table of contents · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan ltj laterit, beserta 5 juta...

Daily News Update Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. Title Media Source Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Minerba PP regulates the exploitation of rare earth metals, this is the explanation of the Ministry of ESDM PP Minerba atur pengusahaan logam tanah jarang, begini penjelasan Kementerian ESDM Bukit Asam Business Integration Integrasi Bisnis Bukit Asam Adaro Energy (ADRO) is optimistic that the coal industry is still fundamentally prospective Adaro Energy (ADRO) optimistis industri batubara masih prospektif secara fundamental Rare earth can be commercialized as metal mineral, a breath of fresh air for PT Timah (TINS) Tanah jarang bisa diusahakan sebagai mineral logam, angin segar untuk PT Timah (TINS) Just Penetrating US$ 85/ton, Coal Finally Reverse Direction Baru juga Tembus US$ 85/ton, Batu Bara Akhirnya Balik Arah Focusing on the downstream sector, Bukit Asam (PTBA) believes that the coal industry is still prospective Fokus di sektor hilir, Bukit Asam (PTBA) yakin industri batubara masih prospektif Back to the beginning or end of the dream downstream? Kembali ke Awal atau Akhir Mimpi Hilirisasi? After winter, coal prices are expected to fall Selepas musim dingin, harga batubara diperkirakan turun Metso Outotec announces major process technology order for Russian copper concentrator India’s mining sector to witness reforms, flurry of activities in 2021 Brazil, Australia iron ore shipments set 2020 record Metso Outotec sells aluminium business to REEL International Kontan Investor Daily Kontan Kontan CNBC Indonesia Kontan Dunia Energi Kontan Int'l Mining Hindustan Times Mining Technology 3 6 10 12 15 17 19 29 31 31 33 34

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Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page













The Minerba PP regulates the exploitation of rare earth metals, this is the explanation of the Ministry of ESDM PP Minerba atur pengusahaan logam tanah jarang, begini penjelasan Kementerian ESDM Bukit Asam Business Integration Integrasi Bisnis Bukit Asam Adaro Energy (ADRO) is optimistic that the coal industry is still fundamentally prospective Adaro Energy (ADRO) optimistis industri batubara masih prospektif secara fundamental Rare earth can be commercialized as metal mineral, a breath of fresh air for PT Timah (TINS) Tanah jarang bisa diusahakan sebagai mineral logam, angin segar untuk PT Timah (TINS) Just Penetrating US$ 85/ton, Coal Finally Reverse Direction Baru juga Tembus US$ 85/ton, Batu Bara Akhirnya Balik Arah Focusing on the downstream sector, Bukit Asam (PTBA) believes that the coal industry is still prospective Fokus di sektor hilir, Bukit Asam (PTBA) yakin industri batubara masih prospektif Back to the beginning or end of the dream downstream? Kembali ke Awal atau Akhir Mimpi Hilirisasi? After winter, coal prices are expected to fall Selepas musim dingin, harga batubara diperkirakan turun Metso Outotec announces major process technology order for Russian copper concentrator India’s mining sector to witness reforms, flurry of activities in 2021 Brazil, Australia iron ore shipments set 2020 record Metso Outotec sells aluminium business to REEL International

Kontan Investor Daily Kontan Kontan CNBC Indonesia Kontan Dunia Energi Kontan Int'l Mining Hindustan Times Mining Technology













Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

Daily News Update Page 2




Coal import prices volatile as China bans Australian import: Ind-Ra Coal Concentrate Output Up 11% Global zinc production to rebound – report

Devdiscourse Financial Tribune




Page 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

Daily News Update Page 3

The Minerba PP regulates the exploitation of rare earth

metals, this is the explanation of the Ministry of ESDM

Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Handoyo

THE DEVELOPMENT of rare earth metals (LTJ) aka rare earth elements (REE) will be regulated in a Government Regulation (PP) as a derivative rule from the Mineral and Coal Law (Minerba Law). Later, LTJ will no longer be radio active, but will be included in the metal mineral class that can be cultivated.

The Director of Mineral Development and Business of the Ministry of ESDM Yunus Saefulhak explained that radioactive mineral classification refers to the main radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium. Then, there are changes in monazite which are no longer classified as radioactive minerals.

"Because monazite is not the main mineral that carries radioactive elements, but the main carrier of rare earth metal minerals, it is grouped into the metal mineral group," Yunus told, Tuesday (29/12).

With this amendment, if there is a business entity that will work on monazite to produce rare earth metals, it only requires a Mining Business License (IUP).

Meanwhile, if the rare earth metal extraction process produces processed by-products in the form of uranium and thorium, the management is carried out by the competent authorities, in this case the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) and/or the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (BAPETEN).

PP Minerba atur pengusahaan logam tanah jarang, begini

penjelasan Kementerian ESDM Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor:


PENGEMBANGAN logam tanah jarang (LTJ)

alias rare earth element (REE) bakal diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) sebagai aturan turunan dari Undang-Undang Mineral dan Batubara (UU Minerba). Nantinya, LTJ tak lagi sebagai radio aktif, namun masuk ke dalam golongan mineral logam yang dapat diusahakan.

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak menjelaskan, penggolongan mineral radioaktif mengacu pada unsur utama radioaktif seperti pada uranium dan torium. Lalu, perubahan terdapat pada monasit yang tidak lagi dikelompokkan sebagai mineral radioaktif.

"Karena monasit bukan mineral utama pembawa unsur radioaktif, tetapi pembawa utama mineral logam tanah jarang sehingga dikelompokkan pada golongan mineral logam," kata Yunus kepada, Selasa (29/12).

Dengan perubahan tersebut, apabila ter-dapat badan usaha yang akan mengusaha-kan monasit untuk memproduksi logam tanah jarang, maka hanya memerlukan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP).

Sedangkan apabila dalam proses ekstraksi logam tanah jarang menghasilkan produk samping hasil olahan berupa uranium dan torium maka pengelolaannya dilaksanakan oleh instansi berwenang dalam hal ini Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN) dan/atau Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN).

Page 4: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

Daily News Update Page 4

Yunus explained, for 17 rare earth elements including scandium (Sc), lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), lutetium (Lu) and yttrium (Y), were simplified into one group, namely Rare earth metal minerals included in metal mineral commodities.

"Because in general, minerals carrying rare earth elements are not only associated with one element of rare earth minerals, so their exploitation will be more efficient if they are simplified into one commodity group, namely rare earth metals," said Yunus.

The Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of ESDM Ridwan Djamaluddin previously said that with the entry of rare earths into the metal mineral category, the exploitation of the area is carried out through an auction system. Arrangements related to exploitation of rare earths have been included in the Draft PP on mineral and coal exploitation.

"In the future, it is projected that LTJ will be endeavored and its licensing management will be under the Ministry of ESDM," Ridwan told, Monday (28/12).

Special Staff of the Minister of ESDM for the Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Governance, Irwandy Arief, added that LTJ in Indonesia is quite potential. One of them comes from the commodity tin.

The processed tin concentrate contains monazite, then rare earth carbonite which can be processed into rare earth oxidate to rare earth metal. "The existing REE has a good composition in tin tailling, which is hoisted after processing the tin with these elements, there are at least 9 rare earth minerals recorded," he explained.

Yunus menerangkan, untuk 17 unsur logam tanah jarang meliputi scandium (Sc), lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), lutetium (Lu) dan yttrium (Y), disimpilfikasi dalam satu kelompok yaitu mineral logam tanah jarang yang termasuk dalam komoditas mineral logam.

"Karena umumnya mineral pembawa unsur tanah jarang tidak hanya berasosiasi dengan satu unsur mineral tanah jarang sehingga pengusahaannya akan lebih efisien jika disimplifikasi dalam satu kelompok komo-ditas yaitu logam tanah jarang," pungkas Yunus.

Direktur Jenderal Minerba Kementerian ESDM Ridwan Djamaluddin sebelumnya menyampaikan, dengan masuknya tanah jarang ke dalam golongan mineral logam, maka pengusahaan wilayahnya dilakukan melalui sistem lelang. Pengaturan terkait pengusahaan tanah jarang ini telah masuk di dalam Rancangan PP tentang pengusahaan minerba.

"Proyeksi ke depannya, LTJ akan diusahakan dan pengurusan perizinannya berada di bawah Kementerian ESDM," kata Ridwan kepada, Senin (28/12).

Staff Khusus Menteri ESDM Bidang Percepatan Tata Kelola Minerba Irwandy Arief menambahkan, LTJ di Indonesia cukup potensial. Salah satunya yang berasal komo-ditas timah.

Konsentrat timah yang diolah mengandung monasit, lalu rare earth carbonite yang bisa diolah menjadi rare earth oxidate hingga rare earth metal. "REE yang ada itu, komposisinya baik di tailling timah, yang dikerek setelah processing timah itu ter-dapat elemen-elemen ini, paling tidak ter-catat 9 rare earth mineral," jelas dia.

Page 5: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

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However, the development of rare earths is not without obstacles. Irwandy revealed a number of challenges. First, from the accuracy of the level of reserves and resources, it is necessary to ascertain their number and adequacy.

Second, it is necessary to carry out further exploration which also takes into account the business aspects of the business model. Third, ensuring the right technology to process content that contains radioactive elements.

Deputy for Investment and Mining Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Septian Hario Seto, said that his party was indeed conducting a study related to the potential for LTJ. Not only from the reserve level, but also regarding the economic aspects when processed.

He said the government was also accommodating input from a number of parties. "There are several potential inputs that are quite large. There is other research that says this development is still a bit difficult. It needs to be addressed carefully by the government regarding LTJ," said Septian.

However, he is optimistic that the potential for LTJ in Indonesia is quite abundant. This is because LTJ as an associated mineral is found in a number of mining commodities, such as tin, nickel and bauxite. According to Septian, the development of LTJ in Indonesia will be in line with the obligation to increase the added value or downstream minerals in the country.

"By encouraging domestic downstreaming, I think we can see how big the potential is. Because if we only export raw materials, we don't know, this can actually be anything that is obtained there (other countries)," concluded Septian.

Namun, pengembangan rare earth ini bukan tanpa kendala. Irwandy membeber-kan sejumlah tantangan. Pertama, dari akurasi tingkat cadangan dan sumber daya yang perlu dipastikan lagi jumlah dan kecukupan nya.

Kedua, perlu dilakukan eksplorasi lanjutan yang juga mempertimbangkan aspek bisnis

model pengusahaannya. Ketiga, memasti-kan teknologi yang pas untuk mengolah

konten yang terdapat unsur radio aktif.

Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Investasi dan

Pertambangan Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi Septian Hario

Seto bilang, pihaknya memang sedang melakukan kajian terkait potensi LTJ. Tak

hanya dari tingkat cadangan, namun juga menyangkut aspek keekonomian saat


Kata dia, pemerintah pun menampung

masukan dari sejumlah pihak. "Ada beberapa masukan potensi cukup besar.

Ada riset lain yang menyebutkan ini pengembangan masih agak sulit. Perlu

disikapi secara hati-hati oleh pemerintah terkait LTJ," kata Septian.

Namun, pihaknya optimistis bahwa potensi LTJ di Indonesia cukup melimpah. Sebab, LTJ sebagai mineral ikutan terdapat di sejumlah komoditas tambang, seperti timah, nikel dan bauksit. Menurut Septian, pengembangan LTJ di Indonesia akan sejalan dengan kewajiban peningkatan nilai tambah atau hilirisasi mineral di dalam negeri.

"Dengan mendorong hilirisasi di dalam negeri saya pikir kita bisa melihat seberapa besar potensinya. Karena kalau kita cuman ekspor bahan mentah, kita nggak tahu, ini sebenarnya yang di dapat di sana (negara lain) bisa jadi apa saja," pungkas Septian.

Page 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

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Referring to the previous report, the Geological Agency has explored a number of areas. Exploration activities have been carried out in recent years in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Java.

Based on data collected up to 2019, a hypothetical resource on a number of islands is described.

Hypothetical resources in Sumatra are around 23 million tons with the LTJ laterite deposit type, along with 5 million tons of LTJ with the tailings type. Meanwhile in Kalimantan, LTJ's hypothetical resource is around 7 million tons with the tailings type and in Sulawesi about 1.5 million tons with the laterite type. However, to ensure the accuracy of the reserves of these hypothetical and inferred resources, further exploration is still needed.

Merujuk pada pemberitaan sebelumnya, Badan Geologi sudah melakukan eksplorasi di sejumlah daerah. Kegiatan eksplorasi tersebut dikerjakan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir di Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Jawa.

Berdasarkan data yang terhimpun hingga tahun 2019, tergambar sumber daya hipotetik di sejumlah pulau tersebut.

