ta · j,, 1816..i beeri halll! house number 8. ~.~., groceries! lager of every brand cwthlxg,...

J , , .I 1816. Beer I Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWT HlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT -1 . -. On Acco unt of Removal ROPE A .. YD CORDAGB, SE.-\ TrLE RACE COURSE, MILL S TREET, SEATI'LE. Shoes, Not ion .. Etc ., Et c .. WOODEN' lf WILLOW WARE, WHITE REGARD L ESS OF COST C.t NXED PRESERVES 4 JlEATS, ..... Cermania Family W. A , JENNINGS Dry Cood., Staple Cood., Fancy Coods, CENTS' FURNISH INC COOOS I Choice Wines" Liquors, &opnDrM 01 __ II __ pm&l.-olJ bit 'I..... ed .... t ..,. .. 18'f'l'. CoIl .. _ 1IlIItI 8CBL(;88EL LUfT. Iii WlLlW a-. --. TEAS Flour, Feed , Bran and Shorts, RACES! RACES! SALII DI & IIAUEREt, 'I WOOD. CROCKERY ANn GLASS, SALT FOR TABLE OR DAIRY'. Hams, Baoon , Lard ..d Butter "0GItII ltlrir.e 101'-_01"'-- ..,.... Co.. d .o"',- ..-...:u- 01 faallJ --. .......... Blibrttt !,ri CO' paId fOl' Coallt:rr Produee. Farm.... UMI. 10l!llO"" I llppl\ed _bIa .._ .ltb tbr ..., ..... of cO<Ida, ... Mded._ Pf'daD1 foI' UlII lraok. Saturda y, Dec, 30th. TO CAn'U M._. A n F... .. .. 'I' .l.IlNG 'l' OK 1fJ:DLY 1lf8J' ''' 'fCB.c. I& ...... --.s ' .... n __ _ ..-dr-u-_. Tlloo Itt,*""_ II.u tIM I\doo ... , ........ 11 -.. .. tboI »t . Clo81tea. 1IlIItI 1nll keep • "'-"'I:ot .. Hall I •_ .. aa.u.. THE VEllY BElfI' BEE RI seattle Al_1I. On h and. BUSINESS NOTICES . ' .• R.4BEE & .4 •.1., City Beer :SOT BE AT EN YET. COMII: ooe. come .u .•u4 gftt ooe of the ..\ra MI Otle PiN at til . E urtil .. &Iter,. AT '1'8 11: C.IOTZlOILtL.-Vergon. llIioe ho- l of lhe <Aole DIWl1 &1000 . offen a chromo to IlYe'1 pDrc h"' r, to tho: &mOUI fhR, C180to, ..t bl. plat:e of boaill_ . The chromo i.e a A.oa 0D0ll .btl i.e eDtitled the Capj&al "011... 1129 Ir YOII W&ll t an,-tllillg ill .. he Ii.. or Dn,I,j;tII, P elfalDe'1. Tm-. in face, aDylhiDg DaGa1l, k.pe iJl; a DI'II& tilora, Nil 011 11. B. )1 addocb, 8ee.u1e D.ug /:)tor. . Roo.. To 1.II:T .-A of lb. moat . Iegand, fomishf.d tOOlWin 10 ... 10 lei ..... lbe baildiog tO rDlfOdy knowo .. tb" T re moUI Bo_. OJ:I Comm..rcial IItreet. H. KKITB. n2Jd l m Now th at th a wO rrJ of the elec- tion is al lover wiUl. th e n ext oc-st thing to do is to cool oft' b,. calliog on Jack Le .. ,. and ge tting one of his . uperiur ciliPlr.J. P ...... IJ: TS.IZ NOTlC1I .-Dr. B ,...'I8. thll peat lbgnelic Bt"ain . for Ih. aaf o:. •ore, "Dd DaUlraJ. tr ....IJUlUI of al l t'III'. "bl.. di..e_. haa w.ka.o rooma ar. tbe Qocid..Ul ai Bolel fIX thi", d.,.. It -'- IIOUl'io g 10 ItO.Dd _ Ih. doetor. Ue GOAt ......11 r-ttllmePdeo:t. U , on are alBlded RO.nd _ him. Sunu. 29. 1876. H01' biab .nd St:oc.eh Vo' biuy ; .Iao. Tom and ""''1,.t 'btl y..,cban....Ex- chanRe 8Itloon. u26 DAl"ICI':.-There will be a rt'gul ar Saturd.,. Soiree, nnder the di recti on of C. O. Steinweg, (.In &turd&'l eve- ning, at Reinig's Hail. .. B.I.Jl.IZ. baa aom. 11'lendid ci- gan. "od brand. of tobaeoo, plv-, bolden, pocket cull e"...10. 1 - - - - - _ t:. o.-; ltaa, I !--.l aal. recei'l'- ed by Dull.ota .no&ber ill'l' oj(l8 of tbe CO' If'bratf. d hAnd of eigaro, "Dollble EIIdo.n," allO a"ullillll "TlIllr.iab Floe C. f·· .... .loa' L. " ... . 1A0 1I·.. D161.. Ca ll lor .I_ill )I00::qa Exu. P Oll,. Old BII' bon., ill br... bonod cull. and <>i 1 'l' llr f.at . The <l uly p1_ lbat ,"Oil can 8 ", t II ia i. the CU '" ll ll UL IIILL, fool of UiII.uwl. Fm:v ' SU:'i:Dis the pl raee to get the beIIt cig..n in the city. Oive him Il cal l. .. LBoAL HUSKS of e yery desc rip- tiOn at J ohn L. J am ietlOn ·s. .. LAC ER San Ft In l,; lIk,u' ''Ufll acoom Se- attle. Br emen a. St. Lou is Go TO W. G. J .... U :IO]III· ••od .. pair ..r 1Ip«Ue1 ... Ht'I baa tbem &11 m.otgIl lf,iDg. 1I0 dimi1>iabllli to you can N.d e1eeliOJl; n1tw1l1 10 .ui l ,olll'tlOllf. 119tf An penou in need of a good nune, can be aoeomodated by lea,,· iug orde rs at 1Irs. Plummer' ,. ..tlao ...ing iu families . -'_.' , n·" Conn.. !o," and Alt'lII-st·La" . ..... . r :SOY 80 B.\D. - Di.euteftl an! gen· eralll o" e:r:rated . The little IIC hooner Carrie Hayd en. which got sne h roug huu.",."f! ou a recent trip to Vie- to ria .. ith a 101M! of bop from ... Cooner, is u'.>t 80 haJJ,. inju red that t hree huudretl doll an will not lis Ii er 118 g ood ll:lo ne,. ·. j< 'IRE ALA.1Uol .- The alarm be ll "'truck off a. qn ick tap abont l.en o'clock 1 811t night. the IlCene of co flagra tion bei og iu an out· house iu the rear or tbt'l big Chi nese honse on Second street. It "·all f!J:tin- gui shed before the a rri'l'al or tlJe en gine and her leisurely CI'\!'I'V of amateu r firemen. Co nKED b .-- The 00.\8 of the CoMet Snn-eJ, includin g the launch, are all sougl,. honeed on Cra.. ford .t Ha:rriogtoll· barf. The engine I hy boon t.Ilken out of the launch. ooat.ed ,.· ith ..hite l e.tl aDd lai d np iu hl" enJer till "the spring ti me come. . Annie," IUId the trio an gul..tion busioeM is resu med. ... ... -- " . ....... . , / /.... l ., c/ I I , === SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, ,SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1876. , I / '. '--.: '>.. --:/ - :--- - r, TEIUI!I OF OOUDIO oonrr. I SS UED B\"BRT BJ.TUImAT BT TH ON. D. ME RRY'I' Offi ci al D irectory. U :tiGOO nTT . R. U .... I".••. .. • . •• •JI>I1lle 01 D_tOowt lI . 1I .l l)td .l'Nb.ae J...-!lro' U,, ·f';' Y. W'l'CIWFY.... •••.•.••••••••,Awonll x. 8 . BOOT H ••• , • •• • •• •• •••••• ••• At>dito r O. D. HlLL.•••• •.•• • . . •• . . •• • •• •• ••n..-o nr "\If. B. HAu' '." ' ... •.•.••••• .• • • • •• .1I" ..... ,..., ,JOHN IiU ;l lELY •• •• •• ••• •• • ••••••A_ 6£0 .\ . WEED . ••• • • •• ••• ••• ••••• Ouro.ur r CITY OF f' EAT TI. £. G• .\. 'WDIt , .... w b _ •••••••••••••C1oI6k D.P. Ju- Cl1r .\ 11" ..-, u . ..... llo> WLA><tt •• • •• . •• ••••• • • • • •• • • • Tro_ ft r B .O. • ••lIanobal _ ao..r t>l P_I.... '11K'&.. na-.,. . Jolla u-,- . w . .... Barbr. $. Boll. W. :'i: . &II . Co w.. ......... R . IJ- ;' ;;' Trusadiolll 01 Snumo,, :r Nn l.- 8\e&men ya-j BTon 'WoBX.-Johu K eenan baa The foll owinB is. Jist of real lIlI - th e Port Ludl o" milia hall been liima and Funy I..b bad a hUft' of dcee lOme handlOme work for. lot elate ut es in King connty for th e moved in to tb eir new buildiDg op h eel. on their d eparture from here, in the Masonic Cemetery belonging week ending Thursday Dee. 7th , Iwrote the PhumiJ: HOQM, U is the the littl8 boat helDg ahe-d .. they to BanI NiellSOD, 01 Uris oit;", . It is a 1876: handsomest mill etore we bve eve r PMsed around Bandy P oint. The curb 01 Bellingham Ba1 stone with 'lIar,. Y. Hall l od hll ll "od 10 eeeu aod il U1'lUlged llfith a de gree water w.. vert s moo th, how ever. corner poetll 8urmOUUted with urns ............ I AJi Oll O. 11 of oommom01u lD_ that refleet8 ere- We m.,. lookfor the M_nger al- euh of which is e&rTt'ld with M-l 5. Fint AdJ i t.l on. be1 rliSuah 100 di t upon the resident tn.ron.-ger, Ar. moat. anI da,. . .. abe is r-l,. for ic e mbleml. E. '10· w: \hur PhinDt\,.. Esq., who demgned b naineu. c.pL Hammond and Mr. (hi C&Jn'.u8. -Jaoo h Banaen. the 101 Hi, Wock 10. lOW. of Be. . it. The baildiDg faoea the AnIM. BalleDe allow he r to carry I tO I>aDieh artist, who YiUIed \hie l ee- Ten;r two stories high, and S'2 feet by 90 poaade of eteaIu, her boilen baring tion aome alOllthU gO, hu OD ubi- lou i -.;I S bklc.- k 80. Teny '. in depth, the Dpper portion be in g etooe1 a oo1d _ter test of ! 13pounda. bition u PorilaDd a DD mber ofp&i.Dt- MeOOd Iddilioa .. .. .. •.. .. 2SO used .. a hall for p ublic meeti DgII The And enon hAd Dot arriflld from iage exeeuted by him during his 110- Eo T. F. nlham au4 wire to Ul'l'ia' d .- B '1 li. L fro h Th . D ,. h 10 6 an ...eeee, III t e an m "'....... w en we went to pres&. e JO ' u rn about \he SoUDd. Th6'l'. 1& _ .r, . fOUll . If I block 7 C. D. Bore o·. addi· the main is a coun ting room, No rth Paci60 went out .ith a fwi highl,. comme nded by the Poriland troJl; ..•.. .. .•• . ... ..• .. . .• . 3000 an eeeloeed with glaY, in .... hlch alao freight f or Vi cton.. ree te rda,. ,among pmu. Luke H. Jled n:aoDd . nd. -.ife to it ftUhD 1 .. b.. Il. Dr... . lot 438. I be the telegrap h offioo. Open- which were fifty head of hop pur- CRlUlJT)L\. PBEa Ene. -The storeS Plat of C. D. Bort'n .nd A. ing out of thillagain, ie a pri 'l'ate of· chaaed in Le. ia cou nt,. bI Willi..m ef W. H. Pumphrey,L. P. Smith , A. D"n ny .................. 3700 fl ee for lIr. Phinney wno bas all h iA J ac kson f or the Vi ctoria market. n Ch ar las Naeher. and lut b nt not •- , business concentrated . Th e waUs is aaid tha.t th e bu tchen of Victoria, l east , th e Jamieaon brothers, were As we had. j ust "mrked d _L I an ....eving are all do ne in Chin .. Seattle and Port Townsend, have beeie.... hI a ra.id of Port Gam b le off'our weekl,. forms, yeste rday, in I hI h g 08$, Wiet e deska and ClOnnten p urc haeed not t_ than thi rt,. \hou · and 8nohomiAh people who were eame a portl,. geutleman who looked f I·_L _.> ,,_ r- are 0 po 1... '''''' ...... -. evt nemg exee l- land dol.l.ara· worth of Jive pork in laying holida,. gifta for .he jU1"enilea. like old Kiug Oambrioua. He had I kmanab ' ...-i\h him akeg of lager, which he ent wOl"Th Ip 10 every del*1' the counues of Lewis, Chebalis and DUD.-Hon. W illi&m . Pi ckering, ment . er willoommence moving Co_lite sinOl! lad harTeat. Wbatcom of thi s coun.., .... _.", -:__-" presented ... ith th e eomplimenta of h •. .L _ . ... --.. ....... t e .toe JUto U10I DeW premuee to- _nty will. eJ:port .. much more in word of the desth of his brother at ) Iessrs. Picht .t Melhorn, of the b t -, -'1 lh Id ffi morrow n ... te r ... eo 0 Of! t.oyearsheuce. The da,.i.noifar GralsTille,D1ioo" · . He 11''' the aon So rth P acific Bre .ery . We ac· .h ·b h fire lace f ull f h ,"t 1 age p I) ro&r - ofl"w eu bacon eured at this place of Governor Pickering and resided eepled it and dra nk to that patriotic ing slabs, ..... a place ... here there will be lor sale in e"e..... famill <FO'O'O. here 80me ""ean ..an. toast , "One dag. one conn1.ry, anJ-- . Vo....._ ." z..-ei lager r' ... ere 1013 of comfort and no " F rench cer:r lD 0Il0U s: nI.lJci.&co . , .... .... , H UUU80:f s RI.l'ID:B.- We spoke ain." The cl erical roroe consists of 1'HE NEW H on:L.- It wae hoped of a r ainting of Io 'alls Yeasrs. Louis Poole. Oeo. W. Bar- th..t Thomu Smith. form erl,. of the some tIme . ioce. paint ed b,. H a rri - ri a and E. L. n OlIe, the latter of Cbemeketa Houae at SalelD, · won ld 8On. of the CoMt Snn e,.. Th e same whom it boo K· keepe r. Unuer h.... o been able to have started .. gentlemllu hllll made a smlloll pai nt- penision of th_ gen tlemen every · hotel in this place; b ut h e h alliea.aed iugof Monnt Rauie r,taken from the thing goes ..Ioug like c loek,w<ork . the OccidenW atPortl..nd. We now north end of \' ashOD Island. in The,. know ho .. to eute rtain risiton, learn that lIr. Young who left here beyond a doubt. 'h " _L ta I 0 __ F . Which th e gran.1 old butte is glo.. - on e.vaa.o or.-u ranClSOO, iug in tlie blush of an autumu . UD· S .\CLOR9 W"'lfTEI).- We learn from last Saturda,., will retnrn bere OD bet. Commi88i.oner &l1ou. that sailon the same vessel "lith an in"oice of _ The we of the were newr 80 iu Seattle, &8 new fnnUttlr&, carpets and uphol . steamboat l'I,,,nlnm to Wat f'l'1DaD.t a t present. He . hit,ped. fo ur men &tert, f or th f'purpoee of o pening the Katz of P urt Tu... vi rt ual ly fIX 1'011 OD Thunda,. and be. United St.tea Hot el 'With the takea her a..-a,. from here. She will. t ..o fur f",r T-.JODlI. anll ever ain ce single exception of the Vance Ho Uftf! in the opin ion of our th"t time he has been trying to get at Eureka. CaWomia. the new house f rieod P hilbrick, be kept running lIilo: wen for Heab6ek . It would be is the handsomest In any _pori betweeu Wh idby b lanll. P ortsO.m- lIl1 ppl>l;f!J. th.t the partial s uspe nllion 1I:>... n north of San Franciaeo . ble. L udl ow aDII To ..send , making of lIummer wor k iu th e log,p.ng CR.lTonTJ>ES.-V le were yell ter· th e lat ter place her home statiun. caWPlI, would have th rown .. urplus ll. y . h own a crayon pi cture or .. W. DDELL .t. Ml LE. ... - This finn men into the field for chanC0ll of child. enla rged from .. co mmo nca,./e are full of bll!tine!loll. from mo"'tling this 8Ori, b t!l suc h is not; the _ . de ti8fU, b,. )( 1'8. J . W . Coch rane of till night • . Wh. t ...ith !!elliug sto"es Sot.ilon are ,·ery scarce ..nd oue th is ·cit,.. Her husband. "Ii"ho &r' a nd fiJturell. fittiug in gse and ..-..toor. " / ac k" at Mr . &llon's o ffi ce is worth ri"ed he re I!IfJme time ago and ha.s making iron a ntI other pipe for &II mn ch to the linder .. a "pair of ,"nce beeu Srinomish. d rai nage pu lpOlle ', th e,. .re ne" er jac ks " ...onld be in a game of poker . is ..bout to COmnle Jl;OO th e practioo idle. Yoon g ·eouplt'l'. about to go He has bee nou tho lookout f or them of law iJl; the courta of this Te rri to rt to hon lll'kto ..pinJ;, ...- ilI Jo .. ell to in every directi on but the ,. w0!l't He is corres ponding with th e Chica· give them eo l'ail. come !Dto coun, except he..ner go and pntting in a goo1 X.r. .... W04.RP.- 1t i. said th e P._ ... agee an! paid th f'm, th an th e mi· _.• f'" ._ h h iog rat.o!s uf tM I*""t t ..o month' .... or .....8 w enever e cifieMail C' .olDpan,. will bnild a L__ J u. , _ . U "'kl :q.-8ehooner Courser, hav· . .....u ou amt'll I_ y, h, na. on ],IISRAP.- WiUiam H. Bry.nt ,a .hal , ', "0'. D --' p ', m. oompletetl her lOAd of "'-_.... .. .,...m..n. o m, """""u ship carpenter, got a severe filii on the dllngen of llea"er a S..turd.y nig ht while on hi ' ..... ,. ;'JoL'W ll£LOw. -Aml)n. 'h. 1 1M ' 1 000li ug ltenl ou co.. t The Seat tle home to Dellto ..n, by falling iuto .. d oop cut near A. A. D enny 's res IlI! ngers going to &n Fl'8 ncillCo on Cool Co. have the II hip Wsr Hawk, deuce. He broke one of the bo ues this trip of tb e lJakota. ..·e may b..rks Osmyn an d Lizzi e Will i..m" in his root .nd . prai ned h ie a nkle, mention Capt. 'tV. M. Morgan, of the au, 1 brig Leri S k>,...as OIl h nd ': d but is doing .e ll under care of Dr. Eliza Andenon . and Capt. Ellicott, are bringing in 300 tousa da,. to get Weed . of the Coast S ane,.. them ofr. Bark Marm io n has sai led - for Man Franei llCO with Reuton coat "- lMt." .. f -.. aod the Amie ill rnll,. d ue. Ex PR ElIlJ LIn"n:AA.-Following is D un .-A tell'g ratn from San a Iw of l ette l"l ft maiDing in the F ra nci llCO Yelltef'Ohy , reports the office of w",n_, Fargo k Co. on death of.a dau gbter of P. D. M"lJOre. Saturd .,. . Dec . 1876 : :i_an r IO or m..r 1 of Iympia. Her brothel" Anderson, G fOUrg e Ainslie. AmOtl is mail agent on tbfl Sorth.Paci.!ic. &w nilln. Bo: ttJwell . J ..m_ , _ H. Clark , S-mllel H. Downs. Bilton ..-- .... Pao.lJ-.f hnd., . Gra"es. J. It. Gard iner, Eugene O il· l\fORIt 1H0s. -By the bark Amie. IiMpie. Alf. B illi on. Lym..n 1'. II. ,. · whic h ..r ri,·ed from Sau FraucillCO ..-urd , Charl L'lI K. Jeoner, "J . It ." y fllltArJ ay, til E! Sfo&&t1e lInd WaU. J. P. C. Mohr, J. H. Mc Daniel. w.. n. Railro&d Compan,. receivl't.l Frank]' feC-mhanl ,MM'V iu McCall, t..·o hondred of track irou. J oho (i lh" er. Wm. W. Pickerel. W. The u me v _I. 11Wl hrought lifteen 'c . Smith Ru _I, loan Redona. tons of I fL "Orted fre ight. Doe. Reynol d", F. ShoN, P. NnT TKKK.- lfi", ],(a ty W. Tho mlUl.J .G. Wil lOOn, ThOL Ka,.. Thayer _ill con ti une he r printe HEARD FlaoK.-John F. Kidde r, &ChOllI another term. to commence "ho Wall Su periutendeut of J. B. on Tul!llda ,., J ano... ,. 2d, 1877. Any lIontgomery·. contracl$ ou the SOl' applicatio n. for admission \0 the thern I'aci fic railfOMtlll8tween K.l a- IIChool may be made t.er in care of ma ..ad O lf'qu " in l 87t, ill DOW CarL George D. Hill . 8n perio tellllt'nt of the G rIM v.. n..y MtlTDfT - Nine of the cre w of the and Colf&J: lUU' row 'gauge r oad , in ship War H ..... k wer",on t rial before Californ ia. Jobn Wade, an eogi n. Commi !lollioner Smith yf!llloe rda,., Lnt eer uuder hi m iu 1871 on the 8fUIle the cue Wall not concluded aud li . th ey re man dtd to jai l till th ie The foll owing veuel. ·ne. is now tJupenn tend ent of cou· morni ng . s tromononthe North Pacific ee.-t. arri "ed ai Sao Fruciaoo OIl the 9th roW. ow ned . ,. Milton S. Latham CLUB MDrUlo .- A epecia.l meet- from Sound porte: Bark. Boewell and e Jtendi ng from Saucelito to ing .f \he membe rs of the b ,. &. Spmgne, P ort Gamble; North .. fIlIl, Bodega, in the aune S tate. cial Clu b is called for on Th unda y Port Madison; lIhip D ulling Wave, "- --D 11IlU . - Th. evenhl g. The ti mewit1be70'clock Tacoma. 00 the eamedal \he fol - I - __ "C" I ...... . -port, --.t·ela.an. 0",- uvu ..n. .. -v- .... oL_ ' ---Th _ .caQUOtl_ ... -... _ ...... _ RfU'fJ1 will baTe an ..... p ...,., ora ok S now '. office. lo... iq "eeeel. 8&l 1cd: Buena Vista -.ala, ..... v-z1me0t, to lie edited by Prof. E. . AOOIDDT.-Two men named Ne"- and Perti na, P ori Gambl e. S. Jognbam of \hi, cit,.. U p racti· lIOa, li'l'ing 011 Whidby hland, near PaoBUIL -'nfe P'robUeCO urt .... cal e Jperieooe in teaching is an, '1 S kagit H_ , Wt' re hurl by- .. faUiul ClOCupied on \he t'ltate and guard. qualific:au on, he is the lOan for u- Jut Sat urday. One 01. the m ianship of Bendix 1[. Baker,a Illin.. the place. btl his jaw bone broken. ,or, yeeterda,. af ternoon. Weekly PuGet Sound Dispatch, •• a>cn. .1t u.. ...... -J " .-Jar 1.11 .lair· DUTUt"I"...,.,..". nmw D--.cr. flto. i_._-- .... s JI <tOl<lo.r ot J ... ttar)'_ llroot Il.t<MkJ'ill . ....... . lloMUot-- Fo.n. JrODdar of J......,. ..... tbirtl of "1tlIU"t. Purl T o..., ...... t_ Froarttr. ...... f\ll, ot Frb..... arr IDot --.>t>d )I' ''' '''' r of Srplo-m bor. l10 0J:r.0m' lI!l CUr - T h in! T UO'old., of V. ""b aad Ullro! Ta_. of te""""'bor or Neb ... . Tennt " Weeki, : IIblcIe TNt •••••••• .••••••••••• SS • .. .. 81. MoaUl& 2 00 .. "n .... .. . I 011 . ... .. ........... ...• .•• .• t. ..... YUU U I.J)Y.\IU1 Rain .. Aft ertisMtt: DDe iq-..- ot n U-t.. tl 00 I:eclt. 1lat-q__1I """'""'''.... 50 .., 01 'Iourterl1 w...u. to .. ..... - Agel'lb: •••••• ••••• •• C.pt. ......l 'I'l rbf]J S_ ... .. ..... •.• ...... ····J ..,ob O_ Victori a, B.0 •• • ••• .•• ••• .Cbar\H 1IIIc(lormkl PorI; To..., ..o ol. • • • • •• •. •••••• . F. ,,_bAR Port a ..... blr •• ••• ••.•.•• ••••• .• •. ". W. Let. 1'olrl; [II..,.........,.••••••••••• ••• •••••••.Iobo Putih Bao""-bob c'n E. O. Port G&mble.••• • ••• •••••• ••••••S. w. n"....' 8Mbotl ............... ... .. ..•. n. B..wwd Port -"_11 ..••• •••••. •.•..•T. O. ......._ PGft LoItIlow •••• ••••••• ••• ••• Qooo. w. 1I.orrta 0imK J -t.., 1'&11 J-. )II*" e:. W . B lakoo ......n•• .,.Ial !III).>r O . O. Bilk r-t-.laol1 ••• •••••••••••••••••••.•• .s. 11 .11<0_ VOLUME VI. ;.. ".,.". D<W, ./ THE D.uw'rA .-The "t1Ollt iog is- land ." 81 a friend of ours cal li her, ...-ill gpt off lor Victoria and San J'ranci 8CO at Go'clock this morning. H er fri fli ght ClOnsists of 1,001 aacka oats. 2j,') bales hoJ'll. 62 barrels oil. 1:kegs beer. 15 .000 ft. lumber, I lXi hidea, 13 bal es skins, 1 CaM! ci gars, 6 pll("kagea merchandise . Up to the time of sailing. the · following pall. 8engen had been booket1: 0 00. D. S h..nnon. Jill . Htew.rt . Wm.Young, Mi llS) 1. Yolon. J. H. GiII lf'rt atld wi fe . M. D. N"oun<e, E. A. Hentler- son . ud 11 steerage. :So RTlf P ... rrn c. - ' This steamer arrin !(1 h ere lu t night from th e Q uet>n's dominioua wilh a few pa... een gen aDd left for Taeoma a1mOltt immediatel,.. SOO hu j Ullt h.d a new set of gratf'o-bars ca..t ..t one of onr c it,. fon nUrit'll. H er fnr uacetl ,.· iII be o"erhanlA ..t Tacoma to- day by Iwr ne .. f'nginl"tlr; W. H. Keene, .nd the gnte· bal"ll pl llCOO in position in t ime enable her to make her regular down t ri p t o-ni g ht· She mad !;! a good run acl'Oll/O day . n.l '11'11'0 lIe ' · er in better sh oape than ..t p El:l'lent. , \' ... TEll F.\LLl :'i:G, - Tb e fro»tYlloap h.. eatried d o wu t ile .... te r in the Duwamish and its tribQ · w ieo 80 that th e,. an! now confined "IJ'i t.h.i u their bank",. The frellhet 'Was 'l' ert ae"ere upon aome of the f anne.... ho ...e'l'er, and it will tak e all !lum mer for th em to recnperate. Fences h.'I'e bef'n s trept a. al. and it requi reaa i mme diate o utlay to re- place thflm. The 10!J3 of Ih ·e lltock is not so great as was at tint f tl&f ed it wonld be . ELI u ANnJ:RIIO:'f .-" Old reli .. ble" goes o nt u" th is mo rn i ug, carry ing af air Jot of puaengen . Ca pt. Mea· aegee tUN entire charge during Capt. Mo rgan'. abeenee. We hope to _ the 1&U.er gentleman back in \he Spri ng. " T.\co1U."- Thia h andllOme and peedy tug darted. in here I eeterdar and ... again before we llad ume to ask CapL Coilnac.k wh ere he had heen or " who killed Cock Robin 1" j , -..... " I.

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Page 1: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE




Beer I










-1 .-.

On Accou n t of Removal




Shoes, Not ion.. Etc ., Et c ..








Dry Cood.,

Staple Cood.,

Fancy Coods,


Choice Wines" Liquors,

&opnDrM 01 __ II __ pm&l.-olJ bit 'I.....

ed .... t..,.~1.. 18'f'l'. CoIl .. _ 1IlIItI~~ 8CBL(;88EL • LUfT.

Iii WlLlW a-. --.


Flour, Feed, Bran and Shorts,






Hams, Baoon, Lard ..d Butter•

"0GItII~tul.,. ltlrir.e 101'-_01"'-­..,.... Co.. d .o"',- ..-...:u- 01 faallJ --...........

Blibrttt !,ri CO' paId fOl' Coallt:rr Produee.Farm.... UMI. 10l!llO"" I llppl\ed • _bIa.._ .ltb tbr ..., ..... of cO<Ida, ...Mded._

Pf'daD1 foI' UlII lraok.

Saturday, Dec, 30th.

TO CAn'U M._.

An F....... 'I' .l.IlNG 'l' OK 1fJ:DLY1lf8J'''' 'fCB.c. I& ...... --.s

'.... ot~ la ll_~. n__ _ ..-dr-u-_.

•Tlloo Itt,*""_II.u~ tIM I\doo... , ........

11-.. .. tboI »t . Clo81tea. 1IlIItI 1nll keep •"'-"'I:ot


Hall I

•_ .. aa.u..


BEE R I seattleAl_1I. On h and.


' . • R.4BE E & .4•.1.,


COMII: ooe. come .u.•u4 gftt ooe ofthe ..\ra MI Otle PiN at til. E urtil ..&Iter, . l ~t •

AT '1'8 11: C.IOTZlOILtL.-Vergon. llIioeho- l of lhe <AoleDIWl1 &1000 . offen achromo to IlYe'1 pDrch"'r, to tho:&mOUI ~f fhR, C180to, ..t bl. plat:e ofboaill_ . The chromo i.ea A.oa 0D0ll .btli.eeDtitledthe Capj&al "011... 1129

Ir YOII W&ll t an,-tllillg ill ..he Ii.. orDn,I,j;tII, PelfalDe'1. Tm-. in face,aDylhiDg DaGa1l, k.pe iJl; a DI'II& tilora,Nil 011 11. B. )1addocb, 8ee.u1e D.ug/:)tor. . nl~tfRoo.. To 1.II:T.-A nnlD~ of lb.moat . Iegand, fomishf.d tOOlWin 10...10 lei ..... lbe baildiog tOrDlfOdy knowo.. tb" Tre moUI Bo_. OJ:I Comm..rcialIItreet. H . KKITB.

n2Jdl m

Now th at th a wOrrJ of the elec-tion is allover wiUl. th e next oc-stthing to do is to cool oft' b,. calliogon Jack Le..,. and getting one of his. upe riur ciliPlr.J. •

P...... IJ: TS.IZ NOTlC1I.-Dr. B ,...'I8.

thll peat lbgnelic Bt"ain . for Ih. aafo:.•ore, "Dd DaUlraJ. tr ....IJUlUI of al l t'III'.

"bl.. di..e_. haa w.ka.o rooma ar. tbeQocid..U l ai Bolel fIX thi", d.,.. It-'- IIOUl'iog 10 ItO.Dd _ Ih. doetor.Ue GOAt ......11 r-ttllmePdeo:t. U , onare alBlded RO.nd _ him.

Sunu. ~o". 29. 1876. t1('~lm

H01'biab .nd St:oc.eh Vo'biuy; .Iao.Tom and ""''1, . t 'btl y..,cban....• Ex-chanRe 8Itloon. u26

DAl"ICI':.-There will be a rt'gularSaturd.,. Soiree, nnde r the directionof C. O . Steinweg, (.In &turd&'l eve-ning, a t Reinig's Hail. ..

F.~n B.I.Jl.IZ. baa aom. 11'lendid ci­gan. "od eJ:~U"Dt brand. of tobaeoo,plv-,~ bolden, pocket culle"...10. 1 - - - - - _

t:.o.-;ltaa,A~lI! I !--.laal. recei'l'-ed by Dull.ota .no&ber ill'l'oj(l8 of tbeCO'If'bratf.d hAnd of eigaro, "DollbleEIIdo.n," allO a"ullillll "TlIllr.iab FloeC. f·· .... .loa' L. " ... . 1A01I·.. D161..

