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Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Bread Maker · of some old dough and mix it with the new dough. When both these two doughs
Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS - Bread Maker · of some old dough and mix it with the new dough. When both these two doughs

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Everyone loves to eat bread. It is the staple breakfast diet for many people al l across

the globe. But, more often than not, the bread you buy from bakeries or grocery stores

might not be a fresh one and does not have a homely taste. If you are the one who loves

to eat fresh baked bread every day in the morning, then this eBook wil l introduce to the

most wonderful machine that wil l help in making breads very easily. It is the bread mak-

ing machine. The machine wil l give you complete freedom from making the bread using

your hands. There is no need for kneading, mixing, and stirring to make delicious home-

made bread. By investing in a bread machine, you can do away with the hard labor that

goes into making breads.

The dirty work of the bread making process wil l be fully handled by the top quality

bread makers. You just need to push a few buttons to prepare the bread dough. There

is no better feeling in the morning than getting the air inside your home fi l led with

the aroma of fresh baked bread. This is what you would be craving for when you walk

across the bakeries on the street. Now, you can bake great breads at home with the

help of bread machines. With a bread machine at home, you can make fresh bread at

any time of the day or night and the making process is also quite simple. No matter you

need a simple white bread or a wheat bread or a nutritious bread loaf, you can make it

in your bread maker whenever you want.

This eBook takes you into the wonderful world of bread makers and lets you know why

it is important to use bread makers. It also contains details on how the bread makers

work to make delicious breads. There is also a chapter where there is a comparison

between the bread machine and the oven so that you get to know the pros and cons of

each machine. Apart from this, this eBook also contains details of how to buy the bread

making machines. With so much of details loaded in this eBook, you do not have to go

elsewhere to know all about bread makers.

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The process of making bread started in the ancient t imes. The basic bread making oper-

ation involved the mixing of f lour (the main ingredient) with other ingredients l ike fat,

water and salt to make the bread. One of the most important ingredients in the art of

making bread is to ferment the bread and this is done using yeast. But, the Egyptians

are said to be the f irst people to start making fermented bread. They used to make use

of some old dough and mix it with the new dough. When both these two doughs get

mixed and are al lowed to ferment for a few hours, it wil l start to rise. This is how the

bread dough was prepared in the ancient t imes. Thru have been plenty of methods that

have been put to practice since this age old method of mixing the old and fresh dough.

The traditional long fermentation process for making bread dough was reduced by one

to one-and-a-half day ferment process to just a few hours of the process by using small

amounts of oxidants in the f lour. This practice came into effect in the early 1900’s. The

oxidants wil l help in quick fermentation of the bread dough and wil l also help in making

a superior loaf of bread. To know more about making bread the easy way, please visit

this website .

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The ingredients that are needed to make good bread are f lour, yeast, water, salt , sug-

ar and other ingredients. The main process of making bread involves mixing the ingre-

dients together to form the soft dough. Then the dough needs to be baked in the oven

to make a loaf. The main thing needed to make good bread is that the dough must be

mixed and kneaded in such a way that it becomes extensive enough for it to sit and re-

lax and to rise. A good dough is one that wil l stretch when it is pulled. It wil l be elastic

in nature and must be stable to hold the cell structure and its shape. The dough gets

its special properties from the gluten content that is present in the al l purpose f lour or

refined flour. This is very important when making breads and wil l help in boosting the

baking properties of the dough. The following are the process that is involved in making

a good loaf of bread.

• Mixingthe ingredients

The mixing of al l the important ingredients needed to make the bread has to be done in

an even manner so that al l the ingredients get mixed well in the f lour. The mixing wil l

also help in al lowing the gluten content to develop so that you can bake the best bread

out of the mix. There is an optimum amount of t ime that you should give for mixing and

too much mixing might result in the dough losing its elastic properties. Under mixing

the ingredients would make the dough don’t r ise to the desired levels. The bread loaf

wil l not have the desired appearance inside after the baking if mixing is not done for

the optimum mixing time.

• Fermentation

Once you have mixed the dough, you should al low it to rest so that it can rise. This is

due to the fermentation process and the roughly mixed dough wil l s lowly lose its dense-

ness and wil l turn into smooth and extensible dough. It wil l have very good gas holding

properties that are necessary for bread dough. During the fermentation process, the

yeast cells wil l grow and the gluten wil l stick together to form the required networks

in the dough. The carbohydrates present in the f lour wil l break down to form alcohol

and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is responsible for the bread dough to raise and


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• Kneading

After the fermentation process, you wil l get extended and smooth dough. You should

knead the dough in order to release the excess gas holes that are formed during the

fermentation process. This wil l also help in evenly distributing the gas bubbles and the

temperature inside the dough. Once the kneading is over, the dough is kept aside to rise