Sumber daya hipotetik di Sumatra sekitar 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ sekitar 7 juta ton dengan tipe tailings dan di Sulawesi sekitar 1,5 juta ton dengan tipe laterit. Namun, untuk memastikan akurasi cadangan dari sumber daya hipotetik dan tereka tersebut, masih perlu dilakukan eksplorasi lebih lanjut.

Bukit Asam Business Integration

Parluhutan Situmorang

BUSINESS integration starting from coal

mining, power generation, and down-streaming of coal products will be a

supporting factor for the growth of PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) financial

performance in the long term. The increase in performance in the short term will be

supported by the increase in coal prices which are believed to continue.

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Andy Wibowo Gunawan revealed that

Bukit Asam has officially signed a cooperation agreement with PT Pertamina

and Air Products and Chemicals Inc to work on a coal gasification project.

Integrasi Bisnis Bukit Asam Parluhutan Situmorang

INTEGRASI bisnis mulai dari pertam-

bangan batu bara, pembangkit listrik, dan

hilirisasi produk batu bara akan menjadi faktor penguat pertumbuhan kinerja

keuangan PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) dalam jangka panjang. Adapun pening-

katan kinerja dalam jangka pendek ditopang oleh kenaikan harga batu bara

yang diyakini berlanjut.

Analis Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Andy Wibowo Gunawan mengungkapkan,

Bukit Asam telah resmi meneken perjanjian kerja sama dengan PT

Pertamina dan Air Products and Chemicals Inc untuk menggarap proyek gasifikasi


Page 7: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

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The company plans to build a gasification plant of 1.4 million tons per year, which requires coal as raw material as much as 6 million tons per year.

"Later, the company will get a 0% royalty reduction from coal sales for the gasif ication plant . This is certainly a positive sentiment going forward,” wrote Andy in his research.

Bukit Asam has also benefited from the rising trend in coal selling prices in the last few months. It is estimated that the average world coal selling price will reach US$ 70 per ton in 2021 and is expected to increase to US$ 75 per ton by 2022. However, the company's coal production volume this year is estimated to be lower than the original assumption.

Meanwhile, Trimegah Sekuritas analysts Hasbie and Willinoy Sitorus revealed that China is re-opening coal imports with a quota of 20 million tons by the end of 2020.

Previously, China had tightened its coal imports since June 2020 by extending custom clearance from 30 days to 90 days.

"We estimate that this increase in imports will boost demand for coal from Indonesia. Moreover, after China's economy returns to normal, the price of coal in that country is getting higher, ”wrote Hasbie and Willinoy Sitorus in their research.

However, the national coal producers may not react immediately by increasing production volume. In fact, coal production volume in 2020 is projected to decline by around 9.5% to 550 million tonnes. The decline can be seen from the weakening production and overburden removal of coal companies by 14% and 22%, respectively, as of September 2020.

Perseroan berencana membangun pabrik gasifikasi 1,4 juta ton per tahun yang mem-butuhkan bahan baku batu bara sebanyak 6 juta tonper tahun.

“Nantinya, perseroan akan mendapatkan keringanan royalti 0% dari penjualan batu bara untuk pabrik gasifikasi tersebut. Hal ini tentu menjadi sentimen positif ke depannya,” tulis Andy dalam risetnya.

Bukit Asam juga diuntungkan oleh tren kenaikan harga jual batu bara dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Diperkirakan, rata-rata harga jual batu bara dunia mencapai US$ 70 per ton pada 2021 dan diharapkan meningkat menjadi US$ 75 per ton pada 2022. Namun, volume produksi batu bara perseroan tahun ini diperkirakan lebih rendah dari asumsi semula.

Sementara itu, analis Trimegah Sekuritas Hasbie dan Willinoy Sitorus mengungkap-kan, Tiongkok kembali membuka impor batu bara dengan kuota sebanyak 20 juta ton sampai akhir 2020.

Sebelumnya, Tiongkok sempat memper-ketat impor batu bara sejak Juni 2020 dengan memperlama custom clearance dari 30 hari menjadi 90 hari.

“Kami memperkirakan peningkatan impor ini akan mendorong permintaan batu bara dari Indonesia. Apalagi, setelah ekonomi Tiongkok kembali normal, harga batu bara di Negara tersebut semakin tinggi,” tulis Hasbie dan Willinoy Sitorus dalam riset-nya.

Meski demikian, produsen batu bara nasional kemungkinan tidak langsung bereaksi dengan menaikkan volume produksi. Justru volume produksi batu bara tahun 2020 diproyeksi turun sekitar 9,5% menjadi 550 juta ton. Penurunan terlihat dari pelemahan produksi dan overburden removal emiten batu bara masing-masing 14% dan 22% hingga September 2020.

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Regarding the prospect of coal, Hasbie and Willinoy believe that it will remain the backbone of global energy sources for electricity generation for the next few years.

Although there is a reduction in the share of coal use for electricity generation in the long term, the decrease is not significant. In fact, there are still many new coal power plant developments that have the potential to increase demand for this commodity.

Based on data, the use of coal for energy in Asia Pacific has only decreased by 43 bps in a decade, from 51.8% in 2009 to 47.5% in 2019. Currently, there are power plants reaching 189 GW which are entering the construction period in the world, most or 70% of whom came from China and India as much as 19%. This illustrates that coal is still the main source of global energy.

The strengthening trend of global coal prices has prompted Hasbie and Willinoy to revise upward the assumption for the average selling price of coal for 2020-2022 from US$ 57/58/60 per ton to US$ 60.6/72.5/68 per ton.

They also believe that almost all large coal companies still have good balance sheets and finances to face a number of challenges ahead, such as the extension of the Coal Mining Exploitation Work Agreement (PKP2B).

More Expansive

Next year, Bukit Asam will be more expansive than this year, with an estimated capital expenditure (capex) of more than Rp 2 trillion.

President Director of Bukit Asam Arviyan Arifin said that the coal downstream project into dimethyl ether (DME) is located in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra. This project is a priority for the company next year.

Terkait prospek batu bara, Hasbie dan Willinoy meyakini bahwa itu tetap akan menjadi tulang punggung sumber energi global untuk pem-bangkit listrik hingga beberapa tahun men-datang.

Meskipun ada pengurangan pengurangan porsi penggunaan batu bara untuk pem-bangkit listrik dalam jangka panjang, namun penurunannya tidak signifikan. Bahkan, saat ini masih banyak pembangunan power plant batu bara baru yang berpotensi menaikkan permintaan terhadap komoditas ini.

Berdasarkan data, penggunaan batu bara untuk energi di Asia Pasifik hanya turun 43 bps dalam satu dekade, yaitu dari 51,8% pada 2009 men-jadi 47,5% pada 2019. Saat ini, ada pembangkit listrik mencapai 189 GW yang sedang memasuki masa konstruksi di dunia yang sebagian besar atau 70% di antaranya berasal dari Tiongkok dan India sebanyak 19%. Hal itu menggambarkan batu bara masih menjadi sumber utama energi global.

Adapun tren penguatan harga batu bara global mendorong Hasbie dan Willinoy untuk me-revisi naik asumsi rata-rata harga jual batubara tahun 2020-2022 dari US$ 57/58/60 per ton menjadi US$ 60,6/72,5/68 per ton.

Mereka juga meyakini bahwa hampir seluruh perusahaan batu bara besar masih memiliki neraca dan keuangan yang baik untuk meng-hadapi sejumlah tantangan ke depan, seperti perpanjangan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B).

Lebih Ekspansif

Tahun depan, Bukit Asam akan lebih ekspansif dibandingkan tahun ini, dengan perkiraan belanja modal (capital expenditure/ capex) lebih dari Rp 2 triliun.

Direktur Utama Bukit Asam Arviyan Arifin mengatakan, proyek hilirisasi batu bara menjadi dimethyl ether (DME) berlokasi di Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan. Proyek ini menjadi prioritas yang digarap perseroan tahun depan.

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Daily News Update Page 9

"The investment value of around US$ 2.1 billion will go to the country. This is not only important for Bukit Asam, but also for Indonesia in the midst of a pandemic,” he said.

As planned, this factory will process as much as 6 million tons of coal per year and process it into 1.4 million tons of DME. As a result, DME can be used as an alternative fuel to replace liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

The full investment will be borne by Air Product as the investor and Pertamina as the off taker or buyer of the DME product. As a result, Bukit Asam has no significant investment costs because the company is in charge of supplying coal.

On the other hand, said Arviyan, the Company has the option to take part of the partner's shares in the gasification project. This option can be executed after the factory is up and running. For information, preparation for the construction of this project is planned to start in mid-2021 with an operational target of 2025.

"Indeed, in the long term this project will be in the form of a build-operate-transfer (BOT). After 20 years, this factory will be owned by a consortium of Bukit Asam and Pertamina,” he explained.

Furthermore, another diversification project that is currently being prepared by Bukit Asam is the construction of a solar power plant (PLTS). The PLTS project will be developed at the airport, which is a form of collaboration with PT Angkasa Pura II.

In addition, PLTS will be built on the company's former mining area, namely Ombilin, West Sumatra. Bukit Asam Business Development Director Fuad I. Z. Fachroeddin said,...

“Nilai investasi sekitar US$ 2,1 miliar akan masuk ke negara. Ini bukan hanya penting bagi Bukit Asam, tapi juga Indonesia di tengah pandemi,” kata dia.

Sesuai rencana, pabrik ini akan mengolah sebanyak 6 juta ton batu bara per tahun dan diproses menjadi 1,4 juta ton DME. Hasilnya, DME bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pengganti liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Investasi sepenuhnya akan ditanggung Air Product selaku investor dan Pertamina bertindak sebagai_off taker_atau pembeli produk DME. Alhasil, tak ada biaya investasi signifikanyang dibebankan ke Bukit Asam karena perseroan bertugas memasok batu bara.

Di sisi lain, kata Arviyan, Perseroan punya opsi mengambil sebagian saham mitra dalam proyek gasifikasi tersebut. Opsi ini bisa dieksekusi setelah pabrik beroperasi dan menghasilkan. Sebagai informasi, persiapan konstruksi proyek ini diren-canakan dimulai pada pertengahan2021 dengan target operasional tahun 2025.

“Memang jangka panjangnya proyek ini bentuknya build-operate-transfer (BOT). Setelah 20 tahun, pabrik ini akan dimiliki konsorsium Bukit Asam dan Pertamina,” terang dia.

Lebih lanjut, proyek diversifikasi lain yang tengah disiapkan Bukit Asam adalah pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS). Proyek PLTS akan dikem-bangkan di bandara, yang merupakan bentuk kolaborasi dengan PT Angkasa Pura II.

Selain itu, PLTS akan dibangun di lahan bekas tambang perseroan, yakni Ombilin, Sumatera Barat. Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Bukit Asam Fuad I. Z. Fachroeddin mengatakan,...

Page 10: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

Daily News Update Page 10

Bukit Asam Business Development Director Fuad I. Z. Fachroeddin said, currently, the company is capable of developing small-scale PLTS at Soekarno Hatta Airport and will be continued with the development of PLTS at other AP II airports.

As for the PLTS in Ombilin, it is planned to have a capacity of 200 megawatts (MW). The construction process will be carried out in two stages with the first stage of 100 MW. The company targets PTLS construction to be completed in 2023 or 2024. Editor: Gora Kunjana

Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Bukit Asam Fuad I. Z. Fachroeddin mengatakan, saat ini, perseroan mampu mengembangkan PLTS skala kecil di Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan akan dilanjutkan dengan pengembangan PLTS di bandara milik AP II lainnya.

Adapun untuk PLTS di Ombilin diren-canakan berkapasitas 200 megawatt (MW). Proses konstruksi bakal dilakukan dua tahap dengan tahap pertama sebanyak 100 MW. Perseroan menargetkan pem-bangunan PTLS bisa rampung pada 2023 atau 2024. Editor : Gora Kunjana

Adaro Energy (ADRO) is optimistic that the coal industry is still fundamentally prospective

Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Anna Suci Perwitasari

THE COAL mining business looks quite

challenging in line with the risk of price volatility and reduced demand from a number of consumers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Apart from that, PT

Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) remains optimistic that the coal industry can improve next year. Adaro Energy Head of Corporate Communication Febriati Nadira assessed that coal price fluctuations that often occur so far are something that cannot be controlled by every business actor, including ADRO.

Despite continuing to face challenges for the next few years, ADRO Management remains confident that the fundamentals of the coal sector as energy in the long term remain strong.

Adaro Energy (ADRO) optimistis industri batubara masih

prospektif secara fundamental Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Anna Suci


BISNIS tambang batubara tampak cukup

menantang seiring risiko volatilitas harga maupun penurunan permintaan dari sejumlah konsumen di masa pandemi Covid-19. Terlepas dari itu, PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) tetap optimistis industri batubara dapat membaik di tahun depan.

