t8 b20 neads trip 3 of 3 fdr- 6-17-03 table-timeline from transcripts- dod-faa- color-coded

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  • 8/14/2019 T8 B20 NEADS Trip 3 of 3 Fdr- 6-17-03 Table-Timeline From Transcripts- DOD-FAA- Color-Coded















    FAA W

    8:00:00 AA11 began takeoff roll8:04:55 Boston issued taxiinstruction to UAL175

    8:09:18 Neward Control issuedtaxi instructions to UAL938:09:17 AA11 established radiocontact with Boston TrafficControl8:12:29 Dulles Airport TrafficControl Tower issued taxiinstructions to AA778:13:47 AA 11 instructed to climband maintain flight level. Therewas no acknowledgement8:14:00 UAL175began takeoffroll8:17:59 Brief unknown sound(possibly a scream) from anunknown origin8:20:00 AA77 began takeoff roll8:20:48 Transponder informationwas lost on Boston radardisplays. AA11 wa s then aprimary radar target only8:23:01 UAL175 establishedcontact with Boston Center8:24:38 "we have some planesjust stay quiet an d you'll be ok we

    are returning to the airport",unknown origin heard by Boston.8:24:57 Second unknowntransmission, "nobody moveeverything will be ok if you try tomake any moves you'll endangeryourself and the airplane just stayquiet"

    8:24:53 By now Boston madeseveral transmissions attemptingto contact AA11 .

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    Wpns Trans: 8:37:37-41, Alright, Boston Center TMU, we have a problem here, wenave a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York and we need you guys to, weneed someone to scramble some F16's or something to help us out. Is this realworld or an exercise. No, this is real world, this is not an exercise, not a test


    8:25:00 Boston began notificationthat suspected hijack was inprogress. New England ROC,

    ATCSCC and Boston facilitymanager notified. Controllersbegan inter-facility coordinationwith New York Center

    8:25:49 AA77 established radiocontact with Washington AirRoute Traffic Control

    8:26:00 AA1 1 began southboundturn over Albany, New York

    Third transmission of unknownorigin, "nobody move please weare going back to the airport don'ttry to make any stupid moves"

    8:34:00 Boston contacted Cape

    Terminal Radar Approach Control(a t Otis) and requested theynotify the military of eventsregarding AA1 18:35:00 New England ROCadvised Washington OperationsCenter of suspected hijack ofAA118:36:00 Washington OperationsCenter notified Civil AviationSecurity Intelligence (ACI) andconferenced New England ROCand ATCSCC8:37:53 FAA recorded sameconversation

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    ID Trans: 8:43:03-58 Umm, I don't even have his original,umm, I could try to findout what his original was . Yeah,that's wha t we need. Umm, okay, hold on. (46seconds later) Hello. Yes, go ahead. His original code was one four four three.

    MCC OPTrans: 8:43:00-18 "MCC"Okay what we're lookingat right now is, weneed to ma ke sure of is inland 55, 56 and uh, 62, stay up and are good to go."Background" I've never seen so much real world stuff during an exercise.

    MCC OP Trans: 8:43:47-8:44:49 "MCC " let's find this guy. "MCC" 1443 okay let'slook for it. "background" a Z point, I just put out a Z point. "MCC " O kay, rightthere, 1443 last known. "MCC "no , this is real world. "MCC " sir,last knownposition we got out to this guy is right there at the Z point. "MCC" He's heading190 at 29 thousand feet, he's heading down south, so we're looking for somebody.

    "MC"just s tart hittingup tracks around that Z point, around that area.





    8:44:00 New York fac ilitymanager notified New YorkTerminal Radar Approach Controlof possible hijacking of AA11

    8:44:05 USAir 83 tran smitted toNew York, "I just picked up anELT (emergency locatortransmitter), it was brief, but itwent off

    MC C OP Trans: 8:45:00-28 "Background " MCC, SD. Scramble Otis. "MCC " copy,same mission. "Background" MCC, I don't know where I'm scrambling these guysto , I need a direction, Ah, destination. "MCC " Okay I'm gonna give you the Z point,it's uh, just north of New York City. "Background" I got thislat. Ion. 41, 15, 74, 46."MCC" Head them in that direction.

