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CCQG Trình độ C - Pretest 05 1. He was helping her to ________ (break into) the film industry. establish herself in enter by force initiate reform 2. The American rocket, Columbus XIV, ________ (broke up) and fell to Earth yesterday. stopped flying ceased functioning broke into pieces heated up 3. I don't believe him. There are too many _________ (fantastic) stories in his report. wild and strange wonderful imaginative imaginable 4. He was tired out. No sooner had he set up his tent than he just __________ (rashed out.) slept (somewhere) temporarily lost consciousness lay down relaxed

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CCQG Trình độ C - Pretest 05

1. He was helping her to ________ (break into) the film industry.

establish herself in

enter by force



2. The American rocket, Columbus XIV, ________ (broke up) and fell to Earth yesterday.

stopped flying

ceased functioning

broke into pieces

heated up

3. I don't believe him. There are too many _________ (fantastic) stories in his report.

wild and strange




4. He was tired out. No sooner had he set up his tent than he just __________ (rashed out.)

slept (somewhere) temporarily

lost consciousness

lay down


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5. I am planning to walk across the polar ice-cap, _______ (via) the North Pole.





6. ____________ (at intervals), she would stop for a rest.

At the stations

On the way

All along

Now and then

7. He put the camera on a ________ (tripod).


support with three legs

luggage rack


8. I've been exploring ________ (remote) places for the last twenty years.





9. I had been travelling for 12 days and stopped at a small ________ (clearing) for the night.

open space




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10. Both Melbourne in Victoria and Adelaide, 400 miles away in South Australia, were ________ (ringed) by fire.



burnt up


11. Framton Huttel ___________ (endeavoured) to say something correct.





12. Americans have become ______________ (overwhelmingly) an urban people.





13. The colonial farmers employed primitive ___________ (implements) and methods.





14. The noise of labour-saving appliances can cause ___________ (irritability) and tension.





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15. Last summer was so hot that the _________ in the woods actually dried up.





16. The new secretary in the sales department is a fast typist but her letters are full of spelling _________.





17. The ___________ were told to fasten their seat belts as the plane began its descent.





18. It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for _____________.


a control

an investigation

a check-up

19. The shop assistant was __________ helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice.





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20. ___________ from Bill, all the students said they would go.





21. It is easy for cars to ____________ on wet roads after a dry spell.





22. The ________ (yearly) growth of the gross national product is often used as an indicator of a nation's economy.





23. The 132 islands in the Hawaiian chain _________ (extended across) 388 miles of Pacific Ocean.





24. Flamingos were about to ________ (die out) until laws were passed to protect them.

become confined

become infected

become extinct

become deformed

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25. As he always said he took scientific __________ in the unexplained.





26. He even turned down a free trip to the Continent because it would ________ with his housework.





27. In the early 1920s, Hollywood was __________ by a series of scandals involving major stars and directors.





28. The Hays Code was often the _________ of jokes, very often because it was so specific.





29. Men still expect their jobs to take ___________.





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30. I've always felt that it is a very narrow __________ of life to value a person purely in terms of job status.





31. You must __________ asleep in the train.

be tired if you have been fallen

be tired if you had fallen

have been tired if you fell

have been tired if you fall

32. Isn't it about time you _________ your coat off?



will take

are taking

33. Scarcely ____________ when the fight broke out.

he arrived

he had arrived

did he arrive

had he arrived

34. ______________ that you have worked so hard, you can take tomorrow off.


In view

Just now


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35. You remind me ______ my aunt's parrot when you talk like that.





36. Would you like to elaborate ____________ your last answer?





37. Fortunately, _____________ single nation has to have the task of learning all we need to know about the ocean.





38. ______ some cultures, openness is considered in a very negative light.





39. ________________, often of a religious character, were developed from fundamental African forms.

Ancient dancing of Egyptians

Ancient Egyptian dancing

Ancient Egyptian dance

Ancient Egyptian dances

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40. ___________ some satellites have retrograde motion is not yet understood.





41. It was as if the whole town __________ asleep.


had fallen

would have fallen

should fall

42. You'll be all right __________ you've had something to eat.

as soon


the time

so long

43. It suddenly dawned _______ me where I had seen her before.





44. ________ few people have heard of him, Bert Marshall was one of the greatest engineers of the century.





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45. He died two years later, an unhappy man ___________ his money.


outside of


in spite of

46. Often a team of engineers are ____________________.

work on one project

on one project work

working on one project

to working on one project.