Head of Corporate Communication Adaro Energy Febriati Nadira menilai, fluktuasi harga batubara yang kerap terjadi selama ini merupakan sesuatu yang tidak bisa di-kontrol oleh setiap pelaku usaha, termasuk ADRO.

Walau terus menghadapi tantangan untuk beberapa tahun ke depan, Manajemen ADRO tetap yakin bahwa fundamental sektor batubara sebagai energi dalam jangka panjang tetap kokoh.

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Daily News Update Page 11

"This is mainly supported by development

activities in Asian countries," she said,

Wednesday (23/12).

Then, ADRO remains focused on increasing

the operational excellence of its core

business, increasing operating efficiency

and productivity, maintaining cash flow,

and maintaining a solid financial position.

ADRO management will continue to follow

market developments by continuing to

carry out operational activities as planned

in the company's mines. ADRO also

continues to focus on maintaining healthy

margins and sustainable supply to


Febriati said, amid the risk of coal price

volatility, ADRO has an integrated and

efficient business model that has proven

successful in dealing with the cycle of

commodity price movements. It is also

believed that the non-coal business pillars

will continue to contribute positively to

ADRO in a consolidated manner as well as

to balance the volatility of coal prices.

"In addition, we have diversified into the

Adaro Mining pillar by entering the coking

coal business, which we will continue to

develop," she said.

For information, ADRO has decreased its

revenue by 26% (yoy) to US$ 1.95 billion

per quarter III-2020. This is in line with the

decline in the average selling price (ASP) of

coal which fell 18% on an annual basis.

ADRO coal production also fell 7% (yoy) to

41.10 million tonnes by the third quarter

of 2020. Likewise, the company's coal sales

volume fell 9% (yoy) to 40.76 million

tonnes in the same period.

“Hal ini terutama didukung oleh aktivitas pembangunan di negara-negara Asia,” ujar dia, Rabu (23/12).

Lantas, ADRO tetap fokus terhadap peningkatan keunggulan operasional bisnis inti , meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas operasi, menjaga arus kas, serta mempertahankan posisi keuangan yang solid.

Manajemen ADRO akan terus mengikuti per-kembangan pasar dengan tetap menjalankan kegiatan operasi sesuai rencana di tambang-tambang milik perusahaan tersebut. ADRO juga terus berfokus untuk mempertahankan marjin yang sehat dan keberlanjutan pasokan ke pelanggan.

Febriati menyebut, di tengah risiko volatilitas harga batubara, ADRO memiliki model bisnis yang terintegrasi dan efisien yang telah terbukti sukses dalam meng-hadapi siklus pergerakan harga komoditas tersebut.

Pilar-pilar bisnis non batubara juga diyakini akan terus memberikan kontribusi yang positif terhadap ADRO secara konsolidasi sekaligus menjadi penyeimbang saat volatilitas harga batubara berlangsung.

“Selain itu, kami telah melakukan diver-sifikasi dalam pilar Adaro Mining dengan masuk ke bisnis coking coal yang akan terus kami kembangkan,” ungkap dia.

Sebagai informasi, ADRO mengalami penurunan pendapatan sebesar 26% (yoy) menjadi US$ 1,95 miliar per kuartal III-2020. Hal ini seiring penurunan average selling price (ASP) batubara yang turun 18% secara tahunan.

Produksi batubara ADRO juga turun 7% (yoy) menjadi 41,10 juta ton hingga kuartal III-2020. Begitu pula dengan volume penjualan batubara perusahaan yang turun 9% (yoy) menjadi 40,76 juta ton di periode yang sama.

Page 12: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

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Rare earth can be commercialized as metal mineral, a breath of fresh air for PT Timah (TINS)

Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Handoyo

THE NEW arrangement for rare earth metals (LTJ) aka rare earth elements (REE) is a breath of fresh air for PT Timah Tbk (TINS). LTJ will be regulated in a Govern-ment Regulation (PP) on mineral and coal exploitation. LTJ is no longer radio active, but is a metal mineral that can be commercialized.

TINS Business Development Director Alwin Albar said that this provision could make PT Timah more flexible in carrying out processing without depending on the authority that has the right to manage active radio.

TINS is also conducting exploration to determine the volume of its LTJ minerals, while looking for commercially proven technology. TINS plans to process monazite into rare earth hydroxide or rare earth carbonate.

TINS also has plans to build a monazite processing plant. However, the project will be carried out with a number of considerations. "It depends on the results of monazite resource inventory & proven commercially proven technology mastery. The prospect of the resource is there, please remember that monazite is a lead mineral. Its exploration activities coincide with tin exploration," explained Alwin to, Tuesday (29/12 ).

As a result, LTJ's economy cannot be separated from tin mining because monazite is one of tin's associated minerals. Therefore,...

Tanah jarang bisa diusahakan sebagai mineral logam, angin segar untuk PT Timah (TINS)

Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Handoyo

PENGATURAN baru logam tanah jarang (LTJ) alias rare earth element (REE) menjadi angin segar bagi PT Timah Tbk (TINS). LTJ bakal diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) tentang pengusahaan minerba. LTJ tak lagi sebagai radio aktif, namun masuk ke dalam golongan mineral logam yang dapat diusahakan.

Direktur Pengembangan Usaha TINS Alwin Albar menyampaikan, ketentuan tersebut bisa membuat PT Timah lebih leluasa melakukan pengolahan tanpa tergantung kepada otoritas yang memiliki hak menge-lola radio aktif.

TINS pun tengah melakukan eksplorasi untuk mengetahui volume mineral LTJ yang dimiliki, sembari mencari teknologi yang proven secara komersial. TINS berencana untuk mengolah monasit menjadi rare earth hydroxida atau rare earth carbonate.

TINS pun memiliki rencana untuk membangun pabrik pengolahan monasit. Namun, proyek tersebut akan dikerjakan dengan sejumlah pertimbangan. "Tergantung hasil inventari-sasi sumberdaya monasit & penguasaan teknologi yang proven secara komersial. Prospek sumber daya ada, harap diingat bahwa monasit merupakan mineral ikutan timah. Kegiatan eksplorasinya berbarengan dengan eksplorasi timah," terang Alwin kepada, Selasa (29/12).

Alhasil, keekonomian LTJ tidak terlepas dari penambangan timah karena monasit merupakan salah satu mineral ikutan timah. Oleh sebab itu,...

Page 13: TABLE OF CONTENTS · 2020. 12. 30. · 23 juta ton dengan tipe endapan LTJ Laterit, beserta 5 juta ton LTJ dengan tipe tailings. Sedangkan di Kalimantan, sumber daya hipotetik LTJ

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Therefore, the LTJ business for TINS is an additional business. "What will be obtained when carrying out the total mining process of tin, exploits the economic side of tin associated minerals," continued Alwin.

Furthermore, TINS Corporate Secretary Muhammad Zulkarnaen assessed that there needs to be a strengthening of policies related to the development of LTJ-based industries. This includes regulations between Ministries and Institutions, such as the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN), the National Medium -Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN). If needed, there is also a governance LTJ national consortium.

The goal is for Indonesia to have a road map with comprehensive targets and detailed exploration in obtaining proven reserves and to further improve the coordination of related institutions. "We hope that there will be a regulation regulating LTJ products by adjusting the conditions of the LTJ industry in the world, considering that currently monazite as a mineral that carries LTJ is still categorized as a radioactive mineral. It is necessary to synchronize the Nuclear Law with the Minerba Law," explained Zulkarnaen.

He explained that TINS itself already has a pilot plant for processing LTJ in monazite minerals. He said, the TINS LTJ develop-ment and exploitation program currently focuses on the revalidation of potential monazite acquisition and the search for technology that is suitable for the characteristics and quantity of monazite as a mineral carrying rare earth metals. "In order to meet the feasibility of the project," added Zulkarnaen.

If there is a pioneer industry status in the upstream to downstream LTJ concessions, the company is also waiting for incentives.

Oleh sebab itu, bisnis LTJ bagi TINS merupa-kan bisnis tambahan. "Yang akan diperoleh ketika melakukan proses penambangan timah secara total mining, memanfaarkan sisi keekonomian dari mineral ikutan timah," sambung Alwin.

Lebih lanjut, Sekretaris Perusahaan TINS Muhammad Zulkarnaen menilai perlu ada penguatan kebijakan terkait pengembangan industri berbasis LTJ. Termasuk dari sisi regulasi antar Kementerian dan Lembaga, seperti Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN), Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) serta Rencana Induk Pengembangan Industri Nasional (RIPIN). Jika diperlukan, ada juga tata kelola konsorsium nasional LTJ.

Tujuannya, agar Indonesia memiliki peta jalan dengan target yang komprehensif dan eksplorasi detail dalam memper oleh cadangan terbukti, serta lebih meningkatkan koordinasi institusi terkait. "Kami harapkan adanya regulasi yang mengatur produk LTJ dengan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi industri LTJ di dunia, mengingat saat ini monasit sebagai mineral pembawa LTJ masih dikategorikan sebagai mineral radioaktif. Perlu dilakukan sinkronisasi UU Ketenaga-nukliran dengan UU Minerba," terang Zulkarnaen.

Dia menjelaskan, TINS sendiri sudah memiliki pilot plant pengolahan LTJ dalam mineral monasit. Kata dia, program pengembangan dan pengusahaan LTJ oleh TINS saat ini berfokus pada revalidasi potensi perolehan monasit dan pencarian teknologi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik maupun kuantitas monasit sebagai mineral pembawa logam tanah jarang. "Agar memenuhi kelayakan proyek," imbuh Zulkarnaen.

Apabila ada status industri pionir kepada pengusahaan LTJ dari hulu hingga hilir, maka perusahaan pun menanti insentif.

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"This status (a pioneer industry) will result in the provision of incentives in accordance with statutory regulations," concluded Zulkarnaen.

Separately, the Director of Mineral Development and Business of the Ministry of ESDM Yunus Saefulhak explained that radioactive mineral classification refers to the main radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium. Then, there are changes in monazite which are no longer classified as radioactive minerals.

"Because monazite is not the main mineral that carries radioactive elements, but the main carrier of rare earth metal minerals, it is grouped into the metal mineral group," Yunus told, Tuesday (29/12).

With this amendment, if there is a business entity that will work on monazite to produce rare earth metals, it only requires a Mining Business License (IUP).

Meanwhile, if the rare earth metal extraction process produces processed by-products in the form of uranium and thorium, the management is carried out by the competent authorities, in this case the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) and/or the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (BAPETEN).

Mining and Industry Indonesia aka MIND ID as the state-owned mining holding company, the parent company of TINS, also welcomed the policy. MIND ID Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary Rendi A. Witular said that the development of LTJ in Indonesia needs to be pushed from a regulatory perspective.

"We welcome the planned regulations on LTJ because from the regulatory side, there are many regulations that need to be tidied up," said Rendi to, Monday (28/12).

"Status ini (Industri pionir) akan mem-bawa konsekuensi pemberian insentif sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan," pungkas Zulkarnaen.

Terpisah, Direktur Pembinaan dan Peng-usahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak menjelaskan, peng-golongan mineral radioaktif mengacu pada unsur utama radioaktif seperti pada uranium dan torium. Lalu, perubahan terdapat pada monasit yang tidak lagi dikelompokkan sebagai mineral radioaktif.

"Karena monasit bukan mineral utama pembawa unsur radioaktif, tetapi pem-bawa utama mineral logam tanah jarang sehingga dikelompokkan pada golongan mineral logam," kata Yunus kepada, Selasa (29/12).

Dengan perubahan tersebut, apabila terdapat badan usaha yang akan meng-usahakan monasit untuk memproduksi logam tanah jarang, maka hanya me-merlukan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP).

Sedangkan apabila dalam proses ekstraksi logam tanah jarang menghasilkan produk samping hasil olahan berupa uranium dan torium maka pengelolaannya dilaksanakan oleh instansi berwenang dalam hal ini Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN) dan/atau Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN).

Mining and Industry Indonesia alias MIND ID selaku holding tambang BUMN, induk TINS, juga menyambut baik kebijakan tersebut. Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary MIND ID Rendi A. Witular mengatakan, pengembangan LTJ di Indonesia memang perlu didorong dari sisi regulasi.

"Kita menyambut baik rencana aturan tentang LTJ karena dari sisi regulasi sekarang banyak aturan yang perlu di-rapikan," kata Rendi kepada, Senin (28/12).

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He emphasized that the challenges in developing LTJ in Indonesia are not only in terms of regulations. There are still other challenges, such as ensuring the level of potential resources and reserves of LTJ so that they can be processed in a sustainable manner. After that , it is related to economic factors if LTJ is developed into further products.

Then, regarding the technology availability factor in LTJ processing. Moreover, the characteristics of LTJ in Indonesia are quite different. This is because the presence of LTJ in Indonesia is not directly mined, but is the result of by-products or by-products of a mineral mining commodity.

