golden Flower alv ran Fifth liace One mile and a quarter nelllne Fullback M Nleol 7 to 1 won S M- Stoval 00 to 1 second Inspector Shea m J 14 to 5 third Time 217 45 Irvln Mayor Whitman Ammtc Uadfer Bob Hlllltrd and James Fltz nlvi ran KUlh Knee Ono mile and JO selling Ytlas M tlobbliu is to 5 won Reckoner M Livingston 11 Krbcfts J Henneitvl- to 6 third Time IMS 13 Uranium Lady Matchlcm Decoration Judge Cantrcll Lam- poon also ran Now Orleans Itntrles for Today First Raee Selling furlongs Moderator 113 Julius Werner IMIArnoM K 112 Henry of FranaftrriarlW llobsons Choice Ill iMIIleium 10- 0Ventoro IM Midshipman 109- Heglan 100 Race One mile St Jolly Plautus OOiT O Srarbrouch Fox BSiMIss Melton Third Hacc Sli furionin- artslenne 1141 Alpaca Kane 110 Foxy Moroni 1061 Monastic Mrs rank Foster105Itochacl War June Collins IOI Fourth Race One mile Trocadero 105 stand Pat De ReiiUe 105 Malay Melstcnstnirer 105 Ilodtil Howard 10ft Sabot KM Satchel Fifth Race XelllnriSU furlongs FltzbrUlar Ill Rtu cll Garth inoilJa Cache Frank Rlct lOSKus Lanka Safeguard IMICentlc Sixth Race One mile Jim Nap lOSILady Mistake F Fallback 105 Emma A M Will Skelly 105Po t- At San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO Feb 10 The races at Ingle Bide today resulted as follows Race sli furlongs Et Tu Brute 109 J Daly Bio S won lack Little 107 Belli 30 to 1 second Doris 100 Kunil W to 1 third lime 1M9 Kmll MenloU Prim Miss the Race Five and a furlongs Mlllne Mr Famum 109 UonnerU I won Sollnlua ion Sheeham M to 1 second Suburban Queen 102 Hlldrbrand even third Time 112 Atlnor Jean Gnivler Candidate sum Lazarus Ktq Bee Itoscwiter und Princess also ran Third Race futurity course Lansdowne 10- 4Roache 7 to 2 won Iolonlus 112 Daly o in I second Toe Pride 110 J Martini 11 to 5 mini Time 114 Distributor Instrument Harbor and Quiz II alio ran Fourth Hace One mile and a sixteenth Starve 110 Hlldebrnnd even won Kenllworth 115 Sec 10 Ui 1 second Judge 05 W Daly 13 to 1 ttlrd Time Joe Major Tcnney and Grafter also ran Fifth liace Six furlongs Sad Sam 105 Sher- wood 8 to 5 won Halnault 104 fJ Martin 18 to 5 second The Dan 104 Travers 8 to l third Time ltS4 Col Van Futurlta and Fair Lady also ran Sixth Race One mile and fifty Plerco J 110 See 5 to I won Chip 105 Roach 10 to l second Mr Dingle to S third Time l48 noutonnlere Chickadee Prince Blazes and Yellowstone also ran Cornell Ilaiebnll Schedule ITHACA Feb 10 Manager Vincent of the Cornell baseball team tonight announced tho complete schcdulo for 1004 S Annapolis at Annapolis 4 and S Atlanta University at Ma- con at Atlanta K University of North Carolina a Italelirh of Vlr- itlnla at Chnriottesvilla 11 Kaltlmoro a lultlmore- II Amberst at Ithaca 10 Niagara at Mlincn 22 and 23 Syracuse al 27 at- Ithaca W Princeton at Princeton May 4 La- fayetto ut Ithaca 7 Columbia at u Frank- lin and Marshall at Ithaca U Princeton nt Ithaca- IS Manhattan at Ithaca 21 leorire town at Itliaca 55 Lchlzh at Ithaca 2S Pennsylvania at ItliacaS- O Michigan at Ithaca June 4 Pennsylvania at Philadelphia 17 Michigan at Ann Arbor is Michi- gan at Detroit or Toledo 21 Alumni at Itbaea Steeplechase at Durlands There was a spirited steeplechase race for a mile open to nil at the Durland Hiding Academy In West Sixtysixth street last night The riders were Archie Klnney 7- Rnbbot M Tynan Marshall Clapp Charles Geyer Geortte Rochwell and J Ciirrnn The was won by Gcyer The next number on programme was equally Interesting It was a potato race The siime riders took nnd won Arrangements are under way for the thirteenth annual liorse Aprils Band 7 Vanilrrbllt Cup for International Auto Race Augurtus Pout of this city banker nnd nutomoblllt Is authority for tho news that plans nro brinK formed for the institution of- an International automobile raco In this country on lines slmlnr to thosn of the raco for the cup presented to the Automobile Club of Franco K Vnnrterbllt Jr it Is said offered to donate 1000 for a gift cup Automobile Club of America which IH to be offered for International competition Tho Idea HO far as It has been formulated Is to have a raco of about 300 miles nnd Long Island been suggested as the for it Mount Vrrnon IIlRli School Win ntiket name The Mount High School basket- ball won last nleht from the Stamford School team at The score wa Jloimt Vernon Si Stamford 7 Always Remember the Full Name Cures Day oil every HOUSES AMI CARRIAGES Established wr VAX TASSELL KEAKMETS Auction SAlM OF HOItSCS OAHniACRH ARK HELD RROULAULY KVERY TUESDAY AM FHIDAT- irommenclng at I oclock- ATTHEIR IIOI1SK AUCTION MART 130 and m East 13th St Between Thin nnd Fourth Aves New York ready morning of each sale Pur chasers will always nnd a largo And Interesting list to delect from Those dcjlrlnx to sell on make ntrp at any time up to S P II ihr day brrnre the Mia ntSINESS WAGONS tSSO WEEKLY rAT FORD WA ON WORKS K4M nEDlOttl AV BROOKLYN TEL 1111 WILLIASI8 GREAT SLAUOHTER SALE In blankets 4 SADDLERY CO 88 West near Chambers it upstairs They must be sold FIRSt pst woo supporter ono al ot thl rloe tlrod In a to and noxt to Inst I very hal nes Time nla I second see SeCond 5 05 93 101 101 or f02 I 102 J len 10 0 10 IO and horly Kane als raa Holon wa Icl at pal hat 1 9 Frt lane bnmlon roe show to he hald at tho Dlrllnd acdlOY W his his co bal V rnon hh V j omo n a Cl- d One I ANt MEXtS AfO n NrrUnE ANS AT num hOle robe ad now ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ We have a cigar that we would like you to try We mention this brand specially because it has such a vast number of smokers in at one of our stores and ask for the GENERAL BRADDOCK DIPLOMATICO 6 for 25c 100 for box 25- TURovaa OUR ORDER Tliii priet hoMi any if Are tnitrd Jitttlt- iii M far 100 Sm t cath- tlvctt or mvnrv ortltr la tk Bitlaiiii Xeu fort A large full cigar Smokes free and smooth Appeals to of a three for a quarter enormity of oar business a variety broad enough to at tho tastes of all the smokers In Greater New York UNITED CIGAR STORES CO STORES ALL OVEBONE ALWAYS IN i I 1fr Cal MAL smoker mid The A AG Cgar ro Jet SIGH t HARVARD AD YALE WILL ROW Both to Send Seooml Crews to the Ameri- can Henley Regatta It has been definitely decided that Harvard and Yale will junior eichtoared shell crews to Philadelphia to meet Cornell Colum bia and the University of Pennsylvania crews of a similar makeup on tho Schuylklll River on May 30 Tho formal announcement bag been made by Thomas Heath of the University of Pennsylvania The race will bo a feature of the American and Invitations were sent to Harvard and YUle by the stewards some time ago The stewards according to Sir Reath havo not drawn up entrance condition hut It Is th understand Cornell Columbia and Pennsylvania make up their r ws from men have never rowed In the boats at Pouch while thn Harvard and oarsmen will be limited to men who have never rowed In the races at New london The race will bo rowed over regulation Henley distance a mile In at Philadelphia Har- vard nnd Yal In the opinion of many men have Hhown a more fraternal than in the past mid In some the for the formation of a new Intercolle- giate rowing association which will embrace all of the rowing colleges in the Kast event there would bo an race at Hut in lino with tho policy In vogue nt Harvard und Yale graduates insist thut will never leave New London out college however an Intercollegiate regatta In which the varsity crews of Yale Cornell Columbia I emir jvaiuu M otinuuaa tutu fleorgetown could on thi Hudson lUver- at Poughkeepsle be of worldwide in terest nuhlln and Monroe Wrestle Without a Fall BOSTON Feb 10 Jack Mimroe of Butte and Ous Ruhlin of Akron the two heavy- weight pugilists did their best to provide entertainment for the lovers of nt the Criterion A r last night by engaging in a wrestling bout but were BO in knowledge of thn game that tho spectators got out of the encounter wns In the of two youthful giants bulge ns nt man succeeded in getting n fall although they worked over an hour and the was declared a draw Inder tho conditions tho pair were to under thn rules best two in threefnlK liuhlin showed that he hail somi1 HnuitterlnR wrestling game hut Munroe was completely at ea Several times the Hutte Ills opponent around the waist and hurled him to hut nt no time was he able to got shoulders down FOR STOMACH DISORDERS DYSPEPSIA DRINK Best NAIUUAL Alkaline Water MCfiAl NOTIfFS NEW YOHK SUfHKMI COUNTY OF- nBW YOHK VAMIIlNiTl 1 L ADAMS M Executor of Charles M ChlttcnUcn Dccrt till HEnlnst Ilielic Halnfa and others defendants In pursuance of A judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and the nbove eniltlcd henrlne data the llith of IIKM underslznrd the referee In said judgment named will eU at public auction at the York Heal Kitatff S lesroom tel Urodway In the liaroiicrh of Manhattan Cltr of New York on the llth day of February 1904 at IS oclock on that by Read auctioneer said judgment to be sold