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VOL 28, Issue 01/02

January - February 2007


Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine Renews 21ST Century Industrial RevolutionThe Solution To The Energy Crisis In This Country Has Finally Arrived! A Source of Energy that will End Wars and End Fossil Fuel Burning is at Hand!that matter. A source of energy that will end discovery of the 21st century. The name may wars, create a peace in war stricken oil rich sound complex, but the AAT Engine actually areas as never before seen, while providing runs and operates using only ambient air more economic security across the globe. the very air we breathe. Skepticism often What you are about to read is history being follows as a first reaction to any new and made. It is of the utmost urgency that this innovative technology or discovery. This engine, this is why the cremiracle of ators of this technology clean energy be brought to solution have market now. produced live We must stop video of the depleting our engine in opernatural resourcation. es, as most T h e people agree, inventor and and take hold engineer of this historic of the ATT and revolutionEngine is Ron ary opportunity Rockwell, a immediately. researcher and The solution to gifted scientist the energy crisince 1955. sis we face in Mr. Rockwell this country has The Revolutionary Aerodynamic Air Turbine and Dr. Bob finally arrived. Beverly have Engine as developed by Ron Rockwell. It is found in twice appeared the Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine (AAT on the Lou Epton Show, nationwide radio Engine) presented by Ron Rockwell, a scienprogram broadcast out of Las Vegas, Nevada, tist, inventor and engineer. The AAT Engine (which since then has been terminated, as is truly the most innovative, groundbreaking believed due to this topic!) to discuss the By TAB Staff Adapted from Press Release December 21, 2006 Exclusive to The Americans Bulletin Aerodynamic Air Turbine Engine - The End of Fossil Fuel Burning - The Beginning of a Renewed Industrial Revolution for the 21st Century was the title to the National Press Release dated November 3, 2006 in regards to the new redesigned Air Turbine Engine Technology, as sent out to over 50 local and national news agencies and newspapers and the engine was the purpose of a trip to Washington, D.C. by the scientist/inventor Ron Rockwell and his cohort Dr. Bob Beverly. The trip was akin to the yellow brick road with the hopes of success in acquiring the funding from the Federal Wizard. The Wizard of course did not reveal himself, but audience was given to a lowly Federal Agency Representative of the Department of Energy, who evidently was brain dead or merely following orders. However. What you are about to read is absolutely the answer to the question that America and the world at large has been seeking for decades; a clean and efficient energy source. A source of energy that will abolish our dependence on foreign oil and any oil for ATT Engine and its unlimited uses. Ron Rockwell and Dr. Bob Beverly were recently in Washington, DC and met with the Department of Energy in hopes that they would embrace this unprecedented technology. Unfortunately, Ron Rockwell and Dr. Beverly were met with bureaucratic indifference. The two agents of the Department of Energy they met with immediately said that the funding was an issue. Funding? The end of oil dependency as this world knows it and a truly clean energy source that is proven to work, and they say that funding is an issue? This is a deplorable disgrace and a shame to every American and to the world at large! But if that was not a kick in the face, the United States Department of Energys Secretary Bodman announced a $2 Billion Dollar Federal Loan Guarantee Program as part of his First Anniversary Celebration of the Energy Policy Act, according to the August 7, 2006 press release on the Department of Energys own website! The press release states, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Samuel W. Bodman today unveiled DOE program guidelines for a total of $2 Billion in loan guarantees to help spur investment in projects that employ new energy techSee Engine nologies. With these loan guaran- Continued on Page 12

Federal Judge Rules Bushs Post-Sept. 11 Terror Order UnconstitutionalNovember 29, 2006 By the Associated Press LOS ANGELES A federal judge struck down President Bushs authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his postSept. 11 executive order was unconstitutional and vague. Some parts of the Sept. 24, 2001 order tagging 27 groups and individuals as specially designated global terrorists were too vague and could impinge on First Amendment rights of free association, U.S. District Judge Audrey Collins said. The order gave the president unfettered discretion to label groups without giving them a way to challenge the designations, she said in a Nov. 21 ruling that was made public Tuesday. The judge, who two years ago invalidated portions of the U.S. Patriot Act, rejected several sections of Bushs Executive Order 13224 and enjoined the government from blocking the assets of two foreign groups. However, she let stand sections that would penalize those who provide services to designated terrorist groups. She said such services would include the humanitarian aid and rights training proposed by the plaintiffs. The ruling was praised by David Cole, a lawyer for the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Constitutional Rights, who represented the plaintiff Humanitarian Law Project. It says that even in fighting terrorism the president cannot be given a blank check to blacklist anyone he considers a bad guy or a bad group and you cant imply guilt by