"This LTJ in Indonesia is different from other countries. In us, LTJ is a derivative commodity, a by-product. Because it is not (a commodity) that is directly mined, so it still needs to be further investigated the level of reserves and its economy," said Rendi.

Dia menekankan bahwa tantangan pengem-bangan LTJ di Indonesia bukan hanya dari sisi regulasi. Masih ada tantangan lainnya, seperti untuk memastikan tingkat potensi sumber daya dan cadangan LTJ agar bisa diolah secara berkelanjutan. Setelah itu, terkait faktor keekonomian jika LTJ di-kembangkan ke produk yang lebih lanjut.

Lalu, mengenai faktor ketersediaan teknologi dalam pengolahan LTJ. Apalagi, karakteristik LTJ di Indonesia cukup berbeda. Sebab, keberadaan L TJ di Indonesia tidak langsung ditambang, melainkan hasil dari produk ikutan atau produk samping dari suatu komoditas tambang mineral.

"LTJ ini kalau di Indonesia beda dengan negara lain. Di kita, LTJ itu komoditas turunan, produk ikutan. Karena bukan (komoditas) yang langsung ditambang, sehingga masih perlu diteliti lebih lanjut lagi tingkat cadangan dan keekonomisannya," jelas Rendi.

Just Penetrating US$ 85/ton, Coal Finally Reverse Direction

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

THE PRICE of the Newcastle coal futures contract finally slipped quite deeply after a long rally was unstoppable. Prices that are already high are prone to correction due to profit taking.

In yesterday's trading (29/12/2020), the contract price of thermal coal which was actively traded on the futures exchange was corrected by 1.58% to the level of US$ 84.15/ton. Previously, the price of coal had reached US$ 85.5/ton.

Baru juga Tembus US$ 85/ton, Batu Bara Akhirnya Balik Arah

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

HARGA kontrak futures batu bara

Newcastle akhirnya tergelincir cukup dalam setelah sekian lama reli tak terbendung. Harga yang sudah tinggi memang rawan terkoreksi akibat aksi ambil untung (profit taking).

Pada perdagangan kemarin (29/12/2020), harga kontrak batu bara termal yang aktif ditransaksikan di bursa berjangka tersebut terkoreksi 1,58% ke level US$ 84,15/ton. Sebelumnya harga batu bara tembus ke level US$ 85,5/ton.

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China is behind the recent strengthening of coal prices. China has reportedly instructed its power plants to start importing coal due to tight domestic supplies.

China has faced serious challenges regarding its electricity sector in Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces since early December, due to a strong economic recovery to cold weather and a choke in the supply of renewable energy.

Electricity consumption in recent weeks has increased by 11% over the previous year, and the electricity load in 20 provinces has increased at double-digit rates.

China's coal output is still under pressure due to the pandemic and has made the price soar. Qinhuangdao coal price of 5,500 Kcal/kg has even reached RMB 743/ton at the end of last week. Well above the government's target range of RMB 500 - 570 per tonne.

Even though it has relaxed its import quota, the domestic coal price is still very high. On the other hand, the relationship between Australia and China is still hot. China is said to have boycotted various commodities from Australia, including coal, one of them.

Indonesia is benefiting from increasingly heated Australia-China relations. China has agreed to buy coal from Indonesia worth US$ 1.46 billion for next year. The two countries agreed to target a coal trade volume of 200 million tons.

China imports a lot of thermal coal from Indonesia and coking coal from Australia. Thermal coal is mostly used for power generation while metallurgical coal is mostly used for steel making.

In the future, the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that demand for coal will increase in 2021.

China ada dibalik penguatan harga batu bara belakangan ini. Negeri Panda dilaporkan telah menginstruksikan kepada pembangkit listriknya untuk mulai mengimpor batu bara karena ketatnya pasokan domestik.

China menghadapi tantangan serius terkait sektor listriknya di provinsi Hunan, Jiangxi dan Zhejiang sejak awal Desember, karena pemulihan ekonomi yang kuat hingga cuaca dingin serta tersendatntya pasokan energi terbarukan.

Konsumsi listrik dalam beberapa minggu terakhir telah meningkat sebesar 11% di-bandingkan tahun sebelumnya, dan beban listrik di 20 provinsi telah meningkat dengan kecepatan dua digit.

Output batu bara China masih tertekan akibat pandemi dan membuat harganya melambung tinggi. Harga batu bara patokan Qinhuangdao 5.500 Kcal/kg bahkan sudah tembus RMB 743/ton pada akhir pekan lalu. Jauh di atas rentang target pemerintah di RMB 500 - 570 per ton.

Meski sudah merelaksasi kuota impornya, harga batu bara domestik masih tetap sangat tinggi. Di sisi lain hubungan antara Australia dan China juga masih panas. China disebut memboikot berbagai komoditas dari Australia termasuk batu bara salah satunya.

Indonesia diuntungkan dengan semakin panas-nya hubungan Australia-China. China sepakat membeli batu bara dari Indonesia senilai US$ 1,46 miliar untuk tahun depan. Kedua negara sepakat untuk menargetkan volume perda-gangan batu bara sebesar 200 juta ton.

China banyak mengimpor batu bara termal dari Indonesia dan batu bara kokas dari Australia. Batu bara termal banyak diguna-kan untuk pembangkit listrik sementara batu bara metalurgi banyak dipakai untuk pem-buatan baja.

Ke depan Badan Energi Internasional (IEA) memproyeksikan permintaan batu bara akan naik di 2021.

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The increase in demand is expected to reach 2.6% compared to this year after being attacked by the Covid-19 pandemic which triggered a massive lockdown and made electricity consumption fall and the wheels of industry choked up.

Demand for thermal and metallurgical coal is expected to increase to 7.43 billion tonnes in 2021 from 7.24 billion tonnes this year. Obviously this is a positive catalyst for the price of coal . CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (twg/twg)

Kenaikan permintaan diperkirakan bakal mencapai 2,6% dibanding tahun ini pasca diserang pandemi Covid-19 yang memicu lockdown secara masif dan membuat konsumsi listrik turun dan roda industri tersendat.

Permintaan batu bara termal dan metalurgi diperkirakan meningkat menjadi 7.43 miliar ton pada tahun 2021 dari 7.24 miliar ton tahun ini. Jelas ini menjadi katalis positif bagi harga batu bara. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (twg/twg)

Focusing on the downstream sector, Bukit Asam (PTBA)

believes that the coal industry is

still prospective Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Anna Suci


PT BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) is optimistic

about the prospects for the coal market in

2021. The management of this state-owned company predicts that in the long term

coal will be more widely used for domestic purposes rather than simply becoming an

export commodity.

PTBA Corporate Secretary Apollonius Andwie C. said coal will still be a source of

the energy mix in Indonesia for the next 20 years, although the portion continues to

decline from year to year.

This is reinforced by the policy of downstreaming coal into a more valuable

final product. Thus, coal utilization in Indonesia will remain dominant in the


Fokus di sektor hilir, Bukit Asam (PTBA) yakin industri batubara masih prospektif

Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Anna Suci Perwitasari

PT BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) optimistis

menatap prospek pasar batubara di tahun

2021 mendatang. Manajemen perusahaan pelat merah ini memprediksi, dalam jangka

panjang batubara akan lebih banyak dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan domestik

ketimbang sekadar menjadi komoditas ekspor.

Sekretaris Perusahaan PTBA Apollonius

Andwie C. mengatakan, batubara masih akan menjadi sumber bauran energi di

Indonesia hingga 20 tahun ke depan, meski porsinya terus menurun dari tahun ke


Hal tersebut diperkuat adanya kebijakan

hilirisasi batubara menjadi produk akhir yang lebih bernilai. Dengan demikian,

utilisasi batubara di Indonesia akan tetap dominan di masa depan.

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Regarding downstreaming, PTBA is over-seeing a coal gasification project into dymethyl ether (DME) in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra. PTBA is collaborating with PT Pertamina (Persero) and Air Products to work on the project.

Later, PTBA will supply coal for the gasification facility, while Air Products will act as a technology provider and investor. Meanwhile, Pertamina acts as an offtaker or buyer of DME products resulting from the project.

In notes, the total investment in the coal gasification project is around US$ 2.1 billion. This project is targeted for completion and commercial operation in the second quarter of 2024.

The PTBA coal gasification project was also designated as a National Strategic Project (PSN) through the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 109 of 2020 on 17 November 2020.

"The increase in the status of the coal gasification project as a PSN is a positive signal and great support from the government to accelerate the optimization of the abundant natural resources in Indonesia for the sake of increasing economic growth, equitable development and community welfare," said the figure who is familiarly called Pollo, Wednesday (23/12).

Just so you know, this coal gasification plant will be able to produce 1.4 million tons of DME per year. This production is believed to be able to reduce LPG imports by 1 million tons per year. This means that the total trade balance savings due to the project is estimated at Rp 5.5 trillion per year.

PTBA does not only focus on coal down-stream projects. The company is also...

Terkait hilirisasi, PTBA sedang mengawal proyek gasi fikasi batubara menjadi dymethil ether (DME) di Tanjung Enim, Sumatra Selatan. PTBA menggandeng PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Air Product untuk mengerjakan proyek tersebut.

Nantinya, PTBA akan memasok kebutuhan batubara untuk fasilitas gasifikasi, sedangkan Air Product akan bertindak sebagai penyedia teknologi dan investor. Adapun Pertamina berperan sebagai offtaker atau pembeli produk DME hasil dari proyek tersebut.

Dalam catatan, total investasi proyek gasifikasi batubara tersebut sekitar US$ 2,1 miliar. Proyek ini ditargetkan selesai dan beroperasi secara komersial pada kuartal II-2024.

Proyek gasifikasi batubara PTBA pun ditetapkan menjadi Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) melalui penerbitan Peraturan Presiden No. 109 Tahun 2020 pada 17 November 2020 lalu.

“Naiknya status proyek gasifikasi batubara sebagai salah satu PSN merupakan sinyal positif dan dukungan besar dari pemerintah untuk mempercepat peng-optimalan sumber daya alam yang melimpah di Indonesia demi peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerataan pembangunan, dan kesejahteraan masya-rakat,” ungkap sosok yang akrab disapa Pollo tersebut, Rabu (23/12).

Asal tahu saja, pabrik gasifikasi batubara ini akan mampu menghasilkan 1,4 juta ton DME per tahun. Hasil produksi ini di-percaya mampu mengurangi impor LPG sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun. Artinya, total penghematan neraca perdagangan berkat proyek tersebut diperkirakan sebesar Rp 5,5 triliun per tahun.

PTBA tak hanya fokus pada proyek hilirisasi batubara. Perusahaan ini juga...

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The company is also overseeing the construction of the Sumsel-8 Steam Power Plant (PLTU) with a capacity of 2x620 MW which has an investment value of US$ 1.68 billion.

"This PLTU is part of a 35,000 MW electricity project and was built by PTBA through PT Huadian Bukit Asam Power (HBAP) as an Independent Power Producer (IPP)," said Pollo.

For information, PT HBAP is a consortium between PTBA and China Huadian Hongkong Company Ltd. Until now, the progress of the construction of the Sumsel-8 PLTU has reached 55%.

The PLTU, which requires 5.4 million tons of coal per year, is expected to be fully operational in the first quarter of 2022.

Perusahaan ini juga mengawal pem-bangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Sumsel-8 berkapasitas 2x620 MW yang memiliki nilai investasi sebesar US$ 1,68 miliar.

“PLTU ini merupakan bagian dari proyek listrik 35.000 MW dan dibangun oleh PTBA melalui PT Huadian Bukit Asam Power (HBAP) sebagai Independent Power Producer (IPP),” ujar Pollo.

Sebagai informasi, PT HBAP merupakan konsorsium antara PTBA dengan China Huadian Hongkong Company Ltd.

Hingga saat ini, progres pembangunan PLTU Sumsel-8 mencapai 55%. PLTU yang membutuhkan batu bara sebanyak 5,4 juta ton per tahun ini diperkirakan akan ber-operasi penuh secara komersial pada kuartal I-2022.

Notes for the End of 2020 in the Minerba


Back to the beginning or end of the dream downstream?

Rio Indrawan

ONE word that continues to be discussed

throughout 2020. Downstream is the government's target to be realized. The mineral and coal (minerba) sub-sectors are the main targets of downstream. Understandably, for mineral and coal affairs, Indonesia is endowed with many natural resources. We have an abundance of raw materials. But unfortunately we are too comfortable with the export of these raw materials. Whereas after being exported various products made from these export materials were bought again by Indonesia. In simple terms,...

Catatan Akhir Tahun 2020 Subsektor


Kembali ke Awal atau Akhir Mimpi Hilirisasi?