and therein described as follotts All that certain lot piece or parrel of land with the buildings thereon erected lylnir nnd- brlnt In the Nineteenth tho of New York bounded und as follows at a point on the southerly side of Street ono and ninetyeight feet easterly from the southeasterly Avenue A run southerly and parallel with Avenue A one hundred feet lour Inches thence easterly twentyfive feet thence northerly Avenue A one hundred tour Inches to the southerly side of 8eventynrit Street and thence vcstcrly alone ilic soutlitTlr line of Seventy llrst Street twcntynve tcet to the point or place of beilnnlnir Dated New York January Mth I9M PAUL L KlEnVAN Referee ROBCnT SI BOYD Jr Attorney for Plaintiff 503 New York City The followlne Is n diagram of the property to be sold the street number being 510 71st Street E 7lst St- itw i The approximate amount of the lien or charge to satisfy which the abovedescrtbed property IH to bo Is 11343 with Interest January 18 together with cosM and allowances amounting to 181 together with the expenses nf the sale The approximate amount taxes aisessments nnd water rates to be allowed to tho purchaser out of the purchase money or paid Is S573ni ond lntcreil The premises are to bn sold subject to prior mortgages aggregating H3HO tl Jan ZOth 1001 PAUL L KIEUNAN Referee OFFICE OF THE SKCHETARY OF STATE as THIS CERTIFICATE U u l In here certifies that the h L COMPANY a domestic corporation has filed In this office on this nth day 1WM papers for the vol untary dissolution of such rorporatlon under Sec tion 57 of the Stock Corporation Law and that thercfn m that such corporation has compiled with said section In order to be dis- solved WITNESS my hand and the seal of ode of the of State at the City of Albany Seal this Mnth of One thou sand nine hundred and four 1 II MOVOlV Deputy Secretary of State FURNISHED IKHMIS TO LKT 4STH ST 41 TVE8T A large front room bath private house gentlemen BOTH ST ISO WESTFurnished rooms nil con vcalcncea SUAFEB end ltle tat the IUd con quar- ters it Is that th move Ing both the nnd the Bluo I which I con n meet lackinG thc wr lat and VICHY U acton day Janua I non 1 b Wan d U IXN ISO CoMer 0 Iroa way ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < PIANOS AND ORGANS PIANOS AND ORGANS tci- vTbe Possession of a Piano of any make need not prevent anybody from purchasing a Steinway as with our unrivalled facilities for disposal we are in a position to allow full market value for same in an exchange for a Steinway Piano and besides if intending purchasers cannot pay the difference all in cash time payments will be accepted New Steinway Upright Pianos from 575 New Steinway Grand Pianos from 750 STEINWAY SONS Btelntra Hall 107 and 109 Kant Fourteenth Street and Windsor Arcade Fifth Ave cor Portyalxtb Btrect New York ELECTION NOTICES I THOMAS L HAMILTON Clerk of the County of New York do hereby publish In accordance with the provisions of Sections B and 0 of 000 of the l w Section 5 of Chapter 37- 1nf the Lflws of 1807 and Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 89 of the Laws of 1001 which laws taken are known as tbe Election Law the following notice received me from tbe secretary of Slate STAVB OF NKW YOHK Office of the SECRETARYOF STATE Albany January IB 100- 4To tbe Clerk of tho County New York Dear sir sentatlvo In the Congress of the United States for the Twelfth Coneresslonal District of the State of New York caused by the resignation of George I McCldlin and Whereas the Governor his proclamation dated January Cxlecnth 1001 has a election for a Representative In tho Fifty Congress of State for the Twelfth Congressional District of tbe State ot New York to UII a Vacancy caused the resl na- tlon of George B be beld on Tuesday the d y of February 1WH Now Therefore notice hereby given that a- speclil Klertlun shnll be held In the Twelfth Con District of this State on Tuesday the twentythird of February ItXM at which tho following officer may lie voted for to wit A In the CoiicreM- ot the united States for tbe Twelfth Congressional District of the Mute of New York as established Chiipter Mil of the Laws of IDOL GIVEN under hand seal of office of the Secretary of State nt the Capitol In the City of Albany tills sixteenth In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred nnd four Seal JOHN F OllIlIHN Secretary of State Filed and recorded is laoi Given under and seal ot office of tha Clerk of New York County this 10th day ot January 16M THOS L HAMILTON County Clerk TYIEWIUTEMS- TYPEWniTEnSAII standard makes rented and In order Klbbons and stand free Machines sold from twenty to ilfty cent less than manufacturers prices and covered with our usual yearly guarantee Cash or monthly payments F S Webster Company 317 Broadway KtO Franklin All Makes I Lowest ITIcei- PC i Any Style Ilebullt Cuarantetl- OLLL Typewriter Exchange V4 Ilarclay SPECIAL any style rented 250 to St All rent i applies If bouzlit within six months fiflfrRAI TYPEWIHTKH KXCILVNGE- SM llroadway Cor Park Place ULStMvSS CHANCES FINE PAYIXO LIVERY AND TRUCKING business short distance from this city price In- cluding buslncii nnd property 25000 easy terms co ss Hroadway FINEST GENTS rURVISHIXn STORE In New York city located on the busiest thoroughfare opposite principal ferry price JISSOO Invcstlitate this Its a errat chance McDONALDWKKflNS CO 557 Broadway 5XX WILL PURCHASE FORMULA of entirely new preparation greatly needed for windows In stores Ac For full particulars apply to CO 257 Uroadway 15000 BUYS oldestablished store located on prominent comer In Brooklyn now doing good for selling mlilns from business strictest Investigation allowed Full particulars at McDONALDWKiGlNS CO 257 llroadway LOANS WANTED S500000 AT 4 ft 4i PKlt CENT To loan on llrst class first mortgages amounts to suit charges reasonable quick action bargains In real estate rents collected JOS T McMAllON 4 and 8 Court Square Brooklyn WISH 2800 nr N J plot 6 lots cost 8000 bank references A M J box 23 livening r ews Newark N J- HUIICIIASK AMI EXCUANCiE- WANTCD TO PURCHASE kind of old books no matter whut have send postal will call or und cash largo libraries or small collections bought UOOKS box 193 Sun WATCHES AMI JEWELRY A WEEKLY payments line dlamondsVatches guaranteed lowest prices business confidential run write or telephone WATCH SUPPLY CO Three Maiden GBXTLBMBVH CLOTIIINO to order weekly payment KXCHANGI CLOTHINU CO sal Room 4 Take elevator PATENTS EDOAR TATE k CO patent solicitors all coun- tries US llroadway Advise free send for In- ventors noes AND ninosE- NOLISH ntJLL PUPS nine weeks old to- rul reajwnable RrbcU 248 Wcit 38til 11 ¬ ¬ < PIANOS The distinguishing excellence of tha Waters Pianos is their full rich sweet tone with fine singing quality Dont fail to see and hear the new styles for 1904 or send postal jbr cat- alogue with reduced prices and easy terms HORACE WATERS CO I 134 Fifth Ave near 18th St Harlem Branch Open Evenings 254 West J25th St near 8th Ave CIBAHINT SAlA ATTillU- AHUHtiOMS 35 EAST NTH ST NEW YOHK M7i now Upright taken In trade M iULTOV ST BROOKLYN upright usnl ly iirtlstj Upright celebrated maker 03 BKOAI ST NEWARK Upright dlaruntlnucd stylo tvulijo brilliant tone 13 MVAnK AV JERSEY CITY Upright silently used Upright concert used THE PIANOTIST The Invisible Piano Player any piano Any one can play It Cash or Installments dials dally Warerooms 123 5th nv near 19th Jt JACOB BROTHERS PIANOS Give Perfect and Lnstlng Satisfaction 31 EAST MTU SlHliKT SMALL PIANOS FOR SMALL ROOMS MATHLSIIEK SON BWAV Cor th ST CAREFUL PIANO BUYERS WILL VISIT JAMES A HOLMHTUOM S3 Knst 14th St- KR1IAIIIK CONNOK PIANO for vile and rent Easy terms Jlcpalrlng Kxchanglng 4 East 42- dTIIE PIAIJK FOR IlAVO ItAKOAINS S- TACOII UI1OS 487 FULTON KT BROOKLYN IACIN ACAIIEMIES- WUY CERTAIMT Well teach you nil the danrcj And tiach you quickly too Just lal c alj private lesson Its nil youll have to do- Dont waste your time In closv And stunts Individual Instruction Will make you doiiic at once Perfect glide waltz lmJ time and two step posi- tively guaranteed In li prlviitf ICSSDUS music lor 5 The lessons mny inkiii at jour convenience any day morning Murtionn or ev- HOWKS Private Dancing School Harvard llulldlmr 2 cth v between 41st ami 42d sts HARVARD ACADEMY 111 AND I3S Vf KST H- ED J FINXEOAV DIKECTOR The leading dandng academy nf nil New York Attractive spacious popular and al- ways the best Kilcnslvo Improvements have Just Locn completed greatly enlarging floor spare and Incrcaslnsc- ihn oorofrm nrd innxentpnce ol our pup Tilde and hnlSniq wnllcs taught MISS McCABES School 115 111 ft 111 AVeM ISth St 3 doors tcst nf etli Av L station Frlvnte and clanilcunns dally Ilrginners any time TTPEWIHTINfl HOOK KKKIINfl SHORTHAND toNy5S Employment Dent Urcular HTl I aUtflA- N OLD sciinoi A n AnioiiotiiHSCHOOL OlnWI 21331131 imOAimAYCor20tb St N T FRENCH German Spanish Interaatlonsl Col < ¬ ¬ >