AMERICAN POLICE WILL ENFORCE THEBy Greg Evensen October 14, 2006

association, Cole said. He said the Humanitarian Law Project will appeal those portions of the executive order which were allowed to stand. A U.S. Department of Justice spokesman had a mixed reaction to the judges ruling. We are pleased the court rejected many of the constitutional arguments raised by the plaintiffs, including their challenge to the governments ban on providing services to terrorist organizations, Justice spokesman Charles Miller said Tuesday. However, we believe the court erred in finding that certain other aspects of the executive order were unconstitutional. The judges ruling was a reversal of her own tentative findings last July in which she indicated she would uphold wide powers asserted by Bush under an anti-terror financing law. She delayed her ruling then to allow more legal briefs to be filed. The long-running litigation has centered on two groups, the Liberation Tigers, which seeks a separate homeland for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, and Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, a political organization representing the interests of Kurds in Turkey. Both groups have been designated by the United States as foreign terrorist organizations. The judges 45-page ruling granted in part and denied in part a legal challenge brought by the Humanitarian Law Project, which seeks to provide training to the groups in human rights advocacy and provide them with humanitarian aid.


aynard Brazeal, the retired Director of the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center told me privately in 1980, that the moral character of the men and women he was preparing for a career in law enforcement would determine if America remained free or would be under police state conditions. Mr. Brazeal is one of those few exceptionally talented men who knew police work well and also knows that societys thin line between jungle rule and ordered society is but one riot away from catastrophe. Maynard was to become a very close personal friend who was admired by thousands of Kansas Peace Officers, state and federal agency heads, and politicians two numerous to count. His word was his absolute bond and when he said, buddy, Ill stand by you, he meant with his life, if necessary. Maynard was a Lieutenant for the Kansas City, Missouri, police department. He wrote the first organized riot control manual in the United States, and was involved in the great Paseo shootout that left several police officers and several more crime figures dead or wounded on Kansas Citys south-east side. Maynard was a fearless defender of society and of the men and later women he person-


ally stood in front of and gave his extensive lifetime of experience to train. His training methods were straight forward, true to life, and absolutely left no room for ethical lapses in judgment. Maynard was a real life John Wayne in size, courage but most importantly heart. He stood by me as I fought to contain an old lawless town in Kansas, where I served as marshal after leaving the State Troopers. We stood by each other as we both endured the untimely deaths of our precious wives. Maynard Brazeal is a legend. To Kansas Peace Officers and indeed police officers across America, he is still called on to assist in the defense of those who are on trial for split second actions that requires years of court reflection to sort out. He is a gifted public speaker, a Christian gentleman, and a very talented baritone vocalist who loves old Gospel quartet music. We have sung together many times and as Maynard would say; there are a few of us old timers whose metal has been tested severely in the fires set by the most evil among us. We each came through and now in the later years of our lives, Maynard has written in his own hand to me, remember Greg, you would be a good man to walk the river with. This saying, first uttered by a Border Patrol agent many years ago, is the final test of how brave men huddle together to share their lives. Talk low, talk slow, and dont talk too much, is the unspoken rule among men who took lawful orders, used constitutional justice as their guide, and knew when to do the right thing the humane thing, See NWO the compassionate thing, when it was Continued on Page 9

2 - January/February 2007 THE AMERICANS BULLETIN

Published Bi-monthly and sent to Subscribers in every State in the American Republic! Our Mailing Location Is: The Americans Bulletin c/o P.O. Box 3096 Central Point, Oregon 97502 Phone 1-541-779-7709 Fax 1-541-779-7709 Publisher/Director Robert Kelly Advertiser Dept. Joyus-Apollo Diamond [email protected] EMAIL ADDRESSES articlesubmissions@ bookorders@ paralegalservices@ prisonerissues@ redemptionprocess@ subscriptions@ When leaving a message about orders or problems please leave a detailed information and dont forget to leave your phone number. All Material which is mailed to or received by TAB grants permission to reprint and becomes the propety of TAB. All articles are considered for publication. Due to space requirements we reserve the right to edit articles while maintaining context. For orders and subscriptions please send cash, or postal money order (Pay To line blank or to TAB). This paper is published on a bi-monthly basis. Phone calls are monitored for quality and performance. Thank you for your patronage. The Americans Bulletin is covered under (c) 1998 common law copyright DISCLAIMER

The Americans Bulletin

Dear Subscribers and Readers:


ell, here we are, quickly at the end one year and fast approaching a new one and it will have begun by the time you read this. With the democrats in control, watch for, obviously, the continuing breakdown of America. With war still in Iraq and the Bush Rgime wanting to entice more wars (Iran), reviewing the draft, the Patriot Acts and various acts or otherwise divesting the rights of the people and now with the issue over the North American Union, the financial matters with the Federal Reserve and China (see enclosed articles herein), were in for a hell of ride. It appears that sanity and our America First compass has not only been thrown out the window, but was crushed first into pieces. Then we have the introduction of this AIR TURBINE ENGINE, front page, and it appears to be a god send as to that type of technology to the extent it could do miracles for humanity and the world, and as we are told, the federal government as well all major government controlled newspapers and government TV media has developed a fast and serious case of blindtosis and stupidtis unless you understand that government today does not care about you, your rights, your property and their agenda is to keep you in state of debt, servitude, subjugation and controlled for their benefit and that of their masters. Its called controlled chaos and once you understand that, you know where you stand with it or them. Then you can decide what your gonna-do? This past year has been to say the least, very interesting. We were able to produce our first book catalog, our subscriptions are up, the ISA Sovereignty Information Packet was finally completed and has been mailed out and can be emailed as well. Our web page has a new face and were looking to 2007 to be even a better year, but extremely more interesting and well do our best to inform your and provide you information in the best wake-up and smell the coffee-FREE PRESS newspaper in the Country TODAY!