Ca ll lor .I_ill )I00::qa Exu. POll,.Old BII' bon., ill br... bonod cull. and<>i1'l'llr f.at. The <luly p1_ lbat ,"Oil

can 8 ", t II ia i. the C U '" ll ll UL IIILL,fool of UiII.uwl. •

Fm:v ' SU:'i:D is the plraee to getthe beIIt cig..n in the city. Oivehim Il cal l. ..

LBoAL HUSKS of eyery descrip-tiOn at J ohn L. J amietlOn·s. ..


San Ft In l,;lIk,u' ''Ufll acoom Se­attle. Bremen a. St. Louis

Go TO W. G. J .... U :IO]III·••od ~t ..pair ..r 1Ip«Ue1... Ht'I baa tbem '»&11m.otgIl lf,iDg.1I0 dimi1>iabllli to you canN.d e1eeliOJl; n1tw1l1 10 .uil ,olll'tlOllf.

119 t fAn penou in need of a good

nune, can be aoeomodated by lea,,·iug orde rs at 1Irs. Plummer', . ..tlao...ing iu families. •

-'_.' ,n·"

Conn..!o," and Alt'lII-st·La" .......


:SOY 80 B.\D. - Di.euteftl an! gen·eralll o" e:r:rated. The little IIChoonerCarrie Hayd en. which got snehrough uu.",."f! ou a recent trip to Vie­toria ..ith a 101M! of bop from ...Coone r, is u'.>t 80 haJJ,. injured thatthree huudretl dollan will not lisIier 118 g ood ll:lo ne,.·.

j<'IRE ALA.1Uol . - The alarm be ll"'truck off a. qnick tap abont l.eno'clock 1811t night. the IlCene of con·flagra tion bei og iu an out·house iuthe rear or tbt'l big Chinese honseon Second street. It "·all f!J:tin­guished before the arri'l'al or tlJeen gine and her le isurely CI'\!'I'V ofamateur firemen.

ConKED b .- - The 00.\8 of theCoMet Snn-eJ, including the launch,are all sougl,. honeed on Cra..ford.t Ha:rriogtoll· barf. The engine I ~hy boon t.Ilken out of the launch.ooat.ed ,.·ith ..hite le.tl aDd laid npiu hl" enJer till "the spring ti mecome.. ~ntle Ann ie ," IUId the trioangul..tion busioeM is resumed.

~ ... ... ~ .--~ " . ....... .,

//.... l

.,c/ I I





. ~

'--.: ~ '>.. --:/ ~ - :--- - ----.~

r ,




Official D irectory.U :tiGOOnTT.

~ . R. U ....I" . •• . ..• . •• •JI>I1lle 01 D_tOowtlI. 1I.ll)td .l'Nb.ae J...-!lro'U,,· f';' Y. W'l'CIWFY. . . . • • • . • . •• • • • • • • ,Awonllx . 8. BOOT H ••• , • •• • •• •• • •••••• ••• At>dito rO. D . HlLL . • • • • •.•• •. . •• . . •• • •• •• ••n..-on r"\If. B. HAu' '." ' ... • . • . • •• • •.• •• • •• .1I".....,...,,JOHN IiU;llELY •• •• •• ••• •• • ••• • ••A_6£0• .\. WEED. • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • • •Ouro.ur r

CITY OF f' EAT TI.£.G • .\. 'WDIt ,....w b _ • • • • • • • • •• • • •C1oI6kD . P . Ju- Cl1r .\ 11" ..-,u . ..... llo>WLA><tt•• • •• . •• ••••• • • • • •• • • • Tro_ ftrB.O.~ • ••lIanobal _ ao..r t>l P_I....


'11K'&.. na-.,. . Jolla u-,-. w. .... Barbr. $ .~r.G_". Boll. W. :'i: . &II. Cow. . .........

R.IJ-;';;' Trusadiolll ~~~R"-TheageDo1 01 Snumo,,:r Nn l .- 8\e&men ya-j BTon 'WoBX.-Johu Keenan baaThe foll owinB is. Jist of real lIlI - th e Port Ludlo" milia hall been liima and Funy I..b bad a hUft' of dce e lOme handlOme work for. lot

elate utes in King connty for th e moved in to tb eir new buildiDg op heel. on their departure from here, in the Masonic Cemetery belongingweek ending Thursday Dee. 7th , Iwrote the PhumiJ: HOQM, U is the the littl8 boat helDg ahe-d .. they to BanI NiellSOD, 01 Uris oit;", . It is a1876: ha ndso mest mill etore we bve eve r PMsed around Bandy P oint. The curb 01 Bellin gham Ba1 stone with'lIar,. Y. Hall l od hllll"od 10 eeeu a od il U1'lUlged llfith a degree water w.. vert smooth, how ever. corner poetll 8urmOUUted with urns•............~ I AJiOll O. E1drid~. ~ 11 b1~1r. of oommom01ulD_ that refleet8 ere- We m.,. look for th e M_nger al- euh of which is e&rTt'ld with M-ln ·

5. Fint AdJit.lon. be1rliSuah 100 di t upon the resident tn.ron.-ger, Ar. moat. anI da,.. .. abe is r-l,. for ic embleml.

E. JI.~6~~~ '10·w: ·H~i~k.· \hur PhinDt\,.. Esq., who demgned bnaineu. c.pL Hammond and Mr. (hi C&Jn'.u8.-Jaooh Banaen. the101 Hi, Wock 10. lOW. of Be.. it. The baildiDg faoea the AnIM. BalleDe allow he r to carry I tO I>aDieh artist, who YiUIed \hie l ee-

Ten;r~w~~'j~;';;"W:Th;,;;'~~ ~ two stories high, and S'2 feet by 90 poaade of eteaIu, her boilen baring tion aome alOllthU gO, hu OD ubi-lou i -.;I S bklc.-k 80. Teny'. in depth , the Dpper portion be ing etooe1 a oo1d _ter test of ! 13pounda. bition u PorilaDd a DDmber ofp&i.Dt-MeOOd Iddilioa .. .. . . •.. . . 2SO used .. a hall for public meetiDgII The Andenon hAd Dot arriflld from iage exeeuted by him during his 110-

EoT. F. nlham au4 wire to Ul'l'ia' d . - B '1 li. L fro V'--~- h Th. D , . h 10 6 an ...eeee, III t e an m "'....... w en we went to pres&. e JO' u rn about \he SoUDd. Th6'l'. ~1& • _.r,.fOUll . If Iblock 7 C. D. Boreo·. addi· the main s~re is a counting roo m, North Paci60 went out .ith a fwi highl,. commended by the PorilandtroJl; . . • . . .. .•• . ... . . • .. . .• . 3000 an eeeloeed with glaY, in ....hlch alao freight for Victon.. reeterda,.,among pmu.

Luke H . Jledn:aoDd . nd. -.ife to itftUhD 1..b..Il. Dr.... lot 438. w· I be the telegraph offioo. Open- which were fifty head of hop pur- CRlUlJT)L\. PBEaEne.-The storeSPlat of C. D. Bort'n .nd A. ing out of th illagain, ie a pri 'l'ate of· chaaed in Le. ia count,. bI Willi..m ef W. H . Pumphrey, L . P . Smith,A. D"nny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3700 fl ee for lIr. P hi nney wno bas all h iA J ackson for the Victoria market. n Charlas Naeher. and lut b nt not

• - , business concentrated . The waUs is aaid tha.t th e bu tchen of Victoria, least, th e Jamieaon brothers, wereL.aEB.~ As we had. j ust "mrked d _ L I

an ....e ving are all do ne in Chin .. Seattle and Port Townsend, have beeie.... hI a ra.id of Port Gam bleoff'our weekl,. forms, yesterday, in I h I hg 08$, W i e t e deska and ClOnnten purchaeed not t_ than thirt,. \hou · and 8nohomiAh people who wereeame a portl,. geutleman who looked f I·_L_.> ,,_ • r-are 0 po 1... ''''''......-. evtnemg exee l- land dol.l.ara· worth of Jive pork in laying holida,. gifta for .he jU1"enilea.like old Kiug Oambrioua. He had I kmanab '...-i\h him a keg of lager, which he ent wOl"Th Ip 10 every del*1' the counues of Lewis, Chebalis and DUD.-Hon. W illi&m . Pickering ,

ment. er willoommence moving Co_lite sinOl! lad harTeat. Wbatcom of this coun.., .... _.", -:__-"presented ...ith th e eomplimenta of h • . .L _ . .~ .~ ...--.........

t e .toe JUto U10I DeW pre muee to- _nty will. eJ:port .. much more in word of the desth of his brother at) Iessrs. Picht .t Melhorn, of the b t - , - ' 1 lh Id ffimorrow n ... te r ... eo 0 Of! t.oyearsheuce. The da,.i.noifar GralsTille,D1ioo"· . He 11''' the aonS orth Pacific Bre.ery. We ac· . h ·b h fire lace full f h,"t 1 age p I) ro&r - ofl"w eu bacon eured at this place of Governor Pickering and residedeepled it and drank to that patriotic ing slabs, ..... a place ...here there will be lor sale in e"e..... famill <FO'O'O. here 80me ""ean ..an. •toast, "One dag. one conn1.ry, anJ- - . .. _~ Vo....._ ." et·~ ......~

z..-ei lager r' ...ere 1013of comfort and no " F rench cer:r lD 0Il0U s: nI.lJci.&co. , ....::::::::"::~~:'...., I -':~ -=:::~:::~::::::~H UUU80:f s RI.l'ID:B.- We spoke ain." The clerical roroe consists of 1'HE NEW Hon:L.- It wae hoped

of a r ainting of ~noqual mie Io'alls Y easrs. Louis Poole. Oeo. W . Bar- th..t Thomu Smith. formerl,. of thesome tIme . ioce. pai nt ed b,. Harri - ri a and E. L. nOlIe, the latter of Cbemeketa Houae at SalelD, · wonld8On. of th e CoMt S nn e,. . The same whom it boo K·keeper. Unuer lI Q~ h....o been able to have started ..gentlemllu hllll made a smlloll pai nt- penision of th_ gentlemen every · hotel in th is pl ace; but he halliea.aediugof Monnt Rauier , taken fro m the th ing goes ..Ioug like cloek,w<ork . the OccidenW atPortl..nd . We nownorth end of \'ashOD Island. in The,. know ho .. to eutertain risiton, learn that lIr. Young who left here

beyond a doubt. 'h " _ L ta I 0 __ F .Which the gran.1 old butte is glo..- on e.vaa.o or.-u ranClSOO,iug in tlie blush of an autumu . UD· S .\CLOR9 W"'lfTEI).- We learn f rom last Saturda,., will retnrn bere ODbet. Commi88i.oner &l1ou. that sailon the same vessel "lith an in"oice ofWrnmR.\~. _ The w e of the were newr 80~ iu Seattle, &8 new fnnUttlr&, carpets and uphol.

steamboat l 'I, ,,nlnm to Watf'l'1DaD.t a t present. He . hit,ped. four men &tert, for th f'purpoee of opening theKatz of P urt Tu..."",~ . virt ual ly fIX 1'011 O~mh1e OD Thunda,. and be. United St.tea Hotel 'With thetakea her a..-a,. from here. She will. t ..o fur f",r T-.JODlI. anll ever aince single exception of the Vance Ho Uftf!in the opinion of our .A"!f"l",~,.e.t th" t ti me he has been trying to get at Eureka. CaWomia. the new hou sef rieod P hilbrick, be kept running lIilo: wen for Heab6ek . It would be is the handsomes t In any _poribetweeu Wh idby b lanll . P ortsO.m- lIl1 ppl>l;f!J. th.t the partial suspenllion 1I:>...n north of San Franciaeo.ble. L udlow aDII To..send, making of lIummer work iu th e log,p.ng CR.lTonTJ>ES.-Vle were yellter·th e latter pl ace her home sta tiun. caWPlI, would have th rown ..urplus ll. y . hown a crayon picture or ..

W. DDELL .t. Ml LE.... - This finn men into the field for chanC0ll of child. enla rged from .. co mmo nca,./ea re full of bll!tine!loll. from mo"'tling this 8Ori, b t!l such is not; the _ . de ti8fU, b,. )(1'8. J . W . Cochrane oftill night• . Wh. t ...ith !!elliug sto"es Sot.ilon are ,·ery scarce ..nd oue th is ·ci t,. . Her husba nd . "Ii"ho &r'

a nd fiJturell. fitt iug in gse and ..-..toor. " / ack" at Mr . &llon 's o ffice is worth ri"ed he re I!IfJme time ago and ha.smaking iron antI other pipe for &II mn ch to the linder .. a "pair of ," nce beeumsticat~gdSrinomish.d rainage pu lpOlle', th e,. .re ne"er jac ks " ...onld be in a game of poker. is ..bout to COmnle Jl;OO th e practiooidle. Yoong ·eouplt'l'. about to go He has bee nou tho lookout for them of law iJl; the courta of thisTerritort•to hon lll'kto..pinJ;, ...- ilI J o .. ell to in every direction but the,. w0!l't He is corresponding with th e Chica·g ive them eo l'ail. come !Dto coun, except he..ner go T~~ and pntting in a goo1

X.r..... W04.RP.- 1t i. said th e P._ ...agee an! paid th f'm, th an th e mi· _.• f'" ._ h hiog rat.o!s uf tM I*""t t..o month' ....o~. or .....8 eoun_~ w enever e

cifieMail C'.olDpan,. will bnild aL__ J u . , _ . U "'kl:q.-8ehooner Courser, hav· ......u ou amt'll I_ y, h , n a. on ],IISRAP.- WiUiam H . Bry.nt, a.hal ,' , "0'. D--' • p ', m. oompletetl her lOAd of "' -_...... .,...m..n . om, """""u ship carpenter, got a severe filii on;~sk~"oiJin2" the dllngen of llea"er :;IF:e~~~a~k';:~f ~~~: S..turd.y night while on hi ' ..... ,.

;'JoL'W ll£LOw.-Aml)n. 'h. 11M' 1000li ug l tenlou co..t The Seattle home to Dellto ..n, by falli ng iuto ..doop cut near A. A. Denny's resi·

IlI!ngers going to &n Fl'8ncillCo on Cool Co. have the IIhip Wsr Hawk, deuce. He broke one of t he bouesthis t r ip of tb e lJakota. ..·e may b..rks Osmyn an d Lizzi e Willi..m" in his root .nd . prai ned h ie ankle,mention Capt. 'tV. M. Morgan, of th e au,1 brig Leri Sk>,...as OIl h nd ':d but is doing . ell under care of D r.Eliza Andenon. and Capt. E ll icott, are bringing in 300 tous a da,. to get Weed.of the Coast S ane,.. them ofr. Bark Marm ion has sai led

- for Man FraneillCO with Reuton coat"- .~ lMt." ..f -.. aod th e Amie ill rnll,. d ue. •

ExPRElIlJ LIn"n:AA.-Following isDun.-A tell'g ratn from San

a Iw of lettel"l ftmaiDing in theFra nci llCO Yelltef'Ohy, reports the

office of w",n_, Fargo k Co. ondeath of.a dau gbter of P . D . M"lJOre.

Saturd .,.. Dec. ~h, 1876 : :i_an r IOor m..r 1 of Iympia. Her brothel"

Anderson, GfOUrg e Ainslie . AmOtl is mail agent on tb flSorth.Paci.!ic.&wnilln. ~ymour Bo: ttJwell. J ..m_ , • _H. Clark, S-mllel H. Down s. B ilton ..-- .... Pao.lJ-.f hnd.,.Gra"es. J. It. Gardiner, Eugene Oil· l\fORIt 1H0s.-By the bark Amie.IiMpie. Alf. B illion. Lym..n 1'. II.,.· whic h ..r ri,·ed from Sa u FraucillCO..-urd , CharlL'lI K . Jeon er, "J. I t ." yfllltArJay, til E! Sfo&&t1e lInd WaU.J . P . C. Mohr, J . H . McDaniel . w..n. Railro&d Compan,. receivl't.lFrank]'feC-mhanl, MM'Viu McCall, t ..·o hondred ~nll of trac k irou.J oho (ilh"er. W m. W . Pickerel. W. The u me v_I.11Wl hrought lifteen'c . Smith Ru _I, loan Redona. tons of I fL"Orted freight.Doe. Reynold", F . ShoN, P . NnT TKKK. - lfi", ],(a ty W.ThomlUl. J .G. Wil lOOn, ThOL Ka,.. Thayer _ill conti une he r printe

HEARD FlaoK.-John F . Kidder , &ChOllI another term. to commence"ho Wall Su periutendeut of J . B. on Tul!llda,., J ano...,. 2d, 1877. AnylIontgomery·. contrac l$ ou the SOl' application. for admission \0 thethern I'acific railfOMtlll8tween K.la- IIChool may be mad e t.er in care ofma ..ad Olf'qu " in l 87t, ill DOW CarL George D. Hill.8nperio tellllt'nt of the G rIM v..n..y MtlTDfT - Nine of the crew of theand Colf&J: lUU' row'gauge road , in ship War H.....k wer",on t rial beforeCaliforn ia. J obn Wade, an eogin. Commi!lollioner Smith yf!llloe rda,., Lnteer uuder hi m iu 1871 on the 8fUIle the cue Wall not concluded audli . th ey ~ere re mandtd to jail till th ie M.uuNL~ The following veuel.·ne. is now tJupenntend ent of cou· morning .stromon on th e Nort h Pacific ee.-t. arri"ed ai Sao Fruciaoo OIl the 9throW. owned . ,. Mil ton S. Latham CLUB MDrUlo.-A epecia.l meet- from Sound porte: Bark. Boewelland eJtendi ng from Saucelito to ing .f \he membe rs of th e b ,. &. S pmgne, P ort Gamble ; North..fIlIl,Bodega, in th e aune S tate. cial Club is called for on Thunday Port Madison; lIhip Dulling Wave,

"-- - D 11IlU.. - Th. ~o,o< p'~.~ evenhlg. The ti mewit1be70'clock Tacoma. 00 the eamedal \he fol- I - __~ "C" I ...... . -port, --.t·ela.an. 0",-uvu ..n . .. -v- .... oL_ ' ---Th _ .caQUOtl_ ... -... _ ...... _RfU'fJ1 will baTe an edu~onaJ d~ ..... p...,., ora ok Snow'. office. lo...iq "eeeel. 8&l1cd: Buena Vista -.ala,..... ~

v-z1me0t, to lie edited by Prof. E. . AOOIDDT.-Two men named Ne"- and J~ph Pertina, P ori Gamble.S. J ognbam of \hi, cit,.. U practi· lIOa, li'l'ing 011 Whid by hland, near PaoBUIL-'nfe P'robUeCOurt ....cal eJperieooe in teaching is an, '1 Skagit H_ , Wt're hurl by- .. faUiul ClOCupied on \he t'ltate and guard.qualific:au on, he is jUl~ the lOan for u- Jut Saturday. One 01. them ianship of Bendix 1[. Baker, a Illin..the place. btl his jaw bone broken. ,o r , yeeterda,. afternoon.

Weekly PuGet Sound Dispatch,

~•• a>cn..1t Olrm~ u.. ......-J " .-Jar 1.11 .lair·

DUTUt"I"...,.,..". nmw D--.cr.

flto.i_._--....s JI <tOl<lo.r ot J ...ttar)'_llroot Il.t<MkJ'ill . ....... .

lloMUot--Fo.n. JrODdarof J......,. ..... tbirtlIl~, of "1tlIU"t.

Purl To...,......t_ Froarttr. ...... f\ll, ot Frb.....arr IDot--.>t>d )I' '''''''r of Srplo-m bor.

l100J:r.0m' lI!l CUr - Th in! T UO'old., of V . ""baad Ullro!Ta_. of te""""'boror Neb ~....

Tennt " Weeki, :IIblcIe~ TNt•••• • • •• . •••• •• ••• •• SS •

.. .. 81. MoaUl& 2 00

.. "n.... .. . I 011~Xa.t- . ... .. ... . . . . . . . . ...•.••.• t.

.....YUU 1:fV~TU I.J)Y.\IU1

Rain .. Aft ertisMtt:DDe iq-..-ot n U-t..~ tl 00I:eclt. 1lat-q__1I"""'""'''.... 50T~1 ..,01 'Iourterl1 w...u. to .. ~.....- Agel'lb:O~p"" " •• •••• • •••• ••C.pt . ......l 'I' l rbf]JS_ . . . .. . . . . . • . •. . . . . . · · · ·J ..,ob O_Victoria, B . 0 •• • ••• . •• •• • .Cbar\H 1IIIc(lormklPorI; To..., ..ool. • ••••••. •••••• .~. F . ,,_bARPort a ..... blr •• ••• ••.•.•• •••••• . • •." . W. Let.1'olrl; [I I..,.........,. • • • • • •• • • • •••• • • • • • • •.Iobo PutihBao""-bob c'n E. O.F~Port G&mble. •• • • • •• • • • ••• • •• • •• S. w. n"....'8Mbotl .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .• .n. B..wwdPort -"_11 . . •• • •••• •. •. • . . •T . O. ......._PGft LoItIlow •••• • • • •••• •••••• • Qooo. w. 1I.orrta~.~. .. . . . . . . . . . 'l1H>oo ~_

0imK J -t..,1'&11 J-. )II*" e:. W . B lakoo......n••.,. Ial !III).>r O . O. Bilkr-t-.laol1 ••• •••••••••••••••••••. •• .s. 11.11<0_



".,.". D<W, ./ ~'I=

THE D .uw'rA.-The "t1Olltiog is­land ." 81 a friend of ours cal li he r,...-illgpt off lor Victoria and SanJ'ranci8CO at Go'c lock th is morning.H er fri flight ClOnsists of 1,001 aackaoats. 2j,') bales hoJ'll. 62 barrels oil .1: kegs beer . 15 .000 ft . lumber , I lXihidea, 13 bales ski ns, 1 CaM! ci gars,6 pll("kagea merchandise . Up to thetime of sailing. the · following pall.8engen had been booket1: 0 00. D .S h..nnon . Jill . Htew.rt .Wm. Young ,MillS)1. Y olon. J . H. GiII lf'rt atldwi fe. M. D . N"oun<e, E. A . Hentler­son . ud 11 stee rage.

:So RTlf P ...rrnc. - ' This steamerarrin!(1 here lu t night from th eQ uet>n's dominio ua wilh a few pa....een gen aDd left for Taeoma a1mOlttimmediatel,.. SOO hu j Ullt h.d anew set of gratf'o-bars ca...t ..t one ofonr cit,. fon nUrit'll. Her fnr uacetl,.·iII be o"erhanlA ..t Tacoma to­day by Iwr ne.. f'nginl"tlr; W. H .Keene, .nd the gnte·bal"ll pl llCOO inposition in t ime ~ enable her tomake her regul ar down t rip to-night·She mad !;! a good run acl'Oll/O y~ter·

day . n.l '11'11'0 lIe ' ·er in better sh oapet han ..t pEl:l'lent.

, \' ...TEll F.\LLl:'i:G, - Tbe ~-ent

fro»tY lloap h.. eatried dowu tile ....te r in the Duwamish and its tribQ ·w ieo 80 that th e,. an! now confined"IJ'it.h.iu their bank",. The frellhet'Was 'l'ert ae"ere upon aome of th efanne.... ho ...e 'l'er, and it will tak eall !lum mer for th em to recnperate.F ences h.'I'e bef'n s trept a.al. and itrequireaa immediate outlay to re­place thflm. The 10!J3 of Ih ·e lltocki s not so great as was at tint ftl&fedit wonld be .

ELIu ANnJ:RIIO:'f.-"Old reli..ble"goes ont u"th is morn iug, carryinga fair Jot of puaengen. Capt. Mea·aegee tUN entire charge du ringCapt. Morgan'. abeenee. We hopeto _ the 1&U.er gentleman back in\he Spring.

" T.\co1U."- Thia h andllOme and•peedy tug darted. in here I eeterdarand ...0« again before we llad umeto ask CapL Coilnac.k where he hadheen or " who killed Cock Robin 1"





Page 2: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE




I ,


' Y,



. 8 ~











Stationery, Books



d el 2 1f




- - --

- ' A'!II"D THE O~"Ly-









•• • •FOB .. . •





,F am i ly Wines and Liquors,





Phys1oJ.an.s' Prc&Or1pUo:n.e.so Reroerrber tbe old eland 0 4 Oceiden tal 8qnare.




To the ehi ldren of our patrone OD Chri81DlI.ll 1I0nriDg.

17 Santa Claus will personally Superlntend• ..oD


Writing Desks, &. Musical Instruments.

Albums.FOB.. -rAE] l\£TT.TJONf


John L.


We bave l argelt Btock in onr line in the city, and our pri ces defyoompetion .


J". F. ~orrill,C I T Y DRU G l't'T On,E,

~ho1c&al.e d3 :El.e'Ca1.1 D.ru.....1.&'C·A. .,OOHn rrE 8TOCa 0"

Trusses, Supporters, Toilet and Fancy Article••


Our Bottled Ale and Porter is Equal, if not Superior,

Brushes and Toilet Articles,



Prices the Lowest of any RetailHuuse on the Pacific Coast•

W E INVITE THE A'M'ENTIOY OF THE CO UNTY TRADE,.. of r. milJ~. Co oor esteD.li• ••toek of

Silverware, W,atches,Jewelry and




c. a. a.eJrl'OlUt.


(1I'.ElR & Il(CHUICFlnr ST•• S....Trl<&, W. T.




~~ 100 JIftIfIIft'IlIO 010 ell . , ....of tnlOEB1'.lU.RG. ... all. ....... taft wtt1l

x-. a.a. II:P.._ .. B _ II: o~

will be ".....pIIJ'~ 10. I ar.o ....~ 01 I" llM<.Ie o.-Wy..-.:e. Pro.I -.-. ......<11.."'1.' T. e. BIfWoIELL.

e . •. IIOODII.. ....


McCONAHA 4. HANFORD.Attorn.ys..t-La.... Solicitors in

Chancery and Proctors in4dmiraltv.

n eu(:on C oal CO"' I,nu,,~.-0--T HE OF)'lCII C,. TH E .. lK>n OOKPAXY

t'la _ If". I. _ . B..nIt'I.·' DI"

b!IIll4l.. . , wtIoft UIe eIodl blIIlP.,.. oprn . .....1.... 1II'1t"'" 10 raP &lid ~ltIlIIti.. u.. pi....

0. 8 . BOlUittTr. 1le<:retu7.IlNtIle .Jibtclo t . an,.

Capaclty-IS,GOO Feet per Da,.

Ne. P1lIni... JllIChiDN, De. Wharf•E......,.l.hinc io good ruOOiDg order .

For fo.ll par1icaIanI alem..,

P.0.8ollI7,del S 2w PorUud. 08...

G 'II S.le.- - I

T 'I'BE tnlD-r,IUIIGNED WILL OFFER FOR.....~ fol_loll _ r11>ed ,...<1 to 111<1

ll la ltMl bkl<ltorr",,~. fO-l<l e<>I.a of W UollIIdI _. oa

SATURDAY. JANUARY 6tlt. 1817,.. tI'llt"rkM'1l JI . " Ubd 1teJ'. Tbe eaIII.ID te1lep let:e at 11uI...... of ........ K..,IlIDIoIob.lB. 1bIl 1 ~~~ ~--------CII, of .s-.ue.SIoc OoaalJ'• • • T.

1I1ll1C&1PT10 1f 0,. LAlIO ,

IIouIIl " of If. W, \i of If. z.. "of I" a. w."oftIH:."'. r _btp 21 Nortlt.. of Raap tl;Mt._tai.laI 6 _ tIl .....

KICBI'L o. • "In.O_1lIa of the ,...... &lid __ of 1lo1IdI..

K . au.............. de" lJW

P. M. S. S. CO.


.... STE..... SA...... LL .

We have the Best Stock in the Territory. Articles Pur---- - - - -1 chased Engraved Free of Charge.




CIT Y OF P A II A • A... 8 . au.mI. .".. , .•

..III ..... ,. ~-n ..-,.~ 21'" at _ • ...-...

... _nee 1IeeIU. prr--

EI.IZA AIIDERSOII,WEDNESDAY, DEC. nh. 1876,..I 'ol. ... wut ....--_........a w .. L. rIU,La, ......'

• . II. BO.£..l.oQcD_ .



Benefit S~il River Jam CO.SATURDAY EY"G., DEC. 16,

VEHLE R ' 1"4 :n: A LL.

GRUD STEREOPTICOIll!•......-n••••


The )( ..1 AttractiTll E1 hibi lioa on theIVL6c e-t for both 0 '"' and YUUI\i".


Vio:1nI of the Graod Cmtenniu b hibt­bltiolD. VilIwIof the prioci~ o~Jet':" of in­_t iD lftlaod. 8ootW:Ia. FrUoe. I~.l'alelIt.We• • te. Oran d e1hibitiolD or Du­IIOldug V"I".... Oralld.~IaJ of Chromo­tropt"l ot ArtiAciaI Fireworu.. Comic1keoeI. ek.

SATURDAY ••OND...Y, DEC. 16 anll 18.delS 5t


TERMS OF SALE."... __et __ will be. UIII au.u proportr.... t_ _ Ull rd ...... . .- tllmI Ie 1__1M. &lid UIII~ 111 iii" _ilia, &1 t1Ie. _of_ pol' .,..1 JIIII'........ 10 Ual"'"~..,ad..... ..til~ aad ai>Pro-d•"C1IrlI,.&Dd. ·-1 be ...1d free tram~II1I<I 1_ .







Oomprlel.a , 11M ,,,1_, Iele"lIld4>111111: •

IIIII!! CLARA THOKPSON ••• . •• . • • . Pcn ·.....M.f' JE."l"MIll: WIII'.'l'I'ON.•••• • •H OI. II<tpnotOKB. B . BRACT•••• •• •••••••••• •• • • • •'I'e_

lIB. 1:. l'.lllLn ~

lIB. .. . B. BtU.L•••• •• •. •• •• ••••• • •• ••Boa&

..1I<I1ItIl 0 l1li 111.. Oldtod O>tap"..r.HB. 0 1::0. T . aVUl9•••• •• •• • 1Wical IIl~

TUESOAY • WEONESO...Y, DEC. 19 • 20 .


Sale of Valllable liII PropenyB y TtJ:nlI: til ..~ ....... DlIe. UUl.

I i'll, lor IJwo~ o-n til tall 'ftmI~..-I IKe,""," a1~ta~lIt_Ua. l . lU _ IIt ,-WM _ lit m-ladT....... eo-lJ. . ........ Turtt-7._

81h da, of March. A. D. 1877,..t._ . ·dod 01 eaioI.", _ ,..,. .., 10"" ~alt 01 tile f .......

I,~-:-.:~ 1 UIII•• 1t;of tile •." til _II. In -..wp • til ....eo,•._ I,..,..... tile IIot e..-...cll of _ .. aDd Ule ....._ , ... _ t . In--a.1to •. -'" 0 - _ 2 .. _taIamc ,....... .... IfI.I... tIl .. -. l"'" ._b0ft4 L,... _ 12,-.4IP:e._..... 1_2 e" eee ­w..... 12"" _ liIl lltftOo; _ . _ ....... 2_ 2"'_ -' _ •• "tIlUle • • "fit _,. loU........ ' _ ' of _ •• ",-.Mj .....u. til _ 2 .. __1a!II 141

.......... lIII. lro ;Il1Ie • • " of Uoea. ,, ;Uar ••,,<A lboo•• ".-.t .........-..., of _U.

... l be •• " fit UIIIa .. " fit _ • • _ " Ip:n BOI'tlIof _ I .. _ _ Iq I . etftI aDd

2J.1,.. Ute . " <1I 11t11 • • " cor..., ' ;Ute a " of..M, . "cor_ 2!; UIfo•• ' ' 01 a . 1.......Uoot •• I" of U1e • • 1·'''''''' 11, _ • • 1.. of1 1.. " .....; '"""- tbe . 1.201 11t11 • • 1..ot ~. _""'rp•._lIof_ , • • ft*o

le l. la I StC..".. ....IUll,u... . ' ,' 011 tbII . #J" of.... n. aDd _ •• "of'be •• "flL"""S2 _ ..""'Ipll ..... of_2.. ......UtlC UII-.:kU ' IIII'.! 1. 1bI . It "' •• ~ udille •• " cora . l . tof_1I.-.oIoIp n _ 1I of rsap I• • lIOat .tn.iaII1. ..... i\6.100; IoUI atlJllbrred 2.ed 2aadUoe .. I../oof Ihe Il01" . ud <he .. ol .. of l..... I_lof _U.IUI4_a I·' of tJlll•• I.l ot'_~. Io..aDlpa! ..-h of ......... ,'. _ b lalllll ~I' ..,,,.,, lot lIa mber t ..., I ,IowII·..Ip 31. _ , •• ..-l&Ial llll 11 .erN: ~ t........ 1...... IIIV:n110til .".,.. ! e. C<llllaIa l"ll" ...... &0100: l..- I . OK It. &ow1Ilhlp 10. a o rthraa ,. 11 0: 1.' of a. 1... _ ~. lo.-tl dolp:rJ. lIOft ll , • • _~1Ij(11 .......