    0845 ID Trans: 8:45:11-28. [ID Tech calls New York] In background "Who's calling NewYork, giving them a heads up. New York AM IS, Huntress ID. New York. YesMaa m, are you aware of the uh, possible hijack of Ame rican One O ne. No I'm not.Through Boston Center we just got information there is a real world hijack ofAmerican One One, he is headed, he was forty miles north of JFK headed towardsJFK, we're trying to find out any information thatwe possibly can, appa rently thepilot wa s having a rough time because there ha s been threats in the cockpit, hewas uh, started out of Boston for LA , now headed for JFK, we do have militaryassistance after him that is two F15s uh, wanted to give you a heads up to let youknow Ame rican one one, we're trying to locate any information as far as a locationwhere he is, currently a M ode three, do you have any information wha tsoever.

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    ID Trans: 8:46:06-8:47:36 (NY) Umm, 1 ,umm am not, hod on one second. "ID1"keep tring (sic) to locate that mode three "ID1" New York told me to hold on, youheard that right "ID1" hmm, come on New York, "ID1" you know what, let's get a

    tail number off of it, call Boston Center, lets get a tail number. Right now he'sprimary only. You have no mode three. You have a lat. Ion. Umm, I can get a lat.Ion. "ID1" we're gonna get an updated lat. Ion;, a updated lat. Ion., we calledBoston his original, his filed one is one four four three, he's not working that, he'sprimary only we're getting an update position now. Okay showing four zero threenine north, sever four zero three west.MCC/T Log: Fm H (sic) scrambled @ TT on A1 1

    MCC OP Trans: 8:46:22 Background time 12:46, authenticate, Delta, X-Ray

    Scramble immediately, Panto 45, 46 heading 290, flight level 290. ContactHuntress, 228 point niner (garbled).

    ID Trans: "ID1" Okay there it is. That's where she said it was.Surv Log: Fm H (sic) Scrambled 1246MCC OP Trans: 8:47:23 "MCC" I have scrambled Otis, and already, as per yourdirection, we're sending them in that general direction, we're send them right tothat Z point, and then we can maneuver them, un, as deemed uh right.

    AST Trans: "AST" I ust hear a twelve four six scramble, scramble Otis. "AST"ICC, Otis has been scrambled. 46MCC OP Trans: 8:48:29 Okay sir this is SGT (garbled) at CONR uh, theGeneral [Arnold] would like uh, do you have radar coverage on this guy.ID Trans: 8:49:22-28 Huntress, good morning, this is New York millitary calling atNew York Center. Yeah how are you doing. Good, Good, are you, watch

    supervisor needs a number for a possible hijacking, uh,he wants to call somebodyn ca ome isistc t e r i e

    FA A

    8:46:31 Primary radar tracking ofAA1 1 was lost

    8:46:35 Impact at World TradeCenter8:46:48 UAL1 75 transponder

    code of 1470 changed, firs tindicating 3020, then changingagain to 3321. Consequently,secondary radar return began tocoast and was no longerassociated with primary return

    8:50:51 AA77 acknowledgedclearance to Falmouth. This wasthe last radio communication withthis flight

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    i DD



    CONR NEADMCC OP Trans: "MCC" Scramble at 46 excuse me. "Background" scramble at 46or airborne 46. "MCC" SD, MCC. "MCC" that was 46 scramble time, scrambletime thanks.

    ID Trans; 8:51 :22. (Background voice) Who are you talking to, a plane jus t hit theworld trade center

    MCC/T Log: Fm H (sic) A/B @ TT on A1 1ID Trans: 8:52:01-23 (Background voice) God save Ney (sic) York. New YorkAMIS, Huntress ID (Background voice) See if they lost alititude on that plane alltogether. New York. Yes Maam, did you just hear the information regarding theworld trade center being hit be an aircraft. Your kidding. No, it's on worldnews, umm, do you still have altitude on that aircraft you have. No, like I, no, like Isaid I don't work a radar here. Yeah you said you lost radar through (sic)

    MCC OP Trans: 8:52:15-53 "MCC" No, did yo say something just hit the worldtrade center, or someone reports, okay, okay. "MCC" No keep on going with it."Background" talkin with IG [sic ID??]and we had a phone call that came down tous, an saying, they had a possible hijack out of Boston, an uh, I jus t flipped around

    and uh, we are always wind upon the new, and uh a 737 just hit the WTC and Iwas just curious, at the same time was that the aircraft the last I knew they had aprimary on it and the track was not squawking 7500 but it was, it was underduress. "MCC" send them to New York City, still consider go.

    NOTE: At this time there are comms difficulty and NEAD ID gives impression thataircraft that hit the world trade center was "apparently, it was not that guy. NYresponded, "not that guy."