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Page 1: t- 1 PIANOS · SJJN i 1Q I THURs XJ t JtJAttY 111904 J > BIOBRIBBONS FOR FINE DOGS H SVCCB3SFVL OPEXUtO AT WEST VIXSTER KEXXEh CLVB SHOW J Plerpont Morgan Score With the lm ported


1Q I THURs XJ t JtJAttY 111904 J>




J Plerpont Morgan Score With the lmported Colllei Wlibaw Clinker andOrnuklrk Olympian Crokcr JrBeaten Upsets Terrier Classen-

ifcords or the opening days attendantsrecord for nolso for very day In the

twentyPleat years of the Westminster Kennel

Club show were all broken yesterday In Aludleon Square Garden The pandemonium of-

burks Bimrln nnd snaps wan becnuso tho dogsHero In hleh spMta over tho clear brightday after so much snow and slush and tho

crowd was no doubt due to the samealthough tlm Greater Now York piibllo

VnthuslAstlo over fln doirs-

aS support dven to nil tho shows testifiesMany society notables worn presents nnd

lenders of the Btogo nnd business and prothe doj lovers of lesn mono

nndnrenown rubbed shoulders withnJoyed tho showW much There was the

uoual luncheon for th Jmdaeg prominentihlbltors and th Westminster members

which was niilto as jolly a us one

of the oldtime fenfctH i t Babylon after apigeon shoot Tho do show committeeWUllam Rauch Walton Fcruucson Jr andRichard H Williams werb the nt theluncheon which was nerved In annex

The Judffinc rinss nrt at one time eightverp in commission wore lined tour deepfrom mornlntf until nijrht with tho ownersand the moro formldublu body the nonownlnif critics Many of the Judsres were new

ta N w York und their methods were scannedclosely Tho first thins tho critics do in toslzo up tho type tho judge soes in for and thenthey null him to the cross If he swerws fromthe selfimposed Ideal or worse mishap of nilshould the judge In ono class a rultrtsr mnda In an enrller class As to tho peroonal methods some Judges attitudinized asthough they were entered for o blue ribbonwhUo were vlwlblu the Impetuousphlegmatic nnd The latter sortdwelloverasmall class its though they werecountlnc tho hairs on each doc

When the JudginB IB over this even In R-

orgo Raper will have passed on overdogs Ho is the llshtnlnir calculator ofshow yet his rulings stand the aftorcriticism as well as though ho followed themaillike process The newcomers fromEngland W J Pegs titid E Powell Jr were

closely watched by tho railblrds Th o formerhis way withthe clasfws mid will tncklo

the bull terriers today and the latter finishedwith the giving more generalsatisfaction in this smooth In wirehnlred division

Dudley E Waters secretary of tho St

for the flrst at this show Ho had arood entry hud nuts to crock in

and novice classes In tho roughvariety Louis Valthers champion Sir Waldorf won in dogs and Miss A A won

limit open and winners with BabyBeautiful grand In coat and full of charnntcrhred at her Beach liennel Louis