"leo -' 1110 1lI_ tl... .... pllnl. n . . ...1"or a o "'" _ . 8: lbo. '" or _11; tbea . " of ..... U . I.. &o. adoIV 10 IIOrill._IWO ....I; tb~ • • "of""U:Ihe_1b IoI 0raorib _t " or _1100 ~. lot OlIO in .....U ; 1..... .. \iof_ 23; r ""1 1lDd111Dd . "".. ... \i Of "" :la . .... 2 la ' fe" " '. aU in ...WDIIltlp31 lIOft ll rs..... 1 Mil: 0" liIl of . .. " of _ 18:tllfo _II " of a .. " of.., I II : lbIo 40rtb..u t " of D. " of . r III. 10 to dolp lI'.laorthn ol" J f ...l ; lb. a . " or OI'(: 111 4 a It of 11• " or ...., JO. tow • • b ,p 1lOIIotIl> raatl'O • _._ 1&101...- I U$ B-11IIl _ ......... 01' ""'• •

AIeo lbIo lot l la...., 12. lot I I aDd 2 la ... :14 ."'I la "'. a tohlp31 _ 0 ..... lft!I 2e-1., lOll_I aDdI III ..~ 11I• • IId)<>le2 .11d II.. _I' . IowIIoIIl,a ""," II 2_._ lei .. llI, 10 a11 ;lU1"",,"eflao4 _ -.

1.land Count)' Farm.llqIoalllll at u... • • OOI'DQ' Of lIMo 1aa<I

.. 1eJ.aoof " ....,11 ltlallb. 1\Ioottao IIOI'tIl aIoq , ...H ili _ lu1 of oeMdill... " ,15 rboolaoo.lbP1I<:>e_ "'-' Ib.. oon!o bo_ t0da07 :n.I~IOO cllll.l1leIW- _ III a\oq' _ _ -.a"", 101. 42­100 f ll.alll• • __ a\Mo. tboo bNocll -..t,1o>tlte pIac<oof beciaa.... U . -.101 rlaolall . _"'Ip n . _ ....p l ..-t. ....llliala.- t• ...,._

TlI Io _ bell a _ .. _ . t .... ..-J._ III

r•.-tt Ia_'" a _.prIIIc &lid _ , all. 111_1U-.... 1OIl"'( ta ..ber. U -... 1 ... ba<:balta--,

Mill Propel'tJ.",., •.- III ."'.&0: _ two~. "...boOoo _ p~r. leOo ..... .... tw o~_ ~........ !at _ 1Op_'.~_.

_ 14U. (SptrII-, ... ru k.n, tooa.aIId: _ 011" mbrr pn' u ,: bul*'ol, oI~ _ .... f.....u....-. .w...'-'Ib l1li4 earp.b_~._ .......... n>oII "-' otbrt" ball.1i.... ._I,...~_ ~gI .....~;

_ 110 r: .... I"i'l"llq:e .-.e. " lUI Uoe IIIiIl wtll........ o1Ilaa4 t --. .. a part

oI oa14 _'I~,. ~P'''',...ny III 1_""" . t~ _~ otI<ICIfea-- .......... 11M •...- •••"P ." . ...... .---. ... IIIDDIl._ ldli . _ te Utot booot 11._".....• tt.•• _11_ I-Ile 1_ qr. ",,1-I"nlol-. tta""" .... _11.0 -ty~ bn·bnr for _ IatnoI~• • ta.ft . Iao.- trW __--,

• •

-,Th. San. Fraueieco ba.n... are . od• • ­

oriIag to b a oommo o nt. of UaterMt.If they . oa ld q a.it bailDg DeOIDlIJ.JI02Imilliol.toeka and 00116.• • thei ro~ rr-bl r-ta.••••. • 1.01I1 Beoc1l-.•..• ••lOeIII. rI7 Xo ntn. e1larp for -....a _ To 1 - ---------

ti ODIL to It'gitimate 00Uat-nJ.. they he ... at ~eclI LnTaCil_s-. ..IIW. oo.ld ba• • Do lhtIkn.lt J io eft'eeti nl l _

tbM objt'eL.-- - -Th. CWIoiag of beef for n port bid.wr to bel'lm. oue of Orrgoo', leadillfl:ioo1l.. triH. 8e'fwaIlarge _rabliIblDfllllOG tb . lo.er CoIom1;U .iII ooo lin.D.openUolIA in that lUI. till th. ISpriac11110 of .aIDOO begilla.._,

Auotber great f01l.r·arl.. raoe .ill beroo at; 8alIF~ 0 0 tb. 22mt ofFebrullJ')' . n. great bortlll of Mi~

- OZlll'k- bM I n:h ed th.,. ao d will be00. of Ib e ,tartera.

It iI repol't f'd that a race.iII Ibort lJtab pl_ bet.NO Dillon 'l mare Trille' lId thtl Ort'gOlI hone RJ. Hua., . tVictoria.

I DIlI4, ib la .leeWri ~e8"'ltilll to boll ..pI.nt,,1I hl.aelr: bvriea . .... laat .1I.m.111081'. The Jat.t 00. fa a HlcbJptader• 00 . hipped ere... for I.... . _t. 00lb• • efJ' day of elllOUoli. H. iI I B..pnblicao. uf 001l.rtIII ; 00' 08l.0I iI.ooupfOl'0 1 Demoerat.

--- ~-~ ---

T he q1l.olioll or llpa.lll.ini B ritillhCo lu mbia from t be Dominion of C.oa·da, will p robably com. 1III p.1 thtl .lUIu~

illfl: -Jon.of the Eogli.h Pariiaoullt..The gron.lld On .hich the poltitlon. .111be bMed. il • f.ila re of the Canadi.nGonrument to fn.IfU the te rm. b,.• h ich Brif.h Columbia becom•• por­tio . of til. Domioioo.




A.II. Siza~ of 8u~•.-bo bu doJIt; IlIOl'e 10 Ii" Ongo. •...-... tbn .., Mil 01_ rMidealci'--' ill al-oOC*laCltiDj: ... 1__

beriaco~ ia WaUlllII\cM Tn­ntory. H. ill u.. bftd of lb. Irm (_ .poe.! 01 bimMlf. u t_ broUw" ..,d&mae! p, rkun ) nicb ow.- IJM .tIIa&~-.ter &11U1d KDa~D•.1\the IaUer p~ b. bmll, _. _th,ago. II 1111 tor~ OD CoIo.JDbill rh u..... d.oriptioa of.1dch _ laella.late iaalae of LIMoC~:

MJ.ootbef prc.of of 1M .hJpbaild i"(l6Ieililt. oflba Pacillo 110.- .. d...m.lia tbe .p~lIWlid _-t1Ig Columbia.which In...t. hlr tria! trip i ll the ba, oatiatan1a,. SU a. the p!'Opel1.J of CapLA. K . l::)j1llJ"8Ua. oar pio_r ahipWild ·ee , wbo hi &h. .w.lr of ...""tal. luge1'_'" 1DCladilli tbe .,11 11. _ _ elip'"~r We-tera Sbono. The ColalZlw ia102 (Nt ill I.DRlb an 0""; breadlb oft-m. 21 feet; depth of bold. Jl ,..I;J10 tull" CQHorD bo_~'IlL

The lDai.l..,. . .. built , t lb . p ...,.tkIrOD .. orb ill lbi, ci ll . wh ieb b.. .biab fflpulatioa ••d I.pe'l'ieooe ill Ibhe!... of wOI,..MIOI iI pronded with com·poond eogi_ Dod • ' our-blUM pro­pe ller, e-poob ll of d rhiol( ber.t the R teof ].l kDOt. aD bou, . T he d;amet. r ofbar high prHaore . ,Iiudt'f I_ ~ {Deb ...-.ad of tbe 10_ 3i il'lcb... Tbe .crokel'18 i ·bea. " be il rlln. illbed .itb Irlr·f_udeuMr • • ir pump. ciroulatiugpu mp. rlHld .nJ bi lgt' pUlIlp• • od .11 tb.aeoeuori.. of. Ilrst e1111 bo.t . TheetIgiO'l i.e 10 an:' llgr d tb.t botb eJllu­d." DlIIJ be .orked all higb pregur. or10. pr eg ure cotadetllliu8.el tber q elb.r(lr lI1 ug lJ . Tbe pro pollier III 9 r..t and6 inch•• in diameter••ith' bli&d.... Tbetri al trip.1I biRbl J lI.uJactorJ. _nddem(lnatraWd tbe edmirable qoali l i... o rIbtl boot.& tboroughlJ. Tbe CoIQlllbia.iIl be employed ia to.illll: III C~BaJ ."

W. doa bl the iaIIt pc>rti(l ll or tb.. bo •• ~ph. n . 'iilll plOUII 11_

,....Jy b• • • tb. F I-. _ tug .m. llutII.A tb••bo . e. l a r.ie. ou tb. eoo.& J boor ; and . be ill roll,. 1aJ'R' . D00ll.bror all the requlremeota of lb. tnde.Her .ngio_ are oioel~1I inch.. 10 lb ehia:b-p..-un eyliad. r .ad 29 ill Ihelo . -p"""0n . Sh. bM I'1IIl from a.r­diller to Nortb. 1IeDd; _ d iate DCll of 2llmilK-io 2 boora .ud 12 IIIluut OD eCOD.ompUoo or t.o .rd.of 11 'J b..-J io .bich lbe bNadled tbe l\ Mt n o6ho:lQ, . bea Ibe &o. ed tbe enek Ihipto .... ..u..!.. _ that .btl hall pl.nllo r fMetft po." rOl' all onliDlr1 _ ­1I10ua. n. _ tog)tl lI..ttd 00 lAI­

ombU rhet '*"... lb. loge DO. em~p1o,.e4 there ba•• _II tb t'lr be.c da ya.

._.:SE W (;OCS IY.

Th. iu..ot or lormillg • ae. _ o tJ.to be eal led 6kegil. 00: ar portioaa orWhatoom. SlIObomiab . n.d bland.. ;,ilba coon'" aNt at VbaluJ. _ to belIppermo.c iu tb . mioda of .... eraI ofthe lotal poli liciaoa of t ba t Ticio lt,.. It__ &0 o. _ q Dt'llr id.. to take up ter~

ri to ..,. ' 1I01I.gh to a.:,ak • • oo. a IJ ••m ­b,.cina: M1n.I ,,... to tb . ...bole State

d Coli lleeUCOt. and thell P1l.t til. 0011.0 ­IJ aea1 oft' io OIDe ooro., aDd 00 .0 Uo­1aDd.t tbat.. U Ih. lJ"'Nt .ilUle,. o f th"S kagit aDd ita tn bul. ri.. lire I 6.1 ba­. iI ror 1 0• • 001l.01,. . lh. _ I of go.HU­P1eot ab01l.Id be at IIODle poiot 00 th eri nl', aad abo ut half•••, bet. ..D itamouth . lId th e hlllld of tluiptlon . Th i..lItail. 00 iDequalilJ of tra••l . molll(wito_ 'Dd juron. We be.lie.e tha ttI:I. llICtioo re fernd &0 can. eallil ,. , 1I.p.p C'rt . OOODIJ , o. ern m. nt lIlIId Ibe lienI .e J nJ'II will pro•• it.. W. are 0Ppol'­lid to Ioee tio ul elf coulIl, _I. npaoI.nd. o.ned b, large millillg oompiln­

;j fll, beeeulMl II cflm pe Ibe mlllllN forIh e bf'oe6.t or. riDg.

H f D«' • • N., . I." Vt.lady take eareof ilMLf ill that rlllp4'Ct. It i l th e t-t.bip,." d ahe Oil tb. coa." .lId oo. ltlukbuilt th~re will brillg mo re Vad. tbllO• dOZf'a I••, ui te. BJ u..6.rst (lr M",.'1 har••iII be ••tOllllboat nlooillg upt hat ri .er. ,lId ia 6.• • JOIra hellO. gtain.hipe.1II be .. pleo l,. be re all oollierllIlIId lamber droghere are 00. . There

.... i11 be daifJ' farm. and lltock'flllcherl_MIllS al ong for 6.fty mi l.. abo.e .hue• ' .. ..mboat call go . The JDIIII .ho. iII go lip that ri..r. IIllect . good IPO'

:1," froll! o•• r:fI.o•• aad "reet I mi ll fOt'~Ilt an d IOll!ber. will _ lriI oame

em ofli lh . IOnd P1fll. io lei, th.n lto11!llU'1 ' Haoor.e&or....... ..he.t mall.~ ~.lIa. .

A. ~ . Dufur• • bo re prweolt'd Ongoll.t I.be C. D'_aial. b.. beeo pn_Wwith _!lOad .atcb aad etUlio .onh $300io l'f'oCtIg1Iitioo of hil Mr'rioea. W. bad• CrmPl*lOller th"n too• • bo did 1111"b. ooul d to gi • • reliabl. illformatioo 00~ matlerl of Intllrllllt 10 _migr&#te, bat~bodJ baa .etch" hil. JIIl-.hich"bia __ iI E'flllla.

BArlJRDA,l: •.. • . •·DEC. 16, 1876.

Weekly PMget Sound Dispatch.

6teamabip Ajl1 col lided . ith theeteru·.boelll_&1100 I:'IJ near the

mooth of tb. v;::"'..r. .inkillfl:t be lattfor III . .. . Allbotb ._eel. belmw to 0" • 100 la1Jl<UitIOtIed boll .ppreh..s.&. .

' . 'Th. Sail Fre.oei eco poliee npotU

'UDlltaillf reqlleDt mllPtioll of . dilorderlJ"'OPI&D kllOW!l .. •• lb. galloping 00....ProbablJ the lIldeDlarJ boTiIlll warrior."bo es1lHd th e dMtb or Gen. Cute..oo ld be deligbled witb . r• • llloothaof her 1IOCi1ltJ . FlJ ebrOlId., 1.0••••... __IIKfr.

--~.,.~-_••-,-- ...,The lteatllf r En terpriae. p l1iog ba­

lweeo Victoria IIId Ne. Wll&ltDin.ater.hae beotn.q n.ar. otlo.d 00 1IOOO1l0t of themoan· poll II I110IIK her ere.. AlKItherbooeltak.. ber plaw 00 the route .hi..ab. iI ~illg r.migated.


In. F...".. 1876"_fto moalba .t­ter bial .Ieetion. .. C OIl U"ll Ikr of tMIMta 0( owronala. UOL.I_ W.1I1IDlkYi1l. cblld. G<Yt'lHllOr hwio lm­.-liatelJ _~ Will. B. CoBron. theo abMar depatJ ill the Coll­trolh'r 'a ome. iD Jll- of iI~..il".All the Pffllideou.1 eleccioo 0( Ib ill ,ear.pproeoablld Lb. 00..._ . .. "'I1I. ..ted

to.dd tHomCll ol ColOtroUerofStaw to~.P~tia1 .~rain.hill prod~

.-tioID uf . *tioo . Thil h. re fued todo. 8 0. ..t'r. th. Bepo.bbca ll.ll.lIlIt 011

aa4 IlOIDiDated D. 11. Ke llo6.e1d, llof T11OJ.limo. oo1l.n tJ for CoDl.loller. 00. lb.ot.blIr hlllld the Inmoenla llug fn t toB roW!l. al legiD.ll: lbe Go.eroor· , ri gb t &0

III all ._oei... ur lb . kiod b,. eppoint­lDeat.. Th. col\.lt'<lae DOll . .... tb.r.t 00olle bat K. olI.eld .....oted for at til.• leetioo.

No. K.n6.eld appliN rvr a Cf'rt i6.ca te(If election. to th . 8eeretafJ' of ISlate­Beek~d la re fulOd. H. aut goeeror. oommlao<ioo from tbe GonDlor.aIId th.t i. refulllld . Th. prube.bi lit itl1lan th_, , quo v <UTIlnlo loit .iII be

.. oom m. llced bJ b im. to ohlill.e the Go.~. mor to t ho••k,. • certificate or . Itc-l:0 1l abould pol i.... to hilJl. Ou ropiuioll i. tb .1 th. COort belo w .iIIigae til••rit .nd th.t ita deci aioo 'llillbe renl'lled bJ tile S llp rem. Coart. T1uIla tter bodJ i, rompollld or thr_ Be~

p1l. blh:.t18 I nd 1" 0 IHlllotral.a, bu t.ehan no f"lf of . n ,. puliaaoo Mllillflfrom IIneb I bellch . Th. _ .iII be

decided 01'00 . bet h. r Ih. Co llati l1l.IiOnor Cali fornil gi n l the GO. lIl't>01'. right10 Ippoia t {in. _ or "c"llCill~ ::.,.ct..lb or n mo.aI , 10rt.he euUn term oftb. part,. 110 deceued or diltquh6.o!d;or..beth .r be ClIO on.IJ .ppohat for tb eti m. eloopeing bel.""o lb_ d8th of 0_.leetf'd oaiclr &lid the ou t ge~nJ

electioo. 011.1' idM ill thai aadlll' theCooatilolioll, K, ull.eld ill I pri. ,"" cili ­p o. II DO .-.oe,. n i.ted 0 0 Ib e daJof "lecUoo.


Page 3: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE



."... oo..."".. ..,..

" .....>, .Il(itn Ol)-=.........

n it...u lMtla..~.... ,

L. . . . ....

..' ilOl . ..... -~

' .'




OPf'OlllTE TESLUl'8 l!J.LL.

w. T.

Str. Eliza Anderson,

. . .. ..fn .


Counselors and Att'ya·3.t·!o&W,

To <aDD IUn...· ·Thia liWellChooner, wbicb 110 DaITO-.ly __eaped a t.oIa1 demolition upon rn...covary reef. a OO'Ilple or 'w-eeD 1fJG,arrived hen yesterday morning andi. lyiBg at the heod of Yeeler·.wharf. It will Dot tate a very grealexpenditure to make her &I good ..De". Tbeae liU1e cndta have been.a great beDe6t to the people liv ingbetween bere aDd Bellinghsm Bay,for they go np I good man" narrowstreaml . hllre a ateam.boat. could nott urn and tate fmight 110 l mall that allteamer wouJd not be compenlllltedfor ber delay. The Carrie Ha1den.lEary Parter. J ua.nita. C. C. Per-­kins. L. J . Perry and the """ of the" moeqn.ito dee t." are a gNat. belpto the people of the Lower Sound,and alllO bring many a big dollar'.worth of bU!linflll8 to Seattle.

BoILD WOIUl:.- The boiler Ihop.is hard at wort on a new boiler forthe llteamer Politkofsty .

CB~• •. Li au.. " • •

II Cottage by the Sea,"()6oe ..... B.....-... ..... kla r- &r<>"

The Bank Exchange.


McQI LVRA & BURKE,Attorne;,· ,. n t: L.u w- .

8EA'ITLE, W. T ."111 ... _ to ~llI ..u I"""-ot lIl<I

Ternl..., .1'1. B. - ao.I E.I<>te ~• ...ad aDd ""Id JI"......

RETURN.MC:WILL ...... v_ JI"",,,,-,. .....n......,..""" wiU __ ..l _Ie ...." Uoe z"plI:rr t..~."''''''''''_OI1.p•.


11om'. pel' bbI • • • • • • • •noar. -,..aa.. pol' bbI •• • •........... ba-. _ •••• _.-. .... boooW • • •• • • • _Po>t""-. ,.... 'IouhttI • - • • • •ParIe7. por tool • • • • • • • •ODIo .... . r..r100 IN • - • " • •&rIe,.( <otod) pertoa • • •••B..... (1-'1 pe:r Itt _ . • • • •N>ooU. {foodl por Itt _ • • • • •a..,. JtOI" "'" . - -; . . . .Battw. rftItIr. Boll per Itt • • • •I:Kll'Oo por ... _ •• •• •••0-1004"-'''_ ... ..Cll>c~ pol'~ _ • • • • •

n _rll.4. }lOT -.....: • • • •- .. . - - . . ...t.roI • • • • • • • • • • •WO'Jl • • • • • • ••

a >tIH_(b..... ....Ied . ,. to ")1:~ Drlool.121i : nn.. )I_.




Artlft ~I.1 Mtone .

A C.CAJIPBELL. Or llElo't'TLE, IS UO ,.• b, .."lborl_ to ""l .. 0.... , ,. , t aDd

r""'........ aDd to ",,"I"""lfor"0, to la b order'If"" o.I<\&. -..I lro. b"Ik4I.. .,. and o.Il<>lher ....... . ' ''IW~T.m"'"Y.

.lI4 li1E!!o D _THOU.W.f'.W4TSON.

~ ot~..Pu.1Il l toe "f_ ...ot &nl!d<>l -..e. ... ..... ,... I.,p,g ,..n..,-. Of'nc. "' .lI~'.. 1lo>Ta.,

Oombleftial"",",," 800a<"".If.... ,th. 11''11.

seattle, Wash. Terrltal,.

Finest Wines Uquors &Cigars



Seanl.. Wuhlnpn Terrlto,,-

Attorn.,...t-la_ .nd Solicitor I..Ch.nOHf·

&SU:Wtct 8.u. - In loIIo&bercolu mn wil l be fotuld the noti ce ofMr . 8. D. Howe, uaigoee in b&qk·ruptcy 01 GrenDIln.t Crac nel. of U, ·Wad,. Tho property 110 offered forAle te the m~ eligible mill l iteand ahip1ard on the Bound, ..henproperly nt&tl&ged. B ere were bnilf;the .taunen Favori te and Libby.u d the barlr.entiDe Modoo. U.eleee proximity to the mouth. 01the ~bgi' and the Btil liguuniabri ven, which contain lhou8&Dd. ofACree of good milling timber. ren­den UbaIad,. a much cheape r pl_for milling (O D &coount of abonraftage ) than I0Il1 other poiu t ween Dam&. As the jAm of the Skagit..ill be removed by lhe ftnt of Apri l,if Dot ecoeer , large rafta of logecaD. be obtained by ibM ti me fromthat aue.m ; and 1t ..ill take .boutthro)emonthl. to get Lba mi ll over­hauled I nd eVeJ)' tbiDg placed inproper plaoo for running. There is• bounLifn i Bapply of lreeh waterthere and the .t.earuboM. all ob tai nwale r for thm boilers al that point.The ahiP1anl is particularl,. adnn­\ageDn. in ita location. aDd ..ill af·ford room to build four ench v_I,lUI the Modoc at once. We com·mend an 8nminatiOD of the prop·erty to Eastern capitalist. who arelooking for investment on thi s cout.

LolifO TIuP .-Tbe ne. t.rt Cu­MDdra Adams. built at Seabeck....fifteen dap on he r tint trip CO SauFrao d aeo from Port Town&end.This dDell not make her ont a llowcoach , by any mean. . S he i. aluge vell8el, and left the Sound witha erew wholly inadequate to her reoquiremeuts. It will be rememberedtha& the l team.hip Dakota• • hiehleft SuI F rancisoo the day after theAdam. It'ft Pan TOWD~eod, hatJ.heavYllOutherly .eather all the . ay00 ber last trip, 80 mnch 80 that theengine " need," and bad to be Blowt'ddown. T he City of Panama W lW!- 96

honrs from Victoria to San Frao­ciftooand earoe bact agai n in only68. thoa proving ao lonk continnanceof heaV1 tIOntherlr weatherly.Apio. th e but w.. new. Ilnd al lber ~-ar wor li.ed. sli my; hence, thefint trip w.. no criterion of hersai.ling powefll. She il discbargingher lumber as yet , and we IIe8 nomention of h('r having boon chili'­tered to go ab.oad ; but when Ihedot'll go. we pre:lict tbat .he rendeMla better acconnt of bel'llt'U than onber initial voyage .

PEBMlif4L8.- Sunnel Conlter andlady. of Olympia. are llpend ing a fewday. in this d ty.welcomed by a hostof frienlh . . . • • .Ot il F rooman. wboillbettoor known aseve..,body·" friend1ftl,\"8S for San FranCISCO on the Cityof Panllma lIr. I nd llrs. H icka,of Ut-lad:" have been doing t heirholiday !lhop ping he re for BeveraJoI",y" ~·e 1190 ..elcome ~klIiss Livie O'Brieo, wbo bu",tnro·ed from a th~ weeks' visit to herfriendll in Olympi:l.

As I)lPRo!lllPTU OPER_' .· -T he ad ·vent of a li ve opera troupe &OOlOlI tohave infllpi red IIOme of our local vo­c.lilltA with musieai antor . Whilepassing along by tbe " Vlnity Fair:last night. we beant tbe followingf(,bear.<at of tbe " SoJJ iers' Chorna "from 1" aullt :

Ob no I ..·..·u ....~r 1"1 dn>lIt ..", "'~Oh DO I ....e' U " cvu l!"'..... " Ir , "',,"' . ·Ob ,D" r Vt'~·I1 , ...,r poodrub1ll , "'0"'.~e....r 1I<' 1II! (ItI<'1 S ....elll"rrD.lIt Is~.""TDK""" I

lI.&Rlxa .- -Barks Oem of the Oceanand lIontana are both du e here.hav.ing IIlI.iled from San F ranci5CO onthe 2d. &rk Camden arrh·ed at PortGlUQble from Honolulu ye8tenlay l---- '-- --- - - - .,.-- ­and the Atalanta B4iled for Sa nFrnnciRCo. The ba ro J . B. Bell ,Allelaide Cooper andJames Cheston.al l arrived from the Sound, at SanFrancillOO 00 Tnetlday .

GAXE.-There baa beeo an abood­&ooe of phM8aI1t1 and wild dncbin the markel for the p.!It two days.The form er ca me from the woodsbackof T-.coma••hile the (owl1l'ere. bot on the fiats about La Coonerand sen t Ull 00 Ule Li bby. - --- ---- - -----

Tu w n:IlT.-Tbe re port of the City1'ftaaurer for the six months endingyestenIay, Iho_ eollectioM to theaIrloon t of 811,919.86. Of this 1111..94 illitin on haod alte r payiog outSll.W1.92. of which 1 1,218.77 wasfor l igbting the streete.

TJu.DfDl'o .-At tbe tract the fol·lowing hOrIN are taking thei r reg'uw exercu.e. : blac k hOflle Renton,lIOnel hol'll8 Goldwire and RobertB1lMeU'a Tom V erry eolL Othenwil l be reW y for the my whell Lhetime COIDM•

r ...... 1J~;I, ~/ 1'n""'J:

TUlI: WJ.R H All'. CUE.- I n thematter of tbe nio e men wbo re fulI8Jd uty on the I hip War Hawt , DOWlo.ding at tbe Seattle bunken.CommiMioner Smith deci ded tocommit Ihem to jai l till the sailingof the vefl....l, The War Hawk h_on 11Ol1nl aoont a tbOlJfIIOlld tollll OJfcoal llnll ",.i11 take tlll'~e hundredIDd fifty more.

WOl1'£ n OV-liE. - lIu Kant. oneof the indulltriou. P"'prif.ton oftile White Honse. left fOf MlDiall 'moo and San Juan h'a~d. last night.on the IIIt'amer Di lll..t~·h . He ilanthorized· to l'e('('h-e lull8Cri ptionllfor tltis "8 lter in thnt vicinity . nnd10 receipt for all moneJs due Ihi lloftice on that account.



Jl.ut..Da..ton .--.The North :Pari4eia becoming very irregular in bermovemen.• •of late.I~ of reach­ing here lut &tunIay nIght at 9o'clock, m e~Iy arrived on SUD·day ~t 1I~n and the P OIIt Office didDot get t.bfl mail deli vered till " P.JI. ;bot that..... no& the cle rk'. fanl Lx-t night abe &bould have beenhere at 9, but did not arrive u ntil"thiA morning. The merehantB findfanU with lhisatyle of doing buei­n_ , and jUl tly too. Th e Pacific illnot a slow boat, tbeeeroee tbere ill noreaaou why IIbe IhonM not be ontime. Two mails evert other day.i anot the tIlrma of the eontnct oDderwhich the maits are carried. ,e' thishaa 0Cle1U1'I!Id h rioe within a week.Th! peo~le are entitled to a dailymail delivered at. certain honre, andIbO!le who contract to deliver itlIhould either " lIboot or give up theguo."

Tu. " CITI OF PAlIJ.lIJ.."-Thi.It.eamer reached here ".-tenIay at 810. JI. and left aga{n for Victoria at IP . I(. She bro nght the foll. ,wingpasnengen: For &tJttltJ - SewallKnapp, lIn . E. BrillOOl. Mise Car-­rie E. McOilvn . J . Rowland . l ira.McNaught and mot he r, E . N . Bris·eol an,1 12 in the llteerage . For Ta·roma---Siste rs Geraldine and Bewa·dale, Rev. F. X. P refontaine. NCNIobAnbin . Her freight eonlista of 22toU8for Port 7'ownlll8nd, M tons forSeattle. 11 for Tacoma Iud 5 forOlympia. She met the Dakota. atmidnight on the 'llth. bonnd South.From &n Francisco k. £"qnimaltdock the t ime was 68,.. hours .

GF.oAOE T . EVJ.s lI.-This ge ntle.man . ....hOde nam e ill a port ion of themnlical biatory of the Pacifio Coast.is conJuctor of the orch t'lltra inTi tns' Opera Tronpe. He ill a W ­ented comJlOlier and has wri ttt'nmany pretty lIOngll linch 1M " I'mW..iting mr. Darling . for Thee ;"..Ailee n A anna," aD,t a aoore ofotbur gems that are in m. tes of ev·ery hon sehoM.

D ID XOT Pw.y.-Owing to th eilluess oO ft. Hawtelle It Port Biake­l.:v. the play of Anab-na·Pogue W&ll

not pllyed at Yesler'1I Halll-'Si night .By the ..ay ..e notioe tbat Yr. Y...•ler 'f11 R'OO't judgment IIhOWI itaelf ina new I"" of ..tepll fro m the frontporc b. thus affording ample meanlof ellt.-'Il>6 from a fire .

B Olla An.uN .-Hev . Father Pre­footAine. who hall heen llpeuding theII nmmf'r at the Ea.«t. got back by th..City of f' .mama and al'JIt'lIn to enjoy"u'ellE'nt h~lth . H ill mllOY frien,t..Ilnol 1'lIrilOl liooers gr~t his retul nwith lIiol'\lnogllltifi("Il!i,m.

SIlU··!-lIl.l l'E.··It. loob j l18t aooll tth e t1, in~ to _ H.vndmnn·1I had r; ,with il s Ar:;ruul lump io front orIhe Colman block e"erl nis ht . withilll team of I...y bo~ nt'lltil blank ·('1('<1. a1l'aiting a ca.!I. Verv nobbJatr.ir. •

'" .,. ~.

TRAclt·w:nso. - Work of layingrails goes ratber IIlowly j Ul<t now.l' ut the wor kmen 'Il"Hl finish the bigIIwamp tfelltle. at le&.IIt by Mondaynoon. and tbeD th"v ...iIi make short..ork of ge tti ng CO -l:E>nton.

!'06TPQsEP.-The ..ljournedmoel-­ing of the Ivy Social (;lob -.ill Laheld lOt Thorne.l: Snow'l ofti.:e at7~, o·c!()("t: this eTening . Their oex\regul ar club pllrty takes plac e onWed lll*1ay e"e ning or nel t ....eek.

HOLlDJ.T PBg 'ID TlJ. - Th088 de­siring to make presenta of perfum.ery . toilet bottles. and glovll boxes.will find IIOme bN.utifnl artielea inthat. line at the sCOre of M. B. Mad·.loch. on Ooeiden tal Sq uare.

MJ.IUI.- P oetmaster Proech h..made IIOme changes in the mails (0IWrt Townsend by which the PfIOllleon hat. city ..m be enabled to rece ivethree mail. eaeb . eek .

FRo. VIC!'OBIJ...- Steamer El izaAnderson arrift>ll from Victoria atmidnighL Her DeWI is not veryh lportanL

BILLlAR.PI.- We men tioned IIOmedaYI ago an amateur biUiard matchfor $20 ... having heen pla,.eoJ inthis city between a yonng man fro mPort BI.kely and a Sea ttler. inwhich our man got l -.ay 1lith the" eqnivalentA." .. Ckorge Knaggaused to lilY. T he B1akt'IIite .....not al together satisfied with the reoI UIt , so he notified M,. Bile1 of hillwill ingn_ to try it on again for$ 100. Rilel at'Cepted the 06er. aDdthe ga me will be played at tbe Officewoon io th ill city. on Cbriatm...D:l~· . It i" to be 300 poin ts np. wi\hloa r b&lll of 2H inches in di&mefAor.