47. A vacuum will neither conduct heat nor ____________________.

transmit sound waves

transmitting sound waves

sound waves are transmitted

the transmission of sound waves

48. To relieve pain caused by severe burns, prevent infections, and treat for shock, ________________.

taking immediate steps

to take immediate steps

taken steps immediately

take immediate steps

49. We had hoped ____________________ the game, but the other team played very well.

State University to win

State University would win

the State University win

State University's winning

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50. The principle of a rocket motor is simple, _______________ rockets are very complicated machines.

large but which powerful

but large, powerful

large although powerful

so large, powerful

51. A child in the first grade tends to be ________________ all of the other children his class.

the same old to

as old like

the same age than

the same age as

52. The universe _______ we know it might have begun with a great explosion.



and which


53. An earthquake is a shaking of the ground ________________ when masses of rock beneath the surface of the earth change position.

which occuring

it occurs

and therefore occuring

that occurs

54. Nervous about flying in planes, _________________________________.

thirty years ago people knew nothing of space travel

people knew nothing of space travel thirty years ago

space travel was unknown by people thirty years ago

because people knew nothing of space travel thirty years ago

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55. Pictures _________ with a telescope are inverted.


they took them

to take

are taken

56. __________________________, Harry S.Truman was our nation's thirty-third President.

He was born and raised in Missouri

Born and raised in Missouri

Because he was born and raised in Missouri

That he was born and raised in Missouri

57. In Australia, where fertile farmland is limited, crops _____________________________.

are on the sides on mountains often grown

often are on the sides of mountains grown

are grown on the sides often of mountains

are often grown on the sides of mountains

58. ____________________ is called erosion.

The wearing away of land

When land wears away

Land which wears away

Wearing away land

59. Firstborn children in a family seem to have a stronger desire to succeed _________________.

than do later-born children

but later-born children do

as children born later

if later-born children do

60. ______________________, we drove the horses into the stable.

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Aware that a tornado was brewing

Because a tornado brewing

Although a tornado was brewing

A tornado was brewing

61. Questions 61-63: In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively simple setting and most of the time forms a relationshipwith one familiar teacher. On entering secondary school a new world opens up and frequently it is a much more difficult world. The pupil soon learns to be less free in the way he speaks to teachers and even to his fellow pupils. He begins to lose gradually the free and easy ways of the primary school, for he senses the need for a more cautious approach in the secondary school where there are older pupils. Secondary staff and pupils suffer from the pressures of academic work and seem to have less time to stop and talk. Teachers with specialist roles may see hundreds of children in a week, and a pupil may be able to form relationships with very few of the staff. He has to decide which adults are approachable; good schools will make clear to every young person from the first year what guidance and personal help is available- but whether the reality of life in the institution actually encourages requests for help is another matter. Adults often forget what a confusing picture school can offer to a child. He sees a great deal of movement, a great number of people_ often rather frightening-looking people_ and realises that an increasing number of choices and decisions have to be made. As he progresses through the school the confusion may become less but the choices and decisions required will increase. The school will rightly expect the pupil to take the first steps to obtain the help he needs, for this is the pattern of adult life for which he has to be prepared, but all the time the opportunities for personal and group advice must be presented in a way which makes them easy to understand and within easy reach of pupils. 61. According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondary school is that ...

they are taught by many different teachers.

they do not attend lessons in every subject.

the teachers do not want to be friendly.

the teachers give most attention to the more academic pupils.

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62. In secondary schools every pupil having problems should ...

know how to ask for help.

be freed from any pressure of academic work.

be able to discuss his problems in class.

be able to discuss his problems with any teacher.

63. In this passage about secondary schools, the author is mainly concerned about ...

academic standards

the role of specialist teachers.

the training of the individual teachers

the personal development of pupils

64. Questions 64-72: Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbering 27 in all, between the ages of 35 and 65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those abroad the space shuttle. Though carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers and pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the test, and they were expected to tolerate each other's company at close quarters for the entire period. Among other things, they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks while exhausted from strenuous physical exercise. At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to pains due to a slight calcium loss. Results of the tests suggest that women will have significant advantages over men in space. They need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation better. Men's advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space. 64. For how long was each woman tested?

four days

twenty days

twenty seven months

one month

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65. What was the average number of women in each group tested?





66. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

The tests were not carried out abroad the space shuttle.

The women involved had had previous physical fitness training.

The women were tested once a year from 1977 to 1981.

The tests were carried out on women of all ages.

67. Which would be the most suitbale title for the passage?

Older Women, Too, Can Travel in Space

Space Testing Causes Backaches in Women

Poor Wages for Women Space-test Volunteers

Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel

68. What can be said about the women who applied?

They were 27 in all.

They were anxious to give up smoking or drinking.

They had previously earned the minimum wage.

They choose to participate in the tests.

69. According to the passage, physical and mental tasks were carried out by the women ...

prior to strenuous exercise.

following strenuous exercise.

before they were subjected to unusual pressure.

after they were subjected to unusual pressure.

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70. The calcium loss particularly affected ...

all the women tested.

those who had been particularly active in the previous ten days.

those who were generally very active.

those who had suffered backaches.