    8:50:00 Washington OperationsCenter activated a Tactical Net atrequest of Civil Aviation Security

    Intelligence (ACI) Neward AirportTraffic Control Tower advisedNew York Traffic Control ofpossible aircraft crash into theWorld Trade Center

    8:51 :43 New York to UAL 1 75"recycle transponder' noresponse was received.Controller made severalattempts, repeatedly trying tocontact UAL175 for the next fourminutes. During this time, theaircraft was also observedmaking a left turn anddescending

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    MCC OP T rans: 8:55:58 "Backgrou nd" if you can, hand the fighters over directly toFA A so they can just work w ith them, coordinate w ith themthe best that you can with that,

    take them to the area and let them, let them handle the airspace.

    MCC/T Log: Boston FAA says hijack a/c crashed into world trade centerSurv Log: Airborn @ 1252AST Trans: 8:58:09 "AST"Now we're deciding. Their sayingthat a civilian a ircrafthas hit the world trade center,but the haven't confirmed it's American Eleven yet

    MCC OP T rans: 8:57:04-26 "MCC " Okay what did they say exactly, about thataircraft that hit the building, the world trade center. "MCC" Okay Boston just talkedto us, he said he didn't wantto confirm, bu t they're pretty sure that is, that was theaircraft. "MCC" unconfirmed from Boston, yeah, they're pretty dogone sureit ishim, yup.MCC OP Trans: 9:57:51 "Background" Wh atwas the airborne time,52 .MC C OP Trans: 8:58:09-9:59:03 Background , they wan t to know what the missionis, I told them the mission is holding.that's what I passed. "Background" right now,this is what was coordinated w ith center, we got them b asically just co ming sou thof Long Island,an d holding,at whatever altitude center wantsto put them at ."MCC"right, Okay. "MCC"Uh, do we have a mission, that we can pass to these

    guys. "MCC"no , what they want to know is what kind of mission do we pass tothem, hold, you see what I mean, yeah. "MCC" Yea, FAA,as needed, also we aregoing to be, we are holding them south of JFK for approx. ten miles, at whateveraltitude they need, so that's all we can do.

    Surv Log: Highjacked aircraft American Flight1 1 , 76 7


    8:56:19 AA77 Secondary radarreturn lost on ZID displays8:56:32 ZID controller attemptedto contact AA77. There was noacknowledgement. ZID also triedto communicate with AA77through American Airlinescompany radios

    8:58:14 ZID also made severlattempts to contact AA77 throughAmerican Airlines companydispatch

    8:59:00 ZID controllers begancoordinating with other controllersto protect airspace and altitude ofAA7 7's filed route of flight

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    Surv Log: Possible second highjack United flight

    ID Trans: 9:03:20 Background Voice. They have a possible second hijack

    AST Trans: "AST" Okay guys listenup , possibly we have a second hijackingMCC OP Trans : 9:03:39 "Backg round" U nited, another hijack, real worldMCC OP Trans: 9:04:04 "MCC" Sir, thank you, sir,we got a, we got a unconfirmedsecond hit, from a nother aircraftID Tran s: 9:04:10-46 Background voice 2. This 3320 is way the hell over by LakeErie. "ID1" Oh God, what phone were you on. "ID1" United on e seven five. "ID1"On e seven five, what is it. "ID1"United 175, is the other aircraft, m ode 3 is 3321

    MCC OP Trans: 9:04:15 Maj Rice, Hello. Hi ya doing sir, this is SGT BelluscioatHuntress, Huntress Control,we got a hijack, uh I don't know if you guys are awareof that, we had a couple of fighters scramble out to assist FAA, and we werewondering if you happen to have any out in the W10 7, W1 05 area. Umm, we got acrew airborne right now, ah I don't know where they went though, I think 204 or212, you can find them, uh, they got team 23, we got 2 crews airborne right now,team 23 and team 24, New York Center willbe working them, thereup , northeast

    of New York. [Note: this likely refers to tanke rs]MCC/T Log: United175 possible hijack Bos-LAX

    ID Trans: 9:06:05 Uh, negative we just from New York Center, possible crashalso, uh, you heard about the first okay possibly a secondMCC/T Log: UAL175 ID as 767


    9:00:00 [time approximate] NewYork Radar Approach Controlcontroller stated "at

    approximately 9:00 I observed anunknown aircraft south of theNewark Airport, northeast boundand descending out of twelvethousand nine hundre feet in arapid rate of descent, the radartarget terminated ath the WorldTrade Center.