Rio Indrawan

SATU kata yang terus diperbincangkan sepanjang tahun 2020. Hilirisasi menjadi target pemerintah untuk direalisasikan. Subsektor mineral dan batu bara (minerba) menjadi sasaran utama hilirisasi. Maklum saja untuk urusan minerba, Indonesia dikaruniai dengan sumber daya alam yang tidak sedikit. Kita memiliki bahan mentah yang berlimpah. Tapi sayangnya kita terlalu nyaman dengan ekspor barang mentah tersebut. Padahal setelah diekspor berbagai produk yang dibuat dari bahan ekspor tersebut dibeli lagi oleh Indonesia. Secara seder-hana,...

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In simple terms, we sell raw natural resource goods abroad, are processed later and sold again to various countries, including Indonesia at a much higher price than the raw goods which are then sold.

For decades of Indonesian independence, we are too complacent with the title as one of the largest exporters of natural resources. Downstream seems to be a dream that never comes true.

The "appendage" of this exporting country is misleading because the benefits that Indonesia gets from exports are not comparable to the profits that importing countries of raw materials are able to downstream by processing these raw materials into derivative products that have much greater added value.

The dream of realizing downstreaming finally began on January 1, 2020, when the government officially banned the export of low grade nickel. This provision is accelerated from the previous regulation, where the government set a ban on nickel exports to take effect in 2022.

One of the main reasons for the ban on nickel exports is that nickel is expected to be the main raw material for making electric vehicle batteries. The government through the Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID), the holding company of mining companies, has just formed a joint consortium of several State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), namely PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN (Persero) to work on the project. Antam will handle the upstream sector or the supplier of battery raw materials, while the intermediate to downstream products will be managed by Pertamina and PLN. Later the three BUMNs will form a new company, PT Indonesia Batterai. Currently,...

Secara sederhana, kita menjual barang-barang sumber daya alam mentah ke luar negeri, diolah kemudian dan dijual lagi ke berbagai negara, termasuk ke Indonesia dengan harga yang jauh lebih tinggi dari barang mentah yang kemudian dijual.

Puluhan tahun Indonesia merdeka kita terlalu terlena dengan predikat sebagai salah satu negara terbesar pengekspor sumber daya alam. Hilirisasi seakan-akan menjadi mimpi yang tak kunjung terkabul.

“Embel-embel” negara pengekspor ini menjadi salah kaprah karena manfaat yang diperoleh Indonesia dari ekspor itu tidak sebanding dengan keuntungan yang diperoleh negara-negara pengimpor bahan mentah yang mampu melakukan hilirisasi dengan mengolah bahan mentah tersebut menjadi produk turunan yang memiliki nilai tambah jauh lebih besar.

Mimpi untuk mewujudkan hilirisasi akhir-nya dimulai tepat 1 Januari 2020 saat pemerintah resmi melarang eskpor nikel kadar rendah. Ketentuan tersebut diper-cepat dari aturan sebelumnya, dimana pemerintah menetapkan larangan ekspor nikel berlaku pada 2022.

Salah satu alasan utama larangan ekspor nikel yakni nikel diharapkan akan menjadi bahan baku utama untuk pembuatan baterai kendaraan listrik. Pemerintah melalui Mining Industry Indonesia (MIND ID), induk holding perusahaan tambang baru saja membentuk konso rsium gabungan beberapa Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), yakni PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT Pertamina (Persero) dan PT PLN (Persero) untuk menggarap proyek tersebut. Antam akan menangani sektor hulu atau penyedia bahan baku baterai, sementara produk tengah (intermediate) hingga ke hilir akan dikelola Pertamina dan PLN. Nantinya ketiga BUMN itu akan membentuk perusahan baru, PT Indonesia Batterai. Saat ini,...

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Currently, state-owned companies through MIND ID control 30.4% of nickel reserves in Indonesia, which are owned by Antam and PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO), whose 20% shares have been officially acquired by MIND ID.

Orias Petrus Moedak, President Director of MIND ID, the holding of Indonesia Batterai, said that later he would collaborate with partners and form a Joint Venture (JV). The consortium will undertake two down-stream nickel to battery projects. The project is planned to be integrated from upstream to downstream. "From upstream to downstream, from mining to battery packs, for two potential partner companies," said Orias recently.

Currently, there are two potential partners who have been explored, namely companies from China and South Korea with a total investment value from up-stream to downstream for the two battery projects reaching around US$ 12 billion. "Around US$ 12 billion, so some are US$ 5 billion, some are US$ 7 billion, depending on the size. "It's being discussed, hopefully it can be achieved soon," said Orias.

The battery products from the two projects are primarily intended for electric vehicles (EV) and for storage of electrical energy (storage), especially in complementing the use of solar energy.

Orias said the EV battery cluster will be built by a nickel processing plant using the High Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) method and the Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (RKEF). The factory construction is planned to be located in North Maluku or North Konawe, with an estimated invest-ment of US$ 3 billion.

The downstreaming continues not only for nickel, but for several of Indonesia's main export commodities, such as coal and copper. For coal,...

Saat ini perusahaan BUMN melalui MIND ID mengusai 30,4% cadangan nikel di Indonesia, yang dimiliki Antam dan PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) yang 20% sahamnya sudah resmi diakuisisi MIND ID.

Orias Petrus Moedak, Direktur Utama MIND ID, holding Indonesia Batterai, mengatakan nantinya akan menggandeng mitra dan membentuk Joint Venture (JV). Ada dua proyek hilirisasi nikel menjadi baterai yang akan dikerjakan konsorsium tersebut. Proyek tersebut rencananya akan terintegrasi dari hulu sampai hilir. “Dari hulu ke hilir, dari tambang sampai pada batterai pack, untuk dua perusahaan calon mitra,” kata Orias belum lama ini.

Saat ini,ada dua calon mitra yang sudah dijajaki, yakni perusahan dari China dan Korea Selatan dengan total nilai investasi dari hulu hingga hilir untuk kedua proyek baterai tersebut mencapai sekitar US$12 miliar. “Sekitar US$ 12 miliar, jadi ada yang US$5 miliar, ada yang US$7 miliar, tergan-tung size-nya. Sedang dibicarakan, mudah-mudahan bisa segera tercapai,” kata Orias.

Produk baterai dari kedua proyek tersebut utamanya ditujukan untuk keperluan kendaraan listrik (Electric Vehicle/EV) dan untuk penyimpanan energi listrik (storage) khususnya dalam melengkapi pemanfaatan energi surya.

Orias mengatakan klaster EV baterai akan dibangun pabrik pengolahan nikel dengan metode High Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) dan Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (RKEF). Pembangunan pabrik rencananya berlokasi di Maluku Utara atau Konawe Utara, dengan estimasi investasi mencapai US$3 miliar.

Hilirisasi terus bergulir tidak hanya di-berlakukan untuk komoditas nikel tapi beberapa komoditas utama ekspor Indonesia seperti batu bara dan tembaga. Untuk batubara,...

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For coal, the government even involves private business actors to be involved. The holders of Coal Mining Work Agreement (PKP2B), who are giant companies and are the main contributors to national coal production, happen that their contracts will start to expire in the next few years.

Now they are "forced" to downstream coal as a condition for obtaining a contract extension and switching the type of contract to a Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK).

PT Bukit Asam Tbk, Pertamina and Air Products have collaborated to work on the downstream project by processing coal to Dimethyl Ether (DME). This is the leading coal downstream project among other downstream projects that business actors must carry out.

President Joko Widodo also emphasized that coal exports in raw form without processing must be stopped immediately. The President also asked his staff to immediately formulate a plan to realize this target immediately.

"I want solutions to solve the slowness of

the development of this coal derivative industry, because we have been exporting

this raw coal for a long time. I think it must end immediately, if later there will be

several extensions with the obligation to start this," said Jokowi.

According to Jokowi, there are several priorities that can be done in an effort to

increase the value of this coal, such as the coal gasification program or coal to DME.

This project is expected to be a way out of the burden of subsidies that must be borne

by the government because it has to buy and subsidize large amounts of imported

LPG and it continues to increase every year.

Untuk batu bara pemerintah bahkan melibatkan pelaku usaha swasta untuk terlibat. Para pemegang Perjanjian Karya Pertambangan Batu Bara (PKP2B) yang notabena adalah perusahaan raksasa dan jadi kontributor utama produksi batu bara nasional kebetulan kontraknya mulai akan segera habis dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Kini mereka “dipaksa” melakukan hilirisasi batu bara sebagai syarat men-dapatkan perpanjangan kontrak dan beralih jenis kontraknya ke Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK).

PT Bukit Asam Tbk, Pertamina dan Air Product menjalin kerja sama menggarap proyek hilirisasi dengan mengolah coal to Dimethyl Ether (DME). Ini menjadi proyek hilirisasi batu bara terdepan diantara proyek-proyek hilirisasi lainnya yang harus dijalankan para pelaku usaha.

Presiden Joko Widodo juga menegaskan ekspor batu bara dalam bentuk mentah tanpa terlebih dulu diolah harus segera dihentikan. Presiden pun meminta jajaran-nya segera merumuskan rencana guna merealisasikan target tersebut dengan segera.

“Saya ingin agar dicarikan solusi untuk mengatasi kelambanan pengembangan industri turunan batu bara ini, karena ini kita sudah lama sekali mengekspor batu bara mentah ini. Saya kira memang harus segera diakhiri, apabila nanti akan ada beberapa perpanjangan dengan kewajiban untuk memulai ini,” kata Jokowi.

Menurut Jokowi, ada beberapa prioritas yang bisa dilakukan dalam upaya peningkatan nilai batu bara ini, seperti program gasifikasi batu bara atau coal to DME. Proyek ini diharapkan jadi jalam keluar dari beban subsidi yang harus ditanggung pemerintah karena harus membeli dan mensubsidi LPG impor dalam jumlah besar dan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya.

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"Coal gasification into syngas is needed by the petrochemical industry and dimethyl ether (DME) which is very important as a substitute for LPG/LPG. We know that our LPG is still imported, so (gasification) can reduce our LPG imports," said Jokowi.

Bukit Asam is targeting the downstream coal project to become DME in Tanjung Enim to be completed and start commercial production in 2025 with coal consumption of around six million tons per year for a minimum of 20 years, to produce 1.4 million tons of DME per year.

Coal downstreaming is not only coal to DME but there are also several other projects that could potentially be worked on. So far it has been reported to the government that several projects that will be carried out by business actors include PT KPC with methanol products, PT Arutmin Indonesia with SNG products, which are currently in the finalization stage of the study. PT Adaro Indonesia with methanol products (still in preliminary study), and PT Berau Coal with DME/ Hydrogen products (still in preliminary assessment). Admittedly, the investment range for this project is quite large, around US$ 1.5 billion - US$ 3 billion.

Next is the Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) assessment that has been carried out by three companies. Namely PT Kideco Jaya Agung in East Kalimantan (pilot plant), PT Indominco in East Kalimantan, PT Medco Energi Mining International (MEMI) and Phoenix Energy Ltd. in North Kalimantan.

The investment for the UCG project is estimated to be 30%-40% lower than surface gasification. The project investment is around US$ 600 million-US$ 800 million.

The next downstreaming is the manufacture of coke. This project has been explored by...

“Gasifikasi batu bara menjadi syngas yang diperlukan industri petrokimia serta dimethyl ether (DME) yang sangat penting sebagai substitusi dari LPG/Elpiji. Kita tahu LPG kita ini masih impor, sehingga (gasifikasi) bisa mengurangi impor LPG kita,” ungkap Jokowi.

Bukit Asam menargetkan proyek hilirisasi batu bara menjadi DME di Tanjung Enim selesai dan mulai berproduksi komersial 2025 dengan konsumsi batu bara sekitar enam juta ton per tahun selama minimal 20 tahun, untuk menghasilkan 1,4 juta ton DME per tahun-nya.

Hilirisasi batu bara sebenarnya tidak hanya coal to DME tapi ada juga beberapa proyek lainnya yang berpotensi bisa digarap. Sejauh ini sudah dilaporkan ke pemerintah beberapa proyek yang akan dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha diantaranya PT KPC dengan produk methanol, PT Arutmin Indonesia dengan produk SNG yang saat ini sedang tahap finalisasi kajian. PT Adaro Indonesia dengan produk methanol (masih kajian awal), dan PT Berau Coal dengan produk DME/Hydrogen (masih kajian awal). Kisaran investasi untuk proyek ini memang diakui cukup besar sekitar US$1,5 miliar – US$3 miliar.

Berikutnya adalah Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) penjajalan sudah dilakukan oleh tiga perusahaan. Yakni PT Kideco Jaya Agung di Kalimantan Timur (pilot plant), PT Indominco di Kalimantan Timur, PT Medco Energi Mining Inter-national (MEMI) dan Phoenix Energy Ltd. di Kalimantan Utara.