• Secondrisingprocess

During the f inal proving process, the dough wil l get f i l led with more gas bubbles and

once it reaches its maximum extensibil ity, it wil l be transferred to the oven tray for


• Baking

Once the oven is placed in the preheated oven for baking, the heat wil l penetrate into

the dough and the gases wil l start to expand. The pressure of the gas inside the tiny gas

cells wil l start to increase with heat. The heat from the oven wil l convert the l iquids

in the dough to gases and thereby the alcohol in the dough wil l start to evaporate. The

yeast in the dough wil l die once the temperature inside the oven touches 46 degrees

C and the extra sugars wil l help in sweetening the bread and also helps in making the

bread crust brown. The loaf wil l get completely baked when the internal temperature of

about 98 degrees C is reached. The loaf wil l lose its weight by evaporation of the mois-

ture content in the dough. Once the bread is baked, it is taken off from the oven and

allowed to cool . The loaf has to be cut into sl ices only after its temperature has reached

about 35 degrees C.

If you are looking for something other than the traditional method to make bread, then

check this l ink .


The most popular type of food the world over is the bread. There are many different

kinds and varieties of breads that you wil l come across in the markets today. But, there

are a few standard bread types that wil l never go out of favor and demand. The types of

breads are generally classif ied into three:

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• Breadthatrisestothehighestandhencehastobebakedinpans.

• Breadthatrisestoamediumsize(Frenchandryebreads).

• Breadthathardlyrisesandtheyareknownasthef lat breads.

The most popular types of bread are:

• Whitebread

This is a favorite among people al l over the world. You can make use of the white bread

to make veg and non-veg sandwiches, bread toasts, etc. Just spread peanut butter, salt-

ed butter, jam, jel ly or chocolate syrup on the bread and your kid’s breakfast is ready in

a j iffy.

• Wheatbread

A healthy version of the white bread is the wheat bread that is made using unrefined

wheat f lour. It is made with about 80 to 90 percent of whole wheat f lour and the re-

maining is the white f lour. This is an excellent source of f iber and is for health con-

scious people.

• Multigrainbread

Another type of bread that is gaining popularity the world over is the multigrain bread

as it is made using a mixture of ingredients l ike whole wheat f lour, rye f lour, wheat

germ, cereals l ike oats, mil let, r ice, corn and barely. These breads are a rich source of

f iber and can be easily made in your home bread maker.

• Fruit andnutbread

This is a popular bread made using festive seasons l ike Christmas. It is just the normal

bread that contains fruits and nuts. Some of the popular fruits l ike raisins, currants,

prunes, apricots, walnuts, cashew nuts, etc. , are added to the bread dough.

Some of the other types of bread are the rye breads, French bread, bagels, pita bread,

naan, chapatis, torti l las, breadsticks, etc.

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One of the main reasons why many people use the bread makers is because they are fed

up eating the same old store bread that offers the same taste and flavor every time.

The people who love to try out different types of bread and also change the f lavors in

the bread wil l want to save money and also bring their baking expertise to the f loor.

These are the people who would love to buy the bread machines. If the bread is the

staple breakfast dish in your home, then buying a bread making machine is a very good

option. This way you wil l save a lot of money as you wil l be making your own fresh and

tasty bread and wil l not be buying the store made breads. Apart from the white bread,

the other breads sold in bakeries and stores are very expensive and they can be made

at home at a cheaper price. The white bread sold in the stores wil l also be expensive

when compared to the loaf of bread that you bake in your house.

The machine wil l have a dough setting option that wil l give you the perfect dough that

you want. There is no need to use your hands to mix and knead the dough. The bread

machine simplif ies the process of making the dough as it wil l do everything from mix-

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ing to kneading and fermenting the dough. You just need to add the ingredients into

the machine and choose a cycle and the fresh loaf of bread wil l be ready in 3 to 4 hours.

The bread makers are a very useful kitchen for anyone who does not l ike to mess up the

countertop while making the dough. It is also a very good option for every bread enthu-

siast who does not want to dirty his or her hands kneading the dough.

There are many health benefits you enjoy by making breads in your bread maker than

buying bread from the stores. If you are buying the pre-packaged bread loaf, you wil l

often f ind that it is not as fresh l ike what you get when you bake one at home. There

wil l be a lot of additional things added to the pre-packed bread to make it stay fresh

and last longer. Some of the additives in the bread are calcium propionate, emulsif iers,

preservatives, etc. The bread made at home wil l not have these ingredients as there is

no need to worry about the shelf l i fe of the bread.