T ilE ST£KF.OPTlcos.-Thil exhibi.t ion will he Ilholl'n on & tu rda\"uight. in aid of the Skagit Riv;rImpro \"ement }o' uod . The people ofSeattle are more directly inlereetedin thi s matt er than any oth...r townOn the Sonnd, as w. bave al-.a,.1caught the greater part of that IrWe.lIr. Y8lIIcr bas given tbe rent fret!for that night as a to ken of his ap 'J>rt'i'l nt ion of t hll pnrpoll8 for .....hieht he elhibiti"n i, gh tln.

rHOSOORA POW. - J ohn W. Coch·rane is abont to start d..- in pho­nograpby, whiCh will be found avt'ry profi table Mudy for tboooe .. hodesign emhracing prof8llllional life.A mini~ter can 1I1, ly ta ke ootel of. ome diRM'nting brother 's ser mon ;' l,b,yllician clln note off some clin i­cal lecture ; lIod a lawyer can jotdown tellt.imony for future reft!rence .So it does. not eost mn oh to acquireand may rome u!lt'ful llOme day -.ht'llyo u lelllt eliled it .

AT Ho!(oLt"Lc.-Tbe 118rb Cam·(l("nInd Victor , from Port Gamble,Yo·ere both in Honolulu on Ihe IHthuf Novembt' r. ' ( he form...r l1'ouldft'turn di rec t to the Sollnll wilh lin·gar lI-nd the latter goo<! to San FTln ­eillCO. 'fhi. ..hat recipro.:ity is do­ing for us; "'e sball Loa Iohippillg Se­attl e coal there before another yesxela,_ .

Ksows Hl liI .- Under the titl e of" A Scrap of 'frue lIilllory," theAshl l l:d Tiding. gi vell tb e ad ven ·tnres of IIOmti ell>tly Or t'gon pfOl!pec'ton ; among Wh088 namt'll ap~that of J~remi.ah Bell. ot DriggBtotrn. not far from thia d ty . WIlbeg pardon-that apple-toddy. youknow - _ e mean lIr. J eremiahDriggs of Dellto,. n.

SILVERW4U . - W. O. JamiellOnrccdved IIOme e.egant lIiherv"l re bythe ClIy of Panama 1eBterolay.Among them wu a fro.ted aih·ertum bler at.nd for a ll1oou. mou ntedwith . b.ntitnl epergne; alIIO atray rep_nting Seldlof ioe witha polar bear doatitl8 about on theiceberg l ; topthel' with pickle cu'ten and other elegant tahle ware.

N•• Cn u Df.- We learn that Capt.Wright bu reeigned M mmand orth l' steamer Nellie and that. Capt.David Bill iakea eharge or ber DenweilL The Wena& ia no.. ia charg.of Capt. Lowe, for mel'Ir mat.e withCop<. Hill.

1'BJ.T. NaY~--A reporl halbeen eUITent for aome time aDdfouDdita _ y .In all the Bound papen.except th il one. to the etreot. tbatP . B. Corn'wan. Of ·the BellinghamDay CoalCompany . wonld lIOOn puton an opposition lin. of llteilmflfl

between San Fhncieeo~ Victoria.It romee down to thia. that. BenHolladay. J r .• b.. 110M the pro­pellen Californil and Peliean. toMr . Cornwall. The latter gen tle­man will pn t the California on adirect ro ute from San }o'ranciaco toSitka. &/I lIOOn .. he can get a newboiler into her . The P elican wUlruo from San Fn.ncilloo to eoo.Bay. calling at. E ureka, Cr-ntCitr and rort Orford. In all prob­ability the Californi. will eo&l at.Belli ogham & y each .....y. tbnagiving that region dired comm uoi·cat ion hllreafter.

F AST TIJI•.- The l...t two trips ofthe Dakota and ("'ity of Panawa,have been chaneterized by rapidtime. Capt. Seabury claims to hafremaie it iD 68 bonn and 40 minntt.,while CapL Mone re poried G8 hoonwhen heN . Both th _ trip" beatthe rn n of thll Amethyst (of -.hich60 mnch -.as said. lIIIIt lIummer,)when Ilhe brought up Lord DuJl'erinfrom Sa n }o' ranciftoo. But they haTebt'en '-ten fint by the old ..teamerHermann, which made it in 62bQunin l !:l6t ; and . alllO by the UnitedStatenteamer Shubrict which madeit in G3 hours. two rears later. BntthetIC triPII of the Dakota and Paoa­ma are &/I f/lollt ... I ny one -.antll totravel. with tJaf'ety.


AFLlJAT.-JenllOn·l lil Ue propellu1l'bich lay in front of Bullene'a Ibopoearly all the month of October.b..been saftlIy Ilunch..,J into tbe -.atenof Lake Wll>Ihington aud goes ahouther bllllinclII 81< if nothing bad bap­I>tJ Ut..>d.

CClIRECTlOS. - In In arti cle onPort TownllentJ, Jlllbli!lhed in t hill!,aper several l1'eeks Igo. ..e spokeof the Offiee w oon, U bpt loySeavy A; Han"':'U. lIr. W. S . RelY,.il "",Ie proprietor of the efltab lillb.ment .

KOV.EL.- A 8Il-qh anJ a .1,'Or of ironand gi ldl'd to . h ine in the6e dark,la)"ll. hn\'e h('en p ut fln the weath l'r·Vl/lne o\·... r HtdMOIi & }'0..1'8 factory.

H OI TOlfIU.GE.-Th.. tonnage oft be new llWamer llt'll'len~r, re­cently compleled at Olym pi., ill121 fl5-IOO wnlJ. She ill till feet lonl!',:!OX f{'(lt bellm, and "' Yo fe..t d epthof hoJJ .

1'.- 16.~., 1lwooloI,.(XTLJillI. - The m06t elegant

table cu tle ry ..e have IIOOn. is aI18t of di nner and d_ rt knivell inthe ...indow of Cbarles NMher'1IIlCOre. He hu al!lO everything inthe IIbape of jewelry and ti lver ware_Uset nl lU1ic1.... u well &/I thOll6 thatare ornamental . can be found therein endl etlll vlriety _

A GRKU TRF.AT.-The litt le folb.iIl baytl a good time with the Stf>r­eop ticII>u. Its ilIusionll are bolhltea.utifnl and amnsi ng.

P E1UOPIC'J.L!I.-.John L. J amiellOn111&11 our thl ub for the ~ew YorkCLIp!>". ]f, frW ' lIT~,I;l, . and J',yz..J..Les/it/.. He b.." a bUllhel more thatwe bave no ti me to teaid.

TUE '-h LAI .- Tb ill fine , bip. owu·f"d b,. :Nicbolall Bichard . sailed fromSl\n FnnciltOO on the 9th for thi llplace. Bhe will lake I cargo of coalfrom the Talbot mine, and Mr. Col·lillll hall the Wenat. towing do 1l'D~ loaded with ber cuyo.

FOB8 .... ~CI9OO.-Tbe IIteamerEliza Aodenon leavet he re lIutWedueMaY and f"Onnecta With theCity of Panama. at Victori a. P ....118ngen Bhould go aboard on TU68­day night and make sure 01 it .

ABAIfl)O!fZI.o.-Tbeo_O. William.b.. given up tbe eontMt over the8herifl'alty of KitMp con aty aDdwill allo. his op ponent to be in ·ducted in &o office withou t moJ~


Weekly Pupt SOlI" Ois,atri IUPn.a.- BI tho No"h P"';• ••;;;~;;;;;;;;"==;;;==::~":': Iwbieh arriTedlatl Dighl, from Vio­SATURDAy•• .. . . .DEC. 16. 187G~ &or1&..e levu. that BDdolph. the

jeweler , th re w 47 and WOn the first.Local ·N e w .._ grand priM in Jo. Lovett 'srame

_ which took plaoe on Monday nigb L".. ..o.ur.., .........,. The I800nd prise . M won by tick et

E."iOLll ll OPEB.l..-TNeY W. Ti tns. :No. 129 on a throw of 43, Mid to bemanager of the ElIgliah Operatronpe held by K ilton Cook, of Port Gazu..DO.. playing 110 IneeeeefuUy in P ort - ble. On the~ prize a tie oct­

land. ealled On UI 1aIot night and in. corred between tick. Ne.. 43. 150.fonned Il8 that hill tronpe wiU per. 273. 275 aDd 353. the thro w beingform bere next T uesday I nd Wed. 42. The lower pn- ..ere won byn-u.y evenings. The opera for No. 29'1 00 a tbro w of 17 and 160 onTuesday uight will be " Yllritana," • l'aSt of 18. (Thill i , the l!IaDle .. awith Mia C1ara Thompson in the thro-: of 441lnd 43 f~r high. ) TheliUe role r.nJ.lI r. Henry Bracy aa drawlDg pused 01!' In good ahapeDoD ea-r. In tbe "Ol'llnd D nch 8lle IIDd eve1J' one ... ..aU aatiB&ed.d e Oero) lteio" ...bicb will be given BL"K1UJlP bur. - By a priT&teon the following nigbt, Y iseTbomp- letter from the abovep~, ...e Jearnece will su"tain the part of the that thll foll uwing ve-Ia are loed­Duch_ and lIr. Fa"ley that of ing lumber th*'fe : Merchant andGene ral Doum. :Mill Winston Mater, for Melbonrne. 650 II Rndp lays Prince Paul and Mr . IJl'IM!I 2:"JO M f~t resrectlvely ; Kate n ict.wilLbe the Fritz. It is a giorioul inger, for Shanghai. 550 M.1lnd B.little Opera ..it h no end of fuo in iL .\ ymar , 450 M; A. H. BlanchanJ.As th ill illa class of entertaioment for Cal lao, 325 M ; B ilarion, forhitherto nnkno WD heN. we predict Cape of Good Hope• .wi) lI.fashionable and ~ro..ded hon geS on . •~h night. if the -.eather il propi. Fnoa Vassu., · -Bn g North Startious. hu nearly oomp leteo1 her la.d of

Sn.umo.\T XEWs.- The Eliza An. ooeJat the Benton bu nkel ". Sbe isd el8OD. did not lie bere hut a few owned by G. M. J 0S68IYll « Co.• ofhonrs on Monday nigbt but wt'nt San F rancillCO llDd commanded byt hro n;:h to Olympia for I load of Captain Davi s. She W &/I built incattle_ S he ..ill leave ht're lOt 4 1Nt.i8 at East Boston. by Donald lIo·o'clock this morning for Yietoria. Kay . and th illis ber tint coastingS~tug Blakely came over~ter. trip. &I IIhe bu hitherto bt'en em­day 110') la, at Bullt'ne'uhop nes.rly ployed in foreign trade.

all J ay. The cold flloap (If the put ApPLETODDI.- Algar.l: :Su.on. offcw J ays, hIlS ("all~d a vi!i\ible tei:'e' the Grotto 8aloon. have bre wed ad ing of the "" ,ltRr in Wbite river. ta nk of "the essence of old Vir gin­b ut llie Otter IIlilI k~Pll up he r tripl ny" for the holiJaIs. It takell • fel.to Hen ton with uoal""t~l ",~ularitv. low balek to the palmy daYII ofS tRamtng '-.vori lt' '·.me np fro-m CharlE'llton. ..hen Tom rurvear andr ort To",·n8l'Dd ! t'><ter,t.y morn iug. •

Jimmy Wateon 1l't're pilitl8 up their

HD UD.- Tbe many fri end ll'of :\I f'll. tbonsands 00 Congaree agai nst Fauill Harmon. of Steil..........m. .. ill be n1 W...hingtDn.

pai oed to hesr of th"t l..t;(11 ~u,1dt'n

death day hefore yt'fltE'r\la,. . Mht' SHlSnL5:8.-Tbe S alli e came opliM just retu rned from a t rip to th .. 10Role,l full of thefJO " Snoh omit;h.Eastern Statea with he r hUllband grt't'n bfU'ka," as CaI't. Wri gbt ('a1111&Od ...... gl.,l to Kf"t back among btlr them. Au invoice ,of them hallbee ncbildren. l In . B armon bad li'l'ed ordered b)· tbe (" ulltomers of . wall ­about th e !Sound-at 6 teiJaeoom . kno..n dli"'lnan. ..bOll8 eo.s areOlympia aod Whid by h land.-for mill.ffi ou t of doo",. TheY .E'l pectDt'arly t..entr-four J't'al'l . aod f!llrll ' to ~t more milk to the q uart I fier~t the 8II1('('m nf all "'!lo knew her. the CO WII are roofed in .Tht' funeral lake.. place to-day .

TH.4-T J A"". - A geologi!!t .ho haa~xnminffi th ut fOliSiI j a"" now on t'l'bibition 8t tI'e Doll,. Yarden &Ioou.pronounCE'tl it to be that (.f the m... ­Won or .\ m..rican ..1t'llblnL All iti ll nt'arl.:v fonr mi l('l fro m ...be...th_ remains ....E're found . to tLIln~t point on the main Iud . ourfrien,t ft>t·llll ike e:l;l'lnrin g the llr..m·•i Ile 8 ....·here the lJonderOll !lI~llJ'lt gavE'upthe ~ho!!t . 'We In Ii on!!!" a...&.itth e re llult of hill el ploratioo;.

Y£l>L£1t B[,(lf'Ii: .-"·e . ere "hownr almer·. dra _i nl:;"'!l of the / ,,..,,.1..,,ofy ....ler ·1I ne... artifiC'illllltnne huilJi n~

.....bi ...h ill to occnpy the site of hi",Pfe>le ot d'll·t-lling. It .... iIl be aboutM prE-tt y a bnil.l i n~. if tioi,.bfO<1 1IytliMte pIau!!, I'" any north of HanF ranci"<"o. Col. TllOrp I.nd :Pil r.Leathe rll nre ahout to rl'l urn ber"from Victor ia an J will mab tbillplat"e tl leir bt'llJ'luarten for ....memonths t.e) rowe.

T IfE " CITI 0 1' PIo ~lolillo ."-Thi!l

s teamer. which left San I'ra ud'-t"OI....t Saturolny at noou, rE-schf"d & .q'limalt )'(ll<terday morning at ~l

o 'dock h/winl!' mll,le the tri l' inlliJ eof l;:1bou,"" frmll ,I<)('k to flO("k. llJIlOme .l llfore......ll nli..h:lp b..r to_ U­ger lillt WaM nnt tf"lt'grs l,lu.",t u p, Lilt~he !!be ...iII probably be hf're U lIOOn11-" thill raVE'r ~hes il l readers.

..\ t:CAR·X4· POOl;F..-TLi~ "llIen,lidI ril.!1 .Irumll. tIle fiue",te,·er pnt npo ntile IIt;I/.;e , ill to I>e p layf'll here too ·ni~"t hy the Sllwtelle tro 'li'e . witbS "wtt-lle in tbe "l1rt of " Slum n ther o><t." u ·ga l ~..ntlcmen wbo are inwaut of I I,ro lter defillit ion of InQl i loi. wonld Jo ..eU to altelld theJ1't' rfo rmaoce.

COlol l'LrI'CP.- The nt'w l ide..alkon :um "tf'f'f't in front (Of the Ameri ­can Holel, St Ch"rlea and Officef\llIOOD'i. ill now completed a.nd thea"'e"'Ge midnight pOO.el!ltrian nolonger anathemizes hi s barked!lhinll.

PEBIIOS4L.-Mr. Daria. a well·bOWD a&~rney of Victoria, paid usa visit last n ening . Mise Ralstonand Mi. Nora MOM. of Taooma,who haTe been vieit ing )(rs. J . S.Hill, of thi ll city • • e nt home YflIIfer·day on th e Tacom a, with Mr. Act·e l'llOn.

STOCKJlOL DJ:Jl8' lh:ETlHG.- Atte n·t ion i. called to a IlM!'t'ting of t"­atockholden or the P ogri SoundT elegraph Compally, in another'cotDlDn.







Page 4: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE

.,\ ' "



• ••....-Dl. . . •

_._.D~ "'.... •


S eattle , W a sh . T e l'.


G . A . \ V E ED. ]I. n.


G-roo o r :l_.es"




Mole ApDt fer Seoatt le.


Dec. 9 Noy. 26 Dec. . 1DIIO. 30 Dec . 15 Dell. ~Il ao . 20 ,Jan . 5 lau. 11F..b. 10 I .laD. 26 .lao. 91

Ne at d oor to Matt Keith'• •


B. o. MOBSE, CO.wuNDEIt;


H ..VDlG br<.u!tb t lo Statile e CIty Bad'and al.., a _0«011, t1e~ I hope I_nab

0"1'" a1~otloD kl boW-. to _ril \be p&l­roe_ 01 u... p"bItc al IN'p.

17' '!'be _ ,,01 ..ill be foo"'" 011 lhe ""n>~ror MID and Vom.......,1aI 8I;.....tII.

T . W. BY~DIUJi.SealUe. :5011' . " lIr."S

Fresh & Salted Meats

Oyster ~ Chop House.CO Y lIERC IAL 6TBEET.

DR. G . ". CALH 01JX,


S e a tt le . • ~ W a s h . Territory


.-..,. hom Portlall4 aDd op-AonDd po"""wi ll lab~ lIt>nDdJlaIl _ ",. ..4 o>ab

_ Il....uoo wt th " CUr of PN>a>na~ at VkIoIr1L8_.. D.....t ,.,... Ib.......11 to O~pIa.

n ..._ V\dOria at"oou OIl !hI .

<Ia1 ad..rtl-.t Ti ano ROOt'I 0Il1J" 011 IhfIateuDt1' r _bkh IbeJ pon:baHd llDd IU'e

Ilol. 1 .,..l>le_ Fur ' reillM 01'~ appl,.OIlboard Of't/) H.L.TllIII.u.a.

0._&1 ..e"t for Puret IIon Bd,


Will X-,.. .. bereafter meotioned:

Pacific .I lil S1eIIIship Co.



& CO:S

~ T . W. HYND""-''i.~Market.


>-III ~0: i:z: •elL --::IE ••--::;) ~-z lL =

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12.5 .I: l Zi CU .Ift> J.lf U an.UT.

• ,"N FR.ll'i"CL'KlO . . IB





~!"iS .& B o n toiT . , _~ ao d W1rloJ>.,MIe aDd a.wt Dealow'I Ia I ­

Beef, P ork. Motton. V e al, Cll ,.3Ieat.s .Dd Vegetabletl .\'lor' Osea kept for aa1• •

t7' Patronage reflpec1flllll 1IOlici tedAlig . S. Ihi4.



EN"GXNE::El::EI. 5 "[ttoo. No• • Bdmtft·. BaItdli>t"J

c... c....._..rdaJ k Waah.l..........

SUTTLE, WA !m . Tu .

Oppoaite Schw"baehtlf BlOII. &; Co.'a


H OIl . Elwood Enll" ou r lata Com~miBdooer at. th.. Ca ll1,,oo.ill, de!i ,.ered •leeture 0POIl thia Territo17 and iw re­aou~ .blle at PbilAdelphi.. wbichlectttre h. ia "ODOOllo.d to repe at inOllmpia. All milch of tb .. ' lIbjflet O-lal­

ter is familiar to oor cilize o" we wOllldI1Iggea' t b"t he write a l~tol'1l 00 theCe llte DDzal ,od de li,...r it abollt tbeBallod . Air. E'I'IIOa ia • "el'J pleuioa.riter Illd eap.ble of doillg th.. ,ubjlCt11111 ill.tice.

diM. lor the koal will bite, aodthe1 are '1er, nice for.. breakfaat inthe tncklelil wood.. Sprem doY1loyuur b1aDleu upon the cedar boqbeIIIld lOU .ill aIeep M ,oa Deft!'ooQ}d hope to IIleep in the gorgeouscbamben or the .. BUdwiD" or"Liek" Dou• . The editor eordiall11t"iBhee ,oa .. good .«,t'. IIJlOrl..

' .,





1"* a' the .t.aW'b wilh " dn«.. a J:Uide..Freto _alail I<) _ 01ai4 I boIwJed......,I breMled u.e hiIJoW'lof Twftd·. rolling....ADd ho.ard at. a dialalloe \be HighlandtT'a~. -~.

WheUter the melartcholl bud of

XewatNd Ahbel eyer p rophesied\hat "the BoM" would . te&l ,ix roil­

liona an.l go to sea .. . commondeck h audor not, _can hardll MI.Bnt wh"'l1 he talks . bon' ..T ....eed'erollinK tide ." we natur-.llI1"6Ctil the"olage to Vigo . Dd \he return ofthe ex- Io reman of the " Big Six" inthe }'nulltlin. B o ' aU jok es laideeide, Blron w... devoted 10'l'er ofthe cheee aud .. lond 01 " n ice ,·eoi·IIOnsteak. "wirom ing in • grayy 01currant jt'11; aDtl port wi ne, M " .01oth er DUlU. Tben! is a pl_nre int he I ilenl 10 rf'Bt. lUI one l its upoo a' rnilleading to 1I(lIne glaa."1 lake.with ritle at Inll coc k and e 'l/ery UtI"eIIt rained t o the utmost ten.ion .await­ing the com iug of IIOme Intleredmonat'("h i there i, jOl in Bitting blthe eve ning camp fire with a juicymortlCl 01 VCOi lIOD crillp iug ov er theg li m mer ing COIlol lJi anti a ' new l ilecometl over y ou all yon l ie down to,"leep beneath the 'all mioaretB 01the lIOughiug pinetl.


Is the sportsm an" ei,.lium and ai ­foro ll .. fine door shooting IIJ any

portiou of the F ederal d omain.

AloD g Ule l ower Soo nd and h, thesad. wa vl'lll 01 l'UCIII', dee}) channel ,&rille tract le86 lorest.s where the elt .• luger . od m ore gallant ,,-, th"nlbe slag or E urope, lOIlml in oDdi...tu rLe.1 lreetlom among tbe IIOrobergroyes of h eml oclt. HI'! i. the Aga­memnon of h it! race, wi th the im ­p f'eNI o f royal ly nampE'd upoo h isbroad auOeta and hi. mnlCular DeCkclad wi lb tht' Ihu nder or tt.tUe. Htlbaa the B~ of 'he Arab conrseran d whe u _ouDded. w ill 6gh' hiAcaotor . i\h the ferocil1 of . Toledobull. T o tal.f' . Im"n al oop al P ort.T o . DfIt'Dd . laud at C lalilm o r NNhBa, and camp in t he 'I"a'lt, ~iI",u'

~"e6 for .. week, \he apurt...maowill not lail to bring down oue. o r1.0 duriog the ..eet. The trip illone 01 hIU11,hip.mI ptorhlptl danger,bnt yoor tnte apotUllUIn diareb..n1sthai wheo I nch S lime &01 elk are totilled.


O f Virginia. is oot fou od 0 0. the P.­cific roatIt , bo' the black-tailed deer

is io.enr,- oniuhabited glen betweenCape M endocino and the mou\h ofFl'1Uf:'r river. I nd..-ed 80 commonare t h_ beaotifol c reat ureot .oon tRogue ri"er, ,hat manlof t he 10.'down white m ell aboot t here (w hocohahit with Ind i.lns ) actoall,.. Ir..illthem lor the ir b idet! a Dd boru8.This ie not h onting, bot " m urderJOOIl' fool." A m ong OB we 11l1.ve ..more in wlligen t c!.au 0 1 people " 'hot'elJ1U'J the deer u ga_ IUld 1I0 t"W.t. If yon leellike taking a gooolhunt, go li p aboot the h ead waw IlI oftil e 8 uoqual mie o r Puyalillp. . nd. tay a ","cek. 1Iut if till1e is money,tako the :Sunh P aeitie railroad andget off at ~al'aviDe or Winlock.About there are tleu ltt'l woodB brokenby Iit'le l >ro.iril.'lI where the d eer10'l/es to rOIlIl1. lind the Jifllt buck we" ver IILo t . "" on the Newauknm.not a mile lrom the lltatioo of thatname, four year'll tIRo lut Jul1 .1 _

Nine prong' in the '\'elvet and auinch of tat 00 the ribe. Shade off 'rant F orester!


IB not fonnd on thia , ide of Ule Cu­eade range. H e dwell. in the land of

bnll('h grMII, among the tawill h ill so f Klickitat and the rolling prairiesalong lhe Yakima. H e ie more likethe iLlo. d e.lr IJI France aud Ger­many, thllll the blaek-tailed d eer 01,be~ region. H~ bor o. are DotBO hig h aod braDch out wider, 'WIth"hort JIOillt.s . H e i, plomper in thebod, and • m och hean er a nimalthlUl h is brother wh o Jivea " d o...nbl the deep Bad _ ." H iB tail i,... lIiteand u long .. Lhat of ."dock­ed" hone. while his eara .re longand I"u-lilte. It ill l ro m lLia that.the moo '1,lendid of . 11 ilie t't'rnoer.ce gd.B hiA h omell l1ame. H e h&IImore power and 'IIMt&rlc.oe than thered deer . to .bieh be add. all iliegrace of the antelope " in tlte aUII­pE'nded impnlse of its dl'eto_ ." A.eei: iothe T&BtbPin of t he Colnm­bia. o r Snai:. riven . wi th WallaW alla o r AUabonm for a Mlly-portand ~ 01 , o pl' llea. willl"Ouvinct'Ihe m.,bman tb"t d f>f:l" , talk in g inW u hinglon Territory is

OLORlot:1I BPOn,

And _orth,Of. k iDg . For a weapon,mlU1I lik e the H enr,- rifie. bnt on rprelerence ia for . 4().ineh Winch",­ter (. n UllU8nal .ize.bl the ....y . )&II being more accurate and nea.-l ylUI rapid a load",r . The t"B.",fol buntt'rwi ll not be wit ho ut a Utiaty bo ll'lland a good p air of heavy vic n nablaDke tli, all IIhowing If'.Illl t d u st.T h "'n take to tha wOOlIII ror a ....eei:i n J uly n est "lid <'amp Ill'IIi.l e some111ll>bling Ipring ",·b ere t he al d erle a'l/e8 quake iu t he genUe lIu m Olcrbreeze. Dring along y our liD etI and

.. '


- -- .._.~_.-

'('h e C it y 01 P anama will be tlue

lrom San FrancillOOabou t T nelltl llYped .

T he .wful d isaster in B rookJy-nealls np t he necetllIity 01 supplyin g

all bnildingB where large a udienCCIIare lite ly to allllemble, wi t h propermean. 01 egress. AI areh itectB are

caprieioas, like othl'! r mortal,. it wi ll

be necessary to p ro,.ide for thia b ,If'gialation . Some of ilie San F ran­ci*"O \heatel'lJare ,.ery badl y ('On­trived iu th~ respect_

W illiam B. H oore is up .t Olym­pia, collecting money io aid of re­1U0vi n g \he S kagit jam aDd, lrom...hat _e hear. iA meeting wi th fair

' UoeeM. If th" t interests Olym p iapeople, who are si'Jr;ty-lliJ. m il l'll. fDr­

tber froID Ihe Skagit than onneh-IllI,Oolr people ollght to aid it all far 1Mthei r meaDll and b olllD_ will per­miL

All IllIOt'"eTlllOt'"a I'OPt'"U TlO J!l

III IIIOre wa,.. tball ooe. TIl.. hon _life , e r,. lint. _peciall,. that of William" alker. Port GlllJlbl e COl t. bo_ of ,Hood bOIN too. Ib e Tee'a let Honllfl.ke pt b,. I ...hn Collioa &: rAl.. allOt) pro-­pri.ton 01 tb. O<"CiJ llotlil in Ihi , t!it ,..It baa a OOO' -b llll>tfl for th e mill hlUlds ,h llllltl101ll6 "cougb for a ehllrc h. and a

r.:blio Iibran. Ther. ie . IMO II bt'a>IAnd of .ijl:btno PI_ Dndf'l tbe lefllI­

e... h ip of Mr . C. W. Lowe• • ho ClIU'bebe cal led IlpoO b,. ao,. olle detliro lla oftalliDj( the DI"PUCIi. JD • • ord . tbePDget 1Ii11 Comoao,. ba"" done .,...r,.­th iog 10 proYid. good order aod eD­OIIo lag.. Koud bllbit. lIIJIoog lbeir em­plo,._ . Thll IIOOr.. of lleat eotlagHOD lbe bill Ride, all O.lIed bl th .. COIl1 ­~1, eootaio lID io~l ligeot alld Iiber..1peopl.. .h""e cbild reu will be rit::btrm..o \ b. o tb..it ""nonta. ~"ch wereOllr impreeaioo. 01 Port Gamble .

"-'...me. At &he DOrd, 'lid of 'Ilkr _ .... '-porte1 JaDe" ~ OOGI_ ill"'1')' 111010 tbaI It..... Do .s-iptiaabeN. TM ~ .., aI &he..ua.us. UI f1ill of

"",,~.t.JIDUTII lUCaDlD.

n. Ian. of ..1Ucb. _ be ....j1MWJd &0

eut lleooe pick.,q" broom-1wwlIM ud."«1other .cRt of .....l etllff. To_&he rapidity _ilh.~ the 10UDlE f-J­lo_ work lboee maebi_ i, -.&oIli....

'ill. hi, lb, "01... of the lower room... lars- dolllk, ,. paQlP _hieb r.....belt.m ud f fOlD lhal.n tbe 'boOe,. arewatered with 1lllfai ijllg IN"eeiliioD. Wb-.tw. fnrgol to B1.uttoll ill ClOlloeetioa .ithtbe · ·old mill" alab eo.tt~r ftIll byCbi_ labor who cal ".boI f(W 1MoolllpaJl1 '. which lie M thO'dock ill • L ip called the "ball-pee,".b. ... tb",._ IDOOI' to Ilitbfor 1Iid, til '.. bM,"1 bl ow, The bllo_illol eom priae

ft . ClIID'&lI1". l'LSET.

.~. I _ I . ......... I 1UnP.OoI i1ola. · ••••••j....IIi.- yiitl· ·· · I,-:-P:-Ubb7c, alker 1061 ..~ • • w. (Joge,. "'.•. ••. 1_ Ct.bdJ'.•• •• • .C. WliiaIuoI!u '111' """' 0alIlb'e • •. B . QhIoIoJ

The GoJiah hu don e a lmOOl\ an in ­cndIbl.lot ...f w....lI Albee abf ClIm. ap"on lbia _I. In 1853 Caplaio BobHal .., ran b.... to'Mn Di~ from MIlFr.nci~, tao lripa amonlh. In 1855,.bile th . "~Ior DlR!{illJ;tl" eJ..,itemenzpr l!'.ail ed, abe .a. rlln tip 1.0 Cr&loCeo lCi t, and Guld Hdcb . under eo mm-.odof Captaio F. Collllf'r. 11011' Mut..r 01tbe O N. W. Elder, !int yHr ab. badb.r mute tallt,n 001 . nd .... rnllllillllopposition to kacr.mento. eommandedb,. Arthur .I. Brown. Tbe Fuorite iaa 1100,1 ...... hoet bot dtll.cient in pow..r .Tbll C)'rtte Waliler is dwa1" upon til,•ZDO.... and is a bigb~prllOUlQre boRt liketbe FaYorile. thoaHh sm aller,

nUl y....:nu.Is tbe handi,..t jobbioll boat on IheSo nnd I.Pd ia 1I..,f to bring tbe Sng..hom.!ah n ••r trade 1.0 Port o.m.b1e.ti h. i. a IIt..mwheel ..r &lid dra.s morewatez lhan ahe o bf.:h l, hut sb.. i• • 81~

rioo. ro ogh-wBllzher boIIt. Oer fr l'igbtro "'m is JIOOd. ber p_lIgt'r llCCUmmo­~o... -.00 001, 10 tb .. Sort.h Pa­t Uio. alld ab . i. a bandl boII\ to 1.0.ab, "" Ioga or ao,lhillK "hi". Sh. 0011­lai o. Ib....Dgio.... fono..rl , ill tbe R>. io ·bo w. O il" (If tb.old · lim.. et1lCh of Ibl!'Reol llla ll' aod I:laeram..nto line.~h..... ilb a . p leod id b.:oiler_ EY.17lbi Dgaboo t hn ia IIQbotoopliallilld oolllmo,b~

00.. t;be b..t-II th e D1t'1llI1 of open­ill ll llP a aplendid If..le for Pnrt Gaw."~e wllb ' b.. tooPOhollli ..h rt'gioo. Capt .Oh... , i1oM-. . er, h il i.. r_ aDd a_abo", as f.... de,. a io Port Gamble-..lhe Df's t _ II.