Investasi untuk proyek UCG ditaksir 30%-40% lebih rendah dibandingkan gasifikasi dipermukaan. Investasi proyeknya ber-kisar US$600 juta-US$800 juta.

Hilirisasi berikutnya adalah pembuatan kokas. Proyek ini sudah dijajaki oleh...

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This project has been explored by PT Megah Energi Khatulistiwa (MEK) with semi-cocoa and coal tar products. The investment value is estimated at US$ 200 million - US$ 400 million.

Then there is also an increase in the quality of coal (coal upgrading) that has been carried out by PT ZIG Resources Technology. The investment for this project is around US$ 80 million-US$ 170 million and is already commercial.

As well as the manufacture of coal briquettes with an investment of Rp200 billion or around US$ 15 million, this is already in the commercial stage. Companies that have been working on it are PBA and PT Thriveni.

There is also downstream through coal liquefaction. The project, which is estimated at US$ 2 billion to US$ 4 billion, has not yet been proposed by the company. As well as coal slurry/coal water mixture. The project of around US$ 200 million - US$ 320 million has yet to be proposed by the company.

The next downstream sector that is being pushed is for the copper commodity. For this one, the focus for 2020 will certainly lead to the continuation of the construction of PT Freeport Indonesia's processing and refining facilities. The presence of a new smelter factory itself is one of the main conditions that Freeport Indonesia must fulfill when its contract switches from a Contract of Work to an IUPK as well as a mining contract extension requirement that Freeport Indonesia finally receives until 2041.

In the middle of the road, Freeport manage-ment has actually asked for a delay in development so that the completion target is postponed for one year from 2023 to 2024. The Covid-19 pandemic has “cushioned” Freeport Indonesia's management to propose the setback. The government has flatly rejected Freeport's request, which has pushed back the target of completing the smelter construction.

Proyek ini sudah dijajaki oleh PT Megah Energi Khatulistiwa (MEK) dengan produk semi cokes dan coal tar. Nilai investasi diperkirakan US$200 juta – US$400 juta.

Kemudian ada juga peningkatan mutu batu bara (coal upgrading) yang sudah dilaku-kan oleh PT ZIG Resources Technology. Investasi untuk proyek ini sekitar US$80 juta-US$170 juta dan sudah komersial.

Serta pembuatan briket batu bara dengan investasi Rp200 miliar atau sekitar US$15 juta ini sudah tahap komersial. Perusahaan yang sudah mengerjakannya adalah PBA dan PT Thriveni.

Ada juga hilirisasi melalui pencairan batubara (coal liquafaction). Proyek yang diperkirakan sebesar US$2 miliar- US$4 miliar ini hingga sekarang belum ada perusahaan yang mengusulkan. Serta coal slurry/coal water mixture. Proyek sekitar US$200 juta – US$320 juta ini juga masih belum ada perusahaan yang mengusulkan.

Hilirisasi berikutnya yang digenjot adalah untuk komoditas tembaga. Untuk yang satu ini fokus tahun 2020 tentu mengarah kepada kelanjutan pembangunan fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian milik PT Freeport Indonesia. Kehadiran pabrik smelter baru sendiri adalah salah satu syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi Freeport Indonesia saat kontraknya beralih dari Kontrak Karya menjadi IUPK sekaligus syarat perpanjangan kontrak tambang yang akhirnya diterima Freeport Indonesia hingga 2041.

Ditengah jalan manajemen Freeport justru meminta penundaan pembangunan sehingga target penyelesaiannya mundur selama satu tahun dari semula tahun 2023 menjadi 2024. Pandemi Covid-19 “bantalan” manajemen Freeport Indonesia untuk mengajukan kemunduran tersebut. Pemerintah telah mentah-mentah menolak permintaan Freeport yang memundurkan target penye-lesaian pembangunan smelter tersebut.

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Ridwan Djamaluddin, Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of ESDM, said that until now there is no other direction from the government for Freeport Indonesia apart from having to build a new copper smelter in accordance with the Mineral and Coal Law (Minerba Law). As well as the obligations in the Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK) that was agreed upon by Freeport and the government since December 2018. "What is the relationship between smelter construction and Covid?" Ridwan said.

Over time, Freeport has admitted that it will suffer huge losses by building a new smelter. Tony Wenas, President Director of Freeport Indonesia, firmly stated that in business for Freeport, the smelter construction would not benefit and would only increase the company's burden. The mining process starts with ore and then processes it into copper concentrate. The added value of the concentrate reaches 95%. Meanwhile, the processing from concentrate to copper cathode which is done at the smelter has an added value of only 5%.

According to Tony, smelter revenue only relies on Treatment Charge and Refining Charge (TCRC). Meanwhile, the TCRC price for 20 years to date, which applies worldwide, is around US$ 20 cent-US$ 24 cent per tonne of copper. "Yes, it is a loss, if the project is a loss I say profit is misleading," said Tony.

The discussion on Freeport's smelter is now shifting to the development of an existing smelter factory or Freeport is collaborating with partners in the construction of a smelter. One interesting thing is that the government is busy finding a smelter construction partner for Freeport. At the initiation of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, there is now a potential Freeport smelter construction partner, namely Tsingshan Steel from China.

Ridwan Djamaluddin, Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM, mengatakan hingga saat ini tidak ada arahan lain dari pemerintah kepada Freeport Indonesia selain harus membangun smelter tembaga baru sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Mineral dan Batubara (UU Minerba). Serta kewajiban dalam Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) yang disepakati Freeport dan pemerintah sejak Desember 2018. “Hubungannya pembangunan smelter sama Covid apa ya?” kata Ridwan.

Seiring waktu berjalan, Freeport justru mengaku akan alami kerugian besar dengan membangun smelter baru. Tony Wenas, Presiden Direktur Freeport Indonesia dengan tegas menyatakan secara bisnis bagi Freeport pembangunan smelter tidak ada keuntungan dan hanya akan menambah beban perusahaan. Proses penambangan yang dimulai dari bijih kemudian diolah menjadi konsentrat tembaga. Nilai tambah konsentrat mencapai 95%. Sementara itu, pengolahan dari konsentrat menjadi katoda tembaga yang dilakukan di smelter nilai tambahnya hanya 5%.

Menurut Tony, pemasukan smelter hanya mengandalkan Treatment Charge and Refining Charge (TCRC). Sementara harga TCRC selama 20 tahun sampai sekarang yang berlaku di seluruh dunia berkisar di angka US$20 cent-US$ 24 cent per ton tembaga. “Ya memang rugi, kalau proyek rugi saya bilang untung kan menyesatkan,” kata Tony.

Pembahasan smelter Freeport kini bergeser dengan pengembangan pabrik smelter yang sudah ada atau Freeport menggandeng mitra dalam pembangunan smelter. Satu hal yang menarik justru pemerintah yang sibuk mencarikan mitra pembangunan smelter bagi Freeport. Atas inisiasi dari Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi kini ada satu calon mitra pem-bangunan smelter Freeport yakni Tsingshan Steel asal China.

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Tony said that the initial talks with Tsingshan had been carried out to find out the method of cooperation up to the timeframe for the smelter construction.

"It is true that Tsingshan's approach to building a copper smelter in Halmahera is still in the discussion stage. We want to know the method, capacity, construction schedule. It's still in talks, there's no agreement yet," said Tony.

Tony said, if indeed the results of the discussion on the cooperation would benefit Freeport Indonesia compared to building its own smelter, the management would be happy with the news. Even moving the smelter construction site from Gresik to Halmahera. It's just that Tony emphasized that the final decision still rests with the government.

"If it is economically and technically more feasible, we would prefer it (cooperation with Tsingshan). We want to explore, but whatever is done will ask the government for direction. Even if Tsingshan is economical and technically possible, of course we will ask the government for direction," said Tony.

The Law

The Covid-19 pandemic may disrupt all aspects of life. Not even a few are temporarily paralyzed. But not for the discussion of the two laws. First, the mineral and coal law. As well as the Work Creation Omnibus Law which also deals with mining activities.

The DPR and the government swiftly agreed to the Minerba Law Number 3 of 2020 in May 2020 as a revision of the Minerba Law Number 4 of 2009. Not a few consider the “speeding” action to discuss the revision of the Minerba Law was driven by seven Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (PKP2B) generation I companies which the contract will expire...

Tony mengatakan pembicaraan awal dengan Tsingshan sudah dilakukan untuk menge-tahui metode kerja sama hingga jangka waktu pembangunan smelter.

“Benar kami di-approach Tsingshan yang mau bangun smelter tembaga di Halmahera, masih tahap pembicaraan. Kami mau tahu metodenya seperti apa, kapastias, jadwal pembangunan. Masih pembicaraan, belum ada kesepakatan,” kata Tony.

Tony mengatakan, jika memang dari hasil pembahasan kerja sama nanti menguntung-kan Freeport Indonesia dibanding mem-bangun smelter sendiri maka manajemen dengan senang hati berita. Bahkan me-mindahkan lokasi pembangunan smelter dari Gresik ke Halmahera. Hanya saja Tony menegaskan keputusan akhir tetap berada di tangan pemerintah.

“Kalau secara ekonomis dan teknis lebih memungkinkan, kita prefer itu(kerja sama dengan Tsingshan). Kami mau explore, tapi apapun yang dilakukan akan minta arahan pemerintah. Kalaupun dari Tsingshan sudah ekonomis dan technically memungkinkan, tentu kita minta arahan pemerintah,” ungkap Tony.


Pandemi Covid-19 boleh jadi membuat seluruh sendi kehidupan mengalami gangguan. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang lumpuh sementara. Tapi tidak bagi pembahasam dua undang-undang. Pertama, undang-undang minerba. Serta UU Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja yang di dalamnya juga menyinggung urusan kegiatan tambang.

Dengan sigap DPR bersama pemerintah menyepakati UU Minerba Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 pada Mei 2020 sebagai revisi UU Minerba Nomor 4 Tahun 2009. Tidak sedikit yang menganggap aksi “kebut” pembahasan revisi UU Minerba didorong oleh tujuh perusahaan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batu bara (PKP2B) Generasi I yang kontraknya akan habis...

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which the contract will expire from this year to the next few years. The seven companies are Tanito Harum (contract ends January/2019), PT Arutmin Indonesia (November/2020), Kaltim Prima Coal (December/2021), Multi Harapan Utama (March/2022), Adaro Indonesia (October/ 2022), Kideco Jaya Agung (March/2022) and Berau Coal (September/2025).

The new law for a lifetime was imme-diately sued by a civil society coalition through a judicial review of the Revision of the Mineral and Coal Law to the Constitutional Court (MK). The coalition considers that many of the regulations in these regulations are not in favor of the people and are not in accordance with the 1945 Constitution.

The controversy over the Minerba Law has not yet been resolved, the Job Creation Law has increasingly made many parties furious because the rules in the Universe Sweep Law are regulated so that business actors no longer need to pay royalties to the state, aka the imposition of 0% royalty. This is of course a kind of windfall for business actors amid the difficult growth of the coal industry due to the widespread rejection of the use of coal as a fuel in various parts of the world. The regulation states that the 0% royalty imposition has conditions. That is, the company must carry out the downstreaming of coal.

It's just that not a few think that down-streaming is a tool of the tycoons to get the legality of coal resource extraction activities.

Budi Santoso, Executive Director of the Center for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies, said that the reason for down-streaming as the main impetus for the immediate revision of the Minerba Law is a wrong mindset because downstreaming should have been carried out for a long time, not because of the revision of the Minerba Law.

yang kontraknya akan habis mulai dari tahun ini hingga beberapa tahun yang akan datang. Tujuh perusahaan itu adalah Tanito Harum (kontrak berakhir Januari/ 2019), PT Arutmin Indonesia (November/ 2020), Kaltim Prima Coal (Desember/ 2021), Multi Harapan Utama (Maret/ 2022), Adaro Indonesia (Oktober/2022), Kideco Jaya Agung (Maret/2022) dan Berau Coal (September/2025).

UU baru seumur jagung tersebut langsung digugat oleh Koalisi masyarakat sipil melalui judicial review Revisi Undang-Undang Mineral dan Batu Bara ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Koalisi menilai banyak beleid dalam aturan tersebut yang tak berpihak pada rakyat dan tidak sesuai UUD 1945.

Belum selesai kontroversi UU Minerba, UU Cipta Kerja makin membuat banyak pihak geram karena dalam aturan di UU sapu jagad itu diatur agar para pelaku usaha tidak perlu lagi membayar royalti kepada negara alias pengenaan royalti 0%. Ini tentu jadi semacam durian runtuh bagi pelaku usaha ditengah sulit tumbuhnya industri batu bara akibat terus meluasnya penolakan penggunaan batu bara sebagai bahan bakar diberbagai belahan dunia. Dalam aturan disebutkan pengenaan royalti 0% memiliki syarat. Yakni per-usahaan harus melakukan hilirsasi batu bara.