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THE AMERICANS BULLETIN January/February 2007 - 3

OPEN LETTER TO AGENTS OF THE CROWNPosted By: kbcjedi Via Rumor Mill News By: We Oppose Deception An Open Letter to BAR Attorneys with apologies to Patrick J. Fitzgerald, an American hero. e the People are getting mighty educated these days. We tracked down the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution - you know, the one you started the War of 1812 over so you could burn the copies - and it says you Esquires are not allowed to have a title of nobility AND hold public office in America. Up until now, you have been getting away with it. We learned that the BAR originates in the Crown Temple in London , England . Therefore, your oath to the BAR means you are not Americans anymore but agents for a foreign power. You have no citizenship. You claim to have licenses to practice law. As a matter of fact there is no such thing as a license to practice law. We searched in the statutes, codes, rules and regulations for every state and also their respective secretaries of state and supreme courts. No authorization for the license to practice law exists anywhere. That means every one of you is unauthorized and illegal in the Republic. JOHN HENRY DOE, ESQUIRE is a fiction that exists only on paper. What you do have is a BAR card that simply authorizes you to use the statutes, codes, rules and regulations, which are all copyrighted. We cant help but notice that all of the law you use is copyrighted, so the People cant use it without using you. People, how well are you doing with these copyrighted statutes? It wasnt easy since you have us hanging upside down looking in the mirror trying to read the newspaper, but we figured out that statutes, codes, rules and regulations are not law but abrogations of the law. Abrogate means to abolish by authoritative action: ANNUL. Applying the force of deadly violence, you annulled the real Law and replaced it with color of law. Color of law is a false flag, a pirate flag. Youre all a bunch of actors. No license, and no law, either. We counted the number of statutes, codes, rules and regulations that you created, with the intelligence endowed by your Creator, to use against us. There are many more than 60 million statutes, codes, rules and regulations, certainly more than all of you BAR attorneys put together can keep track of without plenty of software, quarterly updates, and teams of legal researchers - and, voila! You have billing! You write statutes, codes, rules and regulations at the behest of the putrefyingly corrupt Chosen Masters, the ancient hate-driven cult within a hate-driven racist sect that are the tiresome take-over-the-world crowd and the blueprint for criminality. The


beasts of this world have more honor than you. You herd the People you have defrauded into the system of the Matrix like so much cattle, to be processed, robbed of their freedom, families and property, experimented upon with drug sorcery, and all too often killed. You do this because the BAR Association is a hate-driven money cult. Your masters reward you with obscene hourly rates for the building of your personal empires. You are so far gone from the sight of God that you think you have the authority to write rules to justify torturing your fellow beings. You have much blood on your hands. And your noble cause is what? Why, the U.S. bankruptcy is your noble cause, your reason for destroying millions of lives minute by minute. The U.S. bankruptcy is George W. Bushs noble cause. Claiming the authority to enact and enforce new bankruptcy laws (statutes) that create debtors prisons for the People, who since 1933 have had no money to pay a debt with, the U.S. corporation is itself bankrupt and has made us into the surety for the debt. In fact all so-called governing bodies in the U.S. are bankrupt corporations telescoping from one to the other, back and forth between federal-state-county-municipal, due to the Federal Project of Credit. The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a bankrupt corporation and does not exist. Your law firm is bankrupt. There is no money. We have no law because we have no money. Whether or whether not you BAR attorneys swore a secret oath to administer the U.S. bankruptcy, the bankruptcy is in each and every letter you send, every form you submit, every court pleading you file, every plea bargain you negotiate. It is a fact of your every professional thought, besides billing. Law has nothing to do with it. At this point you attorneys have made your true function patently obvious. Attorning means to take all of the property of the People and give it to the Chosen Masters. Well, your masters day is over. Oh, it may seem that they are consolidating their control of all the Earth, therefore assuring your positions as their agents for profit and mayhem; but always profit; but we continue to expose the Chosen Masters in this forum and many others, and we are getting quite ready to jam their signals, crash their programs and round them up. Guess where we are going to put the Chosen Masters! You are being destroyed by leaks from within. From the 13 European families of banking perversion to the Every-town, USA municipal traffic court judge (who would not be caught dead retiring with less than $30 million of the Peoples money) and all the Satanist racketeering extortionist blackmailing pedophile warmongering purveyors of human