TRE thUllfG ... cn.tnD

Of Port Gamble are u ry~ u d &is. _11 at ' Dee at. Ibeir dotlh ia 110 110­lIallalala h t lur Ih. 1'1I~ 1I i11 Co. ·a .m_plo,.. ... Th ia eom paoJ" ba ... DO morebom. In.de thao Port Blabl) , but au ,..~ aJl olber milia 00 Ibe f:llOIII' t ill th.Dumber an d n~Dt ...1 Ibf'ir 101.ipchlU1ers. Th";r lIinocl ",mplo,._ ollm ­boor o• • r 350. wbil .. Ib..,. iDlliledl,. ao p-­po rt I. tet> lhal oumbo:r of logR"n iol1-e eampe aud Milo", 00 ~~ir . _ 1..A_ g lheir_-~og • ...-eta ( thot>gbw.. caODot ,...me mber Ih.m all) ..... tbe.hipe GO'o . BUII..r. BoDa.ou., b&rka At­laota, F ,.... no . Camdooo. Kin g Pbillio.J&lIle1l CbE1Ol:oo. Powb.lan, Enoeh Tal~

bot, Roew.ll ~pragoe. an d ,Joaepb Per­"11l~. Th. ,. .ere ownen alllO of 110..h.llllllOme li tt le . b ip P llnlber. 1<>11I 00bfr .a, to ~IIDai lll<). t.-o ,.e- ra ago.The tow o of Port G&lIlble n owa


P1eMaoll,. l;i toatad f"ID T...blet 811,..Dew the t»OU tb of Baud', canal. liBIItb , greaI Ilimberioi: kl wil of PmGambl... owned hl th e ~ )lillCo mpllDl. peoeUora kI Pope ..t Talbot.Th . gt'OtlPml!'D j rm _ ed "" .-glb . ' iDd of baaio_ IDelt .ho .,.. nJ­e. latfId to bnild "p ."1 ClOlDlDlIDil,.amollfl: .bh:h thelma,. Jorat.a. Bred '0' h. bllooill_ of l"mbKiolt III th. old" Pi_ Tne S la"'. " the, came 10 CaJI­loroia. io.an earl,. da,. .nd. . He OODle~t

k> plod aloog and ~ic' cl_ to th.",,:rI-:::::=~""''F-:::;:~'''F;;;;;'':"OW" bZlluo_ ...ai diog tbe mad lIpl"'1I11lpec:uwioo wbicb b.. .._.wam ped80 DulD,. wbo 01"11 bid lai r 10 o lliat ripth ..Ul ill

,... aACII ro. WUlll a .Bury MPi}:ga , hot bl Ulam like a

meteor. bllt tbe,. r unll fld tb . ...eo tenorollbeir 11'11", alld Iht'd to _ bim DOt001,. bAo'l'1I p t in baulle.. but a fo~­

t.i,.. from the ~1aI.. Let " a h.1'1I ..m~elItl,. remar' t bal, i ll our behaf, llr.lINgga . ... th e ,.icllll1 of a oo" a" irac,. .-.od lIobaPqn llot enol a b". e sbo . o bimto be a UlIID of bon.,.t iotenlioD• . OlbercolOJW&1 eDlarpn- . Iarled up aud pe r­illbed . but Pope k Talbot atood flrml,.1.0" bulltD_ in .bicb Ibel were It... r·...IIRbl,. educated. and to t"li, Ill..,. oweIhllir 'OCCfMlll. Mural ,.e&n 1Ig1I. flllI~ _

lUI( lba' newauOO.a 01 .eal~b ."'Iecl.....ed to thll eD onl,. lor wao' of capital.tll"y rf'll(lln d IlpoD . tllar j(iug their 1111...ill_ b,. io totporalioD and orglllliZt!d

Taa PU G" .u.L on....IIT.

With W. C. T"lbot "a Prfllid.ol, aodC,.I'1I' Walbr all SupedD t.eooetlt of dl<>.lIrka. Probably Ibare are other w ao011 this _t .bo 11I'1I" PI'llOIieaJ 10m­~1IDt'U. .. Mr. Walk ..r. bll' Dot 00..man io UD thou_lid hall bi , e1toeDlinabilil,. . H ooker. B oward. homaldea OO "&111'" t' toitb• • ere all a tM.Iflghte" ,t the bud of brigadee. . hil..lIcPbtl'llOO IIDd TolleD we... gl'O'lll . 0·sioM",; bllt 00_ of IlIfllfI OI.>u ld h" .po ' 00 _ tb. rebolUioo. for waDI of f'J­..coli • • abi lit r . '. b. ao_ ot Ib. oIDotllpalll'a o peratioDll, ' 11..,. for. . ioIllf"'I l,. at.triba tabla to ),Ir · Wal ller 'alOb,..wdo..- io .akit llOODllV'!a IIDd bioiO'SOI!IU"ot j udgmeo' of meD, .. . nooedbl the ...It'diou. of bia .lIbordioat.e• .

BI. , u n 0 .. OI'l'lCII..CoO..... 01 Yr. 11. S. Drew. lorem all ofthe toi lb; an d not to koow ··lIilr.c··Drew Y eq uhalo-llt to -yiD&: one bu_ .er riaited P up' 601l1ld. C"p'..laeboo hu eba.rJe of tha IIlNtDboala&ad IoggiDll: cooot'lldll; . 1Id b. la " bt'le~,. IUld eoo. Io-morro••" . it b DOI!'od of bu........ 1IIJI0og lbe _pIlLWiIIi&JD Walker. a brotber 01 the 1DaIl~

agef. ill maater mechamll 01 lhe OIIDCt'roand h.. to keoop .ueoleolO boil.era a!ldDio. eugioN io "'.,.ir. esehuo... of01.- 011 the boa ta; ho i .. b.. WIlOl

b' ollll:h, UtI iD a fOIlOO17. 10.. ie DDdH110 obliplioo. 10 a..,. 00. for ilPltm~

IiIlD. bo w 1.0 do bi••or k. Ri . W. Ho~

...,. ia caahiar ol lb.. eoli,... milling Ollt_iiI, "nd Will probAbly "die ; Il ' be w~DeM. " .. bia looe COOOflltiOO . ith Ib"C:OOC8", b...n,bled bim to " kllOW itall . " Mr. KellQgl( i. c:h1el ..lfIOIw..and DJaII&RfIr 01 'h.. alore. bariog leod erka uDder bim.


I. &it oated o..areat the .bArf• • Dd b.. acapacit,. of "bout 110.000 1".1 pe r dll" .I t coulaiua 10Dr eo giuPi. dri • • 11 b,.H U ll boilera. an of wbicb were m.de iotb e COlDl"'uy' a 0.0 ' bop. ODder Wil ­lia m Walbr'. superrilli(>o . The fo elllaed i. aawdu .., . wh ile Ih. &J..ba "retmrued to ~et It...m oUt 01 t he WII" . 10thlll .al (l:Of'S to w. "l e .bat . lIl1 ld ,,,­ford . "rmlh 10 ll. "e huttdled I.miliea ad",.. Aboot eight, meD ar e emplo,.edin Ihi. mi ll. lb. belld-...,.er of .hichi. au .ldt!rll geotl . lDau from &.atMacbi.., 11'100 hI. bee o wiUl Pope kT lilhot tor oearl ,. a qu ar ter-OI!IotDI'J ,aod hili so .lI'eeliona te wa,. 0 l allod i08to theUl u " oar bo,. a... H..re w.. _Iwo mooatrooa 61J.i llch circular .....wor' iog 0,.. abo.. the other aDd COI ~

dog tb roo gh " hUi{8 ll.t " bn"" 01 Oot1_ IIIIID eie bt feet io diameter. " Whati. Ib at O-Iol1ltrolla IiwLer for ?" ••..bod. "Doo 't 'lIow: ' nopl ied Ib.. oldll"'0 tlema.o; " beli e• • it 'a ltOiD' to )(.I~

bo..rne 00 lb. Looalillo. "THIII XW.lLL

Li ea IDrtb ..r up the wba rf &lidiaDOo DIPC'­ted with lh.. old one by 11II ele..lad rai l·. a,. . ThIS m ill b.. a tapac:t ll 01 abu a t130.000 feet pe r da ,. . nd il cirino byIi ... ellflill8ll . iUl &1_ froDl l.e1l boiloan.TbMe bod.,.. ar. all aa& ill aolid brick­work, t boa giriog a i:ood beat willIoo tII1lowillg fire to) touch the iroo. Aogthernoticeable ffllllu.re ia tbe _ -.ill. feedwhieb IDppliea the fulDllCft by "..".ofeleftlof ellpa Iik. th<.e i.D • dour­mill.blch OlIn" wh_ Dp 10 the boa.ioa: ('baata. Thi••". the WIIftIIII oftb reoe ll. re ..ea . lor wheo..., lh. man ..hofleOds Ihi. o t.enea Ih. fll",_ fuJI.. bet llma a I• • er a od the .. _ d _ all go.dllwo iOl.o!.lle " all!lr . It _ 0-11 al if ma­ch io.17 ... gi flO'd witb t hoDt ht. P _ing lip atail1l . e cams 10

THI " 1.1'" OAl'IO."TbR Y lID in llitll lioll d l ',.eo hI a

Qllgle bigll-pl'8IIallnoeDgiD. of 16 illtb.110,. 30 and DOrmale o l a gaDa of Dprig'-I... . IIOme t.eo io Dllmber. It ia rego-latt'd bl" "bippi og- bou b,. .hich itaepeed la ala('k• •~ .beo f'Dt.erinft' a 10M'and " lIprned out" 11ft.,. Ibe .... ba ,...go\ inlo itlairl1' Loga 01 elg!l.teell 1.0, . eo tl ·two lo chn ill dilllJletf'r .,..abo.ed Ib ron 'ilb thi ll in rapid aoeee-illoalld LhollHh Ihe mach 11• ..10. ... it lle. er. tope. At Ib e ~ot.r.o l l b.. room ia Ahn~e f>air of cirell l" l'II. 6-l IDch" IIIdi ame"lt!r. Tb. roar Ihe, mI lle whilep8llsiog throngh a big log ia alm.,.1

• •

TBE 8ILEST JUS.For fIOIlIII l ime prio l to bill 6",t inall­

go reliuo itt 1869. President GraDt Ie­III&lId to beluter.iewid b,. r. poru ", lIl1dallrro ODdl'd bilDself wilb a 'feil 01 i11o­ptloetrabl.. m,..lel'J. Heoce he 11'' 'ealled Ibe " AIIl. riclIII lSpbills" till b.ieeIlfId bill fint 10.. lIgoralwbicb .-.. re­cit tod from lbe ste pe of t he !i..tiOllalOa.pilol b,. ..n u-acl.or of lSacr"Ul&lIto,1UIlI.J Warwiek. T heu peo ple brb'IUIk> find out Ih at G. U'Hal Grl ..t wat> 001flO to,.SW.riOUll a pel'tlOo.llft er aU. He hilialoce hee D 80 opeu 1I0d d..fuaot of a llpreced en t iD ~tate mlllttllta .. to w..nltD lthe \!t.liat U1at he Wall 110 im pen"libt.,

Ol lal .. Ibll old IlfIClec, 11.. cre pt bac:kiDtD his State P'p"I>l. He opeoa Ibat.portion of his m"Mge ffferriog to th~

report o l lhl!' &.cr etaI')" of War, io whichhe .., a thIIt " tb e arml hu beeo IICIhe-

• ly emplo,.ed dll ri og the ,.ur. al tb. no­qUflll of th e IIIdi aD BU,..II. io aubllo~

iog u rtain wild blUld. of lb. s...oos 10·

dieu oa lloo, IIDdill praaeni Dg peace alth. So llt h dorilll{ Ibe eloctioo." fiepeopl.. naturall,. eJ.pooel lIOm.. esplana-­d on opon hi. counoe io thia mllltte r andwoo ld like to koo w wb,. he baa i ll,,",I..-i the mllilarJ arUl of Ih. Go._maol \0 aid ill th, l randllient elecliOD

_o f bia IIlt"CeUOr. Th..,. . oo ld alao lib

SO ' DO' wb ,. in hi a M~. Ole Pre­aideo' _0. DO mellllOO of the di.­If'K'O:'flil pec lllaUo tta of the former i ll~

('llIDheo t of the War Otnee and hi a. eqtta111 d1~folllCCPp&a.oee of that

peealalor·. reaiguaUoo .G r-ul', reUCIO:'DCe 1I0W is that of a

11I.II11 . bOM gail t b.. heeo d iaoo,.ered.1Id .ho dou ' t . lIIIt lO talk aboat it.1 he IIIIliOD u ta bim wbl 'he ba "Olletill io ,.oked to .Ied a DlIIIIl who is d&im­ell to be the ' 'Dlllloo 'a cboice" (Ihollgh3UO.000 poplliu majorill .,.. alh. r­wi.... ) lor tbe ebi.1 magi5Uac1. Alldlb. OI.>ootry ..k.. ia lbia th. DlIIIIl .-hoclaima 10 haTe " aeud io ....rl iDllla40afrom . eooacieotiotta dNi", 10 do .bat­e'fe r ... righl, l'Onllillltional, withiothe limite of tbe law a.od for th . beltinterhta of the eollotr,.?" Well.lliIo",",11 da,. a mol. will rid Oa of Ole tiphi nsof ltl6l1 " od lb e "Ht>ueat l&RQ 01 Jl'li 6 ."F or which .... itt d ' ll ooaDd. J. I Il'than k God .- - --Tba . ott! for P r.....-cllu ll/; Atl or oe,. luIhe T bird .lu.tioflll Diatrit'l IObowa Ib at}".I. Aodll'" b&ll het-o d ented ProlleCul..inK l\tlttrn . ,. b,. .. yot ... majorit, .


i)/ ,

Page 5: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE









--n -



O l JlE N I N G

Commercial tit. , Seattle ~


Cemetery Work


S. Coulter. 80n,

BEEF, MliTTON & PORKAI , ..........,. t.._ t P rl_ 1

' A L L PC RC H A 8 E 8 DEL I VER. D .

Call oad If\''~''' I. ..p'1Ltr

..-w. "'"~",_ ..,. tr1rIldo." aD"""""

BCBT. ltCC.llfN".

Carved and scroll Work

.,.., EI THER 1.tI~ CaI'to.Jn "'" ......." 0' o.hipJ.' w...s ...".__ III purl of _110 iIl lol......poIlIIlb \<o r"" ' OJ d.·b!I<<>t'bUt. ,..,Ill ·!o'dbr"'J.~l t"" e.... ut ';~~E:"~nE' liMier.

DN. G. A . ',", :Jo~ .::D9

lionGE ON A.ND PH YS ICIA Ntook. n U II, . 'V. T .

Ol!loe o..er )lorrill ~ Co. ·e Drug Store0f6ee boon fro m 10 10Ii .l. W.

lo."UM I.LIM or 1M 8fttua &11<1 ll" Walla)l.elu-rl .J E.....,. Vu1 MJ '"


ft7 TIl le Bot~1 Ie lbe Ia..--I . nd betIt III the'I"erntorr. Boerd KId lloa.rd uad LodgID,p

Cigars and Liquorsor~ 'I>Hlq..utr 1I.p1 _ IIJ OD haM.


Single, ... Sultee of Roomse...""_ 011 epplkal kNl at the ofIIclI of thea _I. .... e )'RU COACH I . l be beD_eftt or tbe pat..-or the B.... .,. . uad thMr belt­_....nod to alad frooo lbe _boat Iaae..!.DC rr- 01 eharp.

E. ......loo.! I.. . .,ble . .... . 11 0111.... _ .... .u­all lllD.u ol'

I·ii '






S eattle, .. • .. Wash. Ter.

... ...u ............ to" 11_ I... 1M IketGtoook.Iad~"" ..-.

n UC!:!fTIlAL 111108.__• JI_M 101. 1m..

Dry C';:4HHI , C lo ' b l uEt

BoetN, Mb«WM, Ila',

Blank r', w an P aprr.

Carpr'", on Clo.ta,

JlIIII.r r y G • • dM,

Tra.k", ' Pall"",,

....-. Ete.., Ete..

rI7 The !IUd A. ... II.lLllON ..-w _pPlJ the

...taUtrade WIlli u... IleA

••• VlYG PE1UtA~DTLT ttr.BUllBED

e braDdI '" II10V


TV,-..-w """P _ K UJ _ laa.. a _w17 ef

Beef. 'Pork.n.d.


EU"''' b ,. Ih. q, ..,tl'r _ c.~

.I.. w:tuLIlO~. J.&'ePI.

I,.. • • • UJI.



Co B • • • lfPOUi.

T!l0lI. -ma.al.




C_M••n,. . . .... ct.



F1..r ST.. b):.t,.'ITLL W. T .

ALGAR • "IliON. Proprietors.



McCILVRA a. BURKEa...'\.ttorn e~·101 at.. I ...II~.




Ol.~" Itt p.1I 110 ........



.. III . It...... to Im_.... III ..u~ o j abrT..rri....,-.~ . B. - BM.I btatoo . .. IOb.lk.J,l aod ",,101 :11" ...


McCONAHA & HANFORD.AllorDey...t-Law, Solicitors in

Chancery and Proctors inArlmiraltv,

Attorney--a t·Lawand Solicitor InChancery.

e. • . • OC01Ult.l..

PUlTl.ct'Lf,B. U'TDlTtIl:or G'lVUI TO - _

.".-,-,Ornca...... o.--leI .- oppoertll Ille

O. II. HoteL ~'t

T H E IIALOOl'I Kl'IO'&'M 1.f1 THE 5' ''''11..I ON. Na~ 0 .. OOJllOl.....lal. lit""".

I.. tM CltJ 01 hU... lorl wi lli the w _Ibl................,<-l'•.,lC. 1" '11I1 or

" .lItA lIe:liiACOHT.I12f>.I w _ u•.

ne ........- 100 .....,..,...t to " 1111 _r loe'" nro£JIT...u o. ...... .011 crdon loon _ i,h

~B.t.u. Jr; P~ .u- k OLOaa

wiD "" Jl"lB'ptlJ~ .... 1~ h. ...chartle of lbe )I_ Ie Oomoif'rr .

............ I'roGt oatrvtt. lftI.....

aaD-I Ol ' T . 8. BthIIIELL.



call P'I1"",- u _ 6«Un 1M rolkl_ lOCt~IIbrod ......11. (_ I ..., p l'<lp"r1,- ~":::'1"lo

eDd~ I . B.......... J,1IIelI<'an 8I.Ud~80<>".,.0>1....... 1.10 wll :N_ .£. ba' IIlIII'I' II , ..... old..... .u.,", to

t ta.! ... u..IlJ>o.-. """'bone. Tom :lrI......,. " bot I •II, Norloll. 00 1 of ArIad.... br BalID<>J1 I . •'Qt ...bo roel to lbe Kt'o"a"'J-'-I ho .... LeJ".,. ,be "" lo,p. A""'nl1ul. col of l.ul_ br IIIelI"""'l t.l'Sl"llltob. IIIe 111 ... <of Xurrel" .Boo~TI'••• ba, ........ t ,........ (lid l ~ ·' hlll\.O

bJllb. lfOI lorLodi,{ul of oViW.... '" 11.._ 1..N1. , . n.... io f.'tI11o No<f\1lll, Ibe 01... (I f T ,""11.....,. • • od '" ....u ... ad..-k<l r"r . bruudm.....Illan an,- ""'nt o f II..·• .,.. en l b. 0_. }'"•, ,, r1I,,,r foIorl!<'ol.... . p ~I)· k >'t",,.. U. M....IIY.""' ....l kI. W , T .• or Ie 0 '" .... nt J fartn U "'Jk-e. bun Oolu... Cal., "n Ih~ &<·..."..... to r l..~r.

South sideMill street.


10 tbe Salem ( O regoll) lIl'die.l.t Coll,-g..: ;member or Tarioo. l'OCieliflOl , ..te.. 1,... Kl_

ri..1'd iu Seattle aDd tu.... room. al !In _X . Keith ', .

Opp. llle N_ Holel, '-_leial Simi.

Will remain lor two _ n 0111... 4 11 ellr·Iric'aI Op..ratiOIillf...r :Dilae..- of ihe E J'll. 1:.erli:o.oe and Throet n iJfollh prrfOlTllrd:

CaIU1lCt n trw:to:d .00 en.. Evw"lraigbt':lled. ArtillCIIJ E, _ ~ '...lIOtlmeotof UIIl beet I'reQeb Dl&Dofactu,.UIII baDd . DeafDerlllaod all~ (nomtbe EaR. aDd N-....I Catarrb.~Iytree'tId. D--.. of Womea. Ner1'Otla~ordo:n, aDd lhoae ef tbe""'piratory orpwI,aJlOO ...,. .peeialtiea. Any nDJl1be1' of lIrat-(:la. "'fl'NiXllOl j;i....o . dll tw


Diseases of Women &Children New BrickLAn PIWPbl6011 0 " IlI.....lII1I OP'lB .

Finest Wines Liquors &Cigars


Se. n le. W.shlngton TefTltof)'


EIl81.m ~ _£CHA.le

~Mi seattle, Wa.h. Tenltory.


a t OO


Ten JlIIII••• lI.re

Ye Strangers!



The Bank Exchange.rI7 OoUaen Modboo _ . ...011U

Total .bil. IIOplIl.lionCblo. m..n . • . • . .Reeldtlnl lv.li e ..a . .• . •

TOIeI.hit . min o... . . . .Anrage 8oaliu8 popo_

l.nOll. .

.I.ed aB tM~ ct' 1M _ .,.. .....edIII~W. :'I... Yon at,1e.

5.000,000 0 .) . teo t'fllw... wt'Y1'4 . p to ..JI'Pft"1u1q ..-.. ..._ ."'<be .-cun~D Coa~.

0 .......0 .....11'OlI'Ied '"r"'II _ uad 'II1lIboo ......-ed to '\<orIue l1t}"1e. U11l !:lie... uadI'1'IM ...... e H ....D4~ 1lI'p1ltetiuQ . Fftab~~ toq_UUt'e to .1I1J1.

F R E S H n .\ D E OAS-DIES"'od u _tot

FINE CAKESCoh ot.oH:r on h . Dd. 'l'l'f<!dllll( ca'", m .... I0I'd0.r"0IlhorIo.oI _ I.,..~ Bal l f1uppon. and partIH ...ppll....l ._t1k1.W.T••III . J 11I.lIn .. 1Il) 1J'l1

UCottage by the Seal"OlIIt'I' ....d O..ro;a..-...a. ..1ad hie roo_ _ ..



Total popol.tion . . . . . 3,700Hillce t he aboye Willi taken. many

loggillg camps ha" e shot·do..n lo rthe wintel' alld IIQlDe bands h a 'i'e

boon dilK'hllrged frolll t he ooel minell.

many of whom are labori n g .bont

the ,..llarv H or ",pairing t he Itreets;hence ..e belie ve the . ve rage ftoaLiDg popnlation to be nearer 500 than

300 IIOnIB. TIle immignlion 11 &11al80 been gff.U, iD esOOM 01 th e d e ­

partUI'N. all ..ill be "bolln by thepurse...' retUFDS o n the lteamen

plyiDg froID San FnacillCO to thiB


F rom the first flettlE' mE'nt of theplace by Y _ n . Bell. Denny , H ol'"ton . nd othen. in 1853 to 1873••period of t.en", ,.ean.the DUmbero f bnildiup erectPd '&'&11 575. luthe three yean that (0110"·00 , theDumber of b uildinga p u t np, -...e291. As ony peop le Ire no Jotl St'r811t;slied wi th the primiti..e charac­ter o fhousee built from 1853 to 1861,jt ill not & llild _ rt io n to es pl't'lll

th.e beliel that the 291 h ousee baHtin three, ean ..ill b riDg moremou 81t.o-da,. than ..hat remaiu 01 the 575hou_ built in the fIon t t wellty yean01ODr 8'l iltA>ne6 &,• • cit,. . T ake the

new United States H OU'l. the Col·man BI Ot'k and Fnnentbal b oild ing•

the ne '&' buk of Des ter Horton &:Co., to sa,. notb in g o f tbe Front

stret't impro'l'eml'lIU , . nd t he ellti ­mate is by n o mta.lll & T.goe olle.

I n the Dine m onthl of 1fr. 6 np to theperiod of oo m p iln tioll H7 bllildings,had heell finl Bhed. which i.e in exCC8llo r IllY city on the COOIIt , eseeptingperhlllll Ran F ftI1lcillCO. The s t, leof luch reRidelll'ellll8 thof!e o f Dr.

"~eed. Dester H or ton , E !IoI} ., IDdothen llho 1Ia" e 8Ilt4bli llh(\{1 th eir

p rool't'ri ty here . is a Jl'000. g l1lU'allteeof t he perwallenc,. and stab ili ty of

ou r city. " ' e com mend a p ll rchllll8of t h e Directory, to be se nt East. byall who CliU affurd it. to Bh ow th eir

frie lld s ..hat IOn of. plaoo is oun 1·- - - ------ - - - - -


We ha..ereoeived from th.e p nb­

liaben., Nort hrup A Ward, t he Amannual director;- 01 the cit}' of8eat­ue•.thetlnt named ~oUeDl&D haTingdooe it- t~bYI ..bile the lat­tel' hae beea entrusted ..ith ita COlD­pnlation. It gi1'tIII t he _ oll.Oft

bead! of fe.DJiliea OP adun penons

.ctll'8J1 eDgaged in buain_ wi thiDthe cil1 limite, ~hiIe 271 bnsi­oeM eetabliahmente are . nDQnDOed

tbronghU. ageDC1. We ate quiteooDliJellt that the following figurM...bich ..ere dOllbU_ eeeeees .benthe cao.._ . .. made , three mOlltha

ago, are no '&' belo. the actual popu·

latioll o f s-ttJe :TC;l.elil1llllbel' of .bite

edollll in Ibe ci ty . . . 1.11-1 1. _Gi ll-nnd.r 10 lMn of

ege ..••..•. .... .. .. I:'.l;jBoye n...tllf 10 yeare of

&tI" • • • • • ,..... . . . . 3J'JGir leo""r 10 aDd 00'

der . •.... .... .. , . . .. J.~.;

Boyol •• 10 " .. :l l i 7..


•• •


- - - .._.

-,-- - -.

--- _.•••.---

By tbe s teamer D.kota. which

left h ere y f.'8tenlar . t he :Nonh Pa·cific Brewer), IIh ip peJ a l ot of lager

beer to SaD Fl'llncieco. W e trUllt it..i' l meet "ith ready w e.

A great f ......b. pueed dO.ll the W.l­la Wall. ri ..1!l1' oa Ih ' 26lb of lui monlb.ta1F:illlll' bant, f.._ e .nd 04hf't impl'OYIP-.mea ta io illl deetrul.'ll..e trai ll. Bridg....are a• • pt ofl'artd Jvada ruioed ill' ""....,.d ireelion.

Col. J obn n.Whnt baa bee n appoiot­ed AlionI.,. for the North..... P aci ll.oRailrT*! 0 11 the BonPd. He is, all moatof ou r reoad. ,. an aware. the Territor ·ie1 Audi lo r ill -.ad for Wuliinetoo T,I'­ntory.

,_.CriU.lld.o Tbort:llon. Pri...t. Secre­

lary to Go... B rad ley•• of :N'nad., '&'Mmarried to. da uRlo tef of O.n. D . D .Colton ill Ball. FJ'olIlciaoo. Tbe 1&11111'g.aLl eDiao. no. ODe of t ae .;)en tral f a­cill.c magoatee• • m be rem.mbered ..ooe of Ih.. aeooode of 8eaatol' Brod.r·ick, in lb . f.I" dael ...hieh ended Untl'J.oeU.llt gtlnU.matl·. ll....fo llife.

Th. oon lest o..er an ••ud. of a pre-­minm 10 a blllll . 1 a Vietoria F. ir. hu-' at 1__ '75 of OOI1lpoei.ton· . ag..in the put si s . _b &ud erowded ou tlea tim.. tb. 1 lmoant of ad ....rtiaing.Wb.1 • ooot. o.tion_ lot of o ld f.U o..th_ are . 10 be lIlIre.

A man Jet . coW' into hi' .raN . tPor1 TO.lleenJ and tbe bonne dame

fell d oW'n • W'ell. They rigged •pair of I hNn to hoist h er on to and

got h er o n kFnI~••fter whicht be I bean fell aDd loroke .boy·l leg.We h aTe pot,et heard wbethel' t bed ()('to r ..ho eet the boy's l og gothome . lh-e or not.


Tall: Ta811:1 1-111'111.'1 :a.l Ull,

M.ttie A. Midll iabt Bell lod JOOIi. C.Tbe for mer of tho:tle man's 18.by I mp .Ao_tnlilln l ( lhe aire of Joe D.oi.la.Wild iJle. R Ulh erford aad ~pri llgbok )

oot of the dam of Kati . 1'811.... and Hobbard. 1'bla tIl.. r" i. " f r. lher I;WIIII . infor ... AOlltralian end I. by 00 weena aM,

:aOTHII:.' OF • • C'J:1lA

lIu beell ~rCtlplibly ff'11 for yM....howeyel' . It i. tlOI n ery m.ll who haaMue enongh 10 koo... t ha t a reeil-hone1ll1l!;1 h....e • d. m. &II ••11 .. a Bire. to'll"ill iong Illd obootillllleirooll le.l.d ut<:a.T il... o . uen hip of l l11ri. Do. 'nioK (d. rnof Owelll)"lll ao d lIillmi , and Laz OiT­8nll( d.m of &uuie Bell• • nd L..¢ord )ghye the WilliallllOOn broth..,.. Ib .. llllprto­W Il.e! of tbl! Cllif" rn ill lurf for folly tf'Oyea",- PUll IliNU'" far more l'rollcieu tIr.in"rs tball Ib.,y .....r . mplo"lPd. Oflal e yeatB. the gr.." .·ultL of 111oooolo"Winl f'rs and the lar Rl' . nou,,1 f'UIl in....of bill b ...rw N rfolll: _ ...er.g ing ~,200

rer JMr-h f'nllbled Ibet gPtlU..m:.nto bo , up .bat ff'w tlwroollhbnad m.t~.

b.... eowe 10 th., ~tale. II. no. 0 " 115

H.nnie Farro... . by IlQp S bamto)(jk ont<If M. br Uelebauar. wilh b.r d.U Khl....R.lI ..ri...by l h. En jtlitlh h....ne & 1",.­nie; Bal linelle .loy YOllnR Eclip&e o u.I oflWlerilla ;Yoll Hl lleL·IU'tb, . b, llca.day.out of B "nni ' Farro.; llargvetta byLn ington . dem bJ' I lU p. lIarll ....... ;)J~.. Dele. b,. O . f'n 1).le Otl' oflIatgar<' t -a: Ad. C. by R." " IIIU" , oot ot~Iy lloll: . u by Emallei pa ' -oa ; . ndLoo Batn~ by B...lmnnt . ou. of EYad oeb y Winneboogo. All of til..... ..... lIollieMcCarth, apd BellineUt> erc b........tingco .. to S orf"lk eYe",. y...r . nd .irh theP~DOt' of tb.... lib mar..' Hr. ~int.1'Il

b.. .011 aD aferage ofT!l1I1I: 1 ....ca on or PI1'• •

During th. PNt Ibr" y""', Of COIII'lletbe nat.llral llpiri l of null']" e:rielillg inCaJifOl'Ili&, .ill not brook e o,. eo"bdOlnge .. Ih_. There ere m• • io t h.LSI.I", .too Iaa..e more money tbaD lIr.Wiut"r. a tld . ho pai d more for Ib.,ifel..Uioaa lbaa Nortolk COlO' blm; f" r i 'woat be ftolllcm btort'd t h.1 be bo ogbtlb. ··eDebe . led ho,..... d llri llg Ib e...eood y-r of lb. . ... a lld paid $ 13.l I1l)for ham; bat-V_bee ka . e l. wOl"th bo l311 tlI.. tll Oil u... dulla,.! 00 Ib e eonlrery.· ·LockJ Beld. in Il:&" e li- IO.OOO for O tla ­..t.,..} w,th IlrHnboac.... . on h til:!. "OIh.tlJr;06tt'ad WM really 111.0 mOJlt COOltiyho rse of the 1. 0 by . boul $;) .2IJtl. AndYr. B••Id _ io ia I mlln ...bo 10...... f u it...u 'eo l of eoy dt'llcliplioo. lie b.. lb -f" re orlKlo lllN . ...,b..w lI to i v ,lll ~e

Ihorougb trV'd mare. t" Le broQ~bt 10111.", l' llcalie "out br l bell I::aIl t f'f ll o . a ­e ra. Thia ia . couN pliahOid by t il. • .g"o"Yvf e lllOCk"l>ml""uy o! ",b,~b l b . U~hl ·

win i! P r.-.idenl, COolled IbeC.lU FOIll<I .. 01.118 "" SOCt.lno~.