Coluniblns and Frnnk Jay Oouldthird with Coquette also second limit

J Oould was second toRaper reached tho collies late in the afier

was able to finish only In the roughcoated dog classes The reentry of J Pierpont

that hn enters In his own name possiblybecause the little Croftston Kennels no longerveils his Identity as It become commonnews that ho the owner The only onoorhls own breeding benched was the puppyCragston Blu Frincv a very good oneshown too light In flesh is a blue merlethe rarest in collies tho silvery graysuggesting the famous colllo of fictionBlue Prince won second place to a sturdyblm kandwhlte Frank Bellanco

The new Morgan Importations WlshawClinker nnd Onnsklrk tob well of thepreceded them to this country Both are

the arolored head and not onlto soor confirmation as lshaw Clinker Thefirst blue of the wai won for MrMorgan In the novice class by Orresklrl Olym-pian who was second to Clinkerm open honors to Balmoral Balmoral Bnronn black and white who previously hadthe class for other whiteThis w a the order too of the Morgan entryIn the winners

The open class for American bredwas won SamuelFauchaBallagh handled In the ring byBob Armstrong formerly of tho Cragston

Morgan dogs were handled by Blawett whowas for with the late Pnnmure Gordonpresident of the Collio Club

wolfhounds never were seen InKew York before In such numbers qualitydue to the recent importations undn place of prominence near thovenue entrance would haveshown that Biitrl Is ono of tho tallest logsbenched holdlne his own In this with

Danes one of the latter J BurkartsSultan J being ono of thn heaviest seen Inrears The critics said Bultnn WHS too high

The although Inall and like tho wielders of the ovrord-

II CTUIIIUIII VTI Hllmli 1IJ EMitr trlu tinmuch of n attraction as tho Uussinns sohonors were even us to nny war manlfmtt-tlon That tho Westminster membern am

as thn show visitor wnsalso revealed in tho new decoration aroundUi arena boxes which although of bluo and

on iind nslde from theclasses for Arnericnnbred won Edward-L Itatnick II and the Terra CottaKennels with Kollma the Vulloy Furm Ken-nels made nearly a clean with Blitribred by the Duke Nicholas and thobitch Sorvn from the Boldareff KennelValley also won the specials for the best

breed and for packs TheK nnols won In tho cliiwi

for bitches with Narcissus her i nthribbon although of unknown pedigree

but Jiaroissuj In the open

Bulldogs were an lot nearlyISO lorbred In this country mnklns an especially

Bhowlng puppy class forPeircr took M well

furnished Mr Gnmey for the blue secondhonors going to Croker Jrs Brond-tuoor the Toronto owned togtne first of n of tho New Yorkfancier was fitted to me t with In thodasn for bitches however the blue

Kennels Miss Rufus Congressman bred the winner now ownedby William Earl who also owns the sireHo was In best ot fortune yesterday

in the novlco for bitchesGirl tnklns ribbons

In dogs over the latest ofImportations William Bec-htolds won In andlimit classes and was second to his sire Sel-

wonk Kennels Champion Ivel Doctor In theopen winners classes He has tho whltocolor great spread of shoulders and shortwrinkled Doctor hut luwworkings on the cheeks

In the limit clnsa for dogs under 4S poundsC TJ llortons known Bmasherwon the bluo American bnvl and thd-WaldorfAstoria cup also fullinir to himvMle In tho oppn Clovcrcroft Koniiib-Chiabos star won the blue over

V C good championRodynt with Rodney Smashergreatest hitch classes werewon by Thomas tho Hrst and

the nnd winners clas wstroln-otohit champion Iwi Roche Ulnckwnll

Powell In smooth foz terriers metWith popular favor In awarding the highestplace to

a noted winner abroad nx RichmondlUsuetnnd tlls entry also won tho challenge

had a Btronsrrepresentation nnd in some Instances seemed

to thiui second Thehost of the smooth bitches was undoubtedly

by ludtre Powell 0 Kdee Vlolot m Holii TtrlllUiu famouspuppy In lust year In the

but ho Victory de-cldedlv weak In limitnnd winners

In tho wirehaired division the Hue waswithheld In class only a sncondribbon being awarded to O M Cnrnochans-Oauwmulr Battle Axe nftorwnrdthird to Mrs a I Maylwws Rat y SensationIntho novice A goon ono tho smnll sortCatrnimulr won tho limit andsomewhat to the surprise of the rallblrdsheat C K Coastguard Inthe winners Th latter had the team prizennd specials as a consolation

owners Manila won limitclass for bitches shown In Ino fettle hadto idvo way to tho Sjelwonk Kennelsfidget open nnd winners Tho criticsplacing of the two

won winners classes as thebest In each breed

u h Derntrdi Dot 1 LouU Wtlthtra



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OPERA BUSESLatest and most approved dtslgai Manyexclusive COLUMBIA features

ELECTRIC VEHICLE CO134136138 39th StOpposlto Opera House

champion Sir Waldorf bitches Miss A A Marks

Smooth St Bernards Dogs and bitches NewtonAbbot Kennels Newton Abbot Squire

Deerhounds and Henry SOnnonde

Ituvilan Wolfhounds Dogs Valley Farm Kenneli Dlstrl bitches same owners Sorva

Greyhounds Dogs and bitches D F LewisJrs I Hallstream-


American Foxhounds Dogs and bitches ColEdward Carmen-

Itotigh Does J Plerpont Morgans-Wlshaw Clinker

DulldogsDois Selwnnk Kennels championIvel Doctor Dreamwold

La IlocheSmooth Fox Terriers Dogs Snblne Kennels

VlreMalred Fox TerriersDots G M Carnochans Calrnsrmilr Barkeeper Selwonk

Selwonk 1ldzct


Brooklyns Tram Wins III First Game Inthe Tournament

Tho Brooklyn Skating Club hockey teambroke its spell of bad luck last night andscored n victory over tho players of the NewYork A C The same was played In the StNicholas Skating Rink and the score wasBrooklyn 3 Now York A 0 1 Early In thosooHon Just when the clubs were making uptheir teams the New York A C securedWills and Harmon tram the BrooklynThis weakened the Brooklyn teamplayers were very much pleased with lastnights victory

Tho Now York team was the to scoreThis wan about eight minute the samebegan and of the had beenHcnt to tho for tripplnc got thepuck and sent it into the cagelater Henderson scored on a pass tram JennlBon and an soon as the was in plyagain Henderson slammed It Into the net

the side of the rinkIn thn second halt Burns scored from a

Nearly all the was nearthe New Yorks coal For the winners Burns

work nnd Williams made some remarkableBtops at goal

BrooMvn S C Positions X Y CWilliams Goal ODonnellC Smith Point vf 5a1-Jennlaon Cover PointHums Forward 1IOb1-1Henderson ForwardBray Forward HarmonJohnson Forward Coollcan

Goals byHenderson 2 Wins Bumserec Howard Crescent A Cof halves M minutes

One of the most Important hockey matchesof the season was at theClcruiont Avenue Rink Brooklyn For tholast four years the teams of CrescentA C four times winner of the NationalHockey honors and the A A win-ner of the Intermediate championship havobeen trying to get but faileduntil thn of Benjamin A of theCrescents brought the teams on the Ice lastevening The score Crescent A C 10

A A 3 KoalsFeb lOOn the artificial

the barracks thehockey team defeated Holbrook AcademyIeiksklll scoring 7 coals and shutting thevisitors out


Report of the SecretaryTreasurer ShowsOrganization to De Solvent

BOSTON Fob 10 The National Assemblyof the League of American Wheelmen washeld today and In addition to the electionof officers for the year several changes weremade In the constitution The most Im-

portant change was the virtual eradicationof State divisions Had It not been for theefforts of Chief Consul Perkins of the Massa-chusetts division and Aaron Wolfeon secretarytreasurer of this division the namesof the State division wold have been wipedout