    9:03:14 Second Impact at WorldTrade Center

    9:05:00 NEADS logs indicatethey were notified by the FAA ofthe events concerning UAL175New York received notificationfrom Newardk Airport Trafficcontrol of a second aircraftstriking the World Trade Center

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    " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~













    MCC OP Trans: 9:07:47-59 "MCC" Okay Foxy this what, this is what I forsee weneed to do, we need to talk to FAA,we need to tell them, this stuff kee pson going,we need to take those fighters, pu t them over M anhattan, okay, that's the best

    thing, that's the best place right now. "MCC" Coordinatewith FAA, tell them, ifther's more out there right now, which wedon't know, let's get them o verManhattan, at least we have some kind of playMCC OP Trans: 9:08:42-58 "Background"the second suspected aircraft is United175, I ust put that up theere. "MCC" Okay, thisis what I got gong, tell Foxy toscramble Langley, send them in the sam e location. "Background" b attle, battlestations or scramble. "MCC" battle stations onlyat Langley

    ID Trans: 9:08:17-24 Yes sir just wanted to give you a heads up we have had two

    confirmed, well not confirmed, one hijacked aircraft and possibly another one, andyes we do have that information an d we're workingit now. This is for live world.Live world yes.MCC/T Log: LFI on B/S @ TT for hijack threat

    MCC OP Trans: 9:09:00 "MCC" Okayare you listening, what I told the FD so faris, we need to get those fighters over Manhattan, because we don't knowho wmany guys out of Boston could be (garbled). "MCC"You miss three or two, therecould be moreID Trans: 9:09-25 Background 2. 09, we went battlestations at 09 [probablyLangley] "ID1" I hope they cancel the exercise because this is ridiculous.ID Trans: 9:09:43 United Airlines dispatch says that United175 is NORDO, and isnot in radio contact. Is NORDO, is NORDO

    MCC OP Trans: :9:10:09-34 "MCC"you know what,I don't like them there."MCC" Okay, okay,I want those fighters closer in, I want them south of JFKMCC/T Log: Both hijacks U AL175 @ A1 1 hit world trade centerAICC Trans: 9:1 1 :22 Panto 45 [Otis scramble] remain current position until FAArequests assistance [Holding area W 105]ID Trans: 9:12:27 Background voice we've got Langley on battle stations"ID1"Langley's on battle stations, okay, that's fineMCC OP Trans: 9:12:54-57 This is Manta. How are youdoing sir, this is inreference to the active air, we're trying to reach the military coordinator, we'rehaving a difficult time, umm, NORADis requesting that the fighters hold overNewYork


    9:09:00 ZID notified Great LakesRegional Operations Center of apossible aircraft accident of AA77due to the simultaneous loss ofradio communicationsan d radaridentification


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    0913 MCC OP Trans: 9:13:29-32 This is Major McCarthywho am Ispeaking to. This isMajor Nasypany,go ahead. He y Nasty, are you guys watching CNN. Yup,uhwe're in the situation now, I'm kinda busy. Okay just wanted to know if you were,

    good bye.0914 MCC O P Trans: 9:14:48 "MCC " Yes sir, uh, we got Mane 85 [Tanker] going toWh iskey On e oh five right now, we also have the fighters holding there, we'retrying to move them down south of JFK, okay, we got some bad poop from FAA.

    0914 ID Trans 9:14:39-50 New York, Huntress checking on United175 apparentconfirmation on United175 being the second aircraft to hit the world trad e center,have no idea, I would have no idea of that. Okay, Boston said it was in yourairspace.

    0915 9:15:00 [time approximate]ZIDOperations Manager contactedChicago Air route Traffic controlCenter (ZAU) and advised theOperations Manager of concernthat AA77 may have beenhijacked and that ZAU should beon the look ou t (based on events

    occurring in New York)0917 ID Trans: 9:17:28-33 Scoggins, Boston Center military. Heh how you doing thisthis is MAJ Nasypany. How are you doing.Um we have uh, are could shuteverything, nobodyis departing...just wonderingdo you have people on alert thatwe. I've got fighters in WHISKEY 105 right now,and I've got a tanker there aswell, I've got other aircraft on alert at Langley as well, I'm getting ready to, I've gottrackers over JFK o ver Bo ston and that area, just looking for anything suspicious.