T•• otber direelOra all bl'iLg w... hbyI::»<ll Frll olli»co g.... tl"w~ tI . 'Ib"y lfI Y.• $10.000 porll8. tile ..ulrllllOll Oil wbi ch18 ::;),(JOO addfld 10 lb ll POf Be .nll he 01'

more eotril!ll n q uiri'd 10 fiill th " Cllrd .Thi.. WlllltIIl a tOlal uf $1 5.000. of wbicblb. fint m. re gela $7,500. thll kOOll,l$,..000 . the third $2. 5l.IO .lId lb. fOllrlb.....e. ber .ntraoee of $1.000. Wbll, .....are foUy a••r. Ihe' lh ..re e r.. not. ..fu .. hHol'd from • • ni' n eh mer.. inAmerica .s F... hio n. Rooel. Omcl{&.I)r.h Bl"lI.deo., Nilla. Milia Fool.ll, Molly.Iaekeon .ldl.wUII or FlUlny \\' ...oiogtou.yel we beline the coot..1 will be a aI/h ·iled ooe from th-e IIIC& th..1 DOD. of tb...n ' O toalri.- namt>d a ...e to... r runeOO... ' _ 0 mil.... lbe gT_ t llulliber ofJl,0 1'M1ll participetillg ill th. .- el.Lo vg Branch• .Jerome P u k and &ra..I ',ga. forbidll beat-raei llg .. it . ollid beIm pollllible 10 dee"..... b....1 race . if t hebMte wen " bro ke n " by hol'llN .iDniDg.1lI a11..nwel y .

Tal. n..aB _YeTI:a.

So prn al .III In ~Iand. b.. thut'foreheeo illtrodn0e4 at tb. F-t, to en.able116.... r.d ..... nta 10 be rUti for on the_.d. y. California, ho....er. baa .ao f• •holM8 that Ilhe cliPge 10 the old repeaL­

iog a"att'm aod p~n.... th e fam e iaaa­gura ted br Atlila, !\ ebrao.b,Owta Ua!f',Langford • ...t Aahlatad. Ttl. Celi!onaiaO.ka raee tberefor. Ie a n ee of foardie. &lid " PM'- for mu.. of all rag8'I ;. hi le u. ElI gWab llaDI_b Ie • daslt (IfIX: mil... for Ibfte-yeat-olda. A Ir"odinao go ratiun b.. heell made by theCalilomia ealer pri _ . Wer e Miog '''''.0eo tri... thnN! of wbic b • .,. br-o~ht

frolQ the Eut fOl' lhal porrc- aDd _illbto I/ro boobly left ill Callforni.. to breedfro m. I t . .. . matter of r"'8"'" lb.' h,..apira tioa. tb . grea.l atra ppini dausltHof '" .neiIlllCoer. did uot . ol. r the hat a;aleo that Alizoua, oae of lbe heeld logbte", ,of Lningloo. ahou'-:l he...iOone ao lam... to w ro. her out 01u .iniog . Firat eowe

Th. olJ-f..1l.ioned A~nieu. apo rt " f10u·m Ue bea.l racing h... ai_I KC a .onl of ni&1cn De. eUf>lot in C.hffNa;". b.re Ib e HD.Il:"eilot liM ba'" t.. tldaligentl J bpi op . ilb a 6deli l,. wor ­t h" of Charleeron la ti e JoaIIIoJ d. ... .Th. bt ill i. n t uploh a of ellr h bortlM-..Th..J 1)1.....0 .. Katie P_ . Dd 1'·....,r..,. e pontoa.,f C. h fornie. bilk.r) andIbal Ibey m.y d0' become tndi"'.aa ofthe J-I.. Orglo OiVOlio ne f"r tb"u enooo r·-.:"wt>nl .re ke J>t op et K:.TCat U I*I>H .The grl-el d iWcolly b.. bub..llo beea aw.a' of UioroPKbbrOot ru&feol. Of lIir...there h... been ~ ~eily . inee 1111;3..b.D Lodl ... UDlX'rteol : atDee .b~h

l i~. S orfolk. ~Pgford.L !i. H u (:oIM.RIII..mao and" ono.Ib.u u. b J.,r,.,.. th ..ruu.t n ce<'t1llful ..tal lion e. 1'0 It. .....,bue ain" heen adJ e4 Wild iJle. Hob.oerd • .Ioe Daniela . Be'... . t .. r. Grin..al-.1. R :tlb.rford .nd Hock Hoe1l:11l8 .eo Ibet lb. ufJ betot b lood or Am. ri...and EnglanJ ie no. cooCt>n lr. t lPd ia til..breed ing IwT11.:l 01 the Go llI..o S tal •.Tbo • • ot of

"CALlfORIIA OAKS" ''':''''' ..... I" PI..... '''';' ' H ....... IS .,."rtbel"... aba _ . 1- ..- lot(_ ~ IU ynf..... 01 . bich ...

_ • wi l. roo in 1:45 aDd the othn three-THE GRElT R.\CINO EVE.'i:T quarUn of e mil. iu 1:18. t,;o abe ta

OF THIS YE.\R. lOot Mo• • .Ioe:. C. fa b1 I.emiat'oaud& foU. i..ln IO lIilPf'r. bll t hy DO "lIShi .. "1 0..... rver. ~be b.u Dot . 011_ hilportalllt ,.N. if . hJ. d",ri og tbeput -"011 "-I bM atnod the olferlaDdInp bener Ibao eitber of the otbf'l' l.o.)l1d oi)(lI, Bell by 8oIywood dam. byPat " al loylal..t of the ,L.. th1'N. SheIe by • aDD ol Le :lI nq'loll. (an 0YtI brotb­er to P rNl-.&oo.o••oal of a man by a_ tt ef X,li"lItoa. I'D .be i.. iobrt'd: to lb.gr..' ana of BoootOll ead AliOll c.r-J.

'1..1 CU.IFO aIIU .....

H u e IIOONd DO grpat .iecoriee, if _en eept lb. WUlIMe' mue. 1I0lly )Jot'­

Cartliy. byll.,OO.y.ot of B,uo ie FaI"ro.. Nbe I• • duk bro.o mu. wilb •aerro . lIlllpe la the lane aDd loob li\'N"U }l.be",. . ~h.. b.M ...on ......ea rllCf'S.. ilb<>tll lneiag a h..t l ad. if Jd..u A11f14bri Dt(ll b.r 10 the VOIlI ia ber ~aeremeo"

10 fllrm of 1_ Scopte ml.wor. t:alluot 10MIh e n ne. 8_ Wall led oot at 1 o 'cinekI ud . ..n tbe Winl ...• Slu... ollie and •qll&rll'f mi"'- in j;13 in. CIInl..1' _d atJ o 'c loe\ won Ih. mile bMle o....r •fl'eflh 1I.ld. itt l :,.S,,-I:015X. afU1' •ruoa. ay of . mile io 1 :45. Tbe ol b..rmar.. 1J.a1lia.Il• • 1.'>100. Lodi and EmiliaSbKl(". ar . n rylndlff"l'1lnt pe rfo rmf'ra .Th. lalle r ,.ou a balldioap el 8actllmen.10 lUi Fall. in .hieb w•••ijl;bted b.r..e,.... If'ai.nU.. lind woold bu. bftnb80 &ell by Elir.abelb TiltOli in thf'lIlltlillKrace. bal for Wilbu f PI.ree 'a rucality .The Olb"r two m""",, .re

....ItA.THII: • • n..lPp" .....

And eaooot \wi npt>Oted to abo. in enypart of tb. nee. liellio..t te ia . ... 11·b red lIIar. bllt .... al.r...d al • ,earliog. nd b..... auf'r re.lOu red from it. Aafor Lo la Lodi . tb. "1.lpl'll" h...e ne..prfonud • boue alo... l'ooo~b to pu lllMw:k..nd I.t b.r .in. Lodi OCCIlAioo.Uy geta• lI'oood race hollle- 4Utb u Ne;banCoombe or Camill. Urao-but thi. m.recaIIllol be rank~ .. th.ir eqGaI . 1 anyd iala n«l. Th. bett io ll ia pvol a. an far.Ii... boot.tea .IOl1i .. 'J. and Motlie Mo­Cart by .a If....ori tee. tbe Ao..ualianmer . beiull' r.JIOrted oat of coodi tioa .We b..... la keo o:nallide"bl. I,eina 10wli t. t bie m.tt.., np fnr tb . llpo n -Io..iogcomm oni ty .nd b.rewilh appeod

.I. upon :aT TnIO&.lPII .

Th••bo.......ritUlI on Toeood.,.. We. rote to .lc.hooy Holloa oa Wed aHid. yto ..Dd u. r. l on of tb<l raee. or ..moeb .. . .. k.no...n in Portlu.d. ~Iaet I ".niog won e.ay •• becem. di ...go ..led . Dd ~1"1tBpbed 10 tbe irrep.....­Nble .1 M Crabb. tb e trai oel' of Bill,.lh gbe.w • • 11.0 "'00" ua be.ck :

P,'ItTLlo l<O. Doeoe. g , 8 :45 P . :a .T ...... B. X r.....' :

Mol,... M"'artl,y WOli tbe I'KIP in two.~hl a-. ta. Jh ni.. A.. ht-iol!: IfCIIlDd..

I.~. L""""

So eode til l' 6ral l_ fur Ih . Celifor·ni. Oek... won b, • Cal ifo rnia-brf'dmare .bo polllld.>.n '7.500 .. bet' W1IIdup of Ih. l,;enl eaoi.L Yett. W .o.. 1'011oaa 110 to bert amd .h'ep _lid. f"" rool'1Iule browu mare bu done. gc.o..I dIIy 'll. orll:•

Weekly Pu~t Sound Dispatch8A.1TRDAY•• .• .. .DE<1J6, 1876.


SDlP-llUILDIN"G PROSPECTS." or lb. PM' '.0~ :EqU.Ja lJaip­

bollding _ t-a -..ti11 011 tb. de .eli... Gtugo.....11 . tbe le.d of allEDgIiah JaNa lhi' Jev, "':'Ib '" lit_ill_

....~tiD« 31,803 tDl1&, N>d 25 ait..ia l 'hip" ol 21,395 tou.. making ' grandtotal of 56,ln. lou h:1 • 'I~'" 'MI' forGluco_ alo.... n . &otal deen-u forGr-& Britain ia irOD ..._ 1" .... ,.....23910_ ~"f.DJ'DDU]' aDd ""oly of tb.1"" which ill iu.' d ....iog. Th.. two,._rs make Ihe follu. iDll: nbib it byoowplllUOa:

l ~'~. I~TI.

~_ • • • ••••••.•••••• •. 1 :0.~ I:!OI.ISSIl&ibJ; If _ _• •II~ 112 .631

- ­~ . . •• • •.••••• .. . .•. • U.k& 7."Thil f&.l lio g oft' an_ C'bi..lly from the

00....' . "banel.' of iro .......hll l{ ..._1,Otl 10tIA: 'l'o1atlO!tl. Aceaf6CJ of OOI1lV-­i ' ~lIl.I " i Dg . 1m.....t Dolinow li llVU D.tbem. and to lbi. mal t.. aUribuled Ihelou of tbe Wurior QnNt~ ". <1 lb. By­d.1 HaUl, 011 the C<'Mt of C..lifo rn ia. intbe r-t tw0 1' &"'; .bile tb. pu eelltaj!eof iron . btl"' Ib. t diu.pPHJ.' ""••od.re ne ....r beard from b lraly frigbUnl .A I'1lt uro to wood en ..eawe ls i.. in.....ita·bl • • as tbe biGb ra le of in"nr.oCtl oponiron .hipa, ber""nl'r , ..ill more Ih.nofflOfll tbe .""ing of lint 00II 1 in theirconstr nction. An iron "bip I" II .. eryni~ . ffair till ..be .......o ru... Inky. anJtben ah. '-m.... nothing I••n Ih lOn atloali og OOffill.

Wilh • relllrn. Ihert-fore . to tbe oon_atruct ion of ..ooden aLI}'''. onr lIOC, ionof Am.,ri~ mna t rt'a" tb e grealltit ben_efit. The ICarcily of good timber in IbeAtlantic ..bip"ar d. i• • bund.nll r . hownby t b. ioferio r d t'C\ pla nkin& .ildk nott y llpar.. of the lIaio. bn ilt . hi ...no'" arri ..ing in tbe u riou. P acilicl'Ort . . w h. n 00 ' hu e mlln,. mor e' 8 "' to i' for Ib.. r....o lul ion thatwill t.. in. ugnra led loy the aoc(,,"',11 (;ftbe Wild...ood. W..~rD :-h(;re. aod c.......ndra Adlllll" ADll'rican capilal ..ill_ k Po~t &iund for Inn,.lme nl io

grsin ahi p&, ..hil.. Ent;li..h aourt'ig oa..ill be pot ioto Nm llar 1I'0ter pri_ atBnnald 101" . Pon Ualngton _ d r..­qniNai L Thil' ,.ello . cfollar foond D<'att be 1"'0 form..r pa..ee. 00. Ih.. Colombi. n.ide of th .. 1I0e. i.. a aonree of gnaler• 1'a1th tbeo tbe diKO ..efJ of a dou ogold min... It . iII a"'H p ••ay t b.dara fo~ and mate the • ..u pa­bl<,Klm like gu..!e..a.- --_ .---

On Ihe 9th iOlllall1, a C"binl' lmee till g . '.. beld in 'if e'lhioglo n. er• hieh it ... d. termioed to au.o;tainCbellibe rloUo ..G.,... rDor of Soolh c..r·o lin.a. and reeogll ize » ..,b ,, ·a lIou..., ofAuembly b" mee.u of lQilil. '1 po...r ;and to lfl:lnforc' Roser _ ilb ad dition. Jlroo p$. If Ih ie ata l. of effaira Koet' 0....• uo ther .at caouol be avenN. bUI th~ll. rat blo••ilI pol com. from the Sout b.It . iIl com e fro m the fr ee . nd . 01i!1"bt­eoad people of Ihe North. ,.,ho will nolba robbed of the fr ui tl of a ju.lIye.",oo TielQry. Th. a.c ht'IIU:' o f im peac h_l Oll:Graut h... f&llell tbungb. no' be­eallllll he doee not d_ r... it. bUI be­can ... tLe 600lberll D.,moer . le e re Ibeoolr ('oneen.li..a onu in lb. pe rly.TL l'Y w" ot to I...v. tbe c""' to the flood"" nIlE! of tLe :Nort h..ru 10000p le, and ifGran' k oowa ...hell he i' 11'.,11 off. b.will withdraw tbe troopa frow l:)unthCaroliua "00 allll. UiWlpt on to be in ..au gurated. -' he wa' .tect4ld. Th. tim.Wil Y co me .beo tb' Soutbern COOllen"a thee .iII be oo able '0bold the Nortl.o·er o Dewocratll in ch eek .

. - ' -: ~

rj ,

) ,,

Page 6: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE





Etc.• Etc·


& Frames.



S h ades.






s't.n"to s.

.I N.I·A TlO~.~I.

Boots and Shoes,




J> A U L SO N ,




D ~R £ CT DR S~








Nea t t Jc _ W n ...JllnKf.nn T crrltGry . :

Of "the


la 0 ...._ Uf"l..-lW bJ _ 7 oUI~ Oool>J>Ul7 or ","".r PoIIc1.A. B. COVALT, Ceneral Manager. - ::J

Choice Pocket and TableCutlery.



Ceneral Merchandise Jobbers. \r ,

bulatorstet c



ets . Peram·

Schwabacher Brothers & Company,


Conntry orden so l il'i teol.

H . D ' MACKAY. Pr...idtlli .

Cloth, Brack..

Policies Issued upon all ApproYed Plans.til' Bpeelal _ u". ... &II~1I1 to ,.a·oct la...-IIP 1M...II_ Ie~ to tile

Re"bder~" T o ntine P o U.·".,


C arpets, Oil




DAS"IEL BAGLEY, Pre!oidrq~. H. L. YF_",LE It, \'"ace PrHid81ltEDWAHD POLHE..MUs. tterl'l"l.ry. O . A. ~ 1:£1.1. ;UN.-l Eu miller .

)leS"UIJHf !: LEAHY. AUtUllr , ...


OUT Facilities are such as 10 defy Competition,C1VE US A CALL ASD SATISFY YOURSELF AS TO PRICES.

n21 CO Y llEHClAL ST HEE T. SF.ATTLE. ,"I". T.


w. .... Il.LUtJI

HOVEY & BARKER,~ 811CCH1<>'" 10.1. A... WOOD WA B P

H. L TE8LEa, J I':RlIE W. oOOROI!:. G. A. ...un.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1JOKY U t-K1". CI14SB. SYAnt:CI., liI . .'I". IlOOTl:I .- ~GBO. D. BtU... A. ",.. liI .l UiOlf. Ell. f'OLBEWU5"JAliIDllllc :ol" UGIIT. II . PASl>Kr.trI!l. J .)I.COuu......l!!JtIlB B1lO1V1I". A. W PlPUt. UAX'L .AGLEY

'no. -"t ttl "'_ ot". poUtJ.loo.Idere.~ to kef p ..d bnDoI_ II

.adlCothia 'I"~~.

..ppU_....".Ie 1....,.._..,.., .... _<1.1• • • .,Dt~t.r l. til.. 8 .,._11~

SAC"II.I.!IEYTO. :I:»e. 10. - -T o-da'fSecre tary of Htale P..t't:k rt'CPi1'ed ailthe pa pers i I the firs t IIlep tak..n byWig:.:intoa to co nteR& th. elaim ofPacheco u Congressman from the41b ~il!ltriet. These paJ'f'M1 a re am·,b n u bl DJankenllhip aad Gonloot..-o of t.;Je "up~"illOn of )Ionlerej~uoty . se tliDJr un t tbat the lIopE'r ­VllOU rlI ca 'l VllllMf'<! the vote . and ~ti

mll.teJ. aD,l deelare.1 the vote ofWiggiuton ; it ...u 958...hi le the("Ierk t'f'rtifieJ it to the &!cretary ofState al~. 1!Med on Ih _ aflida­viu i~ a llet it iou of Wigginton.wbcrel n he I'roys the 12th DilltrietCourt or Han Fnnd !lCO to .:Iired thecle rk to ..... It iry the return s up totb~ &-cretary of tilate lIlI counted IIVthe el1 p€'r ..iltOl'>4. flho...ing the ,"oleto be !l:i8. Nt'd is a wril or man­date a" iOlllueo.l by J lhlge Dllnge rfie ldDec. ~th . IInJ d ire teo.l to the clerkO lio tL.e 9th . The Il·rk ol..~yeJ. tbe_rit and flen t up re ili rUR lUI toabu ­la~ tlu(1 totalR lUI deelarell hv theIlUpervillOrtI. lind the rewit h cOl'lell oru.lItbe 1'1I1,e l"l in the e . 'flle Hee·re la r! Ill\~' s he mUllt ...ollnt the ,·otenow at.- x lt<linK to thl'!<O 111U" r reoturn s . but Ibllt he will not ...oun t itfor IlOwe ,111)' 11 , iu orole r to give Pa·ch.....o HUle to take allY leglll Sle i'ML.e m,w wiMh .

Ex-Oo\·er nor PlIC'hC<'o intcn,b eo n·teMting the eleo:otion in the fourt hCongrt'R5ion.l ,l i5triet withont tie·lay . A ....·ri t ...ilI be appl ioo. for torestrain Set-rt'ta.y of titate B..ockr rum illlluing a ce r tificate of elf'CtiooI,) Wi g-Jrinw D. 10 re \·ill6 ret llrnRfront Monterev co uoty . aod l lNO a. rit ~f I' r.ohihlt ion to Itt"p all I' roo­f't'otlth nKM 10 the mAtter until the I~th

inllt.• 1Ibell a man,IlIwug i ltllllCl] byJmlge Dan~rtIeld. of the t 1lelf;b.d illtrirt cou rt. in ..hich Markley I-------------------------~---­d erk or l.lon tf'rey cobot,. ehanged~tornll . _ Ill come up ror hearing.

_ n.. .I. C. URA~E. DES·• Tll'fl'. ome. ill Stone .I:

BUrDett'l _ .. haildiq 011CoQl-maJ atl'l'tll. All .o.k .-artIUI_. .. Ot't.~'



News. ~~~_ .-~ bJ to me tb.t he hu three time..Ted Catc.a.oo, Dec. 13.- TheUll ......... widlo.' d OfltillC .. opporia.. the life 01ChamberlaiD ' __.> he . 7H6-• •IIi', f.. upmwL No ItpI~ . ..... li. e- WaahiDgtoD 1peCial.,..: 'l'he COD·boo h, Q IU' opizdOll ia oleuw tIwa tbM beoaue of my forbeu-uee. Ue Tietion ie daily growing atroagerlb, bo...d ... mi.tak.. .. to it. PO'" thoq~tHamptoll m aat.ha,.. forgot- UaM the Pr.1dnLial di1Ilcultie8 CUI.

IDeI lb_t it had ",-billl . 1MteYw to do teD~l' when lie wrote hia p reeen' be !adjusted beh rftlDtb e two Hon_ ... jlh Ib_ eMctoral 't'ol" n. .heUoa. cud. One pro&ineDt DeDKlClTSt, who ie

T.l.LL&lU.S"ia. D«-.l1 -Tbenwm- I..· of urn. ud ameodm..c..Her WUB:nlOTOlf. Dec. 13._The fol q llite nearso TildeD. ..,.,wbOllOflftrbel"ll of the Supre me rom here have . hich the rMGf'b.iag boud ia -aM lowiug OODgrUUlato'1 .wu- WM loggeaU t-ihilitl ~war Ibouldbebeen IUmm?LOO to T.ll1.D.hasllf'e Ind aDd leU. JDAbI DO promiOil II &0 Lb. i.aed so-da,. b,. the Nu ioDai Dem. impn.oned for high treuoo. An·_ill anh'e to-uight. It ill under- m.DD.r of IppoiatiDI.ieetonl of P.... oeratio Commit tee \0 the people of other Demoerat eaid bewoflld ratherItoOO it the cireni, C01J:-t tiecidN to d. ot uod \"iee Pnaidellt. .. 1Mot1Mr b1 tbe United Stat". : "The National l ubmU to J-ble Itand than ha1'ecom&i t the rt'tnm iDg'bot.nl for eo n' the koo,ri lIre M by •~ of tb. pea- ~mGeJ"&tie Committee uuounee he publio peace disturbed.tempt an ai'~ will Le l.lkeu . t once p ie. no bel:herb,. lh. State at 1ar&. or .. the resul t of the Pre8ideotW Ben. Hill'. v-ce apeeeh in the READ.\0 the S upreme Court. b,. C~nb'T-tolllJ.';I~Iett. DOl' &- It eIeetion held OD the 7th of N01'em- Demoeratic eaucU8 illnlltntes the

CmC.6.GO. DEC. 12. - The 1i_ ' :~1aI0 :-ai=:01lI..-:-~~qulillo' bee, t.De elK'tion of 8 . 1. Tilden of Sonthtnl l mper on thie qaemon.W aahington epeeial Noplhe Demo- on 0 • • r-- " • tlle,. New Todt I I PretrideDt.1IId Thoma Unfort unatel,. on l,. fragment. oferatl had diemal eau~n_ to-Jay ; are to meet, . !»Or for Ilol liDg 1IC&Dei.. A. H endricks of I ndian l " Vice that~h Ire made pnblfe, T he

th h. Arte. qQoUDR the Sta&e Ie prin. p ·d "t... t 'r:' .t __ .>' ••

ey I n ng I I'pouE' l' tly eoacladed Ihe ffinrD. L._. .. .~- . rHl eDt of the Gnited Stat". We e 0 ~a .....a coalltitntional.l._ . . . Ins....,. · .... .,. "'1 II I. Im_ la d I - , hW-Bt the Pftosltleal tnt('n~l!I. to m aa- t.eri.1 1lP fat ... a!'eeu lb . jariRdic1 ioa 01 congntu te IOU on tLis victory ror Imh en m:~ ...... t e TOte thereongurate R ayet<. 111.1 reahnug t Uat. tbe reta rl)ioi boe.rd wh. th.r the ad of 1'eform. It. 110'" only remainl for 1 .0:"1 t.... the Democ rats ere nutwhatever means the re IDay be to 111'1' 0 relating to the aproinlmel)t of the t . o H ou _ of Congrelll, in the willi ng \0 aooept the Supremeprevent hi m. tbf'Y h~\·e not Yf't been P.-..iJ.otw .l6etonl il io force. If DOt performaore of tbn r da ty, on the Court ~ arbitBotor . in tbe pre­d n elopeol. A 1'r<llIlInl'nt Democrat I repew.led. tbea tb. can.... of returul IElCt'nd Vi ed nel'day in February llt'nt d isp ute, preftlrnng to risk aaRyl!l t beN i" ~"~.I t .u""'lt :"radion If~r Itl<~h ~Iectore malIC be mad. b,. the ned to give etreet to tbe ...ill of th E' ~ndi?ial dec illion of the R ou le. tat ·among IlPm' ll'roti c mE'mlocl'lt at Go.ernor ln p~nee of lb . Secr1lle.r1 pt"ople . tb na e:lp rel!l8f'd in a eon. tng It oa t of the hmd l!l of the Ben· Dry Goods,lIe",.it f lJhU'lti" il'llt Il'tI,le l'!'hil' in theIof the Sla l•• Attorne,. Gell. tal. a j lldi e etitn tiooal mode by a majorit,. of ate.H oulI('. of the dll,Lriet In ..hieh th.... of 10. - tL.e electoral TOles. and eonftrmed K....- You . Dec. 12.-H""ld's• Se oator Cl<w"ron ~tllte..l to..Jay llrDmllnt m.,. be .• ~hlilbed. or an,. 1..0 by a mljori ty of all t he States, .. Columbia lpecial : I t i. I n tieipatedthat ho thought lha I'r~,*llt di m. of tb."m. A .nMJ.U1•td h,. Ihe lOt of 1870. 'Well &/I III an o'ferwbelmiug ~I'or' the Democntio Benaton ...ilI with.

, . I 81101 In m...a og l oeh ClD"_ Ihey .- old "ell tlt'li W OII ,I bo 1"-'lI.e" ClIlIy nJj llgh,'ll ,-_ , . 0 it y of an the people of the Unil-" ra ... to·morro... and form at IeMt a, II

. 1.'011 uw to aa ".)Il rta!lImeol of the ....lin, :\.\'eg IUI\1l gUt:lt,..I. nonll fli , ~ . nI Btates. By order of the E:loolltive quorum of the Benate by the Id- .It.bl>me. ...''' "";u.,.d - . ttl ..-Mob ..... cUlIbutteulioll01 the pabllt:.'1. . . r- ee .... ICOO lug to the .eta.nll, • . '

... (,';lIm l",y 1U"rlllug- 8 Ilnlwrl' pDb - In no eYfltlt can " I . "~ .\ Committee." nllll810n of three contestanle and 86-

I. 1 . e re urn luK uuart . ' f 't~ 1l'"I '" ~lU\.lLllJ (,ll t wluc h ('l'('II.Ie..l have j lltil'tlietioD o.er lh• •elDru. ot AlIRo\lI: B. lIEwrrr. ChPoir ·o. ce1l810~ 0 on o or t ...o Republicans

grt'ut ('x...lll'w,' ut lH'r... . l'urllOrling elector. of P l'eOIideul . nd " ,_ P ·d I FRED' x O. PR INCE, Secretary. who will come to them. The resul t

be. I I ~.. I"Ofll an f h· ·11 ... .to IN-il"" 10.)" the: ~ Sliulill.l y " t- . ·IJ Iheir c.n.." of Iha aaw. i. tb... e- The following Wall l'eut by Hon~ ° t ~ 8 WI the Immediate inan·

eran Iwfnrnl A>lN)('I II! wn a:ltl utl. fo.e. nullit,. "od anti tIed to reapect Zaeh Chand lE'r lo-night: , .Au Ad- guration of Wade Hampton &It OOV- A n. do 1; n k e 1; h oe 00d.s A ""I:i"P'" a ydreStOOd to 0 <'0. ~Ilt'rm ll.n , k ing 0 f.olll no one. d ret>a hM beeu ill8ued by the Demo-- emor. the electiou of I U. S . Ben·.Iigneo.l by 0 (' 11 . Cor,;e au,1 Don I Thll mllrdetll .uJ oatrltSfl. whicb b. .. c ra tic Committee-·i ta lll.l>t d O!lperate lI!or and establishmeut of an en' Ie onSe:r 10 mob room for .... UI.IIEIUE SI' IU~O STOCK ao " 0 0 tho> "'7·

Cam,-~ron Or this ...it y. H I('l!t forth btlen brought to our notice ate Iroqu.out - attempt to p rop a rai ling caWlt'. hrely IIeparate S tate G01'.emmer :"that a till.:k N nlfl' iMl""l again!!t the II,. CUWWIU.,J by pereone 01 the Mm. Hayes bu bt>en rPoi rly elec ted by a Speaker Wallace . of the D E'mocratie Schwbacher & Bros.nllt ion'lI m...rt i('Ol i ~ u!lQut:· luul tli:J.t ~a~ Uloon eacb othe r. aod in a large DI.. dear majori ty o r the electoral 1'olP. Hou ll&, iSJloett pay certificates rora mili lJlr)· I" r'l't' will he Il..e.l W bold IJOrll) or~ b• •• no political f1i ll: pj fl~ There is no iodication that anI ri ghl $100 \0 each or the memben or th et he gD\.('rnwl' lJt . TIlt" ..igu('N are ' ""UC8. lb. _awptioo of lb. & pa(,[j. minded ..itiren hMa douht as to lhe body. _ hieb _re all pro mptlyin earo<,~t. allJ will tight ir T ihl f'u l .....oeth.t all the e:lored peopl. io tb. retlnlt . The addteM or th e Demo- ea:thed bl' the Carolioa Nat ional:is b Ot " -I'. I (' ' · 1. I I d I~""I~ " re 0_"1,. RepubliCioe wb,. h Co ~nk . Tb~ whole amollot paid " lIlI

.... " n't rf' . 1l In . t e-- DOlUN lI. tru• . II il eertaio Ib . 1 thou.- en e mm ittee is an impudeul :;:; ••100 . TIllS had a deprellsillg effectd art") th...t thHl! "," ill be tig htillj:t· r 6" 1 . • 1 oo l~ -. ~ .~ . I and andaeionlllltlemplOo pre,'u,lice on the negro memben of the >( • • ~

• • • 0 _ ,.. \U~ paraou. ......... ~w.re y. k H -anJ tbe army. If It "I'~"~ the will iand acti 'ely llllVloorted lb. IHmoer.l ic and l>('rwrtpublie judgment. Hayell o?'get~:;:'ih:i~o':ylVe nd prospec t HARDWARE AND MECHANIGS' TOOLS OF ALL KINDSor the JIt'OIIIf'. IUU..t h y down it, ,. liebt. Wilb th. Loo_ aoo . 1Ieh fle ttl be- a lld WheE'ler a re ('lectt'd. and Ihe 8uraoee th I Ih.~H • an I!'! an lIlI-

G• . • ·,1 I h A . a . mptoll ro..-e ro -

ann!'!. . '-'D. ( ." """ 10 II. ..... It..r t.O I f::ore u" .. h....e 0-11 dw('lDaf'd b,. lb. . 1 (l t e mfOnean people will bt- ment ...ill be I!Inllt,ined by thethe Chicago Trib" ,,('. rrl'u,hlltt'1\ t lllg ~t1oo uf the retu . uiug board. .. . do carriE'dout 8110, 1 mrontained ." mODel~...er and property holders Tb 1 T)

d~lDent. l'ayiog it 'WI." ~'nt.Jj.;hntI~OI h itete to declar. l!let Ittl~_ (S igoed ) Z. C p-,l'lOLEII . of the tstate.Tlthout h i" kno.... leo.lg:('. 1<lthoul aU- I1:11:8 WI~ b,. u.... repoortial end Chairman XalionaI Committee.thor ity of t L.e .1IS.... ocllltion. a11J in u..fair. aud tblll tb. r..ul\ iI baa . n· I n the Senate Yr. ~[ iteheJl iu tra- PACIFIC COASTop'u n olat ion of hi" onl ...r3. lI a ...,:.ed .. u hlb"..,..ill.f'ga1anJ. eolllWd d nl'ed a bill for Ihe protection aDd

CIUR(..£qO:S . 1Jel'. 11. _ Sut~n t 11<) n.specl ..hAllt1'ef . ]ltE'llf'l1'atioa of the salmon fisberiellnegf'Oe'S .... e re &rr('stt'\l in Alohe ,-il1e :r'd.t!'en I ""' ago.wheDFort Sampl.r of Coilimbia river. Oregon . Rfofer­eou nty. ch:l.~I .. ilh tI'e wUf<1!'r 01 ...,. lir ttJ lIpoa b1 m.a .-bo lkIaib&• red to the Committee on Commerce.t ....o 'WL.ite mt'n. whom thev smbn.m- di~.upllon 01 the (Jnwn.1 IlII lIipa patri· ThO! S upreme Coart to-d.y ..... E'n-

t• . : olll...ilhoat r"1latd IQ .... Iy . ftilial.i _~1 · b • ht'J. an. "hot n{"llr LowlI,l..".nlle ) [ 00' . r- "'Dl', ,,~<.... In eanng t e ea..'Ie or the

,lay . Sa or tI,e uegroo:">i tUll.. l~ a COil' "I,rt.ng '" ~Ia oelet1llll . Wi ll tb. ...- Uoiled S tates VI. Union PlLCific nail.f_ iOIl illll' li... tinjo\" t h...ir fellow l,ri ' l pounone eil iun. DO'- Iii b,. id l,. ...., - road Co .•on appeal rrom tbe Cir·sone l"l'l "u.1 ,livtl:~ ill;: a I' lot for the rt'V·......ll...~•• go.e.rniflt'nt o..rtbrowD elli l Collrt ror Ihe dililrict of COil'w.".N t'r of the whitl' IDt'll "I theIL,. a5a.l"'twn ..... fre lld? Sbell the ..iIl

, I rnectient. This is kno..-n 8lI the Cre-

'fl ~'e aUf l"ll l'ture " I ti ,e 'Wom('n. 0 IO.IJtJU.OlJO of peopl•• cuu.liluUOD·M r t ' .. dit )lobili E'r l'al!e.~. .. "!D ",...... III . tI, (' ('''Il''I' lr;l~·! . ttll ,- "~PI-J. be tbw•• ttd b,. tbe eor-

Lo0 r th",lli ~,',~','~I\ I .! "la rteol

hfr-:om rupl, arb. ll rar,. . nd ~eJ acl-loO 01.11 S EW YORK. D !C. 13.· The Tri­

..-n , (''''\·1 eo" Ihl""""II. t e In- ilk '. U conetlw!ooJ. · , 1""e'lI eo.l ilorial llllyl!l our Iheal.ertention hei N( to ....'"l tlll' w from .-\110- • _10:. • " .elUnllos '--nI IDde fKOn to AJ,I..." ilh . b\' railrc".,L 01.1"'...... ..h~ ..roDdfD.l a.ctio. b. re_ mlnagen are displaying commend·

V;.\SHI:SOT" X. D ' I :!- -Tl,.. Xii ' to f in .11 . el peeu a!mil• • 10 itlt aMe enterprise iu begill.:ling at oncet io" 111 R~p.H l,li, ~! ," to I ;!.)' I'nLli.•I,,'~ a 1-"" u.t llCllou. b... been C<lnd"mll"d by the . o rk of making more amplelung ~pt'l'1al ,h"\'lIldl from ~lt'm . <lJ 11"'.ti t1"? h i. '"' eJmi ,teJ fact thoot m('IOIlof ('xit rrom tbeir buildings.ehar!l"lII~ tb at (,rO,·,'r ~lIrl'\I IllS :lol l . l il,]"a , _ , I O~ f f. ~ . I ' . " . ~ ~.)<>tI ,. 0 a 010 e m('anl!l 0 exit is likely to deter-.....nlllorill t' ~..·t llm 'YI Ie 11WIsb use qn.rt f II· lb · •of mUne) ftlm i,.h....l l;\. t ...o Port land ". " ~ ml IuD 0 t " ..ulft at ' he mme t e q neillion or ent rance ..ithhrokf'l"'ll . lUI.I tlll\t L." . :I~r, ...tl to p:n .c . <:c<: nt.el«l.l on. 1'1:11. m. j,,' il, 11!1 . elIdy the puLlIc ror IIOnle time 10 come.Cronin a eCl"ti lk lile ::u. P n 'Mi,l(,llti:t1 tlu,] wI\llug to l a bwi& to tb", mino. lt,. It hili tranlipireJ that h iO wookse lt...tu r ill "c' n,.j,l,·tati ,," " f Cron in when cOD~ti t nti"'Il "Il,. eolhleJ to d.. •

"I I

. ago t tl Third Xational BallI. pai,l a~o ot Il!r .11"",1" <If 's.n"n: it h !lI-P"'t<- man,] n~il liubUl i ioo; bot i.. it ..ilhng f edm g not to eXlh" " tin ,,;, 11..1" 1;",1 IOTI- ILat. hy ILO IIl bit 1 . ...d f.l ... dllClo...... orR ehf'l'k for $-2.500, pllrportingh l:" ry. as the)" Illltl l'nhhdy Ilm ·lIt. lioo .r 'b• ••,. , . , . ' ~ . . Ib . 10 be dra",·u hy W inslow. La nier .\.