The modern day bread machines are very easy to use and even a novice home cook wil l

be able to bake a tasty loaf of bread easily. All you need to know is to add the right in-

gredients and in the correct measurements to bake a loaf of bread. The cleanup job

after making the bread is very simple. There is no need to use mixing bowls and other

vessels to mix and prepare the dough. Everything is done inside the machine and hence

cleaning up job is very easy and less t ime-consuming. The quality and the taste of the

bread that you bake using the machine is top class. There is nothing more enticing for a

bread lover than to sl ice a piece of freshly baked bread and enjoy its smooth, f luffy and

fresh taste in the mouth.

The bread machines can also stand by for other home appliances. You can use the ma-

chine to bake a cake right from the scratch as most of the machines these days come

with cake setting. There is no need to invest in a cake mixer, mixing bowls and an oven

to bake cakes when you have a bread machine at home.

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The best thing about a bread machine is that you do not have to worry about mixing,

kneading, r ising, proving and then baking to make the delicious bread. With the auto-

mated maker in place, you just need to add the ingredients in the machine and all the

process involved in baking bread is done by the machine automatically. There is no need

for you to spend hours on making the loaf.

The bread making machine is just a small oven that has the capacity to hold the large

bread tin. This bread bucket serves two purposes. It functions as a mixing bowl and

also as a baking tin. The center of the bread pan is a l ittle pedal or the kneading blade

that wil l take care of kneading and mixing the dough. All the three parts must be intact

to make the bread. The bread tin and the kneading blade are removable and they can be

taken out and cleaned.

Before you start using the machine, you should know the capacity of the bread bucket

or t in. The next thing is for you to take a look at the different setting options and the

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buttons on the control panel . There wil l be start/stop button, select button, crust color

option, t imer button and the arrow buttons. Most of the modern day bread making ma-

chines wil l come with select options l ike White or basic bread, whole wheat, sweet,

French, etc. Take the baking tin out of the machine and ensure that the kneading blade

is f ixed on. Now add the ingredients needed to make the bread in the baking pan and

then place the tin into the machine. Choose the program that you want by pressing on

the selected option. Once you choose the right cycle, close the l id and the machine wil l

start the process of mixing the ingredients together. If you do not have a see through

the l id or a glass top, then you can know that the kneading process is going on inside

the baking tin when you hear the whirring sound of the motor.

After the kneading process is over, the machine wil l turn quiet. This is when the knead-

ed bread dough is given time to rise or prove. After some time, you wil l again hear the

dough kneading sound and then the machine wil l once again go quiet for the second

round of proving. After the proving process is complete, the oven in the machine wil l

be turned on. As the bread bakes, you wil l see steam being let out of the vent and along

with the steam your nose wil l get the fresh aroma of the bread being baked. Once the

baking is complete, the machine wil l shut off. This completes the process of bread mak-

ing in the bread machine.

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Making bread at home can be a great challenge for many. Mixing the f lour, kneading the

dough and baking in oven require great t ime and effort. When you have a bread mixer

al l the job wil l be done by this single appliance. It can mix f lour, knead and make it into

bread. Even if you are not skil led in making the bread you don’t have to worry when

you have a bread machine. You can program these machines easily to make the perfect

textured bread according to your requirement. If you and your family love eating home-

made bread loaves, then buying a bread maker is a better option than an oven. You have

to mix your f lour and knead it by your own or you may have to use separate kneader

when you are using the oven to make bread. There are bread makers, which offer dif-

ferentsizedloavesandwithanautomaticdispenserforyeast. Herearesomethefac-

tors which make bread maker a better option for home bread bakers. The following l ink wil l

give you insights into whether the bread machine or the oven is a better product

• Servingfreshbreadforthefamily

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When you go for branded bread, you may not get the freshly baked breads. You wil l

be able to serve the fresh bread for your family anytime you want when you have the

bread maker. The timer function in many bread maker machines al lows the user to set

the time for baking the bread. This al lows the user to mix the f lour and prepare the

dough in advance and bake the bread only when you need it .

• Savestime

You wil l be able to do other work while the bread machine is mixing the dough and bak-

ing it . This is very convenient for busy home makers as they wil l be able to save the

time for kneading the dough. Moreover, as you are using the machine for mixing, knead-

ing and baking you wil l be able to reduce the mess in your kitchen and you need to

clean fewer vessels. The removable pan in the bread machine is easy to clean.

• Decidingthe ingredients

You wil l be able to bake different types of bread you need l ike the fruit bread, garl ic

bread etc. You can decide which ingredients should go into the machine. You can avoid

the ingredients which may cause al lergies to or which you and your kids don’t l ike. You

don’t have to go to different shops to f ind the variety of bread needed by your family.

You wil l be able to avoid the breads with preservatives in it when you can bake bread at

home. This wil l give added health benefits to your family.