    0918 AST Trans: 9:18:22 "AST" it looks like they're pushing the fighters into New York

    "Background" that KKKKis that the, "AST" thatis the original point that they gaveus

    0920 AST Trans: 9:20:57 "AST" Okay listen up 6, 8 whoever's on my loop, American11is still up there, he's still a hijack and he's headed for Wa shington

    0920 MCC OP Trans: 9:20:00 "MCC"My recommendation, if we have to take anybodyout, large aircraft, we use AIM nines in the face. "MCC " If need be.

    0921 MCC OP Trans: 9:21:58 "Background voice" Third aircraft heading towardsWashington

    ^ '

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    0922 MCC OP Trans: 9:22:05-47"MCC"Okay, American eleven, that's the first guy,he's still airborne, and he's heading towards Washington, okay, I think we need toscramble Langley right now, and I'm goona take the fighters from Otis and chase

    this guy down if I can find him. "MCC" Yeah,you sure. "MCC" Okay, he's headingtowards Langley, er, I shouls sa y Wa shington. "MCC" American eleven,theoriginal guy, he's still airborne, we're still getting a. "MCC" we're still getting aposition. "Backgro und voice" do we still have a position. "MCC" Foxy, scram bleLangley, head them towards the Washington area



    Surv Log: LFI scrambled American flight 11 still airborn heading towardWashingtonSurv Log: Scramble time 0924 (recheck this entry)

    0922 ID Trans: 9:22:38-49 New York, Huntress ID, reference Am erican11 "ID1" I'mcalling American right now, er New York. This is New York go ahead. Yes sir wejust had, ah, knowledge that American 11 is still airborne headed towardsWashington, did you get that information.

    0922 AST Trans 9:22:47-52 "AST"Better get Langley going guys, what did I just say."AST" scrambling Langley



    AST Trans 9:23:46 "AST"I'll get you scramble time for Langley as soon as I knowitMCC OP Trans: 9:23:10-50 "MCC" Whatws the tail number. "Background Voice"

    November three three four, alpha alpha. "MCC"November three three four, alphaalpha. "MCC" If we can, we're trying to get the mode, trying to get a position onthis guy. "MCC" Okay,till then, we'll run in on them, okay, goodbye. "MCC" Th eseguys are smart. "Background Voice" Yeah they knew exactly what they wanted."Background Voice"wee what the hell was the plane that crashed. "Backgroundvoice" probably a third hijack, is that it. "MCC" no, this is American, AmericanAirlines, the first one.



    MC C/T Log: American A irlines #N334A A hijacked [note: this is tail number forAA11]

    9:24:00 Great Lakes notifiedWashington Operations Center ofsimultaneous loss or radiocommunications and radaridentification of AA77

    AST Trans 9:24:33 "AST" Scramble time 24, 24 LFI, 1324, did you get that 9:24:30 UAL93 established radiocontact with ClevelandAir RouteTraffic Control Center

    0925 MCC/T Log: hijack AAfit headed to Wash D C

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    ID Trans: 9:32:23-9:34:07 Huntress ID, unsecure line. Huntress ID, this isWashington Center, Operations Manager, uh okay, I guess you had calledhere a couple of times, you never talked to me.... Okay there are 3 aircraft

    missing out of Boston, I just spoke to Boston, they said they are not sure ofthe 3rd call sign, but they do have 2 one is United 17 5 and the other isAmerican one, one, they thought that American one one crashed into theworld trade center, along with United 175 however American one one is notthe aircraft that crashed...that was not the aircraft headed into the worldtrade center, that hit it that Boston is saying, the last known, and I'mnot sure where through the grapevine we heard it is people calling isAmerican one one was headed for Washington, that is the only thing. Was

    headed for where. Washington. Okay...But remember nothing has beenconfirmed as far as which aircraft hit the world trade center, but the otherone, we have information is heading for Washington. Okay, let me tell youthis, I, we (sic) been looking, we have also lost American 77.

    AICC Trans: "SD2" call Giant Killer, tell them reference QUIT 25 work with ATC, Iwant them direct Bait, direct BWI for now, and have them come up on, ah, 22,23.46 in his Aux frequency to talk to Huntress.