flesh in between, the Chosen Masters are finished. Some of you attorneys may be hearing the jungle drums and growing uneasy, but most of you are 100% in your ego at all times and proud of being arrogant. Your arrogance may interfere with your understanding of this message, but check it out, because now it is your turn to understand something. The jig is up. The truth herein is ugly, but we believe Americans are very angry about the truth to date and that they are ready to hear more. Many will even act on it according to their conscience. Just when we thought your deeds could not possibly get more hideous, we discovered that you create commercial paper for each inmate in prison and put a price on him and hypothecate that price many times. Correctional Corporation of America ( Nashville , Tennessee ) creates the bonds, and Lehman Brothers underwrites those bonds for being bought and sold on the world financial markets. The Chosen Masters cut you in on the deals and you all take profits from this. We are enraged to know that U.S. corporations are being funded by our brothers and sisters who were busted for pot or for not having a current drivers license. You BAR attorneys created crimes out of nothing and wrote the rules for this heinous and sickening theft of the Peoples energy, all for administering the U.S. bankruptcy and your own unjust enrichment. We the People, the ones in whom the power is truly vested, are putting an end to your trafficking in human flesh and spirit. We used to have common law courts in this country. In common law, unless a living being has been injured or property loss has occurred, there has been no crime. We also found out that you BAR attorneys raised the level of the Sea on paper so that it covers the land, thereby fraudulently subjecting us to admiralty/maritime law, to the Law of the Sea, to piracy. A cop pulling us over is an act of piracy. It is a kidnapping. Thats a pirate flag hes flying, so cops reading this take heed, for the Chosen Masters put you where the rubber meets the road. Get this through your heads now: codes do not apply to the People, only to the corporation for which they were written, and that means you, and it means you are nothing more than corporate thugs. Some of you became cops in order to get respect. But we have been giving you not respect but fear, and people can overcome their fears. We have a God-given right to defend ourselves and our property. Just keep it up, and the survivors of you cops will yourselves become defendants. The Chosen Masters have decreed that there are too many of us, so you BAR attorneys make it legal on paper for vile toadies of the Chosen Masters to poison us and the entire Earth through the food, air, water, and land, and when we sicken, to force dangerous drugs upon us, and when we die, our former employers receive death benefits$$$$$$ on secret, illegal life insurance policies on us, unjustly enriching a variety of corporations so that the Chosen Masters may take profits. You (and the cops) will answer to the People in the lawful courts we establish and you must answer to your families, friends, neighbors and all whom you sold out and sold. Just about everyone - except Freemasons of course - has been to traffic court nowadays. What did you think was going to happen? You BAR attorneys are the original back-door men, the ones in the back room, failing to adjust the accounts. You never pay your bills. Once you take a case you are the holder of the account for the case. This means, under Public Law 73-10 wherein all crimes are commercial crimes, and under Public Policy, that you must adjust the account to offset the liability for closure and settlement. You always fail to make the ledger entry - there is NO money and the People are exempt from levy - so you attorneys never pay your bills. You impose the charges upon us and put us in prison instead. You get paid whether you win your case or not, and the judicial

system enforces the payment of your fees. This is conclusive proof of the criminality inherent in the U.S. judicial system. What else is a criminal but someone in possession of a valuable commodity - human energy - that was acquired without exchanging something else of value for it? Well, it is painfully obvious to the People that those are not our courts and we will never get justice in them. We are going to do away with them and you. Dont look now, but persons in positions of authority are going to seize the reins. Even now we are turning the tide for a permanent return to a constitutional form of government. The People will no longer tolerate the lies, the corruption and death that are your daily bread. You BAR attorneys are all drunkards drunk on debt, chasing Federal Reserve Notes which are debt notes and debt (death). You have made it illegal for the People to get out of debt! You put every man, woman and child under the probate statutes and made us into corporate fictions so you could create life-destroying industries such as taxation and the judicial system. You attorneys are harming the entire world, and you cannot make it more clear that you are anti-Life. Through trickery and the deceitful use of language, you would reduce our lives to nothing more than a series of commercial transactions. We who now must pursue such life-diminishing goals as getting out of debt or making the rent or paying the bills - we demand that the BAR stand down and stand aside, now, and make way for the true Law. For starters, the People are exempt from levy. In common law there are only two laws: do not harm another living being, and honor all of your contracts. But then there is really only one Law: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Speaking of personal debt, we learned from our research that the People, the living men and women of this land and all the lands, are the source of all pretend money; i.e., credit; i.e., commercial credit. So-called credit does not exist until We create it. We living Beings of Light are the source of all the energy that is expressed as credit. Thus, the People can never be debtors, and you attorneys have slandered our names in your collection letters. We will make claims against you for the slander of your deceit, so EXPERIAN, TRANS UNION, EQUIFAX, take note. Your BAR attorneys will not be able to save you. EXPERIAN, TRANS UNION and EQUIFAX are bankrupt corporations. Yes, People?, in this the Bizarro world the credit reporting agencies are insolvent. We recently heard that the authorities will start to confiscate our gold fillings and gold teeth. (This is for paying interest on the U.S. bankruptcy, folks.) Attention municipal, county, state, federal, United Nations Chosen Masters/Powers in Charge: We will not tolerate it. We denounce your obscenely unjust and unlawful codes and refuse to obey them. We hereby declare your illegal statutes, codes, rules and regulations to be null and void and of no further effect. You can take my drivers license and shove it! You are parasites. You create no value. You bring nothing to the table. All of the invisible so-called contracts by which you think you have us in a chokehold are null and void for lack of consideration, lack of full disclosure, for threats, duress and coercion in the formation of the contracts, and for being unconscionable. You aint got nothin! We the People demand forgiveness of all the debt. We demand the restoration of money of substance, backed by gold and silver. We demand our money back for all