I T'· . I I I · · . .uuUUII.U... e ml~Io n'" . ItI"jWl'Ill' l:>l llltC 118SI;;Il....:J ., h II Co. It ill be lieyed the ch..nk • ••"S." no" y Ii . allUrp pO"-flr? Th_ Ire "'" ....

.lark ,ja~lI f".tbe An.ericllll.....,pl...ll'beu obtai ned by IIll'ans or a drafl Oil tIleCIIII''' (lII. D l'c. ll .- -Pape rs tl , i,. r - - fi I II. I , . I " I t!ul'h <lU lllllionll ...e fo.ced . '" '. lb••·, rm or a lima amount, made by •

nlOrlUUI( I ' ll , ,,, I lOll a • re,;s or 1' :\1- ·' ...-1l1l'r. 'l' rl1l1lhulllllHl olhe.lI. ))" 111 0 ' eoosiuell. tion. If It 1\"• • e t.ue. III 5JW" mem ber of llle gflng now operatingc ra tic ,'i" illll ~ ,"<mHllitl eo In X c,," Or' insist, Il.",t oeit her tbe ...blt" bor Ibe h i e\'e ry lllrge city in the coulllry .lca ull. It i.. p.oltl••·o;,<o,,1 h ' ([" n • •\ . S. co:o."<I . ote....hu e in .U iOlll.aocH~n th at a jiM; simile of the cheek WillH ,,\O,itt. C)lIIir n.:U1 (If t\. e 's ...tioll ~ · • d·' I k... a U. "" .n opport uuitylo gi ... I ..... u - s ru... 01T aud an expert forged theD"lllf" 'rat it' COllun itt ..... T h..,)" 1<,,\ . t I . . .t he r" ... t" C<'IlI1t'ctt~ I ..it" the t' }O!<;. pr....~IOO Co Lei. 1I IUat the hall" t bo:r. tllgoatnre.t iot! llnd . ..turu" ..I." ",. tlud the at'li on ..b..ll: W". b,. eUltaioillg I Inlodlll"n l The [nioll Paci fic RaiIr0801of the ret llrnill... I ,, ~~ r,1 ill , .ro•.'iaim. IIU" tll<'{;>tl declu.lioll of tb 1"ul.. e-I h Co .. • 0 ,. a1 decl.red a d i'fidend of 2 pe'Ing t (: ..Ied i" n fir t l" . ILL.ye!'! ('10>(."- i OIl.! p lb. " 0.I 0f'II ..I milliou. of 'rot ~reto rlf . i... IIrbi t rar)·. IlIlflli. . ..".1 ",·ith- I"-L.o h.."" fr-.l, .Jl>r....Hd Ib"lr cbO.lre e('nt. I'ayahle J a ll. 1,;1. l !:lj7.o at ,:," lIo rfllllt ..1 .1111\·. a...1 I1<l0l' t lI.'l .....oltb,," ......k to eorrfoCt a ..I""t .-rulIg LImE lW<:'x . (Ark.) Dee. 13.-­. l'l'hCllh la 10 thl'" C"O\·:"~lI thp lan- I,,. OOn.llIiltiug . nothe. im n hi A 6l'eci..1 rrow Te:r.arkana giVt':9 thef!'1Illlte IIf tI.l' " ·I.. .rt mM,le 10 the U m,... re ,.S . Hon.... of U"l'r"-"'CI,talh.t'!< in .i.greate r 'I'nong? Can ..-. aa1lCliolll . ueh partlcuIln or a ter rible explosion orby George F . Il ..... r. W .•\ . Wh, ,,·('r . ""'100 of lb. Louieilnl retanl lllg board a boi1f' r in a lIlI...mitI nE'8l" that pl­111.1 Wm. 1'. }'Q." . ill " 'l;Ilr,I tt) t l,e ....d th"n 'b,. form I prec«J"DI aMPr thee yestenlay. ia ..hieh ntne men ",·ere~nu!l!l or .; :.! ill \\"~ i..h they ".y : , . 1I1bO. i1Yof .. hieb a JIIln,. Ilo_iu poyer killeJ. . The mill Wllll oue of the

fhe ~_11...1~U\a- o:'a<lf' by thf' , W"1 fu~.". perpeto.ea il. ,ul• • lX1e"d lar~' · .. Sp ' '' rnmg " __, I • ,'. I · "'...... 1U 8 tate. At the t ime of• . ........ . 1 u'" In e,...,.1 0 j conslitDuoll-&l liberty ? ~baJl .ueb be

K d 'DgK _ Ill" to n" to h",·e no vaI- ' Ib... f..t or tb. bi" the d isa5te r i. wu ruulling ..ilh "wo. D01'E1"~{lI l v . tln,1 i .....nlidt..l to no f"e>ll~t. '" II ...pu Ie at lbe bo1.'1ull~ fu ll pl>'Il"er.wb. lt!\.t"r." " 'e al NO ao1ol't Ih" I!i.u- .~ " f lite MclOod Cl"ulul')' of ite ex,.. TgUafle or tb l'P f't'1 " ,rt " IIOU tb fO COD<l i- telk..? A~ tbe mOIDPlltoo.. fl u_ itl u u.IIE H .,-,:n ; ( l ad .) Dee. 13-­tion of Loui>iianl or I lSi5 : •. In the ItO" "'_lIted for the dete .miu.tion of The T ivoli. a codly bllil<1Jng cover-titate f?r Lo~i"iana the re i:- a 00\·- the Amerieotlt J'f'Ople. iSi""eJ ) ing e:lte nllive ...-ine collan....1!! burn·emor In Ottll 18 ..-ho n...;,s h i!! lIl'",t to • E'd thill mornin~. Lo6s $70000 'tbe iD~rferrnco· ..r the n:ltioIIII.1 po"'_ .ISO. Y . PALlIER, iUQrIDCI. $25 .000. • • • General Merchandl'se,er• ..-b ich b....~niZl-'d bi!'! litle to LYlIAN TII.UYB["LL, .hi, otti~. not hv "_.11 or an '!" a". WILUAY IlI GLER, :NEW OXLRA.... lI. De. . I3-001'ernor At the old . taad.. ·u'.r CO..lIlerei_("t'rta.inment of t ile rllof"hl by It-ga"l pro- GEO. B. I'K ITH. Welb .-as berore the Co ngres.ional "00 Mill Streel, ::INttl W. T.cetl8. but b....~ I--J i' " ao.-tion solely GEOBuE W .lULlAS" committee lo-day, but declined an -on the ilIe-ga l onl~r of a judge. In F H WATrE HSOS- • l!I.ering questionll. denying the aa-the N.me l!ltate tbe re ill a legill1atur6 . • • • •one branch or ..h ieh olerivellau thor. ST.~ (Mo) De<I. I2th.- Wrt . thonty of the commiUee to interro-ity partly rrom the order . the olhe r .Ialia Barriene ... 11 b o.... 10 ar1 eir gate on retnrn iDg baud matten.being organized .hy a .majority who :;aIel AI. pow.:t p-ia.ler feU from th: He laid if the commitiee woul. em-have been ea;tlIbhMhed In ........('r by - 1.1 b "~' ploy .'- hl I "~ . - ' d·h· to thanothf'r interference of th~-nation.I·"':' er ....a.. throagb the p,li....t. ... e e r..... In ... I on e~..e~me:nt. and wh iC'h majorily .:l e-- lbll_monullg.""''''' iaelall1l1 klUad. clerical fol't."e of the board.all pe.penn "" .It... t itle 1I0t rrom any legal as- !Ii ..... You , Dec.U-The Tr-i.kJI~'. conld be copied. and ..ith them thece :tainm~nt of the fae\R. b ut rrom Columbia l!lpeeial ...,.. fnll puticll. commi ttee woaId ha~ al l the inlol'­the ee rt l!icate8 of. the r~torning lan of an .Ilempt to bribe Benato mation .. to 'Vote. east in the 8tate,boe.rd .hlcb bas mu.conctllvetl and . re~eeeo:10l1 itll Jf'.gal .\Ithonty." I n N~h to 1'ote for Tilde u are promil- aDtl eridenOfl ..hieh prompkld the~o"ember. HI7G. before Ihe ....tnrn. ed In a fe. day.. The namea of .. the act ion of tb.~ Other memiug board cowmellceo.I the~-an .._ of p romineI.t Ne. Yort la..,. r 8 mith ben of the board ..e re noUiled theythe electoral 'ro te , Ultt cllotli J llteij for Weed and President f the ' ·lroad ...ou ld be eumiDed hereafter. O there lectoR on the Democnttic ticket '. . 0 .rat. .P~8lIented a I'rote l!lt &gaio llt illl jUrid' al'6 mentioned In connection With ..itn_.."re en m ined MI to thed letion oyer t hE' .ubject. or its can. th is matter . In the Senate, to-dat, late e lec tion, bnt nothing wu duel­VMIlI of the yote relati1'e w the lI&IDe. Mr. Nash eaid: " Gen. Ham ptou laid oped.

Page 7: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE




for cash.









c .











Teas, Hardware,




















raiDy wiu WI: comes on yon eaD save yo of heby p u rchasing 10




Imoon-era and Jobbers,

Efti' bToagh t to Seattle. ..h ich will be &Old


A foll and eompJete Aa80rtmeDt of

Opening of Christmas









Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London~

N- And everything pertaining to this branch of t rad e• ..g

.. . . .AT. : . .






The beet



No mao looks well iD an iII·fitti ng IIhirt, nor a baggy coat; OUfli arethe Latest and

.l.a4 ... ·r. W1' det;r Oo:IIIIpritu.. Eatb &a<I • ...." ArIk""..,.n."W.. ...,..-..w .

ALSO, IA FULL UNE or MUSICAL INSTRUMEIlTI,...1 u.. Doo'tlofpttb...._ ....p~

C X.ltf'r, Bill Stl'ft't• • f'x t door to I .. Relale'"

As the cold and

Wines, liquors,

Cutlery, Glass and Crockery Ware,

Hemp and Manilla ' Cord..ge , .

Agricultural and Mining Implements,

Paints, Oils, Blacksmith & Carpenter Tools,

Cumberland Coal, Iron, &; Steel, Flour.



NO "'V\T

overcoa t anr iU\'lloted••bieb ...a sellAl so a splendid stock of

Centlomen'S Shawls, Umbrellas, Satchels, Vallll88

FJ:ATS, O.A..Ps, TB.:t:T.l'T~s, ..~o.,

Most Fashionable · Goods in the

F E E D. ETC• • E~rc .

II...n lCOW 1l' STOILJ: UD WARE BOCSES "'T SE.t.TTLE ... Ft"U. V'I'OCI: 0,. au.000dI0" u..tJ' .I:IIIe. w~ wiJlW IOIcI .. lbo t-..c Po1o.'o'tIr:-ibl,. 1 1M II .....~

pa.WX~IJ• • Ia.-lld to _.~ot Iblr MoeIl &acI~. T1Iftr __ :r-ra..._m tll..eu, "' ..puuol ~ &o ..... po.b1ic ol -.tUo...-'or .

Our Fall Stock is full in every particularAND ~lIPRISES THE FJ~"EST AND


"roll It

Den. 11Doo. ...Ian. 20F. b. 10


Chop House.


8Ji:a 'I"I'LE.


... ...Ltoo W'l . ...

. .. . OLt.Lall 01 ....


G~ A.. lVEF.D. lI. D .










Sole APbt r.r ",",_ttlf'•

D B.. G. ,~. CAL H OUN.

Nut door to Matt Keith"..


.-...nlllt III .. _ ~ CIol'o"dlhI:II8.". r ...1-.1, 11,I IITL

Pacific lail Steamship Co. Grand

~ T. W. HU DMAN.~



I04Ir .....!IC1lOOO. .n'ITL,(.mWT.....a.Deo. 9 No... 26 Dt'O. 1Dee. SO Dell. 15 !>eo. 21.110. 20 Jill. 5 J"o. 11Feb. 10 I .1111. 26 J -.o. 31~_ ""'" PoI1Iao4 &10<1 oJWk>Uuolporta

a1l llUo~ 800.ac1UalI er &a<I. ... . t eeo lOueel:lo>1l .ntli " Cit ,. ot Pa " " al V1etoria.st..mer " DaIlol, " I"" "'""'ab to OIJ1llpla,

n ..... . _ ........eVleto l1l ' I Il_ CDl b.

<1&,. Id""lo"cl. Tlab'. ..... lloo<l 0011' lOU t1ieoMlUDfl' lor which lhe)t ..... PII"'~ t.II<l .....root traoetro.b\e. Yu:rI.....llhl or _ "ppl,.011 bou'd .... to H. 1.. TI B8.lU1.

GoIDenl .~",..I l or : ~1I'1 1Iou.. 0I.PnftTo....tr.o1•

~. -"""""./~~.Ko.. ~o n..c. 9Den.!O Den. es.I... 10 J ail. 19J ..a, 30 I F.b. 9 I

H "'1'llfO broalIbl to &alu. .. CIty B..,lr&a4 aloo .. _ . -"' .. I ....... t1iNaP

oCrkt atteullon 10 '"'-1_ to _I , .... pM­~IIII OIl !be pu bl ic at larll-.fir on.. _,,4 .a1 too1_ OIl Ibto ........er

01 »UJ ...01 e...-rct&! S .....

T. " . r .Mn» .... .



UP"Fresh & Salted Meats While it is Quite True that our Store is fully up 10 the

:a::I: G-:a: G-"R. A DE.

Yet it is no more so than our wmally well Selected Stock of

",., 11:-' ..... ...,....... • ~bop &ad"'..... .1 lH aboAI- 0hD<l. w-'" tIio7will h:now,......,..dPolnr7 lbl tbot __ aI.r....... Illt.l. V4:lt W1E .. IUHn'!lL"•







Wa.h. T e r.













IMj,UDI 01 u.. ..... ..4" . " ...aaur..4.J z,..,. 1'arMt7<II

125 .t 127 CUD'lIaJIU. nun,SAl'! rJUlfCUOO. illS ~

Clgara and Llquol1l





8lnglo, .. Suites of Rooms

flr 1"h1l 0 "'1 II tIM -.....caodt-ll.. 1M'hrrl lot)'. JX-rol &ad Bc.nt ao4 Lodt,ilap

01 Ih t-I q.,am,. kPpt C<>IlortaDtI,. oa hanoi .




S e a ttle,


oppomle 8c hwabaeht'l' Broe. .t Co. '.




:&JNG:J:N"E:lDB.&,(_ Jlo . I B..rDril·.. JIoil<llDcl •

e-. e---.IaJ .........-.e-. ....SUTTLE, W A8H. Tn.

Store- >T-




Commere ial rot., Sea tt le.


Charles D. Emery,ArroRNEY•.lT.U.W. SEArru: w. T.

A al.II oa-.d " _ BnIe,..tw.pt­ed to · 'abam, off thill -W ooil· ' by&aliai nlphate of 1180 Iaat ....t at II.Il

Oly_ pia bocal . - B ..... poIIIpecI "'aDd _ , n00n1'.

Th. UtooaladJ miD propertJ " to loaaoId at pobticl aootioIl on IJM11th oflIueh. b, ""'"' 01 J VAJp x.-ia.

li'o.ld ; , ploutd: to_."'fJ1rrod& .. 0.11.....,.

8OBT. »lOC4lOf.


Hen~tle. 'W. T .Oftlee o.er llurriJl &:: Co.'. Dral Stor .OfB.ce b01ll'l from 1010 III .... ».


D r y Goocla. CI. tld _C.

Boo*-. Sb Ha...,

BI.nke Wan r aprr.

c.~tA. on ~I.tb.

BUU.ery G .......


~,1IbaI1~"r 10 be k-. lor tIM BellO<oocII.ad Law_ Po1cN..

nu. DI::lITB£L B808.&tattle. N_bar I A" I I7L

Pu.u.a: T.a.u: NO'l'IcL - D,. H..-.the g reat lI~ B ...J.... for tbe aafe.Inre, uod D&hinJ. u-amPDt ot all ~.abu, du-.. has taken roo ma at tIMOcddeotal & ~ for thiny d.,. . J tcood!l DOlbi lJg 10 JlOaDd _ Ih . docto , .H, co m.. ...ell reeom roeoded.. It yoo• w .mirled JlO aDel _ him.

S.u:,n..a:. Xo• . 29. 1876. D029-l m

Go To W. O. J unnolr" e.od~ apair ofa~ Be hu n••m ....h11" nifJ illg 1 011 clilDirliahilli an 100 earl

, d ~Ieo:..io. I'MlUDe to l!li t JOGnMllf.n9 Lf

A5T penoD iD aood of. goodDQne, eaD be sooomodated b1 tHoV·iog orden at Mn . Plummer'. . AlIlOsewing iD families . •

PoOp'......._~ &ad BeIelI Dealen Ia

neef, P ork, M ulton, Tn), CunMeatl an d Vege tablea. Of?lCJt:--J'...1IES STREET, OI'POSfTI;

Work Ouo k. for -.Ie. ~ OccroIDfT.L H OTEL.

go'" Patronap reepeetiQ111 IIOliet ted SeIIttle. •

BO O A BEED.. .aile · 5. 1&14.






~'. m&,loti',..••••••••••••••••••••. _ D;TTUIO ..nu"''''l'-tp 1>a.TUCT.

Coll I: (0-' come aiL aJM! get. Doe ofthe eltra lIi _ Piee a& tM Eo,..1&Ir.erJ'. I -t ·

AT raJ: CUttIOUL,-Vergo o. mi_hOll~ of Ihe c...te uo w 8&1000 , off..... .chrolllO 10 e.el')' porchaae" to the&DIOll~ W 6lft1 eeut'"' a& hb p'- otbGRo-. The ehromo I. a floe 0- aadIe .ntitled th. CApital Jol.. ..29

I . 100 ..... t &Ilytbiog 10 rhe Ii " ofDrDjCII. P..ri .roe".. Tn _, la fact.,l 'lOy!billg o"o.ally b pi fo a DrttR & 01'''c-all .. J 11. R. lladdoeb, SeeLlJe D~

lStore. . 1&.tC

Roo.I To L n .-A. » lUIlbe, of th .mOlt ..ll!'gao d y fumiahf'd roo main toWll.ID let. '" \b.. boildiog lormllclJ t oow.II Ihe T,.mollt R OOM, OD CommercialalrHL K . K .I.u .

o2'.!dl m

Now that the - 0"1 or the elee­tion is all over with , the next m atthio g t o d o is to cool otT by catlingon J ack Le..,. and getting ODeof h iesuperior cilr&l'S. •

1I0T Jri.b "lid Sco tch Wbillt ,.. 1.1110,Tom ..od J"nJ,al Ib.. MlIrch&llt-' EI:_chflD/ile Sa looll . D26

Du cE.- Tbere will be • ~gtIl~r

Sat u rday Soiree , nnder the d irectionof C. G. Stein...eg, OD Sal oma1 eve'

.1-:>11&' ...I""",..................... 2n Ding,.t Re ini g'. Hall. ..r _ cc......d O Anun" 1'_ 11't l> ",tT.

T . 3 . Io..den., '''"'' p ·l 1,2'l1 F_u B.u.:a:.I:. hili. 80 m .. apleudid cl-N. T. c.:aw• • (D.. J 1.:1'.13 gu., l od n oelll'ot brauda of tobeeeo.

.. pi p<lll, e:il{U holdeora, p.H:kflt cD!krr, ble.

~1I01l 1l:ss. A'!'TESTlOM ! ! I-.loat l'eClIlil"ed by Dotota loother io_ loe of t heaoll!'b ra Ud bRad of eigan. ··DoableEodflfto·' alao IIflIDioe ·"Ta rkieb. Fia.Cot" al l oll1l L. J UUJaIOlOI·a. 0161..

c.ll for 1_ie 1I00l\'1t. btn POD)Old Borboo. in brut. OOo. d cuIr. aad. il."r f.-it. The on l)' place tha t yOlleao 8" it fo il th. C.llfT.a<JlLLL B ALLofool of lf iU IlrHt. •

FJtE1)' SrA...."iD il the p lace to gl"tthe best cigan iD th e city. Givehim. e.I1. •

• L»oAL BIo.4.~u of e..el'[ deeerip-tioD at J oha L. l amieeon I. •

T be telegram. from th. Soutb .ouldind icate tbal tbe Df'lroea, iut.i~

bl Xorth..rll l'Up-t-bagg..,.. are PD~

dee.. orioR to in ao gurate a war of race­ill Sou th Carolina. Wbn... gelt hroDllh "'th thelD. Ihe "H...then Cbi­n.e" _ill COlD. ill. for hil lbare. ColD­oiu.tioo abroad I. th. Duly aolotion ofthe p robl.m that ... ea.o _ .

w. hal'. noeeil'ed from th . ptIb li.hprS. J .lfcCormict . a copy of bl. OngooAlmanac for 1877. It I. a. ncelleo LlillJe wort .nd h.. a good word forW"" hiogto. Territory I. Dlore plaewthaD ooe.

J u<1ge Dead y bM on rru lo.l tb e mc.t ioo mllode io bo> balf of tbe ('la iled l:11.tuto set aRid... tb e hbe l of Coffio & H. a·dry ag..io !;t t be 0.1" re"loue oult..r iaplOOO'" of DOulltruc1u:.n at Albi u•• op.potd le P ort laod . Oft bol'h , ~.t ...beuthe United Stalel Inleneue . in Ur.i.CODrl W claim propertl Ill. CIIatodyDp­on ita prOCf!1lll. i t "laudlupon the fool­iDe of 1.111 otber IDitor. and eN! there ·for e tAD 0 0 11 procure t be deli" . r)' ofIUcb prope rly DpoD the onlioarl ad·m iral11atipulatioll .

Th. raot 00 th ... lobi lao. ia Cham ·ben Pn.irie toot place lut SaturdayaDd l'MUlted in a TirlOlJ fOl' the bono.1I11tered by lob. Batcho .-Th e p~ demaud for pou ll"., QCN.

aiollt'd bJ Ih• • pp ro-ch of Chril lmaa. it.p robabl, the ClaU.. nf th e a .eraft" I'OQ8oo

ler ' l d i...ppeua_ from itte columu ofour rotem.,or..r ie..

N. II . Bko<>~1d. (&p. . . . .. . . .. •••• . . . 1M800111....... ~"" . t V.• .I........... I...-:s


A man uamN Ff'tWot. h ..iliDe fro m'\rhalcom CODOt,. , " me to loo k for..ort 00 the P oy..llu p nile, road, aDdil mi~'log. Fea... of anlcide are elller­talaed.

A. ... B"ldw lo. of OI}lIIpla , bu li• • dt" eo tY· fI.. , ,"r•• j l1..t h. lf bia lif. , 0 11a otl aOOl1t P IlIl'" &olld.

THE TERRITORIAL VOTE.Seer..." 8t...." tau __ted allli om

cUlb oen.i llo..J lbIo Territorial ...oIe 0'WMbiDgtoD T" ritor,. I ... t 1UDjll.WgIt _ IDd lhM . _ jorit, of t.lG8~.... ca&t iD b _ 01 • 8&ate COMlUa·

tioII.. lb, 'l'Ole i ll lUi fa YOf beiDll: 5,698'1.,,,,,,,;";,,,,;"';"''''';''''''''''''''''1..hi.. Ul_ who ~ .,.iallt it ...eft1,6310. A, ..d a CoD~ _liIlOM to

. taio4 t!M apportio!l_t of pupulatioll'apC>1l .bieb Terri lo ri.. CS!I ' Ole r th,rAiDD aDd beoeom. Slat4'll • • • f.... tbat

~ ... DIU' ph~ . ,. 4eeidlldll 1JU 0II . Bill, w eq'Glti.. ill f.,or of 001' -.lmle­

• OD .. ....ry .cnn.g. .. • • h . ..."

more popo1&lioa th an either O~1l .,..N,n<k Nd ... lb , time o! their ad llli...-0. .hil, • • an't'liIIlIy III ad...Dn1 of

the . '.'" admltW Blet. of CoIond<!I.D comtDerci.J. impol1&Dce., W. p rodo..,.1ll.0f1I bo p th.t.D 0"800 aad b..... bo.i.ltthf'IIlIl lo lUl of ehippiDI to her Doe; ••nJM and npwt m ol" lralo tbaD Nt­nda ..... .. be£a.n to cu lth ete; .e eJporlm ore -'- (bUl On'go D. C.liforoi, aDdN....ad. tugether;...,d our _hlp,,_l''- dJumbef lift llUll:er tbe. IhOOle of ei therCalilo",,! . or °"'8011 ' H,,"~ we arep~ uDde r a D. o uj lle' di ac:rimilUluoDfor po lilical 1'' '' 00' en d forbidden 1.04Va nce into lb e Uoioll for pau cit y ofpopnlat ion ollly . Bt'lo... 1U gi"e t be'I'ote for Delpg..~.. aod Te rri tori..l o ]l .ce,.. "I ce llifl.d, by tbe Secrel. ry , nD~der Ib e great 1of tb . Terrilol)' :

ro 1' . .... tOOl..r ~ ...G U11fO> "....,bo..••.. •. ••••••.....•••..•. 5,0.<0.I01l1l 1'. l l>t18<.>tl , ' .11;;1



Page 8: Ta · J,, 1816..I BeerI Halll! HOUSE NUMBER 8. ~.~., Groceries! Lager OF EVERY BRAND CWTHlXG, :BOO'I'tI. SELLING OUT-1 .-. On Accou nt of Removal ROPE A..YD CORDAGB, SE



... . ..... IU.1l.I.E&

General Illerchandise,

~ w. BOvn

At tbe old _not. corlltll" eo-_ciaIlDd 34iU £ltn>et,~ W. T .

•• •• KEPT BY . _• •

I~.1N . l\-J.UIlPHY.

(;oro"t (lomb:iel'cial and Main Streets.

v ppo.;_ U. B. Hote1.. .

~IY:'~Ia W1 U d"' 1 be ""PPIIN W1lb the.


AGEYT8 lor lbe Phcnoix of HuffonlSortb nritl ~h I lld ){el'>'lllt'itUe 01 Lon­don and Edinbul"llh FBI I t<IIOu,dC8CoIII'~IiIQ.


Office Saloon!


HOVEY & BARKER.t 8a..-no 10.1. A. WOOUWARP

81.JtlTU IlatE Iltt.L IITREET. OPPOSITE• n.sLEa'lll 1llLL,

HEATrLF.. ,,~. T ...



11K. LEARY wn.L &I'n PAltTICUUB• _~IOU. """'eIR ..-"1 ~.Tn1: '" \Coll~'-·1: lon.. /lic e .

.I.AoI.,u.... nl~K"0r lu ted.Cit,. property, Timbel" and Agrie.uh!

..... IaDds fo. MI• .

McNaught & LeillJ. ·Seattle, King Oounly, W. T.

A'ITORNEYB-AT-LAW.~ ..~ .... I'roeC<Jn la Admi­,.,.,.

PATENTS=:'=a:..~_ to.I _ ........ -.... labela . 00 _ta. lDliII't'_~:::b!:'"'J'C4 IIIImwle<I 10. 1DftlllIou

REJECTED ::.~,:l=.oe-.:::.,.u:;........~kUolh_t

0IIk>I.... rail ...a ~-....", aecare rI'IIIr'>IoI _ JII"lAlIPIl1I11d wtUo cIo.imIlb.. uae- .lIoo _r-"~

I· VEIITORS u . ..... . . -" "n ,.... ....'ri>:>r;_-a-m. .11.....1 ....._~-tI.:hw.. topItaDt-"'Illl,.. All _ '.p" 1IrI<'tf1C1111d1cte11-Ihl. ......... ..... A....D NO c . ..aes eN..~N P..TKNTI8 8ECrBm1

••""rr ...-..!a" ilia Pa-. ome.. and100 la_.. ....,. __ .. ilia (7a-.

~ C. A.. Q10Wlleo..OWOOlk PateDt oa:. ••~ D. C.

1M. 7] ;;

111 me D\Iot:rWl eo.n fIl ..... D...... "' .. .w_...-l.'it,. of " uiiiII lettiaa cl IlDl: m '''-;''.' '

Da.... o....:;:~e · -IWaIMeo • (' , .el' IIiiia Uoe e-MJ .,&i-e. .......of tbe l."1adt of ... DiaaiI& Cout.

