target audience task- soap opera genre

Soap Opera Genre – Target Audience Name: Imani Ayimba-Golding Candidate Number: 1012 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 OCR Media Studies – A2 Level Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

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Page 1: Target Audience Task- Soap opera genre

Soap Opera Genre –

Target Audience

Name: Imani Ayimba-Golding Candidate Number: 1012Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Page 2: Target Audience Task- Soap opera genre

• Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities - I believe that soap operas are targeted at both male and female viewers as a wide variety of storylines are presented within the episodes that both genders can relate to. For example in both trailers both male and female characters from a variety of backgrounds are represented which allows a wide range of viewers to relate towards them and builds a ‘personal relationship’ (Katz). In my opinion the age ranges from 14 years old and upwards, this is primarily due to some of the storylines and subjects that are aired. However some soap operas could also appeal to families due to the fact that families are a huge factor of the soap opera genre and so people may be able to relate to them. EastEnders as a programme generally targets those of a low to medium class as it presents everyday life within a small, confined area, therefore by displaying low-middle class citizens it will directly aim at those who appear of a lower class.

Page 3: Target Audience Task- Soap opera genre

• Socio-Economic Needs - The stereotypical audience of a soap is likely to be in the C2-E categories as they demand more social realism that they can affiliate to. This is evidenced by the broadcasting and scheduling times of popular soap operas. For example ‘EastEnders’ is on at the prime time slot of 19:30, likewise ‘Emmerdale’ is on at 20:00 and ‘Hollyoaks’ is scheduled slightly earlier at 18:30. This connotes that the genre is aimed at a younger audience as the content is suitable for young people and families. These scheduling slots imply that soap operas are aimed at a mass audiences as the timing ensures maximum number of viewers. These audiences are unlikely to watch highly complex political dramas as they have no relation to the situations displayed.

Page 4: Target Audience Task- Soap opera genre

• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – I think that the stereotypical soap opera audience would most likely be ‘Caregivers’ and ‘Survivors’. One reason to why the audience would be referred to be “Caregiver’s” is because the audience will be made to relate to the storylines, and they will sympathise for the characters situations, which make them caregivers. I would also describe the audience as “Survivor’s” because they tend to be largely involved with the soap and the storylines are normally continuous, some audience members want security and a routine of knowing that the characters are safe and that this narrative strand will be revisited in the following episode.

• Psychographics- Individuals who consume this media product would either be present at education or at work in a standard lifestyle. However, individuals may feel they are willing to make the same decisions or mistakes that the individuals from the programme make and therefore would lose this lifestyle through these choices.

Page 5: Target Audience Task- Soap opera genre

• Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory - ‘Personal Identification’ – Audiences will feel they have to choose the same paths as the characters within the programme as they can relate to the characters viewpoint and pick sides with the character they agree with. For example in ‘EastEnders’ many of the situations that occur the audience may be able to identify with.

• ‘Personal Relationship’ – The audience will be able to relate to the

character as they lead a similar lifestyle and would wish to lead a similar life as them and can relate to situations the characters are put through.