the illegal income tax on our labor that you converted (stole and gave to a foreign corporation; i.e., the Federal Reserves collection agency INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE - also a bankrupt corporation). We demand the return of all the money you defrauded us out of for your cash cow Social Security Ponzi scheme. We demand our money back for all of those bull##### illegal parking tickets and illegal court cases. Inasmuch as those funds are collected by corporate thugs and therefore illegal, the funds cannot be added to municipal budget so therefore the Peoples property goes straight into the judges retirement fund. We demand that you make reparations to us for having defrauded and enslaved us. We demand the immediate stand-down of INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. Further, once INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE has returned to us every penny plus interest, we demand the permanent abolishment of INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. Then we shall sue our corporate employers for theft (Form W-4 and wage levies). We learned that our real government is in the county. In the Republic, where all of our rights are intact, our highest elected official is the county sheriff. We will restore lawful government first at home, in our counties. Generals and Provost Marshals, duty calls like never before, and we are taking names. Do your duty and put the county sheriffs under arrest, or we will! We will open the prison doors and send home everyone busted for pot and every other innocent victim of your unlawful codes. They will go home with all of their property restored to them plus reparations and public apologies. A goodly portion of those reparations will come from your pocket, Mr. BAR Attorney. We will return back to the prisons all of the real criminals routinely set loose into our communities by the pedophilic treasonous authorities, and many, many of you BAR attorneys will join them for your crimes. Judges merit a special note. Municipal traffic court, bankruptcy court, probate court, federal court, makes no difference, you are the most venal and rapacious type of creature imaginable. We have awakened to the real state of affairs: that we live in the Bizarro world. Thus it should come as no surprise that the man in the black dress, supposedly learned in the law, is in reality an extortionist, a career criminal, the most unlawful creature on Earth. The judges bench (bank) is a moveable feast, his black robes highly appropriate for a bird of carrion. You are all in breach of the Covenant, in breach of the Trust, in breach of the Contract. In your souls and in commerce, you are in dishonor. Your rights are forfeit and your property is forfeit - trust or no trust. We the People who are Beings of Light are taking responsibility and taking over. We are creating a world without parasites. Even as you read this we are ... phasing you out. You cannot turn back this tide. Members of the BAR, here are your choices: Come into the Light, or go into the Light. You very dark ones face uncreation or the Hell planet. You will not be missed. P.S. for the People: BAR Attorneys passed a very sneaky law in 1980 that says they represent both sides in a case! But it is a felony for an attorney to take money from someone he does not represent. So if an attorney bothers you, tell him hes fired! Enjoy!

4 - January/February 2007 THE AMERICANS BULLETIN


American Concentration Camps On The BooksTexas Representative urges repeal of neofascist laws in America before it is too lateThe Congressman also stated that monetary policy will stay the same, which can only mean bad news for the American economy. They all believe in the federal reserve, they are not going to get rid of the IRS and the income tax. I think the dollar is going to keep sliding, which means prices are going to rise, when currencies self destruct, the end goes quickly. There are no signs that there is anything being done in Steve Watson November 13, 2006 e-elected Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul joined Alex Jones on air last week to discuss the fallout of the midterm elections and what he sees transpiring over the next two years. He ended by ominously warning that if something is not done soon to overturn legislation such as the Military Commissions act, the law officially allows for citizen concentration camp facilities. Beginning with the positives to come out of the election, Ron Paul stressed that it has provided an important indication to the rest of the world that the people of America are unhappy with the usurpers that have seized control of their government and are trying to initiate change. The Congressman was quick to point out that this may not be carried into policy however: Not a whole lot will change because the leadership on the Democratic side, even if they had their way, dont have a different foreign policy. They have been supportive of an interventionist foreign policy in the middle east, and they are not about to back away from that... They are willing to criticize the policy but only as a means to get power. As we have seen over the past week, leading Democrats are all towing the party line, unreservedly dismissing any notion of the possibility of impeaching the President over Iraq.