Tha UD1tad~ of beriea ...GreetJDC to Zm.tlt7 ..... J)e..f..olant:

TOIl .1'1 1uftby""Jldnd to~.........~..... '" bf ,'<:'O.O'r.abo'ftl .-d ' . ia tIN~Court of u.e . "..... DiIlria& 01 Ilbe Tenitw1 ofW~.~tenDI u til. CtlJ Qf~ • tM • iCon ly of KiD8- b tbe __ ofKing Pd JWIAp, .... to _ •• \M~ ..oomplala& Atad tMnut., ..idU w.t,. '. 'd.o,.. (.sololli.... of the day 01 ......)after tbe 11m.. otI JO'l ef WI 8ul­IDOId, it ........s within. ..... e....ty ofKiD!;_ if Itr't'W oat ol lba&~bat n thU diatriet, W'itldn tJWt,. ~p;olherwiH witbiD liny tIa,... c. JfIdt­lDent b7 de l.laI&will "' &at1D ......,.oa. acootdiua; &0 tIoa ,..y_ 0( 1Mooll> plaiDL • •

The Mid actio n I. broolztd to obWJa• deertll of di ...oroa, 011 the IP'C*aI 01abaAdooment and tt-rtIon of .,..ant r_ plaiolil! Iw .an 1ltaD·. CIPI,ear lut ~, and for otbar aDd propI'f",h,r.· ADd ,.Ott are h~rebJ DOIl&dth, t if ,.on fail to ap~ and .......Ib, Mid OOtllplai o' .. abo.... rl!tl_nd,th...Jd plaintifl'Ym.ppl,. to the 00Gnlor the relief d.IDaDdtd in laid 1lOIIl·pJlint. . .

Witne" the Hou. I . R. Lewil, Ju4p<ll Hid Conr t, ..nd the OIioal theftOI, tIatI4th day or Deoamber. A. D. 1876.

{IIU L.] " AMES BEAVY. Clerk ,s , BI .u.s BaawII. Deputy .

d~9 6.. L . B. NilIII. AU',. lor PlI'.

Seattle. Wa.h. TerritoF)'.

Th. Best Hotel In the City.

COR. 0I 1:11lo1F..l'.M!.L A.S'D lU I!! IlTIl..

Charl_ D. Emery,AnoRIiET -AT.LAW, SEAnl.E W. T.

L C. HlRIllON, .Proprietor.

W UoL " .. Y PRO"'" An...,.IOtl' '1'0all ....Ii_ .. ..... 141>1", ... Ad·


New England Hotel,

~Tb'. R_ la wlJ hoJlt.od ....r<I ......!abed~t -u fanIWIoe4 .-.....1In~_ .11I _""'" h'IooI.

Sa._...".h lbeDIootrirl Court of 1M 11lIrd .llldldat nloo­

I""" of lboo Tem....,. of W..bl,.tOll. 10_lqTto:rma II !\O.o'iIaoOr_ .... U><l r.... f10fteeou..l, .

J...._ E. Slftl. p.....liA'. .... B agIl l'I_ &Ied.""'....... . (lo)mpl:lllll IlW III .... orI!le' CIrri of euan 011 1M loSUI <1001 <Ii~_ D• • I IlT• •

ToH..,.. l'l . tw.l. 4o'-<loord:

l :stw _ ot u.. '('0_~ _ .............., ftoIIu\rId ... . PP"U OIl ... art_

_. ,-. bJlM aboft-.....l pW..till". iD 1M D>MnrI eo-t of the now .l r;MlIcialDtootr.d of 1M TftT!1olry at _.rt-.........le,._ .r SIefloco._ta f<lru.._1)'of ............. 10 _rr I _pb.Int aloed~ ai _ 1_., .p 1_ " 0( Ille400, 0I1':rTke.1~ rlIe -nor _ J1l'II0( UI1a..", _ .. tf--.-..!_btD IlIl8 _1)': .... U....,..... _ t 0(1_ CGaIII.. bat WiIbIa _ T'tolrdJadlrIaI Dtanet. wltata tt.\I'IJ _,., _ if .......toI .... of ..... 1lIootrlrI , _ _iii. ot"lJ' da7"-Jott«-'" 011 drtaah 'II"t1J "" ,aka~,..-.........,j.... IOU. J>I"'1'l"I" 0( ... _ p:amt .

'nM: IIid ad_ b lIroaglIt ... ob&o.Ia . -.­'. ' <!I..- n... lbr~<JI ..............,-.Waft'" _ "K~""'- JOIlaDl ploom­11ll". aad aIo<o to obtaID • .s.c-e ll""'tUIt u...r.­...... .,.,... .... cullnoI7 of ...... __ rllil<l>'oos.'be rnrltlof~ot"""""'~'to""" . '"- POII'IIbouIlIIIal1>p<JII the '"*... .". 1 r..._,........ADd.r....,...- ADd. rduoallO ...._~b'" pt'OY\>oIaO>lfl>rI'WaI'lI' .......... ro. UJ_)_~ .. ...., bJ _ll. .... lJIoo l tf JOIl (0.11 10"l'poat" .......I_ . Ald_ l>oiD l __'luu..d, 1IKll'hlD' l lfwUl CIlIIIIOO JOU ' ....11 ........ ~.. lo-ft<I .... IM.-ttn _I, 10 tboo CooIMf .... tbe 1'<(;J pR3'...:I fot " h "1' eo"'l'lal.. t ~ill l ied.

",,,_11,,. H .I . R. t...wbo. J ....... of l bofolaid i.OI~rkt CDurt d "" ...... UDdo·. 110" .....dADd l bofo a1 of ...otCuurt. l!ltv _ot <la, or1.1<..".... A.. D•• 11r.1.

[&a1J JUU:8 8£AVEl' , CI<-. -'.Pet- .l t'Ll t."S llICKLo;"d,1)001'01,. _ GW

....-ID tbe D\atrid <loa" of tb, TItIt"" .,J1Idi­

cill1 !hsmet of tbe Terri tory clW aabiaetOR., boIdi. T_a II ,b.,Cit, 01~Ie.i. '" for u.e Cow,.lIM of XiDIaDd. ltitaap•

D. I . &aster. pJaiDtiff, ..... Eo I . 001­'-l.b aAd A. lL B.o4« partMn6oi1lg buai._ ac 811m. lD IattIlUng Coanty. n Ddoer 11MInllI DII_aAd..,.laol Co.Ibatll .t ~.Ml~.d aCIta. Complaint AJed ID the CoQ• .ty of King,lD the otlh lllat tb. Clar kof..td D1atI~~.

Th. Uailed sw..a of J.a>eriea HOdGrflIflDR to EoI . CoIb&tb aDd A. B.:Rader. def.Ddanw:

T OG- we b~by required 10 appear illan actio. brouahl agai~ ,.on by theabo'fll Ilamed pJ.ai.. t.dr. in Ibe !hItMCoQrt; of lbe T bl nl.lodieial Diatri" 01tbe 1 't'fri tory of Wublngt.ou. boIdiDaT IItDl. at the Cit,. of 8e&UJe. ID l beCoQ.. ty 01 KiDg. for th, CoDntiM orlUng aDd Kitaap. aDd to allll_~" IbaoomplaiDt filed therein. with in t..~n t,.

da,.1 (e:aeIDsl'fe of tbe da, of 1le'r't'i0l)an"r the service on ,.OD olthil ldmDlo~if M rrM ..itbin aaid Count,. 01 Kiog; orifwrved ODt or lhat Colli ly. bat In tb iloDiltrict. wilhln Ihit l,. dafl; olhenri..witbin "ixl, ds,., or jlldgemllnt b,. d...lallit will be likeD spinal " 00. _ rd­iug to tbto prayer of tbe ooa> pl. int•

Tbe Mid actioDis brougbl to f llCll'ftl..the snm of ooe bUlId. ood aDd lort,- two...d ( $ H 2) 5 100 dollan, gold ooin. for&D lIeDOODt of Inmbe, aDd material5 fnr.nished b,. pls intlJr to alld at tbll reqoo:ost01said deft-IIdl nbl on or aooot the 2d.da,. of AORO_t, 1876.toReiberwilh inteor­eMt th.reon Dntil vsid, ,nd for _ I. anddlsbDnem~nts of soit. And 10 110 sreh~reby liotilifd, thllt it 1°0 f,1I to apo.pe."and ao"wer Ite Mid oompllint 1101

lI00'fe rf'qoi.ed. tbe ,..Id plaiotlJr willI.ke jndjilwent &f{'UDlt J OUfor th. I Jmof t J42 5 100 dollarl. guM coiD. withilltel eolt, alld for costs Iud di. bu...,msnts otanit .

Witn_ the Hon. l . R. Lewia, I ndileof &aid Conn, and Ihe _ I th..r-eof tb ia6t h u y of December. A. D . 1876.

{lIf.1"L] IAlt£.i SEAIT, Clerk.B,- Ih :1lJ1B BIlOW1\! . Depol1 .

.k96.. Wa::n: !: N£lla. AU, '. fo.. I' IJr.


IDlbe DiIotml Court of Ill" Third Judi<'iallJilllrld 01 the Tenitory 01 ",...hi Dg.100, boIding 1<'11>'. a i lioe C il,. of Mo-al­tie. io ~ for 11", COUDli....of KioK. ml Ki....." .

lMIO:! W. Dubv. l"laiotiLf...... E. J . Colbatha.nd A. R. ·tw"'t . pal'--.o <!oiDg bn_i_~ al tlea ltle . in laid King Coulll,..und<or Ihe 1I.a> Dame QI,l "tr le or CuI.­batb '" 11....... . aod 1J-u~1 IJal,;k,..l h:"'udaotoo. Complaint 11'"1 in thel 'O"Dly of KioK. •110 lhe Q&'"f 100CIe.1 01 ...... DlOotrict Court.

The UDi 'eJ 81&""" or ."-rica ...Dd G""'-1­ii,,, I.. E. I . G.>1l>&tb ..... A. ]l. Harkr.v.,.t<'Odu>I.<:

TOQ .....~.hy rflOl uireJ to a~ io IlIlaelJUD bl'<>'lghl agooo_t ,...... b,-Ibe .oov*,"alUD<">l l'biolitf. In I""" !Ntnet Conn 01the 11UrdluWcallJioltrict .>f IbP TfltTilOr'y.. I Waotbi....'1oD. bol<JinK......... a l We CilJ" r llt-auko. 110 the Coll.Uty o1 KiD;;. f..... t1Ireo.D'- 01 Kill ll" ....1 Kltooat'. aDd 10 . 0 ­"" U thr complai.1I1 Iikd lorreon. ..n:.LI11....~"tr da,.. tn rlGaive tJI thr day 01 ........'I"ioel i loltrr the~ ... 10G or lb i>< tluU>_-. il ..." ,..1 _ilbio Il... Mid (~DI'f 0(Ki~; DC" if .., rnd. out of lhal eoQllly \.a tlD Ihi>< diacrie t. _ il1lio IhiM,. >ill,..; mM_w. ';lhio Ii",.. d .,..... or JU~1 by de­rlUlll will be tai.-u ~m..1 )...... ...-c..ot"iliDg'<) IhIt pn.n- '" tb8 ....... plaint.

Tb8 ..id atti,,11 • bI'ou¥t>l .. , n1lI....~. I~"0111 of t. obuQ&lr-eo.! 211dlifty (S~J ID-IC)....n...... gold allll. du' 01"'" a ClO'rt-iD1>nllD;.ory _ dawd. ~ltk-. W. T •• Al'~.

low.. lS16. aDd ~nbt.- _an dan III ..b.Io-. ~I<'fWillo •... ... I'...IIt........:u 1t ' !Ie.... of t..o , ...r 01--111. 1"" D> outh bom doedaloP oDtil paid ••1Id fur _ 110 M>drli~bor.­

ClM'1I \II of ....It. .' 00 ,'W.... bor.:b)" DOutkdthai if ron '.n to &:1"-" ""'" ...1.01' tneoaiI1 romp! i .. t .. abu~e n-q .. 'ft'd. the ..idI'lainWf_ iIt ld" ludl:nwnt .~u I ynn lorI",," _,, 'n or "1:iO 6-100. ".Id ooin.1oI'\et1Jt.r_ilb illIJ·ttllt ll..,,,,,..,, rrom I 'r-tuber lOth.llli6. allh" U ,"-' "r I . " l"'f (lI'n t. pet muulhulltil ..id • • "d fnr CUOIlO aDd dio lm......,.,.. ta"f ~lllt.

W,ln_ tlltl li nn. J . R. I.e..-iM. Jo.IKe ..t...id Ct'ur1, ....l thtt~ thot'n" t. I!> U.6thda,. nt l lf'O<'mbt-l'. A. lJ . 1I111>'

f"lu..1 l.u n :::I t4~AVY . CI<'!"Lb ,. Dt;t<J UI II ll.O 'W!( . 1.1< 1"-11)·.

,k-9 II WIl1TIt ,'1 )i.~• • Ah ', . fur I· lft".PACIFIC COAST

U: .... ron COMI C()rnp""I~· .- -.- -'r B t: OFl"tCE Of" THI: AllUn OO_ P.utI'III I.. _ l'lo. ... It&oDoo .. Buooet -, __

b.ludlD~ . _ l>e.. the 1Ior-' boob ... opl'Il . AU.... lD'fILod 100 0I0ll U><l el.loZlliDe UIoo p.....

C- B. BUlOI2TT. Ilecrfluy.1MUlI.)brdo I , 1'1,. .

BioS FRANCI800 , No\'. 7.- ArriveJsteamer City of PanamA. from Vi..­to ria ; Ilh ip ComDloo)o re. from He:attle ; Lookont, from Se ho me.

Sailed. IChoontr I'lluonill. P ortDlakely .

S AN F RA NCiSCO, Dt'll. 4 . - Dr. F.J . Kre llhl , a Ge rman, aged 32, com­

mitted snicide this evening .t bifJresidence. ·410 Minna Itreet, bytaking morphine. Ca u.se peeuniarytro ublll8. Dtlceaseo1 WIW eec~ta ry

of the Y 8IIOnic Mntull Aid Soo.·iety,an.ll'ngaged io ln llursn(.'Ol bu!:line...... 'ith &·u rieloer .i: Hov.'e ll . 2'_'tl & 0­llQUle lItrt'et. He leaH~lI a ..'ite An.1one child .

p ooi llelli ng on the fonr-mile rarelor Sa'unl.y began this eveni ng.Large .ttendance and bidd ingli...e ly . Mollie Ml'Cartby ha>.J th8call l rom the fil'>lt 11'..1ing off a t$150 to lId t ie A $;;); Joo<ie C !t'.! 51) ;Hallin(Ot te $22 50; Emma tika :JWt812; Lol. Lodi ! 1l; Ge nde Ann ietllO. S nbsequenll,. Mollie _J.1 . t5120; Field $iS. I n te r<!04 in Ih..~ it bl'giuning to gro.. tltron /l'.Ho~ will al l be here lo-Dlor IOW.

Au FllA..."I"CUICO. Dec . 9.--So~thing d f"linite has at lut been doneio the Wiggin ton·P achtooo eon""t.the lormer ha...ing tabn tbl' ini t il­tory steps. A . rit of mluhlat.e h.ubPfon i"",ned by the Di~trlrl Court attue in~ta.nOl'l of Attorney Gen~1 J oHam il ton. aDJ. wu lJe t"Tt'd 1Mt niR"bton Ml rkley. connty clerk of Mun ­te rey co unty.to compel him to Ihowcan_ ..bT be . hould no t i880e a oer'ti ficate gning Wiggington t..o mon!'...otes than he actually reeei...l'd .l\epublieans a llege that the prol"eed ­inga have been done io an under·handed 1D.aDOer. the IrieJtd, of P . ­checo having been b pt eotire'y inthe dark.and tbu thel be_ uoth inglit the pfOJlOf!'Od prooeedioga nntiltbe i""uante of the mandate .

pot thought Bepublieana ahoaldRrmljr adl:*e .. their rightL Vio­lence may DOl come; but if it dOM,tbel.l thOMl .ho lI8ek 10 defeat. the• ill of the people wiDbe r8IIpQnaibtefor iL .

&-nator )f0l't0tl aMu:d if ..e go on

aod do ourdnty. there 1ril1be ID liKihbowl ing ud. bin.... bat.DObre.ehof the.-. There will be a gen­eral acqoietlOeDOtil; I.nd the aUelllptedlrand in 0 "J800 -.rill mee\ the gen·eral neora&ion of 1D.aDlliod and ..illbe an ntwr failnre.

Gee, Garfield u.id. if be coold DOl

pro e the Repoblieau CUEI 80 incon-uo ertibl;' u to coovince thejudg ·meo t 01 &IIy onprejudiced man., he..onld agree De ...er ~D to make •publio lpeech .

K ra'" You:, Dec. 9. - The TI_~'

WMhingtoo lpeeial aa,a : BothbooleS ad journed to-d.y ti ll Moo­day. 1oC.oy Democrats have gooeto Ke.. Yo.ak to stay over Bunday.nd consult ..ith the pat head oftbe ir party as to the ned mov.­ment. It haa been shown by theproceedings io caucus ~d in Co n­~, and ia still more spparentl rom private converaationll, th.ttrouble aboo t the election ~ mlll.1emostly by • little Irnot of Ne.. Yorkpoliticiatl8 ..ho ha\'e their hearbupon controlling the pa.~ronage ofthe govern ment , aod of taking poe'1ICMi0 0 of the offices. Bui lor •dozen men lrom the North. mOllt!yIro m S e.. York. oppositioo to theina uguration 01 B ay eEI ..ou ld h~veceuaeJ. entirely ..ith the ...oti ng 00WedneaJay. _0\11 it ill. i n . p ite oftheir endeavon the excite ment i ..vrohly decreasin g hqe. & utbernmeD distruBt TiideD and speak re­IIptlCtlnlly 01 Haye., and ..oulJ ac­

C'\!pt bim chfo.erfully lor Pre8iJent·Ben Biil lo..J.ay aays H.yes ..illhave the greatest opportunity 01 aliIPre<id~nt ever chOlien if he lIhall beinaugnrat.e.l.

Xf:'W Yon , Dee . ~-senator Booth_&II re ticeot. He presumed the remigM btl agitation in tLe Pacificti tatea, es pecially tond.ing tbe Ore­gou _. but theee were the 6Ilme

everywhere. He thought st.teMneu" 'ould be chary of indh 'idnal u ­p~ions of opin ions_ I t might beunwi!le to ex pn!>!oll an opinion id th isI18riOUS juncture 01affairs. Of counoe.aaiJ be. there . ill have to be so meunity of actlW' OD all N mp icat..dq uelll1ons. ~, Il:ich C&D only Cume at­&t!r coDlInlta t ioD. U eac h e1pf'8ll.8ellan opinion in advance , s uch opinionmight be a t ...ariance and the reaultewbarra&ling. B e tbiuM it entire­ly prob&llitt t hat before the electoralvotes are counW the ease m.ade upfor Tilden ...mbe too ..-6!lk t.oIleCUIVthe Inpport 01 Congreaaional leadeNaud th...t it ...ill be alwaJ.onN. byTilden .


Ira.. ,.,.. p.,u .-_....... ·1

Telegraphic N · evideDOe of W I oGSoer. the eJear.ewsi._ deecription 01 the terrible atnlg-g le bj- tbe and ience to tllIClapO fromthe bnrniDg building gi...en. There",as eveD a largPr crowd around themorgue this morning than y~l'"

tlay. The~ of people ocenpiedtbe lidewatk in rroo t 01 the deadhouse . There ..as • •piri' 01 levitypt'!reeptible. Permita two days old..ere derDlUlded lrom pt'!t'&Una y bo(lOuld aatWy olficera thei bW lOItlriends or n!'laIion. by tbe fire . They...-eee al lo..ed 10 enter from time' totime,~ing tbe l ront door throughthe room lIt.'COnd 0 0 the light, ..h icheontaineod SO botliea lyiog 0 0 thefloor. :Sone ....e re iden tified.

S rwYou . Den. 8.-1t i. no..-.id tllU the State Department baa...tialaetor:'" e \·ide u<"C t ba' T ..e.odbribed the U. S . Co nso l .t Santi~

de Coba to procure ...._ 1 lor h isescape to Bpain . The Consol ..31

11i~miMed to-da y.A man gi...i ng hi. Dam e as Augost

Pros per F08lI, whom Ne.. York de·teeth es have been on the lookoutlor as au OOCODlI)tice with Art hurDe\'ore in Ule murder 01J ennio Bon­net. in Cal ilo rn ia. came to t he po'lice central otlk-e th is I fternoon andgave h imself o p. He It'M I' ltlCed inconfinement with Devore.

J ohn Morri!lMlY bas deelared offall poolll >'Old in his house on thellirect: resutl 01 the P ret<identi.1elt'llt ion. an,l i, Ilay ing bowk al lmoney pIaood in hill bands on lhataeo re .

C RI(' AOO. Dec . 8. - A W .... b ington"pecial aaYll the deci sion . ollwuingPJ'E>lIi.lpDt Ferry oD t he J Oint RuletlQe-stioo is C,)uai.lered • great stf'Pto"·anls o;olving the election compli ­C:J.ti\lD!I. since the Republicans can'1ufOStionont' :\I ill.wuri anl1one XorthCarolina eleoMoral vote on prt'('iltt"l....tbe !lame gT'Ound(ll'" the Dt-mOl" r'lIts

k~Jl the llranght out ; people ,n're 'lue-stiolo the \IOlid lWpobtinn re ...ere coming down lrom the gallery. turn from Oregon . It ill doubtfulbn t suddt'nly atopflE"<l ; he sa.. _ bat i f the Df'mO('ratll ..ill eveo aUo..

t~ matter w~. and got to the fin;t ICronin to appear and p..-nt bi",lhght 01 stilt'll; tbl're 1I"&!J a 1&<11 n>tnrD. It ill autboritatively l'tatOO....ho ~t hl'r le~ caught in the bal- thllt a telegram has ~n It'nt tou~rad~ ; . maD ff'lI OV€'f her, 1UI11

1Gov. Tildeo. nrging bim to repndi.othe"" blling over him ma<le a heap ate OroYers action..bieb thO!lf'l in the n>a~ were ~nah1e CHlCAOO. Dee . ; . _ &OpDblieansto .pa.q; thf"re w~re 00 or OO)leO- hIve hea,u hold ing medingsto-nigbtIe 10 • h...p .lIt the foot .01 the second iD varionll pl~ in the Dortb wet<t.tlight of stai rs; the ..taU'lI ...-e-re o~n firing guos .nd otherwise nprf'Mingall the ......,. down from th.:lt POlDt. Kf':lotiti~tion at what thfOVhl'lieve to.n.llhe opp("r "la in ...-ere vacant fur be the ce rtain elec tion o f- B "vea anl1fonr o r Ih-e liIeJlll,; at this 'f"hef'ler . Ch icago Df'm(l(";"'u aret ime !he smuke ....ll8 very ~e-n;;e, IIN'paring to df"monlltrate tbeir llat ­and It ...... not three mi nutes illraction at ti ,e r&ltult on SatonJay.• fter tbe fire broke out till ~he cur- Br FPu.o S PRnms. (Wyomingts~n ,,·4-.. lower ....l ...nl1 too~ tire, ...nJ Ter.) Dec. -I .- The t rool* . re stillt hl l1 ha.J the effect or St.'n,hng 11:unl'8 bere. A su pply l'lImp bl S bef'nli p to the gaUe ry . I lookffi. at It for rorml:'d. gnardt"ll by d e-buJ" lromt1,ree !leConlb Ind thpn closed the the inlsnt ry In,1 art ille ry . All lUf'lndoor of the pa r'1uette ; penlOOS ....ere nnsble to nndf" rgo the f...t iKD CII 01lliled up in a belL~ /WIt cried .to me the coming m'lfCh 'llrill be le ft he-reto hel p tbt'm ; 1 .bd IWt so me In the nr I<l'n t to Fette rman . S o late ne wlIrear to fall back t ill I got a maD of the hOlltile8. Oe D. Crook illout ; _ ing thf"!IO I!.ot ont they aU awai l in~ the retnrll o f lICOutll;r Ullhed forwar,1 ag i/.ID and bIockeJ. we'lth er mild .t he Jll1.llRllge ; I t ried to ex t ricate. NEWYO)!l(, Dt>e. I f). · - A commit­....oman whoIII'! It'g WlUI canght in ti le too 01 banke rs anl1 merchants of New

. tliling, hut she wa~ held Ill.lIt ; an York met Iellter<1ay at Delmoni co'sn llh!'r came o p to lWI;st ; " ·e maJe a 1UI11 appointed Benjamin II. Sher'foDl...1l l,lllce among them ; we tore man, 01 the Merchant' s Bank, t re lUl'thEl ll re_'s ofT IIOme, but Wf" A"ot urer of the re lid land lor tbe 5ul ­t1w!n nu t ; tllen I wen t to the d~ fe rel'll by the Brooklyn tire. It ..asci rde Bn.t fOllD<1 a woman th ere ; reporied that a m.jority of tbOflOtonk hpr ont ; there mll~t have bet>n 1000t were poor. leaving re llti't'ellde­ot hn I'N'so nll there. lur 1 heard l.e nding on them . There werecri ..... Imt cuuM nrt _ them on ae- s l)(lnt , ::i ('ME'S 01 I I"<)lnte ,tt'lltito­("Onnt 0' t he l'lJloke ; knew the-n> tion. and 100 to 200~ ret ln iringmUlIt 1>8 lIt!vcn.1 othe r>< in the dress Ill__ialllo$l<ata.n("e.ci rc le who wero overblken by the W.l.SJlIJiU'fo:<,. Dec. 10.- A' an in­fire . 1 Wll.-~ thfOu getting _eak ; I terril''' heM yt'llterday " 'i tb Imbliedrol'l oo.od to lhe door to gt't tte!'h air; men. t lifOy espreased tbf"mM"lveR all

th" 1I000ke wa~ black ~woke IInJ bad lollowll : 8o:-n.Ior &rgent ....id hea n 'ry l uffoeating IImell ; I am In lookeJ. npob the situ.ation &II gra'fe.rl.] lirelD-'4n an.1 never e1I't:rit"nced T he Demoerau are la8bing the m­Ilmoke IlO suffocating; I WHII not io IIt'ht'S to ac lion• • nd trying 10 inthl ­tb~ 1I10(,ke more than three minutes. ence the ir rollowen. and thfly mightYllt co uI,1 not breathe ; the tint aDd IIneeet...l in evoking gt"neral mobIol'COnd gall..,rit.... 8Vf'n the slai"". mO"ewen18 if HaI ('lI ..ere declared...·"'re at the t ime filled with sufl'o- elected. U lucb dec l. ration " ere X.tlft.

. , h be' I T. aU ,....- II •• J" e-._....NtlDg aDlo....e-; no nl:llan Ing eould made tc-dlY. t ..ou ld be Io('(}nit'N't'd '.' Il EII U II. tlW0.-_ ol lM 0.-

livl' in th llt l'moke two minutt>oo; 1 in _ The Reponblit'llD _ i. cll'!ar Y 11.... 0tkl0. I. .. ....,... ....,...hl,(

". Ioro l """'" II>MIll<> _ .. T..~p " ' .bea N II tbnmping noillt' as i IlOme nn.l Mrong. bnt the p_nt move- I<,. r 1_ , 1. 1~ . 101ri<1 <Of Ia-..h ,........r'\lOUS ..e re ,·,mp;,. ont 01 win . mf" n1801 the IJ.t.woerats ant c:aIeu- II 01' "' . T . .-101 w1tt..br1dr - •.r.-~ I I .. r:ai <>1 u..do..... ; at the t inlll it ....as utterly im - latOO to iDcreaJIoe a tumoltuola ....- •........., ,,,,,"",, n - ...."'11, .......b:..- .~ 10.-1 ._~ T.}J08l'ible to get to the top of the ~pirit of the ignorant~.....ho r1, • • "" ltl... ,_,. W. T -- -

" ) I _. "'- - - ' - -' . _•.- 1-' d "JIlM- aLI.. ru.. IM4" eow-blp ....gal ery. ..u ..most SUu............. ......... thMr cne fro m -..en, an r.aco-. na: r....IM)t . .. " of~ .....

_ b8n I got out. 1 ano... the people have DO individual or intl!lligent =::''==a':.t'::~,:':'~'"::':'::.."N all taken l rom the dreae rircle idEoa(ll. The PlOtt' aerioDl blo.. to _ ....."" IW'- " _ wnlloia U.u-.of..... 100001. ... 11011 .~. &II)" roal ... Ill......IWn, but 1 heud criel inside; I the Democrats ia thu ..hieh Las ~.'-"" ""'I, ""'UoM -.ld lu<llleal led out " .ho ant yoo?" but got been gi~n in Oregon here the -;:~~c:....-:::::-a-~.. wlta 1a8......

DO . nllwer; eve n ..hen 1 got do..n a ttempt to st...t a ...ote 10 ob. _ . ..._ u. eo........... ~ ....~~ f""'.1111-....1 tI>.r_ _ , "-"l0-

on the l1oor ' l beard • thumping ...ioos and ftagrant. .nd the coune "' lM dlattderol ooaI.t a-rtbed I.... IoloaII

r ....~. _ - (..'1et-' 01 Uoo 1>hIr1d <loou1noiee 18 i f jum ping out ol the uppt"r pUl'llued ditl"e rent from that 0 Dem- . ' ..100 Utedl, "'1I...tn... ... T.. 0II'1aP

_lie .... the, h.. '·Ulll.....t lrom tbe ocratic ao...ernon io other Btatea, '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,''''''''''''''''1'''' 110 do)' of bPr. A. D. 1815. ""-'DDII>II.r • _e- . ~ t ....... 1 0 ·" Ioo:-' ~ _blcl:rpla<'t' oad ll<oeall .......-Ilery to the d~ cirel~; the where Democratic .leeton &II . much _ _ h,_ ""' " tbe llrr "r t he rlu•.e- _ o>ftbf 1 _ _ twod " .........ul......'moke "P lIO denlle tbat I co uld oot d isqnalified .. Wat ts got oertifieatel: ",apa-r 1100 u.-...... tlIt- . ,......D' ....,11 • .,"

ha...e _ 0 the~; there ..as no b reak- that sospicion is oaat on a ll Demo- =..i':~&o~' .-blloob llulr.....

iog of ~e ltaira ..hile I was th",re; cn.tic pret.ention•• and tbe people p= ~':'-:"~J-:'=. ~~*':'"0:.1.0;:I am pretty lIure all in the dreea are enlighteoed all to the kintl of 400J 00 !i'~.......... A. Il.. 1876 .

.. ill ad M Sa J . F.B....... &-trt .circle did not get out alive." The tactica ey.. opt. t· r· Roa&II'I' o. '''''all'r._ ...... ... .

:SEW YORs , Ike. 7.-Tbe Brook­lyp thealtl r ...... burned last night .the fire oriw,nating d1lring the per­fOfm..nee of " The T .-o Orphans. "It w&I attf'DJf'<.I III an appalling 108'11of life , aUtI it h. thought that DOtlei'll Ibn three hundred pE"J'l'OD8

-eere killoJ or burned to deetb, T hefire broke Ollt during the perform"anoo of the la.'IIt IIN'Uf'i in fi\'"& min­n tt'S more the MoJienoo ..ouM ha,.ebeen dillll1~l . and there wouldha\'"t' bren nothing more Ilerionsthan the des t rudioDof the propt"rtr .The bou lIe ...&8 ahout h ro-thinll fu ll ,the an,) it>lIre heiu,lt well forwardlo..&rJ. the !taft.... The pan ic·"trick­t'D 1-'1,le rn..heo.l [)(Ill-me ll to ..a nballll ,10",u thtl 8tH.irway... The mai nex it became imDl t><1iatdy l'!hoked u p ,

a D.I .. _ lie of ' '''fr or . confus ion antIJ illtrf'!<.'11 ('011 \1('<1 'ol'hieh be ggars de­St·ril'tion. .Tu..t uhc)\'e the lantliDg'" IlioN, of t he . tai rway a woman illthe (' rllI<1I 11I,,1 hN loot JllIlIhed be­tW('('n the lijlllillte rli an,l fell ; thee rowJ hehin.l . lorct'tl 10rwlI.nl hythe te rrified Jll..'Ople IIt ill further be­hiul1. fell on!r her nnd pi leJ. ontop of (, llCh otber lonr or tiV8 deep.Th e ollil'ial r t'I>ort of tbe borial com­mittl'O IItah'" that 286 boJies W(O f(!takf'n from the ruits. Fire Mar­shal Ko>P,liDg ",souit'd th8 inn !s t i­guti(.u thill morniog. O. A. Wei...D.....r :_titif'<l that he w&< in the thot­3tre; 1J,e 8/IoW dames .nd burninglM!'f'Dt'ry. and l'u llb l:'d lorward tOOllenthe ,loon ; the Al"tOl'SIIIliett'J the IlU-

• • dienN for a moment, atlll he waiteJ.at thl' .loon till the sl)('('tlllon wereaUout. and then dOlOetJ the l1oo~ to•


.' .

,. ,