• Breadwithbetterqualityandtaste

When the bread is manufactured for the commercial purpose, the manufacturer wil l

prefer to use low quality ingredients to increase their profit . Whereas when we bake

bread at home, we are concerned about the health of the family members and wil l use

the best quality ingredients for making the bread. The fresh homemade bread wil l be

tastier than the bread produced commercially. When you are using the oven, you should

know the exact t ime and temperature for baking different quantities at the time and

temperature may vary according to the capacity of the oven. Whereas the bread mak-

er comes with the manual and by following the instructions and by setting up the timer

you wil l be able to get the best products.

• Savesyourmoney

Making the bread at home is a cheaper option than buying bread from a local store. If

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you are looking for brown bread or gluten free bread or fruit bread the cost may go

higher. Youwil l beabletomakeall thesetypesof breadat home, apartfromthepizza

base and pasta dough. There are models which al low you to make jams as well in this

machine. So, bread machines not only offer help in making bread, but also other food

varieties to give choice for your family. So, you wil l be saving money on bread items,

pizza, etc. , andyouwil l besavingagoodamountof moneywithinafewyears.

You wil l f ind bread making an easier process with the most appropriate bread machine

in your home. All you wil l have to do is add the precise ingredients and switch- on your

bread maker to get the hot, soft and fluffy bread.

To check out the best bread machines available in the market, do visit this l ink http:// .

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Bread machines are a must for a family who wants to have fresh bread with healthy

ingredients. There are many brands of bread makers available from the local stores

as well as from online sites. You should know how to select the best to avoid waste of

money. Therearebreadmachineswhichcomeindifferentsizeandwithdifferentfea-

tures. Bread makers with more features may have a higher price. So you need to consid-

er different factors before you select one for your requirement. You need to know your

bread making requirement before looking for one. You need to consider whether you

needthebreadmakeronlyforbasicbreadmakingoralsoformakingpizzas, cakes, pas-

tas or jams.

Baking setting options

This is the most important feature which wil l affect the texture, taste, and appearance

of the bread you make at home. With the right settings, you wil l be able to control the

color of the crust, wil l be able to set the machine to only knead the dough or only bake

the dough according to your preference. If you want to use the bread maker for special

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purposes such as making whole wheat bread or French loaf you need to look for models

which come with these pre-programmed settings.

Bread machine with delayed timer

This is a convenient feature you need in your bread machine. You wil l be able to add

the ingredients and select the timing at which you want to bake the bread so that. You

wil l be able to enjoy the bread at the right t ime, without the need to wait for it to get

baked, when you are in a hurry.

Select models with dual kneading paddle

Models with dual kneading paddles gives better dough, it is better to select the models

with additional paddles for making pasta. Make sure that the dual paddles are remova-

ble so that you wil l get your bread without a hole. You can opt for machines which wil l

notify you to take out the kneading paddle before the baking process starts.

Alarm to add ingredients

If you are interested in making fruit bread or bread with nuts, you need to select the

machines which come with an alarm to inform the time for adding the ingredients.

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When these ingredients are added along with the f lour they may get crushed during the

mixing process. The beeping of the machine wil l remind you the time to add the special


Baking time

There are machines which come with the exact t iming for baking different loaves stated

in the manual. So the user wil l know how long they may need to use the bread maker to

make the loaves. Do not select the one which is very slow or very fast in baking. They

may not be able to produce the exact color or texture needed for the bread loaves.

Sizeandweightof themachine

As you wil l be using the bread maker in your kitchen you need to select the one that

wil l not take much space on your kitchen counter. If the machine is too heavy you may

not be able to move it to any other place where you want to use it .


Youneedtoselectthemachineswithat leastmoderatesizeandmoderatepriceto

ensure that you are getting the best one with good feature. Do not opt for lower end

models as they may not be able to give attractive and evenly cooked loaf. Good bread

machine price can range anything from $80 to $300 so you wil l be able to f ind one that

suits your budget.

Do proper researches about the brand you are planning to buy f ind the pros and cons of

some of the best brands and select the one according to your baking requirement and


Visit this l ink to get

more tips on how to buy the bread machines.

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Gone are the days when people had to do al l the work to make a delicious loaf of bread

at home. There is no need of any messy jobs when it comes to making bread in the mod-

ern times. This is al l possible due to the bread making machines that are now available

in the market. This machine wil l do al l the bread making process by itself. It wil l give

your hands complete freedom from mixing the ingredients and kneading the dough. You

just need to put al l the ingredients in the baking pan of the machine and then choose

the cycle or a bread making setting that you want. In a few hours time, fresh bread wil l

be baked by the machine on its own. You do not need to spend a single minute on car-

rying out the process of making the bread. With so many bread machine options on of-

fer these days, you wil l not f ind it diff icult to choose one that suits your bread making

needs and budget.