care not about preserving and protecting American sovereignty when there is a quick buck to be made. Thats also part of the foreign policy to be in position to hold onto natural resources, thats one of the major reasons why were in the middle east, so yes if there is a financial crisis, theyre going to have the guns, and they have control of the natural resources... Its not a good scenario, because

Washington to correct the problem. Spending is going to continue and probably going to get worse, the deficits are going to stay high if foreign policy is not going to change. The Congressman agreed that the elite globalists within the US government may not care about this too much because it means they can blow out the economy and then come back and buy it up very cheaply. These Internationalists

what usually happens when you wipe out a currency is that you wipe out the middle class, and we already see this happening. The standard of living is going down. Paul asserted. Ron Pauls comments echo those of Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, who two weeks ago predicted a global economic crash within 24 months - unless the

current downturn is successfully managed. Asked if the situation was being properly handled Stiglitz emphatically responded no, and also drew ominous parallels to the development of the NAFTA Superhighway and the North American Union. What real Conservatism there was left in the House, to block such moves, as well as Bushs amnesty program for illegals, is gone. With Pelosi at the helm Ron Paul sees it as a forgone conclusion that such policies will sail through. I think thats right, although I complain about the two parties being Congessman exactly alike, I would say on this amnesty issue and whats happened with the election, there probably was a difference between the two. It is more likely with the Democrats in charge, and Judiciary and the other major committees, and with the President not really fighting for our national borders, hes always argued for some type of worker program, yes I think theres a much greater danger that that is going to be coming in the next session. Commenting on strategies to defeat the North American Union, the Congressman urged a continuance of educating people on the real issues and reaching more and more Americans who care about preserving their national sovereignty: You have to keep doing what you are doing, you are reaching a lot of people, and they have to get to their members of congress, and in many ways the current House has been pretty good with this. With the new House we dont know exactly what is going to happen, but I had something very encouraging come to my attention just this week. I had a call from a young lady that won in Kansas as a Democrat, and in her literature she put my whole article on the NAFTA super corridor in there...their party lost touch with its core conservative values. Liberal commentators consider it an awakening and revalidation of leftist thinking. Politicians seem the most out of touch with the message delivered by Americas electorate, with some considering it a mandate for Clintonesque government and others a simple repudiation of war done wrong. Well, listen up, you morons, particularly those of you in Congress, both coming and going, because I am going to tell you, in plain language and without subtle innuendo, exactly what it is that voters said this past week. None of you has a mandate for anything. Not one. Had each elected position on last weeks ballot carried an option marked leave this job vacant for the entire term, a much larger number of you now would be seeking new employment than you possibly can imagine. Very few of you actually are wanted in your position. You newly elected are there simply because we wanted to deliver a message to all of you, not because you somehow are better in our eyes. Those of you

She is not going to vote with Nancy Pelosi. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, The Congressman spoke on the issue of going about demanding a repeal of freedom crushing legislation such as the Patriot act and the Military Commissions act and the Defense Authorization Act which essentially wipes out Habeas Corpus. We might have to hope that our Supreme Court helps us out a little. The Court has been better than the executive branch and a heck of a lot better than the Congress, Ron Paul, TX. because weve given the President everything hes asked for and the President has been begging for all this authority, so immediately we have to hope that the courts will save us on some of these things. But once again ultimately its only when the people wake up and say they dont like this... sometimes the people wake up to late. Right now we dont have concentration camps, but like you have pointed out, the authority has been given so that concentration camps can come without Habeas Corpus . I have heard the argument that there is nothing else left in the Bill of Rights. If they can lock you up, what good is freedom of speech or what good is a gun? That is now part of the books, part of the law. Take Ron Pauls suggestion up and contact your new or reelected members and demand a move to repeal legislation paving the way for fascist government control in America today.

If A Nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be . Thomas Jefferson.heading out the door are leaving for the same reason. Make no mistake about this fact and get over yourselves. Are you listening, incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi? Get over yourself and do it now. Our patience with Congressional hubris and incompetence has grown exceedingly thin. Heres the message: We are fed up with your bullshit. Let me repeat that in words of one syllable for those of you unaccustomed to listening to your constituents: We are fed up with your bull shit. Admit it - you know the truth when you hear it and this is truth at its simplest and most fundamental level. This has nothing to do with being Democrat or Republican. Neither do conservative nor liberal values figure into the equation. You are not blameless simply because Bush has proven so frightfully bad at being President. After all, you made possible every single thing that he has done. You were our trump card - our safety net - and you let us down!

Nickel Rant tm:

Listen Up, You Congressional Morons!by Edgar J. Steele November 13, 2006

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. --- John F. Kennedy, 1962 White House speech (35th president of the United States of America, 1961-1963)My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant. very politician and pundit has tried to explain why the Republicans lost big. They all are wrong. Now, for the first time, hear the truth. How can all of them be wrong?