    MCC OP Trans: 9:33:34 Background Voice: Langleys airborn [sic], we haven'ttaken a hand off yet, but their airborn

    MCC/T Log: American 77 fit to LA lost/unable to locate

    FA A

    9:32:31 A fourth radiotransmission stated "did you hearthat transmission that reported a

    bomb on board?" from anunknown origin was heard overZOB radio

    9:33:00 [time approximate] AnOperations Supervisor at IADadvised the Hhite House Office ofthe Secret Service of an unknown

    aircraft heading in the direction ofthe White House, fast moving. Acontroller was providing the sameinformation to controllers workingat Reagan Airport Traffic Control(DCA). The IAD Supervisor alsoprovided continuous updates on acritical event teleconferenceestablished at the FederalAviation AdministrationHeadquarters building.

    [9:33:14 JSS radar files show thatAA77 was just beginning its 360degree turn to the right

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    AICC Trans: "Presumed Background" we're going direct DC with my guys, okay,okay, okayID Trans: 9:38:21 Background. Huntress Well they better know now they got atarget 6 SW

    ID Trans: 9:39:39-50 And when was that last update sir. That was at appro x1256Z (8:56). Background . Huntress 1256 Zulu that was his last known point.Thank you sir. Yes. Background Mueller, heading and speed, heading and speed

    AICC Trans: 9:39:19 Quit 25 vectors 330, max sub sonic, the mission is to uh,standby

    MCC/T Log: Delta 89 possible hijack Bos/Vegas

    MCC OP Trans: "Background Voice"SGT (garbled) did you know that Bravo033your gonna, "backgrou nd Voice" no I didn't. Okay B ravo 032 if you look overWashington. "Background Voice" Bravo 33. No, Bravo 032. "Background Voice",copy. Is a track of interest that they worried abo ut, thatwas six miles out ofWashington, okay. "Background Voice"They got the White House or Pentagonthat wha t you need to guess, right.

    AICC Trans: Team 23 H untress copy all recomme nd left hand turn, your on theEastern side of 386


    9:38:00 GOFER06 reported thatthe unknwn aircraftha d crashedinto the we stern side of thePentagon9:39:12 A fifth radiotransmissionmostly unintelligibl, stated wordsthat may sound like"captain,...bomb on board,...ourdemands,. . .remain quiet"

    9:39:59 ZOB notified Great LakesROC of the screams andstatement from unknwn origin,believed to be LJAL93

    9:41:00 Secondary radar returnand flight information becomesintermittent [UAL93] and

    eventually failed on ZOB radardisplays

    9:44:31 ZOB controller notifiedPittsburgh Terminal RadarApproach North Arrival controllerof the unanticipated turn, the lossof secondary radar return and

    9:45:00 PIT controller notifiedOperations Supervisor of eventssurrounding UAL93.PITcontroller also manually initiated

    radar tracking of the primary

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    10:14:46 CONRDCOtells WADS/SEADS"report status...bringup with live missiles.Cleared to loadslammers on all ASAjets"


    MCC OP Trans: 10:14:52 "Background" Nine three is down, northeast of CampDavid, that's he one with bomb on board. "MCC" He's down, did he crash or."background" I think so.


    1 0 1 4

    1 0 1 5

    ID Trans: 10:14:20-52 Also sir, I want to give you a heads up, United 93, do youhave any informtion on that. Yeah, he's down. He's down. Yes. When did he land,we didn't get. He did not land. Oh, He's down. Yeah somehwere up northeast ofCamp David. Northeast of Camp David. Yeah, that's the last report, they, they,don't know exactly where. "ID1" Northeast of Camp David. Sir, no confirmation of

    a blowup or anything like that. Well they said they sent a C-130 over there and hesaid yes, he was in the ground. On the ground, safe. Nope, blew up.

    1 0 1 6 10:16:39 CONRDCO"peacetime ROE still"




    1031 10:31:01 CONRDCO"Vice President hascleared to us tointercept tracks ofinterest and shootthem down if they dono t respond er CONRCC

    104110:41 : O O Z O Boperationsmanager made official notificationto Great Lakes [about UAL93]FA A note: Although this is theofficially documented notificaitontime, FAA officials were aware ofthe accident as the events werereported as they occurred on acritical event teleconference

    established at the FAAHeadquarters building

  • 8/14/2019 T8 B20 NEADS Trip 3 of 3 Fdr- 6-17-03 Table-Timeline From Transcripts- DOD-FAA- Color-Coded








    NORAD CONR1 0:42:49 CONRDCO"Clearance to shootfrom Vice President isto save lives on theground if A/C do notrespond

    11:07:33CONRDCODEFCON 3 ordered

    11:58:37 CONRDCOSCATANA has beenordered


    MCC/T Log: NEADS ordered to DEFCON 3

    Surv Log: DEFCON 3 declared

    FA A