It had been voted to Invest full power inthe national body and that In the future theMassachusetts New York PennsylvaniaRhode Island nnd other divisions shouldsimply be known as chief coniulat s Mr

moved for n reconsideration Inplstlng that the members should have theprivilege of retaining their name nnd

it any way they could and ho

Nothing was about the L A Wto assume control of cycle racing

of Bassettthat the Liaguo was still solvent

oftccrs were OeorgoC Cooke Rhode Island Meserole New York 5 M Kohel-lPhiladelphia second vicepresident AbbottBacoett ton AaronAVolfpon Boston nuditor


Marshall and Maroozy Lcart In the Tourna-ment at Monto Carlo

aptclat Cablt Detpateli to Tan SneMONTE Feb 10 Play In the Inter

mitlonal tourney was resumedat the International Sporting Club this after-noon when Mnroczy and Schlechter drewtheir tame Junsberg wont down before

and Marshall disposed of Swldersklround Is Bcheduled for tomorrow

as follows Schlechter vs iiinsberg Swldor-skl VH Maroczy Marshall vs Marco

Jt was made known here today that neitherAtkins of London nor Swlderskl of Berlincould arrange to make the trip to Americafor the proposed International tourney atCambridge Springs and that the team repre

Lnsker Tschlgorln Jonowskl Maroczy

Marshall who will represent America will

travel on the Pretoria leavingApril 2 Arnold of Breslauand Carlsbad amateur Theodor Tletz

The record to dateLost Won Lntt-

Gunsberz a Marshall 2 jMarco Hi 1 I-

Maroczy 2i HiS lderskl

PiNEniTST N C Feb hondlcnpmatch play tournament sersonmembers of the Golf Club ended today Ina victory for I B Johnson of the ArtisteClub of New fork whoso handicap was nlixjstrokes over J Henry Jr of Mount

Country Philadelphia whosohandicap was thirteen cupsvere won by the winner and runner up

First rtound M C Parshall Warren Pa 7beat Cnpt J 1 Crane WinchesterMassachusetts 19 3 up and 1 to JHentz Jr Mourt Airy Country Club

J A Baker Glen View Chicago 7 beat W SNorth Illversldc Chicago 7 1 up 1 I Johnson

I bra Y Salem Mass 13and 1 to

Second Round Hentz heat Parshall I up nine-teen holes Johnson beat Baker S un and 4 to

Johnson beat Henlz i up and 4 to play

Walter J Travis besides representing theGarden City Oolf Club theproxy of Echo Oolf Club of St Louis

Its at theannual of tho United StatesGolf Association The Jull voting list of

clubsof the allied clubs have named their dele-gates to tho meeting which begin at0 oclock

The fourth annual meeting of the NewJersey State OoH Association will be heldon Wednesday Feb 17 at 3 oclock In thoafternoon at tho ofllcn of tho presidentLionel 11 Graham 11 Broadway

has boon to Metropolitan Oolffor thn dates 2 1 and 4

for the championship and the course beselected meeting

llayonne Itowlnc Association OfficersAt the annual meeting of the Bayonno N

J Association last Tuesday nightthn following officers worn elected for theensuing year

John J Nealon president Frank S TurbettP VaHan recording secre-

tary J L Braumont financial Roberttreasurer cap

William J Kenlon lieutenant Robert WHerbert Stnltn and Robert It Clendeonuig



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no wing


















Rale Pawed Allowlnc Admlislonto Amateur Meetings WithoutIlelhg Inourrtil Effort to ShortenUlitanoe to SO Yard Not Successful

The twentysecond congress of the NationalTrotting Assdclation met In the MurrayHill Hotel yesterday Instead of the stormysession that many had eipectod would takeplace over tho presidency everything pausedoff harmoniously and In two hours afterconvening the president was ready t j listento a motion to adjourn yet It was really thobusiest convention tfiat has had to do withharness affairs In many years

The real work had been thecongress convened For several days eachfaction has been In the city busy with thework In hand and for weeks before this timethe work of securing voting proxies had beenactively gome on There were only 374

members represented and yet six presentheld proxies trlvlnc them 234 vot s moro by-

a liberal margin than a working majorityOf tho six Senator Whlto of Syracuse wasthe largest holder he having a total of 62

Just how the respective forces upwas not mado public but themust have been very nearly evenly dividedfor each side sot all It asked The oppositionIf such It may be termed wanted a roodrepresentation on the different district boardsand more recognition for the League ofAmateur Driving It got all this asfast as the order could bo carriedthrough but It was said to have obtainedonly after a preliminary strengththat mode concession tram the party In powerpreferable to warfare

At the former meeting when the committeeto revise the rules and report to this congresswas appointed H K Devereuz of ClevelandIntroduced a rule asking that clubs of theAmateur League be allowed to give amateurmeetings and admission at

Incurring tho penalty of recordsfor the Tho request was not acted

It was Incor-porated In tho rules without A dissenting

by the congresso was the hour announced

for the congress to convene but It was two

the crowded that everything hadbeen satisfactorily settled between fac-tions of the congress wouldbo smooth When President Johnson hadconvened the congress and tho names ofthose entitled to vote with the number ofvotes to bo been read the nominatingcommittee of three WON appointed to brinu-m a of ofllcers tobe elected for the coming two GeorgeW Archer Rochester C SimpsonSan Francisco and C A Chapman Vermontwere named as tho follow-ing ticket was soon put before the congressand it was elected by

President P P Johnston Kentucky first vlc-prrsldmt Morgan G Connecticut sec-ond vlrrprcslUcnt N T Smith CalUomln-

1or of the Eastern District Iloar JC-I F E Perkins ProvidenceJ M Johnson Calais Me Horace White Syrewe Jaraca Duller New York W Perry TaylorBuffalo

For the Central District WlHUm Russell AllenSt I uls C K 0 Billing Memphis Frank DowerPhiladelphia

Western DIMrfct J C Velty Canton H E-Devereux Cleveland Senator Bailey Gaines-ville Tex

When the report of tho committee on ruleswas read was approved without debateuntil Kule 44 was reached nndhero an amendment was offered providingthat any amateur club to

menwith the Amateur Driv-

ing Clubs should bo allowed to hold a threedays amateur at which admission

could he charged at the gate withoutIncurring the penalty of a record or a barfor the horses In tho various events

The question was rained that this wouldnot be amateur clubs that weremembers of tho National Association but notof the Amateur League This was finally com-promised by the statement that any amateur

a member of the leagueThe amendment to Itulo 69 brought out

much discussion and several changes weremade In wording of the amendment before

was In to all It thenset thnt no horse entered at any meetIng could be leased or trans

unless written noticesshould be at once filed with the secretaryiind him transmitted to the to bepublicly posted or announced Failure todo makes to the transactionliable to fine suspension or

The rule for tho distance to fiftywas not acted upon favorably

the distance remains us It was The questionof weights was acted upon and hereafter it

be George WArcher who has been llrst forlour and a member of the board forsixteen tendered his resignationwhich was accepted with a vote of regret


Eleven Boats Rice for a Cap and theGeorcie I Mini

RSD N J Feb 10 Eleven Iceyachts this afternoon In the contestfor a cup offered by the business men of the

The yachts which came to the lineCharles P Irwlns Oeorgle I William

K Jollnes Hazel L Newton DoremussAtnlanta Benjamin K Morriss MildredCharles Burds Torment George llllgsWizard Hancou Northwest ThomasDaniels W B Chandlers Typhoonand K Greens Eagle