Ever wonder why movie critics promote dreary, boring movies filled with plot twists and convoluted language, while regular guys like straightforward action flicks and the average woman is drawn to heart-rending romantic dramas brim full of domestic strife? Movie critics dont have lives, thats why. They spend all their time watching movies and searching for deep meanings upon which to comment. They are out of touch and incapable of wanting what the rest of us want when we decide to watch a movie. Critics probably started out okay, as pure fans, but a steady diet of anything will change ones taste (refining it is the way they would describe the process, of

course). Too close to the trees to see the forest, in other words. Even more out of touch are the movie studio bosses, who fancy themselves as opinion molders, in any event, with their own expectations shaped from wishful thinking born of the lust for money and power. They should ask newspaper publishers and television network owners, hopelessly out to lunch and claiming befuddlement at the rapid decline of their own audiences, just how that attitude is working out for them! The same rationale applies to the radio/TV talking heads now pontificating upon why the Republicans took a shellacking in the mid-term elections. Pat Buchanan and others opine that Republicans lost because

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See Listen Up Continued on Page 11

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THE AMERICANS BULLETIN January/February 2007 - 5

Keep Your Mouth ShutBy Anonymous


hat to do (and what not to do) if you are ever questioned by alleged government agents or alleged federal public officers. The following advice applies mainly to our USA readers. But it can be applied to situations in other countries, especially the UK and Australia. This is a very important article. You never know when a nasty situation could entrap you! Basic rule: NEVER, under any circumstances, answer questions put to you by any alleged government agent. The exception is at border crossings where you have to answer all questions truthfully (or at least with plausible responses) if you expect them to let you in. In the USA, there is a section in the federal code, referred to as 1001 by legal eagles. This law makes it a crime to lie to a federal agent. The agent doesnt have to put you under oath or even have to tape the conversation. All he or she has to do is produce handwritten notes that indicate you made false statements. If you tell him or her a lie, you are guilty. If he says you lied, you are guilty if a judge or jury finds the G-Mans version of your conversation more believable than yours. Maybe you misspeak, or the agent mishears. Or maybe there is an ambiguity that the agent chooses to interpret in an unfortunate (for you) direction. You are on the hook and can spend some time in the clink for basically nothing! Lying to a federal agent does not have to mean telling lies in an important criminal case or when you are under arrest. IRS officers are federal agents too. Theres always the possibility that you might be tempted to shade the truth a bit when an IRS agent is quizzing you about that tax deduction you took for a trip to Vegas; or asking you to produce a return, or pay a tax. Our advice to you is: Keep Your Mouth Shut!

Lets repeat that in other words. To be on the safe side, when confronted by an alleged federal agent, dont say anything at all. Well, not exactly. You need to ask them to sign a letter so they cant later lie about what happened. Keep reading. Its a shame things have come to this. It used to be, people felt it their duty to cooperate with authorities. That was before the War on Terror and Law 1001. We now live in an era of government terror where civil rights are almost non-existent. You have to know enough to protect yourself at all times. WHAT HAPPENED TO MARTHA STEWART Take, for example, the highly publicized case of lifestyle guru Martha Stewart. Stewart was sentenced to jail in 2004. Her case reflects what has happened to thousands of other less high-profile cases: normal, respectable, honest business people. Maybe friends of yours were already caught in the net. So what did Stewart do wrong? She was caught out by rule 1001. She was convicted of lying about the reason she sold her sharesYour 'subscriptions' and generous DONATIONS allows the continuance of this "WAKE-UP AND SMELL THE COFFEETRUTH EXPOSING-FREE PRESS 'INDEPENDENT' Newspaper" in the 'uSA' and the work we do here at the 'Bulletin'! Thank you for Your SUPPORT!

in a biotechnology company. She said she sold the shares because they had fallen to the price where she had told her broker to sell. She claimed that she recalled having placed a stop loss order with her broker. The government argued (and the jury accepted) that she sold only because her broker passed on some inside information that the stock was going to plunge in the next couple of days. She lied, said the Federal Agent. True, her stock trade, one of many she had made, had a smell of illegal insider trading about it. But, the prosecutors did not charge her with insider trading! They only charged her with lying about it, under 1001. Stewart was convicted of lying about a crime. But the government did not have to prove that any actual crime ever happened. Merely stating her recollection of a single small (for her) transaction was enough to get her a jail sentence. Stewart saved all of $45,000 on the stock transaction when the stock went down. Later the same stock soared way above her selling price! But her prosecution has caused her business to go to blazes and stockholdings in her own company decrease by hundreds of millions. Why? Because of the accusations and the criminal trial. What happened to Martha, who was certainly no villainous insider trader, does not seem fair to us. Whether insider trading is really a crime is another question. Our personal experience is that when given so called insider tips, the stock involved usually went the opposite direction the tipster indicated it would go! Marthas crime was a step removed. Her spontaneous response to one of an agents many questions, her best memory, was deemed to be a criminal offense in and of itself. Her co-operation and willingness to talk was transmuted into a crime. Is that justice? But then, what is fair about justice these days? It has been said that Justice to the Department of Justice, is as military bands are to music. The Martha Stewart case and many others are purely for show: a politically motivated crackdown on successful people. The prosecution had its roots in the jealousy and ambition /of a government bureau-rat. This is exactly as predicted by Ayn Rand and the anonymous author of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men. The government has so many potential crimes on the books that a criminal case can be made against any individual who is investigated. The fear of prosecution is what gives government its power. AVOID ARROGANCE What other mistakes did Stewart make that we could learn from? She irritated prosecutors with her arrogant attitude. Im innocent and you dont have anything on me! Its a natural reaction, a common error that people (especially successful people) often make when confronting for the first time a lowlevel, bureaucrat who asks accusatory questions. But its always a ba idea to make Big Brothers Minions mad by truthfully claiming you are