Hanya saja tidak sedikit yang menganggap hilirirsasi adalah alat para taipan untuk mendapatkan legalitas kegiatan penge-rukan sumber daya batu bara.

Budi Santoso, Direktur Eksekutif Centre for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies, sempat mengungkapkan bahwa Alasan hilirisasi sebagai dorongan utama agar revisi UU Minerba segera dilakukan merupakan pola pikir keliru karena sepatutnya hilirisasi dilakukan sejak lama bukan karena revisi UU Minerba.

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Downstreaming is also seen as propaganda to pave the way so that the contract for the

mining area that has expired is passed on to the mining company that currently

holds PKP2B.

“DME is a trap of PKP2B, DME of Rp. 3.8 billion is only for 8 tons. And that

development may not be 5 years. So the narrative that PKP2B asks to continue with

the contract for certainty of investment to make DME, later when the contract is

awarded it is said to be uneconomical," said Budi.

In line with Budi, a senior economic

observer from the University of Indonesia, Faisl Basri, openly stated that down-

streaming, one of which is coal to DME, is too forced. The DME project which is

predicted to provide economic benefits for the state is only engineered by business

actors who want to avoid the obligation to pay royalties from the coal that has been


"This is a trick by coal entrepreneurs. As if

they were the heroes of the DME project. Now it is a National Strategic Project, so it

doesn't pay royalties, doesn't pay PPh, and doesn't pay anything. Whereas for DME,

the coal does not reach 10% of their production," said Faisal.

Efforts to increase the added value of

natural resources in Indonesia should be appreciated and supported. However, we

cannot continue to sit back and enjoy the small amount of raw goods exports while

other countries can enjoy the export of derivative products and raw natural

resources with a much greater value. In addition, the downstream intention to

reduce the burden or reduce dependence on imports of LPG is also not wrong.

Hilirisasi juga dinilai sebagai propaganda untuk memuluskan jalan agar kontrak wilayah tambang yang habis kontrak diteruskan ke perusahaan tambang yang saat ini memegang PKP2B.

“DME omong kosong jebakan PKP2B, DME Rp 3,8 miliar hanya untuk 8 ton. Dan itu pembangunan tidak mungkin 5 tahun. Jadi narasinya PKP2B mohon dilanjutkan kontrak untuk kepastian investasi untuk bikin DME, nanti kalau sudah diberikan kontrak dibilang tidak ekonomis,” kata Budi.

Sejalan dengan Budi, pengamat ekonomi senitor dari Universitas Indonesia Faisl Basri terang-terangan menyebutkan bahwa hilirisasi salah satunya coal to DME terlalu dipaksaskan. proyek DME yang digadang-gadang bisa memberikan keuntungan secara ekonomi bagi negara hanya rekayasa para pelaku usaha yang ingin menghindari kewajiban pembayaran royalti dari batu bara yang telah di-produksi.

“Ini kan akal-akalan pengusaha batu bara. Seolah-olah mereka pahlawan proyek DME. Sekarang menjadi Proyek Strategis Nasional, sehinggga enggak bayar royalti, enggak bayar PPh, dan enggak bayar apa-apa. Padahal yang buat DME, batu baranya enggak sampai 10% dari pro duksi mereka,” kata Faisal.

Upaya untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah sumber daya alam yang ada di Indonesia patut diapresiasi dan didukung. Bagai-manapun juga kita memang tidak bisa terus duduk manis menikmati hasil ekspor barang mentah yang jumlahnya tidak seberapa disaat negara lain bisa menikmati eskpor produk turunan dan sumber daya alam mentah itu dengan nilai yang jauh lebih besar. Selain itu niat hilirisasi yang mau kurangi beban atau kurangi ketergantungan akan impor LPG juga tidak salah.

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But it must be remembered that the downstream issue is not a new product. We have to be really observant about which one is really the intention which one wants to gain profit. Monitoring of company plans in downstream must actually work, not just black ink reports on paper.

It must be ensured that downstreaming is really no longer a dream. It is enough that in 2020 the dream of downstreaming will begin and end soon to be realized! (Rio Indrawan)

Tapi harus diingat isu hilirisasi bukanlah produk baru. Kita harus benar-benar jeli mana yang benar-benar niat mana yang ingin mendulang keuntungan. Pengawasan terhadap rencana-rencana perusahaan dalam hilirisasi harus benar-benar berjalan jangan hanya sekedar laporan tinta hitam diatas kertas.

Harus dipastikan bahwa hilirisasi benar-benar bukan lagi mimpi. Cukuplah tahun 2020 ini mimpi hilirisasi itu dimulai dan segera diakhiri untuk selanjutnya diwujud-kan! (Rio Indrawan)

After winter, coal prices are expected to fall

Reporter: Hikma Dirgantara | Editor: Wahyu T. Rahmawati

ALONG with winter, coal prices continued

to strengthen. On Monday (28/12), the price of coal in Newcastle for March 2021 delivery contract on ICE Futures was at US$ 84.65 per metric ton. This price is the highest for coal this year.

Central Capital Futures analyst Wahyu Laksono admitted that the increase in coal prices was quite surprising, because previously he estimated that coal prices would only be in the range of US$ 80 per ton. However, Wahyu believes that this increase is due to the increase in demand but from the supply side it tends to be tight.

"The price of thermal coal has risen as demand from China, India, South Korea and Japan to generate electricity at PLTU has increased in the last two months. In terms of supply,...

Selepas musim dingin, harga batubara diperkirakan turun Reporter: Hikma Dirgantara | Editor:

Wahyu T. Rahmawati

BERSAMAAN dengan musim dingin, harga

batubara terus menguat. Pada Senin (28/12), harga batubara di Newcastle kontrak pengiriman Maret 2021 di ICE Futures berada di US$ 84,65 per metrik ton. Harga tersebut merupakan yang tertinggi untuk batubara pada tahun ini.

Analis Central Capital Futures Wahyu Laksono mengaku kenaikan harga batu-bara ini cukup mengejutkan, karena sebelumnya dia memperkirakan harga batubara hanya akan di kisaran US$ 80 per ton. Namun, kenaikan ini dinilai Wahyu akibat kenaikan permintaan tapi dari sisi suplai cenderung ketat.

“Harga batubara thermal naik seiring permintaan dari China, India, Korea Selatan, dan Jepang, untuk membangkitkan listrik di PLTU mengalami kenaikan dalam dua bulan terakhir. Dari segi pasokan,...

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In terms of supply, thermal seaborne coal is also tight as around 25 million tons of Colombian production have been limited this year and no new supplies are flowing,” Wahyu explained when contacted by, Tuesday (29/12).

Wahyu added that the price of domestic coal in China continues to rise and is more expensive than prices in general . Inevitably, industry players in China are turning to looking for imported coal. However, with China having political tensions with Australia, in the end other producers, such as Indonesia, Russia, and even South Africa benefited.

Despite being at odds with China, Australian coal prices have also risen in recent weeks. Wahyu said the cause was the better-than-expected recovery of several Asian countries so that demand also increased.

"So with the increase in Chinese demand, coal prices in Indonesia, Russia and South Africa have increased. Australia has finally shifted its exports to more traditional countries such as Bangladesh, Turkey and India,” added Wahyu.

However, Wahyu emphasiz ed, coal commodity has the characteristic that the price cannot be too high, nor too low. If it is too high, the price can threaten energy or electricity consumers, but if it is too low it will threaten the producer. Therefore, after winter ends, Wahyu sees that coal prices will tend to be corrected.

Wahyu estimates that coal prices have the potential to strengthen next year along with commodity prices in general. It's just that the strengthening of coal can be limited. Apart from the fact that after winter the price is corrected, another factor is China which will tend to control the price if it is too expensive.

Dari segi pasokan, batubara thermal seaborne juga ketat seiring sekitar 25 juta ton produksi Kolombia telah dibatasi tahun ini dan tidak ada pasokan baru yang mengalir,” terang Wahyu ketika dihubungi, Selasa (29/12).

Wahyu menambahkan, harga batubara dalam negeri China justru terus naik dan lebih mahal dari harga pada umumnya. Tak pelak, pelaku industri di China beralih mencari batubara impor. Namun, dengan China yang punya ketegangan politik dengan Australia, pada akhirnya produsen lain, seperti Indonesia, Rusia, dan bahkan Afrika Selatan justru diuntungkan.

Kendati tengah bersitegang dengan China, harga batubara Australia juga naik dalam beberapa pekan terakhir. Wahyu menyebut penyebabnya adalah pemulihan beberapa negara Asia yang lebih baik dari perkiraan sehingga permintaan pun ikut menanjak.

“Jadi dengan naiknya permintaan China, harga

batubara di Indonesia, Rusia, dan Afrika

Selatan mengalami kenaikan. Australia pun akhirnya mengalihkan ekspornya ke negara

yang lebih tradisional seperti Bangladesh,

Turki, dan India,” tambah Wahyu.

Namun, Wahyu menegaskan, komoditas batubara punya sifat bahwa harganya tidak bisa terlalu tinggi, juga tidak bisa terlalu rendah. Jika terlalu tinggi, harganya bisa mengancam konsumen energi atau listrik, namun jika terlalu rendah akan mengancam produsennya. Oleh karena itu, setelah musim dingin berakhir, Wahyu melihat harga batubara akan cenderung terkoreksi.

Perkiraan Wahyu, pada tahun depan harga batubara ada potensi penguatan bersama dengan harga komoditas secara umum. Hanya saja penguatan batubara bisa jadi terbatas. Selain karena setelah musim dingin harganya terkoreksi, faktor lain adalah China yang akan cenderung mengen-dalikan harga jika terlalu mahal.

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"The price in the range of US$ 80 per ton is very much under correction. So in the short term the price will be in the range of US$ 65 per ton-US$ 95 per ton, while for next year the price will be in the range of US$ 50 per ton-US$ 100 per ton. When the price is near US$ 80 per ton, it can sell on strength, while under US$ 60 it can be buy on weakness," Wahyu concluded.

“Harga di kisaran US$ 80 per ton sangat rentang terkoreksi. Jadi secara jangka pendek harganya akan di kisaran US$ 65 per ton-US$ 95 per ton, sementara untuk tahun depan harganya berada pada rentang US$ 50 per ton-US$ 100 per ton. Ketika harga dekat US$ 80 per ton bisa sell on strength, sementara di bawah US$ 60 bisa buy on weakness,” pungkas Wahyu.

Metso Outotec announces major process technology order for Russian copper concentrator

Posted by Paul Moore

METSO Outotec has signed a contract for the delivery of key minerals processing technology

to a new high-capacity copper concentrator in Russia. The customer and the contract value are not disclosed. Deliveries with similar scope typically exceed EUR100 million. The order is booked in Metso Outotec’s fourth quarter 2020 orders received. In June 2020, Metso Outotec received an EUR23 million order for two primary crushing stations for the same concentrator plant.

The concentrator will have four production lines with a total processing capacity of at least 80 Mt of ore per annum. Metso Outotec will deliver the main process equipment for grinding, flotation and dewatering, including grinding mills, TankCell® flotation cells in different sizes between 30 and 630 cubic metres, pressure filters, on-line sampling and analysing system, field instrumentation and Proscon® automation for the whole concentrator plant. Equipment deliveries will take place during 2022 and 2023.

“We are extremely pleased about this order. The new concentrator, based on Metso Outotec’s proven proprietary technology, will enable our customer to build and develop their operations in a sustainable way and get the best value from their assets,” says Stephan Kirsch, President, Minerals business area at Metso Outotec.

India’s mining sector to witness reforms, flurry of activities in 2021 Posted by Ayshee Bhaduri

THE COUNTRY’s mining sector will see “hectic activities” in the new year with the central government’s approvals for pending mining reforms expected in January itself and efforts continuing to bolster overall mineral output.

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The reforms will pave the way for auctioning of at least 500 mineral blocks, Mines secretary Anil Kumar Jain told PTI and emphasised that calendar year 2021 will be a “bridge year between the past and the future”.

On account of market forces, there is a fluctuation in steel prices but the Covid-19 pandemic did not impact the country’s mineral production this year, he noted.

While many sectors had to bear the brunt of the pandemic-induced lockdown, Jain said India has “registered in iron ore some of the best export numbers in the last seven-eight months as compared to previous years”.

“The year 2021 will see hectic activity on the mining side because the reforms which have been in waiting for some time, they (reforms) are likely to be approved in the month of January which will involve some changes in the MMDR Act (Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957) and some changes in the rules all meant to liberate the sector.

“It is going to bring into play a large number of mining blocks so the production in most of the minerals resources will see quantum jump because of these mines which will become available for interested parties in the calendar year 2021,” Jain said.

As per official figures, India’s iron ore export increased by 70.26 per cent to 29.261 MT in the April-September period of ongoing fiscal over 17.186 MT in the year-ago period.