The boats all got off In a bunch The HazelI took the lead but maintained It only ashort time when the Georclo passed herAfter this tho Oeoralfl trained untilflhu a lead which was Impossible to over-come and won covering the courseof fifteiii in 40 41 secondsThe I was 1 rnlnuto A seconds behindTho Atalanta and Mildred finished third andfourth respectively

The first race a Brlcs for a cup offeredbv the North Ice Yacht Clubalso was sailed this The wind wasnot very strong and tho time not especiallygood distance was ten

which started were thoGeorgic II I Vixen Zero

nnd Typhoon The tookthe start gradually widened

the Tho real contest was betweenthe II for second place

From a position In tho rear tho latteruntil she obtained second

beatine the Tyro by 10 secondsI wns

Wood Skates a Fast Half MileMorris Wood of Euclid School the national

skating champion at a half a mile and fivemiles made an attempt to boat tho recordfor the half mile nt Olympia Field rink lastnight He was paced and suc

In i distance In 1 minute21 25 secoids This is tho fastest overrecorded on An eight track nnd falls shortof the record ty second Hnd Wood

conditions as Nilssenthe record holder he undoubtedly wouldhave set new figures WHS he wenta wonderfully fast of a mile but hewas not for that distance

Public School Athletic Leagues New RuleThe Public School Athletic League has

decided that In the future boys cannot com-pote for outside organizations and representthe league nt the sam Isafter the custom of not allowingletes to a and an athleticclub simultaneously Dr Gullck secretaryof tho object ofto loyalty to and to In-

crease the number of competitors Should-a boy be a momber of a and n settle-ment or club at tho same time tin must clioowowhich he Intends to represent in athletics

Hall Defeats Carpenter In Squash TourneyThe contestants in tho New York A C

squash tournament yesterday were II SCarpenter and T M Hall In the list ameHall ran ahead of his opponent nndwon with n lot to spare The samewas a repetition of Hut In the thirdcame Carpenter braced himself and wasa pretty until tho last uc which

secured for him the thrcoBarnes and no further was necessaryfho score In favor of Hall being 5 15 515 H

BOOOO for Green Trotting MareLEXNOTOS Ky Feb 10 James Wetherll-

of Gait Ont bought today from ClemBeachy Jr the sixyearold bay mare EmmaHoyt for 9000 Emma Hoyt is consideredthe cream of green trotting mares of Ken-tucky having gone a trial hero lost

209 She be placed In the handsof the Canadian driver Htlnson whowill campaign her the coming season Herflrst start be In and MStake at Detroit Wetherill bought thefor Mies K L






hours betore the sed through













hls rile
























She Wln the Roiebud SUkef for TwoTear-Oldi atNew Orleans

NEW ORLEANS Fob 10 Tha twoyearoldswore asked to do lour furlongs for tho firsttime this year at the Fair Grounds this after-noon In the Rosebud makes which was thefeature of the day The pick of the young-sters hero with the exception of Arch Oldham All Scarlet Modred Law and FriarTuck started In this event Stella Allenthe Texas was made the choice Thedaughter of Gallantry was played at 11 tO5and nt time was bucked down to twos

the stable of A H D HMorris was the second choice and also nssupported while Pinkie and Green

from tho stable of Albert Simonslacked for

From tho time went to thefinish there was only one horse In the race

the way for the Morris Stella Allento keep step nor In early


The further went the more she In-

creased her lead with Fuller herand winning by lour lengths Stella Allen

The victory of Vlperlno was a very popularono

The track was in conditionand weather far tram Inviting for racing

ono kept near tho heaters was anay for form players as the portion

of races were won by thingsoutsiders De Iteszke was tho onlyingfavorite

Hint Race Flvo and a furloncs maidensLord French 117 T Dean to 1 won MartWna113 Fuller 5 to 2 second m 107 W Hen

is to l third Time ll2Si Phlora TripleStiver St Merrylees St Jolly Dolly ColinGeorge and Tower ran

Second RaeeSU furlongs theArenn 103 W II to S won Yo San100 iStUli u to 2 second Kedman 107 T Dean7 to S third t 4S Walnut Hill GusIletdom Algonquin and Dlapbanoui alia ran

Third One mile purse De Reszke 100W 1 to 2 won St Tammany 100-

Davlson 7 to I second Toncred D7 llnhblui10 to l third Time lW33 Hymcttiu and TheBeirent also ran

Fourth Race Rosebud Stakes MOOO addedbait mlleVlpcrlne US Fuller 11 toS won Pinkie105 S to 2 second Truine Hunter106 Calvlt 12 t I third Tune 0CO 45Greenwood strlla Allen Lslheust Isabella Dand Golden Flower alv ran

Fifth liace One mile and a quarter nelllneFullback M Nleol 7 to 1 won S M-

Stoval 00 to 1 second Inspector Shea m J14 to 5 third Time 217 45 Irvln

Mayor Whitman Ammtc Uadfer Bob Hlllltrdand James Fltz nlvi ran

KUlh Knee Ono mile and JO sellingYtlas M tlobbliu is to 5 won Reckoner M

Livingston 11 Krbcfts J Henneitvl-to 6 third Time IMS 13 Uranium Lady

Matchlcm Decoration Judge Cantrcll Lam-poon also ran

Now Orleans Itntrles for TodayFirst Raee Selling furlongs

Moderator 113Julius Werner IMIArnoM K 112Henry of FranaftrriarlW llobsons Choice Ill

iMIIleium 10-0Ventoro IM Midshipman 109-

Heglan 100

Race One mile

St JollyPlautus

OOiT O SrarbrouchFox

BSiMIss MeltonThird Hacc Sli furionin-artslenne 1141 Alpaca

Kane 110FoxyMoroni 1061 MonasticMrs rank Foster105Itochacl WarJune Collins IOI

Fourth Race One mileTrocadero 105 stand PatDe ReiiUe 105 MalayMelstcnstnirer 105 Ilodtil

Howard 10ft SabotKM Satchel

Fifth Race XelllnriSU furlongsFltzbrUlar IllRtu cll Garth inoilJa CacheFrank Rlct lOSKus LankaSafeguard IMICentlc

Sixth Race One mileJim Nap lOSILady Mistake

FFallback 105 Emma A MWill Skelly 105Po t-

At San FranciscoSAN FRANCISCO Feb 10 The races at Ingle

Bide today resulted as followsRace sli furlongs Et Tu Brute

109 J Daly Bio S won lack Little 107 Belli30 to 1 second Doris 100 Kunil W to 1 thirdlime 1M9 Kmll MenloU Prim Miss

theRace Five and a furlongs Mlllne

Mr Famum 109 UonnerU I won Sollnluaion Sheeham M to 1 second Suburban Queen102 Hlldrbrand even third Time 112 AtlnorJean Gnivler Candidate sum Lazarus Ktq BeeItoscwiter und Princess also ran

Third Race futurity course Lansdowne 10-4Roache 7 to 2 won Iolonlus 112 Daly o in I

second Toe Pride 110 J Martini 11 to 5 miniTime 114 Distributor Instrument Harbor andQuiz II alio ran

Fourth Hace One mile and a sixteenth Starve110 Hlldebrnnd even won Kenllworth 115 Sec10 Ui 1 second Judge 05 W Daly 13 to 1 ttlrdTime Joe Major Tcnney andGrafter also ran

Fifth liace Six furlongs Sad Sam 105 Sher-wood 8 to 5 won Halnault 104 fJ Martin 18 to5 second The Dan 104 Travers 8 to l thirdTime ltS4 Col Van Futurlta and Fair Ladyalso ran