not a criminal. What should you do? How should you handle a situation where you are questioned and dont know exactly what the government guy is after? Here it comes a third time: You shut up. Then the odds are that there will be no evidence to make a case against you. If you do get indicted, try first to negotiate. Remember, the Feds wont bring a case unless they are pretty sure they will win. Instead of warning Stewart against protesting her innocence too loudly and fighting the case in the media, her high-priced attorney, Robert Morvillo, only exacerbated her problems. His chief argument was that Stewart and her broker were too smart to pull a dumb stunt like intentionally lying. But as one juror said later, How could we tell anything about how smart either of them was if they never took the stand? Martha was sent to jail. For nothing. How could it have been avoided? THE LETTER YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CARRY IN YOUR POCKET Besides keeping your mouth shut, its a good idea to have evidence that you have indeed kept your mouth shut. We suggest typing out the following letter and carrying two copies of it with you on your person at all times: You hand it to any alleged Law Enforcement Agent who says, Can I ask you a few questions? This is the letter:

Dear Sir: Due to rule 1001, I do not feel I can answer any oral questions at all unless I first clear all your questions with a lawyer. Please submit all your questions in writing. Mail them to me and I will get back to you. Please give me your calling card, let me photocopy your official identification credentials and fill out the information needed below and sign this letter below as well. Be sure to send me a certified copy of your Oath of Office. I will forward you a copy by mail as a receipt and as evidence that I gave you no information whatsoever in this or any other interview. Signature of government agent: _____________________________ Date & Time: ___________________________________________ Name and official position: ________________________________ Office Address: __________________________________________ ID number: _____________________________________________ Bond Number: __________________________________________ Telephone / Fax number: __________________________________ E-Mail address: ____________________ _____________________

If the agent wont sign, you should fill in the above blanks. Where the agent should have signed, print on the letter the agents name, followed by refused to sign, plus your name. In all probability, the man or woman claiming to be a federal agent, employee, or marshal will not submit any questions to you in writing. That is because they have absolutely no authority or jurisdiction to be contacting you, a private American sovereign. *********************** ORDER THE AGENT, MARSHALL OFF YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY If, for some reason the alleged federal agent or marshal becomes belligerent or insists on interviewing you, remind them of your request to mail you a set of their questions for your attorney to review. Then ask them politely to leave since they are trespassing upon private property. You then advise them you DO NOT consent to be interviewed and close the door.


FIREARMS REFRESHER COURSE1. An armed man is a sovereign. An unarmed man is a subject ( citizen ). 2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. 3 Colt: The original point and click interface. 4. Gun control is not about guns; its about control. 5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords? 6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words. 7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms. 8. If you dont know your rights you dont have any. 9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither. 10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights reserved. 11. What part of shall not be infringed do you not understand? 12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others. 13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday. 14. Guns only have two enemies: rust and politicians. 15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety. 16. You dont shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive. 17. 911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer. 18. Assault is a behavior, not a device. 19. Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer. 20. If guns cause crime; then matches cause arson. 21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them. 22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for. 23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have, dont make more. 24. When you remove the peoples right to bear arms, you create slaves. 25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control. 26. A government of the people, by the people, for the people...

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6 - January/February 2007 THE AMERICANS BULLETIN

Free Eddie Kahndeath because he is unaware that the heat is getting hotter, when he could have been saved by simply jumping out of the long as he did it in time. Welcome to what is currently happening in America. Remember Willie Nelson?... Red Fox?... well now it is time for Wesley Snipes. Eddie is just the fall guy this time around. The IRS always needs a poster boy for the upcoming tax season. Wesley is the perfect target hes a black man good looking black man a wealthy good looking black man, and a celebrity to boot! Eddie did to ultimately judge them, that we are all held accountable for our actions, and we know that unfortunately, their actions are a witness to their children showing their true character. As sad as this is, for us, we remain faithful to the ONE who matters. We have already forgiven them for what they are doing to us, but we are ultimately not the one they are accountable to. What Eddie will do is continue to stand in TRUTH wearing the full Armour of God. That is what he has been called to do this is the Lords battle, not Eddies. He will do his part

Update from Kookie Kahn From The Lighthouse