“At the outset when it (government) identified essential sectors, for which the lockdown was not imposed, it included the mining sector in that (essential sectors). So that has helped and it kept the people employed and it kept the ore coming.

“India has registered in iron ore some of the best export numbers in the last seven-eight months as compared to previous years. In that sense, the Government of India was very cognizant of the importance of this sector and it has served the nation well,” the secretary said.

However, miners’ body Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) is of the view that 2020 has been very tough and challenging year due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdown.

“(For the) Mining sector, which was already under the phase of slowdown, the impact of Covid-19 proved to be a double whammy,” FIMI Secretary General R K Sharma said.

The government declared mining as an ‘essential service’ and allowed the production and transportation of minerals during the country-wide lockdown, he said.

Despite the adversity, mining companies showed remarkable resilience and continued mining operations to the extent possible, he added.

The government amended the mining law to facilitate enhancing coal production and reducing imports.

It also aims to smoothen transitions of expiring non-captive operating mines to new bidders and deemed validity of statutory clearances for a period of two years.

After implementation of the amended mining law, 28 operative mines (24 iron ore, iron and manganese ore, and chrome ore mines in Odisha, and 4 iron ore mines in Karnataka) that expired on March 31, 2020 have been successfully auctioned.

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The government’s endeavour is to enhance the mining sector’s contribution to the country’s GDP, Sharma said.

About the prospects for 2021, he said the government is in the process of further reforming the mining sector by amending the MMDR Act with the objective of exploration of deep-seated minerals like gold, diamond, platinum, copper, zinc and lead, with greater participation of the private sector.

“Initiatives are being taken to ensure early operationalisation of auctioned greenfield mineral blocks (52),” he said.

Rationalisation of taxes in the mining sector is also being considered.

Under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat scheme, the Centre, in May, announced enhancing private investments in the mineral sector and bringing in other reforms.

The mines ministry has proposed legislative amendments to the MMDR Act, 1957 for undertaking structural reforms with the objective of accelerating growth and employment generation.

They are also aimed at resolving legacy issues to move towards an auction only regime for allocation of mineral resources, removing the distinction between captive and non-captive mines, developing a transparent National Mineral Index and clarifying the definition of illegal mining, among others.

Brazil, Australia iron ore shipments set 2020 record MINING.COM Staff Writer

THE TOTAL volume of iron ore dispatched to global destinations from Australia and Brazil

was 29.7 million tonnes from December 21-27, the highest since June 2019, according to a survey from Mysteel.

Over the survey period, iron ore shipments from ten Australian ports bound for global destinations hit 21.7 million tonnes, and the tonnage shipped from Brazil’s nine ports reached 8 million tonnes.

Iron ore outperformed all commodities in 2020, more than doubling to record highs on strong Chinese steel demand.

As the world’s largest producer of steel at 1.1 billion tonnes in 2020, China imports 60% of its iron ore from Australia. Bilateral relations between the two countries soured earlier this year after Australia supported a growing call for an international inquiry into China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The ongoing tensions have not had a big impact on the iron ore trade so far.

Australia’s government said it foresees China’s pull on Australian iron ore exports remaining strong in the next few years.

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“Mining exports are expected to fall by 0.5% in 2020-2021 and grow by 5% in 2021-2022,” it said in its mid-year economic report.


Prices for iron ore have more than doubled in 2020, putting the steelmaking raw material on track to be the top-performing major commodity globally for a second straight year as speculative money floods in and Chinese demand holds firm.

The most active iron ore futures on the Dalian Commodity Exchange have gained 37.8% this quarter and 21.5% in December alone.

Some market analysts, however, expect prices to moderate over the next two years.

S&P Global Ratings said in a report on Vale it expects iron ore prices to average $85 per tonne in 2021, and $70 per tonne in 2022.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia said in a report that iron ore prices could slip below $100 per tonne next year.

Metso Outotec sells aluminium business to REEL International

METSO Outotec has signed an agreement with French material handling systems and lifting equipment company REEL International to divest its aluminium business.

Financial details of the deal have not been disclosed by both companies.

Metso Outotec Aluminium business vice-president Antti Koulumies said: “It’s rare to find another business with such a complementary product portfolio in primary aluminium technology, and we’re excited to be joining REEL International.

“I’m confident that this transaction will enable our team to continue supporting our customers’ businesses in an efficient way. This agreement is proof of the hard work and commitment of our team during this extraordinary year.”

Metso Outotec’s aluminium business was put for sale a year ago and since then it has been reported under discontinued operations.

As per the terms of the deal, REEL International will be acquiring green anode plants, anode rodshops, as well as casthouses used in aluminium smelters along with related equipment and services.

Completion of the deal is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2021, following which nearly 120 Metso Outotec employees will be joining REEL.

Metso Outotec said that the divesture will not have any material impact on its financial result.

REEL International Board chairman Philippe Frantz said: “We’re pleased to welcome Metso Outotec’s aluminium business and personnel to the REEL family.

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“With our complementary product portfolio and geographical footprint, we’ll be able to serve our customers even better around the world”.

In another development, Metso Outotec secured a €100m contract to deliver key process equipment for a greenfield zinc plant in Verkhny Ufaley in the Chelyabinsk region in Russia.

As per the terms of the contract, Metso Outotec will be supplying equipment package for Zinc concentrate processing, iron precipitation, as well as a solution purification and electrowinning technologies for safe and sustainable zinc processing based on OKTOP reactor and plant products.

Under the contract, Metso Outotec will also supply a circuit heat recovery system, zinc electrowinning and ingot casting equipment as well as high-efficiency cooling towers for zinc electrowinning and gypsum removal with fewer emission levels.

The company will also deliver clarifying solutions for consistent solid-liquid separation, high-performance Larox FP and RB filters, as well as a fully integrated digital process automation, to ensure a reliable and flexible operation.

Coal import prices volatile as China bans Australian import: Ind-Ra ANI | Mumbai (Maharashtra)

THE INDEFINITE Chinese ban on Australian coal imports will keep import prices for India

volatile over the near term, according to India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra). Australia-origin coking coal import (comprising 67 per cent share in FY20) prices have remained subdued up to mid-December, providing respite to the spreads for domestic steel players while iron ore prices are soaring.

The import prices of non-coking coal from South Africa and Indonesia (comprising 85 per cent share in FY20) have seen a strong momentum up to mid-December, making imported coal more expensive and thus, hitting the margins of domestic power sector participants dependent on imported coal. Ind-Ra said coal offtake continued to improve in November to 56 million tonnes, higher 2.6 per cent month-on-month and 6.2 per cent year-on-year, driven by an improving domestic power demand by 3.7 per cent y-o-y.

Accordingly, domestic coal production continued to improve to 56.6 million tonnes, higher 11.6 per cent m-o-m and 2.2 per cent y-o-y. The output in 2H FY21 is likely to be supported by about 7 per cent y-o-y higher overburden removed in 1H FY21 from open cast mines (around 94 per cent of total production) due to a lower coal demand over 1H FY21, said Ind-Ra.

With the formalised ban imposed by China on Australian coal imports, coking coal import prices declined by 24 per cent up to mid-December since early-October after the imposition of verbal ban. This was in anticipation of an oversupply in the global market, post China ban of Australian coal imports, in the medium term while Australian miners were identifying other avenues to offload coking coal.

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Since October-end, said Ind-Ra, non-coking coal import prices (South Africa and Indonesia origin) have spurred up by 32 to 39 per cent up to mid-December. The increase in prices may also provide Coal India Ltd to push domestic coal over imported coal in India, subject to an improvement in price competitiveness considering the gross calorific value and applicable freight costs.

Coal Concentrate Output Up 11%

IRAN’s two major coal production companies had a total output of 60,050 tons of coal

concentrates during the eighth Iranian month (Oct. 21-Nov. 20), registering an 11% increase compared with last year’s similar month.

Tabas Parvadeh Coal Company accounted for 52,391 tons of the total output and Central Alborz Coal Company for the remaining 7,659 tons, the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization reported on its website.

Coal concentrate output during the first eight months of the current fiscal year amounted to 471,528 tons, indicating a growth of 3% compared with the same period of last year.

The two companies extracted 157,641 tons of coal during the month under review, posting an 86% growth compared with the corresponding period of last year.

Coal extractions increased by 5% during the first eight months of the Iranian year to 1.214 million tons, IMIDRO reported.

The two companies delivered 56,952 tons of coal concentrates to their customers during the month under review to register a 42% increase YOY, of which Tabas Parvadeh Coal Company had a share of 50,072 tons, while Central Alborz Coal Company accounted for the remaining 6,880 tons.

Iranian coal mines, with about 1.15 billion tons of combined reserves, have the capacity to produce up to 3 million tons of coal concentrates annually.

Global zinc production to rebound – report Editor

GLOBAL zinc mine output will recover in the coming years following several years of decline,

Fitch Solutions forecasts in its latest industry report, adding that after contracting by almost 10% between 2013 and 2020, annual output will commence a multi-year uptrend starting in 2021.

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High prices by historical standards have encouraged investment into a pipeline of new projects and restarts, which will continue to come online in 2021.

Elevated zinc prices relative to historical levels will encourage investment in new projects, expansions and restarts as the economics of the projects maintain their attractiveness, Fitch asserts. The analyst also sees scope for some idled capacity to be restarted. Fitch forecasts global zinc mine production to grow at an annual average rate of 1.8% over 2021-2029, compared with 0.2% over the previous decade.

China will remain largest global producer

Fitch expects China’s zinc mine production will stagnate over the coming years due to declining ore grades and increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

The conservation of minerals and increasing consolidation of mining industries outlined in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan will weigh on zinc output, and the strong support for state- owned enterprises (SOEs) in the

plan will ensure that China’s zinc industry remains dominated by SOEs, with increasing consolidation of smaller miners, Fitch says. Zijin Mining will remain a dominant producer in China’s zinc sector with ownership of China’s second largest zinc mine Wulagen and its 95% ownership in the Miaogou-Sanguikou operations.

Fitch forecasts the country’s zinc production to edge higher, from 3.85mnt in 2021 to 3.87mnt by 2029. Despite this muted growth rate, China will remain the largest global producer of zinc by a wide margin, and Fitch forecasts China’s share of global production to slide from 29% in 2021 to 26% by 2029.


Fitch predicts Peru will remain a top zinc concentrate producer over the coming years. The country is home to approximately 57 mining firms according to the Ministry of Energy & Mines, which consist of both international firms such as Teck Resources and Glencore and as well as domestic miners.

Despite the large number of players, Peru’s zinc sector is dominated by the Antamina operation and Nexa Resources’ operations of Cerro Lindo and El Porvenir. Antamina produced 303kt in 2019, marking a 25.8% y-o-y contraction from 409kt in 2018. In 2019, Cerro Lindo and El Porvenir respectively produced 250kt and 97kt of zinc.

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Operations at Antamina were suspended from mid-April to late May 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemic, but nonetheless, Glencore reported 4.0% y-o-y growth in zinc output at the site during H120.

Elevated zinc prices will allow firms to move forward with projects within the pipeline, supporting stable growth. Fitch points out that as of November 2020, Tinka Resources is continuing to develop the Ayawilca asset with it recently beginning a resource expansion drill program which it will continue into 2021. The firm’s current timeline aims to complete the feasibility study by 2021-2022 then begin operations by 2023, producing approximately 140kt of zinc concentrate in its first year.

Fitch also expects Nexa Resources to pick back up the development of its Shalipayco project, which in Q320, was in the pre-feasibility study phase and on hold due to its changed capex strategy in response to covid-19. Peru has the third highest number of new zinc projects in the pipeline at 16, according to Fitch’s Global Mines Database.

Australia trajectory

Following 2019’s year of robust growth, Fitch expects Australia to maintain i ts positive trajectory over the coming decade. Over 2019, the ramp up of MMG’s Dugald River mine and the restart of Glencore’s Lady Lorreta mine at Mount Isa led the increase in Australia’s zinc mine output by an estimated 14% y-o-y.

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Fitch expects New Centruy Resources to be a significant driver of growth as the firm ramps up its Century mine asset. The mine has successfully refurbished its 12mtpa zinc flotation plant and restarted operations. In turn, zinc output reached 33.6kt in Q320, marking a 28.2% y-o-y increase. Fitch estimates the operation is on pace to produce approximately 120-132kt per annum.

Fitch forecasts the country’s zinc production to increase from 1.4mnt in 2021 to 1.6mnt by 2029, averaging 2.4% growth y- o-y, on the back of elevated zinc prices and the solid project pipeline. Junior miners will continue to advance zinc projects in Australia, given the positive outlook for zinc prices over the coming years. Australia currently holds a combined 27 zinc-related new projects, expansions and restarts in the analyst’s Global Mines Database.