Sixth Race One mile and fifty PlercoJ 110 See 5 to I won Chip 105 Roach10 to l second Mr Dingle to Sthird Time l48 noutonnlere ChickadeePrince Blazes and Yellowstone also ran

Cornell Ilaiebnll ScheduleITHACA Feb 10 Manager Vincent of the

Cornell baseball team tonight announcedtho complete schcdulo for 1004

S Annapolis at Annapolis 4 and SAtlanta University at Ma-con at Atlanta K University ofNorth Carolina a Italelirh of Vlr-itlnla at Chnriottesvilla 11 Kaltlmoro a lultlmore-II Amberst at Ithaca 10 Niagara at Mlincn 22and 23 Syracuse al 27 at-Ithaca W Princeton at Princeton May 4 La-fayetto ut Ithaca 7 Columbia at u Frank-lin and Marshall at Ithaca U Princeton nt Ithaca-IS Manhattan at Ithaca 21 leorire town at Itliaca55 Lchlzh at Ithaca 2S Pennsylvania at ItliacaS-O Michigan at Ithaca June 4 Pennsylvania atPhiladelphia 17 Michigan at Ann Arbor is Michi-gan at Detroit or Toledo 21 Alumni at Itbaea

Steeplechase at DurlandsThere was a spirited steeplechase race for

a mile open to nil at the Durland HidingAcademy In West Sixtysixth street lastnight The riders were Archie Klnney 7-

Rnbbot M Tynan Marshall Clapp CharlesGeyer Geortte Rochwell and J Ciirrnn The

was won by Gcyer The next number onprogramme was equally Interesting

It was a potato race The siime riders tooknnd won Arrangements are

under way for the thirteenth annual liorse

Aprils Band 7

Vanilrrbllt Cup for International Auto RaceAugurtus Pout of this city banker nnd

nutomoblllt Is authority for tho news thatplans nro brinK formed for the institution of-

an International automobile raco In thiscountry on lines slmlnr to thosn of the racofor the cup presented to the AutomobileClub of Franco K Vnnrterbllt Jr it Is

said offered to donate 1000 for a giftcup Automobile Club of America whichIH to be offered for International competitionTho Idea HO far as It has been formulatedIs to have a raco of about 300 miles nnd LongIsland been suggested as thefor it

Mount Vrrnon IIlRli School Win ntiketname

The Mount High School basket-ball won last nleht from the Stamford

School team at Thescore wa Jloimt Vernon Si Stamford 7

Always Remember the Full Name

Cures Day

oil every




TUESDAY AM FHIDAT-irommenclng at I oclock-


Between Thin nnd Fourth Aves New Yorkready morning of each sale Pur

chasers will always nnd a largo And Interestinglist to delect from

Those dcjlrlnx to sell on make ntrp atany time up to S P II ihr day brrnre the Mia



4 SADDLERY CO 88 Westnear Chambers it upstairs They must be sold



woo supporter

ono al

ot thl rloe tlrod In a

to and noxt to Inst

I very




I second







102 J




and horly Kane als raa Holon wa Icl atpal


1 9





show to he hald at tho Dlrllnd acdlOY



his co

balV rnon

hh Vj

omo na Cl-d One




numhOlerobe ad now












We have a cigar that we would like you to tryWe mention this brand specially because ithas such a vast number of smokers

in at one of our stores and ask for the


6 for 25c 100 for box 25-


Tliii priet hoMi anyif Are tnitrd Jitttlt-iii M far 100 Sm t cath-tlvctt or mvnrv ortltr la tk

Bitlaiiii Xeu fort

A large full cigar Smokes free and smoothAppeals to of a three for a quarter

enormity of oar business a variety broad enoughto at tho tastes of all the smokers In Greater New York


i I



MALsmoker mid


AG Cgar roJet SIGH



Both to Send Seooml Crews to the Ameri-can Henley Regatta

It has been definitely decided that Harvardand Yale will junior eichtoared shellcrews to Philadelphia to meet Cornell Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania crewsof a similar makeup on tho Schuylklll Riveron May 30 Tho formal announcement bagbeen made by Thomas Heath of the Universityof Pennsylvania The race will bo a featureof the American and Invitations weresent to Harvard and YUle by the stewardssome time ago

The stewards according to Sir Reathhavo not drawn up entrancecondition hut It Is th understandCornell Columbia and Pennsylvaniamake up their r ws from men havenever rowed In the boats at Pouch

while thn Harvard and oarsmenwill be limited to men who have never rowedIn the races at New london Therace will bo rowed over regulation Henleydistance a mile

In at Philadelphia Har-vard nnd Yal In the opinion of manymen have Hhown a morefraternal than in the past mid In some

the for the formation of a new Intercolle-giate rowing association which will embraceall of the rowing colleges in the Kast

event there would bo an raceat Hut in lino with tho policyIn vogue nt Harvard und Yale graduates

insist thut will neverleave New London

out college however anIntercollegiate regatta In which the varsitycrews of Yale Cornell ColumbiaI emir jvaiuu M otinuuaa tutufleorgetown could on thi Hudson lUver-at Poughkeepsle be of worldwide interest

nuhlln and Monroe Wrestle Without a FallBOSTON Feb 10 Jack Mimroe of Butte

and Ous Ruhlin of Akron the two heavy-weight pugilists did their best to provideentertainment for the lovers of ntthe Criterion A r last night by engagingin a wrestling bout but were BO

in knowledge of thn gamethat tho spectators gotout of the encounter wns In theof two youthful giants bulge nsnt man succeeded ingetting n fall although they worked

over an hour and the was declared adraw

Inder tho conditions tho pair were tounder thn rules

best two in threefnlK liuhlin showedthat he hail somi1 HnuitterlnRwrestling game hut Munroe was completelyat ea Several times the HutteIlls opponent around the waist and hurledhim to hut nt no time was he ableto got shoulders down



Best NAIUUAL Alkaline Water


nBW YOHK VAMIIlNiTl 1 L ADAMS MExecutor of Charles M ChlttcnUcn Dccrttill HEnlnst Ilielic Halnfa and others defendants

In pursuance of A judgment of foreclosure andsale duly made and the nbove eniltlcd

henrlne data the llith of IIKM

underslznrd the referee In said judgmentnamed will eU at public auction at the YorkHeal Kitatff S lesroom tel Urodway In theliaroiicrh of Manhattan Cltr of New York on thellth day of February 1904 at IS oclock onthat by Read auctioneer

said judgment to be sold and thereindescribed as follotts

All that certain lot piece or parrel of land withthe buildings thereon erected lylnir nnd-brlnt In the Nineteenth tho of NewYork bounded und as follows

at a point on the southerly sideof Street ono andninetyeight feet easterly from the southeasterly

Avenue A runsoutherly and parallel with Avenue

A one hundred feet lour Inches thence easterlytwentyfive feet thence northerlyAvenue A one hundred tour Inches tothe southerly side of 8eventynrit Street andthence vcstcrly alone ilic soutlitTlr line of Seventyllrst Street twcntynve tcet to the point or placeof beilnnlnir

Dated New York January Mth I9MPAUL L KlEnVAN Referee

ROBCnT SI BOYD JrAttorney for Plaintiff

503 New York City

The followlne Is n diagram of the property tobe sold the street number being 510 71st Street

E 7lst St-

itw i

The approximate amount of the lien or chargeto satisfy which the abovedescrtbed propertyIH to bo Is 11343 with InterestJanuary 18 together with cosM and allowancesamounting to 181 together with the expensesnf the sale The approximate amount taxesaisessments nnd water rates to be allowed to thopurchaser out of the purchase money or paid