71. Which of the following is suggested as being least useful in space?

high resistance to radiation

unusual strength

low food intake

low oxygen intake

72. The physical advantages men enjoy in normal conditions are counteracted by ...



zero gravity

food and oxygen

73. Questions 73-78: In 1626, Peter Minuit, governor of the Dutch settlements in North America known as New Amsterdam, negotiated with Indian chiefs for the purchase of Manhattan Island for merchandise valued at sixty guilders or about $24.12. He purchased the island for the Dutch West India Company. The next year, Fort Amsterdam was built by the company at the extreme southern tip of the island. Because attempts to encourage Ducth immigration were not immediately successful, offers, generous by standards of the era, were extended thoughout Europe. Consequently, the settlement became the most heterogeneous of the North American colonies. By 1637, the fort had expanded into the village of New Amsterdam, and other small communities had grown up around it, including New Haarlem and Stuyvesant's Bouwery. By 1643, it was reported that eighteen different languages were heard in New Amsterdam alone. When the English acquired the island in 1664, the village of New Amsterdam was renamed New York in honor of the Duke of York. By the onset of the Revolution, New York City was already a bustling commercial center. After the war, it was selected as the first capital of teh United States. Althought the government was eventually moved, first to Philadelphia and then to Washington, D.C., New York City remained

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the unofficial commercial capital. Three centuries after his initial trade with the Indians, Minuits's tiny investment was worth seven billion dollars. 73. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A History of New York City

An Account of the Dutch Colonies

A Biography of Peter Minuit

The First Capital of the United States

74. What did the Indians receive in exchange for their island?

Sixty Dutch guilders

$24.12 U.S

Goods and supplies

Land in New Amsterdam

75. Where was New Amsterdam located?

In Holland

In North America

On the island of Manhattan

In India

76. Why were so many languages spoken in New Amsterdam?

Because the Dutch West India Company was owned by England.

Because the Dutch West India Company allowed freedom of speech.

Because the Dutch West India Company recruited settlers from many different countries in Europe.

Because the Indians who lived there before the the Dutch West India Company purchase spoke many languages

77. Which city was the first capital of the new United States?

New Amsterdam

New York


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78. On what date was Manhattan valued at $7 billion?





79. Questions 79-83: The Richter scale is a numerical logarithmic scale developed and introduced by Charles R. Richter in 1935 to measure the amplitude of the largest trace recorded by a standard seismograph one hundred kilometers from the epicenter of an earthquake. Tables have been formulated to demonstrate the magnitude of any earthquake from any seismograph. For example, for a one-unit increase in magnitude, there is an increase of times thirty in released energy. The Richter scale considers earthquakes of 6.75 as great and 7.0 to 7.75 as major. An earthquake that reads 4 to 5.5 would be expected to cause localized damage, and those of magnitude 2 may be felt. It is estimated that almost one million earthquakes occur each year, but most of them are so minor that they pass unnoticed. 79. What does this passage mainly discuss?


The Richter scale

Charles R. Richter


80. In what kind of textbook would this passage most likely be found?





81. According to information in teh passage, what does the Richter scale record?

The distance from the epicenter

The amplitude of the largest trace

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The degree of damage

The location of the epicenter

82. What is the value of the tables?

They allow us to interpret the magnitude of each earthquake.

They help us to calculate our distance from earthquakes.

They record all earthquakes.

They release the energy of earthquakes.

83. According to the Richter scale, which of the following numbers would indicate that there had probably been damage to the immediate area only?





84. Questions 84-90: Charles Ives, now acclaimed as the first great American composer of the twentieth century, had to wait many years for the recognition he deserved. The son of a bandmaster, Ives entered Yale at twenty to study composition with Horatio Parker, but after graduation, he did not choose to pursue a career in music. He suspected correctly that the public would not accept the music he wrote. Even the few conductors and performers he tried to interest in his compositions felt that they were unplayable. Instead, he became a successful insurance executive, building his company into the largest agency in the country in only two decades. Even during that busy time, he still dedicated himself to composing music in the evenings, on weekends, and during vacations. Although he occasionally hired musicians to play one of his works privately for him, he usually heard his music only in his imagination. After he recovered from a serious heart attack, he became reconciled to the fact that his ideas, epecially the use of disonance and special effects, were just too different for the musical mainstream. Determined to share his music with the few people who might appreciate it, he publishedhis work privately and distributed it free. In 1939, when Ives was sixty-five, American pianist John Kirkpatrick played Concord Sonata in Town Hall. The reviews were laudatory. One reviewer proclaimed it "the greatest music compsoed by an American." By 1947, Ives was famous. his Second Symphony was presented to the public in a performance by the New York Philharmonic, fifty years after it had been written. The same year, Ives received the Pulitzer prize. He was seventy-three.