Is S573ni ond lntcreilThe premises are to bn sold subject to prior

mortgages aggregating H3HO tlJan ZOth 1001



certifies that the h L COMPANYa domestic corporation has filed In this office onthis nth day 1WM papers for the voluntary dissolution of such rorporatlon under Section 57 of the Stock Corporation Law and that

thercfn m that such corporation hascompiled with said section In order to be dis-solved

WITNESS my hand and the seal of ode of theof State at the City of Albany

Seal this Mnth of One thousand nine hundred and four

1 II MOVOlVDeputy Secretary of State


4STH ST 41 TVE8T A large front room bathprivate house gentlemen

BOTH ST ISO WESTFurnished rooms nil convcalcncea SUAFEB




quar-ters it Is that th move

Ing both the nnd the Bluo I which

I con nmeet








acton day Janua


non1 b



CoMer 0

Iroa way














vTbe Possession of a Pianoof any make need not prevent anybodyfrom purchasing a Steinway as with

our unrivalled facilities for disposal we

are in a position to allow full marketvalue for same in an exchange for a

Steinway Piano and besides if intending

purchasers cannot pay the difference all

in cash time payments will be accepted

New Steinway Upright Pianos from 575

New Steinway Grand Pianos from 750

STEINWAY SONSBtelntra Hall 107 and 109 Kant Fourteenth Street

andWindsor Arcade Fifth Ave cor Portyalxtb Btrect

New York


I THOMAS L HAMILTON Clerk of the Countyof New York do hereby publish In accordancewith the provisions of Sections B and 0 of000 of the l w Section 5 of Chapter 37-1nf the Lflws of 1807 and Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter89 of the Laws of 1001 which laws takenare known as tbe Election Law the followingnotice received me from tbe secretary of Slate

STAVB OF NKW YOHKOffice of the


4To tbe Clerk of tho County New YorkDear sir

sentatlvo In the Congress of the UnitedStates for the Twelfth Coneresslonal District ofthe State of New York caused by the resignationof George I McCldlin and

Whereas the Governor his proclamationdated January Cxlecnth 1001 hasa election for a Representative In tho Fifty

Congress of State for theTwelfth Congressional District of tbe State otNew York to UII a Vacancy caused the resl na-tlon of George B be beld on Tuesdaythe d y of February 1WH

Now Therefore notice hereby given that a-

speclil Klertlun shnll be held In the Twelfth ConDistrict of this State on Tuesday the

twentythird of February ItXM at which thofollowing officer may lie voted for to wit

A In the CoiicreM-ot the united States for tbe Twelfth CongressionalDistrict of the Mute of New York as established

Chiipter Mil of the Laws of IDOLGIVEN under hand seal of office of the

Secretary of State nt the Capitol In the City ofAlbany tills sixteenth In the yearof our Lord one thousand nine hundred nnd four

Seal JOHN F OllIlIHNSecretary of State

Filed and recorded is laoiGiven under and seal ot office of tha

Clerk of New York County this 10th dayot January 16M



TYPEWniTEnSAII standard makes rentedand In order Klbbons and standfree Machines sold from twenty to ilfty centless than manufacturers prices and covered withour usual yearly guarantee Cash or monthlypayments F S Webster Company 317 Broadway

KtO Franklin

All MakesI Lowest ITIcei-

PC i Any Style Ilebullt Cuarantetl-OLLL Typewriter ExchangeV4 Ilarclay

SPECIAL anystyle rented 250 to St All rent

i applies If bouzlit within six monthsfiflfrRAI TYPEWIHTKH

KXCILVNGE-SM llroadway Cor Park Place


FINE PAYIXO LIVERY AND TRUCKINGbusiness short distance from this city price In-cluding buslncii nnd property 25000 easy termsco ss Hroadway

FINEST GENTS rURVISHIXn STORE In NewYork city located on the busiest thoroughfareopposite principal ferry price JISSOO Invcstlitatethis Its a errat chance

McDONALDWKKflNS CO 557 Broadway

5XX WILL PURCHASE FORMULA of entirelynew preparation greatly needed for windows Instores Ac For full particulars apply to

CO 257 Uroadway

15000 BUYS oldestablished store locatedon prominent comer In Brooklyn now doing good

for selling mlilns from businessstrictest Investigation allowed Full particularsat McDONALDWKiGlNS CO 257 llroadway


S500000 AT 4 ft 4i PKlt CENTTo loan on llrst class first mortgages amounts tosuit charges reasonable quick action bargainsIn real estate rents collected JOS T McMAllON4 and 8 Court Square Brooklyn

WISH 2800 nr N J plot 6 lots cost 8000bank references A M J box 23 liveningr ews Newark N J-


WANTCD TO PURCHASE kind of oldbooks no matter whut have send postal willcall or und cash largo librariesor small collections bought UOOKS box 193 Sun

WATCHES AMI JEWELRYA WEEKLY payments line dlamondsVatches

guaranteed lowest prices business confidentialrun write or telephone WATCH SUPPLY COThree Maiden


Room 4 Take elevator

PATENTSEDOAR TATE k CO patent solicitors all coun-

tries US llroadway Advise free send for In-ventors

noes AND ninosE-

NOLISH ntJLL PUPS nine weeks old to-rul reajwnable RrbcU 248 Wcit 38til 11




PIANOSThe distinguishing excellence of tha

Waters Pianos is their full richsweet tone with fine singing qualityDont fail to see and hear the newstyles for 1904 or send postal jbr cat-

alogue with reduced prices and easyterms


134 Fifth Ave near 18th StHarlem Branch Open Evenings

254 West J25th St near 8th Ave



M7i nowUpright taken In trade

M iULTOV ST BROOKLYNupright usnl l y iirtlstjUpright celebrated maker

03 BKOAI ST NEWARKUpright dlaruntlnucd stylo tvulijo

brilliant tone13 MVAnK AV JERSEY CITY

Upright silently usedUpright concert used

THE PIANOTISTThe Invisible Piano Player any pianoAny one can play It Cash or Installmentsdials dally Warerooms 123 5th nv near 19th Jt


Give Perfect and Lnstlng Satisfaction31 EAST MTU SlHliKT



KR1IAIIIK CONNOK PIANO for vile and rentEasy terms Jlcpalrlng Kxchanglng 4 East 42-




WUY CERTAIMTWell teach you nil the danrcj

And tiach you quickly tooJust lal c alj private lesson

Its nil youll have to do-

Dont waste your time In closvAnd stunts

Individual InstructionWill make you doiiic at once

Perfect glide waltz lmJ time and two step posi-tively guaranteed In li prlviitf ICSSDUSmusic lor 5 The lessons mny inkiii at jourconvenience any day morning Murtionn or ev-

HOWKS Private Dancing SchoolHarvard llulldlmr

2 cth vbetween 41st ami 42d sts


ED J FINXEOAV DIKECTORThe leading dandng academy nf nil New York

Attractive spacious popular and al-

ways the best KilcnslvoImprovements have Just Locn completed

greatly enlarging floor spare and Incrcaslnsc-ihn oorofrm nrd innxentpnce ol our pup

Tilde and hnlSniq wnllcs taught

MISS McCABESSchool 115 111 ft 111 AVeM ISth St

3 doors tcst nf etli Av L stationFrlvnte and clanilcunns dally Ilrginners any time


SHORTHAND toNy5SEmployment Dent

Urcular HTl I aUtflA-N OLD sciinoi A n

AnioiiotiiHSCHOOL OlnWI21331131 imOAimAYCor20tb St N T

FRENCH German Spanish Interaatlonsl Col