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84. What does the passage mainly discuss?

Modern musical composition

Charles Ives's life

The Pulitzer prize

Career choice

85. How did Ives make a living for most of his life?

He conducted a band.

He taught musical composition.

He owned an insurance company.

He published music.

86. Why didn't the public appreciate Ives' music?

Because it was not performed for a long time.

Because it was very different from the music of the time.

Because the performers did not play it well.

Because he did not write it down.

87. How did Ives first share his music?

By publishing free copies.

By playing it himself

By hiring musicians to perform

By teaching at Yale.

88. Where was Ives' work first publicly performed?

New York


Yale University

Town Hall

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89. How was the performance of Concord Sonata received?

There were no reviews.

The musicians felt it was unplayable.

The public would not accept it.

It established Ives as an important composer.

90. In what year did Ives receive the Pulitzer prize?





91. Questions 91-100: Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were not in fact alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that utter sense of isolation that comes over you when you are at a party, in a room full of happy laughing people, or in an audience at a theatre or a lecture. It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else, everybody is sure of himself, everybody knows what's going on; everybody, that is, except you. This feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get rid of. People living alone - divorced, widowed or single people - are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club or society, by going out and meeting people. Does this really help? And what do you do if you are already surrounded by people? There are no easy solutions. Your first day at work, or at new school or university, is a typical situation in which you are likely to feel lonely. You feel lonely because you feelleft out of things. You feel that everybody else is full of confidence and knows what to do, but you are adrift and helpless. The fact of the matter is that, in order to survive, we all put on a show of self-confidence to hide our uncertainties and doubts. So it is wrong to assume that you are alone. In a big city it is particularly easy to get the feeling that everybody except you is leading a full, rich, busy life. Everybody is going somewhere, and you tend to assume that they are going somewhere nice and interesting, where they can find life and fulfilment. You are also going somewhere, and there is no reason at all to believe that your destination is any less, or, for that matter, any more exciting than the next man's. The trouble is that you may not be able to hide the fact that you are lonely, and the miserable look on your face might well put people off. After all, if you are at a party you are not likely to try to strike up a conversation with a person with a person who has a gloomy expression

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on his face and his lips turned down at the corners. So trying to look reasonably cheerful is a good starting point in combating loneliness, even if you are choking inside. The next thing to avoid is finding yourself in a group where in fact you are a stranger, that is, in the sort of group where all the other people already know each other. There is a natural tendency for people to stick together, to form "cliques". You will do yourself no good by trying to establish yourself in a group which has so far managed to do very well without you. Groups generally resent intrusion, not because they dislike you personally, but because they have already had to work quite hard to turn the group into the functioning unit. To include you means having to go over a lot of ground again, so that you can learn their language, as it were, and get involved in their conversation at their level. Of course if you can offer something the group needs, such as expert information, you can get in quickly. In fact the surest way of getting to know others is to have an interest in common with them. There is no guarantee that you will then like each other, but at least part of your life will be taken with sharing experiences with others. It is much better than always feeling alone. If all this seems to be a rather pessimistic view of life, you have to accept the fact that we are all alone when it comes down to it. When the most loving couple in the world kiss and say goodnight, as soon as the husband falls asleep, the wife realises that she is alone, that her partner is as far away as if he were on another planet. But it is no cause for despair: there is always tomorrow. 91. You can feel isolated at a party because ...

nobody smiles at you.

you think that everyone else is arrogant.

you think that other people are laughing at you.

everyone else feels at home

92. The usual advice for overcoming loneliness is to ...

get married

join a club

avoid crowds

try to forget everything

93. When we start a new job, we try to hide our sense of loneliness by trying to ...

appear sure of ourselves.

be as friendly as possible with other people.

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do our job very well.

look cheerful

94. In a city it is easy to believe that other people ...

have a better job than you do.

are too busy to talk to you.

lead a more interesting life than you do.

have more money than you do.

95. Other people are unlikely to want to talk to you if ...

you interrupt their conversation.

you look miserable.

you tell them that you are feeling lonely.

you talk too much.

96. People who have formed a group tend to ...

be interested in newcomers.

refuse to talk with newcomers.

be rude to newcomers.

ignore newcomers.

97. The reason that people who have formed a group resent intrusion is that they ...

have already got enough people.

think that you have nothing interesting to say.

would have to make an effort to include you.

do not like miserable-looking people.

98. In order to join an established group you would need to be able to ...

get someone to introduce you.

speak very carefully and clearly.

understand what they were talking about.

become an expert.

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99. According to the writer, if you have an interest in common with other people you are likely to ...

become friends with them.

get to know them well.

get over your loneliness.

spend most of your time with them.

100. According to the writer, the wife feels lonely ...

when her husband falls asleep.

because she is not sure that he really loves her.

as soon as he stops kissing her.

whenever her husband goes away.